#is it obvious that I rlly love their hair??
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☁️💙✨️Two Worlds✨️💙☁️
I've had the idea to redraw this for a while now and I'm so happy with it!! I didn't realize how much I've improved since 2022 😧 I remember being really happy with the original, but now that I've redone it I realize this is what I was TRYING to do last time - the colors, hair, emotion, and overall atmosphere - I'm really happy that I can make it come to life now💙✨️
#I can't believe how few sparkles the old one has???#what was I thinking??#it's one of the main things I knew I had to fix#my fav detail is guangyao's hand with the ribbon swirling around it#*chefs kiss* it's perfect#is it obvious that I rlly love their hair??#good.#my fav little guys <3#xiyao#the untamed fanart#redraw#lan xichen#jin guangyao#cql#mdzs#boraboop#my art
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okay so they finally put the mentalist on a streaming service and i can watch it without shitty website quality and having to hook my old broken laptop into the tv which is fantastic
what’s also fantastic is seeing Jane interact with Red John in the second episode
SO fucking funny when Jane challenges him to rock paper scissors and he keeps losing. you can see the man wants to kill Jane right then and there soooo fcknndnksksks i love this show
#except they rlly did make it so obvious who red john is from the get go#they made him waaaaay too much of a red herring for the case the episode is actually abt#it always felt off to me like i get the whole red herring concept but they laid it on way too thick imo#just didn’t get the right vibes from it and so yeh super obvious move there BUT#this show is still a true love will never not love:’))<33#the mentalist#patrick jane#red john#Red Hair and Silver Tape
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hi, could you write a drabble with reader x remus where she rlly struggles with getting involved or going to hang out with people without explicitly being invited (just feeling really worried about being rejected) and he kind of reassures her and looks after her?
hi, thanks for this request! hope you enjoy, i generally don't write school-aged drabbles but thought this fit the best.
summary: your fear of being rejected stops you from joining your friends, but remus reassures you
remus x fem! reader (implied early stages romance)
Sitting by one of the fireplaces in the Gryffindor common room, you’re wondering how many of the people around you have exchanged glances over the top of your head. You can almost feel judgement thickening the air, raised eyebrows and confused smiles that ask why is she even here? To be honest, the only reason that you haven’t moved away is that you were technically sitting here first, and the rest of them milled in and took their spots nearby- then again, was it purposeful, your taking a place on one of the sofas they often use? In hindsight it’s just embarrassing. They must be assuming that you sat down just so they’d have no choice but to talk to you.
You know you’re expecting the worst of this group, none of whom particularly deserve it. The flock of seventh-years surrounding you are generally a good bunch; Lily, Sirius, Marlene, Mary, Peter, James, Remus, and Dorcas,. You want to be one of them more than you want most other things, which is somewhat pathetic and completely obvious in the way you’re always hanging around. They may all be lovely, and your friends (to some extent), but you know how irritating it can be if there’s always someone not quite in the group hanging around.
You should leave. Get up and make some comment about homework, or whatever, and wait for absolutely nobody to stop you. It’s kinder to everybody. Isn’t it?
Lost in your thoughts, you miss what Lily says next, and then they’re all getting to their feet. You give what you hope is a casual smile, simultaneously relieved of your spiralling and disappointed that they’re fulfilling your expectations.
There’s a tap on your shoulder- Remus, your favourite, whose hair has grown out over Christmas and now curls over his ears. He seems to get taller and lovelier with every passing moment. It’s difficult to make eye contact.
“We’re heading to the greenhouses, did you hear?” He says quietly, hand stilling instead of pulling away. You press your lips together and nod, carefully hiding any sort of misplaced hurt. It’s not as if you’re entitled to an invitation.
“Alright, I’ll see you later!” Too enthusiastic.
His brows pinch together. “You’re not coming?”
You look up at the others, who are collecting scarves and bags on their way to the portrait-hole. How can you admit to Remus that you don’t think they want you along? How can you tell him, anyone, that you’re far too afraid of being made fun of, or becoming a joke within their tight-knit group, to risk it?
“Oh, I don’t know. I have heaps of homework.”
“You do?” He raises his eyebrows. You feel caught, despite not having been accused of any sort of lie. “I thought you finished it all yesterday.”
You’d been studying when he and Lily joined you, and all day you’ve been wondering why they chose to. You probably put a but too much value on people choosing to sit next to you in class or during study; it’s unlikely that it was more than an absence of other free tables.
“...Some, yeah. And I wouldn’t want to- you know, I wouldn’t…” You trail off and give an awkward laugh. Remus’ gentle expression is making the inside of your mouth hurt.
“What?” You’re not used to your excuses mattering so much. Mostly, you mutter something and disappear to your dorm in time to avoid any drama. Is he feeling guilty, awkward about having made plans as a group in front of someone else? You cringe at the notion of Remus realising how friendless you probably are, of his pity.
You know it’s your own fault for being like this. You’ve had friends in the past- cool, funny, popular, attractive- who frequently left you out on purpose. A drunken conversation in fifth year revealed that you were tolerable at best, a joke at worst. Always pushing in and so desperate for invitations that to extend them could only be ironic.
You think about that more often than you should. You’re constantly hyperaware of how tolerable you are, sure that you’ll say or do something which will make everyone else realise exactly why you’re not in any particular group. You can’t let that happen yet with all these people, so full of love for one another that even proximity to them feels like the experience of it. Still, they’re teenagers. Judgement is an automatic response, and Remus is clever in the way he jokes. He’ll retell this conversation to roaring laughter if you reveal too much- not that he’s ever unkind, but you sort of invite a bad impression, you think.
“It’s really fine,” You assure him. “I’m tired. It’s cold, too.”
“Right,” He nods, glancing downwards. You think you’ve won (as much as you can win, here) until he turns to James and Peter and says, “I think we’re going to stay here. Bit chilly.”
James frowns, making a sound of protest. “Moony!” His eyes fall to you next, and you look away, guilty and embarrassed. You’d never even considered that pity would drive Remus to actually stay here, and now they’ll all hate you. Nice job, very well handled.
Marlene is next. “‘Cas has just finished growing the Alihotsy plant, though. We’re all going.”
“It’s been weeks since we all had the evening off- or at least, since Potter and Black didn’t have a detention each,” Lily reasons more kindly. She receives twin protests from the boys on either side of her, but remains unbothered, adding, “It’d be nice to spend a bit more time as a group.”
You’re awfully close to tears. All you’d wanted was to relieve them of yourself, to retreat to your room and wait until somebody explicitly invited you somewhere (if ever), and now you’ve gone and ruined everybody’s evening. You turn to Remus, more urgent than is likely normal. “Please just go with them,” You say softly, aware that your voice is all wobbly. “I’m just going to go to bed, I don’t want to interrupt all of you catching up. Please, it’s really okay.”
There’s a brief silence that spans the entire crowd. They’ve all heard, are all likely attempting not to laugh. Remus is giving you an awful look.
“...Are you okay, lovely?” Mary asks. You can’t look at her, can’t look at any of them, but you’ve always been alright at masking emotion in your voice when you really try. You force something like a smile.
“Yes! Yes, completely fine, I’m only tired. Post-holiday blues, maybe.” You laugh and it sounds terrible. “I’ve really only got to go to bed. You all have fun!” Silence again.
“We might join you all in a bit,” Remus says firmly. There are a few worried noises of assent, and they all head off. Now, you do see them looking at one another, frowning and looking upset. Poor Remus, you imagine them saying on their way to the greenhouses, stuck looking after her while we all escape.
Remus asks you to sit down again three times before you agree, still rather set on going to bed so you won’t cry in front of the entire common-room.
“What’s making you so upset?” He asks softly, once he’s finally detained you. You blink quickly and cast a glance around at the other students in the common-room, afraid to embarrass yourself more than you already have, but he’s quick to assuage the fear. “I cast a muffliato when James began talking about the Alihotsy prank- ages ago. Nobody’s heard anything, I promise.”
You swallow harshly. “Oh. Thanks. I’m sorry I’m being so- so-”
“If I could,” Remus says, firm but kind, “This will be a lot easier if we can get to the problem, here, rather than whatever you think you’ve done wrong.”
“I- right. Okay. Um,” You stammer. “They’re not really mutually exclusive.” “Why don’t you want to come? Did somebody say something hurtful?” You look at him, slightly startled. “What? It’s not that I don’t want to.”
Remus seems perplexed, looking the way he does when he’s working out a particularly difficult exam question. “No?”
“No.” You twist your fingers together so tightly that they hurt. “No, it sounds fun, it just… it’s not as if I’m going to demand to be brought along, am I?” The joke falls flat. You think you already knew it would, but it’s still a bit embarrassing to laugh and be met with a concerned frown.
You take a few longer breaths. You can fix this. You have to fix this.
“Look, it’s kind of you to stay here, but like Lily said- you all have the night off. It’s really not so bad not to spend it as a group. I want you to go, really.” The next smile is easier. You’ve done this before, convinced people not to feel bad for you.
“Why would you need to demand to be brought along?” Remus asks. “We made the plans while you were right here.”
“You all made plans together,” You explain slowly. “You know, having an evening to yourselves and that sort of thing. There’s no need for- you know, I’m honestly just tired. That’s probably why I’ve reacted so oddly, it’s my own fault.”
Remus looks at you for a long while, so intent that your skin gets prickly and uncomfortable. Eventually, he speaks, quiet and considered. “...You haven’t acted oddly if that’s how you’ve been feeling.”
“No, excluded.” He says gently. “You really didn’t know you were invited?” You don’t answer with more than silence, and he sighs.
“You were. You’re always invited, dove, of course you are.”
Trying not to get to hung up on impossibilities, you shake your head quickly. “It’d be a bit rude to assume that.”
“It wouldn’t.” Remus replies immediately. Then, “Dove, what are we going to do with you?” Entirely too much to comprehend. You’re glad he goes on. “Would you look at me for a moment, please?”
You want to ask him why, or refuse, or run up to your dormitory, but you do as he says. You wonder if he knows that he could ask you to do almost anything and you’d say yes, if he’ll only keep looking at you with his coffee-coloured eyes.
“All of us- we want you to come along, wherever we are. You’re important to lots of people. Do you understand that?” “I- I just don’t want to push myself in.” You say, mortified.
“You aren’t. You’re being pulled, if anything, yeah?” His lips quirk. “When Lily said those things about spending time as a group, she meant you, too. If somebody said something that made you think otherwise, I’ll-”
“Nobody said anything,” You tell him feebly. This is all rather a lot to take in. “I think… maybe it’s more that nobody’s said I am invited, or a part of- I don’t know, it’s all sort of stupid.”
“No it’s not,” Remus disagrees. He pinches your chin quickly between thumb and forefinger, frowning again. Mary once commented that Remus would look sixty by the time you all left school, with all his worrying wrinkles. “Not stupid, but it’s not very kind to yourself, either. Why shouldn’t we want you around?”
You open your mouth and close it at his raised eyebrow. “Rhetorical question?”
“Rhetorical question.” He confirms amusedly. “There’s no point arguing, because we do. I do. I wish you wouldn’t think otherwise.”
“I’ve only been friends with all of you for a little while, though. You’ve all been mates since first-year.” At that, Remus outright scoffs. “Have we, now?”
You shrug.
“James and Lily always liked each other, then? Dorcas didn’t only just start hanging around us as well?” You look down, and he sighs. “However long everybody’s known one another, the most important bit is that we all like each other, yeah? It wouldn’t matter whether we became mates at eleven or two days ago- we’re friends. Or- you know.”
You definitely don’t know, but you’re going red anyway. He was definitely talking about Lily and James- that’s all he meant by ‘you know’. Isn’t it?
Remus scratches the back of his head, quiet for another second. Then, “...Why don’t we go down to the greenhouses? We’ll stick together the whole time, you’ll not be sat by yourself again.”
“I don’t want to make you babysit.”
Remus tsks, expression becoming sterner for a moment. “Don’t think that way about yourself. I’m asking because I want you to come- it’s not worth going if you aren’t there.”
The long moment it takes for you to decipher whether he’s only being nice or if that’s the truth is enough for Remus to decide that you don’t really have a choice in the matter. Tugging you to your feet, and seeming taller than ever with your proximity, he winds his own scarf around your neck and pushes some hair behind your hear. You let him, mostly because you’re too surprised to do anything about it.
“Let’s go, before they all decide to try some of the Alihotsy themselves. Gloves?”
You manage a nervous giggle, putting your mittens on when he hands them to you. “Thanks.”
“That’s alright. Come on,” He gives you a crooked sort of smile. It’s sometimes difficult to tell if Remus is aware how good-looking he is.
The entire group are far too enthusiastic at yours and Remus’ arrival fifteen minutes later, given the fact that it’s hardly been half an hour since they left. Either way, you’re quickly pulled into a squabble between Lily and James about- as Remus predicted- the logic of trying some Alihotsy for themselves.
“Thank Merlin you came, you’re the only one who won’t be completely daft about this!” Lily says, linking her arm in yours. You smile before catching Remus’ eye and looking down, feeling yourself flush. Smug bastard, you think fondly.
It’s an entire two hours before everyone heads back up to the castle, having thoroughly violated curfew but without (to James and Sirius’ chagrin) having tested any of the plant which would induce hysterical laughter. You find yourself walking beside the tallest of the group in comfortable silence, a few steps behind the rest.
“Thanks for making me come with you,” You say, perhaps a little more earnestly than you ought. “It was really nice.”
“‘Course, dove.” You look up at Remus to find he’s already looking at you. He clears his throat, glancing over at Sirius and Marlene where they’re pretending to push each other into the snow. It’s likely to end in one of them following through and the other swearing eternal hatred. “We’re all glad you came along. Could even make a habit of it.”
You exhale a laugh. “Maybe.”
He gives you a sideways look. “Oh, ‘maybe’, is it?” “...Conceivably?” You grin, darting away when he grabs at you and sort of wishing you’d stayed still just to see what he’d do. Remus fixes you with a teasing glare.
“Watch it, sweetheart.”
You blink, choking on words for a minute. Sweetheart? Sweetheart!? Sweetheart, sweetheart, sweetheartsweetheartsweetheartsweetheart-
“You alright?”
“Yeah!” You say, too quickly. Remus misreads your flusteredness as something else and softens, taking hold of your sleeve and tugging you towards him. You go easily.
“If it’ll help,” He says thoughtfully, “You can ask me if you’re invited to things. Or I’ll just tell you. Then you won’t have to go to the trouble of assuming either way.”
You like him so, so much. “That’s really nice of you, Remus.”
“Eh,” He shrugs. “You know me.”
Now, it’s harder not to smile than anything else. “I don’t want you to go to any trouble. It’s really my problem, I shouldn’t-”
“Enough,” He interrupts gently. “Just say yes, dove, if it’ll help. I won’t be unhappy either way.”There are several places within you, the more unkind parts, that say accepting his offer would be like accepting pity. But there are also places that are warmed at the thought, that remember how people reacted when you arrived in the greenhouse, that can start imagining a reality wherein nobody hated your presence by the sofas tonight, and those bits win the argument for the first time in a very long time. You look up at Remus, his soft eyes and fluffy hair dusted with snow, and nod.
#marauders#marauders era#hurt/comfort#remus lupin x reader#remus lupin x fem!reader#shy!reader#marauders fluff#marauders hurt/comfort#james potter#sirius black#marlene mckinnon#lily evans#remus x y/n#remus x reader#remus x you#moony x fem!reader#moony x reader#remus lupin x shy!reader#remus lupin hurt/comfort#remus lupin fluff#x reader#remus lupin fanfiction#remus lupin fic#remus x reader drabble#remus lupin x reader drabble#marla's requests
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Taken from the prequel:
you can't deny the bitterness and the clenching of your teeth whenever you stumble upon a room and see your father and your younger brother watching a movie together.
— masterlist !
help ??!? u rlly are feeding the community with ur fanart 🩷 bruce and damian bonding together despite it only being months since he was introduced into the family literally ruins any sliver of hope and only furthers the longing (name) would have, and the fact that they're mere silhouettes in the art is so <33 erm ignore my suddenly disappearance for a day or two, i was feeling unwell 💔
otherwise, here's something for u because i appreciate everything you send me ! ft. post-kidnapped reader with yan! bruce and damian.
bruce and damian after kidnapping you would not take lightly the diary entries you have written, expressing jealousy and contempt towards your biological father and half-brother, about how it was alfred who had to take the time of his busy day to watch a movie with you instead. when you write about how you wished alfred was your father instead, bruce would not only feel his heart clenching but he'd also need the feel to prove himself better than the past, that he can and will be the only father you would ever need.
add damian to the mix, who had his own bouts of jealousy towards you, who wanted to bond with you in ways closer than you ever will with your other siblings, who felt that deep pit of guilt that he knows he could never crawl out of, with his addled tantrums...
— and you get yourself an overtly clingy dynamic with those two in the same room as you. now, instead of both of them dismissing your presence, the two would be fixated upon your every movement, your expressions, your actions. anything and everything would be documented and if you ate less or talked less, damian would always be the first to comment upon it, and your dad (as you should be calling bruce) would take damian's observations seriously. there's no escaping their grips.
no, you can't say no just now! damian wants to watch animal documentaries with you and that's the only thing keeping him from slicing someone's head off their body! what do you mean you don't want to spend time with them? bruce just needs to have his baby by his side and— no, just because you're over 18 doesn't mean your family would lessen their affection towards you! you're still so young and who knows what path of self-destruction you'd bring on yourself if you're left to your own whims.
the family is dysfunctional enough, so any concept of personal space is nonexistent. it makes everything worse if you'd have to deal with more than two people in the same room... and two very strong, capable, and deadly vigilantes who invites you to watch movies with them isn't very soothing to your veins but those hands that can crush your throats are your family and they make it obvious that you're the favorite, that despite the... rough past they inflicted on you, they'll always love you; so what's the point in denying them?
you'll be squashed between your father and your youngest brother on the couch, with fluffy blankets and your favorite show playing in the background. you express any ounce of discomfort and bruce would immediately ask you what's wrong, what do you need, are you hungry, perhaps? is the popcorn stale? or do you want another snack? he'll pause the movie and ask you with practiced precision, the furrow on his brows and analytical eyes are an immediate signal that all your answers are taken seriously. yet despite his intimidating tactics, despite the lack of light in the room casting a shadow on his face, he questions you with your head laid on his chest and a scarred hand trying to soothingly run through your hair.
meanwhile, damian wouldn't even hesitate resting his head on your shoulders, finding it useless to silently express his need for your physical affection. so he takes it in himself to wrap his entire body around your torso, hands locking you in a grip that provides scorching heat under the countless of blankets you're already wrapped in. sometimes, he doesn't even know that he occasionally nuzzles against your neck, and you have no way to push yourself away from him because the position you're in makes you sandwiched between your father's chest and damian's body. and you can't do anything about it but puff, asking your youngest if he could be so kind to at least leave you air to breath.
he'll merely comply, but then it's your legs that would be tangled against each other next, and it'd be soon you'll discover that it's meaningless trying to attempt to escape their affection.
because really, you have no way out of this, not when everyone suddenly insists that bonding time with any siblings or with bruce requires your presence above everybody else's.
#🍨... yael's talking#🧁... yael's misc.#series: again & again#a&a: fanart#yandere dc#yandere batfam#yandere batman#yandere batboys#yandere bruce wayne#yandere damian wayne#yandere x reader#yandere x gn reader#yandere#yandere x you#yandere x y/n#male yandere#platonic yandere
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Bro! Imagine the tuplar crew reacting to their artist s/o drawing layers upon layers of sketches of them, ( Including 🔞 sketches of them 😏)
as an artist i heavily fw this 👅 thank you for your request!! (gender neutral reader, nsfw under the cut!)
anya ۶ৎ
this girl was scavenging in your room looking for one of her favorite shirts she'd left she last time she spent the night
and then, she came upon your desk, which was littered with sketchbooks and stray papers
you were incredibly talented; you could masterfully draw someone with only a singular glance at them, your painting style reminded her heavily of the renaissance era, your eye to detail was unbelievable, and so, so much more
so she wasn't surprised to see some sketches and paintings of her—she had even posed for some!!
however, what she was surprised about, was seeing the...more suggestive works
her cheeks warmed considerably and her eyes widened as she held up a sheet of A3 paper, a beautifully messy, colored sketch of her sitting on a wooden chair and playing with herself filling the page
she had to admit, she looked exceptionally beautiful, her hair mussed up and sticking to her sweaty flushed skin, the soft, small rolls of her stomach as she hunched forward, the dusky pink of her lips, her nipples, her cunt that was leaking slick, the slick that was dripping off the chair...
and yet another one!
a small piece of mixed media paper, with a painfully detailed drawing of her lips and plump breasts—her lips permanently parted as if captured mid-moan, an index and thumb pinching her left nipple, her dark hair falling over her shoulders
needless to say, she put those drawings right the fuck back and left—she was too embarrassed to ever bring them up to you
although, she would love to have you draw her while she was masturbating in real time...
curly ۶ৎ
"what's all this?"
curly thumbed through your sketchbook, his eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise as he studied the several drawings of him
then, he picked up a smaller, newer looking sketchbook, and on the first page...
curly tilted his head as he looked at the explicit drawing scrawled across the page, one that featured him leaning against a wall, hunched over as he squeezed his thick, heavy cock, a single drop of cum leaking from the reddened tip
he actually admired himself, he looked amazing!
his thick muscles flexed, his dark eyebrows furrowed, and oh my god, his ass!
he flipped the page, a messier sketch filling his sight
he wasn't really sure what was going on, but it was obvious the main focus was his big, swollen dick that had cum spurting from it
his forearm was sprawled across his eyes and his lip curled slightly
he laughed, feeling himself harden a little
"y/n!! i didn't know you drew me so often!!" he ran downstairs to the living room where you were perched comfortably on the couch, waving your sketchbook in his hand to your immediate embarrassment
daisuke ۶ৎ
daisuke didn't know much about how often you drew, it was typically him who was showing off his art
he was looking through your drawers to find a pencil, when he came upon a small sketchbook
his eyes widened, he was so excited to see what you'd been cooking up!!
he opened the book to a random page, a drawing of him looking out the window with earbuds in scrawled upon the surface
he admired it, the way you captured his calm, smiling expression, the cheerful, quiet atmosphere of wherever he was
he flipped to the next page, and the next, and the next, grinning at your skill until...
he was quite shocked to see a sketch of him fucking a pocket pussy
his cheeks were flushed red, his skin was glazed with sweat, his eyes were squeezed shut in nothing but pleasure
he swallowed, breathing heavily and trying to figure out what to do with himself
after a deep breath, he smiled widely and put your sketchbook back, making a mad dash to his bag to show you the drawings he made of you
"hey y/n!! i draw you a lot too!"
jimmy ۶ৎ
didnt know how to feel about seeing the abundance of drawings of him
on one hand, he was extremely egotistical about it
'that's right, my perfect s/o just loves to draw me'
on the other, why?
why would you want to draw him?
his eyes studied the pages as he flipped through them
there was him sleeping, him drinking from a glass, him...?!
his eyes widened as he took in your work, quickly melting into a smirk
it was him, crawling towards the viewer, with his dick in his hand, pulling back his foreskin to reveal his drooling tip
"goddamn..." he whistles lowly as he flips to the next page, the content being him taking you from the back on his worn couch, the rest of the house in the background in obvious disarray
his sick grin, the way your face was buried into the cushions, the grip he had on your ass...
it made him so, so hard
surely if you showed him these drawings earlier it would've been a fun, shared experience
"y/n, you wanna explain this?"
now only god knows what he's gonna do with info
swansea ۶ৎ
was just confused
"is this me? ..yeah."
his eyes were squinting and his eyebrows were furrowed the entire time he gazed upon the pages upon pages of him
it warmed his heart a little, he couldn't deny
he laughed slightly at one particular drawing, you kissing his temple and him holding his signature frown
the whiplash he got from the next page could've sent him to the emergency room
it was him, drawn from the perspective of someone on their knees, (especially so regarding the contents), looking down with a grin and holding his dick towards the audience
he sets your sketchbook down, yet not back in the spot he found it, and goes back to sit on the couch with you
he'd never bring it up but with the way that drawing was simply...there on your desk told you all you needed to know
im sorry his is so anticlimactic but i honestly feel like he'd see one explicit drawing of himself and just leave 😭
#mouthwashing x reader#anya x reader#curly x reader#daisuke x reader#jimmy x reader#swansea x reader#anya smut#curly smut#daisuke smut#jimmy smut#swansea smut#for jimmy's section i was a bit inspired by bichianti hehehe#mouthwashing smut
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Hii!! I love your writing sm so can i request a reader x thanos and nam-gyu (but mostly nam-gyu hehe) where they are like really close friends like before the games, they always used to hang out at eachothers apartments, smoked weed and all that shit. And when reader went to the games without telling anyone and she saw nam-gyu and thanos and they got really mad at reader for not telling them where she was going (even tho they did the same) but then became like rlly protective over reader throughout the games.
(I’m so sorry if it doesn’t make sense, i’m really bad with english but i tried my best 😭)
What's Better Than One Boyfriend?! TWO Boyfriends!!!
FIRST OF ALLL THANK YOU FOR MY VERY FIRST REQUEST?! OUUU this is so fun?!!! I read smoke weed with Thanos AND Nam-gyu and was IN!! I made definitely it pretty much straight up Nam-gyu x reader x Thanos, def more centered to Nam-gyu though! I just got too excited 😩 so you got your two boyfriends malewives I hope you like it 🫶😩😩🫶
Warnings: 18+ drug usage, weed smoking, some mildly spicy parts, two boyfriends!!, all yall are in debt, proof read but prolly got spelling errors, in a universe where thanos and nam-gyu are besties before the squid games, probably ooc thanos and nam-gyu, i cant think of anything else.

You’re not sure exactly what your relationship with the two of them was. You never cared to ask. But fuck was it so nice.
You suppose you could say you were dating Nam-gyu, you’ve known him for a while, hanging around the same group of people, eventually ending up becoming friends with benefits- then more. You’ve gone out on dates, done many things that have exceeded the “friends with benefits” label but have never gone to call it anything. And you knew neither of you were seeing anyone else…
Well no one else besides Choi Su-bong, or Thanos as he prefers to be called. He came into the picture shortly after you and Nam-gyu have been seeing each other. The best friends they were, they had to just share something as sweet as you.
It was odd. In a good way. You never thought you’d find yourself in this situation. And you didn’t mind it one bit.
They were like your two boyfriends. Though Nam-gyu makes it very obvious you were with him first and he was being gracious to share you with Thanos. The wild purple haired rapper would happily agree, finding this a more than favorable situation. It was the one thing Nam-gyu knew he had over Thanos.
They were strangely, overprotective, spoil you (in more ways than one), and after a night of partying or promoting that sleazy club- they always returned to your apartment.
Always returned to you. Always found themselves in your bed- sandwiching you between them as they pass the blunt back and forth over you- taking turns to shotgunning the smoke into your mouth. Hands gripping your jaw or throat to guide your face back and forth between their kisses.
And you loved it.
When they would practically bust down your apartment door in a pill induced haze, four hands fighting with the key you gave them to unlock it- it wasn’t going well considering they were both tripping in ways you never cared to imagine. Both of the needing to get their hands on you, to feel you- you’d meet them at the door, pulling it open to be bombarded by their groping hands and excited kisses.
And after multiple hours, and multiple rounds in positions you’ve only dreamed of- you always found yourself entangled in a sweaty mess of limbs passing the blunt over to the two of them as they came down from their highs.
“Always so good f’us.” Thanos mumbled from his spot lying on your stomach, arm splayed over your torso, keeping you pinned to the bed, placing light kisses over the bruises Nam-gyu left on your skin.
“I know… isn’t she just perfect… n’ she’s all ours” Nam-gyu would respond, placing opening mouth kisses along your neck, one of his hands placed over your breast, just kneading the flesh as if it was his own personal stress ball. They often talked like that- as if you weren’t there, just gushing to each other about how much they adore you (or how well you take both of them).
When you’d have a hard day at work, telling both of them you’re not feeling up to hanging out, just wanting to go home alone and go to bed, they would pick the fucking lock on your apartment, breaking in to make themselves comfy on your bed.
When you’d come home exhausted- not even realizing the lock was picked because they locked it behind them- and walk across your living room, down a hallway and open up your bedroom door, head lifting from the floor seeing two people you didn’t expect to be there in your bed- You’d scream, dropping your stuff.
You’d gather yourself, seeing them both shirtless on your bed, both leaned over a rolling tray that’s in between them, working to roll blunts.
Thanos is stopping to hit his vape as he places the ground up weed into the wrap, tattoos on full view. His hair is messy, but it’s not spiked up- instead it’s down in its natural state, a slight wave to the strands.
Nam-gyu even has his glasses on- something he knows you love and beg him to wear more. His hair tucked behind his ear as his ringed fingers work on his own blunt. When he wraps it, his tongue comes out of his mouth to lathe across the wrap of the blunt to seal it.
It’s a beautiful sight. Truly. But did they have to scare the life out of you?!!
“Woahhh! Easy there beautiful!” Thanos would say, sitting up from his spot on your bed, hands thrown up in a mock defensive position. They’re both giggling, find your scream and reaction to them oh so enjoyable. “Calm down baby, s’just us.” Nam-gyu would echo, holding out the finished blunt to you. “You said you were havin’ a rough day. Figure we could make it a personal night.” He hums.
You let out a sigh, your heart still racing. You glare at them angrily, clutching your chest. But it doesn’t stay long, you loosen up, shoulders dropping and nodding with a pout. A personal night is just what you need. On rare occasions you didn’t share a blunt between the three of you, three blunts would be rolled- one for each of you.
You kick off your shoes and pull off your jeans before crawling on the bed. They move the rolling tray, and you plop down on the bed face first in between them. You inhale, the scent of both of them stuck on your sheets. Their hands immediately begin to run up and down your back and arms, feather light touches calming you down.
“You guys suck for breaking in here.” Your words are muffled by the pillows of your bed. They both laugh, Nam-gyu leaning further down, hand moving up to brush your hair back. You turn your face to him, playfully glaring at him. He just scoffs at your attitude, leaning down and placing a kiss on your lips. It’s soft and sweet, just what you needed after a long day.
“But ‘s just what you needed, huh?” Thanos says, leaning over you to begin peppering kisses along the back of your shoulder and down your back. He moves back up, your head turning to look at him and nodding. “Mhm…” you mumble out in a tired sound. He leans down, connecting his lips with yours- same as Nam-gyu, though his kiss is a bit more rough.
When he pulls away you flip yourself over onto your back a smile spreading across your lips as you look up to both of them looking over you, pupils already blown and eyes red. “Oh you fucks!! You started without me!”
“Sorry sweetheart, can’t help it…we had to sample the product before we came.” Nam-gyu says with a drugged out smile. You roll your eyes and playfully shove both them back while you sit up. “Whatever! Y’all are losers!! Now give me my blunt.” You tease, holding out your hand.
Thanos provides you with the blunt, placing a kiss on your knuckles as you retract your hand. You place the blunt to your lips, turning your head towards Nam-gyu who holds the lighter. He scoots closer, cupping his hand around the end of your blunt to shield your face, lighting the end.
They both sit back as they watch you take your first inhale. The smoke fills your lungs with a comforting heat, pouring out of your mouth in thick swirling trails. When you put the blunt back up to your mouth, taking a drag, the cherry lighting up in a vibrant red-orange, the both lean into you, each with a blunt hanging from their lips.
The ends of their blunts come into contact with yours, and as you continue to inhale- their blunts begin to spark and ignite. They pull back, inhaling their own fill of the weed they bought.
So there you’d be, in just a tank top and panties, both your doting male companions curled up on the bed on either side of you. Nam-guy’s head was laid on your right thigh while Thanos was laid on your left thigh.
With the hand that’s not bringing the blunt to your mouth, you’d have it brushing through their hair. You’d have to switch which hand you’re smoking with every so often as they would complain if you’d been neglecting them for too long (it would only ever be a couple minutes, they just can’t get enough of your attention!)
Other nights you found yourselves up late into the night, each doing your own thing just simply enjoying the presence of one another.
There was one hot summer night, it was so hot you were only wearing a pair of shorts and a cut off shirt of Thanos’ that you borrowed. You had three fans going in your room yet it never seemed like enough.
You were partially propped up on your bed, resting on your elbows and the inside of your knees, your head at the food end of the bed, leaning over the edge to play with Nam-gyu’s hair while he sits on the floor.
Nam-gyu was sitting with his back to the foot of the bed, legs stretched out in front of him, his finger working rapidly against the joysticks of the controller that he held in his lap, his eyes trained on the video game his was playing. He wouldn’t admit it but it was hard to focus with how nice your fingers felt playing with his hair. Nails lightly raking against his scalp as you brush the dark strands back and out of his face, fingertips brushing against his ears every so often causing goosebumps to erupt over his arms despite the hot temperatures of the room.
Thanos wasn’t absent. He was situated behind you, back against a pile of pillows so he could sit farther up on the bed rather than against the head board. He scrolls lazily on his phone, his legs spread a little so you were situated nicely against him, your legs over his, your ass nestled nicely against his lap. He uses your ass as a shelf, propping his wrist up as he aimlessly taps through his apps. His other hand is under your shorts, just resting against the flesh of your ass, squeezing the flesh softly every once in a while- he really just loved to touch you.
You’d stay like this for hours, sometimes Thanos would send you a video, your hands would depart from Nam-gyu’s hair for a moment to grab your phone and watch what he sent- laughing along with him at the video. When you’d put your phone down and turn back to Nam-gyu you’d see he had paused the game and tilted his head back to look at you with a frown.
It would only make you giggle, scooting forward a bit to lean over the bed to grab his face and place a kiss on his forehead, mumbling an ‘you’re so needy’ before returning your hands to his hair- and he resumes the game.
And you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
You knew running with them and the crowd you found yourself in even before you were entangled with them, it was never a safe option. Too often you heard them complaining about the debt they found themselves in- doing nothing to stop it and even making it worse with lavish parties and binges.
You yourself found yourself in hot waters, trying your best to both help them and keep yourself afloat. It wasn’t easy, all three of you were in debt. You really, really cared for both of them, but neither of them were on the best path. You couldn’t speak much better about yourself. Regardless, bills were unforgivable and work didn’t pay well. If you had all the money in the world you’d pay everything off and build a house for the three of you in some far off secluded area away from the world that was out to get all of you.
So of course when a strange, well dressed man with a brief case offered you a large amount of money to play a child’s game in the subway late one night- you couldn’t say no.
You played and played, losing more times than you can count. Repeating the same cycle of throwing the paper square, winning a few rounds before eventually having a hand collide with your cheek. And when he eventually called the game, even after your cheek is bruised and you’re begging to play again, he simply hands you brown paper card and bows- packing up his brief case with the colorful origami squares.
Before he leaves, he promises that more money, even more than you won with that game, will come if you call that number on the back of the card.
You sat in that subway for hours, missing your bus to just sit on the metal bench. In one hand you held the large sum of money you won- it would definitely help you but it wouldn’t do anything to touch the amount of debt you were in.
You return home, thankful they were both passed out in your bed. You smile to yourself, looking to them in the bed. They’re both just in boxers, very obviously having fallen asleep on opposite sides of the bed but had migrated towards each other, in a tangle of what you would call cuddling- but if you told them that what they were doing they’d definitely deny it.
It’s a sweet secret you keep to yourself. Your boys. It was just what you needed after coming home from what you just experienced. You silently shed your clothes, putting on one of Nam-gyu’s shirts, the fabric swallowing you.
You crawl into the bed, trying your best not to wake them. You settled into between them, they both stir- sleepy mumbles and acknowledgment of your presence coming out of their lips. It’s like second nature to them as they curl around your form.
Nam-gyu’s arm falls around your torso, squeezing your waist. He settles his head right in the crook of your neck, nuzzling his nose along your flesh, placing a light kiss as he falls back asleep. Thanos is rested against your breast on the opposite side, arm resting on top of your stomach, right under Nam-gyu’s.
A smile spreads across your face, your eyes feeling heavy. You fall asleep quickly, the warmth of both their bodies enveloping you in a heavenly wave of comfort. The worry of debt could wait just a bit longer….
But eventually you called that number. You needed anything to help you keep yourself afloat. And after a very cryptic phone call with an automated voice, you’re given a pick up location and a date and time.
You enter into the limousine cautiously, were you really about to do this? The looming threat of eviction and debt that seems to keep rising pushes you forward. You take the handle into your shaky hands and open the black door. The interior is just as luxurious as the exterior.
You settle into the seat, body stiff and heart racing. When your eyes settle to in front of you. You see a golden piggy bank. You can hear your heart beat in your ears, your leg is bouncing anxiously. You can’t even focus on what the pig that’s seemingly a speaker is saying.
“Are you sure you’d like to continue?” The sentence brings you back out of your haze. You swallow thickly and nod. You curse to yourself, the fucking piggybank can’t see you. “Y-yes.” You croak out.
It’s silent for a moment. Almost like the golden pig is contemplating your answer. Then there’s a fog filling the car. You’re panicked, eyes wide as you inhale the gas. What the fuck did you get yourself into?
It’s not long before your eyes are heavy and whatever type of gas that was knocks you clean out.
A loud tune playing on what sounds like over head speakers is causing you to groan and stir. Your eyes open but are soon shut back, blinded by the large florescent lights that line the ceiling of where ever you are. You groan, sitting up. You open your eyes again, squinting them and looking down to try and adjust to the light.
You’re on a bed you see. It’s high up. It looks over what seems like hundreds of other beds, hundreds of people beginning to wake up like you. You see they’re all in matching track suits, all sporting different numbers. You furrow your eyebrows, confused. Your memory was foggy but you knew you were going to join some games for money- and this was not what you were expecting.
You look out over the room, it’s a large warehouse like area. Bricks and various drawings line the walls. You kneel, trying to get a better look. Up front there’s a raised area, almost like a stage. There also seems to be only three doors in this large room. One large one behind the raised platform of the room and two smaller ones level with the ground on either side of the raised platform. None of them had handles.
Seriously, what the fuck did you get yourself into?!?!
You watch as people begin to file out of the beds, congregating in the center of the room, exchanging confused and uneasy glances at their new roommates. If you weren’t so on edge you would have thought this was neat, like a social experiment of abnormal gatherings and you were the onlooking researcher. But you weren’t the researcher, you were also one of the guinea pigs stuck in the experiment.
You stay put, figuring it’s best to stay back as the majority of people decent into the middle of the room. Your eyes dart around anxiously, trying to take in every last detail of the brick prison you’ve woken up in.
Your attention is drawn back to the podium when the large door opens, multiple masked guards walk out, in pink tracksuits with shapes on their masks. This is so fucking weird. You thought to yourself. They begin to explain why you are all here- that you all called that same number.
You watch as someone calls out, angrily shouting about how they were drugged and basically kidnapped. You hear murmurs of “yeah”’s fall out of other people’s mouths, agreeing with the stranger.
From the high bunk you found yourself on you, looked at the guards, standing stoically as the hundreds of individuals begin to angrily talk over each other. Yelling out to the guards about belongings and being stripped naked to be put in these track suits. You didn’t bother to chime in, already feeling weird enough about this situation you woke up in, you did not need more attention on you.
That’s when a familiar voice pipes up. He’s arguing with the guards. Over shoes of all things. Your eyes dart over the crowd hoping you wouldn’t see what you thought you would….but you did….purple hair.
It can’t be him. You think to yourself. You’re hoping it isn’t, there’s plenty of other people who have purple hair. But when the guard retaliates by playing a video on the large screen behind them, your heart drops.
“Choi Su-bong, player 230…” you don’t even hear what else the guard says, your eyes are trained to the screen watching your purple hair partner hit his vape.
So it is him…
Your eyes dart down to the bright purple hair in the sea of players. Next to Thanos, leaning up against his back over his shoulder is Nam-gyu. You can tell it’s him. Your heart drops…they’re both here. They both played that same game you did, more than likely getting slapped, then getting drugged and eventually ending up exactly where you were.
You were pissed. Was it irrational? Yes, you made the exact same choice they did. But you were the voice of reason in whatever relationship you three had, they promised you they wouldn’t do anything dumb- yet here they are. It’s dumb for you to be here too but hey! You’re the angel out of the three of them, you deserved to do something dumb.
You were about to make your way down the stairs, to haul yourself through the sea of people to scold them but when the guard at the podium says your name- throwing the video of you getting slapped and your debt amount to the mass of players- you know you’re fucked.
You can see the way both of their shoulders fall, the way both of them tense up. Then they’re both rapidly looking around, you know they’re about to scold you. You swear to yourself, of course all three of you signed up for some sketchy game after getting slapped by some creepy salesman. Just your luck.
Your eyes widen like a deer in headlights when you realize Nam-gyu has spotted you. It’s like a sniper looking down the scope at their target. You can see him nudge Thanos, pointing you out to the purple haired man.
You know you’re about to get reamed.
They both look at you, it’s a strange mix of relief, worry and anger. You’re literally frozen like a kid who got caught sneaking cookies in the middle of the night- thinking that if you freeze on spot you won’t be able to be seen.
The crowd begins to mumble to each other, a mix of hushed whispers and angered shouts. You see them begin to push through the crowd and you sigh- you know you might as well accept your fate. If you were in this strange place in this very unique situation- at least you’re with them. You make your way down the metal stairs, eyebrows furrowed- thankful you had them here but pissed off that they went ahead and gambled again- sure you’re a hypocrite for doing the same thing….but that’s different. Right?
When you get to the bottom of the metal stairs, white sneakers hitting the concrete floor they’re shoving past the last wall of people and walking quickly towards you. You begin to open your mouth to scold them but Thanos is picking you up off your feet and pushing you into the corner of the room- under the metal bunks and away from the other players.
Nam-gyu is right behind him, a scowl on his face.
They didn’t know what was going down here in this place you all found yourself waking up in, but they knew they didn’t need these other people here spying in on your relationship. They were both narcissists at heart- they wanted to keep up appearances.
You’re caged into the wall, looking up at them defiantly, trying to keep your look of anger as they tower over you.
If it was any other situation you would have found it hot- the way they look over you, both glaring down at you with a look of disappointment and and the usual hunger they have when they look at you. But you’re so mad at them. You can’t believe they did the same thing you did. You also didn’t even know the extent of Thanos’ debt, you can only imagine what Nam-gyu’s was, and there they were, obviously having gambling away with the same creepy subway salesman to have made it here.
It doesn’t matter that you did the same thing.
They’re both equally as angry. For one you were in the subway alone in the middle of the night, as evidence from the video the guards played- something they hated you doing. One or both of them would show up to accompany you to where ever you needed to go like guard dogs. Why didn’t you text them to ask them to come with you like you normally would when you had to go somewhere?
And for as much as they knew about you, you kept your debt private. So the fact you were even here- they now knew you obviously were in the same shit they were in. They both were irritated you didn’t tell them, they would have helped you (even though they literally didn’t have the money to).
You look to their jackets. The numbers 124 and 230 stitched to the patch of the jacket. You look down at yours 014. You wonder if the numbers had anything to do with who called that damned number first- securing their spot in this game earlier. If it was…you apparently called in first.
It seems the stare down ends when you all speak at once, the tension finally reaching its boiling point
“You dumb motherfuckers!”
“Are you stupid?!”
“Señorita! Why are you here???”
You all kind of stand there for a second after all speaking hushed angry whispers. All sharing a similar look of anger. “You went to the subway alone at night!?” Nam-gyu begins to scold. “You were all on our asses about gambling and look- there you were gambling and getting slapped in the subway!” Thanos says, his tone angry but his voice is still in a hushed whisper.
You immediately turn to Thanos, shoving an accusatory finger to his sternum, “I’m not the one 1.19 billion in the hole.” You seethe. That seems to shut him up, obviously angering him even more but he just clenches his jaw.
“Okay, well you’re obviously in debt too if you’re here” Nam-gyu begins trying to defend both of them. You whip your head towards him, your look is enough to kill a man. He is faced with the realization that a lot of your debt probably stems from being with them- being around them. They both don’t have the best lifestyle and neither do you, hell you were running the same game they were when Nam-gyu met you, you were tripping at a club when he first met you- you weren’t exactly a saint. Nam-gyu always thought you could do better than that, than them. But you never ran from them, sure you were way less wild than when he first met you, but you still kept around the same people and surrounded yourself with the lifestyle.
Nam-gyu can speak, instead he surges forward, pulling you into him and wrapping one arm around your waist- the other cradling your head against his chest. He didn’t like knowing that you went through the same process he did with getting into this situation. He didn’t like knowing that he was part of the reason you were here. He didn’t like knowing you were now stuck in this same prison of unknowns that they were. You didn’t deserve it.
You’re squished against him, head facing towards Thanos who’s still staring at you disapprovingly but it’s so much softer than before. You make a useless attempt at frowning at him, although your cheeks are squished under Nam-guy’s hold- making it look like an adorable pout.
He smiles, it’s a small one- but a smile nonetheless, reaching over to smooth out your hair and cup your cheek- the same one he witnessed you getting slapped on by that salesman. “Can’t believe he touched you like that…” He mumbles, it’s a low growl.
“You’re so fucking stupid for coming here….” Nam-gyu mumbles, his words harsh but you can tell it’s because he’s genuinely worried, his mind replaying that dammed video those guards blasted on the big screen. “I’ll kill that sleazy fuck who did that to you..” he says, his hands shaking against you as he keeps you cradled against him.
You let out a huff, pulling apart from Nam-gyu to lightly shove his chest, then turning to Thanos to do the same. “I’m stupid?! You two did the same thing!! After I told both of you to quit wasting your money- which encompasses gambling on some kid game and coming here!” You huff out looking between both of them.
“Baby, we just wanted to get some money f’us.” Nam-gyu says, hands coming up to cup your cheeks, squishing them inwards. His voice is sickeningly sweet, you know he’s trying to con you out of your anger, manipulating you how he wanted to get his way. And it works
“You’re both schtill so dumb n I’m schtill mad.” You hiss, words slurred by Nam-guy’s hands. Your eyebrows furrowed and lips turned into a pout- although it’s a sorry excuse for one with the way his hands are pressing your cheeks together. The two men laugh, it’s a precious sight truly.
So mad at them but still so adorable, like an angry little kitten. “Mhm…bet you are you lil’ minx.” Nam-gyu coos at you with a wide grin on his face- you can’t help but to ease up, the feeling of his twitching hands holding your face and his wide smile makes your heart swell.
“You also pulled the same dumb fuckin move though, princess.” Thanos says, his voice scolding but he’s smiling along with Nam-gyu.
The guards up front are beginning to say something about signing a waiver to continue to play, the players beginning to line up.
“So just stick by us n we’ll keep ya safe. With all three of us here we will make so much money.” Nam-gyu sings to you in a sickly sweet tone that you know is going to make you lose your anger. You can’t stay mad at him for long.
But you’re still about to protest- yes money sounds amazing but being drugged to get here, stripped of your clothes and put into matching tracksuits- something isn’t right. Nam-gyu shuts you up by placing a kiss on your lips. It’s slow, making your knees weak, making sure you feel every inch of his lips. And when he pulls back Thanos takes his place, kissing you, it’s a soft but eager, your mind going blank with kisses from both of them. Any retaliation you could think of was washed away by their lips- which is exactly what they wanted.
“C’mon princess, go sign it so we can all win big and get these games on the road.” Thanos says pulling away and pushing you lightly out in front of them. Nam-gyu places a light slap on your ass before following directly behind you.
The two of them walking so their chests practically touch your back. And when you go up and sign the paper, they cheer you on from the crowd.
It’s impossible for anyone to get near you in the games without the two of them, one over each shoulder judging the person to see if they’re good enough to be near you. With your two guard dogs protecting you, you three are unstoppable.
#nam gyu#namgyu fanfic#squid game fanfic#squid game fanfiction#namgyu smut#namgyu x reader#player124#choi subong x y/n#choi subong#choi subong x reader#thanos squid game#thanos x y/n#thanos x you#thanos x reader#player 230 x reader#player124 x you#thanos x reader x namgyu#namgyu x reader x thanos#choi su bong x reader#subong x reader x namgyu#choi subong fanfic#player 230#player 230 x reader x player 124
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—ㅤ꒰ྀིㅤ High Heels | a.arlert
Pairing: Armin Alert x fem! reader ( it is implied that reader is black)
Synopsis: Based off of my best friend armin drabble, read here for more context. Reader comes over to check and see if armin finished her homework as she so kindly(kind?) asked but ends up with more than just some papers.
Warnings: ୨ৎ 2.4k. fem black reader , lowercase intended on some parts, dry humping/grinding, she/ her pronouns, black coded , girly reader , sub! armin , praise, teasing, pet names (pretty , good boy, gorgeous), foot play? (not rlly). comments are welcome and loved!
“Min did you do my work like I asked you” You huffed as you slide onto his couch. Setting your pink coach purse on his lap smoothing out the wrinkles on your pretty gingham skirt.
Armin turned towards you a disappointed look on his face. “ I cant always do your work for you , how will you pass the class”
“Im going to pass just fine Armin what I dont have time for is you nagging me about something you promised you would do” You spoke bitterly crossing your arms over your chest.
Armin bristled at the bitter tone you spit out with his name. It was only “Armin” when you were annoyed with him , always a sugary “Min” or “ Minnie” when you talked to him.
With a sigh Armin took out your neatly folded homework that he had stayed up early in the morning finishing for you. “I cant always do this for you, I hardly have time to do my own work anymore”
“Sounds like a you problem not mine” you scoffed playing with the rings on your fingers. Why did he have to be so stubborn! Weren't friends supposed to help each other. You turned towards armins pouting frame a slight grin adorning your glossy lips an idea forming in your head as you slung your brown legs over his thighs bringing your hands to play with his blonde locks.
“Well I suppose if its just too much work for my little minnie to handle I could always ask rennie to do it for me dont wanna stress you out of course ” you twirled his hair between your fingers. “You know chem is his specialty”
Armin bristled at the mention of Erens name. Since when did you call him “rennie” nicknames were always something you reserved for him. He’ll be damned if he lets you spend any more time with the person who has him in this predicament in the first place
N-No its okay I can handle it dont worry your pretty head about it”
“Mhmm pretty? You think im pretty min” You leaned close brushing your lips over his ear circling your arms around his neck flirty smile adorning your perfect lips
Armin gulped , hands suddenly becoming sweaty, face growing hot. “Course I do…your the prettiest girl in the world” his cheeks flamed pink , he pushed his face into the collar of his sweater fidgeting with the hem of your skirt. God how he secretly loved when you teased him it never failed to have his dick growing tight in his boxers. He mentally sighed already knowing what game you were playing at. You always did this to him whenever you wanted him to do something using your sweet words against him.
“Well arent you adorable. But I don’t like complainers so maybe I will take my problems to eren since helping your best friend is such a chore” an annoyed expression made its way onto your face
You get up grabbing your purse off of his lap popping a piece of gum in your mouth prepared to leave for your dorm , but with one glance at his pants....you see he wasn’t embarrassed by your teasing but for another reason
“ Oh my god Minnie did you just get hard” you laughed pulling his flushed face closer to your own peering down at the obvious tent in his pants trying to get a closer look. “Thats so pathetic getting turned on from your best friend and I didnt even do anything. Giggling you bring your lips closer to his ear.
“oh my god are you like a pervert or something“
You laughed in his face relishing in how red his face got. Poking at his cheeks and grabbing his jaw in between your manicured hands. “Gosh who knew my geek of a best friend could even get it up , I mean arent you nerds supposed to only get any play from your hands and the pathetic little comic book girls and anime’s you watch, you probably jerk off to it too huh”
“ I d-dont I m-mean Im not a perv I dont jerk off to those types of t-things”
Armin stumbled over his words trying to say anything anything that would have you believe him , he didn't want you thinking he was a pervert on top of all the other things he guessed you didn't like about him anymore. The thought alone of you hating something about him made his head ache and his heart grind inside of his chest.
You stood up pressing the heel of your shoe into his growing erection “Your not a pervert? Then whats this minnie seems like you are one to me”
“You probably jerk off thinking about me when I leave dont you , I mean if something as small as a little teasing can get you this hard who knows what other perverted thought you think of me , thats so so so dirty and disgusting min”
He grabbed your ankle trying to remove your foot off of him which only made you press down harder. Armin groaned softly into the palm of his hand desperately trying to control his hips from rutting up into the palm of your shoe , your degrading words combining with how close you two were your perfume invading his senses all made his brain go foggy eyes glossing over.
“Aw look at you getting off on me stepping on your poor excuse of a dick ,is it even big? giggling you pressed your face closer to his
"Probably not I mean how could someone like you get that , the only thing your blessed with is that beautiful brain of yours and looks like thats going dumb too” you giggled moving your heel back and forth across the erection prodding at his zipper
Armin moaned at your harsh words hands shaking around your ankle as his hips started grinding up onto your shoe , pretty blue eyes starting to brim over with tears
“m-mhm sorry cant h-help it i'm sorry just feels s-so good c-causeyou ” he whined pathetically , tears slipping down his milky pink cheeks, trying to convey to you how this was technically your fault and failing miserably but his hips just couldn’t stop the slow grinding rhythm that had him start frantically humping your shoe
“God min your so pathetic look at you getting off on using my shoe like a dog in heat humping his owners leg , your fucking pathetic you know that. "so mind fucked already you cant even control your hips” You sneered taking his jaw between your fingers kissing away his tears prying open his mouth spitting your gum onto his pink tongue
“Maybe you should be like this always , my perfect pathetic little puppy" you smiled at the idea "thats all your good for anyways since you cant even handle doing a couple dumb homework assignments”
“.Y-Yea I can do that be your p-puppy mmm - love you s-so much you k-know that… dont wanna mmph - loose you” Armin whined out moving your foot to the same rhythm his hips were going trying to ease that achy feeling in his cock , all his emotions and fears of little you leaving him tumbling out in pathetic whines and whimpers.
“Oh min arent you adorable but cant have you cumming like this I mean you haven’t even thought about my needs tsk tsk such a selfish boy” You removed your heel from his body throwing a dissatisfied look his way
“I mean just look at me all drenched for you minnie” you laughed , “and who woulda thought little ol you could get me like this”
Armin went speechless watching you lift the hem of your skirt up giving him a nice pretty view of your soaked pussy through pink panties juices dripping down your thighs. you grabbed his hand placing it right where you needed it , small fingers overlapping his larger ones dragging his fingers up and down your clit circling the small bud.
Armins eyes zeroed in on your pretty panty covered pussy , eyes glossing over in a daze feeling the way the translucent slick coated his fingers feeling the heat of your pretty pussy through your panties
Finally finding some momentum to move because when would a chance to touch gorgeous you like this ever come again he thought, armin pulls your panties to the side thick fingers sliding between your gooey folds marveling in how much your dripping around him.
“I-idiot you gotta put them mhmph inside god have you even done this before” "so kay ill show you min" sliding your self onto his lap you put your back to his chest spreading your thighs over his much larger ones , bringing his hand back down over your pussy. “this is what you gotta do min make me feel good kay” you pushed two of his fingers inside your gummy walls back arching at the pleasurable intrusion.
Armin stared in awe at the swell of your breasts that started to poke out of your little top eyes trailing all the way down to where his fingers were now pushed nice and snug inside your pussy. God when was the last time you spoke to him so nicely? That sugary sweet tone you use to have for him returning to your voice. Was this all it took? His fingers plugging your hole for you to be nice to him?
“Min - Min!” You nudge the side of his face trying to nudge him out of his dazed off gaze “You gotta move your fingers dumb boy come on if you make me cum I promise Ill be reallyyy nice to you from now on” you smiled up at him leaning up just enough to press a glossy kiss to the side of his mouth
Armin’s ears perked up at that. Maybe you two could finally go back to how you used to be all he had to do was make you cum once? Armin found himself thinking he’d do anything anything to get you to look at him how you use to again without that demeaning gaze you usually held for him. He wrapped his forarm around your waist pulling you flush against him , knees pushing apart your legs to have you fully bared open for him.
He pulled his fingers slowly out of you and plunged them back into you , fingers stretching you out sliding against your gummy walls
“am I doing this right , y-you feel good look reallyy pretty like this” fingers fucking into your stuffed cunt at a brutal pace, glossy juices dripping down onto his lap. You could feel his dick twitching beneath you pressing into your behind and oh my god were you wrong about him being small.
“Min - minniee right there making me feel s-so good your such a good boy” your voice slurred trying to keep your head up but with each nasty thrust of his fingers your resolve fell. Your own fingers gripping his thighs , eyelashes fluttering shut at the familiar tight coil building in your stomach , ass rubbing back and forth over his dick squirming around in his lap
“ I-Im your g-good boy? y-yea yourgood boy” His teeth dug into his pink lips trying to suppress his pitiful noises , words slurring together at the praise you gave him. He shut his eyes in his head he knows he must sound so pathetic right now he just wanted to crawl away in embarrassment. I mean how could he be getting off on just your words praising him and the thick curve of your ass just simply pressing into him.
Even so the thought of disappointing you was even worse than his crippling embarrassment so he circled your clit with his thumb , fingers curling inside of your pink drooling hole, pampering your neck with open mouth sloppy kisses eager to do anything to make you cum to please you
“ooo minnie g-gonna cum your gonna make me cum im so close” your acrylic fingers curled around his wrist trying to drive his fat fingers deeper in your wet pussy. Armins head dropped on your shoulder slightly damp blonde hair tickling your cheek, thick rimmed glasses sliding down his nose.
“Gonna mhmm make you cum pretty gonna make you l-love me again. His words stuttered out of his mouth , his mouth making wet little hickies on your shoulder, thick fingers scissoring your drooling pussy , juices spilling into a small puddle onto his pants mixing in with his own pre cum from your mindless humping.
Armin removed his fingers from your cunt , fingers latching onto your waist arching you forward pulling his cock from the confines of his pants with a small groan from his lips. Pretty pink tip leaking so so much pre cum onto his thighs before he began moving you harshly back and forth on his dick sliding himself between your lips , pussy juices gushing down his shaft.
“Gonna cum like this pretty, p-prettiest pussy in the worlds gonna make me cum - mhmm s-so close” he rocked you back and forth against his cock gasping when he felt his head bump into your clit eyes rolling back the euphoric feeling of you humping his cock was bringing you both closer and closer to the edge “Ohgosh min angel feels so good b-best dick ever your like better than m-my pillow” you whined out , your moans bouncing off his walls, fingers grabbing his knees to leverage yourself to rut faster against him.
Angel. armin quivered at the soft name leaving your lips. Such a sweet endearment was directed towards him. If he wasn't a goner for you before he definitely was now.
The slick sounds , heavy breathing and your praise combined with all the gushing your pussy was doing and feelings he felt for you pushed him to the edge voice growing hoarse , him cumming onto your pussy with a loud moan head thrown back against the couch. You weren’t too far behind him , the feeling of his cum soaking your pussy making you cum with a soft moan , legs shaking nearly making you fall off his lap.
Armin finally gained enough strength to lift his head looking at you only to be met with the sight of your flushed fucked out face dipping between your thighs tasting the mix of cum you two left behind , tongue swirling your fingers leaving a soft pop!
“You taste good min really impressive for a dumb nerd like you” You grinned cheekily familiar teasing tone lacing into your voice.
“Tell me did grinding your dumb cock through my pussy feel good” you stroked your fingers through his hair , his head leaning into your touch before moaning into your palm when you sharply tugged at the blonde strands.
“Gonna use your shower now! Make sure my homework is done when I get out then we can finally put your looser cock to more work” taking off your clothing throwing it into his nearby hamper you blew him a kiss bouncing off to his bathroom.
Armin groaned loudly into his hand a lovesick doupy smile growing onto his lips. God what was he gonna do with you. He should have known one time wouldn’t be enough for you!
#armin arlet x reader#armin arlert#attack on titan#aot x black reader#aot x reader#armin arlet smut#armin x fem reader#armin x black fem! reader#armin x black reader#armin x black y/n#aot x black y/n#attack on titan x reader#armin arlert smut#armin alert x reader#armin smut#smut#anime x black!reader#anime x reader#anime x female reader#black reader#wafflingwitheden🍨#femaholicc#sub armin#armin aot#attack on titan armin
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ONE LESS LONELY GIRL - 008 ! accidental but pretty intentional
PAIRING idols riki x fem reader
SYNOPSIS fans always point out the chemistry between you and riki, and it only continues to grow after you become mc’s together on music bank. but as your feelings rise, so does the tension. and people begin to notice, so you try not to let riki know how you feel. but unbeknownst to you, he feels entirely the same way.
authors note halfway point! i love this smau w my heart but i rlly wanna start a new one ☹️ this ep tho was so rushed bc i have hella hw uh oh
previous <> masterlist <> next
‘can we talk? meet me at the rooftop garden’
hanni reread out loud, constantly going over the text displayed on your phone as you stared blankly at danielle.
“what am i supposed to do?” you let out a groan, falling down to lay flat on the floor of the practice room.
“finish practice then meet him. duh. easy as that.” hyein replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“yeah, no shit. but i mean, what am i supposed to say to him? we haven’t spoken in over a week since it happened. plus we have music bank tomorrow.” you mumble in response.
“then you have to figure it out before tomorrow.” danielle encouraged as she pulled you up off the floor. she straightened out a few loose strands of your hair, before cupping your cheeks. “come one. one more hour!”
65 minutes had passed, and you found yourself taking the stairs up to the rooftop. when you stepped out onto the concrete, riki was already sitting on a bench, waiting.
“riki?” you softly called out to get his attention. “hey y/n.” he smiled, before gesturing to the spot next to him.
“so.. what’s going on?” you asked, reaching out for his hand. riki gently intertwined your fingers as he turned to face you.
“i’m sorry. for everything. the cafe was my idea. we shouldn’t have gone somewhere public, and now i’ve dragged you into this whole controversy.” he let out all at once, running a hand through his hair.
his face was just as tired as yours, but his eyes remained puffier than ever. you noticed it as you examined his face when you first sat down. the dating scandal had a huge impact. clearly, the feeling was mutual.
“oh, my poor riki..” you pouted. “hey, it’s not your fault. i’m just as involved as you are. none of this is on you. if anything, it’s that barista’s fault for exposing us.” you grimaced as you thought back to her post.
“i guess youre right. yn, you always know how to make me feel better.” he joked, lightly nudging your shoulder.
“guess it’s my specialty. i wish we could go out again though.”
“next time. when you’re officially mine and we can tell the world, that’s when i’ll take you out to a nice restaurant.” riki smiled widely.
“can’t take me out if your laces are untied.” you chuckled, gesturing to his sneakers.
“oh? i didn’t realize. i’ll tie it later.” he waved it off.
the two of you stayed up there for about two more hours, talking and catching up on everything you missed out on before, riki decided it was time to go back.
“let’s go? we can drive back together.” he suggested.
“i think we should go separately, just to be safe, since it’s not over yet. besides, i brought my car, so i cant leave it here.” you replied, feeling slightly guilty.
“yeah, no problem.” riki nodded, but you could tell he was still disappointed.
you stood up, walking towards the stairwell as riki followed from behind. you stepped about 20 paces before you felt yourself crashing down onto the concrete.
riki had ‘tripped’ over his shoelaces, before he ‘accidentally’ fell onto you. you felt him grip onto your waist before you both rolled over onto the floor, which just so happened to end up with his lips on top of yours.
you gently pushed him off with a groan due to the impact from the fall (and the uncomfortable position).
he let out a pathetic apology as you winced once he realized his left elbow was digging into your stomach. there was definitely going to be a bruise. or so you thought. but it was still quite painful.
“sorry.” riki said with a smug look. you squinted at him as you read his expression. he was sorry, for hurting you. not for kissing you.
you stared blankly at him, before standing back up, to grab your fallen belongings. “i’m just.. i have to go.” you muttered, not looking back at him as you hurried down the stairs.
he remained on the floor where you left him, thinking about whether he went too far or not.



TAGLIST (italics = couldnt be tagged) @hannicorpse @luvvhaerin @chaevibes @en-verse @ren2jay @choppedballoondetective @heartheejake @imanalien143 @istglevi-gotmesimping @yndairy @eleanorheartschishiya @lonelylandofan @gweoriz @jaemified @onlyhyunjin @softpia @frecklesbrownies @riksaes @wensurr @rikifordmiami @brideslit @ant-onie @yumilovesloona @aeminju @hoonics @catecita @clampclover @rei4sunoo @addictedtohobi @rikidaze @baekxo07 @xotyla @melancholy-z @rikisgeef @jung1w0n @tocupid @onlyseung @i03jae @iheartshopping @istphanie @queenriki7 @academiq @1117promises @nctislifue @haechansbbg @rairaiblog @nabia-bia @pkjay @lixiebokie @hiekoo @r1kizerr @d-dilemma @kingofthekards @iilwji @hoonatic @woorcve @enhaz1
#enhypen x reader#enhypen#niki smau#niki x reader#enhypen niki#nishimura riki#enhypen imagines#enhypen smau#riki x reader#riki smau#enhypen scenarios
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Mauga NSFW alphabet
Maugaloa Malosi x GN!Reader
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Very caring, especially if he was rough with you. Some nights he will press a damp cloth between your legs, others he’ll run you a bath. He definitely cuddles after too. (He’s the big spoon obviously)
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Yours: I see him as an ass man but tbh I don’t think he has a big preference. Tits, ass, thighs, it doesn’t matter. As long as he has something to hold on to.
His: His chest..for obvious reasons lmao
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Comes thick heavy loads and he loves to come inside. Filling you up and fucking you full of his seed makes him feel closer to you, like you are bonded together. It’s like he’s marking you as his. So when he pulls out, he’ll make sure to push his cum back in, making you whimper in sensitivity.
Coming down your throat is a close second for sure, though. Loves seeing you all teary eyed, gazing up at him as you swallow whatever you can. Seeing you all submissive like that is such a pretty sight.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I feel like he’d be an open book tbh- so none?
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He definitely knows what he’s doing. With his “living every day like it’s his last” mentality and low impulse control, I feel like he would fuck often. Prob would mainly have one night stands, but he doesn’t care. He sees something he wants, he takes it.
Also “Let’s go break some hearts!” Def has a double meaning to it and that’s all the proof I need
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You on top (aka Cowgirl)- It’s much easier with you on top, especially considering how fucking big this man is, but that doesn’t mean you have control. Not at all. He’ll have his hands on your hips, moving you at whatever pace he wants, bouncing you on him. He also appreciates the view of you up close, right in his lap.
Full Nelson- He loves manhandling..and if that includes folding you like a lawnchair then so be it
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
In his own way, yeah. He’d probably make jokes that only he finds funny in his sadistic mind, like seeing you struggle from how good and overwhelmed he’s making you feel.
Maybe if you’re nervous he’ll make a joke or two, just to get you to relax.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Somewhat groomed..he rlly only does trims when it gets too long, but there’s always a patch of black hair down there lol
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Def depends on your relationship with him. If it’s a one night stand, then little to none. Maybe a kiss here or there, but it’s more heated than intimate, all tongue and teeth.
It’s not until you’ve been dating him for a while, and you get his walls to come down and get him to trust and love you that he gets really intimate. He slows down a bit more, looks you in the eyes..not just to see your expression but to see you…all of you. And he kisses and holds onto you like he never wants to let go. Like if he does, you’ll slip through his fingers and disappear. Will whisper affections into your ear and against your lips and neck with every slow roll of his hips.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Again, it depends on your relationship with him. If you’re dating, maybe once in a while, like if he’s away on a long mission. He’ll probably either do it while calling you so he can hear your voice, or he’ll send a video, calling you a tease and telling you how much he misses you. And if he can’t get through to you then, he’ll do it the old fashioned way..but he won’t be happy about it lmfao
If you’re not in a relationship with him…but he’s planning on getting you or trying to get in your pants, much more often. Will definitely fantasize about you often and all the nasty things he wants to do you. And if you don’t pay him attention/play hard to get or whatever, he’ll definitely want you much more. After all, he loves the chase.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Size Kink- Loves that you’re smaller than him, seeing the size difference in your hands and bodies always gets him going, especially when you struggle to take him, no matter how much he’s stretched you out before.
Praise/Degradation- He does both- but his degrading isn’t all insults and stuff, more like talking to you in that condescending tone and teasing you- and for praise he’ll tell you how good you are for him and how pretty you are…whatever gets more of a reaction from you.
Overstimulation/Dumbification- Loves when you’re all fucked out and dumb on his cock, crying and writhing, hardly any thoughts left in your head except for how good he’s making you feel.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Basically anywhere, the man does not give a fuck. He will fuck you anytime anywhere: at your place, at his, in a cabana at the beach (it’s not his cabana), and even in one of the storage closets on Talon’s base.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lots of stuff..it could be the smallest thing, like if you look at him a certain way, or accidentally brush against him, but he loves to piss you off. He thinks you’re sexy when you’re angry, and he sometimes he gets you mad on purpose because he enjoys seeing you like that, and he can fuck the attitude right out of you
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
While Mauga is a strong willed and stubborn person, he definitely wouldn’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. The moment you tell him to stop or say no, he’ll stop. He respects you and your boundaries.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a giver for sure. It doesn’t matter what size you are, big, small or in between, he will have you sit on his face..and put ALL of your weight on him lmfao. He’s nasty and messy, but he’s amazing at giving head. It always leaves your legs shaky, especially since he probably won’t let you go until you’ve come on his face at least twice.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Def on the faster/rougher side but there might be some nights when he’s slow and passionate, if he’s feeling really romantic, or if you ask him nicely.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He doesn’t mind them, even though he prefers to draw things out. But if it’s an opportunity to get physical with you, he’ll go for it. (He def does them when he’s about to leave for a mission, fucking you five minutes before he has to get to the hangar)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Mauga loves adrenaline and risky stuff, so absolutely. Will do whatever you want and/or are up for.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has lots of stamina, especially after his heart transplants. He will either go until you can’t take anymore or until he’s satisfied.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Probably has a few, which are mainly for you. He uses them occasionally, but mostly prefers skin to skin contact.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease. Will edge you for hours before he finally gives you release. He’ll also taunt and mock you in the midst of it.
“Awww is it too much for my poor baby? Too bad.”
“You wanna cum so bad, don’t you? I can see you cryin for it. Be good and I’ll give it to you…eventually.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a pretty loud guy, not too loud, but loud enough to piss off your neighbors. Mainly growls, grunts, and groans. No whimpers..sorry :(
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s a biter, especially with those sharp ass teeth of his. He loves to cover you with hickeys and bites, from your throat to the crook of your shoulder. He’ll complain whenever you try to cover them up, and if the marks start to fade, he’ll just leave more. Everyone has to know who you belong to, after all.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Okay, bear with me y’all…but Mauga is a huge ass guy, so my guess is 8.5 inches, more girthy than long, but not too thick. He has a pretty cock for sure, with a slight curve a veins or two running up it, and a dark brown tip.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high. It’s always been somewhat high but after his surgery and his whole mental shift to living on the edge, he decides that he does whatever he wants when he’s feeling it (dont get me wrong he is very intelligent and calculated, but sometimes he just destroys shit when he wants to, and the same can be said about sex lmao)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It takes him a little while. He always has to watch you fall asleep first, making sure you’re safe and comfortable in his arms. He strokes your hair, rubs soothing circles into your back, before he eventually falls asleep himself.
#babygirlification#maugaloa malosi#mauga ho'okano#mauga x reader#ow mauga#overwatch mauga#overwatch x reader#overwatch fanfiction#mauga#Mauga fanfic#Mauga smut#overwatch smut
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Okay idk if this is too general but i rlly wanna request something SOOOO what if shy!reader that has a hard time communicating/socialising in general, so to show that she loves them she bakes them pastries and deserts, plays soft love songs on the piano for him and make him little diy gifts! She isnt the richest person but she still wants to give him gifts :D
“𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓲𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮, 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝔀𝓮 𝓭𝓸.”
💫𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Rafayel, Zayne, Xavier, & Sylus x Gender-Neutral reader
💫𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader who's shy, she shows her love through pastries, desserts, and gentle piano songs for him
💫𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff, & Spelling Mistakes

💫𝑅𝒶𝒻𝒶𝓎𝑒𝓁 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝒷𝓎𝓈𝓈𝓌𝒶𝓁𝓀𝑒𝓇"
He's expecting it, you are not exactly good at hiding your traces even if you are the type to run your mouth—the small bits of parts from the gifts you’re working on for him. He may be a tad bit messy but even he notices things like that. But for your sake, he’ll pretend like he doesn’t know but know that doesn’t change how he’ll react to it. With utter joy and happiness.
Sometimes he sees you lying on a desk or surface with your half-finished project to the side while you’re uncomfortable sleeping. You must have worked hard, obvious from all the messed up/broken ones overflowing the garbage, "Fell asleep at your desk again, huh? Do beds offend you?" he playfully says, but it’s not like you’ll actually hear him.
A smile on his face that spreads from ear to ear while you tell him to cover his eyes and wait for a second in that pretty shy tone, that leaves his heart pumping while waiting for you. He opened his eyes to see the sight of you, held the gift in your hands, and waited for him to take your gift with a tiny smile on your face. Ugh! How could he get so lucky?
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Rafayel, don’t open your eyes for even a second,”
Watching you scramble around, sitting him down on his messy coach, while forcefully taking his soft hands, and making himself cover his already closed eyes—just to make extra sure that he wasn’t looking.
“Not even for a second?”
“Not for a second.” You reform in a gentle sugar-sweet tone.
He already knows the present since he might have accidentally seen it (You aren’t too good at hiding things).
Hearing your dispating footsteps against his cluttered floor, before quickly coming back with a little box in your hand, like the size of a ring box.
“You can open your eyes now.”
Holding the little box in front of his face before opening it to reveal a little ring made out of paper—yet it had supreme detail to it, he’s impressed by you.
Taking out the little paper ring from the ring box, without a second thought, he slides the perfect fitted ring on his ring finger, twiddling his ring finger.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re trying to charm me.” You softly laugh at those words of his, with a smile on your face as you slowly put away the ring box to the side. “Haven’t I already charmed you? A long time ago.” You say a tad bit shyly.
“You have, a very long time ago.”

💫𝒵𝒶𝓎𝓃𝑒 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈𝑒𝑒𝓇"
He can already hear the music at your wedding. He feels so grateful to you for tasting the sweet desserts that you went out of your way to buy ingredients, bring everything out in your kitchen, and then bake them to absolute perfection. This is exactly what he needs after a long day of work: finding your little dessert in the fridge with a note on top, telling him to enjoy it.
Or even on the rare days that he’s finally gotten himself a day off, he of course spends it with you! Even if you are the quiet type, why don’t you bake some sweets together, he’ll be at your service, whether him being your assistant to do the fun stuff, doing the repetitive tasks that you don’t need to do, or just both?
Seeing you cover your mouth giggling about the flour that spread on his hair without his knowing. Help him get the flour off, leaning his head down a little so you could see where the flour got stuck.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
"Is there anything you need me to do?"
Zayne’s steady and calm voice pulled you from your thoughts. You turned to face him, only to freeze at the sight before you. There he was, tall and composed, wearing a pastel pink apron with frilly edges that looked so absurdly out of place on him that you had to cover your mouth with both hands to hold back a laugh.
His sharp eyes immediately caught your reaction, and he tilted his head slightly, one eyebrow raised as he crossed his arms. "What?" he asked, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "Is there something wrong with my... outfit?"
You quickly shook your head, your face flushing as you avoided his gaze. "N-no," you stammered, the words barely escaping your lips. "It’s just... I didn’t expect..." Your voice trailed off, hands gripping the edge of the counter as you tried to steady your racing thoughts.
"Unexpected, huh?" Zayne’s smirk widened as he took a slow step closer. His voice softened, teasing yet warm. "I thought it was practical. Functional. It keeps the flour off, doesn’t it?"
You nodded quickly, stealing a glance at him for a brief moment before looking back down at the counter. "Y-yeah... it does," you murmured, the corners of your lips twitching into a shy smile.
"But you’re still laughing," he pointed out, his tone laced with amusement. "Was it the frills? Or the fact that I chose this one out of all the options?"
“It’s a sight for sore eyes. But you if you still want to help me, could please mix the ice up for me,”

💫𝒳𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓇 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝒻 𝐿𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉"
He enjoys it very much, to the point he’ll even go out of his way to return your pretty gifts and make his own (maybe with the help of Jeremiah by his side, slightly guiding him on what to do). Maybe even double it.
Come to both of your shocks…well you made the same thing, a really cute little flower bouquet (even though in your eyes, yours looked very basic, you still wanted to give him something on short notice).
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Ah…”You look down at the bouquet in your hands—a beautiful collection of paper roses, meticulously folded and shaped—even though you wanted to rip your hair out over the several thousand tries you did to make every rose perfect.
“Oh….we made the same thing.”
“I… I didn’t think you’d…” you begin, your voice is soft and hesitant, trailing off as you look down at the bouquet in your hands. Xavier offers a small smile, his eyes sparkling as he steps closer, examining the roses in his grasp. “I suppose great minds think alike,” he replies lightly, though there’s a hint of warmth in his tone.
“I wanted to make something special for you, even though it’s just paper.”
Xavier’s smile softens, and for a moment, he remains silent, simply gazing at you. In that quiet, there’s a depth that words can’t capture.
He shifts his gaze back to the roses, now with a thoughtful expression, as if appreciating the care you’ve taken with each petal. “Whether it’s special or not,” he says softly, “it’s beautiful.” His tone is calm, yet there’s a gentleness that makes you feel like you might just dissolve into the floor. “What really counts is the effort you put in.” You blink, taken aback by his sincerity. “You… really believe that?” you ask, your voice barely a whisper.
His other hand holding his roses, which he of course exchanges with you—so now you carry something of his. “I’m glad you like it,” you mumble, your voice soft, almost shy, while staring at his petals.
Xavier’s smile grows just a little wider. “Like it? I think I might just keep it.” You blink at him, completely caught off guard. “Keep it?” He nods, his gaze soft but serious now, holding your bouquet with careful hands.
“Of course. I’d like to keep it. You made it for me.”

💫𝒮𝓎𝓁𝓊𝓈 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝒶𝒹 𝒪𝒻 𝒪𝓃𝓎𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝓊𝓈"
The days you start to learn a new song, hearing you play through piano keys several times while trying to get through a single verse of the song. Yet, he listens to every part of it, even the mistakes. Leaning outside of the door, against the wall, with a small smile on his lips.
He loves listening to play, and he even buys you various music books, you can search it up, but it’s fun going old fashion right? Or maybe tune your piano up. Anything you may wish he’ll provide, just to hear those beautiful fingers play.
But when the time comes you play for him without him having to hide behind the other side of the door, he can’t help but be in utter joy. Wait, Oh, you want him to sit with you, and do a duet, are you sure? his singing voice isn’t that amazing, he doubts that his piano skills will be any better.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Your hands fluidly dripped over the black and white fragile keys of the grand piano you were playing on, the melody pouring out of the keys you played, weaving together a beautiful song that you had practicing for days, and Sylus wanted to hear even though you hadn’t completely perfected the entire song.
Your eyes flutter open as you play the last of a note, the music immediately dissipating in the echoing room. “Come and sit with me.” You softly mutter, and he immediately accepts your invitation, shifting to the side—just enough room that he could sit beside you.
Sylus eased himself onto the bench without a word, the soft hum of his coat brushing against the polished wood. His closeness was immediate, almost magnetic, and you couldn’t help but notice the way his presence filled the space beside you as the air itself bent around him.
His eyes swept over the piano keys, then landed on you, holding a quiet intensity that made your pulse quicken.
“You’ve been hiding this from me,” he said, his voice barely above a murmur, a thread of teasing weaving through his tone.
Your gaze dropped to your hands, resting on the keys, the faint echo of your unfinished melody still lingering in the back of your mind. “It’s not ready,” you replied, your voice soft, hesitant. “I’m still working on it,”
“And you wanted to hear so badly, so I gave you the chance….”
Sylus tilted his head, watching you with an unreadable expression—well, a smirk on his lips but his eyes were mysterious to you. “Good. Imperfection makes it honest.”
An idea strikes you, taking his long, nimble fingers to the same keys you were playing before. “Why don’t you try it?” Puppeteering his fingers on the notes, letting out a small song with the few notes his one hand could play.
He tilted his head toward you, the teasing in his voice almost palpable. “Puppeteering me now? You must be desperate to hear me butcher your song.”
“It’s not butchering,” you said, your voice light but with an edge of earnestness. “It’s learning.”
His gaze flickered to yours, something softer settling in his expression. “Learning, huh?” he murmured, the teasing dropping to a quieter, more thoughtful tone. “I’ll be a good student, then.”
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#✧*:・゚✧:・ Yurinna's Writing :・゚✧*:・゚✧#love and deep space#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#lnds sylus#lads sylus#Lnds#sylus x reader#lnds x reader#Sylus x reader#lads x reader#lnd zayne#zayne x reader#lnds zayne#lnds rafayel#lnds xavier#rafayel x reader#xavier x reader
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Plsplspls do Adam and Mammon with a reader who behaves like a lovesick puppy and is always battling her eyelashes at them and gets all flustered when they flirt plsss 🙏🏻
Adam and Mammon w/ S/O who is lovestruck with them.
Warnings: Touching, not proofread, but other than that nothing rlly!

Mammon 🕷️:
He would use this to his advantage. If he wants something from you, he had you wrapped around his fingers.
"Hey babe, yeah, so I need something from ya. You'll do this for me right? Aw, your such'a good girl."
He is so aware that his speech and accent give such a feeling to you. He finds you adorable.
But other than the obvious exploitation, he thinks its cute. Obviously, millions of other girls in Hell feel the same way as you, but he chose you.
But other than that, he loathes in the attention and innocent looks you give him.
He will physically flirt with you. He likes to ruffle your hair, play with your cheeks (both ass and face), ,and his favorite, forcing you to look up at him. He knows his affect on you is dangerously crazy, so he uses that to his advantage.
You feel butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around him, and his loud, obnoxious self. You love how dainty and feminine he makes you feel. You are like his princess, and he is your king. (technically that is true lol)
Because he isn't a traditional man per say, but he has a traditional view on women.
He will mentally flirt with you. He gives you a certain look:

He only does this when he wants to get you weak in the knees for him. Because he knows it works.
He will always tease you. He gets into your head like no other. When you are with him, it feels like no other man matters, it always circles back to him.
He loves the fact that you are obedient and behaved. He loathes in it. He thinks of you like a cute little puppy (that makes him no money whatsoever, but oh well.).
Verbally flirts with you. Well not necessarily always flirting, but thats what it feels like to you. Here are some things he will say to you:
"Hey babe, c'mere and sit on my lap, hurry up, we dont got all day!"
"Well don't you just look sweet, yeah? Are you tryin' to impress me or somethin'?"
"Cutie, go fetch daddy his wallet, yeah? Good girl, you deserve a little treat later, huh? You'd like that, would'nt ya'?"
Adam 🕊️:
Always brags about it. When talking to Lute or something, he will be like:
"Oh yeah fore sure. but y'know, y/n can just do that for me or whatever. Shes just like that."
He likes that you are obedient, but sometimes it crept him out, at least in the beginning. You were willing to do almost anything for him. He liked the premise, but it make him weary how much control he had over you.
But now? He uses it against you. He will have you do things for him, like paperwork, helping him clean himself, dressing him, kissing him on the cheek, etc.
He cant get enough of how you pamper him.
Praises you. He will call you a good girl, say your his princess, etc. In a way, they way him and Mammon praise you is very similar. The only difference, is that Adam is more reserved when it comes to praise in public, while Mammon is shameless. This is because he cares about his image in Heaven, and cant do too much under watchful eye.
Also gives you a face:
This man has such a devious grin, especially when he gets his way with you.
He does this face when he wants to rile you up. He knows he will too, since you are very compliant towards him, since he basically treats you like you two are married.
Also verbally flirts.
"Hey wifey- you look different today... did you do your hair or something? Looks hot."
"Hey babe can you do a favor for me and fetch me some water? Your the best babe, god."
"Aww you get embarrassed when your hubby pokes fun at you? Your such a snowflake babe, a cute little snowflake."
Touches you. He likes to tease your shy, pandering nature. So he likes to blow on your ear, come up behind you and pick you up, or just the occasional slap on the ass.
He loves how shy and embarrassed you become, so he will definitely enjoy continuing his antics.
#hazbin hotel#helluva boss#hb mammon x reader#mammon x reader#mammon x reader hb#adam x reader#adam x y/n#adam x you#mammon helluva#adam hazbin#hazbin x reader#helluva x reader#mammon x you#mammon x y/n#hazbin hotel x reader#helluva boss x reader#alastor x reader#lucifer x reader
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driving with you - grayson hawthorne x reader hc's



pairing: grayson hawthorne x fem!reader
warnings: minor swearing
a/n: NADSIES DO YOU SEE ME HEHEHEHE. also the way i was dying internally while writing this omg. i need me some grayson hawthorne. i also stole different bits of inspo from @nqds post where this idea originally came from (im unoriginal guys okay??) lemme know if u want creds!
taglist: @nqds, @lxvebelle, @reminiscentreader, @ecliphttlunar, @ravenclawdirectioner,
this boy 100% has a fancy nice car - a bmw, mercedes you name it
he's usually really strict about people in his car *cough* xander and jamie *cough* but with you he relaxes a little more
he is always touching you some how, whether its your thigh or just holding your hand
and um excuse me?? his hands??
they'd clench the steering wheel every time he'd get pissed with another car
the hand veins!!!!! (im a slut for hand veins guys im sorry)
and speaking of graysons hands he's always wearing watches like the super expensive ones - so he's always on time - and he never lets anyone borrow them
so you made it your mission to see if you could steal them during the car ride
after you had successfully stolen his watch several times he just lets you have it not really bothering about being on time anymore
as long as he's spending time with you
he has silent road rage
you gotta look for it because its never obvious and he hides it really well eg:
his jaw clenching whenever he's annoyed with other cars
you take it upon yourself whenever you see his jaw clench, to cup it and lean over and press a kiss to it, making him unclench it
it works every time
grayson has a hoodie his in the car at all times in case you get cold
in fact grayson's usually extremely clean car is littered with little bits of you: books, hair ties, jewellery,
he's also a drive in silence kind of guy
until you ofc
you best believe grayson is smiling adoringly at you when you're singing your heart out
when you fall alseep during a drive he slows down slighty and tries to avoid the bumps more so he doesn't wake you
he's a rlly safe driver
stopping at red lights is one of his fav things because he can just stare unabashedly at you
it makes you blush every time
he's more relaxed with you in the car when he drives
driving with you is his favourite thing
lets all collectively agree that grayson davenport hawthorne is Hot capital H when driving okay??
a/n pt2: so im in love with grayson driving- lemme know what you think!
#grayson hawthorne#grayson davenport hawthorne#grayson hawthorne x y/n#grayson hawthorne x you#grayson hawthorne x reader#grayson x you#grayson x y/n#grayson x reader#grayson x fem!reader#the inheritance games#the hawthorne legacy#the final gambit#the brothers hawthorne#the grandest game#౨ৎ : my works .ᐟ
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hey, handsome! what about something with seungkwan and etl or frenemies with benefits?? i can see a lot of teasing and rage sex... honestly, i would love to be bratty with kwan, to push his buttons and make him put me in my place... if he's bad, i'd be worse :) what r your thoughts?? thank you in advance <3



— brag about it
oh lord i have never written for seungkwan or anyone besides uji rlly so uh. i hope this is okay. this was a nice break from all the other stuff im writing. i don’t think i can truly write mean dom anyone without like the softest aftercare ever so. I hope this is an okay response. this is blond seungkwan suggested but I don’t rlly describe him that much but just imagine he’s blond.
warnings: seungkwan is sooo mean ugh. ass slapping. pussy slapping. orgasm denial (reader). reader called seungkwan gay n it pissed him off (in good fun, not a derogatory way). rough sex. unprotected sex. cream pie. choking (kinda). kinda big dick seungkwan. dom-ish kwan. hair pulling. rough messy blow jobs. gagging. crying during sex from pleasure. crying after sex (from emotions). etl kinda w a very open ending. not that much aftercare but yolo.
“Quit running you fucking mouth.” Seungkwan hisses, his grip on your wrist tight as he pulls you into his bedroom. He doesn’t spare you a single glance as he pushes you down onto his bed. You squeak softly, laughing in his face at his obvious anger towards you.
“I’m not wrong, am I though? You are kind of gay for Hansol.” You smirk, biting at you bottom lip as Seungkwan pulls his shirt over his head. He scoffs in disbelief, flipping you over on your stomach. His hand cracks down on your ass over the tight fabric of your jeans.
You gasp softly before it turns into a long, deeply satisfied moan. Seungkwan just scoffs, lifting your hips off the bed and pulling your jeans down over your ass. He rubs the soft skin with an unnatural tenderness. You turn your head to look at him, but another sharp crack halts the movement of your neck halfway.
“Gay? Yeah, sure. We’ll see about that one, sweetheart.” He scoffs in disbelief. Seungkwan’s hand dips down into your underwear, fingers sliding over the tight muscle of your asshole before they dip down towards your entrance. “God, you’re fucking soaked. Embarrassing.” He laughs at you, tone so sharp it elicits another moan in response.
You push your hips back against Seungkwan’s palm for more friction but he pulls his hand away. You whine softly. All he does is pull your jeans and underwear down further in one go, not quite off of you. You kick them off the rest of the way.
Seungkwan pops the button on his pants, pulling his cock out of its constraints and moving to stand closer to the headboard. “Why don’t we put your big fucking mouth to good use for once, hm?” He sneers, grabbing a fist full of your hair to pull your head up.
You bite your lip to silence a moan. Seungkwan catches you in the act, laughing softly in disbelief as his other hand grabs a hold of your face. His thumb pushes past your lips, against your teeth to force your mouth open, not like it’s much of a fight to begin with. You roll over onto your side, hands grabbing at the belt loops of his pants to pull him closer.
The hand in your hair lets go as he uses it to guide the tip of his cock to your lips. You open your mouth to say something, to tease him, but before you get the chance, his cock is already half way inside your mouth. Seungkwan bucks his hips forwards, forcing more of his cock into your mouth. His hands find your hair again, holding you down as your throat spasms around his tip.
“Not so smart now, are we?” He hisses, a satisfied groan slipping from his lips as his head falls back. He thrusts into your mouth, making you gag softly as tears start to fill your eyes. Seungkwan pouts at you mockingly. “What? Can’t take my cock in your mouth today? Is it too much for you?” He coos, tone so soft it’s almost tender and genuine, but there’s an edge to his voice that tells you he’s not sincere at all.
You nod the best you can with the restriction of your neck, sputtering softly around his cock. Spit drips from your bottom lip onto the sheets of Seungkwan’s bed. He tisks softly, slowly fucking your throat as he contemplates scolding you for making such a mess. You know he won’t though, because if there’s one thing you know about Seungkwan and this weird not-quite-friends-yet-also-not-exactly-civil thing you two have going on, is that there’s nothing he loves more than a messy blowjob.
Instead of scolding you, Seungkwan just forces your head down further on his cock, triggering your gag reflex. Instead of his normal course of action where he’d make you gag and then give you the grace of letting you breathe at least a little bit, he keeps his cock down your throat until you gag so violently he’s worried you might throw up if he keeps you there.
Seungkwan pulls his cock out of your mouth entirely. You whine, gasping for air and blinking away the tears in your eyes. He just laughs at you, climbing onto his bed. “On your back.” Not bothering to take off his pants, he pushes them down to his knees. You roll over, struggling to pull your shirt over your head, but Seungkwan just looks at you with this deadpan stare and you stop fighting with the piece of clothing entirely.
“It’s not so hard to listen to me, is it?” Seungkwan pushes, settling in between your legs.
“You didn’t give me any directions.” You push back, spreading your legs farther apart. Seungkwan pushes your legs apart, delivering a taut slap directly against your pussy. Your hips lift off the bed ever so slightly, and Seungkwan is quick to force you back down.
“Y’know, I really wanted to take my time and prep you properly today, but you’re really pissing me off.” He bites, hand pressed into your thigh.
“Enlighten me, Kwannie. It’s not like I need the prep anyway.” You laugh softly, wiggling your hips against the mattress.
“Hm? ‘Cause you’re that much of a slut that gagging on my dick has you soaked?” He asks, one hand wrapped lazily around his cock, coating it in your spit.
“Nah, ‘cause you’re hardly anything to brag about.” You bite, tone almost bitter. You need him now.
Much to your liking, Seungkwan pushes himself all the way in, filling you to the brim with his cock in one quick movement. You don’t even see it coming until he’s filling you completely. You gasp softly, the stretch of his cock very clear with the way your thighs shake softly as you adjust. You always need prep with Seungkwan. This is the one time you scold yourself internally for running your mouth around him.
“Not much to brag about huh? You can hardly take me, even with how wet you are.” He laughs, giving you a few seconds to settle into the feeling of his cock almost splitting you in half. Seungkwan pulls out a bit, before he thrusts back in, hard and deep. You gasp softly, tears resurfacing in your eyes at the pace he sets.
It’s hard and fast; he’s ruthless. Seungkwan leans over you, hand delicately wrapping around your throat. He doesn’t squeeze, doesn’t make any effort to choke you quite yet. All he does is lean down and kiss you. It’s hungry, all teeth and spit and tongue. It would be too messy for him in normal circumstances, but nothing about this is normal.
His cock jack hammers against that spot inside of you, forcing the air out of your lungs as you let out a long, unsteady moan. It’s then that Seungkwan takes his chance to tighten his grip on your neck, fingers digging into the sides to create a pressure so good it has you seeing stars in seconds.
In no time, you feel the coil in your stomach start to tighten. You mumble out a warning to Seungkwan, not even fully aware of what you’re saying yourself.
Just like that, the tightness is gone. Seungkwan releases his grip on your throat and pulls out of you completely. “No, no, no, fuck!” You whine, the tears in your eyes now falling down your cheeks. “I was so close, you fucking asshole.” You hiss, but there’s no real malice behind any of it. You’re too fucked out to mean it. Seungkwan laughs at you, and it starts to infuriate you.
“You don’t get to cum yet. I don’t think you’ve really learned your lesson quite yet.” His eyes narrow, obviously displeased with the way you’re speaking to him. Before you have time to fight him on the subject, he slides back in, tip kissing your cervix softly.
He goes back to his brutal pace immediately, spares choking you for now as he watches the way your expression changes from slight anger to being immediately fucked out. He lifts one of your ankles over his shoulder, changing the angle to hit deeper. You babble incoherently in between moans that sound straight out of a shitty 90s’ porno. Seungkwan bites his bottom lip to stop himself from moaning in response to you.
“You gonna stop being such a pain in my ass all the time?” Seungkwan asks, hand gripping your thigh. You grab at the material of your shirt, pulling it up your torso. You nod, unable to form coherent words. “Answer me with words.” He snaps his hips harder, just to make the task that much more difficult.
“Y-yes, fuck.” You whine, voice hardly above a whisper.
“You gonna start behaving in front of my friends?” He asks. As you start to speak again, he delivers another slap to your clit, though he keeps his hand there, rubbing tight circles over the swollen bud.
“Mm, fuck, yeah.” You gasp.
“What was that? I didn’t hear a yes.” His thumb flicks over the nerve, making your whole body jerk.
“Yes, fuck, yes, I’ll behave.” You mewl, eyes rolling back into your head.
“Good.” Is all he offers, cock hammering into you, nudging the spot inside of you with such force your thighs start to shake, threatening to close from their spread state.
“Close.” You manage to get out in one solid syllable. The hand on your thigh moves back to your throat, squeezing with just enough pressure to make every other sense heightened.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” Seungkwan nearly purrs. Just like that, the building pressure overflows so suddenly that your whole body thrashes with the force of your orgasm. You tighten impossibly around him, sucking his cock in and making it impossible for him to move. Your cum coats his cock, and that’s all he needs.
Seungkwan cums inside of you, a stifled groan against your neck as his pillowy lips mouth at the skin there. He drops his weight on top of you, exhaling deeply as the last of his cum fills you up.
Nothing but the sound of laboured breathing fills his bedroom as the two of you come down from your highs. And then, quietly, a small sniff. Seungkwan almost misses it, misses the way your hands hesitate to find their spot in his hair, or the wetness on your cheeks that wasn’t there before.
Still deep in his post orgasm bliss, he can hardly pay attention to you, but there’s just enough clarity that he notices how stiff your body is, and then a few seconds later, he registers the fact that you’re crying. Seungkwan pushes himself off of you, quickly pulling his boxers back over his softening cock and kicking his pants off. Wordlessly, he lays down beside you, pulling your head to his chest as he carefully strokes your hair.
“Talk to me, Y/N. What’s going on?” He asks carefully, scared to shatter your resolve completely.
“Do you actually think I’m a slut? Or that I’m annoying?” You ask, voice shaky and quiet, hardly above a whisper.
“What? Did I say that?” You nod, a shaky hand attempting to wipe at your tears. “No, of course not. It was just a heat of the moment thing, Y/N.” He stops himself from adding more to that statement, suddenly aware of just how harsh he can be. Seungkwan’s hand carefully strokes your hair.
“‘Kay.” You mutter softly, breaths getting deeper as you start to give into your fatigue.
“I’ll lay off on the degradation. I guess we need to sit down and talk about this.” Seungkwan sighs softly, suddenly feeling guilty. He knows you love it when he’s mean, but maybe the personal attacks are too much.
“Later, ‘m sleepy.” You mumble. Seungkwan kisses the top of your head, eyes staring blankly at his wall.
“Later, then.” He agrees quietly. You crane your neck up to look at him through half lidded eyes. Seungkwan doesn’t even think about it, he just leans down and kisses you.
It’s so incredibly tender and soft, the way his hand finds your jaw and strokes it softly with his thumb. You’re not together, and maybe the tears that slip down your cheeks at the simple action of a tender kiss is enough of a sign that you should put a stop to whatever this is between you and Seungkwan. Later, though, as you both said.
Seungkwan feels the salt of your tears on his lips, and he pulls away from the kiss to hold you. “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Shh, I’ve got you.” He coos, fingers tangling in your hair, and you get this gut feeling that it’s all fine.
Maybe Boo Seungkwan is something to brag about.
#seventeen x reader#seventeen x y/n#seventeen x you#seventeen x carat#boo seungkwan x reader#boo seungkwan x you#boo seungkwan x y/n#seungkwan x reader#seungkwan x you#seungkwan x y/n#boo seungkwan smut#seungkwan smut
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one where katie is rlly clingy cuz she's sick
stuck to you II k.mccabe
you knew something was off the moment katies feet hit the floor with a dull thud at six in the morning. your eyes shot awake and you sat bolt upright as your girlfriend collapsed to her knees and started retching in the ensuite.
flinging off the covers you hurried to her grabbing her hair and pulling it out of her face, rubbing her back as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.
"oh babe." you sighed sympathetically as she slumped against the wall wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "you're really pale and burning up." you frowned, checking her temperature as her forehead pulsated with heat and her brow was matted with sweat.
two more times she threw up before seeming to settle, an empathetic wince on your face as her head moved to rest against your leg. "you feel up to a shower baby?" you asked gently, running a hand through her hair as she nodded.
"yeah i feel disgustin." the girl rasped out and your heart ached at the obvious strain on her voice where her throat was straining. "gimme the toothbrush first please." katie requested quietly as you did as she asked, helping her up and toward the sink once she was done.
rinsing her mouth out again thoroughly you placed a kiss to her flushed cheek and moved to run the shower. once the water was the right temperature you helped her undress as her body slumped against you, taking her hand and helping her into the shower.
quickly stripping off your own clothes you joined her, her body wrapping around yours as the water rained down on the two of you. turning her gently you helped her to wash her hair, assuring it would make her feel better.
placing feather light kisses to the back of her neck you massaged the shampoo into her hair as her taller frame leaned into you slightly, eyes closed.
rinsing off the last of the conditioner and softly kissing her shoulder you helped her out of the shower, wrapping her in a towel and gently tugging her back into the bedroom.
"hoodie or shirt?" you sat her down on the corner of the bed and moved her damp hair gently out of her face. "shirt, yours." katie mumbled out as you nodded. "i'll be two seconds baby, promise." you assured as she moved to grab you with a frown as you tried to move away.
katie letting go of your arm you quickly dressed yourself and grabbed some shorts and a shirt for her, helping her into them. not wanting her to lay back down with wet hair you gently dried it a little more with a towel, your girlfriends head resting against your stomach as she hugged you while you did.
"okay love, back to bed for a little for you." you smiled down at her softly as she nodded, letting go of you and shuffling up the bed, tucking herself under the covers and making grabby hands at you.
slipping in beside her you tangled your hands in her hair, nails gently scratching at her scalp as katies face pressed into your neck. her body heat overwhelming you kicked off your side off the blankets a little to have some respite.
your girlfriend falling right back to sleep you weren't long to follow suit, though not even an hour later you awoke to katie doubled over coughing. you sat up and rubbed her back as she wheezed and choked slightly, a bottle of water thrust into her hand from your sidetable.
a light squeeze to your knee was a silent thanks as katie quickly took a large mouthful of water. "no!" she managed to get out, grabbing the back of your top as you tried to leave the bed.
"baby i have to go get you some cough medicine, i'll be right downstairs. please stay here and try to rest, i'll be fast." you promised, the irish footballer shaking her head firmly and pulling you back into bed.
"katie, my love. you are so good at taking care of me when i'm sick, please let me return the favour." you pleaded, hands cupping her flushed cheeks as she hummed and let you go, a scowl on her face as she nodded none the less.
"ten minutes then i'm comin down after ya." the older girl warned flopping back into bed, voice cracking adorably as you chuckled. "deal." you agreed, pushing her hair out of her face and tenderly kissing her forehead.
it was just after eight in the morning as you sent leah a message that katie was unwell and wouldn't be at training, having met your girlfriend through the blonde english captain who you'd known since primary school.
leah sent her well wishes and advised if either of you needed anything to reach out, before jokingly wishing you luck as you rolled your eyes at the message.
for katie to be this ill you knew to take it seriously, the girl could break her ankle and still refuse to show a sign of weakness, one of the most stubbornly passionate human beings you ever met and you loved her dearly for it even if at times it was incredibly frustrating.
you swore quietly to yourself realising you were running low on quite literally everything you'd be needing to look after your patient, grabbing a fresh bottle of water and returning upstairs.
"get in here and cuddle me." katie croaked out, bundled up in the covers as her head peeked out over the top. "i promise i will, but-" katie let out a small groan and a cough at the last word as you sat on the edge of the bed.
"i have to go to the chemist and the store baby we've got no tissues, no cough medicine, soup stuff, tea-" you listed off what you needed as your girlfriend groaned again, shuffling across the bed and resting her head in your lap.
"don't need none of that darlin, just you." katie rasped out with a sigh as you smiled and ran a hand through her hair. "thats very sweet but unfortunately you need a little more than me if you wanna get better." you advised as the brunette shook her head.
"no." "yes." "no." "yes." "no. stop makin me speak my throat hurts!" katie huffed, looking up with a frown as you chuckled.
"then stop arguing with me." you warned softly, words mumbled against her warm skin as you kissed her temple. "baby i need to change and go to the-" you tried to stand only to be pulled back into bed, and even not at full strength katie easily outmaneuvered you.
"katie." you sighed, hint of a smile at your lips at her clingy behavior, her toned arms wrapped firmly around your torso. "thats baby to you." the girl retorted, words muffled as her face pressed into your chest, her hair tickling at your nose.
"do you want to be match fit for sunday? because we can stay wrapped up in bed all week but you won't get any better and i'll keep texting leah saying you can't train and-" a hand settled over your mouth cutting you off mid sentence.
"i don't like when you make sense." she huffed, arm settling back by her side. "i know. you just date me for my good looks and witty banter, certainly not my brain." you teased as she pinched you for the quip.
"baby!" katie whined tiredly as you wrenched her arms off and quickly rolled out of bed as she snatched at thin air. you ignored her needy huffs and moved into the bathroom, grabbing some clothes on the way.
by the time you'd changed and returned to the room you frowned not seeing your girlfriend in bed where you left her. you jumped as suddenly she stepped out of your shared closet, changed into fresh clothes.
"i'm comin with ya." katie grumbled tiredly, latching onto you tightly. deciding it wasn't worth the argument you gave in, rubbing her back and kissing her cheek. "fine. but you're staying in the car!" you warned, a firm look shutting down her protests as she nodded.
"babe i need to drive." you chuckled as katie continued to tug your hand into her lap. "drive one handed." your girlfriend mumbled, head thumping against the glass of the window which fogged up as she exhaled with a slight wheeze.
you threw her a concerned frown and subconsciously stepped down a little harder on the accelerator.
"i will be twenty minutes, tops. take a nap love you look shattered!" you requested, smiling as the brunette nodded tiredly, eyes fluttering closed as she finally let go of your hand.
you made it back in just under fifteen, the sound of your door opening waking katie who blinked sleepily but perked up as you slid into the car.
"that felt like hours." your girlfriend huffed, body slumping sideways into yours as you smiled, reaching over her to drop the bag of supplies by her feet. "you're so clingy when you're sick baby, its quite endearing." you chuckled, katie smacking your leg half heatedly and mumbling something inaudible.
gently pushing her off of you she slumped back into her seat, immediately reaching over to interlace her fingers with yours and pulling your hand into her lap.
arriving home you, with some argument from the brunette, had katie lay down on the sofa as you busied yourself making her a lemon and honey tea. again with some argument you had her sip on it, fighting out of her grip to return to the kitchen.
you had just started preparing the soup when katie grew even more restless, refusing to lay down and instead sticking herself to you like a second skin.
with her chin resting on your shoulder and arms looped around your stomach she clung tightly to you, mumbling into your neck every few minutes how you needed to hurry up.
"okay! yes i'm done now." you chuckled as she whined into your shoulder for the ten thousandth time, dishing the two of you up a bowl of soup.
again you made your girlfriend take a seat, gently pushing her off and promising with a quick kiss that if she could stomach a few mouthfuls the rest of the afternoon you were all hers.
getting through half the bowl katie tapped out with a grimace as you placed a gentle kiss to her cheek and nipped off to the kitchen, rinsing the bowls and smiling at the impatient huffs and groans coming from the living room.
forcing her to take some cough medicine, bribing her again with a few soft kisses.
finally you settled into katies usual spot on the corner of your l shaped sofa the footballer wasted no time rolling her body to rest between your legs, a cool towel on her forehead and your top balled firmly in your fists.
your clingy girl.
#woso#woso x reader#woso fanfics#woso imagine#katie mccabe x reader#katie mccabe#woso blurbs#woso community
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. ۫ ꣑ৎ . dating hcs <3
by candyfsh
including; dallas winston, melvin moody, richie white (those are my favs)
dallas winston ౨ৎ
𖦹 ik everybody says that dally would be suuuper toxic and a rlly bad boyfriend,, but hear me out. he would literally hate everyone but you.
𖦹 he buys you things and steals you things, about 50/50
𖦹 he isn't one for cuddling or anything but he'll definitely play with your hair and hold your head gently if you're snuggled beside him or on his chest💔
𖦹 he isn't huge on pda,, but he always keeps an arm around you or kisses your face and head and lips constantly
𖦹 he also uses extra pda at parties. just letting everyone know you're dating him 😊😊
𖦹 he will NOT ever let you put makeup on him, but he does let you put chapstick on for him. he likes how gentle you are even if it's just chapstick 😓
𖦹 always brags about you
𖦹 "yeah man that's cool but my gf is soooo hot 😝"
𖦹 he likes to go over to your house whenever he can because you make him feel safe
𖦹 he won't admit that though. never.
𖦹 but it's also lowk obvious?? bc he's always hanging around you and making sure you're close to him
𖦹 im being so fr he thought he wouldn't trust or love anyone again after sylvia then BOOM he met you and he's like OMG.
melvin moody ౨ৎ
𖦹 he loves you and makes it known omg
𖦹 like ofc he cares about his reputation?? he js loves you sooooo much and whenever he sees you he's like woah that's my gf!!!
𖦹 when you're sitting next to each other literally anywhere, he has to be touching you just to like confirm you're there or something???
𖦹 he's holding your hand, his arm is around your shoulder, his hand is in your lap, your head is on his shoulder, he's playing with your hair, his arm is around your waist, whateves!!! he just loves touching you
𖦹 he's still a tough guy ofc,,, but in school, it's kinda like lowkey slowed down
𖦹 but he'll still punch someone if they made you uncomfortable whatsoever
𖦹 i personally think moody would be big on cuddling 😙
𖦹 he loves to spoon you omg!!!
𖦹 moody feels like he can truly be himself around you (including letting his hair not be greased up. you love to see his hair ungreased)
𖦹 he gets you gifts sometimes with the money he's gotten from kids but he refuses to EVER tell you where he got the money
𖦹 "baby" "sweetie" "hottie" "cutie" everything.
𖦹 you and moody are literally so in love and so adorable and all his friends tease him about being so whipped but he's all like "damn right i am"
richie white ౨ৎ
𖦹 this little baby is so cute and loves you sm
𖦹 my personal hc is that richie has never had a gf,, he just flirts with every girl he sees
𖦹 so you're basically each other's first everything in a relationship. it's really sweet💔.
𖦹 he alwaayyyss brags to you about a new crime he committed. especially the time he broke into a bike shop.
𖦹 whenever some girl flirts with him in the rec center he's all like "yeah yeahh i got a beautiful girl i ain't interested"
𖦹 "ysee my beautiful girl over there??" "she's my beautiful girl" "i got the most beautiful girl ever"
𖦹 bc this is his first relationship that's more than just kissing and flirting, he wants to prove himself to you that he's more than a juvenile delinquent
𖦹 (but he'll never stop being one)
𖦹 he doesn't know what to do for dates so he takes you to the rec or a walk around town or his lil spot with carl
𖦹 speaking of carl, he's sooooo sick of hearing about you
𖦹 y/n this y/n that,,, my man richie just loves you!!!
𖦹 btw he calls you the dumbest pet names in public to tease you, like sugarplum and honeybee
𖦹 he will never get over the fact that YOU chose HIM of all people. like he's confident in himself,, he's just like "omg she's so perfect why is she with me"
𖦹 that's why he makes sure to never take you for granted
𖦹 if richie has his hands anywhere on you, his hand is probably in your back pocket. not like in a perverted way or anything,, he just likes it there 😙😙
𖦹 his arms are almost always around your shoulders too
𖦹 he's very touchy
𖦹 you + richie = forever

#candyfsh#dallas winston#dallas winston x reader#dallas winston x y/n#melvin moody#melvin moody x reader#melvin moody x y/n#richie white#richie white x reader#richie white x y/n#guys i think i like richie.....#but hes so cute i love him#i love him sm#hes so cutie#I LOVE MATT DILLON IN GENERAL#im probably gonna write a richie fic based on some of these hcs
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hello hello, hope you’re doing well <3
i would like to request a lil fic of george clarke x reader where the reader is a huge metal artist and george essentially forces the boys to attend her band’s show and they’re front row, just rlly fluffy and george being the hugest simp ever. thank you so much <33!
This request was such a fun challenge to tackle—it really pushed me creatively, and I absolutely loved every minute of writing it. Thank you to everyone who has sent requests in!


The backstage air reeks of hairspray and stale beer, a kind of chemical cocktail that feels like home. I’m cross-legged on a couch that’s seen better days, my guitar on my lap like a second ribcage. The strings dig into my fingertips as I strum a few lazy chords, trying to pretend I’m relaxed. This is supposed to be fun—a surprise gig at a tiny venue, the kind of place I played before everything got big. And yet, the familiar hum of anxiety sits low in my stomach, coiling tighter with every muffled cheer I hear from the crowd outside.
There’s a knock at the door. “Come in!” I call, half expecting my manager with another last-minute update.
But it’s George. He steps in with his usual boyish grin and a large bouquet of red roses, which he’s holding like he’s not sure what to do with them. “Hey, rockstar.”
My heart does that stupid flutter thing, and I have to bite back a smile. “George! What are you doing back here?”
“Had to wish you good luck in person,” he says, handing me the flowers. “Also, you look incredible. Not that you ever don’t.”
I laugh, setting the roses on the table next to an abandoned coffee cup. “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
“It’s part of my charm,” he says, closing the distance between us. His fingers find a stray strand of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. “You’re going to kill it tonight. I’ll be out there, front row, taking way too many pictures like a proud mum.”
“You’re impossible,” I say, but I’m grinning anyway. George has this way of making me feel seen in a way that’s too much and not enough all at once. “You know you’re going to stick out, right?” I gestured to his pale blue sweater and lightwash jeans.
“Good thing I’m not trying to blend in,” he says, leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Break a leg out there.”
“I just might!,” I call as he heads for the door. He pauses, throwing me a mischievous look over his shoulder.
“Oh, and… you might notice something interesting when you’re on stage. Just keep an eye out.”
Before I can demand an explanation, he’s gone, leaving me alone with my curiosity and the soft scent of roses.
Out in the crowd, George adjusts the band T-shirt he’s just purchased, the fabric still stiff from the merch table. “Come on, lads, it’ll be fun. Just keep an open mind.”
“Mate,” Arthur Hill says, glaring at the mosh pit as though it’s personally offended him. “You’re more excited about this than you’ve ever been about my gigs. Should I take it personally?”
“I’ll come to your next one, I swear,” George says with a laugh. “But admit it—tonight’s going to be a story to tell.”
Chris groans, already rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’ll remember it when my ears are bleeding tomorrow.”
“Earplugs, mate,” Isaac says, holding up a pair like he’s just won a survivalist competition. “Be smart.”
Chip is practically vibrating with excitement, his eyes locked on the chaotic throng in front of the stage. “This is going to be sick. ArthurTV, you ready to throw down?”
ArthurTV’s eyes widen. “I… don’t think that’s my thing.”
“It’s everyone’s thing if you try hard enough,” Chip says, grabbing his arm and hauling him toward the madness. George stays back, shaking his head and smiling like someone’s dad at a theme park.
By the second song, the crowd is a single, writhing organism. My guitar roars like an animal, each solo ripping through the air like claws. The fretboard is a battlefield under my fingers, precise and unforgiving. I glance out into the chaos and immediately spot George, bright and obvious, phone held high as he snaps photo after photo. His friends… well, they’re trying. Chip is fully immersed, dragging a flailing and slightly horrified ArthurTV into the pit. Even Chris and Isaac are nodding along by the fourth song, though Chris looks like he’s silently mourning his eardrums.
Backstage staff pass by, chuckling. “Your boyfriend’s mates are… something else,” someone says.
“Tell me about it,” I reply, but I’m smiling so hard it hurts. George’s support is one thing, but seeing his friends—most of whom probably thought metal was a punishment—start to come around? That’s something else entirely.
The final chord fades, the house lights flicker on, and the crowd’s roar feels like it’s rattling my ribcage. Backstage, I’m still coming down from the high when the door bursts open and George strides in, his grin wider than the Thames.
“You were incredible,” he says, pulling me into his arms before I can even catch my breath.
I bury my face in his chest, his heartbeat grounding me. “Thanks. But, uh, your friends look like they’ve been through a war zone.”
“Oi, we survived!” Chip says, flopping onto the couch like he’s just run a marathon. “ArthurTV even moshed.”
“I was dragged,” ArthurTV clarifies, collapsing beside him with a groan.
Arthur Hill smirks. “I’ll admit it, George. She’s got more stage presence than you ever have. No offense.”
George doesn’t miss a beat. “None taken. I told you she’s amazing.”
Chris gives me a reluctant nod. “Alright, that was fun. Don’t expect me to become a regular or anything, but… yeah. Good show.”
George pulls back slightly, brushing a thumb over my cheek. “I think I got some good pictures. Sorry if I blinded you with the flash, though,” he said with a giggle.
“You’re ridiculous,” I say, laughing, watching him scroll through the more than fifty pictures he took of me on stage. I sneak a glance at his face, alive with excitement and pride. My chest swells with something too big to name. His support has always been loud and unwavering, but seeing him drag his reluctant friends into my world and watch them get swept up in it? It felt next level.
As his arm slips around my shoulders and he leans down to kiss the top of my head, I realize it doesn’t matter where I’m playing or who’s in the crowd. If George is there, it’ll always feel like home.
#uk youtubers#george clarkey#george clarke#george clarke fics#george clarkey x reader#arthur tv#arthur hill#chrismd#italianbach#finchyficrequests
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