Yamauba's lair
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yama-uba · 3 days ago
I recently shared my headcanon for the Jedi vibe for me, which is 50% Gregorian monks and 50% Edo samurai. I'm currently doing some analysis for my drafts and need somewhere to store notes for my inspiration.
So, in short, this is what I think the Temple of the Capital Jedi Order sounds like, which is actually a fortress city on a high mountain surrounded by the futuristic eco-umenopolis:
In my opinion, this "band" from the 90s, who blew up stadiums of half-naked people in jeans that sat just above the knees, makes the perfect balance of purity and spirituality with action, making covers. I can almost see how some Jedi knight looks at the crowds of bustling city dwellers, touched and shocked by the absurdity of consumer society and social "theater", of which he has never been a part. For him, the social pressure and obligations that come with personal property seem much greater tests than the harsh "Shaolin" training of the Yanglings.
And the legendary soundtrack of Heroes of Might and Magic 5 continues and develops this idea. However, now it is no longer philosophical reflections in a cell, but a demonstration of the strength and firmness of one's convictions. I do not advise raiding this chapel, despite the legends about its wealth ("He who doubts our peacefulness will wash himself in his own blood"). Yes, the Temple has a bell tower and a whole choir that measure the time between a series of training and meditation on emptiness (usually this is a 5-hour sleep and the only meal of the day). This is canon … It just so happened that no one told Lucas about this.
And this is how the interior decoration, interiors and gardens of the Temple sound, united by a single wabi-sabi style:
Draw closer to Kami and the Force with just the sound…
And without Mamoru Oshii this chart would be incomplete
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yama-uba · 9 days ago
Our simulator multinational harem of psychopaths-killers is now priceless. official now
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Bot farmers: terrorize players
Community: starts terrorizing Valve
Valve: takes a step towards the community in the hope that it will calm them down
Community: perceives Valve's movement as a sign of the right vector of force application and starts being impudent with the words "We haven't forgotten the long-awaited Heavy Update!"
Valve: "Okay, you know what, it's not in our interests to get involved in all this! Here's the original spaghetti code! Now it's the property of humanity, not our headache! Make your Heavy Update yourself!" ----------(You are here)----------
Community: finishing Classic Fortress
Community: "combing" spaghetti and "coconuts" in 20-year-old code
Community: making an even more long-awaited Sex Update
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yama-uba · 28 days ago
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Today marks the 25th anniversary of one thing that taught me several things:
extreme time management;
good taste in jazz music;
maintaining composure in emergency situations;
fire safety;
avoiding contact with wild animals;
that no matter how skilled you are, your career depends 50% on your soft skills and useful contacts;
farmers' work is hard and underestimated;
it is very important to raise your pet;
a person's mortality is always sudden, which gives life special value throughout its duration;
up to 80% of crimes remain unsolved, the police are not always competent
that is why taking care of you is your first priority;
that is why a good alarm system is the first thing on the way to arranging a house;
the second thing in life in terms of necessity is a bed with a good orthopedic mattress;
"old money" is the same people as everyone else, so don't envy them (they have problems too) and don't judge them as "arrogant moneybags, out of touch with everyday reality";
garden ornaments detonate like C-4 if you kick them;
opposites, contrary to the laws of physics, do not attract each other and cannot coexist under the same roof;
Bauhaus, mid-century modern and American classics are the pinnacle of aesthetic art;
life is a constant process of finding balance and squeezing in between sleep and work, self-development, socialization and time for self-care;
if you have read up to this point, then check the moisture of the soil of your indoor plants and whether your aquarium fish need your help
Would I buy a $20 buggy emulator of my nostalgia for a Steam icon when I have a stable version that doesn't crash when I open a browser? Well… you know the answer.
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yama-uba · 1 month ago
It's amazing that YouTube algorithms decided to show me the massage therapist whose services I used during my last vacation.
When I saw her, two versions of the joke immediately appeared in my head:
1) She is a xeno-naturalist from T'Hasi, whose task is to analyze the pre-warp civilization of Sol 3 for suitability as intermediaries for her people, since the teachings of Surrak impose monstrous debuffs on diplomacy and social sciences; 2) She is a planted agent of Rihannsu, whose task was the initial reconnaissance of the planet of primitives, located literally on the doorstep of the Vulcans, for their further vassalization and creation of leverage and instability right near the capital of Surak's disciples… but she decided to live her best life and touch the unsophisticated creatures with impunity in exchange for their primitive analogue of an energy credit.
And now I'm thinking about something: In science fiction, if there are xenophiles (which is disappointingly rare, despite the number of works in this setting), they are always humans in relation to other races. In the case where aliens are looking for a romantic partner among humans, it is either a "Twi'lek case" (when the entire race is made up of human women covered in paint, or it is a civilization of pansexual hedonists with no rules of decency), or a functional relationship (like Garrus loves Shepard precisely because she is Shepard, and not an exotic, soft, warm-blooded babe). The only example of a xenophile among aliens in relation to humans that I can think of is Admiral ZEX from Star Control II. Do you know any other examples of alien guys who have a thing for humans?
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yama-uba · 3 months ago
I don't understand if the fuss about Ciri on the internet was intentional or accidental. Because everyone is now discussing her face, and not how CIRI BECAME A WITCHER! Ciri is now a witcher, having passed the tests of herbs and training, despite the fact that the only person qualified to transform her in the Wolf School died in the third game! Moreover, throughout all the games it is narrated that the monsters in this world, where people have arrived, are becoming fewer and fewer and the witcher's craft is losing its meaning in itself, despite the appearance of professional human hunters. If this was an attempt to divert everyone's attention to her face, then I am impressed.
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And to be honest, I am shocked at how quickly wok-hunting has slid into an even worse semblance of a caricature of itself. Reproaching a woman of 35-40 years old, living in the Middle Ages (where even witches do not have the magic of lifting, photoshop and full-makeup) and working in the form of hunting for folklore monsters and incessantly taking alcoholic tinctures, for her appearance is beyond all praise. Perhaps I will put this on the shelf next to the complaints about Silent Hill 2 Remaster in the form of "What did they do to Angela Orosco?! I go into the game to jerk off to the victim of double rape, and not to play the game!"
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We all know that every woman is a seven-year-old anime child with a D or F cup. It's ironic that Andrzej Sapkowski himself described her as a masculinized, awkward teenager. You know, those descriptions by male writers who write that the heroine has an unearthly beauty, and then add something like: "even her cute black mustache suited her and the bald spot all the way to the top of her head didn't spoil her at all, and the purulent abscesses from acne gave her an aura of mystery."
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In the meantime, I want to remind fans of fan service what we girls had to endure in the first two parts of the game and we were not outraged:
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To be honest, Geralt himself always said that he has a scary face, but in the third part of the game, the screams of leprous toothless peasants in the back about the "freak" and "mutant" of this walking fanservice sound more like an ironic compliment.
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yama-uba · 3 months ago
Guys, I seriously don't understand why we need another adaptation of the Snow White fairy tale when we've already had a perfect modernized version.
Isn't she magnificent in her rapture over absolute power?
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"I can't give her to you, prince, because she is my Sun"
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Rachel Zeglar: I’m gonna be the first Snow White who is not going to be a damsel in distress dreaming about true love and instead she’ll learn to become a fighter and a great leader for her kingdom! No one’s ever done an independent Snow White before!
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yama-uba · 3 months ago
Сука Блядь! It's Alive!
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They release a POV of a visiting capital doctor-tonatologist, who came to interview a local centenarian in a town on the banks of the Gorkhon in the middle of the steppe, and as a result he found himself a tribal half-bull-half-bear in the person of a boner of beef and human carcasses was woven into the complex intrigues of local elites, a crisis of supreme power, a deadly pandemic of unknown etiology, as well as the traditions and customs of the Trsky semi-nomad tribes.
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Ladies and gentlemen, get your lemons, your nuts ready, hold on to your biological defenses with all your might, and prepare to suffer as only a reader of classical russian prose can.
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Manai tal nutagt tavtai moril
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yama-uba · 3 months ago
I'm leaving this post to tell Hanami "I told you so". While the "corpses" of the superhero and SW franchises are cooling, something has to fill the time of analog and digital cinemas. Therefore, the franchise will definitely be stretched out over more than 5 films and, most likely, there will be:
the "ash" tribe of Na'vi, who betrayed Eywa in favor of human industrialization, which is already an entire nation in terms of population and an empire/oligarchy/military junta in terms of political structure;
this tribe will initially be the third party in the conflict for the planet, but in the final battle with the invaders, all Na'vi will unite under a common banner. OR the ash Na'vi will initially be allies of earthlings, but their leaders will "come to their senses" and return their people to the "right" side;
Cameron will kill Sully to motivate his children, who are supposed to continue the plot of the franchise (most likely, Loak will become the new central character). OR he will kill Neytiri to give the protagonists motivation and a new romantic interest in Sally, who is from the ash tribe;
Cameron will kill/sever the connection between the creatures of Pandora and Eywa and life will try to adapt to its new state. OR Eywa will turn out to be a man-made system and its creators will come to the aid of their "sea monkeys" and smear the earthlings in a thin layer throughout space with their incredible technology;
The Colonel will become a new ally or sacrifice himself for the sake of peace and prosperity for all Na'vi (this was evident by the sudden and unprovoked softness and humanity at the end of the second film). Optionally, he will get a love interest from the ash tribe;
Kiri (and Quaritch) will plant a new Tree of Souls and everything will work out for them because Kiri is definitely an "avatar" of Eywa, conceived like Jesus and has extraordinary abilities. It is quite possible that the tree seed is her body;
most likely, it is Kiri who will give Spider the opportunity to breathe the atmosphere of Pandora, since she is the chosen one of Eyva;
the united tribes of all Pandora master the technology and technology of earthlings, left by mining corporation, which makes a colossal leap in their technological development and gives rise to new conflicts among the Na'vi. Optionally, there is an invasion of Earth.
the third tribe, according to the logic of elemental affiliation, will most likely be "heavenly" / "windy" / "airy". Optionally, they can be allies of the "fire" tribe, or enslaved sometime in the past and assimilated into the culture of "ash".
there will be many comics and books on this universe. But I would like (although I do not hope) that at least a drop of boring logic can appear in this growing madness. And:
Earthlings arrive with a space fleet and troops to Pandora to stop the actions of a mega-corporation, which on Earth is being broken up (like Microsoft) into a bunch of different companies without the right to close cooperation. People judge all the guilty and involved in court, demonstrating the process to Pandora. Humanity is obliged to restore and compensate everything that is reaped in the current conflict. And then Earth appeals in a plea to leave the infrastructure and places previously occupied to create a transit point for humanity escaping from its planet in exchange for technology and resources.
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I wrote what I expect based on my experience of Hollywood predictability. I hope I'm wrong. Only time will tell.
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yama-uba · 4 months ago
November 7th
I'm Commander Yaba-Ube and this is my favorite anniversary of the Mass Effect trilogy.
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I should go… and fuck my entire alien galaxy-saving team.
This time the ending color will be blue.
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yama-uba · 4 months ago
Please, let's talk about the uncomfortable topic of inZOI (part 2)
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Okay, okay, what could be so specific about a game in the era of globalization and "South Korean soft power" so strong that even your grandmother knows all the members of BTS and what kimchi is?My answer: prioritization in the user experience.
nZOI provides an incredible amount of content:
items (clothes/hairstyles/furniture/decor and so on);
animations and poses;
types of interaction with objects and other people;
a huge open city-world;
deep mechanics of work and relationships.
But… what should I do with all this? What goal should I set for myself in the passage of life together with my zoe? How will I find it, how will my zoe tell me? How will I achieve it? Will achieving it be the end? What sub-goals will I complete along the way? And what will achieving this challenge give me?
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Don't you think that in Sims 4, lifelong dreams (life goals) have degraded to the level of tutorials? Like, the dream of becoming a Sulanite: task 1 - sleep on a lounge chair… Maybe help the island? Complete a chain of quests to restore traditions? Become related to the locals so that they let the Sim into their community? Live your whole life on the islands and know that this place is your home? And 90% of all goals are written like this, and 10% are farming hours/money/actions.
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The buffoonery and flat humor of The Sims 4 destroyed the life in her. "My wife, the love of my life, with whom I spent my whole life, died? No big deal, because I have such an inspiring kitchen, fragrant parquet and a bidet."
But inZOI there is not even such a "nanocruise". "Here is a huge world filled with content, here is your beautiful and kind alter ego - you are free to do with them whatever you want!". But what should I do? What is the difficulty and challenge? Where should I go? How do I know what my Zoey wants to do and will he be happy with my choice for him? Just like in real life - there is no answer.
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inZOI is a collection of generative AI, signature animations of the PUBG engine, wonderful presets, mind-blowing graphics for:
for builders of houses from your dreams;
for "directors" and "photographers" creating entire stories;
for "dynasties" in whose tree a fan of Turkish TV series can get confused.
This is an ideal picture to insert it into your social networks. But how to play this beautiful world as a game?
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I hope I'm wrong and inZOI will show the highest level of interaction with the player, reacting to his actions and decisions, throwing up feasible tasks and reminding the player that everything has its consequences. I miss the way Sims 3 would periodically let me know that it wasn't dead, throwing absurdities into the measured lives of my characters, and the city's population would gradually change generations, social and family status, and place of residence.
I like to have hope, even if it ends in disappointment)
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yama-uba · 4 months ago
Please, let's talk about the uncomfortable topic of inZOI (part 1)
Unreal Engine 5 is amazing. Presets are perfect. Sound can be inserted into RCTA affirmations. But! I understood why inZOI is not a competitor to the monopolistic The Sims series and is a specific niche. This is a life simulator from Asia exclusively for the Asian region.
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Now I will explain based on historical information to understand how parallel the "worlds" in which we live are:
"Wheat civilizations" - the work of one clan is enough to process a field of wheat. At the same time, the culture grows for a long time, and in more northern latitudes from the "fertile crescent" it grows only in the warm season. "Rice civilizations" - for its cultivation, rice requires a complex irrigation system that can be created and regulated only by a large number of workers. However, this grain produces more calories on the same area of ​​cultivation and can be harvested 2 to 3 times a year. "Maize civilizations" - wiped off the face of the Earth by the conquistadors.
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Skipping millennia of development, we get two different ways of thinking of man:
European, where all actions are taken from the point of view of human well-being (this is everything that comes to mind when you hear the word "America": active citizenship, inviolability of personal property, presumption of innocence, social benefits for the weak, and so on, up to bringing all this to the point of absurdity);
Asian, where all actions are taken from the point of view of the well-being of the majority of people (this is what you can see in anime: fear of causing inconvenience to other people, concern for one's public image, values ​​of belonging to an insider circle, priority of traditions over innovation, etc.).
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Thus, there are (or rather, were such before the era of "perks" of Sims 3) two games with their own views on the human personality. Sim - a creature with internal motivation and subjectivity in relation to other creatures of its kind, as well as the player himself. Example: you can make a dirty Sim clean his house, but this will not change his character and he will have his own opinion on this process, and it is also very unlikely that he will decide to do it of his own free will.
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Zoe - a creature with characteristics that manifest when interacting with relatives and their community. That is: the "Character" card is not a personality profile, but is responsible for the type of relationship that Zoe will strive for, and this is more like a life goal. Zoe does not have an established character - she is clay in the hands of the player.
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This does not mean that the monopolist is good, and the debutant is bad. These are two (European and Asian) approaches to simulating a person. And none of them are worse, contrary to human nature to always compare two things from "approximately the same category" like color (guys, I actually saw a scandal on the Internet, where they found out which color is better: purple or green).
Belonging to both of these worlds, I make an assumption that: inZOI will be met with great interest, which, however, will quickly fade away in the countries of "wheat civilizations". The new game will be loved in its native segment, taking away a colossal audience from EA due to the fact that it will "speak" with its user in the same language. The Sims franchise will continue its degradation towards the free-to-play segment and mobile farming, until only the name remains from the game series. Perhaps Electronics will want to grab a couple more hundred million, porting Sims 1 and Sims 2 to smartphones, but nothing more.
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Some things in this world just don't fit with other things.
Why am I so sure that this will push the Western player away from the new game? The thing is that this is one of two good reasons that creates this trend. The second reason will complete this process. I will explain now…
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yama-uba · 5 months ago
Not only is it alive, but now it will soon become an adult. Nine years of development - I think it will survive until the "alpha" generation, and then it will be time for a Heavy's update.
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yama-uba · 5 months ago
I'm writing down an idea to write a fic one day.
Knock on the respawn machine breakdown, which leads the list of "top parade of the most terrible breakdowns" of mercenaries (with a huge gap from "endless duplicate of Scouts", "chimerization of the entire team into 3 people according to class tasks", "swapping bodies" and, of course, "swapping classes") - "Loss of the Y-chromosome".
The team tries not to kill the Engineer and the Medic while they fix the dump of their team's machine, "enjoying" the emotional swings and gender expectations of the south of the country in the 70s. Each of the classes goes through their own identity crisis (and menopause) in despair and an attempt not to go completely crazy in the body of a living nightmare of a conservative (well, except for the bostonboy, who became a hybrid of Jean Seberg and Twiggy, as well as the Spy, who became a five-foot Audrey Hepburn). Almost everyone starts to have hysterics from despair.
Meanwhile, Spy, five minutes after the incident: *looks at everyone else*
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He was ready. He had been preparing his whole life for this to happen! HE WAS BORN READY FOR THIS TURN OF FATE!
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yama-uba · 6 months ago
I don't understand why our entire huge slasher fandom, whose population is estimated at hundreds of thousands of souls (especially since the advent of the Disney era), so stubbornly ignores Jango/Bane. And this has been going on since the very creation of the duros in Filoni's 2009 cartoon. And for almost 20 years, we have only a handful of fics and a couple of arts.
No prerequisites in canon? Come on, guys - in the old canon film, Fett Sr. and Kenobi exchange a two-minute suspicious glance, and look at how much material there is on the Internet about this ship. Okay, if Obi-Wan in fancanon is an incubus wrapped in nun's robes, then look at how many works have been created on pairings like Wolf/Fox, Amidala/any woman, Plo-Koon/Fisto, and so on, which often were never even in the same room.
And here is literally a gray alien with the concept of "gunfighter in space" and a dude named Django - I can already see how this "space polenesian viking" lives a whole adventure, moving deep into the planet of slums, dragging behind him on a rope a "coffin" on an ingravity sled in the form of a slab of frozen carbonite; and in the final fight with the head of this criminal world, he pulls out of the coffin not a buckshot, but his temporary partner and the second most dangerous man in the galaxy. Isn't this a perfect reference to those spaghetti westerns about sharpshooters?
Is that too much to ask? Just a couple of fics. I don't need it to be a porn text or even their personal meeting.
Emotion is enough:
In the middle of coitus, Cad is distracted by obsessive thoughts about how everything is wrong: that he is pretending to be a Duros (although he is actually a half-breed), that he is a bounty hunter (an unusual profession for Duros), that he has made an alien his "soul beacon" (his conservative upbringing is showing) and that they are both men (same thing). He demands that Fatt take him harder. More. He wants the hard sex to knock all the brains out of him so that he can no longer think about it. But instead, "Jango" forcibly opens his eyes. Bane remembers that he is in prison, where he is fucked from both sides by clone guards in front of the entire buzzing crowd, which is beating in gloating and ecstasy, watching as the "meat droids" humiliate the living legend of the criminal world. Bane snorts indifferently and returns to his quiet fantasy, where he is already calm - he doesn’t care what the plebs think, he is already too big to lose his reputation so easily.
Bane imagines that his "soul beacon" is communicating with him through the corpse of the killed clone. The blue gray sincerely repents for not being able to protect Bobba from all the shit of the world. And now the Duros is a father figure for the newborn Ailin Vel and regularly pulls Sintas back from the dead after her latest suicide attempt, while her husband is too busy being Darth Vader's personal bitch and has not sent a single credit for his family. Kad himself is morally broken, he does not need all this money, amnesty from Palpatine, the title of the best bounty hunter in the galaxy and the only thing that keeps him in this world: Ailin and the knowledge that the afterlife does not exist. "You know that I became the best simply because the best hunter died!"
A Duros dreams a dream that he realizes is a dream, but wants to deceive himself. The whole point is tied to my headcanon that Duros have a gene of nomadic herders due to their diet of blood and bone marrow (La Chupacabra), bury their dead under spaceports and make special "steps" on their ships so that the dead can climb into their ships before takeoff, so that the living Duros are protected, and the dead Duros continue to roam the universe. Cad believes only in this superstition of his people… but the decorative steps on his ship are so massive and wide even for the heaviest Duros soul, as if someone stocky in full armor should climb them.
Optionally, this fic can be a continuation of the second one after decades. Mirta Gev became the best bounty hunter not only because of her origin, but also because she has a very wise teacher-mentor, who still works despite his advanced age. No one knows how this is possible, but this Duros is the patriarch of the Fett clan, having as evidence only that he raised the main hunter of the family (Mirta) and "I fucked your great-grandfather - in our time, this was equivalent to a notarized certificate of paternity!" And the whole clan has to put up with this crazy old man (like Rick Sanchez) with his habits, like stubbornly calling Mirta's (Max's) son Boba, calling every droid Todo, all the children and foundlings in the clan love the "not made up" stories of the old man about how he took Palpatine himself hostage, fought the Jedi on equal terms, and also teaches them to swear in three languages. Cad revels in his carte blanche that he can tell Venk Skirata "shut up, son of a red-haired nymphomaniac" and he obeys, since he is below him in the clan hierarchy. And all the women in the family are indulgent about the fact that the old snake has a weakness for warming his bones on the warm breasts of mammals: "Baby, be more tolerant - he's already 140 years old, he's almost completely blind and deaf, otherwise he wouldn't distinguish between people." "Yes, new daughter-in-law, grandfather is already very old, he can"(c) Bane.
POV from a clone assassin, selected from thousands of his kind and specially trained to believably act as bait in a trap for Cad Bane. The story's legend is that Jango received copies of his body from Kamino for brain transplants in case the commandos he was training revolted and killed him, but due to his corpse being buried under the clone corpses on Geanosis and the fact that the "dummy" ones grow at Boba's speed, it took a long time. Despite the skepticism of the "actor" himself, Master Windu and Master Kenobi are somehow sure that the hunter will definitely come running from the other end of the galaxy, at least to make sure that this is a fake ("some kind of Jedi tricks, no doubt). In addition to memorizing the movements (since the Duros will 100% first try to shoot the rejuvenated "Django" to check), accent, facial expressions, gestures, gait, cramming facts from life and a bunch of bounty hunters Fett knew during his life, the clone is prepared for a meeting (which should last no longer than 5 minutes - enough to slam the trap) face to face with the most dangerous killer in the galaxy. Everything is worsened by the fact that the clone, ironically, is heterosexual and he has to overcome himself for the sake of the well-being of the Republic and the fulfillment of orders. … Everything gets really bad when it turns out that Bane was so grief-stricken even just to see a fake for his "beacon of the soul", that, in order to dull the pain of the heart, he drank and threw spice all the way to the meeting. And, seeing a questioningly raised eyebrow, and hearing a familiar accent in the question "Well, how is our son doing?", Grey rushes to kiss the "bait" in a human kiss. Spoiler: the Jedi were unable to catch the snake.
I wish people would pay attention to this beautiful ship(
GUYS !!!
last night i dreamed that the season 7 bounty hunter arc revealed that Jango had professed his true love for Cad Bane in a holo-letter (or whatever)
And Bane didn’t even know about it until after Jango had died years ago :’’’’)
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yama-uba · 6 months ago
At my current age, I know 3 things about myself for sure: I can't dwell on anything (especially before bed), I can't have plums and beets, and I never follow the first two prohibitions. Because of the abundance of thoughts about Paralives, last night I dreamed that I was an intern at PS.
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The first thing I remember is that I was introduced to the development team, an analyst, and a tester. And then the team leader asked how I did my "homework" on getting to know the project. I said that I was interested in the fact that they decided to make a mechanic where individual light bulbs in lighting fixtures can burn out and parafolk can buy a separate, suitable light bulb for some objects and screw it in. ATTENTION: I doubt that this will be implemented in the game - it was only part of my dream. And then I asked, if we deepen the home gameplay towards realistic household chores, then can we find out how the mechanism of breakdown and the mechanism of clogging of plumbing is implemented, including sinks/baths/washing machines/boilers, and not just toilets, because a clog is not just a leaky flush tank.
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There was an awkward pause and I continued asking questions in an attempt to ease the tension. "Will the game implement a system of water pipes and drainage, which would limit the placement of plumbing?", "Will we create an electrical circuit for the house, where all energy consumers should be taken into account, including sockets and light switches?", "What kind of heating will be preferable in the land of parafolk: radiators, convectors, air conditioners or a warm sweat system?", "Will sources of cold and heat in the house be taken into account, such as tiled floors, doors to the street and a chimney of a fireplace on the upper floors?", "What is the maximum length of a floor in the game and will it be possible to create a panel, frame, brick, monolithic reinforced concrete house and a house-hybrid of construction technologies?" I also asked a bunch of questions that I have already forgotten.
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Everyone was looking at me. And then my boss said, "You know, we haven't even thought about this until now. Your first task is to formulate a concept and create a prototype for our focus group and testing of this idea this week." I was very surprised by this deadline. Considering that 1 of these 5 days was already coming to an end, I was assured that this time was more than enough and, as soon as I got the hang of the project, I would be able to do all this in 24 hours.
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Then there was a typical "strange work day" in a dream, where it turned out that the junior programmer assigned to me to help with the implementation turned out to be a goose. I mean, he was not anthropomorphic, but a real live, white goose (and, if you look at it from another point of view, he was a really talented programmer, capable of writing code according to my idiotic technical task). As is customary in any dreams, the only thing that confused me was that his name was Steve (this name is associated with very difficult to communicate with people, like Jobs and cases from my experience, but Steve-goose was not only a competent employee, but also a pleasant person).
Somewhere on the 4th day of my work and hard crunch on studying the sewerage system of an American private house together with a goose, I began to sleep right at the meeting. My boss noticed this and asked me if I thought our parafolk personality profile system, which was a complete homage to the Sims 2 character system, was boring. I said that the OCEAN system was good, of course, but I would add to these 5 traits the missing traits from the HEXACO system (and added some other traits that I came up with at that moment, which brought their number to 9), and also returned the Yunk typology, but would make it not a "zodiac sign", but a lifestyle, and also added that very "passion for some activity" from the Hobbies DLC. At that moment, I forgot about fetishes and taboos (as always in a dream).
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The team leader loved the idea, but everyone else sighed heavily. He crossed out all his old notes on the wall and started drawing everything again. Steve, sitting next to me at the daily, stretched out his long neck and whispered that this person was both the project's best hope for getting out of beta and the local Elon Musk. So I had to be extremely careful with my "bouts of creativity."
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The boss saw this and asked what was missing in my character system for the base game. I said that the fear system from Sims 2 needs to be developed into a full-fledged mechanic. Like there are fears (rational fear of something), and there are phobias (irrational fear). And we could get a lot of interesting multi-layered systems with intrapersonal conflicts of parafolk, like real people. For example, a person who dreams of becoming a superstar (because his mother wanted him to), but is afraid of the stage. And that this would give more replayability with a small amount of starting content for stories: a phobia could arise during the game due to the player's actions, due to being in society with parafolk with this phobia, be hidden from the player (the character knows about his fear), hidden from both the player and the character (latency period). I was asked to list the options:
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Thalassophobia - (homage to Sims 2);
Cynophobia (dogs);
Nyctophobia (darkness);
Acrophobia (heights);
Verminophobia (bacteria)
Claustrophobia and Agarophobia (closed and open spaces);
I named half a dozen more phobias that I could remember, including trypophobia. And then I came up with the concept that we need to make a family of pre-mades, where the only toddler will have absolutely all the realized phobias, which will constantly exhaust his parents, but at the same time this same child will heroically save his family, neighbors and acquaintances from dangers and be a "reinsurer hen". This impressed everyone. Especially my boss. … He said that I have 3 days to give them a finished sample so that they can decide whether to do it. I said that I can't. To which the boss assured me that it's okay, because I can do it on the weekend. Steve, who had previously been kind to me, said that he could only help with the mechanics of the house, and this task was beyond his strength.
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It seems that this is where my career in game development ended, because I don't remember much after that. But I do remember that I woke up thinking, "I slept through my alarm! Steve now has to defend me in front of everyone else! We'll get fired! We don't have time for anything!" Maybe it's for the best that I didn't pursue a career in the game industry - this world already has enough Peter Molyneux.
I wonder if Steve was able to get promoted to middle programmer after such a quest…
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yama-uba · 6 months ago
I know this is going to sound like a really weird idea, but let me explain:
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Paralyves has a visual design that's somewhere between 3D anime, Borderlands, and paper dolls. If you grew up in a shitty country or poor family like me, you probably also find this style more familiar than the rich plastic Barbie-vaudeville of the American suburbia of The Sims 4. Did you have paper dolls with their paper clothes that you put on by folding the pieces on the sides? And did you draw most of the clothes yourself? And did you draw their house in a cheap notebook?
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If not, ignore the above, but ask yourself if the world of Parafolk seems to be made of colored paper, like origami? Today YouTube recommended me a video about the game's development progress, which I had already seen. And I realized that the creators of Paralives should make merch, part of the sales of which will go to further development and repair of the game after its release.
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The idea is this: A pack of 15-20 sheets of colored paper or cardboard (not necessarily high quality, possibly made from recycled materials and the more "lint", garbage, heterogeneity in texture, the better) for origami.
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The sheets can be either painted with colored blocks, so that when assembling a three-dimensional paper figure it becomes a color-shadow, or have drawn elements. The back side of the sheet, if it is not visible when gluing the figure or assembling the origami, may not even be painted or bleached.
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It is better to make the size of the sheets no larger than the area of ​​the CD case, so that collectors can put it in their stack with physical discs of their games. An extra piece of paper insert can be added to the end of the paper packaging, which will have the signature designation of the Paralives game.
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The instructions for assembling and folding the figures/origami can be placed in the public domain on the Internet, since sooner or later it will appear there anyway. I think this is the most budget-friendly way to organize a fundraiser (unfortunately, I still haven't figured out how to optimize people and the implementation of this garbage for a group of ten people, but I hope that their studio will grow). Please note: Glue and scissors are not included in the set.
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What do you think? It doesn't sound as complicated as custom merch that could very well be expensive junk (like a bottle of Todd Howard's cola). But it's an interesting enough idea to make me interested in buying it (cost of paper + salaries for the people + $4 of funding for an independent video game studio).
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yama-uba · 6 months ago
Wait. Not long ago, Kojimbo ran away from Konami, taking his team with him… 2015, September! That really was 9 years ago!
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I’m afraid it’s been… 9 years
Happy birthday MGSV! I fell in love with this game when I was 16 and it changed my life. Here is an old piece that I updated for this anniversary!
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