#is it incest if technically you’re not related but his uncle thinks of you like a daughter and he’s the uncle of the love interests
narrativeblanks · 1 month
reading the inheritance trilogy really does feel like you’re trying to dodge as many incest-trope bullets in quick succession, and just as you think jennifer lynn barnes has finally run out of ammo, she throws the fucking gun at you
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robotnik-mun · 2 years
I wonder if Penders was thinking that making GREAT-great-great-great-great-great-great-great uncle Dimitri evil and Knuckles’s very distant relative was enough to fill the Evil Kryptonian Relative concept. Of course, the Guardians all formed after that if I’m remembering correctly, and either way they’re such distant relatives that it’s functionally irrelevant (until Knuckles sides with Dimitri for… reasons.) I feel like if you’re distantly related enough to the guy you can date his however-many-times great-granddaughter and the problem’s more ‘can NO ONE important exist without being tied to this damn family?’ than anything else, you’re distantly related enough that they don’t count as an Evil Relative for conflict rwasons.
Assuming he was indeed influenced by Superman on that front (and I'd bet money that he was given all the other blatant stuff he lifted off of Superman... I mean for crying out loud Knuckles' oldest ancestor was originally called Jor-Dann!), then all but assuredly. Though even that one is muddled given Penders spontaneously decided he wanted to have this be a 'shades of gray' conflict despite having dedicated time to explicitly comparing the Legion to Nazis. I don't doubt though in his mind it'd 'answer' the idea of Knuckles having less than stellar family members, even if it glosses over a rather natural storytelling possibility of there having been a Guardian who went bad. Such a thing would challenge the narrative he's crafted more than he is willing to bear.
And if we are to veer into the Julie and Knuckles Being Cousins thing... technically, you are indeed correct. The genetic drift between their branches of the family is indeed distant enough that neither of them can be considered related any more. Genetically speaking, they long ago passed the threshold where it would no longer be incest.
However, it is still troublesome. First of all because Penders puts such a strong, borderline singleminded emphasis on the theme of lineage and family that it becomes difficult to ignore the fact that Knuckles' family tree branches back into itself like a wreathe-
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Not helping matters is that the nature of this book makes explaining the more technical aspects of how genetics and familial relationships work as a means of explaining how Lara-Su is technically NOT inbred a far more choresome thing than it already is. Helping even less is that Penders chooses to continually highlight the relationship by having Knuckles bring up the fact he and Kragok are in fact distant cousins. Perception is 9/10ths of the law, let us say, and no amount of education in biology or genetics is going to cause people to NOT side-eye the family tree above because of it.
I remain convinced that Penders only made that stupid move because he wanted to add an element of 'Romeo and Juliet' into the relationship, without stopping to think of how it would mean Julie and Knuckles share an ancestor.
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ninarances15 · 3 years
Just because us Asians use honourifics, that doesn’t mean we are all blood related, Jesus Christ...
As an Asian and a Hetalian, I just want to say something on this whole discourse.
I don’t know much about the discourse surrounding @frukmerunning, but I have read people’s post about it. For those who don’t know, she made an Instagram story on how she doesn’t see China and Japan as blood relatives, and they technically aren’t in canon, and that Nichu isn’t incest in her own opinion. After that, people started to call her a pro shipper of inc*st, a p*do, and even had the audacity to doxx her! Making her delete all of her social media accounts.
Ok, people have their own opinions and views when it comes to Hetalia characters. Personally, I don’t see China and Japan as relatives either, and if I do, it would be a bit weird for me and that would be racist. Just because us Asians refer to our elders as “big brother”, “big sister”, “auntie”, “uncle”, etc. That doesn’t necessarily mean we’re related! It’s our culture and our own way of showing respect! (Jesus Christ, it’s like how people say all Asians look alike🙄. If it’s a joke, sure. But if you really think we look the same, well no, we’re not physically alike.) Just because Japan calls China his “big brother” that doesn’t mean they’re both blood related. And shipping Nichu isn’t p*do (however, it will be considered p*do if someone ships China x child!Japan).
I think the same thing can be said to America and England, Spain and Romano, etc. it’s not incest, nor is it p*do to ship them (for me, they’re not related in any way, and it will only be p*do if people ship England x child!America, Spain x chibimano, etc.) But again, this is just my opinion, and people have their own, I know that.
I ship Philippines and Indonesia (I’m not sure if the buff guy is him), they are both Southeast Asians, but they are NOT AND I MEAN NOT RELATED! Honestly, I would be confused and offended if people will tell me that shipping them is wrong because it’s incest.
In this case, imagine China and Japan as roommates, living in the same house, but have separate rooms, but they are not related whatsoever. The house is the East Asian region, and the separate rooms are the independent lands that each country has in real life. Same thing can be said, after the amount of fanart I’ve seen of the Asians together, like one big happy family (I have no problem if people see them as that, but I would just say “no”, that doesn’t mean we’re related. Despite the stereotype that Asians get along and love each other. In real life, there are discourse between those real countries.)
I know some people see them as relatives and that’s fine, just don’t shove it down other people’s throats. Some don’t see them as relatives, but don’t shove that down other people’s throats.
I don’t want to point fingers, but there are so many posts indicating that the ones who bullied @frukmerunning are Westerns. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met some people from the West and they’re really nice. But what I really hate is that the harassers are the ones that overshadow the good ones, because of so many drama happening in the anime community (and maybe many others).
Listen, just because you guys don’t call your elders with honourifics before their name that much, and think you’re ALWAYS right, and that different cultures (in this case, Asian culture) are “alien” to you, that doesn’t mean you have the right to harass someone, bully them, insult them, and think you’re always the right person in this argument. Because, honestly, what happened in this discourse, makes people like you lower than anyone else. And all cultures are different, people have a different way of living.
Also, isn’t the whole point of Hetalia is to join together, make pasta not war, and just have fun learning each other’s culture and history, because we’re all equal at the end of the day, even though we laugh at each other’s stereotypes. And not being biased on whose culture is “correct” and whose is “wrong”? I literally hoped that this fandom improved and moved on to be better ever since HWS came out, but no, with this whole discourse happening, I’m so disappointed😑😑😑.
I’m gonna ask you guys this: Would you guys do the same thing to Hima? Because he (I’m guessing) doesn’t see all Asian countries (even his own) as blood relatives. How would you feel if someone did the exact same thing to you? People like you seem to enjoy bullying someone, I’m guessing you would love it if someone bullied you too. But I would also like to add, even if @frukmerunning does ship Nichu, that doesn’t give you the right to bully her. That still makes you lower than anyone and you won’t achieve anything, other than shame and regret and a bad portrayal of yourself from other people’s perspectives.
With this whole discourse, I’m beginning to think bullying and disrespect is part of culture too, huh? I guess it’s a lot easier than simply clicking away when you know someone will talk about something you don’t like.
Anyway, even though @frukmerunning’s social medias are deleted, you can still support her redbubble here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/frukmerunning/shop#profile
(With this whole discourse, you learned a fact: Asians use honourifics to respect their elders (relative, older friends, etc.) I have friends that are older than me, and I use honourifics. Until I stopped, since my friends don’t mind being called by their names. But just to make sure, learn honourifics if you met someone who’s Asian and older than you, out of respect. (I don’t think Asians are the only ones with honourifics, but I’m just not sure. But correct me on that.)) *sighs* First, people generalize all Asians look the same; second, generalize that the only Asians that exist are China, Japan, and South Korea; and now generalizing that we’re all related????
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Play Your Cards Right | Part 2
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Summary: A family games night sounded like a good idea to help everyone let off some steam after the stressful day they’d had, but Liam has some other ideas about how he’d like to relieve the tension.
Pairing: Cordell x Liam x Stella Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest (Father/Daughter; Uncle/Niece; Brother/Brother), Technically Underage (Stella is 17, which is the legal age of consent in Texas), Dub Con (courtesy of a whole bottle of Jack Daniels) Tags: Virgin!Stella, Innocent!Stella, Bi!Cordell, Bi!Curious Liam, Slutty!Liam, Underage Drinking, Age Difference, Strip Poker, Size Difference, Hand Job, Innocence Kink, Instruction Kink, Hand Job, Blow Job, Threesome Word Count: 3k Bingo Squares: @walker-bingo - Masturbation
All parts available on my website – Subscribe to read early!
Mini Series Masterlist
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Stella reaches for her drink and takes a sip to fill the silence, her face scrunching up in distaste for the burning alcohol. She’s had straight whiskey before at parties, but she still isn’t wild about the taste. Liam laughs at the face she makes, and Stella sticks her tongue out at her uncle petulantly.
“Better get used to the taste of that before you go to college,” he comments casually, as if he isn’t naked and hiding an erection in the middle of his brother’s living room. Stella rolls her eyes and smiles, but it’s tinged with nerves, or sadness, maybe.
“I don’t know about college, uncle Liam,” Stella shrugs. “I mean, I guess I’ll probably go, but I don’t know what I want to do yet.”
“That’s okay,” Liam assures her, “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at first either. Honestly,” he looks around as if he’s afraid Cordell will overhear him and then divulges his secret: “I spent most of freshman and sophomore year just enjoying the fact that boys don’t beat you up for flirting with them when you’re in New York.” Stella bursts into a fit of giggles when her uncle winks at her.
“And I got very used to the taste of bad alcohol. I wish I had been a bit more prepared for all of it, actually. I think I would have enjoyed myself sooner if I wasn’t so nervous about the partying and hooking up and all of that.” Liam actually hadn’t been nervous about partying or sleeping around at all, he’d been incredibly enthusiastic about it, but Stella didn’t need to know that right now. He wants to give her something she can relate to, something he can use to coax her into the next part of the evening.
“Do you wish you’d been more… adventurous? In high school, I mean?” Stella asks shyly, her voice sticking in her throat a little while she plays with her hair.
“Yeah, I do,” Liam nods immediately. “I think I would have felt a lot more confident if I showed up to college knowing exactly what to expect.”
“Yeah…” Stella nods slowly, clearly considering something very seriously. Liam sees her eyes rake over his bare chest, down to the pillow in his lap, and he smirks. He’s got her where he needs her now.
“You’ve never seen a guy naked, have you Stels?” Liam states it like a question even though he’s pretty confident of the answer. She shakes her head, her red hair flying around her blushing face. The tense silence between them is so palpable, they can both feel it pressing down against their chests, making it just a little harder to breathe.
“C’mere, baby girl,” Liam beckons her up to sit next to him on the couch, and she complies quickly but sits down a little ways away from him, clearly still a little apprehensive about what they both can tell this is leading towards. Liam reaches out and pulls her closer, so their knees are touching where they’re both sitting cross-legged, side by side. “Don’t be scared, sweetheart,” he smiles comfortingly, taking her hand and bringing it to the pillow covering the last of his decency.
Carefully, Stella lifts up the pillow to reveal Liam’s cock, and he smiles to himself when he hears the small gasp she makes the first time she sees it. He’s been hard for a little while now, but having Stella this close to him, the bare skin of her leg touching his, and finally having her eyes focused where he wants them, has him absolutely throbbing. The head of his cock is a deep red, and already shining with precum. He can hear Stella swallow as she takes in the sight of him.
“See?” he prompts her gently. “Nothing to be scared of.”
Stella shakes her head slightly, lost in thought, mind whirling at the sight of the naked man in front of her. The desire that’s burst into white hot flames in her chest has taken her aback, and there’s a surging tingle between her legs that she recognises all too well; she’s just not used to feeling it when looking at her uncle. But despite her trepidation, Stella finds she’s not actually scared, mostly she’s excited, she’s only nervous that she might do something to mess this up.
“Can… can I–” she blushes hotly, unable to bring herself to say the words and ask for what she really wants, but Liam understands by the way her hand twitches in her own lap. Smiling gently, he reaches out to grab her wrist and guides her little hand towards him. Her thins fingers look so small and delicate compared to his cock, and he can’t control the shiver that runs through him when they skim over his length for the first time.
“Oh,” Stella whispers under her breath, letting Liam guide her hand as she runs her finger tips up and down the soft velvet of his cock.
“What do you think?” Liam asks softly, genuinely curious. Even though he’s pretty sure she’s into this, he just wants to make absolutely sure.
“I think I get why you like guys so much,” Stella laughs lightly, trying to make a joke to lighten the pressure that she was feeling building between them, which was growing thicker by the second.
Liam laughs along with her, and sees her breathe just a little easier.
“Yeah,” Liam agrees. “Cock is pretty great,” he agrees. “Especially feeling one inside you.”
Stella looks up at Liam with wide eyes.
“Does it hurt?” she asks, biting her lip and looking back down at Liam’s lap, where her hand has just wrapped around the base of his cock, measuring how thick he is. The tips of her nails barely touch each other with her hand circled the whole way around him.
“Not if you’re careful,” Liam reassures her. “If you take your time, and make sure you’re ready for it, then it feels fucking incredible.”
Stella blushes, feeling her stomach do little somersaults just from hearing Liam swear like that. Usually her uncle is so composed, and proper, hearing him loosen up like this is affecting her in a way she’d never imagined it would.
“What you’re doing right now feels pretty fucking incredible too,” Liam whispers huskily, and Stella looks down again and realises that she’s been stroking her uncle’s cock unconsciously for the past minute or so. She hadn’t thought about it, her hand had just started moving of its own accord. It had felt like such a natural thing to do.
“Is this okay?” Stella asks breathily, and Liam nods.
“You can squeeze a little tighter, baby girl,” he instructs her, wrapping his fingers over hers and demonstrating the pressure. “Fuck yeah, just like that,” he groans lightly as she skims her fingers of the crown and squeezes again, like he’d shown her. “Go a little faster, yeah, mmm,” Liam grunts, his hips jerking under her touch, he friction pulling at his cock a little awkwardly, but he’s too impatient to make her stop to find some kind of lube. He doesn’t want her fingers to leave his skin.
“Sounds like my baby girl is a quick learner,” Cordell’s voice reaches them from across the room, and Stella starts to jerk her hand away from Liam’s lap but he catches her wrist and holds her in place. Cordell pushes off from the wall he’s been leaning against and observing the proceedings from, walking around the back of the couch and tugging his daughter’s wrist out of Liam’s grasp. He looks her in the eye stoically and spits into her hand before putting it back on Liam’s cock, making his younger brother moan in pleasure at the easy slip of her skin against his.
“There ya go, nice and quick,” Cordell encourages her, and she picks up the pace of her strokes, Liam’s head tilting back in pleasure and resting against the back of the couch. Cordell runs his hand through his messy, sand coloured hair, twisting the long locks around his fingers and tugging on them gently.
“Oh, shit,” Liam groans, eyes fluttering closed under the combined attention of Cordell and Stella.
“Yeah, I remember how much you like that, baby boy,” Cordell grins down at Liam, pulling on the younger man’s hair again. “You were always such a little slut for me, weren’t you?”
Stella looks up at her father in shock, blue eyes wide and full of innocent surprise. Cordell marvels at how she can look so sweet an innocent sitting there in nothing but her lacy underwear with a hand around her uncle’s cock, but somehow, she still manages to look like his sweet little girl, even now.
“You’ve done this before, then?” she asks, “Both of you, together?”
“Yeah, we have Stels,” Cordell nods, running his free hand over her hair and cupping it around her neck, crouching down a little to meet her eyes. “I was the one who showed Liam everything for the first time, when he asked me to.” Stella’s eyes dart back and forth between them, clearly intrigued, and also turned on at thought of the two of them together. “Do you want us to show you, too?” Cordell asks softly, making Stella look him in the eye seriously, and she nods hesitantly.
She’s not unsure about wanting it, she’s just embarrassed that she wants it as badly as she does. She squirms in her seat as she agrees, keenly aware of the wet patch growing steadily larger between her legs.
“That’s my good girl,” Cordell whispers, breath caught in his throat and making his voice husky, and when he leans forward to kiss her on the forehead she whimpers softly, feeling another wave of arousal roll through her core, burning between her legs.
“Tell us what you wanna know, Stella,” Liam urges her, turning her face towards his.
“Uhm,” Stella pauses, licking her lips and considering what she wants the most in this exact moment. She looks back up to Cordell, who’s standing back at full height, putting his waist level with Stella’s head. She gulps and draws up the courage to ask for what she’s craving. “Can I see you, too, Daddy?” she asks Cordell, eyes darting to the pronounced bulge in his boxer shorts.
“Of course you can,” he smiles gently, petting his thumb across her cheek. Stella lets go of Liam and brings her hands nervously to Cordell’s waistband. She tucks her fingers under the elastic and pulls down, slowly revealing the deep vee of Cordell’s hips, leading her gaze to the impressive cock that jumps up and smacks against his stomach when it’s released from its cotton prison. It’s even larger than Liam’s. She doesn't think her hands will fit around its thickness – she can barely fit her hand around Liam – and he’s definitely longer.
“Fuck,” Stella swears, her eyes going wide when she sees Cordell’s cock, then looking up at her father nervously, afraid he’ll scold her for cursing, but he only laughs.
“You’ve got a dirty little mouth, don’t you baby girl,” he coos, making her flush and turn her head away in embarrassment, but Cordell tilts her face up with his fingers beneath her chin. “Let’s get it a bit dirtier, whaddya say sweetheart?”
Liam’s hand appears at the back of Stella’s head, pushing her gently forward, and she leans in, somehow instinctively knowing what they want her to do, and kissing Cordell’s length gently on the tip. Her tongue slips along the slit, tasting the salt of the precum that’s gathered there and gasping as little, finding she likes the taste, and she likes the feel of his cock on her tongue.
“There ya go, do it again,” Liam encourages her, keeping his hand on the back of her head so she can’t pull away. She obeys, kissing the tip again and licking over the slit, eyes flicking up to look at Cordell when he hisses in pleasure.
“That’s so good, Stels,” he smiles down at her, cupping her cheek and feeling the warmth of her blush under his fingertips. “Open your mouth for me, and try to keep still, okay?” Cordell looks to Liam, and the younger man understands that keeping Stella in place is part of his job too.
Stella obediently drops her jaw and makes a wide ‘O’ with her lips, looking up at Cordell to check that she’s doing it right. They keep their eyes locked together as he guides his cock into her mouth, not stopping until he taps the back of her throat and she gags, trying to shy away. Liam holds her head still but Cordell pulls out enough to let her breath for a moment before pushing back in and stopping just short of her gag reflex this time.
“Suck on it,” he commands her, voice rumbling gruffly out of his chest, and the girl immediately seals her lips around him and starts to suckle softly on the flesh in her mouth. “Oh fuck, that’s so good baby,” Cordell groans. “Keep those eyes on me baby girl, wanna watch you. Never wanna forget what you looked like with your first cock in your mouth. Fuck, feel like I should be taking a picture; my little girl, all grown up.” He knows he’s babbling but he doesn’t care, the baby pink, virgin lips around his cock feel too damn good to worry about anything else.
“You look so pretty with your Daddy’s cock between your lips, sweetheart,” Liam moans against her ear, pulling her back a little by the hair and then pushing her down again, beginning a rhythm up and down Cordell’s cock.
“Gonna teach her how to be a good little cocksucker, baby bro?” Cordell laughs hoarsely, and Liam smiles up at his big brother with a wicked grin.
“Well, I think I am the expert on the subject in this room.”
“Yeah, you are, you little slut,” Cordell growls and buries a hand in Liam’s hair again, pulling flush against his stomach. “Why don’t you put those skills to good use, show me if that mouth’s as good as I remember it being.”
Liam eagerly ducks his head between Cordell’s legs and licks his way over the length that Stella can’t fit in her mouth and further down, sucking on his balls and prompting a delighted moan from the older man. When he moves his lips back up Cordell’s cock, he feels for one of Stella’s hands and guides it up to cup against his older brother’s balls gently. She’s pulled herself up to the tip of his cock, sucking and kissing enthusiastically around the length she can fit in her mouth. Liam brings a hand back to Stella’s head and pushes her to one side, licking up the vein on the underside of Cordell’s cock until his tongue skates across hers, and then they’re kissing, hot and dirty, with Cordell caught blissfully between their lips and tongues.
“Fucking hell, you two are a sight,” Cordell laughs, tangling his fingers in their hair and pulling both of their heads back sharply. Liam hisses in appreciation, but Stella lets out a shocked whimper, drawing both men’s attention. “Oh, you like it a little rough, baby girl?” he asks curiously, very much hoping the answer is ‘yes’, the possibilities already beginning to swirl across his mind’s eye.
“Maybe?” Stella answers, unsure. She doesn’t really have very much to go on yet. “It felt good when you pulled my hair, Daddy,” she admits.
“Would you like me to keep doing that?” Cordell asks as neutrally as possible, and Stella nods shakily. “Use your words for me, sweetheart.”
“Yes, Daddy,” Stella whines when Cordell tugs on her hair again.
Using his grip, he throws her against the end of the couch, so her back hits the armrest and her legs shake out in front of her. Cordell walks around to the front of the couch to join his brother, and without needing words to communicate their next moves, Liam reaches up to slip her panties down her legs while Cordell slips a hand behind her back and skillfully unhooks her bra in a single move. When she’s finally naked, the brothers can’t take their eyes off her body. Every inch of skin is a smooth, creamy pink, flushed with arousal, and the skin between her legs is blooming an even deeper pink, and glistening with slick. Instinctively, Liam begins to extend a hand, needing to touch the wet heat she’s just exposed to them.
“Did I say you could touch her?” Cordell asks sternly, and the younger man freezes, looking up at his older brother guiltily, but with an earnest, pleading expression.
“Nah, I’m just kidding,” he laughs after letting Liam sweat for a second, ruffling the man’s already sex-messy hair. “Someone’s gotta stretch her open for my cock, after all,” Cordell smirks, winking at Stella playfully. She blushes deeply, but a small smile creeps over her lips that lets the men know that she’s excited by that prospect.
“Spread your legs for me, baby girl,” Liam says sweetly, pushing himself between her thighs and getting his face close enough that he can smell the arousal covering her skin. He wants desperately to bury himself in her cunt and devour her, it’s hard to hold himself back. “Fuck, Cordi, she’s so pretty,” he breathes, eyes raking over her folds, landing on her pretty little clit, nestled just on top of her entrance, wrapped delicately in creamy folds of skin – all completely bare.
“You are so beautiful, Stella,” Cordell agrees, kneeling by her head and stroking a hand over her collarbone, letting his fingers dance lower to cup a small breast. The whole thing fits under his hand easily, and his dick jumps in arousal from just how small and delicate she is. A burning low in his gut is urging him to break her.
“That feels good, Daddy,” Stella sighs, arching her chest beneath his touch as her father plays with her nipples, pinching and rolling them between his fingers.
“You gonna let your Daddy and Uncle Liam make you feel good, baby girl?” Cordell asks, and she nods shyly. “Use your words, baby girl. Ask us.”
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anachronisticcrab · 4 years
I don’t ship Percico, but I’ve wanted to address Nico’s crush for a while
More specifically, the fact that he and Percy were cousins
I’ve only seen people get uncomfortable with Nico’s crush, and not all the other creepy relationships when you put the godly family into a mortal AU or describe their familial relationships
Canon relationships and crushes are creepy when you think about them too hard— and not just Nico’s crush. They all are
Silena and Charles Beckendorf were step-siblings. Thalia was adamant about how Apollo was hot, and she was his sister. Luke and Annabeth wet cousins, and he was also like 10 years older than her. Thalia and Luke were second cousins. Apollo asked Percy out and they’re first cousins (just like Nico and Percy). Annabeth’s mom is Percy’s first cousin, making them second cousins once removed. Also, some myths put Aphrodite as a daughter of Zeus, meaning that Silena and Beckendorf were both first cousins and step-siblings. Will is Nico’s second cousin once removed.
Outside of canon, shipping anyone is insestuous in the Camp Halfblood Chronicles.
I’ve seen people ship Jason and Annabeth, and they’re Uncle and Niece. I’ve seen people ship Frank and Leo and they’re first cousins. Jasico are first cousins. As I said before, some myths put Aphrodite as a daughter of Zeus, so shipping Piper with Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Percy, or Nico is creepy because they’re all related.
But the reason that no one thinks of any of these things as creepy is because the gods don’t have DNA. None of them are actually related since the people they are related through technically aren’t even related to each other. You can ship anyone in the Riordanverse because the gods have no DNA. As long as it’s not a sibling, it’s not incest
And the weirdest thing about it is that I’ve only ever seen people get upset when it’s about Nico’s crush on Percy, which (coincidentally) was the first showing of gay in the series. I get if you’re uncomfortable with the godly family tree and shipping Ricks characters since they’re all related, but if you do, please have the decency to be offended by all the relationships and not just the gay one (that wasn’t even a relationship! Nico had a crush on Percy when he was what? 11? 12? They never went out, and Nico never even acted on anything)
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crackspinewornpages · 4 years
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark -William Shakespeare
(in high school we had groups that had to make a video based on this play)
Francisco and Bernard are guarding the castle, it’s so dark they can’t see each other, (seems a problem when you’re supposed to be guarding should have brought torches) then they hear footsteps, it’s Horatio and Marcellus. Marcellus asks if it appeared again, not yet, the past two nights it showed, Bernard starts to explain the experiences when the ghost appears.
It’s the previous king and Horatio starts to question it but it walks away and disappears. Horatio confirms it looked like the king Hamlet wearing the armor he wore to fight Norway and slayed the king Fortinbras, his son is now gathering an army, “and even the precurse of fierce events, as harbingers preceding still the fates and prologue to the omen coming on;”p.1007 The ghost reappear and disappears at dawn and Horatio thinks to get Hamlet to see if it will talk to his son.
In the castle the King, Queen, Hamlet, Polonius and others are grouped so Claudius can give a speech about his dead brother. The previous king is dead but let’s not mourn since he just married his brother’s window. Oh, and Fortinbras thinks they’re weak now, sent a message for them to surrender, so he’ll send Cornelius to Fortinbras’s bed ridden uncle and that’s the news. (wait wait wait go back to the potential war please that sounds pretty urgent) Claudius turns to Laertes (I played Laertes and the joke was he’s a hermaphrodite since we couldn’t really hide my big boobs) who wants to talk to him, he wants to return to France, he only came to see the coronation, Polonius will support him and the king allows it. Then he asks Hamlet why he’s still upset and his mother orders him to take off his mourning clothes, people die all the time he should know that. Hamlet says they suit his mood, (we played Hamlet as an emo) Claudius says that’s sweet but fathers die all the time, it’s duty to mourn but he’s doing it too much, (his dad died two months ago) maybe go back to school, or stay here and Hamlet agrees to stay for his mom.
Hamlet is left alone and soliloquies that he wants to die, (emo just go write some bad poetry) his father only died two months ago and here his mom married his uncle within a month. “It is not nor it cannot come to good; but break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue!”p.1010 Horatio, Marcellus and Bernard come to him and he greets them happy to see his friend Horatio. Horatio claims to come to the funeral, but Hamlet says he came for the wedding and Horatio confesses they followed. They then tell Hamlet they saw his father’s ghost who wouldn’t speak, they thought he should know. Hamlet confirms their description is like his father so agrees to watch with them tonight and see if it will speak to him. “My father’s spirit in arms! All is not well; I doubt some foul play: would the night were come! Till then sit still, my soul: foul deeds will rise, though all the earth o’erwhelm them, to men’s eyes.”p.1011
In Polonius’s house Laertes is telling his sister goodbye and to write, also don’t get involved with Hamlet. “Perhaps he loves you now,”-“but you must fear, his greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own, hoe he himself is subject to his birth;”p.1011 (he doesn’t really have a choice his duty and country will come first) He warns to stay away from him or she’ll be hurt, “Be wary then; best safety lies in fear: youth to itself rebels, though none else near.”p.1011 Ophelia (her actress played her like a party girl) agrees to listen to his advice. Polonius comes to give Laertes some advice, don’t act rash, hold old friends close be slow to embrace new ones, don’t get into fights easily but if he has to kick ass, dress nice, listen and never borrow or lend money, also be true to himself. When Laertes leaves Polonius asks Ophelia what he told her and her relationship with Hamlet. She says Hamlet loves her Polonius forbids her from seeing him and don’t believe anything he says. (why wouldn’t you want your daughter to be a queen are you trying to spare her the cost of the crown)
On the platform Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus meet as the trumpets sound and Hamlet says his uncle likes to rouse his habit, and that such a thing is better broken then goes on that his revelry looks bad on the country, (a king that constantly parties like it’s 1999 doesn’t look good) when ghost daddy appears and Hamlet calls to him. “I’ll call thee Hamlet King, father, royal Dane, O! Answer me:”p.1013 He wants to know why after they buried him he’s come back, what should they do, it beckons Hamlet to follow and he does despite Horatio and Marcellus telling him not to. When he does his friends don’t like it, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,”p.1014 so they follow after Hamlet.
Finally the ghost speaks that he is tormented and requires vengeance, “till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purg’d away.”-“Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.”p.1014 (could have told your distraught son that you love him but no give him a morally agonizing quest when he’s emotionally fragile) A most foul murder, he was sleeping in the orchard when a serpent poured poison in his ear and now wears his crown and married his queen. “If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not; let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest.”p.1014 (they’re not related by blood to each other so not technically incest) He says to leave his mom for heaven to judge and leaves Hamlet who begs him to stay and swears to remember and go through with the request, “that one may smile, and smile, and be a villain:”p.1015 (why is Shakespeare so damn quotable) Swearing to kill his uncle his friends find him but Hamlet only tells them what happened if they won’t say anything and swear on their swords even though he may act crazy not to reveal anything. They do after the ghost shouts from the ground to swear (he’s in the ground so is he in hell) and Hamlet bemoans his responsibility. “The time is out of joint; o cursed spite, that I was ever born to set it right!”p.1016
In Polonius’s house Polonius gives Reynaldo money and letters to give his son also to spy on him and gives him instructions on how to and sends him off. (helicopter parent much) Ophelia then comes in, she’s frightened because Hamlet came in her chambers disheveled, grabbed her, stared at her then let her go and left. (like he agonized over having to leave her) Polonius decides to talk to the king about it since Hamlet must be in love and will do something desperate and Ophelia says she refused him and Polonius thinks that rejection made him crazy.
King Claudius and Queen Gertrude meet Rosencrantz (I also played him changed his name to Rose) and Guildenstern and the king summoned them because of Hamlet’s behavior, unable to recover from his father’s death, what else could it be, so they’re here to make him happy. (did you try therapy) They agree to and the queen has them go get Hamlet. Polonius then enters announcing the ambassadors have returned Voltim and Cornelius. Voltim says the new king of Norway told his nephew not to make war with the Danes but Poland instead, Fortinbras agreed to as long as he can cross his army through Denmark and Claudius is relieved he avoided war. (…you’re a dumbass) Voltim and Cornelius leave and Polonius tells them Hamlet is crazy, pity but true, they need to find the reason. (he’s not taking his father’s death well you people are dense idiots)
He acted crazy with his daughter after she rejected him, he gives the queen Hamlet’s love notes. They plan to prove it by his hiding behind a curtain as Hamlet walks through the lobby and plant Ophelia to see if he’s really crazy for her. The queen notices Hamlet is reading and walking and the leave while Polonius stays to talk to him. Hamlet acts crazy calling Polonius a fish monger but Polonius notices his words are barbs.
When Polonius leaves Rosencrantz and Guildenstern enter and greet Hamlet and Hamlet asks why they came. Rosencrantz says they came to visit him nothing else (sure) Hamlet thanks them but knows the king and queen sent them because he’s depressed. Rosencrantz turns the conversation to the visiting actors, “He that plays the king shall be welcome; his majesty shall have tribute of me;”p.1021 Hamlet asks questions about them then tells his friends they are welcome to stay and he also only pretends to be crazy to fool his uncle-father and aunt-mother. (don’t word it like that)
Polonius enters announcing the actors arrival and Hamlet wants one of them to give a speech of the fall of Troy. (symbolism) Polonius assures they are the best actors as they enter Hamlet welcomes them very enthusiastically and praises the speech one gave and recites Priam’s slaughter and one player continues it. (symbolism) Polonius complains it’s too long, Hamlet gets them to recite more and Polonius begs not to. Hamlet allows him to leave with the players and yells for them to play the Murder of Gonzago (symbolism) and he’ll write a speech for them. (is Hamlet a theater nerd he is dramatic enough) When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern leave him Hamlet soliloquys of his plan to reveal his uncle in the play but he can’t say anything about it, “Am I a coward? Who calls me villain?”p.1023 For his father he must get revenge, have the players act out his father’s murder on front of is uncle to reveal himself. “the play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.”p.1024 (check out the Star Trek episode The Conscience of the King it is one of the best of TOS)
In a room Claudius, the queen, Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are discussing Hamlet’s behavior. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern haven’t found a reason for his depression (his dad died) but he did seem excited about the actors (not for the reason you think) and the king sends them to find out more. Now they plan to set Ophelia to see Hamlet’s reaction and they leave as Hamlet is coming. He’s soliloquizing again, “to be, or not to be: that is the question:”p.1024 Is it nobler to kill himself after the act, then he sees Ophelia, she wants to return his letters but he didn’t send them and that he did love her once. He tells her to join a nunnery then breed sinners and it would be better had he not been born and lists his faults. (get over yourself) He asks about Polonius, “Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the fool nowhere but in’s own hoiuse.”p.1025
He leaves and Ophelia prays he’ll be restored and woe is her, “to have seen what I have seen, see what I see!”p.1025 (girl there’s so much worse) The king and Polonius reenter and Claudius says he’s not crazy from love, it wasn’t in his speech. There’s danger in it, they have to prevent it by sending him to England, maybe the change will get him over his depression. Polonius thinks the origin is from neglected love and has Ophelia tell him what he said to her, the king thinks he needs to be watched closely.
In the castle Hamlet is discussing with the actors playing them up with praise and how to act their roles he gave them. Polonius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come and Hamlet has them hurry the actors to the stage. Horatio comes and Hamlet is so happy to see him he expresses his  affection for his qualities and asks him to observe his uncle during the play. The king and queen and others enter and Hamlet talks nonsense and asks Ophelia if he can lie in her lap. The actors enter the stage and act out the prologue of a murderer killing the king and seducing his wife, Hamlet calls the play the Mouse-Trap. (not the one by Agatha Christie) The actor nephew enters the stage revealing he is the one to kill the king by pouring poison in his ear. Claudius leaves the play and the rest follow and Hamlet takes it as a sign and Horatio also noticed how he acted.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern come back and Hamlet talks nonsense, they tell him his mother wants to talk to him. Rosencrantz says his behavior has struck her and asks what’s the cause of it (gee what could have happened recently) Hamlet doesn’t answer. The actors come with their recorders and Hamlet accuses Rosencrantz of playing him like a flute, “Call me what instrument you, will, though you can fret me, you cannot play upon me.”p.1030 (bitch I will play you like the cheap kazoo that you are) Polonius comes to take Hamlet to the queen and Hamlet steels himself to talk to her. “let me be cruel, not unnatural; I will speak daggers to her, but use none;”p.1030 (you know it’s bad when you have to tell yourself not to stab your mom)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are talking to the king, “I like him not, nor stands it safe with us to let his madness range.”p.1030 So he’s sending them to England with Hamlet. Polonius comes after they leave to inform him Hamlet is going to see his mother and he’ll spy on them. Now, alone, Claudius starts talking about his crime and guilt over murdering his brother, then starts to pray. Hamlet comes by and tells himself he can’t kill him while he’s praying because he’ll just be sent to heaven. (yeah don’t want another Canterbury incident) “that would be scann’d: a villain kills my father; and for that, I his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven.”p.1031 But it turns out Claudius didn’t mean those prayers. (then what was the point to show how bad he is)
In the Queen’s room Gertrude has Polonius hide behind a curtain as Hamlet comes in. She tells him he offended his father Hamlet says she did, he doesn’t like that se married his uncle. She fears he’ll kill her and Polonius starts calling for help and Hamlet starts stabbing him behind the curtain. Polonius dies and Gertrude calls it awful, Hamlet says its not as bad as killing the king and marrying his brother. Hamlet then sees its not Claudius but mostly innocent Polonius. (we had Claudius and Polonius be played by the same person and this was the joke H: I thought that was Claudius they just look so much alike) Hamlet then torments his mother showing her pictures of Hamlet and Claudius, does she have eyes and he soliloquys and Gertrude begs him to stop. (please stop monologuing) “Nay but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love over the nasty sty,-“p.1033 She begs him to stop and he keeps berating her.
Ghost daddy enters and Hamlet starts talking to him and Gertrude calls him mad and ghost daddy tells him to talk to her. She asks what he’s looking at and Hamlet asks if she sees anything, she doesn’t see or hear anything. He tells her to look at his father as it disappears then Hamlet tells her he was only pretending to be crazy (yeah talking to no one isn’t helping your case) don’t tell Claudius, also don’t have sex with him. (cause it’s super gross) Then he points to Polonius’s corpse and says heaven punished him with this, “I must be cruel only to be kind: thus bad begins and worse remains behind.”p.1033 He has to go to England with his school friends, “whom I will trust as I will adders fang’d,”p.1034 They’ll be hoisted on their own petards and he tells his mother goodnight as he drags away the body.
Claudius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are talking but Gertrude has them go away so she can talk to him alone. Gertrude tells him Hamlet is crazy and killed Polonius and Claudius believes he’s a threat to them all, how can they handle it without causing nationwide scandal. He tells Gertrude Hamlet must be sent to England while they cover it up. (well they are rich enough to get away with it) He calls Rosencrantz and Guildenstern back and tells them what happened.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern find Hamlet and ask him where the body is and Hamlet won’t tell them. He does round a bout saying he can’t trust them since they’re spies for Claudius and warns them, “when he needs what you have gleaned, it is but squeezing you,”p.1035 Rosencrantz says he doesn’t understand.
The king tells his attendants he sent people to find the body, Hamlet is dangerous but they can’t put the law on him. (take note royalty are apparently exempt from murder) Rosencrantz enters saying Hamlet won’t tell them where he hid the body. Guildenstern brings Hamlet who says Polonius is at supper with the worms. “we fat all creatures else to fat us, and fat ourselves for maggots:”p.1035 (The Worms Crawl In The Worms Crawl Out~) Finally tells him he’s hidden under  the stairs, the king sends people for it. He tells Hamlet he must leave for England at once, when he goes Claudius tells Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to follow, make sure he gets on board. With them gone Claudius hopes England will obey the sealed letters ordering Hamlet’s execution.
In a plain in Denmark Fortinbras tells is captain to inform the king they are moving through Denmark as agreed upon. (see Fortinbras is what we call a foil like Hamlet he’s a prince, named after his father, father was killed, but instead of being like Hamlet dicking around he gets shit done) Meanwhile Hamlet and his friends notice the army and the captain runs into them and tells them the army is to fight Poland. “we go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.”p.1036 Hamlet marvels at so many people dying for little cause, (wonder what he’d think of modern events) he parts from them and soliloquys again (Shut up, Hamlet!) about his revenge giving him little gain.
In the castle Gertrude and Horatio are talking to a gentleman, Ophelia isn’t taking her father’s death well. The gentleman comes back with Ophelia who’s singing about her father being dead and gone. The king comes in and she’s still talking and singing nonsense and when she walks away he orders Horatio to follow her. Then he tells Gertrude, “when sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions.”p.1037 Polonius dies, Ophelia went mad the people are suspicious and Laertes secretly sailed back. There’s a noise and the gentleman warns Laertes is coming with a mob of commoners calling for him to be king. Laertes breaks down the door calling for the king to give him his father, wanting revenge. Claudius admits he’s dead and Gertrude says he didn’t do it. (well…)
Ophelia reenters and when Laertes sees her state he’s enraged, Ophelia sings and passes around flowers. “there’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember, and there is pansies, that’s for thoughts.”-“there’s fennel for you, and columbines; there’s rue for you; and here’s some for me;”-“There’s a daisy; I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died.”p.1038 (I’m not going to list all the flower meanings but there’s a theory that Ophelia went crazy and because of that she knows the outcome of the play and is mourning the living) Claudius is all for Laertes getting revenge as long as it’s the right person (as long as it’s not him) Laertes wants him buried with no rights and Claudius is all for it. (as long as it’s Hamlet)
In a room Horatio is talking to a servant who tells him sailors have letters for him. One gives it to him from the ambassador for England, it’s from Hamlet his ship was boarded by pirates and he was returned to Denmark. (Ho: How are you not dead? Ha: I have no idea! :D) They also have letters to the king and queen and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are still headed to England.
In another room Laertes and Claudius are talking, Laertes wants to know why he did nothing against Hamlet, because the people love him and Gertrude loves him and he couldn’t upset them. “And so have I a noble father lost; a sister driven into desperate terms,”p.1040 He will have his revenge. A messenger enters with a letter from Hamlet that he’s returned alone (C: Oh! Give me a big fat break!) and Laertes is pleased his revenge won’t be delayed. Claudius wants him to since Hamlet is jealous of Laertes swordsmanship (in the video C: You can use a sword right? L: ah…. C: You’ll be fine) he will duel him with a sharp foil. Laertes plans to poison it and if that fails Claudius will poison his drink. Just then the queen comes in with news that Ophelia just drowned in a river (Horatio you had one job) went in holding her garlands (our teacher told us to be careful a previous group for the suicide scene pulled a Good Son and the cops were called) her dress became heavy and pulled her under (the exact reason I was warned never to swim in a dress) the king has them follow Laertes fearing his rage reawakened.
In a churchyard two clowns (they are called clowns I guess because they’re comedy relief) are digging a grave talking about how the grave is for a woman and if she should be buried here since it may be suicide and they make gallows humor. Hamlet and Horatio see them as one goes off and the other is singing. The clown tosses up skulls and Hamlet wonders what they did in life and asks the clown whose grave it is, the clown says it’s his but not, it’s for a recently dead woman. The clown goes on to say he’s been a gravedigger since Hamlet killed Fortinbras and young Hamlet was born. Hamlet picks up a skull, “Alas! Poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio;”p.1043 (Yorick is what I named my cat skeleton) He was his father’s court jester, where’s his merriment now and puts it back down. “Alexander was buried, Alexander returneth into dust; the dust is earth; of earth we make loam,”p.1044 (no matter how great we were we return to the earth)
They hide when the funeral procession arrives carrying Ophelia and Hamlet sees Laertes first. It starts and when Hamlet sees Laertes mourning his sister realizes it’s for Ophelia. Gertrude spreads flowers hoping she would have been Hamlet’s wife and Laertes leaps into the grave to hug her and wants to be buried with her. (dude while dramatic that is seriously inappropriate) Hamlet leaps in and Laertes attacks him until they get out of the grave and Hamlet declares his love for Ophelia, he’d do anything for her even eat a crocodile (so I’ve eaten alligator before no great feat) and will be buried with her too. (just just stop) Gertrude calls it all madness as Hamlet leaves with Horatio and the king reminds Laertes to be patient.
In the hall Hamlet and Horatio talk Hamlet tells him how he found letters on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ordering his execution in England. So, he wrote new letters ordering their executions, he isn’t sorry fir them but for his actions to Laertes. (well you did disrespect his sister’s funeral after murdering his father) Osrice greets Hamlet then make him a fool of himself when he contradictorily agrees with whatever he says by confuses Hamlet and Horatio when he praises Laertes. A lord enters and asks Hamlet if he is ready for the duel and his mother is waiting for him, against Horatio’s warnings Hamlet agrees to the match. Hamlet says he’s ready to fall, “If it be now, ‘tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come: the readiness is all.”p.1047 (he’s just ready for it to be over)
The king, queen and Laertes enter and Hamlet apologizes to him claiming it was madness that he murdered Polonius. Laertes says he won’t forgive him unless someone advises him to. “But till that time, I do receive your offer’d love like love, and will not wrong it.”p.1048 Hamlet accepts it and they are given their foils and fight, (we used a pool noodle and pool que I was a wimpy little bitch) and Claudius claims if Hamlet wins the first hit he will drink to his health poisoning it. (the poison was Mio) Hamlet hits but refuses to drink, he hits again and Gertrude drinks from the cup before Claudius could stop her. Laertes tells himself to kill Hamlet with a poisoned sword is almost against his conscience but Hamlet goads him to continue and Laertes hits him but in the scuffle switch swords and Hamlet wounds him.
Claudius calls the match off as the queen falls and Laertes lay dying, “I an justly kill’d with mine own treachery.”p.1048 Hamlet asks about his mother and she calls she was poisoned. As Laertes dies he calls out to Hamlet that he is also dying, his sword was poisoned and so is the queen, all the king’s doing. Hamlet then stabs Claudius and makes him drink the poison, doubly dead and as Laertes dies says it’s served, “Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet: mines and my father’s death come not upon thee, nor thine on me!”p.1049 Hamlet forgives him and tells Horatio to tell his story as there was a noise outside as Fortinbras is coming. Hamlet tells Horatio to tell Fortinbras what happened and dies. “Good-night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!”p.1049 (Horatio was played gay)
Fortinbras enters the castle and asks what the hell happened and one of the ambassadors announce Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Horatio says he will tell them the story and Fortinbras sadly embraces his fortune and has his captains carry Hamlet off like a soldier, “for he was likely, had he been put on, to have prav’d most royally: and, for his passage, the soldiers’ music and the rites of war speak loudly for him.”p.1049 (I sadly never got to see our final project but as a class we did see the Mel Gibson movie)
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la-luna-es-hermosa · 5 years
Ang Halimaw - Kabanata Isa. Mahiwagang Gubat
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Translation: The Monster - Chapter One. Enchanted Forest
※ Main Masterlist ※  Ang Halimaw Masterlist ※ Time Traveller!AU || Immortal!AU || War!AU || Filipino Mythology!AU ※ Series || Genre: Smut || Angst || Adventure || Romance || Horror ※ Pairing: Kim Jongin x OC (Paula) ※ Summary: Paula, an eighteen-year-old Filipino-American girl goes back to her province after her grandmother’s death. She will go on an adventure as she tries to find the village her late grandma grew up in. In a twist of events, she never knew that she will see her grandma’s lover and fall madly in love with him. Will he save her in his peculiar world? ※ Warning: Age Gap, Dub Con, (Technically) Incest, Swearing ※ Word Count: 1930 ※ Note: I was inspired by Miss Peregrine’s Home of The Peculiar Children and I Love You Since 1892 for this one. I can’t even sleep while writing chapter four and three on this story. - I was scared shitless. 
Grandma’s stories exploring the forbidden forest always amaze Paula. I wish I could go on an adventure of my life in a place like that. Paula never really had the chance to get out of her house most of the time since she came from an immigrant family and they aren’t living in a Filipino community. People often bullied her and her sister because they live in this white majority gated community. That often left Paula in her own world. In a world where magic, time travel existed. 
She always talked about her friend Lucille and how she fell in love with the same man Lucille treasured. The love of her life. Paula listened to her attentively. She is always curious about Lucille, the woman the Jongin fell in love with. When her grandma died at the age of 100, she left her with a box. It had a framed picture of Lucille and the said Jongin in the mansion, she was wearing a white gown and he was wearing a suit and tie. They really looked like a married couple, which they were. She wished her grandma had someone else. - That’s how she got here in the first place. That is why she walked and explored it. She wants to see it.
Grandma was the one who adopted Lucille’s son with Jongin. Her uncle Delfin. “I still remember vivid memories of running with Delfin as we got out of Chalamaria. Delfin was very small at that time.” Stella told Paula.
Ah… The polluted air of Manila. It has been a while since I saw Manila. I live in the US now. Manila is a big place, yet I don’t remember it being like this. - Maybe it’s jet lag that’s making her think that way. She held tightly on my luggage. Waiting for a taxi to get me to the bus station. Her parents refused to come with her. When the taxi arrived, it was a long ride from the airport to the hotel. She opened her phone and listened to music. Ah… She always loved the music of the 50s.
When she arrived at the bus station, she doesn’t where she’s going. She got inside the bus. She opened her phone and listened to music again. She grabbed her wallet and she smiled as she was holding her grandma’s wedding picture. She can see the woman’s smile on the picture. The bus ride was longer than the taxi. Yet it gave her rest. When she sees the lush agricultural area of her country.
When the excruciatingly long bus ride was over, she immediately had a sigh of relief as she held her small luggage with her backpack. “Where is the town of Chalamaria?” She asked the people around the nearby town. “Ask the elders. Haven’t heard that name since.” The college student said. She walked more into the town. She asked more people around. People around the nearby village always told her that the enchanted forest was a dangerous place that no one should go to. - Let alone a young and untested eighteen-year-old. She couldn't care less. She just wants this Jongin to fill in the cracks in their beautiful love story. She has so many questions unanswered by my grandmother. Anxiety started rushing in her veins. Then, only one woman came in to answer her.
“Hello?” She asked an elderly woman. The woman seemed to not hear her and continued on stirring her ube halaya. - A Filipino jam made out of purple yam, milk, and sugar. The smell is very familiar as her grandma used to make it for her. The thing definitely smelled like sweet childhood memories.
“Hello?!” She said it one more time, louder. “Yes, darling?” The woman replied. “Do you know where Chalamaria is?” She asked the lady. The woman smiled bitterly, it looked like a bad memory went to her. “Yes. According to legends, Chalamaria is a town that existed 70 years ago. It was burnt by the Japanese. Everything was gone except the ruins of the big mansion. It’s filled with monsters. Nobody wants to ever go there.” She didn’t care. Those aren’t real. - She assured herself. 
The old woman continued speaking. “Women are not allowed to enter that area.” She said to Paula. “Why?” Paula was beyond curious about why she’d say that or the fact Chalamaria doesn’t exist on google maps at all. Any map she sees, no results. Sometimes she feels her grandma is lying to her. But, there is a historical text of the said town.
“I’d still go.” She said to the elder. The elder was shocked to hear what she said. "What is she thinking?" The old woman mumbled and went back to stirring her halaya. “Young people these days…” “I never saw someone as determined as her. Well, maybe this will be the last time I will see her.”
"Why?" She asked the woman. She was stopped in her tracks. "If you're a virgin, it's a bigger warning. Virgin young girls never make it alive. We even call it the virgin paradise. Because of the virgins that never leave.” The old lady continued. When she heard of that, Paula’s heart raced even more. Knowing her grandma survived Chalamaria, she can as well. Her grandma was the only virgin who did not die on the island.
“Minseok knew that Lucille doesn’t love him.” Grandma always said. She feels pity for my grandfather, but at the same time, I feel sad for my grandma who never met her lover again. It was a pity for grandma to know they were never destined to each other.
“Before I met Junmyeon, I met a man named Kim Jongin. He was handsome, he’s a Korean man living in our country during the Japanese occupation. I was with Lucille. She fell in love with him the first sight.” The story was as old as time as I would say. She always held onto her memories. Many say Jongin is dead, but she never believed it. It still can't wrap around her head why a stupid man like Jongin would leave her grandma.
“He was incredibly handsome. Even as old as I am, I still vividly remember his beautifully sculpted form, his kissable lips, golden complexion, his irresistible charm, everything about him. He’s probably dead by now. I never went back to the forest where I found him… old age as well as he never wanted me to go back.” She always tells her. Gosh, she can be an erotica writer just by the way she describes him. It's such a pity I never got to meet this man. - Paula thought.
As Lucille died, and in accordance with Stella’s wishes, she told Paula to go back to the mansion and wear the wedding dress while doing so. - Well, that's why Paula is walking in the forest in a white 40's wedding dress while wearing her grandma's pearl necklace. Given by Jongin to Stella. She truly looked like her grandma. She was just as beautiful as the former was. "The wedding dress was the dress Stella wore before letting him go. It was the dress." That was from her grandma’s words.
Her grandma never had enough time to tell her the whole story. Why did Jongin also give her things if Lucille was his true love? Why is grandma thinking of him like that if they’re only friends? There are many burning questions in Paula’s head. The story has so many holes. So many unanswered questions she wants answers. And what better way to hear that than hearing it from the man himself.
Then, that's why she packed her bags and decided over a three day Journey. Rain or shine, she walked through it all. She was always reminded by Grandma's warnings. "Do not take a picture of the house." She is literally going on a journey to nowhere. This place is closed by the government. Nobody knew of this place's existence.
As she started walking, she saw something. A ruined sign with rust and termite. “Welcome to Chalamaria.” She read the sign as she touched each letter. A faint smile appeared in her face. She furrowed her brows and opened the rusted golden gate. The town is filled with ruins. - Oh, so that’s Chalamaria, an early 1900s luxury town. - She thought to herself. She walked passed all the mansions and she saw a graffiti that said “BURN THE RICH” the graffiti seems old. 
I want to see if this Jongin is still alive. I can feel he still is even if I never met him. It’s not a jump of blood because I am not related to him. Then, while walking in the vast and beautiful landscapes, I saw something. Is this it? Is this his house? I saw the house was rotten, it looked like ruins. It has aged through time, so I took a picture of the house, admiring the beauty it has.
Even if it was old. She did that, disregarding her grandma's advice. She was curious. She looked closer at it and saw an old skeleton wearing a suit and slacks with blood like the one in the old photo her grandma told her to treasure. Is this the Jongin? She knew he'd be dead but not in this horrific way. Jongin died 80 years ago. The day Lucille got married to him. Looking at the skull, the man was hit with a missile or a bomb of some sort.
Suddenly the clouds started pushing back, like a rewind at a super-fast rate. It felt like someone was pressing the switch multiple times over and over again. The skull wearing a suit just magically disappeared. She looked at her watch and it started suddenly pushing back time. She started looking at the surroundings "What the fuck is going on?" She asked herself as the skies suddenly go back and the house almost started repairing itself. Maybe this is why her grandma always told her not to get a picture of that house. She saw her phone not being able to open.
It looked like a flipbook right in front of her eyes. She never thought she'd ever see something as beautiful as this one ever in her lifetime. She can't believe that the stories her grandmother told is true. The story that got her grandma labeled as crazy from the day she went back to the village as she started telling everyone. Everyone believed Jongin wasn't real, in fact, he is. Right here and there.
Maybe this is why no one wants to go to the enchanted forest. - She thought to herself as she slowly walked. Holding firm to her backpack, she suddenly felt something was off as she saw a gated mansion. Her grandma told many great stories about this mansion. Her adventures with Lucille. She looked at her phone about that mansion. It was supposed to be rotten, filled with leaves and it was supposed to be old. - But the mansion in front of her looked new. It looked exactly like in the pictures but new.
She decided to open the golden gate and give it a knock. “Is there anyone here?” She asked nicely. Then suddenly, someone opened the door. She was shocked to see him. A man wearing a tailored suit, looking at his Rolex. He had a beautiful golden tan complexion. He has very soft and kissable lips, beautiful almond eyes. Is he Jongin or this is a fucking joke? He's supposed to be dead by now. What the hell? - She thought to herself.
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underquail · 6 years
..... Would you be pissed if I asked you to answer every single one?
Nope! Here we go! This is gonna be a long post, so asks are under the read more
1. Who’s your favourite character from UT?
Mettaton! I’ve cosplayed him like...3 times (and won like $50 from a costume contest eyyy). Undyne is a close second.
2. Who’s your least favourite character from UT?
Uhhhhh.....doIhaveone if I had to pick I guess Jerry??
3. Your opinion about UT fandon:
All fandoms have their......issues. I don’t heavily interact with fandoms but the other cosplayers I’ve met at cons were pretty cool
4. What’s your favourite quote?
“Despite everything, it’s still you.” I’ve cross stitched it and it was on my college graduation cap.
5. What’s your favourite soundtrack?
I really love how Hopes and Dreams ties a few of the other themes into it
6. Pacifist, neutral or genocide?
Oh geez...playing the pacifist route makes me feel warm inside, but...I admit I’ve done about fifteen genocide runs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Why did you decide to play UT?
Long story short, I was having an anxiety problem and I needed a distraction. I started playing and fell in love. Since then it’s been my go to for panic attack prevention.
8. Favourite battle?
The Mettaton battle is lots of fun. I do enjoy fighting Sans, though...I’m actually better at fighting him than Undyne the Undying
9. Favourite scene?
Cooking with Undyne
10. Your first letter to Mettaton was:
Don’t remember; think I mentioned legs
11. Your reaction when you saw Omega Flowey for the first time:
12. Your headcanon about Frisk’s gender:
dfab, agender
13. Which UT character reminds you of yourself?
Alphys, no question
14. Which UT character reminds you of your best friend?
My two best friends remind of Sans and Papyrus a lil :)
15. Would you smooch a ghost?
Heck yeah
16. Which UT character would be your best friend? Why?
idk, maybe Alphs
17. Do you remember your first killed character? Who was that?
Probably a froggit
18. Did you do sth in game you regret?
naahhh. It’s just a game.
19. Which ending was your first? 
TECHNICALLY it was the hard mode end at the end of the ruins--I knew Frisk’s name from tumblr and named the fallen child that first. I then proceeded to grind since it was hard to survive. Then I reset and got the no-kill neautral ending before the pacifist end.
20. Your favourite land in UT and why: (Snowdin, Waterfall or Hotland)
Waterfall is so pretty
21. Your favourite place in UT and why: (Undyne’s house for example)
Home makes me feel fuzzy
22. Your headcanon about River person’s gender:
Irrelevant. It’s the dog on a stool under there. next.
23. Your headcanon about one of the UT characters:
Post-pacifist Alphys, with Metta’s endorsement, goes on to work more on robotics, specializing in prosthetic limbs
24. Butterscouch or cinnamon pie?
why not both?
25. Your opinion/headcanon about six human souls:
Patience lived with Toriel for at least a few months. The last of them fell a long time before Frisk did--long enough that most monsters Frisk encounters hadn’t been born/were very young when 6 fell, since many monsters don’t recognize Frisk as human.
26. With who would you go on a date?
Platonic date with Papyrus
27. Marry, fuck, kiss and kill:
Marry Undyne, fuck Mettaton, kiss Alphys......do I have to kill someone??
28. Do you wanna have a bad time?
bring it fucker
29. Your favourite UT au:
Underswap, but like...where they still retain their personalities in their new positions if you get me. e.g. Scientist Undyne isn’t a nervous wreck (meaning she’s not just Alphys) and takes an...explosive position to being a scientist
30. Your least favourite UT au:
Ehhh.....maybe Underlust? It’s kinda just over-sexualized for the sake of sexualization ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
31. Would you want to fall into underground?
32. Describe or draw your undersona:
Don’t have one
33. One reason why you love UT:
As I’ve said before it helps with my anxiety
34. One reasom why you hate UT:
I hate the cringy perception people have of it when they haven’t even tried it
35. If you could choose one type of food from UT, what would it be?
Spaghet’s my favorite food
36. Your favourite amalgamate:
37. Your headcanon about Gaster: who do you think Gaster is to Sans and Papyrus? (Father, brother, uncle etc)
I think IF he’s related he’s probably a father figure
38. Your opinion about bad puns:
I was the bane of my high school band for puns. love em
39. Do you draw fanarts from UT? If yes, then what do you like the most to draw?
If you’re reading this you probably already know I do (but I work 6 days a week so I haven’t drawn in a long time....). I like drawing Undyne a lot
40. Which of human souls fits you the most?
41. What would be the first thing you would to show to Sans, Papyrus or the rest of characters in human world? Why?
maybe a wide open park
42. Which song reminds you of UT or one of the UT characters? Why?
I thought Big Freeze by Muse fit UT enough to do a whole video for it
43. Your opinion on underloid:
Pretty cool! I have a whole playlist of it on soundcloud
44. Do you forgive Asgore for what he’s done?
45. Did you pay for Tem’s college?
heck ye
46. Have you seen any youtube letsplay of UT?
I saw Steam Train play it
47. Do you listen to any fanmade songs? If so, then which are your favourite?
not really, beyond Underloid
48. What are your favourite theories?
None come to mine rn
49. Who is your favourite enemy? (Not including boss monsters)
50. Do you have any headcanons about Chara’s past? (Why they hate humanity, why did they fell to the underground etc)
Hmmm...well, I have a few, and none of them are pleasant. Abusive parents, misgendering, and so on pushed them to run away in hopes of never returning
51. Who is your favourite dog?
Lesser Dog. him long
52. What was your reaction to true lab?
53. Your fabourite voice acting:
I like the voice they gave Paps on Steam Train
54. At the end of pacifist run did you stay with your friends or did you come back to your family?
I always stay with Toriel
55. Who is older - Sans or Papyrus?
56. Your OTP(s):
I actually like Mettalphys a lot. And Alphyne. And Mettalphyne...
57. Your NOTP(s):
I’ve just never really liked Pap/yton. Or any incest ships, or Frisk + any non-children (Fr/ans etc)
58. Your BROTP(s): 
Undyne and Papyrus
59. Your favourite puzzle:
I like the bridge puzzle where you go to the sign and it tells you that you failed
60. Which battle was the hardest for you?
Undyne the Undying. Harder than Sans for me
61. Did you still hate Flowey after you discovered his true indentity?
Nah. Doesn’t excuse what he’s done but I like him more as a character
62. The saddest moment:
Neutral route, killing just Mettaton: Undyne’s grief over Alphys’ death
63. Which ending is your favourite?
Besides pacifist, King Mettaton
64. How old do you think Frisk is?
8 or 9
65. Any post pacifist run headcanons?
My bbs are happy
66. Your favourite NPC:
I love Tem, especially having met the real Temmie Chang (she’s awesome)
67. Humans or monsters?
68. The funniest situation:
69. Skeletonfucker, robotfucker, goatfucker or kinkshaming?
r o b o t f u c k e r
70. When playing for the first time how many candies did you take?
All 4
71. Did you kill or spare Flowey at the end of the game?
Spare, though I’ve killed him sometimes
72. If you had to be one of the main characters, which would you choose?
73. If you had to kill one of the main characters which would you choose?
Well, you have to kill Asgore in every run so....yeet
74. Which character(s) would you like to cosplay?
I mentioned I’ve done Metta a few times. It’s be fun to do a casual MTT, but I’m also interested in full-armor Undyne
75. Your favourite Burgerpants’ quote?
“I’m nineteen years old and I’ve already wasted my entire life.”
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him-e · 7 years
Did last night's episode change your opinion of the Jon/Dany relationship at all? What do you think will happen between them next season? I'm not a jonerys shipper and the idea of watching a full season of them in love makes me miserable.
It mostly confirmed what I thought. There’s going to be a baby (which squicks me out for a variety of reasons, but I won’t go there for now). This doesn’t mean that next season is going to be all rainbows and unicorns for them. Surely their sexual relationship is going to take an uncomfortable turn once Jon does the maths and realizes that his biological relationship with Dany is the same he has with Ned, and he’s about to have a child from her.
It won’t be just the incest, but the political implications of his parentage. As d&d said in the inside the episode, this information is going to “complicate everything”, on a “political level and on a personal level”. Which reinforces my idea that Aegon VI’s storyline in the books hasn’t been cut completely, but split between Cersei and Jon. The golden company is going to be part of Cersei’s plot, and the “male Targaryen heir popping out of nowhere to steal Dany’s claim” narrative will be played by Jon, only that, unlike book!Aegon, he’s the real deal. 
Some kind of conflict (probably not an actual Targbowl or dance of dragons 2.0) will happen, which… I’m afraid is just one more reason for them to marry to reunite the two claims, but first we need to see how Dany takes it (she signed up for romancing one of her future vassals, NOT someone who CAN technically sit on the iron throne in his own right without her, and to whom she’d be only a queen consort if Westeros’ patriarchy still stands), and how Jon takes it, and how the Starks take it, and so on.
Anonymous said:
jon/dany would be the reverse of the jon/arya original storyline tho? cause in the outline jon and arya are tormented by their feelings until they find out they’re just cousins. jon/dany start out not knowing that they’re related and will eventually find out they’re related. why would they still want to be together? what would then make their dynamic any different than jaime and cersei’s if they still wanna bone knowing they’re related lol
yes, it would be the reverse of the original jonrya romance, which is a separate trope from ~not blood siblings~, but still related and not uncommon in romantic literature. Also worth clarifying that:
while sibcest is definitely considered an abomination in Westeros, avunculate (second degree of consanguinity) and cousin (third degree of consanguinity) marriages are not frowned upon the same way, and definitely legal. We have examples of avunculate marriages in house Stark (two of Cregar Stark’s sons, Jonnel and Edric, married their nieces, respectively Sansa and Serena Stark), and house Targaryen (Rhaenyra and her uncle Daemon Targaryen).
jaime and cersei’s dynamic is toxic for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to the incest, that in their case started at a young age, when they were living in the same household, and continued to affect their development and their entire adult life.
I don’t really get the sense that asoiaf has a SUPER strong stance against incest, to be honest. Yes, one the one hand you have jaime and cersei, on the other hand… the main heroine is a direct product of incest, the main hero is a also a product of incest on his biological father’s side, and the other main hero’s parents were cousins, and I surely don’t expect the incestuous aspect in JxD to be portrayed as toxic or morbid, but bittersweet and tragic. And of course, for all that house Targaryen is criticized and often presented in an appropriately bad light within the text, it’s not entirely villainized either—it’s still a powerful, borderline magical dynasty of prophesied heroes, so in a sense, the text almost justifies the need to ~~keep the blood pure~~.
Anonymous said:
The truth is easier for me to ship tyrion and dany than ship jon and dany, cause I loved the scene when dany gives tyrion the pin and other scenes between them but I haven’t feeling the scenes between jon and dany, I mean, was it that hard to at least kiss instead of going to the full boat sex?
Anonymous said:
Im glad im not the only one who didnt care for the boat sex. But like their entire build up this season, it was rushed. Meanwhile they dedicated a large chunk of an episode to greyworm and missendei sex which was nice but still. I wouldve like to have seen who made the first move. What their first kiss was like. How they even got to the bed. It like the door shut and then boom their naked lol. Also the narration with Bran ugh. Do they really think we need to be spoon fed this at this point?
I thought the boatsex was okay but somewhat underwhelming, both compared to how the leaks described it and to what I personally expected. It lacked build up, yes, like most of this storyline—most of the storylines in this season, actually. Bran’s voiceover made the whole thing kind of awkward rather than hot (who doesn’t want your younger brother talk over you while you’re fucking?). 
And the lack of a proper kiss scene is strange and anticlimatic. Kiss scenes are more important than sex scenes in fictional romances! And Jon and Dany didn’t get one! Why on earth? They had the perfect opportunity in the first boat scene, the one right after viserion’s death when Dany is comforting an injured Jon. They could have easily slipped a kiss in there, yet they went for that ridiculous “thank you dany” dialogue.
I still don’t want to read too much into this, because at this point I no longer expect any surprising twists from the show’s narrative, but I understand why people are buying into the ~undercover jon~ spec. Jon knocking on Dany’s door with the specific intent of making love to her (as opposed to the sex scene stemming naturally from a passionate kiss, for example) CAN give the impression of a stilted, calculated gesture on his part. 
Again, I don’t believe that’s the case (I’m much more inclined to blame the writing, as it’s not uncommon for male writers to use proper build up/slow burn only to a certain point and then squander it all with a perfunctory sex scene because they are under the impression that once the mutually romantic feelings are revealed to the audience there’s no need to ~waste anymore time~, which, ugh), but I get why it can come across this way. They had every opportunity to make it different, but they chose to film it this way, so it’s on them. In addition, the whole final episode was riddled with a ton of subtext about lying and even Jon’s reaction to being accused (by the whole dragonpit meeting team) and praised (by Theon) for telling the truth felt like he was hiding something. Also, his pouty “everybody tells me I’m too much like my father!” is kind of hilarious in hindsight, because his biological father was absolutely the type of man who’d initiate an affair with a woman if he believed it was necessary to save the world.
I believe Jon’s feelings for Dany are REAL, just like they were for Ygritte, buuuut that isn’t necessarily at odds with his having a second agenda about it. A second agenda that is in plain sight, he needs Dany and her dragons on his side, and he needs her to WANT to fight for the North, EVEN if that means forsaking the iron throne in the south, which a simple political alliance wouldn’t guarantee. The fact that he’s really falling for her is SUPER CONVENIENT, but that’s a systemic problem in Jon’s narrative, as especially in the show he’s hardly ever forced to make TRULY difficult or morally compromising choices.
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MentalMasochism Reviews: Vampire Knight - Anime
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I’ll be combining Vampire Knight and its second season, Vampire Knight Guilty, into the same review. Oh boy, vampires? School? Romance? What more could we want?! We follow Yuki Cross, who is a guardian at Cross Academy, a school dedicated to trying to build peace between vampires and humans….by not telling the humans that vampires even exist, we’re just letting them think these beautiful and highly intelligent people are just not allowed to associate with the “Day Class” because why? Who knows! What matters is that they’re taking classes in the same building, at different times! Yuki and her fellow guardian, Zero Kiryu ensure the peace between classes. Yuki is a human girl that is plagued by severe PTSD from her first memory, that of a terrible vampire going to eat her, but thankfully she was saved by the president of the Moon Class (the vamps), Kaname Kuran. What she doesn’t know is that Zero is going to devolve into a  Level E Vampire, which basically means he’s a mindless vampire out for human blood. Don’t worry, he’s fine. He starts off drinking her blood, and then Kaname offers his blood to him with the stipulation that Zero must “never betray” Yuki...Oooh, the plot thickens! Too bad we never entirely see what he means by that, unless he’s referring to the season 2 finale?? Oh well, at least you know he’ll never betray her!
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Honestly, I considered Zero and his whole “cursed twins” arc with Ichiru and Hiou Shizuka, the Pureblood who killed his family and turned him into a vampire, the be one of the most infuriatingly dull aspects of the entire anime. I get that he’s oh so tortured, but for god’s sake, you don’t have to be a complete wimp about it! Anyway, yes, the vampire that killed Zero’s family shows up in the first season. Don’t worry, she dies by Kaname’s hand after getting shot by Zero’s anti-vampire gun. It was incredibly boring, and I spent the entire time wishing it to end. Seriously, I was rather hoping he’d pull the trigger in this scene from one of the very early episodes. Please dude, put us both out of the misery…
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Yuki is constantly left in the dark about everything, from both Kaname and Zero, and she’s basically just left blaming herself for being the weak one. No, not really. You’re by no means strong, but it’s not your fault that they refuse to let you get involved in anything. So I’m going to have to say that I much more support Kaname and Yuki as a couple--
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Well s@#%…..Even still, they make a better couple-- and oh, what’s that, Kaname?
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Well cool, they’re not even real siblings, so you’re going to explain that to her, right, Kaname?
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No? Okay….just use your non-human status as a way to say that “incest” is totally accepted. Seriously, why can’t you just explain how it’s acceptable so that I don’t feel weird about supporting them as a couple?
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Whelp, this is an odd place to be, but yeah, looks like I’m supporting weird vampire-non-incest-maybe?
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Well god@#$%it… Moving on!
The interactions between the two has its own level of annoying, neither of them want to be straight with each other. Okay, technically not entirely true, I consider Kaname far more upfront with his feelings than Yuki is, even if he hides a whole lot of things from her, and is actually pretty manipulative. Huh...now that I think about it, all three of them are kind of awkward… Still though, vampire-non-incest-that-actually-kinda-is-incest all the way!
To back up a bit, before the whole incest-non-incest thing, Yuki starts getting weird visions of blood, blood everywhere! She begs Kaname to tell her their connection, to which he agrees, if she becomes his lover. Sweet, the couple is finally together guys! Her visions get worse, and all attempts to remember her past just cause her migraines and more sleeplessness. Zero’s brother also shows up, this time with Lord Rido by his side, the uncle to Kaname. Their relationship is tense to say the least...
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After much torment, Yuki is losing it, and Kaname decides to finally “awaken” her. Which is when we learned that they are siblings-but-not-but-still-related. Zero is of course pissed, and Rido sits in the corner rubbing his hands together evilly. This is actually probably one of my favorite scenes in the anime, and was what drew me in when I was looking around for something to watch.
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A particularly irksome part nearing the end of the second season is how Zero decides to absolutely despise Yuki. She spends her time feeling like she’s been deceiving him (again, not her fault/choice nor did she even know, so why she’s blaming herself AGAIN is beyond me) while he spends his time basically just crying and feeling sorry for himself, because he is a vampire and a vampire hunter, and wants to kill all of them, which now includes her as well, because she is a pureblood vampire… because so much for the whole “coexist” mentality which was the entire point of the school in the first place.
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Anyway, Rido wakes up with the help from Kaname’s blood, that was willingly given in hopes to finally destroy him once and for all. Yuki runs around, constantly ignoring Kaname, who pretty much just want to keep her safely out of the fighting. Kaname AND Zero’s master, Yagari, both tell him to stop being such a baby, and he is informed that Kaname’s entire intention for everything he did for him was so that he could become the ultimate Vampire Hunter, and destroy Rido, something he has been unable to do because he is the progenitor of the Kurans.
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Yuki decides to be a complete moron and lead herself and her vampire protectors into danger by going to take Rido head on. It quite obviously doesn’t work, and why she thought she could manage this, being such a newly awakened vampire is beyond me. Her Artemis Rod weapon finally proves useful (seriously, it has been completely worthless up until now) and she gets all of the baby vampires to run away. She’s promptly restrained, like an idiot, and things are looking tense, but don’t worry, they’re fine. Zero kills Rido with his transformed anti-vampire weapon, Bloody Rose. Kaname also destroys the entire governing body of the vampire world.
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Then Zero does probably the most jerk move, and demands that Yuki drink his blood, just to prove that she is indeed a vampire. Her being a vampire allows him to have a clear conscious about promising to kill her next time they meet? But he literally forces her to admit that she can’t be anything but his enemy. That aside, Yuki decides to leave the school with Kaname. Which just leaves a massive amount of dead bodies and devastation that the Headmaster gets to explain to the remaining student body, who all stayed in the auditorium during the entirety of the epic fights….
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Bottom line: This isn’t a terrible anime, per se. I think possibly my biggest complaint could also be seen as a praise too, and that is-- this anime doesn’t really focus on the romance quite as much as I expected. Which is good and bad. Considering that Yuki and Kaname essentially end up together in the end, I rather wished to be able to see more of their relationship. I understand that she considered him above her and out of her reach, but by the time they did get together, everything felt really rushed, so there wasn’t a chance for their relationship to develop further. While I like romance in moderation, this is actually a case of where it was too much on the back burner. There are plenty of times where they could have expanded on certain scenes to show more of their relationship, and I would have rather watch more growth between those two characters than to watch some of the other subplots. It’s made very clear that Kaname loves Yuki more than anything, and he even has a touching scene toward the end where he apologizes for how he has hurt her. So, since this anime clearly leaves things unfinished, and I have no interest in reading a manga to tie up the loose ends, I guess I’ll just have to fantasize about how wonderful marriage life must be for Yuki and Kaname.
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bewitchthequeen · 7 years
Caleo Makes Me Cringe And Here’s Why
Yet another Heroes of Olympus anti list for your asses so prepare your butts because I’m about to blow ‘em clean off.
Note: Usually things apply. If you like Caleo and don’t care to hear counter opinions and that makes you aggressive and mean then this isn’t something you’re interested in, I’m going to have to ask you to move along :D I’m entitled to my opinions as you are yours. Any aggression targeted at me because I don’t ship what you ship will be treated with demeaning responses
You have been warned
Side Note: I have nothing but love for Rick Riordan, these are solely my opinions, which I’m entitled to have.
If you have anything to include, feel free to add your own thoughts.
I’m putting this under a Read More so people who don’t want to see this doesn’t have to.
1. To the people who say that Caleo is the best ship because “it’s not incest”. You are wrong. Calypso is Atlas’ daughter, Leo is Hephaestus’ son.  In Riordan verse, Atlas is Iapetus’ son, Iapetus is Kronos/Cronus’ brother, Kronos/Cronus is Zeus and Hera’s father, Hera is Hephaestus’ mother (and in some myths Zeus is his “biological” dad but we’ll ignore this for the riordan verse). If you’re using the incest card, it’s still incest as all gods and titans are related in some way as they all came from Gaea in some way, shape, or form. So kissing cousins apply here and that makes your argument invalid. Claiming it’s the only “healthy” or not gross ship is a lie or you could go along with Rick and his “genetics are a human thing”. The choice is yours.
2. They started out hating each other but skipped the whole tolerating/friendship stage and basically went straight into romance which doesn’t work for the short amount of time they were together. It was a weak build up and even now Leo looks like a lovestruck little boy while Calypso seems to be rather aloof and disengaged from the relationship. Kind of like now that people are around to see them she doesn’t want to be seen romantically with him? At least, that’s how it looks to me. This is my perception.
3. Calypso seems very angry still and I feel like it would be better for her to work on that solo rather than be in a relationship where she needs to kind of take it a lot slower than she would if she was alone. She has to take another person’s feelings into account so that’s not the best for someone with so much pent up anger. Take it from someone who has had something like that.
4. What would have been a more powerful story line for both of them would have been Leo realizing he doesn’t need to be in a relationship to feel validated and cared for. That being the 7th wheel isn’t a bad thing unless you perceive it that way. It’s a flaw with most books like this and young adult books. All the main characters simply have to be in a relationship. It seems like it’s a must and it’s not. A fair amount of people go through high school without dating. I had two boyfriends, one that lasted for a month (and he gave me fucking panic attacks) and then one that lasted about six months (before a tragedy), but I had friends who had been dating their S.O. since freshman year, some who chewed through boyfriends like no tomorrow, some who didn’t want to date, and some who just never dated. For what seems to be every young adult book ever, there are couples even if feelings don’t bloom until the very end of the book. So imagine my disappointment at how unrealistic these are becoming? It seems literally everyone in PJO/HoO/ToA are in a relationship even background and minor characters. I feel like it’s because people suspect this out of Rick now, and it makes me feel bad that he feels he needs to pair everyone up. I can’t imagine how stressful that must be. He shouldn’t have to do that. There’s this wonderful thing called fan fiction; you can read it, write it, and explore it. You don’t need to make that poor man feels like everyone needs to be in a relationship. It has negative affects/effects on people that age who reads them because then they feel like they need to be in a relationship to feel validated (like Leo) and could possibly end up in a bad relationship or feel like there’s something wrong with them for not being in one.
5. For Calypso because #4 was so long. Calypso’s story would have been a lot more powerful had she learned to love herself and the boat come for her. It would have been a real strong hit like “You don’t need someone to save you” and “You can save yourself” and self love promotion. (Honestly, both of their storylines could have done that but those opportunities were missed unless it gets horrendously retconned). In this day and age, I definitely feel like promoting self love is more powerful than Caleo unless you’re looking at it through rose colored glasses, like most shippers do. I’m guilty of this myself. I love Leo and I love Calypso, I just feel like there was a missed opportunity here.
6. Leo saving Calypso kind of made Percy look bad. This is a no-no. Making one character look bad for a relationship is a no-no. Percy usually keeps his promises. The only one I’ve seen him not keep was Bianca and even then I’m not 100% that was a promise? I don’t know. I just don’t like that Percy just “forgot” and basically made him like the other heroes that landed on Calypso’s island. I’m confident that’s not something that Percy would just “forget” but whatever. There’s a lot with HoO that I don’t like when it comes to Percy but that’s a post for another time.
7. Okay this is just because I seen a post from a pro caleo blog (and I’m not going to tag cause I don’t want to start a fight since this is a personal opinion and they made it clear they’re going to “defend caleo till they die”. I’m not trying to talk anyone out of anything. I’m stating my opinions, but claiming things about other ships without acknowledging your own ships faults is a no-no. (that’s the reasoning for the first reason on here). Here’s my defense (despite the fact I don’t really ship any of the canon ships but unfair attacks are unfair attacks) alright so here we go.      a. “ Percabeth = Incest.” See #1 because Caleo is also incest and I explained it above making this a useless excuse to ship Caleo.      b. “Tysella = Furry.” Okay, but Ella is a harpy and Tyson is a cyclopes. I don’t understand why furry is being claimed here but okay. You’re entitled to your opinion, but harpies were never considered animals as they are mythical creatures and I, personally, don’t include mythical creatures as furries but aiight. Furries have fur, not feathers. I haven’t seen any furries/fursonas with feathers. If I’m wrong all I ask is that you prove it without being vulgar.       c. “Grover/Juniper = Furry” Okay. Grover is a satyr which doesn’t really strike me as Furry since it’s humanoid, same with Ella, so it’s not furry as furry are completely animals? And anyways Juniper is basically a fucking nature spirit? It’s basically similar to how a dog likes rolling around in the grass? Whatever though       d. “Jason and Piper = Incest” again so is Caleo. skip Frank and Hazel because nothing was really said on this.       e. “Paul and Sally = Sally’s probably traumatized by Gabe beating the shit out of her” Okay, what does that have to do with Paul and Sally? That’s completely irrelevant to Paul and Sally’s relationship especially since there’s no hint at Paul being abusive to Sally? Sure, Sally is probably traumatized, but I would think she’s working through that since she seems to have a functioning relationship. But what does Sally’s trauma have to do with Paul? Weak excuse.       f. “Solangelo = Not only is Nico 85 while Will 14 but he’s possessive etc, etc”. Okay, but Nico is technically 14 himself? I mean, yes, he was born way back, but if we’re looking at age here Calypso is thousands of years older than Leo. And with possessive, I’m pretty sure Leo got mad at Percy about Calypso and was even kind of mad/jealous of Jason while he was trapped on the island because of Calypso not being interested in him and basically calling him scrawny or something like that. And Nico is in the body of a fourteen year old, he has the mind of a fourteen year old. He is a fourteen year old. He is in the mental state of a fourteen year old. Do you know how unsettling that would be if he dated someone “his own age”? His growth, mentally and physically, have been stunted thanks to the Lotus Hotel, so Nico di Angelo is a fucking fourteen year old. Let’s be clear that I don’t ship Solangelo, but after the shit that kid has been through he deserves to be happy. He lost all of his family, was forcibly outed by his sexuality by an asshole god, went through Tartarus by himself, and had to deal with feeling lost in a world that he didn’t feel accept him even among his peers/the people who should have understood him the most. If anyone deserves to be happy. It’s him. Fucking drop it.       g. “Chris/Clarisse” we’re back at incest and I’m back at Caleo being incest.       h. “Charles and Selena” again with incest because their parents are married. Atlas is Hephaestus’ great uncle so that’s seriously your kid dating your cousin. But Caleo isn’t creepy or incest. Okay thanks. Beckendorf and Silena are a ship that I actually enjoyed because they gave a shit about each other and loved each other despite parentage and then they died and it broke my heart. Honestly, if you find this creepy, a mother and daughter dated a police officer and his son in the Scream TV Series. That I found weird especially since that was all biological. Rick already said that genetics and gods aren’t a thing. The fact that I’m saying this more that once is exhausting. Just because your parents are married doesn’t mean it’s incest. To make this less creepy, Hephaestus and Aphrodite never had children and it’s a bullshit marriage anyways so. Whatever.
Honestly, if you’re going to be biased, at least know your facts. 
That’s all I got now, feel free to start a discussion.
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