#is rook interesting?
biowho · 2 months
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Is anyone else afraid?
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bunabi · 2 months
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the heart wants what it wants
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timethehobo · 3 months
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If Rook had to choose between themselves or a companion in a losing fight.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 1 month
Okay, but what if, after graduation, all the students band together and create a gigantic contract that states that, after their deaths, their respective UMs are to be given to Malleus, so he'll never be alone?
The contract's paper received protection from Vil's Fairest One of All, so it's basically indestructible (it can only be broken after Malleus himself dies).
Future Malleus tries to use everyone's magic at least once per day.
It's a Deal, Off With Your Head, Bind the Heart and Split Card are very useful for his daily activities as a ruler, he uses Oasis Maker to water his garden and help in times of drought, I See You is mostly used to keep prized possessions in check and Sleep Kiss has saved plenty of people.
The more destructive abilities like King's Roar are mostly used in times of peril (or when he wants to be petty and dramatic), and the same goes for Bet the Limit. Shock the Heart, Laugh With Me and Snake Whisper are very useful for intel gathering or pranks.
He uses Unleash the Beast whenever he visits a colder climate or just wants to change forms without turning into a dragon (he becomes a black wolf with green eyes, very fluffy). Doodle Suit is often used to make food taste terrible (he misses Lillia, even his atrocious cooking), while Fairest One of All protects all gargoyles frim erosion.
Far Cry Cradle is used to reminisce fond memories, and he likes to use Meet Me in a Dream to visit Ortho, who is still alive. He LOVES dashing around with Living Bolt.
He can't exactly use Gate to The Underworld, since it's hereditary and troublesome, so Idia gave him an indestructible tablet with a custom gargoyle game and a "Idia Mode" (the tablet makes annoying remarks, like "GG Folks" or "This RNG really is awful").
Malleus: As your King, I hereby declare that the Senate is to be immediately disbanded.
Senate: WHAT
Idia Tablet: LMAO. Sucks to suck!
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felix-the-lemon-king · 2 months
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They should hang out :^)
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
Aight, the Yuusona is done and posted, now my Pomefiore Oc!
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Hayeli Callem
17 years old, 2nd year
Pomefiore, based on the Evil Queen's mirror
Originally from a border of the Scalding Sands
Signature Spell : Kaleidoscope Divine
-allows Hayeli to reproduce any kind of magic (even other Signature Spells) for a maximum of 15 seconds
-the stronger the magic, the shorter the time
-for other Signature Spells, Hayeli must have already seen said SS used in full without interruption
-for other Signature Spells, the original user must be in Hayeli's field of view
-Example: Hayeli can use Riddle's Off With Your Heads for about 10 seconds while Riddle is around, before the collar gets dismissed entirely.
-so far Hayeli has only ever managed to use Kaleidoscope Divine on others' Signature Spells on 5 different occasions only (one of which being Riddle's Off With Your Heads)
-Hayeli usually only uses it to copy regular spells he hasn't yet mastered, or to confuse his opponents long enough for him to run away
-Hayeli thinks his Signature Spell is useless because it has too many strict requirements
Originality? Don’t know him.
If you ask him, Hayeli will say he was probably cursed as a child, because he is simply unable to do anything on his own without having seen someone else doing it first. He always needs to copy others to achieve anything, and became so good at it that he can replicate someone’s mannerisms or handwriting in a glance. If he is around someone long enough, he can even replicate their accent. (To Vil’s horror, he is able to replicate both Epel and Rook’s accent, and he can even do mashups!)
Unlike for his Signature Spell, he doesn't need others to be around while he copies things. Once he’s replicated the skill once, he can do it again whenever (but always the very way he’s copying. Should he learn to draw from one specific person, he won’t be able to draw in any other style.)
He hides it a lot but he is constantly angry that he can never be his own person. He isn’t even sure who he IS! As far as he knows he’s just a walking, talking mirror.
OFF/ON modes
In Hayeli’s words : “The OFF mode is just when my stupid gimmick finally lets off.” When nobody is around for him to copy, Hayeli reverts back to his “natural state” which tends to be quite pessimistic and cynical. He grumbles a lot and gets frustrated regularly but at least he gets to be “him” (whoever that is) for a night. When in OFF mode he tries to do as little as possible, usually just reading novels or meditating, because every other skill he has comes from copying others.
The ON mode depends on whoever he spends the most time with. Pomefiore has a rather unique effect on his behavior. Should he stay around Savanaclaw students for any prolonged time for whichever reason though, he will naturally shift his attitude to match the more rugged and sporty behavior of beastmen. Hayeli has little to no control over his copying and regularly gets upset about it.
These days, since Pomefiore is taking a huge place in his life, he will be obviously (and obnoxiously) acting like a cliché Pomefiore student even when spending a lot of time with others.
The copying comes gradually the more time he spends with someone and takes as much time fading once he stops frequenting that person.
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Random facts:
-Despite Vil's best efforts to improve Hayeli's skin, he is cursed with a heavy bout of acne and very red cheeks. Hayeli learned all his makeup skills by copying Vil and the contrast between his usual face and his makeup-ed one is so staggering people tend not to recognise him. He actually has a lot of fun with it.
-Hayeli gets regular headaches when there are too many people around him because his gimmick cannot decide on who to copy and makes ridiculous mashups.
-He has absolutely no shame cheating for tests by copying others. He was once caught by Trein.
-His pupils are naturally white and strangely shaped
-Vil has forbidden him from frequenting Azul and Sebek because he becomes the worst version of them with his copy gimmick
-He and Epel act like older/younger siblings
-His Signature Spell doesn't work on Ortho due to his robotic nature, and he has a hard time using it on Faes
-Hayeli is very eloquent and has a lot of vocabulary. Sometimes he speaks in rhymes without realizing
-He has a grand total of 16 moles on his body
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harunayuuka2060 · 7 months
Jamil: You know, that weird student, they were the first to notice that Kalim was missing and saved him from being kidnapped.
Ace: Eh?! How?!
Jamil: They said they didn't hear Kalim's usual cheerful voice and their constant "Jamil~!", so they went ahead and looked for him.
Floyd: Eh~ They were worried~?
Jamil: No. They were more of annoyed because Kalim's routine was suddenly changed and they didn't like that.
Rook: Oh! TendrObsession! You move with such finesse! Merveilleux!
Vil: Rook, don't praise them.
MC: *giggles while their hair is being ruffled by Rook*
Epel: I think they do deserve such praise doing those stunts.
Vil: Those stunts are risky and they did it without a harness. So no, they don't deserve praise for that.
MC: I love your stern personality, Vil. <3
Vil: Would you not? You're creeping me out.
Epel: And you don't with Rook?
Rook: Hm?
Professor Trein: *about to leave school when he noticed MC standing behind him*
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Trein: Do you want to go with me?
MC: *nods while smiling*
Professor Trein: I don't have any fascinating hobbies and you will get bored.
MC: Professor Trein's love for his wife is interesting. I want to see it.
Professor Trein: You're making this old man embarrassed. Anyway, let's get going. However, you should return to your dorm before it gets dark outside.
MC: No worries, professor!
Professor Trein: *smiles* Alright.
Professor Trein: You are indeed a weird one.
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mossattack · 3 months
(Some silly headcanons about Mortalitasi and Nevarran traditions that ended up leading me to Emmrich. How typical.)
We don't actually know all that much about Nevarra and their customs. World of Thedas and some of the in-game codex tells us some key points: strong royal families, a rich history of dragon hunting, an elite group of mages rumored to be heavily involved in makings of the country, and, of course, the thing that this country is most famous for - the fascination with the dead.
Our very own Nevarran companion mentions a couple of things about her home country:
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And even though she doesn't seem fond of Mortalitasi practices or Nevarran customs surrounding the dead, she admits that some stories that pervade the South are greatly exaggerated:
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(I feel so called out)
This makes me think that this interest in the dead is still a personal choice. I doubt that an average Nevarran is obsessed with those rituals any more than an average person from Ferelden is with theirs - those are just a part of their traditions that obviously affect their lives in unique ways, but that is all.
Now, Nevarran nobility are a different matter. They are said to start the construction of their tombs very early in life - lavishly decorated palaces with gardens, ballrooms and bathhouses. A sign of power and wealth for them, and that I can believe.
But when it comes to Mortalitasi, do they, in general, care as much? Do they take all these things, all these rituals, to extreme somehow, professional pride and all?
How much would a Mortalitasi care about their own tomb? Would Mortalitasi friends and colleagues ever promise to lead the other's ceremony depending on who dies first? "Oh, I'll totally mummify you if you're the one to go first, don't you worry, I know you think that Markus is getting sloppy".
The coffin sharing is also not unheard of (the spouses from The Flame Eternal), and I wonder if it's ever used as a grand gesture - to ask someone to be placed in the same tomb?
(And just imagine how messy this could get, the way people are. Building a tomb together only to have a falling out, what are you even supposed to do after that?)
Would it be romantic then, to tell your significant other that you don't want to ever part from them, even in death?
Beacause imagine Emmrich writing a quick letter to his friend from the Mourn Watch (Johanna, if they are still friends after all these years, or Myrna), "doing fine, on a saving the world business trip, will be back when I can; could I trouble you with a favor - a bigger coffin, installed in my tomb, not urgent, just whenever you have the time."
When the reply comes and his friend is (obviously) asking for a reason for such a sudden change, he just looks at Rook from the corner of his eye and replies with "no particular reason, just felt like it."
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hanakihan · 29 days
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listen I’ve been plagued by idea of Apothecary Diaries AU and Rook is MaoMao you need to see my vision—
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crystallizsch · 5 months
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Rook Hunt x Yuu/Reader
Rook was always so put together. Not in the way Jade was of course, but nothing ever seemed to surprise him or make him angry, anything other than that passion or happiness that seemed to shine through.
Maybe that's why they did it.
Vil had just left to start his skin care routine for the night and Epel could apparently be convinced to get enough sleep if one phrased it for Spelldrive practice instead of beauty sleep.
Yuu and Rook were quietly putting away what few study materials were left, a tray of sweets and meats out being stored away for Yuu to take home.
"You mentioned a game earlier, with these?" he says, picking up one of the 'pocky' sticks. It was called something different here, about half the size and richer, but it was more or less the same.
"Yea-Yes." they corrected themselves, "Yes. It's like a game of chicken. Two people bite down on either end and nibble on it until you get to the middle. Whoever pulls away first loses."
Rook's grinned, exclaiming some sort of French, before leaning over the table with the treat offered from his mouth.
Maybe that's why they let the intrusive thoughts win. Just to see what he might look like flustered or surprised. Maybe it was that he was an interesting man. Maybe it was a lot of things.
Before they could really think too hard about it, Yuu leaned across the table and pulled Rook closer by his chin. Their tongue wrapped around the treat to break it in half before simply taking both.
Rook's eyes widened slightly, chocolate smudged on his bottom lip that twitched into a small grin.
"Not bad." Yuu whispered, grasping the handle of their bag and practically running out.
Why? Who's to say?
Really they should have expected some sort of retaliation, but pinned the next day wasn't in the top 10.
No, him finding Yuu curled under some tree only to drop down into a crouch with his knee on one side of their head and their foot on the other was not in the top 10.
"That was a dirty trick, Mon Trickster." he whispered playfully, though his eyes were dancing. His smile was different. Softer. Warmer.
Again, damn intrusive thoughts, because reaching up to pat one of those muscular thighs was not apart of the plan.
"Maybe I'm just testing the waters."
He hums, tucks a strand of hair that had fallen out of place before lightly pulling on it.
"I am picking you up at 7. Nice, but not formal. Wear good shoes for it will be a bit of a walk."
He rises, hops back into the tree, and the faint sound of a zipline starts going before Yuu picks themselves off the ground.
Ace and Deuce, who were waiting underneath the tree for them, can only stare ludicrously.
"What the hell?" Ace asks, staring at the place Rook had left from.
"Well mark me down as scared and horny." Yuu murmurs, looking at the same spot.
"By the seven..." Deuce shakes his head, and then everything passes when Ace makes fun of his blush, and they start to wrestle.
Neither of them notices Yuu's own cheeks until long after it's faded. Thankfully they say nothing when they leave just a little bit earlier than planned.
Afterall, they have a date tonight.
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biowho · 2 months
Still thinking about the ‘Rook is here because they chose to be’ sentiment…. Why do they want to be leading the Veilguard? Why do they have so much of a personal stake in this?
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sylvancastor · 2 months
Writing out my preferred way the battle at Rook's Rest should have gone because why not.
The beginning mostly stays the same. Criston signals for Aemond and Vhagar, but Sunfyre arrives first. Aemond sees him fly overhead and is pissed, but he doesn't wait to follow him into battle because he's not an idiot and as much as he wants the crown, he's aware of the intensity of the blow losing Aegon would be to their cause.
Still, Vhagar is slow and has to launch herself off the ground, so Aegon gets their first and has an initial fight with Meleys but Vhagar's quick arrival keeps Sunfyre's injuries from being quite so intense. The two of them attack Meleys side by side, but due to her speed and Rhaenys's expertise, she manages to keep evading them with fairly light damage.
Meleys takes off high into the clouds and Aemond and Aegon follow her. No one can see them from below. Aegon urges Sunfyre to engage directly with Meleys and the two dragons become locked together. Instead of intervening this time, Aemond simply watches as Sunfyre is injured and Aegon cries out for his help. Aemond only watches.
We can see the anger in his eyes. It would be so easy to allow Meleys to kill Aegon and Sunfyre. He could say he did his best, but that Aegon refused to battle carefully. He would be honored after he died and Aemond would become king. Aegon doesn't notice the inaction, too focused on saving Sunfyre and himself. In a desperate move, Aegon unclips one of his restraints to grab the dagger at his side and drives it into Meleys's eye as Rhaenys screams in shock and fury.
Meleys wails and lets go of Sunfyre, dropping out of view. Aegon is triumphant and turns to his brother with a smile. Aemond isn't smiling. We watch as he follows Meleys's descent and decides he's safe for now. He returns his attention to Aegon. It would be so easy to do the deed himself and blame Meleys. He contemplates it only for a split second, but Aegon's face goes from smiling to horror. We think he's understood what Aemond plans to do, but in fact, his eyes are fixed on a sight behind him. Meleys has darted up from behind, mouth open and poised to burn Aemond in his saddle.
Aegon doesn't hesitate. He urges Sunfyre forward and as Meleys breathes out a wall of fire, he throws himself and Sunfyre in front of it to protect Aemond from the blast. Before Aemond can react, Meleys sinks her claws into Sunfyre's chest and pulls him out of sight.
Aemond pursues, but it's too late. Meleys has bit into Sunfyre's wing and Aegon can barely stay in the saddle with his one remaining restraint. Meleys rips her head back breaking off part of Sunfyre's wing and the king and his dragon fall through the air, landing in the forest.
Similarly to the show, Aemond is able to defeat Rhaenys and Meleys on his own after Aegon's fall.
Later on, we learn the only reason Aegon was able to survive was the one remaining restraint held him to the saddle but allowed him to slide off to the side enough to evade some of the dragonfire. He's still burned and in pain. He sacrificed himself for his brother and Aemond can't betray him now. Not when he owes his brother a life debt, not when he's seen how deeply Aegon loves him. He becomes Prince Regent and reconciles himself to forever protecting his brother from this point forward.
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mourn-and-watch · 3 months
so if solas sees himself in the inquisitor because of how they were made a leader, a prophet and a symbol by people who followed them, just as fen'harel had been made a leader and a saviour for by the freed elven slaves, will he see himself in rook because they're left alone against the threat they can't possibly defeat without singlehandedly making decisions that will impact the world in unknown ways, just as fen'harel had been left alone against evanuris with no other option but to create the veil
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mazojo · 2 months
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Tell me more
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mellosdrawings · 2 months
With how Rook stalks Leona and Vil (is it really stalking with Vil if Vil is very much aware and consents enough for rook to be in the open?) if both of them date Jamil, would he also be stalked?
He's already hyper aware of his surroundings so adding rook into the mix feels like he should just get more time to sleep.
Thank you SO MUCH for asking! Lemme introduce you to Vil/Rook/Leona shipping, the sheer potential of Rook-Jamil, and my Rook metamour theory!
First, I'm a big Vil/Rook/Leona shipper. I call Rook/Leona the Hunter/Hunted ship. Who's the hunter? Who's the hunted? Who knows. As @aria-faye (THE Rook connoisseur who made me love Rook too lol) said, they both come from the same place, have the same culture, and are both somewhat outsiders in their own way. Rook doesn't really fit the Sunset Savanah stereotype or the Savanaclaw mentality in full. Leona doesn't fit the ideal of a prince and gets ostracized by his own people. Both of them work really well as a ship with Vil and it makes this funny Pomefiore-to-Savanaclaw pipeline with Rook in the middle, having been in both dorms.
For Jamil, once more quoting V "I feel like Rook kind of already keeps an eye on Jamil, a bit. He watches things he finds beautiful, and Jamil is definitely beautiful." Plus there didn't seem to be any adverse reaction from Jamil toward Rook for the entirety of book 5. And Rook is so desperately honest and true to himself that it contrasts completely with Jamil who still struggles to find himself after a lifetime of lying. He'd be a good push for Jamil to be more honest too, a good influence.
In relation to the N2 squad, here's my answer : METAMOUR. I'm already polyshipping 24/7, it might not yet be completely obvious in my blog but I ship more OT3 than actual couples. I work better with 3+ characters relationships than regular couples. So since Vil, Leona, and Jamil are already dating, why couldn't I add Rook too? He's not part of the N2 squad, but he's such a constant shadow to Vil that it's hard to imagine them away from each other. Leona and Jamil would start dating him fully knowing Rook is there and not leaving. Really, Rook would probably be Vil's first boyfriend before Leona and Jamil become a thing.
That doesn't mean Leona and Jamil would necessarily start dating Rook though, and that's where the metamour happens. They all share Vil, but whether there is a relationship between Leona and Rook, or Jamil and Rook is up to... my mood, mostly xD Or reader's interpretation I guess. Maybe they just get comfortable simply sharing Vil, maybe they have a sort of queer platonic relationship, maybe they're all dating.
I tend to treat Rook as a bonus when it comes to N2, because he doesn't fit the group, but it's hard to imagine him away, and he's so stupidly supportive that he'd probably be a good influence on forever-depressed-Leona and desperately-confused-Jamil.
Tldr : Jamil and Leona would start dating Vil knowing Rook would be there anyway, so if they ever feel uncomfortable about it they can only blame themselves.
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(Who'd you think held the camera in those illus?)
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