#is the bomb.com
invasive · 5 months
Oh yeah. I watched the new episode recently and I forgot how plainly Kabru lays out how the cast is willing to sacrifice anyone else to protect the ones they love. It's a pretty obvious sentiment that's shown throughout the manga across many different characters (Laios, Falin, Marcille, Thistle) but it's really refreshing to see (seemingly) selfless acts turn into something selfish so quickly ^^
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triglycercule · 28 days
How do you think the murder trio will react to eachothers death? Like what is their reaction if horror dies, what is their reaction if killer dies,
stoppp do not make me think of trio death. i can't handle it i need them to live but and then die together THEY CAN'T DIE APART,,,,, if they die apart the trio is incomplete and now nothing will ever be the same!!!! ugh. but i have asks to answer and responses to deliver,,,,, so lemme think about it. i can't just say that none of them would care/they'd laugh at the other's death because that's BORING (even though it'd probably be canon.) so we're going MORE that than. we're going mtt poly core (or just close friends???? mayhaps. they decide what they are i can't force them to be together (until i literally do but anyways))
ok let's start with the coolest idea. how would dust react if either horror or killer died and he was close to them???? i'm totally ripping this off from I THINK @daigakuimouu on twitter but like. phantom killer. phantom horror. what if dust hallucinated them after death. idk how they would die but it would totally be out of guilt like how he didn't prevent them from dying or be nicer or show his care for them more. and compared to phantom paps (who's actually fairly nice. nicer than most people depict him as i think. he's still PAPYRUS even though he's made of dust's LOVE) the hallucinated killer and horror would be WAYYYYY meaner than the real them. they'd constantly berate dust for not being guilty or good enough and if he moved on they'd always remind him of their deaths so he'd never REALLY move on. like phantom paps said "your torture begins from now on. enjoy this nightmare!" but like the mental torture is wayyyy worse. if horror were still alive and dust told him about his killer hallucination he'd believe dust (because phantom paps is very much so real and he's aware that dust can hallucinate) but he'd be so guiltridden that he'd totally brush it off and pretend that dust's killer hallucination doesn't exist. he's still in the denial/anger part of grief. but if killer were alive and he told him about his horror hallucination i think killer WOULD believe him and he'd actually feed into the idea. constantly asking what ghost horror's saying and what he looks like and if he can talk to him and such. so silly dust is with his silly little hallucinations (he is in an incredibly bad mental state)
i already implied it but horror would deny it to hell. he'd be like its not my fault and they wanted to die anyways or random bullshit like that so he can pretend that he isn't absolutely missing dust/killer/both and that it isn't effecting him deeply. when he makes food for three people and forgets that one or both of them are gone he scoffs and puts the extra portion in the fridge. then the fridge just starts filling up with leftovers because horror doesn't wanna get rid of food he made for dust or killer. horror makes a pun/insult (he would do both) directed towards dust and then forgets that he isn't here anymore and then switches over to killer after a moment of reflection and rememberance. sees killer's unmade bed and is about to tell him to clean up after himself but again forgets that he's not there anymore. makes it even WORSE if theyre both gone it'll be so sad i can't. i CANT THEYRE SO SAD WHEN THEYRE NOT TOGETHER. my trio isn't a trio without all three!!!! he'd take the longest to get over it. dust keeps on telling him about his killer hallucination and its probably real but he doesn't wanna be reminded that killer's gone. because dust hallucinates the dead. killer's oddly quiet and horror's trying everything to get him to talk because he doesn't wanna be reminded that dust's gone. because killer's only quiet when he's thinking. OH my trio,,,,, if they die they all have to die together im sorry
again like i said earlier killer would be pondering. a thinker. he thinks therefore he is but damn are his thoughts confusing. he's noticing a lot now that either one or both are gone now. like how horror always seems to hold him tighter in hugs now that dust's gone or that dust seems to be talking to him a lot more now and to himself. he notices how there's always a missing seat at the table now and how their bed feels less cramped and how the house is quieter now. neither dust nor horror were ever the loud types but its REALLY obvious now that they're gone. he doesn't know how he should feel he doesn't know how he DOES feel. its just. like. empty. like something's wrong badly. maybe he'd go hopping around the multiverse to horrortales and dusttales and watch the horrors or dusts there. but he doesn't ever interact with them. he just watches wondering why he still feels so empty even when there's dust and horror right there?? yah then then the upcoming stage 1 breakdown comes up and then he has to come to terms with the fact that's actually grief and longing he's feeling WHOOPS. a shame nobody will be there to help him if both of them are dead,,,,,
if one of them dies all of them have to die im sorry. the law of mtt they cannot exist seperately. i explode into w tiny little bitty pieces if there's a trio who's missing one. that's INCOMPLETE i tell you. horrordust without killer is like solid and gas without liquid. kist without horror is like minecraft sword and pickaxe without axe. horrorkiller without dust is like pencil and pen without paper. it's not PERFECT without all three there,,,,
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wystful · 1 year
If you can see this, I’m making heart eyes @ you.
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frostedlemonwriter · 7 months
Happy STS! Today I have a riddle: what comes first? The title or the story? 🤭 To expand, I'd love to hear the creation order of one (or several) of your stories. Did you think of characters first? Plot? World? What was the final piece?
Okay, so story always first. Titles tend to come to me as I am writing or listening to music. Then boom! Got it! As far as my stories go they tend to come as an idea or a scene. Like this story I am writing set in the Sengoku Period. Well, that came to me as a forbidden fruit angle. Then just kind of typed and let my fingers figure it out lol.
Plot comes naturally on the first draft, I know the big points--Kyu sees someone at the autumn festival from a nearby village she had never seen before. Or, Alex's father was killed in front of her and spurned her on. I know the big stuff. The world? Just comes as I go. Like I have a vague idea of what I want. Kyushu set in the 1400s of Japan. A small frontier town on the west side of Texas in an alternate history 1860s/70s. Central Norway circa 830s before the vikings began to raid the British Isles and onward. I have the seed of an idea and let it grow naturally.
The final piece? Well, usually that's the subplots. After I get a story done, I go through it just to add, subtract, etc etc.
Thanks for the ask!
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food looks bomb asff
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theheartkinggg · 9 months
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cookieswithay · 1 year
Just caught the super Mario bros movie and it was...nice. Guess I'm still stuck on Sonic 2.
(Feel free to throw in your reasoning in the comments💬!)
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(⭐I can't wait for the results!⭐)
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trashbinbackyard · 1 year
mmmmmm ivana hecca and cameron
TTT - the trans trio
🥵 : Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
Ivana: Not really at first glance, nor really the type to grow on most people. She’s very tall for a woman, and muscular, and doesn’t really use makeup or anything, she’s just not in a lot of people's wheelhouses, but it’s fine, and she doesn’t really care. (she does wonder what Carmina saw in her)
Hecca: She’s very traditionally hot, big boobs, wide hips, makeup, sexy clothes
Cameron: He’s pretty hot to most people I think, just a tad short. He has a cute face, enhanced by his facial hair, great hair, in shape. Makeup only adds to it
💦 : Is your OC’s attractiveness based on looks or a more intangible aura?
At least her unattractiveness is based purely on the mean aura around her. So in turn she’s more physically attractive
Absolutely both, she’s physically an absolute babe AND she’s kind and loving and fun and outgoing and one of the nicest people you can meet on the outer rim
I guess there’s a type who are also into the whole gas station guy -type of vibe. But also both, maybe more his personality though, he’s funny, kind, caring, just fun to be around etc. and he just happens to be hot
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
Her face is long and angular and quite unique looking. And her hair is long and very well-kept
I don’t wanna say bazoingas but they are what most people she knows would say. Her body is just a work of multiple surgeries art
He would say his tattoos, and his facial hair, later he thinks his crows feet are hot af
🧠 : What is your OC’s most mentally attractive attribute?
She’s smart, hardworking, and cares deeply about those (two) people she cares about
She’s an explosion of positive energy, optimist to a fault. What she lacks in intelligence she makes up in being SO genuine
As a musician he’s very creative, he’s funny, and very supportive and accepting of others
👀 : Does your OC believe they are attractive? Do they use that to their advantage?
Not particularly, and it isn’t a huge concern for her
I don’t think she’s aware just how hot she is. Every free drink she’s gotten she thinks is thanks to her beautiful smile and wonderful attitude
He thinks he’s ok, with friends like Aaron it’s kinda impossible to think you’re the hottest on in the room, but he’s not insecure either. (Damir hitting on him boosted his confidence a bit before he learned that he pretty much hit on everyone)
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
She smells like her deodorant, so… kinda pleasant? At least you know she’s showered. At the office it’s rude to use strong smelling perfumes and such and with her line of work why on earth would you. When on a date with Carmina she asks if she can put some fresh, airport bathroom -ass scent on her, but if Carmina is sensitive to smells she wont
You bet your ass she’s coated with some bath and body works warm vanilla sugar. She likes sweet scents, and fruity scents
👂 : Does your OC have an attractive voice?
If you’re into husky voices yeah
I think her voice is kinda high and her intonations not pleasant to absolutely everyone, but she makes it up by being hot and a wonderful person
He sings backing track frequently, he has a trained voice and is pleasant to hear, not really super unique that makes you stop and say “woah” but it’s up there
🚲 : Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?
She’s never played the field, Hecca approached her, Carmina approached her. Very monogamous and committed when in a relationship
She played the field to find someone monogamous (she doesn’t have the right idea but she is enthusiastic)
He’s been pretty reserved on the dating front, (i think be might be demiromantic demisexual gay), very much monogamous 
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
On personality? Being interesting. Physically? I think you’ve noticed lmao (boob)
Being fun, similar style, tattoos
Also being fun, loud, chaotic yet genuine, and tattoos
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
Not really, she tends to be pretty socially awkwards and very straight to the point
She’s very charming, flirty too sure, but contrary to what you may think she doesn’t flirt often 
Look, he’s not the most suave one out there, but he can put on a good flirt should the need arise. And i guess there’s charm in being a silly guy as well
💋 : Is your OC a good kisser? How do they do it?
Not terrible
She’s pretty good, if you don’t mind the teeth
Out of these three I think Roo’s the best kisser 
🦴 : Does your OC have much sexual experience? What are they like?
A few, from previous serious relationships. Basically just learned what she’s into
She’s experienced, tried a lot of stuff, with a fair amount of people
Not huge amount, maybe in college a guy or two 
💞 : Do they treat sex casually or do they view it as something with a lot of emotional weight?
It’s kind of a mixed bag, she views sex as an act that could be casual, but she herself wouldn’t do it casually you know?
Kinda both, she’s slept around before, but also feels like it can be so much more when there’s emotions involved
He’s pretty serious about sex (not during, gotta keep the mood fun and light), but being demi there need to be that emotional connection
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Tasteful (or untasteful) cleavage. Physical touch with intention
Being either pampered or manhandled
Genuine “I love you”’s that aren’t followed with “no homo tho”
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Link arms, hold hands, maybe a kiss on the cheek/forehead when she knows for sure none of her coworkers can see
Very affectionate in and out of public, will stick to he s/o and cover them in kisses
Not huge of PDA but not reserved either, knows the concept of time and place, quick kisses are all good and fun, sitting on the s/o’s lap (or vice versa) also free game 
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Be attentive, get them small gifts that remind her of them, offer help to anything, let her guard down, give compliments
Make extra time for them, ask about their day and what they’re doing, “this reminds me of you!” -texts
“Yo check out this meme”, no but in all seriousness, having fun together, showing his instruments, just spending a lot of time together
👙 : What kind of underwear do they use? Is it pretty or functional?
Boyshorts and sports bra’s kinda lady. If the occasion calls for it, can be seen with cupped bra and panties that show the (very toned) ass (still black and laceless)
She has a good 50/50 split on purely functional and purely racey. Sometimes it’s fun to put on cute undies for the workday at the laundromat, it’s her little secret that makes her feel a little prettier
This man has 3 pairs of weed boxers and 5 pairs of flame boxers. (the rest are all black functional)
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brother-fishbait · 2 years
You know, that's the first time I've heard that excuse...
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fallingthruspace · 1 year
Welp, I have officially joined the camp of pineapple DOES belong on pizza
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the-forgotten-lily · 1 year
Moriarty might have been a bad guy but I gotta admit....dude had an excellent playlist 😵
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999-roses · 2 years
@ihatethewest is a radfem who has a huge terf following and often interacts with other radfem blogs (if you search "feminism" on their blog, it's all from radfems)
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Anon I think if you go tell them about it directly, it might resolve your issue??
inb4 the rest: I haven't contacted her before posting this reply;; anon i did take your suggestion to search her blog under 'feminism' and originally did see some questionable posts. but as I'm typing this response, I refreshed the search and it appears that she's actively removing rbs from radfems, maybe she got shinigami eyes a little late in the game, who knows. so... anon. did I do anything wrong? I don't think I've reblogged posts with terf radfem content but please let me know if I did thanks 👍
this is not an invitation for any radfems/terfs thinking my blog is friendly to you lot. you will be welcome here once you dismantle the hateful ideology from your mind and are no longer a radfem including you 'cryptos'
#asks#anon#the girls are fighting.txt#I mean if I've rb'd any specific posts that have harmful rhetoric pls let me know. I'll delete it#because yeah. I don't support any transphobia or misandry#while tumblr does seem to want to suggest 'blogs like this one' that have those components of radfem off of @ihatethewest's blog.#i don't see posts of that flavor on their blog? maybe she was radfem back in the day but i'd say it looks like she's not anymore#idk maybe that's where a lot of people start & then realize there are many parts of it that are bad!! u can talk to them directly about it?#I don't want to judge people purely by their past as if their current actions/change don't count.#i don't want to subscribe to 'once an x always an x' especially when it comes to ideology. which is something that CAN change#this is also like the 2nd blog that someone's told me is a radfem but also happens to be black ???#the other one was legit BAD w/ terf shit tho. like that was deserving of calling out. also the person who told me wasnt anon#<- im NOT saying that being black is an excuse/shield for terfism NOR am i saying that black feminism->radfem.#but is it a coincidence?? it is misogynoir on the part of anon???? whats going on folks. what. is. happening.#idk im tired. hey anon! you wanna tell me about other blogs that are for black liberation and aren't 'work with the establishment' liberal?#like im trying to get clued in to aligned struggles. clearly i have a void to fill wrt listening to black folk & im trying to remedy that#thru youtube and tumblr. purity policing is making it... annoying. also people's thoughts can change over time hello#exhibit A right here. I used to be a liberal & thought NPR was the bomb.com lmfao. u think people should start out perfect or be beheaded??#chen yells at clouds. more at 10
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
you should do 33, 55, and 88 <3
35 is run lundinium by Daniel Pemberton
55 is what I've done by Linkin Park
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88 is waiting for love by Avicii
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I wish I had some magic shell for my icecream, I loved that stuff as a kid
Exactlyyy it was so good especially the cherry flavor that was the bomb
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code-veronica · 1 year
I forgot about this blog but I am back... for how long... who knows...
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lazy pant doodle...
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