#is this post an excuse to browse for lovely gifs
littlefingies · 4 months
Okay I need to make a fresh post about it because. I just keep seeing it.
Are there really people out there who think this man needs someone to show him how to care for his hair and appearance?
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That's not just a bun, that's an updo. With carefully styled slut strands.
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He made his crew get makeovers so they'd match his aesthetic.
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This is a man who appreciates a look. You can't tell me you look at this man and think wow, he really needs a white guy to show him how to maintain personal grooming.
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He added costume elements to his coma roleplay
Please be so fucking for real. Stede washing Ed's hair can be a beautiful intimate moment and who doesn't love a scalp massage. But if I'm reading a fic/take/whatever and see anything about Stede teaching Ed how to care for his own hair (it's a totally different hair type!!! Stede wouldn't KNOW!!) I immediately stop reading and eventually I'm going to break something.
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sgrdoll · 2 years
synopsis - bucky’s therapist tells him to get out of the house more and he meets the human embodiment of sunshine.
warnings - smut, tooth rotting fluff, dom/sub dynamics, oral male & female receiving, spanking unprotected sex, mentions of PTSD, pet names, bucky struggling with his mental health
a/n - i really left yall hanging for MONTHS. if you read this at all i am thankful because if i was my own reader i would ignore this post out of spite lol. critiques are welcome since I haven’t written in so long. replies, reblogs, & likes are appreciated!! :)
wc: 5k ish
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The rain outside pelted against Bucky’s leather jacket loudly. He groaned and stepped into a nearby library to escape the less than ideal weather. He welcomed the warmth that enveloped him.
He looked around for a moment, it seemed like he was the only person in here. Stepping into the dark library felt like switching dimensions in comparison to the loud bustling streets of New York, add in the incessant rain and it was a nightmare out there in the real world.
Bucky wiped his feet on the rug before stepping fully inside the library. He didn’t have anywhere to be, he was really only out because his therapist thought he was getting a bit too comfortable in isolation. Of course, that was true, however, he still despised having to interact with innocent people he had the potential to hurt.
The library was dimly lit and had books from floor to ceiling. There were even miscellaneous piles of books scattered around his feet on the floor. All of the colors that surrounded him were neutrals but they felt so comforting and inviting. The library he stepped into was cozy and he had no qualms about being trapped here while the rain poured outside.
Deciding to make the most of his time, Bucky walked toward the nonfiction section. He loved reading books that had anything pertaining to the military, it was something that had stuck with him through his childhood and into adulthood. He slipped into the narrow aisle and scanned down the shelves.
His fingers gently grazed the spines of the aging books in front of him. Bucky was slowly relaxing into the silence that the library provided for him.
His apartment wasn’t the safe haven to him that it once was, it was now a place haunted by the nightmares that were slowly consuming him. Here in the library though, his demons couldn’t find him.
“Excuse me, sir,” a small voice said apologetically as they squeezed by him.
Bucky moved his focus from the books in front of him to the woman that was now browsing right next to him. She had her long light brown hair flowing down her back and a bit messy from the rain. The skirt she was wearing was black and entirely too short for the weather they were currently having, but the cream sweater with the Polo logo on it somewhat made up for the shortcomings of her skirt.
Bucky’s first thought was His apartment wasn’t the safe haven to him that it once was, it was now a place haunted by the nightmares that were slowly consuming him. Here in the library though, his demons couldn’t find him.
“Excuse me, sir,” a small voice said apologetically as they squeezed by him.
Bucky moved his focus from the books in front of him to the woman that was now browsing right next to him. She had her long light brown hair flowing down her back and a bit messy from the rain. The skirt she was wearing was black and entirely too short for the weather they were currently having, but the cream sweater with the Polo logo on it somewhat made up for the shortcomings of her skirt.
He moved his attention away from the doe-eyed girl that was a little too close to him and refocused on the combat books in front of him. Funnily enough, the books about violence were distracting him from his fears of violence.
It took a few moments, but Bucky’s anxiety slowly trickled off until it was nothing but a dull ache in his chest.
That was until the pretty girl smiled at him, “Hi.”
Her tone was warm and kind and she was obviously inviting Bucky to have a conversation with her while they shared the aisle of old books so intimately.
His eyes widened slightly but he quickly took his composure back from the perfect girl in front of him that seemed to be stealing it.
“Hey,” he almost cringed as soon as he said it. His voice was much too rough in comparison to the gentle tone she was using to speak to him.
“Do you read a lot of nonfiction?” Her head cocked cutely to the side which made his heart beat a little faster.
“On the rare occasion I pick up a book, yes,” he answered after a beat of silence. He was mentally high fiving himself at such a collected response considering the effect she was having on him.
“I’m grabbing some of the old medical journals for some of my writing,” she answered the question without being prompted.
“What do you write?”
“I mostly do romance but my latest idea has been murder-mystery.”
“Oh, so you’re a novelist?” Bucky was beginning to feel more comfortable with the conversation now. The girl in front of him now felt like a breath of fresh air rather than a suffocating hand around his throat.
“Not exactly a superhero, but it pays the bills,” her smile was infectious and Bucky couldn’t help but grin.
“What’s your name?” He leaned back against the shelf behind him.
“I’m Amelia. But most of my friends call me Milly,” she answered him without breaking her gaze.
Amelia was very confident it seemed. But, not in a cocky way, her confidence was kindness. She radiated an energy that could only be described as pure gold.
“I’m Bucky,” he told her.
“I know. I saw you on the news last night, you save the world a lot it seems.”
Her comment made the tip of his ears burn red, “I guess you could say that.”
“Don’t be so modest. I think it’s cool, you’re like a real life comic book character,” her flattery was like ten arrows pointed straight at Bucky’s anxiety, slowly dwindling it down to a tiny stump that sat in the base of his stomach instead of the huge tree that once took over his entire body.
“You’re acting like you don’t have the coolest job in the world,” he rolled his eyes playfully at her, “You’re the one who gets to make the comic book characters.”
Their conversation continued and they slowly migrated over to the leather chairs in the corner of the room. They sat down next to each other and he told her his war stories while she took little sips of her coffee.
Every small movement she made, every little flip of her hair, all of her crossing and uncrossing of her legs, enticed Bucky even further into her spell.
“I love the rain,” Amelia said to him after he complained about the horrific weather, “It’s so pretty and calming.”
It confused him how she could find violent thunderstorms calming.
“The only reason I even walked into this library was to get away from the mess outside,” he replied back while looking through one of the windows to see that the precipitation had slowed down to a gentle mist now.
“Well if there was no rain, you would’ve never met me,” she smiled at him.
They had been talking for at least two hours by this point, but it felt like only twenty minutes. Everything was so easy with Milly. Conversation was like an ever flowing river with her, it just was so smooth and easy.
All he could feel was her energy, not the pain of his past, just her. For two hours, what happened to him fifty years ago was just that, the past.
She was pure light. She radiated warmth, she was what made flowers grow, she was what supported life on Earth, she was the sunshine.
Bucky looked down to check his watch and noticed the time. His eyes widened a little bit and he glanced back up at Milly who was happily chatting about her cats Moose and Sushi.
“Am I talking too much?” She suddenly stopped and looked down at her lap shyly.
“No! Of course not,” he quickly reassured her, “It’s just, it’s getting late.”
“Oh,” she said, a little disheartened he was finished talking to her.
“How about dinner?” Bucky didn’t even think about what he was saying until it was out of his mouth. It was very spur of the moment and he wish he could go back in time and think about the consequences that might come of taking her out.
“Dinner?” She repeated back as if she hadn’t heard him.
“Yeah, I know this great Thai place a few blocks down,” he smiled at her trying to tamper down his own racing thoughts.
Her pale pink nails clicked against the now empty coffee cup in her hand as she thought, “That sounds great.”
The pair stood up and Bucky took notice of the cloudy sky no longer pouring rain. He almost smiled at the thought of how long they had been talking. Not one notion of violence or hurting her had crossed his mangled brain.
They stepped out of the library and into the street. Without thinking, Bucky grabbed her hand and guided her down the street.
Milly hoped he didn’t notice the pink tint on her cheeks and trembling hands.
The duo were both lost in their own thoughts about one another and walked in silence while the world around them moved at an impossible pace.
Bucky stopped at a door on the corner of the street that Milly had always assumed was abandoned.
“I’ve never been here before,” she commented to him as he opened the door for her.
“I don’t know many people who have,” he chuckled.
No one greeted them but that didn’t seem to bother Bucky who led her to a booth in the corner without any guidance from the staff.
Milly slipped into the booth first and Bucky very surprisingly sat on the same side she did.
Bucky was testing himself. He wanted to see how far he could go without any thoughts or flashbacks to the life he used to live.
Their shoulders touched and he basked in the warmth she brought him, both physically and metaphorically.
He looked down at her and she was trapped in his unwavering gaze. Her lips parted and Bucky’s heart hammered loudly in his chest. They didn’t speak, they just drank each other in like sweet wine.
“Can I take your order?” A woman with a thick British accent interrupted them.
Bucky’s head whipped around and Milly was ripped from her trance with him. Their picture perfect bubble had burst.
He cleared his throat quickly, “Sorry, um, yes I think we’ll both have the chicken pad thai and some water.”
The waitress chewed her gum loudly while writing down the order and Bucky offered her a small smile.
“Sorry, I just sort of guessed on what you would want,” Bucky said almost sheepishly.
“I like chicken pad thai,” Amelia responded back with a smile.
He locked eyes with her again, “Do you think you want to do this again tomorrow?”
She laughed cutely at him, “We aren’t even done with today.”
“I think it’s gonna go well.”
His confidence almost shocked her. All day it felt like he was walking on eggshells but now she felt like she was getting all of him, not just the parts he felt like showing. The thought made her stomach flutter.
Their meal went on with lots of flirtation. Knees touching and hushed giggles were like their own secret language.
When the bill came Bucky deflated. He wasn’t ready to give up the sunshine yet.
He put his card down and the waitress came back with the receipt far too quickly. Bucky felt his time with her winding down and coming to an end.
“Hey,” he blurted out, “Do you want to come to the tower with me?”
“What tower? Like the Empire State Building?”
“The Avenger’s Tower.”
Amelia’s eyes widened, “Are people even allowed in there?”
Bucky’s heart stopping smile appeared once again, “Of course, and now you have an invitation.”
“I don’t want to get you in trouble,” she frowned.
“I won’t get in trouble. Tony’s not even in town this week. I think Steve’s the only person there.”
“It sounds like we would be breaking the rules,” she quirked an eyebrow at him.
He laughed, “It makes it more fun.”
She sighed, “As long as we don’t get caught. I really don’t want to be in trouble with the most powerful men in New York.”
He smiled, “You could never be in trouble with me, doll.”
Amelia could’ve passed out. The dominance that oozed from just that sentence made her head fuzzy and knees weak.
She tried to play it off by rolling her eyes and he laughed again.
Bucky stood up from the booth and reached his hand towards her.
“This time we can take a car to the Tower. It’s probably unbearably cold outside, especially with that skirt on.”
“I’m wearing fleece lined stockings,” she defended.
He tried his hardest to not daydream about what was underneath those stockings.
The pair walked into the windy night of New York. The rain had returned as a mist that made the horizon hazy and gray.
Bucky tucked his dog tags into his long sleeve shirt. Similarly to him, Amelia was struggling not wondering what else he could do with his hands.
A car pulled up to the sidewalk and the two quickly got in.
Bucky brushed some stray rain droplets from his hair and she jumped back and giggled when they landed on her face.
She looked up at him through her eyelashes and he silently wondered how he was going to get through the rest of the night without grabbing her by the neck and kissing the hell out of her.
She smiled up at his now serious and poked his cheek.
“You’re so cute,” he said after she finished her laughing fit.
Her cheeks reddened and her nose scrunched. She really was perfect.
The traffic wasn’t as horrendous as Bucky expected and they made it to the Tower quicker than he thought they would.
She was enamored by the bright lights of the Tower. The glow from the building reflected in her brown eyes like dazzling stars.
“C’mon,” he interrupted her gawking, “I’ll show you around.”
Bucky escorted her out of the SUV and to the front of the building. He remembered feelings just like she did when Steve first brought him here, impossibly small.
“Let’s go in. I promise it’s much more impressive from the inside,” Bucky said to her.
“Are you sure this is allowed?” Milly asked one last time before they went in.
“If I say no will you still come in with me?”
“Bucky,” she whined, “Please don’t get me into any trouble.”
The pout on her lips sent his mind into overdrive. She made it hard for him to form sentences sometimes.
“I won’t,” he regained his composure, “It’ll be fun and if it’s not I’ll take you right back home.”
She begrudgingly agreed and they walked into the glamorous building.
Reinforced glass walls surrounded them and a few employees strolled by without a second glance at her.
“Wow, it’s really pretty in here,” Milly breathed out.
“It’s definitely not the tax bracket I grew up in,” Bucky chuckled.
“Do you guys live here?”
Amelia knew she was being nosy and almost immediately regretted asking. Bucky however didn’t bat an eye and answered her quickly.
“I share a floor with Steve on one of the top levels and Nat sometimes stays here, but that’s it.”
“You have your own coffee shop,” she said pointing to the 24/7 coffee cart situated in the lobby.
“It’s incredibly convenient,” he chuckled, “Do you want to see the upstairs?”
His cheeks turned red, he didn’t want her to have the wrong impression of him. Bucky didn’t want to have some one night stand with her, although he wasn’t opposed to taking her up there and fucking her stupid.
“Sure. What floor are you on?” She asked while walking toward the elevator. Amelia didn’t even catch the innuendo.
“Floor 8,” he stepped on the elevator, “Let me put in the stupid passcode.”
He punched in four digits and rolled his eyes, “Tony is way too serious about security.”
The ride up was quick and relatively quiet. When the doors opened to Bucky’s penthouse suite she audibly gasped.
“Wow. You live here?” Her tone was practically incredulous.
“Have for 3 years now, sweetheart.”
The room was mostly decorated with neutrals except for some artwork on the wall.
Bucky noticed her eyeing it and offered an explanation, “That’s Steve’s contribution, he loves to paint.”
“It’s beautiful here. I would be scared out of my mind to even cook in a kitchen as perfect as this one,” she eyeballed the million dollar penthouse.
“I’ll use that as my excuse the next time Tony scolds us for not eating at home enough,” Bucky joked.
Amelia turned her attention back to him, “Did you say Steve was home earlier?”
“Let me check, he might’ve gone out with Natasha,” he said while walking out of the room and calling out for his flatmate.
When he figured out Steve wasn’t actually home as he originally thought he leaned against the wall. He had barely any time to process that there was a beautiful woman in his apartment. A beautiful woman that he wasn’t scared of harming. Someone who took all of those bad thoughts away from him.
Bucky had never felt this way before. It was the first time in a long time he wasn’t scared of himself.
He sighed in relief at the feeling of not having to worry. It felt like he had just finished the marathon of his life and finally got to sit down when he was around her.
After taking a couple of seconds to process he walked back into the living room to see her sitting on the couch looking at the view of the city.
The wall was glass and it made for a beautiful backdrop in their home. Especially tonight, when the stormy clouds parted just enough to see the full moon.
He went to the kitchen quietly as to not disturb her and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.
Bucky took a deep breath and strolled towards the couch and sat down. He placed the wine glasses on the table in front of them.
“It’s beautiful out there isn’t it?” She commented.
“Yeah, it’s perfect,” he said, staring at the side of her face.
“I brought some wine if you want any,” Bucky offered while pouring his own glass.
“No thank you, I hate the taste of wine,” she scrunched her nose again.
“I can grab some water or juice for you,” he offered quickly. He felt like a terrible host.
“No, that’s okay,” she finally turned her body towards his.
His breath stopped when he saw her brown eyes gazing into his own. Bucky didn’t even think about it when his hand touched the right side of her neck and he leaned down to kiss her.
She reciprocated quickly and grabbed the bottom of his shirt in her fist as if she didn’t know what to do with her hands.
Their lips moved against each other for a few seconds before he slipped his tongue in her mouth. She sighed into him and pressed herself closer to him.
Bucky picked up her smaller frame and placed her in his lap without breaking the kiss.
Millie straddled him and grabbed the short hair at the base of his neck.
“Fuck, Amelia,” he breathed out when he pulled away.
Her sweet giggle filled the room as their foreheads touched and their chests heaved in unison.
“You're really good at that,” she said, still out of breath.
He chuckled at her, “I wanted to kiss you all night. It’s a surprise I’ve made it this far.”
“Are you gonna stop now?” Milly tilted her head and pouted her lips.
Bucky threw his back and cursed, “You’re making it very hard to be a gentleman right now.”
Amelia kissed a hickey on his neck and leaned in next to his ear, “I’m not asking you to be a gentleman, Bucky.”
It felt like all of the resolve he had left in his body had snapped and he wrapped his calloused hand around the soft skin on her neck. He squeezed the sides of her throat and watched as her eyes took on a glimmer he hadn’t seen before.
Milly challenged him with a smile he wasn’t expecting, “How did you know just what I liked?”
“I never pinned you for a girl who liked to be thrown around,” Bucky’s eyebrow lifted in surprise but the grin remained on his face.
“I never pinned you for a guy who liked to throw girls around,” she returned his smile.
Even with his hand wrapped around the delicate skin of her neck he wasn’t scared of hurting her. Bucky felt fully in control for the first time in a long time.
“Safe word is red, baby.” Bucky smirked after a beat of silence
His hand tightened around her throat once again and he kissed her. Amelia’s hips grinded down against his lap.
Her short skirt slowly started to ride up until Bucky’s hands found the hem and pushed it all the way up.
His hands wandered down from her neck to her hips. Bucky moved her against him. He felt his pants tightening to accommodate how hard he was.
Amelia pulled away from the kiss and leaned her head against his chest as he continued to move her hips against his own. All that could be heard were her shaky moans and the sounds of bucky sucking a trail of hickeys down her neck.
“Not so confident now, huh baby?” He taunted her when he felt her thighs shaking around him.
“Please stop teasing me,” she begged with her eyes squeezed shut.
“Aw, but you look so cute squirming on my lap,” he mocked her.
Gone was Bucky’s almost shy demeanor, now he was domineering and arrogant.
Amelia could feel herself getting wetter by the second, “Please, Bucky. Please fuck me.”
“Only because you sound so sweet when you beg.”
Bucky moved her and stood up from his position on the couch. He took his black shirt off and let it fall to the ground.
He almost groaned when he saw her look up at him from underneath her lashes. Her eyes were full of want and it made his chest hurt.
Amelia stood up from the couch and then dropped to her knees and looked up at him with a cute smile.
“Fuck, not as innocent as you seem huh?” He chided while she ran her hands up and down his jean clad thighs.
Her fingers ran across the prominent bulge a couple of times before she began to unbuckle his belt.
Bucky could tell she was reciprocating his teasing from before and teasing him.
She gentle pulled his boxers off and let his cock stand proudly in front of her.
Milly inhaled deeply and tried to keep her confidence from before as she stroked him gently. Before she put her mouth around Bucky she looked up at him and he gave her a small reassuring smile.
That gave her all the confidence she needed to take his length down her throat. She bobbed her head up and down until her eyes watered and mascara trailed down her flushed cheeks.
Bucky groaned out loud, “Jesus fucking Christ Milly. You look so fucking pretty with my cock down your throat and tears in your eyes.”
Amelia sucked hard on Bucky’s length and his hands found their way into her thick brown hair.
She stopped moving and looked up at him expectantly.
His jaw almost dropped when he realized she was waiting for him to fuck her face. She had to be created in a lab or something. There was no way she was that perfect for him.
Bucky’s hands gripped harder into her hair and he started to fuck her mouth.
He felt himself getting closer and closer as he fucked her mouth at a sinful pace. Bucky took her off his cock and Milly frowned.
“I want you to come down my throat,” she pouted.
Fuck, she feels like the answers to all of life’s problems.
“Not tonight. Tonight, I’m gonna cum inside you,” he said pulling her up from her knees.
“Take off the rest of your clothes.”
She stood there for a moment without moving.
“Now, Amelia. Don’t make me ask again,” he warned.
This made her strip off her sweater and her ripped tights. She unzipped her skirt quickly and looked back to Bucky for instruction.
“God, you’re so gorgeous,” Bucky praised her and cupped her cheek.
His words were so kind and reminded her of the way he was earlier in the night. Amelia wasn’t sure which side of him she preferred, the domineering and brash Bucky or the kind and soft spoken Bucky.
She took a step towards his hulking frame and ran her hands over his abdomen. She felt his taught muscles twitch underneath her wandering fingers as he kissed her again.
He maneuvered her back onto the couch where they previously were and perched her body on his lap without taking his lips off of hers.
Bucky broke the kiss and whispered gruffly, “Over my lap.”
Amelia could tell by his tone that it wasn’t request. She shivered at the dominance he displayed and did what he said quickly.
Bucky ran his his large palm over the tan skin of her Milly’s ass and had to stifle a moan. Her body was a fucking masterpiece.
Amelia could feel his hard on pressing into her middle and she wanted nothing more for him to be inside her.
Without warning his hand came down harshly on the sensitive skin of her ass.
She gasped when she felt him spank her. She rubbed her thighs together at the feeling of the sharp pain.
Bucky took notice of this, “A painslut too? Very cute.”
Milly’s face turned pink at the name but she couldn’t deny that it made her feel that much more turned on.
Bucky gave her a few more before finally ending her anticipation and reaching down in between her legs.
She almost sighed in relief when his hand glided over her folds. Bucky rubbed small circles over her clit. His fingers went between her dripping hole and up to her clit torturously. All she wanted was for him to be inside her, in any way possible.
He was rewarded for his efforts with her cute moans egging him on. Finally, he slipped a finger into her and she gripped his thigh hard, surely leaving marks where her fingernails were digging into his skin.
He pumped in and out of her heat at a pace that made her eyes roll into the back of her head. He had a second finger and curled his fingers right into the spot that made her see stars.
Her pants were audible, “Please, Bucky! I’m about to cum.”
As soon as she said it his pulled his fingers out of her. She whined at the loss of contact and sat up from her position over his lap.
“Bucky, please!” She whined hopelessly.
“Don’t be such a brat, you’re gonna cum tonight,” he rolled his eyes at her.
Milly pouted up at his handsome face. Before she could say anything else she was being scooped up into his arms and trotted off somewhere.
“Where are we going?” The whine in her voice was still there.
“My bedroom,” he responded in a short manner.
Bucky opened the door to his bedroom and threw Amelia on the grey duvet of his bed.
She didn’t even get a chance to look around before he was once again on top of her kissing her.
Milly squirmed underneath him and let out helpless moans.
Bucky pulled away and let out a mocking laugh, “You’re so desperate for my cock huh? How did I find such a perfect cockwhore?”
Amelia wanted to cry at how badly she wanted him. It felt like she had been teased for millenniums.
Bucky ran the tip of his length through her folds to get her even more worked up.
“Please!” Tears clouded her vision.
The sight of her crying for him to fuck her was enough to send Bucky into a spiral. He finally pushed into her heat.
He threw his head back and they let out simultaneous moans. He slowly started to pump into her velvet walls.
“Fuck, it’s like you were made for me, baby.”
Amelia couldn’t form words all she could do was whimper and clutch onto his sheets as he pounded her into his mattress.
Bucky grabbed her leg and threw it over his shoulder and watched as her mouth opened into a silent scream at the new angle. He smirked as he fucked into her, he knew she was close.
“I’m gonna cum,” she panted out at him as she arched her back up into him.
He grabbed the headboard and set a brutal pace when he felt her tighten around him. Bucky was sure this was what heaven felt like.
He felt her constrict around him even tighter and arch her body into his own. Her moans came to a crescendo and she came undone around his cock.
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut. Feeling her cum around him was his final straw and he released inside of her.
Feeling him cum inside her made Amelia preen. They stayed connected for a moment before he pulled out of her and laid next to her panting body.
She turned toward him and pressed her head into his chest. Bucky kissed the crown of her head and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her body closer to his.
“Was that okay?”
“It was perfect, Bucky.”
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cokou · 2 months
HIII- I’d like to make a request of Ace w fem reader on their period and Ace uses his flame Devil fruit to ease out the cramps! (y can I just have a shirtless, loud, raven-headed boyfriend with a orange cowboy hat that’s literally ✨GORGEOUS✨.. it’s just sad tbh 😔)
(ps; ur fanfics do NOT fail to make my body tingle 🤭🤭)
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Note ✉* ~ I thought that I didn't appreciate Ace at all until i reached Marine ford😞, TYSM FOR REQUESTING ANONN!! || Do not translate, transfer, or reform, this is my only account (exp. Ao3), will not be cross posted anywhere. || 𖤐٭┆Masterlist
Summary* ~ Your sweet boyfriend uses his Devil Fruit to relieve your cramps💗 Warnings* ~ Modern AU || Genre* ~ SFW
ᶜᵃʳᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵐᵘˢᶦᶜ, ᵈᵉᵃʳ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ?
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Hot Man (Literally)
You: can you get me pads on your way to my house bae? Hot man (Literally): Is it ketchup month? Btw i already brought them for you mama :P See you at the doorstep! (You reacted ❤️) You: Love you Hot Stuff <3 (Hot Man (Literally) reacted ❤️)
You shut off your phone was you scatter around your room, brushing your hair, doing extracurricular activities before your boyfriend came over at your place. You had invited him over for dome movie night and simply because you were feeling like having him agaunst your side right now.
You impatiently wait for the doorbell to ring as you rot on your couch, browsing up stuff from the media. You jumped off the couch as you heard repeatedly ringing of your doorbell by the door, rushing over to wuickly answer the door.
"Hey mamas! Feeling good today?" Ace let's himself in as you open the door for him, placing down the take out foods by the living rooms table and slumping himself on the couch, lazily signalling you to join him and cuddle on the couch.
"Just a bit upset is all. " You ranted.
Ace rose up from the couch, still hugging you to his chest,
"What's wrong Princess?" He pats your head.
"Terrible cramps today, haha." You jokingly laugh as you take out the take-out food your boyfriend had bought for you.
"Need anything? You know I'm always here for you." Ace slumped his arm across your shoulder as he looked at the current TV show playing, slightly fixing his hat but decides to just remove it and toss it on the ground.
"Oh and, here. Your pads" He reaches over the plastic set across the living rooms table and slightly dishevel the plastic, taking out a whole box of your chosen napkin brand. You almost choked on how many he had bought and thought of how much money did he even soent and HOW he even got money to spend in the first place.
"..What the— Babe isn't that just a little bit too much? I mean..i asked for a SINGLE box, not the whole shelf!"
"Just incase of an emergency you know! I actually watched something on the media— you can do lots of things using napkins and—"
" Okay, Okay stop! Let's not discuss that subject!" You clutch on your lower abdomen and placing your food by the table as you excused yourself into the bathroom, leaving your boyfriend a little bit guilty for your own place. Whilst you were gone, Ace thought of a (stupidly) amazing idea for your little happiness.
He built a blanket fort by the living room using your huge, huge, huge blankrt from your room and turning on your led lights into something much for comforting. Yoou came back to some, cute monstrosity that he had set up, causing you to laugh loudly together with your boyfriend.
"Come here mama" He once again signals you to beckon closer to him inside the blanket fort, he hugs you making you lean towards his back as he places his hands towards your belly, slightly heading them up making a little hot-water compress made just for you. He switches the tv into a movie that you both very much enjoy eatching together.
Ace settles your position between his arms, his legs surrounding your waists as he continuously comforts you using his hand within your belly. He had also laid out your favorite snacks close to you both as you continued watching movies together.
After a few hours of watching everything you both could watch, you felt the slight hot breathing against your neck. Sce had fallen asleep, his body was warm, warm enough to serve you as a huge blanket on a cold rainy day. You quietly scatter a pillow fort inside the little blanket fort he had made and placed one beneath his head, you slide up between his arms making him slightly awake and hug you tightly towards him again, making you teo fall asleep in each others arms.
Author's Note ✉* ~ HI HI HI, this post was pretty short but i enjoyed writing it a lot! Tysm to anon eho rewuested this, love you all and stay safe guys!! <33
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©Cokou 2024, all works belong to me.
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hd-junglebook · 4 months
The Art & The Muse
Pairing: Luke Hughes x Artist!Reader
a:n currently spiraling at the moment so don't be shocked if I release five more fanfictions that I wrote 30 minutes before posting with no proof reading. lol.
Masterlist Link
Summary: A struggling artist finds inspiration in the most unexpected place - a painting class which the famous Luke Hughes has joined. y/n is in awe at his beauty, finding herself fascinated by his masculine beauty.
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word count - 1568
Luke let out a deep sigh as he sank back into the worn leather of his favorite chair, relishing the rare luxury of a day off. No early morning practices, no media obligations, no road trips - just him, his apartment in New Jersey, and the peace and quiet he craved.
Well, almost quiet. Luke could hear the muffled sounds of his older brother Jack clattering around in the kitchen, no doubt raiding the fridge for a snack. Luke rolled his eyes and tried to tune it out, savoring the silence. He loved his brother, but sometimes Jack's boundless energy and enthusiasm could be a bit much, especially on a lazy Sunday like today.
As if on cue, Luke heard Jack's familiar voice echoing down the hallway. "Hey, Lukey! Get your butt out here!"
Luke groaned, resigning himself to the inevitable interruption. "What is it, Jack?" he called back, not bothering to move from his comfortable spot.
Jack appeared in the doorway, mouth half-full of what looked like leftover pizza. "Dude, you need to find a hobby or something. All you do is sit around and talk to girls all day."
Luke raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me." Jack gestured emphatically, spraying crumbs. "Go out and find a girlfriend or something. Do something productive for once!"
"Close the door," Luke said tiredly, waving a hand.
Jack just laughed and turned to leave, still chewing noisily. "Whatever, man. Your life is boring."
Luke waited until he heard the click of the door, then let his head fall back with a groan. Sometimes he wondered how he and Jack could be brothers, let alone teammates. While Luke treasured his rare days off to recharge, Jack always seemed to have boundless energy, constantly looking for the next adventure or party.
A girlfriend, huh? Luke mulled over Jack's words. It wasn't that he was opposed to the idea, exactly. He just hadn't felt that spark with anyone lately. Between his grueling hockey schedule and the demands of his public persona, it was hard enough to find the time and energy for a social life, let alone a serious relationship.
Still, maybe Jack had a point. Luke had been feeling a little...stagnant lately. Perhaps it was time to try something new, step outside his comfort zone a bit. With a decisive nod, Luke reached for his phone.
Luke drummed his fingers against his thigh as he scrolled through the endless list of activities and classes, feeling increasingly discouraged.
His brow furrowed in concentration as he skimmed through the options, mentally crossing each one off as it failed to pique his interest.  Maybe Jack was right - he really was in a rut, stuck in the same old routine day after day.
Just as he was about to give up with a heavy sigh, a flash of inspiration caught his eye. An ad for painting classes at a local art studio.
Luke felt a faint tug of nostalgia as he remembered the hours he used to spend painting with his mom back home in Michigan, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips as the memories surfaced. It had been years since he'd picked up a brush, but the idea of reconnecting with that creative outlet was strangely appealing.
Intrigued, Luke clicked on the website and started browsing through the class schedules, his blue eyes scanning the page intently. The next session was in just two days - perfect.
Without overthinking it, he quickly signed himself up, a spark of determination lighting in his chest. With a decisive nod, he shut off his phone, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.
With a newfound spring in his step, Luke headed out to the living room where he could hear Jack clattering around. "Hey, Jack?" he called out, drawing his younger brother's attention.
Jack poked his head out from the kitchen, mouth full of what looked like leftover pizza. He quirked an eyebrow curiously, his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk's.
Luke wrinkled his nose in mild disgust at the display, but pressed on. "I, uh, took your advice. I signed up for a painting class that starts in a couple days."
Jack's eyes widened in surprise, a spark of amusement flashing across his features. He let out a bark of laughter, pizza crumbs flying. "Painting? Seriously?" he asked, shaking his head in disbelief.
Luke shrugged, feeling a slight twinge of self-consciousness creep up his spine. "Well, I figured it was worth a shot. Gotta try something new, right?"
"Hey, that's great!" Jack grinned and clapped him on the shoulder, his infectious enthusiasm cutting through Luke's lingering doubts. "Who knows, maybe you'll meet some cute girls there or something."
Luke rolled his eyes, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "That's not really why I'm doing it, Jack."
"Sure, sure." Jack winked and grabbed another slice of pizza, seemingly satisfied with the conversation. "Whatever you say, bro."
Luke shook his head fondly and turned to head back to his room, a newfound spring in his step. Maybe this whole "trying new things" thing wouldn't be so bad after all.
Luke pulled his beanie down lower over his sandy blond curls as he stepped out onto the street, trying his best to stay as inconspicuous as possible.
He had thrown on his most unassuming outfit - a simple t-shirt, jeans, and a well-worn pair of sneakers - before hesitantly heading out the door, Jack's cheerful "Good luck!" ringing in his ears.
As Luke made his way down the sidewalk, the nerves started to kick in. What was he doing, really? Signing up for an art class on a whim - it was so unlike him.
The old Luke would have scoffed at the very idea, content to spend his rare days off lounging at home or chatting up pretty girls at the local bars. But that Luke felt stale, stuck in a rut. Maybe it was time to try something new.
Still, Luke couldn't help the self-conscious twinge that made him want to turn right back around and high-tail it home. He could already hear Jack's teasing laughter, the endless ribbing he'd have to endure. But Luke steeled his resolve, forcing his feet to keep moving forward. He'd come this far, might as well see it through.
Luke rounded the corner, nearly colliding with an elderly couple out for an afternoon stroll. "Sorry, excuse me," he murmured, deftly sidestepping them.
The last few minutes of his journey passed in a blur, and before he knew it, Luke found himself standing in front of the art studio, its glass door beckoning him inside.
Taking a deep breath, Luke pushed open the door, immediately greeted by the soothing scent of lavender. His eyes swept over the space, taking in the rows of easels and the vibrant paintings adorning the walls. A petite woman with a thick accent approached him, a warm smile on her face.
"Hello, welcome! Can I help you?"
Luke cleared his throat, suddenly feeling a bit self-conscious. "Uh, yeah, hi. I'm Luke - I signed up for the painting class?"
"Ah, yes, of course!" The woman's eyes lit up with recognition. "It's so wonderful to have you join us. I'm Helena, the instructor. Let me show you where you can set up."
As Helena led him over to an open easel, Luke felt a flicker of genuine interest. He followed Helena through the halls of the art studio, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of intimidation.
The walls were practically bursting with vibrant, expertly-crafted paintings - from sweeping landscapes to intricate still lifes. He found himself glancing around in awe, suddenly self-conscious about his own artistic abilities.
Helena continued to speak animatedly, her hands gesturing as she explained the layout of the classroom and the materials available. Luke nodded along, trying his best to appear engaged, but his attention was diverted the moment they passed by a particularly striking piece.
The painting was dark, with soft whites and deep blues creating a moody, almost mystical atmosphere. But what truly captivated Luke was the subject - a male figure, rendered with such realism and attention to detail that it almost looked like a photograph.
The sculpted planes of his muscular torso, the veins in his hands, the play of light and shadow across his skin - every element was meticulously crafted, drawing the viewer in with its hypnotic allure.
Luke found himself stopping in his tracks, unable to tear his gaze away. It was as if the man in the painting had somehow come to life, his masculine beauty radiating off the canvas.
Helena let out a light laugh, drawing Luke's attention back to her. "I see you've noticed one of our more...popular pieces," she said, a knowing smile playing at her lips.
Luke felt a faint heat creep up the back of his neck, suddenly self-conscious about his obvious fascination. "Uh, yeah, it's...it's really well done," he stammered, clearing his throat.
"Indeed." Helena gestured towards the open doorway of the classroom. "Shall we? The class is about to begin."
Luke nodded, stealing one last glance at the captivating painting before following Helena into the studio. As he took his seat at the easel, he couldn't help but wonder who the artist was behind such a stunning work. And more importantly, would he have the chance to meet them?
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coltishcaterpillar · 6 months
Unmasked / Platonic!Father Alastor x Teen!Daughter Reader
Chapter I: Introduction
Two days after the Extermination, a bored Emily reads through private records of Heavenly residents and sinners alike.
During her mindless scrolling, she comes across a vintage diary smelling of old paper, from the late 20s-early 30s. It details the life of the teenage adopted daughter of the Radio Demon; up until her death at aged 16 on January 11th, 1934.
WARNINGS: Mentions of Racism
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April 4th, 1932
Have you ever seen a top hat, what one really looks like on a person?
Neither have I, until today. At the end of Merritt Street, there’s a small accessories store that sells jewellery and clothing alike.
I used to frequent there, but I’ve never been a fashionable girl. I’m a larger fan of browsing; just admiring the beauty of art from afar, rather than acquiring it.
I never realized how much I missed the little establishment until I saw my favourite businessperson; Anne Brewster. A short, tout woman she was. Her skin had a grey tinge to it, a pointy nose that popped out her features; bright brown eyes and hair as white as pearls, short and thin as straw.
I greeted her with my usual demeanour. Quiet and curt, a straight wave and a superficial smile. The woman has a tendency to chatter; most of the time I don’t have time to interject, so I just listen.
I went in the shop with Elbert Graves; a fellow classmate of mine in mathematics. He’s not my ideal source of company, I’ll admit. I get along much better with other girls, but this helpless boy is always on my tail, and I can’t bare to tell him to get lost.
We came across a jet-black top hat with a golden ribbon wrapped around its rim. It was on display, but there was no glass so we assumed we could sample it. Elbert looked utterly ridiculous in it; far too flashy, and way too gigantic for his pea-sized head.
I managed a small laugh, as that’s the reaction he would’ve wanted from me. Ever the jokester…
I took a seat on the cushioned chair in front of the store’s entrance. Whilst Elbert was fooling around with other gadgets, Anne took to speaking with me.
She spoke a great deal about her grandchildren, and then inquired me about Papa.
Pa doesn’t usually wander about these places, but he knows Anne from university; they attended the same one in Shreveport, in September of 1908. Pa wanted to become a broadcaster post-secondary (to which he achieved) and Anne wanted to edit the local newspaper part-time; she was getting old, but didn’t want to stop working. She didn’t end up pursuing it, however, she dropped out her third year to take care of Rachel (her eldest grandchild who was 5 at the time.) Then, she inherited this business when Mr. Brewster, her father, died. He owned the shop.
She asked about his job was working out for him. Pa never speaks about work when he arrives home; usually he’s more interested in my daily activities. I don’t listen to Pa’s radio channel anyways, because the subjects he covers doesn’t appeal to me.
I just told her he was thriving; because in a way, he was. Pa was rarely in a sour mood. Of course, he gets moody when I do something out of line from time to time, but his attitude is always uplifting.
Elbert excused himself to the restroom at the back of the desk; that’s when she started talking about adolescent things. Boys…..
“Elbert is a such a handsome boy, don’t you agree?”
“Not particularly.”
“Oh? Why do you say that?”
“His chin is too long, and his head is too small for his broad shoulders. Not to mention his personality isn’t to my tastes. He’s far too extroverted and cheeky.”
“Oh, come now, my lovely. Surely, we can’t all be picky! What ever will you do when you grow into a young woman? Who will be around to take care of you?”
“Pa will, no doubt.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. Your father will be far too senile to care for you when you’re in your prime! You need a strong man!”
“Too senile?! Surely, you jest. Pa may be lanky, but he’s very capable. He was only twenty-five when he adopted me, he’ll only be middle-aged by the time I’m an adult.”
“You say Elbert is cheeky, but I see a lot more cockiness coming from you than I ever have with him.”
“Only an outside observer can properly assess my personality. Perhaps you just see my persona differently than I.”
“Is that so?”
The bell hanging from the door rang; in came a man, dressed in a business suit, a large briefcase held in his right hand. He had been more wrinkly than I had last seen him: Anne’s partner, Mr. Devereaux.
He has a very thick Yorkshire accent; Anne and him met while she was on vacation in London; Mr. Devereaux was studying photography. When they first met in late 1864, they weren’t sure whether or not they could ever be together. Anne is a very brown woman, you see. Very. Mr. Devereaux is about as white as a sheet. People often look down on….colourful couples…? More harshly. They aren’t allowed to be married, so they had to improvise.
Forgive me for not mentioning this sooner, but Anne is actually good friends with my Grandma. Pa is half-Creole, you see, and my Grandma’s roots come from there. So, the Brewsters are actually well-acquainted with my family.
Mr. Devereaux sat his briefcase beside the door, across from where I was seated. He flashed me a toothless smile; quite literally, since they all rotted out of his mouth due to age.
I gave him a curious look back.
“Back from business, old man?” I tease.
He chuckled; giving me an affectionate pat on the head.
“Oh, well, look at you! Already at it with the nosy interrogation, I see! I’ve missed you, sweet girl.” He smiled.
I narrowed my eyes. He didn’t answer the question….
He turned his attention to Anne quite quickly. Leaning over the desk, he planted a kiss on her forehead.
“The trip went smoothly,” He told Anne, “Janice sent you a letter. It should be in the mail soon, my darling.”
Janice was their daughter.
He turned his entire body so it faced me, with an inquisitive look on his face. He then turned and whispered to Anne,
“Al is out late again?”
“I don’t know, my sweet. I’ve seen her out and about all day with Elbert, he must be. It’s nearly nine.”
“I thought his radio shows were done by four?”
“Perhaps the schedule’s changed, dearest. Let’s not be nosy, it’s not our business.”
I let out a deep breath through my nose, standing up. Pa likes to hang around a few stores after work, so I tried my best not to let their observations get to me. Perhaps he was already home!
Anne leaned over from behind Mr. Devereaux.
“Could you go check on Elbert, hun? He’s been in the restroom for quite a while.”
I sigh. Without a response, I head toward the back desk, into the small hallway that had the restrooms.
I knocked on the door, firmly.
“El?” I addressed him by nickname.
“Mhm?” His hun echoed off the door.
I raised an eyebrow. “What have you been doing in there these past fifteen minutes? It was eight-forty when you went in, it’s five to nine already!”
Within seconds, he came out of the door, an awkward smile plastered on his face. A blush dusted his cheeks as well; I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he have the runs?
“Finished?” I asked him without judgment.
“Yes.” He said, curt.
I lead him back to the entrance of the store, passing Anne a smile. I turn my gaze back to Elbert.
“I’m going to be leaving now. I hadn’t realize how late it was. Will you be alright on your own?” I asked, a tint of concern in my voice.
“Of course. See you later?” His tone was hopeful.
Without a pause, I said, “Yes, I’ll see you later.”
I said my goodbyes to Anne and Mr. Devereaux, and sent my regards to Janice.
When I exited the store, it wasn’t as dark and drab as I thought it would be; I still heard birds chirping, and I could see my way almost perfectly. Just another perk of springtime, I suppose.
When I arrived home, Pa was indeed on the couch, his legs crossed, with a newspaper in hand; black coffee was situated on the side table.
“Home at long last, my dear!” He put his newspaper down; and I ran over, kissing him on the cheek.
“Sorry, Papa. How long did you have to wait?”
“Oh, not long at all!” He chuckled heartily.
I turn over to the rounded wooden table in the dining room; a large cloth bag sat on it; my eyes lit up in curiosity.
“Now, now,” Pa waved his finger, “I know that dangerous gaze. Don’t go peeking around my things, dear.”
I put on a thinned-lipped smile, leaning on the armrest.
“What, do you have something to hide, Papa~?” I leaned in, teasingly.
It was meant to be a joke. A rhetorical question. Yet, I couldn’t help but notice his fist clench up, if only for a moment. His body language was saying something different than what his mouth was.
“Is it really too much to ask to keep yourself out of my business?” He bit his lower lip.
When Pa took that tone with me, I knew it was time to pipe down. I decided to change the subject, sitting next to him on the couch.
“Elbert and I took a stroll around the avenue.” I said, tracing along the armrest.
I could FEEL Pa’s eye roll without even looking.
“Out with that wretched boy again, are we?” He took a casual tone as he sipped his coffee, but I knew the mere thought of Elbert irked him.
Pa has never interacted much with my friends, so I thought El would be another drop in the ocean. I think his hatred of him has something to do with that one time he came over here.
Everything was alright until dinner time.
The few hours earlier, Grandma treated us with a generous amount of Jambalaya. She always makes the best, after all.
Elbert made an….observation? While we were eating and it made Pa freeze.
“This is some slave food! Who made it, a peasant?”
All I remember was Pa’s grip tightening so much on the fork. I leaned over to where he was sitting and rubbed his arm a little.
I disliked the comment too. That was my Grandma he was speaking about….
After El left, I noticed Pa staring at the wooden spoon on the shelf. I know that blasted piece of cutlery all too well….
Pa is good at discipline. Even when my other friends came over, he’d always make an effort to chastise them if they didn’t say please or thank you.
Long story short, I think Pa wanted to beat El. That’s probably why he was showing such immaculate restraint at the table. I can’t imagine another person disciplining somebody else’s child would go…smoothly, anyway.
He had valid reason to hate him, I suppose. I’m not fond of Elbert either, but…how do you find it in your heart to say no? I suppose I’ve never really had a backbone, but…it seems that he’s really fond of me.
“How was work?” I asked with a smile.
“It held all of its classic theatrics! You should find it in your soul to listen to my shows, my dear.” He beamed.
I was deep in thought.
“Don’t I hear enough of your voice already?”
Pa chuckled his little chuckle that always made my chest warm.
“You can never have too much of your father!”
Time went on as usual; a few moments later I decided to pack up for bed; Pa went upstairs to get his radio ready to listen to. He always does before he sleeps.
I took that as an opportunity to ponder; I turned my gaze back to the bag on the table. Pa notoriously hunts, but it was far too late for food, so it made me wonder.
I slid toward it with my socks against the hardwood. I breathed in deeply; perhaps there was a certain scent? All I could smell was the dusty fabric; nothing more.
With a sigh, I decided to leave it for now. Maybe it’s….best that I don’t.
Emily blinked once. She recognized the background; that this child of one of the hotel staff in Hell.
Taking the historical piece of literature to St. Peter, she inquired,
“St. Peter, hi! I was just wondering if there is a girl here in Heaven named Y/N L/N?”
St. Peter smiled in delight, getting out his holy book, scanning through all the people with your name; going roughly by last name. His face fell as they came to an end.
“Unfortunately not, Em! It’s…strange, considering the circumstances. Sixteen is very young for a person to end up in Hell…but she isn’t in Heaven.”
Emily frowned, eyeing the diary in her hands. Perhaps she’d find the answer in there….
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victoria-daydreams · 1 year
Compliments to the Chef
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AN: It's here people! I floated the idea and you all demanded it be written. Don't care if there's any inaccuracies about fine dining culture or rules, we're all here for Chef Luca. If you commented on my original post I went ahead and tagged you. I wrote this on my phone because I'm on vacation so excuse any typos or errors.
Taglist: @chiddybangchiddy @emjayewrites @ay0nha @adorabubblesblog @ayoarticulate @blowmymbackout
Word Count: 4.4k
Prompt: Thinking thoughts about writing a fic with Chef Luca from The Bear involving an black!oc/black!reader on a study abroad trip in Copenhagen and them falling for each other.
"How do you even function in this weather?"
The coldness of December in Copenhagen could be quite unbearable at times. In her thick peacoat, Dannie shivered as snow gently fell to the ground in large, fluffy clusters. The tingle of cold air on her golden brown skin felt as if someone was jabbing needles all over her body. It was an unfathomably cold evening and Dannie began to wonder if this outing was worth it.
Aya, a native to the country, only laughed and tugged at the thick knitted scarf around her neck. "You want my scarf?" she questioned, smirking at the American.
Glancing at her friend, red-cheeked from the cold, with snow falling in her dark, springy curls, Dannie shook her head.
"Don't think that will change me freezing my ass off," Dannie retorted, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to maintain some warmth.
Aya laughed again in response, "Come on, we're almost there," she said, linking her arm with Dannie.
Dannie's teeth clattered as the cold wind continued to permeate her coat and her wool sweater. Stiffly, she walked with Aya, her shoes crunching loudly against the snowy cobblestones underfoot. Despite the frigid temperature and the feeling of being frozen to the bone, it was beautiful day in the capital of Denmark. As far as the eye could see, picturesque buildings lined the streets in colorful rows. The vibrant colors of the architecture reminded Dannie of cakes and other tasty pastries. The two women passed by cafes which littered the narrow streets of the snowy city, filled with tourists and locals of all ethnicities and nationalities.
Finally, they arrived at the restaurant, its name written in Danish. Savory scents and muted conversations greeted Dannie as Aya spoke with the host about her reservation. Without a doubt, this was the most expensive restaurant she'd ever been to in her life just based off the interior. After taking their coats, the host showed Aya and Dannie to their table, which offered a splendid view of Copenhagen. A glass of water was poured for her followed by a menu being placed into her hands. Browsing the menu, Dannie's eyes nearly bulged at the prices of dessert alone.
"Aya, why does a desert cost damn near an arm and a leg?" Dannie asked, her brows raising in disbelief.
"Because it’s 'fine dining'," Aya explained simply. "Don't stress about prices tonight," she reassured, with a dismissive hand wave. "It's your birthday, I'm treating you remember?" she reminded.
"Aya, I love you, but I'm helping you pay for this," Dannie stated firmly, placing her hand over her heart. "I refuse to let you break your bank account over a tiny portion of food and dessert," she added jokingly.
"Aya?" a British voice called.
Dannie's eyes flitted over Aya's shoulder to see man dressed in a fitted navy blue shirt and black slacks with a black apron tied around his neck. Aya turned in her chair, her face lighting in recognition.
"Luka! Hej!" she exclaimed, waving him over.
Approaching their table, Dannie realized that this Luca was nothing short of a heartthrob. Strikingly warm blue eyes, tousled blond hair, and not to mention his wide and undeniably strong frame.
"It is so good to see you here again!" Luca said, smiling at her.
Playfully she rolled her eyes, "You don’t know how long I remained on the waiting list to eat here again," she quipped, standing up to give him a quick hug.
"I see you brought a friend this time," he noted, as Aya pulled away from him.
"Yes! This is Dannie, she's studying abroad here and today is her 26th birthday, so we're celebrating!" Aya introduced excitedly. "Dannie, this is Luca, my chef friend I've been telling you so much about!" she said, gesturing towards him.
Dannie gave him a shy smile and offered her hand to shake as Aya sat down.
"A pleasure to meet you Luca, I’ve heard so much about you," Dannie said, her voice laced with the warm southern twang she was born with.
"First, a happy birthday is in order, I cannot think of a better place to attend for such a special occasion," he responded, mirroring her smile. "And hopefully Aya here has only been saying good things," he joked, glancing at her before reaching for Dannie's hand.
The moment their hands brushed against each other, Dannie felt Luca slightly jump at the sensation.
"Good god, your hands are freezing," Luca commented, letting out a chuckle and moving his right hand to the other side of hers. "You need a warm drink in you," he said, in that thick accent of his sending a shiver down her spine.
"Well, I wouldn’t mind a hot chocolate, if a fine dining establishment like this can manage it?" Dannie suggested, enjoying the heat from his hands engulfing her own.
Luca's mouth curled upward and nodded, "Yeah, I think I can manage that just fine," he assured, rubbing small circles against her skin. "I'm sure the kitchen has everything I need for this special request," he informed. "Anything for you—as friend of Aya's," he added quickly.
If Dannie’s was not mistaken, there was a hint of red he saw on the man's lightly freckled cheeks.
"I will be sure to get that out you, Dannie," he promised.
"Thank you Chef Luca,"
Reluctantly, Dannie pulled her hand from his grasp. Silence lingered between them for a moment and blue eyes stared unblinking into dark brown eyes. His intense eyes sent another pleasurable shiver down Dannie’s spine. That look…God, it made the temperature in the room increase by at least five degrees. Aya sharply cleared her throat, snapping them from their heated gaze.
"Right," Luca began, clearing his throat himself. "One hot chocolate coming right up for the birthday girl," he said, with a grin before leaving for the kitchen.
Dannie watched his form retreat. Luca went to rub the back of his neck, clearly feeling sheepish. Three quick snaps drew Dannie’s attention back in front of her to Aya grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
"Girllll," Aya sung, her eyebrows raised high. "What was that?" she asked, leaning her body forward. "Did I just inadvertently play matchmaker? Is this love at the first sight?" she questioned.
"Listen, it may not be love at first sight, but…” Dannie answered, taking both of Aya's hand. "The spirit of Tamera has fully possessed my body!" she joked, causing both of them to quietly squeal together and lightly stomp their feet on the floor.
An hour later
"This has been one of the best meals I have ever tasted in my entire life," Dannie stated, dabbing the corners of her mouth with a napkin.
Aya hummed in agreement, "Including the specially made hot chocolate?" she asked teasingly, wriggling her eyebrows.
"Yes, the hot chocolate too," Dannie agreed with exasperation, rolling her eyes and laughing.
"Maybe we should send our compliments to the chef, personally," Aya suggested, a mischievous expression on her face.
"No!" Dannie whispered, her face growing hot at the mere thought of Luca coming back to the table.
"Why the fuck not?" she whispered back. "You two were practically eye fucking each other in front of me earlier," she pointed out.
"Okay, but—"
"Excuse me," Aya called, cutting Dannie off and a maître d' promptly was at their table. "The dessert was absolutely phenomenal. My friend here would like to personally send her compliments to the chef who made it," she explained, a barely hidden smirk on her lips.
"Of course, ma'am,"
Feeling utterly mortified, Dannie had taken to hiding her face behind her hand.
"Why would you do that?" Dannie asked, her hand sliding down to cover half her mouth.
"Come on, you’ll thank me later," Aya dismissed, picking up her wine glass. "You and Luca would be such a hot couple together," she said, before sipping her dry red.
"Really?" Dannie asked skeptically.
"Yes bitch!" Aya responded, almost in disbelief she had to answer that.
Dannie grabbed her own wine glass and raised it to her lips, thinking of Luca. His warm demeanor was definitely an attractive trait, as well as his prowess in baking such delicious treats. Any woman with a pulse will find that trait irresistible in a man.
"I was told I've been summoned,"
The sound of a British accent instantly snapped from Dannie from her musings and straighten up her posture. Looking up, Luca was at their table and smiling at the two of them, his hands folded behind his back.
"Yes, hello Chef Luca!" Aya greeted, with a knowing grin. "The dessert was to die for!" she complimented. "Dannie and I just had to tell you in person. Right Dannie?" she asked, nodding encouragingly.
"Everything was superb, Chef Luca," Dannie agreed, "Thank you,"
"You're very welcome and thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it," he said.
"Before you go Luca, could you tell the maître d we're ready for the check?" Aya said.
"Ah, yes the check," he replied. "I already have it here," he informed, unfolding his arms and giving the little black book to Dannie.
Opening the book, let out a small gasp of surprise. The receipt showed a balance of zero.
"Are you kidding me?" Dannie asked, glancing back up at him.
"The chef heard it's your first time in Copenhagen, wanted to make this an unforgettable experience," Luca explained.
"Job well done, I'll say," Dannie retorted, chuckling a little. "I fear wherever I go next in Copenhagen nothing will hold a candle to this,"
"Well, I know my way around the city pretty well," Luca began. "I can show you some spots that will blow you away, if you’ll let me," he offered, smiling shyly.
Dannie nodded vigorously with a smile, "That would be amazing, Luca. Thank you," she said, mindlessly playing with her ginger dyed hair.
Luca’a face seemed to brighten and a faint blush starting to cross his cheeks, "Saturday?" he questioned.
Dannie took the pen from the checkbook and wrote her phone number on the receipt.
Dannie loved farmers markets. There was always just a magical feel when she visited one. Now, compound that with the fact that she was in a different country during Christmastime and she might as well been in Winter Wonderland. Above, the sun shone uninhibited in a perfect, cloudless blue sky. With a gentle breeze, snow from the ground and buildings swirled past Dannie as tiny crystals. She could not envision a more perfect day for a first date.
"I think you're a mind reader Luca," Dannie said, stealing a glance at him. "I absolutely adore farmers markets," she informed, with a smile.
"I promised I'd show you the best spots in the city, didn't I?" he reminded, their arms brushing against each other as they walked side by side.
She nodded, "You did," she agreed. "Keeping promises, a good quality to possess. I like that in a man," she stated, their arms brushing again.
Luca smirked, "Noted," he said, smoothly lacing his fingers with hers.
Dannie’s heart fluttered, her chest blossoming with warmth. She could've just melted right into a puddle at that very moment. They made their way deeper into the busy market, walking through the narrow lane as the mouthwatering aroma of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine was soon thick in the air.
Along a few connecting streets, each road was dedicated to different vendors. One street was filled with paintings and handmade jewelry. Another street had fresh produce and jams. While a different different part of the market was selling hot food based on scent alone from how strong it was.
"You know," Luca began. "Aya said you were studying abroad, but you never said what for," he said.
She chuckled, "You're right, we knew you were needed in the kitchen, so our conversation was pretty limited," Dannie recalled, with a nod. "History, that’s what's I’m here. I’m a history major,"
"Ooh, not my best subject," he mentioned, laughing lightly. "History class use to always put me to sleep," he joked.
"Why does everyone say that!" Dannie exclaimed lightly, laughing a little. "You mean to tell me there was never a time period you learned about and just became obsessed with it?" she asked,
"I became obsessed with baking at a young age," he answered. "You, on the other hand, are a true history buff. I can tell just by how excited you’re getting," he stated. "So, tell me, what are your favorite periods to study?" he asked.
"It’s World War I followed by the Roaring 20s, then World War II, lastly the 50s and 60s," Dannie listed, using her free hand to count them off. "I dabble in The Gilded Age as well," she added, shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know something within me just gravitated to those periods the moment I learned about them in school. I think it’s mainly the aesthetics, fashion, and music," she explained, smiling softly. "To be clear though, I would never want to live through those eras. The world is hostile enough to Black people as it is. I can hardly imagine what it was like back then," she finished, raising a finger.
When Luca didn't reply after a beat, Dannie began to internally panic thinking she said something wrong.
"Oh no, did I kill the vibe?" Dannie asked, with a horrified expression. "I swear every time I speak about my love of history it always somehow results in vibe killing,"
"No, no," Luca reassured. "I'm just admiring how cute you are nerding out over history, I do the same when it comes to cooking," he explained, with a grin.
"Well, join me in my cuteness and tell me what made you nerd out over cooking," Dannie said, playfully bumping his shoulder.
"I fear the amount of time that would take would consume our whole date," Luca joked.
"And I want to hear every second of it," Dannie said. "I'm dying to know how the man next to me became the esteemed Chef Luca,"
"Alright, you asked for it," he said, letting out a chuckle.
Listening with her full attention, Dannie learned from Luca how at a very young age he’s always had a passion for cooking and because of that he was able to hone in on his skills. Of course, this led to Luca thinking he was ‘the shit’ by the time he got to culinary school, carrying a major chip on his shoulder. That chip stayed him as he progressed into his career until he was unintentionally humbled by another chef after witnessing their skills in the kitchen. Without working with this chef, Luca swears he would not be where he is now had it not been from him.
"So, a slice of humble pie did the trick, huh?" Dannie concluded, her tone teasing.
"Yeah, yeah it did," Luca admitted, laughing and nodding his head. "You can either choose to accept it or deny it. Luckily, I accepted it and changed the course of my career," he went on.
They crossed into the main of the market, stumbling upon the Christmas market . The massive space was filled with all sorts of food vendors, stalls, vendor kiosks, and there was even a petting zoo with a variety of farm animals. At the center of it all, a gigantic Christmas tree stood, towering above everything in the square. The freshly cut pine tree was covered in lights, garland, and ornate ornaments.
"This will always be my favorite time of the year," Dannie sighed wistfully, admiring the lights and decorations around them.
"I remember spending my first Christmas here in Copenhagen," Luca mentioned. "It felt like I was in a movie," he added.
"If it snows on Christmas Day, that would just put the icing on top of the cake,"
He turned to look at her, "You know what, an idea just popped into my head,"
"Has anyone ever made you dessert from scratch?"
"Yeah, some family members of mine, but never like a romantic partner or anything like that," she answered, and the realization dawned on her. "Wait—are you offering to do that for me?"
"I am," he nodded. "You mentioned cake and the gears in my mind started turning," hestated. "Plus, all the ingredients I would need are all around me,"
"Making a girl feel special, that must be your superpower Luca," Dannie joked.
“Not just any girl. I like to make you, feel special Dannie,” he corrected, squeezing her hand.
She giggled, "If you’re making dessert from scratch, chances are I won’t be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor tonight,"
"Guess you'll have to come back to my place again tomorrow then," Luca suggested, smirking slightly. "Come on," he said, leading her the nearest stall.
For the next thirty minutes, Dannie and Luca shopped at the farmers market, grabbing everything necessary for the surprise dessert Luca was going to make. Instead of the usual 'divide and conquer' tactic, they remained together, tackling neighboring stalls at the same time. After two laps around the market, Dannie and Luca were at there final stalls. Luca was at a strawberry vendor a few stalls down, while Dannie waited at a honey seller’s. Shifting the weight between her feet, Dannie could feel her feet start to grow tired from walking. Another minute passed before the older woman handed her the jar of honey with a smile.
"Is there anything else you and your boyfriend are interested in purchasing?" the older woman questioned, still wearing a kind smile.
Boyfriend. The term nearly makes her choke on her water she was drinking.
"Oh no, we’re not—" Dannie began, but stopped herself. "Thank you for the honey, ma'am," she finished, nodding her head and placing it in her canvas tote bag.
Not soon after, Luca appeared next to her carrying his own bag of groceries. Automatically, his hand came to rest on her lower back.
"Do we everything we need?" he asked.
"I believe so," Dannie replied, with a nod. "Can't wait for you to wow me again in a more intimate setting this time,"
"I aim to please, love,"
"A fucking pet name? Pick me up from the goddamn floor!" Dannie thought.
Grinning, she linked her arm with his, "Next time, instead you baking for me, I want to be apart of the baking process," Dannie informed.
"You’re already planning for a next time?" he questioned, arching his brow.
"Of course, do you know how rare it is to find a man who has a passion for baking?" she quipped, raising an eyebrow of her own.
"Back to my place?"
"Lead the way," Dannie encouraged, and Luca guided her out the farmers market
"I cannot wait to eat this cheesecake," Dannie said, leaning back on the counter and crossing her arms. "Too bad I have to wait until tomorrow to get a slice," she pouted playfully.
"We can have a slice of it over afternoon tea," Luca suggested, carefully placing the cheesecake into the refrigerator.
Dannie rolled her eyes, "Ugh, god you’re so disgustingly British," she teased.
He closed the door to the fridge, "Hey, don’t knock it until you try it," he retorted, pointing the tip of the wine bottle at her that he grabbed.
"I'll have you know, my drink of choice is a strong coffee," Dannie informed, lightly digging her index finger into his pec. It took everything in her to keep a straight face feeling the firmness of the muscle. "Not black coffee though, I'm not a serial killer," she clarified, laughing lightly which he shared. "But because you're so cute, I'm willing to try it for you," Dannie conceded, booping the tip of his nose.
"You'll thank me for expanding your palette," he quipped, causing her to roll her eyes again. "If you would be so kind to get the glasses, love,"
"Since you asked so nicely," Dannie said, moving over to the overhead cupboard.
Grabbing two wine glass, she turned back around just in time to get a perfect view of Luca's back. His shirt was just tight enough that she could watch the flex of Luca's muscles in his biceps and shoulders underneath the fabric.
"So goddamn strong," Dannie thought. "I wonder what it would feel like to have that grip around my hips or my ne—"
The cork escaped the bottle's hold with an echoing pop, snapping Dannie from her impure thoughts.
"You okay back there?" Luca asked.
She cleared her throat, "Yeah, totally," she answered, finally walking back over. "I didn't want to startle you as you opened the wine," she explained, placing the glasses down.
Filling both glasses, Luca handed her a glass first and then picked up his own.
"Cheers," Luca said, tilting his glass.
"Cheers," Dannie echoed, clinking their glasses together and sipping their wine in unison.
Lowering his glass, Luca’s gaze fell back on Dannie.
"After our afternoon tea and cheesecake, how would you feel going to the National Gallery of Denmark with me?" she wondered, swirling her wine around in one hand while the other reached for a blueberry left over in a bowl.
"I would love that,"
"It’s a date then," Dannie smiled, dipping the berry into the bowl of whipped cream and popping it into her mouth.
Pure bliss swept over her face at the sweet and tangy flavor flooding her taste buds.
"Fuck that was so good," Dannie laughed, shaking her head when Luca leaned in towards her. She swallowed. "Luca?" she asked, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe.
"Sorry, you…you got a little something…" he trailed off. "Right," he continued softly, reaching out with his thumb and gently wiping leftover whipped cream from the corner of her mouth. His thumb drew across her bottom lip. "There," he finished, dragging her lips apart slightly.
Dannie couldn't move from her spot, and from the looks neither could Luca.
"Silly me, I’m such a slob," she said, the words coming out in one soft breath.
He removed his thumb from her lips, "No, you’re fine," Luca responded, before bringing his glass back to his mouth and quickly downing the rest of his drink. Clearing his throat, he placed the cup back down on the counter. "It might not be the cheesecake, but might I offer you the best strawberry you'll ever eat?" he asked, regaining his usual warm demeanor.
Dannie smirked, throwing back the rest of her wine as well, "You may, since you forbade me from eating any earlier," she reminded, putting her glass down.
Luca grinned, plucking a freshly washed strawberry from the bowl and gently pressed it against Dannie's lips. The move caused a giggle to bubble within her chest and her face to flush with heat. Opening her mouth, Dannie bit down into the perfectly proportioned fruit in Luca's fingers which moved a little. The sweet juices filled her mouth, a drop of it escaping from a corner of her lips.
"How was that?" he asked, a cheeky smile on his face.
"Mmm," Dannie hummed in satisfaction, closing her eyes and nodding. She waited a moment after swallowing her first bite, still relishing the nectar of the fruit, before speaking. "Certainly the juiciest strawberry I've ever eaten," she responded, wiping the corners of her mouth with the back of her finger. "You flinched slightly when I bit into it," she pointed out, making Luca chuckle.
"I was hoping you wouldn’t notice,"
"Don't worry, I don’t bite..." Dannie promised, her voice dropping a pitch. Instantly, Luca's cheeks flared red at her words. "Unless, you want me to," she teased, and leaned forward to bite into the remaining strawberry.
"Fuck me..." Luca breathed.
Smiling coyly, Dannie turned her back to Luca and started to walk over to the living room. Suddenly, a pair of warm, strong hands gripped her waist and spun her back around. Luca's face was expressionless, but his pupils had darkened considerably and flickered over her face. Dannie met his stare through hooded eyes, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. The tension between them was palpable and it hung thick, making the soft and shallow breaths from both of them more pronounced. Luca ran his hand across her lower back before pulling her closer, dipping his head towards her.
The little space remaining between the two sent Dannie's heartbeat into overdrive. Their faces were barely an inch from each other. Her eyes dropped to his lips, slowly making their way back up her his by way of his jawline. It was as if a dam broke. Within a blink of the eye, Luca pressed his mouth against Dannie's. Inhaling sharply, any and all thoughts flew from her head at the feeling of his lips. Dannie softly moaned into the kiss, her eyes closing while her fingers found their way to grip on Luca's blond locks. Eagerly, she returned the kiss as he walked her back until her lower back was pressed into the edge of the granite countertop.
"God, you're so beautiful," he huffed out before leaning back down to kiss her roughly.
Luca's palms slipped beneath Dannie's sweater to glide across her warm skin, his lips nipping hungrily at her lower lip. Only heavy breathing and the smacking of lips filled the air of the kitchen. With practiced ease, Luca wedged his leg between her own while his left hand skirted around her midsection until it he hooked her leg around his hip. Dannie's hands gently made their way to unbutton Luca's shirt, finally being able to fully appreciate the taut muscles underneath her fingers.
Another moan fell from Dannie, this one breathier than before. His body responded, grounding himself into her. Moving his mouth to the corner of hers, Luca's lips trailed down her neck, peppering open mouthed kisses down her jaw and neck. Dannie could only pant his name in quick, short gasps.
"Luca…Luca…." she breathed, her head thrown back.
Slowly, he drew back from her, forcing Dannie to open her eyes and lift her head up. Staring into his smoldering eyes, Dannie was mesmerized by the flush that stained Luca’s cheeks and neck, not to mention his swollen lips. He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers, both their breathing labored.She felt herself chasing his lips as he withdrew. Luca wrapped his arms around her thighs and effortlessly lifted her onto the cool countertop.
"You're too good at this," Dannie commented breathlessly, before capturing his lips in another slow, languid kiss. "I bet there has been many girls in this same position," she suggested, kissing him again while her hands busied themselves with undoing his belt.
"Not on the island darling," he whispered, running his tongue along the slope of where her neck curved into her shoulder, making her shudder uncontrollably.
"No one has had the pleasure of christening this?" Dannie questioned, slowly dragging her legs up to wrap around his waist.
"Until now, no," Luca answered, his face retreating from her neck. "Would you like to do the honors?" he asked, smirking at her.
Her legs tightened around his hips, "Yes Chef,"
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goatcheesecak3 · 8 months
Specs x f!reader
If you want the m!reader version just ask! I normally put them out with the f!reader fics, but I'm not actually sure I have any male readers, and I just wanted to get this out quickly since I haven't posted a fic in a while teehee
Warnings: none
Fic type: fluff
Summary: on an endeavour to get a new lego set, you run into an incredibly cute (yet very nerdy) guy by the name of specs.
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You had just arrived at the toy shop, and entered feeling a little embarrassed. It always made you feel a little strange being the only adult in the shop, but it was worth it for the love of your life: lego sets. To say you were a bit of a nerd was an understatement, you spent most of your days discussing fan theories from shows and films on tumblr, your best friend was your xbox, and of course, your extensive lego collection was your pride and joy.
You had been browsing the lego aisle, oblivious to the rest of the world, when the album you were listening to through your headphones came to an end. Without the deafening drum of music playing in your ears, you became aware of your surroundings. You could hear two voices from further along the aisle whispering.
"Go talk to her then"
"Maybe I will"
"Go on then"
"... nah, she looks... too busy"
"Or maybe you're just too chicken"
"Hey! I'm not a-"
Both voices fell silent when you glanced toward them and gave an awkward smile.
It was two men, one tall and plump. He seemed lethargic and expressionless, as he slowly moved his jaw in circles munching a sandwich. The other was short, jittery and very skinny. When his gaze met yours he blushed profusely and stared at the ground. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the "chicken" was. Luckily for him, you found him quite cute.
You removed your headphones and confidently approached the two men, a welcoming smile plastered on your face so as not to scare them off.
"Excuse me? Could I get your advice on something?" You asked.
The shorter man looked up in surprise, he seemed somewhat like a startled puppy with his big eyes and jumpy mannerisms.
"Uh.. advice? Sure, what can we help you with?" He said.
"You see, I'm torn between these two sets," you continued, gesturing to two different boxes, "which one do you think I should get?"
The man thought to himself for a second, before pointing to the box on the left.
"Get the TIE fighter, it costs a little more but the average price per piece is cheaper, so you're saving money in the long run" he said confidently, having just done the maths in his head.
"Christ, where were you when I nearly got scammed on ebay" you joked, picking up the box he'd recommended. "I'm y/n, by the way" you smiled, holding out a hand for him to shake.
As he not-so-subtely wiped a nervous, clammy hand on his shirt, the man shook yours.
"Steven, but uh, everyone calls me specs, because, we'll y'know" he motioned towards his glasses, "and this is T-"
He looked to see that his accomplice had already wandered off, distracted by a box of sour candies.
"That's tucker over there, he's my... well we work together" he explained, stumbling over his words.
"Specs, I like that, it's cute" you said, flirtatiously. "Well specs, I don't mean to be too forward, but could I buy you a coffee some time? As a thanks for helping me out here?"
Specs breath caught in his throat as he struggled to respond. Truthfully, he wasn't expecting to get this far. Nevertheless, he knew his answer was an enthusiastic yes.
"Yes, that would um, that would be lovely. Do you think I could perhaps.. get your.."
"My number? Sure!" You chuckled, secretly enjoying how nervous he was,  what could you say,  you enjoyed the ego boost.
You scribbled down your number with the notepad and pen that specs had conveniently kept on his person.
"Call me some time, handsome " you remarked with a swift kiss to his cheek as you made your way to the till with your lego set in hand.
Specs lightly touched the spot on his face where you had kissed him, his eyes never leaving you. His heart leapt. Did that really just happen? He refused to believe it was real until later that evening, when he recieved a text
This is y/n! Are you free for a coffee tomorrow evening? X
A/n sorry this took so long! I've been on a week long bender taking a break for my mental health, so writing fics has kinda been on the back burner lmao. But please please PLEEEAAASE leave a request for me, I pinky promise I'll get around to it sometime <3
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Standard Operating Procedures 1.02 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get to meet Eddie's friends.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.01
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Fluffy, silly, mutual pining, slowish burnish. Allusions to more of Eddie's trauma/shitty people being shitty that will probably come up later. Some silly, goofy "boys will be boys" moments with Corroded Coffin.
Note: I keep introducing new characters and I'm sorry. (I mean it's only 2 at this point...3? I't doesn't matter. It's my party and I will have a million side characters if I want to.) But Welcome to SOP 1.02, the second of what will be many nights out with Eddie and Store Manager.
I know I'm posting this one after Corrective Action, but it technically comes before it. I'm working on writing chronologically...it is just taking a hot minute. I'm like a Time Lord, my brain doesn't work that way. One day we will catch up to Closing Time and then it doesn't have to be mutual pining and cute friendship/early relationship stuff, it can be love and fluff and probably some more angstier angst and filthy smut.
Besides I just love their goofy little date nights. And I needed to write something fluffy and lighthearted since this weekend seems to be angsty chapter fest elsewhere in the fic world. (iykyk. I love it, I just need some silliness.)
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“What time are you off tonight?”
“Uhhh,” you looked up at Eddie as he jogged into the store, partially out of breath. You were halfway through a piercing, but couldn’t possibly be annoyed at his appearance; he was quickly becoming one of your favorite people, after all.
Besides, it was another long, busy day; you and your ASM had both been doing back-to-back piercings for at least two hours, and there was a practically endless line at the cash wrap. With the (unexpected) success of the store, you were allowed to hire some new associates, one of whom was currently training on the register.
You welcomed the distraction that Eddie brought.
“The regular time? Why?" you asked, then paused for a second. "And sorry, but did you run up here?”
“Escalator is out of order,” he shrugged, still panting. Then under his breath “fuck, I shouldn’t skip out on gym so much.”
“The smoking is probably not doing you any favors either,” you tutted in a stage whisper and he rolled his eyes. "Give me like...a few minutes to finish up and then we can chat? And I swear to god, just wait in here please and not near the door; my conversion really sucks today."
He held up his hands innocently before shuffling off to the side to browse. You watched him for another second--admired how handsome goofy he looked--and then you turned back to the preteen in your chair. 
“Ok…you ready? Just one more time. One…two…” The girl winced a little bit as the needle punctured her ear. “I know it hurt but it wasn't too bad right? And you'll look so cool!” 
The soft “pretty” that came from her when you presented the mirror to show her the finished product a few minutes later was enough to make you smile brightly. After a quick "thank you" she skipped to the checkout line to proudly show her new earrings to her father--a man who clearly watched too much Magnum PI if the mustache and Hawaiian shirt were any indicator.
Once the station was cleaned up and you checked in with the rest of your team, you turned your attention to your visitor. You grabbed some random accessory off of one of the fixtures as you approached him.
"Excuse me sir, I think I found exactly what you need to complete your look today," you said in the entirely too bubbly way you usually spoke to customers. The one that you knew, after Eddie confessed during lunch the other day, made his skin crawl a little.
"It's a customer service voice."
"It's creepy."
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he turned to you. From behind your back, you revealed a dressup headband that had fluffy red hearts wobbling on springs on either side of the head. You stood on your toes and jammed it onto his head, unable to contain your laughter as he leaned back to catch a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but I think this really works."
He turned back to you and fluffed his hair a little. Then he held his hands below his chin while fluttering his eyelashes prettily.
“So what’s up?” You asked once he took the headband off. “I thought you were off on Fridays.”
“I am,” he nodded. “For Hellfire. But...it's a special circumstance. There's an early screening of this new movie--Day of the Dead? Did you ever see Night of the Living Dead? Of course you have, it's a classic."
"This ones, like, the last one of the trilogy." He had admitted to you last week that Return of the Jedi was his (secret) favorite of the Star Wars trilogy and that the last movies in trilogies were, in his opinions, the best. "Anyway it's gotta be good."
"It does sound cool." You agreed.
"Well I'm glad you think so, because I asked Jeff to get an extra ticket..." he paused and you could see the nerves settle in. "I figured...you might want to join us? If you're free after work?” 
He rambled on about his friends and how “Gareth got his license, finally, which is why we're really going out” and “Dave always screams at jump scares but it's hilarious.” Trying to convince you that they were good and cool, but you could guess what he was trying to say underneath it all.
They’re cool guys and I’m a cool guy. We're going to see a cool movie, so please don’t say no. 
After two Sunday afternoons and a handful of lunches spent together, it was still baffling to see how bashful he could become. How he still tripped up on his words and gave you every single opportunity to turn him down. To turn him away.
He told you some people were shitty to him for repeating senior year. And he worried about you finding out about some reputation he had. But even if you hadn't witnessed it yourself yet, it wasn't hard to put two and two together that, overall, people weren't very nice to him.
You knew you had been lucky; the only people to really bully you were related to you. But you still couldn't understand how people could be so cruel, especially to the absolute sweetheart in front of you who was currently rocking on his toes, and fidgeting with his rings, and avoiding your eyes as he just kept talking.
Eddie was funny, witty, cute, thoughtful, and probably hopped up on too much sugar all the time.
"...and I know it probably doesn't sound fun to go to the movies with a bunch of high school guys but--"
"No it sounds like a great time," you agreed.
"Really?" He had that deer-in-the-headlights look that you were secretly starting to enjoy. "It's not stupid?"
"No," you shook your head. "And I want to meet your friends. You kind of talk about them a lot. So it'd be nice to put faces to names."
"They might bully you for listening to Duran Duran," he warned.
Was he trying to get you to turn him down?
"Then don't tell them about that!"
"I might need to be bribed," he hummed cheekily, clearly unable to keep a smile off of his face.
"Gosh, you ask me to go to the movies with you, and now you're blackmailing me," you sighed. "Fine...I'll get you any sour candy you want. But you can't put it in the popcorn!"
He held out his hand to shake on it and you rolled your eyes as you slapped your hand into his.
He grinned and whooped in excitement, then ran out of the store. Before you could even blink, he was back and, in a move that made your heart beat a little harder in your chest, he leaned down and gave the back of your hand a very light kiss.
"I'll leave you to your sparkly kingdom, your Highness," he announced with an over exaggerated, grandiose voice as he returned to his full height. "See you at 7." He then winked and ran back out.
"My conversion Eddie!" You called after him once you got back to your senses.
The loud crack of his laughter echoing though the mall was just enough to make you forgive him.
“Ok so is this a date?” your ASM asked softly as she counted your register down before you left. "The last time it wasn't a date, but is it a date now? Movies? Sharing popcorn?"
"His friends are gonna be there. It's just...hanging out."
"Oooh, meeting some of his friends. Are you gonna sit next to him? Dark movie theater, perfect for smooching."
"Shut up. No it isn't perfect for smooching.”
"But you’re gonna sit next to him. You're avoiding eye contact, you’re nervous," she sing-songed and you groaned. "This is a date!"
Mindy was a former stay-at-home mom who got bored of being at home now that the kids were all in school. It should have been weird, managing someone almost a decade older than you, and you both voiced your concern during the interview that one would treat the other like some dumb kid. You because you were younger and didn't have as much life experience, and Mindy because she didn't have much retail experience and would be working with a bunch of teenagers. But you both agreed not to let that influence your treatment of one another.
There was mutual respect and trust.
There was also relentless teasing. On Mindy's part, at least.
"Ok, listen, I told you that he's great but he said this thing the first time we hung out."
"What thing? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this thing?" she put her dollar-clenching hands on her hips and stared at you in a way that only a mother could.
You explained how he mentioned, specifically, that your first night out wasn't a date. How disappointed you were. How embarrassed you were that you would even entertain that idea and were now doing everything in your power not to think of him as cute and stomp all the hopes and dreams of your own mall romance into the dirt.
All of your insecurities about your non-existent love life laid out for her--and everyone else in the busy store--to hear.
And Mindy just snorted in your face.
"I don't think I'm that old, but you kids really need to stop overthinking things," she laughed and slammed the cash drawer shut. "Alright you're all set. Go have fun on your not-date."
"I really hate you," you deadpanned and turned to leave.
You were about halfway through the trek across the mall to the multiplex when you did exactly what Mindy told you to stop doing: overthink.
Eddie was worried you might not like his friends...what if his friends didn't like you?
They were younger, still in high school. (You were blatantly ignoring that you could say the same thing about Eddie.) And you had a younger brother who was still in high school. When you were still at home his friends thought you were stupid and old and gross, as kids do.
You drove your grandpa's old car--handed down when his doctor told him he couldn't drive anymore--you didn't listen to whatever new bands they were obsessing over, you didn't know all the cool young slang.
You'd think, working with a bunch of teenagers, that you would pick something up, but for as long as you had been given keys at your old store, you tried to keep a little bit of distance with the younger associates. It helped get them to see you in an authoritative light, to trust your leadership.
And it absolutely stunted your social ability.
And your brother and his friends could smell it like sharks smelling blood in the water.
It had never bothered you--they were little twerps anyway who you'd threatened to beat up when they got too annoying anyway--until now.
What is it that Eddie's friends would find cool?
You knew about the band, and obviously you both had been bickering over discussing music. He also told you about his Hellfire Club, which conveniently consisted of the same group. And while you couldn't really wrap your head around the mechanics of the game from the description--he had offered to lend you some of his books to help you understand--you did think some of the creatures and characters he described were intriguing.
And hell, you might not know a whole lot about fantasy, but you sure as hell knew about escapism. Maybe they all were looking for a way out of their realities too.
But that was probably too heavy a topic to talk about with a bunch of teen boys at the movies.
"There she is, late," Eddie's voice broke through your thoughts as you approached the mall entrance to the theater. You looked up to find the small group of boys leaning against the wall beside the box office.
You could do this.
Or pretend to, at least.
Besides, it was just Eddie. You could be cool for him.
"You said 7?" you argued. "I clocked out at 6:45!"
"Well we're gonna miss the previews," one of the boys grumbled good-naturedly, before breaking into a small smile. "Hey, I'm Gareth."
"The drum prodigy!" You exclaimed and his smile got a little bashful.
"Shut up," he muttered. "You haven't even heard us play yet!"
You quickly introduced yourself and Eddie clapped his hands on each of his friends' shoulders as he introduced them and gave you a little fact about each of them in a way only Eddie could.
"We have Gareth, obviously, the man of the hour with a real, legitimate drivers license," Eddie sniffled and wiped a fake tear from his eye. "Can't believe he's all grown up. But let the record show that I taught him how to parallel park."
"Dave, who, I have recently learned, can fully recite Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven from memory. Iambic pentameter and all that shit, right? Guess you only look dumb, huh, Davey."
"And Jeff, Jeffrey, Jefferson, my right hand man. Not just the peanut butter to my jelly, but both slices of bread too. Where in the world would I ever be without him? Actually, maybe I would have graduated by now."
They all smiled and greeted you; it was clear that they adored Eddie and enjoyed the attention of their fearless leader, even while swatting at him as he embarrassed them.
All except Jeff, who had given you a tight, cordial smile--a strained flash of braces--and then urged everyone to follow him in.
The three younger boys bickered about snacks while you all waited in line, Gareth and Dave turning to ask you your preferences every now and again.
Whenever they couldn't decide on something--jalapeños on the nachos or no, extra butter or extra salt on the popcorn, wait should we get the hot dog combo--Eddie would swoop in with a sharp "shut up" and play mediator, then turn back to you with the biggest, fondest grin and an eye roll.
It was cute.
He was cute.
It was heartwarming to see him with his friends. You hadn't been hanging out with him for very long at all, but it was nice that he liked you enough to share this, share his friends, with you.
Once you all had your treats, including the sour candy you had promised Eddie, you made your way into the theater, only for the boys to bicker, once again, about who was sitting where. They each had their preferences and argued over the pros and cons of each. Dave like the aisle but so did Jeff, and Gareth--a self-proclaimed movie theater expert--said the center of the theater had the best viewing and sound experience. Eddie just preferred the back.
"Because if the movie is shit, you can just throw popcorn at the people further up who are making out."
"Or just watch them and--hey!"
"Not in front of a lady, dingus!"
You just hung back and enjoyed the show while apologizing to the other moviegoers for blocking their way to picking their own seats.
"Well where do you want to sit?" Eddie abruptly turned to you.
"Uh, well." You didn't think you really had a choice in this; you were just invited last-minute. This was their outing. "I'm just a guest. Whatever you guys pick is fine with me."
"Do you even like going to the movies?" Jeff laughed, but there was a slightly annoyed undertone that you wondered momentarily if you were just imagining. "Or watching scary movies?"
"I mean, yeah, who doesn't like movies," you shrugged, figuring it wasn't really the time or place to be discussing your preferences in movies either. "And horror...well, my dad always said it was cursed or something, but it's fun, they're funny."
The lights started to dim in the theater and you swore you saw Jeff roll his eyes.
What was his deal?
"Yeah, when something scares you and then you jump and it makes you laugh. Especially when it's lame and cheesy. And...it's like when you ride a rollercoaster, it makes your stomach go...funny."
They all muttered in understanding, but you still felt uncertain.
"That's an interesting way of looking at it, sweetheart. I guess we all just like to get scared shitless," Eddie grinned. He clapped his hand on Gareth's shoulder. "Alright, since we're here to celebrate Gareth the Great's accomplishments, he gets to choose."
About a half hour in, you needed to go to the bathroom and you shimmied past the boys, doing everything in your power not to get flustered when Eddie put his hand on your hip to steady you, with a soft "careful" so you wouldn't fall over onto the next row of people.
Not that he would be able to see in the dark theater anyway.
But you felt like...somehow, he would know.
You took a deep, calming breath of relief when you got out to the lobby of the theater and joined the line for the bathroom.
The movie was good, suspenseful.
Eddie didn't lie when he said Dave screamed at jumpscares. He also conveniently forgot to mention that he liked talking during movies. People nearby kept turning their heads to shush him when he got too loud, too excited, gushing over one thing or another to someone in the group.
"Guys did you see that?"
"That was really fucked up."
"Wait what happened? I couldn't hear what they said."
It was also just not helping any of your efforts to bury your attraction for Eddie when you shared an armrest and a bucket of popcorn. Your fingers would brush his when he offered to share his candy with you. Your breath would hitch during scary moments and he would knock his knuckles with yours and give you a shit-eating grin.
“Funny my ass.”
“Shut up, you’re the worst.”
You did everything in your power to ignore the electric tingles along your skin.
“Quiet I can’t hear.”
Then there was Jeff sitting on Eddie’s other side, who would make comments like that every now and again.
It’s not like you had enough time to get a good read on Jeff; Eddie had said he was working on his confidence on-stage, maybe he also needed it off-stage? Maybe he had a hard time meeting new people? Or...or maybe he was just a stand-off-ish kind of guy, broody?
Or maybe...
Or maybe he just didn’t like you.
You really hoped that wasn't the case, but it sure seemed like it.
You knew how it felt when there was one friend in the group that just didn't like you as much as they liked the others, how they went out of their way to make you feel just a little bit unwelcome. How everyone else would just shake it off, because you'd all been hanging out for years, and it was just good natured anyway.
But this wasn't that.
This wasn't your friend group; these were Eddie's friends, and you really hadn't given them a reason to dislike you. You wanted them to like you; you wanted them to...tell Eddie he wasn't wasting his time being your friend.
The other guys seemed nice enough.
And you really wanted to try, especially with Jeff, who Eddie spoke of fondest.
Of course, he spoke of all the boys fondly…but whatever happened that caused Corroded Coffin to break up—something Eddie seemed incredibly hesitant to talk about—Jeff had been there to build it back up again. And you could tell how proud Eddie was of his friend, how grateful he was to have him.
You didn't want Eddie's closest friend to have a problem with you, his newest.
You went about your business in the bathroom, staring at your reflection for an extra long second, practicing your smile so it wouldn't seem too customer-service-y or artificial--your well-practiced mask that had always gotten you ahead at work--in case that was why Jeff had a problem. Did he think you were fake?
You just wanted to know the truth.
And you didn't have to wait long to find out, because on your way out of the bathroom, you saw Jeff waiting by the entrance of the theater. His arms were folded across his chest and he tapped his foot impatiently.
"Everything...ok?" you asked hesitantly.
"Yeah," he replied, with that same strained smile he gave you earlier. "I just wanted to talk really quick."
"Oh...kay," you agreed. "Listen, if I did anything wrong, or to offend you, I'm sorry. I know I can be too much someti--"
"Why are you hanging out with Eddie?" he interjected, cutting right to the chase. You frowned and cocked your head to the side in question. "Why are you being nice to him?"
"Why shouldn't I?" you asked in return. "He's a nice guy. He asked me to come to the movies with you guys. I’m sorry if it was just supposed to be your time together—”
"Not just now," Jeff looked around nervously, as if he was afraid to make eye contact. "He came to practice the other week excited that you agreed to go out with him and that you were cool and he was nervous and he hasn't shut up about you ever since."
Your heart got stuck in your throat. Obviously he had to tell his friends about you if he invited you to go to the movies, but...he hadn't shut up about you?
"But he's been through a lot and he doesn't deserve whatever...whatever scheme you have planned by hanging out with him. S-so this is your chance to let him down now, before you really hurt him."
You were quickly brought back to reality.
Jeff was staring at you now, expectantly. All traces of nervousness gone.
"Why would I have a scheme? Why would I hurt him?" you questioned.
"Because you're not the first pretty, popular girl to hang around with him, only to make him feel like shit afterwards once they get what they want."
Oh no.
"If you're trying to score some cheap weed or something--"
"I'm not."
"--Or like...get some sort of laugh at his expense with those girls you work with--"
"Just know that it really hurt him last time," he concluded. "Like really broke him down, on top of everything else, and it took everything I had to get him back. He's my best friend; the closest thing I have to an older brother. And he's the best guy I know. I can't stand to see him get that way again because someone else was too selfish to consider his feelings."
Your head was spinning, trying to put all of the pieces together.
And it was only making you incredibly sad for your friend.
"So..." Jeff took a breath and straightened his shoulders, as if he would step in your path to block you from entering the theater if you didn't give him the answer he wanted. "Tell me the truth. What do you want with Eddie?"
What did you want?
What didn't you want?
"I want to be his friend," you began. "I don't have that many people here, Jeff. I left home for the first time ever, and I'm kind of alone and it's scary. I don't really hang out with the people I work with because I have boundaries. And Eddie has been one of the only people I've met outside of work, technically, and he's been one of the most welcoming people so far.
"I want to eat junk food with him, and listen to his corny jokes, and get to see his favorite places in Hawkins, even though he swears up and down that it's a shit hole. And hurting him is the very last thing I want to do. But pain is just a part of life, and as much as we want to, we can't just...stop him from getting hurt at every step of the way.
"It's really admirable that you came out here to try and protect him, Jeff. I'm glad he has a friend like you. And hopefully now, since we'll have an understanding, we can be friends too," you finished with a smile.
Jeff hesitated then relaxed, the need to be Eddie's protector pretty much vanished. He wrung his hands together for a moment before sighing.
"Yeah," he agreed slowly. "I think we can be friends… Even though you're old." He grinned mischievously.
Low blow.
"Ouch! Thanks, I'm not that much older than you guys.”
"I mean, you're old enough to buy alcohol, right?" he asked expectantly.
"I'm not buying beers for you guys," you deadpanned.
"That makes you old."
"...still not buying you beer."
"Well, shit, you're not only old, you're lame too," Jeff laughed. "So...let's go back in? Before Eddie sends a search party."
"Hey, does he tell you guys not to fall into the toilet when you go to the bathroom too?"
Once you got back to your seats, Eddie hemmed and hawed about how the two of you missed the "best part," which he theatrically reenacted for you with Gareth and Dave after the show was over and you headed back into the mall.
He also couldn't shut up about it as he walked you back to your car in the employee lot. The other guys left, Gareth proudly showing off his new license by driving the other guys home in his mom's station wagon.
"The blood, the flesh," Eddie gushed, creepily running his fingers over your neck and shoulders, giving you the chills as you swatted at him. "It was so gross!!!"
"I'm sorry I missed it. Guess we're just gonna have to go see it again."
"We should do a group zombie costume for Halloween; it would be so cool. We could go trick or treating; the people around here don't really care how old you are. Scare all of the kids with some blood and guts. What do you think?"
"Sounds fun, I think you guys would look great!" You agreed.
"No, I meant you too," he insisted and then immediately backtracked. "Shit...unless you don't want to. Or you had another costume planned. I mean Halloween is months away but..." He continues rambling and you shake your head and stop him.
"Hey, I just figured it was something you'd want to do with the guys," you explained. "Not...me. Who am I? Not part of the band, not in Hellfire Club."
"Why wouldn't I want you there," he smiled, a little bashfully. Not the full, world-moving smile that changed the topography of his face, but a quiet one, one that made him look deceptively innocent. One that you hoped deep down, a little, was just for you. "With me--with us?!"
You couldn't get your hopes up.
You really couldn't.
“I-I mean, the guys all really liked you,” he continued. “I’m sure they’d want you there too.”
"I really liked them all too," you began. "They were cool...so if the guys are ok with it...and we don't do some stupid costume contest at work--they do things like that you know? Corporate sends out a stupid contest for a pizza party and...
"A-anyway, yeah I'd like to be part of your zombie group costume."
"Really?" he asked, similarly to earlier when he asked you to the movies.
"I mean...I might need to be bribed."
Eddie fell to his knees theatrically as you reached your car and you giggled, earning weird stares as people walked by on their way to their cars.
"Oh Queen of Glitter Kingdom," he began, one hand grabbing yours and the other over his heart. "I, your faithful servant, do promise to provide you with whatever sour candy you desire, as much as you please, from the collective treat buckets of the Hellfire Club if you deign to grace us with your presence during Trick or Treating this All Hallows Eve.
"Too much?" he asked after a short pause.
"Maybe," you tilted your head back and forth in consideration. Maybe too much, but that was part of what made him...him. "But I accept your most tempting offer."
He kissed your hand again before jumping to his feet with an excited yelp.
And once again, that thought returned:
How could anyone purposefully hurt a sweet nerd like Eddie?
"See you Sunday sweetheart?" he asked, wet eyes glistening happily.
"Yeah," you agreed. "See you Sunday."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.03
Sales Associates (AKA the tag list): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytch @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle @blue-eyed-lion @aysheashea @blue-mossbird @abibliophobiaa
If you weren't given hours this week (if I forgot to tag you), I'm really sorry, we're just tight on payroll. I'll make sure you get a shift next time. ;)
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future installations of the Store Manager Verse.
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natlovesls2 · 1 year
What Was I Made For?
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Bob Floyd x Reader
Note: This is based on my recent break up so it's a little personal. This is for all the girls who can’t accept the fact that they can (and deserve) to be loved. We all deserve to be loved and we deserve to be told that we're worth it. I'm so proud of everyone reading this because you're wonderful. Also, no use of y/n. I also didn't proofread this, so it might not make sense. I hope it's alright, but I might edit it another day. This is my first post, so this is scary.
Summary: You don't think you deserve Bob, which leads to your breakup. A look at your relationship and its downfall, as well as the struggle to be happy: and accept love.
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: angst, bad writing, and grammar mistakes
I used to float, now I just fall down I used to know but I'm not sure now What I was made for What was I made for?
The memories of warm hugs and stolen kisses were just that, memories. Everything had felt so concrete and long-lasting. It's funny how a few bad days could take your whole away. The late-night talks of a shared house, kids, and dogs slowly lose their meaning. You'd lost all of yourself; nothing could stop your downward spiral. You had once wanted to have kids with him. There's no reason to deny that that thought had once made you feel warm and giddy. That was weeks ago, and now you weren't even sure if you wanted to live. The longer you loved him, the more you felt like a burden.
"We should get married," you laughed at Bob's sudden statement. "Not right now, but sometime in the future. We'll get a house together and have kids." He turned on his side to look at you, grabbing your hands and kissing them. 
  "We would have the most beautiful babies, all because of you, my love," he whispered, pulling you into a kiss. 
You had been so sure that your life would be one of domestic bliss. Two kids (a boy and a girl), a dog, and maybe a cat (if you could convince your future husband). Now that the plans meant nothing, you felt so lost. The fear of the future slowly drags you down to the bottom of a deep ravine. The weight of your guilt keeps you there, slowly drowning you with false promises that things will be fine. 
Takin' a drive, I was an ideal Looked so alive, turns out, I'm not real Just something you paid for What was I made for? 
The late-night drives back home after a date were always so magical. Something straight out of a movie with Taylor Swift's: Our Song blasting through the speakers of his truck. You both sang (more like screamed) the lyrics, occasionally turning to one another. At red lights, he would steal a few kisses as you pushed him away, urging him to pay attention to the road. You would always promise more kisses once you made it to your destination. 
  Bob had planned a book date to celebrate your love of reading. You had made your way to the children's section to look for an old childhood book. Now you both stood in the children's book section of Barnes and Noble, occasionally pulling out a book to flip through. "We should get this for our future baby," you said, pulling out a Winnie the Pooh book set to show to Bob. 
"That would be perfect," he responded, wrapping his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind, and resting his head on your shoulder. You spent the next hour browsing the bookshelves and picking books for your future children.
The bi-weekly dates turned into a once-a-week meeting. You found excuses to turn those into monthly dates. Slowly distancing yourself from your sweet and caring boyfriend. It was killing him. Knowing that you would rather lie to him about important family matters than see him for at least an hour. Kissing and holding him began to feel like an obligation. Your disgust with yourself plaguing you as he held you close. Your thoughts remind you that his words meant nothing compared to yours. Who cares if he thinks you're beautiful or worth something? No one else does. Your family surely doesn't think you're worth it. They had given up on you a long time ago. Sure, they hadn't said it to your face; but you felt it. You had wasted your life pursuing their dreams, and they still weren't proud of you. You tried so hard to please everyone in your life, and now you didn't even know yourself.
'Cause I, I I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday I might Someday I might
“I love you so much,” he whispered between kisses. You couldn't stop the tears that rolled down your cheeks, pulling away to look out the window of his truck. The warm air was suffocating: opening the truck door, you quickly got out. You paced along the truck before sitting on the curb next to it. You silently cried, feeling him sit next to you and reach to hold you in his arms. “I don't deserve you,” you cried into his chest, wishing you could accept being loved. 
“You deserve everything in the world and so much more, my love,” he said, kissing the top of your head. The both of you sat there silently, crying on the curb of an empty park. Neither of you know what to say. You desperately wanted to save the relationship; you wanted to be selfish for once. You wanted to be able to call him any time of day and ask him to spend time with you. The urge to stay up past midnight talking on the phone without feeling guilty about dragging him down was killing you. You wanted to meet his friends and family. You wanted to make him proud; you desperately needed to make him proud. You knew he needed you to be there, but the fear of rejection kept you away. You had one foot out the door.
There was a part of you that knew you could do it. Put on your big girl pants and face your fears, do it just for him. You just needed more time. That's what you kept telling yourself, but he had already been the most patient and kind boyfriend in the whole world. He deserved better than this; he deserved better than you. “You deserve better,” you said, breaking the silence. 
“There is no one better than you. Why can't you see that? I don't want someone else. I want you. I want to grow old with you. I want to be there for you. I want you to be there for me. I want YOU to be the person that motivates me to come home every day.”
When did it end? All the enjoyment I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriendIt's not what he's made forWhat was I made for?
You sat at the edge of your bed, scrolling through a year's worth of pictures, tears falling down your cheeks. You'd been avoiding your boyfriend for the past month. The relationship had been slowly declining, the two of you choosing to ignore every problem. The most trivial disagreements turn into big nasty fights. Mostly one-sided fights that you started. You loved him so much, and it scared you. You wanted him to see that you weren't good enough for him, so you disagreed with everything he said. 
"I don't want kids," you blurted out one night as you both lay on the tailgate of his truck. He stood up quickly, looking at you, deciding how to respond to your sudden confession. "That's fine," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. It wasn't fine; you knew he wanted to start a family. He only said this to comfort you. You knew Bob would always agree with you, even if it meant hurting himself. 
"I don't want to marry you," you whispered, sitting up. Bob grabbed your hand, kissing them softly, letting a tear roll down his cheek. "We don't have to get married. I'm happy being your boyfriend, my love."
You had typed and deleted your message about 15 times. You were struggling and needed someone to talk to. You knew Bob would be happy to help. 'He's your boyfriend, not your therapist,' you thought before throwing your phone on your bed. How ironic would it be to tell your boyfriend you felt shitty about yourself because you felt like a burden. You couldn't text him. No, that wouldn't make you a chill, not burdensome girlfriend. You started at the Valentine's Day gift he had gotten you, hugging the bear before throwing it across the room. Everything he had ever gotten you served as a reminder that you didn't deserve him. 
"Happy Valentine's Day," he said eagerly, holding out the roses and gift bag. You awkwardly accepted the gifts, setting the roses on the table. They sat there for a week, forgotten and neglected. Bob had gone out of his way to get you pretty pink flowers and left them out to die.
'Cause I, 'cause I I don't know how to feel But I wanna try I don't know how to feel But someday I might Someday I might
Bob sat in front of you, crying into his hands. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Everyone told him that the relationship wasn't worth it if Bob was the only one that cared. He loved you so much, but you had finally broken him. After countless worthless arguments, you had finally broken, Bob. "I can't do this anymore, love," he finally said, his voice shaking as he looked up at you. You nodded, understanding and agreeing that this was too much for him. 
"It hurts so much knowing that I'll never be enough, that this wasn't enough. I just wanted to love you, but you never let me do that. Throwing away our future hurts, but I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry," Bob stood up quickly, removing his glasses to wipe away the tears. "I hope 
you learn to love yourself and to let others love you. I hope you have the best life ever. I'll still be rooting for you," he walked toward the door, turning to look at you one last time before walking out.
You sank to the floor, crying for what felt like hours. You finally got what you wanted. Bob was finally going to get the perfect life he deserved. A perfect life without you to mess it up. Why weren't you happy for him? 
'I'm sorry for everything. I loved you so much' you hit send before turning off your phone. You sighed, wiping your tear-stained face before standing. You had no right to mourn the relationship you destroyed. The only thing left to do was find your purpose.
Think I forgot how to be happy Something I'm not, but something I can be Something I wait for Something I'm made for Something I'm made for
It had been four months since your relationship with Bob ended. You slowly got over your self-worth issues. The situation taught you some valuable lessons. It had been too late to save your relationship, but it wasn't too late to save your future. You focused all your time and energy on bettering yourself and your career goals. You often saw Bob out with his friends; you caught yourself smiling a few times. The smile on his face brings you massive joy. Though you would be lying if you said seeing him didn't bring you sadness as well. All the what-ifs running rampant in your brain. It was too late for that. You had to move on and accept that you had ruined something good. You were fine. You have goals and a purpose in life. You finally know what you're made for; that is the most important thing. You're thankful for Bob and the lessons he brought you.
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katebshope · 2 years
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hello, this is my 1st fanfiction about Hailee. I'll try my best to give to you a great reading. Im not used to write character x reader, but i'll give a try since i read these one a lot.
I decided to write this one after a lot of thinking and because i saw the post of @kates-abs-slay talking about the fics about hailee x reader being scarce. so this first chapter is special to them <3
Sinopse: Y/N owns a bookstore in Notting Hill, London, and when the famous actress Hailee Steinfeld walks into her shop to buy a book, her world is turned upside down.
CHAPTER ONE – Words: 1.246
based on the filme Notting Hill (1999)
warnings: none in this chapter; (I have ADHD and Dyslexia, and english is not my first language, so maybe you'll see some mistakes.)
Chapter One
Y/N opens the door from her house and sees the loud street with people and cars all around. "New morning", she thinks as starts to walk through the street, in just a few steps she would be at her store, the thing she loved the most.
"Of course, I've seen her films and always thought she was, well, fabulous -- but, you know, million miles from the world I live in. Which is here -- Notting Hill -- not a bad place to be..." Y/N heard two mature men talking, while walking throught the street.
A bell ring right up head.
"I'll call you later mom", Y/N see her best friend hanging up on their phone.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, you know how Ms. Martin is, always asking how the store is going....""
Y/N agrees with just a nod, putting her bag on the top of the balcony, not realy paying atenttion to her friend words.
"... should I get you cup of coffee? a capuccino?"
"Coffee would be nice, thanks"
Y/N is looking some papers when she heards the bell ring one more time.
"Wow, that was fast... - Y/N turn her attention to the door and get surprised - oh, welcome! Can I help you?"
"No, thanks. I'll just look around." said the brunnett who just entered the store.
Y/N couldn't help but follow every step the girl was taken in her store, somehow she seems familiar. The girl was a bit tall, had a long brown hair, and her eyes... well she couldn't see them because the mysterious girls was wearing sunglasses.
The bell on the door ring for the third time, and her friend entered with her cup of coffee, followed up by a costumer. Her friend didn't notice the girl on the store until they gave Y/N order.
Y/N's friend reaction was weird and funny, she mummured something that she couldn't understand and went right to the employeer's room.
Y/N saw the brunette wanders over to a shelf and pick up out a red book.
"That book's really not good -- just in case, you know, browsing turned to buying. You'd be wasting your money." Y/N said
"Yes. This one though is... very good. – Y/N picks up a book on the counter. – I think the man who wrote it has actually been to Turkey, which helps. There's also a very amusing incident with a kebab."
Y/N suddenly spies something odd on the small TV monitor behind the brunette.
"Excuse me a moment, please" –
Y/N said before walks to a bookcase in the back of the shop. She didn't notice, but the eyes of the bruntte followed her steps.
"Excuse me."
Answered a tall man with a low voice.
"I have bad news."
"It's the 21 century we've got a security camera in everyplace at this store."
"So, I saw you put that book in your pants."
"What book?"
"The one down in your pants"
Y/N was having fun with that, it's one of the joys in working, and own, a bookstore, get a thief when they don't wait for it.
"I haven't got a book in my pants."
"Right -- well, then we have an impasse in here. I tell you what -- I'll call the police -- and, what can I say? -- If I'm wrong about the whole book-in-your-pants scenario, I really apologize."
"Okay -- what if I did have a book in my pants?"
"Well, ideally, when I went back to the balcony, you'd remove the Cadogan guide to Bali from your pants, and either wipe it and put it back, or buy it.""
Y/N smiled, having fun with the poor man that didn't know how to hide himself, and a book. She walked directly to the balcony, the brunette was right in the corner with a blue book, waiting for her.
"Sorry abou that..."
"No, that's fine. I was going to steal one myself but now I've changed my mind."
Y/N smiled at the slightest joke made by her customer. She liked her sense of humor. And suddenly the thief was right there beside them.
"Excuse me Ms. Steinfeld can I have your autograph?"
That's it! That's why the brunette seemed so familiar, she was Hailee Steinfeld, and Y/N had watch a film starring her a few weeks back. The filme was still in theater.
"Sure, what's your name?"
She seemed to having fun with this.
She signs his scruffy piece of paper and he was trying to read.
"What does it say?"
"Well, that's the signature -- and above, it says 'Dear Rufus -- you belong in jail."
"Nice one. Would you like my phone number?"
"Tempting but... no, thank you."
Y/N laughed but hide it right after. That girl was something else. She saw the thief, known as Rufus, leaving the store.
"I think I will try this one."
The brunette said handing Y/N a blue book and a note of $50. Now her sunglasses was on the top of her head and Y/N could see those beautiful and breath taken brown eyes. For a moment, she felt she couldn't speak on move.
The bell ring one more time, announce that the brown eyes girl left the store.
"Where's my coffee?" Y/N whispered
"Beside the computer, but I think it's already cold" –
Y/N friends answered entering the common area again.
"I don't think you'll believe who was just in here." –
Y/N said taking her coffee and drinking a sip. Ugh, it was cold.
"Hailee Steinfeld... I said it to you when i brought your coffee Y/N!""
"Oooh, that's what you're saying!"
Y/N smiled, feeling stupid for a few seconds.
"What is she doing here?" – she continued
"Well, twitter says she's filming a new film here in England"
"Another? But there's one with her in the theater right now..."
"She's an actor Y/N, I believe that's what she do" –
Her friend laughed.
"Yeah, yeah... she seems to work a lot" –
Y/N takes another sip of coffee
"Ugh, this is awful. Im going to buy another one" –
She takes her jacket and went to the door. The bell ring one more time.
Y/N was walking fast in the sidewalk, her mind remebering those amazing brown eyes she looked right into, when out of the blue she bumped into someone.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" – they said together, automatically
When Y/N paid attention she was right in front of Hailee Steinfeld, her shirt was all wet and you could see a litte bit of her bra due to the juice that was spilled when they bumped into each other.
"Here, let me help" –
Y/N said taking off her jacket and giving to Hailee.
"Listening – Ms. Steinfeld, huh, I live just over the street, I can help you, maybe you can wear one of mine t-shirt or – even taking a shower"
"Don't call me that" – She said simply
"Ms Steinfeld – don't call me that. Ms Steinfeld is my mom, I'm Hailee – and how close is your house? I cannot go like that to an interview, my agent will kill me"
"Yeah.. I'm sorry Hailee – you see that blue building across the street?"
"It's right there, I live there"
Hailee looked to Y/N, grabbed her things and started walk directly to the bulding. Y/N followed her thinking that this day was getting too weird.
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joons · 2 months
So I became a huge fan of the French Revolution a few hours ago and I'm particularly interested in Maximilien Robespierre. I've been speed-reading lots of articles and they all say different things. Some present him as an Evul Bloodthirsty Executioner Dictator, others present him as a misunderstood kitten. And whenever I find a headline that goes "He was a complex individual, click here for a nuanced take" when I click on it, it says "This post is deleted." 1/3
I’ve browsed your entire Robespierre tag (as well as your French Revolution tag). In a post a long time ago, you called him a “fretful adorable hopelessly self-righteous psychopath.” And more recently, you reblogged a post talking about how he wasn’t really a psychopath, but a scapegoat and not really to blame for the executions in France. So now you have me really curious! 2/3 I already have a list of books about him to check out, as well as a list of films. What I'm mainly interested in is your present personal opinions about him (particularly on a moral, good vs. evil scale) and how/if your perspective on him has changed over time. 3/3
I love this question, anon! "A few hours ago." [zooms through all the reading immediately]
I have been interested in the French Revolution since childhood and started reading more about Robespierre specifically at 17. My earliest sources were Thomas Carlyle's The French Revolution and Ruth Scurr's Fatal Purity, which are both entertaining but flawed. Carlyle, writing in the 19th century, really nails the fever high of the period, taking readers on a lurid, emotional journey through the events of the Revolution, but it's a history based on popular misconceptions that existed at the time and is not the best way to get to know the characters well (but it is brilliant literature). Fatal Purity is a Robespierre biography that comes very close to characterizing him as a "fretful psychopath," endearing at times but ultimately unhinged. Scurr is basically interested in how he rationalizes certain things to himself, but she tends to stay kind of shallow, like, "Well, he was just Like That," instead of going deeper into the time period and examining how Robespierre compared to his peers and how the revolutionaries adapted as circumstances changed. I've read many more books since and don't think Scurr is the final word on him, but even though she situates him as more of a "villain" figure, that book had a big emotional impact on me. I found his death absolutely haunting, and I immediately wanted to learn more about him.
I think you will find quite quickly that the French Revolution still generates heated emotions for a lot of people, and it's often true that you can pinpoint someone's exact political leanings and the time in which they are writing based on their depiction of Robespierre. A lot of this starts to make sense if you look into historiographies of the Revolution, how the story reshapes itself in the telling, how its central figures can become caricatures and symbols that are no longer regarded by their words and actions but by what we believe about them. They become portents, not people, and they bear the anxieties of whoever writes their story. Robespierre's image as a bloodthirsty, deranged, egotistical dictator was set by the people who drove him from power in a way that was quite bloodthirsty itself, and many of them were much more actively involved in constructing systems of violence and persecution in France than Robespierre ever was. However, there are also plenty of sources that are politically invested in downplaying or excusing the mobs and the massacres that were at least politely sanctioned by all revolutionary leaders. You can see the positive appraisals skyrocket after the Paris Commune's rise and fall - many budding Marxists wanted to look back with fresh eyes at the progressive ideals championed by the revolutionaries and even by the Terror, so while we owe a debt to many of those historians for sifting through the reactionary propaganda that way overstated Robespierre's culpability, they can be misleading too. A lot of the scholarship is fun to read because Robespierre always forces people to take sides, to speak in absolutes, because he would not hedge on what he believed - ever. And because he held the ideal of the Revolution above himself, because he defended it and was so strident about its moral necessity, because he was willing to be judged by the Revolution, then of course now he is going to be judged for it, even when his influence is entirely absent from the scenes of its most extreme violence.
All this to say I am not interested in the Revolution because I necessarily see my politics reflected in it; that is not what interests me about it. I love it because it was one of those rare moments in history where anything felt possible and no one knew what would happen next - and I love learning how the people living through it responded and resonated and reckoned with the world coming unglued under their feet. I stan Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, and Napoleon equally, all of whom could not be more different politically or personally, but they all show why this is my favorite historical period to explore.
Robespierre is just one man of many who got jostled into action and into prominence by the Revolution, a bright, ordinary lawyer with a heart for ordinary men, who went from advocating against the death penalty to inflexibly calling for the death of the King, not out of hypocrisy, or social pressure, or contrarianism, but by seeing no other way to proceed while staying true to his highest ideals. The Revolution is full of moments of supreme irony like this, where you can see people steeling themselves against the horrible thing that is coming next, suspicious of everyone else's motives, only for the thing never to materialize, or for them to be so accurate in their predictions that no one around them is ready to hear it. The events that preceded Robespierre's downfall were not of a man consolidating power but languishing in his bed and clutching at a way to again make sense of what France should be, first by envisioning a grand revival of patriotism (not logic or calculation, but a bid for the heart) and then - when he felt disillusioned and betrayed - by refusing to abandon his faith in his country. He could never doubt her, only the people who served her. That optimism drove his paranoia, his disappointment, and it drove him to the scaffold believing there was one more turn of destiny waiting for him. He is a fascinating person who could be exceedingly warm and terrifyingly cold, whose idealism was mixed with a clear-eyed practicality (but not with cruelty), who was often on the verge of nervous, sickly breakdowns but whose appearances at the Convention brought out his fierce tenacity and passionate moral vision. He had a sense of his own myth, aligning himself too closely with the soul of the country, but he also refused to be revered as any sort of hero or leader, preferring to spend time studying minute details and writing in his room. He saw himself as a servant of the greatest ideals, someone who could bring justice to those with none. Any way you look at it, whether he was always essentially pure-hearted and stymied by those who were more self-serving, or whether he lost his sense of justice and gave into a kind of manic paranoia, becoming subsumed by the contradictory demands of the Revolution's ever-evolving aims, perhaps sacrificing something essential and human in order to serve the hope of something better, it is still a tragic story. That is how I see him.
Some recommendations, if you don't have them on your list already:
Twelve Who Ruled - R.R. Palmer (absolutely ESSENTIAL; there are few texts more measured or more informative, and it does a fantastic job of showing the spheres of responsibility of each member of the Committee of Public Safety); Robespierre: A Revolutionary Life - Peter McPhee (one of the latest English biographies, and very good at clearing up misconceptions without being overly romanticized or ideological).
La Revolution Francaise (1989) - A detailed, accurate epic with great casting; Danton (1983) - I remember this being pretty good, but I watched it a long time ago while having the worst migraine of my life, so who knows; Napoleon (1927) - Visual feast! A classic.
A Place of Greater Safety - Hilary Mantel. I have my quibbles with some of the characterizations (mainly for Saint-Just), but I love her writing and I think she portrays the main three wonderfully. She also wrote this great essay about Robespierre I reread a lot. ("He was a man of spectacular absent-mindedness. He liked flowers. Sometimes he laughed till he cried. He caught Madame Tussaud when she slipped and fell downstairs on her sightseeing-trip to the Bastille. Discern a subject, not an object, and feelings creep in.")
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Okay so I read it's all a lie a few months ago thinking it was a one shot then yesterday I got to know that it has more parts !And you wrote it ! . I absolutely loved it . An amazingggg fic .However it's not on your AO3
Now excuse me while I browse through your ffnet for more exclusive content.
I thank you for your service to the society.
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Hey friend! Aw, thanks so much for the love for that one. It’s one of my lesser known fics but I was very proud of it when I wrote it.
FF dot net and I have a contentious relationship. I haven’t posted anything to it in years. There’s nothing of mine that’s exclusively posted on that temperamental site. If you find it on ff, I guarantee it’s on AO3 as well. So unless you have better luck with it or prefer the FFnet format, don’t bother. And um… It’s All a Lie is on my ao3, it’s just buried on page three of my works or something… 🫣
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flutterbyhime · 2 years
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I posted 5,620 times in 2022
That's 50 more posts than 2021!
52 posts created (1%)
5,568 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 115 of my posts in 2022
#ffxiv - 43 posts
#ff14 - 29 posts
#urianger augurelt - 20 posts
#ffxiv urianger - 18 posts
#endwalker spoilers - 16 posts
#ff14 urianger - 16 posts
#personal post - 16 posts
#no spoilers - 11 posts
#endwalker - 9 posts
#urianger - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#but i think this would be a dream far down the line that will only happen if i form an fc and meet the requirements for fc housing
My Top Posts in 2022:
He cannot be displayed with the rest of the Shrine, but he deserves his own post because of how beautiful it is.
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Gonna rest my wrist on dat ass when I look for more Urianger merch.
Link if you would like one for yourself
50 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
AHHHHH! I just got my commission of my WoL Yvainne and Urianger from @siggydraws and it's good!!!
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I love it so much! This was the best thing to get after I got home from work. Thank you so much Sigrid!
74 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Don't mind me, just crying over the official high-res image of my beautiful, nerd husband that suddenly dropped.
Excuse me while I change up my various home/lock screens.
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124 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
So I had a thought while re-reading Spy X Family for the millionth time to celebrate the first episode of the anime dropping,
What if Operation Strix has a secondary goal of getting Loid/Twilight to retire?  The original goal of Strix is still getting close to Donovan Desmond and all that jazz, but the other part of the process is to reintroduce Loid to normal life. I mean, why else would they give him that mission but not have a wife and kid lined up?
It’s just a thought, but it’s a headcannon that I’m liking.
324 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was browsing Spy x Family fics on AO3 and I saw this tag
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And I disturbed my cat with the cackle I let out.
2,098 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
All of this checks out
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svtminghaolove · 2 years
First time meeting you - Hip hop unit (SVT)
Hello! This is my first imagine/preference or whatever post! I hope you like it and well, the rest will come soon!
Triggers: No triggers in this part I think, but if you find something: please contact me and I will put them in.
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S.Coups: You moved to South Korea during your collage years, you had fallen in love with the country during your exchange year and therefore decided to stay. Now days you were studying to be a nurse and worked part time at a small coffeeshop close to your apartment. That's where you met Seungcheol. 
It was late in the evening, you were the last one in the store and was just about to close down the place when the door opened. At first you got a little scared, like who wouldn't when a tall man dressed in all black and a mask walked in? But when he saw that you got a bit frighten by his sudden appearance, he took the mask off and gave you a soft smile.
"Sorry for the late visit, but would it be possible to order five iced americanos?", you blinked when you realized who it was.
"Y-yeah, sure", you turned around and started working on the coffee. It was Seungcheol from SEVENTEEN! You wouldn’t say that you were a fan but listened to some of their music, and he was the first celebrity you had met so it made the whole thing a bit more exciting.
"I'm really sorry for coming in so late", he sounded closer than he was before.
"I get it, late work nights are the worst."
"Happens often for you?", you turned around and gave him a soft smile.
"Yeah, I'm a student so I often take the closing shift, makes most sense for my schedule", you leaned back against the counter while waiting for the coffee.
"And you? Late nights in the studio or dancing?"
"The studio", he smiled, a bit pleased that you knew who he was.
"New album?", he nodded.
"Are you a fan?", the beeping filled the empty coffee shop and you started pouring ice in cups.
"Well, I listen to your music and so, but wouldn't call myself a fan", you smiled as you put down the cups in the bag. "Sorry"
"We'll just have to try harder then", he gave me a smile and picked up his phone to pay.
"I'll look forward to it", you pushed the bag to him after he paid. "Good luck tonight."
"Thank you", he put his mask on before he took the drinks. He gave you a small wave as he walked out the door. You smiled, and waved back before starting to close down for real this time. You didn't think much of the meeting, it was a simple conversation left in your memory as you wouldn't meet him again.
But then he came back to the coffeeshop the day after too.
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Wonwoo: Your first time meeting was at the library, but not one of those big malls libraries. It was a small one, hidden away in the alley between two buildings with an owner who always offered different foods or treats when you came to visit. You had been staying in South Korea during a period of your life where you didn't work. You worked as a ghost writer and had taken a break since the last time you had one was back in high school, and South Korea had seemed like the most attractive offer.
You had been there for about a month and found this small library about a week ago, and now you were sitting there, reading some random novel.
"Oh, sorry", you could barley make out the words through your headphones, but looked up to see a very tall man with a face mask standing next to you.
"Oh! Am I in the way?", you rose up from the floor and he gave you a soft nod. He reached behind where you were just sitting and started to look.
"It's not here…", he started to mumble and you looked down at the book in you hand.
"Excuse me...", he looked up at you. "Is this the book you're looking for?", you held the book up. He stood up.
"Yes it was, I can come back for it another time", he said and turned around.
"You can have it, I was just browsing through it", you offered the book to him and saw that he was smiling behind his mask.
"Thank you…", he said and you offered him your hand.
"I'm y/n", he hesitated for a second before pulling down his mask and shook your hand.
"Jeon Won Woo."
You didn't know who he was at the time and just spent an hour or two reading in silence together before he had to leave. It was only after you left that you realized that you didn't get his number.
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Mingyu: Your mom was a fashion designer and occasionally you would walk in fashion shows for her. That night you were one of the models walking the show. Your moms company had a close bond with the KPOP industry and therefore it wasn't unusual for you to walk on the runway with KPOP idols, and this night it just happened that Mingyu was your walking partner.
"Hello! Nice to meet you, my name y/n!", you reached your hand forward for Mingyu to shake. You had a habit of being the first one to talk when you met someone new, since your Scandinavian roots made people assume that you didn't speak Korean.
"I know, your mom is the designer", he gave you a smile and shook your hand.
"I'm Kim Min Gyu, nice to meet you."
"So, first time walking for my moms show?", you two got ready to walk the runway.
"No, third time. Your mom designs a lot of SEVENTEENS stage outfits", he said and I nodded.
"Yeah, I loved your show last week by the way", you let your smile drop as you began to walk the runway.
"Oh, you were there?", he continued talking to you, but with a neutral look on his face. You did a dramatic gasp.
"Oh no, you don't follow me on social media? I'm hurt!", you were being over dramatic trying to make him smile, which only placed a big grin on your face as you reached the end of the runway.
"Y/N! Focus!", your mom said sternly and you blew her a kiss before bringing back your neutral look. Mingyu's shoulders shook a bit as you turned around and you realized that he was holding back a laugh.
"Hey!", you laughed as you came back where you started and gave him a soft shove back through the curtains.
When you got home after the runway that night, you got a notice on your phone that a certain black haired boy was now following you.
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Vernon: So you were a model in New York, walking a smaller show to help out a friend that had just gotten started. It was a small place with a small runway that a friend of a friend had built for the evening. You were a pretty big deal in the model industry, a young Danish girl that came from nowhere and had a huge talent.
You had a practice run earlier in the evening, so you knew it would be a tight fit when you met another girl on the runway. Apparently the girl who walked against you right now had missed that memo.
She got a bit too close to you, making you have to step to the side. What you had missed was that there was no stage left on your side, so your feet hit the air and you began to fall.
"Ouff!", you breathed out as you fell onto the crowd. The guy that now had you on his lap also let out a heavy breath.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry!", you said at the same time and rose up from his lap. You turned around and the guy with soft brown hair gave you an equally soft smile.
"I'm alright, how are you, are you hurt?"
"I'm fine…"
"Y/N!", the girl that I walked against looked down at me from the high stage.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry!", she said and I shook my head.
"Don't worry about it", you smiled and bowed slightly to the crowd who had stood up from their chairs to see me. "I'm okay! Sorry for interrupting the show!", you smiled and placed your hands on the stage to push yourself up.
"Let me help you", the man said and stood up from his chair, he was tall, taller than you and you had high heels on. He looked at you as if getting consent and you nodded. He placed his hands on your waist and softly lifted you up on the stage
"Thank you", you breathed out and the man got an applaud from the people, that you happily joined. Ha gave a small wave and soft smile before he sat down again.
You smiled as you walked the rest of the show, waving and laughing softly. After the show your were quick to grab the man whose name you found out was Vernon, to hopefully get his number.
And you got it, and a coffee date the next day.
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theblackestvalkyrie · 2 years
#1 - Iron Man - One-shot (Pipe Game Series)
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Summary: Your second -trimester pregnancy hormones were hitting you hard and you wanted needed Tony to wreck your guts ASAP. But after a long day of being cooped up in his lab, Tony only wants to get his.
Warning: Smut, sex while pregnant and a rude ass Tony, PREGNANCY KINK GO BRRRRRR!
A/N: My characters and reader inserts are always and forever black so leave if you don’t like it.
A/N EDIT: Y’all tumblr really got me during the ban and I seriously considered deleting this blog and moving to AO3 but y’all really loved this and since I’ve been seeing so much porn on my personal account lately I’m bout to start posting again. No porn gifs this time around just in case. This series is from 2018 and I’ve go to much in my drafts 😅 I made the banner below! Please enjoy!
Pipe Game: 2/10
Based on this post.
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You were used to the long nights alone when it came to being with Tony Stark. He spent hours in his lab tinkering with his Iron Man suits or updating features for his A.I. replacement F.R.I.D.A.Y. while you went out with friends or to your OB/GYN appointments with your sister (since Tony always had some flimsy excuse as to why he couldn’t go).
This put a damper on not only your emotional relationship but the physical one as well. Which is the part you were desperately needing right about now. After passing the second-trimester mark in your very unplanned pregnancy, every little thing seemed to turn you on and you missed him.
Things had been strained after his public breakup with Pepper Potts and afterward, Tony buried himself with work to distract from all thoughts of his ex. At the time you barely knew him like that but you had been burned by more than one guy in your past relationships so you knew what he was going through.
You went to his place with some comfort food and his favorite whiskey and several glasses of warming alcohol and bellies full of food he leaned over and kissed you. To say you were shocked was an understatement. But you kissed him back and that led to rough sex on the couch. From then on, you and Tony had a ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement and it worked out well.
That is until you accidentally got pregnant.
Tony had never outright expressed interest in having children but you could see it in the way he looked at his surrogate son protégé, Peter. God, the look on his face when you told him you were pregnant.
You had never seen such fear, excitement and bewilderment in one expression much less on his face in all the years you had known him and you would bet Thor’s hammer he had even shed a tear.
The glow from your bedroom television pulled you from your thoughts and you ran a finger along the side of your swollen abdomen feeling your baby move a little.
You relaxed against the soft sheets and memory foam mattress beneath as you browsed Netflix settling on watching the first season of ‘Dear White People’ over again. You were ten minutes into the first episode when a sudden tingle of arousal made its way down your spine making your breath hitch in surprise.
It seemed that the further you got into your pregnancy, the hornier you became and usually when it happened, Tony was around to relieve you in some way.
It was frustrating not having him in the room but you needed to get off.
You muted the show and closed your eyes letting your nimble fingers slipped beneath your grey sweatpants, underneath the cotton panties resting there and the pads of your fingers danced across your already engorged clit. A light wave of pleasure ran through you causing your back to bend in a slight arch.
Fuck Tony.
You could get off without him. You didn’t need that neglectful asshole to do anything for you. If he wanted some pussy, he could get it from his robots.
The pleasuring sensation radiated from between your legs as you let your slim fingers circle your clit and trailed between the folds finding the slick opening and you groaned even louder this time. You closed your eyes then tilting your head back in unfocused desire. Fingers, ever so lightly, dipped into your soaked entrance. Once, then twice before sinking between your slick walls and curling to graze your g-spot at the top.
A small noise slipped between your lips and you mewled your desire which echoed off your bedroom walls. Fuck you were already so close and you had only just begun. You might be even more aroused than you first thought.
A few more precise thrusts and you were almost there…
“Holy shit Y/N.”
Your eyes snapped opened to find Tony leaning on the door frame, arms folded and a lustful gaze adorning his tired face.
“Didn’t I tell you never to touch yourself without me?”
A playful smirk crossed your face at his reference to your last sexual encounter. It was a few weeks ago but it involved bondage tape and a pint of vanilla ice cream…
“Well, you were in the lab all day and I have needs.” You cooed; fingers still toyed with your clit while maintaining eye contact with your lover.
“I guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson on what happens when you don’t listen to daddy.”
He crossed the room in four long strides and got onto the bed where you lean up and met him in a harsh kiss. Under normal circumstances, you would have relished the opportunity to tease him sexually but you needed it hard and fast tonight.
“Fuck Tony I missed this.” You sighed into his mouth taking in the day-old stubble along his sharp jawline and the dark bags under his eyes and a jolt of sadness went through you at how hard Tony had been overworking himself. He gripped your hand that had been down your sweats pulling them from their place between your thighs and began to suck your essence off your fingers into his wet warm mouth. His tongue slipping between your digits making sure to catch every drop of your juices.
“I almost forgot how good you tasted baby.” He breathed.
Tony kissed you then allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue and lips, thumbs caressing your cheeks as your breath mingled. He slowly guided you onto your back and you undid the closure of his jeans slipping the same hand he had tasted beneath the waistband and palming him with precise strokes that only grew in pressure.
Tony grunted in excitement and started thrusting his hard shaft into your palm hissing when you swiped a thumb across the angry head. The digit gathered the precum from the tip and smoothed the substance back across the swollen head again.
You pulled away to strip off the rest of your restrictive clothes and Tony followed suit until you were both as naked as the day you were born. His mouth found your sensitive brown nipple and you gasped, the pleasure tearing through you.
“Let me make you feel good Y/N.”
You could only respond with a whimper when he squeezed your heavy mounds and started nipping at each nipple. You bit back a moan. Fuck, you were so sensitive now it was almost painful and you were almost thankful when Tony kissed his way up your chest, across the slender curve of your neck and back to your swollen lips.
“Baby, I need you.” You begged.
You jumped in surprise when the sudden feeling of his fingers slipping between your slick folds and invaded your warmth. The digits curling and scissoring against your pulsing walls. Crying out, your back arched as hips rocked in time with his pace in beautiful unison.
No words were exchanged as he spread your legs wider still very mindful of your pregnancy, watching you swallow his fingers and clench around them when he added a third, “You’re such a good girl Y/N. Taking my fingers so well.”
You were so close to release it almost hurt. “Fuck yes Tony, right there.”
His fingers stopped suddenly and a wicked smirk crossed his face. He gripped his length and began jerking himself to the obscene way you were spread out for him. Breathless and ready for the taking. Unable to wait any longer, he slowly slid his length into your warm tunnel and gripped your hips tight in an effort to stop himself from coming inside you.
“Your pussy is so hot,” He was lightly panting in an effort to stave off his impending orgasm as his eyes, wild with desire, took in your figure sprawled out beneath him. Tony could tell by the way you clenched around him that you were also struggling with your own early release.
The starting pace was slow for both your sake and it took your breath away. You couldn’t see much over your slightly swollen stomach but you could hear the obscene wet sound of your slick combating the harsh breathing and otherwise quiet of the bedroom. The pace was even until one sudden thrust hit the back of your core.
“Fuck Tony that hurt” you gasped and his thrusts stopped immediately.
“Are you alright Y/N? Did I hurt you or the baby?”
The concern in his eyes was admirable and you leaned up to kiss him gently trying to keep him focused on the task at hand.
“I’m just a bit tender babe, nothing to get worried about. Just get on your back so I can ride you.”
“If I knew you liked being a dom so much, I would have bought you a bullwhip and a matching ball gag for your birthday.” He flipped over excited and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively even as you straddled him and quickly slipped his cock back inside your wetness, whimpering when you felt him stretch you.
“We can even make one of the downstairs rooms into a dungeon and you can go all 50 Shades of Grey on my ass” he hissed as your pussy swallowed him greedy and your kegel muscles clenched around his dick.
“If you mention that god-awful movie again, I’m going to leave you here to get off by yourself.” You huffed even though you didn’t believe a word of what you said.
“Don’t be like that honey.”
“Just fuck me, Tony.” You sighed.
Your hips moved in a rocking motion and he jerked from between your thighs. Snapping your hips together in unison you controlled the speed and depth which helped keep pressure off the baby shifting around your abdomen.
Your cries echoed off the walls as he gripped your hips with both hands, sweat beginning to coat your bodies making your hips slap together. Tony lifted his head and glanced down at where you both connected.
“You look so good baby, so fucking delicious.”
His hips slammed forward causing you to cry out in both pain and pleasure and you set a deep rhythm making Tony’s dizzy. He let out a particularly strangled moan when hazy eyes connected with his and the intense eye contact enhanced the love making. The Hulk himself could have been raging through Stark Tower and neither of you would have stopped.
“Pregnancy looks so fucking beautiful on you.”
Your cheeks flushed at his words. Tony wasn’t usually this talkative in bed but there was something about this entire pregnancy situation that opened up a new side of him. A softer side, one rarely seen by the outside world much less his close friends.
You circled your hips on his hard length changing the pace to one agonizingly slow edging both Tony and yourself off of an impending orgasm to make the moment of ecstasy last longer.
Tony panted beneath you and pinched one of your sensitive nipples when he figured out what you were up too and you grinned. It wasn’t often that anyone had control over Tony and it was always a treat to see him so defeated and at someone else’s mercy. But there he was, hair disheveled, eyes shut and lips parted melting beneath you. You kissed your way down his neck and started sucking on the tender shell beneath his earlobe.
“You know if you didn’t have your bonnet on, I could pull your hair….”
You snorted and flicked one of his nipples in mock retaliation both for the words and the pinch he gave earlier. You already spent almost an hour detangling, moisturizing and putting rollers in to let Tony fuck it up with this foolishness.
“Shut the fuck up Tony.”
Eyes shut and head tilted towards the ceiling, you could only focus on the pleasure you were getting and the soft glow from his arch reactor illuminated your silhouette perfectly.
His dick reached the farthest parts of your sensitive womb making you squeal. You were so close to release you could almost taste it.
“Tony…please I- I can’t” You were mumbling incoherently.
You just needed a few more thrusts-
Suddenly Tony stilled beneath you groaning his own release into your pussy and flopped on to his back in deep exhaustion.
“What the actual fuck.” Disbelief colored your voice as you felt him begin to soften inside you.
He lay gasping for air a content and sleepy look on his face.
“You know what the word daddy does to me Y/N. By the way, have I ever told you how much I love you?”
You slipped off of him and smacked his arm hard. “I can’t believe you just came before me you asshole!”
“Mr. Stark,” F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted, “you are needed downstairs immediately Dum-E has set one of your experiments on fire”. The A. I’s voice cut through the room and Tony gave you a sheepish grin. Wiping your fluids from his well-worn dick with your discarded shirt, Tony pulled on his boxers and pressed a quick kiss to your damp forehead.
“There’s a playlist of porn by the TV and I moved the vibrators under the bed.” He jested only ducking out when you chucked a pillow in his direction.
“Sonofabitch…” you mutter the silence of the room weighing on you.
Sighing you grabbed the remote from the nearby nightstand and changed the input on the still muted TV ignoring the ‘are you still watching’ notice from Netflix.
“Yes, Miss Y/N?
You spread your thighs and began to toy with your swollen clit ready to chase your orgasm once again.
“Turn on the security footage of Captain America in the training room…...”
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bakarilennox · 2 years
Tracey’s Birthday Fic-a-Thon!
Hi everybody! I never did this before so excuse how lackluster this post looks.
For those who don’t know, I’m turning 15+16 on July 17th. I was wondering… if you have time of course, would write a some feel-good (or feel-angst) one shots, head cannons, or drabbles about some of my favorite men (& women) candy that I write or blog about.
Names include, but not limited to:
Lewis Tan:
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Yahya Abdul-Mateen II:
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Precious Lee:
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Trevante Rhodes:
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Monster Woo:
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Chris Evans:
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Winston Duke:
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Henry Cavill:
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(I had to give faces to names, sorry)
[Keep Reading]
I will list a few prompts and you can start there or freestyle, whatever floats your boat. I prefer romantic smut fics, but they don’t have to be. Just tag them as #ABirthdayFicforTre.
“I’m only baking a cake, what can go wrong?” *Everything goes wrong*
A birthday evening that turns into an wedding proposal
Birthday Baecation/Friendcation
“Surprise! Aye, where your clothes at?”
Karaoke night “Please stop singing for the love of God.”
“I made you a mixtape/playlist.”
Romantic walk on the beach
“Come get your cat!”
“Excuse me miss, I believe you stole my heart. May you please return it.”
Birthday massage
“I’ll help you with wash day babe.”
“I don’t want to go out, let’s stay in and cuddle.”
“I bought this and thought of you.”
“I was browsing online and I found this story you wrote about me.”
“I’m glad that I’m here with you.”
Indoor Nerf gun fight
The love interest’s dog leads them to my dog
“I’m only cooking dinner, what can go wrong?” *Everything goes wrong*
“Hey I’m lost, can you help me find where [whatever place you choose] is?”
Birthday shopping spree
“C’mon, let me do your makeup. It’ll look good I promise.”
Found log dog, returns it to the love interest/future friend
Love interest/ friend hears me singing in the shower and joins in
“I can take all the groceries in one trip, don’t worry.”
Loses phone at the park, love interest/future friend finds it & returns it to you.
“I love everything about you.”
“I know that you didn’t want anything for your birthday, but I got this for you!”
“Wanna watch a scary movie?”
“Your mom said I’m invited to the cookout so that’s why I’m here.”
With best friend at a sports game and the kiss cam comes and we kiss. We secretly crushed on each other.
Birthday pool party and Love interest/friend shows up unannounced.
Whatever you want. (except i*cest, race play, use of slurs, etc.) Just be respectful basically.
This is open to everyone, but I’m tagging the people that I often see write fics so if you wanna join, I’d love it! And I am all about no pressure, so submit when you can and shoot me a message/tag whenever. 😊
Tags: @royallyprincesslilly @tgigoldie @yaachtynoboat711 @randomwordprompts @muse-of-mbaku @cecereads209 @sheabuttahwrites @kittehkwrites @crushed-pink-petals-writes @ingeniousmindoftune @stargirlfics @celestianstars @pm-my-hubbies @liquorlaughslove @laketaj24 @fumbling-fanfics @natashacoco & whoever sees this.
Thanks in advance for making this the best birthday ever! 🥳😁
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