#is it a silly thing? maybe it is... but honestly who cares ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
fullmetalgirl98 · 7 days
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1.2.3... Welcome to the division
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spring-demonx · 4 months
Made it Through Charade Maniacs (finally)
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I think it might be due to the repetative-ness of the prologue and having to skip a bunch just to get to the route, or maybe the route order I followed (Iochi>Banjo>Akase>Ebana>Futami>Chigasaki>Gyobu>Dazai>Haiji)
I started losing motivation to play and just wanted to move on to the next game I wanted to play. Maybe because I was only really interested in 2 or 3 of all the LI's? I genuinely couldn't care as much for the rest, but also wanted to know the truth what was going on, so I tried pushing through regardless〒▽〒 I couldn't buy into some of the romances either since it just felt too much of an afterthought in some cases on how to handle it? I don't blame though, the main plot really is to investigate and figure out how to make it out, really. But still;;
The true end didn't start as I feel it usually goes, with players having to start again from the menu once more. It was new and I didn't know what to expect, and I only realised that was the true end/The Truth™️ until I had finished everything, lol. I love how they gave valid points as to how each cast member is suspicious, and showing darker and more serious sides to them. Really kept mel guessing who the Producer and Sponsor were!
Ebana's route I couldn't care for because I just didn't like his character enough to even pay attention and just skipped majority tbh. Though, I did manage to read some key info anyways.
WTF EVEN WAS THIS?? That was a dumpsterfire, and I was SO relieved that even Iochi was fed up with the MC, bc even for how naive or overly-trusting she is, she was absolute stupid and in denial even after everything that happened right in front of her. I'm glad it showed he wasn't willing to change through to the end, but I still hated and cringed at the "romantic" scenes bc I just personally could not get into it. Futami fans, you can gladly have himXD
Honestly thought I was going to enjoy this since sucker for childhood friend trope, but this was not it for me
Dude literally forced himself on her (thank gods MC actually did smth and slapped him, much deserved)
I can do obsessive and yandere type characters, but this was just annoying and made me so frustrated for many reasons
Enjoyed the storyline, didn't see the twist coming
The intimate/romantic scenes were very nice and had me blushing kjfksd
I love they never got answers or tried to categorise or make focus of Iochi's gender. It was very refreshing for these characters
the epilogue had me going "That's it?!" though, bc it rlly just feels like they skip a bunch just to exposition dump in these epislogues sometimes
I knew I'd love him, I was right. I loved him even MORE in his route, even in Dazai's (was that guy even present at all in his route?)
I loved his design most besides Iochi's. WE WERE ROBBED OF MORE PONYTAIL
He's so cute when he becomes all bashful
actually considers and works with (on equal stance) with MC and respects that she wants to trust others. "You do the trusting. Leave me the doubting". Other LI's tend to really chastise her (I don't entirely blame them, but they tend to completely shut her down)
I love his dynamic with MC, love that he's the multi-faceted characters who goes after the truth solo
I like his moto that 'the more you doubt, the more trustworthy you are' type thing
Where to start? It felt like he wasn't around the heroine much in his own route. Gyobu appeared more and it made me miss him ToT
I get what they were trying to do, with the "we already had a pre-established (non-romantic) relationship together" thing, but there was just so few moments of bonding or anything to buy into
Was interested in seeing why he seems to be fan fav, he might just not be my cup of tea bc it was just...ok¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WHAT IS WITH THE STUPID GOLDFISH THING😭 That felt like that was supposed to be the most emotional bond moment for them, but it just felt so weak (and silly. like, "WHY should I care?") imo
Please actually SHOW there's emotional connection in these scenes? It's like, I know there's supposed to be because that's what's being told. But I felt none and it was practically only the same moment they kept bringing up over and over again, like they didn't anything else.
I would have liked to see more of Dazai's unrequited love, build more reason for me to care about the stakes and get invested in the pair
Kinda obvious he wasn't actually kid bc they kept bringing up the whole "he looks too old to be" to not have any importance
I did not expect the direction it went
This was a sweet route, I was interested in the character and why he's so apologetic and what exactly he feels guilty for
I slightly spoiled myselt from r/otomegames, liked how it went regardless
I want to give this man a hug. He needs it, and deserves them all
Voiced by Saito Soma, how can you dislike?
I liked his energy
Felt a little OOC in a route or two
I honestly can't remember much from his route atm
His love for family and stuff very sweet
Really felt his hatred and anger w/ said family situation
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swanqueensalad · 3 years
what’s each member’s flirting style? and are they an introverted or extroverted couple?
oooooh ok so flirting styles:
(warning: unnecessary meta incoming. it's funny bc i was just thinking the other day about how every time we saw emma 'flirt' with a man in canon it was in that kind of performative means to an end tactic she has - working as a bailbondsperson, tricking past!hook etc so we literally never saw her actually flirt w someone in a genuine way as herself) (bc she would never genuinely flirt w a man because she's gay but whatever)
so anyway, emma thinks she's a much better flirt than she is but that kind of cockiness actually is attractive on her so like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she's all about the Gay Swagger, slight teasing/innuendo, that eyebrow raise thing she does - but also she'll sort of self-effacingly make fun of herself even while doing this. part of her flirting is also actually casually offering to do things for you - buying a drink, offering a jacket if you're cold etc. the whole princess charming energy.
i feel like regina does not flirt so much as... Seduce... you know what i mean. this is a lady who is well practised at getting what she wants. it's second nature at this point.
However, when she actually genuinely cares/is enjoying the flirt, her flirting goes up ten levels from just being sexy to like, actually very intelligent witty comebacks and slight challenges delivered in in a very soft, low voice ya know
and when they're flirting with eAch oTheR hooo boi - well, we all saw season one, right? endlessly trying to one up each other with witty comments and wordplay - regina usually wins and is very smug about it, emma does that like fond eye roll thing and The Smirk TM
once they're actually an established couple, their flirting changes so much. it literally just becomes the opposite of that. it becomes the most soft, sweet, silly, sappy stuff that henry finds, frankly, painful to listen to. emma will be making bad puns and using ridiculous over the top pet names as a joke and kissing regina's hand. regina will be like, straightening emma's jacket lapels and ok maybe she actually does keep teasing/challenging but it's in a much soppier and less impressive way
but we love that for them. they are very cute and wholesome deep down
as for introversion/extroversion:
i think individually, emma is an extrovert - who spent most her life thinking she was a grumpy introvert because she had so many defences up and just didn't like people - but gradually as she settles into storybrooke and finds her place with her family and friends, she is def a golden retriever energy extrovert! she does still really value and need time alone, but she gets a lot of energy and joy from being around people.
on the exact opposite, regina is an introvert who spent most of her life forced to behave as an extrovert - cora would have pressured her into social/political situations as a child, as leopold's queen she had to attend every event, as the evil queen obviously she developed this huge persona, but deep down there's still the sensitive horse girl who recharges via quiet alone time. however, she does of course value times with her people and especially her family.
as a couple, they're kind of ambiverts because of this, but i'll lean more towards introverts - they're the mayor/queen and sheriff/saviour so yes they are required to show up to all the events and put in the time with the community, and for the most part they do enjoy doing so, just like they enjoy family time with david and snow. but those events are kind of taxing and they always know where the boundary is.
emma especially is really good at reading when regina is ready to leave somewhere and making a friendly exit
because honestly, after everything they've been through, their favourite time as a couple are the quiet evenings and long mornings by themselves or with their son, just relaxing together.
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entryno17 · 3 years
So, I don't think this is quite the right place to say it, but I saw you were also an Alphys appreciator, so I'm going to say it anyways. I really love Alphyne, because it's so cute, and somehow is built so well??? I don't know how to explain in English, but it's. But sometimes, just sometimes, I found myself shippong Alphys with Sans and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Tell me, person less cringe than me, what should I do with this forbidden interest?
anon, that’s silly. NO ONE is more cringe than me.
for real though, i’m personally adverse to it but if you like it that’s cool. i may be the wrong person to ask because i’m not really interested in shipping, like, at all... but i can offer my thoughts regardless??
i personally cannot bear the thought of alphys and undyne NOT being in love and not being extremely married to each other, so it’s unfathomable to me. i’m very very attached to alphyne—i first played undertale around the time i started fully realizing my identity as a lesbian, and seeing alphys and undyne have such a sweet, loving relationship just made my heart weep.
alphys and undyne’s relationship is based on overwhelming positivity, love, and radical acceptance of their true selves—alphys’s confession is the climax of her character arc, where she finally decides to be true to herself after living with dishonesty for so long, outward and inward. she realizes that she can grow, and undyne wants to support her through that journey. undyne sees so many lovable things in alphys, so she wants to show alphys what she can't see by herself... it makes me cry. they’re just really wonderful together ;n;
as for alphys and sans? hmm. i don't know about that, romantically at least. platonic relationships are just as valuable and important as romantic ones, and their friendship is really, really valuable. so for me, shipping them just kinda takes away from that.
okay i’m putting the rest of this under a read more for the majority of you who likely don’t care about shipping bullshit.
for starters, i still can’t see sans being interested in romance at all to be honest. it’s way too much effort. i mean, he’s apathetic even regarding the death of his friends and family—i don’t think he’d be too interested in finding love lmao. that’s just my own take though. alphys and sans certainly have chemistry, but it’s the chemistry of two extremely depressed dumbasses, which i guess you could make romantic, but i wouldn’t get why.
to alphys, sans is relatable and reliable; they’re similar yet different people with similar struggles. there’s a lot of value in having someone who understands you in a way other people can’t, and in their case, having someone else who understands their nerdy bullshit lmao. that kind of camaraderie has undoubtedly gotten them both through dark times. however...
undyne is someone who helps alphys strive to be a better person. this isn’t to say that alphys and sans’s friendship is lesser in any way, because they’re just two very different types of relationships and neither is lesser than the other. but honestly, alphys and sans could quickly spiral into an unending feedback loop of feeling like shit—which is obviously not great. undyne and alphys are the polar opposite of this, and it’s just infinitely better for literally everyone here?
yeah i don’t mean to rain on your parade anon, i’m just not a very shippy person in general LOL. i can... maybe see it happening pre-canon...?? as in, they’d get together for like, a week and then mutually agree that it’s probably a horrible idea. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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winterxisxcomingx · 3 years
Drama time! (just making sure that people will be able to see my point of view of this drama)
Well, it’s not my fault. I didn’t want to add drama on my blog and honestly, I didn’t want to make another post for it but that lovely person @disneyfemslash & her main account @cancersyndrom had made me do it by deleting my responses under their post and then blocking me.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, here is a link to the post on her blog and here is a link to my reblog where I already changed text (bc their post made me realize that it can make some people feel uncomfortable and I write there word “edited” to let people know that I’m not just hiding my mistakes or I’m afraid of consequences. It’s just that I realized my mistake and I wanted to fix it.)
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That’s what I wrote and that is what she wrote in reblog. Lovely. But, u know, I get that. Even tho she used “fuck” in an aggressive tone, even tho she wrote “what is your damage”, even tho she implied that I'm a pedo or perv or as if  I wrote it about real 16 yo, I wasn’t mad. I commented on her post. I wanted to clear things and let her know that she’s wrong. That I didn’t mean anything sexual. I let her knew my point of view.
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I think it could be kinda mean of me, but that’s the truth? I saw that scene (3:09 - 3:15) in Brave. Looking in google I found this “Traditionally, men would not wear any underwear while wearing a kilt - and many still don't.“ From this site. So, I’ve may not think too much about it (because it was only a joke, no second thoughts, just a silly joke that I made because I remember that scene from Merida) and just straight thought that girls, women also do not wear underwear. That literally was my way of thinking and how and why I wrote what I wrote. I didn’t think about anything sexual, just a silly joke based on Scottish people. I already checked, I was wrong, most women (when they actually have to wear a kilt) have to wear panties. My bad. But like I said, I really didn’t mean anything erotic or sexual or.. or I don’t know what exactly that person was thinking that I wrote there.
And here is her answer and then mine:
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Like I said in the comments, I still don’t understand what she meant by her first comment. I ignored it even because I thought it’s another person who is just going to be rude to me. But then she send another one and I realized that it’s her main account. Anyway, I think we all can agree that in her first comment, her intention was to be rude to me and again imply that I am some perv or something (again talking about panties and that she doesn’t want to know what I'm thinking <??? I guess? She never explained what she meant>, probably telling me to stop talking <???> and at the end, she called me a “freak, babe”). It looks as she didn’t even read what I wrote or just didn’t care. Because she thinks that I’m a perv, so if she thinks that, then it’s true and the other person can talk, explain, but she is the one who’s right. But’s it’s only a guess~.
And then, there is that lovely comment “once you annoy me there is no second chance”. Like, okay, sure? I don’t mind! Because I didn’t write my comments to beg for her forgiveness. I don’t need her approval. I just wanted to clear things. I just wanted to let know people, who will look at the post that @disneyfemslash wrongly interpreted my dialogue. It’s really all I wanted. But, I guess, she wanted people to think that she’s the hero in this story. Or something. I really don’t get it. 
And then I just asked her to delete that post (I mean reblog from me). I wanted this because I already said that whatever she thought I thought where writing this comment wasn’t right. She was wrong and I explain my way of thought. I just didn’t want people to think wrong of me, just because she assumed things. But she didn’t want to. 
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But what’s wrong with talking in comments? Looking at our conversation it would be already the 6th reblog. And there is more. So what’s the point? Because tumblr will see her posts better if there will be more reblogs? That’s why? 
Here’s my response and yes, unfortunately. I kinda lost my patience here, ahaha. But, could you blame me? She is calling me names and implying things all the time and now, while I nicely asked her to delete the post, she rudely answered me, called me a coward, and imply that (I guess) I’m a perv because I don’t want to keep reblogging that post? That I want to hide what I wrote? Isn’t that ridiculous?
Anyway, here’s my response:
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After that, she starts deleting my comments, because my next screenshots are just her comments with no trace of my comments. But that’s later. And here is her last comment and my reply (she didn’t see that I think because she already blocked me but I send this anyway). After that, I refreshed Tumblr and I realized that I was already blocked.
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In the end, she really did not “give me a second chance” and keep thinking about me as some perv who likes panties of 16yo??? Oh well. I guess that she is just that kind of person who has to has the last word in the conversation. Anyway, here, how it looks now:
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She probably won’t even see that, but if she did well... I don’t think that she would acknowledge her mistake or that people can be wrong or that she can be wrong sometimes. Just like that.
I saw that one post on her blog. She called all people who call The Beast by the name of Adam “the worst”. Someone reblogged, gave sources, screenshots just to let her know that Disney acknowledged fans' decision that The Beast’s name is Adam. And @disneyfemslash didn't acknowledge and just disrespected that person’s work. Lovely.
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Even another person reminded her that her behavior was wrong. But she just blamed the other person again, not seeing her fault at all.
And that’s why, I don’t think that she will change her mind about me or just acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, rather than calling me names and implying things, she could just calmly talk with me in DM.
Here is just another example that cancersyndrome (disneyfemslash) just can’t accept that people can have other opinions. Other than her. And in the discussion, she just kept saying the same thing. And when she sees that she won’t win, she just starts (or even at the beginning of the discussion) calling other person names and assuming things and just being simply rude and toxic. 
But anyway, that’s all. I mean, I could also say something about @disneyfemslash shipping merelsa, a 21 (or 24 in the second movie) years old woman and 16 years old girl. Or I could remind her that she reblogged some posts that aren’t so pure. Like that one fanart with Jasmine (16) and Belle (19) in a sexual pose or edit with Jasmine (16) seducing Ariel (16).
But how would I do that? @disneyfemslash is a perfect, pure, innocent person, after all, who is always right and doesn’t give second chances! 
I hope things are clear now! 
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I love rewatching the first episode because you get to see Taishirou being cute little blobs in the background—they’re literally always together is super cute—and also Taichi grabbing his hand and pulling him into the Hollow tree is just super cute and I die—my mind interprets this as him just instinctively and reflexively needing to protect others and I’m. Also his face as he does it is so cute >:( hashtag determination. (Also they found each other first owo)
You know who also usually meets first in shows?? the love interests
I’m just being silly, I promise, but it’s a very cute scene like the way Koushirou hesitantly comes around the trees and finds Taichi and they get caught up in a battle right away. Overall it’s just a grand episode with all the character meet and greets. and the two of them really just kind of migrate near each other a lot in the series It’s Great. Especially like that one time they got animated starring at each other in the background for too long (which was probably just animation budget nonsense) I think back at the camp with Taichi’s hand on Koushirou’s shoulder or the heart bubble scene which I know was probably just a random decision with no thought into it but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I actually made a gif of the particular scene back when I had less shame of my life choices and honestly?? that is literally his face. It’s such a great introduction to him because Taichi is very primed to protect. I feel like it’s on some level innate in him, but also learned from his caring of Hikari, but it’s honestly amazing this 10/11 year old boy just barely hesitates when a giant bug creature is coming at them like there can’t be any other precedence for him to have learned to react so fast haha. He could have easily left Koushirou behind or just shouted at him to follow, but Koushirou clearly doesn’t act as fast. It doesn’t even look like he catches his bearings/is proactively trying to get away, he’s flailing after Taichi only because he grabbed his arm. It just translate into the rest of the series. Maybe not an intentional foreshadowing, but it fits so well because he literally throws himself into saving the others especially when he thinks he’s the only who can, for better or worse (skullgreymon being a glaring example of the latter and the whole thing with piedmon and also his whole frustration/upset with Hikari being sick again; for the former scenes like when he keeps Yamato from falling off a cliff when they had been fighting iirc). He has legendary reflexes honestly Taichi is So Good and he grows so well 100000/10
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shibalen · 4 years
[1/3] Hi~ May I pls request a Magi + KnY romantic male matchup? I'm a 5'0 hetero fem. I love to draw & sing especially! (I sing opera & I wanna be a voice teacher) I often take endless pics of the sunset and sea bc it's so pretty. I dislike bossy ppl. Quirk: I have a red birthmark on my arm shaped like Alaska lol! To strangers, I'm quiet, shy, friendly, and kind of a loner bc I'm rlly awkward (plus I value my time alone) I easily open up to funny ppl tho.
[2/3] In private, I'm more chill, funny & playful, especially w/ family. I can joke around them a lot. I have a short temper but I forgive just as quickly. I tend to smile or laugh a lot if I'm feeling embarrassed, sometimes I feel stupid for doing so :( I can be hard on myself yet I feel it's necessary to improve. I'm an appreciative person so I'll say thank you like 1000 times lol! I like to be straightforward in relationships even tho I still may be shy. I highly value family & honesty.
[3/3] I'd prefer a s/o who is family-oriented, devoted & genuine. It'd be great if they have a sense of humor too! I'd be the type to sing softly to my s/o while we're alone and close together. Maybe try to lull them to sleep, hehe! Thank you so much! Sorry it was so long, please take your time! I appreciate your hard work! Stay safe and healthy!! (*´︶`*)ノ"=͟͟͞͞♡
♡︎ matchup for @ne-nene-ne
bonjour! omg we sound so much alike? idk maybe it's just me? hehe
anyhowdies, thank you for your patience and popping up in my notifications so often! here is your mauchup~
|| magi: i match you with . . .
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koumei ren
• since Koumei is not fond of loud and lively people, he would love all of your qualities! you're quiet but still easy to get along with, playful but value family as much as he. someone as well-balanced is a good match for him.
• he completely understands the habit of being hard on oneself. i feel like he's like that as well (hence all those hours of work) while he can appreciate your need to improve, he never fails to check up on you, ensuring you're not being overly critical of yourself.
• you wish he could do the same for himself because the words 'enough sleep' and 'self care' do not apparently belong into this man's vocabulary. you gotta gently remind him to eat and take a bath.
• also pls lull him to sleep, he needs it. all those late nights planning military strategies have done their part so your heavenly voice is the only thing that can put him at ease.
• you can just be talking and he already finds himself relaxing.
• he's eternally grateful to you for coming into his life ♡︎
• Komei is incredibly devoted and would never dream of betraying you. if he comes back late, know he was not out doing anything unfaithful but once again got emerged in planning tactics.
• he knows you get angry at him sometimes for it so he will try to make it up to you by any means!
• your first meeting was at an arranged marriage. your arranged marriage. it was something neither of you wanted at first and honestly it was pretty awkward with both of you being more reserved (ーー;)
• it wasn't until you bumped into each other in the drawing room that you began talking about your shared interests and growing closer.
• since then drawing became reserved for spending quality time together and relaxing.
• Koumei got a tad insecure though when he realised he had fallen in love with you although you were already married. he knew he was inferior when it came to appearances and quite sloppy in mannerisms compared to his brothers, poor thing.
• thankfully you caught onto that quite quickly and reassured him you loved him just the way he was ♡( ◡‿◡ )
• for someone so smart Koumei had no idea what to do except stand there with butterflies in his stomach and heart warming up so much the heat reached to his cheeks.
• he may appear like a gentleman, but once you've gotten past that layer you'll find out he has quite the sense of humor.
• you can joke around with him all you want as long as it's about nothing too inappropriate. you should also expect some light-hearted teasing, hehe
• i'm sorry to say this but occasionally your height will be targeted, he can't help but rest his hand on your head. it's cute, it's vulnerable, it's free real estate!
• if you get annoyed by this he'll just feign innocence . . .
• "could you stop using me as your armrest?"
• "armrest? what are you talking about? i am simply expressing my love for you through physical affection, my dear :)"
• more than teasing though, Koumei likes complimenting you. he will ruffle your hair affectionately, tell you what a good job you've done, how pretty you you look. you might think it's just flattery but rest assured all of these come from his heart!
• look no further because Koumei will use his status to show you the most beautiful sceneries in Kou.
• sunsets from high towers, a wide view of the ocean from imperial ships. when you've got a bit more time he'll carry you through the skies at twilight with his djin equip.
• sneaky bastard might just do a few stunts to have you cling onto him tighter (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
• he prefers staying indoors during his free time so he'd be more than happy to listen to you practice opera singing.
• sometimes he goes outside to feed pidgeons and invites you along. those are such peaceful moments when you can talk about your worries or just admire how nice the weather is.
• Koumei lowkey prays you won't get into fights with Kouen or Kouha because they're both really bossy and you have a short temper.
• but because family is important for them as well, you'll learn to get by. he's so happy.
• though when will you start to think about having your own family? that's a question for later date because at the moment all Koumei wants is to live a happy, comfortable life with you ♡︎
runner up: Alibaba Saluja
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
|| kimetsu no yaiba: i match you with . . .
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tanjirō kamado
• you guys have such matching sweetheart energies that i had to put you together!
• you also have the same values of family and honesty which makes your relationship all the stronger. you both respect each other and there is nothing but trust in your communication.
• your first meeting happened when you were teamed up together for a mission along with Zenitsu and Inosuke. Zenitsu immediately, of course, got googly eyed for you and feral boy Inosuke wanted to fight you.
• you started feeling awkward with so much going on but Tanjirō quickly got them to give you space.
• he approached you so kindly, understanding you were shy in this new situation.
• it took little time for you to open up to the Kamaboko gang, seeing as how bizarre they are, but Tanjirō was special from the beginning. needless to say, he was curious about you as well |ω-o)
• you two hit it off so well and continued to hang out after the mission. he never pressured you to talk and his patience felt almost godsent. with every new bit he learnt about you Tanjirō found himself becoming more and more enamoured with you.
• he finds your playful yet relaxed mannerisms so pleasant. you're like his sanctuary whenever he needs a break from the restless world around him. he knows he can tell you everything and anything and you'll listen.
• Tanjirō absolutely loves pampering you! you're such a lovely person that all he wants is to make sure you receive back all the positivity that you spread around.
• he won't judge you for your short temper, i mean he's friends with Inosuke after all. he'll only ever look at you with sweet, loving eyes.
• if you do have a small argument, you both end up apologising a million times and laughing cause neither of you will stop saying sorry. it's the cutest thing.
• Tanjirō is a bit on the serious side, and it's canon that he's insecure about the trait. it would be so wholesome if you taught him how to loosen up and joke around!
• he'd be clumsy at it at first but gradually get the hang of it.
• his jokes would still be so bad, poor child. you think it's really adorable though and laugh anyway ♡︎
• that proud twinkle in his eyes when he sees he succeeded making you smile is just— asdfghjk so full of love
• will assure you there is never anything wrong with laughing or smiling. your laugh is one of the most beautiful sounds to him so be prepared for a lot of silly jokes.
• please teach this boy to draw, i'm begging
• you and Nezuko are basically like siblings already. Tanjirō's heart swells every time he finds you with Nezuko, braiding her hair, singing to her or even simply giving her headpats.
• it's during times like those especially that he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life together with you.
• won't not brag about it aloud but Tanjirō likes he's the only person that get to hear you sing (aside from Nezuko) it's like your little secret, something that's reserved for him alone
• Zenitsu always grits his teeth seeing what lovebirds you are. though you were both a little shy about it at first, there is almost always some physical affection between you: hand holding, leaning against each other, cute, fluttering kisses.
• his favourite places to kiss you are your forehead and lips. he may get a bit flustered if you do it to him though but that's because he's so happy ♡︎
• !sharing cool scar/birthmark stories!
• "see, it looks like Alaska!"
• ". . . what's an Alaska? is it an animal?"
• "no, it's a land, silly. a very faraway land."
• "oh, i see! we should go there together some day. it'll be great!"
• your dates include many walks and picnics in the forest. he wants to show you all the best views of sunsets and oceans there are!
• i know this sounds corny but Tanjirō will 100% gaze at you instead while you're admiring the scenery. your reaction is just so precious and you look absolutely stunning in the soft light. you can't really blame him for being smitten ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
• he will remind you every day how dear you are to him. with daily but meaningful displays of affection, Tanjirō lets you know he will never leave your side ♡︎
runner up: Kyōjuro Rengoku
i hope you enjoyed! i admit i haven't seen magi in ages so i don't know how well it turned out ㆆ﹏ㆆ but thank you for the kind wishes, and make sure to take time off to breathe ♡︎
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eisforeidolon · 5 years
Episode: Back and to the Future
I get why, thematically, they chose that song for the previouslies that kick off the final season. However, from my perspective I just do not think it actually works at all.  It is far too sedate for the action it’s recapping and the scene it cuts into.  The juxtaposition of such different paces is just ... odd.
I guess I'm supposed to feel all sad and shit from the lingering shots of dead!Jack's burned out eye holes?  Maybe if he'd had a personality other than being an amorphous shifting blob of unbelievable power and permanent intellectual infancy I was supposed to care about because of the number of times they had the other characters say he was their son/family/awesome.  As is?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wish I could say I was surprised that the veritable army of animate corpses making a beeline for the Winchesters and Cas just … somehow … let them escape and run away.  I'd have been a lot more surprised if the writers had actually bothered to do the work to get the characters out of the corner the last finale put them into, at this point.  Then there's the bit where the writers shove some nonsense into Dean's mouth to try and make it seem like this whole thing with Chuck isn't a sudden random asspull to go for the most absurdly overpowered villain they could think of for the last season.  Totally believable, oh yeah.
Although the idea of a sewer running through a graveyard including right to the wall of a crypt does not exactly seem likely to me, I do actually give the writers points for having that not actually work as an escape route.  Also awarding some points for them remembering that as an angel, Castiel should be able to see demons.
As other people have already pointed out, considering what he did to the Novak family and how haphazardly he handled Claire, especially?  Him bitching about any other creature defiling somebody's corpse is pretty fucking hilarious.  Though I'd possibly be more sympathetic if demon!Jack didn't already show a 500% more interesting personality in thirty seconds than actual!Jack did in two seasons.  So far as I’ve been concerned, the only think Jack has really had going for him is Alex, so Alex as a different character, even a demon, I’m calling a win.
I honestly do not get the decision of trying garner fan nostalgia by bringing back ghosts from previous seasons if they're just going to arbitrarily make them kill anyone at random for kicks.  Would it have been that hard to have shown “Bloody Mary” killing one person who might have had a secret where someone died?  Because I could buy it for one of those teen girls, but not both.  Or limiting the “Woman in White” to attacking men along highways who might possibly be unfaithful?  Maybe we're supposed to believe that they're all just so pissed off at having spent all that time in hell that they have completely lost touch with what originally tied them to earth and drove them to kill in the first place?  I don't mind them no longer being tied to a physical location since they were banished and unnaturally returned, but to be so disconnected to what drove them to become angry spirits seems much more intrinsic to who and what they were.  I guess even the ghosts lose their personalities to become cardboard in the hands of Dabbernatural.  
Oh, look, mysteriously, big G God's tantrum opening up hell is not actually big enough to impact the whole planet – or even, you know, more than the literal next town over.  This is my surprised face.
Then we get to the bit where the Winchesters find an abandoned car with a bloody mess inside and are all, “Look at this Woman in White kill!  Obviously it was a Woman in White!  Totally the specific one we sent to hell!  Because … car!  And, uh, blood!  And, oh, because the fucking script says so.” REASONS, YO.
Aren't all garage doors required to have an emergency pull for if the power goes out?  Obviously the script required the pair of VotW end up stuck hiding in the garage, which, uh, a ghost can't find people hiding now?  Did I miss something in there that explained that silly convenience that makes the ghost even less spooky in an episode that really really fails on that count even more later on?
I guess maybe I should be happy that it's Castiel that gets hit with the dumb characterization stick to necessitate Sam & Dean not work together to clear out the town? Look, at this point, considering the way the writers have had him act as a constant disaster zone of idiotic choices and betrayals for several seasons now, my ability to sympathize with Cas is a wee bit limited.  To have him now sulk like a toddler and refuse to work with the demon to help the Winchesters save an entire town full of people and prevent the spread of angry hell ghosts to the world beyond that? Because oh noes it's wearing Jack's face and he was just sooooo attached?  Even though all of them supposedly thought of Jack as their kid?  He doesn't even try to offer up alternatives to working with the demon with the very convenient solution, just whines about it? 
So basically this billions of years old angel somehow has less fucking practicality than the Winchesters (despite how easily he killed the shit out of his fellow angels when it suited his plans).  Not to mention that by refusing, he's saddling Dean with having to work with demon!Jack. The human guy who was just recently convinced he had to kill Jack for the good of the world after Jack killed his mother, only to have a change of heart when he saw Jack’s understanding, only for Jack to end up killed anyway – you know, emotions a hell of a lot more conflicted about their supposed kid's than Castiel's?  Castiel is just fine with that!  What a self-centered dick.
I liked Dean's conversation with Rowena on the phone and his response to her presumable demand to ask more nicely.  I laughed at Sam accidentally shooting Cas and Cas' resultant reaction.  I thought it was curious that they had the demon bring up Dean's time as a torturer in hell, though I'd be pleasantly surprised if it was anything but a way to segue into the Cage getting opened.  One utterly wasted Michael storyline is apparently not enough for Dabb!  Maybe it's just supposed to be some kind of weird demon idea of flattery, but I did find their interactions interesting.  I would be intrigued by the weird flashes when Cas was trying to heal Sam (Another angel power that actually works for once?  Wow!) … if Dabb hadn't already yammered on about what it means in an interview.  That dude is absolutely allergic to leaving any kind of major storyline an open mystery or letting it retain any intrigue for fans to speculate about.  I was not impressed with Sam getting damsel-ed to be saved by Castiel at least twice.  Come on, show.
As I speculated before and said above, I’m fine with the Chuckified nature of their release meaning some rules don’t apply.  I could maybe even understand the thought process that them being out in the daytime, without being limited to darkness, was scarier? I just wish anyone behind the camera was awake enough to actually look at the aesthetics of what they did here and realize that no, it's really really not.  The whole thing just looked so embarrassingly mediocre - pantomime actors in bad bargain basement costumes silly.  I think it was @hippychick006 that suggested gifs of the whole end portion looked like they should be set to Yackety Sax?  The context of the episode does not in any way negate that. Just … wow.  Like with the wire fight, I am flabbergasted that this made it to air without somebody finding the brakes.
I'm not sure if the writers actually made a failed reference by having the Woman in White say Dean was the one who took her home when it was Sam, or if they meant to imply he and Sam together had been there/responsible and Dean was the one she was addressing.  Regardless, I'm not impressed with how all the ghosts Sam & Cas were being confronted by just … stood there to be shot one by one for a while.  And then … ran … literally ran … chasing them down the street instead of doing the whole ghost teleport thing.  There are way, way too many times in this episode where the guys get away or win a fight because reasons and there is absolutely no tension in that.  Even if it didn't also look ridiculous.  Dean’s part of the confrontation was a little less absurd in that respect, at least.  And the spell effects actually looked reasonably cool.
I'm a little annoyed at myself that the obligatory brother scene at the end of the episode kind of works on me.  Though I’m not particularly impressed with Sam's conclusion that God is totally going to leave them alone now.  Sure, Chuck has a long habit of leaving when he's bored, but he isn't leaving this world because he's bored.  You guys actively pissed him off!  Yet Sam treats it like a foregone conclusion Chuck will have buggered off instead of sticking around to watch his previously favorite but now uncooperative toys suffer and die first. Though I'm not sure if that's a writer issue, actually, or just a legit choice I don’t care for.  I could see Sam insisting on trying to sell a potential positive side with no room for doubt with as fatalistic as Dean is being.  I could also see it just being one of those things Sam convinces himself must be true because he's reasoned it out in his head and refuses to consider alternatives may exist.  Like how he was so convinced it could only be God planting visions in his head back in season 11.  Still, I like the callback and I can even see why Dean is the most immediately cynical and pissed off, so hey!  There was actually one whole entire scene I enjoyed in there!
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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you are both silly! i am a goat! 🐐🐐🐐
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well taskmaster has always had an art theme — you may have noticed the taskmaster’s portraits in past seasons:
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so it seems this series has an “anime” kind of theme, hence the screen, for example. this is pretty standard — you can see in s4 when they did van gogh that there are sunflowers on the table behind hugh. just a little extra way to spice things up!
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i thought it was fun! i definitely wasn’t as pessimistic as a lot of other people because i knew joe thomas, iain stirling, and paul sinha would definitely be endearing (i know people were/are on the fence about lou sanders, and i didn’t know sian gibson before tm) and 3/5 is good enough for me, so i’m glad it turned out the group has decent chemistry so far. i loved seeing iain get worked up about the puppets for example; this was the biggest downfall of s6 imo: they just accepted all of the decisions the taskmaster made without really caring how things turned out. i love when there’s a bit of competitive tension! probably why i liked s2 so much, since almost all of them were really points hungry >:) i think this will be a super pleasant series, i’m looking forward to the rest 🖤❤️
ps. it’s not new taskmaster season without a little thirst!! fly that freak flag anon!
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that doesn’t surprise me at all, though i never thought of it myself. jen aniston has always been pretty hoighty-toighty, but maybe not in such an endearing way as victoria. but i really enjoy the comparison 😂
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oh anon you fell into the pit...welcome... i think i have exactly what you need right now: just desserts!
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i’m sorry too anons :((( it’s bittersweet but honestly i have been so impressed by his acting recently (especially journey’s end and howards end) and would be elated to see him really pursuing that more seriously as a matured actor. he really, really has the talent and the more effort he puts into it, the more we will hopefully get to be witness to that! plus this might mean another female host and i would love to see that! we were luck to get so many great years out of him 💙
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i don’t anon, but why not use a youtube proxy? there are so many, i use this one on eu4
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HAHAHA you think?? hmm interesting... he’s done so many programmes with dara, and i wonder if anyone would describe dara as “witless”? that said, dara was all over the place at that time. who knows, and dm may have even changed his mind since then! i could never imagine him being friends with someone like micky flanagan but alas! as he gets older, he becomes more and more unbothered...and i kind of like it :’)
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have you seen james & jupp? sooooo fun and adorable, what an underrated brotp! (three of these files are .mkv so you need to download to watch)
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hahaha i haven’t had time to watch it but i promise i’ll let you know when i do! maybe i’ll even make some gifs for it if it’s good quality? i’m so glad to hear you think it’s good! the cast is epic 💘💘
ps. inb4 where can i watch ghosts (oops too late)
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live footage of me watching ass sandwich, roisin going in on piers morgan while he tries to defend himself, and ian hislop vs. john prescott:
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i’m sorry to disappoint but i promise more vcm content is on its way! the queen reigns!
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i will never close the floodgates but what you’ve written is honestly just plain sweet, not the perverted and sinful thirst that some of these animals think is appropriate to anonymously message me at 2pm on a tuesday
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hahaha oh anon but he has been kissed! here and here for example, and who could forget a sweet peck from an original panel show otp
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they’re quickly becoming my followers’ favourite brotp tbh 😂
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oh you’re sweet anon, thank you 💛 i hope the new era of the news quiz can be just as witty and wholesome as it has been with miles, and i wish all the newcomers luck because it really is a welcoming and good programme!
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no idea anon! it would surprise me if he hadn’t since he’s been an actor for a long time, but you’d have to ask him ;)
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richard says a lot of things just because he wants to be the only one to have said them. of course no comedians came out and said the lineup for tm s8 looked like shit (comparatively), so richard did. of course no comedians asked an interviewee if they wanted a hand made out of ham, so he did did. this is really typical richard behaviour, and tbh i see why some people find it offputting. when it’s completely surreal, and he’s getting comedians to talk about things you could never imagine hearing them talk about, i’m all in and i think it’s a hilarious waste of time. but when it crosses over into the real world, where richard is giving out his political opinions or begging comedians to get him on tv, he just has no tact. sometimes he strikes a good balance and other times he doesn’t. i thought frankie hated him a while back and it might have resolved itself (like it may have with corden), but apparently not lmao (that is a great interview btw and i can’t get over how eloquent he is in his defense of female comedians...i love him...). but i’m glad your positive spin on this ask is that miles can save anything, because i agree and would like to add that spin to this response, hehe! i imagine the reasons frankie hates richard are the same reasons he loves miles ;)
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well i’ve seen cold lasagna live three times, so what he said on rhlstp compared to what he explains in that show was really disappointing to me. i understand he couldn’t get into everything that had happened and is currently happening, or do the routine there, but it sounded like he only mentioned “i was suicidal lol” and didn’t really give any context to how he’s been doing (which is not great, unfortunately). obviously it’s not our place to demand information about his personal life, and i wouldn’t want to, but to just briefly mention something like that and then gloss over any details or context seemed like a big misstep to me — tonally and otherwise — and richard clearly didn’t know how to deal with it despite doing a half-decent job with stephen fry a couple of years ago. not that any of us have much faith in richard as a serious interviewer lmao. then they didn’t even brighten the mood much by talking about taskmaster (which richard berated), off menu, or doing many emergency questions... it felt really short and shallow, and i actually found it quite boring ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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you need to see this immediately as an induction into this blog’s official religion whose only deity is The Great Sandi Toksvig
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i don’t see it coming up in the usual places — just go here and make a request, and i’m sure you’ll have it by the end of the night :)
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anon i think about this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! i think my first choice would be the same team on bfq tbh but seeing them on the same series of taskmaster would probably change my life. but honestly i’m SO thirsty for this i will take anything. even just david on the new heresy...please god......
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lmaooo anon i still laugh about this to this day. i wish i could ask you a million questions about real life father sean lock but i’m sure he wouldn’t appreciate people harassing his kids’ friends for details about his private life lmao i’m just glad to hear he sounds like a good dad and he’s a nice guy!! you’re always free to let him know that we here on the interwebz love him to death
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i can’t say for sure anon... i like that she’s so willing to speak up on big panels and take advantage of being thrown to, because a lot of women and/or newbies tend to be polite in this respect and speak briefly when it’s “their turn”. but i really need to see more before i could form an opinion!
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hello anon, this is the new world order tag. to be fair, it’s not a panel show, so it’s not very high priority for me, though i do watch it. always been a big fan of frankie!
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f.a.q. // tags // watch links masterpost
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discoursecatharsis · 6 years
I ship Kaito x Nanao and honestly? This discourse is so dumb. My parents always joke around by saying I shold marry my cousin since he's a home person like me (I wouldn't because I'm ace/aro and because we're not so close anyway, but nevermind). So maybe that's why I'm ok shipping them? It's a fictional ship, anyway. If people feel uncomfortable with this ship because they're cousins? That's valid. But blocking tags and shippers can solve this problem, is that easy.
The discourse is also silly to me because I keep forgetting that they’re even cousins lmao. They mention it like once, maybe twice in the anime? When I hear people complaining about the ship, I’m like “oh yeah they’re related, right?” lol
I kinda ship Kaito x Nanao too, they’re cute. The cousins thing is a little uncomfy for me when I do remember it, but... idk, their interactions are fun, they’re fictional characters and it’s an anime , so who cares? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯It’s not a big deal (though people being uncomfortable are valid of course)
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une-erreur-inconnur · 6 years
Tagged - Answer 21 questions
I've been tagged by @ninakh a while ago, however as usual I took a while to make it. Sorry about it >w<
Name: honestly I wouldn't advice anyone to give their name on Internet, but maybe it's just my old safe too attached to anonymity ^^' You can call me Mineko though, a lot of people use it (like a real name actually ) but it's the username I go to first generally in any website.
Nickname: I have a lot of nickname but most of them aren't used anymore
Zodiac: Cancer. By the way story time. Last year in uni I met a friend of one of my classmate that I was working with for a group project (we were assigned group by random so it's to tell you how much of a stranger this guy was). And in like 10 mn of discussion (and 10 mn of discussion with me when I don't know you is NOT a lot) the friend of my classmate just blurted out "you're born in July right?" So I just looked at him surprised before saying that yes I was. And then he told me I was acting like a typical cancer, so I guess if you're good in astrology you know now a lot about me? XD
Height: I know I already answered this before, I think it was close to 170 cm but not quite. Too lazy to search -_-
Time: 12:49
Favorite Musician: Stromae. If you don't know Stromae go check any of his song. Some are bellow his average level but otherwise he is a great artist. I know that in English a lot of his play of word are lost but hmm try anyway.
Recently I also had a liking for Chase Holfelder. You know this guy who remade "animal" which is used for amv in every fandom ever xD and it's the same for almost all the song he takes from major to minor keys. His kitchen cover are good too and made me dicover imagine dragon.
Recently, and on another genre Yann tiersen is also a musician I discovered recently and every song from him are beautiful to listen.
Also if you study biology acapella science is really good. It's where I first listened to evo devo- I mean despacito (yes I don't listen to radio) and while in the original song the good rythm is ruined by stupid lyrics, their evo devo version make this song have a great rythm AND being intelligent ! (Really if I had this song back when I was studying embryo development it could have helped at least a bit much x_x)
Song Stuck in my Head: The portrait of Pirate which is an old 2015 vocaloid song that I discovered just now.
Last Movie I Saw: The fantastical beast. I actually watched it in English, it was cool. Even if I was HIGLY disappointed by a certain character while having it coming since the first <.< if watched the movie you know who
Last Thing I Googled: a dandelion because I needed a reference for the last picture I made :3 but generally I don't google thing, I just go back to my three favourite site already saved xD
Other Blogs: mineko-mairhiel that I use to gather my drawings. I could have done that on this blog by tagging properly, but I didn't know how it worked before xp but I didn't post since a while on there. I mean tumblr is great to share fandom stuff but I mostly draw random character, not even OC, it's just, pictures x). But if I obsess on another game/series and the fandom isn't dead by the time I do (mystic messenger was a big exception, I usually start to be enthusiastic about things that people stop caring about xD) I might be active on there again, who knows.
Do I get Asks: It almost never happen but when I do get ask, I answer them ridiculously late (a bit like tag game) I'm sorry for the few soul who dropped by there, I swear it wasn't on purpose.
Why Did I Choose This Nickname: my current url? I guess it's the url since nicknames aren't chosen and generally just "happen" xD Well you know how there wasn't any proposition to chose an url before. And I tried absolutely every damn username I ever used in my life and none of them worked. And I got upset to see that it wasn't even "this url is already taken" but an unknown error happened (une erreur inconnue est survenue). So, out of spite I wrote "une fucking erreur inconnur" without caring about orthograph and it passed. I was so done when I wrote that that I just rolled with it xD Then a few month later I thought "hmm the word fucking in my url make me seems violent let's get rid of that. And I could also get rid of the typo while I'm at it." I'll let you guess why I ended up leaving the typo xD
Following: 102 o.o I honestly think most are inactive user because my blog isn't even centered around anything anymore. But for the few people who are still active and consciously following my blog... I can't understand you but a lot of love for you :3 may the silliness or the beautiful artwork I reblog help have you a good day!
Amount of sleep: If life was fair I could sleep 10 to 12 hours everyday. Since I have to study it's around 5-6. 8 if I don't work as much as I should o/
Lucky Number: 4 it's such a beautiful number. Look at it. Beautiful.
What am I wearing: my 8 yo pyjama that's not even purple anymore but fit wonderfully on me and that will never be thrown away unless it's shredded to piece or my mother come visit me.
My Dream Job: Huh honestly I currently don't know. I don't even have a expected job. I hope I'll be able to program things but life can take 90 degree turn so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dream Trip: either a country where I can witness a solar eclipse or northern/southern light.
Favorite Food: anything with cream in it I guess? Carbs? Fat? I can't choose a specific thing T_T
Instruments Played: well I think the good old recorder is universal. But I also had the chance to learn a bit of guitar (I can do some very very VERY basic song :p)
Favorite songs: this tag game is becoming too much long for what it is so I'll try to just give song without explaining why xD
Défiler -Stromae
Bâtard- Stromae
Quand c'est -Stromae
Basically the whole song track of Hamilton
Blessed Messiah and the Tower of Ai- I don't want to write q.q : Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Firework (minor key version)- chase holfelder
The portrait of pirate -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
Sister's mercy -Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
The tree of reincarnation-Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei (gosh I guess he is my favourite composer)
The night series- Hitoshizuku-Yamasankakkei
How far I'll go(minor key version)- chase holfelder
Best day of my life (minor key version)- chase holfelder
What's up(minor key version)- chase holfelder
The willow maid-erutan
Natural- imagine dragon
I think we're good with those! As always sorry that it came that late, but tumblr acted up the first time I wrote it and I lost everything. So I was a bit disheartened. Thanks to @ninakh who still had the patience to tag me, even if I have a talent to answer super late ^^'
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💜 Soft Bias Tag 💜
i was tagged by the two lovelys at @bts-soccer-moms​ to do the most adorable tag ever ~ tysm this was so much fun!! 
1. Who is my bias?
my favourite muscle bunny jeon jungkook, kookie, nochu, love of my life
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2. What made you notice them?
“Dope” was my first bts mv and i swear it was legitimately love at first sight (that police uniform got me whipped from the start but shhh) i’ve never chosen a bias that quick in my life tbh i didn’t even know what a bias was back then and i already knew it was going to be him (cheesy i know) also when i started watching more bts content i fell for his honey vocals, his big sparkly eyes, his cute bunny smile, and he’s just my ideal boy you know? he’s beautiful and talented what more can i say?
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3. What’s your favourite thing about them?
i know everyone says this about their bias but honestly can you blame us? of course the answer is everything! i love everything about him, his passion and ambition for music, his big heart and love for his hyungs, his cute mannerisms, his will to strive to become the best at whatever he sets his mind to, he’s not only beautiful on the outside but he’s infinitely beautiful on the inside 
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4. Who would initiate skinship more?
i think at the beginning probably me? mostly because he's such a shy shy boy but also i think once he's more comfortable it will be pretty balanced between us
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
either neither of us or him bc i'm literally a human heater so i don't really need to hog the blankets that much plus if he just cuddles up to me he wouldn't need to hog them anyways  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. Who would be more clingy?
i don't think either of us are that noticeably clingy but if it's just us and not in public then perhaps me? 
7. Who would say “I love you” first?
hmmm is it cheesy if i say we happened to say it at the same moment bc it finally felt right? lolol but idk i think maybe he would to say it first cuz it takes me a while to finally admit things so yeah
8. Who easily be more flustered?
oh man i think we both tie in this one but i’d like to think that i can hide it better than him, i mean have you seen the stuttering mess kookie is when his hyungs catch him off guard poor bun bun
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
please refer to this taekook moment as a point of reference
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10. Which colours remind you of him?
two colours come to mind:
~ golden honey yellow: he's not the golden maknae for nothing, also like i've said before, his honey vocals make me melt every time and he's also the sweetest boy so of course he reminds me of honey plus he looks so precious whenever he wears yellow
~ a deep bold red: it reminds me of the fire and raw passion in his eyes as he performs, the energy he exerts when he dances, and just that alluring presence he holds when he knows he's owning the stage
tldr: kookie is 💛✨🍯 and jungkook is ❤️🔥🎤
11. What season would you like to spend with them?
summer! i want to have all the fun in the world with him without any worries or cares in the back of our minds, i want to have cute amusement park dates, ice cream at the park dates, bowling alley and arcade dates, everything and anything, we could go out to the pier, stargaze, the whole shabang 
12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
based on the cooking run bts episodes, i think he'd be better in the kitchen than me tbh and i'm not much of a baker but i will help if i see someone else baking but also low key so that i can sneak a bite or two
13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
i think both of us would crack a pun every now and then and the other person would just sigh and roll their eyes but also quietly chuckle and note to themselves to one up the other person in the future 
14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs?
i think we would alternate between one of us being like "you know what sounds like a good idea? adopting a dog. right now. let's do it." and the other one being the Reasonable One™ but then eventually one day we both end up being the one wanting the dog and attempting to enable the other and so we end up getting a cute dog child and we live happily ever after the end
15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
well considering kookie had said before that he has One Fear which happens to be microwaves so i'm gonna say it's him. it will be like:
him: "kirstyyyy can you make me a pop tart?"
me: "sorry kookie i'm a bit busy at the moment, can you try making it yourself?"
*smoke detector goes off in the distance* 
me: *cleans up the mess and makes him a new one* 
me: "you're an idiot" 
him: "yeah but i'm your idiot" 😉 
me: “ugh you're lucky i still think you're cute” 🙄 
him: “heheh sorry ily” 😙
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
i think we'd both have our moments for this because we both have no fear of heights and have moments where #dangerismymiddlename but then again we are also promoters of safety so yeah 
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17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
it would consist of a lot of fun banter and teasing towards whoever jumps or get scared :P i really enjoy watching horror films with company because i love commentating (especially for dumb horror films where i get to yell at the characters for making dumbass decisions) but i also get a laugh whenever someone (including myself) gets a big scare so yeah, i think it would be fun to have a horror movie marathon with kookie during spooky season or something
18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
i think kookie can be 50/50 i mean have you seen this boy's duality? his dorky offstage personality vs his sensual onstage presence gives me whiplash.. me on the other hand, i think my cheesiness will outweigh my smoothness like 75/25 
19. Who would be more competitive?
we will make everything a competition, but like in a fun healthy way like "i bet i can beat you in this track in mario kart" "iS tHaT A cHaLLeNgE??!?" and whoever wins gets like a little prize each time (can be anything from food to a peck on the cheek to getting the better controller next time to picking the next movie etc.) like just simple silly competitions to keep it interesting (no sore losers or egotistic winners in this house, it's all just fun and games) and ooo bonus: we can keep a little chart over like the month or maybe the year like a "jungkook vs kirsty" and the overall winner gets a grand prize of whatever they want 
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.)
him. we all know that he works his hardest and tries to push himself past his limits so i think he would need someone to gently remind him to take care of himself from time to time :’( 
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3 am?
we're talking about your resident meme king and queen here so what do you think? but then again we both have our soft hours so i think it will be a fair mix of both. something like 
"i miss you"
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"you meme a lot to me" 
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and that’s it!! this was honestly so much fun to do and i’m now feeling softer than usual for my bunny rip gonna go watch some cute compilations or something ok byeee
i tag: @wen-jun-bae, @blueberry-child, @taeyongskookie, @cyphersnamjoon, @mysticalj, @jinstaej, @min-baby-boy-yoongi, @majinstic, @madpanda69, @kochiniseokjinnie, @im-captain-of-this-ship,  @kawaii-ing, @chiantae, @dailygifihope, and anyone else who wants to do this :) 
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audliminal · 6 years
Rom(an)eo and the Set Designer Chapter 3
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Patton and Virgil have a chat over a couple of milkshakes. The characters seemed to think this scene was important. I’m just their transcriber ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Word Count: 1233      Pairing: Platonic moxiety
“Need a ride home?” Roman asks, as Patton grabs his backpack and stands up.
“Uh, no,” Patton glances up at him. “Virgil’s giving me a ride.”
“Oh.” Roman raises an eyebrow and glances at the clock. It’s nearly five. “I hope we didn’t keep him waiting too long.”
“He was staying after for tutoring anyways, and I told him I didn’t know how long this meeting would go.” Patton shrugs. “He probably just spent the time listening to his music.”
“Alright,” Roman falters for a moment before smiling brightly at him. “Well, in that case, I’ll see you later I guess.” Patt nods and waves as Roman heads for the parking lot, before turning in the direction of the library.
It’s not too hard to find Virgil once he’s there; he always chooses to sit at the same table, in the corner and as out of the way as possible. Patton catches his friend’s eye, then walks over as he picks up his backpack off the ground.
“So how was your date?” Virgil asks once they make it back out of the library.
“Oh hush,” Patton blushes. “We all just talked about budgets and fundraising.”
“Really?” Virgil squints as they head outside into the sunlight. “For, like, two and a half hours?”
“Everybody kept getting distracted,” Patton says with a shrug. “Somebody would start singing or make a joke and it would take at least five minutes to get everyone back on track.”
“Yeouch. That sounds irritating.”
“I dunno, it was kind of fun.” Patton waits, watching as Virgil fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the car.
“Fun?” Virgil snorts. “Patton, I do not understand you, buddy.” Patton smiles and shrugs. Virgil’s never been a fan of social situations. Heck, Patton gets it; he’s seen his fair share of bullying before, and he always seems to be getting flustered around Roman.
“But maybe,” Virgil drawls, smirking over at Patton, “you just had fun cause you got to hang out with Roman!” Patton sticks his tongue out at him.
“How did your tutoring go?” Patton glances over at Virgil.
“It was alright. Logan’s actually pretty good at helping me understand the stuff that confused me in class, so…”
“Logan?” Patton hasn’t heard Virgil mention that name before.
“Yeah, we have the class together. He’s the one who offered to tutor me, when I mentioned I was having trouble keeping up.” Virgil shrugs. “He’s actually not too bad. A huge nerd, but he’s really patient about explaining shit to me.”
“Well, that’s good, right?” Patton grins. “I bet your mom’s really proud of you, huh?”
“Yeah,” Virgil laughs. “She’s super excited about my college prospects.” Patton blinks and turns to stare out the window. He knows that he’ll have to start working on applications soon, but he’s mostly been avoiding thinking about it so far.
“Are you excited about college?” It’s a topic that’s not really come up between the two of them, and for a while, Virgil says nothing.
“I mean, sort of?” Patton glances over at his friend. “I just- what if nowhere accepts me?”
“What? I bet you get loads of options, Virgil! Heck, that’s why you’re taking calculus, right?” Virgil snorts.
“Yeah,  but… I dunno, it’s all just kinda scary, y'know?” Patton can’t argue with that. He frowns, and shifts back to staring at the trees moving by. There’s something about car rides that makes it so much easier to say things.
“What if I don’t like college?” Patton finally says. “What if I get there and I hate it, and I fail all my classes and I never find my passion?” It’s rare, the moments where Patton feels comfortable enough to admit to his insecurities- really, it’s only ever Virgil that sees this side of him, but when he does, Virgil always knows just what to do. Patton doesn’t even argue when Virgil turns in the opposite direction of his house, and ten minutes later, they’re sitting in a local diner, sipping at a pair of milkshakes.
“So…” Virgil gently kicks at Patton’s leg under the table. “You’re really worried about college, huh?” Patton shrugs, glancing down at his straw.
“I just- everyone says that it’s okay to not know what you wanna do, but…” Patton trails off, with a grimace. “What if I never figure it out?”
“Did something happen, Patton?” Virgil’s question catches him completely off-guard, and he has to really think, to figure out the answer.
“Not exactly? It’s just being around Roman, and all his friends, I guess. They’re all so passionate and enthusiastic, and I’m just- me.”
“More like you’re the single most caring person I know.” Virgil immediately shoots back. “Hell, you pretty much forcibly adopted me when you realized I didn’t really have any friends- and I know I don’t say this very often, Patton, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re, like, so fiercely optimistic. I mean, you’re basically a warrior of sunshine and positivity.” Virgil picks a knife up off the table, slashing it around like a sword, and Patton giggles.
“I guess…” Virgil grins triumphantly.
“Hell, even with all that passion, it’s Roman who needed to come to you for help. He doesn’t know the first thing about how to build an awesome set, does he?” Virgil makes a face, and Patton feels some of the fear melt away.
“I’m just being silly, aren’t I?”
“Hey, no. You’re feelings aren’t wrong. It’s like you always tell me, right? Feelings can’t be helped. Maybe they’re not always rational, but that’s okay.” Virgil stands up and walks over to Patton’s side of the booth. “The only thing that matters is how you deal with your feelings, and here we are- talking them out.” With a huff, he pulls Patton up out of his seat, and wraps him in a hug.
They both fall into the booth together, after that. Shoulders touching, they finish their milkshakes, and the smile never leaves Patton’s face as he is, once again, reminded why Virgil is his best friend.  He’s so upbeat and happy around everyone else, that it can get very hard to allow himself vulnerability, but in the end, Virgil is always there, perfectly understanding, and constantly willing to listen.
“Hey, so tell me more about your tutor.” Patton says with a grin.
“What, Logan?” Patton smiles and nods. “What about him?”
“Well, what is he like?” Virgil eyes him with trepidation.
“I mean, I already told you he’s a huge nerd… Oh, he does have surprisingly good taste in music!” Virgil grins. “Like, he asked me what I was listening to on Monday- I had my headphones on when I walked into class, and I told him, and the next day, when he got to class he tells me that he had listened to some of their music and he told me that he found the combination of synthesizer, with piano and drum to be very- and I quote, ‘harsh, but also very rhythmic and powerful.’ I just about keeled over in shock, honestly. Like, what a nerdy way to put it, but at the same time, it was cool that he’d gone home and looked up my music, right?”
A half an hour later, they leave the diner, Patton feeling like the weight of his future has been laid aside- at least for the time being.
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 302
Ok I am so fucking glad I watched this episode after a bunch of beers. Because I basically just giggled through most of it and I’m fairly certain that wasn’t the reaction they were going for. Like lol, nothing matters. And lol I did. Literalol.
Basically this episode makes me look back on the rage I felt about Claire’s half of the story last week and just intensifies it. Like yep. We literally got an entire episode that was just about her placating Frank’s #manpain. Nothing centered actually on her and her grief of losing her husband and her son (Hey, remember Fergus? Yeah, show!Claire loved him a lot.) and everything she held dear. No moment to be with Bree, just the two of them, before spending two decades having to lie to her and keep her slightly at a distance. You know, it’s not like Bree was the entire reason Claire even went back through the stones, so Claire definitely shouldn’t get a moment to reflect on the crazy jumble of emotions that come along with finally meeting this baby. Nope, literally everything was about trying to be what Frank wanted her to be and Frank being a selfish idiot and making her feel like she wasn’t trying hard enough. (Fuck you, Frank.)
So now we’re on ep. 2! So I guess it’s time to forget about last week’s rage and move on to laughing about sentient dildos and hats named Wilson! Because if I don’t laugh about it, I’m really not sure how to feel about this episode? I liked it more than the premiere because it didn’t make me ragey but it still feels like we’re just checking off plot points so we can eventually get to the juicy stuff once they’re back together and like dive into that?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh hey! It’s Red Jamie in the title card! Good thing they’re all plugging #dunbonnet on twitter because the best way to hid your super iconic red hair really is under a brown hat! Glad we established that right off the bat.
Remember though, if the show decides to throw the thing they’ve established as what is supposed to be happening out the window, we’re not supposed to call them out or else they’ll make fun of us in interviews. Because LOL NOTHING MATTERS.
Apparently Romann hit puberty at just the right time lol, because otherwise it’d be *rull* awk pretending like six years had past. But look he’s all tall now and sounds like teenager. A babyfaced teenager, but whatever.
Although listening to Fergus be all macho about killing a redcoat and remembering how fucked up he was telling Claire about it right after it happened makes me want to give him a hug. Like it’s ok that you’re still a little messed up about that, hun.
Also like you’d think that Ian would be more careful about not letting the kiddos see where he was hiding the gun? Because like of course the boys will try to find it?
“I’m here for the dunbonnet. He’s an outlaw that wears a brown hat to cover his distinctive red hair.” “Nope, def no one around here matching this description. There is 100% literally no one around here using a brown hat to cover their distinctive red hair. I guarantee it.”
Maybe a tad too heavy-handed with the whole setting up Fergus for the Scottish redcoats showdown, but whatever. Like he got by on his wits and stuff as a pickpocket but now he’s fine just being like lol fuck you, dude, even though you’re arresting the head of the estate and looking for milord. Anyway…
Oh hey! It’s Jamie! Who is definitely not hiding his distinctive red hair. Because lol nothing matters! It’s not like the redcoats are always around looking for him and arresting Ian.
Hai, Claire. You look much better in this century than the 20th. This little vision didn’t feel as impactful as the one on the battlefield for me though? Idk. I guess I like it? I’m indifferent to it because I’m distracted by the ridiculous hair?
Seriously, I’m sure Sam’s performance in this episode was amazing, but the fucking hair was so distracting and over the top that I feel like I missed out on a lot of what was actually important.
“You scared the bowels out of me! They’ve taken Ian again. So maybe you shouldn’t be coming down in the middle of the day when the redcoats so recently left.” “Sun’s out, Dun’s out.” “What? Did you just…” “Just go with it, Jenny.”
“The dunbonnet, that’s what they’ve taken to calling you now. Soon enough you’ll have ballads sung in your honor.” No no, show. You don’t get brownie points for throwing in a fanservicey line like that, referencing how they find him during this period in the book. Nope. You decided that he wasn’t going to hide his hair, even though apparently he’s known for hiding his hair. So lol nothing matters, he’s just a sad guy who lives in a cave and has an odd attachment to a grubby brown hat. It’s name is Wilson, naturally. No brownie points for you, show.
Jamie and Wilson are the best of friends. Jamie even wears Wilson inside the cave! Some may say their bond is a tad codependent, but they’re really each other’s only friends.
Except sorry, Wilson, but Jamie needs to go into disapproving Da mode. You don’t mind taking a step back do you? No offense, Wilson, but it’s a family thing. No of course you’re family too, Wilson! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!
“I want to learn to shoot, milord. And if you don’t teach me, I’ll probs just learn by osmosis in the next few minutes anyway because #plot.”
Ok so Fergus in this scene kind of just came off as a moody teenager until he called Jamie a coward. But man, that line. To Fergus, Jamie has given up. Claire’s gone, and Jamie’s living in a cave and it’s like he has lost both of his parents. Jamie called him a son but then left him with Jenny. And I’m sure that Fergus loves Jenny and Jenny loves Fergus, but man. I do not begrudge Fergus some anger aimed at Jamie.
“Sir! Didna ken you were expected today. And oh my, you’re hair! Those long, flowing locks! Where’s Wilson?!” “Red hair, don’t care.” “What, sir?” “Just go with it, Mary.”
I should be feeling things in this episode about Jamie basically hitting rock bottom, except I’m not. Because of that ridiculous hair and the show trying too hard to force a book thing while simultaneously not giving a single fuck about actually making that thing happen. They could have just skipped the whole dunbonnet thing and just had Jamie be a wanted man. But no. They decided to both go all in on the dunbonnet thing while also not going in at all on the dunbonnet thing and I cannot take you seriously even a little bit right now, show. Sorry not sorry. You brought this on yourself with your absurd wig choices.
“See Jamie, it’s cool that you didn’t teach Fergus how to shoot. He already knows how from watching Murtagh!” “Shut up, Wilson, you’re not helping.”
Nice shot, Fergus! It’s totally believable that you hit that bird in one shot having probs never actually fired a gun before! Way more believable than having you just shoot the gun and the bird flying away because you missed.
Although I’m glad they had someone other than Jamie shoot the damn thing. Because it always bugged me that Jamie did it in the book because he should have known better. I mean, Fergus should have known better too, but I guess I find it easier to accept a kid fucking up than a man who knows he’ll probs be killed if he gets caught.
Oh hai, Young Ian! I heart you! Slash we’re totally just forgetting the kids between Young Jamie and Young Ian because everything is so rushed, I guess. Because we had Maggie in ep. 113 and Kitty in ep. 208 and it’s totally cool if we skip the twins because honestly whatever, Jenny and Ian’s kids aren’t really all that important in the grand scheme of things. Except Michael’s apparently important enough that his wife manages to get her very own continuity fuck up in the books. *pounds beer because this is all silly and honestly, who cares*
“How long’s it been since you’ve lain with a woman, Jamie?” “It’s been a long while, I gotta say. You know, I love Claire so much. And you know, she’s the only woman I’ve ever been with. And with Wilson around, it’d get kind of awkward to bring someone back to the mancave. Roommates, amiright? The worst.”
Joking aside, I do really like Jamie in this scene. Like he’s been quiet and brooding and stuff all episode, but this is the first time you can really appreciate just how much he is holding on to his pain and loneliness. Because he doesn’t have Claire, all he has is her memory and the pain he feels because he’s lost her. So he won’t give that up. I feel some feelings.
“I won’t marry. Ever again.” I really think he means that. Like I absolutely believe that in this moment, Jamie never means to ever get married again. I’m still very interested to see how they’re going to play it when he does…
“It’s god’s sorrow you never had the chance to bring a child into this world.” Gah, Jenny, way to inadvertently sack-whack your brother in the feels.
I really don’t like Jenny in this episode, guys. Like she’s pulling a Frank and making it all about what she thinks Jamie should be doing rather than what Jamie needs. Don’t be like Frank, Jenny. Frank is the worst. This show doesn’t need two Franks.
Slash I like that Jamie hasn’t told Jenny about Faith or Bree though? Because she def wouldn’t be saying this shit if she knew, I hope… But it shows just how closely he’s keeping those memories? They’re too precious to share with anyone because they’re all he has left of his children?
“I just want you to have some happiness.” Oh Jenny, you mean well, but you’re not helping here. Please just stop talking.
I get that there aren’t really any good hiding spots on that hallway, but that is a really shitty hiding spot.
And I get that they have to get across how dangerous the redcoats are and how fucked up this period in Scotland is, but these guys going out to look for the body of a dead baby is a bit over the top. But at least they didn’t have Young Jamie in the room for this like he was in the book? Because I’m all for not unnecessarily traumatizing a child. Good job, show.
I love Mary MacNab. Like she just goes in there and is like yep, it’s my gun, here it is, here’s my story. And has no clue how it’s going to play out but it’s a risk she’s willing to take and you have balls of steel, Mary MacNab. I’m glad they gave her actual stuff to do in the episode besides just what happens at the end. Guys, I just really love Mary MacNab and I ship her with happiness so fucking hard.
Oh, so Mary’s no threat, but better go look for the dead baby of the woman who has clearly just given birth. Ok, rando English douchebag.
Slash you really couldn’t wait an extra two seconds to move, Jamie? Really? For a dude who has been hiding in a cave for six years, you kind of suck at hiding. But then again, Wilson could have told me that.
“Take a shovel. Dig a grave in the cemetery in case they look. Maybe take Wilson with you, since the redcoats literally just left and are probably still around. You should maybe try tucking your hair up to hide it this time too. You know, to at least *try* to disguise yourself.” “I can’t, Jenny. My hair, it won’t all fit.” “Well, you see there are these things called scissors…” “Enough, Jenny. You’ve said enough.”
Ok Ian coming back and being like “it’s been a lovely visit, gentlemen” kind of kills me. Because like obviously these repeat stints in jail are taking their toll (seriously, that wig, and also the disease that will eventually kill him). But like Rupert, he’s going to keep his dignity. Because it’s literally the only thing he has left.
It’s definitely in character for the Fergus in this episode that he’d get caught because he’s being impulsive and reckless, leading the soldiers around. But I’m still not sure how I feel about this Fergus? I guess I can get why he’s like this? Like after six years of living like this and Jamie’s off camping with Wilson and Claire’s gone and Ian keeps getting taken away? Yeah, I guess I understand this Fergus? Maybe?
Ok but when Fergus points at himself when he says the Scottish redcoats are betraying their own people. Just kill me with feels, Fergus. The Scots *are* your people, lil buddy. I have feelings.
“Dinna be feart. Fergus, laddie. I watched milady do this many times.” OMG JAMIE USING CLAIRE TO BOTH SAVE HIM AND COMFORT HIM. I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW.
Did we really have to pan over to the hand? No. But it’s this show so of course they panned over to the hand.
And Jamie def had a dead rabbit when he ran down to save Fergus and now I’m annoyed that I’m noticing these damn rabbits and birds and shit. Like I doubt whatever payoff is coming from them is going to be worth being taken out of the moment whenever one is on screen.
But Jamie collapsing here and finally hitting rock bottom is where I actually started taking this episode seriously. Because Fergus could have died. And Jamie was powerless to help him. And the redcoats threatened Jenny. And Jamie was powerless to help her. And Ian keeps getting taken away. And Jamie was powerless to help him. Jamie loves his family and would do anything for them. It’s like one of his defining traits. And he’s lost the family who matter most to him, and his mere existence near the family he has left is now what’s putting them in danger and he literally cannot stand it anymore and it breaks him and why is my face wet.
In an episode that keeps just rushing from one thing to the next, I’m glad that they let this scene with Fergus and Jamie slow down and breathe a little. “You remind me I have something to fight for.” Gah, Da!Jamie hits me where I’m weak. And Fergus keeping on his brave face and making jokes about whisky and wine. This poor kid, I want to hug him.
Ok but when Jamie says “you can trust me to keep that bargain” he’s like basically saying goodbye to Fergus, right? Because he pretty much knows he’s going to give himself up, right? Because that’s the best way he can take care of his family because they’re all that matters to him and after wanting to die so badly and then spending six years not dying, if he dies now and it keeps them safe then it’s still as worth it to Jamie as if he had died at Culloden? This scene makes me feel things, guys.
I love this scene with Ian too. So fucking much. “Feeling a pain in a part of ye that’s lost…and that’s just a hand. Claire was yer heart.” Gah, Ian. Right in the feels. He’s so much better at this than Jenny.
I’m really, really glad they made it so Jenny was the person who turns in Jamie rather than some rando. And Ian with the fun fact about not hanging them anymore. I do think Jamie was ready to die though.
“Jamie, have ye not seen the inside of enough prisons for one lifetime?” “Little difference to the prison I live in now.” And he’s not talking about the cave, Jenny. I love how Ian *gets* it. Jenny? I’m torn with how much she gets it and just doesn’t want to accept it vs. how much she just has a different outlook on things… But all things considered, I really do not like her in this episode and I really don’t like how she just pulls a Frank at every turn. It’s not about you, Jenny. It’s about Jamie. This is the best choice there is so just fucking support him in his decision.
Ok I love that Mary makes him look (and feel) like a person again and I like that he recognizes and respects what she did with the redcoats. Like the bit of respect between them makes a scene I already love even better.
But for real, I know I’ve been silly about the ridic hair, but the hair was ridic and now that it’s gone you can finally see all the emotion on Jamie’s face and it makes me sad that this was pretty much hidden for the rest of the episode by that terrible wig.
The actual scene with Mary is basically exactly like how it was in the book but omg it’s awkward and sweet and perfect and I love it so fucking much.
“You can look at me if you’d like.” “Ye’re a bonnie lass. It’s just something I always do.” No, Mary, he can’t look at you. Because they needed that parallel with Claire. But what they inadvertently also did was have him tell you that he keeps his eyes closed while he jacks off in the cave. Wilson keeps his eyes closed too.
Ok so obvi Jamie and Jenny are acting until she gets to “Ye gave me no choice, brother! And I’ll never forgive you.” I think she really means that in the moment. And seriously, Jenny? I get that you have issues with Jamie’s choice, but there’s a chance you’re never going to see him again and you have to send him off knowing that? I’m so over Jenny in this episode. Especially compared to Ian, she’s just not working for me.
Ending on Scotland the Brave playing over Jamie’s face as he’s being carted away is a tad on the nose, show.
So glad they’re showing Claire masturbating. She’s a sexual person, and after basically completely losing her agency last week, it’s nice to see her taking care of herself and that that part of her is still there.
Also is it bad that I kind of wish Frank heard her? Like after all of his “but what about meeee” bullshit last week and what Claire needed being completely disregarded, I kind of wish he could hear her not needing him while not thinking about him. Fuck you, Frank.
Also you can def see Sam’s fingers between his legs as he grabs his junk before he squats down and I can’t stop lol’ing over it.
So Bree has a toy bunny? Because Jamie’s thing is a bunny this season? Or whatever? Idk, who cares. I feel like the show wants me to have feelings about this, but I don’t.
Oh look, Claire’s still reading the Globe despite Dean Ubermisogynist’s opinions. Because of course she is. Because why the fuck wouldn’t you keep reading the damn paper. Dean Ubermisogynist means nothing. But you’re trying way too hard to be cute with the story being about Ireland, show.
Ok but her face there with Frank is like, “Hmm, I don’t want *you*, but you have a penis. And one of those could come in handy when my fingers get tired.”
Ok but I literally started lol’ing just at the shot of her staring at Frank. Like hi, “I miss my husband.” No, not you. Jamie. I miss Jamie. You know, my husband who I love and fantasize about while you sleep and will never get over no matter how much of a dick to me you are about him? You’re basically a sentient dildo. Now just lay there while I get off thinking of a glorious ginger. I’m on top. Obviously.
It reminds me of the pilot. “When the war ended, we both thought things would return to the way they once were, but they hadn’t. … Sex was our bridge back to one another. The one place where we always met. Whatever obstacles presented themselves during the day or night, we could seek out and find each other again in bed. As long as we had that, I had faith everything would work out.” So yeah, five years apart during a war and things were not getting back to how they used to be. So clearly after three additional years during which Claire fell in love with someone else and had their kid, it’s totally a good idea to stay together… Right. *eye roll* Anywho… The main point of bringing that line up is that sorry, Frank, but the magic sex bridge was demolished. You see, Wilson needed the parts to help maintain his structural integrity while hiding all that luscious, ginger hair. Oh wait, what? Wilson isn’t hiding anything? Oh right. THE SEX BRIDGE PROBS NEVER WOULD HAVE WORKED EVEN IF CLAIRE DIDN’T GO THROUGH THE STONES BECAUSE SEX DOESN’T CHANGE THE FACT THAT FRANK WANTED AN ACCESSORY, NOT AN EQUAL. AND IT SURE AS SHIT ISN’T WORKING NOW BECAUSE CLAIRE DOESN’T LOVE YOU, FRANK, AND SHE WAS STRAIGHT WITH YOU FROM THE JUMP AND YOU JUST COULDN’T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT. SO YOU WANTED PHYSICAL CONTACT? THIS IS THE PHYSICAL CONTACT YOU GET. Good on you, Claire, for taking what you need, how you need it, on your terms.
For real though, after two seasons of Frank being a fucking piece of shit and reducing what Jamie and Claire had to just fucking, it’s nice to see him *actually* getting just fucking. Like you serve no real purpose here, Frank. She just needs your dick to hold still for a few minutes while she does her thing and then you can go.
Oh we’re doing this again? I mean, ok. You do you, Claire.
“Claire, look at me. Claire, open your eyes.” “I’m sorry, what part of sentient dildo did you not understand? Why have you stopped?” “Y-you–you never used to close your eyes when we made love.” “It doesn’t mean anything. Just that I don’t love you and I’m literally just using you for your penis because I like sex a lot, just not with you but you’re what I have so kindly shut up and let me finish. Seriously. ‘Sentient. Dildo.’ I don’t know how much clearer I can make your role here.”
“I’m enjoying this.” “Are you?” “Of course. But less and less by the moment. You really can’t just take the win, can you. You’re getting laid. Yes, it’s because I wanted to fantasize about someone else, but really you were a literal beggar so now you can’t be a chooser.” “Then why can’t you look at me?” “Christ, Frank, why the fuck do you think? If you’re not in the mood, you just had to say and I’ll gladly go upstairs and take care of business myself. Geez, you are useless.”
I am *so here* for her reducing Frank to what he keeps accusing Jamie of being to her. Fuck you, Frank.
“When I’m with you, I’m with you. But you’re with him.” No shit, Frank, and she hasn’t made a secret of the fact that she loves him more than you. I still have a very hard time accepting that she stayed with your sorry ass. But you know that ultimatum from last week? Well it works both ways. If you don’t want to be a human sex toy, fucking leave. But it’s all good. She’ll have purpose in her life again soon and won’t have to bother you. And then you’ll die. And we can be one step closer to the good stuff.
Ok so I love that the line from the book about loving Jamie and being part of something more was included, and it definitely works to be like oh look, Claire’s gonna do something meaningful for her damn self. And I’m actually glad that we just jumped right to med school? Instead of like having a fight with Frank about it? Because fuck Frank? Who gives a flying fuck about Frank or his opinions? This is Claire’s life and her choice and fuck yeah, Claire, go be a surgeon.
Idgaf about Bree’s bunny being wedged behind the bed. Why did I have to read the thing about birds and bunnies…
YAAAS separate beds. Sorry, Frank. Since you were so opposed to your sentient dildo duties, Claire went off and found her true purpose in life and now she doesn’t need you at all. Her little smile right before she rolls away from him is my everything. Bye, Felicia.
And yes, I did try to use the words “sentient dildo” as many times as possible in this dumpster fire of a recap. Sorry not sorry. #SentientDildo
I’m gonna go ahead and take Claire giving the piper money as a bit of a fuck you to Frank and her entire existence back in the 20th century up until this point. Plus a fuck yeah she’s going to go to med school. And fuck yeah she’s going to reach her full potential in the profession she was born for. And fuck yeah she doesn’t need Frank and she’s done playing his bullshit mindgames. And fuck yeah she’ll take a minute and remember Scotland and everything it means to her any damn time she pleases.
This still doesn’t make up for the rage I felt about how she was treated last week. Jamie got two episodes about him processing his grief and loss on his own terms and Claire definitely got shortchanged. Le sigh. Whatever.
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This month we’re showcasing an author in the fandom who has written popular works such as Fall Without Wings and Celebrity!Magnus AU. Lu is on ao3 as vulturemonem and on tumblr as @notcrypticbutcoy, and we’d like to thank her once again for taking part in the OML author showcase! 
1) When did you start writing fics? Tell us a little of your journey as a fic writer.
WELL. The first fandom I was ever a part of was the HP fandom, a solid 7+ years ago now, and I found my feet in this tiny little niche part of it in the most obscure place. That was where I began, where I learnt about what fanfiction was, and it was honestly a journey from there. I’ve been part of some very questionable fandoms and writing communities (if you want the details you’ll have to hit me up lol). I found the TMI fandom in maybe 2012? It was right before the CoB film came out, and I’d been totally obsessed with the books, because there were actual LGBT+ characters??? Like what?? (Alec and Magnus were the first gay/bi characters I’d ever seen in a YA book. I was enamoured immediately. Forgive me.) And then the show came out, and was everything I’d hoped for and so much more, and the rest is history, as they say! 
2) What fic of yours are you most proud of and why?
The obvious answer here is to say Fall Without Wings, which has been more successful than I could ever have hoped for. I’ve put my heart and soul into that fic, and seeing other people loving it honestly means the world to me. The other fic I’d say I’m really proud of is the fic I wrote for Malec Week 2016, Day 3: AU Settings Day. You know when you sit down and write, and everything just spurts out and you read over it and you’re like, damn, did I actually write this?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That fic in a nutshell. I don’t know where it came from.
3) Who is your favorite character to write and why? Which character do you find the most challenging to write? 
Magnus and Alec are definitely my favourite characters to write, but for entirely conflicting reasons. Alec, because I relate to Alec on pretty much every level, and so I find him very easy to write, and it comes naturally, most of the time. And Magnus because he’s also, to answer the second part of the question, such a challenging character to get right. He’s centuries old, there are a million facets to his character, and there are so many things to consider when writing him. He’s experienced more than I could possibly imagine. He’s also in my top 5 favourite characters in anything, ever, so I’m especially driven to do him justice! 
Having said that, though, I think the hardest characters to write are those we’ve got less source material for, because I’m never totally sure whether I’ve got their characterisation right. Also, Clary, because she frequently frustrates me in canon, so I often find myself writing her a little differently in my fics. (Admittedly, she’s annoyed me less as the show has gone on. I have high hopes for season 3!)
4) What is the hardest part about being a fic author? The easiest?
Honestly, I think there are lots of hard things about being a fic author. One of the hardest things imo isn’t unique to fic writing, but is probably true of writing in general. When you put everything into writing something that you care about, it can be really hard to see it get torn down by hate comments - even just a couple. Consciously, you know that people who come into your inbox on anon spouting bullshit are just cowards, and that you shouldn’t take their words to heart, but sometimes people manage to hit you where it hurts. Some hate comments are just plain hilarious, but some of them can run around in your mind for a while.
The other hard thing is staring at your WIP wondering why the hell you can’t just write this damn thing already.
The easiest thing is definitely generating ideas! I get far too many to ever write! It’s hard to finish a fic, and it’s hard to stick to an update schedule, but it’s much too easy to come up with the ideas! 
5) What inspires you? Where do you find your muse?
Literally everything and anything. Songs are often a big inspiration to me, or random little things I see on TV, or chatting to other people in fandoms about headcanons or such. And even just life anecdotes. 
I’m a bit of a biology nerd, so I always think it’s really interesting to read about where creativity actually comes from. There’s science behind why I always get my best ideas in the shower or walking to the tube station on my morning commute – Google “brain idling” and have a read, if you’re interested! 
6) Do you write original content as well as fic? 
Absolutely! I haven’t shared any of it online, but I do, yes. Recently, I’ve had my free time slashed in half, so I’ve had to prioritise a little, but I do still write original things when I get the opportunity. At some point, when the time feels right and I’m satisfied with what I’ve written, I’d love to get something published, but I’m not in a hurry at the moment. My life needs to settle down a little bit first, but watch this space ;)
7) Do you have a favorite fic from another author?
- and my heart is set on you by ohprongs is definitely a tick-all-the-boxes fic for me, and is impossibly sweet with just the right amount of light angst dotted in - Traveler by bumblebeeskness is absolutely heartbreaking and hilarious in places and overall so beautiful it’ll make you cry - Set Me In Motion by lemonoclefox is another great one, with a perfect mix of angst and fluff, as well as some great tension, pining, and some brilliant cooking anecdotes - Also anything by Lecrit – yes please!!
8) What’s something you’re looking forward to in the upcoming season of Shadowhunters?
We’ve had hints that we might get to see some domestic malec, so that, of course! I’m also totally here for the Garrobane development we got last season, so more of that would be wonderful. And Sizzy?? If this Simon/Izzy slow burn is going to continue, sign me up. I think Em and Alberto are doing a great job with their relationship! (Although I am surprisingly conflicted, because I’ve enjoyed Simon/Maia more than I expected to, considering I was fairly apathetic to their relationship pre-show…)
9) Can you give us a sneak peek to what you’re writing next? Or at least any hints to what’s to come?
I’m currently continuing Fall Without Wings as my main project, and I go back to dabble in my celeb!Magnus&cop!Alec AU now and then. Once I’ve finished FWW, I’ve got a super-secret (I’m kidding) multi-chap WIP that I started and have abandoned, so I’m hoping to finish that. I’ve also got two multi-chap AUs planned as full-time projects to start after FWW is done. (See, ideas?? Too many!!)
10) Do you have advice for anyone who might be interested in writing fan fiction?
Honestly, just go for it. If you want to start writing in the hope of someday getting published, fanfic is a great place to start. If you want to write fanfic just because, then there’s nothing stopping you! There are two things I always recommend to people who want to write, in any way, and that’s 1) read as much and as widely as you possibly can, and 2) practise until your fingers fall off! (Not literally, but you know what I mean!)
11) Do you prefer to write in AU verse or canon verse? Why?
I’ve got to be honest, I prefer AU verses, both writing and reading. There’s much more freedom in an AU. You don’t get people in the comments picking apart little details you’ve changed, and you don’t have stupid plot lines/silly world rules you didn’t like in canon that you’re supposed to take note of. I find there’s more fun to be had in a good AU. Even if you’re just tweaking things a little bit here and there to change the backstory, I prefer it to writing in strict canon.
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xaeneron · 7 years
On Path of Fire
I haven’t done one of these in a while (or rather I wrote them and then forgot to post them lel), so maybe I’ll actually post this one for the new GW2 expansion after spending the week running around.
Overall, I found the expansion to be pretty solid; the maps are beautiful, the mounts are hilarious and well-implemented, the story was interesting and decently paced, and I’m still experimenting with the new elite specs.  Massive spoilers below the cut!
Questions on anything I wrote, thoughts of your own?  Feel free to boop me; I know I wrote a lot.  
But really, don’t say I didn’t warn you.  There are a LOT of bullet points beneath that cut.  xD
On the maps
Obligatory: they are huge.  It’s fitting since they were designed against HoT’s verticality and more geared towards the use of mounts, so it’s more of an observation, less of a complaint.  There’s a lot of detail and a lot of little things here and there, and it’s incredibly fun to see what you can get away with using mounts to get around the terrain.
That being said I do miss the verticality of HoT maps.  Maybe a combination of both pls? :3
I kind of wish there were more large obvious meta events, but I haven’t gotten to see all of the sort of meta events that go on in the PoF zones. I do think the large metas add replay value, but again a balance is a good thing.
We spur-of-the-moment yolo’ed the Ruptured Heart meta with 11 people.  It was actually pretty fun.  Also so many cannonades ;-;
Hearts feel like they take just a little bit too long.  Some of them are amusing, but when trekking through zones doing map comp (or redoing hearts to get collection items) they drag on a bit.  Guild chatter about hearts was fantastic though:
“These nobles are useless.  What should I do with the chamber pot, throw it off the side or throw it at one of them?”
“I’m throwing flowers at people and making them happy?”
“Matchmaker heart best heart.”
Bounties are hilariously fun?  Sometimes you get unfortunate bullshit combinations of modifiers (anti-stacking fleas + pls stack in the bubble to actually be able to hit the boss mob, I’m looking at you), but overall they’re quite fun.  We spent a good few hours trekking through all five zones murdering things and getting murdered.
These actually look super promising for replayability; our goal/challenge as a group has always been to optimize and work together, so it should be fun to go track down bounties and see what kind of dumb shenanigans we can get up to.
I actually find these really fun in small groups of 5-10.  Zergs sound...unfun.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The caffeinated skritt is...kind of annoying.  Mostly because it doesn’t operate like the treasure mushroom in HoT and you have to be on the class you want the collection item on, and the maps are so large someone could trigger a chest and no one would be the wiser.
A tip though for people wanting to complete multiple collections: you only need to loot the last bag it drops.  If you’re wandering around with friends and they’re nice enough to chill at the bag, you can reload with other characters and grab the bag again for another collection item (until it despawns).  I have no idea if this was intended, but I burned a few TP to friends on this for the lulz.
I had a lot of GW1 feels running through these maps, especially going down to the Desolation and Vabbi.  I appreciate that these places still exist but have changed with the years, and it’s nice to see what happened.  
Although Vabbi is one weird-ass place now.
BUUUUUUT Zomoros’ lair was hilarious.
I haven’t explored for the sake of exploring in a very long time and it was really, really nice.
On the elite specializations
I haven’t actually gotten to try all of them yet, but I’m also not super enthused about all of them (Spellbreaker, I’m looking at you).  Also a gentle reminder that my opinions are mainly based on my background as a PvE player and moreso as a raider.  Also they’re just initial opinions.  Opinions change.  
I started with thief (duh), and proceeded to do the entire story with Daredevil.  I’m not particularly a fan of Deadeye; I appreciate the archetype but I don’t really see rifle having a place with a game designed more around active response in combat.  Also as someone who still can’t shake the seaweed salad dance, rifle just feels really static and dull to me.  But we’ll see.  Maybe I’ll have to make the Predator hue. D/D Deadeye also felt strange, so idk.  But we’ll keep fiddling with it.
Mirage still feels kind of odd but I need to get poor Naois the spec since he’s actually specced for condi, unlike Eet.  It seems like an upgrade to condi mesmer, and the triple blink is hilarious.
I really hope Scourge ends up with some sort of place.  Initial benchmarks look hilarious (but then, so did Soulbeast/Weaver/Firebrand ones), but I took out Richter again for Scourge and I’m actually really happy to play him again.  It’s been so long ;-;
My brother told me, “do yourself a favor and put down a sand shade near some enemies, then press F4.”  I tried it.  I laughed pretty hard.
Weaver is so much button-pressing but it’s really fun?  I’m still getting the hang of it but I do like it a lot.  At least it’s more challenging than condi tempest. *grumbles eternally*
Soulbeast looks promising, although I hope it doesn’t lead to another “let’s use condi ranger/thief on absolutely everything” situation again.  The new pets are also...interesting.  
Although when it comes to ranger I’m a druid at heart, so we’ll see.  Not that I’m usually conscripted for DPS roles anyway
Firebrand looks silly.  And broken.  I’m all for alternative sources of quickness (and alacrity in the case of other specs), but I don’t really want to see raid meta go to 2x PS 2x druid 2x chrono 2x firebrand (or something like that) with only 2 flex spots.  That doesn’t sound fun at all.
Also I’m guessing Firebrand will be the first to get the nerfbat.  The damage numbers people are getting are bonkers.
And hey look, they got the nerfbat.  Down to 33-35k.  At least that’s better than 50k? Ugh.
Renegade feels pretty decent.  Revenant has always been in a weird “built around elite specs” class, and that hasn’t changed.  I’m not sure how I feel about condi rev being more of a thing and less of a meme, but ayyy
Holosmith seems like it would be a lot more relevant if the transform wasn’t currently borked.  Scaling damage to a level 76 fine weapon is...sad.  If it’s fixed power Holosmith could be something legit?  Maybe?  Overall though I like the theme and look of it.  Also lol lightsaber.
Spellbreaker I...idk.  Thematically I like it a lot; I was a big fan of mesmer and shut down mechanics in GW1 and I like the idea of Spellbreaker, but from a mostly PvE perspective, it’s just kind of...eh? WvW and PvP I see it being incredibly useful but with limited boons to nom in PvE it doesn’t really look particularly great (especially with condi berserker getting tuned through the roof).
On mounts
I keep dyeing them funny colors.  Yes Quill’s are all some shade of yellow.
I honestly think they were well done.  I was never a supporter of adding them to the game (not against, but not for them either), but now that they’re here, I’m pretty okay with them.  
I like that each mount is useful in some specific capacity - raptor for flat open stretches, springer for verticality, skimmer for no touchy floor, jackal for portals and evasion through high mob density areas, and griffon for the absolute lulz of flying.  
I keep getting the “mount doesn’t render so your character model is riding away sunk in the ground while your camera remains in place” bug (I think it’s attached to trying to mount up before things are completely loaded), and while it’s funny, it’s kind of frustrating.
Mount swapping is a bit awkward, although binding each mount to its own key helps a lot.
I appreciate that the starting mount (the raptor) is still relevant even when you pick up the other three (four), as it’s definitely the fastest mount on flat ground and it’s improved leap is hilariously long.
Also it’s a giant scaly puppy so I have no problems with this.
The springer is hilarious.  And super terrain-breaking.  High cliff?  No problem, bunny hop.  Core and HoT map comp probably just got much, much simpler.  Also JPs that don’t have mount restrictions.
The skimmer is adorable, and riding it around is strangely...calming?  idk.  Also as one of my guildies put it: “maybe this is Anet’s answer to underwater combat: glide right over it.”  rip.
Of the four core mounts I think the jackal (blink doge) is my favorite.  It has a gorgeous design and the blink/portals are super cool.  Although the blink can get a bit titchy if you’re trigger happy with the jump button.
Of course I have the griffon.
I think it handles a little strangely (esp when you can’t dismount quickly, although you can divebomb), but it’s pretty solid.  And adorable.
250g was entirely worth it.
Also that Tahlkora cameo hit me right in the feels.
On the story
I’d get here eventually!  Eventually...;-;
All salad-shaped biases aside, the male sylvari VO is still my favorite and no one can convince me otherwise.  There was a good amount of sass, seriousness, and everything inbetween.  Ive is one to take everything with a “hahahaha you’re kidding what am I doing here help,” so overall the voice acting and dialogue fit him fairly well.
I’m a little disappointed by the lack of race-specific dialogue.  Humans don’t seem to have any special dialogue with or concerning Balthazar, and everyone else doesn’t really have a chance to comment as an outsider.  I know it’s more work and I still enjoyed the story as is, but it would have been a nice touch.
Like Ive would literally not give a shit about half of the things brought up.  Not because he doesn’t care about others, but because he has no clue what anyone is talking about.
This was particularly funny with Joko in the Domain of the Lost, because his whole tirade about the PC not knowing who he is could quickly be shut down with “I’m a salad, I have no idea who the fuck you are.”
The “decisions” were interesting, although unsurprisingly they had very little impact on the game as a whole (maybe in the future?  Doubt it).  I did appreciate that depending on the order the “decide on Amnoon’s independence” steps are done in, the dialogue changes.
I admit that I’ve gotten a little less partial to Taimi as she’s edged closer to Deus Ex Machina territory, but her dialogue and conversations (both with the PC and with others like Phlunt later on) are quite funny.
I wish there were more Vlast/Gleam before he died.  It’s sad that he showed up and just...died, but I can understand why they chose that path as well.  
Although some of that was my own fault; the chapter with the Exalted and Vlast’s upbringing I got supremely distracted by the jumping puzzle and spinning around on my new skimmer.
Still.  More Vlast!
RYTLOCK.  RYTLOCK WHY.  Nice job breaking it hero.  Surely you would know better than to accept help in the Mists from a random shackled man who CONVENIENTLY knows how to relight your magic sword.  Sigh.
I thought a lot about the Herald of Balthazar after finding the notes in Night of Fires.  I went back to it after talking to my brother and came to a very similar conclusion as a theorizer on the GW2 subreddit.  If that theory is true, that makes me very sad.
Pls say it’s true I like gut-punch feels.
Speaking of gut-punch feels, The Departing was amazing.  It was super disorienting not having access to the inventory or the minimap, but it was a very well-done instance and I enjoyed it immensely.  I appreciated that they stuck to the “you lost your name and purpose” thing to the point of replacing your character name (including in the hero panel) with Lost Spirit.
Balthazar murdering the PC was pretty neat. 
Also Aurene showing up exactly on time was both cliche and NO BALTHAZAR BAD STAY AWAY FROM BABY DRAGON. 
This, like a few other story missions later on, is super awkward to do as a group.  It’s supposed to be rather personal, and so the not-instance owners are reduced to buffing wisps (like later on in the thrall party instance, not-instance owners are just awakened thralls), and idk I was lucky I was instance owner but that seems rather :|
Ive had a lot of feels hearing everyone’s voices again.  Also the feels of him not exactly remembering everything and having to follow his purpose through his own memories and not quite remembering everything.  Including Trahearne.  
Also tfw the story mission is essentially Full Circle (as a sub-section of Closure) with a bit of bonus Balthazar.
Joko is being very obviously set up as a “you left me in a cage I swear vengeance rahhhhhh” villain.  Or Anet is going to pull a fast one and he will never show up again, which would be hilarious.
Bonus feels for everyone else surviving and Ive being the only one dead (think Eet).
Backtracking slightly, I’ve never liked Kormir.  I still don’t like Kormir.  And the human gods are miserably terrible people.  At this point there’s not much questioning as to whether or not they exist, but with the extent of their influence, their decision to just kind of peace is...rather appropriately god-like, for better or for worse.
Seriously though, gods pls.  I can see some of the logic of “world will be destroyed anyway if god attempts to fight god,” but surely there are other things that need be maintained.  
Also I like how Kormir notes that Balthazar had been stripped of his powers, and yet he still curbstomps the PC (unless it was entirely the imprisonment in the Mists that just locked his powers away, but Kormir’s dialogue suggests otherwise).
I would kill for a library like that.  Seriously.  So jelly.
The “let’s disguise ourselves as the Archon and go and convince Palawa Joko’s army to fight for us” part was so incredibly stupid that of course it worked.  We spent the entire time laughing at how incredulous it was.
The battle at Kodash Bazaar was actually kind of awesome?  There was stuff everywhere and my only inclination for the first part of the instance was “go hit things.”  
It was incredibly weird to just have Sohothin for the entire instance.  Yes I’m aware I could have dropped it.  But it was hilarious in a Caladbolg sort of way.  With less idiotic knockback, and more 300s cooldown skills.  
AURENE.  Balthazar stop hurting my dragon >:(
Also because he just yolo killed her other brother before she had a chance to meet him in person?  rip.
Although now that I think about it, how would that meeting even go?  Talking to the Exalted indicates that Vlast was isolated and not well-acclimated to the world around him, so by the time they realized he should be interacting with other races it was too late for him to form any empathy for anyone.  His dialogue seems to imply that his motivation was simply the fulfillment of a goal; he seemed far more interested in fulfilling his legacy as Glint’s son than the reason why she needed him and Aurene to do anything in particular.  He doesn’t really have a reason for what he’s doing, he just does.
Aurene is implied to have an empathic link with Vlast similar to her connection to the PC, but idk, it just seems like any actual meeting between the two of them would just be incredibly awkward.
I very much enjoyed both the penultimate and ultimate fight against Balthazar.  Also because if you turned around, you could see Kralkatorrik’s massive face just chilling in the sky because oh shit angry elder dragon.  It was...quite something.
I understand the PC’s current caution about killing elder dragons because of magic imbalance, and I also understand the need to stop Balthazar from being a total moron.  I also understand that there’s not much you can do to stop a mad god besides killing him (since those with the means to imprison him decided to float on).  But uh.  I’m not sure what anyone expected would happen if you kill the god who absorbed two dragons’ worth of magic with another dragon just chilling nearby.  Surely Kralkatorrik absorbing everything and flying off into the sunset while extending the Brand wasn’t a surprise.  
Seriously though what did you think was going to happen.
Baby dragon absorb magik and is not quite so baby anymore.  Aurene come back I miss you already ;-;
I commend you if you actually read all of that.  xD
Overall, a solid expansion with quite a bit of content.  We’ll see how replayable it ends up being as time goes on, but I am still quite amused by it and have plenty to do as it stands.  The story was fairly solid (although sometimes strange with questionable logic, as always), and I’m looking forward to where they take it with LWS4.  
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