tinyscribblefairy · 2 years
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tinyscribblefairy · 2 years
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This is a project I have had in mind for quite a while now. My writing career has always been very inconsistent. In then out again and back in to leave and out again for X amount of time wasting I needed to indulge into before I inevitably return to the keyboard and multiple pens and multiple notebooks I cannot and do not wish to ever leave behind.
The writing world changed and I am having a bit of a struggle making sense of it but if that's the way writers get writing done these days, bring on Affiliate Marketing and content creation.
It is better than the alternative.
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tinyscribblefairy · 4 years
If anyone starts complaining to me about how hot it is today, this will be my reply. Every time
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tinyscribblefairy · 4 years
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Today was the first heatwave day where there was straight-up sunshine and warm summer heat on this spring day of late May.
We still aren't working yet and we are adjusting to the second phase of confinement... Slowly and progressively getting the green light to re-open services and businesses that were shutdown.
Testing the waters of what it could be like to fully end the lockdown.
We'll see in two weeks what these new relaxed measures have brought on healthwise.
Day by day. Gotta admit, the heat and fair weather makes everything much more bearable.
Made the most of the outside and even got to go for a refreshing dip in my mom's pool.
Usually I wouldn't swim at 74° but today's heat made it a welcome cool.
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tinyscribblefairy · 5 years
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
I'm a Twit! Clarification on Twitter accounts
I’m a Twit! Clarification on Twitter accounts
Follow Me on Twitter   (Natacha G. Filion)
or stick with
Follow Me on Twitter: Quotes & Notes Journal
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So a very confusing “conflict” surfaced when I linked my Twitter for Quotes and Notes Journal   I am a total geek freak who loves quotes like a crazy person so I made a fun page and a fun WordPress to keep it all together, it’s not a priority and it’s basically storage for those pearls of quotes…
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
A Note on My Twitter (I'm a Twit)
A Note on My Twitter (I’m a Twit)
Follow Me on Twitter   (Natacha G. Filion)
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So a very confusing “conflict” surfaced when I linked my Twitter for Quotes and Notes Journal  a blog I created because I am a total geek freak who loves quotes like a crazy person so I made a fun page and a fun WordPress to keep it all together, it’s not a priority and it’s basically storage for those pearls of quotes I fish out of the “interwebs”
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
Someone Somewhere Needs to Hear This
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
Easy reading is damn hard writing
 Nathaniel Hawthorne
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
Give me just enough information so that I can lie convincingly
Stephen King
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
There's no need to talk about it because the truth of what one says lies in what he does
Bernhard Schlink
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
I will look at the past but I will not stare at it
M. Spio
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
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(via Quote of the Day)
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
1- Write 2- Care Less
3- Write what YOU want to write
4- Bring Yourself to the Page
5- Stop Comparing yourself to others
6- Open Yourself
7- Set realistic goals
8-Recognize the lenghts of your control
9-Gaze not into publishing’s demon eye
10- Don’t Give Haters real estate in your brain
11-STOP looking at your amazon rankings
12-Give yourself permission to SUCK!
13- Deal with your shit
14- When…
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
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Tell Us Your Story Tell Us Your Story by “Let’s Get Writing"
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
Let’s not call them rules, more like suggestion to maximize happiness while pursuing this risky but ever so fulfilling endeavor
1- Write
2- Care Less
3- Write what YOU want to write          
4- Bring Yourself to the Page
5- Stop Comparing yourself to others
6- Open Yourself
7- Set realistic goals
8-Recognize the lenghts of your control 
9-Gaze not into publishing's demon eye
10- Don't Give Haters real estate in your brain 
11-STOP looking at your amazon rankings
12-Give yourself permission to SUCK!
13- Deal with your shit
14- When something isn't working, change it!
15-Take care of your body 
16- FUCK Money!
17- recognize the limits of shame
18- Treat the audience well
19- Nurture your fellow writers
20 - See failure as an intructional manual 
21- Make No Excuses
22- Long-term satisfaction over short term happiness
23 let your voice FIND you!
24- Love some parts of what you do 
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tinyscribblefairy · 6 years
To the readers here at TLMR,
You might’ve noticed a bit of inactivity over here. About a month ago my Grandma passed away. We were exceptionally close, and talked on the phone the day before she passed. When we were on the phone, the conversation dragged on a little and I was multi-tasking, and so when she finally went to say bye I almost hung up after just saying ‘yeah, bye’, but then I had a thought - what if this is the last time I talk to her on the phone? I never think things like that - I chalked it down to a symptom of my anxiety. But, nevertheless, I listened to the little voice.
“I love you, Grandma.”
“I love you, too, dear one!”
And we ended the call there.
Thank you so much, y’all. You all are the reason that the last words I ever heard my Grandma speak were words of love. I can’t ever thank you enough for that.
Below is one of the pictures I took of my Grandma, the last day she ever came to my house. She was a gorgeous lady and so, so loving. I miss her so much.
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All my love,
The girl who runs this blog
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