#is this a walkthough?
kplays · 1 year
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Lunch. Or his actual name Junnosuke Kitagawa.
Hey same last name as Yusuke! Where's the crossover fanfiction!
I may as well put my data for the love club here.
It's data that should be readable, If not the best presented. IDK. It's once again almost 3am, so I should just wrap this up and get ready to sleep.
Here goes. After this shot
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Love club answers for females
A.Do people say they want to protect you
A1- Pretty often (
A2. Not really
B. What kind of Music do you prefer
B1- Jazz
C- How dedicated are you to your style?
C1- I won't change it for anyone
C2-I can changed 
D- Men who wear expensive clothes
D1- I love their flashy ways
D2-not interested
E- what is a better decoration
E1- a crystal skull
E2- a stained glass mobile
Answering all 1s gets you Victor the vampire Demon Fuser!
So lets vary that result by answering Pop at Q2, and continue to pick 1s
F- you and your Boyfriend meet a demon
F1- Ill protect him
F2- Please protect me
G- what do you think of martial arts
G1- I'm actually interested
G2- I don't like violence
H- where would you go with your lover 
H1- Id want to go outside
H2- Id want to spend time inside
i- what present would you get your lover
i1 - A home made cake
i2- clothes that fit him
Answering all 1s from change poin,You get, an actual child Yuichi
Picking C2 at question C. Rest all first option repeats the above
Picking the stained glass mobile after answering all 1 answers got me Original Kyouji Kuzunoha's in his currently stolen body. 
 Ok, lets try a different track 
A1- Pretty often 
A2. Not really )
Ohh new question
J- are you bored of your everyday life?
J1- its boring )
J-2 nope
K- what season do you like more
K1- winter
K2- summer
L:- Eternal life or eternal beauty
L1- Life
L2- Beauty
M-what do you think of age differences
M1- age is nothing but a number
M2- they're kind of icky
By picking A2, J1, K2 I got a new question
N- what do you think of talkative guys?
N1- fine in my book
N2- … not my type
N2 got me a new question
O- what do you think about willpower? 
O1- It can make dreams come true
O2- Life doesn't work that way
O2 picked
P- would you eat your favorite food forever?
P1- it would be heaven
P2- Id get tired of it someday
P2 picked
Q- what do you look for in a man
Q1- he has to be cute
Q2- its all about personality
Q2- Got Spooky
Lets go back and pick O1
New question
R- what would you drink with your lover
R1- Tea
R2- coffee
R1- Spooky is a tea drinker apparently
P2- gets me Lunch
Q1 leads to new question
S- the latest Fads…?
S1- I keep up with them
S2- Im not interested in them 
Six is gotten by keeping up with latest fads
Funny for the guys, saying you believe in god, that you a wizard, and that you can talk with demons all the time, results in no girlfriend for you. 
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makeacid · 1 year
80s type beat for maybe after the EP i'm working on
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dymarob · 3 months
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Walkthroughs. Drawn in April 2024
I honestly love this one. The idea that a simple thought like that can cause two very different, equally relatable reactions was something I found cute.
But a walkthrough really would help, right? I think we can all relate to Judge's reaction at some point in our lives, but also Penny's too.
I tried to make Penny's face in the final panel convey confusion to Judge's response, but she's also happy to be hugged by her father.
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satevari · 10 months
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guiltknight-gaming · 4 months
Fallout 4 | Survival Mode | Episode 40: Special Delivery
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she-anemone · 4 months
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i beat phantasy star!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nogamerworld · 1 year
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valereth2 · 1 year
Episode 13 of Let's Play Gears of War 3
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wolffistpictures · 2 years
No jokes here. Dr. Maruki and snacks. Need I say more?
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tuesday again 7/2/2024
as of friday i have lived in texas for a full year. that's the most neutrally diplomatic thing i can say about my time in this state so far
i did a lot of driving last week and had the first album from genshin impact's legally-not-France nation on loop bc it's a lot of vivaldi inspired stuff and i find that soothing. however! one of my favorite pieces of music from this nation is this battle track. i don't have any music words but i do like the.. pipe organ emphasis? on the little flourish at 0:28. catholic brain go brrrr
thank you mackintosh.
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i liked gotham city: year one! many many many callbacks but framed in a way "and this is the start of the blueprint for how everything would go" which made me less annoyed than callbacks for their own sake. a very chandler-esque take on noir, by which i mean a fundamentally good (but tired) man gets beaten to shit and survives a doublecross as he unravels a fucked up little family dynamic for the pure nosy sake of unraveling it.
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The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024, dir. Ritchie). a spy/action/comedy thing about Operation Postmaster, a wwii special operation off the west coast of Africa to disrupt nazi u-boat supplies.
i did not like this at all.
i generally like a guy ritchie film-- the holmes duolgy are movies i would happily rewatch at any time, but this one is very flat. there's very little banter and remarkably little dialogue-- long stretches of this film are of people getting from place to place in perfect silence. even the soundtrack is remarkably toned down. most of it sounds like ai-generatred morricone (very few of the musical passages like. resolve in any sensible manner. there is no theming and no noticeable leitmotif. one of the worst covers of mack the knife ive ever heard is at the climax of the fuckin film. what if someone ominously tapped a hihat to create tension for literally half the movie with NO other accompaniment). when it doesn't sound ai-generated and kind of off (morricone's cowboy western work is not what i expect for a largely seafaring wwii movie) it sounds like they rented a jazz five-piece for a weekend. one of the worst soundtracks i've ever heard. it was extremely distracting.
this is a heist movie that never really figured out how to effectively intercut actions its team is independently taking. there are also a lot of places where the cuts are very strange, especially in the final harbor scene flicking back and forth from the land crew to the boat crew. just felt very underbaked as a movie. i was frequently bored. not an effective comedy, action, or spy movie. just barely a coherent war movie, though not a very enjoyable one.
the breath of the wild to genshin ripoff pipeline is pretty clear, esp in the legally-not-India nation with lots of legally-not-koroks. u get a bunch of chests and achievements if u find all 76, i finally sat down on friday with an hour-long walkthough video and found them all. every single four-leaf clover sigil is where one of these fuckers was. and to get to this point, i had to do a whole DIFFERENT quest chain with different collectibles to unlock some of the legally-not-koroks and also make room on my map to free up 76 markers. very annoying process. i fucking hate collectibles for the sake of collectibles and padding out gameplay. i could not imagine doing this if i were employed
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cross stitch update.
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i got this belt for the ren faire when my sister came down, finally got around to pulling it out of the freezer and cleaning it the other day, and it was what i can only call yucky-disgusting. an inordinate amount of scunge for a belt with very few signs of wear. it's impossible to photograph bc it's quite late and i did not think to take a before shot, but it straight up changed color. it is much lighter now
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Findjackwalten updated last night! To properly understand the content of this update, you'll probably wanna check out these other posts on the 6/27/23 update: [HERE] and the 6/29/23 update #1: [HERE] if you haven't seen them already.
This one's a fucking Doozy. The main page has updated to a full on Jack Walten Takeover.
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Most of the existing page has been put under a red filter, and images of Jack and Rosemary (cut off in this screenshot) Walten have appeared. The 'page under construction!' text has changed to read "CLOSED PERMANENTLY. (effect:072074)", the second half of that being the date Bon's Burgers shut down. The play button present in the site's previous incarnation is still here, but now plays various Christmas carols, rather than Battle Hymn of The Republic, starting with Silent Night.
The "CONTACT & INFORMATION" button that became clickable earlier in the day still leads to an unchanged /0714-74 page.
The "MEET BON!" button that also became clickable earlier in the day leads to a /mynameis-bon but with Bon himself now missing.
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The most significant update has been to /caretakerlibrary, which now contains four new audios from Richie.
Our first new Richie audio, Richie 3, is titled "AUD06-27-74opnn-nights" meaning it's dated for the 27th of June, 1974. The "opnn-nights" referring to it being the night before Bon's Burgers opening day. I've roughly transcribed this audio as follows:
Another day, another dollar, as they always say! Sorry- sorry, dude- just ignore that, I don't know- I don't know what I was doing, okay, uh, forget it. Yeah- yeah! Uh, tomorrow's the big day! You excited? Uh, Boss gave me some instructions to give you for today. So, uh- get those in a second. Uhm, I needed to- wanted to say I uhm, I put the chairs down. That, y'know, next to the tables, so uh, just- save you the hassle of having to do tha- having to do that tomorrow morning, so you're welcome. Uhm, uh, if you can, keep an eye on the uhh, the- whatchamacallit, Poker maze? It's, uh, pretty easy for kids to get lost in there. So, y'know, just, don't want anything to- anything like that happening. Just, uh, y'know, pop in like every minute or so, just make sure there's no kids crying, screaming, y'know. Actually, don't get lost in there yourself, either. You're still a teen, right? How old are you again? That's- doesn't matter, whatever, you'll be fine. Uh, don't worry about it. Unlock the generator room, uh, clean the bathrooms- especially the men's bathroom, more on that later. Uhh, right, right, right! Uh, keep the main stage curtains closed. Uh, for the time being, we uh, we transferred Sha to the secondary stage for this week, so she'll be next to Boozoo. The uh, Bon animatronic won't be performing this week, uh, he's uh- they- they gotta do an extra week of maintenance on him. So, that's a shame, but nothing we can't fix. Uh, luckily we do have a- uh, a costume! A, uh, Bon costume! Uhm, the uh, sister company gave it to us a while ago. So, y'know, if you wanna earn some, uh, extra bucks, you might wanna pop in that thing. Dance around, tell some jokes, whatever. Uh, Felix will probably tell you what to do, they're kids, they're stupid anyway, they won't notice. Uhm, just- try ignore the smell. Right, uh, that, uh- that reminds me. Uhm, uh- apparently, uhm, apparently some employee might've, uh, might've been, uh. Smoking pot. In the men's bathroom. Uh, so, uhm, just, just- um. Y'know, don't mind the smell, if you, uh, keep the windows open, just try and freshen up the place. Uh, make sure Felix doesn't notice. Uh- I- uh, wouldn't want whoever that was to, y'know, get in trouble. If, uh, if they did smoke pot in there, which I doubt. But, y'know, just in case. So, uh, yeah! That's it, goodnight.
The next audio, Richie 4, is titled "AUD07-01-74BCKSTG-DAY", meaning it was recorded on the 1st of July, 1974. I've transcribed it as follows:
Hey man! Okay, so, uh, we got some good news, and some bad news. So I'll start with the good news! So, uh, Boss is happy! He said we did good work- said we did good work on the first week. You did a good job with the Bon costume actually, I was surprised. I actually got it all recorded on film, so, uh, if you want, I can show that to you next week. Or, I could use it to blackmail you at some point in the future? Kidding, kidding, kidding. Uh, nah, I wouldn't do that. Uh, um, oh yeah, uh! I bet you're happy to hear: Bon will be back on stage by tomorrow! Yeah, uh, Felix set it up himself, so uh, maybe they worked out their differences after all! Sorry, just, trying to make a joke. Um, right, ah, okay onto the, uh, the not so good news. Uh, so, um, we- uh, we have a- um. We have a associate. I- uh, I believe she does the, uh, art for the restaurant. Um, she's been coming in a lot lately, she keeps going on about like, her, uh, husband or something. She's not well. Um, to put it lightly, I- I don't wanna sound mean, but. She, uh, there's something wrong with her. And, and uh, I- I believe you know her? Uhm, like, um, you've been talking to her whenever she comes in, um. I- I appreciate it, I appreciate it, right? Um, and I'm glad you are, y'know, helping her. Uh, but, mmn. How do I say this? Um, she's been- uh, she's been, uh, let go out of the company yesterday, and uh, so, it's now a company policy that if a former employee makes any sort of drama inside the restaurant, uhm, they'll be permanently banned from entering, so. Uh, if- if you see her again, tell her to keep quiet. It's, um, Boss' orders. Uhm, I'm sorry if that- I'm sorry if that's insensitive, um. Okay. Okay, uh, lighter note: nobody got lost in the maze! So, good job! Uh, you're a natural! Or whatever. Uhm, uh, okay, on with the, uh, bad news, I guess. More bad news, uhm. The backstage is now locked for the week. Um, I asked staff for explanations and they refused to elaborate, so um. Ba- uhm, Banny will be off the stage for a few days, uh, so, keep the curtain on Banny's stage closed. Uhm, what else? Oh, uhm, all of the, uh, animatronics must be sent to the men's bathroom at night, instead of backstage. So, uh, yeah! Uh, let me know how you've been. Um, I had a blast last week. I will say, uh, you make a really good cook! I'll tell you that. So um, yeah, see you tomorrow then. Goodnight!
The next audio, Richie 5, is titled "AUD07-12-74LLY-NIGHTS", meaning it was recorded on the 12th of July, 1974. The second part of this title likely is "Lily nights" and refers to Lily's birthday party. I have transcribed the audio as follows:
Uh, hola amigo! Is that how you s- is that how you say it? Agh, I never knew how to say it. Uh, yeah! Uh, good things are happening, my friend. Uh, the- the backstage is still locked. Uh, but! The, uh, the generator room is where we sh- should be, uh- should be keeping the robots for now. Right- uh, we actually, uh, we actually have a new one. Uh, agh, what's the name, what's the name? Bob- uh, Bobby the clown! Buh- buh- Billy the clown! Billy- ah- yeah, Billy. He, uh, just arrived yesterday, actually. Um, top of the line technology, man, I'll tell you. I- I was messing with their, uh, little radio thing all day. Uh, Bon seems to be working fine now. Uh, his- his, uh- his gloves keep falling off? Like, uhm- not gloves, uh, what- what're they called? Uhm, blue hand thing- y'know, the suit, uhm. And it's revealing the mech underneath. Uh, so just, uh, be careful with like, the hands and stuff. Okay, whatever, uhm. The, uh, oh yeah, we have a birthday party coming up! A birthday party on the, uh, the tw- no, uh, fourteenth? Yeah, the fourteenth. Uh, we're going to be using the, uh, Billy robot. It's actually, um, the daughter of one of our associates, uhm. Augh, what was the name? Forgot the name, doesn't matter. So yeah, uh, we gotta m-make it look extra good, okay? Uh, I might even come over, y'know, show up in the Bon costume myself. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. Uh, well, if you show up, actually, we could, y'know, stay smokin' in the arcade area? You smoke, right? Ah, whatever. Um, yeah! Look forward to seeing you there. Take care, man!
The last audio, Richie 6, is titled "AUD07-20-74CLSD-MRNING", meaning it was recorded on the 20th of July, 1974, the day Bon's Burgers shut down. Transcribed, it reads as follows:
C'mon, man, where the hell have you been? Some big shit happened, alright!? Whuh- we're- we're sh'down! It's fucking bad, dude, we are SHUTTING DOWN! We're DONE! We're fucking DONE, Alright? Augh, god, I- I- I clocked in last night, right? Some staff were still in the restaurant, right? It's all good, it's all okay. FOUR IN THE MORNING, I get a call from NORMAN, right, telling me the cops BROKE INTO THE PLACE, right? Some call about, like, SCREAMING inside the fucking restaurant? Whole neighborhood was freaked out. They- uh- they checked the place, most doors were locked so they just shrugged it off, anyway. There- there's nobody inside. But, uh, Norman's shutting us down! He said the- the- the scene it caused is humiliating. Alright, everyone's outside the fucking restaurant, claiming that somebody got killed! It's fucking BAD, man. Agh, he gave us, uh, THREE DAYS, we have three days to shut everything down. Ugh, sorry, oh god. Sorry, it's been a fucking crazy night. Uh, there is, uh, the bo- sorry. Uh, the Boss came up with a new plan, alright? He hasn't shared it with CyberFun yet. But, uh, long story short, we gotta take all the fucking items from this place and put them in a truck and take 'em to the storage place somewhere. Tha- he didn't say where. It- uh- it's BIG fucking money, dude, alright? It'll only take a few days. Uh, you in? Also, uh, just for the record, don't- don't tell this to anyone, okay? See you tomorrow, then. See you tomorrow, man. I'll be there at six, Bon's.
Revisiting the main page, the new Silent Night audio contains a peculiarity that might go unnoticed.
If you listen for long enough (a little more than four minutes), you can hear backwards text-to-speech audio overlaid on top of the end of The First Noel. When reversed, this speech can be heard as such:
Transcribed, this audio reads as follows:
"[We] here at BSI apologize for the confusion regarding the shocking scene from last night. Apparently, screams for help were heard inside our installations. Thanks to the help of the Brighton police department, this has been confirmed as a hoax and that nobody has been harmed inside our restaurant. Nevertheless, for budget reasons, we are shutting our doors until further notice. Thanks for joining us on this small adventure. Kindly, the Bunny Smiles family."
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My playthrough so far of Professor layton vs phoenix wright, I have watched a walkthough but it was years ago, will be intresting seeing it again after so long. I will be pointing out some bits I find intresting
First up the menu before you meet the ace attorney and the spirit medium.
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Luke is whispering to the air.
After a cute little puzzle we get to the meat of the story.
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I was kind of like 'ugh.... of course' when I realized his name's pun. It wouldn't be an ace attorney game without names that are too clever for their own good. Wish it didn't take me years to realize what it was.
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Oh! this is nice, I have played a few Professor Layton games in the past! (I'm a pretty recent fan) The UI is a lot better then the other games, I like it tells you how many puzzles and hint coins you can find!
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Yup that is a car up in the tree.
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Noticed the weird space between Layton and Luke, Guess it will be filled in later but it is kind of weird
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The witch you were chasing had one giant eye. I think its easy to make a connetion here. But why is it just here? I'm pretty sure civials use this bridge every day. Also espellas cape is just on the ground. it was also pretty easy getting into the passage way.... Its pretty easy with hinesight what exactly is going on here.
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Yeah! Puzzle solved. The art is pretty too, looks like stained glass.
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A bit of foreshadowing in this tunnel, (if you know, you know.) Also Hey Espella! hows the floor?
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guiltknight-gaming · 2 years
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered (PC) Episode 87: Trail of The Cat (No Gam...
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maiji · 8 months
Canadians! Creators and general public who care about what's happening with generative AI! Our government has a public consultation on copyright and generative AI, in particular its impact on creative industries and "whether change is required to further improve or reinforce copyright policy for a modern, evolving Canadian economy."
Form closes this Mon Jan 15, 2024. As I type this that is tomorrow! but that means there's still time to share your thoughts, and help spread the word to inform potential updates to the Copyright Act!
Because this is a formal government consultation, the survey language can be... challenging. The amazing @jammyness has made a video walkthough to help! Check it out here: https://mastodon.social/@jam/111749614602658312
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m45tau · 2 months
When the contract was complete, Sebastian felt his raging emptiness grow inside of him, like he really was this dark mass of gravity — a collapsar, eating the light of human souls. Except, this light tainted him instead and destroying something of this quality, even for a beast like him, seemed an unspeakable crime. If he can’t make himself have it, no one will have it and he will make sure of it. Of yearning and rebirth.
Special thanks to @just-themys-fanarts, who let me use their idea: it made me spiral into void of a chthonic mood. In the making of this fic, I watched (Let The Right One In, Jeeves and Wooster) and rewatched (DC Lucifer, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro) several movies and shows; watched Indika game walkthough, researched some gothic novels, refreshed my poor knowledge of chess, consulted my tarot friend (hi, Taeil!). It was a wild journey.
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manonamora-if-reviews · 10 months
The Loneliest House by Tabitha O’Connell
IFDB - Game - @tabitha-writes Note: this was a La Petite Mort entry, and submitted to the Bare-Bones Jam
Summary: You’ve always been drawn to the lonely old house on the hill outside your town. It’s been abandoned for as long as you’ve lived here; you’ve never seen it get any care or attention. To everyone else, it’s just a part of the scenery. But to you it’s always been something more–a mystery, an omen, a promise.
This is a short parser letting the players use only one command: examine (X / L), where the point is to examine the abandoned house, and its different element, as if you were exploring it. Examining an element gives you a description, which focuses on other smaller elements, which if you examine those will describe further details, and... so on and so forth until the details are simply too small to see, or until you examined all elements to reach the end.
The gameplay reminded me of Nested, where checking an element gives you details you can look out, each if checked will give out subsequent details, and... Except, unlike Nested, TLH doesn't loop back to repeat ad infinitum if you take one specific path.
As for the whole, it felt a bit voyeuristic, especially in the descriptions of each details of the house, as, even if it is abandoned, you sort of see yourself opening the door or looking out the scenery from the window. You wish you could be inside the house, but you can't. You're on the other side of the fency, gazing with envy at the house. It's pretty eerie...
Also: +1 for including a walkthough! -1 for not being able to pet the dog (/jk)
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