#is this inspired by that tiktok trend? yeah
boywiththebat · 2 years
modern day au where steve is trying to get with nancy and he knows that local musician eddie munson is going to be on her spotify wrapped so in order to impress her he starts playing eddie's music all the time on his spotify and goes to a show or two and he's doing all this to impress nancy and hopefully spark a convo with her but the plan backfires and he falls in love with eddie instead
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babygirlhouse · 6 months
house md 2024 headcanons 🫡
hi loves!! jumping on this trend :^) i don't think any of these make sense but they made me laugh soooo here u go
House has a very bad pain day and (when pushed) says that he strained the muscle while riding his bike. Obviously nobody believes him, so the ducklings + Wilson spend the day trying to figure out what he did and end up finding security footage of him attempting to hit the griddy in the morgue 
Kutner has a very generic inspirational quotes tumblr blog (he’s so proud of it) and House finds it and just starts dropping quotes from it in DDXs to mess with him & then acting all innocent 
Thirteen has a secret thirst trap tiktok acc that doesn’t explicitly show her face but has her lab coat & maybe stethoscope. When Chase suggests that it’s her she doesn’t confirm or deny it and just keeps winking. Cameron definitely follows the account after this. Thirteen pretends not to realise.
Wilson takes a uquiz to find out what sort of cheese he is and is devastated when it says he’s cheddar. He then has an identity crisis because he thinks he’s too bland and tries to reinvent his aesthetic, leading to one infected eyebrow piercing and a tramp stamp that’s never mentioned again. Potential there for a sappy scene where House tells him he's anything but bland.
Cuddy starts a momblog style podcast. House sends anonymous hate. Taub guest stars. 
I think Taub would get deeply into ASMR. Like it’d start with him finding and playing a video of ASMR triggers for his daughters, then he tries it himself to see if that calms them down even more, etc etc. He starts a youtube channel and it blows up. He gets recognised by patients at the hospital. It goes to his head just a little. He unironically uses the term 'ASMRtist'
A cosplayer has a mysterious illness and the team has to go to a convention to test for environmental factors. Chase is apprehensive but House forces him to go. He’s quickly recognised at the convention and it turns out that he has a cosplay instagram account and they get stopped every 10 mins to take pictures. No one lets him live it down 
Thirteen and Cameron kiss & fall in love & babysit Taub's kids. House makes relentless jokes but is quietly very fond of them and their relationship. Pls i need this
Foreman has a twitter/X account where he posts a combination of work out tips/inspirational quotes (not as sweet as Kutner's blog, more grindset vibes yknow) but he gets mixed up in a pyramid scheme for protein powders and gets cancelled. Also potential for a sappy scene here where Foreman says he admires Kutner for not letting House's teasing about his blog get to him. They're besties now and make each other better.
Cuddy forces all of them to go on a wellness retreat. House and Wilson make a bet to see who can go the longest without speaking. It's not even a silent retreat, they're just like that. Also someone convinces Chase that the utility shed on the retreat is haunted.
The wellness retreat no speaking bet also def has potential for gay chicken. Like Wilson kisses House to see if that will get him to lose the bet. By the next morning neither of them know or care who lost the bet, they leave their room looking Extremely disheveled and return to the hospital very much together. Cuddy is not at all surprised. She planned this. Each of the ducklings hand her $100.
PPTH minecraft server. yeah
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a/n: i hate this title but i LOVE this fic! i had so much fun writing it, obviously inspired by the tik tok trend lol. also when i started this fic last week, the cookies were different but then this week actually did include banana cream pie so i had to change them 😂 and then had to do a little rewrite obviously. but yeah, go check out the isles q&a on their favorite desserts bc they’re all adorable
tw: tooth rotting fluff, extremely minor insinuation of a daddy kink
word count: 2.3k
summary: you take advantage of mat’s sweet tooth to trick him into doing a tik tok video with you
“Hey,” you call out for Mat from your perch on the couch, one foot wedged in between the couch cushions and your phone resting on your thigh. You can hear him rummaging around in the fridge and the noise stops temporarily.
“Hey,” he calls back, “what’s going on?” The rummaging noises start up again and you grin to yourself. If he’s hungry, your little plan will work perfectly.
You crunch up into a sitting position and drape your arms over the back of the couch, watching Mat as he moves things around in the fridge, looking for something to eat. “Do you want to go to Chip City with me?” You ask. “I want to make like one of those TikToks, you know where they rate the cookies of the week?”
Mat’s nodding and closing the fridge before you even finish speaking. “Oh, hell fucking yes,” he grins, skirting around the kitchen island and stopping behind the couch. You reach out and tug at the belt loops on his jeans, laughing. “You know I’m always down for cookies.”
“I know,” you tease, unfolding from the couch and getting to your feet. “That’s why I suggested it. I can always count on you to validate my sugar cravings.”
He smiles his crooked little smile and readjusts his hat, the new Stay GOALd collaboration with Ralph Macchio, raking his hand through his hair before settling the hat on backwards. Your stomach flips a little at how good he looks. “Babe, we need to stop talking and start driving,” he says, totally seriously.
“Chill, Cookie Monster,” you follow him to the front door, stepping into your ratty Forces. The leather is more grey than white now and creased beyond belief, but they’re comfortable and you can slide them on and off without having to do the laces. “I doubt they’re going to run out of cookies in the ten minutes it takes to get there.”
“Never know,” Mat shrugs, tossing your car keys at you. You barely catch them, fumbling a little before your fingers hook on the beaded keychain. “Your car’s behind mine, you drive?”
You wrinkle your nose, when Mat’s home you’d rather be the passenger princess, but you also hate it when he readjusts your seat to fit his longer legs. “Fine,” you mumble, locking the door behind him, “but that’s the last bit of driving I’m doing all weekend.”
He swoops in to press a kiss to your forehead, “your wish is my command, Princess Squeaks.”
With a delighted smile, you hop into the driver’s seat of your car, turning it on while Mat buckles up in the passenger seat. He leans back in the seat, the brim of his backwards cap hitting against the headrest and popping the front of the hat off his head. “Damn,” he mutters, quickly fixing it and sitting forward. “So, wait, if you make one of those videos, what are the chances we get a Chip City influencer deal? Are we looking at free cookies for life?”
“Um, no,” you wince when you take a turn a little too quickly, clipping the curb. Hoping Mat will ignore that, you continue quickly, “I don’t think free cookies for life is a thing? Maybe some like coupons or extra point perks? Honestly, it’ll probably be nothing other than a comment and a like.”
“For life will be a really short period if you keep driving like a blind lunatic,” Mat teases you, laughing loudly when you lift your hand from the steering wheel to flip him off.
“You’re the one who told me to drive,” you counter.
Mat snags your hand out of the air and laces his fingers with yours, settling the back of his hand on the center console. “That’s only because I forgot what an insane driver you are,” he laughs, dramatically letting his body bounce forward and back in the seat when you come to a sharp stop at a red light.
You roll your eyes and make a point of driving exactly the speed limit and taking turns super carefully until you pull into the parking lot. When he hops out of the car, Mat wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close to his side. You snuggle up, wrapping your arm around his waist, car keys jangling in your hand as you walk. “Babe, you can drive like Vin Diesel all you want when I’m not in the car,” he says as you walk up the sidewalk to Chip City. “Lou might consider it a breach of my contract if you drive like that when I’m in the passenger seat.”
“Breach of contract!?” You yelp, pinching his side while he lets loose one of his contagiously loud laughs. “You’re such a pain in the ass.”
“But you love me,” Mat states matter-of-factly, breaking contact with you to pull open the door and hold it for you. You hum happily, immediately hit with the delicious scent of baked cookies. Behind you, Mat lets out a quiet groan and you laugh at his dramatics. “Jesus, it always smells so good in here,” he falls into line behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“If I worked here, I’d be three hundred pounds from sampling cookies every day,” you comment, turning to the mirror on the wall and lining up your face with the milk moustache decal for a selfie. You nudge Mat into place next to you and he crinkles his whole face up into a cheesy grin just for you. You snap the picture and shuffle forward as the person at the register leaves, moving the line up. Mat shuffles behind you, stepping on the heels of your sneakers and mumbling apologies.
While you wait, you look at the merch on the walls, joking with Mat that you’re going to get him the cookie shaped backpack for him to put his stuff in on game days. Before he can retort, you’re at the case and the worker is asking you how many cookies you want.
“Um, let’s do six?” You say, voice ticking up in a question for Mat. He nods, barely listening to you as he squints at the cookies. They’ll be gone in two days.
“Definitely need the cookies and cream,s’mores and oh, fuck yes, banana cream pie,” he points at each cookie as he names the flavor. “Babe?”
“I’ll do the specialty ones,” you say, “dark chocolate peanut butter, white chocolate macadamia, and brookie, please.”
“I love bananan cream pie cookie week,” Mat comments dreamily, looking like Pepe Le Pew when the cartoon skunk’s eyes turn into hearts when he spots the female skunk. He grins at you when you stick your finger in your mouth, fake gagging.
“Ugh, disgusting,” you shake your head. “Your love for banana cream pie is your biggest red flag.”
The woman behind the counter boxes everything up and you tap in your phone number to get rewards points before stepping to the side so Mat can pay. He smirks at you, tapping his card against the reader, and quietly, so no one else can hear, murmurs, “say ‘thank you, daddy.’”
A laugh startles out of your chest and you shake your head, cheeks flushing hot. “No, nope. I’m not saying that, Mathew.” Your fingers tremble a little around the box of cookies.
Mat’s hand is huge and warm on your lower back as he guides you out of the store, the sudden cool air a relief to your cheeks. He chuckles and flexes his fingers against your back. “Worth a shot,” he teases. “One day I’m gonna get you to say it.”
“It won’t be of my own accord,” you wrinkle your nose at him, stomach flipping a little bit. You refuse to analyze the excitement building low in your stomach and instead march determinedly back to your car. You had a plan for today and it didn’t involve Mat being called ‘daddy’ in a public place. Or any place. Or ever.
“We’ll see,” Mat jokes, pulling open the door for you to hop in and then going around the front of the car to get in on the passenger side. You drop the cookie box on his lap and he immediately picks at the tape holding it shut with his thumbnail, ready to snag a bite.
“Wait for me to get set up!” You chastise him, flicking his fingers away from the box with one hand and pulling up TikTok with the other.
Mat keeps picking at the tape, “no one’s gonna notice, I’ll just break it in half.” He finally manages to get the tape off and pops the lid open, dramatically inhaling the scent of the cookies. “Oh, fuck yes. Babe, what a good idea.”
You grin at him and make sure your phone is set in the holder attached to your windshield so both you and Mat are in the shot. “I literally only have good ideas,” you pull the box of cookies back into your lap, ignoring Mat’s protests. “Ready?”
He nods and you reach forward to start the recording. “Hi guys!” You chirp into the camera. “Happy Saturday, Mat has a rare day off so I decided to rope him into my fun. Say hi, Mat.”
Mat looks up from his phone and parrots, “hi, Mat,” with a shit eating grin on his face.
“He’s the worst,” you roll your eyes affectionately and hold up the cookie box so it’s in frame. “Anyway, I wanted to do something different than the usual Crumbl cookie sampling, and since Chip City is in our town, I figured this was the best thing. I invited Mat, because, well, I’m not sure if you know this but my husband has the biggest sweet tooth.”
You fight to keep your face in a neutral expression, but can’t help the corner of your mouth ticking up when you see Mat’s eyebrows lift nearly into his hairline on screen. His own mouth tips down in a slight, curious frown, but he doesn’t say anything.
So you continue, “it’s not anything like my mother-in-law’s peach cobbler, but Mat will kill a chocolate chip cookie in record time.” You shift in your seat, turning to face him, and keep your gaze locked on a point in the middle of his forehead, because if you look him in the eye, you’ll crack up. “Which do you want to try first, babe? Wait, let me guess, banana cream pie?”
There’s amusement in his tone when he holds out his hand and says, “oh for sure. Hand it over!”
He squints at you and you avoid his gaze when you pass over the cookie. Pretending to think, you look down at the box, “I’m going to try the dark chocolate peanut butter first, I think. Unlike my husband,” you smile at the camera, holding up the cookie while you break it in half to show the melted peanut butter swirls on the inside, “I like my desserts a little less sweet. Lemon bars, carrot cake, cheesecake, that kind of thing. Last week was lemon berry, which is a top three cookie for me.”
You can see Mat jolt in surprise again on screen, his head swinging to look at you. His eyes are wide and his lips are fighting a laugh.
“Yeah,” Mat smirks at the camera, breaking his own cookie in half and taking a huge bite. He chews and swallows before continuing, “the wifey is pretty picky on her desserts.”
Mat’s words sink in and you do a double take, jaw falling open a little. Mat’s grin turns shit eating and he takes another huge bite of his cookie while you blink stupidly at him. “What-?” You frown, ignoring the way your heart is pounding and your stomach is clenching with the echo of Mat saying ‘wifey’ in your ear.
He licks a spot of whipped cream off the side of his thumb and your core throbs.
“Uno reverse, Squeaks,” Mat laughs. “Do you think you’re the only one with Tik Tok?”
“Oooh,” you scrunch your face up at him, “you knew what I was up to?” He nods and your hand shoots out to push at his shoulder.
“Hey!” He yelps, chuckling. “I figured it out when you referred to Mom as your mother-in-law.”
You put your cookie back in the box and tap the record button on your phone, ending the video. “I honestly thought you’d have a better reaction,” you laugh a little, pulling your left foot up onto the seat and turning completely so you’re facing Mat. You shift the box too, so it’s on top of the center console.
Mat talks as he swaps out his banana cream pie for a piece of the s’mores, a string of marshmallow connecting the broken piece from the rest in the box, “why? Not a secret that I’m gonna wife you up in the future. I like hearing you call me your husband.”
He says it so casually, so easily, that it shocks you a little. When you first met Mat, you had thought dating him would be a fun time, but you’d never imagined that you’d be here - with him talking about marriage as if it’s a foregone conclusion.
“Well,” you murmur, feeling warm and content, “for the record, I liked hearing you call me wifey. So I guess we’re even.”
Mat looks up at you, hazel eyes lit up and glowing where the sun hits his face. He looks even more edible than the cookies. “You called me husband twice, don’t think we’re even just yet…” he drags out the pause with a sly smile on his face and you think he may use the w-word again, but he just lets the silence linger, the possibility hanging in the air.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
✶ Gen Z Driver ✶
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hi and welcome to the genz!driver masterlist :)
please ignore the timeline, it doesn’t make sense, okay? it’s not really a series, but it does kind of connect to all of the stories together, but still, some stuff my be different from other… sorry :)
this series is inspired by the lovely @sebscore, i try not to write the same stuff, if there are too many similarities, please contact me
masterlist / taglist
about the oc
getting to know the oc :: a short summary about the favourite driver of the grid
characterisation or cv :: it’s like a cv for a new job application or a wikipedia entry of the oc
headcanons :: some headcanons about the genz!driver
introduction :: the first time the genz!driver meets the grid
learning how to drive - sv5 :: you may have your super license to drive your f1 car, but driving outside the paddock? not really your thing
learning how to drive smau - sv5 :: the social media au to the actual story
enjoy the butterflies - dr3 :: daniel explaining a young female driver that winning isn't always the most important thing
life goes on :: due to some mechanical issues the car crashed, now everyone is worried
tiktoks and paddocks :: tiktoks about the paddock are fun
happy birthday! :: it’s the genz!driver‘s birthday!
imessage :: our favourite princess can’t sleep, so she texts her favs on the paddock
imessage pt. 2 :: the morning after
imessages pt. 3
imessage pt. 4
imessage pt. 5
anesthesia :: the genz!driver gets her wisdom teeth removed
bereal au :: in where we see a bit of the genz!drivers life
you’re gonna go far :: an anxiety attack during the pre-race interview leads the genz!driver to some eventful hours
vacation insta au :: the 23!grid enjoy a trip to the maldives together
team radio messages :: some radio messages of our beloved driver
a random day in my life in f1 :: a vlog about our beloved genz!drivers day in the paddock
best friends in every universe :: a little drabble about the tiktok trend
the boyfriend :: the grid find out about a secret boyfriend
secret santa (coming soon) :: secret santa is always a highlight for the genz!driver
underwear (coming soon) :: do you know the problem, when you wear the wrong pair of underpants and they get stuck somewhere, yeah… that happened to the genz!driver
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prazinos · 1 year
Steve wrote romance novels.
Steve was good at writing romance novels. so much so, that he’s sold millions of copies all over the world, his books being translated into a bunch of different languages.
So when Steve’s latest book comes out, and the love interest is described as having long unruly hair, brown eyes you could get lost in, and a ‘taking no shit from anybody’ personality, Steve’s large fan base started talking about how rockstar Eddie Munson, was what the love interest looked like.
it was largely agreed upon by the fan base, and because of this. Corroded Coffin started blowing up on booktok, and then people started editing Eddie.
Eddie and the rest of CC didn’t mind the extra attention (not that they needed it with nearly thirty million monthly listeners on Spotify). But suddenly everyone was going on about Eddie.
Talking about how attractive he was, his interview clips being posted on tiktok.
And now Steve’s fan base and CC’s fan base start talking about how insane it would be if Steve and Eddie met.
This ordeal goes on for months and months, Steve’s sales skyrocketing.
And then, the met gala rolled around.
Everybody was excited to see what Eddie dressed as, who his plus one would be. Who everyone would be jealous of because they go home with Eddie fucking Munson.
Eddie showed up to the met gala wearing a black suit, red dress shirt, he had a choker on that looked like drops of blood around his neck, a high and dramatic collar turning into a cape.
And who’s his plus one? Steve fucking Harrington.
Steve Harrington, in a cute light blue tux, an expensive looking crown and a matching dramatic collar that turns into a cape (though, not as dramatic as Eddie’s) everybody (rightfully so) freaks the fuck out.
Was this for publicity? Did they do this so that fans would go even more stir crazy?
When they reach the top of the carpet, they walk up to the interviewer who looks like she’s dying to see what’s going on.
“So…how do you two know each other?” she asked
“Stevie here’s my sweetheart, has been for a long time” Eddie grinned
The fans watching are currently freaking out, Steddie trending on twitter
“And so…was Eddie the inspiration for your latest books love interest?”
Steve laughed “Yeah…if im honest half the ways i described the love interest was because of the things i said to my best friend Robin Buckley about Eddie when I had a massive crush on him”
“And who does everybody think Sailor Boy is about? It’s about my sweetheart” Eddie questioned, his arm now resting on Steve’s waist.
They walked off before any more questions could be asked. And now fans were going even more insane,
edits of the two at the met gala blowing up on tiktok, the song Sailor Boy being used as an audio for most.
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milkbobatyun · 3 months
xoxo, hugs and kisses: tomorrow x together
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genre: fluff, scenario-based, ot5
summary: you are a simple person. you see a cute trend on tiktok for couples? of course you're going to try it out with your beloved tubatu lover. after all, who are they to say no to you?
word count: 2092
a/n: something slightly different to my usual taehyun-focused fics, this amazing idea came from none other than @yeonjunsfox ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) it took me a while to put together cus i wanted to post it with all the members together. i tried to make this as accurate as possible to their irl personalities (or at least from my understanding of their personalities) the images i've added are for visual reference and are not mine, credit goes to their original owners.
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your inspiration came from your endless scrolling on tiktok one fateful night. it only took 3 videos of watching couples try the trend of the lipstick kiss challenge for you to be tempted into trying it with your own boyfriend and it went a little bit like this:
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it was perfect timing that you asked actually. he had just received a package from dior, requesting that he promote their new series of lipstick shades, so clearly, he was delighted you’d ask. 
he would definitely be super cocky about it. once he deemed that there are enough kiss marks on his face, he would begin an entire photoshoot, with you being his dedicated photographer.
under the street lamp, in the park, in the reflection of the nearby convenience store mirror, no matter where, he would be there, striking a pose and showing off the kiss marks.
in fact, when the cashier working the late night shift was greeted by the sight of yeonjun strutting into the store with you in tow and shades of red littering his face, the worker was both confused and concerned. what the hell happened??
seeing the worker’s confused face, yeonjun would grab your wrist, dragging you to the counter, motioning to the kiss marks on his face before pointing out your smudged lipstick.
“yeah, this piece of work, was made by them.” he gleefully announces.
hearing him brag about this to everyone he meets, whether it be some diligently exercising ahjummas, a young couple simply walking their dog, or the stray cat caught up in his mischief, it never failed to make you turn a shade of crimson similar to your lipstick shade, making your face burn and your ears heat up.
if you thought he was bad enough when you were doing the photoshoot, filming that tiktok for the promotional video was something else.
setting up the phone, you put on the perfect shade of red, pretending to accidentally smudge it so yeonjun would wipe it away with his thumb.
he did do that and following the script, leaned in for the kiss, with love and something a little bit more in his eyes.
when the both of you broke away from your kiss, it only took one look in the phone camera for you to confidently say that he smudged your lipstick even more than it was before.
you shot yeonjun a look of disapproval, but all you got in return was a cheeky grin.
you best bet that he would put the photos you took to good use, posting them on his instagram page as a hard launch of you.
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oh boy was soobin ecstatic that you had asked him to do the challenge with him.
with an excited little cheer, he would get everything ready for you, helping you to amass your collection of lipsticks, even offering to go out and quickly go buy more if you dont have that many lying around.
like yeonjun, soobin would want to take a photoshoot, but much more toned-down and subtle. he would sneak photos while you’re distracted with planting kisses around his face.
soobin’s long body is stretched out on his bed in the dorm, in a leisurely manner, while you’re perched comfortably on his legs while you begin to make your masterpiece
your plans of planting as many kisses as possible is disrupted by your new fixation on his squishy cheeks and cute dimples. even while you’re pinching and kneading his cheeks like a cat would while making biscuits, soobin would be sneaking photos of your hands squishing his cheeks.
you’ll only remember to go back to your duties of blessing his handsome face with kisses when soobin begins pouting and teasingly complaining that his cheeks are red from your pinching. that is a bold-faced lie and we all know that. his face is red from all the love and attention he’s been receiving from you.
the filming process is successful, with little mishap occurring. the video idea originally was already cute enough, but what the tiktok managed to capture was pure gold.
when the camera had panned to soobin, he looked in your direction with a look of pure love and adoration. a look where people could easily tell, you were the center of his universe. MOA familiar with his different smiles could immediately deduce that this smile was different from his usual eye smile, dimple smile. this was a smile of a soobin well and truly in love. with a gentle wipe of his thumb, the smudged lipstick is removed, instead replaced with a soft, loving kiss on your lips.
to MOA’s delight and surprise, a new cover of #monthlysoobin is revealed in his latest monthly update. a subtle and cute post of the silhouette of soobin and you in the process of filming is showcased on soobin’s public instagram account as a soft launch of your relationship.
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you immediately regretted announcing your idea to him at 2 am in the morning, while you were doom scrolling. boy, his gleeful exclamation could probably be heard from the other side of the dorm. in fact, it probably woke up his poor band mates. regardless, their love for him was never-ending, so beomgyu was most likely politely excused the next morning.
hearing your proposal, he would turn to you with the biggest, silliest, love-sick grin, stretching from one side of his face to the other.
he’s more than ready to go zooming around and collecting up all the lipstick you’ve gradually moved into their dorm, though his injury prevented him from such excess exercise. instead, he watches you impatiently as you scurry around, snatching up all the available lipstick you can find that’s lying about.
beomgyu’s almost bouncing off the bed in excitement when you begin setting up. even before you’ve applied the first shade of lipstick, he’s thrust his head forward, eyes shut in anticipation, brushing back his own hair and leaving his forehead on display, ready to be adorned with your beautiful kisses.
the first half of the video goes without any accidents, though when it’s beomgyu’s turn to wipe the lipstick, he decides to become a little mischievous.
the camera captures the exact moment the thought crosses his mind. his eyes light up with a bright, gleeful spark as he cleans your smudged lipstick diligently.
grabbing a nearby lipstick, beomgyu dabs his thumbpad against the lipstick, smudging the pigmented colour of the stick onto his thumb, before his eyes look up at you. with a final cheeky smirk on his face, he smudges the colour onto your forehead.
“simba~” he gleefully announces.
a delighted laugh falls from your lips, amused by your boyfriend’s classic antics. lifting your finger, you smudge the lipstick on his forehead in turn, blessing him also with the “simba”.
when beomgyu posts on his personal instagram next, it’s a cheesy reenactment of the opening scene of lion king.
it was taken after his leg had healed and the two of you were sporting traffic cones on your heads. with the fuzzy orange streetlight in the background and shining as a spotlight, which also doubled as a stand-in for the sun, it was the perfect blend of romantic and chaotic.
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he’s so cutie patootie about it. he tries to act all cool and ‘yup, i totally guessed that when you looked at me with that face’ but he cracks under your teasingly unamused face, giving up and doing a happy little cheer and the little hand clap thing, with his eyes scrunched up while his cat-like smile takes over his face. 
with such an infectious little smile, your own frown and upset at your plans being thwarted turned itself upside down and you were grinning like the lovesick idiot you were.
next thing you know, your small collection of lipstick shades has mysteriously grown larger overnight and taehyun has no idea how that happened. coincidence? i think not.
when you interrogate taehyun on why there’s so much lipstick when you have enough already and it’s just one. flipping. video. that you’re filming for, he just nonchalantly shrugs and returns your questions with a quick remark.
“firstly, it’s you, so i don’t mind it anyways, secondly that’s what all my money’s for. to spend it on things you need.”
he says all that cheesy and gooey stuff with only a hint of a cheeky grin, his dimple half showing. clearly, he was not sorry.
before you film the video, you smother taehyun with loads of kisses. he tries to pretend that he isn’t enjoying all the attention, but underneath the ‘cool guy’ facade, he was puffed up and arrogantly gleaming at the attention, like a proud peacock.
when you accidentally smudge the lipstick, as according to script, taehyun’s hand appears and he wipes off the smudge with a look of concentration. a pity that the camera didn’t manage to capture his face in that moment, he was looking at your face with the bright spark of awe in his eyes.
unfortunately, when the camera pans to taehyun, he pretends to be cooly looking at his phone, pretending to be unaware of the camera on him, nor of the multitude of kiss marks on his face. a quick side-eye of the phone screen gave him a peek the artwork on his face. try as he might, taehyun can’t help but break into a slight smirk. 
afterall, who doesn’t like appreciating the art of their favourite artist, who also happens to be their lover?
to your disappointment, the moment the camera stops recording, taehyun drops his phone on the soft mattress of the bed before locking eyes with you. he looks at you in such a way that reminds you of a cat getting ready to pounce, cute little butt wiggle and all.
without warning, taehyun launching himself from his side of the bed onto you, arms and legs sticking out to the side like a sugar glider, before he playfully pins you to the bed, giving you your fair share of kisses on your face.
later that night on weverse, a sneaky little squirrel posts an image of your cheeks smooshed together, the lipstick on it forming a heart shape.
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huening kai:
he’s relatively calm on the outside, in the fact that he doesn’t end up screaming. instead, he turns to you, eyes lit up and a smile spreading across his face, a look of pure delight evident. he was so ready to do a tiktok trend with his favourite person.
you shower him in kisses. every time you land a kiss on his face, you’re greeted with his unmistakable laugh. with huening kai, you wouldn’t even be able to begin filming until he’s certain that there are enough kisses on his face. spoiler: there is never enough kisses on his face.
he would point at places where he thinks you’ve missed a spot, but there’s usually only a pinch of space left. when you deny him a kiss because of the lack of space, he gets all pouty and sad. he knows that his puppy eyes are your biggest weakness and you can’t say no, so that’s exactly what he uses against you.
with a sigh, you give in, smooshing his face in more loving kisses.
when the camera is propped up, everything goes as planned, though huening kai does come in a little bit late for his cue, mostly because he was distracted by the deity of beauty in front of him.
you think you’re done? no. huening pulls out his whole collection of plushies and (cutely) demands that you bestow a kiss on all of them. afterall, you’re technically the parent of his plushies, his children must be getting some love.
when you’re finally done with all of his plushies, he hands you a miniso penguin plushie that he had been keeping hidden under his pile of soft toys that frankly takes up half of his side of the bed.
“i saw it in a miniso shop while we were on tour and it reminded me of you and me. they’re a pair, so they can never be separated.”
on his next weverse post, MOA saw that it was a pair of miniso penguins, one was pink with a bridal veil, while the other was a grey penguin with a smart tophat and bowtie. what made MOA go crazy however, was the fact that both penguins were marked with a slight imprint of some coloured lipstick.
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( ̳• · • ̳)  © curated with love by milkbobayun 2024
/ づ ♡
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angels-fantasy · 6 months
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TikTok Filter Prank on Bf!Gojo
Satoru Gojo x Reader
Description: After seeing a girl prank her boyfriend on Tiktok, you decide it'd be fun to prank your boyfriend too.
Details: established relationship between reader and gojo. some tears from dramatic gojo but it's all good
Word Count: 571
also, this was inspired by this tiktok lol
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While you were laying in bed, you came across a TikTok of a girl pranking her boyfriend with the eye distance filter. The way she set it up was by asking him to talk about who said "I love you" first while recording with the filter on.
You thought it was funny so you decided to try it on Satoru, who was in the kitchen making lunch.
Hopping out of bed and walking into the kitchen you called out to him.
"'Toru! I wanna do a TikTok with you." You said while leaning over the counter.
He looked at you over his shoulder while cooking, "Yeah? Alright, go sit on the couch baby. I'm almost done."
You smiled and nodded, listening to what he said and sat down on the couch, getting ready to record.
A few minutes later he came into the living room with two plates and placed them on the coffee table in front of you. Before sitting next to you, he kissed you on the top of your head.
"Okay I'm ready, and the food's ready too." He said, throwing an arm around you.
"'Kay." You said and hit record, "So I want you to talk about who said 'I love you' first. It's a little trend going around right now."
You then turned the camera to face Satoru, who was staring off into the distance thinking of what to say.
"It was definitely me. I don't think I was able to hold it in anymore, so that's why I-"
"Wait babe can you look at the camera while you're talking?" You asked, trying to discretely get him to notice the filter.
"Oh yeah - What the hell?!" He gasped, putting his hand up to his eyes and rubbing them.
"Why do I look like that?" He asked while looking at himself.
"Like what babe?" You asked, trying to hold your laugh in.
"Baby please don't do this to me. I know I don't look like that. Why are my eyes so far apart?!"
"'Toru you look normal! There's nothing wrong with how you look."
He put his hands on his face and groaned, "Oh my goodness. Am I not as handsome as I thought I was?"
You were about to answer, but then you heard him sniffling underneath his hands.
Making sure you were still recording you asked, "Are you crying?"
"Yes! I'm crying because I can't believe I look like that. There's no way it's real babe..." He cried.
You began to feel bad. "Wait I'm just messing with you 'Toru! It's just a prank I saw on TikTok!"
He made sure to keep his hands over his face and shook his head. "I don't care!"
Now you really felt bad.
You stopped recording and put your phone down, gently grabbing his wrists to try and pull his hands away.
"I'm so sorry. I was just trying to have fun. I didn't mean to make you cry. I love you." You said, now almost crying with him.
He sniffed, "Really?"
"Yes, always."
He removed his hands from his face, revealing a bright smile and tearless eyes.
"I love you too!"
You made a confused expression, "What the hell? Were you messing with me too?"
Satoru laughed and wrapped his arms around you. "Sorry baby, I already knew about that prank. I just wanted to get you back."
"You're so mean..." You grumbled and hugged him back.
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hope you liked it! i love gojo lol i will try to write for him more
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seelestia · 1 year
SUMMARY. "oh my gosh, you're literally my dream person!" here's a list of red flags for you, honey. (inspired by a tiktok trend! the one with the soundboard, iykyk.)
CHARACTERS. wanderer, alhaitham, albedo, childe + GN!reader.
GENRE. full-on crack, some fluff, not-so serious and light-hearted character slander.
CW. has heavy refs to albedo's story / 2.3 event and wanderer's story, brief mentions of blood in childe's part (not detailed/graphic), one brief mention of kissing in wanderer's part, light cussing and terrible humor. + read the alt text on the headers for extra captions, hehe!
THOUGHTS. this is my most unserious work yet and for that, i apologize if this gets too unhinged or inaccurate at some point LMAOOO. red flags are fine, red is my fav color anyway (it's actually light purple) <33 can you guess who's the favorite here 🧍‍♂️
✰ masterlist.
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❝Dream person, huh? That's oddly fitting because the day you win me over is only gonna happen in your dreams too.❞
Has some abandonment and mother issues. ...Yeah. These issues may result in emotional walls as strong and firm as the Great Wall of China but when you break through them, he's never ever gonna let you go (unfortunately). I'd tell you to start running but this silly guy can float and zoom in the air, so best of luck.
You'll only hear crickets if you fall asleep on his chest. On the very rare occasions where he allows you to, that is. If you're into that romantic "falling asleep on your lover's chest while listening to their heartbeat" stuff, you're not getting it with Wanderer here. But if you listen hard enough, maybe you'll get to hear termites or something because he's canonically made out of white wood. (I'm joking, I love him too.)
Terrible with feelings. He'd rather jump off a cliff than start talking about his feelings. ...Okay, fine. Harboring humane emotions is an annoyingly blurry line that he has vowed to stop caring about after regaining his memories. It doesn't mean he doesn't cringe at himself every now and then, though — knowing that he has talked about his feelings to someone else (only you and Nahida) keeps him up at night, as embarrassing as it is to admit. ("Hey, do you remember that one time when you told me—" "I don't.")
May prioritize his pride over you sometimes. Let's take a rainy day as an example. It's pouring cats and dogs which means that the risk of catching a cold is high as ever... thus, as the rain begins to soak you, you turn to your companion (whose clothes are saved by the hat on his head) with puppy eyes. His reply comes in the same speed as a lightning strike; "No," he says. Beg and cry if you want, he is not letting you under his hat because it's "not a damn parasol". Fine, maybe he just doesn't care about your well-being and that's totally fine (sarcastic) — but the very next second, as he grabs your wrist and starts dashing to a nearby inn with you in tow — you can't help but let a small smile slip. Maybe he does care? Pride just gets in the way sometimes.
Might accidentally suffocate you when you two kiss because how the heck is he supposed to remember that humans need to breathe when your lips are just so soft for no reason? Ugh, humans and their ridiculous needs (derogatory but he still loves you simp).
Has a long list of crimes and felonies that we don't talk about. Ah, yes, the courtesy of being a previous Fatui Harbinger, indeed. Irminsul may have forgotten about this list, but the Wiki sure as heck hasn't.
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❝So, you consider me someone who fits your type? I see. Unfortunately, knowing whether or not I fit into another person's ideals doesn't have much value to me.❞
Books > people. Is that really a flaw? He doesn't think it is. Books are a source of knowledge and aren't they supplements that enrich the minds of those who read them? Not to mention, there is no need to cater to whatever social standards with inanimate objects unlike when you're around people. ...But apparently, Kaveh told him that this mindset "makes him look like an absolute loner with no social skills and no friends whatsoever" to which he'd usually bite back with an "at least, I have a stable housing." TLDR: books are Alhaitham's closest friends and that's a little sad (he doesn't care about other people's opinions, though).
Unreachable when his soundproof headphones are on. Shush, he is in his official (but not-so-official) 'Do Not Disturb' mode. Sorry in advance, he may or may not accidentally ignore you when his soundproof headphones are on. If you want to have a few words with him, either be patient and wait or make sure they're of absolute importance lest you risk being given the deadliest, emptiest stare ever known to mankind. If looks could kill, you would've keeled on the spot. Instant unintentional (??) homicide, so true of him.
Awkward with small talks. Alhaitham is good at talking about topics that really matter and he very much prefers it that way too. But that's the thing; when the discussion of that particular subject ends, that's it. He often dodges the silence in a 'cool' way, though; either by taking an early leave or bringing out a book if the situation there still needs him present. (In his defense, if no one wants to start and carry the conversation, then isn't it a bit hypocritical to count on him to do that too?)
Physical affection stupefies him (it'll take time). Alhaitham doesn't hate it, no, but something about it just doesn't align much with his sense of familiarity. He usually keeps his distance; even with new acquaintances, shaking hands has never been his thing and it's been a long time since Alhaitham has had someone he feels comfortable enough to receive physical affection from or to give some of it to (his grandmother was the last, maybe). By all means, this isn't meant to be a sob story — it's just brought up to explain that physical affection is a thing he's not familiar with, so it'll take some time to get used to. Good luck to those with physical touch as a preferred love language (me), this feeble scholar who may turn into a stiff log when you hug him is in your capable hands!
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❝Is that a compliment of some kind? I must say it's certainly not one I hear very often, thus I feel inclined to appreciate it all the more. Thank you.❞
Has a lab located in Dragonspine. Yes, this is a red flag because look me in the eyes and tell me you would realistically travel up that death trap of a mountain every single time just to spend time with him. He comes down from the mountain at least twice or thrice a month, so you'll still get to see his pretty face regardless, just not as frequently — so, it's either you exchange letters every week or you go trekking up Dragonspine to see him yourself. (There is a better place to die on than that wretched mountain, but I digress.)
His mother caused world destruction and he has a twin brother that is out for blood (Imposterbedo). ...Seriously, what the heck is going on in this family? We need to keep an eye on them like they're fascinating wild animals on National Geographic, for real. If you don't mind crazy in-laws that might commit felonies against you (also looking intently at Alice as I say this, by the way), then you're all good to go! Aha, just watch your back and be safe out there, comrade.
Babysitting Klee comes as a 2-in-1. If you're good with kids, great! If you're not, good luck! You know what they all say; a child's curiosity is only limited by the skies (and a guardian's supervision), so be prepared for when Klee starts tugging you around to go fish blasting or exploring with her. Being with Albedo means you get to see her a lot and she's such an adorable ball of sunshine! But the way she innocently hands you a little bomb like it's a slice of Fisherman's Toast and not a weapon is certainly something to remember, huh? (At this point, this is basically an extra to my previous point about questionable in-laws.)
Eats spiders (not often, but has eaten them and that's concerning). Granted this only applies to a specific type of large spiders that can be found at the roots of Petrified Trees in Domains (in the words of the Chief Alchemist himself), but there will definitely be a time where he goes: "Are you hungry? If I remember correctly, there are still some smoked spiders left from the other day. Fortunately, the temperature here in Dragonspine aids in the preservation method—" Spiders can be cute to some and a nightmare to some, but the fact that he has a whole recipe for it really makes you want to know the how and most importantly, the why. Does he sprinkle parsley on them or some stuff like that, ayo? (at least, if you ever get stuck in a domain one unlucky day, this recipe might help you survive? thanks??)
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❝Oh? I've never been called a dream person before. ...Heh, that sounds new, I like the sound of that!❞
Thinks combat and battles are a better substitute for oxygen. Okay, that may be somewhat of an exaggeration — but it isn't an understatement to say that the thought of challenge rushes the blood into Tartaglia's veins. Not one for the secretive schemes most Harbingers do, this man would even go charging ahead if that guarantees he'll encounter a good fight. Like seriously, if he and a fellow Harbinger are heading to a place where there is a good opponent, you bet Childe is about to speed there first. You could say he is speeding towards uncertain death, essentially.
Might have come home with blood on his cheek once or twice. And what's worse is that this guy probably doesn't even realize it's there. Sorry, he was just too caught up in the moment to properly notice any leftover 'trophies' from his previous fights... Aha, don't worry about it! ("I'm home!" Tartaglia cheers loudly as he, quite literally, throws open the front door to your shared home — only to be greeted by that dumbfounded look on face. "Please tell me that's just juice on your cheek," you frown. He scratches the side of his neck awkwardly, "Uhh. Things didn't go particularly well when I was collecting debts.")
A warrior in the streets, also a malewife who can make you treats. Why does he have that double side for, huh? For other people to swoon over and fall for? No way someone can be a househusband and a good fighter simultaneously. What do you mean he can cook and clean then beat up anyone who threatened you the next? And you're saying he is genuine about it too? I say deception, deception, deception! Sue this fellow for fraud this instant. (This might actually be a green flag in disguise, but you didn't hear that from me.)
No good with saving money. He's stinky rich and most of it might be from the Fatui. You have to wonder whether each Mora he gives goes on the Fatui's tab or something like that... You don't find the idea of owing something to the Fatui fun, but it's so ironic how you're more worried about this than the Eleventh Harbinger is. Welp, at least, you don't have to worry incessantly about saving money now...? ("There's that thing you said you wanted to buy the other day, right? Here you go, honey!" "Tartaglia, why is this Mora pouch heavier than a toddler—")
Has a long list of crimes and felonies that we don't talk about #2. You could definitely argue that Childe might have the least mind-boggling list of crimes amongst the Harbingers all, though. (And does he slay for that? Who knows.)
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
© SEELESTIA, mar 2023. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
✰ TAGLIST: @meimeimeirin @hcikazu @tsuk4sa-yug1 @catcze @semi-orangeapple @yuuki4646 @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @daisydkj @omgscaramouche @coquettemaiden @lemontum @herdrops @lleoll @xiaosonlybeloved @chiisananingen @irethepotato @ainescribe @blooodyvampy @starlightaura @jihyuniepark @duhsies @maybemiko @lordbugs — [ bolded names are unable to be tagged (check your settings!) + register here to be a part of my taglist! ]
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writersmorgue · 1 month
BNHA does TikTok trends: candy salad trauma dump 🍬
inspired by @weewoow-20706030's post
@.minatheealienhero posted a new video!
"Hi! I'm Midoriya, and when I was 14 I was told to kill myself, suffocated and almost killed by a slime villain, and told I would never be a hero in the same day."
"Midoriya, the candy."
"Oh, right, and I brought Twizzlers!"
"I'm Bakugo Katsuki, when I was 17 my heart exploded and I died. I didn't bring anything and I'm leaving now."
"Thanks for participating!"
"Fuck you."
"Hey! I'm Red Riot, and I watched one of my teachers die in front of me. I brought Crimson Riot gummies!"
"I'm Denki! I once fried my brain during battle and was legally dead for seven minutes. The video of it went viral and my uncensored corpse was on the cover of a magazine. I brought skittles!"
"He has it framed in his office."
"Well, it's funny now."
"Hey everyone! I'm Uravity, and when I was 16 a girl sacrificed her life for me and I watched her die while her quirk kept me alive. I brought gummy bears!"
"I'm Shouto. My father's family bought my mother for her quirk-
-I was burned with boiling water-
-he died, or we thought he did. I'll get back to that later-
-severely isolated, at least according to my therapist-
-he tried to kill me, which was unfortunate-
-but then I had to fight him even though he's my brother-
-I mean and he was basically just a skeleton at that point but somehow still lived-
-and he said 'soba' which was heartbreaking,-
-but I don't really remember a lot of it. So there's not much else I can tell you. Oh, and I brought these strawberry candies. They're my favorite."
"Great, thanks."
"Why are you crying?"
"Why aren't you?!"
"-the red button, yeah like that! Okay so I'm Mina, and when my quirk manifested I gave my mother an acid burn that permanently disfigured her, and I can count on one hand the amount of words she's spoken to me since. And I brought whoppers!"
"My name is Shinsou, I brought... I don't know what these are but Denki said they're good. Anyway, when I was little my biological parents muzzled me and kept me locked in the basement for two years."
"Hi! I'm Jirou, and I had part of my ear ripped off mid-battle and still had to fight while in excruciating pain. I brought nerds."
"...I also had to listen to Denki do karaoke the other night. That was really traumatizing"
"Kyoka, shut up!"
"Learn how to sing!"
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nattinatalia · 1 year
A/N : Inspired by that viral tiktok trend 🤭 🥚
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You were done setting up your area when little feet came running into the kitchen.
“What cha doing momma?”
You smile, “Going to bake daddy his favorite cake.”
“Me helps you?”
You nod, “Of course my sweet boy, let me get a chair for you.” You grab a chair and place it in front of the counter and help Ezequiel get on.
“I’m going to talk to some friends, but don’t show your face to the camera, okay?” You point to your cell phone that’s being held by the tripod, making sure he understands.
He nods, “okays.”
You start the live stream “Hi guys.” You wave, smiling. “My husband was craving tres leches cake and since he claims that store bought doesn’t taste the same as when I bake it myself.”
You continue to talk to the watchers and read some of their questions, laughing at some comments here and there.
“Yes, I’ve got myself tiny hands as a helper. We’re not showing him just yet so you’ll have to do with his little hands.” You chuckle as Ezequiel waves.
“Mia is somewhere around the house with her father.” You answer after reading a question.
You start emptying your flour into your bowl and as you’re finishing up this step, Jack and Mia walk in.
“Wait, you're actually making it?”
You raise your eyebrows at him, “Jackman, you got me out of bed claiming you were craving it.”
He smiles, coming closer “Yeah but I didn’t- you’re live on Instagram?”
“They always ask for the recipe when I post it so what better way to show them?” You shrug.
He stands behind you, looking into the camera and back to Ezequiel. “Just make sure the little man isn’t showing.”
“I know, baby.” You grab the oil and water to add into the flour mix and start mixing it all together. “Make sure you guys have no little bumps, mix it well, you don’t want a lumpy cake.”
Jack then dips his finger into the batter, licking his finger “Mmm delicious.”
“BABE, FINGERS OFF.” You playfully swat his hand away.
“What? I have to make sure it’s actually good.”
Mia gasps, “Daddy mommy’s cakes are always good.”
Jack smiles cheekily, “Oh, don’t I know it.”
“JACKMAN I'M ON LIVE.” You shake your head, feeling your entire face going red.
He places his elbows on the counter, getting closer to the cellphone so he can read comments. “My wife is the best cook and baker, so I can’t pick just one.”
You smile at that, grab two eggs, “Okay guys, next are the eggs. Make sure you do one at a time.” You go and crack the egg, trying not to laugh at his reaction. “then mix, then add the other as you go.” You crack the other egg on his forehead again, you laugh this time, not being able to hold it in.
“Momma.” Ezequiel gasps “Why do that to daddy? Not nice.”
You’re laughing hysterically, “It’s funny.”
Jack is still trying to process what just happened, so you decide to continue. “The last egg needs to be cracked with extra love,” you jokingly say.
You were about to crack the last egg on his forehead again, when he finally reacts and takes it out of your hand. “Oh that’s what we’re doing?” He accidentally spills milk in the counter as he tries to reach for you, but you quickly move across the kitchen
“You’re not getting near me with that egg.”
“What did my forehead do to you that you decided to crack them on me?”
Mia giggles, “Mommy does always say you are hard headed daddy.”
Jack gasps “You badmouth me to our kids?”
You roll your eyes laughing, “Don’t cry over spilled milk and cracked eggs.”
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff
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https-florals · 2 years
jj maybank is a munch and i will not be taking any arguments. 18+!!!
a/n: this is just a little blurby blurb!!! (the product of scrolling through the new touch tank trend on tiktok and being in desperate need of good head) my requests are still very much open please i will not write if i don’t have inspiration
he definitely has a little bit of a reputation in kildare for knowing how to eat it. when the two of you start dating, he can’t keep his hands off you. he’s constantly making jokes about you sitting on his face, or how sweet you’d taste. you’re a little scared, honestly. all your past boyfriends treated giving head like a chore. you’re more comfortable giving than recieving, but jj won’t let you go down on him. he’s adamant about the “ladies first” principle.
you finally decide to let him after a dinner date, you’re all dolled up in a pale yellow sundress and a light sunburn coloring your shoulders and nose bridge. jj always thinks you look like a goddess, but something about a fresh sunburn and the way your hair falls after it air-dries drives him insane. the whole ride home you’re talking about how you’re ready to just get home and relax, and being the gentleman he is, he’s fully prepared to beg to climb in the shower with you so he can wash your hair (his other favorite pastime).
jj limits himself to one joke as the two of you walk through the door, saying “really craving a little snack right about now, baby.” you think he’s gonna ask to run by the gas station, which puts a little dent in your plans, but he runs right with your little thought out scenario when he follows up with “you’re looking extra sweet tonight.”
he’s all smiles as he wraps his arm around your waist, wiggling his eyebrows in attempts to make you laugh. jj is a little concerned when you’re silent, pulling him into the bedroom and shutting the door without even giggling. you sit on the bed and begin to take your heels off, and the blonde boy just stands and watched you. he’s so very lost. a couple of minutes ago you were happy as a clam, all over him at the restaurant and in the car.
“come here,” you ask, so soft and timid.
“yeah, honey?” he swallows, cause the way you’re looking at him is giving him butterflies. your lips are a little parted, eyes wide as you look up at him. when he gets close to you, you tug on the bottom of his shirt. jj leans down so he’s eye-level with you, and then all it takes is a quick push to his shoulders, and you have him on his knees.
you’re blushing so hard, but you stand, albeit a little shakingly. you didn’t have a plan to stand up, in fact you’re pretty sure you’re gonna be on your back in a few seconds, but there’s something so nice about jj kneeling in front of you. your hand slides through his hair, tilting his head back with a slight pull to the hair at the nape of his neck. your other hand rests on his jawline. his hands come up to the back of your thighs, thumbs rubbing gentle circles. “i’m not wearing panties,” you kinda hiccup out. the phrase isn’t as sexy and seductive as you had hoped it be, because you’re nervous and tingly and giggly.
but you think it works, because jj’s eyes light up like you’ve just told him he won the lottery. his hands move to your ass and he buries his face right where your thighs begin to touch. you squirm a little, but he doesn’t let you move. you can feel his breath through the thin fabric of your dress, hit and heavy and inhaling like you’re a respirator or something.
“what are you doing!” you’re scared you smell funky, even though before dinner you took a very thorough everything shower.
he shushes you, and pulls back with a groan. “let me just take a sec,” he mumbles. “been praying for this.”
it takes maybe fifteen seconds for the two of you to be on the bed, jj on his back with you straddling his chest. your dress is off, and you’re totally bare over him. this is a whole new kind of vulnerability, all your insecurities on plain display. you’re thinking about your stomach, or how your tits sit naturally.
in turn, there’s not a thought going through jj’s head except for “girlfriend!!” he pulls you up a little closer, so he can lay a chaste little kiss on your skin. you flex your thighs so you’re hovering over him, but you’re already shaking when his tongue lightly skims over you, and you don’t know how you’re gonna hold yourself up.
he murmurs something you can’t quite hear, and then he’s yanking you down on his tongue.
“shit, darlin’, just sit down and hold still!”
“i’m gonna suffocate you!”
“i’ll tap out if i’m about to die.” he reaches his head up a bit to smile at you, all punch drunk like a kid in a candy shop. “but damn, that would be a way to go, huh?”
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l0vergirlwrites · 1 year
but you… ; jj maybank
warnings: few swears & lots of fluff!!!! this is really short lol
inspired by "anyone else but you" by moldy peaches
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"c'mon jay! we don't sound that bad"
"you sound great babe, but i sound like shit"
the two of you were situated outside the chateau on a hammock, a guitar in your lap & a laptop in jj's. you've been dying to sing with him since you got a new guitar from your mom a few weeks ago, plus, there's a cute trend on tiktok were couples sing that one song from the juno movie... so you convinced jj to sing it with you.
"jay," you nudged him with your left elbow, head perking up to look at him. "you do not sound like shit! i, for one, like your singing voice"
scoffing at you, jj took off his cap to ruffle his hair. "you're only saying that because you like me" he half joked.
"no, i said that because i love you, surfer boy" you emphasized, seeing how he started to grin & look away from his lap to focus on you.
"oh yeah"
with a sigh & a smile, jj suggested that the two of you could sing the song again. "take it away, popstar".
as you began strumming the guitar strings with the turtle pick kiara got you, the familiar chords of g & cmajor 7 filled your ears happily. jj looked at you with lovestruck eyes as he admired your smile & how happy you looked playing the instrument. & when your voice hit his ears, he could've sworn he was in heaven.
"you're a part time love & a full time friend, the monkey on your back is the latest trend. i don't see what anyone else can see in anyone else, but you..." you sang out, your eyes glancing up at jj with rosy warm cheeks.
"i kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train. i kiss you all starry-eyed, my body is swinging from side to side. i don't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you..." jj sang, his voice slightly quieter but beautiful none the less.
he had to look at his laptop for the lyrics & he sometimes stumbled on the words, but you thought he was the most perfect person ever.
"here is the church & here is the steeple, we sure are cute for two ugly people. i don't see what anyone can see in anyone else, but you..." you both sang together, catching glances & smiles & short laughs at how silly but pretty the lyrics were.
the rest of the song continued, your head falling onto jj's shoulder as you tried to hide how wide your smile was. it felt like the world only consisted of you both, the marsh, the smell of salt & campfires—it was pure bliss. what you both didn't know what that sarah was recording you both from the kitchen window, zooming in perfectly on you guys through a large hold in the screen window that john b forgot to fix.
it wasn't until jj pressed a kiss to yoru temple that you heard someone let out an "aweeee", causing you to turn your head up towards the house, groaning when sarah came out of her hiding place.
"sarah cameron!" you & jj shouted with fake gasps, feeling jj's arm sneak around your waist as she walked up to the hammock. the blonde boy tisked, clicking his tongue while his cold rings tapped the bare skin of your hip.
"sorry! i just couldn't help it! you guys are so cute!" you could imagine jj jokingly rolling his eyes at the blonde girl, but you mouthed a shy "thank you" that she could only see.
thanks to her, you'd always have that memory for you to replay whenever you needed it.
& for the record, you both sounded great.
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playgrl0 · 1 year
tiktok / baji
wc: 1,343
a/n: this fic is inspired by this cute couple challenge that has been going around on tiktok nd has been making me feel super fucking lonely lol i hope u guys enjoy! :)
!! not proof read sorry </3 !!
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you and baji are having a relaxing night in. the both of you decided to watch a movie but it's been long forgotten already because ten minutes into the movie, you had a small makeout session, and now you're both on your phones in silence. well, it's not completely silent. the movie is still playing in the background with random songs and funny sounds playing from both of your phones from scrolling through tiktok. you come across a video of a cute couple doing a trend that's currently going on. you smile to yourself as you watch the video and your smile grows even bigger when you think about doing this trend with baji. you turn around to face him and shake his shoulder lightly to get his attention. a low hum leaves his mouth but he doesn't look up from his phone. “kei, look!” he turns his head and looks at you, “what now?” he asks groggily. he never understands why you don't send him the videos instead of bothering him every two minutes to show him. “watch this. it's so cute!” he grabs your phone and plays the video and hands it back to you once it's over. “yeah, 's cute.” he says unimpressed and turns his attention back to his phone. you roll your eyes and take his phone away. “hey!” he turns to you. “can we recreate this? please! it'll be so cute!” he rolls his eyes at your request. “that's so cheesy though!” he groans. “kei, please?? pretty please?” you pout and press your lips to his cheek, kissing him repeatedly. “please, please, please, please!” you mumble in between each kiss and baji can't help but laugh. “okay, okay! let’s do it.” he gives in.
you pull away from him and get up from the bed to get a lipstick. you return with two different red tones. a hot red and a darker red. “which one?” you ask him and hand him the lipsticks. he removes the cap of each lipstick then holds both of them up, next to your lip for a second to think about which one you should put on. "this one!” he hands you the dark red lipstick. “why that one?” he grins mischievously at your question. “the darker one looks so sexy on you, i love when you wear that one.” your face heats up at his confession as you put the other lipstick away and pull out your phone. “i’m glad you like it.” you mutter a little embarrassed which doesnt get unnoticed by him. he smirks, “okay so, what now?” he asks and scoots closer to you on the bed. “i’m gonna apply the lipstick, kiss you all over your face, and then i’ll start recording. i’m gonna apply some more lipstick and ‘accidentally’ fuck it up like the girl in the video. you take your thumb, rub thr lipstick away as i move the phone towards you. ready?” you explain to him while applying the lipstick. he nods, smirk bigger than before. “​if i’m ready to receive kisses? stupid question.” he pulls you onto his lap to straddle him, hands resting on your ass, gently rubbing it. “go ahead. i’m more than ready.” he leans his head back against the headboard and closes his eyes. smiling,
you grab his face into your hands and start to kiss him. a few kisses on his forehead, his temples, down to his cheeks and over to his nose where you place one on the tip. baji lets out a content sigh, bathing in the feeling of your soft and warm lips against his skin. you kiss the corners of his mouth and then start kissing his jaw. he opens one eye and frowns. “you missed the lips, babe.” he almost sounds disappointed. “saving the best for last, bubs.” you mumble against the skin of his neck and continue to cover it in kisses. his eyes close again and he lets out a small groan when you gently bite into his skin. baji’s grip on your ass tightens. “don’t start. i suggest you stop that right now if you still want to film that tiktok.” you pull away from his neck and let out a giggle before facing him again. “ready for the big smooch?” you grin and he cant help but laugh at the sight of your lipstick being smudged. you look so cute right now.
he grabs your throat with one hand and pulls you close to his face. “you ask a lot of stupid questions today.” he mutters and before you can reply, he pulls you into a kiss. quickly, you wrap your arms around his neck, hands tangled into his soft hair. your lips move in sync, his tongue brushes against yours and he pulls you closer to his body with the hand thats still on your ass. you try to pull away but he deepens the kiss even more, not ready to let go of you yet. you smile against his lips and pull away fully now. baji almost pouts when he doesn't feel your lips on his anymore. you look at him, your smile growing bigger. your lipstick is smudged all over his lips, even below and above it. you look the same but he just looks funnier. you grab your phone, open the selfie camera to show him his face. he looks at himself and lets out a laugh, you laugh with him. his face is completely covered in red lipstick stains. “you look so cute!” you squeal, squeezing his waist. he just smiles at you, admires you. he loves how excited you get over the smallest things. how happy you get when he does these silly things with you. he wouldn't do that for anyone else.
“okay, im gonna re-apply my lipstick and then start recording.” you get up and remove the lipstick with a makeup wipe, then sit down next to baji again. you apply the lipstick again, open tiktok and choose the sound. “you know what to do, right?” you ask him and all he does is nod, eyes focused on you.
“3,2,1…” you press record, the sound starts playing. you swipe the lipstick on your lower lip and smudge it. you pout into the camera and baji's hand finds your chin, his thumb gently swiping over the lipstick to remove it. you smile and turn the phone towards him. he's still completely focused on you, staring at your lips. you’re sure he doesn't even notice that you turned the phone towards him. baji looks beautiful, covered in your lipstick stains, covered in your kisses and the way he looks at you. he looks so in love and it makes your heart beat faster and faster. the video ends and it automatically starts playing. it turned out better than you imagined and you also thought you’d have to record it multiple times because baji would fool around.
“it's so cute!!” you cheer and turn to look at him. he's still staring at you and you don't think he took his eyes off you since you started recording. “bubs, did you even watch the video?” your face heats up. “hm? yeah.” he lies. “ it's cute.” you roll your eyes at him and put the phone down. “let's clean up, yeah?” you suggest and before you can get up, baji pulls you into another kiss. one hand at the back of your head, the other one on your cheek. the kiss is needy, almost overwhelming. he pulls away to catch his breath, forehead resting against yours. “are you okay?” you ask softly and carefully. “perfect.” he answes, pecking your lips once again. “just love you.” “i love you more.” you smile. “we should clean up, c’mon.” you both get up from the bed and baji quickly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, smacking your ass. you squeal and can't help but laugh while tightly wrapping your arms around his waist. “we’re gonna shower and i'm gonna love on ya.” he smirks proudly and walks into the bathroom.
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tags: @shamelessperfectionhideout @vmlnrz @saintokkotsu @satanlovesusall666 @kiirsteinn @noritopia @ranscutedoll @bertholdts--butt @torakeii
<3 @ playgrl0
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acowardinmordor · 9 months
Contractual Obligation
The plan went perfectly, is the thing. TMZ got the scoop, Tiktok had hundreds of reaction videos in the first few hours. They were trending on Twitter. Which was good. Steve would get his pay day, Eddie would get past the rumors and back to the good press, back to the path towards platinum records. According to the plan, Eddie would even have new ideas and inspiration for his next album.
It was only five months. Long enough for the gossips to pick it up, long enough to be a big deal, not long enough that anyone would expect Eddie to be too broken up about it.
Steve torched all his social media accounts a few hours after TMZ posted the story. He had to. The handful of messages and notifications he saw while deleting it all made his stomach flip. Once it calmed down a bit, he might make anonymous accounts again, if only so he could follow the kids and see the weird pictures of Robin's travels. Not with his own face though. Part of the agreement. Steve Harrington wasn't going to exist online as himself for a minimum of three years. That would keep anyone noticing that he got paid. It would also keep Steve from being torn apart by Eddie's fans.
It wasn't like he had to worry about money for a while. That was why he signed the contract with the PR firm. They needed to erase the memory of his slut era - capped off with photos of Eddie in a decadent orgy - show that Eddie Munson was capable of a committed relationship, and then get him single again. His sales were better when he was single, and being seen on celebrity dates was great for PR. They needed someone to play a part to make the change.
Steve's dad hadn't cut him off or thrown him out for being queer, or for how he got GNC when the mood struck. No, Richard Harrington was a proud liberal supporter, and didn't give a damn about any of that. But Steve flunked out of his degree in business at Richard's alma mater, and that was unforgivable.
So he was working days at an amazon warehouse, and overnight at a 24 hour diner in Chicago, because he needed money to keep his crappy studio. The PR team found him at the diner. Steve accepted the job and the contract without knowing who the hell Eddie Munson was. It was that much money. Steve really should have thought through the final phase of the contract before he signed. But it was almost a quarter million dollars for just under five months of work. "Work". Five months of dating a guy who permanently altered Steve's brain chemistry with his first smile.
Steve knew this was his fault. How he felt was his own fault. He wanted the money so he took the job, and he agreed to the terms. He went in with open eyes. Eddie didn't know Steve wasn't a genuine relationship. A real moment of serendipity that put them in the same place. Didn't know there was an end date inked and signed before they ever met. Steve agreed to this stupid fucking job because his parents cut him off and he wasn't used to having to budget for food and use coupons and hunt for deals to get phone service.
He may have flunked out in his junior year, but he was a business major. Steve read the contract and knew there was no getting around the financial penalty if he broke the terms. Seven fold repayment. How biblical of them.
He wasn't stupid. Eddie had the cash to cover the contract breach. And the inevitable court case over it. But Steve was stupid, and when he signed, he'd thought it wouldn't matter to either of them. Then Steve realized it mattered to him, but thought Eddie would be fine. He was a rockstar. Surrounded by friends. Endlessly laughing and happy. Eddie would get over Steve quick. It was just a couple months with some broke college drop out.
Then he saw Eddie's face three days ago when the rockstar found his boyfriend in bed with two models.
So yeah, Eddie had the cash, and maybe if Steve had told him from the start, he would have spent it, but now? Eddie didn't have a poker face. He walked into the scene set up by the PR team - Steve in bed with two peppy blonde models after standing Eddie up on a date - and Steve knew there was no way Eddie would cover anything. The truth could have helped early. Now that it was done? Telling Eddie the truth would only hurt him more.
All the stories were on Eddie's side. The firm made sure of that. Photos were already being 'found' by the gossip sites. Steve had been 'cheating' for weeks. Really had fucked both women that night to satisfy contractual obligation and to make sure Steve knew there was no fixing it. Steve had his fifteen minutes of fame, and the thing he'd be known for forever, was the guy who cheated on Eddie Munson.
His phone pinged with a message from one of the only two numbers saved to it. The way his chest soared and sank in the moment before his brain caught up was awful. Hope and fear, neither of which made sense.
Steve had deleted all of his socials. The PR firm had taken his old phone and disconnected the number. Now he had a brand new samsung, with one contact for the PR agent, and one for Robin. One was a threat, the other was a lifeline.
Robin's message was a calendar with her locations for the next month, and a link to AirFrance. It was a good idea. She was absolutely furious with him, and had been since he told her about the contract a month ago. She was still his best friend. Eddie was famous, but mostly an American celebrity. Steve could be a no one easier in Europe.
His phone, the one he handed over, had hundreds of contacts and thousands of messages and conversations across apps. Hundreds of photos of him and Eddie. Messages and voicemails and stupid jokes and memes.
This one had the default background, the default apps, and a single conversation in the messages. Robin was going to scream at him when she saw him, but she'd give him a hug first.
That was a better choice than sitting in the dark in his new apartment, which was too big, and too nice for crappy stuff they'd moved from his studio. He tapped the link she sent, and started looking for the first available flight.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 12}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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Camping date (Alphonse + Seth)
{♡} requested
- A camping date w the boys :D poly bittersweet
How wrong they were huh?
{♡} requested
Incorrect Quotes:
Oh boy smooching time!
canon event
called him my husband so there's that.
packin heat
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Sleeping in
{♡} requested
- Seth and Boo cuddle while Alphonse has to leave </3 poly bittersweet
Crazy eyes
{♡} ask
- jeepers creepers where'd you get those eyes!
{♡} ask
- dw Seth I don't fuck w spiders either
Running like hell
{♡} personal
- So bc I wanted fucked up bittersweet we torture Boo.
US flag shirt
{♡} personal
- this is so stupid that I love it sm
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Fluttering kisses
{♡} requested
Mine mine mine
{♡} requested
- so, Casper is very protective of what's theirs-
chew toy
{♡} ask
- hes basically a squeaky chew toy.
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Body comfort
{♡} requested
- Finn comforts Sunflower who is being a bit too mena to their body.
damn he fine
{♡} ask
Incorrect Quotes:
four leggeds
who's driving the car?
like a sinner in church
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Yandere Faust
{♡} personal
- oh this bitch kinda crazy
Gaming with Pookie
{♡} personal
- He died and is singing California girls by Katy Perry.
Incorrect Quotes:
not bitchy nice
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Pathetic Obession
{♡} requested
- did you really think that'd work?
Demon and Priest (suggestive)
{♡} requested
- Yeah let's corrupt the Priest- OH!! HES PULLING HIS COCK OUT-
Oh lord it's teenager me-
{♡} requested
- Rook meets younger Auron. Older Auron is contemplating life rn.
Help from some Cherubs and Cupids
{♡} requested
- Camp AU I wrote about that a moot made! Kids and the other adults help make a date for the couple!
Fav out of the trio
{♡} ask
- ngl I can see him liking Boo more
{♡} ask
- honestly could be batman but has both parents
Didn't make it in time
{♡} personal
- so, psychological torture anyone?
Office Siren
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
I'm here no matter what
place is fancy
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Bed ridden
{♡} requested
- Lucien takes care of sick Angel
{♡} ask
- it's rough out here man
Ew Meatloaf
{♡} ask
- i actually despise meatloaf
Better myself
{♡} ask
- Lucien making people's lives better fr
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Incorrect Quotes:
*pulls out comically large piano*
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After care
{♡} requested
- Alphonse and Seth being after care kings.
Awe a little baby!
{♡} requested
- So, reader has a kid, how would Faust, Auron, Lucien and Jack react to that?
Tiktok trend (All boys)
{♡} requested
- So the listener's nails look like the boy's tip-
Cuddle position's (All boys)
{♡} requested
- Cuddle positions I think they'd love!
Tattoos (All boys)
{♡} requested
- How would the boy's react to Listener having tattoos?
Love songs
{♡} requested
- what if Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron were love songs?
Poly Bittersweet NSFW HCs
{♡} requested
- Just like the title says!!
Scary movie
{♡} ask
- Alphonse and Seth being assholes
NSFW stand on things (for asks in the future)
{♡} ask
- just as title says!
Boo's garden
{♡} ask
- Boo with a garden would be so cute
{♡} ask
- Cool idea's!!
Dynasty/Emperor Au
{♡} personal
- Either Listener is Emperor w a big Harem. Or Auron with a Harem he help's get together w their boys
Pirate Au Not so happy introduction
{♡} personal
- The first one is Listener Pirate crew and the other is the start of how Seth meet the Crew.
Feast for the bubblegum Prince
{♡} personal
- Yandere Seth scene inspired by Arcane Jinx table scene.
Fic Idea Bittersweet trio
{♡} personal
- Time reversed too far and now young Boo is trying to get back ot their boys.
YV Twitter PT16 PT17 PT18 PT19 PT20
Incorrect Quotes (Multi character):
lock in lock in
The porn star?
*pulls out of inventory* want one?
go on
♡•♡•{Please consider following}•♡•♡
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 11 months
Could you maybe do villanous x a reader who has rabbit ears please? Thanks!!
ok lets begin since i'm sleepy ITA 1 AM WHAT THE FUCK
"but sugar-sp1c3 you said your limit was 4 character-" I KNOW OKAYI' JUST FORGOT WHEN DOING THIS
Characters, Demencia/Dementia, Dr.Flug, 5.0.5(platonic?), Black hat, penumbra, Sun Blast, Miss heed(not in order lol)
Demencia / Dementia
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she woudl make fun of then
but like
"Hey bunny ears!"
i feel like she would bite them idk
i mean yes she mocks of you BUT THATS HER WAY TO SHOW LOVE TO YOU..at least i think!
she haves 2 sides
the left one where she mocks and jokes and bites of you ears
and the right side where she praises you and your eyes and- you are basically her new black hat
she would often play with them
or if you have both rabbit and human she would be like:
Dr. Flug
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his first honest reaction is that gif sorry i don't make rules
unless his with black hat bc in that case he avoids to look at your ears at all cost since the "jefecito" can notice and idk yeah
he would probably want to do some experiments
but only friendly ones!!
like testing if you can do other things
if you have extra sensitive ears
or somthn idk i have no ideas rn
he would like to caress them on his little free time
oh btw he would LOVE if you and 5.0.5 where like best buddies or you would be his second parent-like figure(i swear i am trying to make his non specified gender I SWEAR GUYS)
he just lvoes you and you ears so much
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he's a fucking bear bruh 💀
ok so thsi will be platonic like buddies or a second parental figure, or smthn like that
he loves to "talk" about your ears or ask you questions.(if you don understand them he would force flug to translate lmao)
he is very careful when he is trying to touch them since y'know..big paws
but he still tries!!
i imagine if he maked cupcakes the icing would be a drawing of an airplane, of dementia, a chameleon or a black hat idk, for you YOUR RABBIT EARS AND A HEART BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE CUTE!!!!
he would even "ask" you to use you as inspiration for any dessert, or drawing or smthn.
i bet if he haves a rabbit plushie he gives it to you and/or puts something on the ears(ribbons, little hats, etc) he would be like "bow bow!" [siblings!]
Black Hat
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he probably threats to rip off your ears
and eat them
basically hurt you
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SHE OFTEN POSTS THINSG ON HER INSTAGRAM(with your consent ofc) LIKE "my sweetie's ears where a bit messy today! so me and sun blast fixed them just a lil bit.... loved the result! 🐇💜"
she would ask if you are sensitive to things like sound or something to try to not let a lot of hard things that can cause a hard sound when they fall or make sure Curie or Sunblast don't throw things
she oftenly tries to impulse you to not cover them! but if you like to have them covered, she would be okay with that too!
the same that flug
she would ask to make some little and non-offensive, experiments on your ears
if you don't want, its okay!
if you want, its okay too!
"look! i got you this! i bet it would make your ears fur brighter!..and curie's too"
Miss Heed
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but she would never say that out loud.
she would ask to records tiktoks or anything about them, like idk trends, popular songs or just quick vid like "watch me take care of my Sweetie S/o ears!"
if they are sensitive, during the event of when she had everybody under her control or smthn she would keep you away from them
yes she would be a bit sadistic and evil but she still cares abt you
..or she just does the same thing that she did with them..
when she's at..THAT place..she draws in a corner a lot of little ears, like if she misses you and misses your ears..
if you visit, she would beg to touch them again , to feel them..she would be crazy for it..
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Red BEFORE the "The Dreadful Dawn".
Orange AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and BEFORE the events of the comic and The "Heedeous Heart"
Yellow AFTER "The Dreadful Dawn" and the events of "The Heedeous Heart" and the little comic
even if you where his S/O he would mock of you and of them..
listen he knows you are his S/O but he just..feels like its the right thing or it doesn't matters
he doesn't even minds as i can think
he is just like "oh i am just joking! geez.."
Now under Penumbra's uhm..how do i say it?..NOW WITH PENUMBRA LMAO
he realized that he may have been a bit too much harsh with you..
he persuades Penumbra to localize you or visit you to apologize
if things go well..you both could try again!
and he is better.
He even tries to make you be friends with Penumbra! like he did with her
He still makes jokes but he thinks about them for a long time like
"no..that would hurt their feelings..NO ITS BAD..well- no wait..no..oh...this one may be good.."
he fears of you getting like the other ones..he tries to protect you at all cost
if you do get under Miss heed's..thing
he would be like mad but that multiplicate it for 10 and then for 100
the only thing that keeps him away from hurting heed and all her followers its his current little size and Curie
when you aren't under heeds control he makes sure you and your ears are okay..
he asks everyday if you are 100% SURE IF YOU ARE OKAY
after the Miss heed thing he is worried more than he should be but like c'mon
leave the little guy alone :(
he lost 2 of his most special people in his life just because a pink bitch
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