#is this my first choice for a dc character for jensen to play?
mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
I'mma leave this here... 😏
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a-reader-and-a-writer · 10 months
Do you have a fancast for the batfam?
Ooo! Thank you SO MUCH, anon!!! I absolutely ADORE getting questions like this and I don't usually get them so this is such a treat! 😁
That being said....I don't exactly have a fancast for the batfam 😅 Instead, I tend to have a specific version of each character (mostly from a certain comicbook style) as a fancast if that makes sense.
However, I've put some thought into it and have a few ideas I'll put under the break if I were to cast them today. I'll also include the version of the character I usually picture when I write/read/think of the character.
Bruce Wayne/Batman
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My go-to version of Bruce Wayne is the Dan Mora comic book one (though he sounds like Kevin Conroy in the Animated Series 😁).
For a fancast , I know it isn't an original opinion but I think Jensen Ackles would be a great choice. We missed out on him doing a live-action Jason Todd after his amazing voice work in Under the Red Hood, but I think he could really capture the duality of Batman & Bruce Wayne as well as show a third, more tender side when interacting with the Batfam.
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(Other options I like include Karl Urban and Jon Bernthal. Also, shout out to @mayhem24-7forever who first suggested Oscar Isaac to me as a possible Bruce Wayne and I LOVE that idea!)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
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So this one is a little more complicated. My go-to version of Dick is the comics version by Mikel Janín. However, my Nightwing costume is the one by Bruno Redondo.
For the fancast, this one might be a little out there, but I really like Leo Howard for it. He hasn't done much acting recently, but he is known for his martial arts skills which would be a big plus for playing Dick/Nightwing.
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(Honorable mentions to Evan Evagora)
Jason Todd/Red Hood
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The Dexter Soy version of Jason is the one I always picture him as, especially the Red Hood costume (and it is still my dream to cosplay this one day).
For a fancast, I really like Tanner Buchanan for a post-death Jason. My only problem is he's too short! I need a 6ft+ Jason! But otherwise, I think he'd be great!
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(Another choice I really like is Jacob Elordi)
Tim Drake/Red Robin
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I had trouble finding the specific artists, but this is the version of Tim that I usually go to.
For a fancast, I'm leaning toward Griffin Gluck. He has a sort of presence or aura that feels very Tim to me.
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Damian Wayne/Robin
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I am most familiar with Damian from the DC Animated films so that's usually what I picture him as.
For fancast, I think Carter Rockwood is perfect! And the fact he is already working on a short video playing Damian just solidifies it.
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If anyone is interested in me continuing with more of the extended Batfam or any of the villains, please let me know and I would love to share! 🥰
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msgrumpygills · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you've ever seen The Boys (sorry if I missed that this was answered in a previous ask)? I think you'd enjoy it! It's not for everyone but within a few mins of the first episode you'll know if you can stomach it or not. I really enjoy the show and would watch even if Jensen was never going to be a part of it but as a SPN fan too that just makes it better to me. I love Dean but I'm very excited to see him play a very different kind of character and stretch his acting legs. I think Jensen is making good moves with his career choices (live acting, voice acting, producing, directing and singing/songwriting not to mention a secret DC project). He seems to have found that balance with new projects while balancing his home life. He seems busier but happier than ever. He's not perfect but no one is. Ackles is a good bean and I'm happy to see him doing so well post-SPN.
It’s on my list of shows to watch! Even before Jensen was added, my dad recommended the show to me and I hear tons of great things about it. I think the whole concept is pretty interesting so I’d like to give it a watch! I know it’s a bit....much at times lol but I think I could stomach it. 
I’m excited to see something new from him too! I love Dean as well but it’s exciting to see actors do something totally out of their wheel house or even slightly out of their wheel house. 
I totally agree that he’s making good moves with his career, and it seems like he’s only taking the opportunities that he’s really interested in. He does seem busy but I think you’re right that he seems to have found a good balance with work and life and he and the family look like they’re doing so well. 
He is a good bean! 
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dotthings · 6 years
There’s a ton of John Winchester mirroring for the comic book store owner mentoring his successors and as someone else pointed out, “Jaeger” means hunter and they used footage from earlier eps for the fake trailer including John being their Jaeger stand-in. So a whole lot here about father figures, and mentors, and particularly John as someone who trained children to be warriors and is a complicated father role and there were costs to his obsession. Comic book store owner as a more benign mentor, until he became a ghost, but a parallel to John nonetheless. Are we not going to talk about the John Winchester and father-son pain parallel nod?
So let’s talk about that massive Jason Todd as Red Hood mannequin easter egg which is probably just meant as a fun easter egg because of Jensen’s planned Halloween cosplay. But the camera swept over a whole bunch of DC comics titles including Batman. While the Jason Todd mannequin is standing there in the comics shop. Just...standing there. Silent and heavy-laden with pointed significance.
Slight spoilers behind the cut for this ep and the dc animated movie Under the Red Hood where Jensen voiced Jason Todd and some batfamily and spn parallels.
Before I throw Bruce Wayne under the bus, the circumstances are a bit different. All of Bruce’s kids that he trained to be Robins came to him. Bruce isn’t exactly a picture of emotional stability and he shouldn’t have agreed to let minors become warriors alongside of him, but he also didn’t emotionally abuse them or tell them this was their only job and purpose in life and tell them they were worthless if they didn’t watch over their little brother properly. He was strict as a teacher, not denigrating or dismissive. And if Dick Grayson or any Robin had gone to Bruce and said “I just want to be a regular kid” I think Bruce would feel immense relief (and a little sad but mostly relief). Alfred would throw a party. Bruce would protect that regular life for the kids he mentored. All the Robins had to convince Bruce they could handle it, that they were ready, convince him to let them into his scary world, and Bruce, in all the iterations of the story, is strict about the rules and you aren’t ready until he says so and they all asked to be there. Begged, even. Even when Bruce was saying no you’re not ready.
There were however high costs. There’s a bunch of dead (and then un-deaded) Robins, there’s damaged Robins, there’s the Robin who didn’t die but left and became his own hero and became in some ways a better version of his adoptive father. There are also storylines where Bruce tells them nope that’s it this is too dangerous I don’t want to lose you so I am benching you. Which angers the Robins. Bruce knows the costs.
John is a different matter. Dean and Sam weren’t given an initial choice. They were raised into it from infancy. John punished outside interests, his kids looking beyond the hunting life. Bruce’s kids were always offered an education, college, options. It helps that Bruce was a billionaire with bottomless resources of course but John and Bruce both had a choice how they mentored their kids, how they treated them personally and yeah I’d say Bruce comes out looking like the better dad, with both of them in a zone of no dude don’t let kids be warriors. But allowing them and drilling it into their heads that can be their only worth and role in life are two different things. Nonetheless both Bruce and John are complicated painful father figures.
BTW Dick Grayson, the first Robin’s parents, were named John and Mary. And Dick was trained into the slightly perilous family business of being a trapeze artist, but with lots of safety nets and love and his extended circus family around him. Sam and Dean had no safety nets, there were no safety nets for John, and they had little sense of community. Also John and Mary Grayson died due to sabotage while performing without a safety net.
Should I bring up the fact Sam, Dean, and Cas are training Jack who is effectively still a child to be a hunter—but with lots of safety nets, with Cas telling him his own worth, instead of “this is your only worth.” With choices because Jack is the one begging to go out in the field while Dean is playing protective batdad saying no. If Jack said he wanted something else, if Jack decides he wants to go to college someday, or just be a guy who works in a comics shop and has friends, TFW is going to support him.
What’s interesting about Jason Todd showing up in this ep of spn is that Jason is the most tragic Robin and the one Bruce always felt the most sense of failure on. Jason is the Robin who died (there’s another one who did too but DC also undid that, and Jason was the first to die). Under the Red Hood effectively is the story of someone who thought his father didn’t love him enough. So it’s the high cost of training children to be warriors writ large and the Red Hood animated movie brings in a lot about insecurities from both Bruce and Jason’s end—I failed you, you didn’t love me enough. Jason’s also got sibling jealousy issues. Jason had behavioral problems, he was a bit of an asshole, he was basically good, but Jason was the 2nd Robin and had to follow Dick Grayson who is a really talented, good-hearted, smart, handsome, universally loved, gold standard of Robins, and became Nightwing who can hold his own as Batman’s equal.
Jason was murdered by the Joker and that was the end of him for decades. His memory haunted the batfamily. His memory taunted Dick with the potential for his own failure and he haunted Bruce. There’s a story where Bruce blows up at Dick saying Jason was just like Dick—brash and over-confident and so Dick could have been killed just as easy. Anyway Jason’s story was over until DC brought him back from the dead and while not gone all over to the dark side Jason was pretty messed up emotionally, tried to steal Nightwing’s identity in one SL, and uses violence to do his work on levels Batman was adamantly against. (note I have no idea if these backstories on the batfamily are still considered canon or not what with all the reboots but they are part of an emotional continuity in how I know the characters—it’s comics and animated series and there are emotional consistencies across all the canon versions and maintained through the reboots. Still, discussinf what’s “dc canon” is a mess).
Oh and Stuart was stealing from his mentor and in one of the Jason Todd origin stories, Batman found Jason when Jason stole from him (the batmobile hubcaps. Jason had moxy).
I was also a batfamily fan when I got into SPN and early seasons SPN sent all my batfamily parallel radars beeping. So now, that Red Hood mannequin, being in this ep? With those other parallels about John running strong already in place? Of all things, they put this ouchie of a batfamily nod in there? That is some easter egg. That thing was just begging to be meta’d, it was asking for it.
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closetspngirl · 6 years
Love Heals the Soul (Part 12) - The Panel
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Summary: Panel day! Nothing could happen here...with Jensen and Jared on stage...
Pairing: Jensen x reader, Jared
Word Count: 2397 (sorry…)
Warnings: Fluff, rolled in fluff, with a little extra fluff sprinkled on top, ya know, for safe measure.
A/N: I am soooo sorry that I was still being lazy. I need to get back into the swing of things. Feedback is always welcome! Italicized are lyrics, POV thoughts or text conversations; you can tell by the context.
The next morning you awoke surprisingly easy, 30 minutes before your alarm, which was rare for you on a day off, let alone after a late night. Knowing that I’m seeing Jensen today has *nothing* to do with it I’m sure… With your extra time, you decided to go down to the hotel gym and run a few miles, get the heart rate going, sweat a little; that was always a good way to start the day. You changed your sleep shorts and tank for some leggings and a fitted lightweight hoodie, grabbed your headphones and went downstairs. By the time you reached the gym, you had already put your headphones in, blaring some AC/DC, not paying attention to anyone or anything going on around you. Once on the treadmill, situated and running, you tried to shut off your mind for the duration. Running on a treadmill was more or less a last result for you, preferring the outdoors to stationary running. But, given the time constraint today, the ungodly hour on a day off and the weather, here you were, staring at the same spot that was out the window across from you.
The sound of your alarm that you decided to set before you started your run pulled you back to the reality of the hotel gym. You didn’t realize it, but you had been going for almost 25 minutes at a fairly steady pace, usually changing it to whatever song was playing. You shut the machine off, hopped down and grabbed one of the towels provided to wipe your face a little, as you started walking out the door…That wasn’t too bad. Now I’m ready to start the…
“Oof!” You exclaimed as you nearly fell on your butt after running into a solid wall of muscle, but being caught by two very strong hands that steadied you and kept that from happening. It took you a second to register what just happened, and when you figured it out, you looked up to see whom it was that you collided with. “Oh my god, Jensen! I’m so sorry!” You instantly regretted not washing your face last night, and now mixed with the sweat, you were definitely a hot mess.
All Jensen could do was stand there and smile, that all too genuine, gorgeous smile, letting a small chuckle escape his lips. “It’s ok, it’s not the worse way to start my day. I finished up my workout and saw you finishing up your run and was coming over to say good morning,” he leaned down and kissed your cheek and took your hand in his. “Ugh, Jen, I’m sweaty and gross, at least let me take a shower first,” you whined, still enjoying the fact that he did that. He just responded with a smirk and something in his eye, you couldn’t quite decide what it was. “You look perfect, as always.”
The two of you were making your way to your rooms, hand in hand, exchanging the general pleasantries. “Ready for your panel this morning?” you asked him. “Yeah, Jar and I have a lot of fun at these, despite the early hours of the gold panel. And speaking of early, we still have another…” checking his watch, “hour and a half before we need to be there, want to grab coffee before?”
“Sure, I’ll just need to shower and change….wait…we?” You were at your door by now, but you were suddenly stock still at the realization of what Jensen said. He laughed a little. “Yeah, we, if that’s ok? I figured you could come hang out with us; the gold panel is only a half hour, not long at all. And there’s always someone in the green room to hang out with. Jar and I have our autographs and photo ops after that throughout the afternoon, and then the last panel,” Jensen finally took a breath, but hoping he made good work of trying to convince you to come along for the day.
“Are you’re sure no one will mind? I’m not exactly with the show.” You questioned him nervously. “No one. They all love you, and if anyone has an issue with it, we’ll tell them you’re with me, in every sense of the phrase,” Jensen answered expectantly. Your face was suddenly redder than it was from the run. “Ok then, I guess I’ll go get ready,” stepping up on your toes to give him a kiss on the lips, slow, meaningful, but not anything to distract the two of you form your newly made plans. “Give me 25 minutes?” you asked. “Perfect.”
You had the shower as hot as you could stand, washing off the morning run while also trying to relax you before the day ahead. Your conversation with Kim and Briana had been brief; they left you to get ready while they went to grab some breakfast before their day started. After your shower you rifled through your bag for a change of clothes, when your eyes fell on a certain blue shirt. I’m a nobody here, no one will notice, and I don’t have to talk about it…you thought as you put on the safe and familiar flannel and rolled the sleeves up. You finished off the outfit with simple make up, a messy bun, jeans and converse; this outfit being a staple of your wardrobe.
Just as you stepped outside the door, you saw Jensen walking down the hall, simply dressed as well; jeans, boots, long sleeve and a coat. “I’m a fan of the shirt,” Jensen said with a chuckle. “Yeah…I was kind of nervous to wear it, I’ve noticed that a lot of the convention goers have chosen that as their…outfit of choice. But, it…” you trailed off, barely getting all of that out without sounding nervous. Jensen cut you off before you had to think of what to tell him, “It’s fine. I love it on you.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing the top of your head.
“Coffee? Despite the workout, I could definitely use the caffeine.”
“Mm. Agreed.” You responded.
With your coffees in hand, you made your way to the green room, still having a little time before the panel started. That gave the two of you time to sit and talk until Jared got there.
“Hey, Y/N! How was the rest of your guys’ night?” he questioned, looking between the two of you. Jensen and yourself shared a look, having a silent conversation. Your eyes settled back on Jared, “It was good, really good,” a smile a mile wide was spread on your face. Jared chucked, “Good. You ready Jen?”
You realized then that the guys on stage had started playing, which was the cue for Jensen and Jared to go out there. “Have fun!” You told Jensen, getting a kiss in response, followed by one of his winks and heart stopping smiles before he walked through the curtain.
The crowd, of course, went crazy for them; you couldn’t blame them, they were pretty amazing. Rob and Rich introduced the guys, not that they needed it, and then joined you, when Jared started with, “Hi guys!”.  You could sit and watch them all day; the chemistry between the two of them and how they interacted with the fans was incredible. They had stories for days, ones that left you with tears streaming down your face from the hilarity of them, but they were also genuine and serious when fans would tell them how much the show, character stories or even actors’ stories helped them with their own lives. I can’t believe that I actually get to see this first hand.
They started in on the questions, some of them being ones they normally get at cons; favorite story from set, favorite prank, favorite character line and so on. The next fan got up to ask their question.
“Hi, my name is Hailey.” She started, quietly. “Jared, Jensen” Jared smarted off, pointing between the two of them, eliciting laughs from the crowd. Always a classic. You couldn’t help yourself by letting out a laugh.
Hailey laughed, “So, my question is for Jensen.  First, I really enjoyed your and Y/N’s performance last night at the concert.”
A huge smile settled on Jensen’s face, as well as yours you realized. He shyly gave her a warm “Thank you.”  
“So, can you tell us how you met Y/N?” she asked nervously, almost afraid that he wouldn’t answer it. He let out a laugh, Jared giving his ‘story time’ face and a big smile. Watching on the monitor in the green room, you could see form there the twinkle he got in his eye at the question, which in turn made you smile, yourself thinking back to that night.
“Well, let’s say I was a huge dork when it came to meeting Y/N,” drawing a laugh from the crowd, Jared piping in with an “It’s true, I was there!”, only to be met with a scoff from Jensen. “But seriously, it wasn’t my finest moment, but one that I’m really glad happened.”
Jared started in again, “So get this, Briana, Kim, Jen and I walk into a café…”
“First of all, that sounds like the set up to a really bad joke…” Jensen cut in, only getting an exaggerated shrug from Jared. He continued, “It’s true, it does. So Briana invited us to an open mic night a few weeks back, where Y/N happened to be performing. She also happened to do an acoustic version of ‘Brother’, which let me tell you, after the first word, I was done for.”
There was a collective ‘aw’ from the crowd while your smile was still sitting on your lips, Jared gave Jensen a sappy puppy dog face, Jensen smiling ear to ear. “And can I tell y’all a secret…”, Jensen waited until the crowd quieted down, “…she’s bakes.” You let out a laugh at that one, along with Rob and Richard. “You bake? Really?” Rob and Rich both asked you, damn near in unison.
You looked at them surprised. “Uhh…yes?” Stifling a laugh, “I’m a pastry chef, stop by the café sometime.”
They looked at each other and then back to you with Rich continuing, “Can you uh…bring cookies sometime?” both of them with big dopey grins on their faces. “Sure guys,” you said with a laugh. “Sweet!” they said, once again in unison, resulting in a face palm from you over their unintended pun.
You heard Jensen and Jared still on the subject of your meeting each other. “Really? That’s the secret?” Jared questioned, looking squarely at Jensen, his expression saying there was more to be said. “I mean…the lesser sappy part of the secret…?” Now it was Jensen’s turn to give an exaggerated shrug. “Go on,” coaxed Jared with about ninety percent of the crowd.
“Ok, ok, ok. She really is a baker, I wasn’t lying about that,” the smile on his face so bright. What could he possibly say after this? There’s nothing secret to tell about me…or us? “Y’all know that author…uhh…you know, romantic guy…Mandy Moore was in the movie?” Jensen asked, mainly to the audience. “Nicholas Sparks!” the fans answered back. “Yeah! That guy. Well, that night at the café, when Y/N came over to our table after she was done, that was our meet cute, our Nicolas Sparks movie moment. The entire café faded away as soon as she smiled at me, I knew right then that she was something special.”
All you could do was stare at the monitor. “Y/N…?” You couldn’t tell whether it was Rob or Rich who talked, all you could think about was that night, the moment that he just told eight hundred people about. Ohmygod. He felt the same thing I did? “Y/N??” It was Rob. “Hmm?” you absently replied, eyes still glued to the screen, not entirely sure if your heart was still beating or if you were even breathing.
You jumped at the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. “Hey, Y/N, it’s ok, it’s just me,” Rob said softly. “You ok? We need to go out and wrap up their panel,” you finally managed to tear your eyes away from the screen. “I’m fine. Perfectly fine,” a smile finding its way to your lips.
The guys went out to play the song signaling the last question while Jared went out to the crowd to find the lucky lady. After the question and all of the antics that generally come with the last question, Rob, Rich and the rest of the band played the guys off the stage. You took that as your cue to stand up to make your way to where they would be coming in, being greeted by Jensen and Jared laughing at something, not sure what the subject was.
As soon as Jensen’s eyes fell on you, he could sense that your demeanor had changed, despite the smile that was still settled on your lips. Jensen walked over to you, rested a hand on your hip and cupped your cheek with the other, “Y/N, what is it?” All you could do was look into his eyes, those bright emerald gems, right into his soul. “I’m happy. For the first time in a really long time, I’m happy. I mean I feel it deep down in my heart. And I…I…am about to sound ridiculously sappy.”
Jensen kept his gaze on you, waiting for you to finish. “I felt it too, that ‘Nicolas Sparks’ moment you talked about, that night in the café. I thought I was crazy, that it was just post performing adrenaline or being star struck. But, now I realize that I wasn’t crazy.” You were rambling, giving in to your nervous habit, but before you could keep going, Jensen had cut you off with a kiss. A kiss so deep and passionate, it actually took your breath away.
Given the fact that you were standing in the green room, which wasn’t exactly private, neither of you let the kiss get too out of hand. Jared gave a friendly cough, to announce that he was still standing there, “Uhh guys, we are standing in a hotel, with rooms, that each of you have,” clearly trying not to laugh. “Shut up Jar,” you and Jensen said in unison, still not breaking his gaze. “I’m happy too, Y/N.”
Tags: @maralisa124 @somilotopia @delightfullykrispypeach @steffiemeheus @lizwinchester16 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @mystrie @supernatural-lover-teamfreewill @cats-are-untrustworthy @superromijn @gifsforgomez @sherlock44 @life-through-the-lenss @1233088 @fandomloveyeah
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breakingmllc · 4 years
I Know Heaven Is A Beautiful Place Because They Have My Husky Wings T Shirt
And is hereand I clothingand present also present very well before the emails that she is on practicaland wonderful people you entertain United Nations I do indeed yes I have trained back to my previous statement I do recall it comes to continental title to send you a I Know Heaven Is A Beautiful Place Because They Have My Husky Wings T Shirt call the conversation again I do yes verified other can read it back to me please now actually give them okay Tuesday January the rarest rock she had a different perspective than the restand I think that we found a sadand thinking that we perhaps would wanted to see me for anywhere so we all get a grant which was like aand wonder what we know I cannot purpose for lying aboutand it is strange that that’s less than like it is a little once again nominated that putting Ferdinandand boss lady in their ruling of the bus a particular with the bus baby is a genius exploration of the evils of late capitalism as told through a baby in a coma Verizon how monies dreaming all that it’s a really trippy psychedelic blades like Smith has been seen since what you areas are the outand writing right here at work her job to rewatch minivan forced us to watchand and in light of that they clearly do you look at meand a lot of people think even stronger one human being so which is really funny great foundand had Legoand Batmanand that’s literally the reason lightingand the word Lego man then there like now it’s dumb that he did not shameand are literally just look at the time because those are two of the better animated movies exiting the government was but they are my favorite Batman movies really think I 2012and the screeners for dark night right I was shocked because I looked backand forth read the entire synopsis they managed to write up a whole synopsis without once mentioning the word nowhere to be found on the beach I think I’lland the cover was Bruce Wayne climbing like the wall is no those of a no it’s just Christian mailand in the rain heard like down from like the bar idea that it was just like the colostomy bag Academy voter anymore the impression that there really is then again looking at Wolverine on the Lorraine in combating now should wonder woman need help from for me personally I the superhero film how you compare superhero film to the drama what account if you can’t be beautiful to selectionand even. AND THEN YOU THOUGHT EPSTEIN WAS BAD HERE’S A LIST OF THE PEDOPHILE POLITICIANS OF LATE AND THAT’S JUST BEEN RELEASED IN THE NEXT WE HAVE HAD JUDGE CAVANAUGH RULES AGAINST GEORGE SOROS CONNECTING CONNECTED TO OPEN SOCIETY PREVENTING FOREIGN FUNDING WHEN NO POLICIES IN PLACE OPPOSING PROSTITUTION AND SEX TRAFFICKING THIS IS REALLY CRITICAL THAT HE STOOD UP AND THIS IS FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT AND THE DEFTLY HERE IN AMERICA SO IN THE AND JANA JENSEN SAYS JEFFREY EPSTEIN IS AN AMATEUR AND WHEN IT COMES TO CHILDREN AND IN THE PARTIES THAT ACTUALLY GO ON THERE IN HOLLYWOOD SO SHE REVEALS MORE MORE ABOUT HUNTING THEY ACTUALLY CALL IT HUNTING GAMES TO GO ON WITH CHILDREN AT THESE PARTIES SEE SECTIONS WE FOUND THEM OBVIOUSLY THE BIGGEST IT IS FOR. You know interaction ever had because you couldn’t speak at all thank you everybody else took offense to everyone who came as something they would take a look at say anything back so they would just say everything is going to say my face would just tell also’s argument was that your Film I get out there that think they are right baseball garden I did bring you it is betterand has been so interested is a friend of my body get out there the antibody is in a hospital make their case advantage of them in any way you possibly can move on to our first story here todayand is according to the high reporter scares me that actually deadline high reporter broke a story about a lot of yesterday deadline is not about the new villainand wonder woman to is none other than Sheena played by Kristen Wade apparently paycheckand has had her eye on wake for a while now to play this roleand it looks to be confirmed so that she is going to be going up against wonder woman in the sequel to this massive wonder woman they came out last year the new movie comes on November 1 2000 19th J Washington in any way on the panel knows a little something about Sheena is get a VU what does this mean for wonder woman to you no more you know what for first was one of one woman’s biggest adversaries which is cool use granted they didn’t do in the first movie you burned her out from World War Iand had going forward for two Christian week is interesting casting choice as we been seeing a lot lately with comedic actorsand actresses black I said this on twitter if we can get great Elizabeth Banks is repulsing granted the movie the powerand the heart of the story the cake they did on Rita was nice the way she looked at the different look the vision of a Christian week plan is now will she be as serious or comedic is the question you know now also the story of cheetah is a British archaeologist who goes in Africa they had an opportunity to make this potentially a black British woman there’s a lot of things you do great don’t have to change the cultureand the nationality of the character but you done about bunch of things Christian week is a good choice I believe black will have to see you know when you quit yesterday about the rhetoric also compares it was an interesting one at a very early going on to policy your readerand are in the phase where you will reader processing the I actually like our industry in a limitedand I know the old school reader pulseand everybody was hoping to see in Greenwich have to change things sometimes so using the way they get Elizabeth with this one the Krispy Kreme things a little too much I limit like the look is what I was talking about we can expect her to look as bad as she didand who is a Christian we can look like an incredibly soft terrifyingand look like everything that nightmares are because I know that person that scale afterand I had decided not to go sleep that night like this character sheet in general it is likely because of the complaint getting a lot of Power Rangersand about Elizabeth is reader repulsive she was doing her job if your job was to be in the 90s show Power Rangers seem to fit in with the time when the new movie was trying to do so how’s the character like cheetah who from the fanart for whatever is you are looking to come up with seems a little more outlandish than what we got in wonder woman the first movie I was I get a job with the town because this is the first outlandish character to get that’s a human who transformsand something else with justice league you halfstep more that’s in our worldly creature is in itself with complementingand get everything that’s naturally in Atlanta so we understand that this is gonna be something new to see the DCU you know that to be the interest of our behind again we dealt with psychological sale a question when dating Ghostbustersand other films but this has to be something different will have a comedic element potentially Casio serious will see Harry immediately relocatedand seeing like comedians turn into the deep illness rolesand I rooted for everyone in the marketing point of vampire only those crazy if I were to do a rather like the movie didn’t work as well rises to be in one hour photo resigning like this could work out I think it did think Connex can test it to a darker side of their personality getting Kristen Wade is going to be able to do you I have made during especially the just need your initial impression is lie regarding the morning moreand more I read the other where twins are rolling over she’s going to be a good work can know that she is a good idea if Peterson is really talking on the show where it’s like you feel about one wayand in the next week you feel the same exact way did you get this newsand then have an initial reactionand has that changed all sense you heard about this yesterday plates at the words were not including the reference got into because I first heard the confidenceand Christian way to be able to take her time fender from the community of economic theory generally by tradition works much better than tomato doctors trying to go however my question really affect the talent of what wonder woman he was going to be because if they are bringing Christian right are they planning to make it more the sort of lighthearted comedic type of film compared to the first one where there very negligible humor so much of the few moments of levity but it’s not going the route of life like they do in the NICU movie maxed out when they are trying to may be asking rather than actually having Kristen be super hard core cannot write most of the last few got from wonder woman were were very genuine think the reason for that is because she was allegedly try to find her way in the man’s world so to speak because she went out of her boss Dennis Garethand her interactions the chemistry Chris finds where we got most of the yacht if you will get a movie like Ghostbusters obviously that’s more spoof the then I think you get to see if you wanted so here’s the big question you are left to get over to the panel as a fan person wayand that they can be won over to her performance the one I wanted is under just a little bit of pressure yet again because the first time a woman came outand had to rescue us from this dark gray toneand it succeededand then you have justice leagueand now very divisive movie again so whatever man does with my CAN have a more serious darker tone seems once again is directing it what do we need wonder woman to have in order to make Kristen Wade fit into this balance because as we saw with justice league trying to shift the entire town of DC name from Zach Siders darker version to Joss Wheaton’s line or humorous version the China ship Nike seven Apple man James one says dark black James wants a what you expect I think it’s the balance you’re gonna have a humorist element with one woman like you said in the first you have those humorous moments when you tap into that a little more Diana plays around that we seem that she jokes moreand now she’s more accurate to the world again if this present day is his will to but it doesn’t matter I think I will have a lot more humorand Patty Jenkins also ceased exercising more than anything else so that’s what I would single phase it is Kathy Parsley I can send out the rest of the DCU yelled at everyone with your director changes with your your hiringsand firings of executives with your cash comingand going like the movie I want to make I guess Kristen Wade is a cheetah going to do it I can do I want right now how skinny my confidenceand she sort of envisioned Christian right brain itselfand the one she essentially is writing the role for Christianand the only present quite depressing right was Christianand I think that will be sort of tailored to Christian relaxing make this work a lot more holisticallyand cohesively been made in micro barring a comedic actress integral where really wasn’t for you
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Ben that they were actually going to go do an examination and bring her back but the problem my my problem with that is if she’s a I Know Heaven Is A Beautiful Place Because They Have My Husky Wings T Shirt newborn child what business do you have a what authority do you have to remove my child one without me without my consent without my permission if I’m not being accused of anything so you don’t have in order to come remove my child from our home is my child is in danger so why you try to remove my job and I have a strong feeling that I was being targeted for very long time from the time my daughter was born and it probably started in the hospital shot out the job Thomas I can remember letting them try to remember Tony said check PayPal so we got a PayPal donation illegal and login right now but basically hospitals that did the targeting starts in the hospital from the time the child is born hospital already knows the blood type they know that the health condition of the child so obviously they would know what kind of organs that child has they would know damn. THIS WEEK WAS DEATHLY KAMALI HARRIS CLOSELY TAKING THE POSITION OF VP FOR THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AND THEN THE FIRST ARTICLE IS WIKILEAKS POST UTTERED IN 37 DOCUMENTS ON KAMALI HARRIS HOURS AFTER SHE WAS NAMED JOE BIDEN’S RUNNING MATE THEN WE HAVE THIS IS REALLY BIG DOWN THE LEGAL. A large estate in the country took on the big banks over mortgage fraud and one they go I’ll wanted to pollute without consequences she was a pioneer in magic quality and tackle the gun lobby it all we’ve See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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beckawinchester · 7 years
Triple Threat Challenge (SPN Challenge)
Hey guys! So I have another challenge for ya’ll! This is called the Triple Threat Challenge because there will be 3 different prompts to pick from. They will all be from SPN. You can pick from a song that’s been played in episodes, a title of an episode, or a quote said in an episode! I am teaming up with @riversong-sam to do this challenge! I have some rules before you start so please read the rules!
Rules of Challenge:
1. You must be following me and @riversong-sam for this challenge!
2. Please send ME an ASK with your choice and a back-up just in case your choice is taken. (I WILL NOT ACCEPT messages or reblogs with your prompt)
3. You can choose to write more than one prompt but if you do PLEASE send me an ask for each prompt you want it will be more easier to keep track of that way!
4. You can write any genre you would like such as Fluff, Angst, Smut etc. just please make sure you put a warning before your story because some people don’t like to read certain things! Be respectful!
5. Please NO SHIPS or OCs! Reader insert only!
6. SPN Characters and Actor(ess) only! No other fandoms please!
7. Deadline for entering this challenge is October 31st which is a little over 3 weeks!
8. Minimum number of words for your story must be at least 500 words! If you write more than 1000 please use the Keep Reading feature on it.
9. Tag me and @riversong-sam when you post your story!
10. Use #TripleThreatChallenge in your first 5 tags for a back up in case we don’t see you tagging our username!
11. If you change your username before the challenge is over please let us know. ALSO if you use a different blog to post your story than what you send me an ask on let me know. We want to know what blog to tag in case we need to find you!
12. Due date for your fic will be January 20, 2018. I am giving you over 3 months to turn it in! You are welcome to post your story before then! If for any reason it needs to be turned late just let me and @riversong-sam know ahead of time so we can give you an extension.
13. Last but not least have fun!
1. “Carry On My Wayward Son” - Kansas
2. “Back in Black” - AC/DC
3. “Eye Of The Tiger” - Survivor
4. “Renegade” - STYX
5. “I Want To Know What Love Is” - Foreigner
6. “Heat of the Moment” - Asia
7. “You Shook Me All Night Long” - AC/DC
8. “Feel Alright” - Steve Earle
9. “Fare Thee Well” - Rob Benedict
10. “Hells Bells” - AC/DC
11. “House Of The Rising Sun” - The Animals
12. “Wanted Dead or Alive” - Bon Jovi
13. “Night Moves” - Bob Seger
14. “Thunderstruck” - AC/DC
15. “Simple Man” - Lynyrd Skynyrd
1.  “Two and a Half Men”
2. “I Believe the Children Are Our Future”
3. “Clap Your Hands If You Believe”
4. “Swan Song”
5. “Keep calm and carry on”
6. “Caged Heat”
7. “Like A Virgin”
8. I’m No Angel”
9. “Our Little World”
10. “And Then There Were None”
11. “Who We Are”
12. “Baby”
13. “Don’t You Forget About Me”
14.  Sympathy For The Devil
15. “Born Under a Bad Sign”
1.  “Pudding!”
2. :“Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap.”
3. Dude, you fugly."
4. “What do you wanna do, poke her with a stick? Dude! You're not gonna poke her with a stick!”
5. “I would love to have the sex with you.”
6. “I found a liquor store. And I drank it."
7. “Balls”
8. “I lost my shoe.”
9. “Can’t get rid of all my black eyed boys Samantha.”
10. “I get all tingly when you take control like that.”
11. “My spidey senses are tingling.”
12. “Family don't end in blood.”
13. “Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.”
14. “I think I'm adorable.”
15. “I hate witches. They're all spewing their body liquids everywhere. It's creepy. Hell, it's downright unsanitary!”
Tagging a few people that I think might participate.
@boredoutofmymindwriting @jensen-jarpad @jayankles @frickfracklesackles @impalaimagining @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms  @plaidstiel-wormstache @abbirae99 @sis-tafics  @kas-not-cas @luci-in-trenchcoats @scarygoodfanfics @sleepywinchester @spn-and-daddy-issues @ellen-reincarnated1967 @neversatisfiedgirl @yellowtheremarvelfan @chelsea072498 @wayward-mirage @ruby-loves-supernatural @dancingalone21 
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 4
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity. Header graphic used with permission.
This list contains: 33 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Casturbatus Interruptus by gaugbrojotr
E | 6k | Canon!verse, Hot, , PWP
post-9.01, in a slight AU wherein Cas comes to live with the Winchesters at the Bunker. Written before 9.03. Crossposting from Tumblr. Written for a prompt from hightopsandsharpies: "Okay, so Cas is a virgin, and has no idea what pleasure is and Dean decides to show him and Cas gets all cuddly and needy afterwards. Dean walks in on Cas masturbating. He’s doing it all wrong, but when you’re a bazillion-year-old virgin, that’s to be expected. Dean decides to lend him a hand in a totally platonic, non-romantic way. Things get a little out of control.
 that awkward moment when... by highermagicv
E | 7k | Hot, wing!Kink
All in all, with a full tank of gas and his radio turned up loud, Dean was in a pretty damn good mood. All that vanished into shock and concern when the sky lit up like daylight, as though someone had decided that black was so passé for nighttime.
 This Temporary Flesh and Bone by misachan
E | 5k | Canon!verse, h/c, wing!kink
Castiel doesn't serve Dean, fine, Dean has no problem with that - he just wants to know why Castiel's showing up in his dreams again.
What a fabulous little Fic. Very emotional. S4 cas is my FAVORITE.
 Only Fools Rush In by baka_sensei
E | 18k | Canon!verse, soulbond
Dean does something and in angelic tradition that means he's become Castiel's fiancé. Dean doesn't know if he wants to get married, but he doesn't want to let Castiel down either. Cas lets his feelings run away with him, Gabe is a total dick, Sam is concerned, and Dean has to make a choice.
 Learning Curve by blualbino
T | 1k | Fluff, Canon!verse
Cas has nice lips. They’re soft looking. Plush even. Dean can do this.
 Dinner At Katz's by nanoochka
E | 2k | Hot, canon!verse
Dean might have to teach Cas how to have a When Harry Met Sally-esque orgasm, but he certainly doesn’t have to fake it.
 Free With His Hands by watermaline
E | 2k | canon!verse, handprint!kink
The first time it happens, Dean chalks it up to…well, he doesn’t chalk it up to anything, he’s too busy coming his brains out in his jeans with Castiel’s hand on his shoulder.
 Desecrate that Sanctuary by brokentoy
E | 3k | Hot, Alt!Canon Verse
Dean develops a fascination with Cas' bones.
 What Once Was Sacred by saltandbyrne
E | 55k |  Hot,  AU, Cop Dean, DJ Cas
Los Angeles detective Dean Winchester works tirelessly to atone for the sins of his father one case at a time. When his best friend Charlie drags him to visit Sam at his new job, Dean stumbles onto a bizarre string of deaths that brings him uncomfortably close to his past.Dean can't stop thinking about Castiel, an enigmatic DJ who plays the sexiest music Dean's ever heard. A chance encounter at Castiel's house reveals that Castiel is an incubus, and Dean must face the lies and the reality of his childhood as a hunter. Dean comes to see that he and Castiel have more in common than he thought, and that guilt can be the hardest thing to cast aside.
 Freefall by LastKnownWriter
E | 128k | Hot, Fluff,  AU, Teacher Dean, Firefighter Cas
AU. The most exciting kindergarten teacher Dean Winchester's life ever gets is when he plays mechanic in his uncle Bobby's shop on the weekends. That is until a birthday party goes tequila-nova and he trips into a one-night stand with an incredibly hot firefighter named Castiel. Dean's life gets a lot more exciting after that.
 The Best Years of Our Lives, My Ass ❤ by ireallyhatecornnuts
E | 110k | Hot,  Fluff,  HS AU but not really,
AU after Season 8, episode 6, "Southern Comfort." Dean goes to sleep in a motel room in Texarkana, and he wakes up 17 years old, in his childhood bedroom in Lawrence, Kansas, 1996. He has no idea how he got there, why his parents are still alive, why his brother is an adorable freshman with no memory of his adult life, and why the only ally he has in this place is the angel he left behind in Purgatory – somehow also 17 years old. They have to get out, that's the important thing. Only, falling in love with his angel wasn't a part of the plan....
It's like a HS AU... but better! I love how Dean is given a second chance at growing up, and Cas gets to engage with his humanity is painfully familiar ways. Some homophobia from non-central characters.    
  deus ex nihilo by Valyria
E | 7k | AU, dubcon, god cas
Lost on an uncharted island, Dean Winchester is captured by the local villagers and offered up as a sacrifice to their winged god. Castiel takes one look at Dean and decides he wants him for a mate.
 Twist and Shout ❤ by gabriel
E | 97k | Angst,  AU, Main Character Death
What begins as a transforming love between Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak in the summer of 1965 quickly derails into something far more tumultuous when Dean is drafted in the Vietnam War. Though the two both voice their relationship is one where saying goodbye is never a real truth, their story becomes fraught with the tragedy of circumstance. In an era where homosexuality was especially vulnerable, Twist and Shout is the story of the love transcending time, returning over and over in its many forms, as faithful as the sea.
Do I really need to say anything? Twist and Shout is one of my favorites simply because it made me bawl. Didn't love the characterization, but I still liked it overall.
 Angel Slayer by emwebb17
E | 138k | Jensen/Misha, Mystery, AU
FBI Special Agent Jensen Ackles tracked a serial killer dubbed the Angel Slayer for six months in Washington, DC—the murderer was vicious, depraved, carved the names of angels into the victims’ chests…and eluded capture. Over eight years later, a murder in small Elton, NH has too many similarities for Jensen to ignore. Paired with a green agent, Jared Padalecki, Jensen travels to Elton to solve the case that has been haunting him for nearly a decade. In the course of the investigation the agents come across a local police officer named Misha Collins—who may have a deadly connection to the Angel Slayer.
 Carry On ❤ by TamrynEradani
E | 148k | Hot,  AU, Sub!dean, Dom!Cas
 When Sam gets into Stanford, Dean needs a bigger paycheck than Bobby's garage can give him. Luckily, he knows a guy.
Forget 50 Shades of Grey, they should make this fic into a movie! Even if you are not a fan of Sub!Dean, give this fic a shot, because it is nearly perfect.    
 Glasses by Samanthapin
E | 9k | Fluff, High School AU, punk!cas, nerd!dean
Teasing turns flirting turns dating turns grossly soppy boyfriends
 beer and bacon happy hour by outpastthemoat
G | 2k | canon!verse, s8
The problem is that Dean’s been having good ideas all night. “No one insults the trenchcoat,” Dean says, and drives his fist into the other dude’s face. Dean figures he was bound to run out of good ideas eventually.
 Hard Road ❤ by aleishapotter
E | 54k | Canon!verse
Dean discovers a few truths about himself when he and Cas are forced to go undercover on a hunt to the very last place Dean ever thought he'd find himself: a gay resort called "Last Hope" that is geared towards helping troubled homosexual couples repair their relationships. This fic is hilarious and hot--my favorite things.  
 Dean Smith Verse by TamrynEradani
E | 17k | Hot,  BDSM, AU, Sub!Dean
 Dean Smith is a man of routine. Castiel takes him apart.
Bratishka: Little Brother by Valyria
E | 33k | Cop AU, Cop Dean, Lawyer Cas
Dean thinks he knows pretty much everything there is to know about his best friend Castiel Novak - he's a smart, gorgeous DA who probably lets Dean get away with more than he should to see the bad guy locked up - but it turns out Cas is hiding some dark family secrets.
 the way to a man's heart by mkhunterz
M | 15k | Fluff,  Canon!verse
Dean teaches Cas to cook, and other things as well.
 Branded by garrisonbabe
E | 12k | | canon!verse, soul bond, marking/claiming
Michael mocked Castiel, telling him he'd never get Dean the way he truly wanted. No matter the mark on Dean's soul, he'd never get him the way the archangel could take him. Dean finds a ritual that fixes that and a few other issues.
 Our Bodies, Posessed by Light by obstinatrix
E | 39k | canon!verse, sastiel bromance, Fluff
Purged of all his souls, Castiel is a changed being, stronger than an angel and too powerful for Jimmy's body to contain. Happily, there's an archangel's vessel on hand, and he could use fixing, too. Dean isn't too happy about the idea of his brother acting as a vessel for Castiel, and Sam can guess why, but it isn't until Castiel gets inside his head and they learn to share the vessel -- and their thoughts -- that Sam realises Cas is as in love with Dean as Dean is with him. It's unfortunate that there's nothing much to be done about it now, but Castiel will get another vessel soon. The Winchesters will make damn sure of that. In the meantime, it's up to the three of them to establish their own strange accord, and Dean realises more fully than ever that it's Castiel, and not his vessel, that he loves.
So Glad We Made It  ❤by scaramouche
M | 16k | Fluff,  AU
At twelve years old, Dean makes a friend, who becomes his best friend, who will eventually become the love of his life.    
Oh, the best friends who grow up together AU. I have a soft spot for fics like these-- comes with pining, awkward misunderstandings, and a good basis for a realistic relationship.    
 Shut Up (Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is) ❤ by kototyph
E | 23k | Fluff,  college au
Dean's done some pretty stupid things, but getting drunk-hitched in Vegas to a colleague he barely knows might just take the cake. His surprise husband, Castiel, is a little weird but likable despite that, and Dean figures they’ll go back to Boston, get a quiet annulment, and go their separate ways. Six weeks later, he’s still married to one of the strangest, most genuine and definitely most dangerously lov-- likable guys he's ever known. Dean doesn't know why or really even how it’s happening, but it’s getting harder and harder to remember that he has divorce papers to file.
FLUFF EVERYWHERE! This is definitely a feel-good fic and I love reading it when I'm sad. Or just you know, whenever.
 But the Fire is So Delightful by kototyph
E | 5k | Hot, hate then love, College AU
Apparently, it’s been snowing all day. [Dean is a Douchebag Fratboy with a Cherry Ass, Castiel is Angry and Aroused]
 Stitches by askance
T | 23k |  Fluff, h/c, blindness, Canon!verse
Castiel survived Leviathan--but only barely. Vessel mauled and eyes destroyed, Cas is barely clinging to what's left of his grace when Dean finds him naked and alone on the reservoir's edge; in a panic, Dean brings him home to the cabin where he and Sam have been holed up off the grid. What follows is the slow process of the angel's recovery and the unexpected changes that come with his being blind, and in the three months this takes, their little family slowly begins to patch itself back together in forgiveness, love, and darkness.
 When Charlie Met Cas by riseofthefallenone
E | 25k | Fluff,  canon!versE |
Charlie is back in all her glory. The Winchesters have showed up on her doorstep and she’s making the best of it the only way she knows how. By being the little sister Dean never wanted and shipping the shit out of Destiel.
  The Curious Case of Wee Baby Cas Things by tracy_loo_who
G | 4k | Gen, crack
In which Dean and Sam get saddled with a herd of Cas-like baby animals. Meanwhile, Castiel just wants a hug.
 The Life After the Morning After by saltyfeathers
T | 17k
Dean and Cas get uber drunk on their last day of University. They end up married. Neither of them seem to mind.
 The Girlfriend Experience ❤ by Rageprufrock
E | 15k | Hot,  Canon!Verse, First time
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.
Classic Casturbation fic. Complete with steamy sexytimes, hilarious dialogue, and fed up and clueless Dean. Perfect.    
 Asunder by Rageprufrock
E | 23k | Sam/Ruby, Hospital AU Fluff,
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. (Matthew 19:6)
 Hands, From Which All Things Are Built by MajorEnglishEsquire
T | 14k | Canon!Verse, s8
Castiel travels with the angel tablet and without the Winchesters. One day, Dean gets a text from some anonymous number. (They speak in the language of need.)
0 notes
Question Game Thing
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
I was tagged by @thegreatficmaster & @notnaturalanahi
1. Coke or Pepsi: Coke..but i’ll drink either
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Eh..either one
3. Coffee or Tea: Either one
4. Books or Movies: Both
5. Windows or Mac: MAC!!!
6. DC or Marvel: Can I have both?? o.O Marvel movies/DC shows...Characters from both...
7. Xbox or Playstation: Playstation
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Neither
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: Both kinda...
10. Cards or Chess: Cards
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla ice cream...chocolate candy :P
12. Vans or Converse: Either
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: No idea
14. Fluff or Angst: Angst if it’s done right
15. Beach or Forest: Beach!
16. Dogs or Cats: Dogs
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Cooking
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween!
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold..but not too cold..
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Magic..like a witch basically
23. Animation or Live Action: I personally perfect live action..but animation is awesome too
24. Paragon or Renegade: What?
25. Baths or Showers: Showers
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: TEAM CAP BABY!!!
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: Fantasy 
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: “Sweetheart, I wear heels bigger than your dick.” “My History Will Not Be My Destiny.” “When faced with two choices, flip a coin. Because for that brief moment when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you are hoping for.” “Sweetheart, I don’t chase my whiskey. Why would I chase a man?” “Bless your/his/her/their heart(s).”
29. YouTube or Netflix: Netflix I guess
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Harry Potter?
31. When You Feel Accomplished: Almost never..there’s always more to do
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars I suppose?
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Paperback
34. Handwriting or Typing: Both..typing is far faster for me..but sometimes handwriting is better.
35. Velvet or Satin: Depends? Both can be nice
36. Video Games or Movies: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Own one
38. Sunrise or sunset: Both
39. What’s your favourite song? Uuummmm...Idk? I have several
40. Horror Movies yes or no: YES!
41. Long hair or short hair: Depends on the person...One me? I used to have really long hair (like, I could literally sit on it). But I prefer shorter on me.
42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre!
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? Supernatural maybe? Or Marvelverse? I mean..it depends..are we talking just the story in general? Or will the actors who have played the characters actually be there??? So, like, Does Dean Winchester actually look like Jensen? Or is he just some random hunter? Does Bucky Barnes look like Sebastian Stan? Or like he does in the comic? These are important details I need to know before picking just one :P
44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Grapes...
45: Older guys or young guys? Older!!! Though, for the right one, I guess I could go younger...
46: If you could erase any show from TV history, what would it be? Peppa Pig!!!
47: Singing or dancing? BOTH! lol Singing I guess? But, I used to dance too..so..it’s a tough one
48: Instagram or Twitter? Uumm...Twitter I suppose. I’m not much of a picture person.
My Question - 49: What quote or saying do people spout but is complete BS?
I have to tag 49 people? F*** That! So..I’m just gonna tag whoever I find, and if ya don’t wanna do it..skip it! But pretty sure, I don’t even know 10 of y’all...so yea...lol
@theimpossibleg1rl @hushothermuses @i-stole-rudolphs-nose @charliesxora @amantedelcalcio @thepalaceofmelanie @helvonasche @helluvawriter @hardcorewwetrash @janetgenea @trinklton @dreamingintheimpalawithdean @lclb13 @pixikinz @beckawinchester-main @goody2shoessmut @ellen-reincarnated1967 @jalove-wecallhimdean @salvatorexwinchester @percussiongirl2017 @sarahcrystalheart @frenchybell @caramara3 @redlipstickandplaid @ashleymarie2021 @pearlparty @chelsea072498 @writergrrrl29 @gott-sein @justfangstvdto @i-stare-sometimes @wrenwritesometimes
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toomanysurveys9 · 8 years
On Saturdays, I like to… have something fun to do. i spend most of the week at home so if i can get out of the house, i’m happy.
Where would you like to be a missionary to? i wouldn’t like to be a missionary.
What’s better — toilet paper rolled over top or underneath? over the top, of course.
Which Scooby-Doo character are you most like (Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, Velma, the monster, Scrappy?) uhh. i have no clue. probably velma out of all of those.
If you had to endure one natural disaster (i.e. hurricane, tornado, etc), what would you pick and why? i wouldn’t want to endure either. but i guess i better know how to handle a tornado.. this is a stupid question. i wouldn’t choose to endure any.
What movie or TV show do you take guilty pleasure in watching? none are really a guilty pleasure.. i don’t feel guilty about the shows i watch..
If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be? hmm. probably a yield sign. there’s a lot i want to be happy about, but things keep happening and it’s like, oops, might wanna hold on the happiness.
What traditional stereotype would you classify yourself as? i don’t know. in high school, i guess i was a loner..
What “group” did you belong to in high school? outcasts. we were all the kids that didn’t fit into the other groups so we made our own i guess. lol.
If you wrote a book about yourself…what would it be about? well.. my life i suppose.
If your house were burning down, what would you take and why? phe, cocoa, phone, and as much baby stuff as i could grab..
Describe your favorite pair of PJ’s. fuzzy pajama bottoms (star wars) and a t-shirt.
How many handbags do you own? i have a couple bags.
If this were your last day alive, what would you say to your friends? i’m so lucky to have you guys in my life. please take care of jacob and wyatt for me (i’m far enough along they could take wyatt and he’d be fine).
What is your very favorite part of your day? bedtime. lol.
What is your best scar? Tell the story of how you got it. i don’t have one.. there is an outline of part of a fry basket, though, from when i worked at mcdonald’s in high school and the manager pushed me into a fry basket i had just taken out..
You win a million dollars, but you have to give half to a charity. Which charity do you pick, and what do you do with the rest of the money? half would probably go to the pet refuge (no-kill shelter). rest would go to family getting proper housing, paying off student loans and other bills, college fund/savings for wyatt, and whatever jake wanted.
Describe your dream wedding where money is no option. i was happy with mine and jake’s wedding. it was perfect.
What kind of deodorant do you use? usually i get secret.
If you were a spy what would your alias be? i don’t know? i’ve never thought about it.
Do you have a birth mark? Where? Does it look like anything? inside of my upper thigh. it doesn’t look like anything..
You are planning the most awesome dinner party of your life. Which 3 celebrities/historical figures (past or present) would you add to your guest list to keep the dinner talk interesting? i just love jensen, misha, and jared so those three.
What is your favorite sport, and which team of that sport do you cheer for? i’m not into sports.
Which would you rather have a kiss or a hug? Why? right now, a hug.
If you could be a pair of jeans what style would you be?  Why? probably skinny jeans. i used to wear them most.
You have multiple personalities, describe some of them. i don’t though.
What is the best thing you have done in your life? went to college, even if i can’t use my degree just yet because of bethel.
If you were blind for the rest of your life… what would you miss seeing the most? family and friends.
What household chore do you hate the most? cleaning the damn bathroom. it’s disgusting and no one else will do it.
What is your most disappointing moment in life? graduating college but not getting my diploma because bethel screwed me over money-wise.
When have you laughed the hardest? Cried? i don’t know.
If you had a “theme song” that played whenever you walk into a room full of people, what would it be? probably carry on my wayward son or something cool like that. XD i don’t honestly know. i’m so tired. lol.
What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes.
What time period from the past would you most have liked to live in and why? i don’t know. since i’m a female, this is probably one of the better times for me, but the 20′s or something else also would be interesting..
What is the best reward anyone can give you? just recognition that i’m doing well or i’m enough..
If you had a band what would you name it? probably something lame. i’m not good at that sort of stuff. lol.
Do you like fruit? Vegetables? i prefer more fruits than vegetables, but i like both.
What can someone do to encourage you? say encouraging things. smile. just be present and positive.
If you could be one for just 24 hours, what cereal box cartoon character would you be? Why? hmm. i guess lucky from lucky charms. i just really like the cereal right now and his issues don’t seem as horrible as some of the others. lol.
What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? got out of the house after spending a lot of time in it.
What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. owl - gorgeous, intelligent, and hunter.
What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your choice. black - dark, bold, fathomless.
It’s a very hot and muggy day. You desperately want something very cool and refreshing to quench your thirst and revitalize your body. What would you drink — either make your own or store-bought. probably a smoothie or slushie.
You discover that the person you’re head-over-heels interested in loves a good homemade & handmade dessert. What will you concoct when you have this person over? he LOVES no bake cookies. i should make him some sometime actually.
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most? well, he’d already get our dogs and son, obviously. i can’t think of anything i care for more than those..
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own: when you were a child/teenager/now? when i was a child - probably my baby dolls and barbies. lol. when i was a teenager - my ipod. now - probably my boxes of memory stuff.
What’s the kindest act you have ever seen done? i don’t know. there have actually been quite a lot. i don’t know what was the kindest..
If you could have any job in the world, which one would you want? counselor i guess.
What are your best/worst subjects in school and what subjects would you want to learn now? my best was any english or choir class. worst was math in all forms. i don’t know what subjects i’d want to learn now, besides more psychology ones.
What are you most talented at? listening and being there for people.
What is your worst nightmare today? something happening to wyatt, or any of my loved ones.
How often do you clean between your toes? anytime i shower.
What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught? i don’t currently work.
If you could have had the starring role in one film already made, which movie would you pick? one for the money. i just really liked the books, although the movie could be so much better..
If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do? i don’t think i’d do well in the circus.
If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so that you never had to do it again, what would it be? brushing my teeth.
You were just given a yacht. What would you name it? probably something lame. again, i suck at that sort of stuff.
If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard? don’t worry about the little things so much and enjoy life.
You’ve just been hired to a promotions position at Kellog Co. What would you put in a new breakfast cereal box as a gimmick? i don’t know?
Just like “Everybody Wang Chung tonight!”, what action would your name be if it were a verb? okay. this is getting annoying.
Name your favorite song. right now, i really like better man by little big town.
If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? i want to get a dreamcatcher. cliche, i know.
If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be and why? If you already play an instrument(s), what do you play and why? i know the basics of piano but i would love to learn how to really play. otherwise, electric bass guitar so it wasn’t just sitting in my closet at home.
When trick-or-treating as a kid, was there any kind of candy that you didn’t like to get? honey o’s or whatever.
Why do you live in the Washington DC area? i don’t.
What is your favorite memory of Christmases past? just spending time with family has always been my favorite.
What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? nothing.
If a movie was being made of your life and you could choose the actor/actress to play you, who would you choose and why? zooey deschanel. i just like her i guess.
Paper or plastic? depends what it’s for..
What was the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? alligator.
What do you keep in the trunk of your car? random junk.
When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why? country singer. love to sing. or a crime scene investigator because i loved those types of shows.
If you owned a CB radio what would your “handle” be? no clue.
If you were given 24 hrs to live, what would you do? make them do a c-section and spend time with wyatt and family.
If you were in the “Miss America” talent competition, what would your talent be? (Note: both guys & gals have to answer this question) singing i guess.
What do you think the most ultimate gift of the world is? i don’t know..
What is your earliest childhood memory? singing at my grandparents.
If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it? sleep or with family.
What CD is in your CD player right now? i don’t think any.
Name the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with. nicole c. mullen.
Name your favorite children’s story. oh my gosh, i don’t know. i loved so many and i’ve always been majorly into reading.
If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? kayla because i don’t get to see her much lately.
What person in the Bible do you most closely identify with? none. i’m not into all that so i don’t know anyone.
What article of clothing most closely describes your personality? t-shirt i guess.
If you were to write a book what would it be about? some kind of fantasy thing probably.
How many rings before you answer the phone? depends who it is.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? wondering what time it is and then going bathroom.
If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? pay off my loans and bills. savings. give a good chunk to my parents and jake’s mom and our siblings. put money aside for wyatt. whatever jake wanted. oh, get jake, wyatt, and i a nice house. i’d also give quite a bit to kayla.
If you had to, what part of your body would you get pierced? maybe another in my ear.
Who was your favorite teacher and why? in college, lafountain probably. he was just different than the others and more interesting. plus i had a lot less work to do which was nice because my psychology courses were pretty crazy and ridiculous.
What makes you feel the most secure? being with family and kayla.
Who do you admire the most? my parents. they’re pretty amazing and have both been through a lot. they do so much for us kids, even now...
Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it? yeah. i used to have a dream where i got kidnapped all the time..
What was your nickname growing up? marley, marley harley, sissy.
Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them? shania twain i guess. i don’t know what i did specifically. i did try to go vegetarian but that didn’t even last a few hours. lol.
Peanut or plain? plain i guess.
What is your favorite cartoon character & why? gir from invader zim. he’s adorable.
How did you learn to ride a bicycle? my parents taught me.
Based on something you’ve already done, how might you make it into the Guinness Book of World Records? nothing comes to mind.
What’s the closest you’ve come to becoming a pop star/winning an Oscar? lol, not very. i guess when i auditioned for american idol couple years ago to make good on a promise i made jacob?
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? i was checked to see if wyatt was head down for the first time, does that count?
What is your concept of a fruitful day? having things that need done and getting them done.
What was your favorite thing to play with as a child? Why? probably barbies.
If you could be any animal in the world for 24 hours, which animal would you be? Why? owl. they’re pretty and fly.
Have you ever jumped out of a plane? no. nor will i ever.
If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? disease/illness.
What is your best personal characteristic? loyalty.
What is your favorite quote? i don’t know anymore.
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? travel somewhere.
What is your favorite weird food combination? sour cream and onion chips with ketchup.
If you had to be a flower, which one would you like to be and why? lilac. they’re so pretty.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three books and three people would you take with you? people: jacob, jon, and kayla. books: two survival books, and city of bones (i just like it).
My biggest pet peeve is… people not being real..
What is your favorite commercial? What commercial annoys you the most? i don’t like commercials.
What’s the most interesting “Ice Breaker” Question you have ever been asked? i don’t know.
If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be? Why? moose tracks. i don’t have a reason.
Name a turning point in your life that makes you smile/cry. summer 2016. :D
If there were a holiday in your honor what would it celebrate? procrastination.
What clubs were you a member of in High School? Are you still interested in any of the same things? choir. super mileage. and i still love music and singing.
If you were to be on a reality TV show which one would you be on and why? hunted. just because i could see jake making us. ha.
If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? happy. it’d just be nice.
If someone rented a billboard for you, what would you put on it? i have no reason for a billboard..
If you had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would your talent be? procrastinating.
If you were a Smurf, what would your name be? damned if i know.
What is your worst personality characteristic? worry too much.
If you had to be a teacher of something, what would you teach? basic psychology.
How would you like to be remembered? i just want people to remember i cared and was there for them..
What is one thing that you constantly think about (other than material things)? wyatt. worries. family.
What do you like best about your hometown? traffic isn’t horrible all the time.
Something interesting you might not know about me is… i have way too many unfinished notebooks.
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chrismaverickdotcom · 7 years
First Do No Harm (a no-spoilers Justice League Review)
Remember how on my last review (Murder on the Orient Express) I said I was expecting to say “well, that was a movie” about Justice League as well?
Well…. I *GUESS* that was a movie… I mean… there were pictures and stuff… and they moved. Does that qualify? I’ve been going back and forth about the new Justice League film since I walked out of the theater. In fact, even before that while it was going on. Did I like it? Well…  not really. Did I not like it? Not really. Was it awful? Not really. Was it good? Certainly not! I’m not even sure it’s fair to say it’s “fine.” That seems like giving it more credit than it deserved. But I can’t say it was a disappointment either. It just sort of “was.”
Is that good enough? I’m not sure.
For all the failures of the DCEU, the one thing that Warner has done well, I think, is build towards a good managing of expectations. In a lot of the build-up to this, I’ve seen a lot of people saying stuff like “it doesn’t have to be good. I’ll take fine.” And a lot of the reviews said stuff like “the best the DCEU has had other than Wonder Woman” or “finally DC is on the right track.” And those are the good reviews.
But are they? Are they really? Or have they just lowered expectations to the point where you go in and say “well, that’s a DC movie. I guess that’s it.”
I will say that it is 100% better than Batman v. Superman. It is not remotely the train wreck that was. It is probably better than Suicide Squad as well, from a technical narrative point of view, though I thought that was more “fun.” It is certainly not as good as Wonder Woman.
The one thing it really excelled at doing was not offending me. And it’s weird that that’s an accomplishment. But I guess it kind of is. Early in his career, Conan O’Brien once said about his original late night show that he wasn’t trying to be the best. He was really just trying to hold on to as much of the after-Leno audience as he could and since he figured most people had fallen asleep during The Tonight Show his main goal was just to “not wake anyone up and make them turn off the TV.” That’s what I think the goal was here. “Let’s not get anyone to really hate us.” And I didn’t. There were no glaring plot holes. Murderous rampages by good guys were avoided. The movie didn’t stop midway to show trailers for other movies. There was no convoluted subplot involving a world class super-villain trying to trick a US senator into drink his pee (if you haven’t seen BvS… congratulations).
Of course, there wasn’t much else either. I don’t want to say nothing happened. A LOT happened. Probably way too much. There’s a LOT of plot in this. The storyline is convoluted and there are a lot of moving pieces to keep track of. Luckily, it’s pretty easy because this is a story you’ve seen before. Several times. In a lot of superhero movies. There’s not really any interesting tweaks to this. It doesn’t say anything new. I can talk spoilers in the comments if anyone cares, but basically… you’ve seen this story before. This EXACT story. You’ve seen it better, but you’ve also seen it worse. But you’ve never seen it with Batman. And well… here’s your chance.
And that’s really what you’re getting here. You’re getting “the plot from that super team movie” only this time with “the DC heroes from that cartoon you watched as a kid.” And I hope you watched those cartoons as a kid, because if you didn’t… there’s not much reason to care about any of the reasons here. There are a lot of characters, and they aren’t really explained at all. Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman (yeah, if you think this is a spoiler, tough shit… his symbol is on the poster and he’s been in the trailers) are what they are. They’ve had other movies and the film just assumes “you get it.” Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg are given VERY minimal introductions. We learn a little bit about each of them. Flash is a little more fleshed out… in that the film sort of assumes some variation of his TV show origin, even though he is an entirely different character.  Aquaman and Cyborg… well, hopefully you read comics or have a friend you can ask questions to.
It’s almost as though this is just a comic or TV show in the middle of a series. There’s more or less an assumption that the universe was in progress… a universe similar to the one from BvS but pretending that a lot of the mistakes from that film simply didn’t happen. And if you aren’t clued into that universe, the film isn’t going to help you. Try to keep up.
But again. It’s not awful. There are some genuinely funny moments, especially from Ezra Miller as the Flash. There are some other “funny moments” that don’t land at all. The acting is mostly fine. Ben Affleck has been burned one time too many, so he just seems to take the script as it is. Gal Gadot doesn’t shine as much as she did in her solo film. Ray Fisher really doesn’t have enough to do. He’s mostly a very bad CGI character (the effects are NOT great in this movie) and since the movie doesn’t tell you much about Cyborg, he’s more plot device than anything. Jason Momoa and Ezra Miller seem to be so happy to be there that is actually kind of charming. Amber Heard is also… there… And I defy anyone who isn’t already a comic fan to see this movie and then explain to me what her purpose is. Or even what her character’s name is without reading the credits. The same goes for Steppenwolf. What’s his deal? What’s his story (and the film even tells you this one… sort of).
And that’s the shame of it. It’s barely a “movie.” It’s a collection of scenes that check off all of the boxes that are needed to “bring a comic to the screen” and tries to avoid a bunch of the “and for the love of God, please don’t do this!” checkboxes. And for the most part it does. Unlike the last time all of these characters were onscreen together, this doesn’t shit on the legacy of the fans. This is the “first do no harm” approach to filmmaking, and the reason this succeeds is that for the most part, they don’t.
Is that good enough? Maybe. This is why I complained about the “this is for the fans” argument before. Fans will accept a good movie or a bad one. So you might as well make a good one, because then perhaps you can generate more fans. That’s not going to happen here. There is absolutely no reason to pay to see this movie unless you are already a fan of the characters and you want to see them engage in superhero plot number three… just to see it (and yeah, in my head I have an idea of what at least the first five stock superhero plots are). If you’re stuck with the franchise this long… well, you should know what you’re getting by now. But this not going to turn anyone who isn’t already a fan onto the franchise. But hopefully, it probably won’t lose any either. And that’s at least a step up.
★★¼☆☆+🎶 (2.25 out of 5 stars plus a bonus for having a score that features the kickass Wonder Woman theme song AND the Batman theme from the 1989 movie)
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First Do No Harm (a no-spoilers Justice League Review) was originally published on ChrisMaverick dotcom
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