#is it the choice everyone will make? no. is it a kind life? nope. is it hell sometimes? yeah
loumauve · 2 months
characters being offered the choice to 'live' a kind and peaceful life, by letting the thing that infected/possessed them take over while they themselves withdraw into their dream reality where everything is good and nothing hurts.. and them denying that? oof. I love it every time.
sth sth suffering is part of human existence and choosing it over living a lie is such a human thing to do
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pucksandpower · 5 months
A Crime Against Fashion
Charles Leclerc x fashion designer!Reader
Summary: you love Charles more than life itself, but everyone has a breaking point … and yours is those damn pants
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You stride into the spacious open-concept living room of the luxury apartment you share with your boyfriend, tossing your leather tote onto the couch with a huff. Another long day of design meetings and fittings for your upcoming spring collection has left you completely drained.
But your frustration isn’t just from work stress this time. No, it’s those blasted pants again.
As if on cue, Charles emerges from the bedroom wearing the dreaded blue and white tie-dye atrocities that have been your nemesis for weeks now. You can’t hold back a small groan of exasperation.
“What’s wrong, mon cœur?” Charles asks with his trademark lopsided smile, those warm emerald-colored eyes crinkling at the corners.
You gesture helplessly at the offending garment. “Charles … those pants. They’re just … how can I put this delicately? A crime against fashion.”
He glances down at the loose-fitting psychedelic nightmares, seemingly oblivious to their ugliness. “What do you mean? I think they’re kind of funky.”
“Funky?” You echo incredulously. “That’s one word for them, I suppose. Hideously unstylish is another.”
Charles pouts, sticking out his full lower lip in that irresistible way he knows gets you flustered. “But chérie, I really like them. They’re so comfy and casual.”
You shake your head adamantly, trying not to get distracted by how criminally attractive he looks even in those ridiculous pants. “No, nope. As your girlfriend and a designer, I simply cannot allow you to go out in public wearing those any longer. It’s a matter of principle!”
He raises an eyebrow skeptically. “Oh? And just what do you plan to do about it, hmm?”
A mischievous grin tugs at the corners of your mouth. “Well, I do have a few ideas …” You lunge toward him playfully.
With a yelp of surprise, Charles dodges out of the way, those long legs carrying him across the living room as you give chase. You laugh breathlessly, finally managing to catch him and wrap your arms around his slender waist from behind.
“Quit running away from me, Leclerc!” You tease, nuzzling against the back of his neck. “You know this is for your own good.”
Charles twists around in your arms until you’re face to face. His expression is one of feigned indignation but you can see his warm green eyes are dancing with amusement. “I will not be bullied about my clothing choices by you, Y/N Y/L/N! These pants are staying and that’s final!”
You answer by promptly planting a line of teasing kisses along the sharp line of his jaw, making him shiver. “Is that so? We’ll see about that, pretty boy.”
That evening, you make a point to avoid looking at or even acknowledging the offensive pants for the rest of the night. At one point, Charles good-naturedly tries to get a rise out of you by draping the tie-dyed nightmares over the back of the couch right in your line of sight. But you simply turn your nose up with an overdramatic harrumph, refusing to take the bait.
“Very mature,” Charles chuckles from beside you on the couch, his knee brushing against yours in that casual yet intimate way.
You shoot him a pointed look from the corner of your eye. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m simply refusing to lend any credibility to those … those …” You wave a hand vaguely in the direction of the pants hanging over the couch.
“You mean my pants?” Charles supplies helpfully, that infuriatingly charming grin stretching across his full lips.
“Ugh, don’t even call them that! Actual pants deserve more respect.” You lean your head against the back of the couch in exasperation.
Charles scoots closer until his side is flush against yours. He cups your jaw in one of those large, calloused racing hands and gently turns your face until you’re meeting his molten gaze. “You’re just jealous that I look better in them than you ever could, mon amour.”
His teasing words further ignite the spark of competitive spirit smoldering in your chest. With a surge of determination, you press a slow kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Challenge accepted, Leclerc.”
Two nights later, as Charles arrives back at the apartment after a grueling day of training, he immediately notices that something is … off.
He pads through the living room toward the bedroom, brow furrowed in confusion at the odd scattering of fabric scraps and loose threads on the floor. Your sewing machine is set up on the dining table, various rattles and clanks echoing from the bedroom.
“Y/N?” He calls out hesitantly. “Everything okay in there?”
You poke your head out from around the bedroom doorway, cheeks flushed and hair slightly askew. But your eyes are bright with mischief. “Charles! You’re home, perfect. Come in here for a second?”
With a shrug, he follows you into the bedroom. Only to stop dead in his tracks, jaw dropping almost comically. There on the floor in a tattered, unrecognizable heap of fabric are … his beloved tie-dye pants. The ones you had so vehemently loathed.
“Y/N, what … how … why …” he splutters, seemingly at a loss for words as he crouches down and gingerly runs a finger over the ragged remnants.
Resting your hands on your hips, you try not to look too triumphant. “What can I say? The cat got to them.”
Charles’ brows knit together in confusion. “We don’t have a cat, mon ange.”
Oops. Think fast.
“Well, uh, I was actually cat-sitting for Max today! You know how crazy Jimmy and Sassy can be. Those little balls of fluff must have gotten a hold of your pants and just went to town on them.”
You shrug innocently, the very picture of wide-eyed virtue. “Who can blame them, really? I warned you those pants were a crime against nature itself.”
For a long beat, Charles simply stares at the remains of his pants, then at you, eyes narrowed. You can practically see the realization dawning on his stupidly handsome face. Before he can call you out, you pivot on your heel.
“Anyway!” You clear your throat. “Since those pants were so adamantly beloved by you, I decided to give the fabric a little … redesign. Just to prove my point.” You turn back toward him, dropping the robe you had wrapped around yourself, to reveal your new creation. “What do you think?”
Charles’ breath seems to catch in his throat as you reveal the vibrant blue and white tie-dye fabric, repurposed into a sleek mini-skirt that hugs your curves in all the right ways. You punctuate the look by posing with one hand on your cocked hip, letting the skirt’s flirty hem swish teasingly.
“Well?” You raise an eyebrow challengingly, unable to keep the triumphant smirk from tugging at the corners of your mouth. “I believe you said something about looking better in those pants than me?”
To Charles’ credit, he recovers his powers of speech relatively quickly, running one hand through those tousled chestnut curls. “Y/N, you … you look …” He seems to struggle to find the words, green eyes raking over your figure appreciatively. "Incroyable. Magnifique."
You feel your cheeks warming at his praise, suddenly grateful for your impromptu redesign. “So I’ll take that as a point proven then?” You prod teasingly.
Charles finally tears his heated gaze from your body to meet your eyes, crossing the room in a few long strides until he’s crowding into your personal space. You catch your breath as his calloused hands settle on the curve of your waist, fingers brushing tantalizingly over the tie-dye fabric.
“More than proven, mon amour,” he rumbles in that low, gravelly tone that never fails to make your pulse kick up a notch. “I stand corrected — this fabric was absolutely meant for you and you alone.”
Before you can react with more than a breathless giggle, he dips his head to capture your lips in a searing kiss that leaves you dizzy and melting against the hard planes of his chest.
As you slowly break away trying to catch your breath, a wicked grin curves your lips. Placing your palms flat against Charles’ chest, you lean back just enough to meet his lidded, lust-blown gaze.
“You know …” you murmur, trailing a fingertip down the taut line of his throat and relishing the way his eyes darken further. “Now that I’ve refashioned those pants into this skirt, I believe that means they’re officially off-limits for you to wear. Unless …”
You bite your lower lip coyly, letting the implication hang in the air. Charles cocks an eyebrow, a rakish smirk of his own playing about those full lips as he catches your meaning.
“Unless what, ma belle?” His voice is thick with undisguised longing as he pulls you flush against him once more.
Stretching up on your tiptoes, you brush a feather-light kiss to that sharp, stubbly jawline. “Unless you’d fancy giving this skirt a spin for me sometime, Mr. Leclerc,” you practically purr into the heated space between your bodies. “Because I can absolutely get behind that look on you.”
Charles throws back his head with a rich peal of laughter, the sound reverberating through you. As his hands roam possessively over the tie-dye fabric now molded to your curves, you decide you’ll have to put in a request to see that particular fashion show very soon.
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harrysfolklore · 1 year
love on tour memories - blurb
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. you were bigger than the whole sky 😢 here’s a compilation of love on tour memories, some blurbs are new and some were already posted, i hope you like this trip down memory lane
september 4th, 2021 - las vegas, nevada
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Feather boas, pink hats and colorful flags all around could only mean one thing.
Harry Styles was finally back on tour.
After a long two year wait, Love On Tour was finally hitting the road, with the first stop being the iconic Las Vegas, Nevada.
You were beyond ecstatic to say the least, being on the road with Harry was your favorite thing to do, and you knew how much he wanted to finally be doing his favorite thing in the world again.
You were roaming around backstage looking for your boyfriend, already wearing your custom red dress that would match Harry's outfit for the night.
"Love! You look stunning," Lambert's voice made you turn your head, "That dress fits you perfectly just like I knew it would." You blushed as you walked together towards where Harry was getting ready with his bandmates in a few minutes.
"You're too nice, Lamby," you smiled at him, "Is he going shirtless like I asked? I couldn't be with him while he was getting ready."
"He is, darling. He said your wish was his command."
You rolled your eyes with affection; and as if on cue, Harry entered the room exuding an aura of confidence and excitement.
He was dying to get on stage.
"Hey, love," he approached you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Can you believe it? We're finally here."
You looked at him fondly, your eyes giving away how proud and excited you felt at the moment, "We're finally here," you repeated, "This is going to be the best tour ever."
Harry pressed a quick peck to your lips before turning his attention to the rest of his bandmates, who were gathered in the room.
"Alright, everyone," Harry announced, his voice full of enthusiasm. "This is it, the first night of Love On Tour," Jeff, who just entered the room with the rest of Harry's managers, let out a whistle in excitement. "Let's make it one to remember."
The band hugged quickly before walking down the corridor that would take them to the stage.
You walked by Harry's side, holding his hand and realizing how much you missed the tour life.
"Good luck kiss?" Harry turned to you as you reached what would be his 'soft goods' box for the next months.
"Wouldn't turn it down for the world." You smiled and connected your lips, and just like that he was off to the stage inside a storage box.
For the next two hours, Harry and his bandmates poured their hearts on stage for the first time in two years, and by the end of the night, everyone had the same thought in their minds.
This was going to be a tour to remember.
october 30th, 2021 - new york
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Outside of Madison Square Garden, fans were lining up dressed in their costumes of all kind, excited to be part of Harry's fancy dress party to celebrate Halloween.
However, backstage at the arena you were was growing increasingly curious and impatient about Harry's costume choice, since everyone refused to tell you about it.
"I can't take it anymore!" You said, your eyes darting between everyone in the room. "Somebody, please tell me what Harry's going dressed as!"
Jeff chuckled, entertained by your growing desperation to know. "Oh, YN, you're in for a treat. Harry's going all out, you're going to be gagged"
"Come on, you have to give me something!" Your eyes traveled to Lambert, hoping he would crack up and tell you what you desperately wanted to know.
"Nope, and don't give me those eyes. Sue strictly told us to keep it as a surprise."
You rolled your eyes before standing up and walking towards the door. "Well, I guess I'll try to bribe him with a blowie again.
Everyone in the room laughed at your words, and before you could even reach Harry's dressing room you were intercepted by Harry's assistant Luis, who told you that he instructed him to keep you out of the room until he was ready.
You got into your own costume for the night, a fairy dress with wings and a crown, you put extra effort in your makeup adding glitter and some gem stones.
You heard two knocks to your door followed by Jeff's voice "YN, you ready? Harry is and he wants to see you."
"God, why is he being so dramatic about his costume," you opened the door as you spoke and once you were met with Jeff and his costume, you couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Who are you supposed to be?"
"Miss Anna Wintour, the Toms are going like this too," he shrugged and walked towards Harry's dressing room, you following behind, "Come on now, your annoying boyfriend is waiting for you."
"You ready love?" you heard Harry's voice from the other side of the door, not opening yet.
"Come on just come out already! I need to see you!"
And after a few more seconds of mystery, he finally opened the door and you were met with his blue dress and bright red shoes.
He was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
"Harry! This is- you look amazing!"
"Really? You like it?" he put his hands on his waist and tilt his head before giving a twirl and making you laugh.
"I love it, but I have one concern, tho."
"And that would be?" he looked at you questioningly.
"That skirt is too short! You're going to flash your bits to everyone!"
"Well, my love," he grabbed the hem of his dress, pulling it up, "That is what the bloomers are for!"
june 18th, 2022 - london, uk
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"How do you feel, mate?" Jeff asked Harry as they stood together on the wings of the stage, Mitski was just done with her set and Harry was already on his outfit for the show, minutes away from hitting the stage.
"It's a weird feeling somehow," Harry turned his gaze to his manager and best friend, "I never thought I was going to ever be able to fill this place on my own, you know?"
"And here we are, two sold out shows!" Jeff threw his fist in the air as a sign of celebration and both of them laughed, side hugging as they kept admiring the crowd.
"Are you guys having a sappy sentimental moment without me?" they tuned their heads towards the voice called for them, that belonged to you.
"I was just about to leave, actually, I have to check everything's running smoothly before this one hits the stage," Jeff ruffled Harry's hair for a moment, "You lovebirds enjoy your pre-concert shag, see you out there!"
You and Harry rolled your eyes and shook your heads, all the times you got caught doing your shenanigans before the shows resulting in a constant teasing from your friends.
"So, how do you feel, rockstar?" you asked, getting closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"You know, Jeff just asked the same thing."
"Okay, no talking, straight to the pre-concert shag I guess!"
Harry laughed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders as you looked out at the crowd together.
"I feel great," Harry said, turning his face to the side to lock his eyes with yours, "Being here again and having you by my side is something that I thought would only happen in my dreams, so I feel great my dreams came true again."
"This is a time where I actually feel good saying that I told you so," you smiled softly, "I always knew that you were going to be selling out this places on your own, baby. And I'm so proud of you."
"I know," Harry pecked yours lips for a moment, "And that's the reason why I'm here, because you had never allowed me to doubt myself."
"You're here because you've earned it by working hard and pouring your heart out in everything that you do, there's no one who deserves this as much as you do."
Harry's eyes got watery at your words, and he grabbed youe face to connect your lips, expressing everything he felt at the moment with a kiss.
"10 minutes till show time!" One of the crew members announced, making you break apart.
"Go sing about fruit and joke about dads, rockstar. I love you."
"Love you more, lovey."
And with a final kiss to your lips he was off to perform, ready to charm a crowd of 80,000 people on his own, something that he never though he would achieve.
september 21st, 2022 - new york
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Emotions were all over the place at Madison Square Garden’s backstage, the clinking of champagne glasses along with congratulatory speeches were heard all around the room as a way to celebrate the 15 sold out shows at the world’s most famous arena.
The grin on Harry’s face was evident as he thanked everyone who approached him to applaud his milestone, from his friends to the arena’s crew, and holding his own glass of champagne and wearing a small smile, his eyes started wandering around for you.
It was when he reached the now empty pit of the arena when he found you, just a few hours prior, the room was filled with feather boas, glittery hats and more than twenty thousand people who came together to celebrate him. Right now, it was just you and him, looking up at the brand new addition to the arena.
Was what the arena’s brand new banner said, a banner that would permanently stay there, as a reminder of what your boyfriend had achieved.
“You know I wouldn’t have done it without you, right?” he said as he approached you, bringing you closer by wrapping both of his arms around your waist, leaning his chin of your shoulder “All these songs are about you, all of this is because of you, my love.”
You smiled, the feeling of elation increasing at the sound of your boyfriend’s voice. Turning around to face him, you placed your hands on his cheeks before you spoke “This is all you, you did this, baby,” you said while looking into his eyes, and the fact that they were glossy and watery told you that he was still very emotional about the night’s events.
“Maybe I inspired you to write the songs, but the words aren’t mine, honey, they’re yours. All the people who filled those seats every night, they were here for you, because you have impacted their lives in ways no one else could. You deserve this, and I’m so proud and happy for you.” You finished, feeling your own eyes getting watery, still holding his face between your hands, and pressing your foreheads together.
“I’m so damn lucky to have you.” Harry chuckles, leaning in to press a kiss to your jaw and then nuzzle your neck, you put your hand on the back of his neck and caress his hair, letting him embrace you and holding him right back.
“I’m the lucky one, I mean, not everyone can say that their boyfriend has a banner permanently hung up high at Madison Square Garden, right?” you joked, feeling his laugh vibrate against your neck before he pulled his face out of it, looking into your eyes.
“I love you so much, YN.” he said looking right into your eyes, and his expressed what he had just said, you could feel the love radiate from him.
He’s walking joy, walking happiness, walking love
november 5th, 2022 - los angeles
From the moment you were woken up by the sound of Harry's dry coughs, you knew it was going to be a hard day.
Harry had been feeling under the weather the last couple of days, and today he was feeling his worst. As a professional, he pushed through, thinking it was just exhaustion from the intense schedule on tour.
However, as the day progressed, Harry couldn't shake the feeling of sickness off his body. His throat was sore, and his head felt heavy and he could barely sing during soundcheck, making his bandmates and managers worry about his health.
"Baby," you called out for him, caressing his hair softly, "Jeff just texted me that the doctor is here, he's going to check up on you."
Harry didn't verbally reply, he just stood up and kissed your forehead softly before leaving the room, you following close behind.
You knew what he was worried about the most: having to cancel the show.
The doctor examined Harry thoroughly and then delivered the unfortunate news, he had a severe throat infection and singing tonight could worsen it, so he had to cancel his upcoming shows.
He didn't speak, but you knew he was devastated.
After he delivered the news to his fans via an Instagram story, you wrapped your arms around him and kissed his cheek softly before speaking, "You did the right thing, Harry. Your fans love you, and they'll understand that your health comes first," you reassured him.
Jeff and Tommy, who were in the room too, nodded in agreement, "We'll handle the rescheduling and all the logistics. You just focus on resting and getting better," Jeff said, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder, "I'm so sorry, mate." and with a final pat to Harry's back, they were out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
"Hey," you grabbed his chin, making him look at you, "Talk to me, love. What are you thinking?"
"I feel terrible, I hate disappointing the fans and I feel like I let everyone down."
You pressed a tender kiss to his temple again before speaking, "Your fans understand that you're human, just like everyone else. You're allowed to prioritize your well-being, and the fans will always be there for you, cheering you on, no matter what."
Harry gave you a tired smile and laid your head against your shoulder, and you felt proud of everything he does, even giving himself a break.
december 4th, 2022 - buenos aires, argentina
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“Holy shit! Look at how packed that pit is already.” Harry said as he got a peek of the stadium, it was still early but fans were already inside and waiting for him.
“You know how much your fans here love you, baby. Tonight’s show is going to be crazy.” You rested your chin on his shoulder, looking at the crowd with him.
“It’s going to be one of the best, I can’t fucking wait.” Excitement was evident on his voice and you couldn’t help but melt a bit, the man you love was happy and that made you the happiest as well.
“They scored!” Anthony Pham’s voice made you turn your heads, a bunch of the crew members were watching the Argentina vs Australia match on a small tv, and the screams from the crowd just confirmed that their country had just scored.
“Wait, put the match on the big screens, let’s watch it together with the crowd.” Harry said and guys from the tech crew quickly put the match on the stadium screens, making fans grow excited.
By the end of the match and by a close call, Argentina won and the crowd erupted in cheers and screams, the entire staff celebrating too and hyping the crowd.
“Go celebrate with them baby! Go on!” you urged Harry to go on stage, “You know what? Fuck it!” and he ran to the stage and hyped the crowd, celebrating the victory with them
Argentina gave him one of his best tour memories already and the shows were still yet to happen.
february 20th, 2023 - perth, australia
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“How are we feeling in here tonight Perth?” Harry said into the mic, looking out at the crowd cheering and screaming for him, “It’s been about 5 years almost since I last performed in Australia, feels so good to be back.”
The crowd erupted in cheers and screams, and you watched fondly as he moved around the stage.
“YN, my girlfriend, she loves to research each country we visit before the show," Harry pointed out to you and the nerves instantly hit you, despite being with him years, you still weren’t used to the spotlight and the attention. "She told me about some… peculiar traditions you guys do over here, like drinking out of a shoe.” Harry said and the audience went wild along with you, you knew his fans had been trying to get him to do a shoey since the last time he performed in the country and you insisted that he needed to finally do it.
“This is one of the most disgusting traditions I’ve ever heard of,” he paused to shake his head, “Fuck it,” and he proceeded to take his shoe off, making the entire audience roar in cheers.
“Can you do a Shoey with water or is that against the rules? YN?” the camera zoomed into you, putting your face in the big screens across the stadium, you couldn’t help but laugh and yell your responde, “She says no! Okay let’s just get this over with.”
And next thing you knew, Harry was drinking out of his shoe and the entire stadium was erupting in screams.
“I feel like a different person…I feel ashamed of myself. It feels so personal! Such an intimate moment to be shared with so many people!” at this point your belly hurt from how much you were laughing, and Harry couldn’t help but laugh as well, “I’ll be discussing this with my therapist at length…at length! And YN, you’re a terrible girlfriend for making me do this!”
Even though you were aware of the cameras catching your every reaction, you rolled your eyes with affection and jokingly flipped him off, making him blow an obnoxious kiss your way.
“Now, who’s ready for more music?”
march 26th, 2023 - tokyo, japan
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“Everyone who knows me, knows how incredibly special this country is to me. I came here a few years ago for 5 days, and stayed a LOT longer than 5 days. It was one of the best things that ever happened to me in my whole life.” Harry said, looking out at the crowd in complete awe, “I’ve always felt that my time in here in Japan was incredibly special to me & I would not be able to make those 2 albums if it wasn’t for that time. So thank you the people of Japan for whatever it was that you gave to me. I will love you for it forever”
You couldn't help but shed a few tears, adoration running through your veins for the man who was currently closing up one of the most special legs of his world tour.
"However, unlike the last time I came here, I'm not on my own this time, I'm here with this incredible band who gives me the honor to play with them every night, the amazing crew who makes every show possible, and most importantly," he put a hand to his heart before continuing, "I'm here with the gorgeous woman I get to call my girlfriend, and I feel like the luckiest man in the world for that."
It was safe to say that you were full on crying by now, aware of fans and cameras catching your every move but not ashamed to be vulnerable because of the man you loved.
Harry turned to look at you on the side of the stage before speaking again, "I love you so much, baby, thank you for being my muse and my best friend, none of this would be possible without you."
And as if it was the first sentence you ever learned, you instantly mouthed and "I love you to Harry, making him grin and blush before speaking into the mic again.
"Thank you, Japan! I love you."
june 10th, 2023 - slane, ireland
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Today was a day for the history books. Harry was going to make history as the first artist to ever perform in the iconic Slane Castle as a main performer for his own tour since 1985.
He brought up that he was offered the chance while you were snuggled in bed, listening to soft music that played from Harry’s record player.
“They offered me to perform at Slane Castle. You know, that venue where the only way to perform is if you get invited by Lord Henry.” Harry said casually as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Baby! That’s amazing!” you said in a cheerful tone, but the way Harry pursed his lips made you guess what was going on in his mind, “Don’t tell me you’re second guessing this, it’s a great opportunity.”
“I know, I know,” he said, pecking your forehead softly before continuing, “But everything’s pretty intimidating, there’s a lot to live up to.”
“And you will absolutely crush it. So call Jeffrey right now and tell him to book the gig.”
And so he did. And now, you were leaning on his dressing room’s vanity table, watching as he got ready for one of the biggest nights of this career.
“How do you feel?” you asked softly, you knew that his nerves always kicked in during this time.
“Nervous, happy, excited,” he turned to you, giving you a soft smile and tender eyes, “I just want this to be a memorable show, I don’t want anyone to leave the venue feeling like the show wasn’t good enough.”
“Everything’s going to be fine, gorgeous,” he smiled at the pet name, one of his favorites that you use for him, “Every single show that you’ve done ever since you were sixteen has been absolutely incredible, this one won’t be the exception.”
And instead of giving you a verbal reply, he crashed his lips into yours, pouring all of his feelings in a kiss.
“Hershel, time to hit the stage!” you were interrupted by Jeff knocking on the door.
“Oh cut it out, Jeffrey. We’re in the middle of my pre show shag.” Harry joked, making you throw your head back in laughter.
“You have two minutes, you menaces.” Jeff timed his eyes, already used to your shenanigans.
Your laughs died down and you looked directly into his eyes, caressing the hair at the base of his neck before speaking, “You’re going to deliver an amazing show, okay?” Harry only nodded, letting you continue, “You don’t have to meet anyone’s expectations, you just need to be your loving carefree self and everyone will have the best night of their lives.”
He pecked your lips before speaking, “Thank your for that, and for just being you, honestly,” he shook his head for a moment, “I wouldn’t have the courage to go out on stage every night if it wasn’t for you.”
“You would. Because you were born for this. Now go make me proud, rockstar.”
And with a final kiss to your lips, he was off with his band, ready to hit the stage of one of the most important nights of his career.
july 22nd, 2023 - reggio emilia, italy
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The time had come to say goodbye to Love On Tour.
Surrounded by Harry's family and friends, you stood in the VIP area of the field watching Harry perform the last show of his biggest tour.
The night had been incredible so far, Harry pour his heart out performing just like he had been doing for the last two years, making the show extra special by adding new songs to the setlist and letting the crowd know how thankful he has for everything given to him.
"I will remember this evening and all of this for the rest of my life. Thank you for letting me be a part of this, thank you for dedicating your time to me, thank you for listening to me. Thank you for being amazing. Thank you for everything." Harry said into the mic, beginning with his final speech, one you knew would make you tear up.
"I have people here tonight who have supported me in so many ways over the past 13 years in which you can only imagine. I would not be on this stage without them and their love and support. My family are here tonight, my friends are here tonight," Harry's voice cracked up and his eyes got teary, making everyone in the crowd tear up along with him, "I was doing so well! Thank you for the support, thank you loving me for the way that you have. My friends are here tonight, thank you for having my back, always. I love you all so much. Thank you. I have a lot of things to feel incredibly lucky for in life but i feel the luckiest with my friends support. It allows me to do this. I am so full right now, I've never been happier in my entire life."
You held Anne's hand as you listened to his speech, both of you growing emotional at his words, just as the nearly 100,000 fans in the crowd.
"My girlfriend and life partner is here tonight, just like she was for all 169 previous nights, and all the most important moments of the last 13 years," eyes turned to you, but your attention was only on the man on stage, the one you loved, "I've said it countless of times before, but none of this would be possible without you. You're my best friend, my muse and my biggest supporter. Thank you for loving me, and giving me a love to write about. I love you."
You mouthed an "I love you" back to him, wiping some tears that kept falling from your eyes.
"Secondly, to you all," he turned to face his band, "Thank you so much for doing this with me, that you trust me, thank you for giving your time, your energy. This show is what it is because of everything you've done every night."
He continued his speech, thanking the fans for the same space they created over the years, and giving him the opportunity to be on stage every night doing what he loves the most.
After a 10 minute ballad written specially for the night, Love On Tour was officially over. But the memories created around it would last a lifetime.
taglist: @lightsoutstyles @willowpains @straightontilmornin @sleutherclaw @gimsaysay @hazzassmirk @platinumbarbie143 @musicforcinemas @celesteblack08 @scntfrhs @eleanordaisy @lomlolivia @iceebabies @iloveshawn @be-with-me-so-happily
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Ellen Joe Headcanons
I can’t help it I love this shark girl
Like I stated in my previous ZZZ headcanon post, Ellen meets a lot of shark character stereotypes, including having a love for seafood, needing to be constantly fidgeting/moving, and going apeshit around blood or enemies who struggle
After that one incident where she almost attacked Corin after the poor girl cut her hand on her own sawblade by accident, Lycaon has had to keep an eye on her and make sure during missions from clients that she doesn’t jeopardize the objective due to her uncontrollable thiren instincts
She doesn’t actually care for the taste of blood, but whenever it’s spilled, her instincts go into overdrive and she has to sink her teeth into whatever’s bleeding
She likes fighting and doing combat missions for Victoria Housekeeping Co because of how often she gets to go bonkers on things that put up a fight
Too much movement in one area really stresses her out though. It overloads her sense of smell and makes her feel dizzy and overwhelmed
Obviously has an incredible sense of smell. How else would she be able to tell if you’re hiding candy from her?
I’m making it canon she owns at least 4 Blahaj
Like??? In official media about her they show that she has shark themed items like the blanket from that one video, of course she’s gonna have shark plushies
Despite being a very perceptive person she’s oblivious to the fact Corin has a crush on her
Corin thinks Ellen is playing 4D chess with her emotions but nope Ellen genuinely has no clue Corin has mental breakdowns over how hard she’s crushing on Ellen
Ellen is nonchalant around everyone but usually talks to Corin about stuff in her personal life that’s bothering her, like school stuff or friend drama
Ellen is the exact opposite around Rina. Ellen’s smart enough to know how manipulative and nosy Rina can be, and how any information can be used against her, so she’s pretty curt and tight lipped around the creepy esper lady
Ellen doesn’t really see Lycaon as anything but her superior, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t respect him. Usually it’s in her own way, though. Like, Ellen probably doesn’t take orders from him super well, but she’d be damned if she let anyone in Victoria Housekeeping go down first in battle. What she lacks in obedience she makes up for in loyalty tenfold
He’s also the one that provided her her massive shears, outfitted with the same ice technology his boots run on
Before being gifted the shears, Ellen’s weapon of choice was a pretty standard sword
Besides the massive tail and sharp teeth, Ellen also has gills running along her ribs just below her breasts
She’s like, the only one who knows about it though cause no one has seen her shirtless before.
When she’s at the beach or pool with friends she wears one piece suits
She can breathe underwater, but chooses not to most of the time because it’s either chlorinated (stings), or too polluted/muddy (makes her cough a lot)
Is good at holding her breath regardless
Besides the tattoos on her tail, she has a tattoo of a dorsal fin on her back, and a small tattoo of ocean waves with a little shark fin poking out on her right ankle
Has a very high pain tolerance
Has a very low bullshit tolerance
Once when running a solo escort mission through a hollow, her shears were knocked out of her hands and fell down a chasm. Her backup weapon? Her actual goddamn teeth
Like she’s a shark she’s gonna bite and she bites HARD
Has an impressive bite force, can chew through a ton of soft metals and most fabrics
She’s tried chewlery before but unfortunately no matter what kind she buys she always shreds it within a week
LOVES jawbreakers and other insanely hard candy
The fastest way to win her trust is to gift her candy, especially hard candies, as evident in the Victoria Housekeeping story quest
While she heavily prefers hard candies she also loves gummies. Yeah especially the shark ones
Her tail is pure thick muscle btw. Being smacked with that thing feels like being whacked by one of those punching bags that’s heavily weighted
She’s not always cognizant of where or how she’s moving it too, so it’s better to steer clear from walking behind her
That thing is the entire length of Xiao Genshin and also half of her entire body weight, no wonder the girl keeps having energy crashes, she’s carrying that thing around
The bite mark on her tail is unfortunately self inflicted. Years ago she got stuck in a hollow for over a week and grew desperate for food. Soon after having to do that to herself, she was rescued
Used to have chewing on her nails and cheek as a nervous stim but now has better outlets for fidgets and chew stims
Sure, chewlery didn’t work, but no one’s stopped her from making her own out of scrap metal. It gets the job done surprisingly well. She’s even gotten somewhat good at biting metal into fun shapes
Corin made a joke about it once about how Ellen could totally sell the bitten shapes and Ellen genuinely offered to make her one of her bear
Corin stores all her favorite trinkets in a box under her bed. So far the only things in there are the button eyes from her oldest stuffed animal project, and the bent, bite mark ridden metal piece shaped like a teddy bear
Ellen isn’t an impatient person, but she heavily values her free time, which is why if you idle in the game for too long she gets pissed
She totally suffers from a thing called Sharkolepsy and totally doesn’t use it as an excuse to get out of work or school sometimes
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lemotmo · 24 days
Ahhhhhh! It really does feel real!!
Q. Hulu leaving multiple comments. The official insta account using photos of everyone's canon partner in their new post and using Eddie for Buck's. The official insta account posting a pic of that specific trio. Aisha posting more photos of that trio. I mean I feel like I'm crazy but this kinda screams pattern! Right? Am I crazy??
A. My ask box is an insane mix of pure joy and other people screaming at me like I'm the one who made those posts for 911. Hi, anon! It does feel like an intentional pattern. Again, for all of the people screaming at me, I know we don't have confirmation of anything and I'm not saying we do. But it does feel like a coordinated, strategc, purposeful campaign. It feels like a soft launch. It's not overt. It's not direct. It's just kind of a constant stream of content that is easily used for multiple purposes but also contains specific themes and patterns. That's essentially what a soft launch is. Several people dismissed the Hulu comment as an accident saying the moderator misspoke. They claimed the comment would get deleted once the higher ups found out about it. Well not only did it not get deleted they made another public comment. So it clearly was intentional and not a mistake. The insanely positive and rapid response to yesterday's picture of Aisha, Oliver and Ryan (it's already received well over 70,000 likes) was crazy. The overwhelming majority of the comments are very 'look at the LGB squad' and they're very positive. That post received by far the fastest response of any post they've made so far this off season. And none of the reaction was negative. None of the comments were negative. They were 90% LGBT focused and overwhelmingly positive. The moderators did not find those comments surprising. They knew what the comments would be like before they posted the picture. None of them were taken by surprise by the fact that people view Eddie as part of the rainbow squad. Aisha posted a collage of pics of the three of them from the previous seasons today on her Instagram account as well. Not an accident.
Today's 911 post was very interesting. Each character they used followed a specific pattern. A singular pic, a friend pic of some kind, a pic representing the real life version of their name, and a canon partner pic. Now, currently Tommy is Buck's canon partner. There were pics of them available to use. They chose to use Eddie. That was an intentional choice. A choice that they knew would be noticeable to everyone. Again, they knew that before they posted the picture. It wasn't an accident. It wasn't an oversight. They intentionally used a photo of Buck and Eddie. I already have people saying they only used that pic because the show clearly likes that pic. They pointed out that that particular photo has been used a lot for promos. Technically that's correct. But you know what other photo has been used quite a bit? Buck's first kiss with a man. That photo was readily available to use and they chose to not use it. I have other people saying they just needed to include Eddie somehow and that was the easiest way. Nope. The easiest way was the group/friend pic route. I mean with Buck it was the obvious easiest way to work Eddie in. Instead they opted to use him in the partner photo for Buck. Again, deliberate, intentional choices. Now regarding all the comments I received on the medal photo that clearly has him cropped out, I don't know what to tell you. It was a photo for Hen, and he was at the very end of the frame, it made sense to cut him out. He has nothing to do with Hen. That being said though they didn't need to use that particular pic for her so It was certainly an interesting choice. And it was another choice they knew would be noticeable. Again, this all feels very purposeful. But we shall see. I can't understand why a certain someone's cousin didn't make them aware of all of this. Oh wait yes I can because there is no cousin. Silly me.
I'm curious to see the Family Feud episode even more now. They clearly intended to hold it until the week before the premier. It's obviously meant to be used as a promo. Every time celebrities are on that show they play for a charity. I won't be surprised if the 911 charity is an LGBTQ charity. Wouldn't that be an interesting addition to the pattern.
Thank you Nonny!
😂😂😂 I had just posted about all the promo on Instagram and 15 minutes later this got dropped in my ask box. Ali's nonnies work fast. They are the best!
Glad to see we seem to agree on everything. For anyone who wants to read my own, much shorter and definitely much less coherent thoughts on this specific promo, you can read it here. 😋
I'm definitely looking forward to the Family Feud episode as well. But mainly because it'll be so much fun so see them play this game. 😁
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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faeriekit · 1 year
Health and Hybrids (IV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and whatever prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWO is here PART THREE is here and this is part four 💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Our boy is recovering from Bad Stuff in the Watchtower (involuntarily). Danny gets a bandaid for a variety of wounds that definitely are not covered by a little adhesive bandaid, but hey! Bart’s trying.
Trigger warnings for this story: body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) | my awful attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Batman clicks on the projector screen. Everyone in the room has access to the slides and note-taking abilities on their tablets. The assembled heroes quietly select their app of choice, sit back in their chairs, and ready themselves for the meeting.
“Good afternoon. For everyone in alternate time zones, good morning or good evening as they apply. Before I begin the approved agenda for this meeting, there are developments on the base that everyone ought to be aware of.”
Click. The slide changes to a fuzzy image of an unusually dense collection of shadows in a typical medical-wing setup. The specific location isn’t clear, but the phenomenon itself is stark against the white walls and flooring. The static on the cameras is atypical for the quality of equipment used on the base.
“There is an extraterrestrial lifeform that has made Medical Wing C their territory. Yes, we know they are there. No, they cannot be moved at this time. Please do not try to take initiative in doing so. Please do not enter the aforementioned medical wing. If you see this entity outside of the medical wing, please leave, ignore them, or otherwise make your presence known. They are generally in search of isolation and seek to remain unseen. All known attempts at self-defense by this entity have been largely non-hostile so far, but we do not know how or if that behavior will change as they heal.”
Batman…takes a breath. Not sighs. The vigilante has more control than that.
“They are severely injured. The exact nature of their injuries are still unknown, based on their—unique physiology—“
Barry squints at the screen. Nope. The cloud still looks like a cloud.
“—But the identified fluids they secrete have been recognized as at least partially composed of red blood platelets and a modified plasma. Based on their aggressive self-defense, the persistent seclusion behavior, and their general lack of responsiveness, the injuries are considered deeply severe and require rest to treat. It is imperative that non-medical staff and on-base heroes maintain as little contact with the entity as possible. We are attempting both delicate medical treatment and non-verbal communication, which have both failed thus far. We have reason to believe that the extraterrestrial is sentient and capable of communication based on—“
Click. The next slide is an image of a nearly-obliterated craft of some kind—tinted glass, wings, debris everywhere, twisted shards of metal that look like they scrape like teeth. Charred black everywhere. Barely visible is a torn–through upholstered seat ten yards away.
A hiss breaks the silence in the back of the room. That’s nasty-looking wreck.
“—This craft. It is relatively rudimentary in its design, and would not have held up to prolonged space travel, but would have required complex intelligence to start and maintain transport. Basic testing has proven that its energy readings, while not precisely contiguous with the Speed Force, show that it has been in contact with extradimensional phenomena. A non-sentient life would not have been able to pilot it successfully enough to crash it—much less to avoid the farmhouse in its path. The result is that we have an extremely wounded entity with no shared form of communication. There have been worrying observations by their medical team, however.”
This slide is blank.
“We are now pursuing the possibility that the entity has been attacked or otherwise held captive by human organizations here on Earth. There are persistent triggers of aggression brought on by medical settings, adults, and more specifically, any present medical personnel and equipment.”
Batman pauses.
“Their medical team has informed me that their persistent fear has made treatment…difficult.”
There’s a snort from somewhere in the room.
“If you discover any evidence of possible extraterrestrial captivity or torture or experimentation among your usual cast of rogues, please forward everything you are able to base for further investigation. In this time period where the Lanterns are unavailable to return to Earth, Martian Manhunter has been notified of the need of his presence on the base, and will hopefully help settle this matter. In the meantime, as a reminder: do not enter Medical Wing C, do not engage with the entity in any way. Simply make your presence known, and they will flee.
“Now. Onto our agenda. First article: whoever has been taking the toilet paper from the supply closet, stop it. The league is not here to fund your lifestyle habit of two-ply toilet paper.”
There’s more food available more often.
It just appears at the foot of his bed. Like magic. Or, like…like a really, really fast human child.
Some of the packaged foods Danny can’t eat without swallowing them whole, wrapper and all. They’re just too fiddly to get with his claws—the solution is to just swallow it and let the whole thing dissolve in whatever weird ecto-acid is churning in his stomach at the moment.
The rest is fresh from the bakery—or, well the base, anyway, however this moon base gets their fresh foods. Muffins and croissants and sausage rolls and other things he would expect to see on a coffee tray or something.
…Danny prods his stomach.
He’s been too sore to notice, but this half-state of being a somewhat-physical half-ghost is super, super weird. He can eat, but it’s not processed like food is in his living body. Everything he can digest just gets incorporated. Everything he can’t just gets…
He looks down at the slowly growing puddle in his bed.
…Maybe ‘spit out’ is too generous a phrase. Expelled? Excreted?
Ew. Okay that thought is kind of gross and he doesn’t want to think about that while he can’t move away maybe.
He knows, instinctually, that he’s wounded, but this half-and-half state stops him from feeling the specifics. Knowing how, exactly, he’s hurt. Experiencing the majority of the pain and distress.
He curls up on his bed.
Danny hates it here. Not because it’s bad (it is) but because he wants to be home. He selfishly, desperately wants to be home. He wants his rocket sheets. He wants his room with its glow in the dark stars.
…He wants his dad to heat up soup and sit with him, like when he was little and had nightmares. He wants Jazz to sit on the edge of his bed and read to him.
Danny wants Mom.
 …There is some other company here, though.
Sometimes, if Danny is mostly sated and kind of sleepy, the quick human buzzes in with a few of its age-mates. The two don’t get as close as the buzzing human can, because Danny can at least read the Excited!! or Nervous!! or Booored! energy on the human, which makes him more comfortable with letting it in close. Its friends seem to respect his space, though. They don’t go past his curtain, even if it’s open. They talk, but they don’t yell.
Danny thinks he’s getting the soft little bones back in one of his ears, but he can’t fully tell. He can hear that they’re chattering and he can hear which sounds they’re making, but he can’t understand any of them.
Auuuuughhhhh. He pushes the pillow more underneath himself. Does he have brain damage?? Is he…is he missing pieces of his brain??
There won’t be a concrete way to tell until he solidifies again. Gross. He doesn’t want to do that yet.
Or soon.
…Or at all, maybe.
Mom was so mad at him. Maybe he’ll be safe and he can come home if she…if he can’t be touched…?
…No. He remembers. Mom makes things for ghosts.
Danny looks up. Oh. He made the human vibrate all nervously. Danny’s fine. Well—he’s not fine but he’s not hurting more than usual or hungry.
The human is careful not to touch him when he doesn’t want to be touched, but Danny’s feeling generous. When the human puts its hands on the bed, Danny willingly brushes his knuckles up against it.
No claws. A peace offering.
The human goes suuuuper still.
…Uh. Did he break it?
And then it zoooooooms away faster than Danny can comprehend (he jolts) and sprints back with a whole lot of stuff in its hands, and a few things thumpthumpthump ono his bed. And.
Well. None of it smells like food? When he bites it, it doesn’t taste like food either. In fact the texture is…
Danny frowns. Turns over the object so he can see it better. (It doesn’t help.) Is that plastic?
Wait. Danny twists it in half. His wrists ache but the pieces rotate.
…It’s a rubric’s cube.
There are other puzzles too—things that taste like plastic and one that tastes like wood, which he might have dented with his teeth by accident. Whoops. Danny puts that one farthest away, in the hopes that he doesn’t accidentally damage it a second time.
…Huh. That’s. That’s nice.
Danny surprises himself and the surprised!surprised! human with a purr.
It’s not a lot. Not even monetarily is this little offering a lot.
But it’s more than Danny’s had in a long time.
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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words: 3.0k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
"Good morning, Y/N" Susannah said as she entered my room.
I got up almost instantly, "Oh god, am I late?" I asked.
She laughed a little, "No, you're fine, don't worry."
Susannah hopped onto my bed, looking at me with a cute smile, "Are you ready for your big day."
I shook my head no, "Nope."
"Oh yes you are." She said to me.
"But what if I trip? Or I step on Jeremiah's foot?" I asked.
"You won't, just hold onto Jeremiah." She said, laughing a little, "He won't let you fall."
I laughed a little as well, "That's true."
"You know..." Susannah began, "I still don't know how you got him to be your escort. He swore up and down that he'd never go to any of these things."
I laughed a little.
"Well, he'd do anything for you." She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "They both would."
My smile faltered a little, as I looked around my room, avoiding eye contact with Susannah.
"Everything okay?" Susannah asked.
I nodded quickly, "Yeah."
"Did I push you into this?" Susannah asked, "You can tell me the truth."
"Um... maybe a little at first, but. I really don't mind, I just want to make you happy."
Susannah sighed a little, "Look, honestly, we don't even need to go tonight if you don't want to, okay?"
"No, no, I want to go." I said, smiling up at her. "And I'm kind of excited for people to see me."
Susannah smiled as she placed out foreheads together.
"I love you so much beautiful girl." She said as she held back tears. "Okay um. When they take your photograph, remember to say prune! It'll make your cheekbones look divine." Susanna said.
"Prune?" I asked, trying to see if it would work.
"It's an old trick I learned from Madonna... or was it the Olsen twins?" Susannah said, trying to figure out where she had learned this from.
She hopped off my bed, "Okay, meet me downstairs. There's a surprise for you." She smiled.
I sighed looking at the dress hanging up on my door. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but if Susannah wanted me to wear it, I was more than happy to.
I walked downstairs, not really knowing what to expect. In the living room, stood Susannah, Laurel, and Belly, showing off a beautiful dress. No, they were showing off the dress.
"You got me the dress I wanted?" I said, almost speechless as a large smile grew on my face.
I looked at all of three of them, my mind blown.
"Thank you!" I laughed as I walked up to them.
I gave all three of them the biggest hugs I have ever given anyone in my life.
I finished getting a somewhat more normal outfit on as I made my way into the kitchen where Belly was.
"Hey, Good morning. Um, I picked up some of the muffins that you liked." Conrad said immediately as I walked in, placing them on the counter.
"I-um, I'm not really hungry actually. Thank you, though."
"Oh, girls, you should get going." Susannah announced. "Oh and everyone, stay out of the family room. I've done all of the paintings and tonight we'll have the big unveiling."
Susannah gave the boys a number of things to carry to the Laurel's car.
"Laurel, aren't you coming?" I asked as I put my shoes on.
"I'm going with Susannah, I was thinking Belly could drive you guys?"
Belly and I turned to each other and screamed loudly as she took the keys from her mom.
Belly ran out first as her mom gave me orders to have Belly follow. I raced out of the kitchen.
"Hey." Conrad called out to me.
I stopped in my tracks, "Yeah?"
"Break a leg."
I gasped, "That'd be horrible. I'm supposed to be dancing all night."
Conrad stammered, "I just.. I meant, um, I just mean good luck. It's like, a thing, people, um, say." He rambled.
I laughed a little as he tried to fix his sentence.
"For what it's worth, Jere was the right choice." Conrad said.
"Yeah, uhm, I know." I said awkwardly, before leaving.
Jere leaned against Laurel's car as Belly had already started the engine.
"Don't be nervous, we'll be the best waltzers out there." He joked.
"I'm not nervous. But also, I'm sorry about the volleyball game, I just was really competitive."
"No, It's fine, I understand." He laughed.
"Thank you, Jere." I gave him a big hug before walking into Bell's car.
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Belly and I walked into the room together, and it was hectic.
Girls running around trying to get their hair and makeup done. Some not as shaved as they would like and others giving up and resting in their bra's.
"You guys are here!" Shayla exclaimed, her hairs in large rollers.
We hung up our dresses as we said hi to Shayla.
"Come, I've saved you guys spots."
My chair was besides Nicole's who didn't bother to say anything to me.
"You guys should really talk." Shayla said as she looked between us.
"Nicole, I'm really really sorry." I said.
"For what? Conrad? I'm over it, I'm here with someone else." She said. Though, her voice did sound a little passive agressive.
"Nicole, I never meant for that to happen and I know it's dumb and it means absolutely nothing, but I've liked him since I was a little girl. And I thought I got over him last year, but I guess I didn't fully and I distanced myself from him as much as I could. I'm really really sorry." I explained.
"We can't help that Conrad's a fuck boy." She said as she was slumped in her chair.
"Look I'm over him." I said, giving her a soft smile.
"No one get's over their first love, really." Nicole said before returning back to her makeup.
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Belly and I were one of the last ones to finish getting ready. We had helped each other with our hair and dresses and then makeup was brutal.
"I don't know how much longer I can stare at myself." I sighed, getting a headache from just being in the small room.
"You look gorgeous, if I was you I'd stare at myself all day." Belly said from beside me, making me laugh.
"You look amazing Bells, I don't think I'd be able to do this on my own."
I had curled my hair, adding braids to the sides for a more crown affect or so, while Belly's was in a low bun with a beautiful pearl headband.
"I think it's time, Bells." I said getting up as she followed.
Neither of us picked up the red rose bouquet, just staring at it.
I sighed looking up at her and grabbing her arms. "We're growing up, I love you."
At the same time, the two of us grabbed our bouquets, walking out of the dressing room.
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I stood behind Belly as we waited for our names to be called.
"Prune. Prune." Belly whispered to herself.
"Oh god, did Susannah teach you that as well?" I asked.
She nodded as we both laughed silently.
"Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park." They said as Belly and Cam began walking the stage.
They met in the middle and I watched as Belly's face began to contort in multiple ways, attempting to say prune which I laughed at a little.
I looked straight ahead though, remembering the next person called would be me.
Jeremiah smiled at me from the other side of the wings.
Before I knew it, it was my turn.
"Y/N L/N, daughter of Amanda L/N and James L/N."
I walked and met Jeremiah in the middle.
I looked into the crowd, immediately making eye contact with Conrad. God his stupid smile. It just made me smile even more.
I could feel his eyes on me as I walked down from the stage and onto the dance floor.
"You look beautiful." Laurel mouthed to me.
I went to Susannah, hugging her from the back and giving her my bouquet.
She got up as well and gave me a full hug.
I gave a small curtsy as I made my way back to Jeremiah.
"How was the curtsy?" I asked.
"The queen would be proud," He joked.
It hit me now, that when I was with Jeremiah, it felt like there was no one else. All I had to do was look at him.
I watched Laurel get up from her seat quickly. My eyes met Belly's and she mouthed 'what happened'. I shrugged in response, not understanding what had happened either.
"Where is she going?" I asked Jeremiah.
"I don't know."
The escorts began their dance shortly after as the debs walked off the dance floor and sitting at their assigned tables.
The dance began and Belly and I wooed over the applause as we laughed as well. They looked hilarious, but the guys also looked like they were having the time of their lives.
We all stood up as their dance ended, applauding them and screaming, but I could see Jeremiah's face dropping with every second.
Paige clanked a knife to her glass, announcing to us that it was time for the big dance.
"Where'd Jeremiah go?" I asked Belly as I looked around. He never came back to the table.
Cam and Belly looked at each other, and now we knew our night was fucked.
"He'll be here in a minute, I'm sure." Susannah reassured me. "But go! Get ready."
"Okay," I said laughing nervously.
I looked around awkwardly, trying to find Jeremiah, but he wasn't anywhere. Most of the girls were paired up with their partners by now.
"Have you guys seen Jeremiah?" I asked as I approached Gigi and her group of friends.
"I think I saw him go outside." Gigi said to me.
I hated this feeling. Everyone standing and staring at me. Judging me almost.
I looked over to my right and Conrad was standing there, looking straight at me and I was staring straight at him.
I could feel the stares from everyone else as they stared at the two of us as well.
I smiled a little as he walked over to me.
It was like the pieces clicked when I was with Conrad. Like we were always meant to fucking be.
"I think I remember most of the steps." Conrad said quietly.
And at that moment, I knew this was happening all over again. Me. Conrad. Us.
The two of us got into our different lines, our eyes never leaving each others.
The music began and the two of us turned as I turned into his arm. It wasn't what I had expected, but deep down I knew this was the moment I had waited for all of my life.
I was Conrad's sun. And I helped the night disappear. I helped the world disappear from everything around him.
The whole time Conrad and I were on the dance floor, we never looked away. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't.
When it came time for the dip in the dance, it lasted longer than it was supposed to as our eyes glanced up and down from our eyes to each others mouths.
"Oh, um. Thank you." I said as the dance ended and the crowd applauded.
"I think I messed up some of the steps." Conrad said nervously.
"No, no, you were fine. You were great." I said.
"I'm glad... I'm glad that it was me." He said seriously.
I smiled up at him as he fidgeted with my fingers. I was glad that it was him as well. When I was with Conrad it was like all of my worries were gone.
"Hey." Jeremiah said as he came up to Conrad.
"Hey, Jeremiah." I smiled, "Where ha-"
"Conrad. We need to talk, all right?" Jeremiah said. His eyes were wet. "It's important. It's about mom. I found something out."
Conrad just stared at Jeremiah. "Um.. yeah, we'll talk about this later, okay?"
"No it's important." Jeremiah urged.
"It's okay." Conrad said as he placed his hand on Jeremiah's chest. Something the boys had done whenever the other was on edge.
"You already know... Don't you." Jeremiah's eyes were bloodshot by now.
"Conrad knows what?" I asked, curious.
"You've known this whole fucking time and you didn't even tell me?" Jeremiah asked, his voice raising.
"Jere." Conrad said to try to calm his brother down.
That didn't seem to work as I watched Jeremiah punch Conrad in the face with all the strength he had in him.
Jeremiah rammed into Conrad as he tried to beat his brother up. Though, I watched as Conrad tried his best to not hurt his brother.
Susannah rushed over, "Stop it. Both of you, stop it." Her voice was raised, which was a rare occurance.
Both of the boys let go of each other as they rolled on the floor.
"What is going on?" Susannah asked sternly.
The boys stood in front of her. And all I could do was wonder.
"Mom..." Jeremiah croaked.
"We know, Mom." Conrad said. "We both know."
Belly and I turned at each other, quietly mouthing what was going on.
"Know what?" Belly and I asked in sync as Susannah's face dropped.
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And here I was, crying on the floor in my room. I didn't have anyone to go to. Susannah was with the boys, Laurel was with Belly and Steven.
All I had was the fact that Susannah had cancer yet again.
I don't think I've ever cried that much in my life. Not over a broken bone, or a heartbreak. Not over Conrad.
But here I was, in my shiny white dress, a mess on the floor as I sobbed uncontrollably.
I felt dumb, stupid even. Susannah had been going through this all summer, and I never noticed, to worked up over boys and friends.
I could hear the mixed cries from Belly's room. Some were hers and some were Laurels. With each one my heart broke even more. Now I understood why Susannah kept making comments about this summer.
She was right, this might be the last summer we're all in Cousins together.
I walked down the hall slowly out of my room. Steven was outside of Belly's room, looking as if he was to scared to knock.
Our eyes met and I sobbed even more as he held out his arms for me.
"It's gonna be okay, Y/N/N" He mumbled.
Susannah, Conrad, and Jeremiah all sat on the couch in the living room. None of them were crying. They saw me emerge from the doorway though.
Susannah motioned for me to sit next to her, in between Conrad and her, which I did.
"I'm so sorry, this was not how I wanted you guys to find out." Susannah said sadly.
"Susannah, you're gonna do the trial, right?" I asked through muffled sobs.
She hesitated as she looked at me, "Uh... No, love, I'm not."
My heart broke at her words as I stared at her for a moment longer. What did she mean? Was she insane? She needed to fight. For me. For the boys. For Laurel. For all of us.
Conrad seemed to break down slowly as well from besides me.
"Chances are very slight. Well, nonexistent really. And I can't just go through that again."
"But you have to try." I said, a tear escaping from my eye.
Susannah sighed, "I want to be me when I go." She stared at me with a soft smile, "Does that make sense?"
"No, no. None of this makes any sense." Jeremiah said.
"I know, I know, I'm not good at this." Susannah said through tears as she pushed aside some of Jeremiah's hair.
There was a bit of silence as we all were still processing what was happening. I didn't want to accept the fact that Susannah had cancer again. I just couldn't.
"If there's any chance that you can live you have to take it." Jeremiah pleaded. "Come on, Conrad. Tell her. Y/N?"
I just looked at Jeremiah and Conrad. I wanted to say something. I wanted to say everything.
"Why aren't you guys saying anything?" Jeremiah asked, his eyes red. "You have to try. You can't give up on us."
"Mom." Conrad's voice was hoarse and as he lifted his head up, the tears poured from his eyes. "Can't you just try? For us, Mom. I need you."
Susannah grabbed the boys as she hugged them tight. I didn't want Susannah to go
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Our crying had subsided and Laurel began making food for us. Which meant this situation was horrible. Her cooking wasn't the best, especially for dinner. She had certain dishes she would make that tasted good though.
So here we all sat at the dinner table. Belly and I in more comfortable clothes because Susannah didn't want us to spill on our dresses, eating Chinese takeout, pizza, spaghetti noodles, and ice cream. It wasn't the ideal dinner, but it tasted good. We all bonded, as if nothing had ever been said.
Life has endless amounts of possibilities, but with whatever comes next, I know I can always return back to this place.
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The waves rushed up against the shore, and it was a bright and colorful early morning. Conrad sat beside me, he was happy.
"I can't believe she said yes." He said happily.
"You did it. You changed her mind."
"It wasn't just me. It was Jere who did it as well." Conrad said.
I looked out at the waves as I felt his gaze still on me. I didn't want to turn around whatsoever.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so shitty all summer."
I turned to him, "No, I know it's weird, and you had been going through all of this. I just wished you know, that would you communicate half of these things with me."
"Believe me, I wanted to talk." He said.
There was tension between us as our gazes traveled.
"We should go in." I said, looking around at the sand beside us
"There's so many things I want to say to you."
I sighed getting up, "Don't do it."
"Why?" He asked as he got up as well.
"'Cause you need someone right now, Conrad. I don't know what I am going to do to help when you do need help. We haven't even talked about the other relationship. Conrad, it's just messy."
"I don't just need somebody." He stared down at me, "I need you. Y/N, when I was with you I was the happiest I could of possibly been. Everyone knows that."
"You shouldn't have to need me. That's what you did last time. You needed me to just fix you out of your hell hole. I want you to want me, Conrad. You have to want me like I want you or it doesn't fucking work."
"I do want you. I've only wanted you."
There was silence between us as we just stared at one another.
His arm moved slowly up to the side of my cheek before he pulled me in, kissing. It felt alive, not needed, not desperate. It felt natural.
We kissed again, with much more passion this time. Everything was falling into places. Everything was just how it had to be.
Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's failing a test, or it's a stupid break up. The butterfly effect makes it come back around. Anything can happen, anything and everything. Just if you let it.
Not everyone goes out of style.
A/N : hi! after i know like a month of not being active, here is the last chapter of the series! i made sure to finish it before s2. thank you so much for the support recently.
i'm also so sorry if this isn't as good as the other chapters 😭
Also!!! if you have any prompts or ideas, feel free to message me and i'll write as soon as i can! thanks!
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taggedmemes · 8 months
we won't survive this if we don't stand together.
it is through conflict that we strengthen our bonds.
the next resolution may not end in her favor.
it's a question that burns in my belly day and night.
have you been looking at my differently?
i was too hasty to judge you.
i thought you witless, gutless, and unimpressively bland.
i thought you cruel, stubborn, and judgmental.
you have stoked fires i didn't know i possessed.
you've gained my respect.
you know how to set my heart racing.
we'll kiss and make up in our own time.
someone prodding at a newly opened wound doesn't help matters.
admirable conviction.
how can you go through all this trouble and not understand why?
secrecy is ingrained in me.
i like night orchids and can't swim.
i can't remember much of myself.
i hope that's the end of this silly quarrel.
killing's never my first choice, but they were too dangerous to leave alive.
i've come to sate you, and be sated.
time for pleasure has passed.
there's something i want to talk to you about, something important.
i owe you my life.
i may not have survived that night without you.
i'm trying to say that you've earned my trust in a way very few ever have.
i'm not usually one to elaborate if i can avoid it.
most fear the dark, because in darkness they see their fears reflected.
in darkness we do not hide, we act.
you pray with such conviction.
the presence of your goddess must fill your whole being.
perhaps we need not speak farewells.
i never pictured myself as a hero.
never thought i'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives.
i hate it, this is awful.
i would've liked more for my trouble than a pat on the head and vinegar for wine.
all i want is a little fun.
it's not you, it's me. i have standards.
you have no idea how good it feels to see these people smiling.
don't waste a night like this talking to me.
i thought you might care to have a drink with me.
i rarely imbibe, the stuff goes right to my head.
before you know it, i'd be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person i laid eyes on.
you strike me as extremely resourceful.
there are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you.
i must not keep you all to myself, as enjoyable as that may be.
this might be the wine talking, but i'm feeling inspired.
look at them all, guzzling poison l ike we've the right to be happy.
i need to dance.. nope, i need to lie down.
the others will kill me if i keep you all to myself.
spontaneous thank-yous make me suspicious.
this is a night for celebration, not suspicion.
amid all this merriment, i wasn't sure we'd have a chance to speak this evening.
were our bond a little stronger, i might even have shared a moment of magic with you.
our fledgling acquaintanceship has not yet taken flight.
such intimacy will have to wait.
they could not match your nerve today.
it was enough to drive me to madness.
i won't be nursing their pounding heads and sicks stomachs in the morning.
everyone seems to be in high spirits.
you know who i never thought i'd find myself caring for.
i think you'll find i've been showing ample concern for myself since the moment we met.
share a bottle with me?
i'll find you after everyone's turned in for the night.
i think a toast is in order. any suggestions?
sounds like you just need a little more liquid inspiration.
you're beautiful.
i know [i'm beautiful], but you're sweet to notice.
i'll trust your judgement.
i do not truly care if you approve.
that night meant a lot to me.
i'm not sure what kind of sourtship we'll be afforded, given all that we're facing.
if you want to see where this goes, i do as well.
we share something special.
my people are nothing if not resourceful.
thought i'd shaken you for good.
that'll teach me to underestimate you.
she's trying to trick us, don't believe her lies.
when i saw an opportunity to get away, i took it.
you're asking me to trust a devil.
i don't want this to end badly for either of us.
you know monsters, right? better than anyone?
thought i was going to have to take your head.
there have been enough threats today.
how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards?
turns out i've got a knack for killing demons.
she looks like she could throw me over her shoulders and carry me to safety.
i'd hug you if it wouldn't scorch your skin off.
she's got the brawn of a warrior and the wiles of a survivor.
she speaks her mind, plainly and fully.
in other circumstances, i would have done the same.
best to not dwell on nights past.
you've been naughty.
you know what happens when you're naughty.
aren't you a luscious thing.
if i had a warm heart, i'm sure it would be skipping.
i've taken more pleasant shits than you.
that's no kind of talk for a lady.
you better not lay a damned finger on [name].
a promise broken, a price paid.
been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that.
he's a good man, maybe the best of us.
the sex gets better the more experience you have with someone.
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taeswolfie · 11 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆
☽︎𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏☾︎
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 9.3k
a/n: I started writing this in November of 2020 on Wattpad and finished a few years later, and although it's kind of old now it's still one of my favorite things I have written so far. I wanted to give it a bit of new life here on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I had writing it. There were about 90 chapters so wish me luck on this massive, and probably slow, migration 😅
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A teenage girl sits cross legged in the middle of her bed dressed in pajamas. A book is held up in front of her. The cover of black leather has no title but the Triple Moon is embossed vertically in the middle, a moonstone sewn into the middle moon. Her head moves slightly as she reads and she mutters the words under her breath. She suddenly looks towards her window, a flash of purple is reflected when her eyes meet themselves in the glass before she blinks and they're back to their original color. She tilts her head a bit as if listening for something and squints her eyes before she gets up. The book closes and plops down onto the covers in front of her as she gets up, her hands unfolding from their place in her lap.
She pauses a few steps from her window with a sigh and a roll of her eyes. She takes the last few steps and quickly pulls open the window, sticking her head out and startling the brunette boy currently scaling the trellis on the side of the house. "What are you doing, Stiles?" She asked once he regained his hold on the structure.
"God! Y/n! You nearly scared me to death! How did you know I was here?" He asked, slightly out of breath from the combination of climbing the side of her house and getting a scare.
She shrugged a shoulder. "I heard you."
"How?! I was super careful not to make a sound. Also why weren't you answering your phone?"
"Not careful enough, apparently. And I was busy reading. I didn't want to be disturbed. Now, again, what are you doing, Stiles?"
"I saw my dad leave like 40 minutes ago. Dispatch called, everyone from the Beacon Department and even State Police were called in because two joggers found a body in the woods."
"No? What do you mean no?"
"I mean no. School starts tomorrow and I don't want to spend my last night of summer traipsing through the woods looking for a body."
"Half body." He corrected.
"Let me rephrase. I don't want to spend my last night of summer traipsing through the woods looking for a half body. Go drag Scott out of bed and make him go with you."
"Uh, he already did." Scott's voice drifted up to the two and Y/n looked past Stiles to see Scott giving her a sheepish grin.
She gave him an unimpressed look before leveling it on Stiles. "There's no way I'm gonna get you to leave me alone tonight, is there?"
"Nope." He grinned at her when she rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Fine." She pulled her head back in her room and stalked over to her closet.
"What are you doing?" She glanced behind her to see Stiles now haphazardly hanging onto her window sill.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm putting on some clothes. I don't want to go out, but I don't want to go without proper clothing more. Now, you can either watch me change or get off my window, but choose wisely."
He flushed a bit as he started to stammer. "Uh-um- I'm uh- I'm gonna go. Down there. With Scott."
"Good choice." She squinted her eyes at him with a sarcastic smile. Once he was out of sight and on the ground with a quiet 'thump' she shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Idiot." She mumbled under her breath but still couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her lips. She hurried and got dressed in a sweater and some pants before climbing onto her window sill and down the trellis, leaving her window ajar for when she came back. When she was on solid ground she made her way to the blue Jeep that she has come to associate as purely Stiles.
Stiles comes to a stop in front of a sign labeled Beacon Hills Preserve No Entry After Dark. All three teens hop out of the Jeep, Stiles holds a flashlight. "We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked with worry in his tone.
"You're the one who's always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles shot back with a pat on Scott's shoulder when he passed. Y/n comes up next to Scott with a sigh.
"He's kinda got you there, Scotty." She also pats his shoulder before reluctantly following behind the overly excited boy.
"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Scott also reluctantly followed.
"Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles retorted from five steps ahead of them.
"Hey, be nice Stilinski. Scott's trying to play this year."
"I will play this year." Scott corrected. "In fact, I'm making first line."
"Hey, that's the spirit." Y/n smiled at Scott with a nudge that he returned with a smile of his own.
"Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles said.
"Like chasing after Lydia Martin." Y/n mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" Stiles couldn't hear her over the crunching of leaves and Scott's scoff.
"I said 'how much can these woods darken?'' Stiles threw a questioning glance over his shoulder at Y/n's innocent expression. He then looked at Scott, but the shaggy haired boy just shrugged. Stiles shook his head and continued looking forward as Y/n smirked to herself.
"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked.
Stiles slowed in his walking for a moment. "Huh! I didn't even think about that." He chuckled.
"I've got a question too." Y/n said with a finger raised slightly in the air. "What if whoever killed this person is still out here?"
"Also something I didn't think about."
"Of course you didn't." Y/n shook her head.
"It's... comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." Scott joked as they climbed up a steep incline making him start to breathe a bit harder.
"I know."
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?" Scott leaned against a tree and pulled out his inhaler. Y/n stopped with him as Stiles kept going.
"You good, Scott?" She asked, concerned.
He simply nodded as he shook the inhaler and waved her on. She took a few steps still looking at him before facing forward as he continued to walk with her. Stiles stumbles to the ground to lay on his stomach, Y/n following more gracefully with Scott falling beside her like Stiles had. Scott wheezes as they watch several flashlight beams scan the area, the figures holding them looking for any sign of the other half of the body.
"Okay, come on!" Stiles suddenly jumps up and runs in the direction of the other people.
"Stiles!" Scott calls but he doesn't answer.
Y/n groans. "I'll go after him." Y/n also jumps up and starts running after him.
Scott takes a puff of his inhaler before he also follows. "Wait up!" The three run through the woods, Y/n whisper yelling at Stiles at how much of an idiot he's being. "Stiles!" Scott also tries to whisper yell at the boy.
"Stiles, stop!" Y/n's forceful tone finally gets him to slow to a walk, looking behind him for his friends. Y/n catches up just as a dog barks at him, scaring him into falling back, which happened to be right into Y/n, sending both teens to the ground.
"Hold it right there!" An officer yells, the dog still barking as lights are shined on the two.
"Hang on, hang on!" Another voice calls over the ruckus. "This little delinquent belongs to me."
"Get off me, you oaf! You're crushing my ribs." Y/n groans with effort as she pushes Stiles off while he tries desperately to get up.
"Dad, how are you doing?" Stiles greets his father once he manages to stop crushing his friend.
"Y/n." Noah Stilinski greets.
"Hello Sheriff." She gives an innocent smile as she stands.
"Does he know you're out here?" Y/n didn't need him to name anyone to know who he was talking about.
"Would you believe me if I said yes?" He just looked at her and she looked away. "Yeah, thought not."
"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?" He then asks Stiles.
"No, heh." Stiles tries to deny, but then, "Well, not the boring ones." Y/n shakes her head.
"Now, where's your usual partner in crime?"
"Who, Scott?"
"No, the Gingerbread Man. Yes, he means Scott!" Y/n sasses before she gives the Sheriff a polite smile. "Scott's not with us, right now. He said he wanted to get a good night's rest for tomorrow's practice and he didn't want to come." What she said wasn't a lie, Scott wasn't with them because he trailed behind and he had said those words earlier.
Stiles nodded in agreement with what she had said. "It's just us. In the woods. Alone."
She gave him a short jab in the side with her elbow and a look that said shut up. Noah raises his flashlight and scans the surrounding trees. "Scott, you out there? Scott?" He calls but gets no answer. He sighs and lowers the light. "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy." He grabs the scruff of Stiles' clothes and pulls him along, glancing back at Y/n. "And you, missy, I'm gonna give you a ride back home."
"Yes, sir. That sounds great actually." She takes one more look out at the trees with a small frown before following the Stilinski's.
After Noah made sure Stiles got in his car and drove away, he led Y/n to his car where she got in the front seat. Thunder crashes in the distance as she stares out of the front window, a worried look on her face. Rain gently patters against the road. She fidgets in her seat, an uneasy feeling in her gut. Her head whips towards the passenger window as she faintly hears a distant howl, the feeling getting just a bit worse.
When Noah pulls in front of Y/n's home she winces at the sight of Alan Deaton on the porch and sighs. "Thanks for the ride, Sheriff." Y/n glumly says as she unbuckles.
"No problem." He waves goodbye when she gets out and she watches him leave, prolonging the time before she has to face her guardian.
"Y/n." He says in his normal cool tone.
She slowly turns to look at him. "Yes, Alan?"
"Why did I get a call saying that you were wandering around in the woods in the middle of the night?"
"Because I was." She responded plainly.
"Stiles, being Stiles, listened in on the Sheriff's phone call and he heard about a dead body being found, but it was only half, and there was a search party for the other half and Stiles wanted to be the one to find it. He dragged Scott out too, and what kind of a best friend would I be if I had let them go by themselves? But now what kind of best friend am I that I left one of them in the woods after we were caught." She frowned.
"Scott. The Sheriff didn't see him because he hid behind a tree."
"And you know that how?"
"I heard him."
"I see." He nods in understanding. "I'm sure he'll be fine. Scott's a strong boy, he'll be okay. Come on, let's get inside. School starts tomorrow."
"Yeah." She mumbled. He held his arms out and she obliged by hugging him. He pulls away but still keeps an arm over her shoulder. Just before she steps inside she looks over her shoulder, back to the woods.
"What's wrong?"
She shakes her head a bit, a frown still tugging at her lips. "I don't know. Just a feeling." She sighs as she turns away and follows him into the house.
Y/n rides into the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School on her bike. She balances on one foot as she smoothly glides up to the bike rack, using her other foot as a brake once she's close enough. She notices Scott's bike and Jackson's Porsche as she's fixing up her bike lock. "Oh, yay, I'm parked next to him." She mutters sarcastically. She turns to face the school, fixing her bag on her shoulder, and takes a deep breath. "First day back to school. What a joy." With one more breath she makes her way to the front doors. She scans the crowd and spots Scott and Stiles, the former holding up his shirt to expose his side. Y/n squints and catches a red splotch on the gauze he has taped there before he puts it down and the two continue walking. She picks up her pace and jogs to the two, catching up when they stop again and she can clearly hear what they're saying.
"All right, well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the body." Scott's tone lowered with the last few words he spoke.
"What's this about a wolf?" Y/n asked once she stood next to the two, her curiosity piqued.
"Did you not just hear him about the body? Are you kidding me?" Stiles directed the last at Scott.
"No, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month."
"Oh, God, that is freakin' awesome."
"Yeah, awesome. You saw a wolf?" Y/n looked at Scott in question.
"No, but I heard one howling."
Y/n's brow furrowed a bit in worry but her thoughts are cut off by Stiles groaning out a sigh. "I already said that that was impossible. There are no wolves in California."
"You'd be surprised." She pointed out.
"Look, enough about the wolves. How are you focusing on that more than Scott found the body? I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since..." He trailed off as he spotted a particular strawberry blonde head. "Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia... You look..." Lydia passes without a glance at Stiles but a small wave in greeting towards Y/n who returns the gesture. "Like you're gonna ignore me." Stiles sighs and looks at Scott. "You're the cause of this, you know?"
"Uh-huh." Scott 'agrees' with a smile.
"Draggin' me down to your nerd depths."
"Uh-huh." The three continue walking as the bell rings.
"I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet Nerded by you. At least you haven't tarnished Y/n with your nerdy influence. How are you friends with Lydia, by the way? How did you get in there?" He rounds on Y/n.
She scoffs. "There's no 'in' to get to. We just so happen to be very best friends."
"I thought we were your best friends?" Scott points between himself and Stiles.
"You are, Scotty, don't worry." She pats his shoulder. "You're my guy best friends and she's my girl best friend."
"You think you could put in a good word for me so I can be her guy best friend?" Stiles asks with a hopeful tone.
"No." She shoots down immediately, giving a playful coo when he pouts and she lightly pinches his cheek. He bats her hand away with a laugh and the trio continue down the halls.
"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night." Mr. Curtis informs as he writes on the white board. Scott shares a knowing smile with Y/n and Stiles, the h/c in the seat next to him with Stiles right behind her. "And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody," Mr. Curtiss turns to face the class, Scott throws a questioning look at Stiles who shrugs, "which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester."
Y/n picks up the paper to skim it over, barely glancing out the window when she heard the cell ringing outside. She sees a pretty brunette girl on the bench outside that she doesn't recognize yet doesn't really give it another thought. She looks back to her paper, but her eyes are drawn to movement beside her. She glances over and sees Scott looking around before rubbing his ear in confusion. She narrows her eyes at his actions and keeps watching him as his focus is drawn out the window and his eyes slowly sweep across the room until they stop at the door. A moment later the Vice Principal walks in with the brunette girl behind him.
"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The VP leaves and the girl, Allison, moves to sit in the empty seat behind Scott. Y/n watches as Scott grabs one of his pens and turns to give it to Allison.
A confused look flashes across her face before it lights up with a smile. "Thanks."
"We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133." The teacher started speaking again as they looked at each other for a minute before Scott turned around. Y/n raised a brow at the exchange and caught Allison's confused look return. With one more glance at Scott Y/n turns back to her own papers, noting to herself to watch Scott a bit more closely.
The bell rings and students flood the halls. Scott fiddles with his locker's lock and glances down the hall spotting Allison. She looks over at him and smiles. He just blinks at her in a slight daze as Y/n comes up behind him. "Hey, Scott."
He turns to her. "Oh, hey, Y/n."
"I was meaning to ask, I saw you had a bandage on your side as I was catching up to you guys? What happened? Are you okay?" She asked in concern and he gave her an easy going smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Stiles doesn't believe me but I think a wolf bit me. It was dark and I couldn't see well but I heard a wolf howl."
"You're sure?"
"Pretty sure."
"Can I see? The bite I mean?"
"Yeah, sure." He glanced around before he lifted his shirt enough for her to see. She carefully pulled the top part of the bandage away and he winced. Quickly, but carefully, she put the bandage back and he let his shirt fall.
"Yeah, that's uh... That's some bite." Stiles came around to Scott's other side at that point and she tuned out their conversation as her mind swam with the new information and worry. She only snapped out of her head when Lydia called her name from down the hall. She was standing next to Allison and waving Y/n over. "I'll see you guys later." She said to the boys before she made her way over to Lydia and the new girl.
"Allison, this is my best friend, Y/n. Y/n, this is Allison." Lydia introduced. 
"Nice to meet you." Y/n held her hand out which Allison took.
"You, too." Allison gives her a kind smile.
Jackson sidles up beside Lydia with an arm thrown around her. "Hey." She greets and gives him a kiss. Jackson spots Y/n and rolls his eyes.
"Y/n." He says in obligatory greeting.
"Jackson." She says boredly. The two proceed to ignore each other as they talk to Allison.
Across the hall Scott and Stiles watch the exchange as another girl stops beside them at the sight of the four. "Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?" The girl questions the two boys.
"Because she's hot." Stiles answers.
"Does that mean you think Y/n's hot?" Scott smirks at him.
"What?" Stiles looks at him almost offended. "I'm just saying beautiful people herd together."
"You just called Y/n beautiful." Scott's smile got wider as Stiles glared at him.
"Your point is?"
Scott shook his head. "Nothing. Nothing."
"I'm just stating facts. Y/n is obviously pretty hence why she's with Lydia and the new girl."
"I'm not saying anything." Stiles rolled his eyes as Scott just smiled at him and turned to the girl they were talking to. Scott's smile slowly fell as he looked back over at the four. His ears were able to pick up the conversation taking place across the hall.
"So, this weekend, there's a party." Lydia hints to Allison.
"A party?" The brunette questions.
"Yeah, Friday night." Jackson informs. "You should come."
"Uh, I can't. It's Family Night this Friday. Thanks for asking."
"You sure? I mean, everyone's going after the scrimmage. Even Hermit over there is going." Jackson gestured towards Y/n and she gave him a sarcastic laugh with squinted eyes.
"You mean like football?"
"Football's a joke in Beacon."
"The sport here is lacrosse." Y/n informed. "It's like... A big thing."
"We've won the State Championship for the past three years."
"Because of a certain Team Captain." Lydia smiled up at Jackson and fixed a piece of his hair.
"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else-"
"Well, I was going to-"
"Perfect." Lydia cut Allison off. "You're coming." Lydia grabbed Allison's wrist with one hand and Y/n's with the other and started to pull them both along.
"Is she always like this?" Allison whispered to Y/n.
"You get used to it." Y/n shrugged with an unbothered expression.
Lydia leads the trio as they make their way to the stands and sit. Y/n spots Scott and Stiles already geared up and on the field. She gives them a wave when they look over although Y/n notices Scott wasn't looking at her but at the brunette next to her making her smirk to herself. Coach Finstock talks to Scott and Y/n sees him hand Scott the gear for goalie. Oof. That's gonna be rough. She thought as Scott takes position in front of the goal.
"Who is that?" Allison asks.
"On goal?" Y/n clarifies and when Allison nods she smiles. "That's Scott. He's one of my best friends." Y/n looked back at Scott to see him already looking in their direction with a tilted head and her smile dissolved into a slight frown. Coach blows the whistle and Scott grips at his head as if someone was shouting at him, Y/n's frown goes a little deeper. Another player throws the ball and it goes right into Scott's mask making him fall flat on his back. Stiles grimaces and Scott gets back up. He braces himself as another player throws the ball again, but this time he caught it.
He looks at it surprised and smiles. The lined up players all look around each other to see what McCall had done. Stiles sits up and yells, "Yeah!" Scott catches ball after ball and Stiles whoops. Y/n watches with raised brows and a disbelieving scoff.
"He seems like he's pretty good." Allison comments.
"Yeah, very good." Lydia agrees.
"Uh oh." Y/n mutters when she sees Jackson skip the line to take his shot at Scott. The air is tense as everyone watches Jackson run up and hurl the ball at Scott. But to everyone's surprise he swiftly catches it. Stiles jumps up, hooting in joy. Y/n stands with Lydia as the strawberry blonde cheers and Y/n cups her hands over her mouth. "GO SCOTT!"
"THAT'S MY FRIEND!" Stiles yells making Y/n laugh. Lydia screams some more cheers and Jackson glares over at her. When he catches her eye she just gives him a what? look and sits back down.
"I don't know what it was." Scott leads the way through the woods and across a small stream as his two friends follow him. "It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And it's not the only weird thing. I can... hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things."
"Smell things? Like what?" Stiles questions from behind Scott.
"Like Mint Mojito gum in your pocket. And Y/n smells like flowers."
"I do?" The girl muttered as she pinched her shirt and sniffed it, only smelling her laundry soap and a bit of animal from her time at the Animal Clinic. She then held her wrist up to her nose, focusing on her sense of smell, and there it was. A faint scent of flowers that clung to her skin like a mist. Something she had almost forgotten about because there wasn't anyone who would notice it like her.
The three pause as Stiles rummages through his jacket pockets. "I don't even have any Mint Mojito-" He cuts himself off as he pulls a slightly opened piece of gum from his pocket. Y/n raises a brow as Stiles looks up at Scott who gives him a see? gesture. They continue walking and Stiles shoves the gum back in his pocket. "So all this started with a bite."
"What if it's like an infection, like my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"
"You know what? I actually think I've heard of this- it's a specific kind of infection."
"Are you serious?" They all stop again, Y/n looking between the two, nervousness flashing through her system as she realizes what Stiles is getting at, albeit jokingly, but this was anything but a joke to her.
"Yeah." Stiles puts his hands on his hips in seriousness. "Yeah, I think it's called Lycanthropy."
"What's that? Is it bad?" Scott worries.
Y/n folded her arms. "He's talking about Werewolfism."
"Yeah! You know, the full moon and the awrooo." Stiles howls. Scott lightly pushes him away and continues walking as Stiles laughs. "Hey, man..." He follows, an unusually quiet Y/n following. "Hey, you're the one who heard a wolf howling."
"Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me." Scott frets.
"I know! You're a werewolf! Ow!" He rubs his arm from Y/n's sudden attempt to make him shut up. He looks at her in question and she glares at him.
"Don't joke around like that, Stiles." She catches up with Scott. "Ignore him. I'm sure that it's nothing too bad, okay?"
Scott just sighs and Stiles speaks up. "Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, It's 'cause Friday's a full moon." While Scott ignores Stiles, Y/n bites her lip in worry. If it was just a random ordinary wolf, Scott should be fine. But if it wasn't... If it really was what she thinks it was, then things were going to get very complicated very soon.
Scott looks around on the ground but doesn't see anything. "No, I- I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler." Scott crouches to look through the leaves.
"Maybe the killer moved the body?" Y/n suggests.
"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks." Y/n chuckles a bit but when she feels another presence her head shoots up and she spots a broody looking man with dark hair and a black leather jacket. Stiles notices the man a second later and pats Scott to get his attention. Scott looks back and stands up to face the man.
The man starts walking closer to them at a brisk pace making Y/n take a few steps of her own to where she now stood in front of the boys. Used to her protectiveness neither of them give the action a second thought. "What are you doing here? Huh?" The man asks quickly. "This is private property."
"Sorry, we didn't know." Y/n speaks up for them. "We were just looking for something. You wouldn't have happened to see an inhaler around, would you?" Without another word the man pulls something from his pocket and tosses it towards Scott, but Y/n catches it from the air without looking away from him. She tossed the object back to Scott which he sees as his inhaler. After another moment of Y/n and the stranger staring each other down he turned and walked away. Once she was sure he wasn't coming back she turned to see Stiles gaping towards where he left and Scott frowning.
"All right, well, I've gotta get to work." Scott went to leave only to be stopped by Stiles.
"Guys, that was Derek Hale."
"Hale?" Y/n questioned, the name sounding vaguely familiar to her.
"You remember, right?" He asked Scott. "He's only a few years older than us. This was, like, a few years before you moved here, Y/n. His family burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago."
"That's awful." Y/n frowned.
"I wonder what he's doing back?" Scott mused.
Stiles scoffs and shrugs his shoulders. "Come on." He started to walk away, Y/n and Scott following after one more look towards where Derek Hale disappeared to.
Y/n sat at home that night, curled up in the corner of the couch and worrying at her bottom lip. She stared into space as her mind swirled in a mixed mess. It was only the first day back at school and things are already kind of stressful. She didn't notice the other person in the room until the couch sagged next to her. She turned her head to see Alan giving her a concerned look. "Are you alright?"
"I don't know." She said honestly.
"Well, I don't think the wall will be alright if you keep burning a hole through it." She gave him a weak chuckle as she looked at the wall again. "What's bothering you?"
She sighed and shook her head a bit. "It's hard to explain."
"Do your best."
She was quiet while she tried to get her thoughts in order. "The other night, I heard a howl. It was distant but I know what I heard. And now I find out today, Scott heard it too and he swears a wolf bit him." She looked at him again, concern, worry, and a slight bit of fear written on her face. "He's been acting strange too. He's hearing things only I would normally hear, and he's smelling things like my natural scent of flowers. I think that... I'm scared that..." She sighed in frustration. "My thoughts are so jumbled."
He put a comforting hand on her knee. "Tell me what you feel, then, instead of what you think."
She closes her eyes for a moment and when they open, they glow a slight purple before dimming back to e/c. "I feel like he's been bit by an Alpha. He's turning."
Alan's face turns serious. "Well, if your feeling is correct, and I've never known it to be otherwise, then Scott's going to have a tough time ahead of him."
"Tell me about it." She huffed. "What do I do?"
He was quiet for a moment as he thought of what best to advise. "Just be there for him and help him. If he's really been bitten, he's going to need his friends more than ever."
"What if he or Stiles starts asking questions about what I know? I can't tell them about me." She frowned at the thought. She's never had a reason to reveal what she was and when they learn about the supernatural she'd be lying about it.
"They'll be too preoccupied with Scott's new transformation to wonder about it much. For now, at least, don't worry about it."
"I'll try. Thanks... For helping me." She gave him a small smile and hugged him which he returned. "It's what I'm here for." He patted her back and pulled away. He got up and left her to her thoughts again, but this time they weren't as stormy.
"Y/n! Y/n!" The girl looked to the spastic boy who was yelling her name across the lacrosse field as she sat on the stands. She squinted her eyes in confusion watching Stiles run like a bat out of hell and got off the stands so that he wouldn't pile-drive people just to get to her.
"Whoa, whoa!" She cried out when he nearly rammed into her and held tightly to her shoulders. "Calm down there, Speedy. What's wrong?"
"Scott was right." He blurted.
"What? Right about what?"
"Scott was right! About a wolf! There was animal hairs on the body, wolf hairs!"
She opened her mouth to speak, but he rushed off as he spotted Scott, which was probably a good thing because she wasn't even sure what she would say. Her feeling is turning out to be more and more correct as the seconds ticked by. As the game started Y/n could only watch in concern and a slight bit of awe as Scott easily skirted around other players and flipped over three other guys blocking his path to take a quick shot. The team gathered around Scott, praising his score and patting him on the shoulders. Coach called Scott over and she listened in, smiling a bit when he put Scott on first line. Maybe being a werewolf wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for him. Maybe it'll actually be good. Maybe.
But the pit in her stomach told her that maybe it won't be as good as she hopes. She looked over to Stiles to see him with a worried expression. She went over to him and sat next to him. "What's on your mind?" She nudged his shoulder lightly.
"I think- and I know this sounds crazy- but I think I might have been right. That joke I made the other day. I don't think it's much of a joke anymore. I think Scott is actually a werewolf." He looked at her in worry and all she could do was put a comforting arm around his shoulders.
"Whatever is happening here, we'll get through it. I know it." Stiles didn't answer. Just continued watching Scott in worry.
Later that day Y/n pedaled to a stop in front of Stiles' house, Scott doing the same a minute later. "Hey." She greeted.
"Hey. Do you know what Stiles called us for?" He quizzed.
"Nope." She shook her head. Well, she had a pretty good idea what it was. They both made their way into the house and up to Stiles' room where Scott knocked loudly.
The excitable boy opened the door and sighed in relief when he saw it was his friends who smiled at him. "Get in. You gotta see this thing." Stiles closed the door. "I've been up all night reading- websites, books. All this information."
"How much Adderall have you had today?" Scott asked.
"A lot." Y/n and Scott shared a smile at that. "Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen." Stiles urged.
"Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott sat his bag on the bed and sat himself down on the edge, Y/n placing herself next to him.
"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale."
"Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day." Scott realized.
"Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?"
"What, then?"
"Remember the joke from the other day?" Stiles scoffed. "Not a joke anymore." When Scott didn't catch on to what he was saying he elaborated. "The wolf. The bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?"
"Should I?"
"It's like a signal." Y/n finally spoke up, both boys turning to face her. "A wolf howls to tell its pack where it is." When they both just stared at her she raised her brows at them. "What? I live with a vet and I like animals."
"Right." Stiles agreed. "So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em."
"A whole pack of wolves?" Scott wondered.
"No... Werewolves." Y/n frowned. This had been exactly what she thought this was about. But, while she was nervous, Scott was unbelieving.
"Are you seriously wasting my time with this?" Scott got up and started to grab his bag. "You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour."
"Scott, maybe you should listen to him."
"Not you, too." Scott looked at Y/n, slightly aggravated.
"He's got a point. I mean, Scott, we saw you on the field today. What you did wasn't just amazing, it was practically miraculous."
"Exactly!" Stiles pointed at her excitedly.
"Yeah, so I made a good shot." Scott brushed it off.
"No, you made an incredible shot, I mean..." Stiles grabbed Scott's bag and put it back on the bed. "The way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. People can't just suddenly do that overnight. And- and there's the vision and the senses, and don't even think I don't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore."
"Okay!" Scott interrupted. "Dude, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?"
"What are you trying to do?" The tension in the room rises and Y/n stands, feeling the spiking emotions. The first moon is sometimes the worst for newer wolves. "I-I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me, and everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?"
"He's not trying to ruin anything, Scott. He's trying to help you."
"You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon that will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak."
"It's like an uncontrollable urge to maim and kill." Y/n provided the info again.
"I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Y/n." Scott said irritably.
"I'm sure you are." Y/n muttered under her breath.
"You gotta hear this." Stiles continued to rant. He grabbed a book and searched for what he wanted from it. "'The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse.' All right? I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does. You gotta cancel this date. I'm calling her right now." He moved around Scott to his bag and rummaged around for Scott's phone.
"Wait, Stiles. You shouldn't-" Y/n tried to warn but she was cut off by Scott.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm canceling the date." Stiles had finally retrieved the device.
"No, give it to me!" Y/n felt heat flush her body as she felt Scott's anger reach a crescendo making him grab Stiles and shove him against the wall, fist raised and ready to strike.
"Scott, stop!" Y/n yelled forcefully. Scott's fist shook and he yelled as he swiped at Stiles' desk chair making it clatter to the floor.
Scott panted heavily as he looked between Y/n and Stiles. The air was thick as Scott realized what he was going to do. "I'm sorry." No one spoke. "I-I gotta go get ready for that party." He, more calmly, got his bag from the bed and went to the door, pausing to look at his friends again. "I'm sorry." And then he left, closing the door behind him.
Y/n let out a breath to calm herself as Stiles leaned his head back onto the wall and she looked over at him. "Are you okay?" She asked. He didn't answer but nodded his head a bit. Even with his assurance she wanted to assure herself so she went over to him and pulled him into a hug, which he gladly reciprocated. The two teens stood in silence for a moment before he pulled away with a sigh. She raised her brows in question and he nodded at her again.
"I'm good. Thanks." He gave her a small, appreciative smile.
"Anytime." He looked at his fallen chair and went over to it. He crouched down and picked it up, sitting it back on its wheels, but paused in his movements. He looked over his shoulder at Y/n with furrowed brows and moved for her to see. She frowned when she saw the three slash marks that scarred the chair from Scott's hit.
Y/n sat in her room and bounced her leg anxiously. The party was soon and she didn't want to go, she wasn't much of a party person unless she was in the mood for it, but tonight was the full moon and so she had to. She had to watch out for Scott. The first change is often the hardest and it'll be no different for him.
She jumped slightly when she heard a honk from outside. She looked out her window and smiled when she spotted the blue Jeep, giving Stiles a wave when he spotted her. She took one more glance in the mirror and flattened out any wrinkles in her clothes before she went downstairs. She spotted Alan on her way and stopped in front of him. "How do I look?" She asked.
He twirled a finger and she obliged by turning for him. When she faced him again he smiled. "Stunning as always." He finally said.
She rolled her eyes but still smiled. "You always say that."
"Because it's always true." He was silent for a moment, a tender look in his eyes. She felt a nostalgic feeling from him as he looked at her but also at something else, something not quite in the same space as them. "You look just like her."
A sad smile graced her features as she looked down and remembered her face. It's been a long time since she last saw her mother in person. Yeah, she has pictures, but it's not quite the same. The camera doesn't quite catch the proud gleam in M/n's eyes when Y/n showed off her growing skills. All she has is the memory that she desperately holds onto. And that's enough for now until she can see her again, one day in the future.
She looked back up at Alan and gave him a sudden hug. He huffed a laugh in amusement but hugged her back. "Thank you." Her voice was soft but he still heard her. He just squeezed her a bit tighter before they both pulled away. "Okay. I should go now. Stiles is waiting."
"Have fun. And be careful." He warned gently.
"I will." She gave him one more smile before she turned and rushed out the door and hopped into the Jeep. "Thanks for giving me a ride."
"No problem. You look really good, by the way." Stiles complimented.
"You don't look so bad yourself." They smiled and he started to drive to the party.
Music pounded through the house as teens danced together, several of them holding red or blue cups. Stiles and Y/n stood in the middle of moving bodies and looked around. "I don't see Scott." Stiles yelled over the noise and looked at her.
She took one more glance around. "He's probably not here yet. Stay in here. I'll keep an eye out for him outside."
"Sounds good." With that Y/n made her way to the backyard where more people were having a good time together. She looked around for her friend, but spotted someone unexpected. Her eyes narrowed as she made her way to the mysterious Hale, his eyes already watching her cautiously.
"I know what you are." She said as soon as she was close enough and folded her arms. "All I wanna know is, are you an Alpha?"
"No, I'm not."
"Show me." He rolled his eyes before they flashed a brilliant blue. She frowned at the color but decided to ignore it for now. "Okay. Then what do you want with Scott?"
"I'm just looking out for him. There are Hunters here."
A rush of fear coursed through her and she nearly stopped breathing. "What?" It came out a little more breathless than she intended, but wouldn't you be breathless too if you were presented with one of your biggest fears?
He didn't say anything else as his eyes were drawn behind her. She looked over her shoulder to see Scott had arrived with Allison. Scott spotted them, looking between his friend and the stranger as a dog started barking. Derek looked behind him at the dog and then back at Scott, Y/n giving the canine creature a glance. Scott kept staring until Allison had gotten his attention. Derek took this chance to leave. Y/n gave the moon a nervous glance before returning to the party. She wandered aimlessly until a pair of familiar hands grabbed her and she found she was inside the house again. She looked up to see Stiles giving her a worried look.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
She opened her mouth to say something, but slowly shut it realizing she didn't really have anything to say. So she just settled with, "Yeah, I'm fine." A sudden pull in her gut told her that something was happening and that that something was Scott. "But I don't think Scott is." Not even a moment after she said that Scott had started to practically stumble into the house, sweat on his brow and breathing heavily.
"Yo, Scott, you good?" Stiles asked as he got closer.
"Are you okay?" Another girl asked yet he just bypassed everyone and made his way to his car, speeding off as fast as he could. He was gone by the time Y/n and Stiles made it outside and they just barely caught Allison getting into Derek's car and driving off.
Y/n huffed in frustration and grabbed Stiles' wrist. "Come on." She dragged him to his Jeep and he drove them to Scott's house. Melissa wasn't home as the two bounded up the steps and to Scott's door. That was probably for the best. She tried to open the door and found it was locked so she pounded on it instead.
"Go away." She heard his meak reply.
"Scott, it's us." Movement from the other side and the door opened just a crack. They tried to open it further but Scott wouldn't let them. "Let us in, Scott. We can help."
"No! Listen, you gotta find Allison."
"She's fine, all right?" Stiles assured. "We saw her get a ride from the party. She's- she's totally fine."
"No, I think I know who it is."
"You just let us in. We can try-"
"It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods."
"Wait, no." Y/n tried to correct. "No, Scott, he didn't-" She was cut off.
"Scott.. Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party."
"Oh, shit." Y/n felt Scott's mood shift a second before the door slammed on them and was locked again.
Stiles banged on the door. "Scott!" Stiles kept trying the door as Y/n heard a thump. Her breath hitched when she heard a roar and she pushed Stiles from the door and out of the house. "It's too late. Just check on Allison. I'll try and follow Scott."
"Wait, what?! You can't go out there by yourself! You could get hurt! Whoa!" He nearly fell as Y/n practically shoved him into the Jeep.
"Don't worry, I can handle myself. Just go." She didn't give him anymore time to argue as she started sprinting towards the woods. There wasn't time to track him so she just went in the general direction she had heard him run for a bit before she resorted to getting some help. She stopped for a minute and closed her eyes. When she opened them they blazed with a violet glow and she looked around at the few people now standing around there. "Have you seen a boy run through here?" She got a few nods. "Please, show me which way he went." One by one the figures pointed and she continued running, now following the dead's guidance.
She felt them before she saw them, the wolves and the Hunters. Her eyes returned to e/c as she saw a flash of light and heard Scott's scream of pain. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw three Hunters there. Like a truck hitting her, memories flashed through her head. Running through the woods. She was crying and she heard her mother scream. "Y/n! Run, just run!"
She was snapped out of her flashback when she heard, who she assumed, the lead Hunter speak. "Take him." That's when she spotted Scott, shifted and pinned to a tree by an arrow through his forearm. Suddenly one of the other Hunters was yanked back and she caught a glimpse of Derek. A rush of adrenaline urged her forward and to Scott where she broke the arrow and pulled him away as Derek threw the second Hunter before following them.
The three ran through the woods until Scott collapsed to the ground against a tree, panting. When he turned around and sat with his back on the tree he was back to normal. Y/n dropped to her knees taking deep breaths, her hands gripping onto any fabric they could find to stop from shaking. Derek looked around to make sure they got away for now. "Who were they?" Scott asked.
"Hunters." Derek answered. "The kind that have been hunting us for centuries."
"Us? You mean you! You did this to me!" Scott jumped up from the ground and shouted angrily.
"Is it really so bad, Scott? That you can see better... Hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You've been given something most people would kill for. The Bite is a gift."
"He should have had the choice to receive it." Y/n spoke up, finally finding her voice again. She shakily stood up, clenching her hands to stand stronger. "It should have been his decision."
"There's nothing to be done about that now. He has it."
"I don't want it." Scott said.
"You will. And you're gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it." Derek bent over and placed his hand on Scott's shoulder. "So you and me, Scott... We're brothers now." Derek walked away, leaving the teens by themselves. Scott gripped his injured arm and leaned his head back.
Y/n looked at him and his arm. She carefully made her way to his right so she could see it better. "Can I see?" She asked. He looked up at her like he was just realizing she was there but nodded and moved his hand. She gently took his arm and inspected the wound. It wasn't too bad, she could easily heal it. But the problem was healing it would raise more questions than she was willing to answer so soon. So instead she tore off a strip of her clothes, not really minding since she could always fix it later. She tied the fabric around his arm and he hissed at the contact. "Sorry." She pulled her hands away when she was done and looked up at him. "That should do for now. It might take a while, but you'll heal."
"Thank you." She gave him a small smile and a nod. She looked around with a sigh and stood up, holding a hand out to him.
"Come on. It's a ways before we get back home. Better start walking now." He took her hand, she helped him stand and they both started to trek through the woods.
By the time the sun was up Y/n and Scott were going down the side of the road, Scott still babying his injured arm. The sound of a car coming drew her attention and she looked over her shoulder, smiling in relief when she saw the most beautiful blue Jeep she had ever seen. She tugged on Scott's good arm to get him to turn as Stiles pulled to a stop next to them. Scott got into the front and Y/n happily hopped in the back, tossing a spare blanket at Scott before curling herself up in one and sprawling in the back.
"You know what actually worries me the most?" Scott asked after a while.
"If you say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head." Stiles responded.
"Leave the boy alone, Stilinski." Y/n mumbled tiredly from the back.
"She probably hates me now." Scott practically lamented.
"Ugh." Stiles sighed. "I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology. Or, you know, you could just... Tell her the truth and... Revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a frickin' werewolf." Scott gave him a look and Stiles backpedaled. "Okay, bad idea. Hey, we'll get through this." Stiles patted his arm. "Come on, if I have to, I'll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice. I had a boa once. I could do it."
"I'm pretty sure l could get some puppy chow from the Clinic." Y/n offered with a sleepy smile. Scott scoffed at them with a smile and they continued their drive in silence.
After Stiles dropped Y/n off at home a few hours before school she closed the door behind her and just stood there for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes. Her eyes were glued to the floor, her mind filled with white noise. Alan had been waiting for her to get home and when she didn't come through the living room a bit after the door closed he decided to go to her. When he spotted her her expression looked almost exactly like it had years ago when she was a terrified little girl in front of his door, eyes watery with shadows of the past flickering in the e/c depths. This worried him because she wasn't one to be scared so easily. Something had to have happened that truly shook her.
She didn't seem to notice his presence, even when he was stood right in front of her. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders as if he was handling a scared animal, and by all rights, he was. Her eyes flicked up to his and she just stared at him for a moment. Then it seemed like the night's events finally caught up to her as her breath hitched and tears spilled down her cheeks.
She practically fell into him and he held her up, not asking any questions because right now, all she needed was to be comforted. He would get answers later when she calmed down and was finally able to tell him what happened without choking up. It was moments like those she was thankful that she had found Alan and had been taken in by him and she would always be grateful for it.
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I need to gush about Origins and discuss Duncan okay, listen- DAO is so good for a plethora of reasons but it’s the origins, the thing that it’s literally named after. Which origin you play is the important decision on the players part that has an impact on everything you do, especially if you go hard into the roleplaying of it all, it makes me want to scream. I adore it so much.
So Duncan, right? Great character, love that dude. I read The Calling and he's one of the best parts of that book. If you haven't read it, I recommend it just for Duncan alone.
I enjoy reading opinion pieces on Duncan, especially when the poster mentions which origin their warden is. I find it so interesting because your origin can change your entire perception of him.
Playing as Aeducan or Brosca? Duncan has great respect for dwarves just as the dwarves do for the wardens. Duncan’s your hero. He saved your life. You would’ve been executed or left to rot in the Deep Roads if not for him. And since the wardens are so respected, it’s honestly an honor to join them, no?
Playing a Cousland? You’ve lost everything. Duncan not only does what he can to keep your father alive long enough for you and your mother to find him, but he saves you and gives you a shot to avenge your family by becoming a warden.  
Playing as Amell or Surana? Your best friend lied to you about being a blood mage and chances are you tried to help him escape rather than turn him in, and now he’s gone and Greagoir demands you be punished. But here comes Duncan to conscript you, to take you away from the prison known as the Circle of Magi.
And I know this can vary depending on how you play or what kind of character you’ve created, but I believe you’re waaaay more likely to have a better opinion of Duncan in these origins… but if you play as Mahariel or Tabris?
Mahariel’s more obvious, here. You’re Dalish, and odds are, you and Tamlen are on the same page about humans. Duncan, a human, dragged your ass back to your clan after the eluvian gave you the blight, and sure, that was nice of him… except when you go looking for Tamlen and Duncan destroys the mirror, he’s so dismissive. He doesn’t care about Tamlen. There’s no point in going looking for him, he’s dead. Also you have the blight and Duncan’s taking you away from your family to make you a warden and no, you have no choice in the matter. He'll force his hand if he needs to. Say goodbye, forget about Tamlen, you’ll never see your family again, you’re a warden now. Hope you have fun involving yourself in all these human affairs while everyone points out how different you are!
First off, I think most Mahariel players would agree that they’re still not over Tamlen. How many of you had the thought, “If we look just a little longer, we could find Tamlen and make him a warden, too!” only for Duncan to ruin that? I don’t blame any Mahariel for throwing a fit when he and the Keeper agree you need to go, nor do I blame them for any ill feelings toward him.
And Tabris? This one is personal; my canon warden is a female Tabris, Rosalie, and Duncan really gets to me.
Rose's already being made to marry a man she's never met, some human nobles made their first attempt to crash the wedding, and now here’s this other human waltzing in. Duncan is such a little shit here, too. When you try asking him to leave, he actively tries to push your buttons just to see what you’ll do. But that’s nothing. When Rose and the other women are taken by Vaughan and his buddies, Soris and Nelaros go to Duncan who pulls his bullshit “wardens can’t get involved, they must remain neutral, best I can do is give you a sword and crossbow, good luck.”
Duncan KNOWS what will happen to those women but nope, can’t get involved. Wardens must remain neutral, can’t upset the nobles. I firmly believe that if Duncan had gone with them, Nelaros wouldn’t have been killed and maybe they could’ve made it to Shianni in time, and that infuriates me.
And yeah, in the end it’s Duncan who saves Rose from the guard, but you expect me to be okay with going with him? Alone? After everything that just happened?
It almost feels like Duncan was more interested in testing you, to see if you COULD get out of that situation or what you’d do when the guard showed up. That gives me a lot of complicated feelings about Duncan, and the way the Grey Wardens do things in general. Because let me tell you, Rose hurls that “Wardens must not involve themselves, they must remain neutral” out the fucking window, even post DAO after the blight is over and things return to “normal” for the wardens.  
Side note, I like to think that the wardens out at Weisshaupt or wherever contact Alistair at some point like "What the hell is Warden-Commander Tabris doing over there??? She's breaking every rule we have??" and Alistair's just shrugs like "My wife killed an archdemon to end the Blight and survived, she gets to do whatever she wants forever and honestly, I love that for her."
But anyway-- I get it, Duncan. The Grey Wardens were booted outta Fereldan once before and we don't want a repeat of that. Sure. Fine. Makes sense...but also Rose doesn't give a shit about that? She may come to understand it eventually but that doesn't mean she accepts or forgives it, or would ever be willing to adapt the same attitude.
And I'm not even going to get into everything with the Joining and Ser Jory, because oh my god.
Everything Duncan does influences Rose's views on the Grey Wardens and their duty, like if there was ever anything she and Alistair have straight up argued about, it's Duncan and the concept of "being a warden is an honor."
And I think that's neat. Duncan's a consistency in every origin and even though he dies so early on, his influence remains with the warden no matter who they are.
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yandere-plague · 4 months
Relic Johnny silverhand
(Yandere Alphabet)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
he can't touch you, not physically at least. Until the Biochip has nearly killed you.
Anyhow he's not one to show affection that much. He'll compliment you here and there, make a few vulgar remarks to anyone that tries to hit on you.
"Phft. That guy really thinks he has a chance with you? Yeah right..."
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Aside from trying to kill you at first, he'd definitely take control of you if he thinks you might be making the wrong choices.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Your body is a home, maybe. For the construct to kick you out of to make room for itself. So not really. You've both come to terms with the situation. You kind of have to.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Taking over your body not just for Relic Malfunctions. But if he feels like it tbh.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
At first he doesn't share anything. But when you two inevitably come close (definitely not a personality merge) he shares it all.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
You two always have arguments, a clash of personalities that soon simmer.
Wanna pop the pill? Sure, it better be the orange/red one. Wait that's the-
He'll somehow smack the pills out of your hand. either force you to have a orange/red one or you'll be luckily to grab a pill before he can stop you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He hates it. He hates that you fear death. No matter how hard he tries to reassure you you are going to be okay and you seemingly agree with him he knows you're lying.
Your method of escape is either downing a bottle of the pills or shooting yourself. Johnny will instantly stop you either way.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Him trying to kill you at first. Then it's just the Relic Malfunctions.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Honestly? For you to be free. But if there's a way for you both to be together alive he's taking it.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Maybe, he keeps most of it inside though. Aside from snide remarks, but it's not like your going to listen.
He doesn't mind you getting off with some Joytoys. But for relationships? Nope.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
No matter what he keeps up the asshole shtick, either your personality is changing him and he's to afraid to admit it or he doesn't want anyone seeing him "weak"
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He can't really. But you can feel it can't you? Slowly but surely.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Well nobody else can hear him so no. Even if he takes over your body he's still the same. You really are becoming eachother.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Even if he could he wouldn't. You both are going though this shit. It'll just be wasting time.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He's taking over your body. You are dying. Simple. And neither of you can stop it.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Surprisingly the patience of Saint. Unless it puts you two in danger. Though he hasn't had time to show it since you are fighting for your life, of course.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you fail to get to Mikoshi, then you're both dead. But if you make it there. Johnny will give his life for you. There's no other way. Even if you only have 6 months left.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
At the end, he would sacrifice himself.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Johnny being Johnny. That or your personalities merging giving mixed signals.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
This situation is horrifying. You are losing yourself and running out of time to fix it. So he gets why you tense a little when he shows up, avert his gaze. Or meltdown at your apartment. Though after a while he may get a little sick of it.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
(I never know how to answer this damn one)
Taking over your body, possibly altering your own memories? (Whether it's on purpose or not)
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
None really, but maybe making a deal with Arasaka.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Nope, not on purpose at least
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Win? People don't win in Night City.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Shortly after the diner.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
"He's fucked in the head, the world's fucked in the head, and YOU'RE fucked in the head because MY fucked up head is inside it."
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cinamun · 11 months
Hello Cinamun! I wanna start off by saying I love your blog very much, and your story is my favorite on Tumblr so PLEASE don’t block me!! But, I have to wonder if you’re starting to add drama just for chaos sake? We’re still in the middle of all the stuff with Dira/Ryker/Rah that’s unresolved, and now Jayce, who we’ve only seen as loyal and honest is gonna have an affair? It just feels like a bit too much. Can anyone be happy and secure for once? Does everyone have to go through pain and struggle every time? Hope is dealing with grief while being a first time mom of twins, and I have a soft spot for her so maybe I’m biased but I think she deserves a happily ever after. Black women deserve peace and happiness, along with all the BS we go through, there’s room for both. I really appreciate you as a writer. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to give us non-stop trauma just to keep up with the story.
Hey friend! Thank you for the kind words. But now, let us ask ourselves some questions, shall we?
"and now Jayce, who we’ve only seen as loyal and honest is gonna have an affair? It just feels like a bit too much."
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Why do you think this man is going to have an affair? Why do you automatically assume that? ESPECIALLY after all of the qualifiers you gave him. Its only too much if you're *making* it too much.
Hear me out....
If you're new here, yes, it might seem like "too much" so I ask, too much of what, specifically? Implication? Subtext? Friend, that is THEE best part of writing. Your head is spinning so when and IF a shoe drops, you never see it coming. So again, "too much" of what, specfically?
"Can anyone be happy and secure for once? Does everyone have to go through pain and struggle every time?"
Nope, you're not new here and I can tell because you started with "please don't block me" so you MUST know that I get your second question all the time. So you're not new here you just rebranded to fucking troll me, and I hate that, but I'm gonna entertain you while I wait for my flight.
If you think pain and struggle is coming because Jay ran into a student in a coffee shop on campus, you need to ask yourself why you assume there will be "pain and struggle" every time. I enjoy mindfucking you, it might not be painful or a struggle but you might be shook and question your life choices when I'm done.
As for your last few sentences, I am a Black woman so I write about the experiences of Black women. You're anon so I don't know if you're a Black woman, I don't assume the identities of my readers.
Myself and a bunch of IDENTIFIED Black women readers have been over this topic already, about Black women deserving joy and our happily ever after. It is absolutely true that we do. So for you to assume the characters in this story wont get their happily ever after because they are Black women says more about you than it does about me as an author and Black woman.
Initially I was going to block you because if you want happy shit in every plot, every arc, you can find that on other blogs. I write real shit. I don't sugar coat a gotdamn thing. But I decided to just let you make the decision of unfollowing me if its "too much" for you. I am actually writing what I like to write about and if that's non-stop trauma then so be it. If people don't like that then its on them to stay or go. Fortunately, I am NOT writing non-stop trauma and anyone who feels like that clearly isn't reading the same story as the rest of the room.
Would you like your wings to go?
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lavendelhummel · 11 days
So Selkies, right? In the Wheel of Time?! Okay let’s be honest this is about Moiraine. Because what do Selkies really stand for, why are they so fascinating? It can be about Epic Love and about Captivity. Moiraine and the Wheel itself, her freedom, her choices, her boundaries.
Captivity in the broader way of being trapped is one of the big questions in society and our (modern?) living as individuals, I think. Being trapped in structures and jobs and situations and relationships etc. and not knowing how to break out, feeling trapped. I don't want to project my experiences onto everyone else but I am also sure my experience is not unique, as in choosing jobs that make you unhappy but yet you feel like you have to continue doing this for whatever reason and then what would be the alternative? It would be scary, even if what you are doing now is bad too. About not looking forward to started paths but not knowing how to break out. About spending all our time and energy for things or people we dont want to, but have to. Knowing there is, there was? Passion for things at times but where? Because we are trapped by the structures around us and we let ourselves live in this captivity because we’re are too scared to break out of it. And this is just one example, there are so many more ways and situations who make people feel trapped. Because in a certain way this can mean safety. It can mean, no worries because no responsibility or because we dont have to change and go scary new ways. Or because the things we may not be passionate about, make us feel trapped but also are the responsible thing to do. And while we are at it, while we spend all our time and energy on it, why not try to love it?
We think so much about individualism and freedom but where a discussion on freedom is held there is also one about captivity. And Freedom? In the Wheel of Time? Freedom in Moiraine Damodred’s mind? Extremely interesting. This is one of the big themes around her character and in extension Rand and the whole series of course. Moraine is free while being captured in a way. The wheel weaves as the wheel wills. Where does the Wheel, the pattern commence and free will end? She is her mission. Did she choose this? She did? But so did the wheel. 
Then there is the whole “being put on the sun throne“ thing of course. (Plus being the very literal prisoner of [redacted, something something helsinki] but that's different). It’s already in (book-)canon a big thing for her. Then you have Siuan, who is stuck in the tower and Aes Sedai politics. Also the balance between the two of them that is always a theme, the Damodred and the fisher daughter, the two girls who as equals as novices a relationship, the equals who make a plan to save the world together, the pain that leads to the magic pope/the Amyrlin seat and a sister. The natural leader, the fishergirl who is followed by the noble, who then proceeds to lead the actual dragon reborn. The / one of the most influential Aes Sedai and the stilled, and degraded (theoretically dead, but nope) sister. Who leads, Siuan? But only because Moiraine wants her to, lets her? Only because they fit together as one. Who captures? Who is captured/ are they really ‘captured’? What even means that to them? That’s also in those selkie stories. 
I thought about Siuan as Selkie in Cairhien, her being captured as an attraction by Laman; Moiraine finding her having pity for the captured creatures, being in a moral conflict about freeing her, going down to the prison/ compound most evenings and getting to know, falling in love with Siuan, but can she, will she free her?
It’s also about transformation and a whole different life and world, about possible impossibtlies and temptation, I think, but thats more general for these kind of stories of course.
Then there is the image of Moiraine standing on the rocks, her long brown hair caught in the storm and flying everywhere, it’s obviously raining heavily and the waves are high and she just stands there staring at the ocean to mentally escape all the Daes’damar and when she sees a seal. When she sees Siuan, the Selkie she is bound to fall in love with. Or free to fall in love with?
So, please, someone hand me the motivation to write this story, please just force my hand and free these thoughts from the barres of my mind.
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks @oceangirl24 for the tag! I love you, bestie!
Now, on to the questions!
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 86 fics! I write all kinds of things! Case fics, angst, fluff, smut, and all that jazz. I like to think that I have a diverse range of stuff on AO3, which I find I'm really proud of :3
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
613,383....Yes, I write too much.
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics are Ace Attorney, but I have other fandoms like Stardew Valley! I also write in fandoms that are gifts for friends.
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos?
Say My Name (233 kudoes)
Operation Helios (178 kudoes)
Apollo is a Crazy Cat Attorney™ (166 kudoes)
Ace Attorney: Maya Fey (166 kudoes)
Turnabout Birch Meadows (151 kudoes)
Nice! Most of them are Klapollo XD
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! I get to ramble, and I want each and every commenter to know that I appreciate them <3. Sometimes I take a long time, so sorry about that!!!! But I'll get to the comment eventualy!!
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Things Left Unsaid, that fic is SUPER angsty with a really sad ending. It's non canon Major Character Death, so of course it's angsty lol.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm...not sure? A lot of my fics end in happy endings. But if I had to pick the happy ending that made me the most emotional, I'd have to choose Blossoming in the Rain.
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Surprisingly, no. I've only gotten support for my fics. Which I am VERY much thankful for. To all of my followers, readers, and supporters...thank you SO much for making my fandom experience so lovely <3
❣️Do you write smut?
Definitely lol. I used to be terrified of writing smut...and then I met a certain someone *cough cough* @mikaharuka *cough cough* and now I've written a lot of smut. This is all YOUR FAULT BESTIE.
❣️Do you write crossovers?
Nope lol. I like to keep my fandoms separate.
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I...don't think so? But if someone has stolen my fics, please be sure to tell me! I'm not exactly keen on the idea of my fics being plagiarized or stolen.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, I have no idea. I don't think it has since nobody has approached me before, so to my knowledge it's a no.
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes!!! I've co written SO many things with my bestiest of besties @tsunderesalty and I love every fic I've co written with him. He's just the greatest and he's an amazing writer. Check him out!
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm! For Ace Attorney, it's a tough choice between Klapollo and Franmaya. For Stardew, my top ship is my farmer and Sebastian (Sebakonnie)
❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My flufftober series. I started it in 2022...and it's currently 2024. I just kinda lost steam for that fic. I am very proud of all the fics I've written for it, though. Maybe I should revisit it...
❣️What are your writing strengths?
Ahem, knowing how my dearest besties would respond to that...I guess my flexibility with writing styles? I talked about this with my friends before, but I have multiple writing styles, five to be specific. I can switch between them pretty easily, and I like to think they're all distinct from each other but still being undeniably me. God, I really don't wanna sound like I'm bragging XD.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
NOT KNOWING WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP. I literally cannot shut up for the life of me. It is a curse. My fics would be SO much shorter if I just shut up lol.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh!!! Actually, so about this! For reference, I'm Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines. I can speak Filipino and Tagalog pretty well, and I can understand Bisaya (Cebuano is its official name, but everyone in the Philippines calls it Bisaya) well, but I can speak it only a little bit. Anyway, I've always wanted to incorporate Filipino and Bisaya into my fics but didn't know how...and then I thought of Filipino Phoenix! Happy to say that I'm planning on writing that soon :3
So yeah, happy to include languages other than English! Especially my native language. Otherwise, for languages I don't know. I use Deepl, it's a very useful tool!
I'm all for using different languages in my fics, and when I get something wrong, I'm quick to correct it!
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
Ace Attorney. I have had Ace Attorney brainrot for SO long.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Would it be cheating to choose a series? XD
But yeah! My Defense Attorney Maya Fey series contains my favorite fics of all! The top ones of my list being Ace Attorney: Maya Fey and Yours Truly, Franziska von Karma. I just...love these fics so much...I especially love Ace Attorney: Maya Fey. That bitch has been my baby since like...2021?
Now! Who to tag...that would be my besties @mikaharuka, @aislinnstanaka, @udaberriwrites, @kayedium-writes, @justanotherpersonwhowrites, @mikaharuka @fattybattysblog
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immortal-imagines · 1 year
Sabotage - Part 2
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Summary: The start of a new uni year brings new classmates, new lessons and a new professor.
Parts: 1, 2, 3 (to be continued)
(professor!Joel x Reader)
Warnings: mentions of smut, alcohol, swearing
Word Count: 941
A/N: A slightly shorter chapter, but I promise, good things are coming!
If you were going to truly fuck with this asshole, you needed to take it seriously. He’d made your first lecture hell. You were going to do one better. It was two weeks into term and you were biding your time. The weekend rolled around and it was time to set step one of your plan into motion.  
Kelsey was having the time of her life with the boy next door. When she finally came home and joined you on the sofa, after a night presumably at his, she looked exhausted. Her hair was tangled, make up smudged, stinking of a cocktail of beer, vodka and sex.
She flopped down next to you, pulling your blanket over her lap. You wrinkled your nose.
“Have you showered?”
“No, why do I smell?” She held her arm up and took a quick sniff, answering her own question. “Gross.”
“You know you haven’t been to a single lecture?”
Kelsey shrugged. “I’ve done it before, I’ll do it again. Plus, you can catch me up, right?” She winked.
“Sure. There’s an assignment due next week.”
Kelsey pulled herself up. “Shit, on what?”
“The Great Gatsby. Professor wants an essay explaining the plot because he’s never read it.”
“You’re joking?”
You sat in silence for a second, before you broke it with, “Want to go shopping?”
Kelsey groaned. “Normally it’d be a yes, but right now a tiny army are battling in my head and I’m running on beer and 2 hours of sleep.”
You’d saved up a bit of money over the summer, doing odd jobs here and there, so had some cash to spare. And some new clothes were step one of your plan.
The first shop you went to was teeming with summer dresses. You picked out a couple of red options, to replace the coffee-stained one, plus some blue and a little purple slip that you were sure was probably pyjamas or lingerie. It brushed your thigh, just short enough to fuck with an asshole, but still be kind of appropriate for uni.
You decided that was your choice for Monday morning. Start the week off right.
Professor Miller was already setting up when you walked in. No one else had arrived yet, which was intentional on your part. You wanted to be noticed. You wanted to tease.
“Morning, professor,” you said, as you passed him.
He grunted, not looking up from his papers.
You didn’t take your usual spot at the back corner. You sat in the middle, in plain sight. You took your essay from your bag and walked to his desk. The paper made a satisfying swoosh as you slid it under his nose. He looked at your then. That same dark look from day one in his eyes. His lips parted and you caught his eyes look you up and down. It was so quick that if you’d blinked you’d have missed it. When you leant over his desk, you revealed just the right amount of cleavage. He pressed his mouth into a line.
“My essay,” you said. As you walked back to your desk, you felt his eyes follow you.
Other students filed in, adding their essays to yours. Professor Miller didn’t look at you again.
He didn’t look at your for the rest of the lecture. It must’ve been hard, seeing as you were right in front of him. His eyes flickered onto you once, but just as soon as he’d looked, he turned back to the board behind him. You decided that this wasn’t good enough. While everyone was focused on a written task, you raised your hand.
Professor Miller’s eyes blackened as he acknowledged your hand. “What?”
“Sorry professor, can I use the bathroom?”
He grunted, which you took as a yes.
You stood, making sure you held his eye as you walked past him to the door. He looked pissed. Good.
In the bathroom, a wicked thought crossed your mind. You used the courage and anger that had built up since that first lecture and took off your black lace thong. You tucked it down into your bra so it was hidden. When you went to hand in your written task, you slipped the thong between the papers and put it in a plastic wallet. Sure, it was risky, but if it worked, the payoff would be perfect. Thank god for plastic wallets. You added it to the pile with everyone else’s and were dismissed for lunch.
A small doubt began to play in your mind as you sat down to eat your lunch. What if you’d got the wrong idea? What if you got kicked off the course? He was an asshole. He could report you, then what? Why did you have to be so stubborn and confrontational?
These thoughts only worsened when you stepped back into class to see Professor Miller, a look of pure rage, hands balled into fists, knuckles white, sat behind his desk. He glared at you when you walked in and continued to until you sat down. If he didn’t stop, other people would start to notice.
Thankfully, he didn’t acknowledge you for the rest of the afternoon. But that feeling of doubt stayed in your mind. You felt like you were going to throw up, but you couldn’t ask to leave. You didn’t want to draw any more attention to yourself. He’d looked pissed. What if he’d reported you already?
Class ended and all you wanted to do was run home. But Professor Miller had other ideas. As you headed for the door, you felt a large hand on your shoulder.
“My office, now.”
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mikuni14 · 8 months
Cherry Magic Thailand - Ep 6
When in the previous episode Karan decided to publicly declare his love and put Achi in an awkward situation, I was, I admit, very dissatisfied. Plus it was very out of character with the Karan we knew.
I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED THIS SERIES MORE. I hereby express my remorse for not believing that CM could maintain character fidelity and continuity, and for believing so easily that the series could hurt me and its characters
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In my defense, I will only say that all the series I watch now have disappointed me and betrayed their characters at some point, so there was no indication that CM would be any different in this respect.
Karan, my beloved, what a guy! He can even make his own declaration of love, not about a himself, his own feelings, but about his beloved and his comfort 🥺 He doesn't say that he loves Achi and expect a response from him. Karan treated his confession as informing Achi that his feelings could hurt him, which Karan doesn't want to let happen. Karan feels that he must be fair to Achi. His confession wasn't even romantic, it was… informative. And apologetic. Karan apologized that his affection might disturb Achi's comfort in any way 🥺🥺🥺 Just… I need a moment *takes deep breaths*
I have no words to express how much I was touched by how Karan arranged his life around Achi's life without expecting anything in return. I can't put into words how much it means to me that Karan helps and takes care of Achi in his daily life. There is no need for grand gestures, sacrificing one's life or big drama in their relationship. No, it's about... turning on the kettle. I'm not lying when I say that I have tears in my eyes while writing these words.. Karan (like Mhok), are those types of men who love and treat their love as their own business, their own problem to deal with (like Gao Shi De). Fortunately for Karan, his love interest has the same level of humility, kindness and empathy as him… 🙄
This series is about people: a bit pathetic, who consider themselves to be a bit of a loser, humble, with self-esteem problems. Who, despite everything, still maintain kindness and do so much good for others, without expecting any reward. Without expecting others to bend to them - no, they all, even Pai and Rock, go out of their way to help others, bend for others without treating it as a big deal. And everyone tries so hard not to harm anyone. (after watching Achi and Karan, how can I accept Day and Mhok's potential relationship? lol nope. Not after Achi and Karan decided to notice each other's efforts and kindness. CM clearly shows that they both CHOOSE to notice the other person and their kindness, it doesn't just happens, it's a choice. Day also choose to be cruel and make everything about himself 🤷‍♀️)
What I absolutely love about this series is that when Achi realizes how much Karan means to him, he takes action IMMEDIATELY. He knows what phones are for 😀 The series moves the action straight forward, leads its characters to immediate confrontation, without creating strange "transitions" between scenes that create plot holes, which make frustrated viewers constantly ask "but why don't they just talk?", "why didn't he tell him about it", "why didn't he call, why did he have the phone, for games??". Or without the worst - like, before the characters talk to each other, there are a lot of stupid obstacles and misunderstandings resulting from lack of communication. Achi wants to say something to Karan -> Achi does it. Fucking A, 10/10 💯💯💯
Running to your beloved - very Japanese BL style 😂
Oh gods, I love Pai. How she was all: I WILL HAVE MY FUJOSHI MOMENT EVEN IF IT WAS THE LAST THING IN MY LIFE. Girl, literally same 😆
I love this series because of how warm it is, because of how much kindness there is in it, such ordinary, everyday, helpful, invisible, ordinary kindness. And how being good pays off.
I love this series because, even though the characters are not even together, the series is ABOUT THEM, and their scenes together are perfect, high quality, beautiful, funny, touching. In this episode, Achi and Karan are sort of "passing each other in their lives", and yet they have so many wonderful scenes.
At the moment, it's the best series I am watching and the best series of 2024 (although it's not over yet, so I emphasize, for now). Cherry Magic simply gives me a high-quality product, a whole lot of FEELINGS and ZERO frustration.
Next week preview: "When a man buys you a shirt, it means he wants to be the one to take it off" - excuse me, I'll just spend every minute of this week thinking about it 🤩
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