#is it obvious that my favorite character from watchmen is rorschach... or not
cillirishan · 4 months
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Watchmen | Rorschach headers
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possibleplatypus · 6 years
ship tag game!
Tagged by: @dreaming-fireflies (thank you~ <33333)
First ship you ever read fic for: probably Ron/Hermione from Harry Potter. Or maybe Hiei/Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho? I can’t remember
First ship you ever wrote fic for: I had to look at my ffnet account for this... Artemis/Holly from Artemis Fowl! Still one of my favorite ships <3
Ship you write the most now: I have like... *mumblesomething* WIPs for Viktuuri right now, as well as a few for HitsuHina (Bleach) and GerIta (Hetalia)
Ship you read the most now: Viktor/Yuuri, if it wasn’t obvious XD;;;;;
Newest ship: Uh I ship All Might and Midoriya’s mom from BNHA? Also TodoDeku and Ochaco/Deku (what is their ship name)
Rare ship you want to read more of: Oeufcoque and Rune, from Mardock Scramble. I love those two. I have a WIP but I think I’m the only one who’s seen the movies ^^;;;
Your taboo ship: I can’t think of any XD;;;;
They never met in canon ship: Phichit/Seung-gil is a pretty funny ship considering how opposite in personality they are
Your unexpected ship: Rock Lee/Gaara, the first time I saw fic for them I was like WHAAAA but then I got hooked and they are still my top Naruto OTP to this day
The ship you always forget to give love to: Ahhhhh maybe Hannibal/Clarice from the Silence of the Lamb books <3 I’m sure I’m forgetting a ton of ships... OH Daniel/Rorschach from Watchmen :D
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): My OCs are pretty attached to each other thanks XD
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Nothing embarrassing really comes to mind?? maybe I have no shame
Your most romantic ship: Probably Viktor/Yuuri... besides Hannibal/Clarice and Ron/Hermione they’re like the only canon pairing I know of in their respective universes ;-; OH and Haku/Chihiro (Spirited Away) and Howl/Sophie (Howl’s Moving Castle) ^^
Your sexiest ship: I find all my ships sexy B)
Your most tragic ship: I don’t watch/read too many sad things... there’s Kousei/Kaori (Your Lie in April *crying*), Daenarys/Drogo (Game of Thrones), that couple from Hotarubi no mori e. Oh yes Severus/Lily and Dumbledore/Grindelwald (Harry Potter)
A ship you want more content for: Oeufcoque/Rune! There’s not even a tag for them in AO3 last I checked. I better finish that WIP
Tagging: @croaissant, @narcissuspseudonarcissus, @yuuris-piano, @lady-eden, @yoyoplisetsky, @endlesscloudsoftime, @lollipop-panda and anyone else who wants to do this :D
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Cinematic Comic Characters Ranked! (Year 2009) Final Part
It’s rough coming right after a fantastic year of movies (2008) but 2009 did pretty well for itself. Terminator Salvation is our only sequel and we also get an X-Men spinoff with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Kids favorite shows come out with Astro Boy, Dragonball: Evolution, and G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra, and we got a couple of thrillers with Whiteout and Surrogates. We also get the debut of the controversial Watchmen! Here’s your TOP 20!
20. Tom Greer (Surrogates)
"You don't change what's been done. You and I know that better than most people."
Tom Greer is a cop living in a world where surrogates are used for everything and humans don't even leave their bedrooms. He gets thrown into a murder case where people are dying through their hosts and gets his whole world turned upside down when his surrogate is destroyed. Now Greer is forced to live as a human again and deal with the emotions and risks that comes with it. After stopping Canter from killing every human attached to the surrogate, he ultimately decides to let the virus destroy the surrogates and returns to home to fix his relationship with his wife.
19. Kyle Reese (Terminator Salvation)
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"Come with me if you want to live!"
Introducing a young Kyle Reese, the man who goes back in time and ends up being John Connor's father, was such an interesting dynamic. Kyle looked up to John, completely unaware that he was the one who created him, along with Sarah Connor. Star being his traveling buddy proves that he's good with kids and his character really shows when he calms down all the prisoners and continues to inspire them despite their dreadful looking futures. Skynet recognizes him as the biggest threat so he ends up becoming the number one target and has to get rescued by John and Marcus, another man he ends up looking up to.
18. Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
*silently fights with ninja sword*
Another mute on our list, Snake Eyes has taken a vow of silence after it appeared his arch enemy, Storm Shadow, killed their master. Now on the G.I. Joe team, Snake Eyes is called in when the team desperately needs a win. He pulls through for the most part, until Storm Shadow comes back in the picture. Personally, there's not much emotional investment I can give to a mute that literally covers his entire body to the point that I never see facial journeys or expressions. Like yes, he's a bad ass, but I really wanted to know how he felt knowing that Storm Shadow wasn't the one who killed his master after all.
17. Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias (Watchmen)
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"I don't mind being the smartest man in the world, I just wish it wasn't this one."
Our villain, not villain of the movie. Adrian is one of the only superheroes to reveal his identity, now using his incredible brain to help out the world...as well as start a toy line. Turns out he's the one that killed The Comedian and managed to block out Dr. Manhattan from his plan to 'save the world'. How does he do this? By blowing up cities full of millions of innocent people. Unlike most villains, he doesn't give the heroes a chance to stop him, he pulls the trigger and gets away with it. The worst part? His plan sort of works. All the world leaders decide to band together in peace to heal their major losses and will look to him and his resources for guidance. He also had this really cool looking purple tiger that he killed for no reason and knowing Zack Snyder as a director, I think Adrian is supposed to be bisexual with his high interest in Alexander the Great.
16. Kayla Silverfox (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
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"Walk until you bleed... then keep walking!"
Kayla Silverfox is a mutant with the ability to control others through touch. After her sister is taken by Stryker, she agrees to start a relationship with Logan and fake her death so that he would seek revenge and agree to go through the Weapon X program. I guess she really did care for him, but it's hard to believe it when she only brings it up as a way to convince him to help her rescue her sister. I think it does show she cares though when she tries to convince him not to kill Victor, not wanting him to give in to his animal side. In the end she does actually die, getting shot by Stryker, but not before she gets Stryker under her control and makes him disappear.
15. Wallace A. Weems/Ripcord (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
"Don't start being all nice now."
Everyone needs a comic relief, and on the G.I. Joe's team it's Ripcord. Literally every seen he was in he ends up being the butt of a joke, which obviously got old really quick. It was nice to see him bring out the emotional side of Scarlett and he did truly care about Duke when he was in trouble, so he was more bearable after that. He does come through in the end, flying one of the fastest jets known to man to take out the three missiles launched at three huge city populations all by himself.
14. Shana M. O'hara/Scarlett (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
"Kill all the bad guys."
With Cover Girl dying early on in the movie, Scarlett ends up being the only girl representing the Joe's. Being just as smart as Breaker and one of the best fighters on the team, Scarlett proves she's not t be taken lightly. Her knowledge of different languages helps Ripcord take down the warheads at the end of the movie and we see her start to embrace her emotional side instead of just being the perfect robot soldier.
13. Daniel Dreiberg/Nite Owl II (Watchmen)
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"God I'm tired of being afraid, afraid of war, afraid of the mask-killer and afraid of this goddamn suit, and how much I need it."
Daniel is the nicest guy in this whole movie! He doesn't even do much that's super nice, he just doesn't do anything that makes him an asshole like every other guy in the movie. Even though he's the second Nite Owl, he's considered the best, even by the original. He takes not being a hero anymore pretty well and starts living a normal life, but he starts craving the suit more and more as each day passes by. Laurie coming back in his life is the match to light the fire and he officially comes out of retirement to help save the world again, as well as have some steamy sex with Laurie on his owl-shaped jet/ship. There's really nothing he can do to stop Adrian's plan or to stop Rorschach's death but he is able to call Adrian out on his hypocrisy before continuing his life fighting crime with Laurie.
12. Victor Creed/Sabretooth (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
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"Nobody gets to kill you but me!"
So in a bizarre twist, Victor Creed is actually Logan's older brother. As they grow up, its blatantly obvious that Logan is the superior brother though, and that creates some jealous tension coming from Victor. When Logan 'abandons' him and quits Stryker's team, he works with Stryker to bring him down. He also hunts down any mutant that can help with Weapon XI. Being Stryker's glorified lap dog ends up benefiting him in no way, shape, or form as Stryker reveals he lied and that the adamantium wouldn't work on Victor like it did Logan. Of course this doesn't go well and the two brother duke it out, with Logan coming out as the winner, even more so when he decides to spare Victor's life. Victor returns the favor, helping Wolverine defeat Weapon XI before running off, making it clear their rivalry is still very much a thing.
11. Conrad S. Hauser/Duke (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
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"My army."
The main G.I. Joe, the All-American hero that will never give up on a mission and do whatever he can to complete it. I liked Duke his heart was always in the right place, but I just got to drag him for the situation with Ana for a bit. He really thought the best thing to do after her brother's death was to abandon her? Like, he can't really be that dumb, can he? And then to not even try to contact in her in FOUR YEARS?? The only reason he runs into her is because her not-dead brother brainwashes her to be this ass-kicking villain he ends up having to go against. Anyways, Duke was an essential member when it came to stopping Cobra. When everyone else was down it was him that stopped the nanobites from destroying all of Paris. And in the end it was him that snapped Ana out of her mind control and then pursued The Doctor to get him arrested. His dedication to the cause is extremely valiant, but maybe he should take some therapy lessons on how to open up to his fiance when there's a little drama in their lives.
10. Carrie Stetko (Whiteout)
"I gotta go out and do the rounds."
Carrie is one hardcore woman who has been fighting for her life from the get go. Even before the investigation in the Antarctic she had to tango with death as she fought off a man her partner released on her, making her trust in others lessen obviously. Then she moves to Antarctica where she now has to deal with the continents first murder, days before she was going to retire permanently. During the investigation, she nearly gets killed like five times and ends up having to get get TWO of her fingers amputated. With all that she still manages to stop the killer as well as confront one of her closest friends. Afterwards though, she decides not to retire, but does ask if she could be stationed someplace warmer.
9. Astro (Astro Boy)
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"This is my destiny."
I loved Astro! He was just so nice and kind and helped everyone he could but because he was a robot everyone had to treat him like shit! Even with his father abandoning him, Hamegg wanting to profit off him, and President Stone wanting to destroy him for his blue core energy, he still did all he could to do the right thing and did everything he could to help anyone who was in danger. His level of awareness was also incredible! Like his willingness to sacrifice himself even though he still had the mind of a thirteen year old was incredible and I'm so glad he survived and became Metro City's new protector.
8. Walter Kovacs/Rorschach (Watchmen)
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"Men get arrested. Dogs get put down."
I was conflicted with Rorschach because yes, he killed not one, but two dogs, but I totally understand why. They were owned by a man who brutally murdered a little girl and then fed her to them. The birth of Rorschach happens on the night he kills the man instead of turning him into authorities. He starts serves his own brand of justice even after the Watchmen are disbanded. He's the only one that starts investigating The Comedian's murder, which leads him to getting framed for Moloch's murder. In prison, Rorschach takes down a lot of enemies he's put in there before he breaks out with Nite Owl and Silk Spectre II. When Adrian succeeds in killing millions of people to save billions, Rorschach is the only one who refuses to keep quiet and his stubbornness leads to his death by Dr. Manhattan. However, the truth is still in Rorschach's personal journal so who knows how long Adrian's forced peace lasts.
7. Thomas Arashikage/Storm Shadow (G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra)
"Now you will die without a word."
I don't know why but I loved Storm Shadow, but I did have one slight problem. Why on Earth would he wait until he literally dies by Snake Eye's hand to reveal to the other ninja that he wasn't the one that killed their master? That was the only reason Snake Eyes considered him an enemy! And the only reason he took that vow of silence in the first place! Even if he didn't kill his master, he definitely felt some type of way about him favoring this random white kid who showed up so maybe he was still bitter about that and wanted Snake Eyes to think he was the killer. Either way, he was a dangerous foe, probably killing the most people out of everyone in the film. Oh, and did anyone else notice he had the world's first fidget spinner? Because I sure did.
6. John Connor (Terminator Salvation)
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"I'll be back."
John Connor has finally shaped into the man Skynet feared he'd be, a leader of the Resistance. He has become a beacon of hope and is always looked upon during times of great stress by his peers, no doubt because of his calm and collected personality he's developed over the years at war. With his mother's tapes to guide him, John ends up doing his best to find his future father, Kyle Reese. He ends up doing so with the help of Marcus Wright, a hybrid human-machine. At first, since he hasn't been told about him by anyone from his future, John doesn't trust him, but when it appears the man is in control of the machine, John teams up with him to rescue Kyle and the other humans from Skynet. In the rescue mission, John comes face to face with The Terminator, who nearly kills him by wounding him to close to the heart. It's Marcus's sacrifice that ends up saving him and allowing him to continue on and lead the resistance against the machines.
5. Logan/Wolverine (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
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"You wanted the animal, Colonel. You got it."
Wolverine is back and this time we get all, or at least most, of the questions to his passed answered. When did he discover his powers? When he killed his father for killing the man he THOUGHT was his actual father. How did he get involved with Stryker? He joined his team of mutants along with his brother, Victor. When Logan didn't want to kill innocent people, he ditched. How did he get his metal claws? Victor shows up and 'kills' Kayla, Logan's girlfriend at the time, so Logan goes to Stryker to put him in the Weapon X program so he can have the adamantium in his skeleton. His biggest struggle is staying on the line between man and animal. It's hard when he ends up fighting almost every character (like the Blob, Agent Zero, and Gambit) and literally fights in every American War since the Civil War. Of course it's discovered Kayla didn't actually die and was working for Stryker but his feelings are still there for her so he keeps his grudge on Victor, defeating him without giving in to his animal side. The biggest threat in the end is Weapon XI, an uber-powered Deadpool. Once he's defeated, the last remaining question is answered. How does Logan lose his memory? Stryker shoots him in the head twice with adamantium bullets and it's only because he's young and his shape that his healing powers saved him. All in all not the greatest origin story but it's the first of a great trilogy with Logan centered on the front lines.
4. Laurie Jupiter/Silk Spectre II (Watchmen)
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"I am not afraid."
Laurie had the biggest arc, for me, in this movie. She still puts up with her bitter mother despite disapproving the women's fondness to the Comedian, a man that tried to rape her. She also struggles with her relationship with Dr. Manhattan, who's omniscient persona really puts a strain on them both. She leaves him after reuniting with Daniel, the second Nite Owl. I think in the end she wanted someone who would give their full attention to her when it counted, which is something Daniel was able to do. Back in the crime fighting life, she teams up with Daniel and Rorschach to stop Adrian from destroying the world. In order to do so, she has to confront Dr. Manhattan to get him to help, which ends up with her finding out The Comedian is her real father. Even though she's distressed about it, it gets Jon to help, but they end up being too late. When everything is said and done, Laurie forgives her mother and continues fighting crime with Daniel.
3. Blair Williams (Terminator Salvation)
"I saw a man, not a machine."
Blair Williams is one of the best pilots working for John and the resistance who teams up with Marcus after the pair try to rescue Kyle and Star from the machine gatherers. After taking care of a group of bandits, the pair end up getting close with each other as Blair leads him back to headquarters. During their travels Blair assures Marcus that he's a good guy and that all humans deserve a second chance as long as they want one. When it's discovered Marcus is part machine, Blair sees the human in him and decides to betray the resistance and rescue him. After John forgives her, she ends up flying the plan that rescues them from Skynet Headquarters before it explodes. She grows feelings for Marcus so she's a little upset when he offers to give his heart to John so the other could live, but understands that this is his second chance.
2. Jon Osterman/Dr. Manhattan (Watchmen)
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"The world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than it's smartest termite."
The most powerful man on Earth, Jon got his powers as Dr. Manhattan from a freak accident in his lab. With the body of Adonis and powers such as teleporting, flight, multiplying, and growing the size of a titan, there's rare limitations to Jon, which makes him the biggest asset to the United States military. He ends the war with Vietnam by himself and helps Adrian create a world ran by clean energy, but he does have his faults. For one, he treated his ex-girlfriend like shit before he left her for Laurie, who he also failed to care for like she needed him to. However, it's her breakup that makes him give up on humanity and run off to a distant planet. He refuses to help save the world until he discovers the miracle in Laurie's birth, but he ends up too late to save the world from Adrian. When Adrian's plan to bring world peace actually does work, Dr. Manhattan agrees to take the blame so that the peace can remain. He ends up having to kill Rorschach to keep him quiet before saying his goodbyes to Laurie and leaving for another universe.
1. Marcus Wright (Terminator Salvation)
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"I am human."
From the beginning I couldn't help but want to to root for this guy. As soon as he wakes up from the future he befriends Kyle and Star and looks after them. He shows Kyle a lot of tricks for survival that the other eventually takes with him when he goes back in time. When the pair get snatched, Marcus tries his best to rescue them, making it his mission to save two people he barely knows. He doesn't think he's a good person, because of what he did in his past, but as Blair points out, he's doing good things now, which is what matters. Even when he discovers he's a machine and that Skynet created him to accomplish John Connor's death, he doesn't give in and proves his human side is in control by helping John rescue everyone. In his final act of redemption, Marcus sacrifices himself by giving his heart to John so that the other could live. With a goodbye kiss from Blair, he dies knowning that he got his second chance at being a good person.
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