#is it an AU where Padmé and Anakin died but the Jedi Order survived?
obiwanobi · 2 years
Don't know the context of it, but imagine Luke and Leia being raised in the Temple and both wanting to be Obi-Wan's padawan and Obi-Wan being incapable of choosing between them, so the three of them go to the Council with the most pleading look on their faces and promise to be nice so can they please both be Uncle Obi-Wan's padawans 🥺
The Council isn't too thrilled about it but they're twins, so they could probably bend the rules a lit—
The two excited screams that follow almost make Master Yoda fall from his chair.
"UNCLE OBI did you hear?" Luke asks, tugging on Obi-Wan's robe as if he hasn't been there the whole time. "You're our master now! BOTH of us!"
Leia doesn't even notice that her brother is talking, moving her little arms excitingly. "I can't wait to tell Ezra, he said that it was stupid and the council would never accept but what does he know, the laserbrain isn't even—"
"Uncle Obi do we have to call you Master now? Master Uncle? I know you prefer that we call you Obi-Wan but I think Master Obi is so much cooler—"
"Remember that you asked for this, Obi-Wan," Mace Windu says and Obi-Wan is almost certain he's smiling a bit too much not to be teasing, but Luke is already climbing in his arms to make sure Obi-Wan is listening to him and Leia is halfway out of the room already talking about her padawan braid, so he doesn't really have time to think about it.
He has a feeling he won't have time for anything else except his padawans for quite some time now.
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tennessoui · 4 months
wait lol au where post-war, the jedi order does a date auction a la every cliche ever where they auction off a date night with one of their jedi generals. it's supposed to raise credits for various post-war charities as well as stoke good feelings about the order (the smear campaign was pretty effective, even if sidious died before the genocide bit)
obviously both the hero with no fear and the negotiator are put on the metaphorical chopping block. anakin is a Good Husband™️ so he clears this with Padmé first, and she laughs and agrees and wishes him luck in surviving the hoards of fans that desire him carnally. she says as a senator, she will be expected to attend and maybe even bid. they both agree that it would be way too obvious for their super secret marriage if she bids on anakin, and anakin asks her to bid on obi-wan in a spur of the moment thing.
it's just. obi-wan was really hurt aboard the invisible hand and then he was hurt again when fighting with grievous. and is anyone vetting these random people who will get to go on a date with the jedi? anyone could win!! a disgruntled separatist could win obi-wan's attention for a night and then take him on a date and then kill him!!!! under anakin's very nose!!!
anakin actually gets like. super concerned about this possibility. like super concerned. he gets padmé to promise that she will bid however much it takes to win obi-wan's hand (she is after all generationally wealthy) and she agrees because she loves him and then also follows through because she's a woman of her word.
anakin gets bid on by several people, one woman wins, it's whatever, anakin doesn't care. what anakin cares about is making sure he and this person can go to the same restaurant as obi-wan and padmé. just like. to make sure obi-wan is alright. he was looking quite flushed during the bidding? anakin is Concerned.
and anakin's poor date, who paid millions of credits for his attention, has to deal with an anakin who is obsessed with what's happening a table over and why are they laughing and are their knees touching beneath the table and maybe anakin should go over and like? break it up? his master is obviously a bit uncomfortable in all this candlelight. he looks beautiful, obviously, but he's clearly uncomfortable and he would feel better if anakin were there. obviously.
and anakin's poor date ALSO has to deal with meeting obi-wan kenobi after/during dinner because anakin can't keep in his lane, and general kenobi is downright hostile and cold to her because he's feeling incredibly overprotective at the thought of anakin having to spend time with some woman who bought him. as if he were a slave again.
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sonoftatooine · 3 years
Whumptober 2021
Characters: Padmé Amidala, Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker, Sheev Palpatine
Warnings: Brainwashing, abuse, manipulation
Summary: Prequel to my second Winter Soldier AU that I started writing for Whumpay, here and here. Founder of the Rebel Alliance Padmé Amidala struggles with the loss of her husband, whom everyone, now including her young daughter, believes to have died in Order 66. Meanwhile, the Emperor has some unsettling news for his apprentice, Darth Vader.
Hope this one's worth the wait because it took me way longer than I expected to finish this ha
Across the Galaxy, the eighth Empire Day was being celebrated far and wide, but deep into the night in the Rebel base on Dantooine, the mood was far more sombre. Sequestered in her private bunk, away from the crowds mourning the anniversary of the Republic’s demise, Padmé Amidala sat weeping over an old, worn Jedi robe, mourning the anniversary of her husband’s disappearance. She had been holding the tears in all day, trying to put on a brave face for the people who depended on her—for the others in the Alliance, for her beloved Luke and Leia who should not have to bear the burden of her misery—but now that she was alone, she could no longer stop them. They came in floods, in torrents, and not even the realisation that she was staining Anakin’s cloak—the last thing she had of him, save for the japor snippet she always wore about her neck and the bright smiles of their two children, snatched during her forced flight from Coruscant all those years ago—with her crying was enough to dry them up. Anakin, oh Anakin. How she longed to have him beside her. For a sign—any single, solitary sign that he was alive, and safe.
But the years had stretched by, and that sign that she had been hoping for with all her heart had not come.
Eight years. Eight years since the Empire had risen from the corpse of the Republic, and her husband had been counted among the dead of Order 66. Eight years since Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and everyone who had known him had given up hope of him having survived the encounter with Darth Sidious that they could only presume must have occurred. But not her. She had feared it sometimes, in her darker moments, but she had never truly believed it. How could she? Anakin and she had been—were—two halves of a whole. Even with how withdrawn and...different he had become in the days leading up to his disappearance, how far he had been starting to pull away from her and all those who cared for him, she would know if he— She would feel it, even without the aid of the Force that her Jedi friends had the benefit of, deep in her bones. She would know if he had died. And besides, there was no real evidence that he had been—that he had been— No body, no witnesses. Only a few snapped Force bonds and the fact that nobody knew where he was. While that seemed to be enough to convince all the remaining Jedi she knew, it wasn’t enough for her. She wouldn't believe it. She refused to believe it.
But not believing it didn’t make the absence of him hurt any less keenly.
Padmé sniffled, a fresh wave of tears trickling down her cheeks. It always hurt this time of year, remembering everything that she had lost. It hurt everyone in the Alliance—the birth of the Empire had had so many casualties. She had been feeling it—badly—for a while now, and nothing had really made it better, save perhaps for the bright company of her children when they were at their happiest. Missions left her feeling sore and bruised in her heart as well as her body—how could they not when the institution that had ripped both her family and her life's work apart marched inexorably on no matter what they did, as if they were nothing more than annoying bugs that barely warranted swatting? The most recent one—to the Kuat Drive Yards—had been hard, their aims only half accomplished when they were discovered, she and Obi-Wan forced to fight their way through what felt like an endless sea of stormtroopers to escape. Though of course, as bad as it had been, it could have been worse. At the very least, they hadn't encountered Darth Vader.
The intelligence they had received from their informant in the Drive Yards hadn't mentioned that Darth Sidious' third and current Sith apprentice would be there for an inspection, and it was only by sheer dumb luck—or as Obi-Wan had claimed, the will of the Force—that they had just happened to miss him. Had he not been called back to Imperial Centre by the Emperor the day before they arrived on Kuat, they would surely have had him to contend with. Which was concerning, to say the least, as it either suggested that their informant was unreliable—or possibly even a double agent—or else that nobody at all knew that he had been coming to Kuat, and that he had been sent there as much on his master's whim as he had been called away again.
She didn't know why that second reason should concern her as much as the first, but it did. The thought that Palpatine could yank on his enforcer's chain and send him anywhere he wanted just because he wanted to...concerned her. Vader concerned her. Which, of course, made sense. The whole of the Rebel Alliance was concerned by Vader—and more than a little afraid of him. But underneath that healthy alarm that any enemy of the Empire would feel upon hearing the Sith Lord's name, there was a concern which did not make sense. Something about Vader made her uneasy—in a vague, nebulous way that she could not quite grasp, but didn't feel like it was connected to the reasons he unsettled other people. Perhaps it was the way he held himself so still when he appeared behind the Emperor in Galaxy-wide transmissions, as if he would not countenance so much as a twitch should his master not command it. Or perhaps it was the way he concealed himself—the robe and the mask, allowing nothing beneath to be so much as glimpsed. Somehow, Padmé had the idea that if he were to remove that mask, she would not like what she would see behind it.
She scowled at herself, balling her hands—still buried in the billowing folds of Anakin's cloak—into fists. Now wasn't the time to be thinking of Darth Vader of all people. It hadn't made her feel better, certainly hadn't made her stop crying. She bowed her head low over the robe, rubbing her thumb over the fabric in an attempt to soothe herself, and wishing he had not been gone so long that it no longer smelt like him. Oh Anakin. Anakin. Where was he? What had happened to him? What was happening to him even now that he could not find his way back to them—?
Padmé gave a sudden start at the sound of the small, trembling voice behind her. Head snapping up as she was pulled sharply out of her spiralling thoughts, she wished—not for the first time—that she had the ability to sense people in the Force, the way the Jedi did, before they could creep up on her without her noticing. She turned around, blinking rapidly to chase the tears away from her eyes. Her vision blurred and coalesced, then morphed into a mirror image of her own face—smaller and younger, but dark eyes just as full of tears as her own.
Her daughter could act so grown up for her age sometimes that people often forgot she would only be eight years old in a few days time. To Padmé, however, stood in front of the door that connected the twins' room to hers, dressed in her nightclothes and dark hair tumbling out of her plait into wide, glistening eyes, she looked heartbreakingly young. Despite it all, though, she was clearly trying not to cry, her jaw clenched tight around what, in another child that had not grown up with the threat of the Empire looming over their head, might have been loud, wailing sobs.
"Oh, sweetheart, what's the matter?," Padmé asked, her voice quivering with the force of her own sadness as her brow crumpled into a worried frown. "Are you hurt? Do you need—?"
Leia shook his head, and all of a sudden, Padmé was struck by the horrid thought that perhaps Leia was sensing her distress, experiencing it as if it were her own— But no, Leia had been...off all evening, quiet and moody and uncommunicative in a way that was all too much like her father had been when something had been wrong but he hadn't wanted to burden her with it. She knew from experience—she had to bite down on her lip to fight back another wave of tears—with Anakin that pushing did not help, and so she had tried to give her space, trusting that she would come to her on her own when she was ready. Apparently, that time was now.
Wordlessly, she held out a hand, plastering a reassuring smile on her face that was as shaky as her voice. Leia dashed forward, clambering up onto her lap. Instinctively, Padmé reached out and began to stroke her hair, watching as her gaze flicked down to Anakin's old robe, recognition sparking in her eyes. A little hand stretched out and took a fistful of the dark fabric in its grip.
"Mommy...," she whispered, her voice somehow uncertain and determined all at once. "Is Daddy...is Daddy dead?"
Padmé's hand on her head stilled. Her whole body froze, her mind, her heart. It was as if the winter of Hoth had seeped right into her bones, turning her to living ice. She was choking, couldn't breathe, couldn't speak. What could she say? Oh Force, what in the Galaxy could she say to her precious daughter who, out of nowhere, suddenly wanted to know if her daddy was dead—?
"What?" Instead of any of the comforting things that she wanted to say—should be saying—the words burst out of her without permission or intervention from her brain. "What makes you say that?"
Leia's expression turned mutinous, and Padmé felt her breath catch in her throat, the ache deep in her chest threatening to overwhelm her. Their daughter may resemble her in colouring and features, but that look was all Anakin. She had seen it on his face more times than she could possibly count— more and more as the war had gone on and he had started turning into a shadow of the man he had once been. When he had complained of the Jedi Council, in the aftermath of Obi-Wan's faked death. It was the look of someone who suspected they were being lied to, not trusted, and was masking the hurt that caused them with anger.
"I heard people talking," she said, almost belligerently, as if daring her mother to contradict her, but her tone was belied by the tears that were still shining in her eyes. "They said that Obi-Wan is sad around this time of year because it's when Daddy was killed by the Emperor. That's why he's upset, isn't it? Because Daddy was his best friend and he died and now he's sad without him—"
"Daddy disappeared, Leia," Padmé interrupted her gently. The hand on her head finally came unstuck, and she began stroking her hair again in slow, soothing motions. The little girl was fast working herself up into a crying fit, and she had to get her out of it. She couldn't afford to wallow in her own misery when her daughter needed her, no matter how much she might have wanted to. “Nobody knows what happened to him, but that doesn't mean he's dead.”
She knew that the others in the Alliance wouldn't—didn't—want her to tell her children this. Bail and Obi-Wan wanted her to accept her husband's death as fact, just as they had thought it best for Luke and Leia. “You must face this, for your own good and theirs,” Obi-Wan had told her the last time the subject had been brought up. “Don't let them be burdened by an attachment to a memory. Anakin is gone, Padmé. You know this.” In return, Padmé had longed to snap at him that his insistence that Anakin had died had not brought him any greater measure of peace than hers that he was alive, but that would have been cruel of her, and so she had held her tongue. Still, cruel though it may have been, it wasn't necessarily untrue. Obi-Wan had dealt with his sadness over Anakin's loss by throwing himself into the Alliance's cause, mission after mission, but these most recent ones—as it was every year in the build-up to Empire Day—he had been different. Raw, like a still healing scab that had been picked at until it threatened to start bleeding again. Clearly, he hadn't been hiding his hurt and grief nearly so well as he had thought—or would have liked—if everyone from these “people” who had been discussing his moods to little Leia had picked up on it.
Leia. Her beloved daughter, who was still sitting in her lap with wide, tear-filled eyes, staring up at her with an expression that was somewhere between truculent and pleading. Not wanting to be lied to, even for her own good, but still desperate to be convinced that what she had heard wasn't true. It was a burden that Padmé had never wanted her to suffer, even though she had known deep down that it would eventually become unavoidable. Of course it would, when the rest of the Alliance was so convinced that Anakin was dead. Would Luke have to face it soon too? If Leia had already come across talk like this, what would he hear, what might he have already have heard—?
But that was a problem for the future. Now, she had to be strong for Leia. Couldn't let her be crushed under the the weight of the fear that her father had died, when she was sure in her heart that it would have been a lie.
“It doesn't mean he's dead, sweetheart,” she repeated, insistent. “We don't know he's dead.”
Leia's eyes flashed.
“But you think it!,” she retorted hotly. “They all think he's dead! Obi-Wan and Bail and Ahsoka think it! You think it too—you're crying!”
Yes, she was. She could feel the wetness on her cheeks, the soreness in her eyes, despite her attempts to suppress her tears for Leia's sake. Once she had started, it seemed as if she had opened up a well inside her that would never dry up. Those tears weren't only for Anakin now, but also for her children—her darling Luke and Leia who were expected to let go of their father's memory without even having had the chance to remember him. For Obi-Wan and Ahsoka who had let go of all hope and instead were mired in their own grief. And for herself, who felt so empty and alone without her husband by her side. Staring down into Leia's big brown eyes, fierce and frightened and stubborn and sad, she was suddenly struck by the memory of brushing her hair out on the balcony of her apartment on Coruscant, telling Anakin of her plans for a nursery at Varykino, before the dreams and the plotting and everything that had gone wrong. Why, of all the things that could have happened, was this the Galaxy that their children had been born into?
But she knew the answer to that. It was all Palpatine's fault. Everything was his doing, and she would bring him to justice for all the terrible things he had wrought.
“I'm crying because I want your daddy to be here with us, as a family,” she admitted quietly. “I miss him, and that makes me sad.”
Leia's lip wobbled, the tears spilling out from her eyes and over her round cheeks. Softly, tenderly, Padmé reached out and wiped them away with her thumb.
“I don't think he's dead, Leia,” she murmured, with a small, melancholy smile. “I promise you, I wouldn't tell you that if I didn't truly believe it. I feel in my heart that he's out there somewhere, trying to get back to us.”
She felt Leia's gaze on her, searching her face—or perhaps her Force presence—for a lie. Finally, the last of her anger and argumentativeness faded from her expression, leaving in its place something fragile and vulnerable and ever so slightly hopeful.
“Really?” she whispered. If Padmé's heart had not shattered eight years ago on an outbound flight from Coruscant in the wreckage of Order 66, it would have cleaved in two there and then. Force, she looked so young, so innocent. Too innocent for this to be her life.
“Yes, my darling.” Wrapping her arms about her, she pulled her small body to her chest, tucking her head beneath her chin and holding her close. “Really.”
She felt Leia snuggle into her, the sensation of her head resting atop her heart filling her with such love that, just for a moment, it was enough to chase her sadness away. Tugging at the old Jedi robe, she wrapped it carefully around both their shoulders. Large enough to have once swamped six foot tall Anakin in billowing fabric, it swaddled the pair of them easily in something like an embrace.
“I hope he does.” Leia's voice was muffled as she pressed against her, a hint of tiredness starting to seep into it. She pulled at the hem of the cloak, nestling deep into it. Her eyes closed as sleep began to creep up on her. “I want to meet him.”
Padmé smiled tremulously, though Leia could no longer see it. I want you to meet him too, my darling, she thought. Oh Force, how I want you to meet him too. Where are you, Anakin? Where in the Galaxy are you, my love?
The sun was starting to rise over Imperial Centre, marking an end to the Empire Day celebrations that had stretched well into the night, and deep in the inner sanctum of Emperor Palpatine's palace, the Sith Lord Darth Vader was sitting at the workbench in his quarters, fixing the wheel of a mouse droid.
"There." Spitting out the screwdriver he had clasped between his teeth, the young Sith set his tools down on the bench with a soft clink. "Is that better now?"
The little droid beeped up at him, whizzing around in an experimental circle, first clockwise, then anti-clockwise. Its name was MSE-6-L407X, he had discovered when he had found it trundling rather pathetically along on one of his night-time walks through the palace that his master didn't strictly approve of but did not technically forbid. It had been suffering the consequences of a sharply-delivered and ill-deserved kick from whom he could only presume from the long ranting description he had managed to get out of the droid to be Director Krennic, presumably frustrated enough from an audience with the Emperor and Moff Tarkin that had not gone at all in his favour to take it out on passing maintenance staff. Naturally, upon coming across it, Vader had offered to help it out—and to lend a sympathetic ear to the droid's complaints about the poor quality of the organic models that populated the Imperial Palace. That he could well understand—Krennic and his ilk grated on his nerves.
<Affirmative> Having run through its series of tests, MSE-6-L407X rolled forward and nudged itself beneath his hand, beeping in gratitude. <Status: all systems at optimal functioning>
Vader smiled. It was an expression that would have shocked the "faulty organic models"—as MSE-6-L407X had termed them—that made up the Emperor's court had they known what his face looked like to associate it with him, and for good reason. Vader hardly ever smiled. He was not to pursue personal happiness, not when his life and his service was owed to his master. But he liked droids, and he liked fixing things. His master indulged him, allowed him this one little distraction to quiet his mind as long as he had not incurred any punishment, and so in the little time that he had between missions and his intensive and seemingly never ending Sith training, he took full advantage of that rare show of tolerance.
Of course, the sycophants that surrounded his master would have been just as shocked to hear that the infamous Sith Lord they scattered from like insects whenever he made an appearance in their domain helped out broken droids in his spare time as they would have been to discover that he might ever do anything so normal as smile, but what did he care about that? The only opinion that mattered to him was his master's.
"Good. That's good." He patted the little droid atop the chassis once, twice, three times. Then he picked it up and set it down on the floor at his feet. "Now go on. I'm sure you've got duties to get back to. Just try to stay out of the path of any faulty organics in future."
MSE-6-L407X beeped at him again, bumping against his booted foot in a gesture that was unmistakably affectionate before whizzing away through one of the tunnels built throughout the palace so that the mouse droids could move around as unobtrusively to guests and residents as possible. As it whirred out of sight, Vader's smile faded as quickly as it had appeared. He turned to the mess of tools and spare parts left on the bench, and began to meticulously clear them away—his master didn’t like clutter. That done, he wiped down his hands with a coarse rag, replacing the old, worn glove that he wore over his prosthetic when doing mechanical work with the one he wore for everyday use. He was starting to feel hungry, he noticed. There weren’t any windows in his quarters, but he could see from the chrono on the wall that it was early morning—the droid that brought his meals when he was staying in the palace would be here in a little under an hour.
But none of that was enough to distract him as he wanted to be distracted.
Ever since he had returned from his inspection of the Kuat Drive Yards, recalled early by his master in order to fulfil his duties in the build-up to the eighth Empire Day, there had been...something niggling at him. Something in the Force, or something mired deep in the fog of his mind, he didn’t know, but whatever it was, it wouldn’t leave him alone. When he had tentatively brought the subject up to his master, he had told him that it must be because of the Rebel attack on the Drive Yards that had occurred after he had returned to Imperial Centre. Or rather, he had snarled it at him through bouts of Force lightning that had had him screaming and writhing on the floor at the foot of the Emperor’ throne. Lord Sidious had been displeased by the attack. Very displeased.
(It had been...a bad day. Vader was still feeling ever so slightly twitchy in the aftermath of those shocks).
As much as he tried to make himself believe it, however, there was something about his master’s explanation that didn’t feel quite right. Which was absurd. But the attack had been several days ago and that feeling hadn’t gone. It felt as if there was something important he was missing, something that he needed to know but was just out of reach, trapped on the other side of a ray shield that kept him away—no, several ray shields all stacked up one after the other, so that their flickering lights distorted and warped whatever was on the other side of them until he couldn’t make out the shape of it at all. He didn’t like that feeling. It made him doubt his master, and if there was one thing he must never do, it was that. Lord Sidious was never wrong, and to even countenance such a possibility would have severe consequences.
And yet that feeling would not let him be. It nagged and nagged at him. Nagged at him when he hadn’t been able to take it anymore and had resorted to prowling through the corridors at night to fend away his errant thoughts. Even now, it nagged at him, telling him there was something, something, something—
With a frustrated hiss, he ran his mechno hand through his hair, tugging hard on a few strands to ground himself in something other than that elusive and—he suspected with no small degree of dread—traitorous feeling. He needed to stop this, couldn’t keep—
He felt another sharp tug, not on his scalp, but on his mind, and he froze as if he had been caught in the jaws of a krayt. Then, a pneumatic hiss as the outer door to his quarters opened and a familiar presence slinked through it in search of him.
Emperor Palpatine. Darth Sidious. His master.
Even if he hadn’t been able to sense him, he would have known who it was. The only other people that ever came to visit him here were the droids, and his meal was still not due for some time yet. It was a little surprising that he should come to him so early in the day but...well, his master was the Emperor of the Galaxy. It could be reasonably expected for him to keep odd hours if the seriousness of any given situation demanded it.
One look at the thunderous expression half-concealed by the shadow of his hood told him that Lord Sidious most definitely here for one of those serious situations.
"Lord Vader" he croaked, his voice was as hard as durasteel.
"Master." Vader scrambled from the workbench and down onto the floor to greet him. His master had made it very clear that he was to kneel to him whenever he was in his presence, unless he had been given permission to stand. The few times he had not quite obeyed to the man's satisfaction had been punished very harshly indeed, and it was an experience he was not at all keen to repeat. "What—?"
Vader's mouth clicked sharply shut. His master sounded angry. He didn't like it when his master was angry. A gnarled white hand slipped out from beneath the sleeve of his robe, and Vader fought not to flinch away. But instead of an arc of agonising blue lightning sparking from his fingertips, his master merely waved his hand in an almost negligent gesture, telling him wordlessly to rise. Vader obeyed without pause or question. Lord Sidious hated delays, and he despised hesitation in a servant.
"Do you know where this is from?"
His master reached out and placed a small holoprojector down onto the workbench. The room flooded with blue light as it activated, playing a vidfeed which—he could tell from the angle of the shot—must have come from the HUD of a stormtrooper. It was of a hangar bay—a familiar hangar bay—flooded with troopers, firing at two people fighting against them to escape. One was a Jedi, whirling and slashing and stabbing, slicing through plastisteel armour as if it were butter. He was Obi-Wan Kenobi, one of the few Jedi masters to have escaped the Purge during the rise of the Empire. The other was smaller, slighter. A woman, cloaked, face concealed under the shadow of her hood.
"Yes, master," Vader said, watching the recording from his usual place three steps behind and to the right of the man's shoulder. Lord Sidious forbade him from standing at his side like an equal, and he would have taken a very dim view of him looming over him to try and get a closer look. Not that he was sure it was possible for anyone, let alone him, to loom in Sidious' presence. Yes, physically speaking, he fairly towered over his master, who was hunched and withered and had never been particularly tall to start with, but despite their difference in size, he had always felt small beside him. "It is from the Rebel attack on the Kuat Drive Yards."
He did not elaborate, nor ask questions—his master did not appreciate questions. He must trust that all would be explained in time. Instead, he focused all of his attention on to what was happening on the recording. The woman was in trouble, grappling with a trooper that had caught hold of her blaster arm, and was forcing the weapon as far away from him and his fellow soldiers as he could. His other hand came up to grasp at her cloak. She tried to stop him, but it was too late. Her hood tumbled down, revealing her face for all to see.
"Tell me, my friend," his master hissed, his yellow eyes narrowed as they fixed on the woman on the recording, tracking her movements like a hunting anooba. "Do you recognise her?"
Vader blinked. He frowned, watching the woman intently as, having been rescued from her predicament by the Jedi, she raised her slim hand blaster and struck two troopers down in quick succession. She was very beautiful, her eyes that she thought must be a dark brown burning with a fierce determination as she rushed to defend her companion's back, firing again and again into the fray. Some of her dark hair had come loose from her elaborate bun, and as he followed her movements with his eyes, he was suddenly struck by a strange sense that he had seen her like this before. On a desert world, hair in a similar disarray, white bodysuit torn and wielding a heavy duty blaster. Breathless and smiling, saying something that had him smiling back, a soft, warm glow sparking deep in his chest despite the fear and desperation and death all around them—
And then it was gone, slipping from his mind like melting snow. As if it had never been.
"No, master" he said.
Lord Sidious' eyes narrowed almost to slits as he turned around to scrutinise him. Vader held himself still as he felt the man's dark presence prodding at his mind through their bond, searching for anything that might expose his words as a lie. He made no move to shield himself under the attention, to push the man out. Vader always obeyed his master.
"That," Sidious snarled, his presence retreating from Vader's mind as he turned back to the still playing holorecording, eyes flashing dangerously, "is Padmé Amidala."
Vader blinked. The name struck a chord within him. Which...well, of course it did. His master had told him about Queen turned Senator Amidala of Naboo, the young woman he had mentored through her political career in the days of the Republic. The same woman who had betrayed him by siding with the Jedi in their failed coup at the birth of the Empire by helping to found the traitorous Rebellion within the heart of the Senate itself. He understood why his master was so angry now, having been so abruptly confronted with the face of someone whom he had given nothing but friendship and support, and had returned the favour by stabbing him in the back. But what he didn't understand...Well, what he didn't understand was...
"Amidala?," he asked with a frown. "I thought she was declared dead."
His master had told him so. His distinctly remembered it, when he had asked what had become of the traitors that had tried to overthrow him. Lord Sidious had said that she had died for her treason, but not before she could sow the seeds of her dissent into the very foundations of the Empire itself—and that was why he, Vader, must be vigilant in rooting every last trace of it out lest all they had ever worked towards be destroyed. He had listened attentively, even as his heart had ached in his chest to the point of agony, for reasons he had not and still did not understand. He knew that was what his master had told him. So how was she here, now, alive?
"She was presumed so," Sidious spat out, his eyes still fixed on the recording, "based on the information we had after the Jedi's coup. Clearly that information was...misleading."
Misleading? Vader frowned. His master had never struck him as the kind of man who could be misled. But perhaps if the evidence had been convincing enough... He focused all the more intently on the woman in the recording, his eyes narrowed. She had turned her attention to the trooper whose HUD the recording had come from, her gaze directed right at the camera. For one long moment, it was as if their eyes had locked despite the long stretch of space and the few days that stood between them, as if she were staring past all the shields he had built up around his mind right to some hidden place within him that not even he could see. His breath hitched, unable to tear himself away from that blue-tinged stare, blurring strangely as his eyes began to sting with the force of it. It seemed almost to go on forever, before she raised her blaster right in front of her and, steely determination glinting in her eyes, fired. A flash of light and the recording went sideways, abruptly shorting out. Vader shook himself, the spell broken.
The recording ended, there was a long silence.
“I'm sure you understand how this displeases me, Vader,” Lord Sidious eventually spoke, once it had dragged out to the point of becoming unbearable. “Of all the betrayals I have suffered, hers was by far the most painful. But perhaps you are already moved by my plight.”
Without warning, Vader felt an immense, invisible pressure clamp down on him, pushing and pushing until he had no choice but to go with it. He forced back a cry as he crumpled to the floor, knees jarring painfully against the ground below him. The pressure didn't let up, keeping him kneeling at Sidious' feet as he whirled round in a rage to face him. One gnarled hand shot out with the speed and precision of a striking serpent, grasping at his chin and forcing his head painfully far back, so that he could do nothing but stare up into those furious yellow eyes. Throat tightening, Vader felt himself begin to panic. No, no, no. He hadn't done anything to be punished— What had he done to make his master angry? He didn't—
“Unless,” Lord Sidious hissed venomously, “you have some other reason to shed tears over this traitor, apprentice.”
He wasn't crying. Of course he wasn't. Why would he cry over this Rebel who had betrayed the man to whom he owed his absolute loyalty? Besides, he hardly ever cried. His master didn't like it. But his cheeks did feel warm and wet, and his eyes were blurring and stinging. He could feel them now—the tears that were still trickling from the corners of his eyes, into his hair now rather than down his cheeks because of the uncomfortable angle he was being held at. What was happening? Why—? Why was he—?
“Master...,” he whimpered, caught in the grip of a shame and fear so intense that he could hardly speak. “I...I don't— I don't understand—”
Sidious' eyes flashed.
“Don't you?,” he sneered. His nails bit into Vader's skin as his grip tightened. “Then perhaps I should have you...meditate on the subject. In your cell.”
No, no, no. Nonononono. He hated the cell. Too small, so that he couldn't even stretch his arms out to their full extent without hitting a wall. Too dark, pitch black without the slightest hint of light to see by when the door was sealed shut. Too quiet, with no noise from outside ever finding its way in, and only the sound of his own panicked breathing to occupy him. It was his master's favourite punishment for him, outside of the Force lightning. Leave him there for long enough to stew in the darkness and the silence and the sensation of gnawing hunger in his gut and walls coming in too close, too close, and he would learn his lesson for life. He would never repeat his transgression again.
Then, sometimes, his master was kind to him afterwards.
“Please, master, please...” he begged. He hadn't meant to transgress. He would take whatever punishment that was given to him—confinement to his quarters, being denied meals, anything, just not the cell—
Sidious gave him a sharp shake, before his hand retreated and he suddenly drew back. Vader's head fell forward, a curtain of hair falling into his eyes. The invisible pressure remained, like an ice cold hand on the back of his neck keeping him bowed in supplication.
“The Empire will hunt her down, and she will die,” his master croaked. Instead of anger, there was now a note of glee in his voice. Vader felt his treacherous heart clench inexplicably at the proclamation, a few more tears slipping from his equally treacherous eyes. “When the time comes, you shall kill her for me.”
Even as something deep within him—something faint and far away and unreachable—screamed and howled at the words, Vader said the only thing he could say.
“Yes, master.”
Appeased, Lord Sidious' lips twisted into a smile. He reached out and—Vader forced himself not to flinch—rested his hand on top of his mess of blond curls.
“Be careful of these Rebels, Lord Vader,” he said. “They are cunning and deceitful, and if they were to ever learn of your...deficiencies, they wouldn't hesitate to use them to twist your mind against me.”
Vader swallowed. It was an old warning—a much repeated warning. That if his enemies were ever to discover how little memory he had of his own life, how many years upon years he was missing, they would surely take it as an opportunity to fill his head with lies. Another hot wave of shame washed over him at the thought.  He would never doubt his master, but perhaps if this were how he reacted to seeing a simple holorecording of a Rebel woman he didn't even know...perhaps Lord Sidious was right to be concerned—
“I understand, master” he whispered, hollowly.
Sidious snorted.
“So you say,” he mused. “You have always been too trusting, too ready to attach yourself to those who would do you harm.”
One final pat on the head, and he pulled away. Reaching out to the holoprojector, he started to play the recording again. Vader frowned, confused, then started violently as he felt the invisible grip that had been holding him by the nape of his neck transfer to his head, forcing him to turn and watch.
“Whatever sympathy you may feel for these people,” Lord Sidious said, “you must destroy it.”
For a moment, he saw the face of Padmé Amidala once again, revealed as her hood tumbled down and she grappled with the trooper that had attacked her. Then, his master stretched out a skeletal white hand and curled it into a fist. The holoprojector cracked in several places at once, then crumbled into dust. Amidala's face disappeared in a shower of sparks.
Vader stared for one long moment at the place she had been, tears still dripping down his face. He felt empty inside.
“Yes, master” he said once again, and meant it. He always meant it. Vader lived to obey his master, and no holorecordings of strangers or inexplicable displays of emotion would change that.
(It was a long time after Sidious left that his tears finally dried up).
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tomicaleto · 3 years
Hyacinth for the flower prompts but no pressure 🥺
Hello, yes! Here I am, months after you sent this ask with something for it! Remember this ROTS AU from a while ago? Basically, Anakin doesn't fall and Padmé dies during childbirth earlier than in canon. Order 66 also happens but Anakin manages to rescue Appo and they both run away with a group of Jedi younglings and two newborn babies :) (Also, he doesn't know if Ahsoka and Obi-Wan survived and they don't know if Anakin did either) Fun times! Here are some snippets from that AU: this one and this one Now, we finally get to see where Obi-Wan is! yay!
Hyacinth- “When was the last time you slept?”
Bail stepped out into the main balcony of the royal palace and found the Jedi master floating slightly over the railing. The chill of the air didn’t seem to get to him despite his lighter robes. Without saying anything, Bail sat down next to him and waited until the man slowly came in contact with the marble again.
Opening his eyes, his shoulders a resigned slump, Obi-Wan Kenobi opened his eyes and turned towards Bail. He had dark circles under his eyes and his cheekbones were obvious, a clear sign that he hadn’t been eating much despite the lavish dinners they ate at the palace every night.
“Meditating again?” Bail asked softly. He knew Jedi often found comfort in meditation, and it was also a good way of dealing with the recent destruction of the order. It was also a good way of rebuilding the shields that allowed them to keep both their presence and their thoughts hidden from the enemy, now more than ever a vital tool against the Sith that hunted them down without mercy. “Have you eaten today?”
“I had a light meal.” Obi-Wan answered, shrugging carelessly. “There was a shipment of fresh fruit from Naboo delivered today. Anakin’s favourite.” It wasn’t unusual for the Jedi master to mention his padawan, his expression filled with deep grief every time he did.
Bail understood him. Anakin Skywalker had been a friend of his just as much as Obi-Wan was. They hadn’t found his body at the temple after the Jedi purge and Bail had hoped the man had managed to survive.
That hope had been destroyed when they had found a holo-recording of the Council chamber, the knight’s lightsaber lit and a bunch of younglings hiding behind him as a clone trooper came into the room firing at him. Obi-Wan hadn’t been able to sense Anakin’s presence in the Force at all after that so they had arrived at the conclusion that Anakin and the younglings had been disposed of after being murdered.
Obi-Wan hadn’t been the same ever since. The quiet peace of the balcony seemed to lure the Jedi master, who spent hours meditating there, day and night. Bail suspected he hadn’t given up and kept spreading himself as much as he safely could without revealing himself to the Emperor, looking for other survivors. For his padawan.
Bail wasn’t cruel enough to stop him. “When was the last time you slept?” He asked, already knowing Obi-Wan would give him a bland answer at best. A new shrug, not surprising him at all, was the only response he got.
“Meditation works enough, I always feel rested after it.” Obi-Wan finally turned around and threw Bail a small, sad smile. “I know you don’t approve but we had to rely on this technique several times during the Clone Wars.” He explained.
“We’re not at war anymore.” Bail argued. It earned him a snort from Obi-Wan.
“I’m not blind, Bail, I’ve seen the secret messages, you have not given up yet.” Bail frowned slightly. So far, Obi-Wan had ignored every single insinuation Bail had made about joining the Rebellion. It was a small thing, still, but he was sure the support of a Jedi survivor, a master that had been well known during the war would do wonders for the cause. He didn’t blame the man for being reluctant about it. “This is just another kind of war.”
And after saying that, Obi-Wan stood up and started walking towards the palace. The conversation was over.
Bail didn’t consider himself a cruel man, but now that Obi-Wan had acknowledged the Rebellion, he wouldn’t let him go away so easily. “What would Anakin do?” He asked, almost regretting it when Obi-Wan froze in place. “I think,” he began, knowing full well this could go terribly badly, “that he would have fought, he wasn’t known for giving up a fight for a good cause.”
Obi-Wan didn’t say anything for several minutes. Then, he turned his head enough so that Bail could see his profile. “No, he wasn’t.” He said. “That’s why he was the Hero with No Fear.” He began walking again. “But I,” his voice was ice cold, “was the Negotiator, and these negotiations are over.”
Thank you for sending this! I'm sorry it took me so long ;;w;; I still have one prompt left and I hope I'll get to it soon!
❁flower dialogue prompts❁
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andorlorian · 4 years
a little bit insane ahsoka and luke au
the lovely @picazos-angsty-typist inspired me to just post my au ideas as opposed to giving them away, and this one is my absolute favorite! it's an au in which 19 year old ahsoka finds the time travel crystal from the lego star wars christmas special and is transported onto tatooine right before a new hope. then she gets to go along through the original trilogy and be best friends with luke! (this is honestly just an extremely convoluted way to get my favorite characters to be best friends. this au is for me <3.) extremely long elaborations and plot stuff in bullet points under the cut:
okay so 19 year old ahsoka! it would be about 2 years post order 66 and about 6-8 months since the ending of the ahsoka novel, so she's traveling the world and doing fulcrum things, attempting to build a rebellion with bail organa. this, naturally, means she needs to hide from the empire.
because it needs to be life day for the crystal to work, that's the day this all starts (in ahsoka's original timeline). ahsoka finds out randomly that it's life day, and has a moment remembering the day before order 66, before the empire. 
she gets into a skirmish with the empire close by kordoku, the planet with the time travel stone on it. she feels a pull from the force, like there's a safe haven on the planet below, so she lands and immediately knows why: she's in front of a jedi temple. she knows she'll be safe inside from the empire. she walks in, and seals the temple with the force
she picks up the weird rock thing in the middle of the room, as it's singing to her through the force. the second she touches it, a wormhole opens up, and she's dropped directly in the middle of a tatooinian sandstorm.
we the audience know that she's time traveled, but ahsoka has no clue. and as I'm assuming she doesn't have much experience wandering ancient abandoned jedi temples (in her time, very recently, they'd been populated and upkept), she wouldn't suspect she was hallucinating. she assumed the rock somehow teleported her, but the sand and the wind of the sandstorm make it impossible for her to find the rock. where before it had been singing to her through the force, she couldn't feel anything now.
she has no choice but to try and find shelter from the storm and wait it out. she finds a sort of cave, a small hideout, so she sets up her small camp. having nothing else to do, she opens herself up to the force to meditate, hoping to locate the rock and find more information about her new situation. however, she instead discovers something she wasn't expecting: the faint and utterly familiar force prescence of one obi-wan kenobi
it feels damaged and weak, almost as if he'd cut himself off from the force somewhat, but there was no denying that it was obi-wan. ahsoka thanked the force for sending her to the rock, as she assumes it had just sent her to obi-wan and nothing else.
during this force meditation, she also discovers the planet that she's on is tatooine. this heavily reminds her of anakin, hearing echoes of their conversation as they crossed the desert from what seems like a million years ago. 
once the storm settles, she makes her way through the tatooinian desert, and just as the suns are coming up and she knows she would need to find shelter, she happens upon the Lars farm.
she meets Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew, Luke. they are kind and good people, and do not hesitate to offer ahsoka a place to stay + some food and water. ahsoka rests up somewhat, but insists on helping them in return.
this part I haven't quite nailed out yet. tatooine side quest featuring ahsoka and luke doing whatever one does on a moisture farm. I assume ahsoka would offer technological help as she's a good mechanic (perks of master skywalker) so maybe they're going around and fixing vaporators?
that day and into the night, she and luke really hit it off. she learns more about tatooine and more about how they've been affect by the war. however from the way luke talks about it, the empire has been around as long as he can remember. this strikes ahsoka as extremely odd, and wonders what else is going on, but fixing things doesn't leave much room for another galaxy warping revelation, so she doesn't dwell on it immediately.
she and luke discuss kind of everything. they become buddies bc that's important to me. the next day, she tells them she's looking for obi-wan kenobi. "do you know someone named obi-wan kenobi?" luke does his little "do you think she means old ben kenobi?" number which is fun n nostalgic hehe.
owen seems to freeze. he hasn't heard that name in quite some time, and it doesn't exactly conjure pleasant memories. he reluctantly agrees to let luke point her in the right direction, and she buys a speeder from them (they try to give it to her but she insists on paying. ahsoka ftw)
ahsoka manages to avoid the tuskens on her way into the jundland wastes and runs into.... this really old dude. this is when she really has to confront the time travel of it all. she and obi-wan have a Talk. there's still a little bad blood between them considering obi-wan was on the council that condemned her without remorse or apology, but they're both so relieved to see the other alive.
ahsoka learns that it's been 19 years since order 66, since the empire took over. she remembers the day it happened, what only feels like 2 years ago to her.
she mentions that luke helped her find him, and obi-wan freezes. this obviously gets noticed by ahsoka, and obi-wan drops the real bomb on her: luke is anakin and padmé's son. obi-wan tells her that anakin died in order 66 and padmé died with the rebellion, that he's here both to hide out and to protect luke. she remarks in her head that the whole chosen one thing is ridiculous, that pinning the entire galaxy's hopes on a nineteen year old kid that up until now obi-wan has refused to even CONSIDER training (skywalker trauma lolz) but she can sense the strong emotions from him, that he wouldn't have it in him to stand up to the empire alone, so she drops it.
as to how padmé died: i hate the way that she dies in the prequels so I am deleting it. this is my canon. she actually survives and stays with the rebellion for a good 3-5 years before she's killed in a rebel vs. empire conflict. ahsoka is especially devastated to learn about her death from obi-wan (who bail organa risked communication with to tell him, as he was also close with padmé). 
she and obi-wan spar, both to get Ahsoka's mind off of the everything about this situation and because it's been so long since either of them have been around another jedi. it's cathartic for both of them. (ahsoka beats obi-wan easily btw haha)
obi-wan offers to officially knight her as a jedi knight, as that was what the council had intended after the whole fiasco and he says "you're just as experienced and powerful as I was when I was knighted." but ahsoka declines. she isn't ready to be considered a jedi yet, and may never be.
this is when a new hope really starts. obi-wan and ahsoka find luke unconscious in the jundland wastes, and that sequence goes pretty much the same. r2 is beeping and trilling like crazy because ahsoka!!!!!! that's one of his best friends!!!!!!! luke is like "you know this droid?" and ahsoka freezes, because how exactly does she explain to the nice dude she met yesterday that actually she's from 17 years in the past and was very close with both of his parents, who both were extremely close to r2?
she does in fact explain all of that to him when they get to obi-wan's house. she has no idea how she got here or why, but she did know anakin skywalker and padmé amidala naberrie, and tells him as much as she remembers about them. luke misses both of his parents like an ache in his chest, wishing more than anything he could have known them. 
obi-wan offers his own perspective on it, and tells how anakin died (which ahsoka is just as eager to know). obi-wan, on the spot, says that another jedi fell to the dark side and joined sidious, and that anakin died defending the temple. (he obviously couldn't say that vader was his pupil, because ahsoka would see through that immediately.)
luke asks why he couldn't have lived with his mother in the rebellion, but obi-wan says that she wanted him to be safe from the galactic conflict and stay with anakin's family. (which is partially true, but the whole sith-sensing-the-overly-powerful-skywalkers was a big factor as well.) obi-wan says he's truly sorry that luke never got to know her.
after learning about the message r2 brought, ahsoka knows she has to get to the rebellion however possible and rejoin the fight. obi-wan agrees, and gives his little elevator pitch to luke about becoming a jedi and joining the rebellion. when obi-wan gives luke the lightsaber, a million memories with anakin flash through ahsoka's head. luke still comes to same conclusion at the end of that conversation: he's willing to guide them out of tatooine, but he can't join the galactic conflict, at least not now. 
however, as they're leaving, they find the destroyed jawa crawler. luke, as before, realizes it means the stormtroopers found his family. ahsoka knows that only despair waits there for him, and urges him not to go, but when he doesn't back down hops in the speeder with him (for protection and emotional support). 
luke gets to have more emotions about the fact that the empire killed his /entire family./ ahsoka doesn't try and use it to convince him to go, only offers to help him bury them. she openly uses the force to move things around and make things easier, while luke is still in shock, almost numb. they're buried next to shmi and cliegg. 
luke is ANGRY at the empire. he is PISSED. he decides to go with them to fight not because he longs for adventure, but because he wants to hit the empire where it hurts. ahsoka can recognize that isn't the thought process of a jedi, but she feels the exact same way after learning about anakin and padmé. 
now it's mos eisley time. i feel like han would definitely like/admire ahsoka at first, but ahsoka would not like him. she finds him deplorable and a little annoying, and joins in on the whole bagging on the falcon jokes. this leads to han getting his feelings hurt and he's like fine :( we are not friends then >:(. 
the interesting thing is that chewie and ahsoka actually know each other! they were both kidnapped by bossk and hunted for sport in that one clone wars arc, so they're both like "oh hey person who was there for one of the most terrifying and traumatic times in my life! what's up!" they become fast friends yet again, and chewie is like "wow you did not age at all. are you sure you're not a wookiee?"
on the millennium falcon, she and obi-wan get started on luke's training. he asks her about his parents constantly (what they were like, what they did, where they came from, etc). she also talks about what the jedi were like (providing a less rose-colored-glasses perspective, but still with a lot of positives). 
she feel the same pain obi-wan does right before they get to alderaan, and can feel bail and breha organa in particular (having known them fairly well after the ahsoka novel). 
they get pulled into the death star's tractor beam. ahsoka can feel the cold and horrible presence of vader, a sick dread building in her the closer they get to it. they go to hide under the floorboards of the falcon. han knows how the empire operates better than anyone, which ahsoka is shocked to learn is much different than the Republic or the empire she remembers. (i imagine she lived in a more transitional period, so while the empire was terrible during her time, they were only getting started.)
she tries to go with obi-wan to shut off the power beam, but obi-wan still does his "I must go alone" little number. sensing the end of something, but not what it is, she hugs him goodbye. he's still obi-wan and she missed him dreadfully. he tells her to protect luke. 
she along with luke refuses to indulge han's obi-wan slander, and when han says "great at getting us into trouble!" she says "you should have met anakin."
then it's princess rescue time as it should be. that goes exactly the same except ahsoka is much better at defending them from the stormtroopers lol. leia still does the blasting and "somebody has to save our skins!" line because I love that
ahsoka can tell immediately that leia is padmé's daughter. she had probably heard of leia, being in the rebellion for about six months before time traveling, but now having met her it's completely obvious. she doesn't vocalize this immediately though, planning to discuss it with obi-wan. 
yes I'm keeping the garbage monster scene because I think it's funny :)
ahsoka goes with han and chewie after the stormtroopers while luke and leia head for the ship. also ahsoka + han banter because I think it's funny
she can see obi-wan and vader's fight (which I'm hoping will be a lot more like their fight in rots. a new hope is incredible but the lightsaber fights got way better as time went on. their final fight deserves to be epic). she tries to run and help obi-wan but luke pulls her back. "he can handle it," he says. "we need you to help us get to the falcon."
however when obi-wan is killed, both of them are distraught. his voice appears in ahsoka's head, telling her not to face vader yet, telling her to run. chewie literally has to hold her back and carry her to the ship. 
they blast their way out of the death star, none of them having the time to dwell on what just happened. 
ahsoka and luke are both numb. luke lost 3 parental figures in one day, and obi-wan's death after going through order 66 just brings it allll up again. leia is also hanging out in the numb dead parents circle, because her entire planet got blown up today and obi-wan's death just feels like another nail in the coffin. all three of them can sort of feel each other's emotions, and unconsciously they're comforting each other with the force. it's a healing moment for all three of them
han is kind of awkwardly standing in the background. "there wasn't anything any of you could have done," he says, in a rare show of emotion. (i like han wanting to help them despite his i-don't-care-about-anything facade.)
this doesn't stop him from saying he's only in it for the money later though. leia gets to blow up at him about it same as in the movie because she deserves it methinks.
they make it to the rebellion, and a few of the people who've been in it from the beginning recognize her (mon mothma maybe?). I also like the idea of ahsoka being something of rebellion legend, having been one of the last jedi who presumably died fighting the empire for the rebellion. 
also general hera syndulla gets to be there bc i love her. she is the one who shows the plans to the pilots and explains the plan. she also references the rogue one crew because i love them also. 
ahsoka in an x-wing with the red team attempting to blow up the death star. when vader makes an appearance, she can sense him in the starfighter nearby them, the same cold and evil presence. she personally goes to fight vader and defends the rest of the team from him, somehow falling into a perfect rhythm and anticipating every move. she doesn't kill him obviously, but she gets close. the things that happen stay the same: they sustain heavy casualties, she survives the battle, han comes back to save the day, luke is the one who blows up the death star.
luke, han, chewie, and ahsoka get medals in the end, because each of them were instrumental in the blowing up of the death star (and a lot more pilots survive thanks to Ahsoka's defense). there are references to the phineas and ferb star wars special because I want it. 
there's a bit after the official end of a new hope in which she's talking to Luke like "I can't stay. this isn't my timeline. I have to go back. and if I can go back, maybe I can try and save the jedi. maybe I can fix things." however luke changes her mind. "maybe you're in this timeline for a reason. maybe NOW is when you can change things. I would've died without you in the battle of yavin. plus, how am I supposed to become a jedi without you?" luke + leia + han + chewie + r2 + 3po all convince her to stay. they are all very attached to ahsoka at this point, and ahsoka realizes she doesn't really want to leave them either.
also. because the battle is over and they all have a moment to breathe, she tells leia that she's positive she's padmé and anakin's daughter too, not just because of the physical resemblence but also her force sensitivity. there's no doubt about it.
ahsoka agrees to train both of them in what she knows, though she warns that she wasn't a master or even a knight.
it ends with the whole crew hanging out on the falcon (han, leia, luke, chewie, r2, c-3po, and ahsoka)
those are my bullet points for the episode IV section of this! if people want to see where this goes in the rest of the trilogy let me know I have so many notes about this au
also tagging: @togrutanduin @padme--amygdala @bisexualobiwanrights @grimthejedisith @senator-nahberries you get to watch me lose my mind in real time <3
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gffa · 4 years
So I saw your answer about Obidala the other day and I was trying to find the fic that got me into that ship, because I'm a recent convert, and it's a fic called Come What May where its a Modern AU
I haven’t read much Obidala fic lately (not for any particular reason, I just go in cycles/I’ve had other fic champing at the bit for me), but I’m intrigued by your rec!  I’ll check it out and fFor those curious: ✦ Come What May by Labyrinth_Runner, obi-wan/padme & cast, modern au, 33.3k wip Obi-Wan's a Law student just trying to navigate his way to his degree while helping his roommate Anakin stay out of trouble. What will happen when a new neighbor, Padmé, moves in across the hall? Plus, while we’re on the subject, here are some of the Obidala fics I’ve enjoyed! ✦ Keep Breathing by Yesac, obi-wan/padme + some anakin/padme + luke & leia & oc, 45.8k      Padme doesn't die at the end of Revenge of the Sith. Instead, she decides to take the twins and join Obi-Wan in exile. ✦Anamorphosis by saltyavocado, obi-wan/padme & anakin & cast, 33.5k      A distorted or monstrous projection or representation of an image on a plane or curved surface, which, when viewed from a certain point, or as reflected from a curved mirror or through a polyhedron, appears regular and in proportion; a deformation of an image. ✦ Circles by ambiguously, obi-wan/padme & luke & leia & anakin + past anakin/padme, 4.2k      Padmé and Obi-Wan raise the twins together while hiding from the Empire. ✦ Sea Change by sevenofspade, obi-wan/padme & anakin, 3.9k      Padmé Amidala is accompanied by Obi-Wan Kenobi to Naboo and Anakin Skywalker is the galaxy's worst detective. ✦ Lights Will Guide You Home by darlingargents, obi-wan/padme & potential obi-wan/anakin/padme & luke/ezra & leia & ahsoka & cast, 27.3k wip     Obi-Wan knew that if he didn’t leave now, Padmé would die.  And so he made his decision. ✦ Therefore Must the Soul Deceive by Mithrigil, obi-wan/padme & anakin & cast, 6.9k     Some falls from grace take time. ✦ you're gonna wish you never had met me by cosmicocean, obi-wan/padme & leia/han & luke & cast, 13k       Leia Kenobi, struggling to keep her head above water. ✦ Resurrection by Lefaym, obi-wan/padme & cast, 1.1k      It's hard to adapt to life as a dead woman. But not everyone sees her that way. Not quite. ✦ recovery by dadcastellanos, obi-wan/padme, 1.8k      Padmé survives the loss of Anakin and goes into hiding with Obi-Wan. Slowly, slowly, they make something of their new lives together. ✦ Fate, Inexorable by imadra_blue, Luthe, obi-wan/padme + anakin/padme + implied obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 9.1k     When Anakin is kidnapped by Separatists during the Clone Wars, Padmé accompanies Obi-Wan to rescue him. On a strange trio of planets, they search for him, drawing closer in their mutual fear for Anakin. The bonds that form will not be strong enough to face the future that awaits them in Revenge of the Sith. ✦ The Right Time by dreamiflame, obi-wan/padme, NSFW, 2.3k      Padmé lives AU. While working together for the Rebellion, Padmé and Obi-Wan grow closer. ✦ untitled + untitled by bedlamsbard, obi-wan/padme(/anakin?),NSFW, dark!obi-wan, 5.7k       Backstory: The Republic has fallen. The Jedi Order is broken, its surviving Knights and padawans scattered across the galaxy. The Sith lord Count Dooku has declared himself the leader of a new Galactic Empire. ✦ turn my sorrow into treasured gold by cosmicocean, obi-wan/padme & luke & leia, 15.6k       Padmé survives childbirth, dies as far as the rest of the galaxy is concerned, takes her children with Obi-Wan, and runs. ✦ To Find I'm Not Alone + Wrestling the Angels and the Devils in my Head by MorganEilish, obi-wan/padme & luke & leia, 6k       Padme survived Anakin's betrayal, faked her death, and fled to the distant corners of the galaxy with Obi Wan to raise her children. ✦Oft Falling by kylohen, obi-wan/padme,NSFW, 10.5k       Every few months, whenever he can, Obi-Wan sends flowers to the Coruscant apartments of Senator Padmé Amidala. There's a reason for this that he can never explain, except to her. If anyone else knew, it would ruin him. ✦Old Sins Cast Long Shadows by zarabithia, ahsoka & obi-wan & anakin & padme (& building background obi-wan/padme), 16.6k       In this universe, when Palpatine asks if Anakin is going to kill him, Anakin does. While Anakin ultimately wins, it costs him his life. In this universe, the twins are raised by Ahsoka, Padmé, and Obi-Wan. ✦Time to Go by JediShampoo, obi-wan/padme & cast, 4.9k       Obi-Wan is leaving Alderaan and taking Luke with him. He and Padme must say their goodbyes. Stuff happens. ✦Primrose, Honeysuckle, Daffodil by ambiguously, obi-wan/padme (hinted) & anakin & qui-gon, 4.7k       While Qui-Gon recuperates from his battle with Darth Maul, Obi-Wan teaches Anakin his first early lessons in using the Force, and discovers the Force may have other plans for all of them. ✦Under a Cloud by thisbluespirit, obi-wan/padme & qui-gon & cast, 4.2k      It's been hundreds of years, and nobody believes in the Jedi any more. ✦Raising Up Hope by dreamiflame, obi-wan/padme, 1.5k       Family is what you make of it. Padmé, Obi-Wan and the twins are trying to make it work. ✦Refuge by Ljparis, rainydayadvocate, obi-wan/padme, 2k       On Mustafar, Padmé takes matters into her own hands. Obi-Wan is there for her when the dust settles. ✦The Pleasures of Life by AngelQueen, obi-wan/padme,NSFW, 6.2k       During her early months as a Senator, an irritating soirée takes an interesting, unexpected turn for Padmé. ✦Let My Second Love Be Kind by nichestars, obi-wan/padme & cast, 3.1k       When Padmé holds her children in her arms for the first time, she thinks: This is the fewest number of beings with which I have been entrusted since I was twelve years old. ✦Rumpled Collar by Corde_And_Dorme, obi-wan/padme (/anakin?) & cast, white collar fusion, 3.4k       The White Collar! AU that absolutely NOBODY asked for except one Discord channel like... months ago. ✦Little Lies by ambiguously, obi-wan/padme,NSFW, ~1k       It's just sex. That's what he tells himself. ✦Deferment by saltyavocado, obi-wan/padme & anakin, 5.4k      "This was my favorite room," Padmé says. "I used to send you messages from that very comm unit, you know. My handmaidens thought it was terribly romantic, so I never let them read the actual messages. They would've been devastated to discover that we really were talking aboutpolitics."
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journen · 3 years
I sort of have to ask "Obi Wan" as a character
(for science)
Oh yes, of course, for science.
(Strap in for what I’m sure are going to be several very long answers lol.)
First impression
Okay, I first watched SW in a very strange order… so I think my first impression of him was Old Ben! And I remember being confused when he died lol. But the most distinctive first impression I remember was as we were watching the Clone Wars(this was before I watched the prequels) we were a few episodes in, so I was still learning who everyone and anything were because my SW knowledge was 0, but I remember saying to my roommate during that snowy episode in season 1, “I think I like Obi-Wan Kenobi. I like how he talks!” LOL!
Then the moment that solidified him as my favourite character was from Attack of the Clones when he goes to visit Dex, and was fiddling with the little Kamino dart looking super awkward, I thought that was so funny. And I never recovered I guess lol.
Impression now
He is literally my favourite character of all time. And his story is so sad.
Favourite moment
Oh my.. there are too many. I honestly love every scene he's in… anything between him and Qui Gon, Maul, and Satine I really enjoy. I love his “Good job!” moment in AOTC, I love when he rides Boga in ROTS, and all of his fight scenes, vs Maul(and Savage too) Anakin.. all are so damn cool!
Oh, but some of my other favourite moments of his are from the books. In M&A where Obi-Wan learns about Qui Gon's invitation to the council and the argument they have afterwards is up there, as well as pretty much EVERY scene he's in in the Kenobi book, including his meditations. They are all so emotional. But I’m just gonna leave it as that because if I write more this answer is gonna be double the length lol.
Idea for a story
I also have so many! I keep a google doc where I write out all my story ideas(needless to say, it is very long) and I’ll pick a few I’m not too shy to share lol.
-A story about young Anakin(in the v early ages of his Jedi training) and Obi getting stranded on a planet with no ships or communication devices. They go through many struggles to get back to safety, but ultimately learn more about each other how to work together.
-On Tatooine, there is an event where kid Luke gets stranded alone in danger, and Obi-Wan comes to the rescue, and it’s the first time he’s really seen Luke up close in a long time bc Owen doesn’t let him near, and poor Luke was so scared he runs and gives Obi-Wan a big hug and is crying :(
I also have many AU ideas I’m working through, like what if Satine(and Korkie) survived and joined Obi-Wan on Tatooine, what if Anakin told Obi-Wan about his feelings towards Padmé and if that would have changed anything… As well as many ideas for what could have happened during Qui Gon, Satine and Obi's year on Mandalore.
Unpopular opinion
I don’t know if I have a real unpopular one! Maybe, and I don’t think this is really that controversial, is that to me he has one of if not the saddest story of all the Star Wars characters. He goes through so much tragedy and pain, but maybe the saddest part is that he always remains good throughout all of it.
Favourite relationship
Obi-Wan and Satine! Nothing even comes close. I’m usually not big on romances(normally because I think they aren’t done well) but this one is everything I could have wanted. I just wish in a way it didn’t end so tragically, but if it did then we wouldn’t have the story we do in the movies would we. Lol.
Favourite headcanon
Omg, again, there are so many. I’ve seen some people write Obi-Wan getting really painful periodic migraines and I kinda liked that idea, as well as that he barely gets any sleep because he’s always working so hard(but I think the fandom has pretty much made that one canon lol).
One head-canon idea I had is that he was bullied a lot when he was young. He was kind of small, and so some of the meaner kids underestimated/targeted him. :( This led him to develop some of his aggressive tendencies, which he eventually grew out of of course under Qui-Gon’s tutelage, but I liked the idea that maybe Anakin, once he was a knight, somehow found out from one of Obi's old friends that he used to be bullied a lot(because Obi Wan often keeps his past a secret) and was like… “What…Obi-Wan?? How? That doesn’t make any sense??” Lol.
Wow, I swear I tried to keep this shorter LOL! RIP me. 😭 Thank you though for the ask, my friend!!
Character ask post is here 😊
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shierak-inavva · 4 years
please ma'am i would like to know more about this 'obi wan gets sent to protect padme' au pls 👀
ok so like, i’ve talked about this on twitter and i am gonna bring it here:
basically, my biggest gripe with the AOTC plot is why in the heck did a PADAWAN get sent on a high profile mission like protecting former queen and senator from naboo Padmé Amidala? even palpatine, at the beginning of the movie, mentions ‘master kenobi’ by name as a suggestion for a guard for padmé (and yes we know why, but still) so i went ahead and imagined a ‘what if’ for obi-wan getting sent instead of anakin—since on top of being a ‘familiar’ face that padmé AND her handmaidens trust and who already is a known name on naboo, obi-wan also already has bodyguarding experience under his belt.
now, factoring in that anakin stays at the temple for a bit and obi-wan DOES get like 3 days of vacation for the first time in....his life....then he gets a few days of just actually RESTING--in varykino, of all places, and with padme, who would literally let him rest anyway. so obi-wan gets a mini vacay. he gets to relax in one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy and padmé does, too--they talk about the battle of theed, about the senate, the jedi, about qui-gon, and for a little while obi-wan and padmé both get to just...breathe, and be...people. which is nice, and which tbqfh they both deserve.
there might not be a floating pear at dinner but there would be padmé watching him go through lightsaber forms in the early morning sun (either shirtless or yknow in some light clothes because fuck you i said so)
there's no balcony kiss, but there are some very lingering glances and smiles when the other isn't looking and some 'accidental' hand brushing...because they would ABSOLUTELY be slow-burn. obi-wan and padmé are both adults at this point, and both of them have obligations, obi-wan even moreso. but he's already known what attraction (physical and emotional) is like, what romantic emotions are like--he's not incapable of these things, he’s just reserved about them because he understands them, but his jedi teachings dictate restraint, and release. satine was still a figure in his life--he just made a choice, in the end, and do i think he regrets it? i think here and there he thinks about it, but i don’t think he fully feels regret over it by the time AOTC takes place. i think that comes later, when he sees her again during the clone wars.
now on naboo with padmé, he's faced with the same sort of emotions blooming up, and he would for sure think to himself about the choice with satine, about the jedi order, and about the repercussions there. so he might let himself get a little closer than he ought to, but ultimately nothing really WILD AND OVERT would come of it in AOTC, even if they'd been alone on naboo. there would be some very close calls, i think, for sure, but both of them are very good at keeping themselves guarded and very good at abstaining when necessary. again, these are two grown adults that have lived both of their lives with expectations weighing on them, and a certain behavior and standard expected of them. they aren’t two horny teenagers with nothing to lose and obi-wan would 100% respect padmé’s boundaries without hesitation while she would offer him the same respect, if maybe not so staunchly. padmé is for sure more flexible with her boundaries, but pair the two of them together flirting....i mean that’s a dangerous amount of chemistry right off the bat 👀
meanwhile anakin would be on coruscant and FRUSTRATED. not because he didn't get the assignment, though that would be part of it--the responsibility aspect—no, because they chose someone else to go protect padmé instead of him. hell, they could have sent mace windu and he'd still be frustrated and jealous as all fuck. but he still does as he's told. he just...looks into the dart. checks in more on the bounty hunter aspect of things because he’s SURE that’s a good lead after the zam situation. he's determined to prove himself, and if he can figure out who's trying to hurt padmé then she'll be impressed too, of course. and he wants that. a lot. obi-wan might have been sent to naboo but at this point anakin:
> is still VERY infatuated with padmé
> does not know about obi-wan’s romantic history and likely would assume he’s just boring her to death/that nothing would happen anyways
but instead of just consulting the council or the archives, anakin goes to palpatine.
palpatine offers NO help with the bounty hunter stuff.
but he DOES sow more seeds of jealousy in anakin's horny teen brain, and in the end anakin ends up jetting off of coruscant on his own. the movies just downplayed the everloving heck out of this but you KNOW palps was in anakin’s ear CONSTANTLY about obi-wan and padmé, stirring the pot.
now, anakin doesn't have the contacts that obi-wan does, but he's determined. i'm thinking he probably susses a few things out about the dart via the force; possibly with help from another master. kit? someone would help him focus if he asked. likely kit, or ki-adi, or plo, imo—he gets enough to at least send him looking for a bounty hunter and possibly towards kamino--but then the stuff with his mother comes up.
and he ends up on tattooine, with the lars family.
and shortly after the Sand People Incident™ is when he gets in contact with obi-wan--and padmé insists on seeing what's going on because she senses something is wrong and obi-wan agrees. (you can pry force sensitive!padmé from my cold dead hands) so anakin meets them at the lars homestead, tells them about his visions with the dart, about the bounty hunter and the feelings he got
and what better place than mos eisley to look for someone Seedy?
mos eisley has them run right into jango.
jango leads them to geonosis.
geonosis gets them all caught.
padmé is the one who sends a message to the jedi council about the geonosians and jango fett before she gets captured too--because you know they told her to stay with the ship while they investigate but then they took too long and she was like 'oh boy i better call the cops'.
the arena plays out like it did in AOTC, minus the secret kiss & love declaration. there’s a lot of ‘how did we get into this mess’ and ‘well you two took too long’ and ‘i told you i should have come in as a senator first’ and anakin trying to be very convincingly brave about ‘i’ll get us out of this’ which is aimed directly at padmé. honestly the rest of the movie would be VERY similar; i think whoever assisted anakin with the dart would wind up on kamino when anakin went to tattooine, and from there things progressed with the clones and the army gets to the republic.
but there's no clandestine wedding.
anakin returns to coruscant with the other masters, commended for his work helping the senator and with the dart. obi-wan and padmé likely have a small 'meeting' scene where she thanks him and he tells her he barely did anything—but there's some hand-touching, and some very meaningful looks, and they do kiss, just once. it's soft and quiet and not under the pressure of possibly dying or anything rushed by adrenaline or hormones, it's just a gentle kiss between two people who've had this building up for weeks; and in the end neither one of them apologize, but there's A LOT of body language that says they're into it and would kiss again--but obi-wan steps back, and padmé just smiles, and there's a shared understanding between them even if it's clear there's some amount of wistfulness.
“i hope your trip back to coruscant is safe, master kenobi," she smiles like nothing's just happened, nothing's different.
"and yours, senator amidala. may the force be with you." and he bows, smiling back.
but they do look back at each other again, and everything is different.
and then you get into TCW—and PLEASE imagine all of the tension there because these two AREN’T married, they ARE sneaking around but only a little; obi-wan isn’t near as brazen with things as anakin and he and padmé get enough time together in the first few seasons to really build some THICK tension between them. like i’m talking dangerous rescue missions, them having to fight their way out together, getting smooshed in tight spaces together, S O M U C H accidental touching, SO MANY almost-kisses....and then there’s the clovis stuff, which would play out way differently because obi-wan isn’t the jealous type at all and would absolutely trust padmé; and then satine shows up again and we get a whole arc of obi-wan dealing with these conflicting emotions and padmé coming very close on multiple occasions to just telling him she loves him but! supporting his decision no matter what and respecting his emotions, because she understands, and because she knows love is selfless and not possessive and she wants to be with him...if that’s what he wants, too.
but then satine dies—and she worries about him once he's back from mandalore, and there is possibly some very gentle and sweet comforting for the audience to enjoy 👀 the big season finale after that is maul holding padmé and another senator or two hostage and it's an ultra close call but maul dips out, bc it was just bait—and the season ends with him admitting as clearly as he can in Obi-Wan Terms™ that he loves her and padmé reciprocating. they kiss and it's very sweeping and dramatic, but now maul knows kenobi has yet another weakness uh oh...
anyways honestly all of this leads to ROTS being about anakin dealing with the jealousy that palpatine’s been feeding into: jealousy towards obi-wan about padmé, and about being overshadowed. it’s about anakin feeling like he can never have enough, about wanting more and more, about obsessive love and doubt—and when it turns out padmé is pregnant, anakin’s suspicions get confirmed and he turns to palpatine yet again.
IDEALLY padmé survives this movie and she and obi-wan go into hiding together with the twins, (or their child? i mean this is for sure up to interpretation for this specific au) and anakin/vader combs the galaxy for them, resulting eventually in padmé’s death and the separation of the twins, and giving some actual meaning to leia remembering her mother in ROTJ.
so yeah i just. have a lot of feelings about things and at any given moment i can and will talk your ear off about ‘what if’ scenarios like this hdkdjdk 😭💦
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mightydragoon · 5 years
Suitless Vader and Luke Fic Recommendations
@silvereddaye Hey you asked for it. 
1. Sent Out for Safety - Chapter 1 - throwawayflames - Star W...
At the age of eight, Luke Skywalker and his sister, Leia, are split up for their safety. Leia stays with their Uncle Ben, and their mother, to learn how to be a Jedi. Luke, on the other hand, is sent to the Organa's, where he will pretend to be their adoptive son who was orphaned. Ben had only given Luke one rule to live by while he was away from his family, don't tell anyone his last name, and he followed that.
It wasn't his fault that Darth Vader sensed that he was a Force Sensitive and now he wants to train him, as a Jedi no less. That's the complete opposite of what Ben had told Luke. And after asking Darth Vader about his dad, Luke can't help but say yes to Darth Vader training him. After all, Luke's always wanted to be a Jedi like his father.
 2. Another Empire -   Theace1
Another Empire - Chapter 1 - Theace1 - Star Wars - All Med...
The Battle of Yavin had a surprising outcome with the death of Emperor Palpatine. Luke Skywalker's confrontation on Bespin has a much different outcome in the AU story, meeting someone he never expected to see: The Empress Vader.
3. Oceans Across- planningconquest
Oceans Across - Chapter 1 - planningconquest - Star Wars -...
Star Wars on the high seas! Doesn't get more simple than that.
4. Burning Mother planningconquest
Burning Mother - Chapter 1 - planningconquest - Star Wars ...
A Jedi Luke emerges onto the galactic scene over a decade after the Jedi temple burned. Joining with Cassian Andor, rebel spy, they attempt to return to the Rebellion to attempt to full fill his destiny as the Chosen One. Sidetracked by pirates, farmers, and blind monks. All the while hunted by a vengeful Lady Vader who would see the young Jedi dead with the rest of his Order.
5. Dynasty  Valerie_Vancollie
Dynasty - Chapter 1 - Valerie_Vancollie - Star Wars - All ...
Hit in the leg by a stormtrooper's blaster bolt, Luke falls in the Death Star hanger bay and is unable to escape on the Falcon along with Han and Leia. During the subsequent interrogation, his true heritage is revealed and Vader instantly takes him to Coruscant, determined to reclaim the son the Jedi stole from him. But the glory of the Imperial capital belies its true nature, where politics and power are everything and anything is fair game in the never ending game to reach the top. Not lying, not betrayal, assassination, sabotage, blackmail, nor seduction. As he commences his Sith training, Luke must also learn the rules and etiquette of the Imperial Court if he is to survive as most of his enemies fight their battles with words and political maneuverings rather than military force. Yet, even as he struggles to gain his place within the Empire, Luke learns that his best friend has joined the Alliance...
6. Possibilities of If May Be Valerie_Vancollie
Possibilities of If May Be - Valerie_Vancollie - Star Wars...
Co-authored by Selinthia Avenchesca.
What if two different Star Wars realities started to merge?
7. We are all in the gutterarcticapple
We are all in the gutter - Chapter 1 - arcticapple - Star ...
Vader gets caught by the Rebellion and eight years old Luke gets tossed into the mix. Observe and discuss.
8. new cornerstone: a reconstruction mandalorianed ( Private) 
When Luke had imagined finding out who his parents were, he had never imagined this.
9. Revenge Leads to Karma, and Karma Bites Darikiema
Darth Vader created them for his revenge; the clones of Obi-Wan Kenobi were his to torture and kill. But when something goes wrong and one of them isn't grown before being released from the pod, he's met with a dilemma that could change the face of the Galaxy.
Karma sucks and if Darth Vader ever meets her, he's going punch her in her damn face.
10. The Reckoning.  SpaceTrashCanFan (Sketchandcomicbookperson)
After Darth Vader goes missing after an failed attempt to assassinate the emperor, he was presumed to be dead.
Years later, a few Jedi and a child show up at the front door of the rebellion with an mysterious defector in tow. And they have big plans...
11. Bright Binary sunset in Dark Times SpaceTrashCanFan (Sketchandcomicbookperson)
A.k.a Vader got frozen in Carbonite, somehow.
Since Vader went missing, years ago somewhere in the outer rim...when Leia was very young (5 years) . Leia Organa gets years later when she was seventeen a bodyguard assigned to her after an attempt on her. Normally, she would protest.
But this man is not like the others. Something that was eating him and her parents were keeping a secret. Wielding a weapon of a Jedi... Using the Force and having secret meetings with spies and her father..
Leia is determined to find out what is going on and discovers how her bodyguard is a reformed Sith-Lord who went missing several years ago.
12. Tumblr Prompts  KaelinaLovesLomaris
A collection of unrelated Star Wars ficlets, from tumblr prompts. New "chapters" will be added as I get new prompts, and I'll update tags as I go too. Almost all of these revolve around Luke and Vader's father-son relationship, aside from the first few.
13. No Distance Far Enough KaelinaLovesLomaris
Imperial Prince Luke Skywalker is kidnapped by the Rebellion. His father is not happy.
14. Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly) antebunny
In which Leia is seven when her only friend Dijan dies. Her grief tears apart the shields Obi-Wan Kenobi put up on her mind to hide her adeptness with the Force, and is felt by two other residents in the galaxy: her father and her brother.
Or: The Skywalkers have a mental conversation from opposite sides of the galaxy because they're Skywalkers.
It also changes the course of the galaxy, but that's just to be expected.
EDIT: the second work is all part of this work!
15. Those Who Walk Series  antebunny
Skywalker family fluff.
16. Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly) II --antebunny
Sequel to Those Who Walk The Paths Of The Sky (Must Learn To Fly), because there are still a lot of things that need to happen. But they're Skywalkers, so it has to be dramatic as possible. Including old friends, Organa Family Drama, Skywalker Shenanigans, and Hutts. Also, don't mind Obi-Wan. He's busy moping.
17.  the shifting light of stars  freefan1412
Obi-Wan never needed to ask Padme for Anakin's location. That has consequences.
18. Fulfilling a Prophecy KianRai_Delcam (orphan_account)
Qui-Gon's eyes are gentle when he replies, "Changing fate is not always best, Vader. Whatever happens is as the Force wills it to be." Vader scoffs, "I'm hardly a youngling to be lectured, Jedi. My knowledge of the Force is more complete than yours. You have not walked both sides of the Force as I have. The Force is neither an ally nor a slave, as the Jedi and Sith see it." After Darth Vader's death and Anakin's redemption on the second Death Star, both Luke Skywalker and Vader are more than surprised when they find themselves alive on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple. Of course, Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi are a bit perplexed as well. Follow the Chosen One and company as they journey across the galaxy once more, discovering their true selves and fulfilling a prophecy as it was meant to be. Fic takes place over a few years, and may possibly go into the Clone Wars. Not just another time travel fix-it AU. You have been warned.
19. Cloak And Dagger  dorenamryn
“...and those that endeavour to dissolve it [the Union of Great Britain], carry a dagger under the cloak of patriotism, to stab their country in the heart."
In which everything changes, but also nothing does. (aka: the one where Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi Knight pretending to be a Sith, Emperor Palpatine thinks he's won, Obi-Wan Kenobi thinks his best friend's betrayed him, and Leia Organa is stuck in the middle of it.)
20. The Good Temptation Sinclairchap
The Force is out of Balance. Unfortunately, it's Chosen One has done little to fix this, and has even Turned to the Dark Side, furthering the Unbalance. The entities created directly by the Force, who guide those who use it, have decided he requires a nudge in the right direction. A rather large nudge.
But not everybody, or even the Chosen One himself, agrees with this plan.
(Previously titled "Path to Redemption")
21. Misguided Light Skylanian_Writer
Vader survived Mustafar unharmed, but believes everyone he holds dear is gone. Except his son, who he would do anything for, so long as Luke stayed by his father's side.
Padmé managed to survive childbirth, and lived to see everything she fought for be deystroyed. Except her daughter, who Padmé would die for in a heart beat.
Unfortunately, Luke and Leia are not willing to sit quietly as their parents fight a war. The twins actions shake the entire galaxy to its core.
The Force really hated the Skywalker family.
22. In the Past  SilverDaye
It's been two months after Bespin, and Luke Skywalker is trying to come to terms with the events that happened there. During a dogfight with Darth Vader, both of their fighters crash. When they recover, they both find themselves on Coruscant at the end of the Clone Wars. Vader still aims to claim his son, but Luke has been taken to the Jedi Temple where he meets Anakin Skywalker.
23. Runaway SilverDaye
Imperial Prince Luke runs away from home to escape his overprotective father Emperor Vader. Jumping from planet to planet he finds himself creditless on Tatooine. While working for more money to leave the planet, Luke meets an old man named Ben Kenobi. But Luke knows he can't stay in one place for long for surely his father is hunting him down.
24. The Bargain SilverDaye
Vader has killed off his master and claimed the throne as Galactic Emperor. Padmé has become an outspoken figure head and leader of the Rebellion. Vader captures his wife. Now she must figure out a way to be free for not only herself, but her children as well. She's fighting against Vader, who will stop at nothing and use anything means necessary to bring his family together.
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Star Wars- Skywalker Triplets AU
Request: “Okay so being in love is all well and good,but I am going to go in another direction,if Anakin and Padme had triplets,Luke,Leia and another daughter,who Kenobi gave to seemingly kindly couple only for them to be imperials and give the child to Vader,and Vader has the proof Palpatine lied to him,his daughter is alive after all and she grows up imperial princess,not afraid of Vader at all and hating Palpatine for all the grief he brought to both her parents 1/? Of course Vader would be different here too if he knew Palpatine betrayed him and so he is mostly a double agent,he teaches his daughter basically everything he knows about the force, mechanics and fighting and she finds Padme's old speeches and practices the confidence and the way of speaking as her mother had,she knows republic was flawed but so is empire and so were the Jedi,and this is all fine until they catch a Alderanni princess 2/? So yes maybe headcanons for this scenario?I kinda imagine her with Padme's face, Anakin's eyes and height and hair color with Padme's curls,I call her Layah in my head,this really just came out because just imagine the picture of terrifying Darth Vader being followed around by a toddler and imitating his voice and huffs,we totally call Palps Darth Hideous too,and then we meet the Alderanni princess who looks way too much like our mother,damn that Palps 3/3”
Padmé can’t help but to name her third child Shmi. It’s the last piece of Anakin she has, anyways, before her life force passes on
Obi-wan’s heart breaks when he tells her new parents on Tatooine a different name. Shmi is too direct, too much of a connection to the recently deceased Anakin Skywalker
His heart is further ripped apart when the child goes missing, given carelessly away by the couple he once trusted. They baby girl is  surrendered to the most dangerous men in the galaxy
Obi-wan Kenobi has failed Padmé for the last time. His watch over Luke is just as fierce and protective, but he prays Vader never realizes the truth about how many Skywalker siblings were actually born
Vader hardly recognizes his own child but for her power in the Force. And when she grows, carefully sheltered from his master’s view, he sees the beauty of her mother in her perfectly curled hair, accompanied by all the temperament of a young Anakin Skywalker
She is raised with all the anger of her father and all of the carefully leveraged ferocity of her mother. She is ruthless and stronger than any force previously known to the galaxy
Even Palpatine hardly dares to interfere. Of course, unpredictable Vader and his progeny will have to be taken care of one day, but he knows Darth Vader is a tool he cannot yet afford to lose
His apprentice is terrifying and unforgiving when he realizes who his child is. But Vader needs Palpatine, for he has nothing else in the galaxy, and Palpatine needs Vader to maintain his precious power
Vader, Palpatine, and Shmi all scheme, each with their own plots to take power for themselves. Shmi is relentless, keeping both the memory of her mother and who her father once was alive
Anakin Skywalker beings to fight Vader long before he ever meets his son or other daughter. Shmi is a light in his life, and he slowly realizes that he does not wish for his child to know the darkness as deeply and truly as he does
The first time he meets Leia, it is nearly enough to break him. But he complies with the orders of his master until Alderaan is nearly destroyed
Both Shmi and Vader resist. To Leia’s incredible surprise, the terrors of the galaxy are those who ensure the survival of her home planet and her eventual escape with Luke and Han
Palpatine is furious like never before. Vader knows its almost time to leave
When Bespin comes, Captain Solo sees mercy, but Boba Fett does not
Luke still comes running. Without much fanfare, Shmi and Vader reveal who Luke really is
The young Jedi is devastated. But he has surprising new allies in his sister and father
They promise to defeat Palpatine so long as the Rebellion helps overthrow the Empire
Luke tentatively agrees
For months, they meet and message in secret, until the time is right to attack. As the Empire attempts to gather their forces, Shmi and Vader indicate that now is the time
The Rebellion makes quick work of the Imperial forces, still weakened after the Death Star’s destruction years ago. They are led by their heroes: Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and Lando
Shmi and Vader defeat Palpatine, but at great cost
Ravaged by Sith lightning, and lightsaber wounds inflicted by a man seemingly powerless from age, Vader dies in his daughter’s arms
Shmi isn’t sure where to turn from there. Her father’s guidance was all she previously knew
Even though Leia is made reluctant by both the recent discovery of her true parentage and her sister’s villainous history, Luke welcomes Shmi with open arms
He understands the struggle between light and dark enough to hope for his sister’s full redemption
Life after the Empire isn’t perfect by any means. However, the Skywalker siblings now have each other, and that is enough for hope of better days.
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mrfandomwars · 4 years
Darth Vader? You mean Kane Starkiller?AU
Ok, so I remembered that originally Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker were two separate people (and that Leia wasn't Luke twin sister but a woman called Nellith Skywalker that was only going to appear on episode VI) and my mind went immediately to Star Wars: The Clone Wars and just-
Imagine this bratty little that's-where-Kylo-Ren-comes-from 13-year-old kid named Kane Starkiller that was about to be kicked out of the order because 'he is too angry' but Obi-Wan takes him in because he knows how that feels like and now Cody either is still a Marshall Commander and Kane becomes a 'Jedi' Commander or Cody becomes a Captain and Kane is the Commander now (which means someone else is now the Marshall Commander, maybe Wolffe or Bly? Maybe even Fox, so Palpatine has the highest-ranking clone under his thumb).
Anyway, Palpatine starts becoming 'friends' with him (since something probably happened that caused him to fail with Anakin, maybe Anakin got therapy and told someone something that Palpatine said to him that paint the Jedi in a bad light and they actually acted) and starts filling Starkiller's with things like "The Jedi Order is so bad, they wanted to kick you out when you have all this talent." "You poor boy, Obi-Wan doesn't give you a lot of attention, does he? He seems to only care about that Skywalker boy." (which is untrue, Obi-Wan loves his angry Padawan/kind-of-son and tries to pay as much attention as possible but there is a war going on so he has to talk about battle plans with people and has paperwork to do, and that's not even adding the fact that he is a kriffing high council member)"Skywalker obviously hates you, have you seen the things he blames you for?"(also untrue, Anakin will kick anyone who hurts his younger brother with Ahsoka close behind, besides, it's not his fault that Young!Vader is always causing trouble)"That girl, Ahsoka, she obviously sees you as competition and wouldn't mind if you 'mysteriously' died."(I dare you to hurt him with when Ahsoka is near because LISTEN, he may be mean to basically everyone that isn't Obi-Wan or Palpatine and sometimes he is horrible towards the clones but he has some funny jokes and sometimes when the 212th and 501st are working together he appears out of nowhere with meat and his book choices are dark and mostly poems/tragedies but they are GOOD (plus he understands the Padawan Generation W for War memes at the temple unlike sOME PEOPLE *Side eyes Obi-Wan and Anakin* so if you dare to hurt her younger (by a year) cousin you got a problem in your hands)).
Moving on, there are probably a lot of misunderstandings like that one time with Rako Hardeen were he was forced to become Quinlan’s/someone’s padawan or why Cody has the power to ground him.
(Side note: Kane is probably around 16 when he falls and Order 66 happens so don't think about that.
Also, Anakin probably died from a fatal wound in the battle of Mustafar and was only able to survive until a bit after the twins are born and named to request for them to be separated after Padmé died shortly after she gave birth to Luke and Leia/Nellith of some other injury she got when trying to convince her honorary younger brother to join the light side again and he was sure he wasn't going to be able to survive without her, even for their children.
Don't think about Anakin going with Mace and the other Jedi Masters to stop Palpatine and didn't want his padawan brother to be in a clearly dangerous fight that not all of them will come out of, especially unscathed and watching as Kane appear out of nowhere and betray the Order (their family) before becoming Darth Vader before escaping, heartbroken.)
The clones probably don't like him very much because he acts as if he is better than them and it took Obi-Wan threatening to ground him if he didn't call them by their name for him to actually do it but there are some things make him bearable, such as him making their Jetti smile, him sometimes helping in the med-bay which, while most brothers complaining about feeling cold and they having anger issues for a few weeks after he treats them, always makes more brothers survive, him dragging their General to the med-bay after a battle, between others.
(Another side note: It probably wasn't Fives that discovered about the chips in this au, because if he was, Anakin would probably believe him after they discovered that he was drugged sooo it was probably someone from the 212th who tried to talk to Cody and Kane about the chips and the fact that Palpatine was behind it. Idk why but I can see Boil discovering it.
Also, don't think about Cody stepping in front of Starkiller and trying to make him shut up and stop defending the Chancellor because he is clearly making thing worse and he doesn't want Boil his brother making something that they would regret later.)
Anyhow, I believe that if they followed the original plan, they would have made us like Vader a little bit more.
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twilightofthe · 5 years
For the fanfic writer ask meme: E, N & W. Thanks 🙂.
Thanks for the ask, anon! (sorry for responding so late aaaa)  Questions from this writing ask game
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
C-3PO, I too am loud, over-talkative, anxious, like linguistics, and tend to bother people.  Lol but for real?  Ok, I know I’ve made this joke before, but minus the evil and the murder, I really do relate to Anakin in a way, like I’ve got this entire [post] on why I think he’s ADHD like I am, and his anxiety and general tendency to be a disaster socially resonates with me too, like, I get that.  I’m also a massive drama queen who’s really smart about like one or two particular things so yea.  I’d say overall tho, I’m probably the most like Luke, a little whiny and awkward, a little dramatic, little reckless, love my friends and family a LOT, want to explore.  As to fics that capture similar qualities, I’d definitely say Pas de Deux, the way I write Anakin in it has a LOT of my anxiety and my worst headspace involved and wrapped up in his character, I very much projected a bit while writing it.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Ohhhh honey you’ve got a storm coming….  besides the obvious other two books in walk the (family) line, I’ve got an entire list on a separate document of different stories I want to write, ideas including:
A oneshot fic I’m actually kinda working on right now.  It’s another modern!AU Obikin romcom and I won’t spoil it, but it involves parkour, R2 the parrot, Obi Wan may or may not be James Bond, and Anakin accidentally becomes Twitter famous
An epistolary style fic set during Obi Wan’s time on Tatooine where nine year old Leia finds the emergency comm Bail has to contact him, and both the lonely, kind of awkward young princess and the tired old hermit who should know better but is also lonely and misses both of her parents dearly set up a penpal relationship.  End goal is to establish a relationship that gives Leia a proper reason to name her son “Ben”.
A semi-crackfic where the Jedi Council gets some sort of Clue From The Force™ about the identity of the Secret Sith Lord, that clue being that the Sith Lord is: a politician with close ties to Anakin Skywalker, and also had very specific motives to send Darth Maul to Naboo.  Alllll the wrong conclusions are drawn from that, and the next day, Padmé Amidala is arrested for treason.  Obi Wan is the only Council member who’s like “y’all she’s innocent, it’s clearly the fucking Chancellor”, Sidious tries to manipulate the situation to remove the only two people in his way at once, and poor Anakin spends the entire fic in a state of “UH HI YEAH WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON”  Shenanigans ensue
A 5+1 times they kissed Obikin alternate canon shortfic, because I’m hopeless and want to write shmoop.
A Sadmé (Satine/Padme) Ocean’s 8 AU that came about entirely over me yelling over Cate Blanchett and wanting to write a heist fic starring all of the SW Prequels/TCW ladies being total badasses
This absolutely BONKERS Rebels AU fic where S4 Ezra accidentally pulls both Ahsoka AND Kanan into the World Between Worlds during the Vader fight in S2.  Vader recognizes what happened and promptly kidnaps S2 Ezra who’s there by himself— as well as Maul who’s established a bond with Ezra over the Sith holocron —in hopes of discovering the secret of time travel.  While S2 Ezra has to somehow survive the Crazy Murder Roadtrip with Maul and Vader, now S4 Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka have to race to A: Find and rescue S2 Ezra before one of the Sith kill him— and therefore also kill S4 Ezra, B: Make sure Maul and Vader’s tentative alliance doesn’t lead to them finding Obi Wan for obvious reasons, and C: Make sure neither Maul nor especially Vader find the Lothal Temple World Between Worlds entrance and risk unleashing either into a past they both desperately want to change
A fic detailing different little neuroses and traits and attitudes passed down through the Yoda-Dooku-Jinn-Kenobi-Skywalker-Tano line.
Cross generational shortfic focusing on the desert children— Anakin, Luke, and Rey — and their first experiences with water and rain
A ficlet where Yoda somehow gets babified and basically just all of the Jedi Order having to deal with the cuteness overload that is Baby Yoda.
A post-TROS political drama where Leia’s Force Ghost realizes that once again, a new government is gonna need to be built in the aftermath of the First Order’s nonsense and that there are almost no good remaining politicians in the galaxy.  Finn is unfortunate enough to know how command works, how to take charge, how to deal with FO remnants, and is Force Sensitive enough to see ghosts, so Leia takes it upon herself to mold Finn into the next leader of the GFFA.  Would focus on rebuilding, family legacy, be very very Jedistormpilot, and so on.  I feel like I’m not really invested enough in the ST but I reeeeally want to see this idea in fic form, so I might end up giving this idea away at some point.
This one fic that’s been going through my head for YEARS but have always felt scared of actually writing because I know right now that it’s gonna get LONG, like over 200k (lol and look what’s happening with Mutuals ahahAHAHA—) where Anakin flat out dies.  Just, during TCW season 5, he fights Dooku and in the process of killing him, goes down with him and dies.  Padmé will have just became about a month pregnant at this time, and part of the fic will focus on her and Obi Wan and Ahsoka dealing with the aftermath of Anakin’s death, as Sidious is forced to jumpstart his plans and execute Order 66 early now that he’s not waiting on Anakin anymore.  The other part of the fic will focus on Anakin’s ghost, unable to communicate with Obi Wan or Ahsoka and having to watch them and Padmé and the surviving Jedi form the Rebellion themselves and his children being born and growing up without him, even though Luke and Leia will end up being the only ones who can see him.  It’ll go right up through the 20 years of the Empire and have a gigantic cast and I just don’t know if I can do it.
Now, I hate to say it, but I need to let it be known that these are still MY IDEAS, and I have not given anyone permission to use them, so please do not be that person.  Do not steal these ideas for yourself.  I will be VERY upset if someone does.  If you really like an idea, DM me and ask, but I don’t plan to give any of them away at the moment.
W: What is your favorite pairing to write?  Favorite pairing to read?
Hmm, to write?  That’s tough!  There’s so many different complex relationships in Star Wars that I’ve really found myself enjoying exploring, and it’s hard to find a particular one that I like best.  I’m open to at least sampling most pairings for reading, but my favorite has to be Obikin.  It just makes me happy!!!!! :D
Thanks again for asking, and y’all should tell me in the notes if any of the fic ideas sound like something you’d read!!!!!
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swfanficbyjz · 7 years
SW AU - Fate of the Master Chapter 12
<- Previous Chapter
Anakin paced the hallway between Ahsoka's room and Leia's room. So many things had changed in the last month that he found himself wondering what was left in his life to be turned upside down. One minute he'd been a Sith Lord walking down the darkest path, the next minute he was a father and fighting for good again. Emperor Sidious had told him, when he'd first discovered Ahsoka was still alive, that it had been prophesied that they would meet, fight and that the outcome would define who he was. In his words, Anakin had been certain that it meant he was destined to destroy her and forever seal himself as Vader. But evil or not, Sidious had spoken only truth.
The outcome of their duel HAD determined who he was. It just wasn't who he expected he'd be. For years he had swallowed the anger and hate. For years he had allowed the storm to rage inside him; he'd let the monster win. Through the lens of the dark side everything he had once been could only be seen as wrong. Everyone he'd once loved could only be the enemy. He lived and breathed that hatred, bent only on destroying any reminder of that self. The Jedi were the enemy, Obi wan was the enemy, Ahsoka was the enemy and Padmé was the enemy. He had allowed that belief to sit inside his broken chest and pump its poison through his veins. He had lived it. He took his need for vengeance out on everyone he met. Jedi, rebel, imperial, civilian... it didn't really matter.
He had not felt remorse, or sadness or sorrow. He had not allowed himself to think about it; to ask questions or to search for answers. Somewhere in the back of his brain he had committed so completely to the monster he'd become, that even if Skywalker still lived inside him, he was beyond redemption. He'd believed there was nothing in there worth saving. He'd believed that on Mustafar when Padmé had tried to get him to go back with her. He'd believed it when Obi wan had told him he loved him. And he'd believed it on Malachor when Ahsoka had refused to leave him. The three people he had loved the most had each tried to tell him that he wasn't beyond redemption and he had ignored them all.
Now as he looked around himself, he saw warmth; friendly faces, encouraging smiles... hope. And he realized that no one is beyond saving. To be saved, however, you have to want to be. And to want to be, you have to believe there's something worth saving.
He'd spent years, after meeting Padmé for the first time on Tatooine, believing that if he ever had to live without her, there'd be no point to life. And when the emperor had told him that he had killed her, the one thing he'd been the most afraid to lose... that was the moment he lost the fight. The fight for something more. After that, he'd been just an empty shell; a machine. He couldn't survive without specialized apparatus to keep his broken body living. And he'd become the ultimate slave; believing like Dooku, Ventress and Grievous that he had a say in his life, but he never had control. That was the true curse of the Sith; he was forced to give up his own will for the sake of unimaginable power. But what is the point of power, when there is no purpose? Even if Sidious had taught him what he'd promised in order to keep Padmé alive... she had not lived long enough to use it on her.
And now in perfect clarity, he realized; that had been the point. The promise was enough to enslave you. It never really mattered if they followed through.
The others had tried to save him, hoping their words would be enough. And they should have been. But he had been so lost and confused that he'd not been able to see the truth in them. Maybe he hadn't wanted to see the truth.
But Ahsoka, in her never ending fearlessness, had walked straight into the darkness, danced with the dragon, and ignited his long dormant soul. And he would never know what it cost her to do that. Had their destiny been sealed the first moment they met? What had he ever done to deserve such loyalty?
"You loved me." Ahsoka said, standing in the doorway of her room. She'd pulled on a white robe over the hospital dress. She looked a little pale, but she had lived through worse injuries. He hadn't realized she'd been standing there, he'd been so lost in thought. "One act of love, can change someone's entire life." She whispered.
"I'm starting to see that," he said, walking over to her and pulling her into his arms. "You should be resting, though."
"I needed to check on you first. I could feel the heat waves in my sleep." She laughed a little hoarsely.
"I'll work on toning it down a bit then." He retorted.
"No, don't" she said, her voice a little muffled in his chest.
He rubbed the back lekku, and then dropped his hands to her shoulders and massaged them.
"How are you?" She asked after a few minutes, tipping her head back to look up at his face.
"Tired." He admitted.
"Come on," she said pulling on him and he let her lead him down the hallway and out into the night air. They sat down on a bench in the courtyard. She laid back so her head was in his lap and stared up at the stars. He admired their reflection in her eyes.
"Do you ever wonder how different our lives would have been if we'd never been brought to the temple?" Ahsoka asked at last.
"I usually tried not to think about it. Although I have to admit that sometimes missing my mother made me wonder if the life I'd chosen was really better than the one I'd left behind." He answered thoughtfully.
"I know you don't like talking about your past, but will you tell me about her? What was she like?"
Anakin didn't really want to open yet another wound, but since he was already pouring everything out, he might as well. To his surprise though, most of the stories he started telling were all good memories rather than regrets.
"Was your mother force sensitive too?" She asked after awhile.
"I don't think so," he said, "but I suppose she could have been. Why do you ask?"
"Your son told me, when I first met him, that sometimes he sees her in dreams. That she's always telling him that she loves him, and that sometimes, she'd talk about you. I know that we were taught that when people die, they become one with the force and keep nothing of their individual identity. But I'm not so sure anymore... not just because of what Luke said, but also, my own experiences. My own dreams." Ahsoka said.
Anakin realized he was holding his breath waiting for her to go on. Thankfully she did.
"When darkness fell after order 66. I couldn't find anyone in the force. You, Obi wan, Yoda... not even the Jedi as a whole. It was a scary time to be so cut off from it all. But I had dreams. Dreams of people, I had once known. Dreams of people I knew to be dead. Sometimes they'd talk to me. Sometimes they were just there. I always thought they were just memories, but what if they were more? The strange part was, most of the people that appeared to me like this had never been Jedi. It was almost as if I lived close to the veil, like somehow there was a portal in me between life and death and it was easy for them to come through. You never did, though."
"Ahsoka..." Anakin breathed.
"Did saying that hurt you?" She asked worriedly.
"No, it's just..." he hesitated wondering how to say it. "Do you remember on Mortis, when you woke up and found the daughter dead next to you? You asked what was going on and neither Obi wan or I would tell you?"
"Yes I remember. That was a strange place."
"Do you know what really happened there?" He persisted. But she shook her head.
"You died..." he said finally. It was hard to say the words out loud. "The Son killed you... and then the Daughter, the Daughter used her last bit of power to bring you back to life..."
She sat up suddenly. "You mean I was touched by both the light and dark? No wonder you hadn't wanted to tell me that." She laid back down after a moment. "That explains my dream."
"Which one?" He asked, gently stroking her face.
"The one right before we fought Sidious." She started. "The Daughter... she'd been protecting me from these cloaked figures, but then one of them hurt her and she fell. And then she told me that we were one... when I begged her for an explanation, the only thing she told me was that he was coming..." Ahsoka paused unsure of how much more to say about it. "She's one of the main characters in all my dreams, like she's always there. I never really understood why. But, if she sacrificed herself to save me... maybe she lives inside me now. It might be why I always see her."
"Do you ever see the Son too?" Anakin asked with anticipation.
"No..." she said. "Do you?"
"He sometimes haunts my dreams and my meditations."
"Does he live in you?"
"I don't think he does the same way the Daughter does in you. But then again, maybe not all the dead become one with the force." Anakin whispered.
"Normally, I would tell you that's impossible." Obi wan leaned over the back of the bench startling both Anakin and Ahsoka.
"Master Obi wan!" Ahsoka said a little sheepishly sitting up.
"No no, carry on." He replied. "Everyone has just been worried sick wondering where you disappeared to."
"Sorry," she said properly chastised. "I just needed some fresh air."
"Wait, what did you mean 'normally'?" Anakin asked. "How long were you listening?"
"From when you first started talking about Mortis." Obi wan confessed, sitting on the other side of Ahsoka as she put her feet down and scooted into the middle making room for him to join them. "Do you want to know what I was doing on Tatooine, besides watching over Luke?" They both nodded. "I was training."
"With who?" Anakin asked.
"With an old friend. Master Qui-Gon." Obi wan sighed. Anakin's mouth worked like he was trying to say something, but nothing came out. Obi wan spared him the trouble by continuing. "I'd always believed what I'd been taught about the force and death. That when a person dies, their spirit mixes with the force as a whole. That no original identity can remain. That they're still with us, but not in the same way. But then Master Yoda told me, just as I was about to take Luke to Tatooine, that master Qui-Gon had learned how to keep his identity in the afterlife; in order to help train future generations. And that I too, was to learn that ability in the event that all the Jedi were eradicated to preserve the knowledge and to pass it on someday." Obi wan fell silent in contemplation. Neither Anakin or Ahsoka knew how to respond to that.
"Anakin, do you know why Qui-Gon was never made a member of the Jedi council?" Obi wan spoke again at last.
"I know that he disagreed with them and that like me, he didn't always do what they asked." Anakin replied carefully.
"It's because he associated with a group known as the Gray Jedi." Obi wan said.
"The Gray Jedi?" Anakin asked surprised. "I thought they were a myth."
"That's what they wanted people to think. They were a secret order amongst our ranks. They didn't believe in the Jedi code as it read. They had their own. Many of them were shadows, so not well known already. The council allowed them to exist, but did not trust them. And most certainly did not allow them representation on the council. Master Qui-Gon was one of them. He used to try to teach me about them, but I always thought it was wrong; too abstract for what I was taught by the others. To me, being a successful Jedi meant sitting on the council, and I would never get involved in an organization that could hurt my chances of that. But after years of reflection in my isolation on Tatooine, I've come to understand that perhaps there was more to their code than what I first thought. And if any of us here represent that middle ground, it is Ahsoka."
"What? How? I've never even heard of them until now!" She said.
"Well, my child, it seems you found your way there all on your own. Perhaps the same way the other ones did."
"But how can I live by a doctrine I don't even know?"
"There is no dark side, nor a light side. There is only the force. I will do what I must to keep the balance. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace. There is serenity, yet emotion. Chaos, yet order. I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance. I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way. I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance. I am the guardian of balance. I am a gray Jedi." They hung on every word as if it were hypnotizing them.
"It was a Gray Jedi that prophesied the Chosen One. The one meant to bring balance to the force." Obi wan said, watching their rapt faces as they processed what he was trying to tell them.
"And Gray Jedi are the protectors and keepers of balance..." Anakin looked at Ahsoka suddenly. "Master Qui-Gon wanted to train me as a Gray Jedi."
"Yes." Obi wan said. "With the Chosen One as a protector of balance, the prophecy would be fulfilled." Ahsoka looked between the two of them.
"Clearly there are holes in my information," she said tentatively, "but... even without being trained as one of these Gray Jedi... Anakin still brought balance to the force. Did he not? It just swung like pendulum rather than a smooth transition..."
Anakin stared at Ahsoka with such intense concentration, that Obi wan felt embarrassed to be so close. He was at a loss for words too. She was right, he had brought balance. Or at least had started to.
"That's why they were scared of me; that's why they didn't want to train me!" Anakin stood up so fast Ahsoka let out a little yelp. "It's right there in the code. The Gray Jedi will do what they 'must' to bring balance to the force." Anakin started pacing back and forth, Obi wan and Ahsoka watched him in silence.
"And sometimes that means..." Ahsoka started but trailed off.
"Sometimes that means walking the opposite path..." Anakin finished for her. "The council knew if the Chosen One had been found... it meant the end of the Sith... And the Jedi..."
"It would seem that way, yes." Obi wan sighed suddenly very weary. "We all had a very different idea of what the Chosen One meant and what they would do."
"The Jedi believed that wiping out the Sith meant balance. And the Sith believed that wiping out the Jedi would bring balance. And the Gray Jedi..." Anakin started.
"Knew that there was no light or dark, and balance meant they both had to end." It was Ahsoka's turn to finish the thought.
“We are one," the Daughter's words echoed in Ahsoka's head. "You mustn't fall, or the light dies." She hadn't meant the light in the galaxy... she'd meant the light in Anakin. On Mortis; the Son, who represented the dark side, had killed the Daughter, who represented the light side. In order to balance the force, Anakin, the Chosen One, had to kill the Son. But Anakin had first joined with the Son.
The pattern had then repeated; he'd joined the Son by becoming a Sith. He had then killed the Daughter; the Jedi. Then, to bring balance to the force, Anakin had to destroy the Sith, by destroying the emperor and Vader. And then just as the force wielders on Mortis had predicted; he became the Father. The Chosen One. The middle. The balance between all good things and all evil things. The only one that controlled them both. And she... she was the protector of balance. She'd walked both sides as the wielder of the torch to guard Anakin; to guard balance...
That was more power than one person should ever be burdened with.
She was starting to think she hadn't been feeling good enough to leave the hospital bed after all. Her head was spinning. Did Anakin fully understand what he was saying? What being a Gray Jedi meant? Both for force wielders and non force wielders? The light side works with the natural order, the dark side against the natural order. And the middle must mean that sometimes you have to let awful things happen to not interfere with either. As painful as it was, it felt as though everything was slowly starting to fall into place; like a puzzle that's picture was nothing like it had advertised.
She stood up too fast, but got dizzy and almost fell. Anakin caught her. His eyes were wide with concern.
"Ahsoka? Are you alright?" Obi wan asked.
"Yeah, just a little tired." She stammered. "I think I should get some rest now." Anakin slid his arm around her and helped her back inside.
"There you are!" Bail said coming out of Leia's room. "She's awake, I thought.. you might want to meet her. Get a proper introduction, you know?" He looked away. Ahsoka saw some tears glimmering in his eyes.
"I do," Anakin said but glanced at Ahsoka as though he'd rather stay with her.
"You go ahead," she said. "I'm okay now." He looked over his shoulder at her as he followed Bail and she tried to hide that she'd grabbed the wall to steady herself.
She stayed in the hallway with Obi wan for a few minutes as she watched Anakin start talking to Luke and Leia.
"Do you think he'll be a good dad?" Obi wan asked after awhile.
"Definitely," she responded, following him with her eyes. It was a strange sight, but it seemed more and more natural as it went along. Pretty soon they were all laughing at something Bail had said. Did she fit into it anywhere? She wondered. Did she want to?
Master Yoda had instructed her to meditate about whether or not she should be Anakin's padawan all those years ago. And the force had told her, yes. With such a certainty that she couldn't ignore it. Had it been destiny? Fate? Had the force known how all of it would unfold? Had it really been the emperor pulling all the strings? Or had he been just another pawn like the rest of them? At the time, it had seemed like any other time she'd reached into the force for guidance. But now, after everything had unfolded... maybe that had been so much more. Anakin kept calling her a fire. The Gray Jedi code also referred to a flame.
Had she ever wondered what her life would have been like if she'd never been brought to the temple? Yes, a million times over, especially after she'd left the order. But she could never have guessed what it would mean to be the Chosen One's padawan. And the responsibility that came with it. But then again... she'd made an oath that day when the decision was made, one that went far beyond any the Jedi order had expected or even knew about; she would protect him at all costs. Even if it meant protecting him from himself. 'I will do what I must, to keep the balance...' she'd been a Gray Jedi long before she even knew what that meant.
Obi wan stood in the hallway indecisive. In one room was Anakin, Luke, Leia and Bail; a happy moment, if not confusing. In the next room was Ahsoka. He'd watched her curl up in a ball with her back turned, clearly upset or overwhelmed by everything they'd been talking about. There was something she wasn't telling them, he could feel it. Exactly what, he didn't know. Anakin had not been too perturbed by the end result of their deep discussion. But then again, he had the luxury of a distraction. Ahsoka, however, had paled completely. Qui-Gon wasn't a bad person, no matter how many times he and Obi wan had disagreed. And the Gray Jedi weren't bad, just... different... but to realize that balance, what both sides had chased with abandon... meant the end of all of them as they knew it; that was difficult to swallow. And perhaps that was what was weighing so heavily on her shoulders right now.
Ahsoka had always been peculiar to him. In so many ways, she had been exactly like Anakin in both good and bad mannerisms. But at the same time, she also had called him out on many things, kept him in check. Something he, his master, had never been able to do. When master Yoda and himself had conspired to give Anakin a padawan, they'd carefully chosen Ahsoka as the right candidate for the job. They'd had to be careful who they picked, because Anakin had attachment issues. It had to be someone that could put up with his volatile nature, but also someone that would tug on his heartstrings. Who better than a feisty little girl with big blue eyes that could disarm you in an instant?
She had been a nice kid, at least when she wasn't in kill mode, but for whatever reason, she tended to be an outsider with the other younglings. Even the masters would look right over her. Obi wan had never been sure why. But there was something different about her. Even master Plo, who had been the one to find her, had not volunteered to train her. The problem with their little plan to put her on Anakin, was if he flat out refused to take her on, then what? Obi wan had promised to take her instead. But now that he thought about it, he didn't think that even Master Yoda could have predicted where their paths would take them.
He felt sorry for her. What they'd done at the time had seemed so innocent. An opportunity, per say, for the chosen one, to grow. And of course, he was totally capable of teaching a student, and they would turn out fine. But now, as he watched Ahsoka huddled in the bed, breathing heavy as though trying not to cry... he couldn't help but think that what they'd unintentionally burdened her with had been so completely unfair, it could never be forgiven. She'd managed to save him when no one else had been able to reach him, but... at what cost? She loved him. That much was clear. And he loved her back. But to love someone so much your life revolved around them? It can eat away at you from the inside out. That's what had happened to Anakin with Padmé. That's what had happened to himself with Anakin. And that's what was happening to Ahsoka with Anakin. No matter how different his views were on the Jedi now... attachment, in his mind, should still be discouraged. For it will eventually destroy you.
Ahsoka slipped out in the middle of the night. She'd dressed quickly and grabbed her lightsabers off the table. Was she running away again? She didn't really know. But she needed that fresh air she'd been after before.
She boarded their star ship and started it up. Thankful that the imperial attack on Alderaan had been abandoned. The skies were now clear enough to disappear. And that was exactly what she planned to do. She had a few things she needed to work out, and it wouldn't be there, with Anakin.
The puzzle had been mostly put together around her, but there was still one glaring piece that was missing. And she knew where she'd find it.
She launched the ship into hyperspace. It was a two-day trip to Shili. But it was time for her to go home. Home... what did that word even mean anymore?
Next Chapter ->
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obikinbigbang · 8 years
(I’m so sorry these are late.) Artists take a peek at these summaries and have in mind which you would like to work with. Please remember that if you are under 18, you will be paired with a SFW fic. I don’t know which ones fully are which, but there are some clearly NSFW ones, so don’t cling to those. It’s not gonna happen. (I don’t mean to be mean, but this is just how it is.) Anyways, love the ideas folks! 
These are the ones that were submitted. Still need to submit a summary, or would like to post an updated/longer version? 
Please do so here! 
Also if you know there will be NSFW, please let me know, so we can help plan ahead of time. 
★ by @anibun-skywalker [NSFW]
Anakin was a freshman at Coruscant Republic University with a full ride basketball scholarship. His skills had been rumored to have been the best in the area, but of course, only by high school standards. Anakin quickly discovered that the head coach, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He only intended his coach to remain just that; his coach. Too bad that didn’t work out like he planned.
★ by @prideandprejudiceandkittens [NSFW]
Anakin and Obi-Wan crash-land on the Planet of the Living Force. And, Anakin being Anakin, finds a glowing cave and walks straight into it. When he comes out, he's not alone. A creature of pure Force-dust and soul, his daemon, walks beside him, powerful enough to manifest daemons in those around her. Now back at the Jedi temple, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and even Mace and Yoda find their lives destabilized by the presence of their soul, palpable and alive, next to them. (To artists: daemons are animals, an idea taken from His Dark Materials.
★ by @darthvders [NSFW]
So my fic is a professor!Obi-Wan and TA/GA!Anakin au where Anakin has just leaving an abusive relationship with the help of Padmé. Obi-Wan is a Philosophy/Ethics professor and Anakin is his GA /TA who is in graduate school to get his masters in both philosophy and psychology (he's a double major). Obi-Wan doesn't feel like he's ready to take on a GA/TA and comes off as standoffish which leads Anakin to think he hates him. It's a slow burn friends to lovers with Anakin going to therapy and realizing that yes he does deserve to be happy. The abusive relationship is more implied and is only in the first chapter, with the occasional flashbacks. This fic will be nsfw but the nsfw will only be between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
★ by @blumyosotis [SFW~]
Ben was born in a distant Moon where the inhabitants worship and are descended from the Starbird, a great flaming bird that is the personification of the Force. He was sent to the Jedi when he was young and apprenticed under Yoda. Years later, in a mission with Qui-gon Jinn to save the Naboo Queen, they emergency land in the planet Tatooine and there he meets a young boy called Anakin who holds the galaxy in his eyes... and apparently can see his wings. He brings(in a manner of speaking) the child back with him to the Temple. Anakin chooses to become a Jedi to help people and becomes an unofficial padawan of Ben. When he is older, the two goes on missions to help a torn kingdom, rescue royalties, topple a dicatorship, and help incite a slave rebellion. Anakin totally loves his master.
★ by @ninadown [NSFW]
Just smut, and lots of it. #Master kink #daddy kink Obi Wan, Anakin and Padme live in New York in a poly relationship. Obi Wan comes from money and can be a bit arrogant at times. He is a New York Times reader and he also works as a negotiator for the UN, and as such, is a Very Important Person. He has the ear of the president on occasion. Anakin is a bit flighty, and is a very high in demand male model. Not that this has gone to his head…When he’s not obsessing about working out, he’s obsessing about his Master. He has somewhat of a rivalry with Padme when it comes to his Master’s attentions. Padme is a hard working chef at a posh restaurant. She is very competitive and sometimes her work tends to occupy all her time. In fact, she may be a bit of a workaholic. Until she gets distracted by the boys…. Padme loves when her daddy spoils her with attention, it really takes her mind of her stressful job. She may have a competition with Anakin, but at the end of the day when Obi Wan isn’t home they definitely know how to distract each other….
★ by @cuddlykoalas​ [NSFW]
Anakin gets taken in by Sidious when he's still a boy on Tatooine. As a young Sith Lord trying to survive in a galaxy quickly descending into war, he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, tea provider and all around mother hen. That's not exactly improving his life expectancy, though.
★ by @grayjedii [NSFW]
Recently knighted Anakin Skywalker is assigned a simple transport mission at the Council’s insistence. Upon arriving on Dantooine, Anakin discovers that his “cargo” is a dangerous prisoner whom he must escort to Coruscant where the man will be safely contained in the Jedi Detention Center. However, not all goes as planned, and as Anakin finds out, not everything is quite as it seems concerning the prisoner. Additionally, fresh in the young Jedi’s mind is the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. As he attempts to come to terms with the loss, Anakin is drawn into doubting his past, his beliefs, and the Order itself. Complicating things further, Anakin is unable to resist his fascination with the prisoner, Obi-Wan, and develops a strange attachment to him. It should be unsettling—the extent to which Anakin connects with this man—instead, Anakin finds it all too natural, like stoking a fire that had always been there, lingering between them in long-forgotten dimness. Whispers of the Sith’s return do nothing to quell the situation, and somehow, Anakin finds himself falling not to the darkness, but for Obi-Wan.
★ by @ice-mint​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin lives a boring life in his mother's farm near the dessert Town of Tatooine and works in a minumun wage job. All of that is going to change when he witneses an ongoing mission and picks up the dashing J.E.D.I knight Obi Wan Kenobi. In a world in the verge of war Anakin Skywalker may have what it takes to become part of a shady organisation and stop a tyrant from gaining ultimate power. (I dont know yet if there will be smut, but count on lewd jokes and make out sessions,)
★ by @selcier​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin decides that in order fulfill his prophecy of the Chosen One, he needs to take up the Father’s demand to stay on Mortis. Anakin believes that this will enable the War to end quickly. Obi-wan supports his decision with the caveat that he be allowed communication with Anakin. He is proud of Anakin for putting aside his worldly wants in order to follow the guidance of the Force. However, over the course of Anakin’s stay on Mortis, he begins to lose less and less of himself while become immersed the Force. He lacks initiative and is distant from the events in the rest of the galaxy. Obi-wan finds this change disturbing and eventually realizes his attachment to Anakin after the parts of his personality are lost to lethargy. Also, Anakin’s actions do not seem to affecting the War in the Republic’s favor. More and more systems are falling under Separatist control, the Senate bogged down in committees and inaction and the Jedi are decreasing in numbers. On a mission to Onderon with Ahsoka (whose training Obi-wan has taken over), Obi-wan feels the lack of motion in the War and chooses to aid the rebel group in guerrilla tactics. His methods are beyond the scope of self-defense and the Council deems them Terroristic in nature. He is ordered to return to Coruscant. Instead, Obi-wan finishes his task and decides to liberate Anakin from Mortis. Anakin wakes up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to find that he has missed two years of the War. He is frustrated that his actions were in vain and angry at the Force for its deception. He finds out that Obi-wan has been Court Martialed for his actions and is being held in a GAR military prison. Eventually, they have words about their goals and expectations while Obi-wan is awaiting trial. (This story will probably play out in a nonlinear fashion with hints to past Obikin interactions. Clearly there’s no ending yet!) 
★ by @stopaskingme​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
[AU] Obi-Wan is a hermit, herding shaak on the grassy dunes of Osten, Stewjon. He had no intention of attending the Skywalker clan's annual gathering of Force-users. Until the Prime Minister of Stewjon came begging at his door.
★ by @thishereanakinguy [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Post-ROTS AU. Anakin makes the right decision in Palpatine's office, but ends up suffering the consequences. Effects of the Force Lightning has damaged his health, and Padme has still died, the twins with her. In mourning, Anakin struggles to piece his life back together. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is tasked by the Council to keep an eye on their Chosen One: he made the right choice once, but could they trust him to do it again? Could they trust him not to cause himself harm? Short answer is no. Long answer is Obi-Wan and Anakin dance around each other and their feelings until they can't anymore.
★ by @askgrelf​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
In the wake of his premature death, Anakin is left trapped in the physical realm as a Ghost. Confused and troubled, with pieces of his past left unfixed and broken, he struggles to come to terms with what was his reality as truths, lies and corruption are revealed in a twisted puzzle between the Jedi and Sith. All the while watching helpless as Obi-Wan begins to succumb to the fate that should have been his. All while slowly fading away out of existence - and the Force - eternally as he and his master both remain lost afoot. (Heavy angst, inspired by the song "Dear Agony").
★ by @imaginaryanon​ [SFW~]
Modern day London; Anakin Skywalker, a young man who's accidentaly always in trouble with the law, is in bigger trouble than usual. He's about to get his ass locked up when a fancy, suit-wearing stranger arranges for him to be discharged. The stranger introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi and leaves Anakin with more questions than answers as well as an address of a tailor shop in Savile Row. But not before he takes Anakin for a drink at a local pub and, after they're rudely interrupted, proceeds to beat up four grown men into unconsciousness without so much as breaking a sweat. "Well fuck me," Anakin whispers in shocked awe. "At least buy me dinner first," Obi-Wan replies, grinning. [basically a Kingsman AU but, like, even gayer]
★ by @musicandfandomtrash​ [SFW]
Anakin goes missing in the outer rim and it's up to Obi-Wan to find him. But after almost a year of searching, he's beginning to lose hope. With Satine dead and Ahsoka gone, he's isolated and lonely. He never had the chance to tell Anakin what he truly meant to him. And now he's afraid he never will. When Obi-Wan is sent a planet in the outer rim, he meets a very young girl who may have the information he's been so desperately searching for. Will this be what leads Obi-Wan to his love? Or will this supposed lead turn into a trap?
★ by @skywalkerssassyginger​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
As far as he knew, Obi-Wan hadn't signed up to be the exclusive, pioneering member of the Anakin Skywalking Disaster clean-up crew. However, when Padme Amidala shows up on his doorstep, neck bruised and heavily pregnant, of course he couldn't turn her away. Anakin's gotten involved in the Sith. You'd be a fool not to know the name of the gang, or speak of it in anything higher than a whisper. Of course Anakin had been getting into nothing but trouble since they had last spoken, just short of a year ago. Soon after, Padme dies in childbirth. Her eyes drift away with a pen in hand, Luke and Leia Kenobi drawn out in soft cursive. 
★ by @autisticanakin [NSFW]
Anakin Skywalker is a cloaked force-sensitive working in the Senate as the new Coruscant representative under Palpatine's guidance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Senator shortly returned from a leave of absence, can't stand him, with Senator Skywalker's reputation being that of a morally grey, pleasure seeking, bribe taking scoundrel. When the threat of the Sith becomes evident in the galaxy, Senator Kenobi sets to researching. He soon finds himself put on senatorial assignments with Anakin Skywalker.
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gffa · 5 years
Every single time I do this, I keep thinking, “I’ll just add one or two more to the list, because they’re so good and that’ll be it, surely fandom won’t post anything else that I need to immediately read and yell about my feelings over!” And then every single time I’m wrong about that and STAR WARS fandom puts out more fic or, I don’t know, creates and Obi-Ken genfic exchange and I suddenly have a whole new pile of fic to read and crying about it. It’s the best worst problem to have because there are some absolutely stellarfics here and so many talented people and I need to yell a lot and shove them allat everyone who will listen! STAR WARS FIC RECS: TIME TRAVEL RECS: ✦ The Unreliability of Chronology by Felilla, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & cast, time travel, 7.5k wip    No. His Padawan died on Mortis six months ago and he was left without even a body to mourn. This was a trick. She hadn’t returned to him and she most definitely was not a decade older. ✦ Blades of Grass by zarabithia, obi-wan & shmi, time travel, ~1k    Shmi is not yet five years old when the strange man falls out of the sky. ✦ A Future in Crisis by WolfMarauder, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 45.3k wip    Ahsoka has a vision that may change the course of the future. She just needs to keep her master from falling, keep his wife from dying, and the Jedi Order from dying out… That’s all. The first step is returning the the Jedi Order and she finds she has more friends than she thought. ✦ Warmth by Tomatosoupful, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & xanatos & tahl & shmi & cast, child endangerment, time travel, 59.8k wip    Time Travel AU. Anakin has woken up in the past. Time to say hello to past friends, right? Only problem, Anakin is a walking talking human disaster and makes a lot of stupid decisions. Stealing a Jedi baby from the temple certainly isn’t the smartest thing he’s done. PREQUELS RECS: ✦ Trust by SingManyFaces, anakin & ahsoka, 1.2k    Three moments when Ahsoka recognized Anakin in the Force. ✦ Room Arrangements by skatzaa, obi-wan & anakin, 2.2k    Anakin has some concerns about room arrangements at the Temple. Obi-Wan does his best to reassure him. ✦ When Darkness Seems to Hide This Place by IllyanaA, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & kanan & ocs & cast, 94.9k wip    After killing three of the Jedi Order’s best and brightest, Palpatine’s fight with Jedi Master Mace Windu goes shorter than expected. Afraid he’s lost his chance at recruiting a new apprentice, Sidious unleashes Order 66 across the galaxy, but, per their programming, the Clone Army is not to harm Anakin Skywalker. After witnessing the most painful loss he’s ever experienced and injured at the hands of his captors, Anakin is ready to die like the rest of the Jedi, though not before getting his vengeance. ✦ Waiting and Learning by otherhawk, obi-wan & ahsoka & cody & waxer & boil & cast, 2.9k    During a brief period of time when Ahsoka Tano is working with the 212th under Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka takes part in a mission to obtain separatist codes. Unfortunately the mission involves a lot of downtime without much entertainment as they wait for an ambush. Along the way Ahsoka gets to know her grandmaster better and makes some new friends. ✦ Out of the Desert Storm by LazarusII, obi-wan & owen & luke & beru, 2.1k    One day, a harsh desert storm suddenly kicks up, stranding Owen Lars and a young Luke Skywalker in the Jundland Wastes. Obi-Wan saves the day, takes them back to his home, and a friendship begins. ✦ And the Void Answered Back by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan & anakin & rey & finn & poe & ben & yoda & maz & han & cast, force ghosts, 110.6k    (Follows the Force ghosts of Anakin, Obi Wan, and friends getting dragged kicking and screaming through the events of The Force Awakens) ✦ you’re safe within by stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    Anakin wakes from nightmares tinted red. The darkness of his bedroom seems oppressive, and no matter how many times he blinks red seems to seep into the edges of his vision. He wants to feel safe. He wants Obi-Wan. ✦ Imperfect Resolution by Nny11, ahsoka/barriss, 11k    When Ahsoka Tano heard there was a possible Jedi living in the Outer Rim she could recruit, she didn’t expect to find Barriss Offee. She didn’t expect her stupid heart to bleed over this. It’s so much easier to forgive someone when you thought they were dead. ✦ The Spire by skatzaa, obi-wan & ocs, 2.4k    The galaxy was on the brink of war, and Obi-Wan Kenobi had been assigned a new room. ✦ We Push Away the Unimaginable by KeeperofSeeds, obi-wan & padme, 5.2k    RotS AU: Padme survives. Weak from her injuries on Mustafar and healing after giving birth, she and the twins are taken into hiding by Obi Wan. Now they are on the run from the Empire and dealing with each other’s trauma, as they try to figure out what to do after your world falls apart. ✦ Swimming Lessons by devilinthedetails, obi-wan & anakin, 2.1k    Obi-Wan decides Anakin must learn how to swim. ✦ In Pursuit by zinjadu, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & rex & padme & adi & cast, 40k    AU - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much. Rex decides to stay “in pursuit” of his Commander; he jumps. Now, with backup, Ahsoka navigates the lower levels and deals with Ventress. Meanwhile, Anakin takes the Order to task, finds a little more support, and things turn out a little differently for everyone. ✦ Of Progress and Promises by Pandora151, obi-wan & anakin & bant & yoda & cast, 6.2k    Not long after joining the Jedi Order, Anakin Skywalker teams up with some of his Master’s friends for a very important mission: to get Obi-Wan Kenobi to smile and laugh again. ✦ Accidental Baby Acquisition: The Obi-Wan Kenobi Way by kitkatkaylie, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast, 9.9k wip    Obi-Wan Kenobi was just browsing the market, he has no idea how the baby ended up in his robe, honest. ✦ The Bad Day (Trademark Pending) by skatzaa, obi-wan & anakin & bant, 2k    Obi-Wan is having one of his Bad Days. Anakin helps. ✦ Old Sins Cast Long Shadows by zarabithia, ahsoka & obi-wan/padme & anakin & cast, 16.6k    In this universe, when Palpatine asks if Anakin is going to kill him, Anakin does. While Anakin ultimately wins, it costs him his life. In this universe, the twins are raised by Ahsoka, Padmé, and Obi-Wan. ✦ Voices in the Dark by otherhawk, obi-wan & cody, 6.9k wip    In the middle of the war Obi-Wan and Cody find themselves stranded behind enemy lines, deep in the old tunnels of a hostile world. Injured, alone and in complete darkness they have to rely on each other’s skill and strength. Fortunately there’s plenty to go around. ✦ Abducted by devilinthedetails, obi-wan & qui-gon, 1.6k    In trying to rescue the kidnapped daughter of a planetary leader, Qui-Gon finds himself abducted and in need of Obi-Wan’s rescue. ✦ Wellspring by skatzaa, obi-wan & shmi, 1.9k    Ben meditates, and meets a ghost. She’s just not the ghost he’s been expecting. ✦ Farewell There by DestielsDestiny, obi-wan & mace & cast, 1.4k    It was a routine mission. In so much as anything was routine since the war began. Which was to say, it was a disaster from the word go. ✦ A Burning Why by Icarus_is_flying, jocasta & anakin, 1.1k    Jocasta Nu understood many things–all valuable, obscure, interesting, well-known, and useless in turn–knowledge earned over decades. Some questions were easy to answer. Others take generations to decipher. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & ahsoka & mace & rig & vokara, 1k    Anakin Skywalker walks through the halls of the Jedi Temple, his padawan by his side. ✦ playing yourself like a red three by EclipseMidnight (EternalEclipse), obi-wan & xanatos & qui-gon, 7.7k    As usual, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s mission has gone spectacularly sideways, this time before they even reach the planet they are meant to be helping. Luckily for them, they get some help from an unexpected source. ✦ Obitine Week 2019 by sunshineisdelicious, obi-wan/satine & anakin & ahsoka & qui-gon & korkie, 12.6k    A little celebration of Obi-Wan and Satine. ✦ I Know: Or, How Ahsoka Tano Saved the Skywalkers by SianShanya, obi-wan & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 12.5k    In a galaxy where Ahsoka learns of her master’s marriage before leaving(because come on, Anakin is the least subtle person ever), Evil Plans are thwarted left and right. ✦ Rebirth by Emmeebee, obi-wan & padme & cast, 12.3k    Padmé has never been one to run from danger, but it’s different when it’s her children at stake. A rewrite of the ending of Revenge of the Sith. ✦ Flash Flash Fashion Baby by Nny11, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, ~1k    Anakin wears a crop top to show solidarity with his Padawan’s fashion choices and because Padme wears one. He didn’t mean to start a galaxy wide trend! ✦ Aliit ori'shya tal'din by TexasDreamer01, obi-wan & anakin & cody & waxer & boil & ahsoka & cast, 5.3k    Reconnaissance missions are never easy. On a far-flung planet in the Outer Rim, Obi-Wan thinks, is not much better. His troops and friends, however, can make his work downright pleasant. ✦ Perpetual Parents & Padawans by BigFatBumblebee, obi-wan & anakin & mace & yoda & cast, 2.4k    As is the case with all children, Jedi Padawans grow up. And as with all parents, Jedi Masters occasionally find this a rather difficult concept to get to grips with, and no matter how old, Padawan’s need their Masters. ✦ Force Ex Machina by BookGirlFan, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & ahsoka, 4.3k    Qui-Gon appears in the middle of the Clone Wars, and Anakin discovers some uncomfortable truths about his master’s past. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, jocasta & yoda & cast, 1.1k    Jocasta Nu has been the Head Librarian of the Jedi Temple for many years now. There is no one who knows the Temple library and its different ways of searching for information better than she does. ✦ Escapade by Shadaras, obi-wan & anakin, 1.3k    Obi-Wan helps Anakin rescue himself from hawk-bats beneath the Jedi Temple. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ untitled by imperialvader, obi-wan/anakin, 1k    Kenobi and Skywalker. Anakin and Obi-Wan. They’re a team. They’re the team. And they happen in every universe. ✦ This time we’ll fall together by liv_k, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & yoda & bail & cast, 13.5k wip    In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker’s miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who had thought he had lost everything to darkness. But darkness is generous, and it is patient. ✦ The Missing Part by Nightstar269, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & palpatine, NSFW, modern au (of sorts), suicide ideation, switching in the final chapter, 151.1k    Anakin Skywalker, a student of mechanical engineering, has always felt that his life was lacking something, a feeling that was made much worse with the deaths of his mother first, and of the woman he loved some time later. Still haunted by the pain and heartbreak, he tries to go on with his life as well as he can. When an initiative of the director of the university has the students attending the classes of another degree so as to enrich their knowledge, he will meet someone that will turn his world upside down. ✦ Upfall by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & satine(/obi-wan background) & padme & cast, NSFW, 41.5k wip    Anakin is doing just about everything he can to hold himself together; it won’t last. ✦ The Devil’s Own by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & cast, regency au, 16.2k wip    Some whisper the Skywalker family is the devil’s own, and no tutors in the area will take on the orphaned Lord, a young man famous for his excessive drinking, riding, and dueling. The townspeople shake their heads at the arrival of the latest tutor, a London scholar out of money and other options, wondering how long it will be before this Kenobi is run out like all the rest. ✦ Mutual Acquaintances by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/satine & anakin/padme & padme/satine & cast, 11k wip    In which Satine’s distress call puts Obi Wan under Council scrutiny, Anakin offers to save her for him as a Totally Platonic Favor, Satine would like one good day, please, Padmé has everything under control, and Maul manages to cause an even bigger problem than before. ✦ The Garden by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & rex & cody, a/b/o, 4.8k wip    Nothing is ever simple with Anakin Skywalker. ✦ Tell Me Yes by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s, 2.7k    Anakin gets too worked up, Obi-Wan talks him down. ✦ Montreschere by Ralph_E_Silvering, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & dooku & cast, 9.4k wip    Reckless, brilliant Anakin Skywalker is being hailed as the greatest swordsman of his age. In a city where the nobles hire swordsmen in their never-ending political games against one another, Anakin is always assured of a job and is beholden to no one and nothing except the sword. Until the day he meets the handsome, reclusive Duke of Montreschere, whose idealism threatens the very foundations of the city’s most powerful players, and Anakin learns the true meaning of living, and dying, by the sword. ✦ Beard by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    It’s the beard, Anakin thinks sometimes. But he knows better; the beard is just a symbol, a visual shortcut for something far more complex. ✦ For Everything by Diminution, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 10.8k wip    In which Obi-Wan owns a coffee shop and Anakin stumbles in early one morning after an especially terrible nightmare. ✦ not too particular, not too precise by AozoraNoShita, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & padme, modern au, 4.1k    Obi-Wan and Anakin both run food blogs and they have Opinions about each other’s recipes. Then it turns out they live in the same apartment building and they have the same friends and when they finally meet? It’s like a cooking competition meets a rom-com. Kind of. ✦ The Seduction of Anakin Skywalker by DontCallMeShirley, obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & obi-wan/anakin/padme & cast, 16.5k wip    Anakin is falling to the dark side. Obi Wan and Padme concoct a scheme to bring him back. ✦ Red Shift by Burning_Nightingale, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, fem!anakin, 4.2k    Obi-Wan and Anakin decide to go undercover as a husband and wife bounty hunting team at a Black Sun casino to try and find crucial information about their ties to the Separatists. But when their host gives them a “gift” of aphrodisiac purri root, they get a little more than they bargained for. ✦ Would you teach me? by blurred_lines, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.8k wip    Obi-Wan was… well, meditating, probably, but this was most definitely a form of meditation Anakin wasn’t acquainted with. Like, not at all. ✦ So I Love You Because I Know No Other Way by DontCallMeShirley, obi-wan/anakin, 3.3k    Anakin and Obi Wan just need a little push to admit their feelings. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ Binary by skatzaa, obi-wan & r2-d2, ~1k    Old Ben has a talk with a familiar astromech. ✦ Challenge or Manipulation by Raven_Knight, obi-wan & luke & yoda, 1.3k    Before going to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt, Luke Skywalker visits the abandoned home of Ben Kenobi in the Jundland Wastes. ✦ a crown upon my head by skatzaa, leia & poe & rey, 1.7k    Poe finds her the morning after they escape from Crait at the dejarik table, though it she isn’t hard to find, with the Falcon as full as it is. ✦ Wizard by ASadHermitStory, obi-wan & owen & beru, ~1k    Owen worries that Obi-Wan is lurking too close to the farm and will attract unwanted attention to them. With Beru’s help, he proposes a solution. ✦ Inviolable by glorious_clio, leia & deara & bail/breha, 4.1k    Deara has a new niece to love and spoil, and teach how to smash things with hammers. Meanwhile, the Galaxy has gone to hell. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Starry Crown by bedlamsbard, ezra & kanan & sabine & zeb & chopper & cast, 17.4k wip    Months after Ezra Bridger vanished into the depths of the mysterious Jedi temple on Lothal, he reappears – with Kanan Jarrus in tow. All Hera Syndulla and the other surviving members of the Ghost crew want is to retrieve their missing teammates, but a Jedi who can raise the dead is a prize too great for the Empire to pass up. Palpatine will do anything to get Ezra and the secrets he carries – secrets that may allow the Emperor to control reality itself. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE!
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gffa · 5 years
You know how some fandoms just keep piling on the fic, so you’re like, “I’ll just wait one more day, so I can read a few more and include them on the list!” and then two weeks later it’s still happening and you finally have to go, “NO, I HAVE TO YELL ABOUT THIS NOW, NOT IN ANOTHER MONTH.” and yet people still keep posting fic? That’s me yelling at STAR WARS fandom about how much wonderful fic there is and that I cannot keep up with it and it’s the best problem to have! Because, oh, this collection has some incredible fic, so many of them that I want to shove right at people and yell at them to read this amazing thing, and how brilliant this fandom is. STAR WARS FIC RECS: TIME TRAVEL RECS: ✦ Legacy by myrlendi (thehistorygeek), luke & leia & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & cast, time travel, 105k wip    Three months after the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes in search of a rumoured Jedi temple in a secluded part of the Mid Rim. He finds within the temple nothing but a strange artifact, which unexpectedly brings him much closer to the Jedi of old than he ever thought he would be. ✦ Let’s Try This Again by Nny11, obi-wan & ahsoka & anakin & cast, time travel, 33.5k wip    Anakin’s life is shaken up when he finds a small togrutan toddler hiding in a dingy alleyway, after all, she did create a Force bond with him and is apparently his future Padawan. Wizard! PREQUELS RECS: ✦ A Constituency of One by victoria_p (musesfool), padme & obi-wan & anakin & cast, 3.7k    Padmé is the one who figures it out. ✦ And the Void Answered Back by Ghost_Owl, obi-wan & anakin & rey & finn & poe & ben & yoda & maz & han & cast, force ghosts, 84.9k wip    (Follows the Force ghosts of Anakin, Obi Wan, and friends getting dragged kicking and screaming through the events of The Force Awakens) ✦ Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi by stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & padme & cody & bail & palpatine & cast, 22.1k wip    By an old Republic law, all members of the Jedi High Council are senators in the Galactic Senate, and can thus be voted in as chancellor. ✦ Dooku Deserves a Break by nny11, dooku & qui-gon & yoda & obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & luke & cast, 1k    Master, it’s time now. The voice was faint and familiar, and it burned. It’s soothing sound eating away at everything. Pain, pain, pain- It went ignored. ✦ The Past Remains by otherhawk, obi-wan & anakin & cody & mace & plo & adi & depa & cast, 15.6k    The war drags on leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. After a bereaved Master is accused of harming his padawan, Obi-Wan is sent to talk to her, dredging up memories of his own past. ✦ Not the same fate as mine by liv_k, obi-wan & anakin, 2.6k    Excerpts from the journal of a newly minted Jedi Knight. ✦ perfect in so many ways by victoria_p (musesfool), padme/sabe, nsfw, 1k    Padmé knows she’s been selfish. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & bant, 1k    When Bant steps into Obi-Wan’s room in the Halls, it’s like a balm to his nerves. She’s one of his oldest friends, and her familiar presence is so very soothing. He really has missed her, they see each other too rarely these days, what with the war. ✦ Villain of a Different Story by HiNerdsItsCat (HiLarpItsCat), obi-wan/satine & anakin & cast, 73.2k wip    It turns out that there are some perks to being the Chosen One: Anakin finds himself transported five years into the past—only to discover that it isn’t his past, but a completely different one. One where Obi-Wan Kenobi left the Jedi Order, where Qui-Gon Jinn survived… and where Anakin Skywalker is the galaxy’s greatest villain. ✦ Accidental Baby Acquisition: The Obi-Wan Kenobi Way by kitkatkaylie, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast, 8.5k wip    Shmi Skywalker was desperate, so when she saw a Jedi in the marketplace of Mos Espa she did something that many would judge her for if they knew but just as many would understand. ✦ A Personal Touch by DragonHoardsBooks, obi-wan & anakin, 6.2k    New jedi padawan Anakin Skywalker realizes that there is more to being a jedi then he tought. Discovering a completely new culture will take time and effort, but maybe he’ll make some friends along the way. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, mace & cast, 1.2k    “News, I have, from the investigation into the altered mission reports from the Senate.” ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, anakin & ahsoka & background obi-wan & cast, 2.4k    The past and the present blurs together, Anakin can hardly breathe through it. Too many thoughts crowd inside his head and the more he tries to sort himself out, the more of the past he remembers and the more fears for the future it brings up. ✦ Passing by Nny11, ahsoka/barriss & luminara & anakin, modern au, 18.3k    Barriss claims she’s dating Ahsoka, Ahsoka agrees to go along with it, and both of them spend the next 6 months worrying the other will discover their crush on the other. Nobody is really surprised about this fact besides them. ✦ Jedi of Light by Sannah, obi-wan/anakin/padme & mace & yoda & plo & even & jocasta & cast, 9.4k wip    Out of irritation with the war and with permission from the Council, several talk show hosts create a show that airs weekly about the Jedi. They name the show *Jedi of Light,* and go around following Jedi and asking them questions. OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ And yet, somehow, a happier ending by liv_k, obi-wan/anakin (pre-slash?), ~1k    He had always known that there would be no happy ending waiting for them at the end of the road. And yet, somehow, he felt that this was happier than what could have been. ✦ The Missing Part by Nightstar269, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & palpatine, NSFW, modern au (of sorts), 109.3k wip    Anakin Skywalker, a student of mechanical engineering, has always felt that his life was lacking something, a feeling that was made much worse with the deaths of his mother first, and of the woman he loved some time later. Still haunted by the pain and heartbreak, he tries to go on with his life as well as he can. When an initiative of the director of the university has the students attending the classes of another degree so as to enrich their knowledge, he will meet someone that will turn his world upside down. ✦ my push and my shove by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan/anakin/padme, nsfw, crossdressing, d/s, 1.8k    There wasn’t much Anakin wouldn’t do to make Padmé and Obi-Wan happy. ✦ Collar by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, 9.4k    “You have to be sure, Anakin. Once we’re in, we’re in.” “I think I can handle being your sub, Obi-Wan.“ ✦ Shaak Herding for the Troubled and Lonely by protos_metazu_ison (larkspyt), obi-wan/anakin & anakin/padme & ahsoka & plo & cast, au, 34.3k wip    Disgraced Master Obi-Wan Kenobi was content to live out the rest of his life as a hermit until the Prime Minister appeared at his door, begging him to attend the Skywalker clan’s annual party. ✦ Solstice by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & cast, 8.9k wip    After the events of Equinox, Obi-Wan and Anakin find themselves back at war with enemies both seen and unseen. ✦ Home by little_tales, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon & shmi & cast, time travel, 6.4k wip    Time travel fix-it story with a bit of a twist. After his death, Obi-Wan wakes up on Tatooine, in the body of his padawan self. But instead of trying to prevent Anakin from Falling, he decides to change the future by stopping Qui-Gon from ever meeting the little Ani. ✦ Tidbits by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Things go a little bit differently when Anakin sees Obi-Wan off on his mission to Utapau. ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin + implied obi-wan/anakin/padme, nsfw, 1.6k    (The easiest way to kill someone? You just need to kill what they love the most.) ✦ 36 Questions by kenobiapologist, obi-wan/anakin + background anakin/padme + implied obi-wan/anakin/padme, 30.7k    In a study by psychologist Arthur Aron, they found that strangers would fall in love when asked to answer 36 questions together. ✦ Let’s Be Wrong Together by bluebell26, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.1k    Anakin Skywalker had a dark secret. He’s been in love with his Master for several years now. He is attached. Yes, attached. It was bad, he shouldn’t, but what his former Master didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. ✦ Untouchable by Blu3sc0rpion, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, non-con issues/themes, 64k wip    A mission on Kraysiss-Two takes a turn for the worse. Ancient Sith designs work against both Obi-wan and Anakin as they desperately try to find a way off world. In the throes of confusion their relationship begins to spiral. They might be able to escape, but can they ever truly be rescued? ✦ Seed by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin + anakin/padme, NSFW, 44k    When Anakin falls prey to a lethal poison, Obi-Wan has no choice but use all his resources to heal him– no matter how reluctant he is in administering the antidote. ✦ Miasma by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin & cody & rex & & kix & cast, dark themes, 20.6k    Obi-Wan never believed his best friend and lover Anakin would die first. But he has. ✦ [iasip music] Anakin Explains to His Darkest Timeline Son That He’s Gay by destiny919, obi-wan/anakin & luke & ahsoka & cast, 2.2k    "Ah, Padawan,” said Qui-Gon. “The crux of the matter lies in that our world is prey to the spectre of compulsory heterosexuality.” Obi-Wan gasped, horrified. “No! Not that!” ✦ Swear On It by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, mild d/s undertones, 6.5k    He squeezes his eyes shut tight against it and holds his breath for a moment, trying to get himself under control. Tonight it doesn’t seem to be working, though, because the images of people he knows and loves hurt and bloody and dead just won’t get out of his mind. ✦ Unexpected by planetary_retrograde, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.1k    Obi-Wan’s first instinct when Anakin is hiding something is to help. ✦ Hidden Treasures by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, 3.9k    Ben Kenobi doesn’t look like the type to have tattoos, and Anakin badly wants to see his hidden ink. ✦ He Is the Chosen One by wearethewitches, obi-wan/anakin & cast, fem!anakin, 17.8k    Darth Vader dies. Then, Anakin Skywalker wakes in the body of a dead slave woman in 31 BBY, a year before the Occupation of Naboo. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ Maker by ambiguously, luke & r2-d2 & c-3po, 1.8k    Threepio’s processor has an error. Luke and Artoo have to figure out why. ✦ does it bother anyone else that someone else has your name? by suzukiblu, multiple pairings across all of star wars, soulmate marks, 2.9k    Drabble series about various soulmates in the Star Wars universe. ✦ brittle, break by glorious_clio, leia & luke & han & chewbacca & rieekan & cast, 8.2k    They’re not on Hoth very long, but Leia stands still long enough for it to leave an impression on her. A very cold sort of impression. ✦ sand into glass by glorious_clio, luke & cliegg & owen & beru, 2.2k    AU where Cliegg is around for Luke’s arrival at the Lars homestead. Luke has a lot to learn from his grandfather. REBELS RECS: ✦ The Starry Crown by bedlamsbard, ezra & kanan & sabine & zeb & chopper & cast, 8.8k wip    Months after Ezra Bridger vanished into the depths of the mysterious Jedi temple on Lothal, he reappears – with Kanan Jarrus in tow. All Hera Syndulla and the other surviving members of the Ghost crew want is to retrieve their missing teammates, but a Jedi who can raise the dead is a prize too great for the Empire to pass up. Palpatine will do anything to get Ezra and the secrets he carries – secrets that may allow the Emperor to control reality itself. FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE!
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