#is that cricket on the tv outside or in my house
stardewsnail · 1 year
hey, not sure if the sfw alphabet is still open? but if it is can i get C, K and M with abigail? thanks!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Abigail is a big cuddler both with her partner and her friends. Like Sam, she lies all over her partner—If they’re in proximity some part of her is touching them.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Abigail has a tendency to sneak kisses—it’s kind of a little game between her and her partner. She likes to be kissed on the cheek and likes to kiss her partner on the collar bones
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Abigail isn’t so much not a morning person as she is a night owl which does make her, in fact, much less of a morning person. Living with the farmer she’d end up adjusting more to their schedule but would still end up falling asleep an hour or two after them.
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bunnycvnts · 6 months
new bf! rafe that is slowly, very very slowly, getting used to having a girlfriend that cares about him !!
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
rafe was having a particularly rough day with ward screaming at him to be a better man and running out of gas three blocks from tannyhill, so when you came over that night, his attitude was at an all-time high.
every little thing was ticking him off. from the way his collared shirt was sitting against his skin to the crickets chirping outside, and to the way the tv was far too loud considering how close you were sitting. he was overstimulated, annoyed, and really just needed a fucking break.
when you got up to get a glass of water and your heels clacked against the wood floor, he sort of lost it. “can you- seriously? take the fucking shoes off.”
you paused at the entrance of the living room, your eyebrows furrowing as you turned around slowly to look at your boyfriend. “what?” you weren’t upset; you were just thoroughly confused about his outburst. you’d been together for three months now and had seen your fair share of him being dramatic or moody, but it was rarely ever pointed towards you.
“the heels, they’re driving me fucking nuts, clicking and clacking through the house, and the tv?” he paused to gesture angrily at the screen, “why is it so fucking loud? you’re sitting like six feet away from it.”
your teeth sunk into your lower lip, quickly slipping off your heels and heading back towards rafe, your feet now padding lightly against the floor, almost silently. “is everything okay?” the remote sat in your hand as you spoke, muting the tv effectively. you eyed him cautiously, now noticing the way his hands were fidgeting and his knee wouldnt stop bouncing.
his face scrunched. “yes, everything’s okay; that shits just mad annoying, babe. it’s giving me a fuckin’ headache.” your hand reached out to rub his arm soothingly.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t know. how about we go to your room? it’ll be quieter, and you can change out of your clothes from today. i can go home too if you’d prefer. it’s okay.” your words were chosen carefully, bordering on demanding, and you tried to refrain from any tone that sounded condescending. it was easy to spot that he was overstimulated, and you only wanted to help.
“ye-yeah, yeah. let’s go to my room. don’t leave; why would you leave? i told you everything’s fine.” he didn’t know why you were acting this way, and it made his stomach feel weird. you guided him by his hand up the stairs and to his bedroom, speaking quietly as you went.
“i just know you need a minute, baby. that’s all. know you need some peace and quiet. maybe a nap. will help you feel better, promise.” he paused on the stairs at your words, but your hand tugged at his, making him regain movement.
once you both reached his bedroom, you pulled out some gym shorts and a loose t shirt for him to change into, shoving them into his hands. “here, put these on!” you smiled up at him before moving to his bedside table, where he kept matches. lighting one, you held it to a candle you had bought him a few weeks ago. he had noted how great the scent was but felt it was too girly for him to buy a candle— and he wasn’t girly. so, you took it upon yourself to buy it, and the trimmed wick and melted down wax covering the sides didn’t go unnoticed.
rafe changed quickly and leaned against the wall to watch you. the way you moved so efficiently and effortlessly through his room made his heart beat a little faster. you didn’t have to ask where he kept leisure clothes or the matches. you didn’t think twice before pulling the blanket up from the made bed and fluffing the pillows for him. you didn’t even need him to tell you that he hated sleeping with the top sheet, as you knowingly kept it tucked into the mattress. just watching you made his headache lessen, and he didn’t fight when you pulled him off the wall and helped him get situated in his bed.
“do you want some water or medicine?” his head shook at your question, denying it. all he felt like he needed was you. no one had ever paid so much attention to him or knew what made him feel better or worse. no one had taken the time or given the effort to care so lovingly for him. so when you sat on the edge of the bed, your hand running through his hair gently, all he could do was open his arms to gesture you closer. the blonde shuffled even closer to you, resting his head on your stomach, so you could continue massaging his head and playing with his hair.
“nah, just my girl.”
*+:。.。  。.。:+*
ok this is my first writing post pls be nice
taglist: @sunkissedrafe
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
With all my love, pt 6
Our car drives out of Tokyo, the once vibrant neon lights dimming in the rearview mirror. Inside the vehicle, a heavy silence hangs like a storm cloud. 
Bakugou sits rigid beside me, jaw clenched, staring straight ahead. Izuku, in the driver’s seat, occasionally glances at us through the rearview mirror, his knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel.
The bustling cityscape fades into the countryside, the stars now twinkling brightly against the night sky, freed from the city's light pollution. It’s been so long since I left the city, the last time was for our training camp at UA. What happened to us?
"Can someone please tell me what happened back there?" Izuku’s voice cuts through the silence, his eyes darting between us in the mirror.
Bakugou's grip tightens on his knees. I take a deep breath. "It’s complicated, Izuku. Katsuki and I... we’ve been going through some things." I sound like a mother breaking bad news to her child.
Izuku’s gaze shifts to Bakugou. "You two need to talk. This silence isn't helping anyone."
Bakugou scoffs. "Talk? She thinks I’ve been cheating on her."
Izuku's eyebrows shoot up, but he stays silent. For once, I’m grateful.
"You’ve been distant, Katsuki. Coming home late, missing our dates, disappearing for days. What else was I supposed to think?" My arms cross over my chest, frustration bubbling.
Bakugou sighs, running a hand through his hair. "You really think I'd do that to you? I’ve been hiding something, but it’s not what you think."
"What is it, then?" I question him, but he averts his gaze, staring out the window instead.
The landscape outside changes subtly, flat fields giving way to gentle hills and clusters of trees. Moonlight casts an eerie glow, illuminating our path.The car falls silent again, the tension thick as Izuku navigates through the dark roads. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Izuku turns down a dirt road, leading us to a modest house. Bakugou lets out a deep breath, his grip on the door handle tightening.
"Come on," he says gruffly, stepping out of the car and gesturing for me to follow. ‘
I follow Bakugou up the path to the house, my heart pounding in my chest. He stops at the door, fumbling with the keys before pushing it open. 
As we step inside, I take in the surroundings. The entrance hall is warmly lit by a small chandelier, casting a soft glow on the polished wooden floor. A plush rug lies beneath our feet, muffling our steps. The walls are adorned with tasteful art pieces, and a small table by the door holds a neatly arranged stack of mail and a decorative bowl for keys. I slip my shoes off next to him. 
Bakugou leads me into the living room, and I can't help but marvel at the space. It’s furnished and beautiful. The room is spacious yet cozy, with large windows that offer a view of a well-kept garden outside. A comfortable-looking sectional sofa dominates the room, adorned with an array of throw pillows in various shades of blue and gray. A coffee table sits in front of it, holding a few magazines and an empty vase. The walls are painted a soothing shade of light gray, complemented by dark wooden bookshelves filled with an assortment of books and knick-knacks.
A large flat-screen TV is mounted on the wall, and below it, a sleek entertainment center holds various electronics and neatly arranged DVDs. The soft hum of an air purifier is the only sound in the otherwise silent room. Everything is meticulously arranged, reflecting a sense of order and calm.
“I don’t understand what we’re doing here.” I tug on Bakugou's sleeve to get his attention, my frustration clear. The room is shrouded in dim light, with the moon casting its soft glow through the windows, painting the walls in a subtle hue of silver. “Why did you bring me into the middle of nowhere?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, his back towards me as he walks towards the large glass window overlooking the garden. The soft rustle of leaves and distant chirping of crickets create a serene backdrop to our conversation.
“Whose house is this?” I ask, my voice rising with a mix of confusion and anger.
"It's ours," he admits, turning around slowly, his voice low and strained. The moonlight catches the edges of his face, highlighting the contours and curves. "It was going to be the home we raised our children in."
My heart skips a beat as I process his words. "What are you talking about?" I press, confusion consuming me. "This isn’t our home."
He sighs, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "When you got hurt, it was one of the few times I’ve been afraid." His voice cracks, and I can see his shoulders tremble. "The doctors didn’t know if you’d ever wake up."
I want to reach out, to comfort him, but I stay silent. He needs to get this out.
"When you opened your eyes and called my name," his voice wavers, tears spilling from his eyes, "I knew I wanted to spend eternity with you."
I’m stunned. "You’ve been planning this since then?"
"Six months ago, I bought the land. I picked up extra shifts to build this. Every detail, every corner, designed with you in mind. I wanted to build this home for us, to show you that I’m serious about our future.”
I look around the room with new eyes. Everything reflects my tastes. My heart aches with the realization of his efforts. The soft gray walls, the comfortable sectional sofa adorned with an array of throw pillows, the sleek coffee table—every detail reflects my preferences, my style. The thought of him working tirelessly to create this place tugs at my heart.
"You’ve been working on this for six months?" My voice softens as I slowly begin to understand..
"Yeah," he murmurs, regret mingling in his eyes. "I wanted to surprise you. To make up for all the times I’ve been absent. But I couldn’t tell you. I didn’t want to ruin it."
I know I should be ecstatic, but anger ignites within me. "You kept this from me while I worried we were falling apart? Do you know how that feels?"
His expression hardens. "I was doing it for us! To prove I could give you everything you ever wanted!"
"But I never asked for this!" I shout. "I just wanted you, Katsuki!"
"I was trying to make things better!" he yells back. "I thought if I finished this place, you’d see how much I care!"
"What do you want from me?" I scream, tears spilling over.
"I want you to be my wife!" His voice cracks, the raw emotion behind his words slicing through the tension in the air.
I stare at him, shock consuming all of my words.
Without another word, he storms to a drawer, yanking it open with a force that rattles the whole dresser. He pulls out a small velvet box, his hands trembling. "I wanted to propose to you here, in the house I built with you in mind." he says, his voice barely above a whisper, yet charged with desperation. "I love you more than anything and if I don’t ask you now, I might not be able to later. 
Katsuki drops to one knee before me, holding out an engagement ring that catches the light with a mesmerizing sparkle. The band is a delicate, platinum twist, leading up to a stunning solitaire diamond, flawlessly cut and glistening like a fragment of a star. Smaller diamonds are embedded along the band, adding an extra layer of brilliance. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. 
“Will you marry me?"
Tears blur my vision. "Katsuki..."
The weight of Bakugou's words hangs in the air, his raw admission still echoing in my ears. As he kneels before me, holding out the ring, time seems to stand still. My heart races, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. Shock, confusion, anger, and a glimmer of hope—all tangled together.
"No more secrets, no more running away. Just you and me, building our life together. Please, say you’ll be my wife."
I look down at him, the moonlight casting a soft glow on his face. His eyes are filled with a mixture of desperation and vulnerability that I’ve rarely seen. This strong, fierce man is baring his soul to me, and it breaks something inside me.
My hands tremble as I touch his face. "Yes, I’ll marry you."
Relief and joy light up his face as he slips the ring onto my finger. He pulls me into a tight embrace, the tension finally dissolving.
He takes a deep breath, his gaze never wavering from mine. “I know I messed up. I thought I was doing the right thing, building this place for us. But I see now that I was wrong to keep it from you. I was afraid, afraid that I wasn’t enough, that I couldn’t give you what you needed.”
Tears blur my vision as I kneel down to be level with him, our faces inches apart. “All I ever wanted was you, Katsuki. Not some perfect house, not grand gestures. Just you.”
He reaches out, his fingers gently brushing away my tears. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry.”
For a moment, we just sit there, on the floor of this beautiful house, holding each other. The anger and hurt begin to melt away, replaced by a deep, aching love. The road ahead is still uncertain, but I can see a glimmer of the future we could have together.
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honeekyuu · 3 months
take the edge off. [suna rintarou x f!reader] chapter one.
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>>You struggle with your weight and body image, but Suna extensively and thoroughly undoes all the damage done by other guys.
You haven't gotten laid in over a year, and your best friend takes it upon himself to fix that for you.<<
series status: [complete]
masterlist. || next.
a/n: suna has two brain cells that rub together like little housefly hands when it comes to yn and literally at no other point
[feel free to buy me a cup of coffee!]
“You know what’s crazy? I haven’t gotten laid in, like, a year.”
Looking back, there was absolutely no need for you to admit that.
But right now, there’s a bottle of wine in your system, and you’re about halfway through a trashy rom-com on a Friday night. It’s not shy on mature scenes, either, which is why you’d said it, your eyes trained almost wistfully on the screen as the two leads stumble through the girl’s front door together and get straight to business.
And it’s only Suna here, also a bottle of wine deep. He won’t judge you for saying it, not when there’s over ten years of moments far worse than this, very securely tying you two together.
He is, however, far more scandalized by your words than you’d expected.
Suna flies up from his sprawled position on your couch, kicking his legs off the coffee table as he turns toward you.
“I beg your most genuine pardon?” He asks, jaw dropped as he stares. You laugh into your wine glass, incredibly tickled and very tipsy.
“You heard me,” You answer, nodding pathetically. His eyes bug out of his head, and you’re glad he’s intoxicated enough to be reacting to this with his most authentic self, the one that’s kind of an idiot and about 150% more expressive than any of your friends could ever peg him to be. 
“A year ?!” He yells, dragging it out annoyingly. “There’s no fucking way, Y/n. No fucking way.”
“Tell that to my dry spell, Sunarin,” You laugh again, shaking your head. “I’ve gotten to know my fingers and also my vibrator rather intimately.” 
You certainly would not have admitted that while sober, but Suna’s just as gone as you are, not skipping a singular beat as he slumps in place.
“That’s so fucked,” He groans, dropping his head to his hands. “This has to be illegal – this is cruel and unusual punishment. I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”
“Well, believe it,” You snort, pointing at the ongoing sex scene on the TV. “A year without rain, truly.”
“But why ?” He laughs pathetically, shaking his head as he turns fully to you and leans against the side of the couch. “ Why ?” 
“I don’t know-” You shrug, waving your hand over your own body sarcastically. “Maybe it’s got something to do with this?”
You watch as he drags his gaze down the length of your body slowly, following the trail of your hand. He shakes his head afterward, finding your eyes with unspoken confusion.
You scoff, lifting your glass to him in acknowledgement. “That’s funny.”
“What?” He tilts his head. “What’s your body got to do with it?”
You look down at yourself, wondering if you’d magically become attractive overnight. 
No, still the same. Thighs too thick, a tummy that pushes against your clothes and bunches up into little rolls, stretch marks and cellulite and all the lovely things guys hate to look at.
You’d always been a bigger girl. Food had been a happy place, a place of love and care. Ice cream dates with your dad after school, dinners out with your parents on weekends. Standing in your kitchen at the house in Hyogo – the childhood home that had come with the open doors of your neighborhood friends running in and out to play and snack on your mom’s cooking – and learning the family recipes, listening to your mom’s stern but warm guidance as she’d told you ‘ Do it this way instead, don’t add too much salt ’, the crickets buzzing loudly just outside the window.
High school had made food into a more complicated matter, because it had come with girls who’d poke fun at your uniform, bigger than theirs and still tighter than you were comfortable with. It had come with crushes on boys who would only talk to you to get information about other girls, girls who were worth their time. It had come with a strained relationship with your mother’s cooking, once so safe and kind and pure. You’d tried just about every diet known to man, and nothing had ever worked. 
You’re in a place now where you’re just happy to be able to enjoy food to its full extent, whatever the cost. Good food in the body is more healing for the soul than starving and then binging and then starving again, viciously repeated. You fully believe this, and your mental happiness is the best it’s been in a long time, 26 years old and focused only on feeding yourself with good, clean ingredients and going to bed happy. 
But it had taken a lot to get here, and you’re still recovering from the damage.
Luckily, high school hadn’t been all bad. In fact, Inarizaki High had had a weird way of changing your life. Boys and girls, nameless and faceless now, had ignored you and passed you over, only noticing you so they could use you – their personal entertainment, someone had admitted once. 
But they’d also flocked to and thrown themselves at the feet of the most popular boys in school, vying for attention. The Inarizaki High Boys’ Volleyball Club.
The team was nearly legend, despite being just a group of regular teenage boys. Each player had his own group of fans, all unhinged in their own ways. The worst, unsurprisingly, were the girls attached to Miya Atsumu.
When he’d been assigned as your deskmate at the beginning of 2nd year, you’d felt a deep sense of dread. Would he make fun of you, too? If he did it, the entire school would be pelting insults at you by the end of the week. Would his fangirls start targeting you in worse ways, in the bathroom and during lunch?
But he’d been shockingly kind. Not a word uttered about your appearance or the things you’d eat. But not ignoring you like most boys do, not passing over you like he hadn’t even seen you. 
He’d sat down that first day with a bright grin and a hand stuck out in your direction, all but yelling in your ear that it was nice to meet you and asking why he hadn’t met you before, his drawl heavier than your other classmates’ and a bit endearing, even on first meeting.
‘ I’m a bit forgettable ,’ You’d admitted quietly, but he’d just shot you a strange side glance.
‘ Says who? That ain’t nice. ’ 
You hadn’t known what to do with that.
You hadn’t known what to do with any part of Miya Atsumu, really. Not the daily greetings, screeched down the hall the moment he’d see you. Not the notes he’d pass to you during class, badgering you to become the Volleyball Club’s manager so you could become better friends. Not the way he could always kind of tell if you were upset by something someone said, because he would somehow become even louder after the fact, distracting you via sheer ear damage.
Not the way he’d become cold and detached the first time he’d actually witnessed someone bullying you, the way his bright eyes had dulled into nothing and held no guilt as he’d made a girl cry in front of the whole class.
‘ I don’t want to switch seats with you, ’ You’d told her, shaking your head. ‘ This is the one assigned to me- ’
‘ I don’t give a fuck, ’ She’d spit at you, pointing at her own desk, piled high with snacks from the vending machine. ‘ I left you a trail of food, little piggie – go follow it so that I can sit with Atsumu and give him something good to look at- ’
‘ Somethin’ good, huh? ’ He’d materialized just beside you, staring at the girl emptily. You’d almost been scared of the look in his eye. ‘ And who’s s’posed to give me that, you? ’ He’d cast a cursory glance over her, looking entirely unimpressed. ‘ You look like you couldn’t get through a single conversation with me.’
You’d gasped, eyes wide and watching as he’d flopped down into his chair and thrown his legs up on the desk, forcing the girl to scurry back from where she was leaning threateningly over you. He’d hummed, assessing her through narrowed eyes. ‘ You look like an only child. You an only child? You look it- Oh, no, I got it-’ And then he’d clapped, laughing brightly and nudging you, as though you weren’t frozen in shock. ‘ Don’t she kinda look like a girl you wouldn’t introduce t’your parents? Sure as shit not mine, at least.’  
The girl had long started tearing up, the entire room watching in varying degrees of horror as Atsumu had just pulled a wrapped onigiri from his bag and offered it to you. He’d shot the girl a look of disdain when she’d started wailing, because Miya Atsumu was sharing his lunch with you, the girl that was forgettable.
‘ Yer makeup’s running, just so you know, ’ He’d state plainly, pointing up at her. ‘ My mom’s always talkin’ bout gettin’ waterproof shit- ’ He’d turned to you, eyes wide. ‘ You know ‘bout that waterproof stuff? Mascara, er whatever? ’
‘ I-’ You’d shaken your head. ‘ I don’t wear makeup, I don’t know- ’
He’d grinned in your face, eyes beaming in that bright way again, the way that you’d thought was guaranteed. You hadn’t realized how safe you’d found that brightness before now. ‘ You don’t wear makeup?’ He’d leaned back with a smirk, drawing the final line for everyone to hear and making it clear that you were not to be fucked with again. ‘ Naturally pretty, then. That’s how I like my girls. ’ 
The rest of high school had been a surreal experience. 
You were impossible to pass over now, because everyone knew who you were. Girls were still cruel, but only in private, where Atsumu couldn’t see. Boys would still mention your weight, but only the ones who were rejecting your quiet confessions, and even then, they’d tried their best to deliver it politely.
Atsumu had never been more than a friend, of course, but he’d been a good one. The best one, really, considering that not even a few weeks into knowing you, his brother would regularly have to physically tear him away from you so they could make it to practice in time.
‘ I’m talkin’ here, Samu! We’re chattin’! ’ 
‘ Save it, fucker, we got shit to do! ’ 
You’d always found Osamu a bit easier to digest as a personality, and you’d hit it off right away – He’d been reading a magazine about baking when you’d met, and you’d mentioned wanting to try the cake on page 12, because you had the same one at home. He’d taken to you like a baby bird, asking you to try the random rolls and cakes and breads he would make at home. You’d been so shocked the first time he’d shoved a banana roll in your face that you hadn’t thought to consider calories or sugar or carbs or any of it. You’d just taken a bite and then spent the rest of the free hour taste-testing it again and again, using every ounce of your brain power to help him figure out what was perfect and what need improving.
But, if you were honest, you’d been more comfortable in the presence of his twin, in the tornado of genuine and terrifying care that was Atsumu. He’d always been honest and tactless, and – on the days when someone was unfortunate enough to have been caught saying something to you – he was cruel and mean and terrible, brutal without remorse. But he was your first ever best friend, exasperating personality and all.
And the only person worse than Miya Atsumu, really, was Suna Rintarou.
Your lunch breaks, originally alone and then suddenly with Atsumu, were even more suddenly shaken with the introduction of the VBC. To Aran and Kita and – crucially – to Suna, whose snarky demeanor and lack of a social filter was well-known by the time he’d flopped down into the seat in front of yours.
Suna, whose usual reaction to girls approaching him at lunch was to mumble ‘ Fuck off, please ’ lazily, through a mouthful of food and without ever looking up from his phone.
Suna, whose introduction to you had come with him pointing at your chopsticks, halfway to your mouth, and quietly asking ‘ Can I try that ?’ about your mother’s spring rolls. He’d leaned over the moment you’d stuttered a response – taking a huge bite right off of your chopsticks, even though you’d just met the boy 30 seconds prior – and then trading you some of his own mother’s cooking in return, half a rice ball set casually in your container.
Suna, who’d pried your phone from your slightly terrified fingers and entered his number, a steady stream of memes and YouTube videos buzzing in your pocket from that moment on.
Suna Rintarou, who wouldn’t only say something when he’d catch someone else being explicitly rude to you. He’d say something if someone even looked at you the wrong way or whispered to their friend in a way that he didn’t like.
‘ You got a problem? ’
‘ Something you wanna share with the class?’
When he’d come around the corner and find someone making pig noises in your direction or laughing at how your uniform fit-
‘ Were you not loved enough by your mother?’
‘Have you ever thought of seeking professional help?’
And when one boy had pushed at your shoulder – just a prod of his fingers, but rude all the same – you’d felt Suna’s presence more than heard it, a sudden chill hovering at your back.
‘ Apologize – on your knees – before I break that hand.’
The boy had hesitated, but he’d dropped to the floor soon after, because Suna had taken a step toward him. He’d muttered that he was sorry, and then repeated it louder when Suna had crouched beside him and whispered ‘ Again – like you mean it this time’ while smiling down at the hand he’d just threatened to break. 
You’d been properly scared of Suna Rintarou for some time after that.
He’d noticed, his eyes following you in every room you’d walked into, an amused smirk on his lips.
He’d skipped practice one day to walk you home, hands in pockets as he’d trailed after you. No words had been shared, but he’d walked you home the day after, and then again. Atsumu had yelled at him for missing practice on the fourth day, so he’d started showing up in the morning instead, leading you quietly to school.
It had been raining one morning, about a week later, and you’d been rushing around your room to get ready, wondering if Suna would even bother to wait in the rain for you. Wondering when you’d started expecting him to be there. 
You’d looked out the window, almost 45 minutes before you’d usually leave, and found him there. Under an umbrella, leaning on the gate and scrolling through his phone. You’d gasped, scrambling down the stairs with your mismatched pajamas and bedhead and yanking the door open.
‘ Suna Rintarou! ’ You’d scolded, and his head had popped up in surprise. It was the first time you’d properly addressed him during one of these morning walks.
‘ Get your ass in here! ’ 
He’d lifted his brows but listened right away, pocketing his phone and passing through the gate to your front door. Your mother had stuck her head out into the hallway, shocked at your tone.
‘ Who- ’ She’d started, but you’d just gestured in annoyance at the boy standing in your foyer trying to find a place to put his umbrella. You’d snatched it from him and leaned it on the door.
‘ This is Suna. Suna, my mom,’ You’d grumbled, realizing the state of yourself when Suna had just stared at the mess on your head and then pursed his lips to hide a smile.
‘ Oh, the stalker boy! ’ She’d clapped excitedly, and you’d barked out a laugh at Suna’s face of horror.
‘ I-No, I’m not-’ He’d stuttered, and you’d saved him by leading him to the living room.
‘ She’s just messing with you. You sit here and wait while I get ready ,’ You’d pointed at the couch and then disappeared upstairs, hurrying even more than before.
When you’d come back down, your mother had been urging him to the table to eat. He’d followed, clearly feeling out of place. 
You’d eaten with him while your mom had been preparing a second bento, loudly exclaiming from the kitchen that athletes should eat more than three times a day. He’d just smiled gratefully and then eyed you, mumbling ‘ I liked your pajamas’ under his breath and snickering when you’d tried to swing at him from across the table.
It had been monumentally humiliating when, as you were pulling on your shoes, your mother had pulled him aside and very conspicuously thanked him for looking out for you.
‘ You’re such a nice boy, taking care of my girl. Kids can be so mean .’
You’d stood with Suna’s umbrella in hand, glaring at him over your mom’s shoulder, because he’d looked way too pleased with himself. He’d followed you out, forced to run as you’d stalked off into the torrential downpour with his umbrella. He hadn’t said anything for a while, just holding the umbrella and walking beside you for most of the journey. But just as the school had come into view, he’d smirked down at you and said-
‘ You told your mom about me .’
You’d run the rest of the way to school, preferring to sit all day in wet clothes over finishing that conversation. 
You’d been forced after that to get used to Suna’s voice in your living room while you’d dressed for the day, and then the knock on your front door after practice, your mother sending him up to your room to lounge on your floor and copy off your homework. 
You hadn’t been able to get rid of him, and more than ten years had passed just the same, college finding him more often in your dorm room than his own and post-grad life finding the two of you and the Miya twins in Osaka. Atsumu had been recruited to the Black Jackals, and Suna had opened a tattoo shop, practicing on himself through college until his skin had been covered in ink and a deposit had been put down on a small shop space not too far from your apartment. 
You had formed a kind of soul-bond with Osamu over all things food-related, even with your own strained relationship with it, and you’d co-signed on an empty shop across the street from the Jackals’ home gym. You’d opened a cafe on one side, your culinary degree put to use on an extensive knowledge of coffees and teas, and Osamu had set up a bakery on the other side, the two of you decorating cakes and testing recipes for hours after closing time. Your shared shop had seen wild success, both due to your talents and due to being located in a tourist and sports enthusiast hotspot.
You’d each had your various failed relationships throughout the years, Atsumu currently in the midst of a secret situationship with Sakusa Kiyoomi, and Osamu crushing rather pathetically on Hinata Shouyou’s friend Yachi Hitoka, who runs a flower shop down the road. You’d become friends with her, at first to subtly put in a good word for Samu, but now mostly because she’s likely to appear at your counter at least twice a day to hang out and try the special of the day.
Suna had had a few short flings with girls in the area, one a model-beautiful blonde who’d, offhand in the middle of your cafe, offered to be your ‘gym buddy’, should you want one. She’d been dumped on the spot, Suna going so far as to pluck the iced latte from her hand and pour it out inside her purse while holding eye contact with her. 
The girls after her had been equally beautiful, but he’d always find something about them that was unacceptable after a few weeks. This one too loud and bossy, that one too quiet and submissive, the other one too everything , as he’d put it. He’d never been happy with any of them, and you could only watch with bemusement and shake your head, brushing it off as being one of the many things about Suna that you wouldn’t try to understand.
All of your boyfriends – a total of three in the five years you’d all been in Osaka – had similarly found something wrong with you. It had always been the same thing, and you’d known it. You’d known it in the way their eyes would linger on other girls or the way they’d be less affectionate in public, less willing to hold your hand or put their arm around you.
You’d known it in the way Suna had hated every one of them, hands left unshaken during introductions and green eyes watching how you’d interact with them.
You’d always broken things off first, finding it a bit funny that they would get mad at you for it, as though they hadn’t just been swiping on dating apps when they thought you weren’t looking. Always mad at you for putting yourself first, because they thought themselves above you and couldn’t believe you thought you’d find better than them.
That’s why you’re sitting here now, on this Friday night with a bottle of wine in your system, wondering how Suna Rintarou is not understanding why your appearance is the barrier between you and breaking your dry spell. After everything , he’s not understanding.
“Dude, you clearly know what my body has to do with it,” You laugh. “You met my exes.”
“Well, yeah-” He waves you off. “But they were morons, so I don’t count them.”
“I feel like you probably should, since they have the majority opinion on girls like me,” You smile, taking another sip of wine.
Suna laughs, shaking his head. “I don’t think you’ve been fucking with the right dudes, if you think those losers were representative.”
“Do you see guys lining up outside my door?” You offer with a bemused smile. He flops against the couch, sighing.
“I cannot believe it’s been a whole year. There’s no way- Not a single one-night stand?” He tries, almost desperate to figure this out. You just shake your head. “ Why ? Where the hell are you lookin’ for ‘em?”
You laugh wholly, reaching to put your glass down and turn back to the movie. “It’s fine, dude. I was just making a passing comment-”
“Nuh-uh-” He crosses his arms over his chest, nearly pouting. “We gotta get you laid. I’ve become invested in this.”
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, ignoring him. He nudges you with his foot. 
“Let’s find you someone at Miya’s party.”
You groan, laughing a bit. The Black Jackals had recently had a home game, one where they’d positively obliterated the opposite team and subsequently sent hundreds of cheering fans into your shop after the match. Atsumu had invited a hoard of people to his penthouse to celebrate tomorrow night. You’d already planned to try finding someone, but it’s a bit worrying that Suna’s involved now.
“Okay, you don’t have to get so invested. I’ll try tomorrow, I promise.”
“Nope, I’m invested. This is happening. You’re getting laid tomorrow – it’s been decreed.” 
You salute him lazily, mumbling ‘ If you say so’ and going back to the movie.
When Suna picks you up the next night, he’s frowning down at you.
“What is this, what are you wearing?”
You’re taken aback, looking down at yourself. You’d chosen a cute red dress and thrown a cardigan over it – you look fine.
“What about it?”
“No, no, no-” He marches into your apartment, hands on your shoulders as he leads you to your room. “What is this nice girl shit? Take this off-” He pushes your cardigan off your shoulders, wrestling you out of it. 
You cross your arms right away, a bit self-conscious. It’s a dress with thin straps, and you’re not happy with how your arms look in it. “I wanna wear something over it, though.”
“Oh, that’s fine, sure,” He starts, poking his head into your closet and knocking clothes around. “Except that this is a party, not a church retreat. You’re not wearing the sweater or the dress.”
“But this is my best-” You start, but Suna’s seeing something all the way in the back and reaching for it, eyes bright.
“A- ha! ” 
You groan, because he’s pulling out the single sleeveless dress you own. It’s a body-hugging, little black number, one that you’d bought online when you’d been feeling particularly confident. It still has the tag on it.
“I dunno, Suna-”
“Just put it on and lemme see,” He thrusts it at you, and then he’s gone, leaving you with an outfit you would never have chosen.
You put it on, staring into your mirror with a grimace. The dress is too tight – your hips are too wide, your thighs too on display. Your boobs are too big, making the material stick to your chest in a way you don’t like.
“I don’t know,” You call. “I don’t like it.” You start to reach for the zipper to remove it, since you have no intention of showing Suna. But he’s bursting into the room, a loud ‘ I’m coming in-’ warning you with enough time to not unzip the dress.
He stops short, a pair of black heels swinging from his fingers – apparently, he’d been digging through your collection of shoes at the door for good ones. They dangle at his side, his eyes trained on your body. You watch in the mirror as he drags his eyes down the length of you and then back up, his lips parted in a way you don’t understand.
When he meets your eyes, he snapping his mouth shut and swallowing, ears turning a bit red. You frown, taking it to mean that he’s seeing too much. 
“Okay,” You sigh, turning to usher him back out. He blinks rapidly and backs up. “Go. I’ll find something else.”
“What?” He stops, not letting you push him anymore. “No, you’re wearing that.”
“Suna-” You laugh, planting your hands on his chest and trying to get him out. “I look ridiculous.”
“No, you don’t.” He shakes his head, steady against you. “You’re wearing that. You look really good.”
You blink, confused. “What? Did you see what I saw?”
“I saw the exact same thing you saw. You’re wearing that.”
“Dude, no-”
“Yes-” He cuts you short, rounding you and pushing you out toward the living room. You shake your head, trying and failing to go back. “Stop arguing with me.” He puts the heels in your hand and disappears to the table for your purse. You stand in front of the mirror by the door, turning this way and that to look at yourself. You don’t see what he’s talking about.
He comes to stand behind you, and you examine him, too. He’s got on black jeans and a silver belt, with a black tee tucked into his pants and a thin chain hanging loosely around his neck. There’s a long-sleeve shirt thrown over it, and his lip ring and heavily pierced ears glint in the light. His hair hangs low over his eyes, and he lifts a hand to push it back. He’s wearing a silver bracelet you’d gotten him a few years ago for Christmas, your matching one sitting in your jewelry box.
He looks really fucking good.
You sigh angrily. “I cannot be seen with you.”
He just lifts a brow. “Problem?”
You examine him again, pointing at his reflection. “Take your top shirt off. Lessen the whole… punk-rock, skater-boy vibe, please.”
He grins, handing your purse over and then stripping, the long-sleeve tossed carelessly toward your couch.
You roll your eyes. His black tee is tight on his biceps, and all his tattoos are on display. 
“That’s great. That’s really great.”
“What?” He laughs, and you just shake your head, bending down to put your heels on.
“You look like an entire meal, feeding women everywhere, and I look like a sausage roll.”
He doesn’t answer, and you glance at the mirror, finding his eyes trained very obviously on how you’re bent in front of him, both eyebrows lifted just slightly.
“Are you staring at my ass?”
“Huh?” He jumps, blinking. “What’d you say? Sausage roll?”
You stand, leveling him with an empty glare. “Don’t force yourself, Sweetheart. I committed to the outfit already.” 
He shakes his head, looking a bit dazed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. But you most certainly don’t look like a sausage roll.” He follows after you as you turn off the lights and leave the apartment, waiting behind you while you lock the door. “ Like a present that desperately needs unwrapping, maybe ,” He mumbles under his breath.
You pause, key in the door, and look over your shoulder at him with a brow raised in amusement. “What are you doing, Suna?”
He blinks lazily at you. “Honestly? Regretting that dress.”
You roll your eyes and pull the key from the lock, following him down the hall to the elevator while he shakes his head with a small sigh.
“Whatever. What time should we come back?”
He laughs, hitting the button on elevator panel that’ll lead to his car. “I thought we agreed. Not until you’ve been fucked stupid.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of you at his wording. “I think that was just you decreeing things. I’m a bit more realistic.” You smile mockingly up at him, and he nudges you as you walk through the parking garage. 
“You’ll find someone.”
You start to argue, but you see where he’s parked, and you’re not happy.
“You didn’t bring your car.” 
He leads you toward his motorcycle, tossing you a curious look over his shoulder. “Nope. Bike’s easier to park on the street.”
You gesture down at yourself angrily, snatching up the helmet he’s handing you. “I cannot sit on a motorcycle with my legs spread in this dress.”
He smiles, glancing down at your thighs. “Why? Not wearing anything under?”
You smack him with the helmet. He just throws a leg over the bike and holds a hand out for you. You do your best not to flash him as you hike a leg over the seat behind him. 
Suna waits for you to adjust and re-adjust the dress until you’re sure you won’t be giving anyone a show on the way there. But when you put on the helmet and pat his shoulders to signal that you’re ready, he reaches back and wraps both hands around your thighs, dragging you closer to his back. You scream, slapping his hands, but he just pulls your arms around his waist.
“Gotta make sure you’re safe and sound,” He says, muffled through his helmet, but you can still hear the laugh in his voice.
“I hate you,” You state loudly. He just kicks the bike into life with a snicker.
The ride to Atsumu’s penthouse is a nightmare of checking your dress at red lights and praying no one’s seeing anything. By the time you get there, you’re stressed.
“What’d I tell you?” Suna asks, sliding into a narrow parking spot right outside Atsumu’s building. “Easier parking.”
“I hate you,” You repeat, letting him help you awkwardly off the bike and immediately fixing everything. He pulls the helmet gently off of you and brushes your hair out of your face. And then he smiles lazily.
“You’re so getting laid tonight. I can feel it.”
You don’t bother responding, just following him into the lobby. The front desk girl waves you through, recognizing you. Her eyes trail down your body, eyebrows raised, and you’re immediately self-conscious. But she leans over the desk, calling out as you’re reaching the elevator.
“You look really pretty!”
You blink, looking back and then up at Suna. “She talking to me or you?”
“You,” He laughs. “Definitely you.”
“Oh-” The elevator dings, signaling Atsumu’s arrival to get you up to the penthouse with his key, but you’re calling back to the girl with an awkward laugh as the doors open. “Thank you!”
“Hey- Holy shit- ”
You turn, finding Atsumu inside the elevator, staring at you with comically wide eyes and a dropped jaw. He stares so long that the elevator doors close between you, and he’s rushing to open it again. You give him a weird look. 
He shoots you a look of disbelief. “What d’ya mean, ‘ what ’? Look at you!”
You follow Suna into the elevator, mumbling, “I regret buying this dress.”
Suna shakes his head, leaning back against the wall and addressing Atsumu. “She won’t listen to me about the dress.”
Atsumu’s still staring. “What’re you tryna do, get laid?”
Suna looks at you with lifted brows and a pleased grin. “See? He gets it.”
“Damn, if Omi ‘n I weren’t-” Atsumu shakes his head, whistling. “You’d have trouble gettin’ rid of me.”
You flush, crossing your arms over your middle. “Tsumu… I really don’t look bad?”
“No way ,” He laughs, still staring. “I might go break up with ‘im, honestly.”
You laugh, face warm as you stare down at your feet. Suna scoffs beside you. 
“Oh, sure, believe him but not me.” He smiles when you nudge him, and then he claps once. “Okay, here’s the plan. We cannot be seen together.”
You furrow a brow. You’d only been joking earlier. “Why?”
“Because-” He gestures down at your outfit. “- you came to get laid, and sticking to me all night will obviously mess that up.”
“But-” You don’t like not being able to stick to Suna – and, by that logic, Atsumu or Osamu – when you feel this vulnerable.
Suna shakes his head. “Nope. You gotta put yourself out there. Find someone you like and seduce him until you’re getting dragged into one of Miya’s spare rooms.” He points at you, eyes sharp. “Don’t leave with him, though. I don’t need you getting murdered.”
Atsumu nods along, finally peeling his eyes off of you to stare at the panel. You’re almost at the top. “Got lots of ‘em, spare rooms. Use one.”
You swallow nervously, watching the last two floors tick away. Suna pats you on the shoulder.
“You got this. Don’t come find me until you’re done.”
The doors open, leading straight into Atsumu’s living room.
You’re forced to wave goodbye to your safety net – he sends you off with a wink and a mouthed ‘ You look good ’. You square your shoulders and shake out your nerves, heading to the kitchen.
After finding a drink, you wander into the living room. Suna’s on one of the couches, talking to Bokuto. Atsumu’s sitting a friendly distance from Sakusa, looking like he very much wants to be in the man’s lap instead.
You see Osamu near the window, talking to someone you don’t know but looking across the room. You follow it, finding Yachi and Hinata, and make a beeline straight for her. 
“Hi!” You say, and they both turn to look at you. Hinata flushes upon seeing your dress, and Yachi squeals as you sit beside her.
“You look so good, Y/n!” The younger woman hugs you tight, and you flush.
“Thanks… I’m really out of my element here,” You laugh, greeting Hinata. “Hi, Shouyou.”
“H-Hey-” He coughs. “You look really nice.”
You warm again, wondering if maybe you really don’t look half bad. “Thanks! You look good, too.” You point at his arms, seeing that he’s built some more muscle since you’d last seen him. “You really bulked up.”
He’s as red as his hair, eyes flicking to your thighs and then away. Your phone buzzes in your purse, and you peek at it.
[10:22 PM]
Sunarin : believe me yet?
You find him, seeing that he’s flicking his brows and glancing toward Hinata. You roll your eyes with a smile and start to put your phone away, but it buzzes again.
Sunarin: you got the poor guy stressed out
Sunarin: look at him
You glance at Hinata out of the corner of your eye. Yachi’s talking to him about something, and he’s nodding and giving the appropriate number of ‘ Uh-huh ’s, but his eyes are drifting toward you repeatedly, gaze on your thighs and chest and hips before he’s remembering to keep his eyes on Yachi. He shifts, swallowing hard and blinking rapidly.
Your stomach flips when you realize that Hinata really is checking you out.
Would you sleep with Hinata? You really like him as a person, and you trust him enough. But you’re not sure that sleeping with any of your friends’ friends is a good idea, in case things get weird. But – on the other hand – you do trust the people that you’ve gotten to know over the years, the Black Jackals all great guys. You don’t know if you’re ready to try to snag some guy you don’t know at all – that’s more likely to end badly. 
You sigh, taking a sip of your drink. You just got here. You should wait it out, test all the waters and see what calls to you. Hinata’s very cute, but you shouldn’t jump his bones just because he’s giving you attention.
He’s a friend , you remind yourself. And the party’s just starting.
You talk to Yachi and Hinata for a long while, and – when Osamu finally builds the courage to cross the room and engage Yachi in conversation – you’re left with Hinata. You fall into easy conversation with him for almost an hour, laughing and smiling and leaning against him when your head starts to get a little fuzzy. He cracks jokes and tells stories excitedly and asks about your shop and life, and you feel incredibly fond of him.
So fond, in fact, that you’ve unconsciously decided that Hinata’s not the right guy for this. You really do like him, and you really do like the energy you have together, but that makes a one-night stand with him incredibly unappealing. You’re not desperate enough to risk the friendship you seem to be solidifying with him right now.
So when you glance up and find that Kageyama Tobio has arrived and is glancing awkwardly at Hinata while he talks to Atsumu, you smile at the ginger next to you.
“You shouldn’t let me keep you, Shou,” You say, and he smiles at the nickname. “I’m sure there’s someone here who you’d have a better time with.”
He furrows a brow, so you tilt your head in Kageyama’s direction. When he sees his old friend standing there, he swallows and flushes.
“Mm-” He laughs, shaking his head and looking down at his lap. “I don’t know.”
“I do,” You nudge him. “Go.”
He eyes you, seeing that you seem set on not letting things between you go anywhere. And then he nods, snaking an arm around you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Okay, fine. But I better hear about whose heart you break tonight.”
You laugh, squeezing his arm as he goes. And then you sigh, a bit resigned. It was the best choice, you know it.
Your phone buzzes.
[12:11 AM]
You snort into your cup, eyeing him. He’s still on that couch, but he’s not speaking to anyone, just staring at his phone and glaring at you when he sees you looking.
Sunarin: he was ready to risk it all for you bro
You shake your head.
You: hes my friend, i couldnt do it
Sunarin: you wont fuck a friend?? thats like 85% of the ppl here!!
Sunarin: christ,,,, okay get back out there, soldier
Sunarin: I expect to walk past one of these rooms in the next hour and hear you having the time of your life
You: youre so heinous
You stand, heading toward the kitchen for another drink. You feel Suna watching you, but when you glance at him, he’s scrolling on his phone and ignoring everyone who approaches him. You text him when you get to the kitchen, head down.
You: should we just go? 
You: i dont wanna keep you waiting
Sunarin: i mean this in the nicest way possible
Sunarin: stop being stupid
Sunarin: bc i will block you
You: hello??
Sunarin: idgaf how long i sit here
Sunarin: find a man and fuck him
Sunarin: that is your assignment
You: sir yes sir
You look up, intending to scan the room for your liquor of choice. Instead, standing in the corner by the other doorway, in a group of four guys, is one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen. You have no clue who he is, but he’s got dark hair and a cool smile and piercings, and you are utterly stopped in your tracks.
He catches it, glancing over at you and nodding in greeting. You smile tightly and move to the counter, pouring out the first thing you can find. You text Suna discreetly, something incredibly elegant.
The counter where you stand is actually a bar with beams on the side, so the living room is entirely visible from here. You see Suna perk up, his head lifting as he peers over someone’s head to meet your eyes. He glances over your shoulder at the group, but you go back to pouring your drink while you calm your nerves, so you don’t see his reaction.
There’s fervent whispering behind you, and then footsteps. You spot three of the guys passing into the living room, so you glance back. 
The beautiful man is still leaning against the opposite counter, but he’s got his phone out, invested in something he’s looking at. You see the three guys looking generally in your direction, and you wonder if maybe they’ve left their friend here on purpose. You glance at him again and then steel your nerves, turning carefully.
“Whatcha drinking?” 
The guy’s eyes flick to yours, his brow lifting. He lowers his phone but doesn’t put it away, and he smiles at you. “Rum and coke. You?”
“Uhm-” You laugh. “I have no idea. I think there’s tequila in it.”
He grins easy. “Oof. Tequila always gets me. Kinda scared of it.”
You smile into your cup as you take a sip. 
Across the room, Suna watches you talk to a guy he doesn’t recognize. There’s a weird feeling in his chest, the kind of bad feeling he’d always get around your exes. He watches the group of guys that have just come out, seeing that they’re eyeing you and whispering. 
Then one laughs, and he knows this isn’t good.
He stands, moving toward Atsumu without taking his eyes off of you. You’ve stepped a little closer to the guy, and Suna feels his heart hurt a bit. You’re putting yourself out there, and the guy you’re doing it with is bad news.
“Miya,” He says, cutting Atsumu off where he is struggling to keep a good distance between himself and Sakusa. The blond looks up, clearly drunk.
“Who are those guys?” He points with his cup, and Atsumu stands, squinting.
“Oh, I dunno. I think they’re friends of Bo’s.” Atsumu points toward Bokuto, who’s telling a story excitedly to a large group of people. “You know how he is. Always meetin’ people and makin’ friends. I let them up like 20 minutes ago, maybe?”
Suna swallows, watching how the guy you talk to lifts a brow at you. You must have tried to say something flirty, but he’s not taking it well. He’s starting to look like he’s looking down on you. 
Atsumu hums, seeing it, too. “Want me to go over there?” His voice is clearer than it had been a minute ago.
“No, I got it.” Suna’s gone before he finishes the sentence, moving quickly.
Atsumu watches him go and then finds his brother in the crowd, sitting with Yachi. Samu’s looking over his shoulder, trailing after Suna, and then he turns. The brothers lock eyes, sharing a knowing smirk. Samu just shrugs, and Atsumu shrugs back.
Whatever Suna’s about to do, there’s no stopping it.
In the kitchen, you realize that this guy’s resolutely uninterested in you when a girl comes into the room and his attention is entirely gone. 
You look, seeing that this unassuming girl is exactly what you’d expected. You glance at the guy again, finding a hungry gaze that trails over her body. Your stomach drops a bit, and you look over your shoulder toward his friends. 
They’re standing at the bar, peeking at you and snickering to each other.
You stare down into your cup, wondering when you’d let your guard down. 
It hurts a little more than expected.
You smile up at the guy one last time, raising your cup to him.
“It was good to meet you.”
“Uh-huh,” He mutters, not listening. You blink and turn away, heading to leave. You can’t help but look at the girl as you go, seeing how beautiful she is. She looks up, smiling kindly at you, and you smile back. She seems sweet.
You go to pass her, leaving the way you came in.
You jump, turning back. Suna’s standing at the other door, by the guy you’d been talking to, his face relaxed but his eyes sharp. Only now do you realize they kind of look alike.
What is he doing?
“There you are,” He smiles easily, stepping into the room. 
“I’ve been looking for you all night.”
The guy looks between you and Suna. You look between him and Suna. The girl leaves with her drink, entirely unaware.
“Oh… Really?” You look out toward the living room, finding the other guys also watching Suna with confusion.
“Yeah. I was hoping you’d come,” He replies easily, stepping toward you. 
His eyes flick down toward a spot on the floor that’s closer to him, and you drift there, eyeing him. He moves around you and reaches for a bottle on the counter, pouring himself a drink. He offers it to you, too. 
You watch him glance over your shoulder at the group of guys, and you realize he’d turned you around and put himself in view of them. So they could see him.
“Sure,” You say, curious to see where this goes, and tilt your cup toward him. “Thanks, Suna.”
“Rin,” He responds, tilting his head to smile down at you, flirty and cheeky in a way you’d never seen from him. “You can call me Rin.” 
You almost snort. “Okay. Rin.”
“I missed you last weekend,” Suna says, making a point to drag his eyes down the length of your body before he takes a sip of his drink.
You lift a brow, smirking up at him. He’s the only one who can see the teasing look you give him before you respond, playing into his game.
“Really? I couldn’t tell by the five missed calls. I was sleeping, by the way. It was one in the morning.”
He smiles at your line, and you can tell it’s genuine. He shrugs, holding eye contact and leaning in a little. “What can I say? I know what I like.”
“What you like…” You smile down into your cup, nodding. “And what would that be, Rin ?”
“Well-” He swallows, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he eyes you. “This dress, for one.” And then he slides his free hand over your waist, playing with the material. “It looks really good on you.”
His eyes have darkened by the time you meet them again, and it makes you a little nervous to realize that you’re unsure if it’s real or not. Your mind flashes to how he’d watched you bend over in front of your mirror earlier. Your fingers start to tingle.
Someone comes in behind you, and you use it as an excuse to look away from Suna and glance over your shoulder. The guy you’d been talking to is still there, but he’s got his eyes on your dress, interest lingering around your thighs.
You quirk a brow and turn back to Suna, feeling annoyed that this guy had only found you worth looking at once another guy had. Suna eyes you briefly, and you read the expression.
Want me to leave you with him?
He doesn’t look happy about the idea – you’re not happy about the idea – but you can tell he’s hesitating to continue, because the guy is paying you attention now.
He must not realize that you’d lost interest in that guy the moment his gaze had drifted. It’s Suna’s attention you’re nervous about now.
Still, you know that he’d only come to show that group of guys that you’re worth considering, so you tamper the feeling and lean into his game again.
You step close to him, watching how his eyes light up a bit, and slide a hand over his bicep. You make a point to trace the outline of one of his tattoos there, watching with a smile as goosebumps form wherever you scratch your nail gently against his skin.
“Is there something you wanted, Rin?” You look up at him through your eyelashes when you ask, wide and innocent.
You see the exact moment that something changes.
Suna’s eyes widen marginally and drop to your lips, green eyes heavy on you as he pulls his lip ring between his teeth and plays with it. His hand tightens on your waist, fingers pressing into your lower back and pulling you toward him.
“Just…” His gaze flicks between your mouth and your eyes. “Wanted to see if we could make up for lost time. Maybe somewhere more private?”
Suna Rintarou means to pull you into one of Atsumu’s spare rooms. 
You blink, a sudden flush rising on your cheeks as your stomach flips. You squeeze his bicep, anchoring yourself to him. He just stares at your mouth.
You nod after a moment, poking your tongue out to wet your lips. He watches it. “Okay… That sounds good.” 
His eyes snap to yours, suddenly filled with something that hadn’t been there before. When he sets his cup on the counter and steps around you, hand finding yours and pulling you after him, you realize it’s urgency. You barely manage to put your drink down without spilling it. 
All four guys watch you get dragged out of the room and toward an open door not even 15 feet away. 
You have absolutely no idea what’s about to happen. 
You step into the room, closing the door with your free hand. “What are we-”
Suna spins, planting both hands on your hips and pinning you hard against the door. You gasp, eyes wide, and he lifts one hand and sets it on the door next to your head. 
“I want to kiss you,” He says bluntly, breathing out hard. “Do you want to kiss me?”
You blink, lips parted, searching his face. You only find heat in his eyes, and it makes a spot under your navel tingle. 
Do you want to kiss him?
“Yes,” You whisper, nodding shallowly. “Yeah-Yes.”
He breathes slowly, eyes dropping to your mouth. 
There’s a moment of nothing, one where all you can hear is the muffled music and laughter through the door, the space between you and Suna Rintarou completely silent.
And then he’s surging forward.
You cannot, for the life of you, understand why you hadn’t thought of doing this before.
He pushes his lips against yours with force, full and impatient. You throw your arms around his neck, angling your head. The hand he has on the door comes to cup the back of your head, holding you tight against him, and you card your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, scratching your nails against his scalp.
Suna pulls back with a sharp inhale, his mouth hovering over yours. You blink hazily, your head fuzzy and warm.
“ Oh… ” You mumble. 
“ More? ” He breathes, sounding just as shaken. The hand on your lower back pulls you flush against him, and you feel something pressing against your thigh. Your skin hums with anticipation, and you nod, your eyes still half-closed.
“More’s good…” 
Your back hits the door and your hair’s being tangled around his fingers, head pulled to the side as his mouth finds your throat. The ring on his lip is cold between your flushed skin and the burn of his mouth, and his tongue passing over your pulse as he nips at the spot has a weak whimper falling past your lips.
“ Louder ,” He murmurs, the vibration echoing through your throat and down to your toes. He sucks harder on the spot just under your jaw, and you moan properly and in his ear. “Good, just like that,” He bites down and then swipes his tongue over it, soothing and warm. “Want them to hear you.”
Your heart pounds, and you cling to his shoulders, letting out a noise of confusion. 
“You know exactly who.”
You remember that you’d just been talking to some other guy, that his friends had been making fun of you. 
You’d already forgotten.
“Why do you-” You gasp, shuddering when he pulls your hips toward him, pressing his own against you. He’s hard– He’s already hard, and you haven’t done anything. You swallow hard, your mouth suddenly dry. “Why do you want them to…”
Suna suckles at a spot under your ear before lifting his head and planting his lips on yours. His hand leaves the safety of your waist and slips up past your ribs. You push your chest out, silently urging him to keep going.
“I want them to-” He swears under his breath as his hand closes around your breast, fingers kneading gently. He kisses you hard. “-know what they’re missing. How badly they fucked up.” 
You’re out of breath when he pulls away, and you circle your arms tightly around his neck so you can lift onto your tiptoes and kiss him again. He touches you urgently, thumb brushing over your nipple once and then again when you mewl into his mouth. He drops his lips to your throat again, freeing you to make as much noise as you need.
You sigh loudly, because his other hand is falling to your waist and tugging at your dress. The material slides up your body, exposing your thighs and then even more to him. He leaves it around your hips, fingertips dancing down to your panties. 
“Can I-” He hooks two fingers into the band, mouth hot on your skin as he heaves out an unsteady breath. You nod furiously, not a single thought of how you look or feel passing through your head. Not a single thought that he might not want this, because you can feel so plainly against your bare thigh that he does. 
Later, you won’t be able to name a single other time you hadn’t been self-conscious in the exact same situation with different men.
He tugs your panties unceremoniously down to your thighs, fingers trembling just slightly when he presses them against your inner thigh. You whimper as he pushes your thighs apart, cold air rushing against your core and sending a jolt of realization through you. 
You haven’t been touched by someone else in over a year.
“Wait, Suna-” Your protest is muffled against his lips. “I’m not gonna-I won’t last long-”
“Good,” He breathes, tugging your bottom lip between his teeth briefly. “Fucking good . I don’t want you to last-” He pushes his mouth to a million different places in quick succession, almost like he’s losing his mind just as fast as you are. His fingers hover between your thighs, cold against your heated skin. “Just want you to come, just to take the edge off.” He kisses you forcefully and murmurs against your lips. “ Just want you to come for me .”
He pulls away just in time for a moan to fall past your lips, ringing through the room. It’s embarrassing how loud it is, how desperately you’d reacted to his words alone. But Suna just smiles breathlessly down at you, face open and honest and eyes gleaming with a wicked anticipation that makes you tremble a bit.
He’s still holding eye contact when he presses against your core, his two middle fingers sliding through your folds.
You gasp so loud that it spills into a moan, and your head falls back against the door with a hard thump , his name ripped from your throat in something close to a scream.
“ Suna- ”
“ Fuck, ” He groans, dropping his head to your shoulder and sliding his fingers against you again. “Fuck, you feel so good-”
“S-Suna-” You cry again, fisting the sleeves of his t-shirt with white knuckles. “Oh, my God-”
He latches onto the crook of your neck, kissing and sucking the skin there as he swipes the pads of his fingers against your clit. “Don’t call me Su- fuck -” He cuts short, because your hips are moving on their own, rocking against his fingers. The tip of his middle finger catches on your entrance, and you gasp loudly, pushing your chest against his as you stare up at the ceiling with wide eyes. 
You don’t understand. You don’t understand why this feels so good, why you can’t get this feeling on your own. Why the thought that the man doing this to you is Suna Rintarou makes your nerves tumble and twist and tug at the coil that’s warping under your navel, under his touch. You hadn’t thought to want him before, not really, because he’s Suna . Your Sunarin, your piece of home.
And he’s making you feel something no one before him ever had.
You don’t think you can come back from this.
All rational thought flies from your mind when Suna brushes his middle finger against your entrance again, with purpose this time. You gasp, clinging tight.
“ Su- ” He shoves his mouth against yours, murmuring his own name, murmuring ‘ Rin, call me Rin’ against you, suckling on your bottom lip. He pulls away to watch you again, to find your eyes like he had last time.
And then he pushes his finger into you, slowly and then all at once.
“ Oh, ” You gasp, your eyelids fluttering. “Rin- ” 
He pulls out, crooking his finger, and then slides back in, nodding as his palm slaps against your clit. “ ‘s good, baby ,” He mumbles, burying his head into the crook of your neck. “ Again, just like that .” 
You think the scream of his name when he slams his fingers into you repeatedly is loud enough to be heard over the whole party. He laughs against your throat, humming, and pushes a second finger in, drawing another moan out of you as his fingers reach places that yours never can. “That’s it, let them hear you.” 
The coil in your navel twists viciously when something cold and metal slides against your thighs with each thrust of his fingers into you, because you’re realizing that it’s the bracelet – the bracelet that you’d given him those handful of years ago, the friendship bracelet that you have in your jewelry box at home.
You don’t think your past self would ever believe this is where that bracelet is now.
Suna pants against your skin, still rock hard against your thigh. “Let them hear how good I make you feel ,” He breathes, and your heart skips, that coil yanking.
“Oh, I’m gonna-” You gasp, fumbling to tug at his shirt, to tell him. He lifts his head to look at you.
And then he promptly yanks his fingers out of you.
You jerk at the feeling, and your heart sinks as your orgasm starts to fade. All you can do is stare up at him with wide eyes, the disappointment written all over your face, because you don’t know what you did to deserve that.
It turns quickly to confusion when Suna spins you around, and suddenly your face is pressed against the door, hips pulled out toward him. You gasp, planting your hands on the door to steady yourself, your face rushed with heat at being bent over in front of him.
That moment in front of your mirror had not prepared you for this.
“Please-can I-” He asks, the clink of his belt and then the zipper of his jeans loud as he yanks on it, and you nod against the door.
“Yes, yes please,” You beg, pushing your hips back more.
“ Shit ,” He swears under his breath. “I wanna do this better-” You jump when something hot brushes between your thighs, something hot and incredibly hard. “-Later, when we get home, I wanna-” He pushes the head of his cock gently through your folds, and his groan mixes with the choked moan you let out against the door. 
“Just wanna get you off once before we go, just wanna make you come once around me,” He finally gets out, hissed through his teeth as he guides himself to your entrance. “‘s that okay? Can I?”
You whimper loudly, nodding again and throwing his own words back at him, desperate and begging. 
“ T-Take the edge-jus’ to take the edge off- ” You stutter through it, your heart doing leaps and your nerves on fire. You push your hips back against him, whining when he brushes against you again.
Suna groans, and he pushes his hand against the door by your face as he drops his forehead to your shoulder, that bracelet staring you dead in the eye.
“Fuck ,” He whispers, shaking his head. “Fuck , Y/n. You-” 
He slips the head of his cock past your entrance, sliding into you slowly. 
You stop being able to feel your legs.
Suna moans your name, low and in your ear, and your eyes roll back into your head at the sound.
Why had you gone so long without hearing him say your name like that?
“ Rin ,” You whimper, and he presses a kiss to a spot behind your ear.
“You’re driving me insane,” He murmurs. “Why didn’t you believe me earlier? Why couldn’t you believe me? Can’t you see now how badly I want you?” He starts to pant in your ear, because he’s drawing his hips back with a hiss and then pushing back in slowly. “Fuck, you’re too-” 
You suck in a breath when his fingers find your clit, his hips stilling. You moan, feeling yourself clench around him. Feeling, for the first time in a year, truly full in the way that you’d craved. 
You clench around him again, and he groans into your neck.
“You’re gonna make me come if you don’t stop doing that,” He pleads, breathing hard against your ear.
“ Why won’t you move ?” You whine, unable to help it.
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your skin. “You want the romantic answer or the realistic one?”
You can’t help but giggle, because he’s making a stupid, Suna-flavored joke in a moment like this. “The romantic one.”
You feel him smile wide, even as the pads of his fingers slide against your clit, the little bundle of nerves that makes you twitch. 
“I just wanna get you off, I don’t care about myself right now.,” He tries, laughing a little. “It doesn’t matter – all that matters is you, and I can get you off just like this.” He circles your clit again, and your laugh is breathy and sensitive.
“And the realistic one?” You smile when he bites down on your shoulder briefly.
“You’re so tight that it actually hurt when I tried to move,” He explains, and you clench unintentionally. “Come on , Y/n, don’t do this-” He swipes his fingers against you faster now, trying to get you close.
It doesn’t take long, not with Suna’s fingers on the most sensitive part of your body. Not with him buried inside you, throbbing and twitching with every whine and moan that falls past your lips. Not with his mouth pressed to your ear, his breath sending shivers down your spine and his quiet groans making your toes curl.
“ Come on, baby, ” He whispers, pushing his fingertips against you. “ Let me take the edge off, just like you said. Let me do this for you. ” 
Your moan comes out as more of a sob, and your eyes feel a bit wet. The coil in your navel tightens and pulls with every word.
“ Come around me, Y/n. I wanna feel it– I wanna feel you- ”
You gasp, your nails scratching against the door as your fingers curl into fists, and your voice is clear and sharp for the first time in a while. “Su-Suna, I’m-”
-close, I’m close-
“Fuck, I think I am, too-” He admits, even though he hasn’t moved an inch. He shudders against you, breath shaky. “You first, so I can pull out-”
“ Mm-mm- ” You protest. “ ‘s safe, ‘s fine, I’m- ”
You don’t have the time or energy to explain that you’ve been on birth control for years, but it doesn’t matter, because he groans. He understands. 
“Are you sure-” He chokes, and you hear a low whine in his throat. The sound pushes you to the edge, and you teeter there, sobbing.
“ Please, please, I’m-Suna- ” 
You gasp sharply, because he’s lifting his chest off your back and straightening you up, pulling your back against him. He clamps his hand down tight over your mouth, turning your head so you’re forced to look up into his eyes.
“ This one’s mine ,” He breathes, his fingers swiping viciously against you as he holds that cursed eye contact. “ No one hears this but me .”
The coil snaps, and your eyes roll back in your head.
Your vision goes white, and your ears ring, the sound deafening as your body jerks, your fingers scratching and digging into his arms for stability. You feel the scream in your throat, but you don’t hear it, can’t hear anything except the low, muffled groan Suna presses into the side of your head. He twitches inside you, and then you’re warm as he comes, filling you in a way that steals the last gasp of breath from your lungs.
He holds you tight until you both come down, arms wrapped around you. The hand on your mouth falls, curling around the side of your head and cradling you against him. The shuddering breaths you let out mix with his, and he sets his mouth on yours, unable to put the effort into kissing you properly. 
After a moment, your arms fall limp, dropping away from him, and your head slumps against his shoulder. He slides carefully out of you, holding you steady when you whimper and sway a bit. Then he reaches down, tugging your panties back up your legs and fixing your dress. 
You turn in place, forehead pressed to his chest, and straighten him out with your eyes half-closed. He shivers when you wrap your fingers around him and tuck him back into his pants, and his hand cradles your neck, a kiss pressed to the top of your head while you button and zip his jeans.
When you lift your head to look at him, there’s no need to ask him to kiss you. He drops his head without a word, lips just as soft on yours as they’d been the first time. 
“How you feel?” He asks, quiet against your mouth.
“Boneless, ” You say right away, and he smiles against you before pulling away.
“ Boneless, or tired ?” He prompts.
You shake your head. You don’t feel tired at all, your nerves still humming under your skin. “Just boneless.”
“Then,” He starts. “Can you find your bones on the way down to my bike?”
There’s a jolt in your body when you realize what he’s saying. That he’s taking you home.
“Yeah, I-” You swallow, meeting his eyes.
He doesn’t look tired, either.
“I think I can manage that,” You whisper, staring up at him.
A grin spreads across his face, wicked and terrifying in the way that only he is.
“I’m ready when you are,” is all he says.
You cling to him as he leads you out of the room and to the elevator, unable to process anything but him. Unable to process the way Hinata whispers ‘ Heartbreaker ’ warmly to you as you pass, or the way the twins give you matching grins of pride when you find them across the room. Definitely not the guy that you’d tried talking to, staring down at you when Suna shoves past him and all but carries you into the elevator.
All you can do is hold tight to him and trust that he’ll get you back to his place. 
He kisses the spot under your ear when the elevator reaches the first floor.
“Come on,” He mumbles against your skin as the doors slide open. “I still gotta fuck you stupid.”
Your face burns as he drags you out of Atsumu’s building and to his bike, unable to imagine how what had just happened doesn’t count as fucking you stupid.
What’ve you just gotten yourself into?
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lis-likes-fics · 4 months
We love clingy, small, sweet Wanda in this house so how about one where precious little bean is having a cold but refuses to rest and follows Reader instead until they give in and take a bath with her or something like that 🥹💕
this has been in my ask box for like...two years and i'm honestly so sorry i didn't answer this sooner but here it is. i hope you like it (if you're even still active) 😭
tw: fluff, brief suicide joke, sick fic. 900 words.
You glance over at Wanda at the corner of your eye. Her nose is red, her eyes are droopy, and she's bundled up with at least three blankets as she lays in bed. The TV plays quietly in front of her, a dimly lit lamp providing whatever light doesn't come from the television as you try to watch for her tired gaze.
Picking up the remote, you pause the movie and shift in your chair to look at her better. “Sleepy yet?” you wonder gently, concern written all over your face.
Her answer is prompt. “No, turn it back on.”
You sigh. “Baby, it's almost two in the morning. You need to sleep.”
The night outside of your bedroom window is full of crickets and twinkling stars. As Wanda glances at the time on the wall, she just mumbles under her breath.
“I can't,” she complains, looking at you with tired eyes. “It's too cold.”
“Do you need another blanket?”
She nods meekly, her green eyes so full of her adoration for you. It both warms your heart and saddens it to see her like this. She's so pretty, you want to kiss her.
You take the blanket off your lap and drape it on top of her. You know she feels bad about taking yours, but she accepts it anyway because she loves you and she does feel a little better. Besides, the blanket smells like you, too. It adds another layer of comfort.
You watch her wiggle her nose, her eyes filling with tears and her lips parting as she moves to sit up. The first sneeze racks through her whole body, and you almost feel bad about the way you just watch her. The second sneeze has you pitying her. It follows in quick succession, and you know it hurts by the way she hunches over and stays hunched over. The third and fourth sneezes are definitely nothing to envy.
The look she gives when she opens her eyes is downright murderous as she stares at nothing in particular. She sounds strange when she speaks, like she's holding back a yawn.
“If I sneeze one more time, I'll kill myself.”
She does, in fact, sneeze one more time. You watch her eyes light in a scarlet red, her fingertips dancing with wisps. You don't appreciate her joke as much as she wishes you would when you roll your eyes and thrust a box of tissues toward her.
“Quit it and blow your nose.” She eyes you as she plucks a tissue, folding it up and bringing it to her nose. She blows hard, making the most pitiful sound as she wipes her nose. As she reaches over to throw it away in the trash bag by the bed, her eyes glow suddenly and the whole bag disappears, along with the used tissue in her hand.
The both of you freeze, staring at the place where the bag once sat in silent suspense.
“Where did it go?” you ask quietly.
Wanda shakes her head gently. “I don't know, but I think that's for the best.”
You nod slowly. “Okay, then.”
Wanda's magic has been acting up since she got sick. You don't know what to expect, and you're slowly teaching yourself not to question things.
Wanda lathers a generous amount of sanitizer in her hands and then picks up the remote once more. She hits play as the movie starts up again and she sits back. You take the remote, turning it completely off this time.
She looks at you, both offended and confused. “Hey–”
“You need to sleep,” you tell her, determined.
“Move over.”
She pouts, genuinely worried this time 
“I don't want to get you sick.”
You pull back the covers, “If I get sick, then I'll just make you take care of me.” You point at her. “Now move over and let me get in with you.”
You scoop her up and deposit her a little further on the other side of the bed before crawling in yourself. You wrap your arms around her aching body and lay your head against the pillow. Wanda immediately melts against you, accepting your warmth as the deepest sigh eases from her body.
You feel the mattress beneath you slowly start to warm, a very steady heat that adds to both your comfort as you cuddle her closer. Enjoying the moment, your words come out more as a mumble. “Better?”
You smile a bit, carding your fingertips through some of her hair. “Can you sleep for me now, sweetheart?”
She glances up at you through heavy lids. Even the gentle light of the bedside lamp illuminating the light dust of freckles over her cheeks. “Can you sing to me?”
You'd like nothing more.
You reach over and turn off the lamp, allowing the calm darkness of the night to wash over the both of you. A gentle song arises from your throat as you begin to hum “L-O-V-E” in the quietest voice you can manage. It's one of her favorite songs, and she's moments away from rest already.
You continue to run your fingers through her hair, ignoring the slight ache in the back of your throat that you've been ignoring for the past couple of hours. You'll make Wanda hold you when you wake up in the morning with her cold.
please support your content creators and give your feedback!
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In Disarray and Dazed (Spike x Y/N)
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Requested: YES! <3 Thank you! Thank you for the request. I had so much fun writing it. Requested by @wtv-my-current-hyperfixation
TW: Mention of violence and getting hurt.
Word Count: 1k
A Summer breeze refreshed their skin. The crickets chimed in a frenzy. Another night of hunting, another night of scars and beatings. Your body can't keep up. The cemetery was finally quiet and in peace. You make sure the Scobies are okay before you head out of the cemetery to your house. You eye Spike on your way out, forcing yourself to not limp. You swore that he looked back at you, reading your intent. You didn't want to draw attention to yourself, especially not from Spike. You'd be mortified if he took care of you. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if he was that caring and vulnerable. Your brain would explode with serotonin and dopamine. You make sure to announce you're leaving before making a quick getaway. 
You barely make it to your house. After a long shower you survey the damage to your body. Carefully, you dab, clean and patch up all your bruises and cut. You're sore and tired. As you walk over to your room you keep replaying the events that occurred tonight. You worried about everyone's safety but when it came to Spike you worried the most. He could hold up his own, but still... You reminded yourself that he was a vampire with more years of experience than you. You were thankful for his presence and his decision to intervene when you almost got pummeled. Very chivalrous of him. It made you blush.
Feet tired and dragging, you make it to your bed. It’s not long before you fall asleep and disappear into the dreamscape.
Outside cigarette smoke litters the air. Spike stands by a tree close to your window. He is worried for your safety and wellbeing. He made sure that you made it home safe. Obviously, he was careful to not be seen. He longed to take care of you, to make you feel safe. However, this was as far as he dared go. A monster like him didn’t deserve to be happy.
Inside, you tossed and turned in fear. In your dream you were in the woods, running, You didn’t know why, only that you were in danger. You had the vague feeling that you weren’t alone. Spike, he was with you. You searched for him, seeking refuge. If you reached him, everything would be alright. You reach a clearing with no one present. Your heartbeat in your ears. You wait as if destined to be there. In the distance you can hear grunting and fighting but you can’t move. Your feet glued to the floor. Eventually you see Spike being tossed in the air, he lands hard into the clearing. You fear for his life. A demon appears, mangled and mean. Spike scrambles to get away from him, fear in his eyes. You have never seen Spike so afraid. The demon is holding a long wooden stake like a stick. You scream for Spike to watch out but no sound escapes your lips. You are mute and stuck. Your breath is labored and panicked. Spike is unable to get away and before he can get up he is staked and turned into dust. Your eyes widen, tears stream down your face. You’re at a loss and afraid of what will happen to you. You try to force yourself to move as the demon approaches you, a long sword now in his hand. As he swings you wake up, drenched in sweat. Your heartbeat fast and your breath caught in your throat.
You panic. What about Spike? Is he gone? Did this really happen tonight? Your mind is foggy and in disarray. You couldn’t remember if this happened. You jolt out of bed and get dressed. You run out of your house and straight to Spike’s crypt. You needed to make sure he was okay. You needed to be sure that he still lived.
You bust into Spike’s crypt, eyes wild and searching. There he is, sitting in his armchair watching TV. You rush to him and place your hands on either side of his face, making sure it wasn’t a dream. Tears roll down your face as you repeat ‘you’re safe.”
Spike looks at you bewildered and confused. He slowly places his hands on top of yours.
“What’s happenin’, love?’ Spike gets up, still holding your hands to his face.
You rapidly explain your dream between sobs and tears. Spike’s eyes soften, his heart melts. He wishes every moment with you could be like this.
“Mighty worried for an old vampire.” Spike deflects.
You breathe hard, not knowing your next move. Without thinking your mouth moves.
“Spike, I love you too much to lose you.”
You swear that you heard him gasp. He is stunned and stuck. His brain is a mess, and no words will come out. He chooses to do the next logical thing, he kisses you. He pours his desire and feelings in one kiss, hoping that you hear what he is trying to say.
You melt into the kiss and let go of your inhibitions. Your arms wrap around him, and you let yourself be guided by him. You eventually come out for air, making sure to make eye contact as you break the kiss.
Spike is left in awe of his own actions but doesn’t back down. He wraps his arms around you tightly and bring you closer to his body. You take a chance to memorize the feeling of his body.
“Love, I’ve been dying to hear you say those words.”
You smile, appreciative that your feelings are reciprocated.
“Let me stay the night.” You state more than ask.
Spike leans down for another kiss, slower and more passionate. He memorizes your taste, your feel. He wishes that all his years alive were this moving and strong. He forgets himself as he kisses you. He forgets that you need air. You gently pull away, dazed and happy.
“You can stay any night, pet.”
Spike gladly leads you to his bed where you both lie in bliss. No more fear. No more disarray. Only comfort and safety.  He may be a monster, but in your eyes he was a man. Not just any man, your man.
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Okay, so I don't usually post my fics directly on tumblr (usually just on ao3 with a link on here) but ao3 is down atm and I finished the dbd x mphfpc fic!
Tagging @fellow-fandom-fruitifier bc he asked :)
Um...I'll add what would be tags here:
Fandoms: Dead Boy Detectives (TV), Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Books)
Not really any necessary content warnings. Just a nice little case without anything dangerous, for once.
Word Count: 2069
The Case of the Lost Boys
Summary: The Dead Boy Detectives find themselves on the island of Cairnholm, investigating the whereabouts of a wandering ghost and his unfinished business.
While London alone was teeming with ghosts with issues to solve, occasionally ghosts brought cases from farther away. Typically, these cases were much simpler than what would, 25 years later, lead them to Port Townsend.
One of these cases, back in 1998, was The Case of the Lost Boys. 
The ghost of a young woman arrived in their office one afternoon. While the case didn’t necessarily concern her directly, she had spent a lot of time with the affected ghost. A young boy, around Charles and Edwin’s age, had been wandering the island of Cairnholm for decades, the woman said. He was looking for something—someone—that just wasn’t there. The woman paid them sufficiently, and Charles and Edwin agreed to take the case.
Mirror hopping led the two detectives through the mirror inside a bathroom, which was attached to a motel room, which was above a tavern. The sheer amount of noise coming from below caused Edwin to simply walk through the wall to get outside, instead of going down the stairs and through the tavern on the ground floor. It was one of several things that freaked Charles out every time Edwin did it. To his credit, however, Edwin was trying to do it less when Charles reminded him of it. However, that didn’t mean he didn’t still forget from time to time.
Edwin walked through a second floor wall and landed on his feet on the ground outside. A few minutes later, Charles was next to him, having taken the long way around. “Mate, you can’t keep doing that! I know you’re fine, but I still forget we’re dead sometimes.”
“Right, my apologies. I’ll use the door next time. I simply didn’t care to walk through such a loud establishment.”
“Next time, we’ll take the stairs and walk through a wall on the first floor, yeah?”
“Agreed. Now, let us track down this wayward ghost, shall we?”
After a bit of walking, the two detectives found the place their client had mentioned the boy to frequent. They had to wait a while, but, sure enough, the boy wandered through the bog and up near the old, previously bombed out house on the far side of the island. Once they were sure he’d stay there for a while, Charles and Edwin followed him up, Charles holding his cricket bat out in front of him.
“Excuse me,” called Edwin, “but we were called because we were told you might need help.”
The boy turned around. He’d been tearing through pieces of the house, searching. “My sister. She was here.”
“When it was bombed during the war?” asked Charles. He hadn’t quite gotten around to explaining the second world war to Edwin, but Charles knew London and other parts of the region had taken a lot of damage. He’d paid some attention during his history classes.
“Yes, but it always reset before anyone got hurt.”
“What do you mean, reset?”
“The bird reset it to the night before the house was destroyed. We would watch the show each night before bed. Then I went out one night, and I died. I can’t get back in. I haven’t seen her in years!” The boy punched a wall, causing chunks of it to fall out. Charles pulled Edwin backwards, out of the house entirely.
“I think he’s lost his mind,” said Charles, once he and Edwin were alone again. The two of them were poring over Edwin’s notes.
“It seems he’s lost his sister, and, though the house was bombed with her in it, he believes she’s alive.”
“He mentioned it all being reset. Sounds like a time loop, doesn’t it?”
“That it does, Charles, but we cannot see it, and therefore we cannot break it.”
“Is that even the problem, though? If he just sees his sister, he’ll move on.”
“That would be quite easy, Charles, if only we knew where the sister was.”
They didn’t even know the ghost’s name, and now they needed to find his sister, too? This wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be.
Charles and Edwin returned to the island the next day, after spending the night in the office reading up on time loops and delirium in ghosts. This time, they used the stairs to exit the tavern, and by the time they reached the old house it was midday. Despite the sun being high in the sky they still couldn’t see very well in the old charred house. Charles pulled two flashlights from his backpack and the search continued.
Eventually, Charles found a hole in the floor. “Edwin, come look at this!”
The boy in question followed Charles’s voice until they were both looking down into the hole. Edwin went down into the hole while Charles stood lookout, just in case the ghost boy made another appearance.
Inside the hole in the ground, Edwin found a trunk of old photos, featuring children doing largely impossible or supernaturally odd things. As he sifted through them, a second light appeared above his head. It was a soft glow, like a fireplace, and Edwin looked up right as Charles called, “Edwin?”
A girl stood next to Charles, holding a ball of flames above the hole to see into it better. Edwin heard her voice echo as she asked Charles, “What are you doing here? Who are you?”
“Stay back,” warned Charles, pointing his cricket bat at her.
“What. Are you doing. In our house?” asked the girl, punctuating each set of words with a few steps forward. Behind her, Charles soon noticed, were a smaller girl, likely about seven years old, and a boy the older girl’s age that gave off a faint buzzing sound if it was quiet.
“We were just leaving, actually.” Charles took a step back.
“Good,” said the girl.
“Emma,” said the younger girl, “we should go before we’re late for lunch.”
Emma grimaced, turning around towards the two that were with her. “I suppose so. The bird will be angry if we’re late.” She cast one last warning glare over her shoulder at Charles, and then the three of them were gone.
Edwin climbed back out of the hole, with help from a rope Charles had in his backpack, and reported his findings to Charles. “It appears to be a group of syndrigasti: a variant of human with an extra soul. These extra souls give them special abilities, such as the boy’s ability to do so much damage around this place, and the girl’s fire.”
“So, his sister must be one too?”
“Not necessarily. It’s a relatively rare condition, however, it is especially likely in this case. If he cannot find her, and neither can we, she’s likely in a time loop for the living. Only syndrigasti can enter, and we are not that.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad then, does it? He can go in himself and find her.”
“Not if he died in a certain way. If the creature that killed him consumed his extra soul, then he can no longer enter the time loop, as he said before. We will need to get the sister to leave the loop temporarily.”
“How do we do that?”
“I do not know. I suppose if we can find another occupant of the time loop, we may be able to get a message across. For that, however, we’ll need more information from the boy.”
“What about that girl, Emma? She had abilities, didn’t she?”
“We don’t know for sure that she lives there, though it is likely. Unfortunately, they’ve gone, and we still do not know how to enter the time loop.”
Later in the day, the detectives found the boy in the same place as the day before. Charles stood by with his bat while Edwin questioned the wayward ghost. They learned that the boy’s name was Victor, his sister’s name was Bronwyn, and that he had, in fact, died in the way Edwin had suspected. 
The one good thing about all this was that he remembered how to enter the time loop. Charles suggested writing on the cave’s wall and hoping they’d see it when one of them left again. Edwin, however, thought it might frighten the children if they saw a note reading “Bronwyn, your brother is looking for you”, considering Victor had been dead for decades.
Instead, Edwin wrote out a neat note and attached it to the wall of the cave:
Bronwyn Bruntley,
I am from the Dead Boy Detective Agency. We were called in about your brother. His ghost is still on the island in the present day. Until he has closure, he will not move on to his afterlife. Victor’s unfinished business is seeing his sister again. Once you receive this, it would help both of us if you could leave the time loop temporarily to reunite with your brother.
Edwin Payne
Edwin and Charles stayed on the island late into the evening, watching the mouth of the cave for someone to take Edwin’s note. Eventually, the note seemingly disappeared on its own. It moved like it was being removed from the wall by a hand, but there was no hand. It floated through the cave and disappeared through the other end.
Less than an hour later, two girls and a floating hat emerged from the mouth of the cave, each of them able to see Edwin and Charles (or so they assumed). One of the girls, the one that wore trousers and a shirt, asked, “Are you Edwin Payne?” She held the note in her hands.
“I am Edwin Payne. You must be Bronwyn.”
“I am. You found my brother?”
“We did.”
Victor, who had been all but dragged over near the bog by Charles earlier, stepped closer to the girls.
The two siblings embraced so tightly that anyone else might have bruised a rib from it. Edwin and Charles gave them a bit of space for their little reunion, until, eventually, Edwin had to burst their bubble.
“I do not mean to bring down the room, but since your unfinished business has now been finished, Death will be coming to collect you shortly. Therefore, Charles and I must be going, now.” Edwin turned on his heel and began to walk away, Charles shortly behind him. 
Then, the other girl, Emma, called out, “Wait!” and Edwin stopped. He turned back around to look at her.
“I don’t know if you work with the living at all, but I’ve been looking for a certain boy since the last war. If I give you a name, can you send the results to our post box in town?”
Edwin’s expression softened slightly, and he pulled out his notebook and pen. “Of course. What is the name?”
“Abraham Portman.”
This second, smaller case did not require that the Dead Boy Detectives remain on Cairnholm. The two of them did, however, have to use their disguises that would allow them to appear living. They searched computers and phone directories until they found the man Emma had been looking for.
The two ghosts finally found Abraham’s house in Florida, in the United States. Mirror hopping there was easy. The difficult part was deciding how to explain it to Emma. Abraham was married by then. He had a wife, two children, and his son even had a son of his own. So much time had passed since Emma was this young. Edwin understood far better than he’d have liked to.
Edwin ultimately wrote Emma, sending the letter to the postbox she gave the address to. Charles looked it over for sensitivity purposes, and then off it went. A week later, Edwin received a letter in return, thanking both he and Charles for putting in the effort to help her, even though she didn’t get the answer she wanted. Attached were a few paper bills as payment.
Although Edwin continued to be baffled as to how she was returning his letters, he continued sending them. As it turned out, despite having so many other children living with you, the novelty of a ‘pen pal’, as she called it, was slow to wear off. 
Letters were sent back and forth between Cairnholm and London regularly for a solid twelve years, and then, suddenly, they stopped. Edwin, unsurprisingly, began to worry. That is, until he received a letter from Florida, instead of Cairnholm.
Emma, it seemed, was doing just fine.
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It Was Just A Dream... Chapter Two
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Summary: Frankie is all moved in, or is he? A cute game of cat and mouse has an ending you wouldn’t expect, Frankie’s mood swings end with an outcome neither of them expected.  Words: 5,000+ Rating: 18+ Adult Themes Warnings/Triggers:  Addiction, Falling for Your Brothers Friend, Language, OFC is somewhat described as someone with longer hair, but no race/eye color/body type  
A/N: I don’t know much about addiction, just the things that I googled and seen portrayed on TV. This is completely an AU. I had the beginning of this story pop in my head randomly and thought it sounded fun to explore. Sure we all love Frankie was that sweet puppy dog…but what if he had his own inner demons he had to battle with.  The ‘coke charge’ was mentioned in TF and I kinda wanted to explore that side of him. 
**This is written asa  first person, and it's my first time writing in first person, so please be gentle with me. I also include Frankie's POV which will be Bold and Italics
It took two days, four, well three and a half strong men moved all of Frankie’s stuff. My house might be small, but the best part. Despite only having two bedrooms, the bedrooms are huge. The guest room is slightly smaller than my master and there isn’t an attached bathroom but still plenty is space for his stuff. I kept the small desk there, well honestly that was the only thing I had there. Five years of living here and my guest room was still empty. Mostly why I think Benny volunteered my space, I was also someone he knew. All of Frankie’s belongings were still in taped boxes. We didn’t know how long Benny was going to be gone, it made sense to bring more than just a duffle bag of stuff. 
It's been two weeks since he had moved in, his clothes still in boxes, extra bedding still in boxes. He’s been wearing the same gray sweatpants and black shirt since he got here. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a man in specifically gray ones as much as the next girl, but he hasn’t changed. I don’t even know if he has showered. Seeing him all mopey is making me mad and slightly frustrated. I know he would much rather be back at what has been his home for years, but he needs help and I want to help. I just have no idea what I am doing. I’m feeling guilty making him move, and I know I shouldn’t. 
Thanks to having no social life I had a lot of PTO built up, I’ve been off these two weeks trying to help him feel at home. It’s been mostly awkward living with him when it shouldn’t. Awkward grunts, one word answers, he eats alone despite my best efforts. Yesterday he came out of his room and talked to me, it was about a cricket outside his window that just wouldn’t shut up. It was the first time he seemed to be normal? Is that even the right word, what is normal? 
It’s late afternoon, and he had been in his room the entire day. Walking past his room and I see him sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the boxes sitting along the wall picking at his fingernails. He has had mood swings that have him going from happy to sad in seconds.  I thought about walking past him again, keep going on with my day.  But I couldn’t stand seeing the boxes still stacked. It felt like he was ready to move as soon as Benny stepped foot on American soil again, and I was terrified of seeing him live like he didn’t belong here.  I stop and gently tap on the open door, “hey…you want some help with those?”
He doesn’t look up at me, instead he just continues to stare at the box, “there’s just so much, I don’t know where to start” he takes a deep breath hanging his head 
I walk into his room, he is still sitting on the bed. I grab the top box labeled ‘shirts’ and then turn back towards him. I tap his foot with mine, motioning with my head he needs to move. He stands up and watches as I drop the box on the bed and start grabbing a few shirts and put them in one of the many empty drawers. I hear him sigh with disapproval and I look at him “What?” I groan in frustration 
“They need to be folded neatly, and by color. As well as style, but it’s fine…it’s fine. I’ll just do it later” he rubs the back of his neck
Call it being a perfectionist, I call it someone who was trained that everything always had to have order.  Everything needed to have crisp lines, be organized.  Having its rightful spot, years of military training would do this to a person and I was all too aware that it wasn’t fine.
I pull the shirts back out of the drawer, hoping he doesn’t see my eye roll and I set them back in the box. I didn’t expect this to be easy, but I also didn’t expect I was going to have to be his mother and not a friend. I didn’t think I was going to have to tell Frankie to eat, to take a shower. All the things I thought he already knew, was he like this in rehab? “Then refold the shirts and put them in the drawer” shit was that too aggressive? “I think I might make you feel more at home if you do” I put a hand on his shoulder gently rubbing it. 
I watch as he takes a shirt out, folds it meticulously. The edges of the shirt are perfect, he sets it on the bed, his hand running over the shirt, taking out any wrinkles. Every shirt has an order, by color, type, it is memorizing watching him as he moves. Folding every time with such perfection. I have to shake my head and snap out of it, I grab another box and open it to find it stuffed with boxers. He is completely focused on his shirts as I work to put the boxer briefs in a drawer hoping the fold in half method works for him. 
I pull out black pair after black pair.  There was an occasional gray mixed in. After seeing him in those gray sweatpants for the past two weeks my mind can’t help but imagine him in these and how great they would make his thighs look, his…’stop.  Don’t think about that. He’s now your roommate you can’t do that’ all those thots fall when I pull out a baby blue pair with little cat heads wearing headsets. Different types of helicopters fill the empty space between the cat faces. I can’t but giggle holding them up, Frankie stops what he is doing and looks up, “care to explain these” holding the boxers in the air and shake them, I arch an eyebrow at him smiling 
He reaches across and snatches them from my hands “nope…” he paused for a moment fold the boxers in half “you got them” he places them on the bottom of the drawer under the pile of black ones 
“I did?” I truly don’t remember. One would think someone would remember getting boxers that looked like that 
“Yeah, Christmas a few years ago” he returns his focus to the shirts in the box
”Oh my God, you’re right. I did” I laugh
”You said, that I was impossible to shop for, and you wanted something unique to remember you when I was away” 
Frankie is the most impossible person to shop for. He always would say he didn’t need anything, he said to not waste money on a guy like him. He wasn’t worth it. I watch Frankie roll his eyes as I tell him again that he is impossible to shop for. A hint of a smile begins to appear and I think that we might have a breakthrough. I finished the box I was working on, broke it down and leaned it against the wall. Frankie pulls out his last shirt and folds it, setting it on the top of a pile. Grabbing the small stack he turns and starts to put them in the top drawer. I grab the box and start to break it down when I see a film strip inside. I reach in and grab the photos. 
I stare at them, a clean shaven, wide-eyed twenty something Francisco Morales. I had a photo from this shoot, but I never saw these two. It was before his first deployment and the guys went and did some ‘glamor shots’ as a gag gift. Frankie’s in a purple shirt and leather jacket. His brown hair falling perfectly into place. The first photo his hands are in his back pockets. Showing off his impressive chest and broad shoulders, his smile that makes one’s heart beat a little faster and an instant panty dropper. The other, I swear, he could have been a model. His arms crossed over his chest. His biceps bursting the seams of his jacket, his lips pursed together in a brooding expression. Holy shit, he’s hot…“What do we have here?”
Frankie turns and looks at me, it takes a moment for him to realize what I’m holding in my hand. “Give those here” he reaches for them and I quickly pull them away
”Nope…” I laugh and hold them up, inspecting the photos a bit more
”Lex” he says, a bit more authoritative, it’s deep and it’s sexy. He takes a step towards me, I take a couple small steps towards his open door. I try to keep a distance between us 
I have a small idea, “you want them?” I ask slowly moving backward closer to the door, he starts to close the distance nodding his head yes, “then you’ll just have to come and get them” I smile and turn to run through the door. 
He bolts out of the room following me, I forget how fast he is and how incredibly silent he can be. He’s on my heels in an instant and I run a circle around the couch. Heading past him and into the kitchen, stopping at one end of the small island. He’s facing me on the other side “Lex…” he says.  I smile, laugh and run past his outstretched arm.  
“Gotta be quicker than that Morales” I ran around the house again, waiting for him to turn and find me again. I lose my breath as I’m back in his room, the bed as a barrier between us. I look at the photos and see him strut back into his room. I clearly didn’t think this through completely as I find myself trapped on the one side of the bed. Frankie blocking the only exit. He starts to walk around the bed, he’s standing at the end while I move further up closer to the headboard. I’m waiting for him, I have my escape planned. He fakes a step to the left towards me and I step up onto his bed. The piles of shirts start to fall when I bring my other foot up. He reaches across the bed, “Bad move, Miller” he snarls and wraps a hand around my ankle pulling it out and dropping me to the bed. 
I hold the photos above my head, he pulls me closer. Placing his thigh is between my legs and crawling the bed until  he’s hovering over my body. We’re both laughing and I struggle to keep the photos out of his reach. His large hand captures both of my wrists and pins them to the bed. I squirm below him, trying to break free.  “Stop moving” he grunts, his other hand lands on my hip. Holding me tightly in place, my shirt slightly raised and his thumb slowly rubbing against my bare skin. Our laughter slowly turns into heavy breathing. 
His face is so close, I can feel his warm breath. His eyes are so full of life now, I see the small parts of the old Frankie. The Frankie that became a friend, family, a crush. My heart is pounding and I am pretty positive Frankie can hear it, his hand is setting my skin on fire and I have no idea what is happening. But I want to kiss him, I want him to kiss me, I want to feel his lips on mine. “Frankie…” I whisper 
“Hmmm” he leans closer to me, his nose brushing along mine 
I don’t know what I was going to say, I didn’t imagine us ending up like this. I clearly didn’t think this through and I have no idea what to do. Time seems to move slow, and I don’t know how long we stay like this. His eyes focused on mine, I feel like he is looking into my soul. Does he want me to kiss him? Should I kiss him? His hand still wrapped around my wrists, the other still holding my hip. 
“KISS HIM ALREADY” my inner voice yells. I finally make a move, I close the short distance between, my lips just about to touch his when my phone rings in my back pocket. His hand releases my wrists and he sits up on the bed. I close my eyes, wishing I didn’t take so long to make the move. I reach behind me, pulling out my phone. It was work, I smiled and mouth a sorry to him, sliding the answer button and bringing the phone to my ear. “Hello” I stand and walk out of his room 
“Why didn’t I kiss her? She was right there…would she even want me to kiss her?” He thinks to himself, running his fingers through his hair 
He looks at himself in the mirror. The same sweatpants he’s been wearing for well over a week, he looked like a hot mess. At least the shirt was clean, or he thought his shirt was clean. He sees the unruly hair, the 5 o’clock shadow had turned into a fully grown beard. “Because you're a pathetic loser, look at you. She’d never want you to kiss her” that negative voice inside him says. Frankie shakes his head, hands covering his face. He rubs his eyes and tries to remember Will telling him wasn’t.  But the thing is, Will was never a very good liar and the voice becomes louder and louder. 
“Fishie…hey Fish” her voice brings him back. He looks up at her “hey, you ok?
“yeah…yeah” he says, but her face tells him she doesn’t believe him. 
“uhm, ok.  I gotta run to work for a bit. I’m not sure when I’ll be home but there’s money on the table. Order some take out”  
He nods, giving her his best smile and watches as she walks away. He hears the door open and close.  Standing up he peeks his head out the door, he doesn’t hear her. He just needs to take the edge off. He knows he will feel a lot better when he can’t feel anything again. He knows he doesn’t have much left, but enough to last him at least today. He’ll worry about tomorrow-tomorrow. Thank God he hid the green can well enough that Alex didn’t find it. Just one hit, that’s all he needs.
“Take a shower, you’ll feel better after a shower. You’re better than this” he can hear Will’s voice. 
It didn’t.
“Food, get some food. Don’t do this Cat” the voice says
My phone dances on my desk as I finish some paperwork. I had plenty of PTO built up, but the doctor's office had an influx of new patients and I was one of the few who knew how to enter all the data and get them set up. It wasn’t where I pictured myself when I graduated college with a degree in film.  But it’s a good paying job, and it kept me close to home. 
Fishie 🐟: u like Pad Thai 🍲 
Me: Not really, and I don’t think that’s Pad Thai haha
Fishie 🐟: oh ok what u want? 
I type back a response, telling him to order what he wants. The money on the table was for him to do what he wanted. I might not like Pad Thai, but that shouldn’t stop him from ordering it. I finish typing a few things and grab my phone. I walked over to some of my coworkers who were getting ready to head out as well. I lean against Laura’s desk. She was chatting with a few of the nurses, I watched my phone as the little bubble with dots popped up, then disappeared, appeared again, and disappeared again. I sigh, my head drops. His mood swings are driving me insane. 
Me: I like noodles, with teriyaki sauce if that counts as Pad Thai
“What’s up Buttercup” Laura smiles cheerfully
”Have you ever had to help a friend with an addiction?” I look up, the mouths all open “seriously. A friend, not me” 
“What kind of addiction?” Laura asks, she was my go-to at work. Her upbeat attitude always had the answers 
“Narcotics…” I reply 
Is this friend living with you?” a nurse asks 
I tell them how the friend just got out of rehab, I leave out the part that the friend is a he, and the he is Frankie. I tell them how rehab said something about how they shouldn’t be left alone, doctors orders they need to live with someone in case of a relapse. “Sometimes I feel like I see the person I became friends with, then sometimes hhhh-they are a completely different person. Someone I don’t even know and it’s only been two weeks” 
“Just keep being there for them, don’t push too hard. But they need to know you are there for him. I mean them, no matter what it is, they can trust you” she puts a hand on top of mine 
“You can’t give up on them.  No matter how hard they try to push you away, you push back. They’ll have their moments but like Laura said, you just need to be there. Letting them know you won’t give up on them” 
“Thanks,” I take a deep breath and stare at my phone, he still hasn’t responded “I just wish I knew what he needed, he doesn’t talk” 
“Give it time, he will open up when he’s ready” 
'Did she just say he? How does she know' I think
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I walk into the house, kicking off my shoes and dropping my purse off on the little side table. I hear grunting from down the hall. ‘Oh please don’t tell me he has a girl here’ I think to myself moving towards his room. “Frankie?” 
T-Shirts he had just folded and pants were thrown into the hall. I move towards the open door dodging pants being thrown out as I get close, I look into his room and it looks like a tornado hit. The mattress shoved against the wall, drawers empty and pulled from the dresser, clothes thrown around the room. I see Frankie bent over in his closet he had on a new pair of dark green sweats on, he’s shirtless. Little water droplets still cling to his hair and a towel draped over the back of a chair. 
“Where the fuck is it?!” he shouts as I watch him throw more things around. 
“Where is what?” I ask, and instantly regret it 
He turned quickly looking at me, his eyes filled with rage and nostrils flaring. I’ve never seen this look before, and he slowly starts to walk towards me. There’s an evil glint to his eye and it scares me. 
“Where the fuck did you put it Alexandra?” He snarls 
“If you told me what you are looking for…” I tried to not raise my voice, trying to keep calm. He needs me to remain calm. 
The yelling intensifies and I know the neighbors can hear us, stay calm. Don’t make things worse. 
What happened to the Frankie from earlier? 
“I need you to calm down, Frankie. Please. Just tell me what you're looking for and I can help” I wanna put my hand on his shoulder, ground him. Let him know I’m here, but he’s breathing heavy, his lip curls up in an evil grin. 
“I know you have it!” he says in an oddly calm manner, “JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!!” He yells 
He takes a step closer, he raises his fist. I flinch as the closed hand comes flying towards me and it connects with the wall inches from my head. “Give it to me now Alex” he growls
“What in the hell is your problem!?” I yell shoving his chest back
“You! Benny! This stupid fucking place. I don’t want to be here!” His eyes begin to water and a tear streams down his cheek, he takes a couple steps back
“Fine, then fucking leave! No one is forcing you to be here Francisco” I try to hold back by own tears “I am sick and tired of seeing you being all mopey and shit.  You don’t want to be here, FINE” 
Shit…I am pretty sure I just over stepped. I go to open my mouth to apologize and there is a hard knock at the door followed by a “Police” 
“You called the Police?” He shouts 
“I’ve been standing in front of you the entire time arguing with you. When would I have had time to call the police?” I say, I back up and move towards the front door. The knocks become more aggressive “I’m coming!” 
I unlock the door and see three officers standing there. They all have a concerned look on their faces
”Good evening ma’am. We got a call about some yelling and wanted to make sure everything was ok” the taller officer said
”Everything is fine. It’s great. Just swell” my words are dripped with sarcasm
“Do you mind stepping outside to talk to my partner Officer James” he looks over my shoulder and sees Frankie, “hey there sir.  Mind coming over here for a moment?” 
He is sitting on the porch as she stands by the car. He fucked up, she’s given up on him. He’s given up on himself. 
“What’s your name?” The youngest officer asks him 
Frankie reads the name printed on his chest. T. Baker. “Frank, my name is Frank and everything is fine Officer Baker” 
Baker keeps asking bin questions.  What happened, did she hit him. Did he hit her? How long has he been living here? What was their relationship? Frankie becoming more annoyed with each question. What did it matter? He fucked things up and he needed a hit more then ever. He was looking for his coke, she found him on a downward spiral but there was no way he was going to tell him that. Suddenly the questions take a turn, when Officer Baker notices a tattoo on his chest. 
“What branch?” 
“Excuse me” Frankie responds confused 
“Your tattoo?”
“Oh yeah, Army. Special Ops, I was a pilot” 
He has a tattoo on the left side of his chest, a helicopter flying. A sun and clouds shaded in the background. The helicopter with incredible detail, one of the ones he first learned how to fly. A few men repelling from the bird.  Just below a group of trees
“Thank you for your service sir.  Wait here, I have some stuff for you” Baker nods his head and walks to the patrol car 
He watches him shuffle down the stairs, he sees Alex and for a moment they lock eyes. His heart nearly stops as he sees the tears in her eyes that she quickly wipes away. He caused this pain and for what, a stupid little hit that was nearly enough to take away the pain. He ruined everything. The afternoon was so great, and now she wants him out. Officer Baker was walking back with a stack of papers in his hand. 
“For the hundredth time, he didn’t hurt me. He would never do that” I groaned. I have said the same thing over and over. Are they trying to get a different answer? Despite Frankie punching a hole in the wall, he would never lay a hand on me. 
I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes taking in a deep breath. When I open my eyes, I see Frankie. His eyes locked onto mine. The hurt, the pain, he looks lost. The officer hands him a stack of papers. His hands shaking as he takes them, he turns his head down and he walks into the house. 
“Ms. Miller, if you need anything else please give us a call” the officer sees his small notebook and sticks it in his chest pocket. “Have a good night” he walks past me and heads to his car. 
I head to the steps of my front porch watching the officer who had spoken to Frankie walk down. He stops me before I walk past him, “he’ll be ok. Just give it time. I’ve been there. He’s got a good girlfriend, just be patient with him” 
I stop in my tracks, my jaw drops. What the hell did Frankie tell him? “Wait…what?” I ask. But it was too late, the officer already getting back into his car. I shake my head and walk into the house locking the door behind me. 
It’s getting late and I’m hungry. I walk past the hallway that leads to the bedrooms and notice Frankie bent over picking up the clothes that had been thrown into the hallway. I should say something, I should apologize to him. I get distracted, watching the muscles in his back strain with every movement. ‘Focus Alex’. What is wrong with me, this man just put me through a roller coaster of emotions. I can’t get distracted by something as stupid as watching him work. 
I shake my head and walk towards the kitchen. I hope to find some leftover takeout since I know the fridge is empty. Instead I find the $20 left on the table in the same exact place I left it. I can’t leave, that would require me letting Frankie know, and it might be petty but I really don’t want to talk to him right now, maybe even for the rest of the night. I open the freezer and pray that the ice cream is still there. I open the door and find the pint of cookie dough ice cream still sitting there. I do a little happy dance and grab a spoon. I make my way to the living room and flop down on the sofa, turning on the TV and pop the top off digging in. 
“I fucked up…” he says to himself folding the shirts, putting them back in the dresser. He pushes the mattress back onto the frame and sits on the edge of his bed. He looks up and sees the hole he had punched into the wall. An image of Alex’s face floods his memory. He fucked up so bad that she didn’t even say two words to him when she came back into the house. He left the pamphlets on the coffee table, she’s going to find them. He knows it.
The papers were for local rehabs where VA’s held sobriety classes.  They had everything from AA to NA to Gambling. He didn’t want to go to rehab again, he felt more alone then he ever had there. That’s where he met George, well Steve really. He made it though those 30 days thanks to him smuggling in just enough coke to help them both function like normal adults. Nicole, well she helped in other ways. One keeping his secret and she helped him take his mind off things when he was able to bury himself in her. She wasn’t who he wanted, but she was there.  She was a quick fuck. It didn’t mean anything, and he felt bad when he told her it wasn’t going to last when he left. His mind racing with all these thoughts, he’ll finish cleaning later. He’ll patch the hole tomorrow. Right now he has something bigger to take care of. He needs to repair this whatever-ship he had with Alex. He needs her. 
He plops on the couch next to her, she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t even look at him, she focused on the ice cream in her hand and the moving pictures on the TV
”Ice cream for dinner?” He asks ‘great icebreaker Morales, you idiot’ his inner demon mocks him 
“Yeah, the perk of being an adult. No one can tell me what to eat Franklin” she stuffs another spoon into her mouth, “that and someone didn’t buy dinner like I told them too” 
‘She called me Franklin…maybe she’s not that mad’ he reads her face, it’s softened…a hint of a smile. Then she said that last part, and it changes to instant regret. She turns to look at him “shit. I’m so sorry that was-“ 
“No…no I deserved that” he interrupts her, “can I have a bite?” 
She eyes him, something between a grin and a smirk on her face. She sticks the spoon into the ice cream and scoops out a tiny pile, moving the spoon to his open mouth. 
“I’m sorry Lex he says mouth full of ice cream
He looks at the ground, he’s picking at his nails. I can see the inner struggle he’s having and it breaks my heart, I have no idea how to help. I watch as his mind tries to find the words he wants to say. I go to open my mouth, but he stops me “I am really sorry” he says again 
“What happened today?” I ask him setting the ice cream on the table and turning to face him 
“I was looking for…fuck…I was looking for some coke. I thought I had some left. I am so sorry. I didn’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this. Rehab didn’t do shit” he’s talking fast and I’m trying to keep up. 
He tells me about George, how they were doing just enough to get by.  Nicole helped them not get caught. He doesn’t know how George was able to get the contraband in, but he did. They exchanged information, and he was helping Frankie. He wasn’t doing as much as he used to, which I guess is good, he thought he had some left.  A small tin can was what he was looking for, he was terrified that I found it when we were unpacking. 
“How many days has it been?” I ask 
“I don’t know, maybe five days?” He doesn’t sound very positive 
“Maybe five days? How many days Frankie?” 
“Three…it’s been three days and I am going crazy” he says ‘then we almost kissed and I panicked and I was on edge and just needed a hit’ he thinks to himself 
“ok” she says and stands up. 
“Wait where are you going?” He asks, panic setting in 
He’s worried that she is going to get his bag, she’s gonna ask him to leave. This is too much, this isn’t what she signed up for. She’s given up on him. His head falls back, he wants this couch to eat him alive. He wanted to disappear before and that feeling is ten times worse, now that she knows his secret. 
She comes back a large poster in her hand, the other has a sharpie and stickers. She sits it on the table and sits on the floor next to Frankie. He watches as she makes little boxes, writing dates, making a calendar. Her tongue peeks out of her tongue as she concentrates on the task at hand. He leans forwards, and continues to watch over her shoulder. She looks up at him, “ok did you use today?”
He shakes his head no “I couldn’t find it”
“right..” she puts a little star sticker on today's date “and you said three days since the last time”
He nods. She puts a sticker on the past three days
“What are you doing?” He asks 
That was a great question. What was I doing? This idea sounded crazy in my head, even more crazy as I explained to Frankie. It would be like a reward chart.  Something like when you were a kid and had chores, you’d get a sticker for each thing completed. The more stickers you get a reward. The more I say this, and look at his face of confusion the more dumb this idea sounded. He isn’t a kid, I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. 
“This is stupid, just forget it.” I sigh pushing the stuff away from me
His large hands stop the poster from moving, he brings it closer. 
“What is my reward?” He asks curiously 
“Uhm…what do you want?” 
“Pancakes…” he says
”Pancakes? Really?” and he nods “ok how about we start with a week, you make it a week, I’ll make you pancakes” 
“With sprinkles?” His boyish smile is back, his eyes wide and I have a little hope that this stupid, wacky, insane idea might work
I smile and nod at him. I move to sit next to him on the couch, “I’ll have to go buy some. But sure, you can have sprinkles” 
“Hey Lexi, one more thing?” He asks “Can we get some helicopter stickers?”
I smile and cup his cheek, my thumb gently brushing the trimmed beard, “yes Franklin. We can get some helicopter stickers” 
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ANN: A huge shout out to @musings-of-a-rose for helping me with this and giving me confidence to post this in first person. I am still terrified of it. @theewokingdead and @heythere-mel for listening to my random ass ideas at all hours. I love each and every one of you.

Looking for more of my fics check out my masterlist. And check out other writers at @littlemisspascal and their library for all Pedro Characters

Just A Dream Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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scarisd3ad · 11 months
Promptober day 27 - “I hate Halloween”
Pairing - mike afton x reader
Warnings - mentions of death and a parent leaving
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
A/N - happy fnaf movie release day! And 1989 tv release day!!!
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Micheal and I were sitting on his bed quietly chatting as crickets chirped outside his window. The house was empty, just Mike and me alone. His father was out doing work things, there were points in time when he was gone for weeks. Mike didn’t like being alone. That house haunted him. All the empty bedrooms reminded him of his family, who were all gone now. His father was gone most of the time. He wasn’t the same man after Evan died, and his mother got up and left the moment Lizzie died. It was just Mike, the only Afton child left standing. “What are you doing for Halloween?” I ask my voice hushed even though there was no one in the house to wake.
“Nothing. I hate Halloween,” he mutters. It was mid-October, and I didn’t think there was one person on this earth who despised Halloween, but I guess Mike did. “Why?” I whisper, my brows curling together into a furrow. “Reminds me of my dad” his father was a weird man. He had a lanky build, like Mike, and always wore a strange, sinister smirk. He owned a pizza parlor a few years back that got shut down after Evans, and his business partner’s daughter, deaths and 5 kids going missing in the joint. He was accused of murdering the 5 kids and his business partner’s daughter at first, but then after not being able to find the 5 kids’ bodies or any evidence, the charges were dropped. “Reminds me of my family,” he mutters again. His family all left or died in sinister ways Lizzie was mangled by one of their father’s animatronics, Evan was shoved into the mouth of an animatronic and his head busted, his mother left because of deaths, and his father and he were to blame for both of them. I guess it didn’t help that most of these events happened in or around October.
His family reminded me of something out of a scary movie. 2 kids dying by the creations of their father, 5 kids going missing in a pizzeria, a stench so foul coming from the robots causing the place to be shut down. If this was a movie, William Afton would be an obvious suspect. Both his kids die and then his partner, Henry’s daughter, dies. That has to be a coincidence, right? Maybe he wanted Henry to feel how he felt losing 2 of his kids 1 because of a feature that Henry designed. hell, William made creepy-ass robots in his free time. He was a stereotypical horror villain.
“You want me to stay the night?” I ask he shakes his head. “No, I-um I’m fine. My dad should be back tonight” he was supposed to be back 2 weeks ago, but he’s been gone for at least a month. Normally he was gone for a while doing the shit, he does, but never this long. I could tell Mike was worried, despite how his father treated him. “Are you sure?” I ask “I’m sure he should be here tonight...he called” his voice fades out as he gets to the end of his sentence, which tells me he’s lying. “Are you sure? I can stay one more night.”
“No, I’m fine. You can leave.” 
@leonkennedylefthand @maexyn @truecobblepot @mfnqueen1 @zoey5252 @nezukos-number1fan @bxbyyyjocelyn @dr3amyk1ng
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22degreehalo · 7 months
So recently, I started watching Bluey!
In a way, that was inevitable: I was a brony back in the day (and yes that sure is a whole subject in its own right I'm not getting into right now lmao), I work in a setting where I frequently interact with children, and I'm Australian. It was just a matter of time, and when my aunt over the Christmas hollies demanded my parents and I watch 'the cricket episode', that was just the final permission I needed to do it.
So, those are three potential reasons to watch it: because kids' cartoons can be highly enjoyable and good viewing in their own right, because it'll help me better understand and relate to kids, and because it is The big cultural product coming out of my country for this entire decade probably and that's interesting.
And all of them turned out to be well-founded! It has helped me to visualise a lot better how kids work and learn and live, and it's good viewing: the animation is pretty, the music work is great (some very well-placed classical pieces alongside the Steven Universe-esque chiptunes), and it's equally capable of being sweet and funny and genuinely meaningful. There's a lot that can be said about that; the contrast with the mixed reaction to the 'darker' Avatar remake, or even just the way limitations (in this case, quick 7-minute runtimes) can breed creativity.
But it was that third reason which surprised me the most. I'd heard all the jokes about how American kids are picking up Australian slang and even accents and so forth, but I never properly prepared myself for how... it would feel, seeing my life depicted on TV like that.
It's not like Australians never get to see our country on TV. We have our own reality shows and soapies and all that, but I don't watch the latter and the former... aren't exactly depictions of ordinary everyday life. When Australia does show up in media, it's usually through satire: either Simpsons-style, or our own home-grown Kath and Kim or The Castle. And that's not a knock on either of those last two: they're pitch-perfect depictions of Australian culture and I'd highly recommend anyone who wants to understand Australian humour or social mores to watch both! It's just that they're very... self-deprecating. Which, again: Australian culture. We're like that.
But Bluey is so... beautiful.
I've always had a weird relationship to my country. I've never really fit in much with the culture; I'm too sensitive and sincere for it, and it's usually pretty obvious I think. And the environment? I just don't entirely know how to relate to it. All of our holidays are based on a calendar and geography an entire world away. Native plants and animals and the like always seemed like they Belong To the, well, native Australians. I'm not witchy, I'm not a health junkie, and I'm not super outdoorsy (though I do like a hike now and then!). My main way of interacting with my country is through just walking down the street, and marvelling at how pretty my city is, and how lovely (and/or annoying!) the birds are.
And I get that from Bluey. Something it's good at, even outside my personal connection to it I think, is depicting this certain sense of awe at the world that children can have, when everything is so new and strange and wonderful. The pilot episode features a long, zoomed-in moment of the youngest child encountering a walking leaf bug, and her whispered, thinking-out-loud amazement. 'Why would a leaf want to walk?' indeed!
And there's that: the rainbow lorikeets flocking in trees; the jacaranda flowers softly falling outside the parents' bedroom window. But also the man-made things. The green deck chairs out on the lawn, drinking white wine and cider while the dads barbeque. The sausage sizzle and pavlova. The opening presents Christmas morning and then going for a swim in the pool with your cousins.
It's romanticised up the wazoo; it boggles me a little when people complain about how big the titular character's house is, because... yeah! It's idealised! It's meant to be pretty and comfy and a little wish-fulfilmenty. That's not to say that everything is perfect, but it's larger than life; not to quote the old cliche, but it's a preschoolers' show, for gosh sake.
And for someone who has always loved the world too much and felt silly and cringy and embarrassed by it, there's something really, really lovely about finally getting to see artists direct that love at the actual world I see around me. Not exactly the same; where I live is much drier than Brisbane, for starters. But it's close enough.
This, I really feel like, is a new cultural image of Australia that will resonate in the public memory. Not Mad Max, not Steve Irwin, just a pretty, hilly city by the beach, with bright cockatoos and wandering bin chickens, shallow creeks and gumnut 'dollars', and families gathering for barbeques and friendly games of backyard cricket.
(The cricket episode really is a very good one!!)
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ediewentmissing · 2 years
The sky seeping through your yellow curtains was ablaze with the fiery yellows, reds, and pinks of the setting sun. The pale, crescent moon was just starting to rise on the other side of the sky, and the crickets were humming outside gently, indicating that it was the end of yet another god-awful day.
Your bedroom was peaceful. The light on your bedside table was coating the walls in an orange-y tinge, making the flames on the candles scattered around your room seem less harsh and the band posters stuck to the walls illuminate. The box TV in the corner of your room was on, televising the latest hits on MTV, playing distantly in the background. The ceiling was low because your room happened to be in the attic of your house, and it made the uncleaned windows look much bigger, giving you the ideal view of the lake and woods outside, and the wallflower plants in your front yard.
Your best woolen socks were fitted snugly on your feet which were tucked under the blankets of your bed along with the rest of the lower half of your body. You twirled the phone cord around your finger, holding it up to your ear, smiling.
"I've got terrible news." You say sarcastically. A chuckle comes from the other end of the line.
"Sugarcoat it for me?"
"I'm not Willy Wonka."
Eddie's breathy laugh gives you shivers. It's so satisfying. Every time he laughs, it's as if a river of dopamine was making its way through your veins, all the way to your face, where it leaves a warm-hearted smile.
"So what is it? What's the terrible news?" He asks.
"You left your history textbook at my place last night." Eddie groans, faining sadness.
"Oh, what a shame. Whatever will I do? I guess I have to come over to your place again to go fetch it." You both know damn well that Eddie doesn't give two shits whether he has his history textbook or not, or any textbooks for that matter. And you also both know that he most certainly left it there on purpose so he could go see you again.
"I guess you will," You uncoil the phone cord from your finger, leaning back against the bed frame behind you, "I talked to Gareth today."
"You did? Where is he? Why wasn't he at school?" Eddie had been wondering about it all day. High school is brutal enough as it is, and it's ten (thousand) times worse when your best friend isn't there.
"Yeah. I called him. He knew you were going to be worried since you're such a big teddy bear an' all."
"Excuse me," He scoffs, "I'm not a teddy bear. I'm a big, scary monste-"
"Sure you are." He can practically hear your eye roll through the phone, "Gareth's jus' sick is all. He told me to remind you to 'Do your homework'."
"Oh, well tell Gareth I'm sorry because my textbook is in Y/N's bedroom." You can hear the rattling of tin from his end of the line. Just like his laugh, it's like a comfort noise at this point.
"I'm not telling him that."
"No? Why not?" He giggles. A hissing sound from a beer can being opened comes from his end, and then a light swallow of the liquor shortly after.
"You know he'll get the wrong idea. And God knows how insufferable school would be. It would be all the boys would talk about."
If Gareth, or any of the boys, were to find out, it probably wouldn't just stay in their friend circle either. It would get out to the whole school in a matter of hours. It wouldn't surprise you if it ended up on the headline of the school paper, because nobody expects the town misfit to ever be in a relationship that lasts longer than a "Hideout hookup".
"Pity." He sounded unphased, almost like he wouldn't care if your connection with one another went public, which gave you a lump in your throat. It's not that you didn't want people to know about you both. It was that Eddie would get tormented over it for ages, probably even after he finishes high school. You were the most wanted girl in Hawkins, drawn with Nancy, of course. So if it's revealed that the freak somehow managed to achieve everyone's dream of dating you, it would wreak havoc and nothing short of it.
He's disgusting!
Why does she like him?
A satanic worshipper? What's got into her?
He must've paid her or something.
You could just hear the comments that would be said.
"Uh-Uhm," You stutter, and Eddie picks up the change in your tone as you try to switch your mind's thoughts, "So, need help with the campaign for next week?" Eddie brushes off the question, seemingly concerned.
"Hey, you okay?" His worry makes your heart melt.
"Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Eds. Just tired, I guess."
"I call bull. C'mon, Y/N. Did I say something?"
"No, no. You didn't do anything." You were quick to make sure he wouldn't feel guilty. Whenever he did something wrong, he beat himself up for it for what felt like an eternity. Sometimes he'd shut off and close off any and all interactions with you just so he wouldn't disappoint you again.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
No, you weren't. You knew you'd have to bring it up with him at some point. You really did want to share your relationship with him aboveboard, but the risks that came with it were much too high and much too unavoidable. Eddie was bullied on a day-to-day basis, and adding to the affliction would be selfish of you.
Despite all of this, Eddie still wanted to be open to everyone. It made you worried.
"Actually..." You say, your smile fading just a bit more, "Eddie, we should talk."
Eddie immediately thought that you were going to break up with him over the phone. Was he being too affectionate? Not affectionate enough? Did he do something bad? Did you not like him anymore? He closed his eyes shut, preparing for the worst.
"I love you, you know that." You say, and he sighs deeply, opening his eyes again. Those words always put him at ease; 'I love you." He loved it more and more each time you said it. I was like Jesus himself was cleansing his ears.
"But I don't want people... want anyone else, to know about us." The phone was silent for a while. He was comprehending what you just said. Eddie had been looking forward - really looking forward - to introducing you to Wayne formally, telling his friends about you, and probably even swooning about you to the drunks at the Hideout.
"Why not?" The downcast in his voice stinged you.
"Y'know how bad things will be if people know? How much you'll get pushed around, an-and... And how much people will hate you?" Eddie saw the problem now. Crystal clear. You cared about him.
"Y/N, sweetheart. I don't care-"
"-But you should, Eddie!" He was startled by your sudden interjection, "Your life will be even more dejected than it is now! C'mon. Jason's goons will be after you. And the partygoers. And those stupid cashiers that hit on me at the store-" Your voice cracks and Eddie stops you.
"-But I don't. I don't care." His sincerity makes you want to cry to a greater extent. You don't get it. How could he not care? If everyone wanted you dead, you would care. You would care a lot.
Eddie could tell you were confused, "Wanna know why I don't care?" He asks rhetorically, "Because it's you. You are who I'd go through it all for. I don't care if- if Tommy wants to drive a- a stake through my guts or if Keith wants to stuff my carcass into the back of his shitty, old car. I don't care, Y/N, because I'll have you. You make everything bearable. And to be honest, I probably wouldn't even notice how mad everyone would be at me for dating you because you're all I can see and think about."
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s1llycleric · 8 months
rambling about "Every Breath You Take" -- The Police."
ok but i have to rambl i LOVE every breath u take so much it was like a big part of my childhood and is probably one of my favs songs from my childhood theres so many core memories in it and i think i can vaguely remember my mum teaching me to dance to it in our living room with it blaring off our TV, the house quiet, the crickets chirp outside
it GRRAHHHHH it sounds like im making this up but i swear to god i am not
oh my god i need to make a byler senior formal dance fic where this song plays and they dance to it like the snow ball
another reason it is a big part me ofc stranger things its just so fucking beautiful
OH MY GOD IMAGINE KAREN TEACHING MIKE TO DANCE AND THEN MIKE TEACHING HOLLY. im sooo evil i have to draw mike and holly the wheeler siblings infect my mind
JOYCE TEACHING WILL. FUCK joyce teaching will, like how she danced with bob and then later that night while will is at the senior prom thing and dancing with mike
hopper plays the same song and dances with joyce. guys im actually so evil rn
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girlwikipedia · 5 months
girl i get so scared everytime i hear crickets in the tv or just outside my first thought is that they're loose around my house . reptile owner normal moment
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nonameidentified · 5 months
about that "I'm not from the us" ask set
or whatever it was written there
most is a very interesting question and I need answers because knowledge = fun
Ahhh... This is going to be long...
1. favourite place in your country?
India is a big country, okay, I haven't been to many places, but I liked kerala when I went there one time.
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
In my country, in my state, in my house. I don't like traveling.
3. does your country have access to sea?
Yeah :)
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
Creul. How dare you make me choose?
5. favourite song in your native language?
Ohhh,,,, this is hard. I don't know many songs like at all
ஆனந்த யாழை (aanandha yaazhai)
சின்ன சின்ன ஆசை (chinna chinna aasai)
உனக்கு என்ன வேணும் சொல்லு (unakku enna venum sollu)
Are they all very popular songs? Yes, as I said I don't know many songs. (How hell did I become an instrumentalist!?)
6. most hated song in your native language?
I don't think I hate any songs, like in general..
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Who has favorite words?! I like them all.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
I am, unfortunately pale as fuck, so some people think I'm white (oh the horrors) and other times they think I'm from andhra side, because again pale as hell lol
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
We somehow have some level of beef with most of our neighbours,.,. Probably sri lanka, I know a decent amount about it because shared history, and it would be the easiest to travel to
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
No "swear words" because language is old and we have forgotten most of them :(
11. favourite native writer/poet?
Kalki Krishnamurthy, is this a basic answer? Yes. But, I am not a book person, okay, books are scary and I haven't read many in my lifetime. I'm going based on what my mom said lol.
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
No particular feelings about it :/
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Oh, so many, but like most young people don't follow it that much. It's just something old people nag about.
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
I don't watch many movies or TV shows in general, so I don't have any strong feelings towards it.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Again, big country, varied languages. But let me think of something I can actually translate...
We call people who don't think before they speak cashew nuts (முந்திரிக்கொட்ட (Mundhiri Kotta)) because of how the the cashew nut protrudes out of the cashew fruit.
I chose a random one, there are many more, Tamil is a language built on metaphors lol
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
Most hated: THE GOD DAMN INDIAN ACCENT. Like 1) it originates from the welsh accent 2)it mostly comes from north Indian diasporas 3) NORTH INDIANS ALSO DON'T HAVE THAT ACCENT.
Also, a million others, but we don't have time for that.
Agree with: we like our spices yes :}
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
YES YES YES. 100% YES. I am a history nerd about it. I have so much history trivia. Pls someone ask me about it.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
I don't know, there are dialects I think, but I don't know much about them or even which one I speak lol.
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
It's alright, I don't have strong feelings about it .
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Cricket. Enough said.
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
Ahhh, I don't know. Our food, maybe? Astronauts need food, right?
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
People. For both. I will not elaborate ^-^
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
I don't drink alcohol. So, I don't know. Where I live, it's also kinda taboo to drink alcohol :(
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Brits and Americans, again enough said
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
No, I like it here.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Don't really care.
27. favourite national celebrity?
I don't know any pop culture, national or international. So, can't say :/
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
Yeah all three and lots of them, we are big as I said before. We are supposed have favourites?
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
None that I know of
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
Nope ^-^
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 8 months
I saw this picture of a bedroom design on Pinterest today that reminded me so much of my grandparents first house and I was suddenly pulled back into a memory.
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I can hear the floorboards creaking. The old ventilation system is working its wonders. I can feel the light air conditioning on a warm summer night. I can smell the faint undertone of cigarette smoke and incense. There is old music playing downstairs and it’s rumbling through the walls. The grownups are downstairs on the couch watching tv as they gossip. I can hear people laughing in the other room. I can hear crickets chirping outside. There is a metal fan going in the other room. I’m exploring the room and running my fingers over the soft blanket and the bumpy quilt. The bedsheets are cool, like touching a stone that’s been sitting in the shade. I was told to get changed into pajamas because my cousins and I are spending the night at Grandma and Papaws house. My family has lived here so long I try to imagine my aunt as a little girl, at my age, being in this room, because it used to be hers.
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psychologistmimi · 16 days
Crickets, Snoring Dogs, and The Perfect Couple: My 1:45 AM Symphony
Here I go again with my late night rants. Soft one, though. It’s 1:45 AM, and my house has come alive in the most unexpected ways. The TV is softly blaring “The Perfect Couple” – though I’m sure the “perfect” part is debatable, given the drama unfolding on-screen. But that’s background noise compared to the real soundtrack of the night.Crickets chirp outside, as if auditioning for some insect…
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