Hey folks. I've been reading fanfiction for over 10 years. Here lies my multifandom horde. Enjoy. I’m currently trying to upload my old rec lists from my blog pages to here. It’s slow going.
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MY Hannigram Extended Universe FICREC LIST
I decided to do a fic rec list for the HEU (wich I am in love forever). First i decided to start by Spacedogs, because it was my first love. I started searching by my bookmarks on AO3, but then i realized that I left a lot of great fics out of there (I started bookmarking stuff not long ago), so i went to my history and got the fics i’ve read from there. It’s not in order of preferences, merely in order of my readings (newer to older). At the end, I listed the series (more than 2 works in the same universe).
Hope you guys enjoy :)
Spacedogs Edition
Craigslist by Llewcie [E, 28k]
Prompt: (Gen or slash) After Beth leaves Adam, he thinks about how to deal with everything on his own - selling the apartment, packing for California, communicating with people there - and decides to post an ad on Craiglist. He’s looking for someone who can “take care of things” for him - things that are “messy” and “complicated”. Nigel answers the ad, expecting to be hired as a contract killer. He ends up becoming a very odd version of Jeeves.
Waylaid by princesskay [E, 67k]
Nigel is on a 19 hour flight from Romania to Los Angeles when his flight is delayed at the Dallas-Forth Worth Airport. On the one day he just wants to get to his destination, everything seems to be going wrong. At the outset of rebuilding his life from the shambles it’s fallen into, he meets Adam Raki, a strange, beautiful man with stars in his eyes. Adam, who is flying to Los Angeles to start a new job at the observatory, is trying to start over, too, but it will take more than he and Nigel hitting it off for him to figure Nigel into his plans for the future.
The Week Before The Funeral by hattukissa [E, 22k]
Adam witnesses a drug deal gone bad right after the death of his father and ends up getting kidnapped by Nigel and his gang. Luckily for Adam, it turns out that Nigel has a huge soft spot for him.
Too Close by AchillesLament (11Mydesign11), You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am [E, 28k]
What starts as just another bachelorette party, turns into more when a male stripper meets the bride’s best friend, an unusual, quirky, attractive young man. Nigel’s been burned by relationships before & sworn off them. Will they both be able to maintain a friends with benefits arrangement?
Movie Night by TigerPrawn [E, 4k]
Adam wants to watch the scary movie, Nigel wants to distract him. Welcome to movie night, come for the popcorn, stay for the edging.
At First Glance by stratumgermanitivum [M, 9k]
Adam met Nigel completely by accident, when Nigel showed up at his side at a bar and pretended to be his boyfriend to ward off an unwanted admirer. A few weeks later, when Nigel asked Adam to return the favor, Adam couldn’t bring himself to say no. It was one of the first lies Adam had ever told, but it was certainly not the last.
Heartbeats by stratumgermanitivum (T, 6k)
Nigel’s soulmark has always been nothing more than a collection of dots. Soulmarks, in general, are an annoyance. They’ve already ruined his life once. And then Adam Raki walks into his life.
Green Card by Devereauxs_Disease (E, 30k)
Adam is about to lose his apartment. He can’t bear the idea of leaving the only home he’s known. Luckily, the building’s super, Mr. Dalca, has a proposal: Marry his friend Nigel so that Nigel can get a Green Card and stay in the country. It’s a simple deal - Adam won’t even have to live with Nigel. But when the government starts checking on whether or not Adam’s marriage is legit, he’s forced to live with a husband he never wanted. Will they make it work? Or Will they kill each other?
Fucking America by LunaStories (T, 3k)
Nigel gets more than what he bargained for when he ends up shot and injured on the doorstep of a rather strange man. Adam, on the other hand, just wants to get into his apartment.
Alnilam and Alnitak by Chifuyu [E, 12k]
He’s sitting on a park bench in the middle of the night, bleeding like a pig, with a cheese sandwich in hand, and everything the strange boy next to him cares about are the stars in the sky and the light of the moon. All things considered, Nigel’s day could’ve been worse.
A Night In by Hannibalsimago [E, 1,2K]
Nigel’s a bit tired for Movie Night. All he wants to do is snuggle. How can he resist his beautiful Adam? Not very well apparently.
Sleeping At Last by Ishxallxgood [E, 5k]
Once upon a time they were two neutron stars, the remnant cores of their previous lives. They were pulled into each other’s orbit, spiraling inward until they finally collided. There was a time he used to believe that their collision would result in the formation of a heavier neutron star; one that could defy the test of time and live on for eternity, or at least for another few million years. Unfortunately the reality was that their collision resulted in the formation of a black hole. One that he is sure he will never be able to survive; for it stole from him his light, his stability, his everything. For what was life without his guiding light, his brilliant star, his Adam Raki?
Nigel remembers, the last night the spent together, entwined. All he has now are the winter stars.
Of Black Holes and Nebulas by Ishxallxgood[E, 6k]
Nigel finds himself interjecting in an argument about black holes of all fucking things, and finds himself face to face with an angel. Adam had gone to the bar with a friend and got roped into an argument about black holes of all fucking things, and finds himself rescued from the conversation by an unlikely stranger. From black holes to nebulas, Adam and Nigel find common ground and a common interest.
Prequel to Sleeping at Last but like the fun meet cute prequel where NOBODY DIES.
Miss You by slashyrogue [E, 1,2k]
Nigel gets hurt in a shootout and comes to the one person who he knows will take care of him. Though it’s been a year since the breakup, he needs to see his Star.
Equal Needs by HotMolasses [E, 5,5k]
Adam needs routines. Nigel knows this, and he understands why, and he does his best to keep them so his Adam is happy. And for the most part, he doesn’t mind eating the same two things for dinner or watching the same TV shows.But when it comes to sex, doing it the same way every time leaves him wanting. Needing more. Needing change.How does Nigel get variety when he’s with a man who needs repetition? How do they find a way for both of them to be happy?
A domestic fic about how good communication makes for a healthy relationship and healthier sex life.
Predestined by AchillesLament (11Mydesign11), Destinyawakened, Identically_Different [E, 49k]
Nigel’s all but left for dead and to clean himself up, but the sounds of someone’s violin playing keep him grasping to life and healing up just fine. So much so, Nigel goes next door to find out who saved inadvertently his life.
Doubt The Sun by TigerPrawn [E, 35,5k]
Soul mates finding each other on a planet of 7 billion people is getting less likely by the decade, even for those who registered their marks with The Agency. Nigel doesn’t even think about his potential other half, never really has. He has bigger concerns than romance. Nigel is an undercover cop and he’s just started a relationship with an unknowing Gabi as part of his cover. Deep cover is dangerous so the last thing he needs at this point is to run into his predestined soul mate - the blunt and totally gorgeous Adam Raki.
The Wedding Date by slashyrogue [E, 3k]
Adam asks Nigel to accompany him to his ex girlfriend Beth’s wedding and things happen?
A Starry Christmas by AchillesLament (11Mydesign11), You_Are_As_Alone_As_I_Am [E, 25k]
Adam is upset when things go awry with he and Beth, so he heads out in the cold to make things right. He has it all planned out, except the part where he meets a handsome Romanian named Nigel, who just refuses to let him walk out alone in the cold at Christmas time.
Trope: Coffee Shop AU (Spacedogs) by TigerPrawn [E, 7,7k]
When a new coffee shop opens across the street from his work, Adam is instantly intrigued. And that intrigue is most definitely held by the rich scent of alpha mixed with coffee and pastries. It isn’t long before he’s amending his schedule to include regular trips to see his new friend.
Book-A-Rest Motel by CannibalsSong (untamedsymphony), TheFilthWithin (Flatfootmonster) [E, 9k]
Adam has found a world of independence in California, experiencing life on his own and finding freedom that he’s worked so hard for. Nigel is retiring from his past into a peaceful, secluded part of the world and has moved on from all the drama and hostility that he survived. Unpredictable weather brings them both together, and they quickly discover a unique relief that can only be found in each other.
When a star is born, they possess a gift or two by DarkmoonSigel [not rated, 4k]
Kind of working with the movies but not. Nigel gets divorced instead of dying. Adam lives in Portland, Oregon instead of California. It’s just a fun little story about flirting and falling in love.
Idle Worship by honorablementioned [E, 1,1k]
Nigel wants to bite. He wants to nibble and chew and worry something, anything, against his teeth. He wants something bitter to hit the back of his throat and wants to chomp down on anything in reach, just to feel okay again.
It’s one night with Adam, who had asked him so sweetly to have sex, that the idea occurs to him.
–In which Adam nags Nigel to quit smoking.
Midnighters by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [E, 52k]
Why the fuck are you here?”
Adam frowns, expression one of almost childish displeasure. “Because you need help with computers,” he repeats. “Security systems. They all speak the same language, Nigel, it doesn’t matter what the system is, I can talk to it. Can you talk to it?” Nigel starts to answer, perhaps just a profanity to fill the air and return the room to a semblance of its former displeased normalcy, but the kid interrupts him. “No, otherwise you wouldn’t need me to do that for you.”
Nigel does not need another man on his team for this heist. He doesn’t fucking need one. And he certainly doesn’t need Adam fucking Raki, but there he fucking is.
Playing by slashyrogue [T, 2,2k]
Nigel smirked. “You don’t like to play around, do you darling?”
“No, do you?”
Nigel began rolling up his sleeve.
“With the right person playing can be quite fun.”
Or Nigel and Adam meet once when he’s married and again when he’s not. One goes bad and the other is a little less bad.
Merrie by Llewcie [E, 40k]
Adam doesn’t reverse-engineer gunpowder for the fame and inevitable wealth– he does it because his father is sad. But it sets off a chain of events that forces him to relocate to London to teach the king’s alchemists how to make things explode. However, the king isn’t the only one who wants to make things explode. Robin of the Merries, an egalitarian group of pirates and thieves, sends her best mercenary to ‘rescue’ Adam from the king’s guard. Enter Nigel, a battle-hardened war veteran who is not a fucking baby sitter, thank you very fucking much.
Adam Raki and the Accidental Nurse by victorine [T, 6,7k]
For his sins (which are many), Nigel winds up taking the bus after every taxi driver he sees fails to stop for him. Fortunately, on the same bus is the most beautiful, blue-eyed kid he’s ever seen. Unfortunately, said kid is running a nasty fever and somehow, Nigel is the only person around to take care of him. Nigel’s not sure whose luck is worse, his, or the kid he’s about to play nurse to.
Infinite Stars by starkaryen [E, 2,4k]
Nigel takes Adam stargazing while they’re in Italy. None of his plans are going as he expected, but maybe they’ll go even better.
Starry Eyes by coquettish_murder_muffin [T, 10k]
“Oh, no,” Darko said in his ear, catching onto the very specific, incredibly dumb look that crossed Nigel’s face. “We’re not going through all this again. Gabi, remember? Hello? Do you remember what happened last time?” He purposefully flicked Nigel in the head, hoping it might resonate, and was stricken when Nigel actually ignored him, just distractedly batting his hand away. Darko might as well have been a fly.
“I must have him,” Nigel said under his breath, with great determination. He felt better than he had in months.
Hurt by slashyrogue [M, 2,4k]
Adam and Nigel have been broken up for months when he starts to see Nigel’s new boyfriend leaving every morning.
Cherry Pie by strangestorys [E, 5,7]
Nigel and Adam go on a weekend getaway, where Nigel discovers one of Adam’s kinks and encourages him to explore it. This is the much-promised Spacedogs tummy love story :D
He watched Adam’s eyes follow his hand down as he rubbed his belly, and he didn’t miss how Adam’s breath picked up just the littlest bit. That was new. They’d have to explore that in the future. Shame they didn’t have more time in the hotel room for this kind of thing.
Unknown Number by slashyrogue [E, 15,7k]
Nigel accidentally texts a dick picture to the wrong number. And the conversation never stops. Soon he’s smitten and surprised to find a man on the other end. That doesn’t stop him from asking for some pictures in return.
A Cure for What Ails You by slashyrogue [E, 5,3k]
Adam gets sick and wants to be left alone. When Nigel gets a phone call he runs to Adam’s aid.
Adam Sends Nigel a Snapchat He Can’t Refuse by thymogenic orphan_account) [M, 1,9k]
Nigel is stuck on a job with some very unaccommodating clients, and all he wants to do his get home to his spaceman (Adam’s sent snap helps to speed up the process, though). Never keep an angry and horny Romanian away from the object of his affections, or you’ll regret it!
Spacedogs- #JustFuckMeUp by TaeAelin [E, 7,9k]
The lights were all out, darkness spilling from Nigel’s office like blood on a blotting strip, soaking beneath Adam’s footsteps.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
Stick to the Schedule by whatacunningboy [E, 27,3k]
Adam is the son of an important senator and Nigel is hired as his bodyguard. At first he doesn’t like having to baby sit him, but falls in love and would gladly take a bullet for him.
Don’t Take Them Off by whatacunningboy [E, 2,5k]
Adam has taken up a new hobby with Beth and wants to show Nigel some of the things he has learned.
A Second Chance by Jujuka [T, 1,3k]
Nigel was alone since the death of Gabi,but one day he meets Adam .
Black Hole by Tiberias [M, 1,4k]
He was beautiful and dangerous as the most darkest nights.
Meet Cute at the 20th Precinct by thymogenic (orphan_account) [E, 5k]
Adam gets arrested and meets a handsome stranger in a police station. Somehow, drunken kisses ensue.
Wake UP by garconne [E, 4,5k]
Adam wakes up an extremely exhausted Nigel in the wee hours of the morning. For sex.
Feeling Loved and Loving by murdergatsby [E, 1,7k]
“Yes, Gorgeous?”
“Did I do something wrong?”
Nigel pleasures Adam and asks for nothing in return.
the darkest nights produce the brighest stars by DarkmoonSigel [E, 18,7k]
Different first meeting, set after the endings of both movies. Nigel and Adam meet in California.
Scorching Sirius by empathalitis, timeandteacups [E, 4,7k]
After two months of dating, Adam plans a special night for he and his alpha boyfriend, Nigel. But it doesn’t take long until they notice something’s amiss – Adam’s suppressants have lost their effectiveness and Nigel’s presence quickly coaxes him into heat. Together, they decide to celebrate the occasion a little more intimately
Tulips Are Better Than One by slashyrogue [T, 4,1k]
Adam owns a flower shop that Nigel pays a visit to and they start a friendship that blooms into more.
Odd Stars by starkaryen [E, 25k]
It was supposed to be a quiet Friday night. Nigel hadn’t expected to spend that night bleeding out in the landing of his nice American apartment, and Adam just wanted to eat his dinner.
But life was funny that way.
Beyond Midnight by StagsInSilence [VARIOUS RATES]
A collection of shorts regarding Nigel and Adam in their domestic life. Based on the Midnighters series from wwhiskeyandbloodd.
Words: 54,2K
Works: 7
Space Invader by Devereauxs_Disease [VARIOUS RATES]
Words: 109K
Works: 7
California & Beyond by TigerPrawn [VARIOUS RATES]
Spacedogs A/B/O series - NOW COMPLETE
Set after the events of both Adam and Charlie Countryman.
Omega Adam is moving to California to take up his new job. Alpha Nigel leaves Bucharest with a head injury and amnesia and is off to start a new life in the States. The pair meet by accident and may find their lives become entwined… Charting their relationship from first awkward meeting, through shirt swapping and various trials (not least Nigel dealing with his past), to their fluffy happy ending!
Words: 74K
Works: 9
Canis Majoris by LectersDaughter, LittleSpacePrince [VARIOUS RATES]
Words: 104,3K
Works: 8
222 notes
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MY Hannigram Extended Universe FIC REC List - pt.2
Well, here’s part two of my HEU ficrec list. This time all Tristhad. Again, there’s only the ones I’ve read and liked, not in any particular order. At the end are the series, with more than 3 works.
I hope you guys enjoy!!!
Tristhad Edition
‘Zine by TigerPrawn [E, 632]
Galahad is one of the top contributors to Tristan’s fanzine, and today he’s decided to deliver his story in person.
I Saw Him Like A Silver Star by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe), printersdevils (tuesdaysgone) [E, 7,3k]
Something has been brewing beyond the wall. Tristan and Galahad set out on a cool morning to find what the forest holds, and discover only secrets about themselves.
Or: Tristan and Galahad admit their feelings for one another whilst holed up in a cave to escape the rain. It’s been a long time coming, and there are scores to settle.
A Part Of His Soul by Hannibalsimago, Nonexistenz [M, 10,2k]
A very young knight makes some incredibly bad choices while inebriated.
“Arthur spoke. “I am deeply ashamed Galahad. You have wounded a brother knight multiple times over this night with your arrogance, disregard, callousness, cruelty, thoughtlessness, pride and ignorance. I am greatly tempted to oust you from the knights as of this moment. You have wounded Tristan as deeply as if he had sustained a mortal blow in combat. What’s worse is, you have no idea of the wrong you have done nor the extent of the damage you have caused.”
Is there anyway back from this?
Never Let You Go by vix_spes [T, 3,5k]
In the aftermath of Badon Hill, Galahad and Tristan’s relationship traverses a somewhat rocky road.
Are You Jealous? by TigerPrawn [T, 405]
Tristan knows something that Galahad doesn’t.
Coffee, Cocaine & Cock by TigerPrawn [E, 8,7k]
Misunderstandings over Galahad’s interests at Camelot’s strangest coffee shop…
what was said in the silence by ElectraRhodes [M, 1K]
It’s Galahad’s birthday, but will Tristan say anything?
Weekends by Kristylee [G, 493]
Tooth rotting fluff ahead!
Something Radical by FrostyLee [NOT RATED, 7,5K]
Galahad was ready. He had geared himself up for this but in no more than a moment, everything changed.
Stranger In The Snow by TigerPrawn [E, 9,3k]
From the prompt: Tristan and Galahad. Modern AU. Tristan is a biker dude and happens to wander Galahad’s bar as a snowstorm is about to hit. They get trapped there, with only each other to keep themselves warm.
The heart knows first by dancey94 [E, 3,6k]
During one of their missions, Galahad tries to resolve his feelings for Tristan.
The Silent Man by HotSauce418 [E, 4k]
The Men rescue a strange, silent man who follows them.
The Silent Man Returns by HotSauce418 [E, 4,3k]
"Galahad, after taking all manner of shit from both Tristan and One Eye, turns the tables like an eager sex monkey."
Fairest by Llewcie [E, 8,3k]
Galahad and Tristan are rivals on the jousting field and casual acquaintances off. Galahad is keeping his secondary gender a secret, after all, and it’s just easier not to be close to anyone who might discover it and start treating him differently.
It’s a great plan.
Locked out by qwertysweetea [T, 1,9k]
Galahad locks himself out of his room and ends up spending the night in Tristan’s. Some interesting feelings come to light. Just… pure self-indulgent, inexcusable fluff.
Love bites by qwertysweetea [E, 1,7k]
Not-to-explicit, but still completely shameless, King Arthur smut in which Galahad instigates and turns out to be a total dom. Tristan isn’t complaining.
Something to live for by qwertysweetea [T, 1,3k]
Just an angsty, kiss-it-better fic set after “I have something to live for!”
Untangled by LunaStories [T, 2,9k]
Tristan’s hair has grown increasingly unruly throughout their journey together. Galahad notices, and he decides to do something about it.
Playing Nicely With Others by Devereauxs_Disease [E, 15k]
When Galahad agrees to pick up Vanora and Bors’ little ones from the nursery, he accidentally insults one of the workers. This is as problem because, well, the guy is pretty hot. Can Galahad win over a grumpy, glitter-covered Tristan on his own? Or will he have to enlist some help from the kids? This is a birthday fic gone haywire. Basically it’s a Hallmark movie, people - you’ve been warned.
The Tale of Sir Galahad and the Ridiculous Chicken by Devereauxs_Disease [E, 4,9]
Tristan’s hawk takes a sudden interest in Galahad, stealing his things whenever Galahad isn’t looking. Tristan is unhelpful at solving this problem. Fluff and crack in the time of chain-mail.
let our battles choose us by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe), printersdevils (tuesdaysgone) [E, 7,7k]
Somewhere along the lines, Tristan withdrew from Galahad, and everything between them changed. One listless summer at Arthur’s hunting lodge, Galahad wants to know why.
Wolves not Shepherds by cognomen [E, 4,2k]
In which Tristan has been hiding something, and Galahad discovers it. A/B/O fic.
The Fox Waits Quiet At The Coop by ElectraRhodes [T, 569]
Every knight of the Round Table knows each skirmish might be his last. And still they wake and face each day with courage and a keen blade. And the love of their brothers in arms
Early Bird by murdergatsby [E, 467]
Galahad wakes Tristan up long before the sun does.
Pursued By A Bear by victorine [E, 6,9k]
While out on a scouting mission with Galahad, Tristan injures his leg, leaving the pair stranded and forced to spend the night together in a cave. Which would be bad enough even if both men weren’t still dealing with their recent break-up. Will they be able to stop fighting long enough to make it through the night?
Runaway by Hannibalsimago [T, 1,9k]
Tristan attempts multi-tasking with unexpected results.
Reverence by vix_spes [T, 1k]
After nearly losing Galahad through his own foolishness, Tristan has no intention of making the same mistake again.
Late Bloom by victorine [E, 4,3k]
Galahad and Tristan are constantly arguing. The other knights are done. There’s only one way to sort this… FIGHT!
What Else Could I Do by Dormchi [M, 3,4k]
“Be still.”
He doesn’t know if it’s the low rumble of that voice or knowing who it belongs to that makes Galahad’s face flush hot and his cock leak against his thigh.
Tristan. Tristan is sharing his bed.
Freely Given by Devereauxs_Disease [T, 3,1k]
Tristan tries to teach Galahad many things, especially the meaning of enthusiastic consent.
Not so pure anymore by orphan_account [E, 1,8k]
Galahad surprises Tristan doing naughty things in his tent.
Hadrian’s Wall, 467 by orphan_account, whiskeyandspite [M, 8,8k]
Make a promise,” he suggests, and shifts a little, leans over Galahad from his waist, turning his body to settle his palms on either side of him. “Keep it. Then not everything is broken promises.”
There is never just one lifetime, not for people who are meant to meet. In Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter’s case, they shared five. Four which they could not share fully, and one which they did. This is their first.
Offer Up by halotolerant [E, 6,8k]
Tristan is not in the business of giving Galahad what he wants.
As Knight falls by Jessymessy101 [M, 7,4k]
Tristan is an easy target for the Romans to pick fights with him, he’s strong, fast and has a reputation. He certainly doesn’t need protecting!
A Bride’s Price by Devereauxs_Disease [E, 5,9k]
Galahad doesn’t know how to woo Tristan, so he asks for advice from the knights. All of their advice is terrible. Please don’t ever ask these idiots for advice.
Consequences by victorine [G, 2,4k]
The stupid thing was that, for once, he hadn’t even been thinking about kissing Tristan. Normally it was all he could do to stop himself from claiming that tempting mouth, poppy red and – in Galahad’s imaginings, anyway – petal soft, working itself into that curling smirk that brought his breath short. He had devoted long hours to constructing first kisses in his mind: some deep and lingering, some gentle and faltering, some filthy-sweet and wet. And all perfect.
Instead, in the end, he kissed Tristan for the first time by clumsily smashing their mouths together because the omega simply wouldn’t shut up.
In which Galahad plants a kiss on Tristan and gets far, far more than he bargained for from the omega.
A Secret Shared by ishipthemsogoddamnhard [E, 1,5k]
Galahad has felt the tension growing between him and Tristan, but what will happen when Tristan feels it too…?
Sharpened senses by smilodonna [NOT RATED, 1,7K]
Galahad notices something has changed between him and Tristan. He is confused.
What Remains Behind by shiphitsthefan [M, 4,3K]
Galahad travels aimlessly. He had a destination once—Tristan had spoken some of the lands that lay against the horizon, at the edge of the world and the rising of the sun. They weren’t his home, but Tristan loved them like they were. Galahad thought for a while that it might be nice to visit there, to follow in Tristan’s footsteps. Eventually, though, he’d given it up; like Tristan, they weren’t his to have. Best to leave them in memory.
But when Galahad sleeps, pelts wrapped tightly around him, he dreams of blood and stars and a black sea, just as he has each night since Tristan’s death. He stands on the edge of a great bluff, tracking the path of the moon with his eyes. Galahad knows that he’s waiting; he simply isn’t sure what for.
“See me,” whispers a familiar voice. All Galahad has seen in these mountains is a great black stag.
Model Citizens by cognomen [M, 11K]
In which Galahad and Tristan are live models for the holiday season for Rival store brands; but retail hell makes allies of them.
Waves and arrows by veefromthesun [M, 5,8]
Galahad is ready to leave behind Arthur’s madness, but he can’t leave behind Tristan, too. Not when his constant nightmares keep reminding him that he’s more than a fellow warrior. And not when Tristan explicitly asks him to stay.
Bondless by Llewcie [E, 9,3K]
Galahad runs an Omega club with the best security on the eastern seaboard. Tuesday nights are Alpha Night, where alphas can pay dearly for the privilege of buying an omega a drink. Tristan is willing to pay just to look on Galahad from behind the glass security wall. Galahad is pretty sure he wants more.
The Tale of Sir Galahad and the Ridiculous Chicken by Devereauxs_Disease [E, 4,9K]
Tristan’s hawk takes a sudden interest in Galahad, stealing his things whenever Galahad isn’t looking. Tristan is unhelpful at solving this problem. Fluff and crack in the time of chain-mail.
Trope: Sharing A Bed (Tristhad) by TigerPrawn [E, 3,2K]
The storm outside is nothing compared to the one that has raged within Tristan throughout the years he has denied himself. After all, what alpha would take another as their lover?
I’ll Teach You by chronicopheliac [M, 2,2K]
Kink meme prompt: Tristahad, 55. “Relax your throat.” with virgin!Galahad.
The Purity of Sir Galahad by ProxyOne [T, 1,6K]
The company create a drinking challenge between Galahad and Tristan. It goes about as well as can be expected.
Over the Mountains and Under the Stars by starkaryen [E, 19,3K]
Galahad wasn’t a fool. He knew perfectly well that the feelings he had harbored for Tristan for some time now would never be requited. But Tristan had never joined the knights’ jokes about this particular matter, and he had always inwardly thanked him for that…
Until this moment.
Sarmatian Culture by RisingQueen2 (FallenQueen2) [E, 3,1K]
Male Omega’s in the Sarmatian culture are treated differently than ones in Roman culture, as Arthur is about to learn.
Good Tips by Kateera [M, 4,3K]
Delivering pizza’s to a fraternity may be the worst part of Tristan’s job. A chance encounter/rescue might be all it takes to change his mind.
Opia by bonelines, howlscastle [E, 9,7K]
A more fantastical alternate universe in which Galahad is a psychic sold into sex slavery and he ends up under the ownership of Tristan, who is none too happy about it at first.
To Hold My Own by CheekysMagic [NOT RATED, 2,5K]
“It hurts that I can’t fulfil what you want, carry on your family line because my body is simply inefficient. Not built to rear the children you so desire”
Galahad’s horse has found herself in labour, Tristan and Galahad stay beside her but it prompts their own feelings about birth.
And more specifically, the knowledge that they themselves, cannot produce offspring.
Postwar by cognomen [E, 16,9K]
Arthur glances back at him, over his shoulder, eyes dark and miserable before he steels himself. Galahad thinks he is as much mourning his dreams and bright memories of Rome as he is his lost men. Briefly, Galahad is angry about it, but he does not have the energy to hold it for long.
"You’ll join him, you know,” Arthur says, and when he turns there is a firm line beneath his chin, tension through his jaw and his profile is so typically Roman and proper that Galahad could laugh. “If you keep forgoing meals and sleep. I’ve lost enough.”
“You’ve lost one less than you think,” Galahad tells him, and Arthur nods, concedes the point, and reaches down to push Tristan’s messy hair back from his forehead to check for fever.
Irrevocable Condition by cognomen [E, 11,2K]
Restlessness creeps in only slowly, finding cracks and toeholds in the busy spin of productive consciousness. It builds up that way, sediment at the bottom of a fast moving stream. At the surface, the water runs on, until the silt rises enough to stop or divert it.
They are not there yet. Galahad can’t help but be aware of it there, of the raising level of it that must grow in Tristan as the summer reaches its height. Their garden grows - though with objective eyes, Galahad can see that it seems sparse and ragged in comparison to the neatly tended rows of their neighbors.
In the nest above the chimney, the young hawks bat their wings and contemplate the sky. It will soon be their domain. Galahad tries not to imagine the same dark-eyed and fierce expression on Tristan when the he former knight stands alone and quiet in the spaces between the green rows.
Decade by cognomen [E, 7,3K]
He lifts himself away from the fire, finishing his thin broth and walking through the rows of stone huts with empty gardens, sitting heavily on the frozen ground.
They had cut into the frozen earth like the belly of an enemy to sew seeds in early May, surviving the back-breaking work only because it was an effort of hope.
This is not an enemy like the Saxons, who have come again and again to Britannia like a tide against the shore. They take footholds where they can, and spread over the land south of the wall, taking bites from the land with small raids and then settling. Arthur cannot get there before the act is done, cannot undo the lost lives by killing.
There is enough to worry about otherwise.
Designs by TigerPrawn
Post season 3, Will and Hannibal are starting their new life together as Will starts to come to terms with his sexuality after dreaming about Knights of the Round Table…
Words: 30,962
Works: 4
Lessons by vix_spes
Words: 8,144
Works: 3
Tristhad Holidays 2016 by FrostyLee
Words: 11,394
Works: 31
Our Time Will Never End by kipsi
Headcanons of Tristan and Galahad with all of the fluff and feels you can imagine.
Words: 5,564
Works: 4
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Spacedogs Rec Mega Post
OK, Spacedogs is my favorite AU pairing in the world - I JUST HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THEM, OK? SO. In celebration of @hannibalficwriters Spacedogs Fic Rec event, I’m going to just post my top Spacedogs fics of all time. There are so many, y’all (I’m sure I’m missing scads), but these are the ones you MUST READ.
Bottle of Gin by @llewcie and @thymogenic Who hasn’t dreamed of a world where Nigel is your personal genie? Just me? Ok then… ANYWAY, Adam finds a genie in a bottle and must decide if he will rub him the right way. This is the perfect fic and concept and just…I wait eagerly for updates.
Those Who Wander by Arabellah and @victorineb Do you love Fallout? Do you love Spacedogs? YOU NEED TO READ THIS FIC. Nigel is wandering the waste until he comes across an especially brilliant little android. Can the two survive the harsh climate? Updates are always a treat with this fic.
Through the Water by @hannabellegraham Nigel is experiencing weird mood fluctuations. Can his odd little neighbor be the key to helping him. This took me by surprise and I’m totally engrossed. Join me as I eagerly await updates!
Midnighters by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite This is the OG Spacedogs as far as many people are concerned. And if you haven’t read it, you really need to. This was the first fic that ever introduced me to the pairing and it is absolutely beautiful.
Craigslist by @llewcie Llewcie has been low-key one of the best writers in this fandom forever. And if you don’t know that as fact, it’s because you’re not reading Llew’s stuff. This was the fic that convinced me that Nigel and Adam were the best AU pairing in the Fannibal ‘verse. Adam is looking for a helper on Craigslist, Nigel thinks Adam is looking for a hitman - sexy hilarious hijinks ensue. What makes this special is the heart and soul in it and no one should miss out on this classic fic.
Strange Diamonds by sku7314977 One of my favorite fics, and one I re-read A LOT. The setup is basically this: Charlie Countryman tricks Adam into being the drop man when he and Gabi decide to double cross Nigel. Adam is too cute to kill, so Nigel is stuck with an adorable man and plans for revenge. It’s hilarious and heartfelt.
Welcome to California by @desperatelyseekingcannibals If you’re an ABO person, this is the fic for you. The characterization is beautiful, the story is sweet, and it’s got all of Tiger Prawn’s classic brilliance. Also? It’s got some kickass art to go along with it. Check it out.
Silly Stickers by @samui-sakura88 This is one of those tooth rotting fluff stories that makes any bad day seem better. It’s a high school AU and the whole series is amazing. Samui is great at bringing out the giant teddybear in Nigel and the adorable frankness of Adam.
The Wedding Date by @slashyrogue Adam needs a date to Beth’s wedding. Nigel volunteers. Adam doesn’t realize Nigel might like to date him in real life. Will he figure it out. One of the thousands of brilliant AUs by Slashy. This one just always makes me grin like a goof.
Rise and Shine by @wrathofthestag Short and sweet this is the perfect Spacedogs drabble. Just everything you could want in their relationship, in like under 500 words. Go and check it out!
Beth Finds Out by @victorineb A continuation of her GENIUS Alana Finds Out Series, in this fic, Beth discovers that her new boyfriend Nigel and her friend Adam might be a little too friendly. It’s hilarious and heartfelt and just everything you could want in a fic.
Odd Stars by @starkaryen Nigel interrupts Adam’s dinner by rudely bleeding out right in front of his apartment. SOME PEOPLE! Thankfully, these two are meant to be and some truly lovely getting together occurs.
The Speed of Light by @magicaldestiny Have you ever wondered what Nigel would be like as Han Solo? WONDER NO MORE! This genius Star Wars cross over is tender, beautifully plotted, and just everything you could want from an AU of an AU. Seriously, space nerds, check this shit out.
Rebel’s Cum by @thymogenic OK, real talk: If you don’t want to read this fic based SOLELY on that genius fucking title, I don’t think we can be friends. Just…look at that, it’s the greatest title in AO3 History and you all know it. ANYWHO, this fic is beautiful smut from a great writer - Adam and Nigel + Star Wars role play, that’s all you need to know.
Swimming in the Moonlight by @eveninginwithyourgirlfriend / honorablementioned This is an adorable meet-cute where Adam has to decide between two new neighbors: Beth and Nigel. GUESS WHICH ONE IS THE BETTER FIT. This fic features Tender!Nigel which is my all time fave, so you know, it has my heart.
Tumblr Ficlets by @hotsauce418 This is, admittedly a bit of a cheat, HOWEVER, Hotty writes some fucking amazing Spacedogs ficlets. So I’m going to make you read all of them. Seriously, all of them. I’m not choosing. They’re all that good.
I Have Lied My Way to the Stars by DarkmoonSigel Nigel is recovering from the whole “bullet to the head” thing, Adam might just be the perfect person to help him. Porn and sweetness follow.
Don’t You Forget About Me by @taeaelin A fantastic Breakfast Club AU, that is unfortunately unfinished. Still, the story there is wonderful and a great reminder that Tae can craft a Spacedogs yarn like no other.
Merrie by @llewcie This is the Robin Hood AU you never knew you needed. For real. Adam invents black powder and must team up with an extremely sexy warrior to save his brother and the kingdom from his invention and those who want to misuse it. Seriously, this whole fic is a goddamn delight.
Daybreakers by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite Another great fic from these two. This one is notable because it features something the fandom needs more of - bottom Nigel. Let Mads bottom, y’all, I promise it works out fine. This is a great bodyguard AU and has a cameo from a certain pop artist that may have killed Mads in a video…
Noses Full of Shit and Fists Full of Roses by StagsInSilence Sweet and angsty, this is a fic that is a riff on the Midnighters ‘verse. Really well done.
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Hannibal Fic Recs
: I’m new to the hannibal fandom so any recs for fics I would love to hear? 😊
Oh boy, do I ever. Firstly, let me point you to this list of “iconic hannibal recs” for a list format of the prominent fics in the fandom. I have not included any fics that are already on that list. Most of the fics listed here I’ve found by tag mining and creeping on people’s bookmark lists and they’re in no particular order. All are complete. So, enjoy!
A Great and Gruesome Height by mokuyoubi (E | 115k) Post s3e13. Murder Husbands. This is a masterpiece. The writing is beautiful and entrancing. The plot is engaging and respectably tense without overshadowing the enthralling character and relationship development. The growth and malleability of both Will and Hannibal are shown in such a lovely way. Definitely a must read.
Morphology (series) by Finely Honed (E | 93k) s1 AU. “Hannibal’s fascination with Will prompts him to attempt the impossible—giving up killing in order to better explore the possibility of a relationship with Will. Easier said than done.“ This is beautifully written and wonderfully angsty while not being TOO much. Seriously can’t believe I haven’t read this before. Contains: murder family feels, excellent and unique characterizations, and lots of uhhh… smut. That’s really good too.
On Through the Shallows by MajorEnglishEsquire (E | 33k) Post s3e13. “Hannibal has decided to want dog hair and mechanic’s grease and damp sheets. Or, rather, he’s decided he doesn’t much mind cleaning those up. He needed someone to fuck him up. He fucked Will up and he wants to get fucked up right back.” Will works through the limbo between the moral man he was before and the free one he is becoming. Hannibal works on sucking colorful bruises onto Will’s neck.
Odalisque (series) by drinkbloodlikewine & whiskeyandspite (E | 231k) Murderous Rent Boy!Will & uhhh… normal Hannibal. Underage warning. “There’s something deeply decadent about it, defiling such a luminous vehicle with something so cheap as smoke. The irony isn’t lost on Will as he slides across the velvet-soft lambskin leather seat. As far as could be from anyone who regularly visits this place, for these reasons. Slumming it. Not quite your typical rentboy situation.” What is there to say? Will is an underage serial killer with a rent-boy cover. Hannibal is Hannibal. They pick each other out as marks but they can’t quite kill each other. Kink ensues. Also, the development across this series is the most memorable thing about it, all kink aside (and there is a lot of it).
Faded Fantasy (and sequel) by Phenobarbital (E | 232k) Post s3e13. Slow Burn. “Hannibal navigates his way through Will’s heterosexuality…” Okay. This is AWESOME. I feel like this was written specifically for me. It’s long as FUCK, but it’s ALL relationship development. It’s literally just >200k of pining and romancing and sexual tension and Hannibal being so incredibly smitten with Will that it’s painful for him. This deserves so much more clout. Literally, cannot recommend this journey of a fic enough. When their trust develops, it’s very rewarding.
As soft, as wide as air by BlackKnightSatellite (E | 191k) Post s3e13. Murder Husbands. Dark. Slow burn. A story of becoming in three acts. Beautifully written - poetic even. Plot driven without neglecting the necessary and heavy character development. This is a tragedy, not for Hannibal and Will, but for every mere mortal who has touched them. Will and Hannibal here burn bright and hot like a dying star, suspended in time. My descriptions aren’t usually this florid, but this epic truly deserves it. Will here is an avenging angel of hell, and Hannibal is as manipulating and devoted as he’s ever been. The pacing and plot are reminiscent of the show, and it’s lovely. Well worth reading. MCD warning does NOT apply to Hannibal or Will.
Daydreamer and the Shadow Man (series) by HigherMagic (E | 169k) “After Garrett Jacob Hobbs, Will can’t reconcile Abigail’s death. He’s done - with all of it. He needs to escape, to return to the only place he has ever felt safe and wanted. That place ends up being a sleepy town on the other side of the Chesapeake Bay, where he spent one summer as a child, exchanging riddles and letters with his dearest friend: the Shadow Man.” This is BEAUTIFUL!! There’s identity porn, Dark/Semi-Dark Will, extremely devoted Hannibal, and so so so much love in this story. Please note there are strong themes of stalking/grooming in case that’s a trigger for you.
The First Condition of Immortality is Death by OneHandedBooks (E | 92k) Hannibal’s heart stopped for the first time after he’d dragged himself and Will out of the frigid ocean onto the rocky shore at the bottom of the bluff. Slow Burn. Lovely, poignant, emotional! Very atmospheric. Will and Hannibal heal from their fall. They take a boat to the Caribbean. <– That’s all I have in my AO3 notes, but I actually find myself thinking about this fic all the time. I’ve read so many fics that are post 3x13, but this one and it’s little details still stand out to me.
Two Solitudes by emungere (E | 54k) Wonderful, intimate, and tender. Beautifully written and honest. Will cares for Hannibal after the cliff. They escape to Canada together, and they learn to trust and fit together. I’m always a bitch for survival/wilderness fics, and this scratches that itch.
The Infinitives Series by InfiniteCrisis (E | 93k) Post s3e13. Dark AF. An incredible take on Sub!Hannibal and Dom!Will. Will makes a cruel, cruel Dom here and some of this feels pretty fucked up, even for me. It works out though and I’ve read this through multiple times. PLEASE read the warnings though.
Veins As Fine As Rabbit Hair by lovetincture (E | 42k) “He also knows what Hannibal’s offering, and it’s not just anything. It’s love and murder, pain and comfort, all of it mixed together in equal quantities and no way to have one without the other.” A slow burn and slow story (in such a good way). Will and Hannibal, after the fall. Very beautifully written, and their relationship growth is wonderful.
Authors that I love everything I’ve read by: HigherMagic // Whiskeyandspite // stratumgermanitivum // drinkbloodlikewine // everybreathagift
Fics that I’ve loved enough to read aloud: “A Gentler Ending” by @damnslippyplanet // “daylight savings” by thebeespatella (@the-bees-patella) // “Pochée” by ElloPoppet (@lizabethl)
Find more fic recommendations lists by myself and others on my fanfiction blog here! Also check out my bookmarks on AO3!
I have SO many more fics that I love, so feel free to drop by my inbox if you need more reccomendations! This is just a very very very small sampling.
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Hello! I'll just say I've followed you for Drarry but stayed because everything is absolutely marvelous! Favorite drarry blog hands down so I need to ask, because I haven't found almost any, do you know good AU fics? Preferably lengthy ones. Thank you so much love 💖
Thank you so much!! You’re so sweet :) Here are my favorite AUs- I hope you enjoy them!
Sorted into Different Houses
Leo Inter Serpentes (Aeternum,516k so far, WIP): It’s a retelling of all the books with Slytherin!Harry. Itfinally does justice to Slytherin House and all my favorite snakes.
Cunning and Ambition (MinaAndChao,372k; not complete!): Also a retelling of each book with a Slytherin Harry.It’s a lot of fun, but it was abandoned during the sixth one.
Sacrifices Arc (Lightning on the Wave,over 2 million words): Harry has a twin brother named Connor. Harry’ssorted into Slytherin, and it follows him throughout his years at Hogwarts, butit’s quite a bit darker than the other two series.
Slytherin Lovers (Hijja,5k): After losing their Quidditch game, Draco gets to spank Harry.
Chaos Theory (Tessa Crowley, 103k): Draco isa genius Ravenclaw, and he becomes friends with Harry during their first yearat Hogwarts.
Re-sorted into Different Houses
Malfoy Flavor (Vorabiza, 195k): Harryfinds out he’s Snape’s son, assumes a new identity, and is re-sorted intoSlytherin during his sixth year. It’s such a fun, pro Slytherin fic!
TheOwlery and the Slytherin (writcraft, 11k): Kingsleyorders Harry to finish up his NEWTs and get re-sorted into Slytherin to try to helperadicate the pervasive anti-Slytherin bias.
Golden Age (zeitgeistic, 53k): To promote interhouse unity, McGonagalldecides that all seventh and eighth year students will be re-sorted into adifferent house. Harry and Draco both end up in Hufflepuff, and have to worktogether to solidify the magical wards. Normally, I really don’t like Draco in any house besides Slytherin, and Hufflepuff is thelast one I’d put him in, but somehow, this author makes it work. It’s afantastic, fun, and interesting read.
Canon Divergent Hogwarts Era Fics
Secrets (Vorabiza, 411k): This diverges from canon after HBP.It starts with Draco coming to Harry for help sheltering his daughter from theDeath Eaters, and from there, they embark on a quest to hunt down the horcruxesand stop Voldemort once and for all. It’s my favorite characterization of Harryand Draco’s relationship in any fic.
Twist of Fate (OakStone730, 312k): Harryand Draco get together during their fourth year at Hogwarts, but keep theirrelationship a secret. It doesn’t directly contradict canon; every interactionthey have in the books still occurs, there’s just another meaning behindeverything (for instance, they’ll stage fights to stave off suspicion, andagree that “Scarhead” means “I love you”). They’re so perfect together, and itwill tear out your heart before slowly knitting it back together.
Abraxan Wings (khalulu, 14.5k): After the Sectumsempra incident, Draco loses the use of his legs. Harry comes to speak to himafterwards, and Dumbledore ends up forcing them to room together. They growclose, and Harry urges Draco to switch sides.
Nonmagical AUs
WorldsApart (QueenyMidas, 30.5k): Harry and Draco’s characters in Worldof Warcraft meet, and their initial animosity soon gives way to flirting andsexting. They’re both unaware that the boy on the other side of the screen istheir high school rival. The characterizations here are amazing, and their banter gives me life. This is exactly how I liketo see them!
Synthetic Bonds (mypetelephant, 116k): Draco isa grad student and Harry is Lucius’ protégée at Malfoy Corporation. To becomeCEO of the company, Harry has to marry Draco; unfortunately, they absolutelyhated each other in school, and are thus not sold on the idea. Luckily, they have incredible chemistry to help keep things interesting as they try to get to know each other better.
Black Coffee on a Lonely Night (femme, 22k): After Astoria dies, Draco decides to quit his job as a professional Cricket player and take care of Scorpius. He ends up buying a café (mostly to piss off his dad), and meets Harry, a hot politician who makes him unaccountably flustered.
InterpretingDraconis (Dacro, 11k): Draco’s been put in charge of his family’s company in the wake of his father’s disappearance. He’s Deaf, andHarry’s hired as his interpreter.
Catfish(QueenyMidas,47k): Draco and Harry are hosting MTV’s Catfish. Even though they hated each other in high school, they decide to try to get along for thesake of the show.
The Princess Thief (olimakiella, 31k): The mysterious art thief DracoMalfoy tries to rob the Louvre and escapes persecution. Luckily, bounty hunterPotter is on the case. Most of the characters are Muggles here (except forHarry).
Draco’s Boy (empathic siren,186k): Harry moves next door to Draco when they’re eight years old. It followsthem into adolescence, and shows Harry trying to cope with the Dursleys’ abuse and his struggles in starting a relationship with Draco.
AUs with Different Universes
Life Is aTwice Written Scroll (lauren3210, 22.5k): While itinitially seems like a traditional eighth year fic, it quickly develops into a rich study of choices and the rippleeffects they cause. Draco imagines what would have happened if he had done onething differently, and is shocked to wake up the next day and find himselfliving in a world where he had made that particular choice. He exploresdifferent realities that hinge on his choices, and finds himself drawn toHarry time and time again. It also has a gorgeous companion piece thatexplores one of the alternate universes in more depth.
OscillateWildly (Marks, 57k): Harry collapses during his sixth yearand wakes up in a hospital, surrounded by Muggle doctors and some familiarnames and faces. He’s jolted back into his normal world the next morning, butcontinues to experience breaks, wherein he’s in a Muggle mental institution andis told that he created the world of wizards and magic as part of an elaboratefantasy. Both worlds feel real to him, and he struggles to decide which life is preferable.
Turn(saras_girl, 307k): Although it starts with Harry being married to Ginny andliving an epilogue compliant life, he’s jolted out of this when he suddenlywakes up and is married to Draco. He finds that in this new reality, he soughtDraco out after Sectumsempra and apologized, thereby setting a different (and happier) coursefor himself.
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Do you have any fics where draco leaves the dark side for one reason or another and develops feelings for harry? Preferably in the medium-long range
Yup, can do fandomlybloggable! Enjoy and remember to leave love for the authors!
Drarry Recs: Draco Changes Sides
Allegiance and Sedition by SilentAuror - NC-17, 98.5k - The war is in its fifth year, and Harry finds himself caught up in the confusion of friend versus enemy, spy versus traitor.
And I Know the Spark by firethesound - NC-17, 15.5k - All Draco cares about is keeping Potter alive, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that happens.
For All That Ails You by Frayach - NC-17, 17k - Voldemort forces Draco to drink a love potion so that he’ll fall in love with Harry, and he does - madly. But then Harry does too. When Hermione finds an antidote for the love potion, neither knows who loves who. But then along comes the anonymous poetry contest to save the day.
Brave New World by SilentAuror - NC-17, 22.5k - The first post-war Christmas is coming to Grimmauld Place. As the Order of the Phoenix ponders its future, Harry sorts through a maze of war records and quickly begins to see that not everything is as it should be..
Kailash, When it Rises by Mirabella - PG, 3.5k - Harry can’t sleep.
No Quiet Find by distempered/blithelybonney - NC-17, 10k - War makes a man tired…some more than most. Draco needs rest.
Not Through With You by dark0feenix - NC-17, 11k - Draco doesn’t remember, and Harry doesn’t let him forget.
Noticed Him Fading by marksykins - NC-17, 3.5k - Draco hates France, the Ministry, owls, and Harry Potter.
Paris by abbycadabra - R, 9k - “So you want us to keep running? To run and hide? Until when, Malfoy? Until they win or lose? Forever?”
Starts with a Spin by Maxine - M, 120k - It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there’s almost no way out again. Except to keep playing.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by Duinn Fionn - R, 11k - Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend. (with sequel Delicate Sound of Thunder)
Under the Cold, Wan Moon by slytherincess - NC-17, 38.5k - He does not seek war, but when attacked he knows better how to die than surrender.
Walking the Line by SilentAuror - NC-17, 180.5k - Sixth year is over and Draco Malfoy is on the run. The war is on and an unwanted assignment is forced upon him by the only people he trusts - and a one-time arch-enemy just may be out to kill him.
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Do you have any good veela or like creature soulmate fics preferably pretty long? Thank you
pfffffft…. do I have any creature fics…. YES I DO let’s goooooo I’m just gonna put that entire section of my fic library in her. Sorry in advance, these are most definitely not organized by creature i’M SORRY I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH AT MIDNIGHT
Title: BLUE SUNNY DAY Author: FIRETHESOUND Rating: NC 17Word Count: 26,000 Approx. Summary: When Draco spots Potter at a Muggle club in London, he just can’t resist the opportunity that presents itself.
Title: ETERNITY WITH YOU Author: WINNETT Rating: RWord Count: 18,400 Approx. Summary: One moment with Harry was worth more than an eternity alone.Warning(s): Creature fic [vampire]
Title: THERE IS ALWAYS THE MOON Author: FIRETHESOUND Rating: PG-13Word Count: 158,000 Approx. Summary: Draco’s life after the war is everything he wanted it to be: it’s simple, and quiet, and predictable, and safe. But when a mysterious curse shatters the peace he’d worked so hard to build, there’s only one person he can trust to help him. After all, Harry Potter has saved his life before. Now Draco has to believe that Potter will be able to do it one more time.
Title: REJOICING IN THEIR STRENGTH & sequel EYES THAT CAN SEE IN THE DARKAuthor: LOMONAAERENRating: NC 17 Word Count: 51,000 Aprox. (Adding both parts)Summary: Draco is imprisoned and tortured by a mad Lucius after the war. He uses astral travel to spare his sanity. Imagine his surprise when he comes on Harry Potter, a werewolf Harry Potter, in the Forest of Dean. // sequel to ‘Rejoicing in Their Strength.’ Draco, for a year after the events of that story.Warning(s): Sex, torture, violence, profanity, insanity, character death (not Harry or Draco), creature!fic
Title: AND THERE GROWS IN THE MIND A SCENT Author: MEGYAL Rating: NC 17Word Count: 5,800 Approx. Summary: A Veela has killed their Mate. It’s a devastating case that brings the Acting Head Auror and the Wizard-Veela Liaison Officer together again.Warning(s): Creature fic [Veela]
Title: TIME TO ETERNITY Author: WELLHALESBELLS Rating: NC 17Word Count: 16,600 Summary: Malfoy has wings. This is a remix of THE WEIGHT OF ETERNITY by ENVY_VENIS from Harry’s PoV.Warning(s): Creature!fic (Veela)
Title: SOMETIMES IT MEANS THAT YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO LET GO Author: MEGYAL Rating: NC 17Word Count: 17,000Summary: The fae have faded, and they’ve passed on elemental abilities. Harry is Chosen, of course (isn’t he always?), and he has to work his way through the minefield of having an Elemental mate.
Title: NIGHT SHIFTAuthor: MS_MINDFUNKRating: RWord Count: 14,392Summary: Draco is stuck in career purgatory on the night shift in the Auror Department. The powers that be won’t let him near any important cases, but he knows he can prove himself and get promoted if he can just crack a big case. When Harry Potter shows up after getting himself banished to the night shift as well, how will he affect Draco’s plans?
Title: THE GARLAND GAY Author: VAYSHRating: NC 17Word Count: 35,000 Summary: Draco Malfoy has it all – sex, money, power. But a family secret threatens to become the undoing of the successful head of Malfoy Bank. His troubles bring him to private investigator Harry Potter, who lost it all – girlfriend, Galleons, Auror career – over a tenacious obsession with a certain blond. Both become entangled in the vengeful schemes of a stranger from the past. As much as Draco tries to resist, in the end, he must make a fateful choice for the man he is destined to love.Warning(s): magical creatures (Veela), some blood, death of a minor character
Title: CHAINS OF EARTH Author: DYSONRULESRating: NC 17Word Count: 96,500 Aprox. Summary: Draco is kidnapped and forced to make a choice between taking his own life or becoming something less than human. Of course, he makes the right decision. Enter Harry, who discovers he has a bit of a thing for wings.
Title: THE ARC OF THE PENDULUMAuthor: BRUMMELL Rating: RWord Count: 30,200Summary: After his father casts a mysterious curse on Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is forced to try to make things right.
itle: ANGELS AND DEVILSAuthor: BEREN_WRITES Rating: R Word Count: 52,300 Aprox.Summary: Harry defeated Voldemort: his act of heroism is famous throughout the wizarding world. He’s trying to finish his final year at Hogwarts in peace, but something peculiar is happening to him, something he never would have expected. It’s all rather embarrassing and making his life very complicated.
Title: SAVAGEAuthor: MARGUERITE_26Rating: NC 17Word Count: 18,700Summary: In a post-war world that lives in fear and ignorance of werewolves, Draco Malfoy has taken every step to keep his condition hidden. When the delicate balance of his life shatters in a single moment, it is Harry Potter alone standing in his defence.
Title: ICARUS RISINGAuthor: RYOKOBLUERating: NC 17Word Count: 47,700 Aprox. Summary: It’s the final battle. Harry’s on a warpath to destroy Voldemort, but what he finds is a former school rival long ago lost to the past. A former school rival who’s no longer human.
Title: THE CORRUPTION SEQUENCEAuthor: BEREN_WRITESRating: NC 17Word Count: 90,000 Aprox.Summary: Voldemort’s final defeat does not mean Harry Potter’s troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances– and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
Title: EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK Author: FRAYACHRating: NC 17Word Count: 42,000Summary: Now that Voldemort is dead, Harry and Draco assume an eighth year at Hogwarts will be nothing but parties and Quidditch (and, as time allowed, revising for the N.E.W.T.s), but you know what they say about those who assume. They may be legally of age, but that doesn’t mean that the confusion and drama of being a teenager has ended.
Title: ANIMAL ATTRACTIONAuthor: TARI_SUERating: NC 17Word Count: 19,500Summary: A hex gone wrong turns Draco from one of the world’s most despised wizards into the Ministry’s most desirable Veela. Now all he has to do is learn to control Veela Allure gone haywire, try to find a cure and avoid Harry Potter in the mean time.
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Animagus/Transformations Recs (part 1)
Continuing with my backing up and updating links of my rec lists, here it is: Animagus/Transformations fics, including the animal in which Harry and/or Draco transform. These stories are in the order I recced I first recced them. I hope you enjoy! <3 Unexpected, A Holiday Tail of Mistaken Identity by amightypenguin (R, 24K) Summary: After an accident involving a two year old and a wand, Harry (much to his dismay) is sent to Draco, who believes he’s caring for a pet. A large pet with a bad attitude. [Harry is a dog] Angel Wing by almosttherenow (R, 8K) Summary: Draco really did pick the wrong time to enter the kitchen. It lost him seven precious months, his looks, and his mind. Still, it could’ve been worse - in the end, it probably saved both he and Harry’s lives. [Draco is a goose] Crup-tion of the Not-So-Innocent by calanthe_fics (NC-17, 17,1K) Summary: If you thought that befriending Draco Malfoy would be easier than defeating the Dark Lord you’d be wrong. Harry Potter has to grow another pair of legs and a forked tail before he can break down the frosty barrier blocking the way into Malfoy’s heart (and his underpants). [Harry is a crup] Ain’t No Friend Of Mine by lettered (PG, 33,1K) Summary: Draco has to face the truth of who he is. The truth has long hair and slobbers. [Draco is a dog] Invasion of Privacy or here at google doc by dysonrules (PG-13, 12,2K) Summary: Harry is spying on Draco, as usual, and runs afoul of the Manor wards with some unexpected consequences. [Harry turns into a dog] A Dog and His Boy by grey_hunter (R, 5,3K) Summary: It is a dark time for the two fugitives. Although, Dumbledore has been destroyed, the Death Eaters have driven the two from their hide-away and pursued them across the country… Snape is forced to resort to desperate measures to protect Draco. After his mentor’s death, Draco’s only hope of being whole again rests with the oblivious Harry Potter. [Draco is a dog] Hissy Fit by dysonrules (NC-17, 28,5K) Summary: Harry is an under-utilized Auror and Draco is an auditor for Gringotts. He lives to torment the Ministry and, of course, Harry Potter. He is also a Registered Animagus. [Draco is a snake] Things That Seem by maeglinyedi (R, 22,4K) Summary: A potion gone wrong. A desperate wish. A new future. And a…horse? [Harry is a horse] Warning(s): Magical AU The Misadventures Of Draco Malfoy, Ferret by sabershadowkat (R, 21K into a ferret for his own protection. He would’ve been safer with the Dark Lord. [Draco is a ferret] Warning(s): Mpreg, multiple beastialities, and Gryffindors. Getting There by irrelevant (R, 14,2K) Summary: In which Scorpius Hyperion temporarily Misplaces his temper, Harry learns to Hate His Mobile, and Malfoy cultivates the Elusive. [Draco turns into a goat] Warning(s): Epilogue compliant Take the Air by dysonrules (NC-17, 50K) Summary: Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the worst, most anti-social, rude, and annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry. Or perhaps he is only that way around Harry… [Harry is a falcon] The fine line between then and now by dragon_charmer (PG-13, 14,5K) Summary: What if everything changed and you didn’t know how to make it right again? [Draco is cat] Warning(s): Mpreg. Endangered Familiar by ravenpan (PG-13, 7,9K) Summary: After the war, all he wanted was some peace and quiet. What he got, was a penguin that brought the exact opposite. [Draco is a penguin] Alpha Male (let him run) by megyal (NC-17, 9K) Summary: Draco has a secret that will probably rip his friendship and romance with Harry to shreds. [Draco is a werewolf, Harry a wolf] Warning(s): Spoilery: Bestiality; drug-use; some non-con; some bottom-Draco. The timeline is also very much out of order. Doggie Style by enchanted_jae (NC-17, 6,3K) Summary: When Draco’s life is endangered, he demands only the best bodyguard the Aurors have to offer. However, he didn’t expect his bodyguard to be so…small. [Harry is a dog] Paws of Fury by veritas03 (NC-17, 87,1K) Summary: Harry has a furry little problem – but Draco’s scent soothes the savage beastie. Will Draco be able to save him when Harry’s world begins to crumble? Bubbles, blowjobs, mystery – and something rotten in the place of Grimmauld. Yes, it’s a Kitten!Harry fic. [Harry is a kitten] Silver and Gold by roma_fics (NC-17, 71,2K) Summary: A small, torn piece of parchment reached Harry’s hands six months before the end of the war. All it said was, “Save the Wolf.” The day after the defeat of Voldemort, Harry makes good on his promise to the wizard who sent the note. [Draco is a wolf] Counterpoise by faithwood (NC-17, 7K) Summary: Draco, as per usual, is in trouble, but this time Harry cannot help him. Or so he thinks. (Basically, it’s like The Frog Prince, but without frogs, a princess and a magical kiss, and with a tiger, a cranky Auror, self-confidence issues and penetration.) [Draco is a tiger] Warning(s): Bestiality. Fully consensual. White tiger!Draco/Harry. Auror!fic. Secret Heart by alaana_fair (NC-17, 4,1K) Summary: Draco had long ago admitted to himself that he’d fallen in love with the tiger, but he still refused to admit that he’d fallen in love with the man. That admission would simply cost too much. [Harry and Draco are tigers] The Kneazle Who Came for Christmas by enchanted_jae (PG-13, 7,8K) Summary: Banished from his home during the holiday season with only his wand and the clothes he’s wearing, Draco has no choice but to take on his Animagus form and hope someone will take him in. [Draco is a cat]
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Does anyone know any Hannibal/Will fic recs that HAVE NO MURDER?
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Hi there! I just read all your metas on Will and how dangerous and dark he really is. And it just fascinated me! I always thought that I had a pretty good grasp and understanding of the show, but when I read them, I was blown away and felt very naive. And now I'm just craving a fic where Will is characterized in that way! So I was wondering if you have any recommendations or favorites with that type of characterization?
Hello! Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed my metas - I think all nuances of Will’s darkness can keep being uncovered for a long time, he’s really a very complex character. As for fics, I haven’t read Hannigram ones in ages apart from occasional one-shots, but here are the ones I immediately think of. Though if you’ve been reading fics for a long time, you’ve probably already read them :D
Averno series takes place after S3 and it’s one of my most favorite portrayals of Will and his slowly developing life post-Becoming. The second part isn’t finished but it ends on a good note.
A Great and Gruesome Height also happens post S3, and it also has a great canonical portrayal of Will. He craves to re-create what he felt when killing Francis with Hannibal.
Bright Hair About The Bone is A/B/O AU, but it’s an amazing story where Will’s darkness has new incredible layers. It’s both similar and different to how it’s portrayed in the show, and without doubt, it’s one of my most favorite stories.
Wage your war is another A/B/O AU. Will is way more comfortable in his skin as a murderer here, and watching him manipulate everyone to get Hannibal is a pleasure.
I remember loving Ladders series to death, even though I didn’t like it when I tried it the first time. Don’t really remember about Will’s darkness here, but I don’t generally read stories where he doesn’t have enough of it.
This is a self-rec: you might want to check my One, Two, Three - it’s also an AU, but I did focus on Will’s evolving darkness to a significant extent there.
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Is it really a hannigram fic if you don’t use the word “unmoored” at some point?
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Iconic Hannibal Fics Rec:
Cause we all deserve a little re-taste of the classics, right?
Shark Tank
What Dreams (Series)
Rubies (Series)
Ladders (Series)
The Way A Knife Loves A Heart
Crystal Ship (Series)
The Business (Series)
House Guest
Beasts Of the Earth According To Their Kinds (Series)
Ya’aburnee (Series)
Nice Work If You Can Get It (Series)
Say Stop
Demolition Lovers
Food For Thought
Warrior (Series)
And, of course, Every Hannigram Fic Ever: The Crack Compendium (Series)
Well, re-enjoy, in this case.
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by any chance do you know some Hannibal fics that like... haunt you after you read them? not like “that was so so amazing” in itself but something that rattled you so you’re just sat there after like... damn...
The one that comes primarily to mind I know I’ve mentioned before, but Quiet Asphodel was one of the major influences on Headlines. The way it told a story, the way it just… unapologetically embraced its own darkness and built a beautiful transformative experience for Will Graham, and for me as a reader, I wanted to try my hand at something like it. This fic was a huge “holy shit” for me when I finished it.
Others of note: my fiance @highermagic wrote me Daydreamer and the Shadow Man, and that fic and its verse have become a huge part of my life. It’s just incredible and makes me want to do better with my own writing every time I read it, including the sequels afterward. Just a complete transformation of both characters, and something emotionally tense with pining and unfulfilled longing.
Wolf and I? Fuck me up, that fic is so hauntingly beautiful. Ravenous? I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I was NOT disappointed. And, of course, @emungere’s Ladders-verse took me on such a complete journey that it became an experience in and of itself. Toss in Consenting to Dream, and you have a window directly into what fucks me up — long, character-driven fics that observe the change a person goes through, and leaves them completely different at the end than they were when they started.
I love short, fluffy fics, but the most memorable for me were those that took me out of my own head and somewhere else. Toss in a dash of spooky atmosphere, some literature references, and a handful of assorted tropes and/or kinks (mind the tags) and you have the making of most of my faves. :D
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Hi! Any fics with some nice chliché tropes? :3 Bed sharing, fake relationship, mutual pining.. roommates, whatever. You know what Im talking about. ;3
I know exactly what you’re talking about :) ♥ This is gonna be a long post.
Bed sharing:
Strange Bedfellows by amare: While out of town on a case, necessity forces Will and Dr. Lecter to share a bed. Will’s aware of what a terrible bedmate he makes—they’re not exactly in for an easy night’s sleep.
Southwood Plantation Road by without_a_license: Set immediately after 1.05. Hannibal offers to share his bed to prevent Will from sleepwalking into danger.
Small Mercies by tonberry: "There’s one trope I need like air and that is Hannibal and Will being forced to share a bed.“That’s basically all this is, simple and shameless.
Mixed Blessings by trashbambi: They’d managed to get settled with a minimum of fuss; Will had only taken a look at the bed and sighed in resignation. Will showered first, Hannibal busying himself with looking over the crime scene photos that had been sent to them via email. Not a crime of his own, and in his view, amature. He was sure this was their first kill. Hannibal occupied the next twenty minutes imagining all the ways he could have done better, even in his youth.
There’s also my own little should have done this sooner: Hannibal is very still under him, his breathing calm and body relaxed. There is no immediate need to worry about him, and that’s why it takes Will’s brain a minute to catch up to the fact that Hannibal is under him.
Fake dating:
Fake Fiances: the Hannigram Edition by AVegetarianCannibal: Will invites Hannibal to pose as his fiance at an "Ugly Sweater” Christmas party. It’s completely logical and not at all outlandish.
Dancing with the Beast by proser: In order to catch a mediocre serial killer, Will must pose as Hannibal’s date for a series of pretentious social events.Hannibal is dramatic and jealous as ever, and Will is having a great time without the encephalitis. Of course, it’s a love story.
a tower to broadcast all our dark dreams by coloredink: Hannibal and Will have to pretend to be a couple for a case. Everything goes downhill from there.
Will You Be My Prince? by calikitten: After the fall, Will thought he and Hannibal had settled into a standstill of safe domesticity living together in Paris until Hannibal had asked him to come to the opera with him, posing as his husband, which was just a cover, another part for them to play. A quite reasonable cover that Will should not be concerned about. It should not feel this real, this needed, and Will should not be so protective of the idea of it. Of him.But all Will can feel is a resounding ache in his bones, Bedelia’s words echoing in the halls of his mind, every small action of Hannibal’s loud in his ears.Is Hannibal in love with me? Yes, but do you ache for him?
I Know Places by EarthsickWithoutYou: In order to catch a killer who is targeting “perfect” couples at a high-end planned community, Will and Hannibal go undercover as a married couple who just moved into the neighborhood. The closer they get, the more Will starts to give into his feelings for Hannibal, who can’t reconcile his intense desire for Will with the necessity to keep hiding his own murderous ways. Inspired by the premise of The X-Files episode “Arcadia.” Takes place in Season 1, pre-encephalitis.
Mutual pining:
Lovers in Reverse by Cymbelines: Post-Finale. With Chiyoh’s help, Hannbal and Will survive their fall and go into hiding together. As they slowly regain their strength, the pair are forced to address the unspoken darkness- the fear, resentment, the unbridled longing- that gnaws between them.
The Torment of Tantalus by InfiniteCrisis: Set in Cuba after the fall. Hannibal isn’t touching Will. Will wants to know why, but is afraid to ask.Sexual and emotional tension and resolution; a comedy of errors told by the ocean and classical mythology.“Everyone always spoke of the torment of Tantalus; no one ever stopped to consider what it was like for the tree.”
Doing Things That Friends Don’t Do by HigherMagic: A year after the fall, Will and Hannibal have settled into a fairly blissful, domestic harmony. But Will’s imagination has never let him simply enjoy what he has - why should it start now?
There are a lot more fics tagged with these tropes, and I’m sure there’s a lot more that have them but weren’t tagged so, as always, recs are welcome :)
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Finely Honed
this list is just a tip of an iceberg. Our fandom is lucky to have hundreds and thousands heavenly talented writers. This this just my top 20 of writers who I consider to be extremely talented. If you have more names to add and recommend - please do. I’d love to discover new writers and read their stories with the same passion.
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I have watched two (2) episodes of Hannibal and I am already balls deep in the hannigram AO3 tag because I have no self control whatsoever, evidently.
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Spirk Fanfic Rec List
– ☆ means I really liked it
– ☆☆ means I loved it
– ✇ means it’s crack and/or hilarious
– ¢ means it’s cheesy or cliché (but in a good way)
alright! I divided the rec list into three posts: AU, TOS, and AOS.
AU Spirk Fanfic Rec List
TOS Spirk Fanfic Rec List
AOS Spirk Fanfic Rec List
it might be easier to view the lists in your browser or on a computer, rather than on the app. the app tends to kinda smoosh everything together.
I included tumblrs (that I could find) of writers so that you can easily follow them✨
this took awhile to make, but if it helps people discover some amazing fan fiction, it’s worth it~
hey, don’t forget to leave likes/kudos and comments on fics that you really like!! let the writers know that their efforts are appreciated! they don’t have to publish their fan fiction. it’s a choice. leaving a nice comment about specific things you liked in someone’s fic can really make the writer’s day and encourage/inspire them to write more ;)
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