#is more to do with them being posh than being southern
kieren-fucking-walker · 3 months
Apparently Southerners don't abbreviate afternoon to "aft"?
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nevermorgue · 18 days
Ada Voice Test!
So last week or so I was playing around with an Ada voice to see what sticks. I did a lot of digging in the server and using that plus my own personal headcanons/some friend opinions: we got this. So the general rules of thumb I'm following during these recordings is as follows: - She is a southern belle. I mean, look where she died. Swamp. South vibes. - She makes her accent more 'posh' than what it is, especially around Annabel Lee/Prospero at first. - Tends to lean more into it when she's emotional/distracted and thus forgetting to play it up. - Also leans more into it once she starts dating Montresor to be more similar to him. To compare the two, I start with lines where she speaks to Lenore, then Annabel Lee, and then to Montresor after they're already dating. (All lines taken directly from the webtoon, not mine of course.) Transcript under the line!
(To Lenore): "Where have you been today? I've looked everywhere, but I couldn't find you." "I'd know if you were dodging me. There was no sign of you at all. I didn't think you were…anywhere. Nowhere you were meant to be, at least." (To Annabel): "What luck it was that we were sorted into the same room. Being that we're…the same sort of person." "I spent some time last night, sorting the wheat from the chaff. A few of our classmates are at least somewhat refined." (To Montresor): "Well, why not? It's not like it'll do them any good. The way Duke's name was flickering on the merit board, I'd wager the air's already gotten pretty thin."
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cloudroots · 16 days
Introducing my mlp abridged series characters!!
Ft. some doodles that I made around 2 am
If I don’t talk about them to someone, I will explode
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I’ve had this series idea in my head for a while now! I have a lot to say about it, but I’ll focus on characters here, since I’ve changed quite a bit in the plot department compared to the original show.
If anyone has any questions or wants to help me make this series a reality, feel free to reach out!
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Twilight Sparkle
Wants to become an alicorn more than anything
Will do anything the Princess says for a chance at becoming one
Given immortality as a reward for her loyalty
Very important in Canterlot because of her connection to the Princess
The Princess is the only authority she respects 
Doesn’t want to be in Ponyville
Tired of this shit
Very similar to other abridged series versions
Spike the dragon
Twilight and Spike are friends and enjoy each others company
Spike keeps Twilight somewhat grounded
Has the same sense of humor as Twi
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Rainbow Dash
Old timey military American accent
Was a Wonderbolt but was forced to retire
Constantly talking about her past adventures or her time in the academy
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Posh accent - so basically the same
Always seems to know more than she lets on
Uses her generosity to butter up ponies into doing what she wants
Showers Twilight with praise and gifts since she’s from Canterlot/works with the Princess
Hates Canterlot with a burning passion
Has a master plan to overthrow the Princess and rule herself
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Pinkie Pie
Transgender mare /affectionate
Used to work in Canterlot as a scientist/engineer
Moved to Ponyville to discover herself and is the most happy she’s ever been
A large part of the community and they all love her
Very bubbly and smart
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Has beef with Twilight, likes to annoy her in anyway she can
Speaks fluent Spanish, and speaks it in a southern accent to annoy ponies
Has loads of outlandish theories that she shares with anyone that will listen
Casually chaotic
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The one that makes fandom references, and references other abridged series
Isn’t actually good with animals, only moved into the cottage because it has the best internet connection and is cheap
Somehow knows about mlp:fim and is a fan but doesn’t draw connections to her friends and the characters
Cottage came with all the animals, so she is working on handling and caring for them better
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Takes everything way too seriously
Wants to make the world a better place, but doesn’t have the resources since she is a child
Concerned about the government
Makes “grand plans” that she takes too seriously and ropes her friends into helping her
An orphan, newsies, New York accent
Basically down down for anything
Voice of reason while also being incredibly supportive of any plan Applebloom comes up with
Lives with her lesbian aunts
Sweetie Belle
Just happy to be included
Cheerful, doesn’t talk much
A very neglected child
Her friends like having her around
“…and I’m Sweetie Belle!!” :D
I have a lot of ideas for these characters! I even have ideas for character progression, where the annoyance the characters feel for each other turns to friendship.
The name I have currently for this project is: The Alicorns Abridged Series or AAS Since so much of the plot is around becoming an alicorn or about the alicorns. But I might change the name in the future we'll see
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abiiors · 28 days
maybe Jules and matty meeting each others parents for the first time 🥹 or honestly just any fluffy stuff
the meeting with matty's parents goes easy as a walk in the park. it's not planned, not really. they just show up as a surprise to one the band's big gigs. jules, who happens to be there, goes bright red the moment she runs (quite literally) into the denise welch.
she tries not to be awkward and all flustered about it, muttering apologies for knocking into her like that until a tween boy pops his head from behind her, looking adorably like a mini version of matty. jules almost coos, wanting to pinch his cheeks, but she doubts the boy would appreciate it much.
it's matty's little brother, she's soon told by her grinning boyfriend who's over the moon from this turn of events. louis, who initially makes faces at the prospect of his older brother having a girlfriend, comes around the moment they discover their shared love for video games.
matty can't stop beaming--looking between his mum and his girlfriend, getting along like a house on fire. he has no doubts that when jules gets to meet matty's dad later that month, she'd immediately take the spot of the darling of the family.
meeting jules' parents goes a differently, however.
he's bricking it, and even though he hasn't told jules about it matty's sure she can tell. he's being so obvious with wiping his sweaty palms on his (not ripped, clean) jeans every five minutes, the bouncing of his knees. the teeth gnawing on his lips.
it's not a long train ride but her parents do live down south--residents of a much posher area that he's used to. uncharted waters he thinks. next to him jules pretends to be cool and aloof, but matty knows she isn't all that happy about it either.
it's not that she doesn't get along with her parents. it's that they hardly speak, much more formal and stilted with each other. the complete opposite of matty and his family.
"they'll love you" she says, once and then twice. matty takes hold of her hand, kissing it sweetly.
"eh, i'm not so worried about that." his grin is easy going and carefree. the grin jules loves so dearly. for her sake, he will be on his best behaviour.
it goes as they both expect it. a dinner verging on formal and awkward, jules' mum and dad asking questions only when the silence gets overwhelming. other than that they're painfully cordial--all tight smiles, and polite hellos and averted eyes.
it's only when they leave for the night that jules breathes a huge sigh of relief. "thought i was going to suffocate in there, god!" she whines, turning to matty and pouting.
"i'm sorry it was a bit shit."
he's about to make a joke, something silly to get rid of his own disappointment when he sees the hurt shining in her eyes. she'd thought this would go better. that for once her family would be all warm and loud like matty's. and it hadn't.
matty takes a hold of her hand and pulls her closer, twirling her last minute before he can catch her in his arms. they're in the middle of the street, passers by giving them odd looks but he doesn't care about it. he cares that she feels appreciated.
he cares that she feels as precious as she is to him.
"posh southern people," he grins, swapping pansies out for people last minute out of respect. although he has a sneaking feeling she wouldn't have minded either way.
they walk hand in hand down the road and towards the train station, still full from the lunch and cracking up about all the awkward moments.
"can we just..."
"meet up with everyone and get drunk?" matty finishes her question. finally, her face brightens a little and jules nods.
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burnt-tortellini · 2 months
south english writing tips for non-uk CoD writers
im so tired of seeing gaz say “bruv” every 10 seconds OR hear about ghosts “mom”
i have no clue how much of this applies in other places/is obvious but!
ok so common slang
bloke/lad - a man
bev/bossman/brother/mush - a man but in a friendlier way (like gaz might call soap or price mush)
missus - someones wife (usually “the missus” is the wife of whoever is talking/being talked about, i dont usually hear people say “*insert names* missus” there also isnt a male equivalent sadly)
scran - good food or to eat (eg. “scranned that nandos” or “going to the chinese later to pick up some scran”)
kip - nap but you usually “take” a kip rather than “have” a kip if that makes sense?
cardy - cardigan/zip up hoodie (usually gen x or older women i hear saying this)(and me until i was 10 and got bullied of out it💔💔)
tory - technically supporters of the conservative party but the definition has been broadened to people who are posh/rich (derogatory)
bender - gay (derogatory, if you couldnt tell)
wank - jerk off
wanker/bellend/twat/knobhead/fuckface - common insults (also cunt is a lot more common over here, its still a bad word but it doesnt hold the same weight as in the states, ESPECIALLY among teenage boys)(although they just say slurs anyway so)
babe/hun - typically used by girls either as a term of endearment or to be patronising (you could call a random person in a shop hun or use it in an argument it really depends)
any word ending in “ic” can be turned into “____iccy” for instance “i look better in this piccy” or “digestives are proper good choccy biccys”
dead ____ - typically used by northerners as a substitute for “really” (eg. dead nice cake is a really nice cake), southerners usually use “proper” instead
chav - female equivalent of a roadman, hard to explain in terms that make sense. if i say “so…? spray, orange foundation, m to the b” does that make sense to you ???
roadman - male equivalent of a chav, balaclavas, nike tech jackets, bikes/scooters, vapes, central cee, usually congregate outside of maccies in packs
side note: idk how well known this is outside of the uk but along side the middle finger we have a reverse peace sign, usually combined with a wanking motion but can just be used like a middle finger. also a closed fist doing a wank motion holds the same effect
i will probably edit and add more as i think of them but feel free to reblog with anything i missed!!
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waugh-bao · 5 months
Not sure if you would know, but thought it worth a try. What type of accent did Charlie have? I know in England accents seem to have more meaning than in America, in terms of class and not just being a signal of where you’re from. I’ve read that Mick changes his to seem like he’s not as posh and I’ve also read that people respect Charlie never changed his. But what is it? Just cockney? I don’t know, but I like it. Especially on words like water and daughter, like when he was talking about the IORR video and said he doesn’t like “me head under water”.
Accents in the UK, and especially England, are a huge cultural and class marker in a way they just really aren’t in the US. Like there is a general bias you’ll see in America of, for example, perceiving people with southern accents as less educated or intelligent vis a vis a more standard northeastern ones, but they don’t have as much regional and class variance and significance. There’s a really good NYT’s article on the subject from the early ‘90s that does a deep dive on it. One of the important things to keep in mind is that even the English accents which outsiders might be familiar with, like RP (Received Pronunciation) come in variations, between the very standard and crisp BBC newsreader of the ‘40s-90s type and the aristocratic variant that has a bunch of peculiarities in pronunciation and vocabulary (think King Charles and the tendency to pronounce a word like “power” as “pāh”). I lived in London for almost 4 years to do my undergrad degree and go back frequently, and of all the places I’ve been in the world it’s still far and away the one where people are the most likely to openly comment on your accent. I was lucky in that the comments were mostly positive, but it’s still a jarring experience when you first start living there.
Mick’s accent is 100% a put on. I hate to cite Bill as a credible source, but he has a point when he says that Mick’s accent is a fake, which is something people who have worked for him have also said. It’s a really exaggerated Cockney accent, which doesn’t match being from a pretty far London suburb (Dartford) or having grown up middle class. Considering his age and background he probably had elocution lessons as a kid to learn to speak RP, especially because people who are around him in private have said he speaks “The Queen’s English.” It’s an act to look like an ‘authentic’ rock star, which there is often associated with coming from a lower class, tough background. When in reality he went to university and is the child of a homemaker and a PE teacher. I think Keith’s accent is authentic, it’s just a very non-standard jumble of Cockney, RP, and American mid-Atlantic, because he’s lived in the US longer than he has in the UK at this point.
My (tentative) classification for Charlie would be Estuary English. It’s a cross between RP and Cockney that’s associated with the Thames and its estuary/the wide London region and surrounding suburbs and towns. Charlie definitely leaned heavier to the Cockney side, especially earlier in his life, but there’s a really interesting combination of the two dialects in his way of speaking. Like that quote you pointed out, he was never consistent in making the “my - me” switchover, where the “me” as possessive article is hugely characteristic of Cockney English. It’s the same thing with his “h”s, sometimes he dropped them and sometimes he didn’t (although RP can do that sometimes too, but not as often). He also tended to use more outmoded vocabulary from Cockney slang, with words like “bloke”, which was probably a reflection of the fact that he never really lived in London (other than keeping a flat in Kensington, which is a bastion of RP) after the mid-1960s and was holding onto the variety from his childhood and young adult years.
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thestrangestperson · 1 year
Hi! Are you trying to write some British people? Here are some random thoughts about exaggerated Britishness (With heavy chat about Scotland because I know Scotland the best):
"I'm going to the store!" Store is not a popular word for a place to buy things. People from the UK will generally say "shop". If they're just going to get milk or something, they may go to the "corner shop" - which people from NY especially will know as a "bodega"
"Hand me an eraser." While some people do say eraser, "rubber" is more common. This is amusing to me because to people from the US especially, it's very different in meaning.
If your character is visiting someone, it's very common to be offered tea. "Fancy a cup of tea?" or more casually "Fancy a cuppa?"
Pub ≠ bar. Pubs include bars, but are also places to get a meal. People do go there to drink ("Get a pint") though, and some pubs don't serve children or allow them in. Many do, however.
There are 100s of accents across the nation, more than just typical posh English, Welsh and Scottish. Please pay attention to your character's background and dialect. The city of London alone has 4 major accents. (For Good Omens fans, Crowley and Aziraphale are both sensationally posh. Aziraphale speaks "The Queen's/King's English" which is notably more formal and collected - Crowley does not.)
Some good swears include "Bellend", "Pillock", "Knob" and "Twat". In Scotland we also have the tamer "Daft(ie)" and "Tube"! Any object can become an insult: "You FUCKING MICROWAVE"
Some good pet names include "Love", "Pet" and "Poppet"
Along with tea we have a carbonated drink called Irn Bru. This is ESPECIALLY popular to Scots but you can find it in England. It is bright orange and fruity in taste.
We buy milk in pints
The chocolate bar Freddo is typically how we measure inflation these days. (I wish I could say this was a joke but tabloids love the chocolate test)
It does rain a lot. Like a shit ton. There are sunny days but nonetheless. The way to start conversation is ALWAYS weather. "Lovely weather innit?" always works, especially in terrible weather.
Sarcasm and dry humour are very popular.
A lot of people smoke or vape. This is very evident especially in cities like London and Edinburgh.
People from southern England especially are typically very removed and tend not to pay attention to anyone else. It's a massive "Not my problem". They can be very friendly by all means, but typically keep to themselves and don't talk to many people.
Biscuits rule the world, especially custard creams. (Jk, they're very loved though)
The school systems are different from that in the rest of the world. Even to one another. The Scottish, Welsh and English education systems are different - but are all composed of Primary school and Secondary school.
Typically people are either passionately wild for the Royal Family or REALLY dislike them.
Terraced and semi detached housing is very common. In Scotland we have "closies" which are blocks of flats that home lots of people, and are typically very square and deshevelled.
McDonald's did not arrive here until the 70s. People were confused by it to begin with.
Fish and chips is a stereotypical yet popular dish. Many people refer to going to a fish and chips shop as "Going to the chippy". Often they do not have seating, and are takeout exclusive.
Britain is a geographical reality, composed of Scotland, Wales and England. The United Kingdom is political and composed of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.
Irish people may not enjoy being referred to as "British". Furthermore do not call a Welsh, Scottish or Irish person "English". This is a bad idea and will make people mad.
Day in the life of a true Brexit geezer is a documentary. (Jk)
Basically everyone "hates" the English. Whether this is playful or genuine varies from person to person. Even the English hate the English.
Older women especially have very strong feelings about Princess Di (She was so beloved)
For Good Omens fans: Soho is a small tiny little area in the BOROGH of "The City of Westminster". This is a borogh at the heart of London. You can walk Soho in a day.
Most cities don't have boroughs, but do have wee areas which are basically suburbs or collections of areas.
In schools, it's very common to refer to your teachers as "Sir" and "Miss". This also applies outside of school for young people, but generally is seen more in schools.
"Mate" is the most common way to address a male presenting person passive aggressively, along with "Love" for female presenting people. "Mate" is more common and works both ways.
"Pissed" means drunk. "Oh, he's pissed" = "Oh, he's drunk". Increasingly you'll find people say "pissed" to mean angry, especially young people. However "peeved" is what was originally used to mean angry.
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slotumn · 5 months
Today's 3H worldbuilding headcanon of the day:
How do the countries in 3H insult one another? Because as we all know, establishing how different groups insult and dehumanize one another in-universe is very important to worldbuilding.
First and most obvious types of insults would be animal-based insults, with each nation having their associated mascot animals. Adrestia gets "vulture," Faerghus gets "rabid/rabid cats/rabid kitties," and Leicester gets "snakes in deer's skin," with the implication being snakes = reptiles = wyverns = Almyrans = Leicesterians may as well be Almyran (barbarian, heathen, etc)
Second would be food-based insults. Includes both stuff about stereotypical cuisine (whichever region has surströmming would get "rotten fish breath") and mocking about food security. Ex: "Go munch on cattle feed"
Third, mocking accents and language. I guess the extent(?) of this one depends on whether you headcanon the nations as having different languages; I do, personally. And I expect most of it would mock the vernacular tongue used by commoners, rather than the posh ones used by nobles.
Fourth, accusations of sexual degeneracy, through exaggerations and distortions. Adrestians get "daughter-pimpers," in reference to the Imperial harem. Faerghans get "page-fuckers," in reference to the whole knighthood thing. Leicesterians get "cuckolds," with the obvious implication being that Almyrans fuck their women. (Also they probably have a myriad of creative ways to call each other gay, but that's just true so)
Finally, religion-based insults, frequently tied to big historical events in the continent. The War of Heroes would be a great fodder for those in the south to call northerners "descendants of sinners/dirty blood" or something along those lines. Meanwhile, the Official Church Lore™ claiming that the Elites and Nemesis were also given their Crests and Relics by the goddess would make them call southerners "second choice" or "half-baked" for supposedly being chosen but not even having Relics. (The exact wording would be a lot ruder of course)
There are probably insults for people considered too religious as well, albeit the origins and usage would be far more recent compared to the above. "Hrym zealots/terrorists" for those from the Empire, referencing the rebellion that got the Southern Church exiled. "Rhodos zealots/terrorists" for those from the Kingdom (especially the western part), referencing all the stuff Western Church was up to during canon. I... don't think there would be an equivalent for people from the Alliance though, the Eastern Church seems too weak to foster a strain of religious extremism that is both distinctly associated with Leicester and considered a threat to other Fódlanis*. But Leicester does get hit with extra pagan/heathen and "fake believer" accusations, again due to their proximity to Almyra + Alliance lords politicking
(*"other Fódlanis" is the key phrase, Adrestians and Faerghans wouldn't care if Leicesterians did religiously-motivated attacks on Almyrans or w/e. But Western Church or Southern Church causing chaos within their own countries would be a great excuse to point fingers.)
And obviously the funniest(?) part is that if non-Fódlanis learned of all this, they'd just go "that's crazy, you guys all seem the same to us though." It's always groups that have 90% of things in common saying the nastiest shit to each other, whether that's because they can't stand the 10% difference or because they hate looking in a mirror.
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jegulily-stuff · 4 months
i feel i should try to persuade you of scouser!james
the accent???? idk why but its just so james energy to me. also this being a continuous thing during first year is so funny to me
neighbours marlene and james. marlene is so not southern english at all!! she'd never!!!
there a lot of posh/upper class areas in Liverpool. like georgian quarter??? or victoria road??? (the potters would def live in either one of these)
i also want to destory the north/south divide views of all southerners being rich and all northerners being poor (as a very poor southerner with a very rich northerner friend)- yes, there are more rich neighbourhoods in the south and more poor neighbourhoods in the north, but both have a mixture of both
oh yeah also the slang. i can very vividly imagine james saying stuff like 'boss', 'cob on', 'la', etc.
Tons of credit to the idea ofc. It is way more interesting than having yet another person in the posh southern gentry pool. I love the James Pete Marlene childhood friends thing and its true that Pete and Marlene don't feel like southerners -youre so right there. And i do see the benefits of a bit of geographic separation for James from the main hubs of the wizarding world, so he has that slightly more isolated childhood.
[Also im a midlander so i know the north south divide isnt so clean. Black Country Lily and Severus ftw]
My feeling is more that the other posh southern kids would look down on him for that accent and place of birth and not see him as so high status. And i prefer narratively for him to be one of them rather than a looked down upon outsider. Or at least for it to be his family's choice to be blood traitors that gets them othered. 'You were one of us and you chose to betray us and leave' rather than 'you've always been an outsider to our community'.
Altogether it is growing on me, I just need to work it around my ideas about community and belonging as central themes of the story in my head and where that leaves James as a character.
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cornus27florida · 11 months
The Tale of the Golden Snail (a Fairy Tale from the East with Curse element in it)
Before going deeper, I want to say that CPC depictions is lacking eastern (Asia and Africa - and maybe southern America as well?) fairy tales that depicted on the media - the closest of the eastern tale depiction is the magic lamp from "Aladdin" which is from middle east asia. Jack finds the Braided Island that inhabitants with people with appearance that different than him, is also similar with how westerner see easterner folks [which either got amazed by their exotic appearance or horrified with them to point of being racist]. It's a shame IMHO because as someone from East, I want to say that Eastern Fairy Tales is a giant gem box that ready to be explored.. Especially from my own country, there's many fairy tales with curses on their story - like becomes animal (monkey, snail etc), petrified to becomes a stone (Malin Kundang) or born cursed (example, has face of a gourd). I like to introduce my own country and it's culture but without being posh doing it, slow and honest introduction by said my country as Batik Kingdom - islands based Kingdom from faraway place from the continent where Plaid-Pastel-Polygon Kingdom resides. I am headcannon-ing that Frederick reads fairy tale from faraway continent as well, based on ep 34:
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Well, let's move on to next topic which is about the Golden Snail Tale!
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Once upon a time, Daha was a prosperous kingdom under Prabu Kertamerta's reign (Prabu means a king in English). He had two beautiful daughters: Galuh Ajeng and Candra Kirana.
When these two princesses had come of age, a crown prince from the Kahuripan kingdom came to propose a marriage. Raden Inu Kertapati was a handsome, strapping crown prince from a prosperous kingdom, so Prabu Kertamerta welcomed him and accepted his proposal.
Despite Princess Galuh Ajeng being the eldest, Raden Inu Kertapati chose Princess Candra Kirana. It rose Princess Galuh's wrath. She plotted a devious plan to expel Candra Kirana from the palace so she couldn't marry Raden Inu Kertapati.
She sought an evil witch to cast a spell on her sister. She wished Candra Kirana became so disgusting that no one wanted to get near. Not long after that, the witch cast a spell on Candra Kirana to become a keong emas (a golden snail). Before she threw the snail into the river, she told the princess the curse could only be broken by meeting Raden Inu Kertapati. [Note: the curse is broken not by "True Love's Kiss" but could simply by meeting the beloved, this nice insight]
In another version of this tale, the one that cursed as golden snail actually a queen which got cursed as bad karma by bad mouthing a 'magical' golden snail that she founds at the street. I take the most popular version instead because the character's name fits better ("Kirana"). Kirana is my OC of my planned multiple chapters fanfic series, her summarized backstory as the following: A witch cursed her to becomes a golden snail every night and teleported her to far away place (similar with Thermidora's story) - the Male Monastery site.
Kirana meets Whitney and they're platonically becomes close - her ideal that every curse could be broken eventually leads Whitney to becomes a curse breaker [which very important as being the one that recognize Frederick's curse properly]. Meanwhile Kirana go to get more informations and money so she could return to her kingdom someday, by becoming a journalist/reporter. This will be important plot point later on
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^ How I imagined Kirana looks like, with her kingdom's outfit - Batik - and blonde hair which similar with her curse. Credit of the art piece with the watermark on the upper part
One day, a poor old lady caught a snail on her fishing net. When she saw it was a beautiful golden snail, she brought it home and kept it in a crock (an earthenware pot). 
The next day the old lady went fishing. Unfortunately, she only caught a few fish. She was devastated because she could only buy a bit of rice. Imagine her surprise when she found plenty of food on her dining table. Feeling so hungry, she ate them without asking questions. Since this bizarre experience occurred every day, one day, the old lady pretended to go fishing. Then, she sneaked back into her hut and found a beautiful maiden cooked and cleaned.
She immediately confronted the maiden, who happened to be the cursed Princess Candra Kirana. As soon as the princess told her story, she became Keong Emas (golden snail) again. That's the beginning of the friendship between Candra Kirana and the old lady.
In the meantime,  the news of the missing princess spread throughout the kingdom of Daha. Feeling that she had no other competitors, Princess Galuh Ajeng tried her hardest to replace her sister as the bride of Raden Inu Kertapati. 
However, since Raden Inu Kertapati was deeply in love with Candra Kirana, he set off on a journey to find her. Knowing this, the evil witch shapeshifted into a crow and followed him. 
When the crow talked to him in human language, Raden Inu Kertapati was amazed. He believed it was a magical creature that could help him found Candra Kirana. So, he followed the crow's leads. He didn't realize that the crow led him further away from Candra Kirana.
One day, Raden Inu Kertapati met an elderly, who asked for some food. Being the kind person he was, the prince happily shared his food. It turned out that the elderly was a wise man; who knew the evil crow had tricked the prince. So, as a payback to the prince's kindness, he hit the crow until it evaporated into a puff of smoke. Then he told him where to find Candra Kirana.
Thus, Raden Inu Kertapati set off to Dadapan village. It was a long journey. Several days later, the prince ran out of provisions, so he approached the closest house to ask for water. Imagine his delight when he saw Candra Kirana was cooking in there. He rushed into the house, and their reunion broke the curse.
Soon the couple returned to the kingdom of Daha and told the misfortune of Candra Kirana. Afraid of King's wrath, princess Galuh ran to the woods. That's the last time anyone heard of her.
In the end, Raden Inu Kertapati and Candra Kirana lived happily ever after. They invited the old lady to live in the palace and took care of her.
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pacifymebby · 8 months
i think backgrounds is a thing but also kind of like what they stand for. R is rich and privileged living off her parents money (which is fine) and constantly jetting off to places lol (again fine) and doesn’t have a job or even need one tbh like that’s literally unheard of in the north like you literally need a job to afford a living
I get the crux of what you're saying here but I promise you there is a "posh" north and it's somehow even more horrifying than posh London
But aye those experiences are what shape your values
Thing is can any of us say we don't want to better our futures and give our kids better futures?
I for one hope that one day I'm well off enough that if my kids graduate uni and they don't know what to do with themselves and are trying to break into a tricky industry, they can come home to the family house and keep working on their goals? Like I wouldn't want me kids dossing but id fucking hate to think I'm working my arse off now so that one day in the future I can force my kids to slog it too?
Like I really get where all these anons are coming from about the culture clash and about like how it isn't fair that certain people have life so so much easier, and also like how it's weird that a man who's made a lot of being "rags to riches" is now seemingly dating someone with different principles so is kinda sacrificing his own BUT
1) it's only dating
2) no one in poverty wants to remain on the poverty line, I really don't blame him for "social climbing" he's having experiences that were barred from him by the class system for a long time and that can only be a good thing.
3) maybe he's not sacrificing his principles, I've seen very privileged women learn/grow when they've been in relationships with people from poorer backgrounds (relationships teach both people different things afterall)
4) he's not a hypocrite for shagging. He isn't sacrificing any principles by dating someone middle class. If anything it's weird to say that all working class people must remain completely true to their poverty stricken roots, that only reinforces class structure and makes certain things "not for us" like would you say it's sacrificing principles for a v working class lad from Stockport to go to Oxford? Is he a class traitor? Am I a class traitor for buying a gingerbread man in Morrisons or like idk Waitrose one time? Is it class traitory for working class people to go to art galleries, or listen to classical music, or learn to play the flute, or read lit fiction?
Do you see what I mean like, there's loads of things deemed middle class which have always been "not for the likes of us" but if we start saying any working class person who engages with those things is a traitor to their class then we're the ones reinforcing the structure that oppresses us?
Like idk, I tryyy very hard these days not to judge people who are middle class, because I do know nice people who are, my dad's got some lovely middle class friends... lots of the people I've met in Scotland that are southern English middle class snd have moved up here for cheap rent are nauseating cunts but idk, best to give people the benefit of the doubt until they actually start on the "i just dont see why we should give free school meals to children just because their parents smoke 40 a day and want the latest iphone" rant
The best situ for them is class divide causes misunderstandings and mild irritation but they are happy together anyway and it's not a deep problem. the worst is that the relationship falls apart because they can't understand eachother (this is usually what brings down all relationships though even ones that are class balanced? Is that a phrase that felt weird to write?) Like I grew to fucking despise my ex for being privileged and out of touch but I wouldn't wish that on anyone lol I lost a bestie and it sucked!!
Anyway my point is mostly just that you don't know them at all and to hold your horses accusing anyone of abandoning their principles just for dating someone from a different class background that's meh
Obvs btw anon not all of this is aimed at you in anyway because you aren't the one who has sent me all these things, it's just yours is so far one of the only ones that's on theme with the other anons that's polite enough to post. Some of the stuff in my inbox right now is harshhhh
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nought-shall-go-ill · 2 years
13, 15, 16 and 17 for the ask game please
Helloooo! Thanks for the asks, my dear! Ok let’s go:
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Oohh. This is such a good question! I thought being from the U.K., which is a pretty well known country, I wouldn’t be able to think of so many, but some friends have pointed out to me include:
1. Putting vinegar on our chips (fries). I had no idea that was so weird until my friends looked at me in disgust.
2. This one isn’t so well know nowadays, but dancing the maypole. We did it in primary school for a few occasions, including the Queen’s 50th (?) Jubilee. For those not in the know, basically you skip round and round a pole holding a ribbon attached to the top of it, all the while weaving around other dancers.
3. Not so much a tradition but a thing people do: “Save the queen” or “pennying”. Putting a penny in someone’s beer (or any alcoholic drink really) and they have to down it to “save the Queen” (because the money has the Queen’s head on it). In my uni, it was usually followed by a song that goes: “We like to drink with [NAME], coz [NAME] is our mate. And when we drink with [NAME], they down it all in 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. *Much cheering!* It’s almost certainly hazing… but it was a bit thing at the time.
4. Pancake day! Otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday. The day before Ash Wednesday in which we eat pancakes (usually British-style pancakes, which aren’t too dissimilar from crêpes, with lemon and sugar).
And that’s all about I can think of, though I’m sure there’s loads more! The country that I used to live in had so many weird and wonderful traditions too, but that would take an age to say (and I’m always a little afraid of doxing). But here’s one: chucking beans out of the door on a particular day in order to rid your house of evil energy/spirits.
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Wow, that other one was long… so I’ll keep this one short:
“Nice to see you; to see you nice.”
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
I probably hate the most the one that we’re all posh/Londoners/at the very least Southern. There’s such a variety of people across the U.K. and not all them have a stiff upper lip (thankfully). Northerners need more rep beyond Sean Bean and Jon Snow!
Oh, and I dislike the stereotype that the U.K. has bad customer service. Not all of it is great, of course, but on the whole I think it is less fake than North American service (sorry, guys!), while still attending to people’s needs and being flexible (this was a massive problem in the previous country I lived in).
As for one I agree with, I have to admit we do drink a bizarrely high amount of tea for a non-East Asian country. And I’ve said before, I do think Brits can be quite arrogant and ignorant, and I know many of my continental European friends believe that stereotype.
As for 17, I answered it here, my dear! Thanks again for the asks. 🧡
(From this ask game)
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"Pardon me ... do you have any Grey Poupon?"
Who among us probably remembers that line from the commercials for Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard from the 1980's into the early 1990's, usually done in a setting involving being stopped in traffic and the participants being from rather posh settings more or less?
At any rate, I was thinking at some length imagining how some of your favourite Hanna-Barbera characters might try pulling off this trope; hopefully, you have the idea:
Yogi Bear: Pulling off another of his plundering-picnic-baskets antics in Jellystone Park at tourists' expense, much to the chagrin of as much Boo-Boo as Ranger Smith; "smarter-than-the-average" "himself" pops the question to a group of tourists, only to be brushed off with the paterfamilias noting that they preferred the Great Value brand of yellow mustard from Walmart, only to realise the ursine presence suggesting trouble ahead, forcing Yogi and Boo-Boo to make a wild run back to their den.
Super Snooper and Blabbermouse: While stopped in traffic en route to an investigation, Super Snooper pops the question in his Ed Gardner manner to the car in the next lane over, only to get a second-rate brand of moutarde de Dijon in the bargain as prompts quite the tirade to Blabbermouse in the bargain, prompting Blab to reply "Geez, Snoop, perhaps you delivered the question in the wrong manner; have you considered as much?"
Snagglepuss: Sophisto as he may try to be, at least he knows the correct tone and nuance thanks to memorising the commercials, only he gets asked by the front-seat passenger in the car targeted "What the [N4BSK] IS Grey Poupon, anyway?!." reinforced by the middle finger salute and Snag's responding "Well, you can't always win them all. Exit, stage forward ..."
Top Cat and clowder: Trying not to diss Officer Dibble in the wrong place at the wrong time, TC drills his clowder into delivering that question with the proper nuance (or so he thinks is befitting such back-alley cats anthro) so as not to cause an issue. Even when you consider that white wine is a key component of Dijon mustard, and TC was hoping to score a jar for the next sausage cookout to provide "something different" in the mustard department than French's, Gulden's, Heinz or, for that matter, the Great Value brand from Walmart.
Lippy the Lion and Hardy Har Har: Lippy tries asking the very question to hand, only to have the myopic hyaena companion complain that Lippy may be going about it wrong, prompting Lippy to remark "Bushwah, Hardy--BUSHWAH! Now follow my lead and play along--", prompting Hardy to ask why Lippy wanted a jar of Grey Poupon to begin with.
Yippy, Yappy and Yahooey (The Goofy Guards): When the King summons the rather bumbling trio of royal guards into the throne room, prompting the doltish Yippy to pop the question, dissing off His Majesty in utter frustration.
Penelope Pitstop in the #5 Compact Pussycat: Even with her rather elegant Southern-mannered voice, she manages to get the jar thrown to her, without the traditional "But of course ..." reply. Yet the jar doesn't smash unto the street for some reason.
Dick Dastardly and Muttley in the #00 Mean Machine: Everybody's Favourite(?) Hanna-Barbera Villain goes into a deceptively-polite tone to make the request, only to be cut off when Muttley cuts the cheese big time--with Dastardly cutting the request short and chewing Muttley out with "And just for that flatulent outburst, THERE WILL BE NO KEN-L RATION FOR YOU TONIGHT!"
Mildew Wolf: Trying to avoid the usual suspicions with Bristlehound vis-a-vis Lambsy in popping the question, Bristlehound delivers the hook to Mildew, flinging the latter into the heavens--and in the bargain, taunting Bristlehound with "Tasteless buttinski!" before crashing to earth in a dazed and confused heap.
The Hair Bear Bunch: Square Bear, driving the Invisible Motorcycle, pops that question most obvious at a traffic light, and upon getting a jar of Country Style Grey Poupon (as in coarse-ground) and the rejoinder "But of course ...", Square Bear passes it to Hair Bear in his accustomed back-seat position and manages to pocket the modest-sized jar in his vest pocket, adding "You'll doubtless thank me later, Square...."
Mr. Finkerton, as per Inch High, Private Eye: Even with the proper tone, inflection and nuance, the head of Finkerton's Detective Agency slips the jar into an inner coat pocket--which, it turns out, is where Inch-High is situate at the moment, prompting the dimunitive detective to remark "Talk about being in close quarters, and then some--!"
@warnerbrosentertainment @archive-archives
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tropicalrpg · 2 years
iii. every ticket is one-way these days. there is no such thing as a return. there's only away from home. a plane ticket to australia is more expensive than a brand new car.
To be perfectly fair, it is warmer where they’re from. They’re closer to the Equator, which I could’ve guessed, but never knew. The climograph tells me that it’s supposedly quite pleasant here, and quite absolutely fucking dreadful over there. I forgive them for all of their complaints. They never tried to tell me they were sorry, but I have to let go of this grudge I’ve been holding for so long.
Still, it’s different. Not for me and them, maybe, but for my masses and theirs. But that’s not the point. My point is not drawn on a map, not actually. It can be; when I was in, what, ninth grade? My geography professor made us draw the line between the Global North and the Global South. This anecdote might be a lie. I must admit I only remember the map.
And it’s Christmas, and it’s summer, so guess what?
I’ve never known anything but warm Christmases. I’ve never known anything but a hundred days of drought in the winter and world-shattering rainstorms in the summer. I know beaches in January, I know how 10ºC is enough to make going outside not worth it, and I know that I’m oceans away from anywhere worthwhile.
Two of my siblings have already left. Another one of them wants to, I’m sure. Only one of us doesn’t want to, and that’s not me. I hate how I yearn for something more, as if I don’t think this is enough. As if I don’t love the land beneath my feet more than anything in the world—literally. I hate the fact that I feel like I have to get out of here. I have to, I have to get out. My days are numbered. Where are they not?
Nowhere are things getting better. We, and by we I mean humanity, are generally, universally fucked. We are the masters of our own undoing. But for us, and with us I mean my masses, a mass I am not a part of—I don’t think I’d be here, complaining on an English-language Tumblr blog, if I were—, it’s worse. Even for me, it’s worse, but I don’t get the brunt of it. I hope to be able to soften the blow, but it barely reaches me.
If I left, I bet I’d have an easier time. And now, it’s not because of how it is for everyone; now, I’m being as selfish as I can. I am a selfish person. I am a narcissist. I’m complaining as if anyone cares. But I don’t get along with anyone here; the one who knows me best agrees, unfortunately I’d have an easier time somewhere else. And I could point out the ridiculous, superficial reasons as to why. I don’t drink, I’m timely, I am something I don’t know how to translate into this stupid language, but basically means I am particularly sensitive to heat, so I feel warm more easily than I feel cold. And, well, I go to uni for something that only allows me to go into academia and, like most things, I have a better shot at a career in academia if I go abroad, because, more than most, it is a tiny field here. It is insignificant, but not as much in developed countries. As per usual.
I want to leave. That’s the worst of it. I want to go to Germany, to Italy, to the United Kingdom. I want to leave. I want to come back, don’t get me wrong, and I don’t know if moving abroad matches what I want for my life—I don’t know if I want children, but I don’t think I want European children, damn—, but I think I need to leave. I’m too young for immigration to actually be an option, but I’m starting to think about it. It’s begun.
I dreamt of England when I was 10.
Everyone did, back then. It was the times. I can’t remember if the English I spoke became accented with Britain, but I like to guess so, because I do remember sounding more and more American as time went by. (Until last year, but now I’m too old for a change in accent to feel anything but faked.) It was because of all of them, the names we all know, some posh southerners making YouTube videos and tricking ten-year-olds worldwide into their farce. It was so much fun. The first book in English I ever read all the way through was the second Girl Online novel. I was a fool.
It was fun, though. And that’s when I started dreaming, though I knew nothing. Now, I know significantly more, of course, and I still think I’d be better off somewhere else. Though, it’s tough; I know that the time for me to move to England is not now, and the same goes for the US (though I don’t ever want to move there), and probably everywhere else. Lord, is it not the time to go to Italy. Nowhere’s safe, or so it seems.
But if I’m in danger, “danger”, where I am, should I not flee?
There’s this thing about being an immigrant, though. It is that it’s always less safe when you venture into the unknown. So, even if I do leave here in search of security, security is exactly what I’ll lose. I’ve told you I don’t get the brunt of it here, and that goes for many reasons. I have a support system, I have some money, I am hugely privileged. If I left, that wouldn’t be true. I would be alone, I would not have nearly the same amount of money I have here, and much of the privilege wouldn’t apply anymore. I’d be unsafe. I’d be in danger. Truly, genuinely, at risk.
That doesn’t discourage me, though. And I hate that. I hate that, even knowing that I’m safer here, I know it here, I’m protected here, it’s not enough for me. I look at my TV screen and I want to go. I want to go to England, to Germany, to Spain. I want train rides and publicly owned television and white Christmases. And, if I’m already alone here, then I want a fresh start. I want strangers, I want foreigners. I want the easy conversation-starter of oh, where are you from?
I want to smile and reply. I want to fumble with my C2 English. I want to have the right to be out of place. I want it to feel like it can get better.
I’ve gotten rid of every friend I’ve made my whole life. I don’t know if it was me or them. By which I don’t mean I don’t know if it was my fault; it must’ve been. What I mean is I don’t know if I was the one who pulled away or if they left me instead.
And I’ve looked for fresh start after fresh start. I’ve been scrambling for purpose, for belonging. I changed schools and names, I got into uni and left everyone behind, but I’m still alone. Are my standards too high? Am I doing this to myself? (Yes. I hate myself, so I don’t let myself befriend those who are like me. I am judgmental. Deeply, deeply judgmental. Deeply critical of everyone who I think is below me or on my level. I am a narcissist. We’ve been over this, and we’ll keep going over this.)
Here’s what happened to my childhood friends:
I don’t remember having any. I mean, I do. But none that could have stayed. I was five, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t have neighbor friends. I had friends from school, but one of them moved away (she’s a professional surfer now, which is insane) and the others I lost touch with. I’m still a kid, by the way. An adult, but a kid.
Here’s what happened to my middle school friends:
Well, I say they were middle school friends, but let me touch on some elementary school friends, still. I was a fucked up kid. I don’t remember much. I remember I was bullied and I fought people. I remember choosing those who I thought were better than me, and then being used, and knowing it was bad for me. I remember dropping people. I remember being bullied because of the bad choice I made. I remember my parents not wanting me to be friends with my friends. I don’t remember why. I don’t remember much.
Middle school was about the same, but I was more fucked up in a much different way. I was either depressed or some weird kind of emo. I stopped having any real-life friends, but at least I still had online friends, and so many of them. It was the worst year of my life, but some of the people I met then I still know now. Distantly. Then I rekindled some friendships, made a new one, but, fuck. Still.
Here’s what happened to my high school friends:
When I changed schools to go to high school, I dropped all but one of my old friends. And I’m not exaggerating. I kept occasionally meeting for lunch with one of my middle school friends, and the rest I all but ghosted. I had a TTRPG group—I never showed up again. I had a friend group with a groupchat—no more replies, ever. I was a dick. But I was also going through a lot; I changed my name, remember me saying that? Well. I needed a fresh start. I needed people who would get me. And I got that.
The friends I made in high school were perfect for the first two years of it. The first year was the best of my life, at least the best yet. This year was shit—they’ve only gotten worse since—so, yeah. Best time of my life. I’m not the type of person you’d expect to peak in high school, but, well. Life catches you by surprise.
And they were perfect. Until they weren’t. Until it was my fault that I couldn’t keep in touch over message, and they got into relationships and got busy, and our interests had nothing in common anymore, and everything just got—
So different. I don’t get choked up thinking about it, but I do choke. Even my typed words come out wrong. And I don’t want to talk about uni friends—I don’t even want to talk about high school friends—they’re still there, on my cell screen—I just want things to change. I’m a horrible person, and I want nothing to do with any of them anymore. I have no real-life friends, no one to count on when push comes to shove, but now I barely have online friends. I can’t keep in touch virtually. I’m bad at all of this. I’m deeply narcissistic and profoundly stupid. I’m a kid. No one wants anything to do with the grown up child.
I hope for a fresh start. I’ve tried micromoves, changing schools, redirecting the course of my life in small ways. But if I went abroad? If I truly got the opportunity to explore, to be surrounded by people who have never seen me before, who, in no way, shape or form, have anything to do with me?
I can only dream of that. I can only dream of yet another chance to try and make first impressions, to try to do things right. Because I’ve been failing and failing. God made me out of failures and flaws. Out of fish bone and feather. I’m tired of sitting still, and I want to run. To Ireland, France, Denmark. To Tristan da Cunha. To my bed when it’s dark, to my bed when it’s light.
I’ll keep on hiding. I’ll keep on hoping. As ridiculous as I know it’ll keep on being.
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lu-twilights-pup · 3 years
With all the southern accent posts I have to ask, what about Twilight with a s/o with a southern accent (I usually try to hide mine but certain words or phrases just come out as such, my friend like to point them out while I go ‘nooo that’s the thing I’m sensitive about!’ But also I’ve been dying to see two get called stud muffin-)
Oh lord I’m screaming-
Twilight with a S/O with a Southern Accent!
When you met, this boy was puppy love smitten
From day one he was just hearty eyes
Tried to impress you super hard.
Worked harder when you were around, and tried to do more than he actually could
The amount of heavy things he either dropped or hurt himself trying to lift is a number he doesn’t want to think about.
You knew what he was doing, just thought it was cute
You both have southern accents, but they are different, while his is thicker and smoother (Louisiana) yours in more sharp and drawn out (Texas/Carolina)
That being said there are times where only you two can understand each other
This leads to a lot of inside jokes
There’s moments where he understand the whole thing about his accent being attractive bc he hears it in you
Loves to tease about certain words that you can’t say with out your accent just covering it completely
But you will purposely say words perfectly that you know he can’t
If you push your voice right he is absolute putty
Can’t take him seriously when he’s angry
When he gets too worked up or is working too hard you sarcastically call him ‘stud muffin’
You did it once and it just stuck when you’re trying to get him to relax
Anyone else who hears it is in fits, but wouldn’t dare try to use it
He will call you doll in return
Sometimes you both will try to come up with the craziest sayings to see if the other will question it or not.
You both try your hand at other accents, he had the best worst posh accent, you do a pretty good Gordon impression
God forbid you met the chain just chaos
Think Missus Mallon but younger
You just make him feel like home <3
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 years
yo yo 😳 could i mayhaps request class 1a with a british transfer student that swears a lot? and it’s not posh southern british, it’s a hard northern accent (geordie more specifically) ty ty xx
Class 1-A w/ a Northern British Transfer Student who Swears a Lot
Class 1-A x British!Transfer Student!Reader (You) || BnHA
Genre: General/Crack-ish
Warning(s): Uh, none really... Allusions/Mentions of swearing??
a/n Hey hey, you absolutely can! I just hope you don’t mind that it’s headcanons and not a full scenario/one-shot ^^ Also, I’m really sorry if anything is portrayed wrong - I did some research for this request but I still might slip up once or twice... Anyway I hope you enjoy! Also also, I'm sorry for taking so long and if it's not the best! I really think I butchered this to some degree T~T
Okay so for this headcanon there can be a bit of a variation on the class' reaction and such depending on whether you swear in English or in Japanese
If You Swear In English:
Let's be honest: no one even knew you swore at first. English and Japanese are two different languages after all. President Mic isn't exactly teaching swears in English class either...
Every time you switch to English for a cuss the whole class just kinda tilts their head and goes "huh?"
Or, y'know, some might ignore you altogether if you aren't talking to them
The class' only real indicator that what you're saying is crude is if the situation is a more violent one (like if you're in a fight or angry)
A select few might actually catch what you say though. Namely Bakugou, his squad, Yaoyorozu and maybe Todoroki.
Let’s face it, Momo and Todo probably know a fair amount of English (private lessons or smth) and Baku and his squad know because learning swears is the first thing everybody does when learning another language
Out of the above, let's just say some may cover their mouth in horror while others smirk.
For any progress on this language barrier to be made it'll take poor, innocent Midoriya Izuku - with all the courage he could muster - to ask what those words you say so often mean.
And the shocked look on almost everyone's faces was priceless. You couldn't help but laugh and wish you had a camera to commemorate the moment their ignorance was shattered.
"But... but you say (insert English swear) so often!?"
The class will shutter if anyone is on the receiving end of your swearing. Or if you cuss all of a sudden, seemingly unprompted. There's something about the mix of a hard accent and not knowing exactly what is being said that can be rather intimidating...
"wHAt aRe yOU sAyINg!!??" < the class 81.63% percent of the time
If You Swear in Japanese:
If you calmly say a swear the moment you walk through the door on the first day I want you to count how many people choked on air. Do it - I bet half the class did. You can also bet Iida is on your case in an instant...
"(Y/N) can you please watch your language it is very inappropriate and unbefitting of a hero in training!!"
The nonchalant-ness at which you spout swears is enough to make heads spin. The class probably saw you as a second Bakugou in the beginning before getting to know you.
More likely than you think there have been times where one of the other teens had to vouch for you, saying that despite your crude language you're actually not a bad person and that they should get to know you before leaping to conclusions.
It takes little to no time for everyone to settle into this norm. What did you expect - they all have to listen to Bakugou already - what's one more ill language classmate going to do?
Speaking of the blond: he def has a soft spot for the sole reason that you have such a potty mouth. Like hell he'd say it out loud, nor will he acknowledge it whatsoever. He just likes the fact that there's another person that has a bit of a rougher side to 'em.
Regardless of what language you swear in your accent still shines through, so the class is going to ask where you're from (more on that in a moment)
No one lets something as trivial as vocabulary stop them from befriending the transfer student. At the end of the day they all know you're a kind soul at heart. You are training to be a hero after all.
Everyone grows so used to your swearing they've gotten to the point of just calming asking what happened without looking up pls let make sense...:
"*continues to scroll through their phone* You ok?"
"Yeah, just dropped my pen..."
If anyone (*cough Monama cough*) was to say something unpleasant about how you speak (accent or amount of swearing) the class will defend you in a heartbeat - guaranteed
-- A couple of extra things not related to the swearing aspect of the request:
The class definitely asks about your home town and country. How different is it from Japan? What kinds of foods are there? Are there things you have there that aren't in Japan?
Like I've mentioned there's a chance that the others won't know what you say (whether that's because of your accent or English vocabulary) so they may ask you to repeat yourself a time or two. Don't take anything personally though! They mean no harm! Just be a little patient with them at the start and soon they'll be able to catch what you say just fine :)
Still, they're all really fascinated by the contrast between Geordie and Japanese accents and how you're able to pronounce words in Japanese really well while originally having such a strong accent
The more adventurous students might ask if you could teach them slang or sayings from your homeland should they ever hear you say any yourself and grow curious (I read that there are certain phrases and such that northlanders say)
The class would no doubt surprise you by 'talking Geordie' (?), using both what you teach them, what they pick up and what they learn through personal research.
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