#Lunch (devil summoner)
kplays · 1 year
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Lunch. Or his actual name Junnosuke Kitagawa.
Hey same last name as Yusuke! Where's the crossover fanfiction!
I may as well put my data for the love club here.
It's data that should be readable, If not the best presented. IDK. It's once again almost 3am, so I should just wrap this up and get ready to sleep.
Here goes. After this shot
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Love club answers for females
A.Do people say they want to protect you
A1- Pretty often (
A2. Not really
B. What kind of Music do you prefer
B1- Jazz
C- How dedicated are you to your style?
C1- I won't change it for anyone
C2-I can changed 
D- Men who wear expensive clothes
D1- I love their flashy ways
D2-not interested
E- what is a better decoration
E1- a crystal skull
E2- a stained glass mobile
Answering all 1s gets you Victor the vampire Demon Fuser!
So lets vary that result by answering Pop at Q2, and continue to pick 1s
F- you and your Boyfriend meet a demon
F1- Ill protect him
F2- Please protect me
G- what do you think of martial arts
G1- I'm actually interested
G2- I don't like violence
H- where would you go with your lover 
H1- Id want to go outside
H2- Id want to spend time inside
i- what present would you get your lover
i1 - A home made cake
i2- clothes that fit him
Answering all 1s from change poin,You get, an actual child Yuichi
Picking C2 at question C. Rest all first option repeats the above
Picking the stained glass mobile after answering all 1 answers got me Original Kyouji Kuzunoha's in his currently stolen body. 
 Ok, lets try a different track 
A1- Pretty often 
A2. Not really )
Ohh new question
J- are you bored of your everyday life?
J1- its boring )
J-2 nope
K- what season do you like more
K1- winter
K2- summer
L:- Eternal life or eternal beauty
L1- Life
L2- Beauty
M-what do you think of age differences
M1- age is nothing but a number
M2- they're kind of icky
By picking A2, J1, K2 I got a new question
N- what do you think of talkative guys?
N1- fine in my book
N2- … not my type
N2 got me a new question
O- what do you think about willpower? 
O1- It can make dreams come true
O2- Life doesn't work that way
O2 picked
P- would you eat your favorite food forever?
P1- it would be heaven
P2- Id get tired of it someday
P2 picked
Q- what do you look for in a man
Q1- he has to be cute
Q2- its all about personality
Q2- Got Spooky
Lets go back and pick O1
New question
R- what would you drink with your lover
R1- Tea
R2- coffee
R1- Spooky is a tea drinker apparently
P2- gets me Lunch
Q1 leads to new question
S- the latest Fads…?
S1- I keep up with them
S2- Im not interested in them 
Six is gotten by keeping up with latest fads
Funny for the guys, saying you believe in god, that you a wizard, and that you can talk with demons all the time, results in no girlfriend for you. 
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internally-screeching · 3 months
I'm writing an essay about Heathers the movie for school and why is no one talking about how gay they were in the movie??
Like I mean genuinely looking at it and going huh. I mean yes I want the two to kiss but like they way that everyone compared Heaters and Mean Girls no one goes wow Heather Chandler/Regina are so incredibly gay?!
Like in the movie Chandler is so genuinely possessive of Veronica. Whenever Veronica talks to J.D in the movie there Chandler dragging her away. She sees only Veronica as her equal in the movie too. She likes the other Heathers, and I'm sure is aware it's better to have those who could destroy hour socia, standong close but whenot comes to it Chandler genuinely thinks of Veronica as her only equal. In the lunch time poll she literally makes Heather Duke into a table for her only intellect equal in the group, Veronica.
When she meets J.D at the convenience store Chandler acts like a jealous girlfriend glaring at J.D and Veronica as the two flirt. She could just be annoyed that they're going to be late but she seems uncaring of others so it stands to reason she's jealous and possessive. This time she doesn't physically pull Veronica away from J.D but it has the same effect.
She and J.D are even foil characters two sides of the same coin in the role that they play in Veronica's life. Chandler tries to corrupt her with power and the ability to do whatever she wants. So long as Veronica and her standing side by side so long as they enforce the societal power. While J.D tries to corrupt her with power and the ability to destroy whatever she wants. So long as Veronica and him stand side by side and destroy the system. I mean honestly while Chandler is alive in the film she and J.D compete for the converted spot of the devil sitting on Veronica's shoulder and the object of Veronica's affection.
She doesn't seem to like any of the men, only acknowledging that she needs them to find her desirable to maintain her power at Westerburg High. She's only a junior and worshipped yes but she doesn't seem interested in pursuing a man like Regina or even the other Heathers. She's intent ln Veronica staying beside her side as her only equal.
Even when she dies she's uncaring of why Veronica is in her room (never mind the fact that Veronica knows her schedule and her so well she can tell you what she was meant to be doing and what she's doing instead) but Chandler is unbothered by Veronica, her hackles are raised again by J.D and J.D only. Obviously having a friend over isn't too weird but Chandler doesn't seem all that interested in hosting little get togethers at her house. When she drinks the cup she looks over St Veronica before she dies.
I mean even when forging her suicide note Veronica can tell J.D what words Chandler failed on her fucking spelling test?! I mean I'm still in high school (albeit my last year) but I assure you I've never known the exact words my friend has gotten wrong in a spelling test. Or even what questions someone got wrong in any test. And remembered that. Veronica and Chandler obviously spend a lot of time together. More so than just friends likely would.
I mean this is even exemplified when you think about Kirt's throw away line about a Veronica and Heather Chandler sandwich. For a man who then goes on to date rape Heather McNamara his immediate thought is that duo. Not the women he's attracted to for the next however long. Clearly Veronica and Chandler have to be pretty attached at the hip for this to be Kurt's immediate pairing (and yes I know he's just being a satirically gross hyper-masculine jock in this scene but you know).
And this should go without mentioning she is literally summoned to the cafeteria by Chandler. Yes this is just an example of the red Heather's power being able to call her underlings whenever she wants but she in the movie almost always outside of this is lushing away the other Heathers or other characters, outside of this summoning she is always trying to get others further away from her. Never closer.
To conclude, Heather Chandler is a repressed lesbian who has a crush on Veronica and instead of dealing with it like a normal teenager flirting she makes Veronica join her clique where she offers an intellectual equal and power and Veronica betrays her by choosing J.D over her and also killing her but less so.
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bloogers-boogers · 10 months
I was thinking of an au where Craig calls Cartman for help during a really bad breakup with Tweek. He asks him to help him get Tweek back and Cartman couldn't find himself to say no (+plus something for exchange) so he ends up suggesting something very basic as making Tweek jealous. Initially, Cartman thought he had everthing calculated until both him and Craig figure out that the both "boyfriend" candidates weren't willing to do the job not even for cash.
So they were left with no more options. However while Cartman was thinking for another solution Craig suggests him to be his boyfriend which leaves Cartman both in shocked and in a panic.
"Dude I'm not dating you! What makes you think I'd do that? I would not hear the end of this with my friends!"
"It's just for the month or until Tweek snaps! Stop being such an asshole. I'm also putting my reputation at point by dating you."
So after a bunch of talking (negotiating) Cartman ends up agreeing to do this. Monday hits and they start settling the plan by snooping around and making Clyde their primary target, making him suspicious and eventually discovering the two snuggling behind some bushes.
And lord an behold, next day everyone had their eyes on them. Whispering, gossiping, giving them the eyes, some looked concerned. But most importantly, they succeeded for the rumor to spread of their so called "secret" relationship.
Some of the girls whispered about feeling bad for Tweek as he entered and walked furious through the hallway.
Tweek eventually find Stan and Kyle, and straight up goes twoards them.
"Is it true?"
"Hey, Tweek. What's up?" Stan asks, clearly aware of the issue but was too awkward to add anything more.
"Is it true?" Tweek repeatedly said more sternly.
"Dude, be smart. It's probably some scheme Cartman is doing," Kyle spoke after brief seconds, "I just can't point out what he'd gain from this..." he added lastly before his eyes darted away from Tweek's, seemingly in thought.
"I figured. My Craig would never go that low".
And after that last thing said the devil was summoned. And Cartman had approached the three with a 'innocent' smile.
"Hey, broships.
Tweek." He seethed out the blonds name. Already taking note of the other's furious appearance.
Seconds after Tweek grabs him from his coat and slams him harshly against the lockers; startling everyone there and ofcourse Cartman. Who cursed out loud because of the impact on his back.
It was quite a sight for the students that they started forming a circle around them.
"They're not false, Tweek." A nonchalant but familiar voice chimes in making the blond gasp silently as he kept his eyes still on the brunette. "We're dating.
Are you okay, Eric?"
The other students gasped, Stan and Kyle were left speechless. Mostly Kyle who watched in disbelief at Craig and then looked at Cartman for any left affirmation of this but the brunette was too focus on getting loose from Tweeks grip to even notice.
"Do I look okay?! Get this bitch off me!!" Cartman screamed annoyed as Tweek let go.
He gave one look at Craig before marching to class without a word said leaving everyone else watching. Again, except for Kyle who still remained looking at Cartman with a open mouth and a shocked expression.
The bell rang and this was Craig's signal to grab Cartman's hand and drag him away from the others. As the students disperse different ways and head to their respective classrooms.
At class Craig was second doubting about the whole thing, a little anxious and wondering if Tweek would ever forgive him after he tells him this is all some set up to get back with him. But what's done is done, and he has to follow through with it.
Eventually lunch time came along and he and Cartman sat in a table apart from others they use this as an opportunity to talk about their situation and the responses of their peers; mostly close friends and ofcourse Tweek's.
Craig was pleased to hear that Cartman was told by Kenny about how Tweek started questioning further about them during forth period mostly interrogating Stan and Kyle as if he suspected them to know more considering they're close friends with Cartman. However they had nothing and Kyle was skeptical and still unsure about the whole relationship thing aswell.
Speaking of Kyle, he waited at last period outside Craig's classroom and the moment he had come out from class Kyle yanked his arm and dragged him away from the crowd of students, not leaving him to process anything of what was going on.
Craig looked at him confused as the redhead checked that no one was around before speaking up.
"What did Cartman get you into? Is he blackmailing you? Is he forcing you to do this?" Kyle began rambling about Cartman typical ways and that he'd understood if he were being blackmailed by Cartman and that he could help him get out from it if he told him the truth.
All of this talking was beginning to overwhelm Craig and he didn't know why it surprised him that Kyle would come his way just to prevent something involving Cartman when both of them are obsessed in some way with each other. It isn't new to him neither to the rest of the school or town.
"Dude, shut up already. I'm not being manipulated, blackmail neither 'threatened' by Cartman," he hold back as he made sure to sound and look convincing to Kyle.
Kyle on the other hand was giving him these strong vibes, Craig just couldn't tell what it was but his stare was intensely focused on him and he was feeling uncomfortable. Normally he doesn't usually speak with any of these assholes aside from Kenny's and sometimes Cartman so he figured that must've been it. The abruptness of the whole thing and who it was.
"I really like Eric," he frowned with uncertainty, it feels so wrong to say that when he was thinking of Tweek. But he must sound believable.
Kyle frowned disappointed with the answer and began looking at him from feet to head as if he was trying so hard to find something on him.
And a couple of minutes an another ramble about not trusting Cartman blah blah blah, the redhead finished off with giving him a warning and to be cautious. Also call him if anything, which Craig just sighed annoyed once he was out of sight.
"Dude, I just got a 10 hr lecture from Kyle," he spat annoyed as he entered the other's home.
They had agree on coming to Cartman's house every day after school to discuss their progress. However Craig was annoyingly frustrated because their plan never had a added bonus of having to deal with some paranoid motherfucker.
Cartman was in his couch writing down who knows what in some notebook.
"Yeah, that's normal. Just ignore him everytime he tries to approach you with something," Cartman just answers so casually and unfazed by it as he continued writing in the notebook.
"So what, I'll just have to deal with that? The hell, fatboy? How do I get him to leave me alone!"
Cartman just laughed, "He won't leave you alone, you'll just have to deal with him until all of this ends."
"I don't want to deal with him! I only want to be focused on Tweek not worry for my next 10 hr lecture."
"Yeah, well. What do you want me to say? Kyle has always been like that ever since I dated Heidi. Get over it and ignore him, cause he'll do anything to keep anyone from getting close to me. Something about it never ending healthy, me being unworthy, heartless all that shit that's link to being a monster or whatever," Cartman finally put his pencil aside and passed him the notebook. Gesturing for he to read it.
Craig didn't until he was given some answer to get Kyle to leave him alone.
"Don't you think that's a little excessive even for you? Like, yeah you're and asshole and shit, no one really SHOULD get with you but that isn't really his business or no one else's but yours."
Cartman paused as he looked around seemingly in thought before shrugging. "Can't stop the ginger."
Craig frowned and got tired of insisting, dropping the whole subject taking account that Cartman didn't seem bothered by it or remotely interested of preventing Kyle from getting involved.
He looked at the notebook in hand and Cartman explained to him that they were instructions of how their "relationship" was gonna work from now on. Gestures, compliments, cheek kisses a peck on the mouth goodbye and in extremes cases a genuine kiss with tongue.
Craig wondered if it truly was worth it when firstly Tweek was giving him the cold shoulder and two, KYLE.
Two weeks in it was either being bluntly ignored by Tweek (worse if they accidentally bump into eachother Tweek would glare at him) or Kyle pestering about how he should reconsider the class of guy he’s with and to break up with him already. Even though Cartman surprisingly has been following the rules he had made to a tee. So he was being a "good" boyfriend infront of everyone.
"I'm telling you it's all an act. Cartman wants something I can feel it! You really shouldn't trust him, Craig. Besides don't you still have feelings for Tweek?"
'God this loser' Craig thought as he closed his locker and continued walking, trying to mind his own damn business.
"Kyle, for the millionth time. I'm not breaking up with Eric. So just stop insisting on breaking my relationship with him cause it's not happening."
Kyle reaction this time was very diffrent from the other confrontations they've had. This time his face was red as if he was embarrassed and he seem sad for a second before he covered it up with a scowl, "I'm not trying to force you to break up with him! I just THINK you should reconsider it. He doesn't even fit the type of guys you're interested in!"
Craig arched a brow to that, "and what exactly is my type?"
"I don't know, blonds?"
Craig huffed, "Dude why does it matter so much to you? Just let it be. If he does something then I'll handle it on my own, that's my problem not yours!"
He was about to walk off but he stopped when Kyle snapped at him, "WHAT DO YOU EVEN LIKE ABOUT HIM?! What was it that got you to look at him and say to yourself 'fuck I want his fatass'! Cause Cartman has done nothing to you for you to like him! Look at him or touch him! So why do you like him?!" it startled the shit out of him he stood still now looking at the fuming redhead, "he's a narcissistic bigoted piece of shit who belittles people for fun and a freaking racist! What's so charming about that? Why put yourself with a person you know isn't good for you! Is it some challenge for you? Are you challenging yourself to change Cartman?? Cause fuck you! He won't!"
"Dude. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Craig spat in disbelief. Kyle scoffed dryly before silently stomping away in defeat.
Maybe he finally realized how crazy he sounded.
A day after Cartman enters his room with out notice, taking him off guard while changing clothes.
Cartman sat on his desk chair, "Kyle knows." He spat casually as he checks his nails.
"Yeah I told him yesterday."
"Why the hell would you tell him?!"
"Cause he wasn't leaving me alone about it," Cartman shrugged as it his reasons were obvious.
"Dude you said we couldn't tell anyone and that 'Kyle does it all the time, get over yourself and ignore him' !!"
"I never said I would. Don't trip, Kyle won't say anything," he shrugged it off with his hand, "also that's not why I'm here for."
Craig arched a brow confused as he zipped his pants up.
"Kyle told me something interesting yesterday about Tweek. You're welcome btw, cause if I hadn't told Kyle about this you wouldn't be getting this information at all, but whatever I guess.
Anyways, Tweek is planning to talk to you on Friday so don't mess it up."
"Wait, why all of the sudden?"
"I dunno man, jesus, that's what Kyle overheard during P.E. but if you want to know more about it, you can ask Tolkien. Cause that's who Tweek was talking with."
Craig bit his lip contemplating it but denied with his head, "nah, I'll just wait till Friday and find out from Tweek."
Cartman groaned annoyed, "you're so boring and plain no wonder Tweek broke up with you in the first place."
"Tweek broke up with me because I have problems communicating atleast that's what he says I do."
"Uhuh. He does got a point, cause you suck."
"Can you get out of my house already!"
It was Wednesday and he can for sure tell Kyle was no longer gonna be a problem for him, not even a glance his way since he arrived to school; like how it normally was before he announced "dating" Cartman. Well atleast the first few periods, lunch time however Cartman decided to sit with his friends and Kyle look his way for a few seconds before returning his attention on Stan.
He sighed relieved that he no longer had to deal with all of that.
And after what feels like an eternity he finally was able to sit with his friends without feeling uncomfortable around Tweek. He was still ignoring him and was sitting right next to Tolkien but not much drama aside from Clyde's typical gossip.
He couldn't help but take sneak glances at Tweek. His blond locks, pale skin, he even missed seeing those dark eye circles on his beautiful face. He wants to plant plenty of kisses in ever corner and inch of it.
"So, how things with Cartman?" Tolkien asked.
Craig scoffed awkwardly before taking a sip from his soda, "normal I guess?"
"This time you guys didn't sit together?"
"We don't always have to be stuck to the side of the other every hour of every day. I missed hanging out with you guys and he apparently missed hanging out with his friends. Nothing serious."
"You and Tweek always were," Clyde added with not much thought, Jimmy just smacked the back of his head with one of his crutches, "OW!"
"No we weren't, ngh!" Tweek spat defensive. Finally he spoke.
It's been awhile since Craig heard Tweek speak and honestly he could hear him for hours.
But in reality they did. They were very codependent with the other, not that it was toxic in a way but there were moments when he did feel suffocated by Tweek's panic attacks or him being too clingy. He no longer felt like he could asked for space cause that also made Tweek worry.
Craig knew well enough that Tweek knew that, it's not like he hasn't pointed it out before. So it doesn't faze him to see Tweek react that way, he's was always insecure about and tried working on it but he just made it worse by calling him at nights and asking him "was I being too much today?" So yeah, Clyde definitely hit a nerve right there.
And honestly he feels like he was about to hit a few more just to see his reaction.
"Eric isn't the type to stay too long in the same spot with the same person. You'd think someone as clingy like Eric would want to spend hours with you but he's always finding excuses to hang out with his friends or gets easily distracted with something else so I let this one slide because I felt bad."
"Sounds like he's avoiding spending time with you," Tweek spat dryly while poking at his tray.
Craig would smile widely because Tweek had spoken with him if it were that he has to remind himself that they were broken up and he was currently in a relationship with someone else.
"No. I just noticed that pattern with everyone he interacts with, it's like he's always trying to discover something new or get into some wacky adventure."
"You really must like him to notice that," Clyde added with interest, "first time we've heard you talk about a attribute of Cartman in that way."
Craig arched a brow confused, he actually thought he was playing pretty well the roll of boyfriend but maybe in speaking volumes he was never the best at. Even if this was fake.
In reality he just sucked in expressing himself.
"Yeah. This is all new to me y'know, it feels nice to have some freedom in a relationship for once."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tweek scowled as he looked up at Craig.
Yeah, he definitely hit the nail on this one.
Thursday morning was like a breeze, the only odd thing about it was that Cartman wasn't too interesting in displaying much of their "couple" act. He claimed he was feeling something was gonna happen tomorrow and that it would finally end this facade once and for all, so he felt there was no need to continue proving people they were a couple when they already seemed convinced anyways. Also he noticed he kept giving glances at Kyle when he held his hand or place a small kiss on his cheek and he didn't kiss him on the lips goodbye either like the previous times. This time he only planted a kiss on his forehead with a hop and left the scene quickly.
Finally friday morning, and now unlike the other two days he was starting to feel the weight of the whole situation. He was dying to know what Tweek had to say or if he was still planning to talk with him after what happened on Wednesday. Still, he was nervous.
He sat in his desk and place his hand on each side of his head looking down while trying to reassure himself everthing would be fine.
He looked up and was surprised to be greeted by Kyle who was holding on to his backpack strap.
"Just making sure, but after you and Tweek talk things out today you and Cartman are gonna end this whole dating thing right?"
"Even If it's not what you expect it to be. Like getting back together, you'll leave Cartman out of this?"
"Why should that matter?"
"Because it does. It's clear it wouldn't matter if you continue 'dating' Cartman so why drag him with you. If things with Tweek doesn't work out in the end then you should just learn to move on and let Tweek do the same. Even if it hurts."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Kyle!" Cartman sprinted inside the classroom and grabbed the redhead's arm, glaringly, then looks at Craig, "seems you're getting ready for the big day huh."
Kyle glared back at Cartman but rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Aren't you supposed to be heading to your class, fatass."
"I was until I saw you talking with Craig and I don't want you running your mouth for everyone to hear."
"I wasn't planning to say shit," Kyle then yanked his arm away from him, "and let go of me!"
Kyle walked towards his desk and sat down.
"Whatever he told you it's a lie," Cartman spat out.
"He didn't tell me anything?"
"Are you prepared for what you're gonna say to Tweek ?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well duh? What are you planning to tell him if he asks you to take him back?"
"That's it?"
"Yeah? What's wrong with that?"
"Dude, you're so dry! You need to make sure you're prepared for any question asked, what if he doesn't even want to talk about your relationship? What if it's something else? What then huh?"
Craig didn't consider that as a possibility, being that there's nothing left about them besides their previous relationship. So what if Cartman is right? What if Tweek isn't gonna speak with him over their breakup? What then... what would he speak to him about?
And thats all i have! This is literally the creek/kyman au i mentioned u guys previously i wanted to post it before it gets forgotten in my drafts, i would love for your opinions on this concept 😭
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
A rabbit braver than any wolf | Yurgir
[Heavy smut, big size difference, mortal x fiend, stomach bulging, cockwarming, praise and degradation, mortal fleshlight, bottom sub reader, nb!reader]
The hero of Baldur's Gate has been coming down to the hells consistently to visit their favourite orthon. After 100 years of solitude, Yurgir grows obsessed with the feeling of your pretty hole clenching around him.
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“Until then, good luck to you, little rabbit. You're a finer hunter than any wolf.”
He's been talking again, about you.
All of the nine hells must know your name by now. News travelled fast since that day, when you've slain a devil in his own house.
And yet, it should've died down by now, that was years ago, after all.
But thanks to one orthon who has not stopped bringing you up to all and any of those willing to listen, your legacy is still being written to this day.
The proud hero of Baldur's Gate, the bravest warrior of Faerun, is bedding a whole fiend thrice their size during their spare time.
Oh, everyone knows by now. You might as well get your own fiendish citizenship from the number of times you've been summoned down below to the hells. And like any good little rabbit, you've come down dressed to the nines in each one of those times.
There is something very exhilarating about holding power over someone, about how no matter how many times Yurgir saw you, he still lost his breath each and every single time. You swore the man would forget his own name at the sight of you, doesn't matter if you were wearing the most modest of clothes or the most expensive of lingerie.
You've heard the words he has been spreading around, heard the gossip circling about you being his bed-warmer, his favourite mortal plaything, beloved fleshlight.
Did any of the devils he has been talking the ears off of imagine the two of you fucking? They're fiends, of course they have. They probably have discussions about what sexual positions the two of you prefer, whilst they're having lunch as if it was the weather they're talking about.
Oh if only they knew.
You wonder, how would Yurgir's own personal army of hounds and fiends react to their brave leader of a giant Orthon becaming so weak at the knees at the mere sight of your bare chest? You've seen the glaze of lust and hunger over his eyes whenever you'd slowly remove your underwear or push it to the side, how easy he was to rile up.
Suddenly, all his big talk outside about you being at his back and call whenever or wherever he pleased, is gone.
All his barking about you being addicted to the feeling of his large cock stretching you out, has vanished.
He's speechless around his little rabbit, stunned each and every time by the sheer heavenly feeling of your lips against his hardened red skin. The softness of your skin pressed against his large frame.
How his whole hand can easily fit around your waist, lift you up like a ragdoll. He's completely enamoured with how small you are in comparison to him, how fragile this mortal body of yours is, the same body that not only killed him before but took down a whole devil with him as a witness.
He has never been more turned on in his entire life by anyone else.
Fiends can only dream of heaven. It's beyond a fantasy.The one place they are not allowed to even exist in.
And to Yurgir, you're the closest he will ever get to touching the heavens, to experiencing utter bliss.
He can't describe it even if he tried. He has sworn off any incubus or succubus since he has tasted your lips. Because, how could any other flesh compare? How could any other tight hole compete with his little rabbit's.
This was another one of those days where he was lucky enough for you to answer his call, to accept his summoning invitation. Each time he sends one out, part of him still fears your rejection.
Or worse, you ignoring him.
He's become nothing but addicted to you, your smell, taste, and the sound of your moans. It's hard to imagine even reaching orgasm without your body pressed against him.
What have you reduced him to, little rabbit? He comes crawling back to you each time he even has the smallest urge to get off because he knows his hand would never satisfy him. He can't even touch himself anymore.
And just like always, in the span of an hour or two, a portal opens up in the middle of his home as you step out of it.
The sight of you has his cock twitching already, oh how stunning you look. Those eyes of yours that clearly know your effect on him, that meet his gaze with such fierce fire and confidence, the little warrior inside you has never died down no matter how many years has passed
“How I've missed you, little one, come to me.” His voice comes out in a low rumble, stepping forward to meet you halfway through as you throw yourself into his embrace.
He holds you in his arms, taking a deep breath of your scent. Stiff muscles relaxing at the feeling of your soft skin. A battle hardened body meant for fighting and endurance becomes akin to putty in your hands.
There's a low growl sounding from him. He's barely held you and is already at his limits.
It's a good thing that there is no night and day cycle deep in the hells, isn't it?
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the room, mixed with his loud growling and groaning. The pretty little moans pouring out of your lips follow after.
Your feet are dangling below you, they can't reach the floor.
He's standing behind you as he has one hand completely wrapped around your stomach and waist, fingers pressing against the bulge on your stomach.
Feeling his own cock against his hand from your insides, completely having you speared on it as he keeps pushing deeper and deeper. You think if he let go of you right now, you'd stay up on his cock from the sheer size of it inside you.
It's unimaginably big much like the rest of him, bumps and blunt spikes littering the thing. The head rounded and mean, bullying your insides open and going out of you with a pop before plunging back in.
You can't do anything. You're helplessly hanging in the air as gravity pushes you down to meet his thrusts. He's doing all the work of lifting you up.
In and out, in and out, he is rearranging your insides. The pleasure is unbearable as you're fucked from one orgasm to another with no break to catch your breath.
A literal mortal fleshlight, that's what you feel like.
“Little rabbit.” His voice is deeper, rumbling through the room and making you tighten around him, “your hole won't be able to close after this, it won't be able to forget the shape of my cock.”
There's clear pride in his voice.
“My fucktoy, you're doing so well, little one.” Another deep thrust and your eyes almost roll back, “I can't get enough of you, no matter how much of my cum is inside you, I might never be satisfied.”
The small puddle of cum below him that's been dripping our of your hole between each thrust is clear evidence of that, he has filled your guts time after time. You can almost taste him at the back of your throat.
Yurgir isn't at any better state than you. He feels like he is losing his mind at your velvety insides. Each clench and spasm chipping at his sanity slowly.
How can one mortal feel so good? Why do your moans sound better than any music he has ever heard?
If a fiend can feel love, then this must be it. It's beyond love it's pure obsession how much he feels like he can never live without you taking his cock every single day. He fears he might really go crazy if he can't get his relief inside you, if he can't flood your hole with his cum and watch it drip before forcing another load into you.
The pleasure never goes away, only intensifies.
He's suddenly pulling out with a loud groan, manhandling your body around and flipping you over into the bed.
Your back crashes into the soft matteress. Facing him in this new position, you witness the hungry look in his eyes, as if he wouldn't even let the gods stand between him and you at this moment.
Yurgir folds you in half, knees pushed back next to your head as he plunges himself back inside you. He's burning up, hellfire blood running through his veins and clouding his brain with lust.
All of his intelligence, self-control, and commanding charm is thrown out the window as he is reduced to an animal of pure desire.
The same brutal pace starts again, this new position allowing him to see your face clearly. The way your eyes flutter closed whenever he hits that sensitive spot inside you, the way he fucks the breath out of your lungs.
Your hands reach towards his face. He lowers himself, so you may touch him. Letting you cradle his large head between your small hands, thumbs brushing against his cheeks and guiding him even lower.
Pressing your lips against his, a single kiss is all it takes to snap his thread as he finds himself spilling over the edge again. Filling you with his cum as a loud cry breaks out of his lips, as his hold on your skin bruises your flesh.
To make him come undone with a simple kiss.
He's slowly crumbling inside, melting against you. His soul is begging to leap out of his body and weave itself with yours.
“You're…beyond anything of this world.” Breathless words are forced out of his mouth.
Hit fragile mortal, his little rabbit. His. Taking his cock so well, letting him breed you so willingly.
The urge to litter you with kisses is too strong. He leans down, and as delicately as he could, he trails a kiss after another down your neck.
You could feel how hard he is trying not to scratch you with his sharp teeth. “I would fight a hundred more blood wars just for another night of this.”
The bulge in your stomach, his cock bulging your insides just from being too big for your mortal hole, is a sight he can never get enough of.
Never slowing his thrusts down, he reaches his hand between your legs to aid you in reaching your climax faster. Overstimulating the heat between your legs, rubbing and stroking with a matching fast pace as he watches you unravel below him.
It doesn't take long for your back to arch off of the bed, thighs trembling as he completely buries his cock deep inside you to the hilt, staying still and keeping you filled to the brim while you ride out your orgasm.
He wants you to associate your pleasure with his cock, in hopes you too end up addicted to him.
You're crying out in pleasure when he picks up the pace again, not giving you a moment of rest. Shushing your cries and telling his little rabbit how this is their true purpose, how good they're being for him.
Be good for him, be a good fuckdoll of a mortal for this fiend you've corrupted. As a being born out of pure sin, he didn't think anyone could make him sink any lower into the pits of lava.
Until you came.
Your whole body is aching, legs, knees, shoulders, and insides. His face is cradled against your chest as your fingers slide up and down his large horns, toying with the pointy ends.
Soft kisses and licks against your chest, enveloping your nipples in his lips, his hot tongue swiping against them, and sending small waves of pleasure down your spine.
Yurgir is still inside you as you both laid on your sides. But the pace slowed down. He's only lazily thrusting in and out of you.
Even now, as he has been drained and milked dry, he still can't get enough, still can't get himself to pull out of you.
Is it a spell you've casted upon him? A curse you bestowed? He wants to spend an eternity with you warming his cock, with your hole always stretched to the limit around him so it may never close.
So it may never forget his shape.
“That was…you were truly magnificent, little rabbit.” He cups your face with two of his fingers.
Oh, that tired sleepy look on you tugs on his heartstrings, yet he can't bring himself to feel guilty over his overindulgence of your body.
An arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to him until you can feel his heartbeat. “Rest now, I will watch over you.”
He would tear down the heavens and split the hells for your safety, you have no doubt of that.
Eyes fluttering closed, you dose off with the comfortable feeling of him inside you. The knowledge that his cock will stay there all night, feeling every twitch or squirm around it.
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hayanwulf · 27 days
Getting together fic wherein Stephen has a particularly bad hand pain day, and he struggles to hide it from a concerned Tony. Tony offers to give him some painkillers and massage Stephen's hands, and the touch starved, miserable sorcerer accepts. Tony massages his hands until the pills kick in, and then some just because, and eventually Stephen kisses him about it
Word count got completely out of hand. I regret nothing.
Stephen had woken up to throbbing pain in his hands, then had to deal with a manticore accidentally summoned by some idiots trying to summon ‘the devil’, then had to go to the fucking North Pole to close a dimensional rift there, and when he’d finally returned to the Sanctum, it was raining.
Overall, today was a fantastic day.
The Cloak had wandered off to somewhere shortly after their return from the North Pole. So now he sat alone and miserably in his study, grunting under his breath, hands half-buried under the bottom end of the MIT hoodie he was wearing. It was Tony’s hoodie — he’d had the privilege of getting to wear it for the first time only yesterday, and had instantly stolen it — and that was the only semblance of comfort he had right now.
His phone pinged and the screen lit up with a new notification. It was a message from Tony.
Would you like some carbonara?
No.. as nice as it would be to have lunch with Tony, Stephen’s hands wouldn’t even be able to handle the fork, let alone pick up some spaghetti without dropping it all over.
He would only make a fool of himself in front of Tony.
He picked up his phone with a very shaky hand, painstakingly unlocked the screen, and then spent the next few minutes just trying to type out two words without messing up. At times like these, he thought that he should really have accepted Tony’s offer for a better, more accessible, voice-command phone.
But.. but that would be admitting that he couldn’t even do simple, normal, everyday tasks by himself.
No. Stephen was more than capable of doing completely normal tasks all by himself.
He did not need anyone’s help, much less their pity.
After much grueling effort, he had finally typed out the words in his phone. He tapped the send button.
not hungry
His text was was almost immediately marked as read. Tony didn’t send another reply, though.
He realized, a little belatedly, that he probably looked like an asshole. Tony had been trying to invite him to lunch, and he’d outright rejected.
Tony’s typing bubble appeared after a few moments, drawing Stephen’s attention. It disappeared and reappeared a couple of times. But it didn’t take Tony long to send a text.
I’ll bring some over anyway, maybe Wong would like some. I made it, btw. Was proving a point to Capsicle. There’s plenty of leftover.
Oh. Tony had made it himself.
He had wanted to invite Stephen to lunch that he had made himself.
Well. Stephen positively looked like an asshole.
He flopped his head down on his desk, groaning lightly at his own stupidity. He was an utter and complete failure of a partner.
This day just kept getting better.
He turned his head where it rested on the desk to stare out through the window.
There was a time when he used to love the rain. Rain was comfort and calmness. The sound of raindrops hitting the earth was soothing, it made the soil’s scent pleasant, it lowered the temperature to an enjoyable level that made you want to sit near a large window with a book in your lap, a hot cup of aromatic tea on the table in front of you, and just enjoy the weather. What was there to not like about rain?
Now.. now Stephen loathed rain.
The drop in atmospheric pressure was never kind to his hands. It pulled and strained his joints and muscles, until they would scream in pain.
As it stood, that was exactly what the rain was doing to his hands right now.
It had only been a few minutes when the Sanctum notified him of Tony landing on the porch. Quickly getting up from the desk, he changed out of Tony’s hoodie with a quick motion of his hand, changing into his sorcerer robes.
When Tony was in through the door, he reached for the Sanctum’s energy and teleported the genius into his study, who took a second to rebalance himself upon blinking into existence in front of Stephen.
“Ugh, really freaky,” Tony said, shaking his head a little to dispel the momentary disorientation. “You do know that I’m capable of just walking over to you myself, like a normal human being?”
“You’ll live,” Stephen said, reaching for some books lying on his desk to collect them, hopefully making it look like he had been studying and not miserably lamenting over his hands. “And Wong is not on Earth today.” He bit the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from grunting as a particularly sharp sting of pain shot up his right hand when he held three books in a stack.
“Oh, is that so.” Tony looked down rather somberly at the bag on his hand, then huffed. “Well, he’ll miss out on the best carbonara ever.”
Stephen looked down at the stack of books in his hands for a moment, then looked up at Tony. “Have you eaten yet?”
Tony shrugged. “Not really.”
“Have you brought enough for two people?”
Tony eyed him curiously. “I’ve brought enough for three people.”
For Tony, he could do this much, right? “Let me put these books back, and then we can eat together?”
Tony smiled, eyes sparkling with delight. “Let’s do that.”
Few minutes later, they in the kitchen.
Tony gleefully served the spaghetti into two plates, setting one down in front of Stephen, and sat down next to him with his own serving.
Stephen stared down at it. God, it smelled heavenly. He had no doubt that it would taste just as amazing. But..
The cursed fork.
Stephen quietly sighed, able to feel Tony’s expectant gaze on him. Well, he’d chosen this.
Tentatively, he picked up the fork with a shaky hand. His grip was shit, and trying to tighten it around the metallic handle made his muscles spasm. With whatever shaky grip he managed, he dug the fork into the spaghetti to try and lift some, that was when he heard Tony curse under his breath.
“Sorry, I didn’t even think of that,” Tony said, getting up. He reached to take the fork off of Stephen’s hand.
“Stop,” Stephen told him firmly, and Tony stilled. “Don’t. I can use a fork just fine, Tony.”
Tony was quiet for a moment. “You don’t have to. We can order something else.”
“No. You made this.”
“Yeah but that was just to prove Capsicle that I do, in fact, know how to cook food and can do it really well. We don’t have to eat this, let’s—”
“I want to,” Stephen insisted, cutting Tony off. “I want to taste the food you’ve prepared with your own hands.”
Tony’s expression was a conflicting mix of concern and warmth. “Alright..” He sat down.
And Stephen wasn’t lying. He really did want to taste food of Tony’s hands. It wasn’t just for Tony’s happiness, though that did make it all the more worth it.
If he had to sit through a bit of pain and struggle for that, so be it.
He tried again, stabbing the fork into the spaghetti, and lifted up a small amount. His hands shook, and some strands of the pasta fell back into his plate. He still managed to put some into his mouth.
Goodness, it was so much better than he’d thought. He let out a low appreciative hum as he chewed it.
“This is.. amazing, Tony,” he told Tony, who preened with a wide grin on his face.
“Of course it is. I made it, after all,” Tony crowed, stuffing his mouth with some spaghetti.
Stephen rolled his eyes and dug his fork into his plate again.
His enjoyment died down rather quickly, as his hand spasmed more with each time he tried to scoop up some spaghetti. It got harder to not drop the strands, or even keep holding on to the fork. Tony must have noticed, he thought, but was choosing not to speak on it.
Stephen preferred it that way.
There was simply no need to make a big issue out of this.
“Here,” Tony said only moments after that, making Stephen turn towards him. The genius was holding his forkful of spaghetti extended towards Stephen.
“What?” Stephen asked.
“Let me feed you,” Tony explained, raising his fork closer to Stephen in emphasis.
Stephen gave him an affronted look. “What? No! I’m not a child.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “You’re a grown ass man who doesn’t know how to ask for help. Yes, I know. That’s why I’m giving it.”
“Tony, I can eat by myself.”
Tony sighed. “Just let me do it, alright? Just like you wanted to eat my dish, I want to do this. It’s an act of service. I like doing it. Lemme do it.”
Douchebag. Using Stephen’s reasoning against him.
Stephen looked down at the fork in his shaking hands, then up at the fork being offered to him by Tony’s firm, steady hand. He sighed and dropped his fork back on his plate.
Tony gave a small, warm smile when Stephen ate from his hand.
“It wouldn’t kill you to ask for help every now and then, y’know,” Tony murmured in a low, gentle voice.
It certainly would kill Stephen’s pride, if not him, to ever ask for help from anyone in this plane of existence.
“You’ll live, I promise,” Tony added rather dryly; whether to his previous statement or if he read Stephen’s mind, Stephen wasn’t sure.
Even now, Stephen thought, he should feel embarrassed for needing help with something so trivial as eating. But..
But he didn’t.
The way Tony fed Stephen and himself with the same fork, eyes so warm and with a brilliance that could make the sun appear dull, the way he genuinely enjoyed servicing Stephen, thoughtful and patient with his action of feeding him.. Stephen didn’t feel like he was being looked down on. He didn’t feel pitied, he didn’t feel disabled.
He simply felt loved.
They ate in relative silence, save for Tony’s occasional rants on something or the other. Stephen was content to just listen and enjoy the closeness.
When they were done, Tony picked up the dishes and moved to the sink to wash them.
“Do you have painkillers?” The genius asked as he placed the clean dishes on the drying rack, and it really shouldn’t have surprised Stephen. Of course Tony had picked up that his discomfort was more than just not being able to hold a fork.
“In my room, yes,” Stephen replied. “But that won’t be needed.”
Tony tiredly rubbed his fingers over his eyes, then gave Stephen a deadpan expression that spoke ‘I’m not taking your bullshit today’.
“Really, it’s fine,” Stephen insisted.
A minute later, they were in Stephen’s room.
Tony made him sit down on the bed, handed him a pill of Naproxen, all the while grumbling under his breath something about ‘stubborn wizards’. Stephen popped the pill into his mouth, and Tony helped him gulp down a glassful of water before setting the empty glass away.
“Does it help to massage your hands?” Tony asked.
Stephen hesitated. He knew what question would follow that one.
But.. but perhaps a part of him wanted to be asked that.
“It does.”
Tony gave him a curious look, eyes open and almost pleading. “Would you let me..?”
Stephen bit the corner of his lip. He looked at the window that showed it to still be raining outside, then down at the hands on his lap, then back up at Tony.
Tony’s eyes eased into an invisible smile. He went around the bed, climbed from the other side, and settled himself at center of the large bed, back leaned against the headboard. He coaxed Stephen closer to him, who followed and leaned himself partly against the headboard, partly on Tony, and gave up his hands to Tony’s care.
Tony frowned at Stephen’s robes in distaste. “Are you seriously gonna wear that in bed too?”
Stephen huffed out a breath. He hadn’t exactly given it a lot of thought when Tony had landed in front of the Sanctum; he’d just wanted to hide Tony’s hoodie away.
With a quick motion, he changed into his own comfortable clothes — no, not Tony’s, he would not let Tony claim his MIT hoodie back anytime soon — and then relinquished his hand back in Tony’s hold. “There, happy?”
“Very fucking much. I don’t get how you can put up with wearing that 27 hours a day.”
Tony began to massage his hands. He was so gentle and careful with them, applying the lightest of pressure, massaging from the wrists slowly down to each finger. The touch of his warm fingers on Stephen’s cold ones felt soothing. In between the massage, Tony’s touches, at times, softly traced over the scars. But they never once felt intrusive. They felt like the delicate caress of a flower against a butterfly’s wing, harmless and gentle and so, so careful.
It was nice. It was safety and care and love. The pain was slowly forgotten, and Stephen’s mind was slowly lulled into a state of peace and comfort.
A moderately loud thunder crackled, and Stephen looked at the window to find it was absolutely pouring outside. The temperature had also fallen further by a few degrees. Sitting pressed against Tony and sharing their body heat, the temperature didn’t bother Stephen, nor his hands with how tenderly they were being cared for.
There was no book here, no tea, no large window to watch the rain outside. But, Stephen thought, that this weather was actually rather enjoyable.
Stephen never allowed anyone to touch his hands in such a way, or, hell, touch his hands at all. It was asking for too much trust, too much vulnerability on his side.
But with Tony.. Tony made it easy to lend him the trust, to share this vulnerability. It was so easy to let down his walls, allow this genius man in, and let him carve out a corner for himself in Stephen’s heart.
Vishanti, he was in love with this man, mind, soul, and body.
“How do you feel now?” Tony asked, looking up at Stephen with those brown, beautiful, expressive eyes.
Stephen simply leaned in, capturing his lips in a loving kiss. A sound of surprise escaped Tony’s lips, that turned into a delighted laugh as he reciprocated the kiss. Stephen channeled all of his affection, savoring Tony’s lips, hoping it communicated the sheer love he felt towards the genius.
When they parted, Stephen continued to pepper his jaw with more kisses. “Thank you, Tony,” he said as they leaned their foreheads together.
“Anyday for my Sweetcakes,” Tony said, and Stephen didn’t have to open his eyes to read the content smile on Tony’s face. His voice was more than enough.
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sheepiemc · 1 year
Seven Stupid Reasons to Summon a Demon
Reason #1: lonely
It was a day that started like any other. 
Your alarm went off (like always). 
You got ready for work (like always). 
You commuted (like always). 
You did your job for four hours (like always). 
Then, it was time for lunch. 
Normally, you opt to stay inside “the office” (or wherever it is that you work) and bring something from home to save money. But looking at your lunch — the same thing you eat almost every day — makes you sigh. 
You look out the window to the city down below. It was a gloomy morning, but now that it is midday, the sun is starting to shine through the clouds. A beam of sunlight lands on your skin and you enjoy the warmth. The ring on your finger catches the light and you look down at it. 
How ridiculous would it be to summon a demon to have lunch with you because you don’t want to eat alone? You banish the thought from your mind. You don’t want to disturb the demon you were thinking of; you are certain he has a lot on his plate (like always) and he wouldn’t appreciate being  bothered with something so trivial (like always). 
You sigh and look outside again. Maybe the fresh air will do you some good. You decide to spend your lunch break walking around downtown just because you can. Honestly, you don’t know why you don’t do this more often. You can find a lot of hidden gems this way. 
You wander around aimlessly before you happen upon a record store. It's just a little hole-in-the-wall place, mostly unassuming. When you step in, however, you're greeted by a music-lover's paradise. Multi-colored vinyl records, signed band posters, and album covers decorate the walls. The atmosphere is groovy and retro, speaking to a bygone era of funk and flower power. There’s even a disco ball hanging from the ceiling! You take in the scenery for a moment as you stand in the doorway. 
“‘Sup.” The guy behind the counter greets you without looking up. “If there’s anything you need help with or want to listen to let me know.” You nod, even though he isn’t looking at you, and go to explore the stacks. 
Your fingertips brush past rows and rows of records. You search all your favorite genres, looking out for your favorite bands, and find some gems. You don’t have a lot of money right now, so you can’t go crazy. You twist the ring on your finger as you contemplate what to get.
Actually, now that you think about it…
Maybe you can find something to add to your “special collection”. 
See, you were inspired by a certain demon to develop a “cursed” record collection of your own. Since cursed magical items are hard to come by on earth, whenever you find yourself in a place that sells records, you like to check out the classical music section for albums that feature, or are inspired by the devil. It's something you like to share with him and only him. After shuffling through the stacks, you find something you think will work. You smile impishly to yourself, proud of your new purchase.  
You make it through the rest of the workday thinking about the record. You aren't going to listen to it just yet; you like to share the experience with the devil himself. It's a good excuse to summon him from the Devildom — well, good enough for you anyway. You like to have a few more albums to listen to before you call him, so you don't feel as guilty for asking him to stay a bit longer. 
You take a deep breath when you finally arrive in your quiet room, in your now-still apartment. You place the record on top of the others and take a look around — empty, except for your cat, sleeping peacefully on your bed. You could invite friends over to fill the silence, but your friends are notoriously terrible at last-minute plans. You absentmindedly twist the ring on your finger. 
You need something to fill this oppressive quiet, your fingers itch and ache, you have to DO something. 
You have to play the piano. 
You go out to your living room, where you keep a digital piano. It’s a little fancier than a regular old keyboard but you live in a small apartment and you're not exactly rolling in it so it's the best you can do. 
The room is dark. 
You hate the silence. 
You sit at the bench and flex your fingers, hovering above the black and white keys. No sheet music, right now you just need to play your emotions. You play a low note and listen to it reverberate. 
Then a chord. 
Then another. 
You close your eyes and start improvising a melancholic melody over a haunting chord progression. You are so lost in what you’re creating you don't notice the blue light flooding the dark room. It’s gone almost as soon as it arrived and it brings with it a figure covered in shadow, a figure you also don’t notice. He stands tall in the center of your room, tilting his head to the side as he listens. Once he gathers what happened intuitively, he stands over you, proudly watching you pour your potent emotions into your playing. 
You strike a final chord and exhale loudly, ruminating on the final note. You gasp lightly when a teardrop you didn't notice falls from your face onto the keys. 
You nearly jump out of your skin when another chord is struck up the piano. The shadow figure reveals himself to be the very demon you were thinking about while playing. Lucifer doesn't look at you as he continues to play a lighter melody. Your hands jump away from the keys and press against the rapidly beating heart in your chest.
He continues to play, not yet sitting. His sketch sounds hopeful, almost as if to say, "I'm glad to have you with me again." He sneaks a glance at you and smirks, finally taking a seat on the bench next to you. You just watch him, absolutely mesmerized, still in shock that he's really in front of you. 
He stops playing and looks at the keys closest to you, a signal — it's your turn again. Your melody is more playful than moody this time, there's a lightness now that wasn’t there before. Lucifer responds with something firm and grounded. When it's your turn, you tickle your way closer to his side. He gets lower, too. You scoot closer. From the corner of your eye, you see him smile a little bit wider. In the middle of his turn, you start playing again and together you improvise a beautiful, colorful piece of music together, full of happiness and longing, celebrating each other. 
When you can’t contain your excitement any longer, you interrupt the song and throw your arms around him. The force of you throwing your entire body weight at him only pushes him over slightly — he’s quick to catch you in his arms, twisting his torso to face you. 
“I can’t believe you’re here,” you say into his neck. It comes out as barely a whisper. 
You feel more than hear the chuckle rumble in his chest. “You’re the one who summoned me here.” 
You pull back just enough to look at him. “Would you believe me if I said I didn’t do it on purpose?” 
He looks at the keys on the digital piano. “Something was calling out to me.” 
“I guess I’ve been kinda lonely today… And I was thinking about you… A lot…” 
Lucifer hums contentedly, stern lines on his face smoothing out. Obviously, he likes it when you stroke his ego. 
You roll your eyes playfully and bury your face in his neck again. “I’m sorry for summoning you by accident, I know you're very busy but…” You play with his tie. “Can you stay here a bit, with me?” 
Lucifer sighs softly. You steel yourself for the words you're sure will come out of his mouth, “I can’t” or “Not right now”. 
“MC, I don’t think you realize that I want to see you just as much as, if not more so than, you want to see me.” He traces his finger along your jaw and lifts your chin so that you're looking at him. “If I’ve made you think I feel otherwise, that is my fault and I must apologize.” 
You feel your heart skip a beat when the Avatar of Pride apologizes to you, a lowly human. You’re in such a state of shock, you don’t know what to say so Lucifer continues to fill the silence. “If I had the ability to summon you to my side whenever I wanted, I can’t say I wouldn’t abuse that power greatly.” 
His hand rests at the side of your face, thumb wiping another tear you didn’t even know fell. You got so used to that rowdy house in the Devildom, so full of people and chaos, that coming home to your quiet, little one-bedroom apartment in the human world every day has been wearing you down. More tears start to flow as the weight of your loneliness comes crashing down on you.
You hold him tighter and press your face into his shoulder, hiding in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I’m such a mess,” you say, laughing.  
He chuckles. “Don’t apologize. I appreciate all aspects of you. Even when you are a mess.” 
You sit on the piano bench for what you wish was all eternity but is likely only about 10 minutes before you reluctantly untangle yourself from the demon you unwittingly called to this realm. 
“Well, since you're here…” You stand, pull him from the bench, and lead him to your bedroom… where you keep your records! You present him with the newest addition to your collection with a wide smile. 
He takes it from your hands and looks at the cover thoughtfully. He reads the title out loud, “The Mephisto Waltz & Other 'Satanic' Piano Music Of Franz Liszt - John Ogdon”. 
He looks back at you. “Interesting,” he says in the most uninterested tone. You laugh out loud, you thought he might like that. 
“Well, if you don’t want to listen to it, I can just-” You reach for the record but he pulls it out of your reach. 
“I never said that.” 
He walks over to your record player and carefully sets it up while you sit on the edge of your bed. When the music starts up, you're surprised by how fast-paced it is but you're still into it. Luci looks at your desk chair meaningfully then back at you. You scowl and shake your head slightly, tapping the edge of the bed next to you. He smiles and sits down beside you.
You lean against him, sneakily snaking your arms around his middle, and play with one of his hands. 
You feel him relax, almost imperceptibly, leaning into your touch. He chuckles, and softly says under his breath, “This brings back memories.” 
He closes his eyes and you lift your head to stare at him, left wondering whatever the hell he meant by that. You would ask, but he loves to be intentionally vague whenever you bring up his involvement in the lives of humans from the past. 
"This isn't what I thought this song would be," you quietly admit as you play with his gloved fingers. 
"It's called a waltz, so I thought, you know, we would be able to dance to it…"
"You wish to dance with me?" He says in a teasing tone, one that makes your face feel hot. 
"That would be fairly amusing…" He says, almost more to himself than to you.
He uses his free hand to lift your chin up so that you're looking at him. If your face wasn't red before, it definitely is now. 
"It was a silly idea, we don't-" 
"No, no. I believe I would like to dance with you as well." 
His smile is rather wolfish as he stands from your bed and pulls you up along with him. The next song on the record starts and it isn't very apt for a dance, either.
"The music-" You begin to protest before Lucifer snaps his finger and the record begins to glow with a blue light. A record scratch abruptly interrupts the music when Chopin's Waltz in A minor, B. 150 starts to flow through the speaker. 
He pulls your body to the proper position, one hand on your waist, the other cradling yours. Of course, he'll lead. You roll your eyes playfully. 
"Do you remember how to do this?" He asks, amused. 
"Pshh, of course I do," you say right before accidentally stepping on his foot. "Oop, sorry." 
He chuckles. "Follow my lead." 
And you do. You dance around your little room, only stepping on him a few more times before you get the hang of it again. ("It's been a long time, okay??") You twirl and pivot, avoiding tiny obstacles around your room, laughing when you attempt to take the lead by spinning him out and back into your arms. 
He finishes the dance by lifting you by the waist and spinning around. You giggle uncontrollably, feeling lighter than you have in months. When he brings you back down, you lace your hands together behind his neck and put your head on his shoulder. The music shifts to something soft that you can slow dance to. His arms tighten around your waist, holding you close as you sway together. 
“I really needed this,” you say. “I’ve missed you guys so much.”
You feel him stiffen slightly at the remark. You smile to yourself, delighted that something so small could affect him. 
You look up at him, “I’ve missed you most, of course.”
He smiles down at you and the affection you see in his eyes is so genuine, it embarrasses you. “It’s always a pleasure to see you, MC.”
You look down to hide your quickly reddening face. “I wish I could summon you more often but I know you’re very busy. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”
“Oh, yes,” Lucifer hums, as if he has to think hard about what he was doing before this, “I believe I was in a meeting with Lord Diavolo.”
“Lord Diavolo!?” Your eyes widen with panic. You push yourself away to look him straight in his face, hoping he’s just teasing you. 
His wolfish grin returns as he smooths down a lock of hair that is out of place on your head. “Yes, but it was one of those frivolous meetings he likes to trick me into. ‘Oh, Lucifer, you must try this bottle of Demonus I found in the depths of the labyrinthine cellar.’ Nothing truly important, I promise.”
Relief quickly washes over you and you relax back into his embrace. “So... I get to keep you a little longer?” 
“Tonight?” His hold around you tightens. “You may keep me as long as you wish.”
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eras-mus · 10 months
Hey, I see you wanted request, so here i am !
Can I ask for Ace or Sebek meeting and falling in love for a male or gn reader that is sarcastic and hate people ?
You can ignore if you don't want to write it, have a good day.
-Anon (sorry for the bad english, it's not my first language)
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What An Asshole!
Ace Trappola x Male Reader
†Reader is not Yuu
Ace was a dick.
He would prank everyone, he was loud, and a general problem to most.
But at least he had a good heart.
Y/n on the other hand.
He just hated everyone, and seemingly everything.
He ignored people sometimes, always has a sarcastic remark, and just was cunt.
Everyone knew this about the two freshmen, it was quite obvious. Though it was strange when the both of them appeared on good terms.
The guy who hated everyone and everything friends with the most obnoxious person in their year? No.
But it happened anyway. Kinda.
Ace would follow Y/n around like a puppy begging for a treat, happy with any response he got from the other guy, even a rude one.
"I don't see why you like him" Deuce commented "He's such an asshole"
"He's not so bad once you get to know him!" Ace argued.
"Once again the mighty Grim agrees with Deuce!" Grim proclaimed.
The three had been sitting at a lunch table, waiting on Yuu, when the discussion of Aces new 'friend' came up.
Ace was quickly met with a hand to the back of his head.
"Don't talk to Grim like that" A certain perfect responded before taking their seat next to said cat.
"Get 'em hench-human!"
"What were you guys talking about anyway?" Yuu asked, taking the first bite of their food.
"Ace's friend, Y/n L/n"
"Oh you mean his boyfriend~" Yuu winked, speaking a little to loudly for Aces comfort.
"The color of you face says otherwise" Deuce chimed in.
"I'm not even in to guys!" Ace slammed his head into the table.
"At least I don't look like I have rabies" A sarcastic voice said from a distance.
"Speak of the king of the dead*" Grim whispered.
"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME FRESHMAN" A particularly upset beastman yelled.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were deaf too." He spoke in a bittersweet voice before walking off.
"PUSSY!" The beastman shouted, trying to get the last word in.
"Hey y/n" Ace greeted as said boy walked by.
"Hey" He spoke, not even making eye contact.
"Oh young love" Deuce spoke.
"How I miss it" Yuu joins in.
"Don't you have a cauldron to summon or something" Ace rolled his eyes.
"Sure it was"
Later on, after classes, Ace found himself wondering the campus looking for something, or better put, someone.
And there he was, the guy of his dreams just wondering the halls. He always looked so prefect, from the way he held himself to the way his eyes traced the floor.
Until he saw a familiar pair of shoes that is.
"There you are, I was looking for you" Y/n spoke in a kinder tone then most would've gotten. "Do you want to come back to my dorm again tonight?"
"I was hoping you would say that" Ace laughed "I may or may not have swapped the tea sugar for salt and I do t want to be there when Riddle finds out."
Y/n couldn't help but also let out a slight laugh. He then took a look around, making sure no one was near, before grabbing Aces chin and pulling him in for a soft kiss.
But something that started out innocent soon was taken over by Aces greed and the two boys were now hungry for each others lips.
*get it? Instead of speak of the devil it's speak of the king of the dead since :)
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walaskart · 11 months
Let's Hang Together
Chapter 1/7
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They are demons.
Sure, you're a satanic nun, but the ghouls are literal demons.
Whenever they pass you and your group of friends, you all walk closer together thinking somehow that would help. You always try to avoid the ghouls when you’re alone, seeing as their presence makes you uncomfortable.
“I heard you can summon them with a seance.”
“I heard they can’t eat human food."
“I heard they can talk to the devil.”
You and the sisters you call your friends gossip about the ghouls over lunch in the garden. You haven’t added anything to the conversation but listen curiously to their words. You’ve never actually spoken with the ghouls, you’ve just heard rumors nonstop about who they are and how they act.
“I heard they’re hideous under the mask.” One of the sister's whispers.
“Well, that’s not very nice.” Your heads snap to see where that voice came from. And there was the ghoul you think is called ‘Swiss,’ standing over all of you. All the sisters get up quickly to run inside the ministry but you remain sitting on the bench, frozen in place.
“Are you going to join them?” He asks.
“Uh…” You look at him, or rather his mask, and a smile so wide, some of it hides under the mouthpiece of the mask. “I’m sorry.” You gather your things quickly and stand to follow after the rest of the sisters.
“Hey, you didn’t say it. As far as I’m concerned, you’re alright with me.” Swiss watches you, his hands behind his back and leaning over you.
“I’m sorry,” You repeat. “Goodbye.” You bow, not knowing if that’s the proper thing to do, and run off to find the rest of the sisters who left you behind.
You hear his laugh behind you as you jog away.
When you catch up with them, the sisters ask you question after question to find out what he said to you and if he tried to do anything. You just try to brush off the questions but once it becomes too overwhelming, you excuse yourself to sit alone in the library for a while.
A few days go by before you see him again. You’re alone in the hallway, walking to the kitchen to find something to snack on late at night.
“Sister!” Swiss jogs up from behind you to walk beside you. “What are you doing up so late?”
You jump at him running up to you, half startled by the sudden motion, half scared of the ghoul. “I’m going to the kitchen is all.”
“What a coincidence, me too.” There’s that smile again, too big for his mask. “And yes, we can eat.”
“Mm.” You don’t know what else to say at the moment, which leaves the rest of the walk to the kitchen in silence.
When you get there, you get an apple to cut up, as well as Nutella and a spoon. Swiss opens the pantry door wide, just scanning the shelves, unsure of what to pick. You finish cutting the apple and hop up on the counter to sit. With every bite you take, you spoon some Nutella out of the jar to spread on the apple slice.
“Are you having trouble sleeping?” You break the silence as Swiss picks out a box of Cheez-Its. He looks at you while he opens the box and joins you on the counter.
“More or less.” Swiss reaches into the box to pull out a handful of the crackers. “Noisy neighbors.” He begins to eat them two by two.
“Who are your neighbors?” You look at the floor as you talk, still feeling intimidated by the ghoul beside you. Swiss, however, keeps his attention on you.
“Papa and his rats.” He chuckles. “He claims they can’t sleep so he sings them a lullaby that I hear through the walls.”
You laugh at the idea of the Anti-Pope singing to his pet rats. “I can see why that would be annoying.” Swiss watches you intently as you spread Nutella on another apple slice, he seems almost fascinated with you. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Mm-hm, sure.” He pops two more Cheez-Its into his mouth.
“Is it true you can talk to Lucifer?” You ask the question quietly, scared of the answer.
Swiss laughs loudly, his arm bumping into you as he doubles over at the query. “No, no, sister.” He chuckles a little more before continuing. “I have heard every rumor that your little group of nuns has come up with and they’re all fake.”
“Yeah, that’s Mountain’s fault actually.” You look at him confused. “The drummer,” He clarifies. “Mountain likes to spread rumors about us for fun because of the looks on the sisters’ faces-!” Swiss’s sentence fades off into laughter at the thought. Once he composes himself, he nudges you with his shoulder. “Sorry about that, hon.”
You look back to the floor as a blush creeps into your cheeks. “All of them are fake?”
“None of us are scary- maybe Sodo on a bad day- but yeah, fake.” Swiss pokes your thigh to get your attention. “Especially the one about what we look like under the mask.” He smiles, hopping off the counter, then reaches out to take your hand. “Come on sister, it’s getting late. We need to get you to bed so you can be up bright and early.”
You get off the counter on your own, not taking his hand, and walk past him, praying he doesn’t see how red your face has gotten. You put the Nutella away and place the spoon in the sink to clean later. Swiss waits by the door to walk you back to your chambers, knowing that you’re thinking of what he looks like under the mask.
“Ready, sister?” You nod and walk with him, once again keeping the walk through the hallway in silence.
When you get to your door, you reach for the doorknob, only to have Swiss take your hand before you can open the door.
“Looks like you have to hang out with me more to answer those questions, huh?” He lets go of your hand and pokes your forehead. “Goodnight, sister.” He smiles and turns away from you, walking to his own room for the night, leaving you frozen in place once again.
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A Life Bartered Part 1
Parker Selfridge held his head as his elbows were on his table. This shit was going out of control. Ain't this a bitch?
Navis found out where the base was. They started attacking and stealing the drones, choppers and other stuff in the parking lot.
All because of the Helen of Troy. Name and Last Name.
Many letters were sent ordering him to give you to the Navi or they will not ceasefire. Selfridge would easily give you to those savages. But, there was one problem. You were the love interest of the head of security.
Of all people.
He summoned the Colonel to his office.
The said man was annoyed being called on. He was on his break lifting weights and was interrupted. He arrived to the office wearing a tank top.
What happened now? More savage attacks and thefts?
Parker looked at the Colonel's eyes and gulped. Selfridge was scared of his own employee. But he refused to show it.
"Another letter asking for her. For the sake of the staff. Give her up."
The colonel tensed and clenched his jaw.
"it's your job as head of security to protect us all. This girl is using her looks to sway you for favors for the labs. Isn't that right?'
The Colonel bitterly knew you spread your former virgin legs for him to benefit that hippie loving program. Using your beauty for a list of wants.
The colonel didn't admit it. But, he loved you. He knew you didn't. He caught you staring at a young man who was a limp dick scientist. The young man was handsome .
The Colonel admitted he sometimes felt insecure of his age. He was perhaps the oldest man in the base and he was with the youngest staff member in base. A fresh new adult.
He thought he hit the jackpot when you offered yourself to him. Sadly, he forgot the rule of life despite preaching the rules of Pandora.
There is no free lunch.
Your beauty must have caught the eye of a blue monkey.
The colonel smelled bestiality.
Ain't this a bitch?
He sighed exhausted and pinched the bridge of his straight nose.
Will he give you up? His subordinates' lives were at stake. His honor and independence as a man too. He was ashamed of being looked down by others as weak for a damn woman.
Pushing feelings aside he listed the pros and cons. You were a sex crazed seductress. Made for carnal desire. A devil in disguise. Unhealthy for any man.
A gold digging whore.
You will never love him. He bitterly accepted the painful truth. He tried to win you over. Acting romantic so you can open your heart and then give it to him.
You took his heart instead. A fuckin' thief.
He nodded.
"I can do that."
The Colonel announced he will take you to another field trip in the jungle. Selfridge communicated with the enemy and was given the instructions on where to drop you off.
You didn't know what was going on.
The colonel acted strange.
Of course the Colonel would have his way with you every night. Normally, he would sleep with you then wake up early and leave before you woke up.
Today, He slept in with you this morning. He then fucked you again. Like he wasn't going to see you again.
He looked sad. After he rolled off of you last night, he gathered you close to lay your head on his muscular chest.
He placed his chin on top of your head and stroked your arm.
Normally, he wouldn't shut up. He would talk about his hate towards the Navis and his boss.
And insult your group of friends. if he had extra energy after sex, he would talk about his remaining living relatives in Europe.
You didn't love him. So, you didn't bother to ask what was wrong.
You hated him because he would persuade the boss to cut the funding. You bitterly found out he planned this to get you to warm his bed. A cunning snake.
The Colonel and his squad walked deep in the jungle with you following them.
The Colonel turned to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders and gently pushed you down to sit on the grass.
You looked up at his standing form from your sitting position with curiosity.
Fuck. Those damn eyes. So cute and innocent.
No, you weren't innocent.
You used your beauty to sway people to get what you want like a spoiled brat. Succubus.
He felt foolish falling under your spell and charms.
He reached out and itched the side of your right scalp. You almost purred in pleasure. The Colonel crouched down on his knees and did it.
In front of his men. He inhaled a breath and removed his mask then gently grabbed your face then kissed you square in the face.
The squad stared awkwardly.
They didn't know what was going on either. Only Lyle. He looked at you with pity. Poor girl.
The colonel finally separated himself then strapped his mask back on and without looking at you, he stood up and began to walk away.
His squad followed leaving you alone.
You stared confused. Then you heard it. Whoops and yips came and a group of warrior Navi men started walking to you. You stood up scared. The chopper suddenly floated up and left.
A Navi warrior walked up to you. You tried to run. But he grabbed your arm easily. "you are finally mine. My prize."
No. You realized the truth. Suddenly you wished for the Colonel to rescue you. But, it's too late. He left you.
Vulnerable and helpless. This was your punishment. You suspected that the Colonel might actually loved you. But you were only with him for benefits.
Now, this is what you get for playing with ones feelings and breaking his heart
The Colonel silently walked to his room. He ignored all eyes and didn't give an order. The squad usually talked and joked. But now were quiet.
The princess is gone.
The Colonel sat on his bed then stared around the room. Your lovely scent still lingered. Your photos in picture frames on top of his dresser.
He covered his face with his hands with his elbows on his knees. He let himself actually shed tears.
What has he done?
A Life Bartered Part 2
The ten foot adult Male Navi named Ebe stared solemnly at your miserable form. You were still in bed? In the afternoon? The Navi man knew humans were different, especially human females. So, he made a nest filled with soft grass and plants under soft fabric to let you rest. You seemed to have taken a liking to it. Too much. 
He frowned in annoyance. Ebe would stalk you at the base with the stolen cameras the clan would use. They killed soldiers trying to invade their land. In return, the Navi warriors would use their remaining devices. Being quick learners, they knew how to operate guns, cameras and some basic computer skills. 
But, thanks to those dream walkers, Ebe and Tsuey especially took advantage to learn English. That Jake Sully and Doctor Augustine somewhat helped. 
But you… you were a pain in the ass! You would mope and sob. Ebe knew it would be hard but it has been two months and a week. He tried to seduce you with feathery touches and gift giving. 
Like the stuck up snob you were. You refused and hid away. 
Growling, he grabbed your arm hard and made you look at him. He squeezed your cheeks hard with his thumb and forefinger. "I have done so much kindness. Why are you ungrateful!" He yelled. You flinched and whimpered. New batch of hot tears leaked out your shining yet melancholic eyes.
You bit your fat red lips to prevent hiccups from escaping. "Please set me free." You whispered in desperation.
The golden yellow eyes of Ebe darkened. He looked as if you said the most offensive bad word to him. The sting in your cheek burnt like a laundry ironer. You fell down on the grass floor. You flinched when you tried to touch your bruised face. 
The Navi's chest was heaving and his breath was noticeably ragged. He knelt to your level. He yanked your long shining hair to look at him once more. "I used so much of my strength to obtain you from the other demons. Your kind killed many brothers of mine. You are my gift of repentance. Mine." 
You lowered your eyes in submission and nodded meekly. Ebe noticed your defeated expression then stood up to his full length and left you wallowing in self pity. 
You sighed and then took out your cell phone. You haven't used it since you got captured by Ebe. It had 47 percent left. You then gulped. You knew you would never see the Colonel again. 
But, he was so kind to you. Sure, he abused his power to almost shut the Avatar Research Program. And you had to sleep with him for money. Just as he planned. 
But other than that, he was kind and romantic. He spoiled you like a Princess. He called you endearing names. Doll, Princess, Kitten and playfully call you Brat. 
He was rough in bed and displaying affection you admitted it. He luckily never degraded you. Like hair pulling and choking. You hated that. He slammed inside you hard but roughly inserting himself inside you. And in public would kiss you hard and out of nowhere in random times and places. 
Like he was purposely showing other men you were his. Especially in front of Selfridge. There were times you assumed Selfirdge liked you. 
But, since he would look bad by the press for dating an employee. He couldn't be with you. The Colonel knew about Selfridge's feelings. So, he purposely marked you in front of his limp dick boss. 
Maybe that was why Selfridge would yell at you in public Infront of other staff when he was in a bad mood. Like a child, he would knock what you were holding down the hallways. And he would magically bump into you to scrutinize then threaten to fire you. 
You had enough. You snitched to the Colonel. And to your surprise, he looked pissed. He immediately walked past your shoulder. You returned to the shared room with the Colonel. 
He entered when it was his lunch break and didn't say anything as you served him his meal. You gulped but stayed silent and acted normal. 
You then heard whispers. The Colonel put his hands on Selfridge by almost choking him blue. Trudy told you that the Colonel walked to the big boss and demanded him to stay away from you. Selfridge threatened the Colonel by the law. 
Quaritch snapped when Selfridge kicked him by stating the huge age gap between you and the Colonel.
It was nice. Selfridge stopped speaking with you. And when you saw him. He would glare but not talk. Which was fine. 
Yet here you were. Your Karma. Fuck. You broke a good man's heart. You were prejudiced against Marines. But, you now realized despite being tough, the Colonel was fair and just. He took his job seriously. 
And since that Simp Selfridge was talentless, Quaritch had to do his duties as well and correct his mistakes. The Colonel must have been stressed before he met you. 
Come to think of it, you frowned in confusion. Whenever Quaritch was finished bedding you. He fell asleep as if he was exhausted to the tea. 
You checked the text messages. You saw text messages from your science friends. Asking about you. But they were old messages. From two months ago. 
You couldn't redeem yourself for your wrong doings. You at least should try to comfort the Colonel. I love you. Forgive me.
You sent the text and turned off the cell phone.
Ebe came back. He was holding a leaf full of cooked food.
You walked to him and Ebe watched you warily. It was time to accept your fated punishment. You extended your hand and touched his smooth blue face. He looked surprised but didn't push you away from your touch. 
"Please forgive me." You put on a fake smile. "I was sad because I was afraid you would eventually kill me."
Ebe gently placed the banana leaf on the ground. He held your face and stroked your cheek with one of his thumbs. "I would never dream of taking your life. I want to mate with you during the next Solar Eclipse festival."
You licked your lips in nervousness. The Navi saw that beautiful action. He assumed you tried to seduce him. He picked you up to look at him at his level. Then he kissed you. You out of fear kissed back. Your heart felt guilty that you were thinking of Quaritch. 
But, you were to be punished for your sins. Maybe mating with the Navi will make peace between two peoples.
The happy Ebe made you sit and before you could open your mouth wide to the food he wanted you to chew. You clutched your mouth. Ebe looked at you in curiosity. You ran away from him to vomit onto a small useless green bush. Ebe ran to hold your long hair back. 
"Why are you sick, my lovely?"
Ebe made you drink water. You told him when you have a small flu when cold, it happens. Ebe sighed. "I forgot how human women are prone to illness due to their fragility. I am a fool." He picked you up to make you lay on his lap after crossing his legs. 
Meanwhile, at the base. Quaritch was lifting weights at the gym. He heard his cellphone make a notification sound. He wondered who dared to interrupt him. Selfridge was taking his afternoon nap. Scoffing. The Colonel abandoned his dumbbell weights and picked up his cellphone. His eyes widened in shock at your ID. 
He read your apology and love confession. The Colonel felt something foreign in his chest. A beautiful feeling. As if his heart would leap out of his muscular chest. He decided then and there.
He will get you back. Fuck Diplomacy. The Rules of Pandora. Kill everything that moves with fire.
And that's a fact. 
Warnings: Smut, Older man and younger woman, huge age gap, unhealthy love from men and Navi men. Foul Language. Attempt to impregnate. Painful Sex.
Four more nights till you will tie the knot to the Navi who 'won' you. To be Mated with Ebe. As to be his wife. Married and to bear his children. 
You gulped. Was it even possible for an advanced human being such as yourself and a Navi male to produce half breeds? 
Being a woman with natural maternal affection, you knew you would love any and all of your future children. You just wished your future babies would be sired by your ex lover. The Head of Security. 
You blew an exhale of loneliness. You still had little battery life left in your cell phone. You wished you took pictures of your handsome “boyfriend”. 
Or whatever he was to you. He treated you like his wife. But, because of your bitchy attitude, it was one sided. And he must have known.
You sometimes caught his hurt expressions when you didn't heed to his affectionate touches or gave him half assed responses. 
You resented him for abusing his power to get you into his bed for money. 
Come to think of it, you furrowed your brows in concentration. He didn't apologize to you after giving yourself in to get the funds back for the program, but he did more than his side of the bargain. 
His soldiers would accompany the other scientists in the wild jungle to study plants and gather resources. The cafeteria received more quality food. The heating system got upgraded. Nice hot showers and heated air made the science bunks and labs cozy and comfortable. 
And you, you got the lion share. You got the highest qualities of makeup, perfume, designer clothes from the magazine orders sent to and from Earth when supplies come in. 
And not only that. The Colonel would voluntarily brush your long hair whenever he was free from work or gym. And for some reason he was fascinated with your feet. He once complimented how tiny they were. He would always massage them.  But best of all, you liked his stares. When you applied makeup on the vanity mirror desk he ordered when you moved into his room. He would sit on his bed. 
And watch you doll yourself up. He would lick his lips and look as if he was in pain. You found it amusing. Then eventually, he would always ruin your lipstick. He would look as if someone punched him in the mouth.
He would use soap and water to scrub your lipstain off his face. But, removing makeup was not easy. So, some staff noticed. But, they were too scared to tease their superior. 
You smiled at the memory and stared at the stars of Pandora. You wondered if Quaritch was looking outside too. But, sadly, with all his work, gym, and extra work correcting the mistakes Selfridge would make. You assumed he was asleep and exhausted. 
That poor man. 
You treated him like shit. 
You felt like a homewrecker. 
A bad woman. 
You looked at Ebe’s sleeping form. He didn't rape you. Not yet. You were lucky. He was waiting for the wedding night. Maybe, you should be kind to Ebe. He seemed to love you like how Quaritch did. He is ugly. But, maybe he looked ugly to you because you loved and missed the Colonel. 
Closing your eyes you yearned to see the handsome face you took for granted. You hoped and wondered if the Colonel had pictures of you on his phone.
You dismissed it immediately. Even if he did have pictures of you, he probably deleted it. You don't deserve him. 
“Good bye, My Love.” You whispered as you stared at the dark sky. 
The Colonel walked up to the quarters of his trusted sidekick, Corporal Lyle Wainfleet of his Marine Squad.
He remembered a crucial detail of you. He caught you talking and giggling with that female pilot that worked with Lyle. Judging by how many times you socialized with her, the Colonel assumed you two were close friends. Not as close as Grace. Better than nothing. 
The harsh knock made a grumpy Lyle open the door with a mean look in his face. He was about to cuss out whoever woke him. Then he straightened when he saw his superior. 
“Your pilot is a personal friend of Name, right?”
Lyle was taken back at the mention of your name. Since those Savages took you, no one dared to utter your name in the Colonel's presence. 
After affirming the Colonel's question. The blonde man felt less tense and actually happy since that text you sent him. 
Lyle missed you. He hardly spoke to you much. Besides greetings and how orders the Colonel gave him to you like to meet him somewhere or go to his office. 
Lyle couldn't not notice not only your beauty but your personality and intelligence. He was smitten and jealous that the Colonel got to you first. But, you knew that the Colonel would steal you from him even if he didn't meet you before him. 
Lyle guessed you were not fated to be with him. 
Lucky bastard. 
“Get that Pilot. We will get Name back. Only the three of us know.”
“Yes, Sir.” The Corporal wasted no time. Lyle was scared that you were perhaps either dead or almost dead after being raped. There is no way a pretty face like yours can't get taken advantage of. Navi or human. You were just that beautiful. 
He still pitied you. 
Trudy was the same way when Wainfleet knocked on her door in the middle of the night. She was about to yell but Wainfleet whispered harshly and explained the rescue mission. Trudy was ecstatic. 
Since Trudy was dating Norm, she knew the situation. That you were forced to be with the Colonel. And an evil Navi warrior wanted you.
She knew like all beings not all are totally bad or good. But the Navi man who took you. Damn, she hated him. He was no better than Quaritch. 
Trudy dressed up in her pilot suit and jogged with the armed Wainfleet to her chopper waiting for them was the tough man Quaritch. 
He was ready with his mask and machine gun.
Shit will go down.
Quaritch printed the tracking area code and picture of where you were located by his cellphone. 
He gave the paper to Trudy. Starting the chopper, they finally set off. 
The Warrior out to save the damsel in distress. 
Trudy landed the chopper away from the intended area as the orders of the Colonel. Lyle and Quaritch jumped off the plane with their guns ready to kill. The night vision built in his mask indicated body warmth of two individuals. A Navi and a human sleeping under the abyss tree. 
It must be her. 
Colonel Quaritch nodded to Lyle. Taking the cue, Lyle threw the grenade to the far left of the field and it landed on a plant that had some kind of nest. Like a hornet nest. 
The flame engulfed the grass and the yells of those damn savages made Lyle and the Colonel crouch down to hide. The same ugly ass Navi came from under the Tree and was yelling in his native tongue.
Then Quaritch saw you. You came out obviously in shock from the commotion. Your eyes widened at the awful site. Fire burning the beautiful shrubbery and plants of the area. 
What a shame. While feeling sorry for the lost wildlife. A hand covered your mouth. You were too unhealthy to struggle. You then turned to see the man you are aching for.
It was dark for you to see. But the fire showed some light. It was him. 
He let go of you. You stared in disbelief as he put his finger to his lips and picked you up bridal style. 
He ran to the chopper and he made you sit next to his seat before strapping you. He frowned when he noticed how even lighter you were in his arms. You lost too much weight. Were you even fed? That monkey probably tortured you. 
Quaritch clenched his teeth with rage. Lyle hopped in and quickly ordered Trudy to go. The Colonel noticed your shivering form. He took off his Marine jacket and covered you. He held you close. He tucked you underneath his chin and wrapped his arms around you. 
You couldn't hold it in. You burst into sobs. The Colonel felt his tank top wet. “I thought you were dead.”
You mumbled. “ Might as well.”
The Colonel heard it clear then sighed. 
Lyle, on the other hand, watched the two of you with pity.
 He was also impressed by you too. He expected you to be haggard. You looked perfect as ever. Just sad and sick. Too skinny. Your hair was still glossy with no flyaways or frizz. 
 And your skin looked like it was filtered with Photoshop. With your blood red lips and pink cheeks you still had your natural makeup.
The oversized nightgown made you look oddly cute. But it was thin as fuck. The white dress was too big and not your size. Looked like the Navi who demanded you must have stolen the fabric materials when the cargo that arrived from Earth was to be sent to the base. 
The chopper landed on the parking lot and Trudy waited for you to come out of your seat. The Colonel hopped out then grabbed your lithe hand and settled you to the firm ground. Trudy didn't hesitate to engulf you in a hug.
The Colonel and Corporal Wainfleet watched you hug back. Shaking his head, the Colonel had to return his weapons to the supply room. He ordered you to be sent to his room. Quaritch gave his room key to Trudy. 
Quietly as mice, you and your friend snuck inside the luxurious room of the Colonel. You noticed how there were broken furniture and holes on the wall. 
Trudy wasted no time turning on the hot shower. You didn't want to further burden your friend, so you did your best to shampoo your long hair and use soap on your body. 
You forgot how long you were taken away by Ebe but you didn't want to know. It felt like years. Time went so slow. It was nice now. You felt a little invincible. You cheated death and escaped the true punishment of your wicked crimes against the Colonel.
You sure dodged a bullet. After that, Trudy wrapped you with the Colonel's shower towel and led you to his bed. You didn't notice but all your items were still in his room. 
Your clothes, books, makeup, everything. The Colonel gave the cat equivalent pet he caught for you to the science pukes. Obviously, he couldn't take care of it. He wasn't cruel to starve an animal. 
Those science bitches seemed to be thrilled to have that weird creature. Not that he was complaining. Quaritch didn't admit it, he was jealous that you showed more affection to that pet than to him before he gave you up. 
“You may leave.”
Both women's heads turned to see the Colonel in the doorway without his combat gear. Trudy stood up but stopped when Quaritch held out a paper. 
Turned out it was a check. You saw your friend's eyes widened as she read it. Must been a large sum of money. Trudy thanked Quaritch and disappeared. 
You looked confused. Quaritch said nothing. He stripped himself and threw his clothes to the floor. 
Sitting next to you, you didn't say anything when he brushed your long wet tresses. Like old times,  He would stop and sniff them by gently grabbing the ends of your hair to his nose then continue brushing.
He finished and laid down on the bed and made you rest on top of him. You cling to him like a wounded animal. Quaritch felt you shaking and still cold. He wrapped your lithe frame closer to his heated body. 
“Were you …?” 
The Colonel couldn't bring himself to say it. You said not yet. The blonde man blew an exhale. That blue monkey was so lucky. If he did rape you. The Colonel would have made you go to the doctor regardless of being seen. And check if you were pregnant with a half breed.
And squash that fetus beneath his foot. 
But, that fuckin’ Navi was planning on it and wanted to. The Colonel decided to not give him that bad of a painful death. 
Noticing how still you were. He peeked down to see you asleep. What a night. 
Corporal Wainfleet punched in the ticket for his superior . He announced to the staff today was the Colonel’s day off.
Quaritch didn't care what time it was when he woke from his peaceful slumber. He felt light as a feather.
He stroked your long (hair type) hair as you continued your slumber. You were still as a rock. Damn. You must have been really tired. Normally, you would toss and turn around nine times in bed.
With pity in his eyes the Colonel watched you breathe in and out. He wondered if you ever dreamed of him like he did of you. Or even thought of him.  But, the memory of you texting him confirmed his curiosity. He screenshot your message and saved it to his photos on his cellphone.
Gently, he removed himself from your grip and off the bed. He hurriedly showered and dressed in his uniform to enter the Marine cafeteria. 
He as usual was greeted with respect but he didn't want to look suspicious. He hoped no one would notice him gathering extra food to his tray. 
He normally wouldn't eat luxurious food. Luxury makes a man weak to be lazy and pathetic. But, you lost so much damn weight and feared you might be sick. 
He will go to the hospital wing and his own personal doctor will check you. 
Quaritch will swore him to secrecy through bribes and also threats. As a Marine, you are to never trust no one. Unless proven greatly otherwise. 
Like you. Quaritch didn't trust you before but now. He knew you changed. 
He forgave you. 
It was no surprise you were still sleeping. He placed the tray on his table and then leaned down to dip his face. He kissed your cheek and gently rubbed your shoulders. 
You stirred and opened your lovely eyes in confusion before blinking. It was cute. You looked surprised to see him and looked around your area. The Colonel smirked. He made you sit up before wrapping his bathrobe around you. 
He cut the Salisbury steak and pressed the fork to your lips. You were confused. You didn't eat meat. But, you knew the reason. If the Colonel got only plant based food for you. It would look suspicious. You assumed you were to be hidden until further notice. 
And you needed muscles and gain weight. 
You let him feed you like a toddler. You remembered how he ordered you to feed him while “dating” him. 
He would tease you calling you his tradwife.
You felt offended and labeled him a toxic masculine man. Now, you realized you were foolish to not understand he was joking and you were the one toxic. A crazy witch.
As mentioned before, the Colonel would massage your feet whenever he had free time and brush your hair. Most important, he would take care of you when you were on your period and voluntarily feed you.
You cooked and cleaned out of duty but that was it. Few times he made you feed him and you complained. The colonel noticed your attitude then stopped asking you to feed him and other affectionate gestures. He became grumpy. He wanted you to act like a real girlfriend but was meeting him half way in the relationship. Like you didn't want it to work.
It reminded him again you were forced to be with him for the sake of the avatar program.
It added more guilt inside your chest. He didn't say if he forgave you or not. Then again, you apologized in the text and not in person. 
You wanted to say sorry in person but the Colonel continued feeding you. He then took a few bites himself from the same fork and made you drink water. When you watched him drink from the same glass after you. 
You felt… flattered. It was intimate without being sexual. Like real romance rather than superficial lust.
You blushed but sadly Quaritch didn't notice. He was too worried for you. 
Ebe tried to feed you but you would always vomit your food later. Maybe it's because you would feel hopeless and sob later. 
Now that you are much happier. You could stomach the delicious food. You may not eat meat due to pitying the animals, but you cannot deny it tastes good. 
You would cook meat dishes for the Colonel at the base and your family while on Earth. And to be precise, you would taste your own food to make sure it tastes good. Meat or not. 
The Colonel knew you were trying your best to not complain about eating. He set the plate away then caressed your cheekbone. 
You looked at him confused. Quaritch explained his doctor will secretly come here to check you up. No one is to know of you. 
So it's true. You realized that the Colonel acted on his own to rescue you. If Selfridge found out…
There was a hesitant knock. The Colonel knew that voice. A middle aged man walked in with a medic bag. Like the old days, this doctor visited you instead.
The Colonel stood back with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall and watched the doctor examine you. 
“She is malnourished.” The doctor looked over his shoulder at the Colonel. “She needs a blood transfusion.”
Quaritch nodded. “I will give her my blood.” He didn't hesitate.
The doctor then looked at you. He asked if you ever knew you were pregnant before. 
Your eyes widened and the Colonel kept his calm face but was also surprised inside. 
“I am afraid you lost weight not only from starvation but miscarriage.”
You couldn't help it. You clutched your face and began to cry quietly. That explained you always vomiting in the jungle. The moodiness. 
You remembered your last period. It was more painful than usual. And you felt weird when bathing. Ebe gave you a bucket to wash yourself. While doing so, you felt like something slide off between your legs when cleaning. 
Your poor baby.
Damn you. It was your fault. 
The Colonel's breath hitched. No doubt that baby was his. After fucking you last before giving you up, you didn't pack anything. Including your pills. 
He killed his own child. Damn him. It was all his fault. 
The Colonel watched you sob he wanted to punch the wall again and make another hole. 
“I will prescribe her depression and insomnia pills.”
The doctor stood up and whispered to the Colonel.
He said he suspected you to be suicidal and should be under all supervision.
The doctor left. Quaritch had a hazed look in his beautiful blue eyes. The doctor will return to start the blood transfer process by bringing the tubes and syringes.
The Colonel made sure to heat up the room even more. He sat next to you after dressing you up in your skirt and blouse. He didn't dress you in your underwear. He was sad as you were to care. While waiting for the doctor to return, the Colonel grabbed your hand and kissed your cold delicate fingers.
It used to be the opposite. He was always the cold one and it would compliment against your warm feathery touches. A knock came again and the doctor started the process. 
Quaritch made sure you got extra blood but the doctor said he cannot do it all at once. Daily with regular transfusion and healthy eating and sunshine will make you good as new again. 
But, since you were a mutant. It will make you recover quicker. Being alone finally, the Colonel stroked your hair. 
“You're very young, and a mutant. You conceived because you didn't pack your pills and missed them for one day. It's impossible to not get knocked up again.” He tried to cheer you up.
You looked out the window. Then looked back at him with more tears. You told him how none of your future pregnancies can replace any child you lost before.
The Colonel said nothing about your answer. He kept his face to the normal stern look. Inside though, he felt warm by your morally right response. He was right about you all along. You didn't show it at first, being a spoiled brat. Rude to him too. 
Maybe it was because he scared you to run to him at first when he almost shut the program. Not to mention, people stereotyped you all your life for always being the most beautiful girl. Assuming you had an easy life and were a snob. 
The Colonel said nothing. He gently made you lay down on the bed and he hovered over you with his biceps caging you and he finally kissed you since the farewell kiss at the fields where he dropped you off. 
He couldn't kiss you with that damn mask he was wearing when he rescued you. 
You felt his callused hands hold your face against his. He immediately snuck his tongue inside and to his surprise, you responded and was bat shit crazy for him as he was for you. You must have been hungry. 
Continuing kissing you. He kicked off his trousers and boxers. He then trailed his lips against your neck. He gently bit you. Then sucked the bruise. He knew you also wanted the same. 
The Colonel moved out of your reach and looked down at your form.
He sighed and shook his head. If someone saw his neck, it would be suspicious. You huffed in disappointment. The Colonel gave you an apologetic look. He removed his tank top. Being bare and ready. He began attacking your perky tits. 
You were so impatient. And he knew it. He wanted to suck your cunt. But to hell with it. Later. He sheathed his cock inside and bullied his shaft inside your wet hole.
He groaned in pain. He knew you didn't get laid in almost three months. But, this is torturous. It was like you were raping him. You looked at him with worry. Quaritch ignored you and dug inside deeper to loosen you up.
Finally, all his inches went inside. Already you felt your juices overflowing your womanhood.
He must have stopped masturbating. You wondered why. 
Moans of pain and not pleasure escaped your fat lips and your nails dug in the shoulder of your lover. You hissed in pain. “Please slow down.”
Quaritch cursed again. “If I stop you will be even tighter before tomorrow.”
Having sex after months of celibacy was hell. Oh, well. As long as you don't get raped. You won't complain. 
“Oh, my fucking God.” The Colonel clenched his jaw. 
Quaritch saw the blood coming out of your vagina. It was working. Hopefully next time it will be easier. He needs to loosen the stronghold clutches of your cunt. 
The Colonel cummed inside and spilled his hot seed. His and your breathings were ragged. With great difficulty, Quaritch slowly pulled out from your greedy vagina. His dick was swollen and red from the pain and not from the blood. 
Damn. That was painful as fuck. It was like his penis was about to explode from the harsh friction. 
He didn't blame you and shouldn't complain. He laid back on the bed next to you catching his breath. He pulled you to his muscular chest.
“We’ll try again.”
You let out a “hmm” as you clung to him. You went back to sleep. Quaritch kissed your nose then closed his eyes again.
Who knows what tomorrow may bring. 
Author's Note. I am so mad! My masterlist for this story got deleted by tumblr for the explicit sex scene. I do not know why. I went through so much trouble to scroll down my blog for this story. I am scared my account will get terminated. I read worse yandere sex scenes and their blog did not get deleted. I am scared.
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obxone · 2 years
Assumptions (Part 6)
Rewritten/Edited. ~2.8k words
Master Page
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Surfing all morning had been the perfect distraction from the numbness that still edges against you when you are left alone. A few days have come and gone since the revelation of the bet. You had thrown yourself into working extra shifts and finishing two series. You exhale, resting your chin on your knee while sitting on your beach blanket, watching your friends surf.
Sarah shares the blanket with you, quietly observing John B surfing wave after wave with contagious happiness until the silence threatens to consume her whole. John B had shown up with her this morning, and everyone is okay with her joining. You are aware that you have missed out on some things by fake dating Tyler and avoiding Rafe like he is the plague. But even this surprised you when you had jumped out of Kiara's car to see her and John B by the Twinkie looking head over heels for the other.
“You do not seem as put off about me and John B as the others were.”
You smile a little and look over at Sarah. “You seem happy together. Who am I to decide who can make John B happy?”
She smiles brightly then. “Thank you.”
A comfortable silence fills the air as she stretches out in contentment. You exhale, rolling your head back along your shoulders, pushing the thought of Rafe away at the mention of being happy with someone. It is absurd how rooted he is now in your everyday thoughts. It had been random interactions and lunch, but he still was true to his reputation and sunk his hooks into you like every other girl.
“You should come by Tanneyhill one day for us to hang out and swim,” Sarah suggests. "I think it could be fun, Kie could come as well."
You smile at the thought. It seems like a great idea, but you know who also resides at Tanneyhill. Sarah being his sister is not something you plan to hold against her, but it will make things difficult.
“Not happening, Sarah.” You soften your tone and peek at her. She glances at you, concern flooding her features at your change in attitude. You tear your gaze away from her, ignoring the sting that follows at the reminder of Rafe’s betrayal. “Um…” You roll the confession around in your mind before looking at her again. “Rafe, Topper, and Kelce made a bet that Rafe could get me to have sex with him by the end of the summer.”
“What?” Her voice morphs to outrage as she gapes at you.
You shrug. “He didn’t win.”
She exhales, running her hand through her blonde locks before shaking her head. “He’s an asshole.”
“Agreed,” you laugh a little and look back at the four pogues surfing as JJ cheers Kie on through a larger wave. “Rafe is backing off for now. I lied and said Tyler Andrews and I are dating.”
“So you aren’t?” She asks, a teasing smile on her lips.
You shake your head, blushing a little. “No, it was a hookup and a few fake dates. He likes another girl, Emma Williams,” you look over at Sarah, and she nods that she knows her. “We were going to fake date for the rest of the summer, but then I saw how he looked at her, and I refused to date him after that.”
She elbows you with a giggle. “Playing matchmaker?”
“Something like that,” you agree, a smile on your face as you remember the look on Tyler’s face when he saw her. “I think Tyler liked me, and we would have fun, but he did not look at me like he looked at her. So, for now, your brother thinks I am dating Tyler, and he is not happy about it, but he knows he can not do anything about it either.”
“Serves him right,” she mutters and grabs a handful of sand to let it fall between her fingers. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you.”
"He will find out eventually. Rafe typically gets what he wants."
You scowl, looking out at the water. "Yeah, I've noticed."
You both turn to see Rafe and Topper walking from the parking lot.
“It’s like you say his name, and you summon the devil,” you mutter, and she snorts.
“Stay here, I will handle this.” She stands, dusting the sand off her hands and legs before moving toward the pair. John B would not ignore Topper's presence, and you are correct as the pogues are moving back to shore together. A loud groan escapes you as you stand and dust the sand off where needed. You join Sarah, leaning into her side a little, knowing how vicious Topper and Rafe can be when provoked, and five pogues would provoke them even if you are on your side of the island.
“What are you doing, huh?” Rafe asks. “Slumming it with these pogues?”
“That is none of your business,” she sneers, crossing her arms over her waist.
Rafe’s gaze flickers to you, and he smirks, dragging his thumbs across his lip before clearing his throat. “At least I would have made some money if I had slept with one.” His blue eyes flicker over you as he smirks. “Isn’t that right, Baby?”
A chain reaction happens next as JJ surges past you and Sarah to land a hard punch to Rafe’s jaw. Topper begins to intervene, but John B shoves him back away from JJ and Rafe. You reach for Sarah, and she does not turn around, but her hand grips yours.
“JJ!” You yell for him as he lands another fist against Rafe’s face. The kook would surely sport a bruised jaw over the next few days as his head jerks to the side.
“JJ, stop it!” Kiara yells beside you now. Her tone matches how you feel watching them fight.
“John B!” Sarah yells. “Topper, stop!”
Topper lands a fist against John B’s ribs, and he groans before swinging at Topper’s face. Your attention shifts to the other fight pair as Rafe lands a punch on JJ’s ribs.
“Not again!” Kiara turns to look at Pope with wild eyes. Pope joins the fray to try to separate John B and Topper. He could not stop both fighting pairs, he would need help, and it is your fault JJ is fighting anyways. You exhale harshly before moving to do the same for JJ and Rafe. You ignore Kie and Sarah's protests at you getting involved.
You barely miss JJ’s elbow as he shoves Rafe backward after a hard punch to Rafe's face that splits his lip. Rafe’s lip starts to bleed as he staggers back from the shove. You take the opening to plant yourself between them. Both of your hands are planted against JJ’s chest.
“Walk away JJ,” you say, your eyes frantic as you search his face, but he is staring at Rafe. His chest is heaving for air, and his fists are tightly curled against his sides. "JJ!" You reach up, touching his face and turning his attention to you. “Walk away, please. This is a public beach. There are children here.”
He seems to snap out of the daze and looks around, noticing the families staring and gathering a few feet back. All sharing worried looks, whispering, and clinging to their children.
“Please, JJ for me,” you beg, knowing that the Kildare Sheriff's is likely already on their way. "Think about it Jay, the cops are probably already on their way. This is Rafe Cameron, he won't go to jail like you will."
He nods before walking backward with his hands up until Kiara is between you and JJ.
You turn to Rafe, fire in your eyes as you glare at him. “How fucking dare you?” You whisper harshly. “This is our beach, The Cut! You have no right to be here.”
He stares for a moment, before he shrugs, shaking his head. “I don’t care.”
“I can see that,” you hiss before moving forward to shove your hands again his chest. “Get out of here Rafe. Now! Go back to Figure 8, and don’t come back to The Cut again.”
“Or what?” He asks, his hands circling your upper arms to hold you there. His glare intensifies as he stares down at you like you two are the only ones on the beach at the moment. “Come with me.”
His hands grip tighter, but his gaze does not stray from you. “Come with me, and I will go.”
“This is not an opportunity for you to bargain with me!”
He smirks, rolling his shoulders. “Sure it is, Baby.”
You glance back to see Topper and John B are at a pause while Sarah tends to John B’s injuries, and Topper glares at them a few inches away. His bottom lip is swelling, and he is sporting a cut right below his eye, which serves him right for being an asshole. Topper’s blue eyes find yours, and he smirks. You turn back to Rafe when his thumb begins to stroke the inside of your arm.
“Come with me. Or I tell the sheriffs that JJ attacked me and started this whole fight." He leans his head down as he speaks so only you hear his next words as his lips brush the shell of your ear. "There are plenty of witnesses that saw it, Baby."
You close your eyes and drop your head. “Fine, but I will go with you only. Topper can fuck off."
Rafe laughs, before turning his head to look at Topper. "Thanks for your help, Top. Go take care of that lip."
He shrugs before throwing a menacing glare at John B and going.
“I’ll be back,” you say over your shoulder to your friends, who all immediately start to protest. “I’ll be fine!” You turn back to see Rafe smirking at them. “Wipe the smirk off Rafe, or I stay.”
His facial features shift before he reaches for your hand.
"I said I would go, I didn't say you could touch me."
You pull away from him and slap his hand away. JJ laughs from behind you, and you hear Kiara admonish him with a sharp shut up.
“Don’t touch me again,” you say, your tone harsh as you ignore them in hopes of another fight not breaking out. "Go!" You gesture towards the parking lot. "You are getting what you want, as per usual."
He leads the way up the beach and to the parking lot before he turns to you. “Fine, but you'll have to touch me.”
“That’s not what… no,” you say, shaking your head as you look at his motorbike before taking a step back.
He smirks. “You agreed, or we can go back down there and wait for the sheriff."
“I hate you so much,” you snap, and take the helmet he holds out. You pull it on as he straddles the bike. You move closer and to bike, but before you can get on he reaches up and snaps the buckle in place under your chin. "What about you?"
"I didn't plan on this, despite what you think."
"Whatever." You scoff before climbing on behind him. He does not comment on your doubt, but reaches back and pulls your hands around to brace against the gas tank. The front of your body presses to his back, and that burning feeling resumes as he turns the bike on and leaves the beach and your friends behind.
Once you are at Tanneyhill and he has parked, you are off and pulling the helmet off your head. He studies you as you shove it harshly against his chest.
"Why in the hell did you bring me here?"
He shrugs, looking up at the massive white house. "I wanted to show you what I can give you."
You scoff, pacing away from him. "Fuck you, Rafe."
He leans against his bike, his gaze raking over you before he has that coy smile on his face. "Come inside. We can talk."
"I don't want to go in there."
His eyebrows rise before he turns to get back on his bike. "Then we go to the police station."
"I hate you so fucking much!" You snap before walking towards the front door. His laughter follows you before he does. He reaches past you, opening the front door before motioning you through.
"Up the stairs. First door on the right."
"I'm not going to your bedroom."
"Yes, you are," he responds. "My dad and Rose are here."
You shove his hands away when they reach for you again before following his instructions. 
“Is this why you brought me here? To lock me in away in your room?"
He shakes his head as he opens his bedroom door and lets you in. "No."
“Then why?” You ask, crossing your arms over your waist before turning to him.
“I miss you."
“Oh my god,” you groan and tip your head to stare back at him. “I don’t understand you at all.”
He rolls his eyes. “Stop being dramatic.”
You sigh, shaking your head, and walking to look out the window of his bedroom, before turning to him. “Are you planning to hold me, hostage all day then?”
“Maybe,” he mutters before moving off the door to come closer. You stare at him, aware that you are unable to go anywhere as his hands grip your waist, and he looks at you. There is something in those blue depths that tugs at your heart strings. “I want you to give me a second chance.”
He groans, his forehead dropping to yours. His breath fans over your face as he squeezes your hips.
“Rafe, I have a boyfriend.”
“That’s a lie,” he grounds out, and you push a hand to his chest, making him take a step back. “Try again.”
“Excuse me?”
“I saw Tyler and Emma together last night. So, either you lied, or Tyler is cheating. Either way, Baby, it doesn’t look like that relationship is going to work.”
“Damn it,” you groan and move to sit on his bed. Your palms press to your face as you try to think of a way to redirect his attention elsewhere.
Your options are limited, he has leverage that he can use against JJ any time he wishes or at least until the injuries fade. But you know Rafe and you know he will know no bounds until he gets his way. The only way to end this once and for all is to give Rafe what he wants and that is you. For one night, to save your best friend, you would allow Rafe to do whatever he wants with you.
You lift your gaze to him as you lean back on your palms. A poker face takes over your features, schooling the plan in mind. Your plan is mad, but it is the best option you have. “I want half.”
“What?” He asks, tipping his head and bringing his fingers over his lips.
“I want half,” you say as gently as possible. “I want half of the $10k.”
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as you begin unbuttoning your cover-up.
“You can have me here and now, but I get half. I have a college fund that could use it.” You look him in the eyes, your own blazing with anger. “The summer is not over yet, and Midsummers is not for another couple of weeks, so why not get something out of this as well?”
He clears his throat, his fingers flexing before he nods. “Deal.”
“And then, this stupid idea of you dating me is gone. We have sex, and that is it.”
“No,” he says, stepping back then.
You lift your gaze to his and pause on removing your coverup. “No?”
“I want more than that.”
“Why?” You ask, annoyance clear in your voice.
He shakes his head, walking away from you before turning back. His hand rakes through his hair in an equal measure of annoyance and anxiety. “I don’t want this to be a one-time hookup, Baby. I want all of you.”
You roll your eyes. “Not an option.”
He moves closer until he is standing against your legs. His hand is warm as he touches your neck. His thumb drags across the rim of your chin before moving to tip your head, so you look at him. “You can try to fight this thing between us as much you want, Baby, but we both know how I make you feel. Bet or no bet, you were mine the moment I started pursuing you.”
“No,” he says, cutting you off. “You won’t win this one. I want you, all of you, and I am going to get what I want.”
You reach up to move his hand from your face, but he tightens his fingers on your chin to keep your gaze on him.
“That little blip of whatever the hell we were was nothing.” You hiss.
He laughs, his chest shaking before he stops. “Wrong again. You’ve been mine for fucking weeks.”
Your lips part to try and change his mind, but you pause at the look on his face. Rafe Cameron was the kook prince that got whatever he wanted, and you knew it. He had his sights set on you even after everything. “Fine,” you hiss. “I’ll be your girlfriend.”
In your mind, you hope it will not last long. Rafe did not date, and you were the worst kind of girlfriend. He would get bored and move on in a few weeks.
“Now,” you whisper as you shed your cover-up and reach to untie your bikini top. “Are we doing this or not?”
Part VII
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everwitch-magiks · 8 months
Gossip Girl AU!
... I love you, I do, but I must admit to never having seen Gossip Girl. This is gonna be a wild ride.
I've thought about it for exactly two seconds and have elected to do the following: five fun things that would happen in a Gossip Girl AU based solely on randomly selected episode titles from season one of the show, all of which I've never seen. Strap in, folks.
The Wild Brunch: Pez, a chaotic genius stuck in the confinements of compulsory education, has a mishap in the chem lab which results in a sentient sandwich. All the man wanted was a goddamn post-breakfast-pre-lunch grilled cheese, and now said grilled cheese is reciting Keats and crushing on the new kid from Texas. Pez names it 'Henry'.
Dare Devil: Nora dares Alex to eat the grilled cheese. Henry is horrified. Pez is entertained. Alex is keen, because it looks so tasty, but hesitant, because it looks so alive. June's book club comes to the rescue and grants Henry membership, which in turn grants him protection from being eaten under paragraph twenty-one of the school code of conduct: 'do not bite fellow members of extracurricular organisations.' Thank God for Theodore Wilkins in the class of 96' whose vampire phase left deep imprints on official regulations (and on Colin McMahon, the poor lad. He wore a lot of scarfs.)
Seventeen Candles: Alex turns seventeen. To celebrate, he and Nora break up and get back together again seventeen times - except the seventeenth time, they forget to get back together. Neither of them actually notice. Henry nearly eats himself from stress.
Roman Holiday: On a class trip to Europe, Pez mixes Henry up with an eerily similar garlic bread appetizer. The garlic bread does not recite Keats. Alex is beside himself but can't figure out why. Nora reveals herself to be a witch and summons Henry back from the buffet. Nobody is surprised by this development.
All About My Brother: Pez and Nora combine their sciency and witchy powers to transform Henry into a real boy who smells only vaguely of cheese. Alex is into it. So into it that he comes out to June a moment later, which annoys her seeing as she'd been about to come out to him and now he's stolen her thunder. June gets back at Alex by getting together with Nora, but is startled when this only makes him thrilled - so in an impressive display of commitment to the bit she dates Nora for a decade and then marries her. They have three children. Alex, meanwhile, asks Henry out by means of a message written in apricot jam on a whole wheel of brie. (Henry accepts.)
The end, I suppose! Gossip Girl. What a show, amirite?
Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story!
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pocket-luv101 · 9 months
Summary: Licht struggles to write a love song so Hyde suggests they watch romance movies together. (LawLicht)
“Will you stop doing that, Shit Rat? It’s annoying and I can’t concentrate on my song! I told you that you’re only allowed to stay as long as you behave.” Licht snapped and tossed his notebook at Hyde across the hotel room. His outburst cut through the silence and startled Hyde. He couldn’t dodge the attack. Papers spilled out from the book and he rushed to collect the music sheets.
“What the hell? I was being quiet.” Hyde retorted. He started to argue with him but then he glanced down at the music sheets. The page was blank. A movie director commissioned Licht to compose a love theme. Licht accepted the request with the belief that it would be a simple challenge. However, he wasn’t able to write a single melody in the past hour. It was clear to see that he was frustrated with his progress on the song— or lack thereof.
His passion and greed was what drew Hyde to him. That part of his personality also worried Hyde at times. Licht would push himself to continue playing his piano even if his fingers bled. He didn’t know how he was lucky enough to form a contract with an angel after everything he did. He could never guess the reason but he would do everything he could to help Licht.
“How about a lunch break, Lichtan?” He suggested and Licht’s answer was sharp glare. While he summoned his piano on his lap, he didn’t try to fight with him further. He pressed a single key in slow tempo that was second nature after years of practise. Hyde had many talented Eves. A few struggled with their commission and procrastinated with their work. His angel was different. He knew that it would be more difficult to convince him to take a break from his work.
Hyde silently listed things he could say to him. A sly grin spread across his lips and the shift in his demeanor caught Licht’s attention. His piano vanished and reformed as boots. Their eyes met and could read each other’s intentions. Licht raised a brow and silently challenged him to provoke him into another fight. In response, Hyde motioned for him to join him on the couch.
Licht started to shake his head but a part of him was curious. Despite being an angel, Hyde was the only devil who could tempt him. “I have something that could give you inspiration for your love song, Angel Cakes.”
“Is this a corny attempt to flirt with me and suggest we have sex? I’m working, Shit Rat. I love you but my music is important to me too. Don’t act distracting so I can finish my song.” Licht ordered. He crossed the room to Hyde and took his unfinished music sheets from him. He was surprised by how easily Hyde gave him the notebook when he would usually try to fight him. As he straightened the crumpled paper, he noticed the pink tint on Hyde’s cheek.
“You love me.” Hyde echoed the word. Licht told him that he loved him so casually that it took Hyde aback. Whenever he would tease him and try to have Licht affirm his feelings, his response would be to kick him out of irritation and feeling flustered. He blushed and Hyde realized that Licht had said the words without thinking.
“Not when you’re being irritating, Shit Rat!” Before Licht could storm out of the room and leave the awkward silence, Hyde stopped him. His scarf wrapped itself around his wrist and pulled him back. As he stumbled backwards, his leg struck the couch. He fell into the spot next to Hyde and he wrapped his arm around his waist. Yet, it was Hyde’s red eyes that kept him from standing again.
“I actually have a way to help you find inspiration. We can watch romance movies and listen to their soundtrack. That might give you inspiration for your own love song. There’s Pride and Prejudice, Titanic or we can take a chance with a more modern movie. Though, I know you like the classics and fairy tales.” Hyde circled his arms around Licht and leaned forward to reach the remote on the table in front of them. As he did so, Licht could feel his chest pressed against his back.
“Is this a trick to make me rest?” Licht took the remote before Hyde could. He held the controller over his head but it was impossible to keep it away from him while he was sitting on his lap. Hyde buried his face in his neck and tickled his nose against his skin. Briefly distracted, he was able to steal the remote from him. He turned on the television and scrolled through the available movies.
Licht pushed his body backwards until they were sitting back on the couch and he could tilt his head up to Hyde. He scowled at him and crossed his arms. Hyde could hear his complaints even before he spoke. He took his hand and kissed his fingertips. His long and slender fingers were fitting for a pianist even as they contrasted Licht’s strong personality. He loved both sides of him though.
“I know you love playing the piano but even angels need to rest. You’ll finish your song eventually and it’ll be a gift from the heavens.” Hyde reassured him. When they first met, he mimicked how Licht would reference angels and fairy tales to mock him. Now, they were his honest praise.
“I don’t want to settle for ‘eventually’. I want to finish my song now. If I take a break or wait too long, I might regret it.” Licht muttered and nestled closer to Hyde’s side. His voice was barely above a whisper and Hyde was only able to hear it from how close they were. Hyde knew that Licht was remembering his brief summer in France.
Licht thought that he had lost his friend before he could play a song for him. Since he rarely met people his age, let alone had friends, the regret affected him more. He promised himself that he would always pursue his goals and no longer have regrets. He eventually learned that Niccolo was alive. That was only possible because he met Hyde. Licht found it a little ironic that a demon was able to save an angel.
“Indulge me for an hour, Lichtan.” Hyde played a romance movie at random. “If our love story was a movie, what song would be playing? I’m not an angel of music like you but I can recite a Shakespearan monologue of the first time I saw you. Shall our love be a short lived game or a violent one, my Juliet? Or I can be the mysterious Mr. Darcy that you hate at first but then fall madly in love!”
“A mysterious Mr. Darcy? I could see through you from the start, Shit Rat.” Licht rolled his eyes.
The way Hyde tricked him into forming a contract gave him a terrible first impression. However, as they spent more time with each other, he sensed that there was a reason Hyde kept himself from following his dreams. Licht often became frustrated that he didn’t know Hyde’s reason and tried to push him forward in his own way. Then, Hyde told him about his past and they could truly begin to understand each other.
On the screen, the couple began to dance with each other. Licht easily recognized the song and he tapped his finger on Hyde’s arm. “Fur Elise. The love songs I hear in romance movies are slow and have an idyllic light motif. That’s not what I hear when I’m with you.”
Licht struggled with the song for the past few days yet their short conversation helped him realize why it was so difficult. The director hired him to write a score for a fairy tale romance. However, his love story with Hyde was far from conventional. He needed to write a song that was true to himself but also fitting for the movie.
“So, how do you hear our song?” Hyde asked out of curiosity.
“Like a tempest.” He closed his eyes and listened to Hyde’s even heartbeat. He was certain that he could follow that sound through a deafening storm. They had been through a lot but he wouldn’t change a moment they shared. Licht summoned his piano and placed his fingers over the keys. He intended to play Beethoven’s Tempest but another song flowed out of him. “This is our song. What is our monologue, Mr. Playwright?”
“I’ve quoted Shakespeare for centuries but I don’t know if my pose can match his.” Hyde watched Licht’s fingers glide over the piano keys and recalled the first time he saw him on stage. “The spotlight above you is a faux of Heaven’s light. Once the curtain falls, the silhouette of a human remains. What a foolish angel he is to believe he can change the world. Dreams will remain as that: fleeting dreams. Yet, as I listen to his song move heaven and earth, I can almost believe your words of folly. Perhaps, I am the angel’s fool.”
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creonininkwell · 1 year
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What if Han-gyeol accepted Devil's help, and accepted to be his immortal bride? An AU to Burning Dahlias. Thanks to everyone for coming to the streams. Storry it took long to upload.
Instead of dying after childbirth, Han-gyeol decided to be selfish and choose staying with the Devil instead of reuniting with her mother in heaven. Han-gyeol recovered, but she still has some markings of her near death on her. She suspects that she was poisoned at that time.
She gets so much freedom to do whatever without any fear of judgment. Devil is more than happy to have personal tailors create a wardrobe based on outfits from traveling with her mother. One of her favorite places are the library and her personal garden. She has all of eternity to do whatever she wants, and with the one person she loves. Devil never tires of her presence and he's eternally grateful that Han-gyeol was willing give up eternal salvation for him.
Devil is not as obsessed with soul stealing. He meets his quota, especially due to a revamped system. Han-gyeol is less perturbed at her husband's job and role, but she's really touched that he revamped the system and set up a code for him and his imps to follow. Han-gyeol is the reason why everyone at least gets a lunch break and rotational sleep shifts. It's still Hell, but slightly less hell-ish.
Han-gyeol gets her own private garden and her own team of gardeners who help maintain it. It contains all of the unholy plants and flowers that Devil created, along with Han-gyeol's personal favorites.
Eventually, this becomes a particular torture site for certain sinners, where their bodies are living sustenance for the flora. Sometimes certain prisoners or debtors are sent there to work (be tortured). This was actually Han-gyeol's idea. The first unlucky victim was her first husband, who had tried to escape Hell, but failed to take in account that Han-gyeol was no longer human.
Han-gyeol accidentally started a cult due to a rampage spurred on from feeling pain from the very earth. Obviously Devil found her demonic form deliciously horrible. Han-gyeol begrudgingly upholds her end of gaining followers and reaping souls. She had to put an end to the lunacy when some idiots decided human sacrifice was acceptable in summoning her.
For their demonic spawn, well Devil eventually came around to the idea of being a father. In a way, He was humbled by the fact that it took both him and Han-gyeol to actually create life. Han-gyeol is just happy to finally hold her own children. She was denied that in her mortal life.
They like to visit the mortal world in mortal disguise. They change it up with time.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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The Hunter's Trap
Not Natural ✨ The Devil's Trap ✨ Holy Water ✨ The Demon's Altar ✨ Midnight Meeting
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats), demon Kells, hunter Dom, mentions of death, magic, porn watching, masterbation, getting caught, needy boys, Dom dressed up, improper use of a tie, grinding, talks of a hunt, talks of death/murder, mentions of torture, fingering, cunnilingus, bruising, choking, biting, blood play/tasting, d/s dynamics, intense orgasms, slightly dark boys ⚰️ rating: explicit obvi
Kells had been riding shotgun and needing Dom to ride him for a week when they finally shared a hunt. They had stayed in the first small town for a few days only to realize the monster he'd been hunting was a human fuck killing children so bloody and as usual in that case he anonymously tipped off the cops and searched out his next lead. His new beastie BFF hadn't liked or trusted the police so before they left he snuck away while the Hunter was bathing and sent the bastard straight where he belonged. He even made sure to tag him for one of his old friends that he knew had a knack for torture and a hatred for anyone hurting kids. One thing he'd learned in his time below was that not all demons were monsters. Some people sold their souls for damn good reasons but still suffered the consequences. Bela was a newer addition to hell but he didn't discriminate over age.
After that they'd stumbled onto a new case of course, he couldn't distract the human for long. They moved on, driving back roads and highways to a new picturesque Norman Rockwell wannabe facade with a dark secret. But didn't they all have them? Didn't everyone? The town was quaint but the case was not, people were turning up dead in the weirdest ways. Kells could scent the magic the moment they were in town and where it normally wouldn't worry him, too much power around his boy had him anxious. They settled in a new motel, something less awful than usual because the demon wanted to treat his bitch.
He didn't think he could call what they were doing dating- he didn't do that, but he wasn't leaving the boy and they spent all their time together. He still hadn't been able to bring himself to truly bed the kid but they were definitely hot and heavy. The omega needed him and his long buried alpha was getting stronger every day. He just didn't want to give up his power to the Hunter and he knew he might if he fucked him down and dirty. Or worse… made love. He was just protecting himself and pissing off the human along the way.
He had popped out to meet up with Bela and see how her new toy was faring for a little while. Dom had said he needed to do research and he wasn't the biggest fan of books so for just a few hours they split up. He'd gotten back to an empty room and tossed some lunch on the small nook table before laying himself out on the bed. The motel offered an array of movies but a little display next to the television promised Casa Erotica on pay-per-view. He was centuries old and didn't normally find too much pleasure in porn or touching himself anymore but after so many nights of pent up need he was a bit desperate for relief. Of course they messed around and he got off at least once a night but it was five in the afternoon. He hadn't orgasmed since midnight.
"Fuck it." He grumbled under his breath as he switched on the TV and searched out what was sure to be shitty porn. He waved his hand and summoned a small bottle of lube as he pressed 'buy' on the screen and he dropped everything to thumb his pants open. The music was tacky and the actors weren't as hot as he'd like but sex was sex and before his new companion he loved a porn starlet. It was almost annoying how quickly his tastes were changing. He could feel his blood pump harder, if he truly focused he could even feel the way it altered its flow to rush down to his cock. Of course his knot didn't react, it wouldn't without his lover near, but he started to play anyway.
The first touch made him shiver, his skin was hot and aching, it seemed like he was always hard for the boy now. He couldn't ignore it, he wasn't pulsing for the humans on screen it was all for the bitch and his tight wet pussy. When the video zoomed on a girl's core his mind conjured images of Dom instead, the way he leaked like a faucet for him, drenching his thick thighs and soaking the bed. When it filmed her tits he thought of his boy's, he was mostly muscle but they still bounced for him when they'd grind in bed. When the punk would sit on his lap and they'd press together, not-so dry humping. No matter what the movie showed he thought of Dom… Dom… "Dom-"
"Don't look like you need me 'elp actually." A voice interrupted him and he cried out in shock, his hand stuttering in its play. His gaze shot to the door where his companion was standing, arms crossed, smirk on his face.
"Fuck me. You look pretty." Kells huffed back as he took in his lover in his Sunday best. Dom's hair was brushed back and he was decked out in a simple black suit with a white button up and pink tie. "Mmm, my favorite color."
"Not even gonna explain ya'self?" The boy hummed, stripping off his jacket. He laid it on the back of a chair and rolled his sleeves up before he loosened his tie to half mast. He kept his heavy jade gaze on his demon every step of the way. There was something oddly erotic about catching him in the act but at the same time a small voice in the back of his mind wondered if he wasn't enough. The beast wouldn't really fuck him and now he needed a dirty movie to get off?
Kells couldn't help but catch his boy's thoughts and he turned the TV off automatically. He didn't want to give away that he was constantly in the kid's head so instead he said- "I got bored and you haven't gotten me off since last night. If you'd let me drive you could have given me road head like a good bitch." He tried to give his patent cocky grin but his lover looked too fucking good standing there. If anything he looked like he matched his name but Kells didn't turn bitch for anyone. Ever.
"Oh ya poor fing. 'Ow tragic. No one drives LuLu but me. Jus' like no one should be touching tha' cock but me." Dom purred, his voice was even but he was shocked as hell at himself. They flirted and teased all the time but he'd never said something so claiming in his life. He probably shouldn't be starting with a bloody demon. "I leave to interview some people and actually work on a 'unt and you can't even wait till I get 'ome?"
A shiver went through the demon, his brow arching as he teased a fingertip around the crown of his dick. The way the boy so casually owned him made his blood run hotter. A pearl of precum pooled at his tip and beaded down his shaft and he knew Dom was watching every moment. "Sue me. I'm a needy whore. Shouldn't leave me alone. Trying to play bad cop Domie?"
The Hunter laughed and ran his fingers through his slicked back hair to mess it up a little as he stalked closer to the bed. He'd planned on pulling an all-nighter to research what could be killing people but perhaps he could waste thirty minutes with the beast. "I'm always bad cop." He shrugged, toeing off his boots to crawl on to the bed. He slung a leg over the monster's thighs, trying not to settle too heavily but Kells felt him hesitate and he rolled his eyes. Strong fingers gripped Dom's thighs and pushed him down harder. After a moment he obeyed, letting his full weight rest on the other man's lap. He knew what he would say, he could take it.
"Something seems off here." Kells joked, his dick was exposed between them but Dom was buttoned up tight. He wondered if he pressed his fingers between the boy's legs if he'd find him wet. He might need to work for it though. "Find anything out?" He asked, not that he really cared but he was there to hunt with the guy. He knew Dom wasn't solely focused on their biggest enemy so he couldn't be anymore. A monster was a monster, was a monster… or whatever.
Dom's brows furrowed as the beast reached for his buttons. He sighed as the first one popped open. Another. Kells explored his skin as he opened the punk's shirt but he arched a brow as if he expected an answer. "Um… Cops didn't know shite. Couldn't find hex bags but- uh fuck-" He stuttered when the demon pulled his shirt from his pants and pushed it slowly down his shoulders.
"You look like a slutty school boy." The monster purred, dropping his hands to work open the kid's slacks.
"You should see me in a skirt." Dom mumbled and the demon fumbled over his work. "Don't fink it's a witch. But 'ey dying weird. Seem to jus' explode or summat." The Hunter continued as if they were an old married couple discussing their days before sex. What the fuck was happening?
"Mmm, trying to turn me on here?" Kells teased but it was a joke. He might fuck Dom in a puddle of blood someday but he didn't like his kills viscerally messy. He loved red almost as much as he loved pink but not like that. When he realized he couldn't pull the kid's pants off in their position and he wasn't allowed to tear them he huffed. He was trying to do it without magic but he couldn't let him move. He didn't want him to.
Dom jumped when his lover snapped his fingers and everything but his tie was gone. He shouldn't have been surprised but it still shocked him sometimes. Unless Kells was showing off he looked so… human. His bare skin pressed to the demon's and he automatically felt himself messy. It was normal around his lover but still strange. New. "You ever um- 'ear summat like tha'?" He tried to keep calm. He knew Kells didn't plan to fuck him and he didn't want to give away how much he craved his beast. At times he thought about scooting back against him at night and trying to wiggle that monster cock inside himself while faking sleep but that might look too much like cuddling. He was not the little spoon. Ever.
Keliphos shrugged, of course he'd heard of deaths like that but it took a lot of magic and he didn't want Dom trying to go up against it, so instead he tried for distraction. He was good at that. He eased the tie loose before tugging one side down, tickling it over his chest, belly, the tops of his thighs, and finally his dick. He watched as Dom's sweat and precum stained it darker. The pink silk looked gorgeous against Dom's almost matching blushed cock as he wrapped it carefully around his shaft. His mouth watered, he wanted to kiss the tip and tease his tongue beneath the kid's slowly stretching foreskin but they hadn't done that yet. Fuck. He wanted to taste everything from his bitch but he worried he might get addicted. Kells didn't like needing things. Dom's eyes went wide, his lips parting when the other end tightened too much around his throat. He knew of choking as a sex act of course but he wasn't prepared for it. He wasn't used to it. He hadn't even technically had sex and the only choking he'd experienced was monsters trying to kill him. Could he really trust the demon that much?
Kells groped rough at his thighs, tugging him up until his drenched quivering folds were pressed against the devil's shaft and they both moaned at the feel. "Should make you blow me." He growled low, his dick jerking hard. He was so close to what he really wanted but he shouldn't. He couldn't. Not yet. Not until he knew how to keep himself from truly feeling. He had thought that part was carved out of him centuries ago but he knew with Dom it wasn't true. His damn heart was still there and in desperate need of protection. The pretty boy would never look at him like that.
"Don't deserve it." Dom rasped, swallowing hard a few times just to make sure he still could. What was the fucking point of the tie?
"Oh I don't? I was going to take that off but maybe you don't deserve to cum." The beast's voice dropped, the darkness inside him coming out just a little as it started to leak into his gaze. He couldn't decide where to look but he wanted to look everywhere. He groaned when his bitch found a rocking pace, his pretty hips swaying back and forth. Fingers tangled in his hair and he fought to keep control of the situation. He would not give in because the human had a sweet pussy and a pretty face. Never. "Scared aren't you?" He asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He let a palm wander up the human's freckled skin, over his ribs inked with protection spells, over his chest tattooed with anti-possession, and finally it tickled over the tie, his fingers pressing gently. They both knew how easily he could kill him. That for the moment he held Dom's life in his hands. He could see it in the way the Hunter's eyes twinkled. The way his cunt trickled a fresh rush of slick.
"Y-yes." Dom whimpered, the rotation of his hips pushing further up as if he could catch the devil's cock and bury it inside himself. He was too tight for that- they both knew it, but his body had to try. He hadn't meant to be so honest but his eyes locked on stormy blues and he couldn't swallow the fear. The arousal. It was plain in the steady shake of his body and the quivering of his core. Every stroke drove him wild, he'd grind far enough he could feel the beast against his ass before slipping through his folds. The ridge of the demon's cockhead caught against both his holes and made him tremble. "Every'fin about you scares me."
Maybe Keliphos took that wrong or maybe he took it exactly right. It felt a bit like a splash of cold water but at the same time his cock twitched hard. He forced his eyes back to human and Dom frowned, his plush parted lips turning down. "I didn't mean… don't 'ide? Please?" He whined low, pulling his pet demon closer. That pillow perfect mouth pressed to his. Again. Again. They covered the beast's and suckled softly as his body rolled. The tension was starting to feel desperate. Fingers tugged at blonde locks and Kells groped right back- one hand squeezing Dom's ass and the other dangerously close to choking him out. The kiss felt wet and messy, the boy couldn't help it. Everything about him was dripping with desire.
Kells couldn't control his power as his rapture climbed, the next time his eyes opened he knew the storm was back. When the kid smiled and moaned aloud he knew that's what he wanted but Dom didn't know what he was playing with. "Fuck me?" The human mouthed, his breath too cut off but he shook his head and let just a little of his magic out to play.
Dominic groaned when electricity kissed his skin all over and the scent of the air after heavy rain tried to overpower the intoxicating smell of their sex. The monster's sweat and precum was like a strange aphrodisiac and if he trusted his skill better he would taste him. "Look at you. Little Hunter begging to ride a demon's dick. You were all set to kill me, now look at you. I could snap your neck. I could use you however I want." His voice was gravel and heavy on Dom's skin. It filled him with a feeling he couldn't understand. He pushed through fight or flight, he couldn't move anyway and he didn't want to. Maybe it was shame. Maybe he liked it. Fuck.
The human moved faster, his hips jerking. The glide between them was easy with all the slick but their movements were brutal. Rough. He couldn't cum though and he damn well knew it. "Use me 'en." His voice was nothing more than a whispered rasp but the monster still growled. The beg was louder in his head than his own harsh unneeded breath. "Use me?" 'Yours.' The last he didn't even speak out loud but it was blaring in his mind along with the constant pleading for release and it broke something inside the beast.
Kells cursed, his hands squeezing so tight that the boy couldn't breathe. Dom felt his skin break where his lover's painted nails dug in. He knew he'd be bruised all over, bleeding even. There was something so erotic knowing he was marked. He'd felt claimed by the wrong bastard so long and as crimson trickled down his skin that almost felt erased. Finally. 'Taste?' Kells didn't know if Dom was realizing he was constantly listening or the kid was just too fucked out to realize what he was asking for but it didn't matter. The demon pulled him closer anyway and moved his hand, his tongue searching out every drop of red.
Keliphos groaned as pleasure burned through him, his body jerking as he spilled hot. His knot was threatening to pop just a little more than before but Dom never stopped grinding. White heat soaked their skin but his orgasm was secondary to the taste of omega blood on his tongue. He kept his grip tight, his thumb pressed against the fluttering human pulse. He just needed more. More. Everything.
Dom whimpered when his lover pulled back, his vision was going black around the edges but he thought for just a moment his beast looked scared. He couldn't ask though. He couldn't think. He couldn't focus on anything more than the cum flooding between them and the urgency his body was screaming with. To breathe. To find pleasure.
The boy's lashes fluttered and with a blood red Cheshire grin Kells thought about letting him pass out. He took the kid right to the brink, let him kiss the darkness before he moved.
The grip around Dom's throat disappeared and he gasped for air, his eyes blinking fast to fight his vision going out. His spine hit the mattress and the tie around his neck vanished- but so did his monster and he couldn't help but be scared. Hands gripped tight at his thighs and spread them, shoulders pressed between his legs. He still couldn't focus but he searched with his hands and found Kells- he was still there.
Keliphos bit his lip not to groan at the heavy scent of their combined cum and slick. The kid was drenched in him and his dick was still spilling. His hips bucked down so he could grind against the bed but his main focus was the shiny wet pussy begging for his touch.
Three fingers shoved deep, stretching and searching inside Dom's core and his thighs shook. It wouldn't take him but a moment to spill. "Kells-" He choked, his throat bruised inside and out but he didn't care. He'd scream for the man if it would get him off. The moment his spot was found the monster abused it, he was getting used to pleasure but it wasn't a soft building wave anymore. It seemed like a brutal brick wall he was heading for faster than he could breathe. Something else touched his skin- hot and wet and when he looked he knew it was all over. Kells was tasting him?
The demon moaned. He wasn't even trying to cover his noises anymore but he didn't have to. Dom was so drenched that his fingers made a sloppy squelch inside him. His lips sucked over the boy's folds, his tongue teasing between them to lick up every drop. He never slowed his touch, he wouldn't torture his lover like that but he knew what he was doing was dumb. So. Fucking. Dumb. With one kiss, with one taste he was hooked. He ignored the growl in his head screaming 'mine'. He didn't claim humans. He couldn't.
Dom heard a snap and the brutal pressure of silk around his dick disappeared. He wasn't even sure what sound escaped him but the pain was overwhelming and he knew he screamed. His spine arched, his fingers tugging at his lover's hair as pleasure slammed into him and sucked him under.
Kells felt the kid black out but he didn't stop. Slick threatened to drown him as the punk gushed for him but he worked to catch every drop. He couldn't stop until the storm of rapture slowed, his Hunter was a fountain of need. Of youth. Of lust. He drank deep and slowed his touch, pulling his fingers free to let his lips replace them. He didn't stop until he felt Dom starting to stir again.
Dom felt limp. He'd never been so fucked out and they still hadn't even made love. Not that they ever would. Fuck. "Kells?" He tried to ask but his voice was shot along with the rest of him. He'd have to sleep it off before he could hunt again. The demon pulled back and smiled up at him, crawling closer to drop next to his shaking body. He almost wanted to ask if he was any good but his companion laughed.
The beast fought himself not to hold the human but the back of his mind knew better. Neither of them were soft anymore, it was carved out of them. He licked his lips and savored the taste of the boy on his face and he wondered if Dom was truly human. "Just rest kid. I'll watch over you." He hummed, risking a slap as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
Dom tried to kiss back but he couldn't make any part of him work. Maybe just this once he could trust the monster to keep him safe. His eyes closed again, but for just a moment he swore there was a bright light coming from his lover and a heat rushed through him until his bruises felt better. His throat less raw. It was nothing he was sure, just a warmth from the kiss. But he thought he also heard Kells gasp in shock before sleep sucked him under.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
So that was a long one. I hope you enjoyed your treat! There was a little plot mixed in with the porn but not too much 😂 Who/what are they hunting? Is Dom fully human? What the fuck is happening to Kells? I hope you liked it 🖤⚰️
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anjels001 · 2 years
Imagine that...
Imagine that MC's soul was connected to the essence of the brothers' lives? that even if they (mc) died, Mc could be reborn/reincarnated while the brothers were alive....
what if that happens after the MC has all the pacts and received the Ring of Light? And if the pact also notifies the death of the bearer to the demon so that he could collect the bearer's soul? but because of what happened 2/3 of the realms couldn't find the MC's soul!
This situation would be a side effect that no one would notice until it was too late...
Now imagine a child who was born at the same time that MC died, who has MC's memories but because of his young age all memories are scrambled...
what if this child had the marks of the pacts? but inactive....
Baby Mc was a strange child, too mature with strange marks on her body, that's what scares her parents who are religious people who start to think that she is created by the devil...
Bebe mc grows up in an abusive home with negligent parents who do everything to scare away the "devil of their body", until they are 5 years old, where their children begin to adjust and so they realize that what was happening was bad and that they can ask for it. help ....
with crayons, some blood and spoiled porridge broth from his lunch, mc performs a ritual using the inactive pact marks to summon one of the brothers....
With this scenario in mind, which of the brothers would answer the call?
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burgercheese1812 · 1 year
Read at your own risk!
My emotions/thoughts through painted devils, because I just finished that shit and holy jamole-
(This took me days to write help 💀)
The seventh lie: (yes it has to be in sections or no one will be able to follow it, not even myself)
OOOO THE COVER JUST *chefs kiss*
Don’t scam the people, don’t scam the people- of course she did.
Hm making up a story about a god, yes this seems completely sane and won’t have future repercussions.
*fast forwards two months* Dammit Vanja.
Don’t go into the barn. DON’T GO INTO THE BARN- of course.
oh… Emeric… 😐
*sheep third wheeling is a vibe*
*Enter ScarMad*
Hi, yes hello, what do you mean you cLaiMeD mY bOy eMeRiC?? 😃
*Emeric proceeds to be high-fived in the chest, with red permanent marker*
*Enter PrOcToR KiRkLiNg* p.s: I already hate her.
I hope Vanja cuts KiRkLiNg down a few pegs. Ok a lot of pegs.
Who is Helga and where did she come from? *proceeds to knock KiRkLiNg down a few pegs* I like her.
#wish I could have seen KiRkLiNg standing on that bridge looking like a shocked fish as her lunch falls into the river
Oh how I wish I could go on a lovely date with my significant other to see murals of human sacrifices that may or may not soon involve them. Oh to be in love.
Ah yes Vanja, because I’m sure just screaming in a cave is going to summon- god dammit it ScarMad.
HA VIRGIN (I can’t say anything)
wait hang on so ScarMad claims people who haven’t… done it yet? Or have no intention of ever doing it? That smells a tad… *sniffs the air* Acephobic.
#cancel the Acephob ScarMad 2023 #acerights
“Human measuring stick I’m inexplicably fond of” I’m sure Emeric loves you to Vanja
Ah yes let’s all just casually stroll up to the other 5 brother and ask for them to participate in a BLOOD SACRIFICE that will go down swimmingly I’m sure!
*un- PG 13 -ifies your Vaneric*
Love Helga being a big sister figure in Vanja’s life. (What the poor naive dingbat did not know is that this is what we call ✨foreshadowing✨)
Great now I’m going to spend the next week wondering how the hell to pronounce blesséd
Of course KiRkLiNg has to come as well
I love Vikram with all my heart.
WhAt dO yOu mEaN yOu dOn’T HaVe gOdMoThEr’S????
Of course Vanja drunkenly yelled at one of the brothers
The sixth lie:
Vanja throws horseshit at Emeric, off to a great start 😃👍
Wouldn’t be a book with Vanja without some good ol’ Vanja fashion robbery
Cue the Robin Hood montage
Emeric is loving this.
Never seen the movie but I’m 95% sure this is how Annabelle started
Didn’t always have rails- OHS ‘bout to have a field day☝️😃
The fifth lie:
Oh right sister.
Ok let’s leave the absolute HORRORS of Vanja’s back scars and go back to this cliffhanger. Starting with:
Oh she’s just crazy ok. *mightily suspicious*
I will admit I was fully sucked in by the ant proverb-
Great the cult has followed them
The fourth lie:
Ah… brothels…
“The worst mistake of your life wasn’t upsetting me. It was starting a fight with her” SLAY EMERIC YOU TELL MEAN OLD MOTHER HUBBARD
Emeric has… questions…. 👀
Wish i could solve my problems with a giant ruby
Bath. I will elaborate no further.
Normal people: “i think I love them.” VANJA THE RIZZLER SCHMIDT (Ros) :“If every star were a reason I care for him—that’s how I feel, like I carry too many stars in me to count, like my skin might burst with the enormity of it all, like if I gather them all up, the only name I could give this is love.”
Thank you very much for teaching me to waltz whilst also teaching me organised crime
*gets called ugly in front of her sole mate* Vanja: dead bugs for you
The third lie:
Excuse me?
Ozkar: tells Vanja her mother is dead, also Okzar: ew don’t be sad yucky
Ozkar gets worst brother of the year award. Change my mind, oh wait you can’t.
Love that Emeric can just immediately finds Vanja BEST BOYFRIEND
Emeric talking loveingly about his family is giving both Vanja AND me life
Manacles? 🤨📸
honestly if my future partner doesn’t take paralysis pills when they’re possessed by an evil old glowy witch thing then I don’t want ‘em ✋🙄
THIS CRUSTY DUSTY ASS CRIMSON BIATCH HAS BLOCKED VANJA FROM SEEING HER GOD MOTHERS? This lady better be burnt at the stake and hung drawn and quartered when this is over or I swear to whatever is above that I will cross universes and do it myself.
Of course Vanja’s brother has been taken by an immortal sky women because, well because this was all just a tad too easy
The Imperial Abbey if Truth sounds like the most aesthetically pleasing place and goodness I want SO badly to go there now-
ScarMad clearly has to go back to preschool BECAUSE SHE HASNT HAD THE PERSONAL SPACE TALK YET, GET OUT OF MY BOY-
Cool. Emeric sleepy = no witchy
That was meant to rhyme :/
My poems aren’t as good as Emeric’s
Part 3:
THE ABBESS HAS CANDLES ON HER HEAD? She is so cool what the-
Girlboss fr
ScarMad the fabricated low gOd is in fact not a low god and is instead an… old wheat spirit thing?
Emeric really hates horses part 34
Alone? Vanja was alone at the end? I swear to all that is everything EMERIC BETTER NOT DIE-
Math crimes. (I shall be using all those jokes in the foreseeable future)
Emeric needs to be invited to do some money laundering STAT.
this book really is just an emotional roller coaster, except every once in a while they chuck water on you when you least expect it, just to add to the fun emotional experience.
Cue a lot of legal talk that went right over my head
and now Vanja has to go get her brother from the sky lady
The second lie:
Can you tell I love Ragne?
like… a horse…
on the feet…?
I swear everytime I think Ragne couldn’t get any cooler SHE BLOODY GETS COOLER-
Sky lady.
I love sky lady.
There are so many cool characters in this book I just- AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Race! WHO SHALL WIN???
A tie? Nice 😎
Vanja has to ride with the Hunt for two weeks? Ok coolcoolcool definitely can’t see this going wrong in the foreseeable future-
She didn’t tell Emeric. 😐
And yet another scene that almost made me cry
I love Vanja and her sisters bonding through dressing her up
Jeezus crickey can ScarMad leave Vanja alone FOR FIVE BLOODY MINUTES??
“What is wrong with you, why are you red??”
the first lie:
Love that Vanja’s whole family just drops everything to help her 😭
I’ve done and am I currently doing a lot of crying and I’m not even at the end yet?
KiRkLiNg is being… tolerable? Perhaps I was wrong about her. Maybe I judged her to quickly? (Later I regretted ever thinking these words)
Just realised I haven’t mentioned Ambrozia (?) a lot and I would just like to say, girlboss©️
And today on Vanja’s list of low gods to befriend is moss lady
the goat scene. I will now go have nightmares now thank you very much.
she won’t let them up the bridge. she won’t let them get the anchor.
I have since fallen off the edge of my seat and am lying on the floor reading as fast as I possibly can
Ah yes, the only sane option, jump off the bridge into the jaws of a hellhound 👏👏
Emeric really is ride or die huh
I take it back please Emeric is just the ride NOT THE DIE I REPEAT PLEASE NOT THE DIE
I am crying with Vanja
The actual red maiden was just sitting in a cave CRYING THIS WHOLE TIME? I say, whilst sitting in my dark room after sobbing through most of this book
what in. the frick frack diddly dack, fuggle nuggles bloody HELL DID SHE JUST SAY???
HER MOTHER????????
911 child protection services?
Just Marthe dangling Emeric over a hungry hell hound ready to drop him in, Mother in laws am I right?
Gonna buy therapy for Vanja, Emeric, (Marthe can rot) and then myself.
this all brings me great satisfaction.
Ooooooo yeah 😬 makes sense that the town would lowkey hate Vanja
They get to have a dance 🥺🥺 (one that isn’t threaten by a glowing red demon mother)
Oh. 😳
HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!
Slay they deserve that.
Water break before the end 🥲
Take back EVERYTHING that I rethought about KiRkLiNg, girl still a baitch
Ofc KiRkLiNg would still want Vanja gone WHAT DID I EVEN THINK-
No Vanja. Don’t do that.
Screaming crying throwing up.
After the book i just lay on my bed clutching the book sobbing. Then i stopped sobbing and just lay there.
Truely a magnificent book and even this happens to pop up on your fyp and you read all the way down here then:
Gonna go reread it myself, I just love crying my eyes out 😗✌️, no but really the book is just amazing and I wish I could read it for the first time again. Thank you so much @what-eats-owls you are truly a magnificent writer and I cannot WAIT for book 3, thank you so much.
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