#is this library chaps?? does this count??
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Two of them…
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
prev chap | YOU ARE A FEVER | gojo x f!reader | series masterlist | next chap
cw: reader has defined characteristics (complexion that visibly reddens), two sisters, mentions of farming and livestock. word count 3k.
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Your days begin before the sun begins her own.
Distant roosters crow letting you know that morning has arrived and you shift in your bed uncomfortably, linen sheets scratching against your bare legs. Reasoning with yourself for five more minutes would be useless knowing it would throw your entire day off schedule. For a fleeting selfish moment, you contemplate the harm in allowing those measly minutes to clear your own head. The more reasonable part of you wins out this time, five minutes here and there add up quickly if you tally them at the end of the day, and your feet dangle over the edge of the bed. Your grandmother’s voice is audible through the door separating your bedroom from the kitchen, the soft clatter of dishes accompanying the sound of her singing quietly to an audience of no one.  
Padding softly across the floor, you swing the door open and greet her with a sleepy half-smile. Your sisters are still asleep and your grandfather is out of the village to trade leaving you responsible for the animals until he returns. The chickens will be fed twice today and their eggs will be collected and delivered to your neighbors. The goats will be pet gently while they’re milked, something you hope you can convince one of the girls to help with. The cows will be allowed to mosey in the pasture all day, chomping on grass while clouds roll by over their heads. 
You, on the other hand, will be handling a transaction between your grandfather and someone from the bustling city of Amavel. Sheer mention of the city makes your stomach flutter excitedly, imagining what it must be like to be in a place so large you can remain anonymous. In Ucra, everyone knows you and has since the day you were born. The community is small and deeply protective of itself, something you have always found difficult to understand given how big this world is. 
“Good morning, sweetheart.”
Your grandmother greets you as she does every morning, a soft smile on her face that shows the ever deepening lines around her mouth. Age leaves no one untouched, a thought you often refuse to indulge in because it makes you sad to think about ever losing her. You grab her hand gently and she perks up when you squeeze it. 
“Take a rest today.” Your word isn’t absolute given you are not the woman of the house but she is fair enough to consider your opinion when you give it. “Have one of the girls tend to stuff around the house.”
She sighs and squeezes your hand back, dropping it to reach around your back and grab a few eggs out of the bowl on the counter. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
It’s the best answer she can give. The responsibilities double when it’s just you girls left at home. She cracks eggs into a skillet and the soft sizzle fills the kitchen while you take a seat at the table your family has been sharing for three generations. This house, this table, this life - it has all belonged to people who existed long before you did. You’ve never felt like you fit into it quite well enough, something beneath your skin itching to break free from the fate of the women before you. 
This line of thinking always draws you back to imagining Amavel. A place where you can truly be anyone or no one or even someone if that’s what you desire. It’s hard to imagine a single cow or a milking bucket in a place like that, paved and illuminated streets leading its citizens from place to place if the stories you have heard are true. Bustling libraries and places to get food and drink you have never even dreamed of having in your life.
You sigh as your grandmother did moments ago, settling back into the chair you sit on for a moment. It does no good to dream, being labeled as a dreamer is being seen as trouble and you have worked your whole life to be seen as anything but. You are reliable, where you’re supposed to be when you say you’ll be there.
With any luck, your good reputation will help you today.
“Do you know what time I should be meeting our visitor? Papa didn’t say anything before he left.”
Grandma smiles and flips your egg by lifting the pan and tossing it gently in the air. When you were a child you swore this was a magic trick and told her so, eyes sparkling with joy. You were quickly and sternly told to never mention something like that again after you said it. The request has been honored but you still think the same thing every time you watch it.
There have always been rumors that magic exists in all of Ormur’s countrymen although in Ucra, this is strongly frowned upon. The people of this village lean on the primitive side compared to the rest of the increasingly modern country and superstition runs rampant in every home. Doorways and windows are blessed to keep evil out, black cats are shooed away with brooms and terrified glances.
“I believe he said this evening although I think you should stick as close to home as you can today in case he arrives sooner.” She advises and you nod. “People from the city tend to run on a different schedule than the rest of us.”
From the few past experiences you’ve had handling transactions with people from the city, you know she’s right. Time moves differently when you have endless amounts of it. “I better get started then.” You move to stand up but she stops you with a gentle hand on your shoulder, sliding your breakfast in front of you. The same breakfast you’ve enjoyed since you were a child, two eggs with their yellow eyes staring up at you. “Eat first. I’ll see if I can get your sisters up to milk today.” A gentle reassurance that she’s trying to lessen your load, just as you do hers. You smile up at her and she leans down to kiss your forehead while you split the two eggs into separate pieces and silently give thanks for the meal. The sun has risen, her light filling the kitchen, and you’ve well and truly managed to mess up your schedule for the day by taking those few minutes to enjoy your breakfast. 
-:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:-
As expected, nothing has gone according to plan today and it feels as though there is some force out of your control causing all of the chaos around you.
The chickens got out of their coop overnight, giving you no choice but to walk into the forests that surround the village to gather them all. You gently reprimanded each of them and placed them back in their homes with a disappointed sigh, plucking eggs from the nests to put in the pockets of your apron. Counting over each of the rows, you notice one is missing and shut the coop tightly, latching it closed before leaving.
How could you forget one? You could’ve sworn they’d all made their way back when you clucked at them and scattered feed on the ground at your feet to beckon them to you and you stomp back into the woods, frustration evident in the way you mutter to yourself quietly. 
“Of course this has to happen today of all days,” you spit through gritted teeth, the blooming hydrangeas of the forest brushing your arms as you walk through the thick bushes to a clearing where you stand and take a deep breath.
You scream the name one of your sisters gave the chicken so loudly it practically rips itself out of your throat, your body bending with the force of it. Fists balled at your sides, you stomp in place and furious tears roll down your cheeks. 
Your mind races with anxious, spiraling questions. Why is this happening? Is it because you wasted too much time with grandma this morning? Is it because your mind dwelled a little too long on this concept of magic that seems so foreign but so pervasive everywhere you look?
Bottom lip quivering, you unball one of your fists to wipe your fingers down your face. A few angry tears drip down your chin before you can catch them and you blow out a defeated puff of air. Going any deeper into the woods could spell disaster if you can’t find your way back home by the time you need to be there so you contemplate what to do next. 
Then you hear them - footsteps. The crunch of fallen leaves and dirt causes you to spin around and you come face to face with a man you’ve never seen before. A whole lot of man at that. 
He’s taller than any man you’ve ever seen, broad shouldered and easy smile wearing. Blue eyes lock their gaze on you and you note that if they’re the sky, the floppy white strands atop his head are the clouds and they’re both unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Your breath catches in your throat and he smiles, raising his arms that are wrapped around your lost chicken.
“I’m guessing this,” he nods downward at the surprisingly calm bundle in his arms, “is Florence?”
Wordlessly, you nod and reach out for your lost chicken. He holds her a moment longer, thumb stroking the fingers around her neck, and you wonder if this isn’t an ambush given you are in the forest on your own. Long before your adulthood, there were a few packs of bandits that attacked villagers and forced the entire group to be assigned escorts.
Your posture stiffens and he notices, handing her over with an affable smile and a laugh.
“Believe it or not, she found me.”
You attempt to discreetly assess your chicken for any harm that may have come to her on her adventure but find yourself thwarted by how interested this man is in speaking to you, his glance still fixed on your face. Florence clucks and shifts in your arms but your touch immediately soothes her as you pet the feathers on the top of her head and her beak.
Deciding to play it cool, you clear your throat and raise your eyebrows, finally meeting his gaze fully. Your stomach flutters as it did this morning, the excitement of something you’ve never seen before nearly overcoming any farm girl stoicism you may have perfected in your life. 
“Where at?” You ask coolly, or at least you believe you do until he cracks a smile. He can tell you’re trying to appear tough and aloof to protect yourself from any potential threat so he slackens his posture to make himself at least a little smaller. 
“In the bushes not far from here.” He points in the opposite direction of where you stand and you nod, still clutching the chicken. “I was on my way to the village to pick up an order and honestly assumed that’s probably where she came from.”
This is the man coming to pick up a freshly processed cow, sold to him by your Papa? Your eyes widen and you smile, tension melting from your body. 
“You’re supposed to be meeting me, actually.” You laugh. The coincidence is funnier than you expected and you tilt your head to the side curiously. “Are you the cafe owner? Nanami, I believe?”
“No, no. I’m the cafe owner’s friend,” he raises his eyebrows and waggles them in a way that makes you giggle. “I don’t know if he’d call me his friend, maybe just his brave and extraordinarily handsome delivery man, but he’s my friend.”
The chicken meltdown seems like a distant memory as a giggle bubbles out of you, amazed by this man’s easy going nature. The people in your village are so serious it’s hard to believe a person like this actually exists. Every bit of him seems different, thrumming with a bright white light of joy and vitality. His steps are as light as air, his grin shines in the dappled afternoon light.
“What’s your name?”
The man smiles down at you and opens his arms.
“Satoru Gojo, the one and only. And you?”
Quickly you introduce yourself though your confusion about his introduction is apparent. You tilt your head to the side curiously. Florence once again rustles in your arms and you touch her, gently assuring her everything is fine despite whatever she is worked up about. The chaotic energy that has blanketed your day clearly hasn’t disappeared fully but you are best suited to keep her calm.
“You’ll have to forgive me for asking but are you famous or something?”
Now it’s his Satoru’s to laugh. It sounds like the music that is played during the seasonal festivals in the village to you; you hear the songs so rarely that they have become something you cherish. 
This laugh could become the same if you think too long about it. 
“I mean if you mention my name at any bar in Amavel you’ll probably get a collective sigh from the patrons,” he jokes. “I’m pretty talkative and drunk people hate that.”
You wouldn’t know. You’ve never stepped foot in a bar despite being old enough to drink, the village tends to steer clear of alcohol unless it’s festival season so even wine is hard to come by. Excitement rises in you again, warmth lightening your limbs. 
“Can I ask you a few questions about the city while we walk back to the village?”
Gojo grins, a bit taken aback by your friendliness though he plays it off well. He has only traveled to Ucra a few times in his life, most of them recent, and he has never met someone quite as excited to see a stranger. Your eyes gleam and he wonders for a moment how anyone in your life has denied you a thing.
“Of course but you have to answer my questions too, okay?”
Nodding excitedly, you giggle.
“You can go first if you’d like.”
He pretends to ponder for a moment, stroking his chin thoughtfully while you begin walking back toward your home, where the large wheelbarrow of meat purchased waits for him to take back to the city. You don’t want to take up too much of his time knowing that what he purchased is time sensitive but the day is already so off track - what does it matter if you take a few minutes to do this? You took a few minutes to nourish yourself with breakfast, this is simply a different kind of sustenance and one you get to enjoy so rarely.
“Why is your chicken named Florence?”
You squeeze her gently in your arms.
“My sister named her. I have two of them and they named all of the chickens. This is Florence, we have Mary, Hattie, and Lucy and a bunch more at home. I could introduce you if you want?”
Even your frustration about having to wrangle and return each of these chickens has long evaporated and Satoru nods at you, holding his hand out in the direction of your village.
“After you.”
-:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:-
Once he’s certain that he is far enough out of the village that his magic will not be detected, Satoru mumbles a spell that encapsulates the bundle of packages in the wagon in golden light and they whoosh away in an instant, magicked off to their rightful owner Kento Nanami hours away from the secluded village he remains outside of. There’s a basket of preserved fruit and eggs dangling from one of his arms, courtesy of you, and he decides to keep them with him instead of sending them back. He doesn’t have to share a gift, after all.
Taking his time getting home, he walks in the opposite direction of the dirt path you walked him down just hours ago. There is so much to contemplate from this one little trip but there are two things he knows for certain. 
One, you have magical ability. Your touch alone was enough to calm animal and human alike, the slight golden aura shimmering off of your hands alerting him that it is not simply your good personality providing comfort although he did believe it to be nothing but at first. He won’t deny your good nature or your kind heart but there is more, something you clearly are interested in judging by how many questions you asked him about Amavel.
Two, he likes you. Not in the way he sort of likes everyone, it’s in his nature to be personable, but in the “why is my heart beating a little too fast right now” way. The “why do I have to leave you when I want to stay here and listen to you talk about how you named your chickens all night” way. The way that will make him certain he has to come back no matter what. Clever man that he is, it doesn’t take long to concoct a plan to figure out how to do just that.
Gojo mutters an incantation and with a wave of his free hand a book materializes out of thin air. It’s heavy and leather bound with gold raised lettering on the cover. It plops onto the ground with a thud when he releases his magic and he bends down to situate it between the hydrangea bushes far enough away from the village that he knows only you will venture out here. 
There’s a binding spell on the book, something to always tether him to you while he is back in the city. The book won’t spy on you per se but he will know every time you pick it up to read it, a gentle tug on his magic telling him that the sweet village girl is interested in more. 
If you wanted it, he’d give you everything including the world but he must take it a step at a time. This is simply step one - a magical interest check if you will. 
Satisfied with his plan, Satoru rises to standing and plucks a satchel of dried peaches from the basket you sent him home with. Popping one into his mouth with a pleased hum, he grins as he chews and continues walking away from the place he hopes to return to very soon.
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suzy-queued · 1 month
DVD Commentary: Out of Nowhere
I got a request from @doshiart for behind-the-scenes commentary from Out of Nowhere. @shamelessdvdcommentary
Give us some stats - (when you wrote it, word count, how long it took to finish, is it a one-shot/multi-chapter, etc) 86,511 words, 15-chapters. I wrote it between November 2022 - January 2024.
What was the initial inspiration for your story? I love murder ballads. I love graphic novels. So when I saw the book In the Pines at my local library, I snatched it up. This book takes old murder ballads and turns them into short stories, told in graphic format. My favorite one was "Where the Wild Roses Grow," based on the Nick Cave song.
I took some very loose elements from this story: A secluded property, a guy escaping from prison, a person protecting their family's gold. The prisoner wooing the gold protector in order to get close enough to rob them. Doesn't that scream Gallavich?
In the murder ballad there's, well, murder. The prisoner dies by the end. Boy, was I tempted to do that in my story.
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What was your favorite scene to write? In each story, there's a scene that pops in my head early on that I base the whole setup around. It's the one that I'm gleefully waiting to write. For this story, it was the "cleaning guns" scene in chapter 7, when the sexual tension is high and Ian tantalizes Mickey as he works.
How did you come up with the title? My favorite murder ballad of all time is "El Paso" by Marty Robbins. There's a line in that song, "From out of nowhere, Felina has found me."
The placeholder title was "Gallagher Gold."
Are there any little moments or references you hope readers will notice? I made this note early on: "Ian has a high PHYSICAL IQ. Mickey has a high VISUAL IQ." I used that to make character decisions throughout. Ian was good with his body and his posture. He was good at carrying things and balancing things, climbing and shooting. Mickey was obsessive about patterns and puzzles and solving challenges.
Was there anything you struggled to write? If so, how did you overcome this? Chapter 13, oh my god. That's the hardest thing I've ever written. I was dreading it for months. It's a tense culmination of everything the story has been building to: love, betrayal, physical and emotional pain. The land gets torn up, and so does their relationship. I overcame it by taking lots of deep breaths and writing small chunks every day. I made sure that every sentence was exactly what I wanted to convey, without letting the prose take its own (lazier) path.
Favorite line in the story? “I’m not a fucking Viper.”
Did the storyline change in any way as you wrote the story? When I started this story, I was sure that I didn't want to do another long multi-chap fic. I outlined it as a 5-chapter short, maybe 30,000 words. Then the "what if" whispers started happening, and it grew to a full 15-chapter outline. Most of the chapters had very short descriptions. One was just "fun and games on the land." One was just "This wasn’t supposed to happen, Gallagher."
Other possible settings included: an abandoned church with a small cemetery, and old hospital, a forgotten amusement park. I wrote "somewhere old-timey that would have land."
What are you most proud about in the story? (plot, characterization, dialogue, twist/cliffhanger, etc) The art! I had so much fun with it. I based the style off the old Penguin classics, like the Grapes of Wrath cover below. (Where they had the little penguin, I put the double-triangle Viper tattoo). I'm also showing my concept sketch for chapter 1 art.
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Are there any ‘behind the scenes’ info you’d like to share? I hand-wrote the story first, and it filled two notebooks:
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Here are some research shots on the land and the equipment:
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I took this photo while I was working. Welcome to the inside of my brain:
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Reading back the story now, is there anything you’d change or add? I was itching to dramatize more of Ian and Mickey's lives while they were apart. It would have been fun to have 5-6 chapters of them learning to be whole humans again. But ultimately, that wouldn't serve the story. I did a time jump instead.
Are there any ‘easter eggs’ in your story - e.g. references to other stories you’ve written, a trope you often use etc? The story is set in Fox River Grove. This entirely happened because @lalazeewrites introduced me to the town in their comments on Estate of Blood and Trust. So the events of EOBAT and OON are taking place in neighboring towns!
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Did you have a beta or a friend who helped you as you wrote? @mzshko helped me figure out the best way to structure chapters 2 & 3. She was patient enough to read an alternate fully-written version of both chapters and tell me which option worked best.
Anything else you’d like the readers to know about the story? Three months into writing this story, I stopped and did a self-analysis because it wasn't igniting. I wrote, "Could it be that I haven't put enough of myself into it?" So I re-evaluated and dug deeper and made it as personal as I could.
I can't emphasize enough how interwoven details of my own life were in this story. I helped my dad install that big aluminum gate in the woods. I used 5-gallon jugs of water to brush my teeth and sponges to bathe. I washed clothes by hand and cooked on a propane stove. I hauled and stacked logs from fallen trees. I had a love/hate relationship with my family's land and ached to be back in civilization, like Ian. My dad used to tell me bedtime stories about escaped prisoners (Mickey?!) roaming the woods and killing small children.
This story is a love letter to my dad, who was dying the entire time I was writing. He passed away in May of 2024.
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This is open to all writers! Pick your favorite story you’ve written or your most popular or the one you think deserves some more love! Or ask your followers to suggest their favorite fic of yours!
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missstratford · 1 year
Queen of my heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/N: chap 2 is finally here!! This one might a bit longer than the previous chap, so enjoyyy. Ofc Y/n and Andromeda being true queens in this one. Also a lil surprise for y'all cuz I promised smtg spicy in the last chap 😉😉
The dare was quite simple according to James, all he had to do was make the first person who walked into the great hall that morning to fall for him. "Oh give me a proper challenge Avery, half of hogwarts is already in love with me." He had scoffed the last night. As the gang of Gryffindors sat, gazing intently at the large doors, James wished Lily would walk by giving him another reason to court her. That's when you happened.
You walked into the great hall, eyes landing immediately on the warm pumpkin pasties at your table. You failed to notice the annoyance marring James' face as you sild onto your seat. "Oh mate, a slytherin" Frank guffawed. "Nevermind, it'll barely take me two days and you'll see her obsessed with me." James quickly recovered from his disappointment. "Isn't she the one from the library?” remus asked between mouthfuls of eggs. " Like i said," James stood up, stretching, "two days" He grinned and made his way to the slytherin table. Let the games begin.
"Good morning there sunshine." You heard a foreign voice next to you. Choosing to ignore it, you continued to read your book. "Oo pumpkin pasties, I lo-" You swatted their hand away from your precious breakfast, "Don't. Touch. My. Breakfast" You faced the vexatious human. Your anger morphed to surprise as you saw it was the same boy from the library. What did he want now? "You? What are you doing here?” you asked, brows furrowing in frustration. "Ah-you see, since the time you threatened to hex me, I've not been able to get you out of my mind" He said as his gaze fell to your lips. "And i just wanted to-" "No" you waved your hand stopping him "it's no to whatever you're about to say." You turned back to Andromeda hoping he'd leave you alone. "Oh I assure you, you wouldn't want to miss out on a date with me, I mean, I am James Potter." He said it like it was a fact. How dare he. Your blood boiling, you stood up to face him. "You conceited prick." You spat, now the entire great hall was watching. "You think you're so high and mighty do you? Well guess what jake Or whatever your name is, I don't care. To be honest, no one does. So take your sorry arse away from me. Now" You ended. It was silent in the great hall. Everyone waiting to see how James would take the rejection. "Well-um- no one-you know what? It doesn't matter." James stuttered as he stood up, cheeks heating with embarrassment.
"James- 0, Sirius-1, Avery-3, Me and Frank stand at 2 points." Adrian read out, "no, that's not right." James said, as he played with his snitch. "It is, the slytherin rejected you remember?" Frank said, holding back his laughter. "No, I mean," James sat up, a frown on his face, "according to the rules, each has 2 weeks time to finish their dare, I do too. So it's not counted." He looked up at the boys. "Alright, we'll be watching you Potter. All the best trying to get her to like you mate." They walked out the common room leaving James, sirius ,remus and the sputtering fireplace.
"It's not about the dare is it?” Sirius asked, looking at James, he knew his friend well enough to know what he was thinking. " She didn't even recall my name Padfoot." James said staring at the fluttering snitch. "Prongs, it's not right to be this self obsessed you know. There are people in hogwarts who don't know you, no surprise there." Remus said matter-of-factly. "You don't get it moony. She rejected me in front of entire hogwarts. Lily might have heard of it already!” James argued worriedly. " She's friends with your cousin isn't she padfoot?” he looked at Sirius desperately, "get her to slip in a love potion or something. My reputation, she's ruined it!” James stood up, pacing in front of the duo. "Ah, me and Andromeda don't really talk and it's not that life threatening prongs, relax" Sirius tried his best to make James feel better but all he received was a grunt. "I caught the gryiffindor team laughing when I turned my back today, don't pretend like the two of you didn't catch that." James said defeatedly " Well what now? " Remus asked. "Now, I make her desperately fall in love with me." James answers, "let's pretend that this does happen, what then?" Sirius chimes in, "then dear padfoot," James says with a malicious grin, "I humiliate her just the way she did to me."
"I hate him!" You ranted as andromeda watched. "I knew he was a no good when I caught him bullying snape. I mean, snape isn't the best slytherin but that doesn't mean he should be bullied." Andromeda added. "And he wanted to ask me out? The last thing that'll ever happen is me falling for him." You had made up your mind.
Bonus (what to expect later into the story) :
He kissed your pulse point, "Do you still hate me?" He whispered. "Yes" You sighed, eyes closed. "How about now" He gently bit your earlobe. "Very much" You stifled a moan. "And now?" He said against your lips as he traced his fingers on the curve of your spine. This boy was just on the brink of devouring you.
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amour-anguis · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Yazzzzz thank you for the tag darling!! @sequinhaze
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
7!! a few longer WIPs and a few one shots!!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
668,490… good LORD i didn’t realize how many words it’d be 💀
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter mainly, nowadays mostly Marauders era but i used to write Dramione as well!! I also have a Red White and Royal Blue one shot posted randomly bc duhhh 🫡 and i’m hoping to start writing AOT fic soon bc Eruri is sooooo ndbdhbshsbdh ya know?
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh goodness let’s see:
1. Teeth (Marauders Jurassic World AU)
2. Ladder 126 (Marauders 911/911 Lonestar AU)
3. Iron Ambrosia (Kinky Jegulus One Shot)
4. Distractions (RWRB Texting Smutty One Shot)
5. Read For Me (Regulus/Remus Smut One Shot)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
yes yes yes!!! i try my best to respond to all of them 🫶🏻🫶🏻 sometimes with Teeth it’s hard but i absolutely loveeee engaging in the comment section!!
6. what is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it’s not posted yet but i’m working on the most heart wrenching MCD Jegulus short fic rn (like 3 chaps)… and it’s… well… yeah it hurts real bad.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i mean all my smut ends pretty happily i’d say 🤭 HAHA but none of my full length fics are done yet, if i had to say then probably the Rosekiller centric band AU i’m working on rn
8. do you get hate on fics?
sometimes unfortunately, everyone does. but i love what i write, i enjoy writing it, and i know there are lots of people who love the fics and that’s what matters :)
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
so much. all kinds. as sweet and vanilla or as kinky as i’m feelin, i’ve written it alllll HAHAHA
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Marauders x Jurassic World for SUREEE that one is a wild ride
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
no thank GOD
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yep yep yep!!! Teeth was translated into Spanish and Portuguese :)
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
well y’all know a lot of my work was written with my lovely Co-Author Riven!!!!
14. what's your all-time favorite ship?
i simply must pay some respect to the OGs and say wolfstar 🧎🏻‍♀️ jeggy, rosekiller, eruri, you came close <3
15. what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
y’all reallyyyy don’t wanna know the answer to this 💀
(but Teeth part 1 reads like a completed fic so it’s fineeee pffff)
16. what are your writing strengths?
smut scenes, emotional breakdowns, and dialogue! oh and those single lines that just hit you right in your chest! i have a doc i wrote w just a bunch of lines like that to grab from if i need it
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
area descriptions, i always wanna just rush into the dialogue and what’s happening and i have a hard time actually describing the scene
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
totally love it unless it’s like a LOT. i can translate it easily and even if it’s not a perfect translation it’s fine bc i can usually get the gist of it, but when it’s like a ton of dialogue in a long convo i get annoyed
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Dramione my loves <3
20. favorite fic you've written?
Teeth will always be near and dear to my heart, but also the random Reg/Remus one shot is everything to me and i love them and they love fucking in libraries SO-
tagging: @solmussa @greenvlvetcouch @kaaaaaaarf @odessities @soliloquy-dawn my lovesss 🫶🏻
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 3: Walks in the Cold
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 3648
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: I'm sorry this chapter is entirely based around a party but SPOILER there's non-text writing!!! so get excited babes, its heating up now.
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Jimmy Jabbers
[02:29pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: how do they dig graves?? Pineapples: at this point in time they cant use shovels anymore thats insane Pineapples: but a whole excavator in a graveyard seems risky bc what if they hit a headstone
RoRo: they get like 10 dogs in
Queen G: what if they still use shovels tho?
Four Eyes: They do get excavators in; it does look a little bit weird but there’s not really any other efficient way to dig a grave Four Eyes: 1 image attachment
Pineapples: if anyone sees me laughing at the grave digger machine no u don’t
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:32pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: amy r u awake?
Cameron: Yeah, why?
Ferris: idk im just worried
Cameron: About what?
Ferris: what if i dont finish all the assignments in time for break Ferris: i dont wanna be kicked out
Cameron: Firstly, they don’t kick you out. You just don’t pass those classes and have to retake them (or drop out, of your own free will) Cameron: Secondly, we’re going to get them finished. You’ve been working hard and I am sure they’ll all be done in time for winter break
Ferris: but what if they arent???
Cameron: What if we put some stakes on it?
Ferris: theres already stakes
Cameron: Stakes that you’ll enjoy a lot more than an existential crisis
Ferris: im listening
Cameron: If you finish all of the assignments in time for winter break I will go to Terry’s annual New Years party AND match you drink for drink. If you don’t finish them, you have to jump in the fountain in the courtyard
Ferris: ur literally a genius Ferris: i do not want to jump in that fountain and i absolutely want you to go to that party
Cameron: I’ve not been to his New Years parties and for good reason
Ferris: you better start dress shopping then ames because this is ur year
Cameron: Part of me hopes so
Ferris: ill let u sleep now Ferris: gn
Cameron: Goodnight, Jake
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:30pm, Thursday]
Pineapples: amy and i are in the library if anyone wants to join
RoRo: what are u doing in the library?
Pineapples: studying duh
Mr Grapes: on my way now!
Pineapples: see u!
Queen G: our school has a library??
RoRo: why wouldn’t it??
Queen G: because theyre boring
Four Eyes: I take offense to that
Queen G: of course u do
Dance Squad
[4:40pm, Thursday]
Scary: so charles, now that you’re in the presence of them Scary: how close are you to winning this bet because by my calculations you’ve got about three days
G-Hive: oh damn! rosa coming in hot with the trash talk
Charlese: I will not give up hope yet, three more days is enough
Scary: with the way they are now three days is nowhere near enough Scary: gina how are you feeling?
G-Hive: as confident as ever <3
Scary: i admire that
[11:59pm, Sunday]
G-Hive: and its a tough loss for charles on this fine evening
Scary: knew it
Charlese: alright alright I get it Charlese: severe underestimation but in my defence they should’ve gotten together over a year ago
G-Hive: no they shouldnt have
Scary: so g, its just you and me left
G-Hive: if we’re being fair then charles does have a grace period before its closer to your guess than his but my calculations dont swing in charles favour
Scary: tough break charles Scary: maybe next time
Charlese: crying my self to sleep tonight Charlese: gonna start bugging Jake about his feelings for Amy
G-Hive: violation of the rules!!! G-Hive: no meddling G-Hive: ur such a meddler
Scary: no interference or else
Charlese: got it got it, no interference
Sexy Bitches
[10:34am, Tuesday]
Ter Bear: Hey Gina, just giving you a heads up that Liam is having a thing for his birthday at his place this Saturday
Sexy: seriously?! Sexy: thank u for the heads up
Ter Bear: And don’t tell them I told you but if you cozy up enough to him, he might let you DJ Ter Bear: He’s seen the playlist and didn’t mind it
Sexy: I LOVE U TERRY Sexy: i owe you big time
Ter Bear: You always owe me, I’m good to you guys
Sexy: you really are
Jimmy Jabbers
[10:39am, Tuesday]
Queen G: i have just received some amazing news!
Pineapples: can i guess! terry is having a party
Queen G: yes!
Pineapples: well technically its his friend liam Pineapples: its his bday Pineapples: terry text me too lol
Queen G: but i bet he didnt mention that im gonna DJ!!
Pineapples: NO HE DIDN’T
Four Eyes: That’s great news, Gina, congrats. I’ll be there to listen to your amazing playlist
RoRo: me too
Mr Grapes: finally someone who will listen to my requests!
Queen G: if ur request is not from a musical and from the last 2 years then i might consider it
Mr Grapes: best party ever already
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:45am, Tuesday]
Ferris: u gonna be alright with a party?
Cameron: Yeah of course, as long as I get at least three drinks in me haha
Ferris: thats the spirit ames!
Sleuth Sisters
[10:47am, Tuesday]
Amy: Does Jake have a nickname for you?
Rosa: no
Girls, Girls, Girls
[02:16pm, Saturday]
Gina: when r u guys gonna be at mine?
Rosa: closer to when we have to leave
Amy: I’ve got some work I need to finish up, lets say around 7-7:30?
Gina: it doesnt even surprise me that u guys dont take more than 2 hours to get ready Gina: we’re leaving at 9 and u guys are getting here at 5 at the LATEST
Rosa: only if I can pregame
Gina: of course u can
Amy: Yeah sure, I’ll be there at 5
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:19pm, Saturday]
Cameron: Has Gina always taken multiple hours to get ready to go out or is it just a development in college?
Ferris: hahahaha oh no Ferris: shes always been like that Ferris: ever since she discovered makeup and curling irons
Cameron: That makes sense haha Cameron: She’s making Rosa and I be at hers at 5pm at the latest to start getting ready for tonight
Ferris: arent we leaving at 9??
Cameron: Yep!
Ferris: oh amy… Ferris: hahaha Ferris: itll be fun tho
Cameron: Yeah it will be
[07:18pm, Saturday]
Cameron: She has a curling iron so close to my scalp right now, help me
Ferris: hahahaha sorry ames ur on ur own
Cameron: You’re the worst!
Ferris: if i had to get my hair braided when i was 11 then u have to get ur hair curled now
Cameron: That is an amazing piece of information that you have willingly given up, thank you so much
Ferris: amy no Ferris: what r u doing Ferris: ur not telling rosa right?? Ferris: amy please Ferris: i thought we were friends
Bi Besties
[07:23pm, Saturday]
El Baboso: shut up
Dagger: I bet you looked so cute with your braids too
El Baboso: of course i did!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[07:24pm, Saturday]
Ferris: youll pay for this
Cameron: Uh huh, sure I will haha
[09:12pm, Saturday]
Cameron: Gina is finally ready, how are you and Charles going?
Ferris: charles and i are on our way to the party already.. Ferris: sorry
Cameron: That’s okay! We’ll meet you there
Ferris: see you there!!!!
The walk to Terry’s was cold but the bottle of gin that the three of them were passing between each other helped warm Amy’s insides. She was feeling angry that Gina had talked her into wearing a dress and envious of Rosa’s warm and comfortable looking leather pants.
“Longest 10-minute walk of my life” Rosa said grumpily, arms crossed in front of her.
“Two more minutes and we’re there” Amy reassured Rosa (and herself).
“Its cold but its also party time! Let’s get excited ladies, we look hot and I’m DJ-ing, the night is young and I have a good feeling” Gina proclaimed into the night, making Amy laugh.
“You’re right, its gonna be a good night” Amy agreed, and she even saw Rosa crack a smile out of the corner of her eye.
Finally, they arrived at Terry’s and the place was already pumping, the music loud and coloured lights glowing in the windows. The first thing Amy registered upon entering the house was the amount of people moving around; walking from somewhere to get somewhere else, dancing to the music, or talking loudly to each other. If it weren’t for the gin on the journey over she’d be overwhelmed immediately, but her senses were dulled and the warmth promised by the alcohol was finally blossoming in her stomach.
She was feeling good as the three of them made their way through the house to the kitchen where they found Jake and Charles laughing about something. Charles lit up upon seeing them and it made Jake turn around, he looked happy to see them before his eyes landed on Amy. He froze, quickly looking her up and down before continuing with a loud greeting and offer of drinks.
Gina took a few swigs of the remaining gin and said she was going to find the speaker system and get the music really going.
“There’s four of us left!” Jake yelled over the music, Amy gave him a confused stare in response, “Its time for beer pong!”
Amy was immediately on board, as was Rosa. Charles needed some convincing, and after a hype speech from Jake and gathering all the cups they could find they were setting up beer pong on the dining table. A small crowd had begun to gather as they were setting up, raising the pressure to a level Amy thrived on.
The four of them gathered next to the table to discuss the terms; losing team gives $40 to the winning team.
“Looking forward to my $20, lunch is on me next Tuesday” Amy teased Jake as he always asked to get lunch during their study sessions.
“It will be on you, because you’ll be giving me $20” He responded smugly.
“In your dreams” Amy scoffed before they made their way to their assigned sides of the table.
Amy and Rosa were given first throw, a decision Jake and Charles would quickly grow to regret. The game was full of trash talking and celebration dances. Charles gagged on the cup Rosa secretly filled with vodka which made even Jake laugh despite the loss of a cup.
After intense back and forth, and the crowd growing increasingly invested in the outcome of the game, both teams were down to one cup each. But after the number of drinks, it was difficult for both teams to aim properly.
It was Charles and Jake’s turn, Amy was nervous and watching Jake intently, hoping to psych him out. Just as he was leaning his arm back to throw, Amy tossed some of her hair over her shoulder. The small action was enough to make Jake falter for a moment and his throw was off, Amy and Rosa (and the half of the crowd rooting for them) cheered.
Finally, it was their turn again, Amy volunteered to go first. She took a deep breath as she bent her arm back and lined up her throw, everyone waited with bated breath to see if this was the one. The pressure and tension gave her an odd sense of calm, she threw the ball as calm as ever and it landed right in the cup. The crowd erupted into cheers as Amy and Rosa celebrated with cheers of their own as well as high fives and fist bumps.
Jake and Charles hung their heads, Jake volunteered to take the last cup for Charles who looked grateful. After their celebrations had finished Amy revelled in Jake chugging the last cup and trudging over her to give her the money owed. She heard Charles say something about paying Rosa tomorrow and Rosa threatening that she’ll remember.
“Here you go, Ames, a well deserved twenty bucks” He handed a $20 note over to her.
Amy took it happily and tucked it into her bra, Jakes eyes followed her hands the whole time.
“Thank you very much”
Jake nodded to signify a ‘you’re welcome’ before Amy continued.
“I’m gonna ask Gina to put on a victory song!” She laughed, and Jake laughed with her.
“I’ll come with!” He yelled over the music which suddenly got louder.
They both journeyed through the house to find where the music system was. Gina was standing behind a table with who Amy assumed was an actual DJ, they were both bopping their heads along to the music and pointing to something on Gina’s phone.
Amy pushed her way through the crowd with Jake in tow in the direction of the table. Once there Jake gestured for Gina to lean in close, and so she moved so that she was leaning across the table with her face close to Amy and Jake’s.
“Rosa and I won beer pong, we need a victory song!” Amy yelled, hoping Gina could hear her.
Based on the satisfied smile that graced Gina’s face she did hear.
“I told you tonight was gonna be good!” She stood back up properly and began looking through her phone once again with the DJ.
Amy couldn’t help but smile because Gina was right. Jake then jerked his head towards the makeshift dance floor and Amy nodded in response. The two of them moved away from the table a little bit and began moving to the music.
The song changed to what Amy assumed was the victory song and it got her blood pumping, she wasn’t thinking about how she was dancing she was just moving the way she felt like it. Jake seemed to be doing the same thing, taking the loss incredibly well.
The lights got dimmer, the various colours now being the primary light source in the room. Someone bumped into Amy, she stumbled into Jake who caught her and held onto her arms. He gave her a look that asked if she was okay and she nodded in response before continuing to dance, now closer to Jake.
He kept one hand on her arm before sliding it down to hold her hand, he lifted their arms up in the air for her to spin under. Amy spun around while giggling, once she was done he let go and a part of her was disappointed.
They continued to dance for so long Amy lost track of time and how many songs they had danced to, Jake knowing every word to all of them and her knowing some. The dance floor had become more crowded as the night went on, her and Jake had been slowly bumped closer to one another, now standing just inches apart.
Amy’s brain was foggy but she managed to hold onto various thoughts of how nice Jake’s arms looked in his shirt, and how thirsty she was getting after all the singing and dancing. She leaned close to Jake’s ear.
“I’m gonna get a drink!” She told him.
He nodded in confirmation and mouthed what Amy assumed was ‘I’ll come too’. Amy turned around and started shoving through the crowd, wondering if it was Jake who had his hand on the small of her back or some creep. A quick look behind her showed that her intuition was correct, Jake following closely behind with a hand on her back sending a tingling feeling up and down her spine.
These were all feelings Amy decided to unpack tomorrow, or the day after, or never.
Once they were in the kitchen Amy raided the fridge and found some bottles of water, handing one to Jake. He opened his and chugged half of it in one go while she wrestled with the lid of hers still.
“Can you open it for me, please?” She held out her bottle of water, looking slightly defeated.
“Sure” He smiled and grabbed the bottle off her.
He opened it with ease and Amy’s eyes widened slightly, she hoped Jake didn’t notice as she quickly took the bottle back from him and took a few mouthfuls. It cooled her down and she was finally able to think properly, asking Jake what the time was.
At almost 1 in the morning, she was debating on going home or staying for a bit longer, voicing this debate to Jake standing across from her, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“You can’t walk home by yourself Ames” He countered.
“I can’t force Gina and Rosa to leave, I actually think Gina is gonna be here forever” She joked, Jake laughed with her.
“How about, three more songs and then I’ll walk you home” He offered, and Amy had to admit it wasn’t a bad deal. She was concerned about walking home alone.
“You’re sure you want to leave?” She asked, not wanting to inconvenience him.
“Yeah. Charles is off with a girl – texted me like 20 minutes ago – and like you said, Rosa and Gina are gonna be here forever. I’m almost ready for bed” He reasoned, and Amy couldn’t say no.
“Alright then, three more songs” She agreed with a smile, having another mouthful of water and turning to make her way back to the dance floor.
Jake once again followed close behind, not touching her this time Amy noted. They found a small empty spot on the dance floor and resumed their dancing as if the small break hadn’t happened. The two of them were once again just inches apart and Amy took note of it immediately this time.
She felt heat in her cheeks at this note and thought about it the whole time they danced to the first song, then the second song came on and Amy couldn’t ignore an ABBA remix. Both her and Jake sang every word loudly with wide smiles on their faces, gesturing and throwing their hands in the air when they felt appropriate.
If someone were to ask Amy she’d say it was the most fun she’s had at a party in a long time.
Finally, as the third song faded out and a new one began, Jake gestured his head towards the front door and Amy nodded in agreement. She quickly got her small bag from where she’d safely stashed it near Gina and followed Jake out of the house.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:07am, Sunday]
Pineapples: amy and i leaving Pineapples: have fun party animals
The cool air and quietness of being out of the house was almost jarring to Amy’s senses. They walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, but it wasn’t long until the cold got to Amy and she began shivering, arms wrapped around herself.
“You look cold, here” Jake stopped to take his leather jacket off.
“You don’t have to-“ Amy began before being cut off by him.
“I do, what are friends for”
She let out a small laugh and looked at the ground for a moment, trying to hide the heat spreading in her cheeks despite the cold. He held the jacket out for her and she accepted it happily, putting it on and crossing her arms in front of her to keep the front closed.
“Thanks” She said quietly.
“That’s okay”
They continued the walk this time talking about the party, specifically the beer pong match, recounting the highlights and lowlights of the game with a lot of laughter in between. Amy found herself not wanting the walk to end, despite how cold, tired and tipsy she was.
Finally, they reached a divergence in the path and Amy expected Jake to go the opposite direction to her towards his dorm but he continued walking by her side.
“Isn’t your dorm that way?” She interrupted his sentence and pointed to the left.
“I said I’d walk you home, I’m a man of my word Ames”
“Oh.. okay then” She accepted without argument and continued walking to her dorm with Jake by her side.
It was only when they were right outside the building doors did Jake feel comfortable leaving her, confident she could get to her dorm by herself, a comment he said which made her laugh. They said a quick goodbye and Amy watched Jake walk away for a moment before turning and entering the doors of the building.
She took the elevator up to her floor, only realising when the doors closed and she saw a blur of her reflection that she was still wearing Jake’s jacket. It was too late to go after him now, she’ll probably see him tomorrow and if not tomorrow then Monday at the latest to give it back to him.
Once in her dorm she sighed heavily, ready to take her makeup off and put on comfy pyjamas as the exhaustion began to weigh down on her. She got unready as quick as she could, hanging Jake’s jacket over the back of her desk chair, and climbed into bed.
When she was comfy she got her phone off the bedside table to check her messages one last time before what she predicted would be at least a 10 hour sleep.
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:28am, Sunday]
Queen G: ugh some guys started to yell at each other Queen G: rosa and i made a quick getaway
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[01:32am, Sunday]
Cameron: I assume you made it back to your dorm alright?
Ferris: i was brutally murdered as soon as u went into ur building actually
Cameron: Damn… Cameron: Now who will I annihilate at beer pong..
Cameron: Hahahaha Cameron: Goodnight, jake
Ferris: gn ames
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: EEEK!! I am excited on their behalf because w h a t will amy be thinking tomorrow???? i sure hope these dummies start to figure it out soon mwahaha
Thanks as always for reading, next chap will be out whenever I can get it out <3
4 notes · View notes
echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Playing with Fire / Cad Bane ~ part three
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Summary; Cad Bane sets foot in a library looking for information, quickly coming to learn you were more then the average librarian. As a former Bounty Hunter you decide to help out, you’re smart and that’s an asset he could use but that wise mouth has him wondering what use he could use and if it would be worth it.
Warning; Fluff, Angst, Emotional Turmoil, Violence, starting to get hot and heavy, alien (obviously), Cad Bane can kind of be an ass, age gape (canonically during clone wars Bane is 41-43ish) reader is mid 20’s, sapiosexual, mild toxicity that gets fixed, toothpicks, green and red blud, Bane’s cycle, biting
Word Count: 4.5k
part 2 part 4(wip)
Your eyes lingered on him flicking your tongue over your lips, "Taste good too?" you asked curiously gently tugging off your dress off to not disturb any of the blades. You watched him take in your new bare form except the chest band that barely covered you and stringy underwear that left you thinly covered. Smiling wider when you could see his throat visibly moving with the growl that's escaped him, you sat up gliding your fingers over his holster belt and pulled him closer.
"Ya have no i'dere how good," he mumbled letting you guide him forward. Bane's fingers went to Holsters undoing the belt attachment for his leather chaps carefully dropping the holsters to the floor while his other hand undid his pants in the process stripping him off his vest and shirt leaving his chest bare. Hands ran downs his bare chest pleadingly for him to hurry up before trailing down, "Ya' makin it real har' for ma not to take 'nother taste."
"I am not designed for the mating roughness of Duros, however if there is enough Bacta on hand"
"Ya might end up witha couple scars on dat temptin skin of yours," he interrupted.
"I am only so patient, Cowboy," you frowned sitting up and slowly pulled the underwear down to your knees.
"Kriff woman," he hissed the smell hitting him harder, "Dangerous..." he muttered inhaling the perfect smell of compatibility. He grabbed the rim of his hat and tossed it over his shoulder pulling down his pants. Bane positioned himself between your legs grabbing the side of your throat letting his fangs protrude as he worked his teeth into the crook of your neck.
You gasped at the roughness of the bite. His free hand moved down to your chest band unfastening it let it thud to the ground. The hand on your throat tighten and his cool hand grabbed onto your breast cooling their burning warmth with his touch palming it in his hand gently kneeding it then he move long fingers moved further down. One entered quickly followed by another and you felt his bite increase while he fingers starting coaxing you. You felt his teeth come up moving them forward to your shoulder causing you to cry out. His longer digits worked faster exploring your expanse moving his thumb to your clit working it as fast as a man trying to control the descent of a crashing ship. The pleasure and pain were unbridled to anything you've ever felt before.
"Ya get one chance, bite ma an' make it worth it," he said unhinging his jaw from your body licking up the wound knowing at this rate he could probably track you across a planet if he needed too. He moved his shoulder to your mouth waiting. You didn't disappoint. You bite him hard enough to puncture him then some causing him to moan, "Woman 'ya know how t'bite a man," he said feeling you licking the wound like he does almost regretting asking you too because you couldn't taste what he could nor scent him in return but fark did it turn him on.
"Do you- normally like- being bit?" You managed to pant out as the pressure was swelling in the pit of your stomach waiting for him to push you over the edge.
"Durin' my cycle'nly."
"How- does it- work?" You asked looking down his perfectly toned torso letting your fingers trail up his perfectly cool chest, Odd benefit, I get warmer the more aroused I get but he's always cool. And he has
"Why so many questions?" He growled hating the fact the answer turned him on, letting his thumb caress your throat feeling the heat beating through it.
"Know-ledge," you panted out feeling his index trail the sponge on the inside causing the dam in you to almost break then he suddenly stopped and withdrew his fingers.
He brought his fingers to his tongue an undignified pur surged through him, "Watch'den." He kept with his crimson eyes on you as you looked down watching his cock spring from the protected position inside of himself, "Stawp eye'n me like frea'show." No way in shape or form was Bane self conscious, he'd had more then his fair share of ladies with zero complains but it was the one of the first time he had let anyone watch and the eye your eyes were glued to his cock made him wonder if he made the wrong decision.
You blinked looking up him, "You're not. I was committing your anatomy to memory... Why ask me to watch if you didn't want me to look?" you asked before looking back down at him. You were surprised there was only one but it was rather large with dull ridges coating it and in a shockingly deep teal color but with his skin being blue and his blood being green it made sense.
"Woman, 'im gonna shut you up."
"I'd like to see you try," you said poking the bantha.
He quickly though temporarily removed hand from your throat forcibly spreading your legs for him and plunged himself into your solar core. His natural slick already coating him but how soaked you were barely gave him any resistance causing a string of curses fall out of his mouth with how tightly he was compressed in you. Every inch of him completely filled you, seamlessly.
You heard the animalistic pur he made as he grinded his hips into yours. You brought your hands forward on his chest neck to his throat right next his vocal cords feeling it, feeling it in awe.
"Quit bein soft' " he huffed, he didn't want to be soft until his body forced him too.
"I think you like my softness," you cooed purpose squeezing your core around him feeling him twitch.
You stared into the mammalian blood colored eyes that were squinting at you. As if hell had commanded it, you saw the last restraint in him snap lose. Long fingers grabbed your wrist as he started drilling you, eventually letting go when his cool touch had seeped into your flesh. Each stroke splitting you in two. It was unusual but your mind was slowly clouding, the only thing going through it was Bane. The way his lips were parted, fangs bared and staring at you like you were the only thing in the room. Logically the hormones... What was I thinking about? The questions in your mind spidered apart like a broken mirror letting words just become broken syllables with no meaning. His cocks pulls a string of indecent moans and whimpers out of you as the ridges coax over the pleasure spot with tenacious speed. Managed to open your hips a little wider even if Bane was more on the narrow side but he felt the slight change in how your walls clung to him, grunting his appreciation. Unknown if your hands starting sliding back his chest tracing the scars but you moved your hands to his back letting your nails gently trail down him. You nearly flinched his face got even a more predatory look as he continued to stare down at you observing every twitch in your face and how your eyes kept threatening to go back or shut on him. Curiously you used your hands to force him down to you. You brought your nose to his neck inhaling his scent, the smell of leather had embedded it's self into his skin along with whiskey and death.
Sniffing him had triggered another response in him, Stupid mammal actin so fuckin hot. His vocal cords strained against his continued growling watching you offer your unbitten shoulder to him, fuckin' bold 'nd submissive. He sunk his teeth into you accepting the offering feeling you flutter harder around him.
"Bane..." you moaned, your eyes closing and hips jolting upward. Your body giving into the orgasm as his hand squeezed your breast, the other running across your stomach and his teeth marking you. Your legs came up clenching his hips as he continued to ride you through the high finally near the end he spilled into you still continuing until he felt all of it squeezed out of him by how hard you were clenching around him.  
He pulled his teeth out of you stilling leaving his face in the crook of your neck inhaling you, the arousal and combinations of fluids within you. How easy it would be for him to drop you on some random planet letting you hike across it as he tracked you through it with how overwhelming your sent was. He listened to your ragged breathing until you started shivering at the coolness of him, he was enjoying the sun that was your body but his Durosian mind forced him to move.
You watched him get up and rip open a tiny trunk in the corner pulling out several blankets and scooped up his pile of clothes. The annoyed expression seemed out of place as he seemed to move on autopilot tucking the clothes around your body that wouldn't be touching him if he got back into bed. He layered all of the extra blankets on top of you and placed his leather duster on top before he slide back into then bed.
"Mr. Bane! Your hormones levels have dropped significantly!" Todo said rushing it excitedly noticing the nesting scene in front of him, "I will get the Bacta," he said quickly retreating seeing the murderous expression across Bane's face as he sat up hissing at the droid.
You still didn't trust your mouth to make coherent sentences instead gently grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back down, noticing the slight snarl to his lips as he obeyed.
"I have the bacta, Mr. Bane!" Todo rushed over to you examining the barely visible marks on you from how high Bane had pulled the blankets over you.
You tried to reach up for it but he smacked your hands down with an audible thump, "Mr. Bane, behave! You've quiet made the lovely ne-"
"Todo, can it ya bag of bolts," he said lip continued to twitch as he opened the tube spreading generous amounts on your shoulders. He used one arm to prop himself up letting that hand gently rest on the side of your stomach and the other working in the bacta into every tooth mark his fingers could find. He applied an extra layer massaging it into with the tips of his un-nailed fingers before closing it and tossing it back at Todo, "ya best leave 'nd know it." Todo caught the tube and quickly dashed from the room leaving you two to bask in the afterglow. The intimacy of it made his skin want to shed as laid there catching his breath as his legs were entangled with yours and one hand gently laying on your stomach. Gonna wipe that lil droids memory latah, don' like any one seen ma like dis. "Told ya I would'a make ya shut ya trap," he mumbled hearing a soft laugh come from you that made him look up for a brief moment to see the genuine smile on your soft face.
Slowly the questions started flowing back into your head, "What... was good going to say?" you whispered.
"Woman...," he hissed, "nest," his body forced him to say as the little reptilian part of his brain was screaming to guard you as you soaked him in and give you what you needed.
You looked down at the outlaw, notorious for being rough, dangerous and cruel but now covered you protectively even though annoyance lace every feature while doing so, "When we walk out of this room I will forget it happened," you said trying to comfort his annoyance, Doesn't mean I won't think about it on a daily basis. Surprisingly you saw his face get angry, "What is it? I assumed that the mild intimacy of the aftermath of your cycle causes makes you uncomfortable as you said and I quote 'Quit bein' soft'." You heard the snap of his jaw the small grind of his teeth against each other and small alien click of his tongue. You fell silent not wanting to anger him further sensing he doesn't want to talk about it at all. You wiggled a little bit getting comfortable in the heat of the blankets but scooting just lightly away from him before letting your eyes shut caving to the need for a nap.
Bane let you sleep for about an hour before fussing at you to wake up to clean yourself, "Woman, betta gehet ya self up. Gehet outta bed before ya get one of dose mammal uti dings," he said shaking you a bit.
You groan, "I'm comfy," you complained.
"I'll let ya take the blankets to ya bunk but firs' clean it up," Bane grabbed the clothes out from under you and pulled back the blankets watching you shiver and reluctantly get up and walk over the mini refresher and close the door. Hearing you mumble, "Quit bein' soft, then cares about my health so confusing." He grumbled about not wanting to have to make another med station stop.
Sitting over the tiny toilet you let your hand trail down to your still drenched cunt spinning some it on your finger to examine the green tint to it, interesting. You finished cleaning yourself up heading back out to find your clothes laid out along with the blankets folded under them and Bane gone. That's more of what I expected from him, you thought quickly throwing the clothes on, wrapping the blankets in your arms and depositing them on the bunk noticing Bane noticeably absent. Is he avoiding me? You scowled at the thought. You grabbed fresh evening wear finding the main refresher hoping in the sonic to get the residue of sweat and him off before heading back into the bunk room and jumping up unto the bunk with your data pad wrapping yourself back up in the blankets. You looked at the time it was early into the next rotation but the nap had disturbed your sleep cycle so you stayed up attempting to look over the information disk but your mind still hadn't fully woken back up or focus on anything besides the way Bane touched you and looking at the faint bruises on your wrist. You groaned remembering how his long fingers had wrapped around your wrist overlapping. Shaking your head you pulled your eyes away finding a message from Hondo and laughed.
“Running off with Bane? Tsk tsk, Beautiful Stars, both of you were quite the show. Be safe, he is a dangerous fellow. When you need something real, you know where to find me.”
You rolled your eyes rereading it realizing it was one of the stupidest things you’d ever done, you thudded your head against your knees, “How stupid,” you practically yelled. You stared at the message realizing who ever was gunning for you or the both of you just got handed a loaded blaster, “Theoretically I destroyed the chips in our comms, logically their watching possibly even watched the encounter at the bar. It would be a bold assumption to conclude we’re an ‘item’ due based on just sexual chemistry but given the amount of times we’ve been seen together does seem like a conclusion a regular person would conclude. That does give us an advantage however because they’ll expect us to be together so if we split up it would give them an opportunity to attack…” you didn’t realize you were talking out loud until you finally heard Bane’s breathing in the tiny gap of silence watching him read Hondo’s displayed message.
“Do ya eva take a breath?” he said curtly.
You shut off the display, “On the occasion when my lungs demand it,” you said distractedly trying to piece together a plan but Bane still standing there kept distracting you, “Do you further require my assistance?” you asked switching off the pad looking at him, his hands on his hips, a toothpick in his mouth and everything perfectly back in place.
“Nah, heard da scream dan ya ramblin’.”
“Ah, apologies. I realized I made a mistake with the public display by drawing further unwanted attention to us.”
“Neva had a woman call ma a mistake. Ain’t no us.”
“I liked you better full of hormones,” you muttered quietly, “I am aware there is not an us, the glares by ex lovers on Corellia said every woman is a fleeting moment come and gone nor did I call you my mistake persay.”
“Ain’tchu one to talk, flirtin with ma, da Duros, da nurse, Hondo,” he grunted, “dar ain’t a you an’ anyone else ‘ther.”
You eyed him, he made an obvious point but it still stung, “Might give Hondo a shot. Poor man had been pinning after me though I’m not generally one for sharing,” you mumbled laying back and rolling over on your stomach turning your head towards the wall.
Bane took three long steps across across the room, a quick step up to the bunk and tossed the blankets back pressing himself into your backside wrapping his digits around the front of your throat and his free hand went around your waist gripping the region of your body between your mound and stomach, “Shut ya fuckin mouth.” His grip on your throat loosened at your silence smelling the fear coming off you his eyes flicked down to what you were wearing coming to the conclusion you completed defenseless under him. It stirred him enough to gently rubbed his hips across your ass, “Der ain’t no otha men when ya with me, got it.”
“You don’t need to pretend your interested in me. You needed to satisfy your cycle which from my research should be completed,” you expressed flatly trying to distract yourself and keep yourself calm. One of the most dangerous men in the galaxy in a prime position to kill you without the hormones making him a little soft he was one of the most cold blooded killers in the galaxy and you will start having to choose your words more carefully… Means I have to get my own tooth picks, you thought your lip sneering for a moment, why is that my first thought. You felt Bane get off, his boots thudding against the floor and watched his thin frame stand in the door frame, “Got it?” he repeated.
“Yes, Mr. Bane,” you said formally watching him walk off. You finally swallowed the frog in your throat twisting to lay on your back before hoping down and tucking two of your vibro knifes under your pillow before laying back down. Your fingers traced where his fingers had been before shaking your head, pulling the blankets close letting sleep take you.
Todo woke you early several hours later curled up in the blankets, “What are you doing with those?” he gasped, “I bet Mr. Bane would love to know you’ve been going through his personal belonging.”
So Bane did erase his memory of last night, “be my guest, he told me too take them.”
Todo raised a finger then lowered it, “Get dressed we’re at our next destination.”
“Is there any Caf?” You asked sitting up rubbing your eyes.
“Two rooms to the left,” Todo said scampering off.
You jumped down finding the body suit you first meet him in throwing a baggy layer over it before finding the room that was almost a kitchen. Bane was already sitting there sipping on a cup. Ignoring his gaze you scared the drawers finding the caf and cups. You made yourself a cup adding sweater not trusting the unlabeled creamer. Finding the table had two chairs, you forced yourself to sit across from him in silence playing out your pad finding another message from Hondo “Lived to tell the tale?” you wanted to smile but forced your face to remind neutral, “Lived, yes. A tale to tell? No,” you replied watching Hondo’s reply pop up almost immediately, “Shame, wasteful of such a beauty. Good luck on your score.” You closed the messages finding Bane staring at the pad.
“Hondo making sure I lived through the evening.”
“Don’ ye start gossipin ‘bout me.”
“There is nothing to gossip about. Nothing happened,” you said coldly sipping the revoltingly hot caf, “Anyway when we’re in a town I have a couple things I need to acquire.”
Bane’s eyes darted into daggers, his frozen blood beginning to inferno in his veins, “Like what?”
“Additional blankets, toothpicks, and some decent creamer.”
Bane’s eyes turned into red slits, “What’s wrong with ma blankets?”
“Todo made it sound like I was in trouble for having them. It would be prudent if I acquire my own so it’s not a further issue.”
“He ten’s to run his trap, ignore’im.”
“I still rather procure my own,” you said taking another sip.
“Why not just take ma picks?”
“And if I need one in public? Todo already made the point you don’t share. I’ll attain my own, theirs is already enough of a target on our backs.”
The cup broke in Bane’s hand sending the near room temperature caf gushing all over the table, he wiped his hand on a towel and stood over you staring you down. He grabbed your baggy shirt collar yanking you up and kicking the chair sending it clattering away yanking you towards the wall. The fear made him loosen his grip, “Furst ya reject my nesting blankets an’ dan have da audacity to not just ask meh just hand ya a pick?”
“It is a matter of principle. ‘Ain’t no us,’ so it would be morally wrong for hold onto them longer then necessary and when has anyone asked Cad Bane for something without paying him? I am not lady like enough to carry a purse with credits everywhere nor it would prudent to exchange the knifes in my concealments for credits.”
“Woman…” he growled hovering his face close yours feeling your breath on his cool skin warming him, “ya just enjoy throwin my word back at ma, don’ya?”
“I consider it citing information from the source.”
“Lil smart mouth.”
You watched him close his narrow eyes close as he closed the clasp between you kissing you with his thin lips letting his tongue shove its way in to dance along the side of yours, stroking it and making circles it. You felt his hand release your shirt moving down to fondle your breast and the other hand down to your ass. You couldn’t help the small chuckle when you heard his hat fall off, Bane replied with growl and he pulled away to turn towards his hats seeing it in the spilled caf.
“Drat, it ‘twas nice hat,” he walked over picking it up and shoved open the door, “Todo!” With in a few moments the droid showed up, “Clean da mess up. Leave ‘er ’lone ‘bout the blankets or I’ll leave ya full of holes ‘nd get ‘er one of my extra toothpick tins.”
“Mr. Bane, I am not a butler droid. I am a techno service droid.”
“Now,” he huffed strutting off to save his hat.
“Toothpick are in that drawer,” Todo said pointing at the far counter drawer, “Mr. Bane has taken an unusual liking to you. First the toothpicks and now his nesting blankets. It’s odd.”
“He deleted your memory of last night, we took care of his… cycle.”
“That would explain the health information and lapse in time. However those are very dear to him.”
“I made’em,” you heard Bane’s metallic drawl behind you, “Gehet movin let’ go,” he said tapping the heel of his boot.
“Of course,” you tucked the tin in your pocket and followed after him.
The smell of various foods clung in the air, “Smell’s delicious,” you noted looking around at the residential area and the bustling foot traffic and restaurants and hotels as far as the eye could see. You watched Bane grind his teeth back and forth seeing the toothpick tilt up and down.
“ ‘ngry?”
“Pic’a place.”
“Wouldn’t it be better to eat after-“
You started walking eyeing each place until you found one that looked semi appealing. You strolled in, the atmosphere was almost romantic. It was dark inside, each booth was dimly lit with the faint trace of music playing. Surprisingly Bane followed you inside without so much as a grumble sliding into the booth across from you tiling his hat down to where his eyes were barely noticeable. You ordered simple but hearty and he ordered the most basic thing on the menu. Fingers fidgeted with the silverware as the silence hung in the air but Bane wasn’t a man of many words. He ate fast and you tried to keep up but didn’t last long but he didn’t say anything. You watched him tilt his head up turning your eyes in that direction seeing the man watch you from the other side of the restaurant.
“Didn’ take em long,” Bane grunted.
“Take care of him or let him follow?”
“Wanna show me ya fire?”
You smiled, “I told you wouldn’t like it,” you stood up slammed your hands on the table and glared at him, “Seriously Bane! The nerve! Everyone is talking about it!” You stormed out of the restaurant side eyeing the man watching the scene.
Bane watched the man approach him and did his best to be grumpy, “Wha’ya want?”
“I take it the ladies no longer spoken for?” Bane recognized the man’s nastily accent.
“Woman,” is all he muffed out. He wanted the man follow after you from the window for a distance before following him discreetly letting you play out whatever scheme you had in store. He watched you talking to the man in the alleyway, flirting with him pretending not to notice the restraints in his back pocket mildly sticking out. He most have thought he was chatting you up real well when you ran your hands down chest grabbing the cuffs and slapping it on him. Bane watched in fascination as you placed a blade into his shoulder. He saw your tantalizing finger motion him forward, grinning he walked over watching the man bleeding down his shirt.
“It would for the best of you started talking, I am far kinder then Bane.”
The man turned to Bane grinning, “Do you how much he bounty on her is?”
“Excuse me? There is not a bounty on me that I am aware of.”
“Front pocket.”
Bane reaches into the man’s pocket and saw the Holo of her face and reward, “Why would he have a bounty on you?” Bane said turning around showing the bounty chip from Jabba.
“She’s been missing for a year, she’s very valuable to them.”
“Why’d ya go on vacation?”
“Just wanted a break.”
“No bad blood?” Bane said.
“A’ight, let’s go clear dis up,” Bane shot the man, grabbing the restraints off his wrist quickly slapped them on your wrist cinching them tightly, “Don’ wan’cha running,” he said giving you a little shove, “Get walk’in.”
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robthegoodfellow · 1 year
summer retrospective time because i'm feeling down about term starting up and not writing as much as i wanted to but I KNOW this is ridiculous and my goals were unreasonable.
so totally unasked for and unprompted here's what i got:
Chapters 8 and 9 of Upside-Down - 32k (total wip 118k) - E - Harringrove - Crazy long March chapter wherein an ominous phone rings and rings, Billy experiences some firsts (first time playing D&D against his will! first time fucking Steve! first time enduring a birthday party!), and Eddie drags Billy to a thrash metal concert. In Flayedville, the kids rally the troops to save Billy, he and Steve share body heat, and plans don't go as planned.
Two fics written for upcoming @strangerthingscharityzine totaling 4k words in their original state, trimmed down to 1.5k words each for the zine edition. Idk if I'm allowed to summarize but one of them made Remy cry!
That Bartender Sure is Something - 1k - G - Harringrove - Sideways scene rewrite from alt character's POV wherein I try to lay groundwork for why Steve's parents are out of town so often (aside from my need to give boys safe space to fuck and be super freaking domestic).
Chapters 11 and 12 of Only One Bed - 13k (total wip 59k) - E - Harringrovesoningham or whatever Steve/Billy/Eddie/Chrissy is called - Chrissy POV and Eddie POV chapters wherein Chrissy and Billy bond and then Billy/Eddie/Chrissy navigate their dynamic as asymmetrical polyamorous triad. Mostly cute!! Minimal angst!!
¿Por qué no los dos? - 18k - E - Harringroveson/Metalsandwich - What was supposed to be an excuse to make Steve and Eddie thirst over Billy in space buns becomes unexpectedly harrowing exploration of aromantic experience for me and apparently others, some of whom may be entitled to compensation. But there's smut... at the end?
Drafted aaalmost first half (7k) of @bigbangharringrove fic wherein Steve flirts with necromancy and necrophilia and NO STOP where are you going it's all gonna be fine!!! See, Billy died in this contemporary fantasy version of Hawkins where magic and supernatural creatures are just kinda there and so Steve tries to revive him but he imports the wrong file. The wrong Billy. Because there happens to be a lust demon that goes by the same name as Steve's dearly departed husband and let me tell ya he is NOT jazzed to be here. Working with @LucaDoodleDoo who is awesome AND so far has not run away!
Drafted 1.5k of fic for upcoming @harringrovezine. Still on track to be way too long but I WILL trim it down. Not sure what else I'm free to say but I'm excited how it's shaping up?
what follows is me convincing myself i did a good job
And that's... that's it. About 76.5k in all. Which is more than I realized (and also according to haphazard math is more than last summer by maybe 10k?)
I'm not usually fixated on word count much (aside from like laugh-crying when a fic just balloons way bigger than anticipated), and more words does not equal better words by ANY means, but I think this gives me a reality check about getting down on myself. I didn't finish the major things I originally set out to finish but... yeah, such is life when you have more than one WIP in which you are painfully invested 😅
And it's not like I won't EVER finish them which is prob my biggest fear because i had a rep growing up for all my grand plans and projects just losing steam and going nowhere. But I am capable of finishing fics because look ma, there's 3 whole multi-chap fics with the little green check mark (please actually DON'T look, ma).
I'm just babbling now. When work starts I'll be back to writing in random libraries after last bell and my output will slow, and I'm sad about it. But wow you know what I did shit out a bunch of words in like 2.5 months so at least there's that.
(Hesitant to post this because I'm sure it looks like flexing or fishing or something? Or like I'm implying that unless you too are shitting out words you suck? Which uhh I am not! The intent is more for Present Me to flex on Past Me, maybe? And fish some reassurance out of cold hard numbers to more easily put things in perspective.)
Mostly this did work, though! I feel better about the summer. If you need a boost, look over what you've done across a certain span of time using whatever measurement suits you and talk yourself into a pat on the back.
Pat, pat.
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mirror-juliet · 2 years
When Night Comes Chapter One
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Genre: Vampire!ateez, Yeosang X Reader, ???XReader, Gothic aesthetic, modern vampire AU
Rating M/18+
Word count: 4.0K
Warnings: Angst, mentions of being sold, thoughts of being worthless. Mild physical violence. (Honestly not much happens since its the first chapter) 
Synopsis: Vampires, a term you thought only belonged in the hearts of naïve children. A term for bedtime stories and to elicit obedience. The reality is so much worse than that, you would know. You live it.
Note: This is a work of fiction! Under no circumstances does this reflect on the people or idols mentioned in the story. This story does touch on some heavy subjects, there will be warnings on all the chapters relating to these subjects. However, if reading this could cause damage to your mental health in anyway shaper or form-Do not read. If you do read even after seeing this warning, i am not responsible for your mental health. Though i do hope you listen to your body.
As the day grows close to an end, a certain family has gathered to have dinner together like they do every day however, all of them are overly ecstatic that Doctor Kim was able to join them for dinner. One boy however was not so enthusiastic for more than one reason.
Kang Yeosang, Sitting at his normal spot at the head of the table was weighing his options of either staying for the meal his brother had prepared for him or rushing back to his room to sulk back under the covers; having not felt well at all these past few weeks. Starting with body aches and horrible migraines that soon morphed into fevers and extreme nausea along with them. He revolts inwardly on himself as Seonghwa puts the plates of food in front of everyone, having made a rather large dinner for the extra family member sitting on the end, opposite of Yeosang.
He takes a deep breath in, not wanting to say anything as he knew how hard Seonghwa worked on this dinner, preparing it since three in the afternoon in the kitchen.
As everyone grabs for their glass goblets filled with the disgusting red liquid they all grew to love, Yeosang spends a little more time cutting his steak than he normally would have. He tries ever so hard to ignore all the combating smells in the room, making him want to bend to the side and wretch out his entire stomach contents.
The smell of the artificial blood drinks, the food laid out in front of them and the perfume Wooyoung had apparently decided to bathe in completely overwhelmed him. Not to mention the different conversations happening very loudly close together.
His distance behavior hasn't been anything new these days. Everyone in the house knew of Yeosang's worsening condition, and they all try to help out the best they can by talking to him and being there for whatever he might need. Though he only secludes himself in his room and the large library of the house. San, feeling the tension the boy has, pokes his arm. Speaking quietly enough to not bring too much attention to the suffering boy
"Is everything okay?" No, Yeosang wants to shout. Everything was far from alright, it felt as if Yeosang's skin was beginning to tear away at itself. Almost like it was trying to reflect away from all the offending sensations, yet all Yeosang can manage is a small nod as he picks up his goblet, hoping that after he begins to eat that these problems will begin to disappear.
He licks his chapped lips before bringing the revolting, warm goblet to his mouth, fighting back the urge to gag as he lets the cup sit on his lips for a moment. Then contemplating whether to throw it across the room and hear it shatter against the wall. He tips it up and allows some of the red liquid to file into his mouth, upon trying to swallow it catches in his throat and he begins to choke. The hand previously holding the goblet is now at his throat, the sound of glass shattering against the floor alerting everyone to his situation. San is the first one to scrape the chair against the floor to rush next to Yeosang to try and aid him, everyone else besides one following suit.
Doctor Kim shares a sad gaze over at Yeosang who glares at him through squinted eyelids as they both realize the reason behind his sickness.
The blood tablets have finally stopped working and Yeosang's body is withdrawing from human blood.
"Wake up Eighty-Two, I'm already tired of waiting on you tonight." The cell door opens with a loud creak, a cloaked figure already starting to bark orders at you. Sharp red eyes glare back at you from your spot on the bed, leaving no room for argument forcing you from your spot from the pressure alone.
Standing up from the concrete slab makes your joints crack and pop in protest, but it feels much better to be able to stretch them and roll out the aches the so-called bed had created. The dim lighting of the hallway is nothing if not welcoming compared to the pitch-blackness of your cell, even if the slight brightness causes your eyes to strain.
Once upon a time, walking past the chain-locked cells in the halls would make you whimper and curl into a ball. The cries and terrorizing screams would shake you to your core, leaving you with nightmares of the things that might be happening behind them. Now all they leave you with is an everlasting blank stare and the haunting memory of them burned into your mind, never to be forgotten.
Vampires, that's what they were, a name you only thought lived in the heads of naive children to bring about fear and storytelling. Now as they drag you down the same hallway you've been down only twice-Its hard to imagine a life without them. Maybe you would have grown up, had a family of your own, and even forgotten about them altogether. As you stop in front of two metal doors, you're once again reminded that any life outside of the vampires' hold is the actual fairytale. You are their property, made to do whatever they force upon you and to execute it without question or hesitance.
They punch in a code and shove you through them, giving you over to the only vampire that does not wear a cloak. Yuki, you found out her name the second time you came into the "dazzle room" as they call it. Where they make the humans they keep into pretty things as if you were gems that were polished to give out to the highest bidder. Like you were nothing but an expensive piece of jewelry chosen to show off one's wealth. Though having grown up like this, it is hard to define if you actually were one or not.
Yuki ushers you to undress out of your tan nightdress and up onto a cold metal table that brings pinpricks to your skin. Running ice cold water over you before applying a harsh scrub all over your body. The first time you came in here, you winced at the harsh scrub and the waxing of your legs, you were met with a harsh slap to the face every time you moved. So the second time you came in here, you only flinched but didn't cry out. Met with the same reaction from Yuki. You know better this time than to react at all, even when she plucks your eyebrows. It'll be good for you in the end, after all, maybe your new owner wouldn't send you back if you look pretty enough. She would tell you this all the time so it must be true. She's never lied to you before so why would she start now? She curls her lip in disgust when she's finished her washing, yanking you up by the wrist. Handing you a towel.
"Let us go get you dressed, Eighty-two."
The dressing room has to be your favorite room out of all the facility rooms. Beautiful clothes line up on each wall, a vanity in one corner, and many many accessories used to make you look like a doll. Maybe one day you can achieve the likeness of one too.
Yuki makes you stand in the middle while she grabs the clothes she wants you in. White undergarments with lots of lace and delicate little bows all over, paired with thigh-high stockings she attaches to a garter belt. Then a white ruffled shirt with sleeves that fasten at your wrists, ruffles of lace tickle the palms of your hands as she slips you into a dark skirt. You're grateful to have the long stockings for extra warmth when you take notice that the skirt falls just above your knees. You know better than to thank her for the thoughtfulness, but then that would most likely end up with another smack to the face.
She spends forever on your hair and makeup, fussing over every little detail before finally deeming you ready for the outside world once again, fitting you with a pair of low-heeled shoes that fasten around the ankles.
On the walk to the other cloaked vampires, she gives you the familiar speech of "Remember to always wash your face before bed and after any physical activity to remain pretty. Always obey your masters no matter what the request is, even if you don't want to do it." The last part has always seemed off to you. Of course, you would always listen to your master. But if it were something you were unable to fulfill, there is nothing you could help against that.
"Just get in the damn car eighty-two, stop thinking about misbehaving!" One of the cloaked vampires shoves you into the back of the car and Yuki is rushing over to make sure your hair or makeup hasn't been messed up. "Good for nothing men acting as if I didn't just spend an hour on your hair alone. Looks like it didn't ruin though, just make sure you braid it every night so it doesn't tangle and frizz. Don't let me see you in this facility ever again Eighty-Two." Yuki looks you in your eyes for the first time ever, always looking at you rather. You find yourself already missing her, even if she wasn't kind by any means, she was still nicer than anybody else in the facility.
After a while of the vampires talking with the door shut,(it would have been stupid to think you would be allowed to hear what they were discussing) The car takes off down the road. You don't pay attention to where exactly, it's not like you would just up and run away when you got to your destination. They knew what you smelled like and where to find you, not to mention that they were faster than you. The only thing you're able to focus on is the moon slowly falling to the curve of the earth and the sun casting its warmth overhead, shining on the dewdrops that kiss the grass. How many times have you even watched the sunrise? It's been too long of a time to tell, but if you had to guess. It would be less than ten that you can remember. The morning time is when you sleep anyways. And by the time you finally reach your destination, you've been up for far too long and the exhaustion is finally starting to settle in.
You see the gates before the actual house, your driver has to speak through a small box for the gates to even open up. They squeak a little bit but not nearly as ear grating as the doors back at your home. Well, you suppose this would be your home now even if it's nothing compared to the last two houses you've been sold to before. Hell, it could even be described as a castle. It's about three windows high but how big they are in person is hard to say, maybe the size of a statue? It's also much longer than anything you've seen, besides the facility you've come from before.
"It's called a mansion pet, get used to it. We aren't taking you back this time, the doctor paid a pretty penny for you. Too bad he'll be disappointed. Everyone always is with you." Oh, there's a vampire that can hear you. That's embarrassing to think about. But a mansion? And why are they disappointed, you haven't even done anything yet.
"Let's just hope your blood is enough to keep them happy, that's the only thing going for you at this point. Anything else I would have gotten to kill you a long time ago." The second one upfront chimes in before he's nudged in the side by the driver.
"You know we both would have had fun with her before sucking her dry." They both share a laugh with one another but you don't quite get why that would be funny. Probably just because you're a pet, yea, only vampires can understand each other in that way.
Once parked, the vampires are quick to yank you out of the car and drag you up the steps to the mansion. If you were in anything other than the short heels, surely you would have ended up on the ground. The doors open before you reach the top step, to girls in what look to be maid outfits. They hold the doors open as you're dragged into the red hallway that makes up the entryway of the house. You pass by about five doors before going into the last one which has a red cross painted on the front.
Its white inside, almost blinding with the pallet of pale and metallic. The lights bounce off of every reflective surface. You look around to grasp your bearings, having been forced into this situation all at once. Barely stopping to breathe. Then you realize, you're finally left alone. The vampires from your old home aren't here to hold your hand through life anymore. It's your job now to be useful.
It's funny you don't realize how nervous you are until you place a hand on your chest, feeling the muscle underneath burst against your chest. You can only hope you don't react like this in front of your new masters, surely it would make them mad if they were to find out you are afraid to be around them.
The shiny stuff, you now realize is medical equipment. The vampires had stuff like this before, it was in a special room where they used machines and shiny objects on you a few years ago. You can't remember much besides the beeping of machines and bright lights, much like this room. Just when you think you'll be alone for a while, the door opens by a taller vampire. Though he doesn't cover his face and he isn't nearly as pale as those you've seen before. In fact, he's tan, very tan like he spends time in the sun.
Immediately, you bow and to your surprise, he does the same. Smiling warmly at you, gesturing for you to sit down on the bed. You obey immediately and he takes a seat in a swivel chair across from you.
"Firstly I'm Doctor Kim Jongkook." He starts out. "I'm the owner of the house and the one who requested for you to live here with us. Before we get into any more pleasantries, would you like anything to eat or drink?"
"If you would like me to eat and drink something I will." The doctor goes over and pulls out a water bottle from a small fridge.
You shake your head no and he frowns, leaning his head to the side.
"Are you sure? The council said you hadn't had anything since early last night. Surely you're at least thirsty."
"I want you to drink the whole thing please." You think it's a bit odd to drink the whole thing right now but nonetheless comply as you unscrew the bottle, starting to down the whole thing. It's hard to try and drink it all at once but thankfully his hands grab the bottle out of yours.
"I didn't mean you had to drink it all at once. You can drink it slowly you know?" He smiles warmly at you, which just further confuses you. You just hold the bottle in your lap and nod shyly, because you did think he meant the whole thing, and for some reason that embarrasses you.
"So, tell me about yourself-Whats your name?"
"My assigned number is eighty-two sir. I am a pet designed only for my master's pleasure. Whatever that might be." Your words are formal and uniform. Like you've spent countless hours perfecting how to say them in order and when. Maybe you have practiced, or maybe you're just so used to the doll-like persona of yourself that it comes out naturally.
"My assigned-" His hand raised up stops your words in their tracks and dread fills your stomach. He looks displeased, so great. You've already managed to upset your master.
"However if you do not like the number, please call me whatever you would like." A name isn't something you deserve to own, it's generous even if one of your masters is kind enough to give you one in the first place.
He frowns at your answer and shakes his head. "That just won't do. Everyone deserves a name to go by, what would you like to be called?" Perhaps he didn't hear, you think. You were certain you said it clearly enough but maybe you hadn't.
"I heard you the first time." Oh no, he's going to hurt you. "I'm asking what you would like to be called. What was your name before you became a pet?" You still for a moment, for some reason you can't remember. All you know is that you had one but you were never allowed to ponder what it was unless you wanted to be hurt by one of the cloaked vampires. They had those who could hear your thoughts, so even in your own head, you aren't safe from your selfish thoughts. Who knows, they might have one here that listens as well.
"I'm unsure, please call me whatever you want to, I don't have a preference." The frown on his face deepens as he reaches to pat your knee slightly. You wish you didn't flinch as harshly as you do, but the doctor removes his hand anyway.
"I hope you know while you live here you don't have to act like this. You don't have to act like an obedient animal, i-we're not like that here child. We will treat you as a human, deserving respect. We won't ask much of you." Is this a test? To see if you'll slip up and actually believe you have rights as a human? As if you're anything more than a pet who deserves anything in life? Surely it has to be, vampires always try to deceive like this. But you've learned better after many years of pain and disappointment.
"All that I ask is that you allow me to draw blood from you every two weeks. It'll be taken through a machine so there won't be any biting involved. Would that be alright with you?" Doctor Jongkook looks so hopeful that you'll agree, you just can't understand why? You were born to serve one purpose in life, to let vampires drink freely from you. So why is he even asking you for permission that isn't even yours to give.
"Of course sir, whatever you wish for me to do, I'll do it." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before smiling softly at you.
"Thank you, we can talk about this subject tomorrow night. Though, you're accustomed to sleeping during the day aren't you?" You nod your head at him, ever since you can remember you've always slept during the day.
"Alright, we'll have to start getting you used to our routine. We don't necessarily sleep for long, being vampires we don't actually have to sleep. Our bodies do get tired so think of it like naps. But we tend to take them at night, are you okay waking up at midday? Just so we aren't having you completely exhausted."
"Yes, I'm fine with that sir." He gently claps his hands and hands one out for you to take.
"Well then, let us go find your room. You'll be staying on the second floor with a couple others, in separate rooms of course." Jongkook Leads you through the house to a set of marble steps, the clicking of your heels and his soft words the only thing filling the space.
"It's a fairly large house, so I don't expect you to learn all the rooms in one day but I'll take you on a tour of the house sometime tomorrow." He's met with silence from you, not quite sure what to say in response. It leaves a bit of an awkward tinge in the air.
"I think Y/n is a pretty name, what do you think?" It is pretty, almost too pretty to be used on you. You can't help but think they're being too generous already and it isn't even hour two of you being here.
"Y/n is a pretty name, I like it." That brings a large smile to his face as you both stop in front of a door with carvings on the front. Vines you think, with small flowers carved alongside them. He opens the door and warm light greets you, definitely not as harsh as the lights in the rest of the house. The both of you step inside and the first thing you notice is the room is big. Bigger than what you're used to by a longshot. The bed is even big with a canopy over the top, and curtains pinned to the corner posts. There are two doors on either side of a vanity and vacant bookshelves on another wall.
"It's a little bare at the moment but we'll eventually get it filled with things that you like. Those two doors lead to a fully stoked bathroom and a closet. Your vanity doesn't have much in it but we can go into town to buy you more things if you want. So, what do you think?" He puts his hands out to accentuate the space even more. It only makes you feel like you shouldn't even be in here.
"Are you sure? It feels too generous sir." His smile falls a little, but he just pats your head.
"It's not too much y/n." The name feels weird hearing it out loud as he refers to you, you've been used to the same number for so long. "Here, this is also for you." He dangles a key in front of you, putting it in your hand once you don't reach to take it.
"This locks your room from the inside and it can't be unlocked from the outside. If you ever feel the need or want to, don't hesitate to lock the door. I don't want you to feel unsafe here, even though it's all so new to you. And you won't be punished for it, you won't be punished for anything here." After another beat of silence, he finally bids you goodnight, shutting the door gently behind him.
You look around and open the door to the right of the vanity, it's the closet and your eyes widen. It's basically the same size as the bedroom, similar to the dressing room back at your old home. It's overwhelming, to say the least, with clothes on three of the four walls, the other one completely filled by a floor-to-ceiling mirror. There are even spaces by the hanging clothes for folded clothes. You walk over to some and they all seem to be the same size as yours. You've never seen such a wide variety of clothes before, used to the old doll dresses most vampires seem to want to dress you in. Most of these clothes seem to be more simple, soft fabrics instead of the scratchy lace you're used to.
After what seems like forever of shuffling through the drawers labeled sleepwear you find a soft pink button-up shirt and a matching pair of shorts and take them to the other door that must be the bathroom. The room is similar in the fact that it's huge a large tub and a shower lay next to each other, a double sink and counter with yet another large mirror above, and a remote with different colors. You press on the red color and are surprised to see all the lights in the bathroom. You turn it back to the white setting and keep searching around the bathroom. The doctor was right when he said it was fully stocked, everything you might ever need is in the bathroom. From endless soaps to menstrual supplies and hair products. Not that you know how to use them but you can probably learn through the directions on the back. And In a closet, there are soft towels.
You allow yourself to smell through all the different body washes and shampoos before actually showering. It's nice, to have warm water running over your skin for once. As you get out of the shower and change into soft clothes, you wash your face and braid your hair so it won't tangle. You do everything to a t how Yuri told you to. Maybe in another world, she would be proud of you on your own. But you don't live in a world where anyone would be proud of you, let alone a vampire who is higher up than yourself. You push the thought away almost as quick as it came, it was selfish anyway. Even if some masters would say it, it's just a false sense of hope.
One day maybe, you'll learn that for your own good.
note: Chapter one bby! I know its kinda short but I’m so excited that i finally have this chapter out and to see all your feedback on it. I didnt expect the teasers to get any attention at all but even the notes on them make me so excited and hopefully more people will be able to enjoy this fic as well. It’s been a long time comming and i’ve been planning since early 2020 which is wild to me. Honestly i had been procrastinating on it for most of that time but this year i had actually been working on story planning. The next chapter i want to be out in two weeks because through work and life i think that’s what i’ll be able to achieve for right now. I’m also lowkey happy that i got it out in time for the spooky vibes
The taglist is open for it and if you would like to be added send me an ask or a dm and i’ll get you added to it
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cxncri · 2 years
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love buzz [mello x reader] [chap. 2]
last chapter: chap. 1
author’s note: hi guys! i’m not sure how frequently i’ll be able to update this series, as i’m traveling for the holidays and i’ll be busy with all that. however, i’m trying to get these drafted and ready to post while i’m still at home, so i hope you enjoy!
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you wake up to the beeping of your alarm clock and the soft pattering of rain against the windows, blearily stumbling out of bed to turn the alarm off. you rub the sleep from your eyes and look out your bedroom window to see that it is most certainly pouring. how fun.
after your shower, you shiver as you pull on your uniform. you haven't checked the temperature outside yet, but if the temperature inside your house was any indicator, it was going to be a cold, rainy day. however, this was a day perfect for studying, and you were definitely happy about that. after getting ready, you head out the door. your parents had already left for work, and it always felt weird getting up in the morning with no one in the house. getting in your car, you drive off to school, preparing for a dreary day.
"okay- photoelectron spectroscopy. tell me about that."
the library was packed with people this morning, probably full of the students who were usually outside on the campus before school started. sayu groans as she rocks back in her chair, trying to remember whatever that was. your best friend was great, no doubt about that, but you suspected the only reason she agreed to study with you was for the free coffee from the school's cafe. you were most likely their best customer by now.
"come on," you urge, "what does it measure?"
"it measures, uh, something, definitely!" sayu says with a hopeful look. she screws her eyes shut, and after a long pause, she sighs. "i give up. i can't remember."
now it's your turn to sigh. "photoelectron spectroscopy," you announce, doing a slight drumroll on your textbook, "is used to measure relative energy of electrons in molecules and atoms." sayu frowns. "i wouldn't have guessed that in a million years, no matter how many cups of coffee you bought me." you laugh, shutting the notebook and dropping it in your bag. "let's go get your coffee- i think you're still asleep."
whoever put AP chemistry as your first class of the day must've had a serious vendetta against you. karma was here to kick you in the ass, because it was suddenly you who couldn't remember anything. you jot down notes in a trance-like state; it'll be a miracle if they're decipherable later. you watch the clock, counting the minutes until your next block, AP lit (with your favorite person, mello! you are most definitely, totally, surely over the scores from yesterday!). you try your best to stifle your yawns, and continue your note-taking haze.
finally the bell rings and ends your misery, and you head out of the classroom. heading down the stairs to the english hallway, you can't help but admire the way the rain looks outside. it's so pretty, the way the clouds blanket the sky and cast a fog over everything.
just about dropping into your seat, you plunk your things down onto your desk and wait for class to begin. AP lit you could manage, english being a strong suit of yours (and the class requiring minimal in-class participation).
class begins, and your teacher wastes no time, diving into today's class right away. you're humoring her- and maybe you aren't doing as well as you think, because you hear the words "partner" and "project" paired together and it catches you extremely off-guard. you snap out of whatever funk you've been in, trying to fill in the gaps of what you've missed.
"the two of you will act out a scene of your choosing, assuming i approve it. you'll repeat this three times over a six-week time frame; two weeks to prepare and perform each."
oh. oh no. acting wasn't good. presentations sucked, no matter how prepared you were, but acting out a skit? that was infinitely worse, especially with another person. the thought of standing in front of a large group of people and rehearsing something, something that was a major grade, scared the shit out of you.
"since most shakespearean plays have a movie made in the likeness of the original play, it may help to watch them after you read the initial script, for a better feel of the scene. this, however, is completely optional and up to you. you'll be working with the partners i've assigned. compromises will not be made without a valid reason."
your face falls. first the acting, then the randomized partners? this was horrific. absolutely horrific.
"if anyone has any questions, now would be the time to ask. if not," she continues, eyes sweeping the class, "then i will announce the partners, and you shall get started.
you hold your breath as she goes down the list of partners, finally arriving at your name."and you," she looks at you, no discernible expression on her face, "you'll be working with mr. keehl."
you freeze, looking over to see mello wearing the same gaping expression as you. his jaw is dropped, eyes wide open, face in shock. six-week project. compromises will not be made without a valid reason. is having to work with someone you can't stand in the slightest a valid reason to switch partners?
you're doomed. completely and utterly doomed.
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if you would like to be added to my taglist for this series, please feel free to dm me about it!!
taglist: @mo-3-bius
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crudetautology · 2 years
Rewatching “Moonah Ston” I’m sort of curious who voted for who to do the reading. I think the vote may have gone like this:
Fanny: The Captain. Obviously! They're best repressed buds and chat about satirical skewering of socio-political institutions in the Mikado for fun.
Pat: The Captain. They're also best buds in love and in series one he is more deferential to the Captain, I feel, but would have ultimately been just as happy with Thomas doing the reading. Probably.
Mary: Thomas. She's obviously team no one, but someone had to have voted for Thomas, right?? Maybe she does it to give her more ammunition to slam him with
Robin: The Captain. Yeah, I do think he would be happy with either one but on balance I do think he slightly prefers the Captain over Thomas
Kitty: Thomas. She may be the only one that genuinely likes hearing him hold readings
Julian: Thomas. He definitely likes the Captain more "chaps in the library"-causing trouble and all that but his "it was incredible close and entirely non-biding" makes me think otherwise
Humphrey's body: The Captain. The Captain hangs out with him to count stuff, alright. And given that the body got with Fanny I imagine he likes the repressed buttoned-up type. And also he doesn't actually have to listen to either of them having no ears and all.
Humphrey's head: Abstained. Because they couldn't find the head bit. But would have probably voted for Thomas in series one. Series two is a different story.
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daisysliv · 2 years
safe & sound | eddie munson
word count: 952
pairing: eddie munson x gen!reader
summary: in which eddie's arms is the only place you feel safe
warnings: fluff, light angst, mentions or death
notes: wrote this bc i desperately need to be hugged, preferably by joseph quinn. as always, not edited so all mistakes are my own!
stranger things bookshelf
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If someone would have told you a year ago that the safest place to be was in his arms, you would've laughed and walked away not believing a word they said. It would've been a ridiculous notion but as you were in his arms, curling your body closer into his side, it wasn't ridiculous.
The warmth that radiated from his body kept you from freezing and feeling exposed to the outside world, the world you didn't trust anymore. The way he cradled your head in one hand and wrapped the other around your waist kept you grounded while he, and his big, brown doe eyes checked you over for any fatal injuries. When he finalized his opinion that there was no harm done that could be fatal, he carefully pulled you into his chest, the hand cradling your head joining his other arm around your waist. The tightness of his arms wrapped around you, fully, kept you secure.
Being in his arms was like being wrapped in a blanket while you sat on the couch and watched a movie or some stupid sitcom on a rainy day. It felt safe. You felt safe for the first time in a long time.
Gripping the back of his shirt with your hands and bunching the fabric in your fist, you buried your head deeper into his chest with a sigh passing your chapped lips. The sound of his heartbeat echoing in your head kept you tied to reality.
“You’re okay.” Eddie’s lips brushed against your forehead as he spoke, his arms tightening around you. “You’re okay.” He repeated.
You nodded against his chest, keeping your eyes screwed shut. You didn't want to open them in fear that this was all an illusion made by Vecna. You didn't want to open them and be met with sight of everyone and everything you love dead because that would break you. It would break you beyond repair and you didn't think you could handle it. “I'm not letting anyone hurt you, do you hear me? No one is going to hurt you again.” Hot tears brim in your eyes and you resist the urge to listen to the voice in the back of your head telling you to break down.
You would break down later, not right now. There were more pressing matters at hand than the need to sob. There were lives all over town in danger and could die at any moment because of the ground that caved in near their feet, taking people with it, there was no time for a cry session. You felt as if you were already wasting time as he held you but you couldn't bring yourself to pull away. His arms brought you a certain comfort that you hadn't felt in such a long time and you didn't want to lose it.
“We need to go.” Eddie hums in agreement but neither of you made a movement to let go of each other. Neither of you were ready to lose the comfort that you gave each other.
It was nice to feel safe—protected for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Maybe just a few more minutes.” He whispered, his arms tightening around you slightly. You became aware of the light trembling of his body and tightened your own arms around him. He needed your comfort as much as you needed his, it appears.
“We need to find the others. See if they're okay and see if… if everyone made-”
“Don't. Don't go there.” Eddie cuts you off before you could finish the sentence.
Despite not wanting to believe it, the only way the ground would’ve caved beneath them was if the plan failed and Vecna claimed another victim; someone had to be dead for this to have happened. It could've been anybody. It could've been any of your friends while that scared you, you were glad it wasn't Eddie.
It almost was him but you and Dustin were quicker than those bats and helped Eddie fight them off before escaping the Upside Down with seconds to spare before everything went to shit.
Reluctantly pulling yourself out of Eddie’s arms, you shivered at the cold breeze that hit with the absence of the warmth his hold brought. The urge to fall back into his arms grew quickly in you but there were still things that needed to be done. The fight wasn't over. And it wouldn't be over for a long time.
“We need to get Dustin and head over to the Creel house.”
The metalhead nodded and followed you out to the RV where Dustin had been impatiently waiting for the two of you. “What took you so long?! We needed to go, like, yesterday!” Dustin shouted from his spot in the back, his eyes wide.
“Sorry! Sorry!” You exclaimed while you fought with the buckle of the seat. You look around to see the damage and your eyes widen in horror. Homes were split down the middle, people were running around screaming and looking for their loved ones while smoke clouded the sky. It was a real life nightmare. “Oh, my God,” You gasped.
“I know. It's like everyone's nightmares come to life.” Eddie climbs into the driver’s seat after taking his own look around at the place he called home. “Jesus Christ.” He swore under his breath, his hands tightening around the wheel.
“Do you want me to drive?” You ask when you realized how much the sight of the trailer park in shambles terrified the man next you.
“No.” Is all he says before he speeds out onto the road and out of the place he’s called home his entire life without another look.
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notes: if you would like to request something from the prompt list, you can find it here, just be sure to add the numbers, and if it’s angst or fluff! if you want to request something that is not on the list, go right ahead and send in the ask!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it's crossed out that means i couldn't tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow @evanbuckbuckleyhowlett @wildestdreamcatcher @mushroomdemon9 @levylovegood @1-800-prostitutes @AllieAprilKnox @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @moshpot24x @AlohaStitch_626 @lucyispan @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @loveshineslikethesky @liyinzen
@hehehehannahthings @polarisfae @pinksloosh @mushroomdemon9 @bvmbshell @lilahloopsy @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @AllieAprilKnox @angelbbygrl @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marauderssworld @watchingteav @moshpot24x @scorpfairy @soph69420world @itsquinoa @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @milkiane @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @maruushkka @kiwi5335
@spookyconsultingcriminal @lilahloopsy @findleynovadachs111 @1-800-prostitutes @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marvel-starwars-nerd @marauderssworld @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @watchingteav @ts1mikas @moshpot24x @scorpfairy @WolfOstar @pettyassbitch @pumpararapam @karagrace @susbuttercup @cherrypieyourface @cupidlvrrr @eddiemunsonhellfire @soph69420world @itsquinoa @centralperksfunds @linkpk88 @zervopoulouu @3belladonna @kiwi5335
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newtsniffles · 2 years
Nothing and Everything | Stephen Strange x gn!Reader
Pairing: Stephen Strange x GN! Reader
Summary: Sometimes your thoughts get a little bit too loud, even when you are thinking of nothing in particular. Stephen always does what he can to help.
Warning/s: None, just a drabble of fluff and comfort. No use of Y/N.
Word count: 400
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The Sanctum library had become a place of comfort for yourself. Especially in the harsh winters of New York, the crackling fire always left a toasty trail up your goosebump-ridden limbs. With your legs hanging over the side of the armchair you were currently sat on, you read the same paragraph for the umpteenth time. Shaking your head, you close the book and place it on the coffee table beside you. Your mind was travelling with no destination, it always had been a bit of a wanderer.
“Stop thinking,” a gruff voice sounds from behind, startling you.
“How do you know I was thinking?” You sigh, turning to face your fiancé. You looked him up and down, admiring his casual clad form in the doorway. His light blue Columbia jumper, grey sweats, and the Cloak of Levitation adorned his body. What a man.
“You’re always thinking. It’s annoying.” Stephen walked to your side, sitting the two mugs of steaming liquid in his hands onto the coffee table. “I could hear it from the kitchen.”
“Wow, thanks. Love you too.” You stand up with a roll of your eyes, allowing Stephen to take your previous seat and tug you onto his lap. With strong arms, he holds you firmly against his chest.
“What is it this time?” A scarred but beautiful hand runs its fingers through your hair, and soft, chapped lips lightly press against your head.
“Nothing and a bit of everything really.” Your own hands found Stephen’s other, playing with his fingers, you wished to take away his insecurities.
“One of those days, hm?” Stephen hummed and you nodded against his chest. He was always very understanding of your mental health, and for that you were thankful.
“It’s always like this in the Winter,” you sighed. “You know that. As unmotivated as the sun.”
“I know,” your doctor mumbled against your head as he placed multiple pecks to the top. “Which is why I got Wong to agree to take more of the classes, so I can spend more time here.”
“I love you,” you looked up at the man you love, a soft look reserved only for you rested on his face.
“I love you too,” he smiled, placing his lips over yours for a kiss full of only pure love and care. “Now,” he pulled back, shuffling your position to pull his phone from his pocket. “Chinese or Thai?”
"Chinese, please," you smile, nestling your head back against your soon-to-be husband's chest.
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ponzu369 · 2 years
honestly this will all just be noren (I’ve been scrolling through so many pages in ao3 for these damn fics) These can all be found on ao3 (AKA archiveofourown)
star love - heibai
Renjun and Jeno were given a curse. To have their lives intersect on Christmas Eve once every three years. Renjun sees it as an irony. Jeno agrees. (Because he can’t let Renjun know that he sees it as a blessing.) words: 31,415 | chap: 5
This fic was devastating, I loved basically everything about it. I would’ve never thought about a plot where a couple breaks up even though they still love each other, and yet they meet every three years on the day they broke up. And this goes on continuously for 30 years, like how in the world. I started crying and you can feel the pain (unless i’m just a wuss lmao).
I Hurt You - chocosunshine (incomplete)
“I hurt you”
“I know-” His voice cracked. Tears rolled down his cheeks as his hands trembled grabbing his shirt. The hole on his chest grew deeper as the lie -told to himself- left his lips “I know you mean you love me”. Renjun will do anything in order to stop feeling lonely. Even if it means that he will have to break is own heart in pieces, and feed Jeno with them. words: 37,695 | chap: 9/11
Let’s be honest, no hate to the author, but the summary sucks. Their writing style does take a while to get used to (some grammar errors, short sentences, weird time skips) but for some reason I keep going back to read this. Again this is an angsty fic, not everyone is going to like it. I was very skeptical of it but it makes me cry so there’s that~ If you want to give it a try you can, it’s an interesting take on loneliness and how two people cope with it. It is somewhat incomplete, and I don’t think the author is going to finish it. I’ve literally visited this 44 times (I know it counts each chap but like) anyway kinda obsessed and a bit annoyed the author never picked it back up
Plexure - verqi
He felt chills running through his arms when a pair of hot lips land against the cold of his nape. He rests his hands on either side of the counter, trying to subtly move his head forward to escape. Escape what? This Jeno. His brain supplied. This, four months before Jeno. words: 57,909 | chap: 11
This is another one where you may not like it, I didn’t really like the later chapters because everything just happened so abruptly. Well I usually like things to go a particular way but this story was fine. This fic also has to do with the concept of loneliness and how the characters cope, idk why I’m into this stuff but check it out. It does get somewhat cringe, just a bit, but I don’t know I found their dynamic interesting and this is without the a/b/o stuff from “I Hurt You”. I visited this one 32 times...
Half Agony, Half Hope - SeeTheVision
In the grand story of Renjun Huang, Jeno Lee should have been the merest chapter. He’d blown into Renjun’s life like a hurricane at seventeen, rattling windows and turning everything upside down, but the storm hadn’t ended when Renjun slammed the door at eighteen. In the past six years, he’d been unable to turn the page, eternally stuck in the chapter of his life when he’d made his worst mistake. words: 15,528 | chap: 1
This does kind of focus more on the other dreamies, it’s a cute story and it does end on a good note. I think I would’ve added a mini epilogue but I know a lot of people like open-endings. It’s not very angsty, it does have markhyuck and chenji if you were wondering. It’s a solid fic and a pretty short read.
Destiny - starrymeis (meiqis)
It was a rainy day, sheltered inside a library, when Jeno felt his heart tighten in pain. Warmth that seemed to be soaked wet before the kindling of a fire started. But there was no wound that would not be healed by time, and sometimes, fate also offered a second chance to make up for what had once been missed. (Jeno has been in love with Renjun for years and he left when it became too much. Years later, he hadn't expected to meet his never forgotten love again...) words: 62,703 | chap: 1
I was a bit hesitant to start this fic since the kudos to hit ratio was a bit off, but I was curious who wrote this much in one chap. So I read it and the fic is not bad. I cannot believe Jeno loved for that long, that is actually insane. Again this is angsty, I will say when they meet again in the future I didn’t really like how it progressed from there. But again, it’s a solid fic you can give it a chance if you want a long read lol.
komorebi - misleki
“You know what’s more important than data analysis meetings and investor lunches and conference calls? Getting to eat breakfast with you in the mornings. I swear to the ends of the earth, the sight of you sipping on orange juice is infinitely more important than whichever old man is trying to kiss up to me to get into my father’s good graces.” (Renjun learns a thing or two about perspective, and Jeno comes home.) words: 10,906 | chap: 1
This one was interesting, most of the story is in italics and quotes, it’s mostly Jeno’s voice messages throughout their relationship and the distance between them. I read this quite awhile ago, but it is mostly Renjun reminiscing (I think). And then Jeno does come back and all that jazz. It’s a cute read, a bit angsty (def not as angsty as the ones above) but it’s a nice read. If you want something short and ends on a good note, read this one.
strategic fit - smokeczars
It’s common knowledge that Lee Jeno from Communications and Huang Renjun from Legal had it out for each other. Like flowers blooming in spring and the ice caps melting away to a slowly toasting earth, it’s just accepted fact. or: the one where jeno and renjun are co-workers. and also secretly married. words: 11,857 | chap: 4
This was pretty funny, it is a work verse so it’s not angsty (surprisingly with everything that I’ve recommended so far). And it actually comes in a three part series, I really enjoyed it. I guess I forgot to add it to my last recommendation. But I’m sure a lot of you have read this, it’s cute and funny when the other workers get surprised they’re together.
the night like it is home - hopeboos
He covers his face with his hands and tries to think rationally, but that’s impossible when he just saw Jeno turn into a giant dog right in front of his eyes. He wonders if they’re both losing it, or if this could possibly be a really, really vivid dream—but he knows what he saw. He’s always been open minded to the supernatural, to the impossible, but seeing it, really experiencing this is making him struggle to keep his mind in his own body, to stay present in this moment. Jeno is running around the apartment as a dog-slash-wolf, Renjun is stuck here in Jeno’s bedroom without his phone, and he’s scared out of his mind about it all. This is real. This is happening. If he follows this line of reasoning—if he accepts this absolute absurdity as the truth—then that really is Jeno out there. If Renjun is scared, he must be so much more terrified by this sudden transformation. | or | After Jeno is bitten, Renjun helps him through the consequences. words: 41,476 | chap: 4
I enjoyed reading this, I actually come back to this fic a lot just to see the dreamies interact and I think the author got down their “personalities” pretty well. I wouldn’t say this is totally focused on noren but moreso on the dreamies relationship (which is super cute). I do think it might’ve been a bit rushed, they could’ve prolonged it a bit, but it was a nice read. I think everyone would have a fun time reading this, especially with the inclusion of Daegal making an appearance (so cute).
I think this is enough recommending for now, I am on a literal scavenger hunt for more fics lmao. I have been venturing into dojae (but a lot of those are short fics, they’re so funny I could recommend a few but I’m a bit lazy at this point). But if you’re looking for some angsty fics I have you covered, you may not like the grammar style or how it progresses, but this is just my opinion~
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amjustagirl · 4 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!)
feat. Tsukkishima Kei 
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requested for by @animestheticz (hope you enjoy it bb!) 
Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. Kita Shinsuke. Kuroo Tetsuro.
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
Wordcount: 2k
Genre / Pairings: Fluff, Hogwarts AU, Tsukkishima / Reader
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
(happy to do any characters other than Kenma / Hinata / Tendo - I don’t trust myself to do them justice!)
Oh and this is just shameless advertisement for my other fic - but I’m also writing a multi chapter fic based off Your Name / Kimi No Nawa featuring Akaashi Keiji (i.e. a bodyswap AU featuring our favourite Tokyo pretty boy). Check it out here!
“P-please? Just this once?’ Yachi begs, fingers gripping your sleeve like a vice. 
You’re sorely tempted to refuse her ridiculous request, but you can’t bring yourself to. This is Yachi Hitoka, your best friend, though currently she’s a nervous wreck fretting over her first date with Yamaguchi Tadashi. The sweet, freckled Hufflepuff chaser has finally worked up the courage to act on his painfully obvious crush on Yachi - both veritable balls of sunshine, so sweet and anxious and caring that you can’t imagine a better match. 
So you don’t understand why on earth you’re being asked to tag along on a double date with one Tsukkishima Kei. 
It’s not that you dislike the guy – far from it. You’ve had a crush on him yourself ever since Yachi started hanging around Yamaguchi in your third year, sucking you and Tsukkishima have been sucked into their orbit, reluctant moons revolving around twin suns. But you’ve tucked it away since Tsukkishima doesn’t seem to have an interest in anyone at all – in fact, half the time his snarky replies and cold silences make you think he barely tolerates Yamaguchi as a friend, let alone yourself. 
Still, refusing Yachi is tantamount to kicking an injured puppy, so you swallow your reservations and agree. 
‘Thank you!’ Yachi cheers. ‘We’ll have fun, I promise!’ 
It’s summer, and your blouse is sticking to your back as you dash through Diagon Alley. Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi are already waiting in front of Flourish & Botts, the former barely even granting you a nod, though he does give you the courtesy of removing his headphones, while Yamaguchi bounces on the balls of his feet to greet you cheerfully. 
‘Woah there Yamaguchi – keep your enthusiasm for your date’, you joke, and he grins back at you.  And he does – stuttering and blushing as Yachi arrives. Yachi herself is no better – you swear you can hear her teeth chatter as she greets all of you, though she beams when Yamaguchi presents her with a small posy of flowers with clammy hands. 
‘They’re cute’, you remark to Tsukkishima as you walk beside him on the way to the first stop -  Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. 
‘Mm’, he responds, his face blank. 
You know he doesn’t suffer fools – worse still, talkative ones, so you fall silent until you reach the ice cream store. To your surprise, he pulls the chair out for you, and accepts your offer to share a cup of ice cream with you, a tilt to his lips when you automatically order a strawberry shortcake sundae – it’s his favourite after all. 
Yachi and Yamaguchi seem to have gotten over their initial shyness, chatting up a storm in their own little world. You’re excluded, as you expected, but you’re glad for their sakes. 
‘Excited about the last year of school?’ 
You glance up from your melting sundae, surprised that Tsukkishima is the first to break and initiate a conversation. From your interactions with him, he’s deliberate and methodical in his thoughts and words, so you take a few beats to formulate a response. 
‘Yes and no, really’, you answer honestly. 
He raises a thin blonde eyebrow, wordlessly beckoning you to elaborate. 
‘I’m excited for our classes, the syllabus seems really interesting this year’, you say, wincing at how desperately nerdy you sound – but you’re a hopeless Ravenclaw, and advanced Arithmancy and Astronomy excites you. ‘But it’s scary isn’t it – knowing that it’s our last year, and having to make all those important decisions that are going to affect us, years down the road?’ 
He hums thoughtfully. ‘I get that’, he responds, hands steepled under his chin. ‘I’m deciding between doing further studies in magical history and going pro – just for a few more years. But I know no matter what decision I end up making, I’ll probably end up second guessing myself’. 
‘Why can’t you do both?’ you find yourself saying before you can stop yourself. His brow furrows a notch. ‘You’re great at both, and I can’t see why you can’t as long as you put your mind to it’. 
You cringe at your cheesiness, expecting him to snark at you for your Hufflepuff-like optimism the way he does with Yamaguchi, but you’re surprised once again when he mutters a quiet ‘thanks’, a flush high in his cheeks, and then asks -  ‘And what about you?’ 
You wonder if he’s merely being polite, but his tone is serious, and his eyes are intently focused on you, so you tell him about your plans of taking on further studies in Arithmancy, perhaps even enroll in a Muggle university to study Mathematics for a semester or two, before working in Gringotts. The goblins may be archaic in their beliefs about the magical world, but their application of mathematics is extremely advanced. 
‘It suits you’, he comments. You want to ask him what he means by that, but Yachi pipes up from across the table.  
‘If you’re done with your ice cream, do you guys want to check out the magical menagerie? Yamaguchi’s going to get a cat!’ 
Before you can agree, Tsukkishima tells Yachi and Yamaguchi to go on ahead, drolly reminding them that they’re on a date, and they should go spend some quality time together. So they head off with wide smiles, shoulders bumping. They’re so sweet together it almost makes your teeth ache. Well, at least you’ve been dismissed as their reluctant chaperone, and you’re about to wish Tsukkishima a polite farewell when he taps your shoulder. 
‘Let’s go check out Flourish & Botts. I’m sure you have books you want to check out’. 
You blink – because you do, but you don’t expect Tsukkishima to accompany you, let alone be the one seeking out your company. He doesn’t even wait for your assent before he sets off, and you have to jog to keep up with the pace his long legs set. Thankfully, he notices you’re still lagging behind and slows down, though he teases dryly – ‘you know, at the rate you’re walking, I’m not sure we’ll get there before sundown’. 
You pointedly look up at the sun, still high in the sky, before levelling an unimpressed glare at him. He only smirks in response – and you’re so flustered by how attractive his expression is that you nearly trip over the threshold to Flourish & Botts. He catches you with a steady hand to your elbow – and now your heart is fluttering – is this how Yachi is like all the time? If so, you should really cut her some slack – the thoughts crowding your mind so distracting that you hardly hear Tsukkishima call your name in concern until he shakes your shoulder gently. 
‘Are you alright?’ Tsukkishima repeats, with a frown. 
‘Y-yes’, you reply, cursing your traitorous heart again. He doesn’t look like he believes you, insistently pushing you towards an empty couch. 
He clicks his tongue. ‘Don’t move’ he orders, before he disappears, probably to get the books he has his eyes on.  
You sink into the cushions, resisting the urge to bury your face in your hands in embarrassment. An hour spent in his presence and you’ve already turned back into a lovesick fool. You’ve told yourself countless times to just get over your silly crush on him already because it’s not going to do you any good. 
Yamaguchi’s complained to you and Yachi countless times about girls asking him if Tsukkishima is single, but you don’t see him taking an interest in anyone at all – spending all his time instead in the library and on the Quidditch pitch. 
He’s the stone faced beater from Ravenclaw. People wonder sometimes if ice flows in his veins – but they don’t see the determined set of his jaw when he’s ploughing through homework and assignments because he knows he’s going to have to spend the whole day in training the next day, the glint of satisfaction in his eyes whenever he wins a match or scores a good grade, the patience he expends tutoring Yamaguchi (along with Hinata and Kageyama) in Ancient Runes – 
Oh Merlin. You’re a hopeless case. 
 You jump when he returns and drops into a seat beside you. 
‘Oi, what’s wrong with you’, he mutters a tad scornfully, though he drops the book you were eyeing onto your lap. 
‘N-nothing. T-thanks!’ you answer, internally cursing yourself for even picking up Yachi’s speech patterns. 
Get it together. You’re not a fool. 
He hums, browsing his own book. 
It’s pleasant spending an afternoon in a nook reading books. It’s not so pleasant when your heart palpitates every single time his knee grazes yours - and if you shift just a tiny bit to the left you’re pressing against his side and - oh 
‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ he asks, frowning again, when he notices you’ve been reading the same page for the past fifteen minutes. 
‘F-fine’, you stammer, warmth flooding your cheeks when he leans his face dangerously close to yours, bringing his palm to brush against your forehead. 
‘Your temperature’s fine’, he mutters, but he doesn’t pull away – and oh gosh, you’re so close you can count every single lash on his eyes, your traitorous heart causing you to drown in the quiet concern in his eyes – and oh - 
You’re not quite sure who makes the first move because your eyes flutter close, your nose bumps against his and you feel his chapped lips against yours for a split second before he pulls away. 
You open your eyes. 
Did that truly happen? 
Judging from the blank expression on his face, the past few seconds were probably just a fever dream. But there are signs that cool, quiet Tsukkishima isn’t his usual self - a flush creeping up the back of his neck, his fingers gripping the pages of the book so tightly it starts to crinkle.  
‘What was that?’ you blurt out, confused. 
‘What was what?’ Though his voice remains calm and collected, his flush has traveled all the way to the very tips of his ears. 
‘Nothing’, you answer, dropping your eyes back to the open book on your lap, your mind in a whirl. Surely you didn’t imagine that, right? Did you just - did he just - wait, you’re confused again, what’s going on? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by elegant, long fingers slotting between your own. ‘Silly’ he mutters, but there’s a fond twist to his lips and a softness in his eyes that you’ve never seen before. 
‘I’m pretty sure I’m not the only silly one here’, you respond, in a sudden swell of confidence, though your pulse is sending tremors down your spine, your breath catching in your throat. ‘I’m pretty sure you’re the silly one too’. You curl your fingers over his and lean into his side. 
He hums diffidently. ‘I guess it might seem that way’. 
You both share a shy smile. 
Yachi is smug when you confess to her later that Tsukkishima - no - Kei asked you out as he walked you home that evening. 
‘I told you that we’d have fun!’, she says, grinning cheek to cheek. Then she starts rambling on and on about future double dates with her and Yamaguchi in Madame Puddifoots, where you can share couple sundaes and steaming mugs of hot chocolate - wouldn’t that be wonderful? 
You resist the urge to tell her that Kei has sworn off any future double dates - let alone at the white and pink lace bedazzled monstrosity of a cafe, and his suggestion of a quiet afternoon spent at his favourite bookshop cafe sounds far more inviting to you. 
You’ll let Yamaguchi break the news to her later, on a more appropriate date.  
Instead you just smile to yourself, thinking of the quiet affection in his voice as he wished you farewell, and the suppressed delight in his eyes when you called his name just as he was about to turn away and surprised him by pulling him down to you and pressing your lips to his cheek. 
Yachi’s right. You did have fun after all. 
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 2: Motorbikes and Movie Nights
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 1908
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: i was gonna wait until i had more written to post another chapter but i felt bad making you wait so here is another chapter! i wanted to title this chapter differently but the one i first came up with rhymes so we've GOTTA stick with that.
Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy!! <3
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Jimmy Jabbers
[11:23am, Thursday]
Queen G: okay we NEED to go to a party this weekend or im gonna start pulling my hair out Queen G: im being semi-serious btw
RoRo: name a time and place RoRo: I just show up if I feel like it
Pineapples: gina ur a genius Pineapples: party this weekend is a m u s t
Mr Grapes: I’m in but does anyone even know someone having a party
Four Eyes: I’m with Rosa, name the time and place and I’ll see if I can make it
Queen G: firstly – ur not getting out of this one amy, nice try tho Queen G: secondly – charles I know MANY people and at least one of them will be having a party Queen G: give me 10 and I’ll sort everyones weekend plans
Pineapples: love u gina
Queen G: thank u
Sexy Bitches
[11:28am, Thursday]
Sexy: what are ur weekend plans ter?
Ter Bear: James is throwing a party at ours on Saturday. Claims its his birthday but his birthday is in summer
Sexy: and im assuming ur gonna invite ur bestie gina?
Ter Bear: Sure, but you can’t DJ
Sexy: seriously??? Sexy: what if i sent u my playlist Sexy: u can make an informed decision
Ter Bear: Fine, but I’m not making any promises
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:33am, Thursday]
Queen G: great news! Queen G: ter bear having a party at his
Pineapples: count me in!
Mr Grapes: me too!
RoRo: yeah sure
Four Eyes: I don’t know..
Pineapples: still recovering from the last party??
Four Eyes: Very much so Four Eyes: I’ll come but no drinking
Queen G: boooooooo
Four Eyes: I’ll be designated driver?
Queen G: amy ur the beessttt
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:38am, Thursday]
Ferris: u dont have to come
Cameron: I know, I’ll probably regret if I don’t though. My mother keeps bothering me to make sure I’m making the most out college
Ferris: what if making the most out of it is being a regular in the library and handing assignments in a week early Ferris: has ur mom ever considered that
Cameron: Haha I don’t think she has but I’ll bring it up next time she calls me
Ferris: tell her i said that Ferris: i want credit
Cameron: Will do
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:06pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Leaving my dorm now, you all better be ready. Meet you in the parking lot.
Queen G: rosa and i on our way
Pineapples: charles and i also on our way
Four Eyes: Can’t believe I wasn’t invited to any of the getting ready sessions?!
Queen G: we were pregaming Queen G: next time u will be invited
Four Eyes: Fine. Now get your asses down here.
[10:04pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Can’t believe I’ve already lost Rosa, does anyone know where she is?
Queen G: with me Queen G: we’re dancing and drinking
Four Eyes: Fantastic
[11:24pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: anyone seen amy?? Pineapples: cant find her
RoRo: shut up or come to the kitchen and drink peralta
Queen G: charles hitting on a girl Queen G: trainwreck
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:26pm, Saturday]
Ferris: where r u?
Cameron: Outside, it was too loud inside
Ferris: u okay?
Cameron: I’m fine, will be in soon
Jimmy Jabbers
[12:28pm, Sunday]
Pineapples: my whole body has dry mouth
Four Eyes: I’m not surprised considering you almost threw up in my car
Pineapples: worth it
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[12:43pm, Sunday]
Ferris: u alright?
Cameron: I’m fine, I just really don’t think I was in the mood for that party last night
Ferris: fair enough Ferris: when i feel like that i pretend to be a different person
Cameron: I’m not surprised you do that, maybe next time I’ll try it. For now I’m gonna focus on studying
Ferris: as if u need to do more
Cameron: There’s always new material to be worked on, you know
Ferris: news to me lol
Jimmy Jabbers
[06:54pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: calling it now Pineapples: anakin is darth vader
Four Eyes: Wait what???
Mr Grapes: jake, have you ever seen star wars??
Pineapples: this is my first time! Pineapples: i get why people like these
Four Eyes: Oh my God..
Pineapples: i gotta ask tho Pineapples: why the purple lightsaber
Mr Grapes: don’t worry about it, it really doesn’t matter
Pineapples: sure thing!
[07:45pm, Tuesday]
Pineapples: im literally so smart guys
Four Eyes: Jake in the nicest way possible, everyone knew about Anakin
Pineapples: seriously??
Queen G: even i knew that and i dont watch movies like that
Pineapples: aw man…
RoRo: Jake ‘I worked out that Anakin was Darth Vader all on my own’ Peralta
Pineapples: idc i still liked the movie
Bi Besties
[04:02pm, Wednesday]
Dagger: if you message me one more time about this I’ll burn your die hard poster
El Baboso: i know about motorbikes I swear!
Dagger: gina knows more about motorbikes than you do
El Baboso: wanna take that bet?
Dagger: NO JAKE
Jimmy Jabbers
[04:04pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: @Queen G can u name some motorbikes?
Queen G: sure thing babe Queen G: bike 1, bike 2, bike 3, bike 4, bike 5, bike 6, harry Harley, harriet Harley, henry Harley, hobie Harley, hotel Harley, and bike 7
RoRo: I have nothing to say
Pineapples: check. mate.
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[08:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: amy can i be super honest with u rn?
Cameron: Of course, is everything okay?
Ferris: this is hard for me to admit tbh Ferris: but ive gotta do whats best
Cameron: Jake, you’re making me worried
Ferris: i need help
Cameron: Are you alright? What’s going on?
Ferris: im behind on assignments and idk what im doing Ferris: can u help me???
Cameron: That’s it?! You scared the hell out of me! Cameron: Yes, I can help you with the assignments as long as you don’t do that again
Ferris: pinky promise! Ferris: library tomorrow??
Cameron: Sounds good
Dance Squad
[01:32pm, Saturday]
G-Hive: ive just gotten some incredibly interesting news
Charlese: dish sis!
G-Hive: ignoring that G-Hive: jake and amy are studying together at the library
Scary: and?
G-Hive: and?! G-Hive: they’re getting cozy
Charlese: they didn’t invite anyone else? that’s weird
G-Hive: i never thought id say this but thank you charles! G-Hive: you get it!!
Scary: so what, you think there’s something happening?
G-Hive: nothing serious because its just studying but voluntarily spending time alone together G-Hive: bit suspish if u ask me
Charlese: its all coming together and im on track to win this bet Charlese: get ready to pay up guys
Scary: absolutely not happening, just because they’re studying alone together doesn’t mean they’re gonna get together in the next three weeks
G-Hive: but its a step in the right direction
Charlese: i still have confidence
Scary: and its still misplaced
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:06am, Wednesday]
Cameron: Holt has just sent out an email cancelling this afternoon’s class, do you want to go to the library and work on your assignments for a bit?
Ferris: thats great news i should really check my email more Ferris: library sounds good as long as we get food Ferris: im hungry
Cameron: Did you not have breakfast this morning?
Ferris: ran out of fruit loops Ferris: heartbreaking tbh
Cameron: Your nutrition (or lack thereof) scares me
Ferris: thank u!
Jimmy Jabbers
[09:35pm, Thursday]
Queen G: manifesting that one day ill have a famous bf
RoRo: are you doing anything to actually achieve that goal?
Queen G: chris evans is bad in bed and if he wants me to stop saying it he’ll have to come prove me wrong
Pineapples: i second that!!
[11:32am, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Does anyone want to come get lunch at Sal’s?
Queen G: cant, getting my nails done
RoRo: also can’t, gina dragged me to her nail appointment
Pineapples: yeah im down for lunch
Mr Grapes: I’m ordering in Ethiopian so I’ll pass Mr Grapes: next time though!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:34am, Saturday]
Cameron: Meet outside the building?
Ferris: see u in a few!
Dance Squad
[11:34am, Saturday]
G-Hive: its all happening babes
Scary: sure it is
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:08am, Friday]
Pineapples: i wanna start by saying that i will NOT be held accountable for my own actions Pineapples: now, free of judgement Pineapples: how do i get red wine out of carpet
[01:13am, Friday]
Pineapples: you guys suck
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[01:16am, Friday]
*Ferris made an audio call to Cameron*
“Jake, what’s wrong?”
“I spilled a drink on the carpet of my dorm and I don’t know what to do, they’ll charge me to replace the carpet or something and I can’t afford that-“
“Okay okay, calm down it’s gonna be fine. What did you spill, and be honest with me”
“Red wine..”
“I wanted to try it because I’ve never had it before and I went to put the glass down on the table and miscalculated and knocked my hand and it spilled”
“Is your hand okay?”
“Yeah its fine”
“Okay great, the next time you drink red wine in your dorm I’m going to kill you. Now, you’re gonna need two cups of warm water, tablespoon of dish soap, tablespoon of vinegar and mix together. Pour on the stain in little bits and blot until its disappeared”
“You’re a lifesaver Ames, I owe you big time”
“Yes you do. Now I’m going back to sleep, goodnight”
[01:29am, Friday]
Cameron: 1 image attached Cameron: good as new!
[08:02am, Friday]
Ferris: I’m glad. Never drink red wine in your dorm ever again.
[10:12am, Friday]
Cameron: i promise!
The Night Boys
[10:15am, Friday]
Sidewinder: sorry I didn’t see your message in the chat Sidewinder: how did u go with the stain?
Deathblade: i called amy and she told me how to clean it up Deathblade: looks good as new now! Deathblade: 1 image attached
Sidewinder: THAT’S SO GREAT
Deathblade: thanks
Dance Squad
[10:17am, Friday]
Charlese: 1 image attached Charlese: well well well
G-Hive: boyle if u win this bet im going to delete my insta
Charlese: tempting offer but I’ll do you the kindness of just taking your $50
G-Hive: god i hate u
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:49am, Saturday]
Pineapples: anyone up for a movie night tonight?
Queen G: only if its a fun movie
RoRo: why not
Mr Grapes: absolutely!! looking through my DVDs as we speak
Four Eyes: Yeah sure, I could use a break
Pineapples: wonderful!! Pineapples: pls gather at mine at like 8 and bring ur best movie suggestion Pineapples: everyone give me money for Chinese food
Queen G: god ur cheap
Pineapples: im not made of money gina
Four Eyes: How much do you want?
Pineapples: lets call it an even $12 each
Mr Grapes: worth it for a movie night with my buds
RoRo: boyle ruined it
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[08:23pm, Saturday]
Ferris: btw i liked ur movie suggestion Ferris: even if gina didnt
Cameron: Thanks :)
Dance Squad
[09:03pm, Saturday]
Charlese: they’re sitting next to each other
G-Hive: and im sitting next to rosa G-Hive: doesnt mean we’re in love with each other
Charlese: its gotta mean SOMETHING
Scary: it doesn’t mean shit except that there’s hardly any seating in this dorm
Charlese: you guys have no sense of romance
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Fun fact: that star wars thing is literally me, i didn't know anakin was darth vader and then guessed it when i watched the movies for the first time and everyone was like "you didn't know???!!!". The motorbike one is also a direct quote from my bestie <3
I tried to be less party heavy this chapter, they do have a life outside of going to house parties but i will warn the next chapter involves a party (i am gonna tease that there's non-texting writing in it tho). Also this chapter now with added terry for one of the lovely commenters on the first chap, it isnt much but i hope u liked it!
Thanks again, i love you!! <3 next chap will be out as soon as its done!
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