#is this that landscape planning thingy??
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Swales is a bit of a sceptical ass imo
I... have no idea what you're talking about. Can you explain??
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not gonna be a big piece, but i struggled to understand her hoodie so much i opened the game just for making her reference... and now it's 1am. hmm.
i don't think i draw a lot of female characters but i've been running her so much for daily standing that i kinda wanna draw her now. maybe also why i like her normal skin more than prime skin because i've been using her normal version a lot.
#i just wanna ramble about her i actually don't plan to complete this piece so much that i can make a wip post for this#maaaaybe has the potential to be one of that portrait thingy but i wanna draw this in landscape orientation so it's not gonna be consistent#which annoys me a lot. also why the background for that mirage piece is white instead of black#wow i really can't stop talking can i#my art#ramble
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Thingy I did for the Admins AU 🩵💚
Basically the context of this moment is it takes place a week or something after Jesse and Lukas get their powers. Lukas is far more contained with his. He controls them quite well but Jesse on the other hand.. struggles a *lot*. And the townsfolk see it too. They see how when Jesse gets high up in his emotions, he changes, and his irritation with not being able to control his powers only stresses him out and frustrates him more and that causes like the complete form shift and that puts Jesse through like, the worst stress imaginable. Is knowing he's changing in front of people and not being able to control it and he doesn't feel like the hero he once was at all. He feels like a monster.
Anyways there's a point in time where Jesse just doesn't show his face out in town as much because he's terrified of the judgement. He gets the same strange looks he did before he ever became a hero, back when he was a nobody, so he hides from those interactions. Well Lukas definitely notices, and he ends up taking Jesse out somewhere alone, just the two of them. He takes them both somewhere away from civilization, so Jesse can really practice his stuff.
The big thing that has Jesse losing control of his powers is all of his negative emotions towards himself, so it's definitely going to be a "love solves the problem" kind of deal. I like to think one of the big things they practice is Jesse's ability to fly and stuff, and Lukas, regardless of how much Jesse tries to find a different way, decides that the best way for Jesse to really learn is by letting him hold onto him. Because Lukas is a person with a fragile body that he *knows* Jesse would do everything in his power to keep safe. Jesse though, in his admin form, is very cocky despite his sad feelings so he's kind of a brat about it but Lukas is extremely patient with him, and uhh. Jesse reluctantly holds onto Lukas while he lifts up into the air. He's really huffy and embarrassed about it too because after that whole incident in the cave where Lukas took half of Jesse's powers so he could live, Jesse has developed an unimaginable crush on Lukas. Like he already liked him before but now he's sure he loves him, and he's scared of showing those feelings because of well, how he views himself now. So he's really scared of messing this up or making himself look like a fool in front of Lukas.
But! The plan kind of works, because Lukas talks to him while he flies and since Jesse is focused on his conversation and not his emotions towards the powers themselves, it eliminates that stress and has him calmy maintaining a steady control over his flight. And eventually they're just kind of lazily drifting over the landscape, Lukas holding onto Jesse, them both focusing on the scenery as the late evening arrives and the stars begin to shine.
At this time, Jesse is still in his full admin form, he's blue and his eyes glow an eerie turquoise. But eventually Lukas has him stop and Jesse and him come to a stand in the air, Jesse holding Lukas against him and they look at each other. Lukas tells Jesse that he's so proud of him, and to look and see how much he's grown in such short time. Jesse looks around and, though his face still looks so grumpy, he does realize that they've been flying for a long time with no mistakes.
They share some really kind words to each other, Lukas praising Jesse and Jesse very quietly mumbling his gratitude for Lukas and his patience with him.
And uhh for the first time since the cave, Lukas gives Jesse a nice sweet kiss. Jesse doesn't remember it in the cave. He doesn't remember Lukas kissing him, so this comes as a complete shock (he was suuuper out of it) but quite literally every ounce of negativity drains from his body and he slowly begins reverting back to his original self. In the picture he's still in his admins clothes, but his body looks normal, aside from the crazy messy hair which is an admin trait.
Anyways yeah this is the moment Jesse realizes he for sure loves Lukas. And that kiss, and the kind words they shared, immediately calmed him. But uh. They calmed him so hard that when they kiss again, they both actually start falling out of the sky, and Lukas falls away from Jesse's arms in shock and that's when Jesse gains full control of his flight ability and swoops down to grab Lukas up bridal style in his big strong arms.
Lukas is all like "my hero" (he has the ability to fly too, so he was in no real danger, but the moment caused Jesse to take action instantly and use his powers for good).
That alone helps Jesse realize that these powers *can* be used for good. He's still a big grumpy butt in this form, but he still is that same gentle and loving Jesse deep down.
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Reflected Through the Looking Glass (Part One)
Lucifer Morningstar (The Sandman) x fem! Reader
Summary: Lucifer lost few things in the fall. Most notably the loss of connection with the Father, but not the Mother. Following Dream's defeat, Lucifer returns to Gaia, the abode of Mother for answers. Slumbering peacefully as the world around her moves forward, Y's (Y/N's) days are spent listening to the subtle changes of the world above. Upon Lucifer's return, Y's life changes drastically as Mother holds the secret of Y's existence close to her heart, a secret Lucifer is keen to unravel. Lucifer uses they/them pronouns bc all angels are canonically genderless in The Sandman. The reader is an angel. This is a soulmate thingie (idk how to describe it without giving away the whole fic). Heart-wrenchingly soft fluff.
Warnings (don't take these seriously, they exist for funny ha-ha's): Mentions of womb-like conditions, Lucifer and the reader share clothes (SCANDALOUS), reader and Lucifer BATHE together (OH NO), homosexual activities (somebody get a hotline to Jesus)
ACTUAL warnings: Consent in terms of touching non-sexual areas is dubious, (small of the back, head, thighs, etc)
Word Count: 4.1k
Mother's mantle is warm, inviting. Soft gelatinous liquid envelops you, soft glow stones giving the slightest color to the room, seen through your hooded eyes. Pulsing and changing luster with Mother's drumming heartbeat, the soft illumination gave color to your eyes, pinks, reds and oranges filling in the gaps of your retina. You've been in Mother's mantle for eons, growing and learning as the seasons changed for the last few millennia. The softening of the earth above you marked rain, and continued softening indicates the turn of spring, roots growing and expanding as fresh growth dots the landscape above you. When the ground dries and fragrance fills the air, you know Summer is upon you. Mother is most active during these seasons.
As the season changes once more, cooler air fills the mantle, and the ground above you begins to rustle with activity, small creatures preparing for the changes above. Finally, once the ground above you grows cold and damp, and all life seems to rest, you know winter has come. Mother's heartbeat grows slow, and it is in this season that she returns to her mantle. Contrary to popular belief, Mother does not sleep through winter. She rests, yes, but she does not lie dormant. Planning and preparing for the next season, Mother comes into view, and the constant heart beat that drones from above, below and beside you grows steady and sure, a pair of hands submerging into your cradle, tweaking, measuring and perfecting you.
"Hello little one, it's time for me to rest for a little while," she says, voice muffled and whimsical, a product of the goo that you grow in.
Mother slowly eases into the cradle, long leathery limbs soaking in the substance. Sighing, she holds you and you smile as you're softly rocked and cooed at, utterly dwarfed by the giant dryad-like woman. Here you grow, and slowly dream as she rests with you, coming and going as she sees fit, waiting for the earth to thaw.
Mother's heart races, she's busy, very busy. It's spring and the earth has much growing to do. She's planned a fire this year, a big one in the northern forest of Gaia. This is what is above, the subject of most of her brief musings with you. The brush has grown thick, choking out new growth. These forest are made up of towering redwood and giant sequoia trees, big hulking entities that will survive the fire. You listen intently as the first strikes of lightning hit the ground, toes flexing and limbs twitching as you feel the earth above you begin to char and burn. It's invigorating, the death and rebirth cycle of earth, and you softly smile. There is no reason to fret, not until mother's heartbeat suddenly slows.
Then, as you hear the nymphs and dryads chattering fade, a voice alien and musical echoes through her mantle.
"Mother, I've come to stay with you," it muses.
Heavy hooves clatter through the mantle, and for the first time in a great many years, the dryads grow the moss around your cradle in a webbed pattern, blending it in to the stone and dirt walls, hiding you from sight. The comforting light fades, and soon you find yourself completely submerged in darkness, and for the first time in the eons long slumber, you're afraid.
Mother is unnaturally quiet. The guest is slow, measured even, pacing the room variably. In your catatonic state, all activity around you is pronounced, most notably the rustling of the dryads that have made a bed for themselves directly on top of the moss over your head. An unnatural warmth comes from there bodies, heating the cradle to that of winter, when Mother's body heat keeps the cradle from freezing. They twitter above you, and every once in a while, a hand cuts through the moss to give a reassuring pet to whatever expanse of flesh it lands on. You're not reassured, silently begging for Mother's individual attention.
All grows still, and that foreign voice begins to drone.
"Mother, I've come to you in dire need,"
Mother hums in response, giant form creaking as she adjusts her position.
"I find myself the most powerless I've ever been since the fall. It seems Dream has found his way out of the sorcerers grasp,"
"I'm well aware of Dream's escape. It is as it should be. The world was out of balance for too long without him," Mother croaks.
The voice laughs, a musical, bell toned laugh that causes the dryads to chirp amongst themselves.
"Please, how could the lack of Dreams throw Earth out of balance?"
"Well that's simple isn't it? Things that should lie dormant and preoccupied by dreams lay restless and aware,"
The voice hums again, and footsteps turn and pace towards the cradle. Above you, the dryads clutch at the edges of the stone cradle, making a barrier between the top of the cradle and the strange visitor.
"Defensive, aren't we?" it chuckles. "I've never seen your dryads behave this way before, some new creation they're protecting, is it?"
"Their behavior is warranted. There are certain places even the closest of my children do not have the right to explore," Mother demands, voice growing dangerous as the guest refuses to leave the perimeter of the cradle.
"Mother, I am surprised by you! After all I've done for you, you'd dare-"
"Don't chastise me, child! I created you, and I've continued to look after you, regardless of the rift that it causes between the Father and I," Mother snarls, "You of all my children know how I hate your quarrels, and yet you continue to bother me and upset my peace with your petty squabbles,"
The guest grows silent, and the dryads begin to softly twitter amongst themselves. A few hands stroke you, and you feel a sense of safety return.
"I'm sorry Mother. I've offended you," it softly concedes. "I've come to beg your hospitality, and I've seem to have lost your favor,"
"Child of mine, you know I am not malevolent, come, sit next to me so that I may soothe your worries,"
Their voices fade away, and for the first time in almost two centuries, you begin to dream.
A soft silence fills the room, and a form gently leans over the moss covered cradle. Mother's heartbeat is slow, winter is upon the world. The guest has resided with Mother for almost six moon cycles. The fire is over, all life has blossomed and died. The last of the leaves lay scattered and frost-bitten on the ground. Leathery hands cut through the moss, and Mother's hulking mass slowly slides into the cradle. The nameless guest, frequently referred to as 'Child' by mother, lays a few paces away, deep in slumber. Their heartbeat is one you've begun to sense, slow, measured and occasionally erratic. In the mantle all life is emphasized, and as the dryads lie dormant in the roots of a great tree, loneliness threatens to seep into your soul.
This sense of abandonment is what has drawn Mother to risk your discovery. Cradling you, she softly whispers about her future spring plans to you, a spring that you'll never get to see. Your existence is made bearable only by the slumbers that render most of your days timeless. Slowly, she pulls you out of the cradle completely, bringing you to her chest, taking care not to sever the umbilical cord that brings life to you from the center of the mantle. Your wings lie limp and motionless, and you feel their weight. The soreness is uncomfortable, and you wriggle, trying to find purchase in Mother's arms.
"Shh little one, you'll wake Lucifer," Mother chides.
Lucifer. The voice that calls to Mother, heartbeat slow and resonant. Fingers scrabbling for purchase, you coat Mother's arms in the goo, sliding from her arms, dangerously close to falling.
"Ai! You stop that before I leave," Mother hisses.
You slow, gently relaxing into her arms. She hums in approval, rising up to her full height, bringing you close to the dirt that encases the mantle.
"Feel," she directs, taking one of your hands and placing it against the earth.
It's cold, but wet. And as the goo slides off of your body, you smell it for the first time. It's must is strange, earthy, and just like Mother. You decide you like the smell of earth. Roots tug at your hand, and you whimper at the itchy sensation. Mother chuckles, slowly wiping away the dirt on your palm.
"So needy," she sighs. "Don't worry little one, soon you will awake,"
You are placed back into the cradle, falling into a dreamless sleep.
Two hands pull you from your sleep. Cries of anguish and pain fill your ears. The wails of the nymphs alert you to danger, and the chittering of the dryad that holds you is urgent. Another pair of hands pulls at the cord that ties you to the earth, and pain fills you as it is severed. Panic fills you as oxygen depletion renders your brain cloudy. A bark-covered hand encircles one of your ankles, another hand coming down on the flat of your foot. Hot-white pain fills you and you cry out, gasping your first breath. Twittering in approval, the dryad breaks into a run as you begin to cry. Jostling you to and fro, the bark of the dryad pinches at your skin, and noticing your discomfort, moss fills in and replaces the forearms of your rescuer.
Moonlight filters in through your eyelids, and you feel the sting of wind as the dryads run for cover. Opening your eyes for the first time, the world flutters as the dryad's paces become more urgent. A strange shape circles above you. You think it's a bat, but it's limbs are too elongated. Mother loved bats, maybe she sent this one to you? The thing begins to dive, coming closer and closer. It must be a very strange creature, maybe one of Father's creations? The dryad notices and begins to chatter shrilly, and only then are you afraid. Arms extend from above, encasing your nude form. The eyes that bore down from above are serene, a shade of blue you've never seen before.
The world moves slowly as wind hisses past your ears. You grasp onto this strange creature's form, encircling their neck. Their hands move, encircling your waist, grasping at your bottom. The contact makes you blush, and you wiggle away. You're so bare, so naked, unlike them. Your cheeks grow hot as you realize that they've covered their skin. Being naked is wrong somehow, and you desperately wish to be back in your cradle, softly cared for by Mother, where these terrible feelings didn't exist, where safety and warmth were a given. Loneliness hits you like pummel to the chest, and you start to sniffle. You don't like this situation, and all of the wisdom passed down to you by Mother while you slept does little to calm you.
"Don't cry," the thing softly whispers in your ear, "You're safe with me, little one,"
The voice is very familiar, but unnerving. It's like those recurring dreams you have, where a person chases you through various locations. The face is never the same, the feelings associated with the game of cat and mouse variable, but yet the person that runs after you is the same somehow. Young and vulnerable, clinging onto anything would be natural, but as the wind whistles strange things into your ear while the ground slowly fades from view, it becomes apparent that you have no choice. Grasping on tighter to your captor, you bury your face into their neck, clinging onto the hope that this is all a terribly vivid dream.
"There, that's better, good girl," they whisper, placing a gentle kiss on the shell of your ear. "You have nothing to fear, after all, you were made for me. No one can take care of you like I can,"
Made for me? You were made for Mother. A nagging thought probes at the back of your head, from millennia ago, a distant memory, no, a phrase. It had been whispered, gently coursing it's way through reeds. She's Morningstar's..... Made for..... Like a reflection in a looking glass. Mother would find you. Mother would make this right. As the harsh winter winds whip at your body, you could only pray that this is true. Bit by bit, the cold bites at you until you start to violently shiver.
"Cold," you whisper.
Your limbs have begun to grow numb from the cold, it hurts to move them, the even bend your fingers.
"I know little one, can you wait?" the nickname both calming and revolting you. It's Mother's nickname for you. They have no right to use it with you. But it comforts you nonetheless.
"Mother," You whimper.
The thing sighs, and you slowly begin to dive. Trees fill your vision, and you hold them as tight as you can. If they let go, you'd surely fall to your death. A jolt goes through you as they land on a platform. You look like you're still in the trees. Gently lowering your feet on the ground, you test the firmness of the platform. Upon finding it sufficient, you relax. Looking up at the thing, you notice the stark contrast in height. Most things in Mother's mantle are larger than you, but somehow it seems more applicable with them. White-gold hair curls perfectly around their face. Arguably beautiful, pleasing to the eye. Wings dark and glossy flicker in amusement as you watch them, taking note of your features. Without explanation, they begin to tug at the strange material they clothe themselves with, slowly revealing milky-white skin that seems to glow in the moonlight.
They look a lot like you, at least the top half. It's mostly uncovered, a band of soft fabric running along the upper part of their chest. It looks like bandage material, something wrapped on rather than sewn to fit. Looking down at your own chest you wonder if you should have one too. The place between their legs is also covered. Coverings under coverings seems silly to you. None of the dryads or nymphs used coverings, and Mother certainly never did. In fact Mother abhorred coverings. Creations made by human beings to protect themselves from her other creations, she'd snarl. Maybe this thing was human?
"Come here," they beckon, voice low.
You still cling onto them for support, your legs shaky and tired as you adjust to your weight. The chill makes you weak, and their gaze makes you feel uncomfortably vulnerable.
"Where?" you frown.
"Closer," they whisper, smirking. You take a small step forward, still leaving a modest distance between the two of you. "Even closer," they say, pushing the small of your back forward. Your breasts press against their ribs, and you turn your head, attempting to hide your shame.
Their hands glide under your thighs, gently lift you upward until your shoulders are level. With a flick of their wrist, the coverings begin to move through the air, as if of their own volition. Cloth twists around your forms, causing you squeak as it binds your legs to their thighs, leaving room for them to bend their knees. Encasing you even further, you notice as your torsos are bound together, breaking away to individually cover your arms. It's strange, to be so bound to them, and you feel an odd pressure on your breasts, the soft material of their under cloth creating a barrier between you. Maybe this is the purpose of underclothes?
They take off once again, and this time the added security of the makeshift harness gives you the chance to enjoy flying. It feels right. This time you don't hesitate to wrap your arms around them once again, resting your head on their shoulder, gazing out at the stars. Wrapping their arms around you, they hum in approval.
"You're perfect," they sigh. "Just like I knew you'd be,"
Gloved hands caress your back. The sensation is still alien, but it feels okay. The added warmth from your joined torsos is nice, but as Lucifer labors, you notice a slight build up of moisture between your bodies, adding to the stickiness of the goo from the cradle. Contrarily, the feeling of wind whistling through your ivory wings is both pleasurable and exhilarating. Stretching them out, you move to mimic the thing's wings. Gently touching the ends of their wings with yours, smiling softly at the sensation.
"Don't do that, you'll mess with my flying," they chastise.
You fold your wings up again, blushing in shame, turning away from them as best as you can. You begin to pout, desperate to separate yourself from this thing and their odd criticisms. They laugh, a hand reaching up to turn your face so they can whisper in your ear once more.
"Sweet one, I did not mean to be harsh, you're wings are very beautiful," they say, soothing voice killing your childish anger, "I'll teach you how to fly another time," they promise, peppering kisses on your forehead and ear.
The kisses are nice, but the anonymity of the stranger makes causes you to resent them.
"Who are you anyway?" you ask, craning your head to look at them.
"I'm Lucifer Morningstar, ruler of Hell,"
Of course! Your eyes widen in recognition. This is the guest of Mother's! You are surely safe in their care, after all, Mother loves them so. Mulling over the last title, you wonder aloud.
"You're a star?"
They begin to laugh, a full, boisterous laugh that fills you with glee. Yes. You are safe. No one this pretty or this nice would ever take you from Mother.
"No, not like that. I'm a fallen angel," Lucifer explains
"Like me?" You ask.
"Sort of. Only you're not fallen,"
"Is that bad?" you whisper.
"It's neither good nor bad. It just is," they shrug, accidentally clipping your chin on their shoulder, causing you to bite your lip.
You cry out in pain, and Lucifer tenses up. Their grip on you is tender, protective.
"What happened little one?"
"I bit my lip,"
Lucifer hums, choosing to caress your back as comfort. Your blood tastes strange, metallic. It tastes how Lucifer smells; sweet and a bit spicy.
"I'll have a look when we reach hell,"
Hell is cold. Above pits of fire that boil and foam it is still cold. A river of ice runs through most of hell, and you're once again grateful for the coverings provided. You soar through the rocky caverns until you're met with the sight of a glorious space, enclosed and sheltered from the strange cries of agony that bounce off the canyon-like walls. Once again waving their hand, Lucifer commands the coverings to unravel, and you watch as the fabric returns to it's original form, leaving you nude once more. It's uncomfortable to be this naked, and you grasp at Lucifer, attempting to cover yourself again. In this strange, cold and dark place, the cloth acted as a safety net, now you have nothing but the hulking frame of your wings that hide very little.
"Now, you'd better stop that," they warn. "You can't rely on me for protection all the time,"
This revelation scares you, and you once again think of Mother, a pit of fear carving it's way into your stomach. Lucifer doesn't speak, slowly untangling you from them before roughly dragging you toward an opening in the wall. It's disconcerting how gruff they are with you, the environment around them seemingly changing their personality. Your footwork is clumsy, and you trip, falling forward. Lucifer manages to catch you, and you feel ashamed of your lack of coordination. But instead of a cold glare, regretful care fills their eyes as they help you up.
"I'm sorry little one, I forget that you're still as clumsy as a newborn lamb," Lucifer apologizes, gently guiding you toward the vat of steaming water with tender dedication.
They softly lower you into the water, hands guiding your shaky limbs up the stairs and downward once more. You sigh and slide into the steaming water until your head barely sits above the surface. The sensations in your toes and fingers feel odd, almost like you're being poked repeatedly. Turning to look at them, you verify that this is not the case. You giggle at the oddness of your body, the variable sensations that it can produce, completely oblivious to Lucifer's presence. The water ripples as they lower themselves into the water, and for the first time you see their torso completely uncovered. It looks different than yours, but you don't think too much about it.
Your wandering gaze doesn't seem to bother them, hands gently coming to cup your face, eyes full of adoration. The bath begins to cloud with the dissolved substance of the cradle, and this change causes Lucifer to hum in disapproval.
"Oh my, you really are coated in that fluid," Lucifer grimaces.
Taking a glob of something from a bottle, Lucifer brings their hands to your scalp, running their fingers through your hair, desperately trying to rid you of every inch of dried goo. It feels good, like every sensation Lucifer brings to your body. Their focus on your scalp gives you the opportunity to regard them without the piercing intensity of their gaze. Their lips are pursed in concentration, the divot between their browbones emphasized. Limbs long and slender move and churn, collarbones flexing and fading from scrutiny. The moment ends, hands returning to your back. Dipping your head backward, Lucifer rinses your scalp. Leaning over you, Lucifer looks beautiful. As the substance slowly rinses away in the water, you dare to look deep into those discerning eyes, and find them to be serene. Reaching upward, you return to that embrace you know so well, much to Lucifer's approval. The embrace feels especially vulnerable, no shroud covering you from feeling every inch of their skin.
They smell especially sweet, and you wonder if you smell pleasant to them. Their wings hang loose, relaxed. Their back muscles are especially pronounced, enlarged from the flight. Ripples in the water alert you to movement, a piece of cloth slowly massaging every inch of your backside. It feels good, and you lose yourself in the feeling. Turning to look at them, they lean forward, planting a sickeningly sweet kiss to your cheek.
"Sorry," they chuckle as your face burns red, "I couldn't help myself,"
Their soft smile morphs into a frown as they notice the dried blood on your lip.
"You did bust your lip,"
Taking the utmost care, they clean the blood away from your lips, grimacing as a fresh bleed leaks from your lips. Their thumb takes a final swipe at your lip, blood dotting the pad. Blue eyes bore into yours as they angle it toward their lip, gently sucking away the remnants. Your cheeks burn, intently watching their every move.
"Your iron levels are low," they muse. "We'll fix that,"
Cupping your face once again, you shyly drop your gaze, much to Lucifer's amusement. Hands pull you upward, helping you out of the tub. You make a conscious effort to avoid looking at their form. It feels improper, and a bit risque. All life is built in with some sense of sexuality, as was Mother's way, but without Mother's guidance it was unclear whether or not yours was warranted. Softness encased you, fabric running up and down your arms, down your legs, drying your hair. You realized this was Lucifer's doing, yet their hands remained delicately planted on your hips. Your sexuality must be unwarranted after all.
Robes were produced and both you and Lucifer were clothed. A strange looking creature brought a tray of food into the room, and to your delight it was fruit. Fruit trees brought the most fragrance to the Earth, and therefore must taste the best. Indeed it did, and you hummed, completely oblivious to the juice that slid down your chin. You ate until your stomach hurt a little bit, the tray disappearing as swiftly as it was sent for. Sleepiness tugged at your eyelids, noting only the slightest of changes around you. Lucifer cleaned your face and your hands with utmost care, gently cradling you as you were moved once again.
Softness caressed every corner of your body. Sleep overcame you slowly, and you drifted off to the familiar sound of Lucifer's heartbeat, growing slow and confident as they too fell asleep.
A/N: My obsession with winged reader inserts becomes apparent. This is completely self-indulgent. Yes, I wanted to be an angel as a child. Yes, I was absolutely crushed when I found out I couldn't be one when I died and went to heaven. If the catholic church was smart, they'd tell all the little children that if they were extra good they'd become angels. I digress. Spicy stuff in the next part!
Tags: @hecatescrystaldagger @the-fuck-do-i-know
#lucifer morningstar x reader#lucifer morningstar sandman x reader#lucifer morningstar#lucifer x reader#fluff#lucifer morningstar fluff
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Hi hi hi! I'm working on a new header for my porfile and i hope you like it. it's kinda a combination between that 2D style used in MLP G4 to explain something and obvously a Lorax landscape because those are my favorite thingis!!!!!! i plan to include another cart instead of that, and my oc pony, and maybe a lake and a Dr. Seuss criature IDK IDK TRUST
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Circle Sewn With Fate/Unlock Thy Hidden Gate ~ Ep 2
(Part of this AU)
I can't lie, this was like my least favourite to do, but I persevered, so enjoy :)
Okay, so obviously this episode opens on the aftermath of the Rio and Agatha fight at the end of ep 1.
And Thalia's going around trying to clean up a little bit (to make sure Señor Scratchy and Kojo don't get any splinters in their paws), while trying to talk Agatha down from leaving, since that's just gonna complicate things even more.
Then while her and Teen are talking, (sensing the inevitable/Agatha not listening to her, and going off of her own quest for whatever she has planned to not get herself killed by the Salem 7), Thalia's just going around throwing some stuff into her satchel, then slips her Doc's on, and putting on Kojo's leash
She catches the last bit of the sigil, but doesn't really question it, (cause it's definitely one of the least weird things to ever happen to her), and catches the scissors with her powers, before they pierce Teen's boot, then clasps the bangles around her wrist, cuts Teen's rope restraints, and follows after him and Agatha.

^ These bad boys ^
Thalia's pretty quiet in the car, mainly just trying to see if her mom has a game-plan (which she knows she doesn't, but a girl can hope).
When they get to Lilia's shop, it's very much another like Spider-sense thingy (you know like in ITSV/ATSV, were multiple spider-people are in the same room); like "I can sense stuff about you, and you can sense stuff about me, but we've never met before."
Again, she's very much just there, quietly observing the conversation, but ready to jump in at any point, if needed.
Pretty much the same with meeting Jen + Alice, honestly; trying to adjust to her mom being lucid again, while trying not to get too attached to any of them, since she knows what Agatha's leading them into (a myth/con/cult, as Alice put it).
Not really much else going on, until they get back to the house, and Thalia's just sat there, on the couch, eating pretzels, while Teen's decorating/the three of them + Kojo are waiting for the coven to get there, so they can get started.
Then follows Agatha to go recruit Mrs Hart/Sharon, as like a 'good cop - bad cop' type thing (get it, cause Agatha's like fantasy thing was her being a detective/cop).
Fast forward to them being in the basement, Thalia's stood between Agatha and Alice, with Kojo's leash firmly looped around her wrist.
In terms of the Ballad (forgive me, I don't know the proper words for it), Thalia's very much a 'low' singer, kind of matching with Agatha (since that's who she learnt it from), and lowkey Lilia, too.
When the song's over, and Agatha starts going off, Thalia gets a little bit scared, honestly, since she (thinks she) knows what's coming next, and has grown quite fond of all of them.
Then the door actually appears, and she's shocked the same as Agatha, because like "What the fuck?! That's never happened before".
Thalia follows behind Mrs Hart, and instead of being nervous about what the road actually is, she's kind of like an excitable child (again, finding comfort(??) in things that are frightening to others), and walking ahead of the others with Kojo firmly by her side, looking around at the entire landscape of it.
She then doubles back, and take her shoes off like the rest of the coven (I was gonna have her not do this, since as a neurodivergent person myself, I personally wouldn't, but we're just gonna pretend that she has socks on), and walks the road to the right of Agatha.
Bonus: Thalia's outfit for the Witches' Road



^Ignore bag + add leggings (also the spider-pin defo isn't a nod to Rio's in Ep 4) ^
Took a while, lmao, but I'm lowkey bed-bound this week, so I'm gonna try and get more 'chapters' of this AU out really soon-ish.
#Harlow (AgathaRio's version)#original content#mine not yours#harlow speaks 🦒#mcu#marvel cinematic universe#marvel#agatha all along#agatha harkness#rio vidal#🔮thalia vidal🦁#nicholas harkness#nicholas scratch#🕸️atlas parker🧡
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Hellao everyone!!! Buttermilk Daydreams lore be upon ye!!! :D
Tagging @iiboronii ouo
There’s a lot to see when you’re on the road. Landscapes that look like they came straight out of a movie, bright and vast as you look on in wonder. Stars shimmering overhead and ripples in the lake. The way sunlight shines through the leaves, the haze of a snowstorm, the layers in the sandstone.
Coyotes nipping at your heels, getting tipsy off cactus juice, trying (and failing) to identify edible plants, using marshmallow bags for pillows. Wait, are mules the ones that can stand on super steep inclines? Or was it goats… Yeah, yeah it was definitely goats. Ouch.
It’s a wild world out there, but it’s nothing you can’t handle!
And the sweet relief of finding a town to stop by for the night! A nice breath of fresh air, restocking on supplies, eating good food, and just having idle chit chat. Not to say that mules can’t be conversationalists in their own right, but it’s just nice to be around other people.
Beaming with pride and ambition as you regale the events of your journey to put yourself out there, to prove yourself, to change the world as we know it!!
Or at least that’s what you would do, if anybody bothered to ask.
Your heart is bursting at the seams with creativity and enthusiasm, just desperate to be noticed!! And one day, someone does!! This gal in a light blue sweater and overalls – says her name is Artic – matching your enthusiasm right off the bat as she bombards you with questions!
How will this invention of yours work? What about the prototypes? Your mule looks so soft, what’s his name? Woahh, you can play guitar? How long have you been out on the road? What have you seen?
And most importantly… Can I come along?
Turns out she’s been on the road too, with plans of her own and eyes to the skies. She loves his ideas! And not only does she want to see him succeed, she wants to help too! Nobody’s done that before!!
And yknow, she was actually prepared for a big journey like this and packed a lot of boring useful things the Onceler miiight have forgotten about.
And so, they were off!! Melvin now has to deal with two bumbling doofuses aklsdjs
They discover the valley, the Onceler sets up shop and chops down the first tree, and it isn’t long until he and the Lorax get in a squabble about it. But Artic steps in, trying to find a compromise.
If we can’t stay here, where else could we go? And besides, there IS a town not far from here. If they haven’t been a problem, then surely we could find a way to stay here?
On the other hand, if thneeds do become a smash hit and people want more, then what? You’ll cut down more trees, unable to stop just to keep up. And at that rate, they’ll all be gone!
Artic lights up as she gets an idea, whispering to the Lorax about it before being given a tentative go ahead. But for the Onceler, it's a surprise and she does a cheeky wink as she runs off to the cottage.
Of course he’s all “Aw cmon! You'll tell him but not me?” and he tries to ask the Lorax what she said but he's not budging.
He tries to sneak a few glances when Artic’s tinkering away, but he can never quite figure out what she’s up to…
Until one day, Artic says she’s finally got it. It’s finally done! And she leaves a note saying to meet her at that super tall hill to the east!
The Onceler, the Lorax, and a buncha animals make their way up there, to see Artic with the biggest grin on her face! And straps around her shoulders and waist, and some kinda thingy on her back?
Wait, are those- FWOOSH
Big ol makeshift wings unfurl from her back, causing some of the animals to back up in surprise! She rolls her shoulders, and interestingly, her wings seem to follow the movement.
THIS is what she’s been working towards!! THIS is what she’s been working on for like a month!! THIS is what she, admittedly, had been sneaking out at night to test prototypes for-
You see, Artic wanted to make a way to grab truffula tufts without chopping down the whole tree! But in order to do that, you would need your hands free. So, she made wings that move with your shoulders and upper back!!
(Inspired by the fact that I can make my shoulder blades stick out of my back, and Artic’s wings have a wider range of motion because of that :D)
Plus having a bird’s eye view of the valley gives you an easier time seeing which trees have more tufts, which ones have nests so you don’t disturb them, and it’s just plain fun!!
As if on cue, the winds shift. And before you know it, she’s running up the hill, getting closer and closer to the edge until!!
She leaps off, fabric billowing as it catches the air, and she’s off!! Swooping down to a nearby tree, grabbing the tufts, and spiraling down to the soft grass below, her face just barely peeking out from the armfuls of pink fluff :D
The Onceler runs up and tackle hugs her, but she’s like “AAA WAIT” bc the wings are kinda fragile and wouldn’t handle her landing on her back too well, so the two of them just kinda spin around mid-hug to regain balance ouo
The Onceler is absolutely ENAMORED with the wings, inspecting every little part and the materials and how everything was put together and!!!!!
Actually, speaking of which, he suggests that she could've used a different type of stitch on the fabric in order to keep all these moving parts together.
To which Artic admits that she doesn't actually know how to sew, she just figured it out from watching him- So he offers to make celebratory pancakes and teach her a thing or two ouo!!
I’ve always imagined Greenville looking less… Suburban? Is that the word? Honestly everytime I see canon Greenville it’s a jarring experience aklsfjds
I picture half-timbered style houses, little flower planters in the windowsill, this central farmer’s market type area in the center near that marble gazebo thingy the Onceler performs at.


Maybe there’s a part where the land goes upwards into a hill, and that was made into a dirt path that goes up around the back of the town where you can look over the whole thing!
And there’s a grassy flowery field up there that makes for a perfect picnic spot ouo. Maybe a small pond too!
The whole place just feels more organic and cozy ouo
The two of them go into town for the first time, with Artic selling pies and people love it, while the Onceler tries to sell his thneed and you know how that goes.
The look in her eyes when she sees how they're treating him- And the fact that everyone's being so nice to her just makes it worse! They broke his guitar and everything ono
Where's that one meme of someone holding another person and pointing their finger bc THAT'S HER. Just holding this dude way taller than she is and ready to throw hands aslkfjsdf
And when they get back she offers to wash all the tomato out of his clothes and she’s just so sweet and supportive and arghrgksdfd I need to be there for him!!!!!
She finds a buncha seeds in the tomato splatter, so they grow their own tomato plant outside the cottage! Finding good even when things don’t go as planned, and now they get to make a homemade pizza together!!
And by this point Artic had built a second set of wings just for him, larger and more built for gliding long distances as opposed to Artic’s more angular high speed wings.
There’s this scene in my head where he’s using the wings for the first time, and he loses balance and almost crashes but Artic swoops in and saves him, and they’re just smiling at each other and akjskdf <3
Artic and the Onceler making homemade hot chocolate! They were originally just making it for themselves, but the Lorax showed up like “What are you two makin all this racket about?” along with some other critters, so they ended up making a whole buncha hot chocolate for everybody!!
Here we've only got one rule, never ever let it cool!!
Just this fun montage of them getting everything prepared! What do you MEAN you haven’t seen the hot chocolate scene in the Lorax movie-
Eventually they run out of mugs, so they had to use stuff like bowls and gravyboats- And they had a buncha toppings to go with it! Candy canes and cinnamon sticks and chocolate wafer sticks, and of course a buncha big ol marshmallows ouo
Artic and the Onceler clink their mugs together and everybody sips their drinks and there’s just this big collective sigh of comfort -u-
The Lorax gets a hot chocolate mustache, and if this were a real scene in the movie, I could totally see “double mustache” becoming an old fandom meme
The window’s open and it’s a bit chilly, so Artic goes to shut it, but she can see her breath a little bit. They don’t exactly have a weather forecast out there, but given those clouds in the distance they might get a snowstorm soon!! Her and the Onceler getting all excited about how they’re gonna make snowmen and have snowball fights-
Buuut they realize their little pop-up cottage situation probably isn’t built for that kinda weather. It’s certainly waterproof! I imagine it’s got a top layer of this thick scratchy tarp stuff with fabric underneath?
But either way there’s definitely not enough insulation for the cold. Not to mention the snow could build up on the roof and send the whole thing collapsing in on itself!
Luckily, these two are smart cookies with a love for tinkering. They’ll figure something out! They always do ouo
AAAA Artic and the Onceler are just so bright and energetic and full of life!!! Long days and bright skies and goofy little dances and the smell of fresh blueberry pancakes and going to the farmers market and stargazing and working with what you’ve got!
There's always some new invention or adventure or something to explore, just fun slice-of-life shenaniganry! The air is fresh and the sunlight is warm and everything is gonna be alright ouo
Now this whole time they’ve just been friends. Buddies! Business partners, even! But the Onceler thinks he might be starting to have feelings for her… So with no one else to go to, he asks the Lorax for advice.
Though not without a bit of searching first. Geez, where is that guy when you need him?
When asked what he likes about Artic, I mean, just look at her!
She’s brilliant! She made wings and jumped off a cliff and it worked, how crazy is that! She’s just so… Fun! And full of energy and bright like the sun! Oh, and she makes an amazing pie, you’re really missing out- And she listens to me, and we bounce ideas off of each other, and…
She thinks I’m worth something.
Basically these two are obviously crushing on each other but they’re sooo awkward and oblivious about it and the Lorax is just in the background like “KISS EACH OTHER ALREADY”
They have soooo many little nicknames for each other- They don't really use "standard" petnames but they'll just go back and forth calling each other all sorts of goofy stuff
Ollie. Butterfly. Hummingbird. Bumblebee. Morning glory. Buttercup. Sunflower. Dragonfly. Dandelion. Sweet pea. Bell pepper. Sweet potato. Milkshake. Apple fritter. Cornbread. Texas toast. Egg sugar salt flour bake at 350 degrees-
Suffice to say, neither the Onceler nor Artic had good families. But even if their circumstances were similar, the way they responded to it are near opposites.
The Onceler still wants to believe that his family cares about him.
Given how his family lives in the middle of nowhere, maybe he didn’t leave very often. And between that and a lack of friends, he never had much frame of reference for what’s healthy and normal.
He’s so used to just giving in and doing what they want, in the hopes that eventually they’ll see how hard he’s worked and give him the validation he craves. He set out on this whole journey to prove himself to his family.
He’s always been told that family is important, if not the most important thing out there. Blood runs thicker than water, they say. He still talks to them because they’re his family, how could he ever let them go?
So he keeps convincing himself that if he just tries hard enough, everything will work out.
Meanwhile Artic set out to prove to herself that there’s more to life than a cluttered room.
You go outside and feel fresh air fill your lungs and you remember the world is real again. Those mountains in the distance can be touched! They can be climbed!
There’s a feeling in your chest, in your gut. All the things you never did, all the things you never said. All that pent-up energy built up into the very core of your being and left to fester, acidic and searing through anything it touches.
But it doesn’t feel like that anymore. It hasn’t ever since you came to the valley.
Ever since you left that house you knew you were searching for something, but you could never quite figure out what.
But the answer was right here all along. You were looking for home.
Home is an unfamiliar concept to you. A vague sensation, a faraway daydream, something you never thought you’d see. But it’s here now. You’ve found it.
Open windows. A sunlit room. The smell of a cake in the oven. The soft strumming of music in the air. A warm embrace under soft, heavy blankets. You’re safe. You’re home.
Sometimes there are long, tearful nights talking about the past. Both of them coming to the realization that their circumstances were not, in fact, the most normal thing in the world. Nor did they deserve that treatment.
Both of them have been hurting for a long, long time. But in the subtle way, the way that makes you question if you’re just overreacting. A hundred little “not as bad as it could’ve beens”, tucked away in the cabinet.
One night, during one of these talks, Artic asks if she's… Damaged goods, so to speak. Of course to which the Onceler says she's not a burden at all!
We're both fruit in the basket that's been a little battered up but if there's anything he's learned on the farm, it's that overripe bananas make the best banana bread, and sometimes the watermelons with spots and webbing are the sweetest.
Like he just goes on a tangent about ripeness and flavor in crops and it's adorable and she's just watching him with a smile <3
Because now that they’re here, they can start to heal. They’ve found home in each other, and now, they’re never letting go. Figuratively or literally, they’re so snuggly they just cling to each other in their sleep like their lives depend on it
Also Artic has pajamas similar to the Onceler’s! Except they’re pink with offwhite hearts, and with short sleeves and shorts. And socks, specifically the white ones with the gray toe and heel ouo
With the sharp ringing of the telephone, the Onceler’s family calls him insisting to know where he is. Not because of his invention, but because they want money from him.
This wasn’t new, and back at the house, he had a habit of hiding his stuff so nobody would steal it. But when his family found out he had been hiding money from them, they’d just guilt trip him into handing it over anyways.
But if you budge on your boundaries, that won’t satisfy them. They’re just gonna keep pushing now that they know the pressure works.
So it isn’t long until a trailer barrels through the forest, and boy is it a mess
His family clowning him for living in the middle of the woods and still not amounting to anything, his mom keeps calling Artic his girlfriend (derogatory), everybody’s just trampling around like they own the place.
And while the Onceler is still very intimidated by all this, his movements made stiff with stress, he is able to stand up for himself thanks to Artic’s support. But they still show no signs of leaving.
So, Artic meets up with the Lorax and the animals and gets to planning. After all, they do say that intruders get cursed by the forces of nature…
Through a combination of nature and machine, a buncha little contraptions get set up in the night to scare the Onceler’s family away! And a sigh of relief sweeps through the valley-
When the trailer barreled in and outta there, a lot of trees got trampled and snapped. The leftover wood was then used for firewood, among other things.
The wood itself smells pleasantly sweet when burned, and they discovered that the inner bark makes for a cinnamon-like powder that tastes like butterscotch!
And for a while, things are back to normal, with the duo’s latest adventure being exploring the valley, charting it all on a big ol map! But one day…
He’s not quite sure how it happened. Artic was seemingly gone without a trace.
Both of them often split up to do their own thing, so it wasn’t a worry at first, but the day was almost over and she hadn’t even left a note. Maybe she had gotten lost in the valley? But her wings and the map were still at the cottage.
The Lorax says that he spotted her in town earlier, having what was clearly a tense conversation with someone he had never seen. He swore he only looked away for a second, but with that, she was gone like the breeze.
So with that, he grabbed his wings and set out to find her. Without much of a lead, the search took days on foot and hoof and wing alike. But eventually, he found it.
A regular old house, or so it would seem, In a place where not even fireflies gleam Grass that grickled and tickled and scratched at your skin A well-worn doormat that beckons you in
And in the dark hues of blues in the night Where clouds came to stifle the full moon’s light All the windows were shut, locked as tight as they could All but one, where a lone figure stood
There behind the curtains Look close and you’ll see Soft blue eyes drip, drip, dripping
I’m not exactly sure how her family found her in Greenville, or why they brought her back. I imagine for some kind of family event? But then there was a holiday coming up soon, and this, and this, and before she knew it she was living there again.
And she stayed there because she felt like she didn’t have a choice. That, and, she thought she could help. Her family is struggling, but if she stays any longer, this house threatens to swallow her whole.
Artic looked… Tired. Awfully so. She glanced to the side, almost yelling in surprise as she finally noticed the Onceler standing there at the windowsill sjkfsd
Hushed chatter, a quick kiss, having to hide and pretend to be asleep at one point… The hope in her eyes, accentuated with tears that sparkled in the hazy moonlight, was heartbreakingly bittersweet. I missed you so much.
…I wanna go home.
Then let’s go home.
When they get back everything seems all fine and dandy, but Artic can’t help but wonder.
They had bonded over their passion and spirit of adventure. For being as bright as the sun and twice as energetic. For all the ideas they’ve shared and the things they’ve made and the places they’ve been.
But what if she can’t always be like that? Would he still love her then? When she’s tired and scared and can’t get anything done? When she feels as though she could shatter at any moment? When she needs a lot of comfort and encouragement just to keep going?
She resents feeling so down, telling herself that she’s not supposed to be like this. That she’ll just bring everyone down with her.
Is it not Euridice’s fault for dying, for being the reason Orpheus trekked into the underworld? She’s terrified of losing what they have, but even more scared of being the reason it fizzles out.
But she’s brought out of her thoughts as a hand gently pushes the hair out of her face, followed by a dreamy sigh. There she is. There’s the girl he fell in love with.
Of course he’ll still love her when she’s feeling blue. How could he not? The Onceler fell in love with her, not just her happiness. How could he not love her in her darkest moments when she did the same for him? How could he not?
And besides, you can’t expect anyone to be happy all the time, especially not with what we’ve been through. You don’t have to be a certain way to be lovable, to be loved. You just are.
I love you. And I’ll say it as many times as I need to convince you.
One of these nights, they have dreams of if things were different. If the Onceler achieved incredible success beyond his wildest dreams, but it came at a cost. Of the valley, of his workers, of Artic.
Basically they dream of the Biggering AU, and when they wake up to tell each other the crazy dream they just had, they realize that the events line up perfectly. Some kinda funky shared dream situation
When they go and ask the Lorax about it, he just says that the valley works in mysterious ways.
To which the Onceler scoffs. He can believe a colorful valley and a giant furry peanut, but either of them being magic is too far!
The dream spurs conversation of what could’ve gone differently, if they would change things if they could, and if it would even be worth it.
But while things haven’t been perfect, they have each other, and they wouldn’t trade that for the world. The time will pass anyways, so might as well enjoy it.
They have another shared dream later, but this time it’s all sweet and fluffy with giant fruit ouo
Here is the playlist!!
High Hopes: The Onceler setting out on his journey, always keeping his eyes to the skies, even when the light hurts. He’s gonna shine that bright one day. Taking his mother’s words like "burn your biographies" and "light up your wildest dreams" and twisting them into something positive. This song is the embodiment of the Onceler’s optimism.
The Mall & Misery: The journey itself! Passing under archways of branches and leaves, across expanses of sand, over the rivers and through the reeds. Humble beginnings, working with what you’ve got, hope in every step. You are destined for greatness. And somewhere, a girl lives and breathes…
The Once-ler’s Traveling Madness: But yknow, even soon-to-be great inventors get bored sometimes.
World’s Smallest Violin: Meeting Artic!! Wanting to be something more, having ambitions so high it burns in your chest. I don’t think I can properly articulate the magic in this song. “Like finishing this melody / This feels like a necessity / So this could be the death of me / Or maybe just a better me!!”
This Is The Place (Tricky Version): Tricky version my beloveddddd I love how this song shows so much of his personality!! How he just carelessly hops from one thing to the next with a tip of his hat
Onceler Lorax Meet: This is also here just because I love this part of the OST, it’s so fun :D
Put Your Records On: Sunny days and a cool breeze, just Artic and the Onceler in the valley together! Loosening up a little, being goofy and free, calling each other silly nicknames! Believing in the Onceler when no one else did, hoping that his dreams come true ouo
Stars At Our Backs: I just can't help but think of this song when I think of the test flight, or just flying with the wings in general!! The spirit of adventure, the determination to try and try again and make this work, and that part at 2:35 just has this sappy romantic feel to it hehe -u-
Houseguests: Also just part of the OST bc I love it ouo
Everybody Needs A Thneed: The two of them are brainstorming songs to help him sell his thneed, and this is what Artic comes up with! There’s a little scene of her performing it in the cottage and it’s just delightful :D
Nobody Needs A Thneed: Another banger of a scrapped song!! ALSO THIS STORYBOARD IS CANON. TO ME.
Yesterday: Based on this hc!! In terms of story, this could be him still feeling down after failing to sell the thneed, playing the melodica since his guitar isn’t fixed yet.
Fine: Artic, the Lorax, and the animals cheering him up! Making him feel welcome, showing him that this isn’t the end. Another representation of his persistent optimism, and even the guitar in the song shows that it’s been fixed! ouo
September: Just soft and cozy and whimsical vibes -u-
Hot Chocolate: HOT CHOCOLATE SCENE MY BELOVEDDD :D This song is what inspired it in the first place!!
All I Want For Christmas Is You: THIS SONG. This has been stuck in my head for so long because of him. I JUST WANNA SEE MY BABYY STANDING THERE OUTSIDE MY DOOR- And the Onceler unironically loves this song, he’s suuuch a Christmas guy
Yes to Heaven: I struggle to describe what this one means. Somewhere between the Onceler being able to stand up to his family with Artic’s support, them realizing their love for each other, and how this is an AU where he doesn’t destroy the environment and it’s just peaceful ouo
With You Around: AND ALL MY LIFE I LOOKED FOR YOUUUU FOR ARMS THAT I COULD FALL INTOOOOO- If the Onceler family leaving marked the end of the movie, this is the opening to part two :D
Moon: There’s this scene where they make their way up a super tall hill that peeks above the clouds, taking in the view <3 Also there’s a single truffula fruit up there that’s the sweetest they’ve ever tasted
Search for the Girl: What the title says, the Onceler and his search for the missing Artic!
If I Needed You: Finding her and taking her home…….. Also it’s sung by Ed Helms ouo
Home: And here’s the part where I start crying if I haven’t already- They’re home now….. They’re safe….. They know each other better than anyone and the future is the soft glow of the sun peeking through the curtains on a brisk morning <3
We Fell in Love in October: I love you. And I’ll say it as many times as I need to convince you. AAAAAUGH
Go To Sleep!: Now with all that being said, it’s late and you have a bad habit of staying up. Time for eepy
Butterfly Wings: The shared dream plot! Also butterfly is one of the Onceler’s favorite nicknames for Artic <3
Strawberry Avalanche: A direct reference to the last dream with its giant fruit, just something unabashedly sweet and fluffy after everything these two have been through ouo
Sweet Little Bumblebee: Yeah I have no lore explanation for this I just like imagining them dancing to this song. Also sometimes the Onceler calls her bumblebee!
Hamtaro Credits: Artic finds some old Hamtaro DVDs in town so they watch some episodes together and it’s just nice and nostalgic. I picture them trying to do the little credits dance, and it makes for a cute end to the playlist ouo
And lastly, if you made it this far, here's an old sketch of the hot chocolate scene that I really wanna fully draw someday :D
#i don’t think i can properly articulate how much and how hard i cried writing this#i love how both aus work in such different ways!!#they open the door to explore and expand upon different parts of the world#im a little shy to tag people in this but i know iiboronii would wanna see it hehe ouo#and if you’re reading this thank you!! so much!! for wanting to hear about my silly goofy aus where i kiss the onceler aklsfjsd#you’re awesome :D#writing this out really helped me solidify the story and all that ouo#speaking of which!! there are even MORE ideas and scenes and stuff that i couldn’t fit in so check out this tag!! ->#buttermilk daydreams#onceler x oc#oc x onceler#selfship#lorax au#my nonsense
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my fav wettest skeleman ever [RBs are very appreciated!]
sketch variant under the cut
i planned to do a minecraft nature esque landscape bg but i figured that i dont have that much energy so i hope you enjoy this version of missa ^_^ its pretty cute and im glad how he turned out hehe
also my thinking process of creating this char design is combining different elements of 1) missa's original mc skin, 2) his skeleton nature, 3) missa's starting stream model and just a channel icon, 4) missa's emoness hehe. so we have diamond armor as a minecraft thingy, skeletonness after his mc skin and also a skirt/fabric as some kind of robe, white cloak resembles his mc skin and different belts refer to emo style and the depiction of skeletons with chains n stuff. ye a lotta diff stuff
#spoiledlbleach's art#qsmp#qsmp fanart#qsmp missa#missasinfonia#mcyt#mcyt art#mcytblr#mcyt fanart#qsmpblr#character design#missa fanart
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Remaining finals checklist
Finish two more lab write-ups (currently in progress, should be done within the hour)
Submit last instagram horticulture scholarship post thingy
Desperately cram for horticulture final
Take horticulture exam at 10:30 am on Saturday and score at least 65%
Immediately afterwards, FaceTime with my angry in-laws because I missed their Christmas party to take said exam. Also tell them I’m pregnant, because what even is my life right now?
Take written Dakota exam sometime on Sunday, cram for oral interview and pray to Wakan Tanka that I don’t utterly bomb it
Start hosting my mother in law on Monday, somehow plan Christmas
Take oral interview for Dakota on Monday afternoon
Record ludicrously over-ambitious 20 minute presentation for American Indian studies final project
Write up peer reviews for Edible Landscape classmates
Complete exit ticket for Edible Landscape
Read the entirety of A Council of Dolls by Mona Susan Power and write a reflection by Friday
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Hi, Fink! Welcome to the weekend! I hope you'll get to relax a little bit! ^^ I hope it's okay if I send you more of those ask thingies :>
How about 🍓, 🍐, ✈️ and 🎵? Wishing you a nice weekend and a nice day! :>
This is fun! Thank you for giving me all this questions, I love it! And welcome to the weekend as well, i tried sleeping long, but my dog didnt want me to. He woke me at 7 am to go out for a walk. That Diva, I swear.
🍓 favorite food
Mushroom Lasagna, generally every kind of Pasta to be honest, but Mushroom Lasagna is always such a love dish for me. It takes time and effort, and I probably only get this dish twice a year but it’s a highlight. And Spicy Buldak Ramen. I LOVE spicy food; I can’t get enough of it. I might cry, but it’s still sooo good and I can’t stop eating.
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
Dobby, the house elf. He would have such a good life with me, if he wanted that is! (And if the whole magic problem wasn’t a problem.) He could clean all he wanted, fold clothes and - yeah, my apartment is kind of messy.. But if it would not be Dobby to help me get my life back on a tidy line, it would probably be Honey Mitsukuni from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Because, as if Honey wasn’t awesome enough, Mori would never be far behind. And really you get a puppy who can also be the most scariest person in the world, with his guard dog, who can be the sweetest person around in one package. Only hope that they would like me though or else I would have some real problems…

✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled
Ireland. Hands down. I loved Prague, no questions asked, but my love for Ireland and the people living there runs deep. I am dreaming of travelling to Scotland and see the country for myself, but Covid destroyed that plans a few years ago. Ireland has so much more tones of greens, the landscapes, the wilderness, the purple mountain, the solitary Dolphin playing with the boats, the loving people there bullying you to eat with them (really, you couldn’t say no to this sweet old 80ish lady sitting at the shops down at Doolin, looking out to the sea waiting for someone who will never come back and inviting every poor visitor to come eat with her this evening. We had a blast!)
My heart beats for Ireland, if I could buy property there, I would, if I had the money.
🎵 favorite artists
Ugh…. Mhmm… Hard. It differs to be honest. My taste in art and music is so very diverse… And its ever changing, so my fav artists are also changing. And, do we put writers under the artist tag as well? Then it gets even more complicated!! At the moment, my fav music artist is NanowaR of Steel, Takida and Ninja Sex Party (NSP).
My fav art artist would be, at the moment, everyone doing art on tumblr because people you are fucking awesome, and I love every single thing! And Hercules Segers. I love his landscape drawings. And my all time fav artist would be my friend, who is a goddess with her dads old camera. Nowhere to find but in my heart.
#awkward fink#ask#ask answered#fink behind the scenes#seeking the sunrise#thank you#this is fun#my heart beats for ireland#wanna go to scotland sometime
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I see posts about well organized farms and I'm still over here setting mine up the way I used to for camping, fitting kitchen tents and firepits and everything into whatever trees and folds of the landscape are available in an organic and ad hoc manner like beavers or spiders do.
I keep adjusting and changing things to make particular tasks easier or save a few steps or add a decorative thingie until the layout is remarkably streamlined and efficient, but not by any plan. It's more like a college campus where they give in and pave the paths the students walk.
Also, I like maple trees, mushrooms snd the smell of orange trees.
Rorschach test of a game. 😅
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P for the fic asks thingy!!! 💗
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the storu unfold as you go?)
Can I be a landscape architect? For original fiction I lean toward gardener, but I've found that with fanfiction I have an easier time coming up with structures for my fic ideas. (At least a part of that is because I tend to write largely within the confines of canon, and lean toward character study-style fics.) I have a hard time getting started on a fic if I don't have a rough blueprint of where it's supposed to go, and I need at least the next few feet of train track laid out ahead of me as I work on a specific section of a fic. That being said, my outlining process is generally pretty iterative. I"ll loosely outline when I start a project, then do a detailed outline for the first few chapters, and as I finish those I'll do a more detailed outline for the next few chapters based on how what I've actually written has changed from what I first planned.
Also because most of my fics are fairly dialogue heavy, and Steve and Robin especially have a tendency to take their conversations in wildly unexpected directions, I cannot reliably outline a Stobin fic beyond general plot beats, because there's a good chance they decide to randomly flee the state in chapter three when they were supposed to just be hanging out.
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I always talk about how Boromir's speech is, in fact, pretty persuasive on the face of it. The plan of sending a lone halfling into Mordor is, to reason and good sense, absolutely raving insane. In any even slightly more cynical and less faith-based work of fiction, including many by so-called heirs of Tolkien, Boromir would have been absolutely right. He was proven wrong specifically by the peculiar moral landscape of The Lord of the Rings. It's an underappreciated aspect of the One Ring how its temptations made sense, when not tempered by such virtues as humility and hope (that are not always considered virtues in modern fiction, not in the same way). Tolkien was not writing about a scary black magic thingie that made you become evil. He was reflecting on the quite real nature of Power as an abstract concept.
you: boromir succumbed to the ring because he was faithless, selfish and the weakest member of the fellowship
me, an intellectual: boromir held such belief in the power of good over evil and the strength of the people of middle earth that he literally believed with enough willpower they could turn sauron's work against him. he was absolutely convinced that with enough goodness and love and solidarity they could overcome the most fundamental evil. the ring used those beliefs and used them to isolate boromir from the fellowship because that's what it does - it takes people's good attributes and uses them to twist them into something serving its own purposes. the ring literally could only corrupt boromir because he was a fundamentally good and faithful person at heart. in this essay i will
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Personal: Surgery Planning Stuff aka Fuck!!! I have less than two weeks to get my arm to do those two things I really want it to do.
The Catholics are a no go on helping. I am now waiting on the Protestant Coalition to see if they will send anyone to help. In related news, the nice lady in charge of my disability aide stuff has put in for a bunch of extra hours for Goth Millennial for March, given how much help I'm going to need. We should here back from the supervisor soon so Goth Millennial can plan. I am thinking I'm going to up reservations with the asshole agency to four a week or so after my first forty eight post surgury in hopes of getting two cleaning sessions a month instead of one. I need to think about distribution for when we have our no one is coming again conversation Friday morning.
I have done my pre-op consult thingie. It looks like as the surgery is less extreme than what had initially been projected they won't need to completely immobilize the arm, just severely limit it. I am hoping "can move it slightly in an up and down fashion" will really help with the trousers on and off situation when I need the bathroom. It is a small thing making a massive difference. I will see if I will be able to type at all when we get there.
It took me three days, a ridiculous amount of time, energy, gas, and most of the oil in my car to get the blood work they wanted. It was an infuriating saga. Hospital won't take blood work from the normal easy to access lab. The one I was sent to consists of a collection of chairs and a sign directing me to what two hours of driving through the street maze north of a certain middle school suggests is a mythical location. waited an hour with an annoyingly loud loop blasting directions in a tiny windowless waiting room to be sent home to try again. That site had the wrong hours listed on the internet and was closing also indefinately.
This left literally two open slots at the one remaining site, which was the basement of a very pretty craftsman house with no signage visible from the street. I parked in the right place, but the person in the building proper had no idea they had a phlebotomist in the basement, so I spent the next 20 minutes driving up and down and eventually systematically trying unmarked buildings on foot until a kind older gentleman led me to the secret vampire basement. Then I had to hobble up hill back to my car.
This could have easily been solved by a larger sign instead of a tiny one half hidden by landscaping, or one of those tent signs closer to the street. Just saying.
So they have their four vials of blood.
I've had my phone consult with the hospital about meds and things, during which I discovered that the intake lady at the formerly Extremely Catholic Hospital now owned by an Evil Corporate Conglomerating that has successfully enshitified healthcare across broad sectors in at least two counties knows nothing at all about gender confirmation surgeries, literally didn't understand what I was talking about without a five minute explanation, and had no way to enter such a thing into the computer so had to hand write it into my previous surgery list in vague terms because her google fu wasn't up to trans stuff and there was no medical code for it in the computer. O.o
And this is why I never feel safe at that hospital even though I'm pretty sure they stopped having everyone drop whatever they were doing including surgery prep for mandatory prayers when the Evil Corporate Overloard took over. I trust neither super Christian hospital not evil corporate hospital that fires whistle blowers, and wish we were doing this at the modern hospital one county south, but here we are.
I do have trust in my surgeon though. The person who did my swabs, BP, and med list at the surgeons place was clearly trans. I wasn't sure which direction they were going or if they were nonbinary, but it made me feel safer. They weren't weird about my botched surgery situation when I had to partially disrobe for swabs. He also has good recommendations for joint surgery from the physios because the outcomes are excellent without much in the way of complications. My interactions with him show he listens and takes problems seriously. I am comfortable with no nonsense, which he is.
I am going to hate being mostly helpless. The rehab will Suck, but it would be harder to suck more than physio already is. I am already thinking about maybe trying for a new hip next year or the year after. Best to start cycling through the process on big four since I've already started, and that left hip is deteriorating noticeably faster than the right.
My car needs to go in Monday. I need to make a mental note that oil is now three times a year. Sigh. And jiffy lube won't touch anything under my hood for liability reasons. I am trying not to stress out about housing tax, as right now I just need to focus on doing as much physio as my arm can take, laying in supplies for March, getting through what is about to be a terrible, terrible month.
I would like to thank the donor who sent some funds to allow me to order out a couple times while I'm laid up, and the Millennials who are organizing Batch Cooking so I will have things I can heat up to eat.
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Radiating Clarity: The HSG Test and Female Fertility Evaluation
Trying to get pregnant but it's just not happening? You're not alone. About 10-15% of couples face infertility issues. As a woman, getting a full fertility workup is important to figure out what's going on. One test that can provide major clues is called a hysterosalpingogram, or HSG for short.
What is an HSG test?
An HSG test uses x-rays and contrast dye to look at the inside of your uterus and fallopian tubes. It lets your doctor see if there are any problems that could be causing infertility.
How does it work?
First, a speculum (the duck bill thingy used during a pap smear) is gently inserted into your vagina. This helps open up the vagina so the doctor can see your cervix. Your cervix is then cleaned off.
Next, a thin tube called a catheter is threaded through the opening in your cervix and into your uterus. A syringe is used to pump liquid contrast dye through the catheter and into your uterus. As the dye spreads, special x-ray images are taken.
As the dye flows through your uterus, it shows the shape of the inside of your uterus. Then it spills into your fallopian tubes, which are the tubes connecting your ovaries to your uterus. The dye outlines your tubes on x-ray so the doctor can see if they are open and normal.
What will I feel during the HSG test?
You may feel some minor cramping when the dye is injected, like short-lived menstrual cramps. Some women may also have light spotting for a day or two afterwards. Your doctor may suggest taking a mild pain reliever an hour before the test to help with any cramps.
Many women report the procedure just feels like strong period cramps and is over pretty quickly. The speculum part feels just like when you get a pap smear. The whole appointment is usually less than 30 minutes.
Why is an HSG test useful?
The HSG test gives your doctor a movie-like view of what’s happening inside your reproductive tract. It allows them to check for any issues that could be causing problems getting pregnant. Here are some key things the HSG test can reveal:
Uterine abnormalities - The dye will outline any irregularities in the shape of your uterus, like fibroids or polyps.
Fallopian tube blockages - Blocked tubes are one of the most common causes of female infertility. The HSG test can show if one or both tubes are blocked.
Structural problems - An HSG may uncover other issues like scar tissue or abnormal openings.
Screening after procedures - An HSG is sometimes done after procedures like tubal reversal surgery to make sure tubes are open.
What happens after the HSG test?
The doctor will review the results of the HSG images and discuss next steps with you. If the test came back normal, you can be reassured that your fallopian tubes are open. If abnormalities are seen, your physician may recommend treatment options based on the specific issues found.
In some cases, an HSG may show a tubal blockage, but it turns out to be temporary spasm. Your doctor may want to repeat the test later after giving the tubes time to relax.
While identifying structural problems is helpful, the HSG isn’t perfect. Sometimes tubes can appear open but still have underlying functional issues. Other fertility tests may be needed to get the full picture. But overall, an HSG provides very useful information to aid the fertility evaluation process.
When is an HSG recommended?
HSG testing is often part of a basic fertility workup. It may be suggested if:
You’ve been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for 6 months or more
You have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease
You’ve had recurrent miscarriages
You’re planning to start fertility treatments like IVF
You’ve had tubal ligation reversal surgery
Takeaway on HSG testing
In the quest towards parenthood, getting a clear picture of what’s happening in your reproductive system is empowering. The HSG test offers an inside look at the landscape of your fertility. While not giving all the answers, it provides important clues to guide next steps. For many couples, it represents a pivotal moment of hope on the path forward.
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For New Tumblr Users: A Guide About Why and How to Set a Profile Picture and Blog Title
So, why should you set a profile picture and blog title?
Well, Tumblr has a huge bot problem. Bots are running rampant, following random people left and right, for reasons that are kinda hard to explain, but basically they're trying to appear legitimate to get their websites higher in search results. Also, some of them may start posting malware and porn links after a while. Because of this, most seasoned Tumblr users will block any user they suspect of being a bot.
Most bots don't set their blog title or profile picture. So, if you don't set yours, many people will block you immediately when you try to follow them, thinking you are a bot.
For example, I was recently followed by this person:
With the default profile picture and no blog title, I thought they might be a bot. Upon checking their actual blog, they seemed to be a real person, so I didn't block them. But a lot of people will just block right away without checking.
Also it's really important to make a few original posts and reblog some as well. Please do that.
Ok but how do you change them in the first place??
You may have seen some posts like this, telling you to change your profile picture and blog title, without showing you how. So here's how you do it, with pictures.
Desktop version
In the top right corner of the screen, you'll see this line of icons. Click on the one that looks like a person. (the "Account" button)
This will open a little menu thingy. Scroll down a bit until you see your blog and the "Edit Appearance" option, and click on that
Now it will take you to a new screen, click the "Edit Appearance" in the top corner
And now you can change your blog title and profile picture! just be sure to save your changes once you're done.
But you may be asking, what should I change them to?
well, it can be whatever, but here are some suggestions:
For blog title: -literally just a keysmash -quote you like -what sort of things you plan to post -your nickname (dont use ur real name online) -something funny
For profile picture: -picture of a character you like -literally just a solid color -pride flag -cool picture/landscape/whatever -art you made
that's all for now, i might upload a guide for mobile users later, but i don't have the app so idk if it looks way different.
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