maylafont · 13 days
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Got a sketchbook to practice drawing, after a bit of figuring out the whole shapes thing I drew my D&D character, me, some pokemon, Pyramid Head and Slayer and in already seeing improvement from the character to Slayer
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maylafont · 4 months
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maylafont · 2 years
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maylafont · 5 years
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maylafont · 5 years
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maylafont · 6 years
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And now we return to our regular scheduled programming.
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maylafont · 6 years
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maylafont · 6 years
I don't think she's a cultist plant, we killed the cult's plants earlier, I'm pretty sure she's a Dwarf
The sorcerer discussing an npc's loyalty with the fighter
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maylafont · 6 years
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almost forgot the joking messages just before tonight's game, they were more accurate than any of us realized.
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maylafont · 6 years
I Had My First TPK as DM Tonight
Holy shit, I don't understand how they managed to do this. We were playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen, on chapter 4, they made it to Baldur's Gate with only one or two close calls. The party is made up of three players, Sir Owen Blackmyre(was the greedy ranger from the dragon story), with his squire, Theia Tyrell(died first in the dragon story), and Arador Belduin(Also died from the dragon story). These three had been in Baldur's Gate for ONE DAY, they went to bed and in the morning Owen just decided to kick a random kid with his 20 strength because he got tricked the day before and some urchins took a little bit of his money, the kid died unsurprisingly and the character was sent to jail and executed the next day. The other two were going back to where they were staying after the execution and spotted Rezmir(one of the top people in the Dragon Cult, one of the last major characters you fight in the module), with 8 of her guards, Arador decided this was the perfect opportunity to attack, and not follow them like they were supposed to, he got some guards and Theia got some mercenaries, the fight started as they were questioning the cultists and Arador used mage hand to reveal Rezmir, starting a mob, which turned into a fight in the streets between the player's group and the cultists, who had 9 others not far behind them. So 2x 4th lvl players, 6x guards, 1x berserker, and 2x bandits VS. CR7 Rezmir, 8x Dragonwings, 4x Dragonclaws, and 5x Cultists. To no ones surprise the players died, and because of this event in Baldur's Gate no one could stop the cult's plans and Tiamat now rules Faerun, so good job guys.
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maylafont · 6 years
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I enjoying drawing non people things, this is an idea for the mascot/possible player character of my game making team, Machine With A Dream, we're making a survival horror game for our 4 month final project of the full sail course (we're also the only people in over two years of this degree existing to make this genre)
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maylafont · 6 years
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So I found a magical girl tabletop rpg, though I will definitely be the DM (considering my friend group) I still made a character, it's partially random rolls partially not. Hate Fairy Lilith uses her powers to rob people to support her mother. She uses the power of hate? I got that theme literally 5 times in a row so I had to use it, I assume she can just make people hate other people or things?
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maylafont · 7 years
I've been in a couple one shots where the dm made a bunch of characters then we had to roll a dice and have one assigned to us, except we didn't know what we got and had too figure out what we were and what we could do in game, essentially we had amnesia and had to figure out who did this to us
The GM randomly makes stats for however many people are playing. You choose your race and class, and then randomly choose your stats out of what he has created and try to make your character work. Good luck.
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maylafont · 7 years
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Wow this tray is much bigger than I thought it'd be, why do I always get too much when it relates to dice?
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maylafont · 7 years
As a crossdresser I enjoy playing either gender, some of my straight guy friends seem much more comfortable playing men, others are fine with either, it's just a comfort thing
@cis people who never played a character with a different gender
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maylafont · 7 years
*nervously looking at my 36 sets of dice*
Every time you roll, roll all of the dice you own and add them together to get your result.
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maylafont · 7 years
Reblog if it's OK for other artists to draw your OCs
Sometimes I get too timid to send asks to ask. I want to see how many people are ok with artists drawing their OCs!
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