#is this how they'd confess?🤔
isa-ghost · 6 months
Phil and bagi hcs?
Also these will apply to AMFMN!! Because SURPRISE, if no one has checked the fic tags, her name is listed as a main character. ;) She'll be arriving in Chapter 6!! :D
I cannot fucking WAIT to expand upon their dynamic, which is funny because by the time Bagi shows up, Phil is possessed so it won't be exploration through direct interactions until the recovery period waaay later in the fic. Nonetheless it'll be hype! :D
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Phil is a member of the "Bagi can do whatever she wants forever" club. He supports her rights and wrongs and fully believes she could kick his ass no matter how unbalanced of a fight it'd be in his favor (disclaimer I don't actually know Bagi's exact pvp skill level 🤔)
Bagi is a member of the "God I want Phil to take me on a flight some day, I am so sad his wings are fucked up" club. (She would probably be terrified /pos)
I don't know what it is about their friendship but I feel like Bagi is so much more attuned to the way Phil thinks than the average islander. I guess I'd say it's because of how perceptive she is in general, especially with how she's a detective? Whatever it is, Bagi just has this talent for reading Phil like a damn book. And she won't hesitate to call him on his bullshit either. She's much like Fit in that regard. Crow man can't hide SHIT
Like fr if Phil ever gave Bagi reason to be concerned the first thing she'd do is start cornering those closest to him and either ask what's up or be like "hey Phil's on some shit rn, we gotta go force him to confess whatever stupid shit he's shouldering on his own and bottling up"
Phil has definitely been whacked with the frying pan for not venting and acting like he has to brave the horrors alone btw. Bagi's the type of friend that'll kick your fucking ass if you're not self-caring or being mean to yourself. (I am projecting LMAO)
Bagi isn't as Holy Shit We Could Die Any Second about things as Phil, but they're both very protective people, which can manifest in very volatile ways when they're hurt or angered by something (ie: Feds). I would not want to experience their individual wraths simultaneously.
Bagi is one of the top people Phil shows his gift giving love language to. Be it resources she needs, pictures he's taken of her/Em/Tina or of weird island shit, the means to complete cookie tasks, etc. She's one of the first in mind.
GOD Phil wants her to teach him how to wield a frying pan so badly. He's an excellent swordsman and bowman, but PAN?? The enjoyment he'd get out of it would be infinite, he'd love to be kicking ass while getting a laugh out of it bc pan go BONG when it hits a motherfucker.
If one needs something the other says yes no hesitation. They might ask each other a couple questions, but as soon as they have 100% clarity, they trust each other with the rest and know that if something goes wrong, whoever is present at the time will unleash hell on the person or monster that caused it.
I've somewhat already hinted at it but GOD the mutual admiration they have for each other!! Their wits and way with words, their natural sense of leadership, their determination to defend what they believe in, what they think is right, and the people they love, their specific expertise, the list goes on. They just think the other is so fucking cool and brilliant.
Tbh I think in the right circumstances they'd teach each other some lowkey fucked up tricks they have up their sleeves. Like Bagi giving Phil insight on manipulating people into giving the answers you're looking for by asking the right carefully worded questions, or Phil teaching Bagi the best spots to hit/hurt a person/mob to really do some damage just purely as a "hey if you ever find yourself in a Situation, here's a tip" thing
I don't know how better to show this without explicitly saying it: These two are not the other's fucking caretaker. Phil is not Bagi's father figure and Bagi is not Phil's mother figure. Yes, they can scold each other when the other is doing something dumb (cough, 7 hcs ago, cough). Friends do that. They support each other and call each other on their bs. That is not parenting, that's being a good friend. And they are to each other.
On that note, it hasn't come up too much yet but when shit sucks (like when the eggs were lost or lost lives), they're good at distracting each other. But like without halting the process of dealing with their emotions. If they're sad, they'll be sad together, but they're good at picking the right conversation topics to lighten the mood. If they're mad, they'll be mad together, and they'll plan what to do about it with each other.
I think I've sorta demonstrated it well enough in a couple of these hcs already but AUGH, they're just. So on the same page with each other almost all the time. And when they aren't, they're so good at giving each other perspectives they didn't think of before. Which, I don't mean to compare Bagi to her brother here, but is also how Phil and Cellbit can be with each other too; though they've somewhat fallen out of that sync post-Purgatory. The way the Mystery Siblings are so on the same wavelength as Phil makes me so *slams fist on desk*
Phil is normally a very Just Vibin' kinda guy but Bagi can get him into some really deep intellectual conversations sometimes and it's so 🍿🍿🍿 to watch
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Hi! I read your last fic with Ominis and was wondering if you could do a part 2 where Sebastian returns and what will happen next 😬 Thank you, wish you a wonderful day/night!
No problem! 💚 Thank you for the Request 💜
Last time, Ominis nearly died which prompted a confession out of him. MC got a little spicy 🌶
What will happen when Sebastian returns? 🤔
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC - fluff/mentions of spice 🔞
The common room was quiet, just how Ominis liked it, and he was seated in his favourite chair. MC would be along any moment, she was fetching the book she had been reading to him and he was looking forward to the next chapter.
He heard footsteps approaching, but they weren't MC's, these were slightly heavier. He tilted his head, frowning a little, those steps were familiar.
"Hello, Ominis, long time no see."
Ominis sat up straight, lips parting in surprise. It had been months since he had heard that familiar tone. "Sebastian!"
"That's me," he said. Ominis could hear the smile in his voice. "I thought I would surprise you rather than send an owl."
"And you have succeeded," Ominis replied. He stood. "This is a surprise, but it is good to hear your voice my friend."
An anxious band tightened around his chest as Sebastian slung his arm around his shoulders to give him a squeeze. Ominis tried to smile through the panic. MC would be back any moment, and they'd had no time to prepare for this.
Sebastian did not know about them, did not know how intimate he had become with MC.
"So, what's the gossip? It's been a while since your last owl. What have I missed?" Sebastian asked.
Ominis gave a little shrug. "Well..."
As if on demand, the tap of MC's feet sounded on the metal walkway from the dorms, growing closer. Ominis held his breath, his ears straining desperately towards her. Her step paused and he heard her swift intake of breath. He heard Sebastian's name slip from her lips in a whisper, the thud of something hitting the floor, presumably the book, and then she was running towards them.
"Sebastian!" Her voice was a cry of delight. Ominis felt his heart sink at the sound of their bodies colliding fiercely, the ooof noise that burst from Sebastian's lips.
He could only imagine the sight of them entwined in a hug, bodies pressed close. Envy was a terrible thing, and he savoured the bitterness of it on his tongue.
"Wow, MC, did you miss me?" Sebastian chuckled.
"Every day," she said. From the muffled sound of her voice, she was still in his arms.
"She was very disappointed that you didn't write more often," Ominis said. He could hear the pissy tone of his voice and cared little.
There was the rustle of clothing as they released each other. Ominis desperately wanted to go to her, take her hand in his, have some form of physical contact, some reassurance from her. But he remained still, his hand clutching at his robe.
"Ah yes, sorry about that," Sebastian said. "But I'm back now. How are you?"
"I'm good," MC said. "Come and sit, tell me everything. How is Anne?"
Ominis moved to sit back in his chair while they sat on the sofa, chatting happily. Ominis had been so caught up with his anxiousness, he had not asked about Anne. But apparently she was doing well. He tried to enjoy the conversation, but he was finding it difficult, trying not to imagine that they might be holding hands.
When Sebastian turned the conversation around to MC, Ominis tensed. Sebastian wanted all her news.
"The biggest news would have to be myself and Ominis," she said, brightly.
"Yes, we have grown rather close over the last few weeks," she said. A little giggle slipped from her lips. "Very close in fact."
Ominis felt his cheeks warm considerably. "MC..."
"Is that right?" Sebastian drawled. "Well, this is certainly news to me. You kept that one quiet, Ominis."
"Yes, well, I didn't want to sound like I was bragging or anything," he said.
"Oh, Ominis," MC said. She moved from the sofa to come and clasp his hand. Ominis held it gladly, drawing great comfort from her touch. "It's not bragging at all."
A beat of silence. "Well, as long as you're both happy, then I'm happy too," Sebastian said, a little tightly. "As for me, I've got some catching up to do, so if anyone needs me I'll be in the library."
"It's so good to have you back, Sebastian," MC said.
Sebastian didn't answer her, but he was quiet before the sound of his retreating footsteps carried across the common room. Ominis wondered what expressions the two of them had exchanged. MC gave a little sigh and Ominis gave her hand a squeeze. "Everything alright, my love?"
"He looked sad, Ominis," she said. "For all his upbeat chatter, his eyes told a different story."
"I must admit, I was worried how he would react about us two," Ominis said. "He seemed to handle it well."
"Why wouldn't he?"
Ominis hesitated. He was reluctant to say too much in case it put thoughts in her head, thoughts he didnt want her to have. But then, he couldnt bring himself to lie either. "I must be honest with you, MC. I think he may have harboured some affection towards you himself during fifth year. That was partly why I never mentioned my own feelings sooner."
"And you're telling me this now?" MC gasped. "My goodness, and there was me dropping it on him just like that! I had no idea he felt that way."
"So, you don't return those feelings at all?"
MC was quiet, her fingers caressing the back of his hand. "Sebastian is a very handsome boy, Ominis. I would be liar if I said I didn't think so. But I hadn't thought to take it any further than that. It hasn't always been plain sailing between myself and Sebastian, there are a lot of other things that got in the way of those kinds of ideas."
"And if there hadn't been those troubles, what then?" His heart constricted.
He felt her shrug. "I honestly have no idea, and, like yourself, I would rather be honest with you than tell you untruths. I felt a deeper connection with you however, especially once the troubles were over, and Sebastian was gone. I do not regret us, how could I? You are so very dear to me, Ominis, never think otherwise."
He tugged her hand closer, pressing it to his cheek. "You are dear to me also, MC. Perhaps more than you know."
Ominis prepared for bed, turning down the blanket and removing his robe. The dorm room door opened and Sebastian's footfalls crossed to his bed. He flopped on to it with a groan.
"Everything alright?" Ominis asked.
Sebastian was quiet. Ominis thought he wasn't going to answer his question and sat on the edge of his bed, his back to Sebastian. He kicked his slippers from his feet.
"Do you love her, Ominis?"
Ominis stilled, his heart skipping slightly. "Yes, I do," he said, truthfully.
Sebastian moved on his bed, a few footsteps sounded, and then Ominis felt his own mattress dip as he sat with him. "And, does she love you?"
Ominis hesitated. MC had never used the word 'love', but she had shown her affections in other ways. "I hope so," Ominis said with a sigh.
"Me too," Sebastian said. He put a firm hand on Ominis' shoulder. "You deserve it."
Ominis swallowed hard. "I had been worried you might be jealous," he admitted.
Sebastian chuckled. "Oh, I am," he said. "Dreadfully so. MC has the sexiest arse I've ever seen. You're a lucky man, my friend."
Ominis flushed a bright pink. Sebastian shifted and Ominis felt his elbow dig into his side. "Come on then, let's hear it, dish the details. Have you done the deed yet?"
Ominis clicked his tongue. "I'm not sure that's an entirely appropriate topic of discussion."
Sebastian laughed. "Oh, come on. If it was the other way around, you wouldn't ask me the same thing?"
Ominis couldn't help the twitch of amusement on his lips. He had enjoyed Sebastian divulging the details of his rather heated snogging session in the broom cupboard with a very pretty Ravenclaw once.
His smirk became very smug. He could raise the stakes quite high compared to a snog. "Well, she did suck my cock, so there's that."
"Really?" Sebastian gasped. "Bloody hell. Nice one!"
"It was rather," Ominis said.
"I bet," Sebastian said, thoughtfully. "You lucky bugger."
Then they were both laughing, Sebastian throwing his arm around Ominis' shoulders. "I've missed you, Ominis."
"It is good to have you home," Ominis said, fondly.
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turtledotjpeg · 2 years
(chapter 400 spoilers)
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i have been fed and i must make stupid internet doodles about it
my wife is so successful and popular (said with distress) and she is doing her best and she just wanted to do healing and said 'noooo' to murders and she cried about kacho and hates being called old and kurapika is the only one she can rely on and i'm gonna cry
more thoughts (not interesting) under the cut because this is an art blog but I am compelled to yell into the void about this chapter
man I was ready to be happy just to see Melody for one panel, but there was So Much in this chapter 🥺 feels like we're getting to see some new facets of her personality (see: Old Maid Melody lmaoo) and it's so fun
it was nice to see her and Kacho getting to interact a bit more openly - for some reason I was expecting nen-Kacho to be more of a separate entity, rather than the "brought back to life" kind of deal where she basically feels and acts like she's the same person? I like it though, I want to see her messing with Melody some more lol
I was wondering if Kurapika's goal might come up re: the fourth prince's invitation, but it seems like the immediate concern with Fugetsu takes priority, which makes sense Zhang Lei also wanting a private audience is interesting, I wonder if that could give her and Kurapika an opportunity to meet up and plan things out before she visits terrorsandwich? Before all that, though, they'd have to deal with Benjamin (assuming it's a first-rank-first-served kind of deal), no idea how that's gonna work out unless they actually pull off the Just Murder Everyone plan
also lmaooo the love confession 😂 one the one hand I feel like all her initial suspicion and mistrust towards glasses guy has to be a setup for him to actually be more honest than she expects, but I still can't help being a bit skeptical of him... both because there has to be something going on with the heartbeat thing, right?
and also, even if it is probably what's most practical for the situation, I'm not toootally sure if I love this "stop being sad and go use your powers to help us do murders" thing lol (granted kacho was very on board with both of those, too, but. idk man, maybe at least try to comfort her a little or something? xD)
that said, he is kind of risking his neck to help them, and i Am extremely in favor of anyone and everyone being in love with melody, so i appreciate him for that haha
okay, totally baseless "theory" #1: he's melody's dead sonata friend possessing the body (& therefore lying about the not believing in ghosts thing) - probably unlikely given Fugetsu is also said to be "possessed" and that looks very different, plus it sounds like that's something Melody should be able to notice? but it'd give him a genuine motive to help her out while lying through his teeth about all the details
or totally baseless theory #2: he's literally just a normal guy with a medical condition
melody: but I just don't get it, HOW can your heartbeat be so calm and steady all the time?!? kaiser: oh, cause of the pacemaker you mean? melody:
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(**based on about 2 minutes of research I don't think that's quite how pacemakers work, but it's hxh universe, there could be Something)
(on an unrelated note, I also really liked Tyson in this chapter…sounds like she was basically pressured into a death battle she assumes she won't win, but she's still just out here baking birthday cakes and trying to have a good time :( rootin for her)
...and finally can I just say, even if there was a good reason for it, I think it's hilarious that Melody's reaction to someone liking her is just "hmm... 🤔 kinda sus" alternative responses to "i love you": "with a heart rhythm as precise as an atomic clock?! yeah right!"
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kings-highway · 1 month
How do you feel about AtsuKageHina?
m 🤔
i don't like it, to be honest. And that's mostly because I've got some kind of vendetta against AtsuHina in all of it's forms. I don't like it. I think it's slightly more tolerable with Kageyama in the mix, though. BUT. The point of these asks is to seriously consider it and treat it well so I will see what I can find.
my first instinct is to dwell more on Atsumu/Kageyama, because while I do think AtsuKageHina can really only exist as Atsumu joining an established KageHina, I think their dynamic could really make or break the polyship.
I think, obviously, they'd have a lot of intense rivalry over volleyball and then also Hinata, especially since Kageyama is on the opposite side of the net so to speak. Atsumu being more of an ass than usual complaining about Hinata "telling the Adlers all their secrets" and Bokuto/Sakusa being like "dude it's not that serious" but it IS it IS that serious (to him) (he hasn't realized he has a crush on Hinata)
I think there's also some really interesting possibilities in, like, AtsuHina coming first, bonding on the Adlers and falling in love, and Atsumu just realizing that Hinata has always had this fixation with Kageyama and even if he trusts that Hinata loves him, he knows that Kageyama exists on a kind of different spectrum? Like it's not about romantic love, necessarily, for KageHina.
BUT Ignore the more plot-heavy descriptions I do really, really like the idea of AtsuHina being a thing and then both being aggressively in love with Kageyama who's just Autistic and On Another Team and so they're barking and growling from the other side of the net and Kageyama is just like "yeah this is totally about volleyball :)" and so oblivious to the fact that he's being pursued so heavily (and in Hinata's case, as been being pursued for a WHILE.)
I also think this ship could work as AtsuHina and KageHina as a love angle, rather than a completed polycule, even though I think Atsumu and Kageyama would have the most interesting dynamic as a trio.
Hinata would absolutely call them "his boys" whenever they're going anywhere. "Got my keys, got the volleyball, got my boys, let's hit the beach!" vibes
Hinata going to Brazil would fracture the group for a bit, Kageyama and Atsumu not really knowing how to be in a relationship without his energy, and I think they would break up for a bit and then be absolutely tormented by it, like... they don't even tell Hinata really (who they're maintaining as long distance) but they "mutually agree" to step back from each other because it just doesn't feel right and then like cue some kind of "standing outside your window with a sign" scene or a confession in the rain where they realize that they really did like each other.
Atsumu can absolutely fill a similar rival role as Hinata for Kageyama, in terms of passion in the relationship, but I think Kageyama is like... weird territory for Atsumu. Because Atsumu is mr "best setter in Japan" but Kageyama as we know is a proper prodigy. And Atsumu probably finds him beautiful in a really abstract way, why like's obsessed with the way he holds his pencils and mugs of tea and the way he stretches and just can't get enough of him because Atsumu has never in his life had a setter he thought he could look up to (he's arrogant! he's always thought he was the best) but now there's this gorgeous, passionate, and LOUDLY talented setter who just sweeps him off his feet and goddamn it feels good to be able to idolize (worship?) someone. Its just an entirely different kind of Love I dont think he's had the opportunity to do. Make him breakfast in bed and let him be the passenger princess.
Side note: Osamu would hate this ship. RIP to the second twin could you imagine him putting up with this shit?
Overall Rating:
Me, Personal Interest: -4/10
Concept/Potential: 8/10
(as much as I don't like AtsuHina or this ship I'm not gonna pretend like I don't get it I know where you people are coming from)
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patchwork-artists · 5 months
What would it be like if Original Felix met his IM counterpart and the IM crew and Circus? Would he tease IM Felix about Ozzy?
that's a hard question because it depends what counts as original felix,(⚠️autism moment upcoming⚠️) there's his black and white self, his comic self, and a lot of people look at either the 1950s show or the twisted tales show for references too 🤔 im not as knowlegable on his comic self as i didnt read those, on his black and white self as ive only seen a couple shorts(ive been meaning to watch more but im always meaning to watch more of x ajjsajjda rn im trying to catch up on some oswald and some popeye classics to better understand them and i didnt even Began tackling the mickey shorts—and i fully dropped the alice comedies i dont like them very much, i'm more of a fleischer than a disney guy i watched muuuch more of bettys black and white ones and fleischer generally has much stronger characterizations amongst the black and white era!the other cartoons had characterization but i wouldnt say they were at the level that fleischer was beggining to do with its protagonists)
anyways sorry. you tackled the hyperfixation lemme cut myself from ranting more and answer your question qjsjajdjajdjw i thiiiink. i think, if we speak on a more general term, some b&w felixes would tease him but theyd look more towards the chance of teasing him in general than the chance of teasing him over romance in specific—or they wouldn't care at all/would care more about other things(i know there were a lot of comics and shorts that implied felix to be someone who had this ideology of sharing to your community in a very communism utopia manner, and they might be a bit more focused on the fact that felix is a famous rich writer and isn't doing. anything with that, while some of those felixes are starving on screen he had a lot of starving and poverty issues), from what ive seen of the 50s shorts(i havent seen them all! i just got the luck to find a cd with several episodes on a store nearby so i know those episodes)that one is a little bit more calm and nice and would probably try to help him confess, and twisted tales felix which was tap's main inspiration for his younger self i think would think "oh this poor dude is about to get ruined with another romance he has no chance in. sheesh. anyways how can i either steal his man or steal his money(surely no comical hijinks could come from that)"
now the crew. as in questers. hhhggh long one so i'm just gonna resume it to strongest friendships. black and white shorts felix would hit off very well with bendy, and a little bit boris but deef with bendy. 50s felix would probably like holly the most, mugs second. twisted tales would be interacting with cup the most but always in an almost rivalry to him, not full on rivals but not buddy buddies kinda thing, and i say that because i can see him passing by when cup's playing a luck game to see if he can get him to loose, him seeing cup get himself dates and flirting and try to steal those girls' attention to it not only not working but cup laughing at him, and he's def pretty zany on that show which cup doesn't like because it's unpredictable, not to mention cup's entire attitude could get him to mutter sassy remarks, but i think they'd find enjoyment in that entire dynamic he wouldn't full on hate cup and cup wouldn't full on hate him either
but i might be wrong i haven't watched those in like 3 years ajsjjajdjajd and besides everyone has different interpretations of the characters. as much as i love felix (literally got gifted a felix notebook and felix socks and a felix shirt all by different family members and considering i had already made myself a little felix necklace and was also gifted an oswald bag i finally have the full "i am normal about black and white cartoons" fit 💥 ahsjsjskcja) i am a 6 people and i can only watch and analyze and remember so many shorts while everyone else also uses the brain for their own hyperfixations kwjdjwjfja
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punks-never-die205 · 5 months
How would Kid & Killer deal with having a crush on the same person? 🤔🫣
Hmmm. I feel like there's a few ways this could go.
1 - Killer would back off right from the rip. He probably decided a long time ago that any this or that conflict was going to resolve by him choosing to put Kid first. It's not that he doesn't think he deserves anything, but it makes it easier, things are already complicated on the seas.
2 - they realize they're smitten with the same person at the same time and talk it out. Decide to let the person in question be the one to broach the subject (unless it becomes painfully obvious they're holding back.)
3 - Honestly the most likely? I head canon polyamory being a thing on the crew, and certainly between these two. They'd probably confess at the same time, explaining the polycule and offering options if there was an interest.
I also think three is most likely because I feel like Kid and Killer both had a thing for Victoria, and didn't deal with the rivalry well. After that loss they didn't want to risk similar mistakes going forward, and are very direct in talking about that sort of thing.
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afreakingdork · 7 months
Ah, but introspective mode-wise, Donbon's really come so far, huh? I can't wait to feel the whiplash when I decide to pick this fic up from the start once it's done. The joys of watching character development in present time.
makes me a little excited on what on earth that argument's gonna be about too 🙂
I didn't feel like any confession would feel good enough; I'd built it up for too long! 😂
I've been reading back old chapters to confirm some stuff and yeah, it's wild how far he's come! As we get closer to the end I'm getting more emotional with each passing chapter. It's legit been over a year since I started telling this story and I can't believe it's coming to a close!
Also, insult to injury, me and my betas had to retire the original editing doc because it had too many comments on it (resolved ones count!) It was like a double whammy end of an era!!
Argument? Is that what I agreed they'd be having? 👀🤔😂
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bylertruther · 1 year
Once when I was in an All-Girls Christian School, I wrote a prank love letter to one of my friends and out it in her locker. News flew across school quickly and everyone was talking about it. And that week, her bff started acting very strange. Always sullen and upset, seeming really down whenever anyone talked to her. Anyway I left the school not long after and one of my friends told me later on that the both of them are now a couple, going pretty strong, with the love letter having given the BFF the courage to finally confess her feelings. But also that the BFF said that they'd probably strangle that person who sent the love letter for all the stress and emotional turmoil they had caused her that entire week. Anyway, love wins
your IMPACT omg.. how chaotic evil of u. i feel like the end result kind of cancels out the prank here maybe but dont do tht again? lmao. you're like a mischievous cupid almost 🤔
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tim-lucy · 1 year
I really can't figure out if tim and lucy have had a big relationship talk and their I love yous or not. On one hand they say their future isn't certain but on the other... they've implied they want kids together. Can we get one moment of confession or confirmation pleease lol
Personally, I don't think they have!! I definitely think a lot of this is suspicious from a writing standpoint (not from a relationship standpoint because it makes sense they'd fall into it so naturally). But knowing the way the showrunner was dead-set on dragging them out and how aware he is of the "moonlighting curse," I feel like there's a reason for everything!
I've had a theory for a few months but I'm afraid to put it in writing because whenever I do it never comes true ehehehe 🤭 Actually it just never comes true in general, BUT you can never be too safe 😂
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Hopefully, the finale will reveal all!! Alexi Hawley has my trust so I'm excited to see what this is all building towards!! 👀 If it does not...then I may have some other thoughts 🤔 I GUESS WE SHALL SEE!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞
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mugenloopdalove · 5 months
You said once you were thinking a little about a path or somethin where Theil never confessed to Reya right.. that actually sounds like an interesting au of sorts I wanna know how all that would play out
Think they'd just keep following her, being her loyal servant, compeletely unaware of they fact that they're being used. They'd fawn over her of course, probably get even more obsessed and start basically worshipping her without ever truly confessing. She'd keep them around until eventually, she has them go for WAY TO BIG OF A TARGET. Probably an actual government official that requires them to actively sneak into a big event, and they get caught.
It would actually be interesting if getting tadpoled saved them from jail time now that I'm thinking of it 🤔
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spookyserenades · 6 months
Dana!!! I hope you're feeling better and I can't thank you enough for giving us trouville for FREE!! We're truly spoiled with this story 😔 some thoughts:
- the Jimin moment was so sweet, I love our yeehaw boy. I'll kiss his boo boos away any day and i'd also sick him with the hello kitty bandaid too cuz we live an aesthetic lifestyle
- love the mystery gang team, so much development in their segment, its crazy what a late night van drive will do to people lol
- i like also got a headache when MC was thinking about how much a Disney trip for 8 people would cost. In THIS economy? Sorry Hoseok you're just gonna have to freeze. I know she must have a lot saved up from when she was a vet but paying for a house that big and for so many people? She's a money mastermind
- Alice is such a fun character, I'm glad she suggested making the boys jealous so they'd maybe be kicked into high gear, she's doing the lord work cuz we were all thinking it. What more shenanigans will this open us up to 🤔👀
- I stg I'm ot7 but jeezus trouville yoongi does in fact own my entire being, I want him in a way concerning to feminism and so does MC lol. That spicy part was everything but I was so scared someone would walk in on them but thankfully that didn't happen, I would have freaked!!!!
- Jin and MC cooking!!!! Thats my husband fr and speaking of which- WE GOT HIM BOYS, THATS ANOTHER ONE IN THE BAG!!!!!!!! WE'RE 2 FOR 7 ON BAGGING THE TROUVILLE BOYS!!! 😤😤😤 IT FEELs SO GOOD 😫😫😫 THE WAY I SCREECHED. So so so so so good. Perfect place to leave us for next chapter I'm extremely excited! ❤
- 🍒
AHH HI LOVE! I am finally feeling better whewww boy I forgot what it's like to be sickly LMAO. Excited to hear your thoughts about the newest update hehe, thank you for reading and sending in your precious feedback 🥺
I love the little moments MC has with Jimin!!! I hope he's giving hopeless romantic in Trouvaille, I think it's fitting for his rancher background, and his Libraness fhdksafd. I also love the visual of manly cowboy Jimin with the Hello Kitty bandaid, he probably looked down at it a bunch afterwards and blushed thinking about MC AHHHH!! The mystery gang, omg. My literal DREAM is to formulate a paranormal investigation team, ESPECIALLY with Namkook. Just having Joon's insightfulness and Jeongguk's fearlessness I think it would be absolutely perfect. I can't wait to write more about their adventures in all of the upcoming chapters!
HA SCREAMINGGGG No like she'd need a small loan of a million dollars for a Disney trip with all of them. It would be such a cute little drabble or plot arc to write though, all of them going on rides and whatnot. Or spicy hotel smut lol Lucky MC inherited that house from her grandparents, and her dad ended up being wealthy from his contributions to hybrid cardiology surgery, so she was pretty much born into deep pockets LOL... that's the beauty of fiction, we get to pretend we were born into bottomless wealth 💀
AH I'm so glad you like Alice 🥺 It was important to me that MC had other friends besides the hybrids! You need some friends to confide in, not just romantic interests, and MC's friends are supportive but also give her reality checks when she needs them. Alice is soooo real for telling her use jealousy to her advantage, considering MC is a little avoidant of confrontation LOL.
fdkasf BESTIE I'm hyung line (Namjoon ult) biased, and Trouvaille Yoongi is seriously trying to snatch me away from my other three. I, too, need him biblically, and would let him have his way with me 💀 AH the smut.... he's such a giver, definitely a soft dom 🥰 I'd dieeee too if one of the others walked in. Thankfully, they were the only two at home during that scene!
JINNIE COOKING CLASS. I love love lovedddd writing that scene, Seokjin is such husband material and especially in Trouvaille, he deserves to have fun with a new hobby 🥺 AND FINALLY ANOTHER CONFESSION!!!! Seokjin hasn't been subtle with his feelings, especially in the past few chapters, so I'm glad he was finally brave enough to fess up. MC was probably relieved that she didn't have to do it first 😭💀 AH I'm excited to see how she reacts in the next chapter hehee!
Thank you for reading the latest update and sending me all of your thoughts bestie 💜💜💜
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Ass Stars anon I like that 😁
so if you do want to hear more about Shitwrecked then
So the whole season starts as a “anniversary party” for all the past contestants that aren’t gen four.
So only gen four knows this is a new season, then Chris pulls the old surprise! “You guys are in for a new season of Total Drama!”
This takes place in a cruise ship and there are four teams, the leaders are the winners for their debut season.
And got some idea too-
Geoff and Julia beef (Julia stole the rr money from Geoff)
Axel and Duncan reconciliation arc (at the beginning they both hate each other for reasons as the story goes on they slowly become friends again. The culmination being Duncan helping Axel with a confession song.)
Wayne, Ella, and Gwen are all cousins cause I think is funi (Gwen has two golden retrievers as cousins)
Julia killing Alejandro for MK (she doesn’t really kill him don’t worry)
Ripper and Millie friendship arc (they both like Taylor swift)
Emma getting the recognition she deserves (I love her ok)
Shaw and Axel friendship
And I have more but I fee like that is gonna be a long time
I might need some help trying to find an antagonist or so yeah
Anyways hello hello total drama brain rot 👋😁
Hello hello, Ass Stars Anon! 👋😁
Love love LOVE this idea, and I'm living for the cruise ship theme. Especially if they go the World Tour route and have themed challenges based around whatever countries/ports they stop at during the cruise. I wonder how the four teams will be themed? Will they name themselves a la World Tour, or will they be assigned derogatory team names to follow on with tradition? Do they have assigned team leaders?
Now I'm curious as to how Julia managed to steal/swindle Geoff's RR money from him 🤔 Is she a relative of his?
Axel and Duncan being at each others' throats sounds about right. They're both not exactly personable, even if Axel mentioned trying to be "nicer" in season 2 of the reboot, so having their personalities clash is inevitable. I'm glad to hear they eventually rekindle their friendship though! Though I assume they'll still have that patented cousin rivalry 😏 (Very excited to hear who Axel is confessing to through song- that's such a cute idea! No spoilers though 🙊)
Gwen being the black sheep of her otherwise cheerful family is such a vibe, I love the contrast of it!
I wonder what Alejandro could've done to MK to necessitate his murder? Rest in peace king, you probably won't be missed 🙏😔 (/j). Julia standing up for her girlfriend is everything, especially when she's going toe-to-toe with Alejandro Burromuerto of all people.
Can't say I've ever envisioned either Ripper or Millie as a swiftie, but the thought of two polar opposites bonding over Taylor's music is too amusing for me to dispute. Do you think they'd argue over which of her albums is 'the best'?
Emma absolutely deserves some recognition! She's was done pretty dirty in s2; anything that helps her escape Chase's circle of influence is a huge boon. She's got so much potential to be a character in her own right without the baggage of her failed relationship(s).
Shawn and Axel bonding is just a given, really. Two zombie apocalypse survivalists? They're either gonna be besties or worsties, depending on how Shawn's paranoia interprets Axel's more... feral tendencies.
As for an antagonist, I think you'll need to have a pretty solid idea of what your plot is before you can decide on who's going to be your source of conflict. There's plenty of options throughout the whole cast, and on the whole each Total Drama "villain" brings a different skill-set to the table, so once you know how you want things to progress you can just use the most applicable antagonist.
OR, if you're feeling spicy, you could repurpose a completely different character as an antagonist instead! Priya and Sierra teaming up to use their extensive knowledge of the cast and the competition could be a fun idea... 👀
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tcookies777 · 2 years
Woah, I’ve found the end of the act 1 of AOL like a new opening to explain a lot of things about the story… I did not expect Sakura’s confession of her arranged marriage, but fuck, it was a pleasant surprise!!! I felt anxious for soooo long that Kakashi’s feelings were growing stronger and Sakura wasn’t being 100% honest with him… so, FINALLY! Kakashi’s reaction to the news suits him. It suits the character you’ve been developing in this fanfic. I admire you ability of keeping the plot real, credible and so accurate (Canon, even).
I have the impression that Sakura is becoming more and more mature despite her innocence.
I do have a question (maybe I’ll have to wait ACT 2 to know the answer, but I try anyway lol)
- Has Sasuke the same age as Sakura? I have the impression that it was mentioned that he had finished college?..
- How do you do? Where do find the inspiration in order to have a quality storyline? I’m just curious; You’re so talented.
Happy holidays and rétablie toi bien!
À bientôt !
I know right? Finally she spills all the beans! Of course, since we're receiving all this info through Sakura's POV, we still don't have the answers about the engagement yet but we will get there eventually! I know other readers, just like Sakura, have been dying to know what's up with her parents 🤔
That's a great impression! Sakura is different compared to in Chapter 1 so she's definitely maturing. But she has still got a long ways to go before I would call her a badass! I know some readers already see her as a badass, but personally she's not a badass in my eyes yet. And Kakashi too is learning, but he still has a lot of growth to go through as well!
Yes, you're correct, Kabuto mentioned to Sakura at the charity ball that Sasuke had graduated a few years ago. His age isn't that important to know or spoilery, so I'm free to say that he is 20 years old in this fic.
Of course, rarely you'll find a 20 yr old who graduated college years ago, but just like Kakashi, he's one of those ""geniuses"" that skipped grades.
Most of my inspiration for the story comes from real life experiences! Both my life and the lives of those around me.
For example, that Kakashi is a soldier is an idea inspired by canon. But that he has PTSD and other mental health issues is inspired by my experience and also the experience of others I know.
If you had seen my Percy Jackson fanfiction that I wrote as a teenager though, oh god you would've thought I was the worst writer ever. Because I was so young, I didn't have as much life experience to pull from. My dialogue was so cringy and stilted. I didn't even know how to write the character riding a metro bus because I'd never done it before!
That's why I guarantee you the best fanfics you'll ever read are the ones written by fans in their 30s and above. 9 times out of 10, the older the writer is, the better their writing is. They are masters of delivering nuance and telling epic stories. Because much of their own inspiration is pulled from everything they'd experienced or learned about life.
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prodbyblush · 2 years
İ have been wondering how a love triangle where both mira and chishiya have a crush on y/n would be like. Like, y/n is kinda oblivious to it, but chishiya and mira already realised the other likes them too, but they never say it out loud otherwise they'd have to confess their feelings, so they just stay in a kind of cold war between them? Or something like this...🤔
İs okay if you don't wanna write it tho, how have you been? Hope your well. Don't forget to stay hydrataded💕
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・❥・ requested
AN: I'm doing well, thank you for asking! As I've stated in my other post, I don't know who still wants to remain in the taglist so for now, I won't put it here!
in a love triangle with mira and chishiya:
→ gn!reader
• as a game master herself, mira will design games that are easy for you to win or in an easy level game • likes to strike up a conversation with you, telling you how its nice to see you again in a heart game • as a high ranking member of the beach, she will never put you in a group with chishiya • like ever • and chishiya isn't dumb enough to not notice this • uses kuina to get you away from mira and lure you into his room • when it comes to meetings, mira always speak highly of you, saying how you outsmarted everyone in a, yep you guessed it, another heart game • everyone was confused when chishiya showed up in the meeting holding a chair and placing it beside him • he told you in front of everyone that from now on, during meetings, you will sit beside him • of course mira will oppose this, saying she doesn't like having you seated away from her • but chishiya will backfire her saying that he's a much better seat mate than her • in case anyone forgets, mira sits next to niragi • ann amuses herself when watching mira and chishiya fight over where you sit • whenever she (ann) asks you how you feel about the two, you'd just smile and say how kind of them to take care of you • and obviously ann doesn't want to taint your gullible side and ruin her fun • so she'll just watch the cold war between mira and chishiya fight over you
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insomniactalks · 2 years
I understand why Ricky and Gina shippers are convinced S3 will be a romantic exploration for their ship b/c so many of the newest sneak peeks may suggest this (and the fact they've been content starved since 2.06. I get it. I do😅). However, I can't stop thinking about this moment:
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Do y'all see how happy and playful Ricky is with EJ here? If you told S1 EJ and Ricky they'd be having a pillow fight someday they would have laughed in your face!😂 I just love how far they've come from where they started on the show. I would never claim that Ricky and EJ are the best of friends, because I don't believe that to be true, but you can't deny that they certainly started to really become friends by S2, esp 2.10 when Ricky tried to be there for EJ by helping him solve his problem. EJ seems to be wearing the same jacket from the trailer when he and Gina have what looks like another heart to heart (where he says he's "freaking out"). I believe that's 3.03, where Ricky and Gina go on a “spooky adventure” (or something like that). The very fact that Ricky is behaving this playfully with someone who he used to consider an enemy is major. In S1, Ricky very obviously tried to put a wedge between Nini and EJ b/c he wanted Ejini to break up so that he could get back t/g with her. Two seasons later, and what looks like could be the most fun he's had in a long time, I get the feeling Ricky isn't gonna try to cause intentional drama for Portwell. I actually think the fictional Corbin Bleu's character is going to cause more intentional drama this season for the Wildcats, including PW in 3.04/3.05 (I think those are the episodes):
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Do you see how satisfied Corbin looks at whatever drama is unfolding? I think he really wants his documentary to be juicy and drama-filled, hence Ricky seemingly storming off out of rehearsals, and EJ following after him while Ashlyn looks worried about what she's seeing. Channing is clearly following all the drama with his camera, which makes me think Corbin intentionally pushed some buttons for Gina, EJ, and Ricky, but again, it's not Ricky intentionally trying to come between PW. I think this scene may follow the above:
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You see how EJ initially looks happy as he approaches Ricky, then his smile drops when he sees Gicky playing around with that paper? I think it's possible he walked out after Ricky to try to comfort him after some drama Corbin started, but then he sees this scene play out in front of him, and maybe something (an insecurity, for example🤔) Corbin touched on earlier in the rehearsal space affects EJ in this moment. I think this might be Ricky just continuing to have fun during his summer, not trying to cause problems b/t PW. He and Gina are friends again, which puts them in a good place (which I was hoping for after S2😔). This might be Ricky just having fun with his friends, like with EJ in that pillow fight LOL 🤣but EJ misinterprets what he sees. Again, his girlfriend and the guy she used to have feelings for are playing romantic leads. EJ might be afraid history will repeat itself, but I doubt it. I feel S3 will have a diff outcome...*cough cough* Portwell Love Confession *cough cough*😉
Also, let’s stop acting like EJ will do anything to ruin his relationship with Gina (jealousy rising or otherwise). 🤦🏽‍♀️Did we forget what Gina said about him in 2.08? Let me remind you:
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Y'all really going to tell me this don't sound like foreshadowing for their journey in S3? Just like Mitchie in Camp Rock 2 and Troy in HSM2, I guarantee you EJ will lose sight of what's really important to him for a bit, before coming back around at the end of the season by doing what's right and remembering his priorities (like his promise for this to be the "best summer ever" in 3.01)). Mitchie and Troy made similar promises at the beginning of their summers to Shane and Gabriella, before conflict rises mid way, then settles/gets resolved again by the end of their summers. That’s my prediction anyway. 🤷🏽‍♀️
(I should be writing up the 6 reports I have due soon, yet here I am. The power of Portwell. 😅 )
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sidsinning · 2 years
You gotta wonder why Chloe and Lila are trying SO HARD to block only Marinette of all people from confessing to Adrien like they know how much of a simp he is just being her friend imagine what he'd be like knowing she was in love with him
Like if they thought she was just another girl that liked him they'd just let her confess and be rejected but no they pullin out all the stops
Curious 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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