#is that it allows people to be fired without a proper process
All the times (twice) I have lost my job or witnessed others lose their jobs (an additional 4+ times) due to “restructuring” or layoffs no one impacted was doing a bad job or had violated any HR policies. This happened both at small firms and global companies. Corporate America sucks - it is just culturally ingrained in Americans that this is the only option.
I'm so sorry that you went through that anon - you're right it fucking sucks.
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malebodyexhibit · 1 year
Thinking Miles Ahead (a Next Door Boy tale)
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“I can’t believe it worked, Derrick!” Miles laughed. He pulled up his shirt and flexed his abs while giving his biceps a good pump. “This body is so hot! I can’t wait to check out what he’s packing.” Miles gave his pants a tug down to really emphasize where his thoughts were.
I was too focused on pulling out my phone (well the guy whose body I stole) and cloning my setup from the cloud. My contacts and the app that allowed me to infiltrate Next Door Boy’s implants would be available despite jumping bodies.
“What should be the first thing we do?” Miles glanced at me. “We should check out everything we have.” He reached over and tried to lift up my shirt.
“Whoa, be careful there,” I said, still distracted on my phone.
“Sorry, dude--c-can I call you, dude? I feel like we should. It sounds like something these guys would say, and we should be undercover.” Miles pulled his shirt completely over his head. He found a tattoo on his right pec and squinted to read it. “It’s hard to explain, but I feel completely turned on. Powerful. Invincible. I just want someone to touch my dick.”
“Yeah, that was me, sorry. I’m toggling your settings and I set your libido to near max.”
“What?” Miles asked. He looked at me startled, then his gaze went dull and his mouth hung open stupidly as I adjust more settings on the app on my phone. Miles grunted like a slumbering bear as I installed obedience mods directly to him. When I activated the new settings, Miles straightened and stared blankly at the wall. His shirt still held tight in his hand. There was a tented spot at his groin as his libido was still firing but without the ability or knowledge of what to do.
“Sorry about that, bud.” At this point I apologized twice, but nothing could undo the damage so far. I downloaded our minds directly to these bodies without proper set up; the original minds were gone. Their memories available like open books. I needed Miles in that body as his mind hadn’t been tampered by NBD so the mods I could fix on him would work properly. “But I’m gonna ask you to put that body to good use.”
Miles grunted, drool glistening from the corners of his mouth. He awaited commands like an automaton. Soon he would be a slut for cock, offering his ass. He’d offer his body and recruit people to accept implants. That’s when I harvest them like I harvested these bodies. It would be a grueling process.
I breathed deep and felt the strength in these limbs. I looked Miles up and decided one night of testing out Miles wouldn’t be too bad.
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nanomooselet · 2 months
Final Phase: The Fairy Tale
I'm going to tell a story.
And because it's a gruesome, disturbing one, it can't be anything other than a fairy tale. Caution is advised.
Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Nai.
He was a good, innocent boy who loved his mother and his brother, who liked jokes and cowboy movies. He wasn't born what he grew to become. He was, at worst, too protective of his dignity. Precocious. Convinced that he was special.
Then Nai made a choice. Nai went on to make many more choices, every single one of them a cascading result of the first.
Knives would like you to think he's Vash's equal opposite. He's aligned with the Plants; he's their avenging angel. He talks about them as though they're people, calling them "she" and "her". To him, they're suffering martyrs. They're crying out for vengeance, can't you hear them? He's the older twin. He's the adult. He's the authority. He's the lord. He's the avenger. He's a liberator. He's fighting for freedom.
He might even believe all those things. He might have so much conviction that the story, through his eyes, bends to support him.
Nevertheless it is a distortion of the truth.
Knives says that everything he's done was to protect Vash from the humans who'll eat him alive. He wants to keep his brother safe. On this point alone, he's being honest. It might be the only honest thing he says. But it's an honesty concealing a truth no one so much as suspected was there. No one except…
You want to know a secret?
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Nai poses as cold and inscrutable, but he wears everything he thinks on his face. You can track his thought processes quite easily, when you know.
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I've yet to figure out what the proper order is, but I wager this conversation was one of the last before the fleet crashed, even though in the episode it comes before the one where they discover Tesla. The way these scenes are presented in Episode Eleven is extremely manipulative. 
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Right here Nai is thinking: Joke's on you. I know the truth already.
He's reminiscing.
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Rem realises in this instant she cannot save her son. That there's nothing she can do or say, or that he'll hear from anyone, that'll spare him the consequences. She looks into the eyes of her child, the boy she raised with so much love, whom she trusted and adored, and she sees the path he's chosen by disobeying her.
Because he ate the forbidden fruit.
Knives loves Vash - really and truly, he does. He always has. He's telling the truth when he says his paradise/world of Plants is incomplete without his brother. But the same way he sees Rem in Luida and Meryl and immediately tries to destroy them, Knives can't understand how Vash exists as an independent entity or as a Plant who has no desire to hone or use his power.
Knives craves that power - wants to have enough that he'll feel safe. You can't forget he is driven above all by fear. Rem ran into the fire, leaving him behind. Knives had Dr. Conrad modify himself so he wouldn't die until Knives allowed him to. One of the arguments he makes to Vash is that humans only live a century at the outside.
He looks at Vash and he sees Tesla, who was so heartbreakingly young when her body failed her, yet to reach her full potential. She couldn't defend herself. He sees her reborn in Vash, because her powers are also Vash's powers: to connect, to receive.
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To consume.
This is a second chance. He wants to keep his family safe.
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You think that's an operating table? These are specimen jars?
Or maybe an alter? A reliquary?
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Holy robes? Suffering angels?
Because Knives calls Conrad a doctor? Because he wants him as a father? Because anything about this could possibly be sacred? That's a table. That's a freezer.
That's an apron and those are husks.
Because the only thing any of this has ever been about?
Preserving the meat.
What do you want to hear? Wolfwood says to Meryl about Vash. That his parts are hanging in Knives's chop shop?
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In the English dub specifically, whenever they meet again after the crash, Knives always pauses to inhale deeply before speaking to Vash. Breathing in his scent. Savouring it.
Cain is a farmer. He knows how to raise a crop. How to set a snare. He knows patience, maintaining cycles, destroying infestations. He'll keep his brother safe. No one will touch him. The humans aren't going to eat Vash alive.
Not if Knives catches him first.
The real reason Vash "turned against" his brother? The real reason Vash supposedly chose humanity over the Plants?
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Abel is a shepherd. He protects his flock.
No matter what it says, what skin it wears, what it pretends to be…
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He knows a predator when he sees one.
Knives has always been like this.
I wonder if it's because he's less independent than Plant. He yearns to be part of a collective, but fears his own identity being subsumed. He's left with an emptiness within himself he has no understanding how to fill, a loneliness he's too frightened to bring to an end.
There's no better way for Knives to keep what he loves safe than making it part of himself. Sustaining his perfection. Sharing his immortality.
So they'll all live happily ever after.
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 4: Triggers
The 118 doing a fire drill, the 118 not preforming well. They are about 17 minutes behind on schedule.
Buck is the new Fire Marshal. This is his light duty. He is taking it serious in the hopes of eventually being a fire fighter again.
A bunch up of people fall down the stairs because a man has an epileptic seizure. This is apparently working against the 118s total score.
We meet the ambulance chaser attorney.
Chimney disclosing to Eddie his crisis with Maddie, while Eddie is super sleepy. He’s yawning because Christopher isn’t getting any proper sleep.
Buck shows up to the fire house to give them their training report. Light banter between him and Bobby about revenge for all the write up and Eddie making fun of Buck because he is “not good at math”
Buck mentions receiving a call from the ambulance chaser attorney about the fire code issues at the building the training was held at.
Lena interrupts and calls Eddie over to help spot her bench press. Eddie taps Buck on the shoulder and says, “Good to see ya Buck”, and runs towards Lena. Buck is confused and asks who Lena is. Which prompts side eyes and concerned faces from Chimney and Hen. They walk away awkwardly and leave Bobby alone to make the introduction.
Buck already feels replaced and out right states, “You’ve replaced me.” Bobby is quick to say no, but Buck is quicker to point out that his cubby that normally says Buckley is covered up with the name Bosko.
Bobby telling Buck to relax that his place at the fire house will be there when he is ready. Buck argues that he is ready now.  Their conversation is cut short because of an emergency call. Everyone else runs out of the firehouse. They pan to Eddie and Lena together and then back to Buck as he stands there in the middle and all these firefighters run past him.
Buck walks over to his locker and rips off Bosco’s tag off.
I always wondered what happened after the team came back from the emergency. Did they notice right away that Bosco’s name was ripped off. Did Bobby apologize on behalf of Buck. Did Eddie make an excuse for him?
Eddie is asleep and is awaken by Christopher's screams.
Christopher is obviously terrified and Eddie hugs him tight trying to comfort him.
Eddie is talking to Christopher’s therapist, where we learn that Chris is continuously drawing a drowning woman and trying to understand what he may be processing.
Eddie is the one to mention how hard Buck tried to shield Chris as best he could, but there was a long period where they were separated.
Buck is speaking with the attorney regarding the possible lawsuit against the building, but turns out it is a lawsuit against the city. Buck is not interested at being involved in a lawsuit against. Even gives a speech to the attorney about how those city employees are his family before walking out of his office.
Car off the Cliff: Chimney and Lena descend down the cliff to get towards the car.  Eddie and Hen remain above. Eddie is responsible for the rig. When the car than drops another 20 feet, Eddie’s leg is almost cut off by the rope.
Eddie and Lena are at the edge of the cliff, facing towards each other when the cliff starts to give out a little more. They runaway from the edge, Bobby radios Chim and tells him he needs to move now.
Chim and the little boy starts to ascend up, Eddie cuts the rope, allowing the car to fall to the bottom of the cliff.
Athena invited Buck over for dinner, without first telling Bobby. She wants to create an environment where Buck knows he is always welcome.
Buck is quick to disclose how the conversation with the attorney went and how he was quick to turn down signing an affidavit that would have gone against 118. Bobby is thankful, but at the same time reserved, we learn that he has not disclosed something to Buck yet.
Buck uses that conversation to further discuss going back to work full time and how maybe a petition is what they need to get past the “dumbasses” who is stopping him from going back to work.
Bobby announces that he is the dumbass. That he is the reason why Buck cannot go back to work. Bobby is using the fact that Buck is on blood thinners as the excuse. Buck becomes visibly upset and challenges Bobby. He reiterates that he is at 100% and very capable of being a firefighter again.
At this point there is too many emotions, Buck stands up from his seat and thanks Athena for the invite and storms off.  
Bobby and Athena attempt to get him to stay, but he ultimately leaves angry and slams the door.
I really feel for Buck in this scene. He was under the impression that his captain had his back, but turns out that Bobby was in the way of the one thing he wanted. I also understand Bobby’s point about wanting Buck to be safe and making sure the team will be safe, they can’t worry about Buck out in emergencies. This moment felt like a teenage boy fighting with his parents, both sides being misguided.
Buck is back in the attorney’s office. This time wanting to sue the city himself.
The attorney is very vocal about what opening this lawsuit could do to Buck and the possible consequences for his future. Buck is simply concerned with being a fire fighter again and he is willing to do anything to be that again.
The attorney than proceeds to lay out the rules and how he cannot be in contact with anyone in the firehouse. Buck admitting that he already believes that cannot talk to any one any way. He is fighting this battle alone.  
Eddie is punching a punching bag and talking to Lena about Chris’ therapy and the advice Eddie received about keep loving him.
It seems like Eddie is a bit hesitant of this therapy approach. Lena is very playful with Eddie. She also becomes very vulnerable with him and tells him about the time she went to therapy when her father died. It did not work for her, but she also notes that different people need different solutions to process their trauma.
Lena mentions that she does not know Christopher, but that something that worked for her when she was younger was when her mother would process her emotions with her. When her mother was sad in front of her and that it was okay. She is suggesting Eddie takes this approach. That they approach this together. Eddie admits that it was good advice. Lena stares at Eddie with what I can describe as admiration.
I honestly do not know what the writers were planning with Lena and Eddie. They were playful and flirty with each other, but Eddie did always seem closed off to her. We got to learn about Lena being vulnerable, but Eddie not really, at least not with her. Maybe there was a one side crush.
 Eddie is putting Christopher to bed. Being playful. Eddie takes a moment to tell Chris that he can tell him anything. Chris says that he knows. Eddie starts to say I love you, and good night as he starts walking out the room.
Eddie pauses at the door and looks over to a drawing that is hung up on the bulletin. It’s a drawing of Shannon, Eddie, and Chis together as a family. The drawing of Shannon looks familiar.
Eddie walks over to the dinning room and pulls out Chris’ recent drawing of the drowning woman. He compares the two photos and understands Chris has been drawing his mother drowning.
Eddie confirms this with Chris and asks him why he didn’t tell him that. Chris responds with, “I don’t want to make you sad.”
They hug and Eddie reassures Chris that there is nothing wrong with being sad and they can always talk to each other
Buck shows up to Bobby and Athena’s late in the evening, apologizes for the previous night. Athena is quick to invite Buck in, but Buck refuses.
Buck lets them know that he is suing the city, the firehouse, and Bobby for wrongful termination. That they will no longer be able to talk and that Buck will not stop fighting until he gets his job back even if that means fighting Bobby.  
I was going to combine Episode 4 and 5 notes, but realized Episode 5 had a lot of notes. I may post Episode 5 today, but later in the day, because if I want to post most of my notes before the Season 7 premier, that may just be something I need to do. I really don't care if these post get alot of engagement, I had a lot of fun re-watching the series and really dissecting Buck and Eddie.
I will say, that between Season 2 and Season 3 there is already vast differences and nuances in Buck and Eddies relationship. I'll likely make a stand alone post about that after I finish transcribing all my notes for this season.
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sourcreammachine · 26 days
so the party manifestos won’t be published for a few weeks prolly, but the Labour Party policymaking system means they have an internal “policy platform” agreed by the partisan structure that kinda dictates what goes in the manifesto, and a similar partisan structure has the final say on the manifesto itself. the platform is private and internal, but it’s been “seen and summarised”. so heres a couple of interesting bits:
nationalise the rail; allow greater municipal ownership of bus networks; more ev charging stations and increased ev subsidies
“fundamentally reform our system of energy supply, generation and transmission” via public ownership, but without stating whether or not this includes consumer services or if the private wholesale system will continue
abolish the Lords; votes at 16; NO commitment to abolishing FPTP
“support the recognition of” palestine (note wording, and note the fact this was written before 7 october)
ban conversion therapy including for trans people; “modernise the process of gender recognition to remove indignities for trans people, while upholding the Equality Act, its protected characteristics and its provision for single-sex exemptions” (obviously using terf dogwhistles to get out of meaningfully reforming the law, without clarifying their plans)
sewage monitoring and fines for sewage leaks by water companies – water remains private
“land-use framework” to organise farmland with the goal of biodiversity, close hunting loopholes
intellectual property reform, maybe? they’re very vague about that one
one-month waiting time for mental health services
“reform broken tuition fees system” – NO commitment to abolition and debt forgiveness, only this squirmy line
“robust regulation to protect people from online harms” – basically equivocating to allow any possible passage of a bad internet bill :/
£28B green energy investment; double onshore wind, quadruple offshore wind; reinstate fracking ban and stop new oil/gas; “green energy by 2030”, whatever that means. weirdly fetishistic about hydrogen power
VERY, VERY little mention of City oversight and reform. City to remain extremely independent, capital to continue flowing
abolish leaseholds; end ‘arcane’ land laws; end no-fault evictions
football regulator; reform gambling laws
end fire-rehire; more regulation for two-tier employee/contractor workplace inequalities; more statutory workers’ rights; ban zerohours with more than 12h/week, “right to a contract”; change the minimum wage quango to account for cost of living, potentially hiking the minimum wage by several pounds
repeal a number of union-busting acts; regulate gig economies to statutorily allow the right to unionise; increase rights for unions to organise and manage themselves
ethics quango to enforce the ministerial code for the first time in its history; ban second jobs for MPs with very limited exceptions for professionals; ban former ministers from lobbying for five years; political finance reforms to restrict financing by shell companies
certain devolutionary powers for english local authorities on request; shrink whitehall, let the civil service go elsewhere
“respect orders”, ASBOs 2; domestic abuse register; misogyny as a hatecrime; ‘protect the right to protest’, explicitly opposing the public order bill without committing to overturn it
but yeah, the starmer leadership may leave some things on the cutting room floor, and the starmer government may act totally different when it doesn’t have the partisan oversight. in the end, we have to wait until the proper manifesto releases to make real judgements, but looking through this list can set the tone of our expectations: third-way, boring and pathetic
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Fire and blood chapter 12: Duty and death...(??I suck at titles) DARK! AEMOND AND DARK AEGON (INSANELY DARK YOUVE BEEN WARNED)
CONCEPT: You are mourning your father, being granted a insult of a funeral to dispose his body into the river of kingslanding, as he is refused burial by the king since he is a traitor. You learn of terrifying news as Aemond and Aegon ignore you, and you make a choice that will alter the rest of your life.
WARNINGS; NON-CON, Mention of murder, threathening, cheating, prengancy, dub-con, power abuse and posession burning.
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You enjoy your time off without any attention from both of them. Your heart loves them, but they are intense. They fuck intense, they think intense and unpredictable. It's sometimes good to see them just do their duties.
Because it is time you attended yours. You are busy selecting a outfit for your father's funeral. He was killed by Ser Criston Cole. You sometimes hear people say that they don't really appreciate what they had until its gone.
But you always knew. You always knew that your father was a good man. A righteous man that did what was right, even if it was difficult. He would protect you until his final breath and would uphold the good until his final breath. And he did.
He died when proclaiming for Rhaenyra. You think you'll wear a simple dark gown. You don't feel the need to add jewelry or shiny objects. You braid your hair before leaving your rooms.
Because your father was a traitor, according to the laws of the Greens, they do not grant him a proper funeral. Instead, his remains are scattered at the sea.
You thought you knew pain. But not like this. Nothing compares to the body of your father scattered in the dirty water of King's Landing. He wasn't a traitor. He did what was right.
You feel ill and digusted with a lot of people but mostly yourself. You slept with his killers. Time and time again. You let them do things and you put them first. In reality, neither Aemond or Aegon is here to comfort you. Your father was so proud of you, and you let him down.
You didn't ask because you knew neither would attend anyway. Aemond is the prince. Aegon is even the king. It would be improper if not questionable if any of them attended.
You are alone, crying when the guards are glaring at you. One of them even mocks you for doing so. 'Crying for a traitor. You should watch yourself, girl.' You glare back.
Traitor or no traitor, you should be allowed to mourn him. 'Traitor or not, he was still my father, and I am still above you in station. Give me your name and I will speak to the king about your manners.' You promise him that.
He scoffs at you. 'Yes? Your time with the king is over, brat. He has grew tired of your fucking. The Queen has another of his sons in her belly. You must wonder why you weren't called in a few weeks now.' He says with a sickening chuckle. You feel your smug smile vanish, and you feel your heart break again.
'And your other lover? He is flying off today to perform his duty and seek out a wife. One that can give him something else than shame and himulation. You were a good toy for them; but they grew tired of you.' Tears roll down your cheeks as you process the new information.
Aemond's plans for his future, which you didn't know of. And Aegons plans for his future, which again you didn't know of. And the fact they didn't reach out to you In weeks.
You wished they had broken the laws for you. That they came to your fathers funeral anyway. That you weren't so alone. You wish they cared.
He chuckles, amused at your tears. The other guard turns his head away and kicks the remaining bit of your father's urn in the water.
You walk back to your carriage and take a seat. You wipe furiously in your eyes. You think for a while before giving the rider of your carriage the command. 'Return to the castle. Wait for me, but do so quietly. I do not wish to attract any kind of attention.'
-- Inside, you don't quite run, but you don't slow down either. You rush up the stairs to your rooms, throw open the door, and pack a bag. Your bee stuffed animal goes first. You add in a cloak for bad weather, and the rest you fill with old necklaces you don't wear and gold and silver wear. You think about leaving a note. But they didn't tell you. Why should you tell them?
You wait until you are sure that the royal family is enjoying supper and sneak out of your rooms when your maids are making a bath for you. You use the same passageway as they did. You still feel their hands on your body and shake the thought away. You cry but do so silently. The walls might be ancient, but you don't know who else is using it.
You rush back to your carriage. 'Please bring me to Dragonstone. I need to see someone.' You say. The rider doesn't respond. You assume he will bring you anyway. You toss your bag in the carriage and take a seat, and wait for the horses to start walking the roads to the ancestral seat now occupied by the Black Queen.
'And hurry.' You add anxiously eying the red keep. The guards still don't suspect you won't come back. A voice creeps in and chuckles. Why would they even care?
You sniffle, and the carriage finally starts heading to Dragonstone. You regret packing not any food but that would be suspicious.
You make it out of the city without a squeek, but once you enter Kings Road, it goes wrong. You hear footsteps of the horses that advance on you. Your rider stops, and the doors of your carriage are opened.
You don't know who it is. But you are angry and need someone to yell at. 'You have a lot of nerve stopping me, whoever you are. Come out so that I can remember the face of who dared to oppose me on this day.' You grit your teeth when searching for your little dagger.
Which is still at the keep. Shit.
A silver haired short haired head shoves itself in your carriage, and you are met with two blue burning eyes full of determination and hurt. He wears his normal clothing, and you suspect he didn't even change before riding out. Aegon is here.
You feel your heart betray you, and you remind it that he hurt you. He got his wife pregnant again. '...You?' You weakly croak out like some idiot.
His eyes harden. He grabs your arms and drags you from your carriage. 'Yes. Me.'
You fight Aegon by trying to escape his grip and punching him in his gut. He simply avoids and grins at your attempts. 'Just like when you were teaching me, Lady Beesbury. But perhaps you are the one due for a lesson now. A lesson about what it means to be a favourite of the Targaryen family and not running away.' He softly brushes with his lips against your throat and takes off your vest of your black mourning robe. He touches your naked shoulders, and you shudder.
Like always, there is Aemond interrupting. 'Shall I ask for some privacy? Or were you going to fuck her without me again?' Aemond brings the dagger to his mouth and licks off the tip. 'Hm. I asked. He answered. Eventually. Turns out our little brat wanted to take an unauthorised vacation to Dragonstone.' You freeze.
You did. To see jace. To hope he would protect you. Not to commit treason like they assume.
You spit at Aegons face and punch him in the gut. He doubels over and lets go of you. You take off running but Aemond tackles you to the ground. 'You have no right! You aren't my brother! You aren't my father! You aren't my husband and I am not your wife! Let go of me this instant or you'll regret ever laying hands on me.'
'And what, little bee? What will you do?' He growls nearly spitting in your face.
Aegon comes between you two. 'You wanted to go to Dragonstone? Why?' He ask harshly but his eyes are hurt. Just as his feelings.
You tell your master plan. 'I hoped that perhaps Jace would take pity and let me in his house.' You say much to both discomfort. They hate Jace.
The king glares at you. 'After you told him what exactly?'
You think until the words come flowing out like a waterfall. 'That I fell for two monsters disguised as princes who let my father's killer run free and who used me until they had enough.' Enough to let Jace take you in. Hopefully.
'You're acting like we ended our agreement already. No, little bee. It is not like that at all.' Aemond tries to touch your hair but this time you smack his fingers away. He looks at his fingers like you burned him.
'Helaena is pregnant.' You spit out full of hatred. You used to be her friend. You despise her because Aegon married her. It hurts seeing them together and seeing her wear his ring around her fingers. To see her be the mother of his children. You never knew you wanted that for yourself.
To make it all so much worse, she is so terribly sweet. She would never hurt anyone, and neither will you hurt her. So you hide your feelings away and keep away from her.
Aemond shrugs. Even Aegon is confused. 'So? Aegon needs to strengthen his line. That is his job as king. To ensure the future of our house-' You cut him off. You are not rational. You do not care if the house Targaryen exploded out of nowhere.
He has some nerve defending his brother when he went suitor hunting today on your fathers funeral. 'You're engaged.' Aemond debates how to react to that accusation but decides to be honest.
'Floris-' He tries to talk and deceive his way out of this, but this time, you are not falling for it.
Your eyes fill with tears as your gut gets another punch. There is only one Floris that you know of. 'You picked Floris?' A baratheon. You'll never compete with that. Your house feels so little compared to hers. You suppose that a chicken without feathers isn't profitable enough for Aemond.
He shares a quick glance with Aegon worried. 'I don't think you understand-'
You scoff. 'I understand that I lost my father and had to say goodbye today, and you went wife shopping. I understand I have been ignored for weeks and that Helaena is pregnant when I've been fed disgusting moontea. I always knew this was temporary. But I always assumed that I would matter enough to be notified when things came to an end.' You say it without even tearing up. You are heartbroken. You just don't have any tears left to cry.
Aemond looks you up and down and nods when biting on his lips. Aegon stares at you for a long moment.
'Things haven't ended yet.' Aegon nearly begs you. 'Come home. We'll talk about it.' Home is no longer with them.
You shake your head, laughing a bit at the irony of this all. 'For me, it has. I don't want to be your whore anymore. Go to your wives. You both have one now. I'm going home and I won't come back. Ever.' You vow.
Aegon eyes Aemond. He eyes Aegon back. You feel yourself slowly back away until Aegon runs in your direction and tackles you to the ground.
'No! Let go!' You scream loudly.
He kisses your lips. 'I'm sorry. You know we can't. I need you by my side to be a good king. Please.' He begs in tears. 'Please stay. I need you in my life. We both need you here.'
You spit in his face. 'You'll never a good king! Your father knew it, your brother knows it and even you know it!' That Aemond thinks him a shit king is no secret. But that you bring his father into this, that is what really deals the blow as he always was insecure about the love his father had for him. You dealt a hurtful blow, but you don't care about consequences. You want to hurt them like they hurt you.
Aegon looks devasted by your words, and he has small tears in his eyes. You always were the one to believe in him. You always loved him. But you can not do that. Not anymore. And you watch that love that Aegon had for you, die within mere moments.
You don't feel bad. You do feel regret when Aemond starts to chuckle and sinks to his knees. 'Shall we go back to the castle? I think she is tired of her little escape.' He says mockingly. You hear a change in his tone, and you see one cold eye staring back at you.
Aegon would normally scold Aemond if he tried to do anything improper or too harsh during your dates. But this time, he looks like he might be the one hurting you the most. 'Not yet. I want to make it clear that she is ours.' You struggle violently under him and try to get away. It is useless.
The prince chuckles delighted and clicks his tongue at that. 'Hm. I'm all ears, brother.' You roll your eyes. Of course he is. The sick fuck.
Aegon pulls you up and drags you with him to the nearby lake. You heard stories of women being murdered by tying their hands and attaching a rock to them to sink them so they would drown.
'Are you going to kill me?' You whisper softly as you notice Aegon picking out skull crushing rocks.
Aemond chuckles lightly and keeps guard when his brother prepares whatever he is doing. 'We sure picked a good spot for that. We can attach a few stones and throw you in. No one would come searching here, and no one would know it was us.' He says joyfully and full of light.
You break down crying and sob in his arms. 'Settle, little bee. I am merely jok-' Aegon drops his rocks and comes over with a determined angry scowl on his lips.
Aegon smacks you harshly across your face when hissing at you. 'Shut the fuck up!' He hisses and you feel your ripped lips.
Aegon walks to what seems to be an open spot freed of rocks in the grass. 'Bring her.' You are ready to walk, but Aemond stops you suddenly and keeps his arms around you when having his sword hand on his dagger ready to pull it.
'What is the punishment you picked out for her?' He asks, not betraying his intentions. Aegon stands with his back to him, and you anxiously wait for Aemond to do it.
Except he does not. Which surprises you. 'Remember when she defied you?' Aegon asks calmly. 'When Criston killed her father. She wanted to inform Rhaenyra. We took her that night and did some fun things. Remember?'
You think back to that horrible night. How they took your final innocent hole. How they fucked you in your ass and in your front hole and kept taking turns like you were a prostitute they paid for.
Your eyes are big of fears, and you tremble. Aemonds lips smack. 'Oh yes. You mean that. I don't think our little bee enjoyed that night. I recall her tearing up multiple times.' You did. You cried, begged kicked... They didn't care.
'She is not to enjoy punishment. It won't be effective if she did.' Aegon smirks at you as more tears falls and Aemond pets your behind with a cruel chuckle. You feel so little and alone.
You have to try to stop them. 'Please no. Not again. I am sorry.' You blurt out as quick as possible.
'You think that solves everything, hm?' Aegon drags you with him to the spot. 'Who takes what?'
Aemond thinks. 'You are clearly in the mood for some good cunt. I'll take her ass.'
Your dress is lifted, and you are stripped naked. You are pushed on all fours on the cold forest ground. You shiver. Aemond holds you down so that Aegon can have you.
You feel a smack on your behind. 'We start with the fun part, and after we'll take turns.' The king demands, and you feel yourself become small and little. You are grabbed from the ground and pushed between the two of them. Aemond chuckles softly and kisses your mouth when entering your ass roughly. You groan and squeek out when hot tears fall down your cheeks. Aegon slams himself in your front. You are fucked brutally and shamelessly. You keep your cries soft to yourself and try to pretend to be elsewhere. You go up and down between the two of them and hear their animalistic groans and grunts mixed with your own whimpers of shame and hurting. They fuck to punish you.
They don't get to come before dropping you like you are trash. You hit the cold forest floor.
Aemonds cock is stiff. You back away from it in a moment. He grins cruelly. He forces you on the ground and growls when entering with a powerful push. You rock on the ground and cry out as the powerful pushes hurt you. His grip is too tight and too strong but your body enjoys it after the harsh fucking early. You wet fast and that makes it bearable and even pleasurable. You feel your muscles tighten and react and your tears and crying stops.
He laughs noticing the change. He takes you even harder and smacks you to make sure it's unpleasant. It only makes you wet much to your own misery. Aemond comes with a battle like cry and squirts himself empty in your pussy. Your head is forced under his cock to lick away the remaining drips. It falls on your tongue and you swallow it. 'She is wet. Enjoy her.' He announces when leaving you freshly dirty body for Aegon.
'Kneel.' He barks. You are not a whore and won't take commands. He smacks you on your behind. He enters with a push and you ate stretched out and filled. You feel his cock already stiff and hard in you. You wish he would be gentle and less painful to have inside you. He starts to buck. 'Argh!' You cry and double over. You scratch your knees on some stones and whimper it out. Aegon does not care and grabs you by the throat dragging you to his front. He kneels you down and fucks you unleashing his anger on you. Your cheeks hurt as does your ass. You feel tears drip down and whimper between sobs. The pleasure is forced to rise by his powerful trusts.
You are wet. You feel your own hands pushed between your legs and Aemond holds you when Aegon pleasure you with your own hands. You come full of shame and self hatred
Aegon punishes you for that by slapping you softly across your face as a warning. They fuck you both one time. Two times. Three times...
You don't know who is on top and who is holding you down. The cock goes in deep and stimulates you before rocking throughly. You shudder and groan softly. Your captor meanwhile softly strokes your hands he holds and you become in a numb mindstate where it just happens and where it is nice good and fine.
Aegon comes inside your mouth and forces you to keep it in for the remainder of the date. Aemond likes to come in your face to hurt you and to make you dirty..
They take you both a final time and you are begging for release. You are met with one of them taking your ass as final vengeance before coming and leaving his cum in there.
You are grabbed at some point and brought to the river. With a piece of your own clothing you are roughly scrubbed clean of blood and dirt and cum. They dress you again.
You sink to your knees and cry. You think it is Aemond that grabs you from the ground and carries you back to your carriage. Aegon is busy sharpening a knife of his. He glares at you.
You swallow.
You thought you wanted to leave them before. But now you know you have to. You know that if you won't escape they will eventually drive you back into their arms and back in their beds. You cannot be their plaything anymore. Aemond gently places you on the ground. You try to walk but everything hurts.
Even your hair hurts. The king takes his horse and leaves for the castle leaving you. Aemond gestures to your carriage. 'Go sit. We have a long way to go.' He says. You think back of his behavior earlier. You walk around the carriage and that's when you notice the pearl white carriage having light red prints on them of fingers. You eye Aemond. He was licking something off his dagger earlier. He makes a shrug. 'Yes, I killed your little friend. I don't like you having male friends. Now get in or I'll help you.'
--- At the Red keep awaits the next surprise. The Kingsguard is waiting for all three of you to return. You are shoved behind Aemond who shields you and Aegon coldly addresses his guards. Criston Cole speaks. 'My king. We didn't know you were out riding. Someone should have escorted you.' He speaks before kneeling. You roll your eyes.
You avoid looking at Cole. He is the reason your father is dead. On today that will especially be hard to forget. 'My brother was with me. I was safe.' You hear Aegon say. 'I also want a little chat with you, about the safety of my guests.' He says angry. He means you.
'Come, Brienne.' Aemond pulls you inside the red keep so you don't hear the rest of it.
'I will never forgive either of you.' You promise when wiping at your eyes.
Aemond shrugs. 'I told you before that I don't mind it if I need to force you to love me.' You Growl at his words.
You fucking hate him. Both of them. 'Let go of me, you monster. I wish to properly wash myself and go to my rooms.' You are walking but Aemond has paused. He attacks you from behind lifting you and smacking you to the ground.
You cower and cry when he comes closer. He groans. 'I don't like that word. I don't want to hear you say it ever again, or I'll do something even worse with your body.' You give a few quick nods that you understand and are grabbed from the ground and briefly brushed across your face when you whimper and cry.
The guards don't do anything to help you. Aemond whispers something in their ears just in case and grabs your arms dragging you to your rooms.
Inside your rooms are no longer a mess. Your ladies must have cleaned it and put everything back where it once was. You drop your bag. 'My lady. Where did you go?' One of your maids rushes to you and worriedly takes your shaking hands into her own.
'My lady? Are you alright?' You break down crying and fall in her arms.
Aemond quickly acts. 'She had to say goodbye to her father today. Obviously she is not alright. She will survive it, of course. Her house is strong and so is she.' This had nothing to do with your father.
'Oh, my lady...One of us should have been there for you. You should have asked us to come with you. We are more than just your maids.' She says so kindly. You try to remember her name but can't recall.
'You are all dismissed.' You flinch when Aegon enters the rooms, wearing his crown again.
Aemond eyes it jealously. 'King Aegon-' The maids quickly bow but Aegon has no time for that. 'Shut the fuck up and get out.'
You watch as they leave. 'Why did you dismiss my ladies?' You ask your voice little. Aemond watches confused as well.
Aegon grins. 'I am stripping you of your titles. You'll be a Waters from now on. The laws are very clear on prostitution. I'm afraid I need to take you into custody as well for your crimes.' He says joyfully.
You come close to hitting him across his face. 'All because I told you the truth?' You scoff at him. He is crazy. You flipped a switch by him.
He is not done yet. You can tell by his smug smirk. 'Aemond, Burn her personal belongings. She doesn't need that anymore.' He says before giving a few of your beloved plushies a glance. Some of those belonged to your grandmother and your own mother. They are heirlooms and you are very attached to them.
You cry out and start to beg. 'Aegon no! Please...You know how much my things means to me.'
Even Aemond thinks that a horrible idea. He loves books too. 'Brother, think. You cannot undo damage if it is done.' He warns.
The king scoffs at his weaker brother and takes your special first valyrian fairytale book from the bookshelf. The first story you ever read. The reason why you were assigned Aegons tutor. The reason how all of this started.
Aegon selects a handful of other books as well but you would rather see the entire shelf burn and not your favourite book. Your mother read you from it. 'I don't care. Let's start with her books. She is too clever for my liking anyway.' He throws the book in the fireplace and it is instantly surrounded and grabbed by flames. They dissolve it and lick the pages and burn it into Ash.
In a teary haze you also think you see your father laying there, his head smashed in by Aegons sword. He moans in pain and spits blood before dissolving. You scream.
Aegon has the next thing figured out to burn. He holds a few stuffed pluche animals. You shake your head at him. He walks to the fireplace and carelessly throws them into the fire. 'You're too old for these anyway,' He hisses.
You rush to the fire ready to burn your hands to grab them. To save them. You never had much friends so the plushies are all you had when growing up. You feel someone hold you back. You kick and scream when tears burst from your eyes and screams escape your body.
Until there is no sound left. Aegon is satisfied and leaves before whispering the name of your new rooms in Aemonds ear.
Aemond sinks to his knees next to you, and gently kisses your forhead. You stare at the flames and the remains of your book and your plush toys. 'I am so sorry my love.' He mutters in high valyrian in your ear. .
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach dbk freenoodles sliktea spicynoodles x child harpy fem reader( Phoenix)
Like imagine when they find her and how they meet her is they stole something shiny from them and they have to hunt them down and they find out that she has the shiny thing and she's all alone in the nest so not only do they have to think about bringing her back because they got her shiny stuff
But also got to chase her down and make sure she never steals any shiny stuff from other people like doesn't imagine holding her back when she wants something shiny
I honestly get eda clawthorne vibes from this hehehe
Warning: noob author, dark theme, female child reader, platonic yandere characters, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, Dbk, free noodles, water spider/silk tea, spicynoodles.
You stole the golden ornaments that he would have part of his outfit choice, you had somehow snuck into their home on flower fruit mountain. They had to get another shiny ornament just to catch you or follow you to your nest.
When they do catch you it was when you were in your nest all alone after the death of you parents who had died getting food from what you found out.
Macaque knew from the start about what happened to your parent and was worried on how a harpy child would survive without any sort of guardian guidance so he decided to adopt you so you wouldn’t have to grow up without the proper necessities.
Sun and macaque along with mk and bai he all got you all type of shiny objects so you don’t go back to stealing them again.
They all got you different things; sun got your golfed objects like the ones you stole so you don’t go stealing g his again. Macaque got you sone gold like ribbon fabric to play with but made sure that you know how to not choke yourself. Mk got you some silver reflective puzzle. Bai he gave you those balls that has sparkles and water inside of them.
Macaque makes sure you’d taking care of your wings and talons along with eating healthy, sun, mk, and bai he would play with you to make sure you’re getting the exercise that you need. Sun and mk usually are the ones to help teach you about your pyro powers mor so than macaque but he does make sure to give you on some helpful tips when you’re stuck on something.
They all agree that you’ll eat the peach of immortality like the did so you all can stay together forever and so you don’t have to go through your rebirth as a phoenix.
Dbk family:
You had stolen his nose rings when the met you, your nest was somewhat close to where your nest is so it wasn’t that hard to find you to get the piercing back.
Pic saw how your nest was bare of any parent around and concluded that they had already passed plus with the fact that she saw some adult harpy like skeleton a few way back: not thinking much of it before until now.
They all noticed on how you’re a phoenix rather than a normal harpy so they decided to keep a close eye on you as you. Could very well ber like their son: Redson with the samadhi fire but different and maybe hopefully something they can keep from destroying things.
Dbk and pic gave you copy’s of their things that they know you like: Dbk nose ring, and pic fan, the even gave you a necklace of all three signature bling. Redson made a shiny contraption like puzzle that would change shape once you solve it and it would get harder they more puzzles you solve, though he made sure you have a setting that would both save the progress on the ones you couldn’t solve at the momen and it would allow you to move on to another puzzle.
Redson would build you a obstacle course to train yourself in and would also train you into controlling you pyro abilities; pic and Dbk would also help but with how similar you were to Redson with the fact that you both share fire powers and abilities.
They all worry about your rebirth process as it could be different from what they already know,and they would like for you to come back to them safely rather than having some difficulties and never being able tio get back to them anymore.
They will alway make sure that you stick with them when they need to go to the human city as there could be someone who would like to kidnap you as you’re a very rare being and would be a hefty penny in the black market no doubt, but don’t worry you have them to protect you so don’t be afraid anymore; they’ll make sure to take care of them anyway.
You didn’t steal anything but you did rebuild your nest on sandy’s boat after the one you had before that was made by your parents got destroyed while you were salvaging for things.
Sandy and huntsman were worried about you so they quickly took you in and adopted you to make sure your not injured or anything and don’t get kidnapped.
The cats were curious about you but you were afraid of them as you would some times see some cats swipe birds and kill them so you didn’t stay near them for too long and would always be on sandy’s shoulder to try and avoid them as much as you could.
Sandy was the one to help you at least get comfortable with them but even then it was only a small group of cats that include mo. Though you did get comfortable with the rest at some point in time.
Huntsman was worried on how sandy would react with the fact on how you’re a phoenix and therefore go through a rebirth stage in your life to stay immortal, though sandy understood and would like to help you with it when the time comes for the rebirth process.
You would help catch fish for the cats to eat while you go for other prey that you like and felt like having at the moment even if you’re able to have fish.
You would help them with chores, espeasily the ones that need to be done in a high place plus getting rid of the rats and other critters along with the help of the cats.
(I got mixed up with waterspider/silktea and freenoodles and thought that waterspider/silktea was next after Dbk family lol.)
You stole some cooking supplies from pigsy and brought it on the roof next building over where you nest is and they saw how alone you were and next thing you knew was that you’re now their daughter and the new sister to mk and bai he.
Pigsy would teach you on how to cook and how to do things like that and so you began to help him out while mk deliver and tang ate pigsy noodles.
Tang would read you bed time stories when you couldn’t sleep and even if you could he still would read them to you which made you go to sleep faster than it would if you couldn’t sleep.
Pigsy and tang both make sure you don’t go stealing shiny things by getting some of those themselves and let you entertain yourself with those objects.
The objects would be a notions dangrours kitchen tool; while from tang it would be a laser and keychain for laughs but it was very effective to distract yourself with when they need to do something or have some alone time together.
You always get fed since pigsy would cook you fed so you don’t worry much about going out for snacks as pigsy would make sure you always carry some with you.
Pigsy and tang let you train with mk to control you fire abilities along with Redson since he also has fire abilities. They worry about the possibility of you getting kidnapped but would know that you would be found soon as they have friends very much capable to help them find you and make sure you’re safe and sound.
You had somehow successfully dragged and stole mk’s staff which made them chase you to you nest but found you all by your lonesome self without a parent in sight.
They soon adopted you as they just couldn’t leave you to fend for yourself and plus you’re a phoenix so you’re pretty rare.
Mk and Redson help control and train your pyro abilities as to make sure you don’t hurt yourself when you possibly need to defend yourself but that’s highly unlikely as they’ll make sure to protect you at all cost.
They showed you to their families and made sure that they all know that you’re officially apart of their family which all of the relatives agree on both sides of the two.
Redson is worried about how you might be like him when he had the samadhi fire but always gets reassured by mk that if it happens then they’ll do what they can to make sure you’re safe and not hurt from doing what possibly needs to be done.
They do worry about the rebirth process but are glad that they’ll immortal before that time comes for you to go through that process yet.
They gave you a obstacle course to play in and train when you’re bored plus giving you a feast when you do a epic training session with them as a reward for your hard work that you earned at the end of the day.
(A/n: so i hope y’all like and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night and make sure to take care of yourself and drink plenty of water!! I don’t really have much to say but that so I’ll just end it here.)
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dkniade · 1 year
“Something that does storytelling on a more personal level.”
Allow me to talk about my own fan work of Genshin Impact that I liked, and my thought processes with regards to storytelling and style.
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Snowy woods and a certain child.
One of my first proper pieces in 2023. This one was inspired by the visual style and pacing in @pascalcampion’s Kitty Cat and Manly Man comics. I wanted it to be minimal and quiet without lingering on each moment for too long. It was also an experimentation on using more muted colours and colder tones, breaking away from my usually vibrant and warm tones. This is so that Tartaglia would feel small in the panels, since his scarf and hair are the only sources of warm hues. 
I also wanted Dainsleif’s quote from “Teyvat Chapter Storyline Storyline Preview: Travail” in Chinese to add more depth to the comic while keeping the distance between the scene and the narrator, so to speak. Here’s an unofficial translation of the line, from the wiki.
But oh, you who oversteps your bounds, do not stop walking here,
For none can watch the fire burn from the other side of the river.
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A colour test to understand Tartaglia’s colour scheme more. I had noticed that his colour scheme is very muted when compared to the rest of Liyue Harbour, but against the rest of the Fatui Harbingers as shown in “A Winter Night’s Lazzo”, he stands out. In that sense, he stands out as suspicious in Liyue, yet too direct in his methods within the Fatui.
He stands out better against white snow, an environment of his own.
I was inspired by his “When It Snows” voiceline, and thought the imagery was striking. In brackets is my translation, with the official translation beneath.
(Such wonderful snow! The world’s as clean as moonlight. Only on this sort of stage would bloodshed be especially intense.)
The world looks glorious in the snow. Pure white, like the light of the moon. A perfect backdrop for bloodshed.
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A sketch from late 2022 that I’m using for colouring practice and experiment. Like the first Tartaglia piece, I don’t usually use this much cool-toned blue, nor do I do overcast lighting. The overall atmosphere was meant to evoke rain, since back when I was sketching this, it was an exploration on the effects of rain on Kaeya, who had near-death experiences on rainy afternoons that changed his life dramatically.
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Some notes on the shapes I used when simplifying Kaeya’s design. The idea is to reduce the clutter in his original design while still having the shapes register as Kaeya.
It uses a combination of circular shapes (which is found in his Elemental Burst) and diamond shapes (which is already prevalent in his original design to symbolize his ties with Khaenri’ah).
His hair is meant to look like a tragedy mask, similar to the half-masks Pierro and Dainsleif have. I’ve also discovered by accident that it looked like the profile of an Abyss Mage. Interesting…
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If only I could share with someone the joy of creation…
This one uses a painterly style, which is pretty different from the sketches I usually do. The roughness is intentional, as it is meant to be a painting on a canvas, while also evoking the feeling of looking into a bathroom mirror, hence the flipped position of the shoulder strap. 
Since it’s meant to be a painting in a drawing, the rough quality and the fact that it’s unfinished might be indicative of what the painter feels…?
I didn’t finish painting the coat. Maybe even that can be symbolic of how people usually look at the face first…
I forgot to paint the star on his neck too, but thanks to Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, that could be significant too.
Since this feels unfinished in so many aspects, maybe this is actually Subject 2 contemplating on his existence?
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I think it’s time to move on from this game. It’s been an interesting ride. I’ve learned a lot of stuff, I got to enjoy nice music, and I was able to make wonderful friends.
“Something that does storytelling on a more personal level.”
I’ll try to find that somewhere else.
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You’re welcome for the questions, got some more for you :)
1: I know puns are the duos favorite type of humor, what’s the duos least favorite type of humor?
2: I know that they are best friends but do they have a second? I can see Jake being 2nd best friends with Robert Long; in my universe that I’m still in the process of making they are 1st best friends ;)
3: what’s Jake’s & mar’is relationship with starfires sister komand’r?
4: let’s say they are allowed to use firearms, what type of guns would they use?
5: in relation to the question above, what’s your opinion about the new rocksteady game where you play task force x to kill the justice league? Imagine if instead you play as the starburst duo, superboy jon kent, & night star instead; instead of killing the league just knocking them out instead.
6: what’s something the duo does that annoys other people? In “canon” Chris does slurp his noodles very loudly.
Apologies for the delays and the lack of answering on time @pin-crusher2000
But here’s a little something I try in can make up for some lost time ;-)
1) Intense Toliet humor, Racially Charged Jokes without any tact or awareness, Shock Value Anti Humor, Overly Long Running Gags where Barely anything happens…Basically a catalogue of jokes one can find in a bad episode or Family Guy or the many knock offs of South Park. Those are the humor types that the Duo would very much like to avoid if they can help it
2) Chris’ second best friend can be either Sin Lance (adoptive daughter of Dinah Lance aka Black Canary) and/or one of his classmates from Hamilton County Middle School who can something of a Jimmy Olsen to his Clark Kent as the two are frequent partners in the school’s own newspaper.
As for Jake, while actually Robbie Long is Mar’i’s second best friend (A next Gen Wonder Twins if you may), his secondary choice for a friend goes mainly to Jasper Logan, the son of Beast Boy and Raven (created by @fireflyxrebel-writes and @hains-mae). The two had met ever since basically when they were toddlers and often stuck close to each other plenty of times in play dates and other hang outs they did.
3) Well as given much thought in many posts like these throughout my blog, the two love their Auntie Blackfire and vice versa. At this point, Kom had more or less reformed away from her villainous actions, akin to the McU Loki reformed in a way by the time of Thor Ragnorak, becoming something of a trickster ally to his brother. That applies also to Kom whom acts as that lovely Aunt who lets the kids in some crazy stories from the past and lets them have some fun behind the parnets’ backs.
4) Hmmm…..a case like this would probably entail something of an AU that has no superpowers, no capes meaning no heroes nor supervillains and the two being of the right age and properly trained to weld these weapons.
Now that’s established; Chris’ main arm would be a small carbine with a semi automatic mode of firing and bullets that can penetrate with precision.
For Jake, his main weapon of choice can be a bolt action rifle which can be fired from very far distances and has a scope that can be attached for aiming at very far away targets.
Again these are if there’s an AU that is No Capes and the Duo are registered adults who proper training and no superpowers. Its picky on my part I know but I feel it’s the best chance circumstances for this ask
5) Now That’ll be a game I’d play for a dollar and then some. If the mechanics of their superpowers are incorporated in place of the weapons and gear Task Force X uses instead and hopefully with an engaging enough story that reads like the good comics they adapt from, it’s a game I can see myself playing
Now if only hopefully it doesn’t come with a plethora of methods the Triple A game industry like to deploy to squeeze real money out of its customers including say Battle Passes, Cosmetic DLC or heaven forbid Loot Boxes
6) Maybe unintentionally on their part, Chris and Jake have a tendency to blurt out some funny voices they make when talking about other people they’ve encountered or TV shows they watched and replay in their minds when in public which certainly can get them some attention.
Otherwise besides Chris’ slurping, I can see Jake practicing some tongue twisters or popping his mouth when he’s bored at a pace and there’s nothing else to entertain himself, like say if his phone is low on battery so he’d not use it
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aquanthis · 2 months
also ANOTHER ask from me because I’m on a roll: can I hear more worldbuilding abt the magic verse I am so interested in the concept
okay sorry i've been sitting on this for like six months. but for good reason! i have a better summary to work off of now. i'm basing this off of a rant i went on like 3-4 months ago in a discord server that i'm just getting around to getting down in a proper format. enjoy!
Worldbuilding is the most extensive part of Magicverse, and it's gone through a number of iterations and many smaller changes over time. It likely isn't even in its final form yet, but I'm getting close I think!!!
This will be formatted into four parts: world structure, basic creature types, in-depth creature types and exceptions to the rules. In-depth creature types will cover the variations/specifics of the more complex creature types. Exceptions to the rules will be me using examples of my own characters to show how you can break the rules, as well as preexisting rule-breaking concepts.
World Structure
There are two "worlds": magic, and human. They're pretty self-explanatory; one lives alongside and interacts with magic, and the other is unaware magic exists. These two worlds are related but separate, in that the people that live in them and the things that happen in them happen in the same physical space, but they can't interact with each other.
Think of Magicverse similarly to a one-way mirror. The magic world can "see through the glass" (as in, observe the human world and itself) while the human world can only see itself. There's a barrier between them, and only one knows the other exists.
It's not quite as separate as a mirror would be; magic still exists among humans, despite the fact that they can't see it. To humans, magic is observed as "the paranormal", natural disasters, unexplainable phenomena, and so on. The places where sorcerers live appear abandoned or, in some cases, completely invisible to humans. You get the sense that the world's magic is somehow hiding or protecting itself, but no one living knows why. (Of course, I, its loving creator, have an idea as to why, but I'm keeping that under wraps for now. ^_^)
For a quick example of how magic appears to humans: Let's say a sorcerer gets into a fight with a monster, and it damages a building. To humans, it would appear as though a tornado hit the building, or it got struck by lightning, or something caught fire, etc. These natural phenomena do normally occur aside from this, as well, but magic disguises itself as things that make sense to humans, even if they're unusual.
Basic Creature Types
Humans: Exactly what it says. Normal, every-day humans, like us. Their world is just the same as ours, with the same cities and buildings and societies and laws and struggles. You could even say you exist in Magicverse, if you wanted to.
Sorcerers: People that looks like humans, but have the ability to use magic and live within the magic world from birth. They are born with a "core", which is an organ of sorts that resides in the chest. It acts like a second heart, and it allows them to absorb and store latent magic, which they can then draw on to use magic of their own. Some are stronger than others, but every one of them can use magic in some shape or form. Humans cannot see them, but they can see humans, and it is generally forbidden for sorcerers to try to interact with humans at all.
Seers: A strange middle ground between humans and sorcerers. They are humans born with the ability to see magic, draw it in, and, in very rare cases and to a very minor extent, use it. They are either born sick or become sickly as a young child, because their bodies do not have cores, and therefore they cannot regulate the magic they draw in. Magic is poisonous in large quantities without the ability to process it, and because humans cannot see or explain magic, they have no cure for this mystery illness, and it is rare for a seer to reach adulthood. They are also usually ostracized or seen as weird for being able to see things other people can't.
Demons: Humans who were killed by demons and "turned", in a similar manner to vampires. They can interact with humans and sorcerers and anything in between, making it quite easy for them to move between the magic and human world. Some of them can use magic (though not very skillfully) but usually only if they've been around a long time. It is partially for this reason that it is forbidden for demons to turn sorcerers, along with it being quite difficult to do so. They are ruled by a council and they're all kind of freaks. They have an eternal territory war with angels, but none of them actually remember why. No one knows where they originated from (except me, of course). They are generally seen as a scourge upon large settlements. Practically pests, like rats.
Angels: Those who die by the hands of something other than demons (such as from natural disasters, car crashes, heart attacks, stillborn babies, etc) have an essentially random chance to be reborn as angels. There is no rhyme or reason to who gets reborn as such; bad people have just as much of a chance as good people. Humans, sorcerers, and seers are all capable of being reborn as angels, though they lose any magical abilities they had. They generally have no memory of their former lives, and if they do, they're fragmented and unclear. They usually lose their original body and look nothing like their prior selves, though there are exceptions to this. Angels are a lot less cut and dry than the others.
Monsters: (name change potentially pending) The most varied and malleable creature type. Monsters are formed from latent magic coalescing into a living entity. If a lot of magic gathers in one place, you can be sure that monsters will form. They can take a bajillion different forms, none ever really looking alike, and the larger they get, the more conscious they become. Monsters have one singular purpose that they understand upon creation: they have to feed. They have to find and consume more magic, or else their own magic will slowly fade away, and they will return to latent magic, never to be reformed. They are the natural predator to sorcerers, and sorcerers spend most of their lives fearing, avoiding, and fighting them.
There are subsets within some of these types, but I will get into those later.
In-Depth Creature Types
Here, I will elaborate on specific aspects of some of the types listed above!
Sorcerers, Part 2
Sorcerers are very, very unique as individuals. There are only very rare cases, if any at all, in which one sorcerer has the exact same magic abilities as another. Similar types, yes, but not exact. Each sorcerer has their own specialty, some stronger than others, but they tend to fall into categories.
For example (not an exhaustive list): - Elemental (as you'd expect; fire, water, wind, earth, so on) - Summoning (forming servant-type entities with magic, usually not sentient - Creation (kind of obvious: forming objects) - Destruction (also sort of obvious, though this one is rarer) - Restoration (healing)
Usually the other non-elemental ones still fall under the elemental category as well, because they're usually somewhat aspected, but not all of them. Also, families of sorcerers tend to have magic abilities that involve the same or a similar element, but usually not the same methodology. For example, you could have a family of fire-aspected magic users, but one makes familiars and one uses fire to heal.
Additionally, there is a specific category of magic known as black/forbidden magic. It is the result of a sorcerer having a child with a seer (this is forbidden, but it does happen). This type of magic usually has something to do with people, as in manipulating the body or the mind, usually for control. A couple of my characters (Jay and Leo) have this, but I won't go into detail about that here.
Moving on to how sorcerer society works:
Sorcerer society is very insular, because there are not very many of them and they are spread out across the world. There are a few places where there are larger congregations of them (New York City, for example, where Solomon's story takes place, because you know me, but also other BIG big cities like that) but they mostly have settlements out in the middle of nowhere where very few of them live. It is a scary world for them, as most of them are fending off monsters pretty frequently, so they do generally live in clusters, albeit small ones. It is hard to get information about sorcerer-kind at large, though they do have some means of communication between communities and overall (because, like, dude, it's magic).
There are some big, well-known families of sorcerers going back generations, and they are sort of seen as royalty, though they don't rule over anything or anything like that. They just have social influence, or perhaps popularity, if you can call it that. There are also some sort of "famous" sorcerers, who end up as such through being exceptionally powerful or beautiful or something similar. Though, "celebrities" in sorcerer society are mostly just admired more than anything.
Lastly, in some of those "middle of nowhere" societies of sorcerers, there are well-known schools of magic, sort of disguised as regular schools or hidden in other ways. Sorcerers with the ability to do so will sometimes move there in order to send their children to school, or just send their children away entirely. There are also a handful of colleges across the world for the same purpose, but they are very few in number and hard to get to.
Demons, Part 2
Demons have two overarching jobs/purposes: to create more demons, and to fight and kill angels. These two things go hand in hand, because the more footsoldiers you have, the easier the war will be (or at least, that's their logic). Some demons don't like this, but they don't really have a choice, as you'll see in a moment.
Usually, demons are turned as adults, and retain their memories from before they were killed. They do not have a choice in becoming a demon if they are intentionally turned by one. The demon that turned them is now considered their supervisor or master (depends on how self-absorbed they are) and they have to obey their every command. And by "have to", I mean, when their master speaks, their body movies. They have no choice in the matter. As I said, very similar to vampires, just with a different purpose/they don't drink blood.
Demons also have the ability to transform their body at will (though they must remain humanoid) and that tends to be the extent to which they can use magic. However, on every demon, there is at least one thing that cannot be transformed away, usually a scar from their fatal wound, though sometimes there are other "imperfections", representative of their past life, that also remain (such as Solomon's fucked up teeth).
They often use underhanded methods to catch/turn people, lurking around bars or clubs or other places where people aren't paying all that much attention. They rarely, if ever, get caught because they can transform themselves however they want. After a long enough time, demons tend to give up on their old morality and start doing the demon thing in earnest, because runaway demons never live long (they get hunted down) and at this point they just want to survive.
Demon society is, as previously mentioned, ruled by a council. They serve as judge, jury and executioner to misbehaving demons, as well as acting as military generals, politicians, and leaders, all wrapped into one group of weird freaks. Demons rarely meet them unless they've done something wrong.
Also, it is forbidden by the council to turn sorcerers into demons. Demons generally obey this, both because it is REALLY hard to kill a sorcerer without being killed yourself, and also because they assume something really bad will happen if they succeed. But the reason this rule exists is actually the council's method of self-defense, because they know that they'd never be able to fend off a sorcerer who's also a demon, and a sorcerer would never have access to the council if they weren't a demon.
(Real Solomon fans know that SOME piece of shit thought he was really cool and started doing it anyway, to kids, but I digress).
Angels, Part 2
Angels have notoriously been the least settled section of Magicverse worldbuilding, but I think I'm finally getting it to a point that I like. So, here goes:
When they are formed, angels lose most if not all of their memories. If they were older when they died, they will sometimes have tiny fragments of stubborn memories, but for the most part they are a slate wiped clean. They tend to lose their original personalities as well, especially because angels are discouraged from individuality. They are intended to play the part of mindless soldiers fighting for their council, who does the exact same thing the demon council does (Ha! Funny how that works. I wonder if that means anything). Obviously, angels do not turn people, as they just get a constant supply of soldiers from the natural cycle of things.
However! They do still have their turf war with demons. And some of them actually eat demons.
Now, you're thinking "Haha, they eat them?" Yeah, they eat them. Many angels survive off of eating demons, both literally so they don't starve and also because they have to. Angels sort of have a "kill quota", as in, they have to report to their supervisors every week and if they're not killing enough or they're not on time with their phone call or their whereabouts are a bit suspicious, they get badly punished. So, they think, "Well, I'm hungry. Kill two birds with one stone". It just works out.
Anyway, due to this constant rule enforcement and management, it is really hard, if not impossible, for angels to break out of the cycle. And they're stuck there. Forever. They don't have lifespans. There are very few ways in which they can be killed. It is a miserably endless life, a constant rinse and repeat. Friendship between angels is not allowed, they are made to work alone, and they are discouraged from individuality. It's the most clinical life imaginable and they live like that forever.
Makes some of them think, "Huh, maybe demons are living a better life?" But they'd never say that out loud.
Lastly: Angels have wings! As you'd expect. Some have more than one set. And some of them have more eyes than the should! And some look very much not human! Usually depends a bit on how fucked up they were when they died.
Notable Exceptions
And finally! Notable exceptions, in categorical order! Because you can only break the rules once you know them!
There is one (currently reported) instance of a sorcerer finding a way to interact with and be seen by humans. A florist by the name of Marigold Bookbinder, the mother of one of my favoritest Magicverse OCs, researched and cultivated a flower that, when reduced and made into something consumable, makes it so sorcerers can temporarily be seen by and interact with humans. Funnily enough, she just uses this to get customers for her flower ship, despite the fact that it would fuck everything up so bad if anyone else had it or knew about it.
Additionally, there is one (currently reported) instance of a sorcerer turning a seer into a full sorcerer using a particular spell, thereby saving said seer from a long, painful death but also separating them from their human relationships forever. I will go into no further detail but yeah.
Some sorcerers have found a variety of different ways to extend the lives of seers, but usually to the detriment of the seers' mental stability. They're drugs, basically, and pretty strong ones at that.
Demons are not supposed to turn sorcerers. Yeah, I've said it like five times over the course of this. However! As we know from Solomon and his two "siblings", some piece of shit named Servius decided he wanted to overthrow the demon council himself, and tried to build himself an army. So he killed some sorcerer kids and raised them to be his weapons. I call them Harbingers, but there's probably no official name for them in-universe. Solomon, Lili, and Jem are the only ones Servius made, but Solomon ended up turning Meko after Servius died, so there are four in total.
Generally, angels do not make friends or anything. However, my husband and I have a pair of characters who were formed on the same day, one of whom is blind, and the other spent their entire lives looking after and protecting the blind one. At one point, he lashes out at another angel, and was made to "fall", so he has black goop wings and can hardly fly. They ran away together and will probably be running for the rest of their lives.
Generally, monsters are completely hostile to sorcerers, but there have been exceptions. I made a pair of OCs a long time ago which consisted of a sorcerer girl who was a tattoo artist, and a monster she befriended who she uses to make magic ink in exchange for feeding it magic. They're girlfriends. It was fun. You can do A LOT with monsters, though. You can go wild. Frolic in the fields.
That should be a good baseline for the worldbuilding! If there are any questions, please DO NOT hesitate to ask. I have tons of examples and tons of ideas, but I didn't want to just dump all the info I have.
Okay I'm done :] I love you bye
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nightingaletrash · 10 months
Figured I'd write up some little summaries of Nem's friendships with her companions by the end of the game:
Lae'zel: they started out very much as an alliance of convenience with no real expectations of friendship or even mutual respect. Yet somehow, they've overcome the initial hostility, coming to respect each other's nerve and resolve, and have since become firm and loyal friends. They may never see each other again, as Lae'zel left Faerun to free her people from Vlaakith's rule, but they will make sure that no one could ever forget the role each of them played in the liberation of their homes from the so-called gods who crave them. Lae'zel's name will be told in song and story, and Nemeia's will be etched in slate. Their friendship will endure from Faerun to the Astral Sea.
Shadowheart: surprisingly, they warmed up to one another quite quickly despite the blatant secrecy and evasiveness on SH's behalf. And when the time came in the Shadowfell, it was Nemeia who SH listened to. And when she defied Shar, it was Nem who helped her to stay standing long enough to really process and accept what she'd done and what had been done to her. After the defeat of the Absolute, Shadowheart stayed with Nem the longest, as she still had to decide what came next. They're practically sisters now, and the bond they share runs deep.
Astarion: this friendship was a real slowburn, especially on Astarion's behalf. Nem accepted his vampirism with grace, allowed him to feed on her the first time, and she generally agreed to have his back, but she genuinely came to believe that he just didn't like her. It wasn't until act 2 that he stated otherwise; in reality he just didn't trust her to be capable of living up to her word. She's just too much of a reckless do-gooder and is vastly underestimating what Cazador is capable of. Yet as time goes on, he comes to believe that she might actually be someone worth putting his faith in. And in the end, she doesn't just save him from Cazador, she saves him from his own fear. She helps him break the cycle of abuse and helps him to be more than what he was made for. After he's forced to flee the sun, Nem is genuinely unsure if she'll ever see him again, but he shows up at the celebration after the sun goes down because he refuses to skip out on the party that he's more than earned. And he feels like he owes Nem a proper goodbye before he leaves.
Gale: these two get along like a house on fire from the get go, and it's thanks to him that Nem's view of Elminster takes a dip because how dare you tell my friend to kill himself on behalf of the goddess who could have helped him and chose not to. Still, they had their moments of friction whenever the Wizard Hubris started to show. Nem had to frequently talk him down from ideas of reforging the crown and dissuade him from the notion that he needs to be More to be worth something. While she still didn't believe that Gale ought to chase Mystra's forgiveness, she did encourage him to let her handle the crown because it was clearly a bad idea to leave it in the hands of mortals. After the Absolute's defeat, an agreement is settled upon: they have a bi-annual meet-up where they come to visit each other's homes and catch up. Tara still can't believe that Nem won't side with her on the matter of Gale's beard.
Wyll: another fast friend and one whom Nem was quick to offer her support to after his transformation at Mizora's hand. She tried to help him adjust to the change, offering him advice for dealing with the horns and trying to help him find foods that taste good. They've not made much progress on that front, but the effort is appreciated. Ultimately, Nem encouraged him to break his pact at the cost of his father because Mizora is toying with him and there might still be a chance to find his father without her help. And ultimately, she was right. They saved Duke Ravenguard without Mizora's help and Wyll was freed of his pact, leaving him free to decide his own fate as the Blade. They meet up for the occasional adventure, and Wyll knows that there's a place waiting for him when he needs a rest.
Karlach: oh boy. There were instant sparks there, and they got on super well from the start, so it was only a matter of time before they fell hard and fast for each other. They enjoyed each other's company and had each other's backs in every fight. Nem went out of her way to help fix Karlach's engine, and genuinely believed that they could find some way to fix it so that she could stay in Faerun and live a full life, filled with love and music and excitement. Even in the face of the inevitable, Nem kept picturing a life together with Karlach and refused to believe that there was no way out. So imagine the heartbreak when, right as they've won and defeated the Absolute, Karlach's engine finally gave out. Nem made sure that she got a headstone with her parents and makes sure to visit, but the thought of staying in the city is a bit too much for her. So she preserves Karlach's memory in every way she can - in stories and songs and art, so that no one can ever forget Karlach the Fearless. There's also a really mean goat named after her. It's what she'd want.
Halsin: considering that he was the first person who could actually offer any substantial help that wasn't a poison or a deal with a hag/devil, Halsin earned Nem's respect and friendship pretty early on. She actually pestered him about druidic practices too because all she ever knew about her own father was that he was a druid, and she wants some kind of connection. Then oops it turns out that Halsin is her father! There was definitely a spike of complicated emotions there, but they worked things out and talk about how they feel regarding the revelation, and they decided that they'd give this whole 'being family' thing a go. After the defeat of the Absolute and once she had sorted out her business in the city (such as Karlach's funeral), Nem joined Halsin in his new community for a time to get some distance from the city, heal from her grief, and to build a bond with her father.
Jaheira: the Cub and the Crow, that's them. Nem isn't much like Fianna at all - she's a fast talker who can talk someone into killing themself to spare herself the trouble of fighting them (and she's done exactly that. Multiple times!) - yet she still reminds Jaheira of her Bhaalspawn kid in her determination, her staunch belief in doing what's right, and her fierce loyalty to her friends. It wasn't hard for her to fall into the role of the motherly mentor (even if her brand of motherly is more sarcastic hardass than you'd expect). As for Nem, well, she likes to give Jaheira a hard time every now and then, but that's because the last legend she met told one of her friends to kill himself and this one threatened to kill her, so she's ready to push boundaries rather than fawn, and it turns out that Jaheira loves that shit. It's refreshing that she can take a few prods, and she has the exact kind of experience they need for taking on literal gods. Even after they go their separate ways, they stay in touch, and Nem has written a song about Jaheira that leans more into her being a prickly old woman than some legendary warrior. Jaheira prefers it to any of the other songs ever written about her, which means that all of her kids sing it whenever she comes home. Next time she sees Nem, she's grounded.
Minsc and Boo: Nem grew up in the Wide, so she's more than familiar with the stories of Minsc and Boo, and so she thought she was more than prepared for dealing with their quirks. As it is, the hamster is definitely the sensible one. Nem doesn't dislike Minsc in the slightest, but it'd be nice if he actually learned from his mistakes instead of trusting Jaheira to clean up his messes. But he's all in on stopping the Absolute, and he has his own strange brand of wisdom that is surprisingly insightful... but Boo is definitely the brains of the operation, make no mistake.
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kittsu-and-company · 8 months
Aghhh it’s late and I’m allowed to stay in a Pokémon center for the night, everybody say thank you to the nice staff pless
Anyway since I have a roof over my head and don’t have to worry about getting rained on, it’s time for thoughts ✨✨
…I don’t think I can be a Pokébiologist, I accept that now. I can’t handle being outside for too long before I get miserable, and I (think) I lost all my chances to get a proper education at this point.
I was thinking though. I genuinely adore Pokémon and working with them. What other things can I do? I was thinking maybe I could volunteer at a shelter, but I’m definitely not skilled enough for that.
What about just, exploring? Well, it’s expensive, and I hate not being home (even without a home), so even if I want to go see the sights the process of going to see them would be miserable for me.
Unless I can have something to prove for it? My old boss, won’t share her name because she was very right to fire me, let me borrow her camera a couple times and I loved it. I don’t have it anymore and tbh I didn’t bring it with me too often, but when I did it was amazing and I always had to take a billion pictures of all the things.
Maybe, if I can get a hold of myself, I could photograph nature and big landmarks. I think that would be fun, but again, no camera, travel money, or home to return to when I need a break.
..Oh well. I’ll just have to deal with it, other people have it worse anyway. I think I’ve been putting off heading to Laverre for a bit too long now.
I’m not sure if I would be trapped again. Want to be free.
(// plain text: “I’m not sure if I would be trapped again. Want to be free.” \\)
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tanjirou-no-au · 2 years
Rewrite LoV Thoughts.
Follow up to my Magne post and my Izuku/Tomura Parallels post, my HCs/rewrite thoughts.
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura
Most of what I had planned for him is pointed out in that last post, but there’s still stuff to say about him.
He’s a study in contradictions, a man child gamer one moment and a truly devious plotter and quirk analyst the next. Speaks in NEET speak half the time, the next half he’s spouting boss ass dramatic quotes.
Read up on Buddhism just to mock Overhaul.
Eventually manages to overcome AFO’s attempts to overwrite his will, and during the Stars and Stripes fight, rejects the name ‘Tomura Shigaraki’ and embraces the name ‘Tenko Shimura’
Prototype High End Nomu, made into Tomura’s caretaker.
Caught during Kamino instead of after Overhaul Arc.
Parts of Shirakumo are coming through in captivity.
Dabi/Touya Todoroki
He’s a straight up Proto-Nomu here, from the same project that ultimately produced Nine, his body put through similar processes as Shigaraki to implant him with a healing factor/quirk.
His designation is Four.
Problem is his fire is so hot that it negates the healing, but still allows him to survive far beyond his expiration date.
Basically engineered to be Shigaraki’s lancer, someone who could present ideals that Shigaraki could align with, tweak, or argue.
Ultimately focused in the idea of revenge, to the point where he leaves Twices to his fate just to screw over Hawks.
Finds out he’s been manipulated following the War Arc, as it turns out that he’s susceptible to the same command protocols as the Nomu.
Goes mad with the revelation, adding onto his familial issues.
More attention paid to his skills as an orator and negotiator. His name ‘Spinner’ might actually come from his fast talking ability.
Heart of the team, reigning in Toga’s more out-there desires, keeping Dabi and Shigaraki from tearing each other apart, and convincing Compress to stay.
One the most vocal against AFO’s influence alongside Magne.
Because of this, he’s given Body Bulk and Scale Mail to isolate Shigaraki.
Nothing. She’s perfect :)
But seriously though, more attention paid for her desire for family and people who will accept her for who she is then just a romantic angle.
Gets a bodysuit that allows her to use her power without having to get naked.
Loses an eye following the MLA Arc.
Loses a lot of motivation following the War Arc, where she realizes that however this ends, her ‘family’ is going to be ripped apart, with Twice dead, Dabi simply not caring, Compress caught, and Spinner and Shigaraki falling under AFO’s sway. Thus she regresses back to her Izuku/Ochako obsession.
Not many changes for him, but he’s still got that intense need to be accepted, DID, villainy and all.
Worked for the Shie Hassaikai for a bit, and Overhaul Arc kicks off when they track him down.
He might be missing a finger?
Mr. Compress
Deliberately mysterious, but always has sage advice.
Expert escape artist and the LoV’s main infiltrator.
Implication that he used to be a vigilante or even a proper hero at one point.
Definitely has something going on with Magne.
During the War if faced with the choice of freeing Gigantomachia or toga and Spinner. He chooses the latter, spilling his backstory to buy them time to escape.
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Constructing your dream space with a metal building kit offers numerous benefits, including a wide range of options, affordability, ease of assembly, and environmental friendliness. Whether you're looking to build a new garage, barn, or commercial space, steel building kits provide a versatile and cost-effective solution. Embrace the future of construction and bring your vision to life with a durable and customizable metal building kit.
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mousumi03 · 22 days
Protecting Lives and Property: The Importance of Fire Resistant Doors
In the realm of fire safety, every element of a building's construction plays a crucial role in safeguarding lives and property. Among these, fire-resistant doors stand as a critical barrier against the spread of flames, smoke, and toxic gases in the event of a fire. These specialized doors are engineered to withstand high temperatures and prevent the rapid spread of fire, providing valuable time for occupants to evacuate safely and for firefighters to contain the blaze.
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Fire-resistant door are constructed using materials specifically chosen for their ability to withstand fire and heat. Typically, these doors are made with a solid core of fire-resistant materials such as steel, gypsum, or mineral core. The door frame and surrounding components are also designed to resist fire, often featuring intumescent seals that expand when exposed to heat, effectively sealing off gaps and preventing the passage of smoke and flames.
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Fire-resistant doors find application in a wide range of settings, including:
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Fire-resistant door are not merely passive components of building infrastructure; they are essential guardians of safety and security in the face of fire emergencies. By investing in quality fire-resistant doors and ensuring their proper installation and maintenance, building owners and occupants can significantly enhance their fire safety preparedness and mitigate the potentially devastating consequences of fire incidents. In the ongoing pursuit of safer built environments, fire-resistant doors stand as stalwart defenders, offering peace of mind and protection against the ever-present threat of fire.
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The Basics of Tree Removal
Trees are a beautiful addition to any landscape, providing shade and wind protection as well as homes for wildlife. However, sometimes trees may need to be removed, particularly when they are dead or dying and pose a safety hazard. While it is possible to remove a small, low-growing tree yourself, removing a large, tall or diseased tree requires special equipment and knowledge of proper techniques. The average homeowner should hire a professional to avoid costly damage to property and injury to people and pets. The first step in tree removal is to determine whether it is safe to cut the tree down. A professional arborist will examine the tree and the surrounding area to ensure that there is enough room for the fallen tree to fall without hitting buildings, power lines or other objects. This can be difficult in urban home landscapes, where many trees are located very close to houses and other structures. A good indicator of a dangerous or unhealthy tree is if the trunk or large branches are tilting to one side. A tilted trunk or branches may indicate that the tree is about to fail, making it unsafe for anyone below. Other signs of a dangerous tree include a cracked trunk, large cavities in the trunk or roots, fungus growth and soft, crumbling wood. If a tree is not a safety risk, it might be able to be saved with proper care and treatment. An arborist can inspect the tree and recommend treatment for its condition. However, if the tree is severely damaged or dead, removal may be necessary to prevent further damage. Once a decision has been made to remove a tree, there are several things that the homeowner can do to prepare. If a professional is being hired for the removal, it is a good idea to clear away lawn furniture, vehicles, fire pits and other items that could be harmed when the tree falls. It is also a good idea to install no-parking signs in the area before the day of removal so that neighbors have plenty of warning. A professional tree service will start the process by assessing the height of the tree to see if there is enough space for it to be felled all at once. This is not practical for most urban home landscapes, so the tree will be dismantled in sections. The arborist will begin by cutting off lower branches, using a chainsaw to make an undercut at the branch’s underside and then sawing downwards from the top of the branch. This allows the branches to fall slowly to the ground, rather than dropping suddenly and damaging anything in their path. If a stump remains after the tree is removed, a professional can grind it down or use stump removal chemicals. In some cases, a stump can be left in the ground as a planter or other landscaping feature. If a stump is too large to grind or dig out with a manual stump grinder, the arborist can remove it with a hydraulic crane. via https://litchfieldtreeservices1.wordpress.com/2024/03/21/the-basics-of-tree-removal/
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