#anti jack kline
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eisforeidolon · 5 months ago
To treat Jack like a helpless woobie take Jack seriously as a character, you have to ~*consider*~ the harm Dean did to him! Dean was forced into looking after Jack in a parental way despite his feelings about it would be a terrible parent, just look at how he treated Jack!
I'm not saying Dean doesn't have issues, because ... oh yeah. However? Come the actual fuck on with this harmless abused baby woobie Jack bullshit.
Starting from the bottom, oh noes, Dean was "a terrible parent" to the creature he thought he was going to have to be the one to kill. Especially because Sam was too caught up in his own issues of desperately needing to believe Jack could be good despite Lucifer (so he could believe he was good despite Azazel), and fixated on an opportunity to use his powers to get Mary back. Neither of which are exactly parent of the year material either, sorry. No shit! It was only as they leaned harder and harder into the absurdly fluffly two men and a nougat baby premise (where they even went so far as to give him magical consumption ffs) that it even makes sense to describe Dean's role towards Jack as "parental", because initially he was watching the dangerous monster Sam brought home in the hopes he'd somehow manage to protect both of them and everyone else from an unpredictable, invulnerable supernatural creature more powerful than Lucifer. Whether or not Dean's approach was a good way to treat a potentially explosive nephilim bomb is a whole other conversation, because asserting Dean would be a terrible parent because of that? Okay, sure, don't ask him to act like a parent to a supernatural threat he has no idea how to neutralize that could easily destroy the universe, that's clearly a bad idea, yes. 🙄
Again, when Jack was introduced, the Winchesters were literally concerned he was an unkillable monster and might destroy the universe - possibly on purpose, possibly on accident. Not just because he was Lucifer's son, not just because he was a nephilim, but because he literally almost did when tricked by fried chicken suit. When I consider Jack as a character and try to take him seriously, that includes remembering he's an unreasonably powerful supernatural creature who has issues controlling both his powers and his emotions, that starts out ignorant as a post and gullible as shit. Frankly, IMO, that doesn't improve much as the show goes on. The narrative itself swung wildly from treating Jack like a literal baby to a quasi-adult person to a cosmically powerful supernatural threat. On the whim of the script-of-the-week with little to no consistency. Then, after literally joking how absurd it would be to make an idiot woobie baby creature that didn't know shit Chuck's replacement, they went ahead and made him the new God because ... Dabbernatural, woo!
So yeah, I guess it's not like I actually can take Dabb's pet teenage stu seriously anyway. Let alone get palpitations over Dean not immediately treating poor wittle Jackie-poo like his child but instead the dangerous supernatural creature he was actually set up as when Sam wanted to adopt him for his own purposes.
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endversewinchester · 24 days ago
Some days are easy and some days are “how could Cas throw away a decade long relationship for Lúcifer/Trump lovechild like Dean meant nothing to him”.
I guess that is why I never stopped hurting. Because my brain skill cannot form a version of the world where that is a coherent choice. 12-18 year old me would have gotten physical with you if you ever told me Cas was capable of such things, but here we are.
Here we are.
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aromanticrowley · 2 years ago
honestly half of my hate for jack probably stems from the bad casting choice of making a thirty year old play him. it’s weird man. i guess you dont want to expose a child to a horror show... but honestly in that case scrap the whole plot. Get rid of it. it was dogshit.
but if you have to keep the child jack plot, maybe get a teen or something. I cant look at jack, played by someone older than me, and see a fucking baby dude. i just cannot.
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soullessjack · 6 months ago
your idea of domestic tfw2.0 is a gated community gay couple with an estranged/absent uncle. my idea of domestic tfw2.0 is sam banning violent video games in the bunker because jack keeps trying to do MK fatalities on monsters when they go hunting and dean won’t stop doing the narrator voice to encourage it. We are not the same
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roachingurcoach · 9 months ago
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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babyboywinchester · 8 months ago
I also find it weird that hellers want to paint the whole Jack story arc as Dean and Cas being gay dads when… Dean wanted absolutely nothing to do with him, was willing to shoot the kid for a bit, and if anything Sam was his mother and father… like the complete erasure of Sam’s parenting just because you want Destiel to be real so bad is so laughably bad and ridiculous I don’t even know how else to describe it besides… dogshit terrible. Please go to the Hallmark channel I think that’s what you guys are looking for.
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ienjoybeingahater · 2 days ago
Dean Winchester is the open wound in the body that is Supernatural. He is an infection that spreads until it poisons everything around him, no matter if It's a person or a plotline.
At first, he was just annoying and borderline abusive, something that could be explained by his upbringing, that could’ve been explored. There was potential for him to grow, to evolve beyond the toxic traits he inherited from John, to show that people can get better, that your upbringing didn't define you and for a bit, it seemed like he might. But as soon as he showed signs of becoming better, he ripped off the scab of progress and let the wound fester instead. Season after season, rather than improving, he got worse, getting more selfish, hypocritical, and abusive. Instead of healing, he became the rot at the show’s core.
The infection spread beyond just his character however, it consumed the entire narrative. Everything began to revolve around what Dean wanted, how Dean felt, and what Dean needed. The other characters stopped being people with their own agency and instead became tools, existing to serve and cater to his every whim. The story bent itself around him, sacrificing logic, depth, and complexity in favor of ensuring that Dean never had to face real consequences. It ruined the show’s potential. Instead of telling a story about how a bond like Sam and Dean’s (or even Dean’s relationships with Cas, Charlie, etc.) could help someone grow into a better person, they doubled down on Dean’s worst tendencies. Instead of evolving, he dragged everyone else down with him.
One example of how Dean’s toxicity didn’t just warp the narrative but completely destroyed a character is Castiel. Castiel represented something meaningful at the start: the idea that humanity, despite all its flaws, was still worth fighting for and that people can change and form their own opinions even though they've been controlled and manipulated before. He was proof that even among corruption and destruction, there was goodness that made it all worthwhile, that people can forge their own path if they believe in something and act upon said belief.
But, once the writers started throwing rotting breadcrumbs at the Destiel shippers, they stripped Castiel of his character and made everything about Dean. Instead of being a character with his own beliefs, struggles, and development, he was reduced to nothing more than an extension of Dean, an accessory whose only purpose was to suffer for him. And what did Dean do in return? Nothing good. He never treated Castiel as an equal. He constantly belittled and ridiculed him, acting as though Castiel’s sacrifices were either expected or irrelevant.
Castiel went from breaking free of heaven’s control, from questioning blind obedience and learning to think for himself, to willingly throwing himself into another toxic, one-sided dynamic where his needs and wants didn’t matter. He lost everything, his family, his power, his home, his life, and for what? Are we supposed to find it meaningful that Castiel’s entire existence was reduced to a last-minute, half-baked confession that Dean didn’t even acknowledge? That his death scene was brushed aside with no real grief, no impact, no weight? He deserved better than that but the writers decided it would be a good idea to have Castiel’s story amount to nothing. In the end, he was nothing but a footnote in Dean’s narrative, something that mattered for a few minutes before it lost its relevance.
But if Castiel was collateral damage in Dean’s story, Sam was the biggest victim.
From the very beginning, Sam had potential, potential for something beyond hunting, beyond the endless cycle of death and violence that consumed their lives. He had dreams, ambitions, and a future that should have been his. And every step of the way, Dean was there to tear him down. Long before the show even started, Dean was already keeping Sam small, making sure he never realized that he deserved more than a life of blood and misery. Dean wanted Sam trapped in hunting, dependent on him, tied to him forever and that pattern never changed.
He is obsessive and possessive, acting less like a brother and more like an overbearing owner who refuses to let Sam have any independence. The second Sam does anything without telling him, whether it's texting someone, making his own choices, or simply not answering a call, Dean immediately acts like Sam just opened Pandora's Box. He treats Sam’s autonomy as a threat, as if the moment he isn't constantly under surveillance, the world will fall apart.
But he's not just abusive he's also incapable of accepting his mistakes considering that Dean becomes aggressive and defensive as soon as they get brought up. Examples include breaking the first seal which was 'understandable because he got tortured', tricking Sam into getting possessed which was 'something he needed to do because he didn't want Sam to die' (no matter how much Sam wanted to), and locking Sam in the panic room to die because he'd "at least die human". Still, he never hesitates to throw Sam’s mistakes back in his face. Sam is never allowed to forget drinking demon blood, never allowed to forget trusting Ruby, even though she preyed on his vulnerability and caused his addiction to manipulate him. Dean also holds him responsible for being Lucifer’s vessel, even though that was quite literally decided by God. And yet, when Dean makes mistakes suddenly it’s not his fault, and everyone just needs to move on because they all made mistakes (especially Sam, apparently).
But Dean’s hypocrisy doesn’t stop there, oh no. Because when Sam was blamed for "freeing Lucifer," by mistake he alone was expected to fix it, but when Castiel knowingly freed Lucifer suddenly all of them needed to take care of it. The double standard is obvious and tells us the following: Dean plays favorites when it suits him, and when it doesn’t, he shifts the blame onto whoever is most convenient which more often than not, means Sam is getting blamed.
And yet, despite treating Sam like a scapegoat, he also treats him like a trophy, a possession, something he has complete control over. He needs to know where Sam is, who he's talking to, and what he's doing or he'll pretend like the world is ending.
But he doesn’t just control Sam, he's not just hypocritical and abusive, he also sabotages his storylines at every turn. I'm saying that because every time Sam had an interesting plotline, something that could have made the show richer and more compelling, something that could've made Sam stronger, Dean was there to ruin it.
Sam's demon blood arc? Reduced to a mistake Dean never let him forget about, rather than the complex story about addiction and manipulation that it could have been. Not to mention the fact that even before Ruby used Sam's grief to get him addicted Dean judged Sam for having the blood inside him in the first place; as if it was his fault Mary made that deal, as if Sam could have stopped yellow eyes as an infant.
Sam as the Boy King of Hell? Dropped without explanation and never picked up again (until years later for one minute that is). I personally think they dropped that particular arc because Dean would have been insufferable towards Sam during it which they couldn't do considering 'Dean is such a cool guy'. It was the same with Sam being psychic: Dean would never accept the fact his brother wasn't what he wanted him to be so the plotline was scrapped.
Sam's hell trauma? No need to explore it or show the lasting effects because Dean would be sad if Sam wasn't perfectly fine after his mangled soul got forced back into his body (by Dean, mind you).
Sam being suicidal? Why explore that if you can do other, more interesting things with Dean instead?
Even Sam’s relationship with Jack was downplayed. The parallels between Sam and Jack alone make it obvious that the relationship between the two of them should have been the focus of Jack’s introductory season. Sam, who spent his life struggling under the weight of what he was supposed to be, who was told time and time again that he was dangerous, that his powers made him evil, was the perfect person to guide Jack through the same struggles. But that wasn’t explored. The fact that Sam was raising the child of the man who abused and controlled him, the child of the being that essentially destroyed Sam's life and psyche even though he was probably scared to death every time he saw Jack wasn't explored either.
Jack’s entire story should have revolved around his relationship with Sam, the person who treated him with kindness, and who tried to help him even though his father was, like I said, the being who abused him for centuries. Their relationship should have been so much more but it wasn’t and why?
Because they needed to shove Dean into Jack’s story instead. Even though Sam was the one who treated him with kindness, who defended him, and who saw him as more than just a weapon, the writers made sure to include forced bonding scenes between Dean and Jack so that they could pretend Dean had always been the father figure. I'm sure they did that so Destihellers and the writers could pretend Cas and Dean were Jack's parents even though everyone who watched the show should know that isn't true no matter how much certain people might want it to be.
Alone the fact that Dean threatened to kill Jack should make that obvious.
The sad thing about all of this is that Sam was supposed to be the main character but when fans decided Dean was cooler, the writers catered to them instead of telling a story about the person that's objectively more interesting.
So in conclusion, Dean Winchester wasn’t just a toxic character; he was an infection that spread through the entire show, warping the story, ruining the characters, and dragging Supernatural down with him. Every plotline, every relationship, every moment of potential was sacrificed so that he could remain the center of attention. The show could have been so much more, but instead, it chose to revolve around the worst thing in it: Dean.
(I will make separate posts about Sam and Castiel as well)
Side note: I wrote this at 3 a.m. because I couldn't sleep and saw people waxing poetry about Dean on Twitter.
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doctorofcatastrophe · 15 days ago
They're father and son and they kiss sometimes
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★ Posted by; Jack
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thenameisgul · 19 days ago
SPN writers hated giving Castiel storylines of his own, that actually mattered, so much that they ended up making Jack (a character with so much potential) simply fodder for wincestiel shippers.
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mistymela · 2 months ago
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This is a series I have my on TikTok account (@misty_mela but it might be banned so like… follow I guess before it gets banned😭)
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ghostie-sam · 7 months ago
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Finished this a bit ago but forgot to post it :b I might add a bee or something to the little spiny bit
Also yes I did carve the back (it was horrible with my carpal tunnel I wanted death)
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endversewinchester · 10 months ago
how many of the hellers even care about Cas (a fully restored angel by Jack) leaving Dean to die on that rebar? Do we get any accountability on that end, or do we need to pretend it didn't happen, just like we had to pretend Dabb wasn't a clear Dean anti from day one?
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aromanticrowley · 2 years ago
sucks to look up “anti jack kline” and get a bunch of anti dean content. dean should have punted that “child” harder. fuck jack kline. he murdered mary. little monster. and worse than that, a gary stu.
jack kline wasnt even a child. he sprang fully formed from the womb of the mother (who he killed like a parasite done with its host) like a fucked up athena and got woobified to oblivion. stop woobifying the 30 year old white boy
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vaicomcas · 5 days ago
Fake name for Castiel
Anybody has any clever ideas for what names Castiel would give himself and Jack, in the post "Jack in the Box" AU when taking Jack on the run to hide from the Winchesters and the alternate universe hunters who were looking to kill Jack?
Last name: Obviously he can't use names like Novak and Kline if he wants to avoid any kind of detection by the Winchesters. I don't like the choice of famous musicians names that he used as fake FBI agent names (I think it's the show trying to make him look clueless, while my hc is he does this as a secret joke). The only (lame) idea I have so far is Lincoln, after his beloved Lincoln continental car.
First name: I have even fewer ideas I like. I kind of feel like Jack is such a common name he could get away with keeping that. For Cas, I don't like "clarence" or "Steve" for the unhappy associations. "Emmanuel" is kind of unusual such that I think he'd stay away from it to keep a low profile. But I have zero candidates.
One very contrived idea: Although it was never revealed in canon, previously when on the road together Crowley used to regale Cas with tales of his meat suit, the literary agent from New York. How, with a little demonic help, he made one after another clever deals, with style and flair, and made both himself and a lot of struggling authors very rich. Cas rolled his eyes at the time but was secretly impressed. Since Crowley never shared this information with the Winchesters they have no way of knowing this. So he now names himself after Paul Renolds or John Hawkins (two early American literary agents based in New York). Both very common names that wouldn't raise suspicion.
While trying to think of a fake name he may have remembered "I.P. Freeley" (Balthazar), obviously he wasn't going to use that, but that memory hurt a lot.
Any thoughts? Suggestions?
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soullessjack · 2 years ago
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keeping this pinned to remind myself of who I am
⭑ about me if u can’t see it on dash (I’m a mobile user sorry) Proship/Wincest/Anything Adjacent FUCK OFF. I [S]Block On Sight 🤗🤗
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unimportant link (keeping just in case)
art side blog @doomorph (prone to changing)
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shadow blowing you a kiss for reading the entire thing:
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humnooshop · 1 year ago
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A repeating pattern of Supernatural symbols :)
Tote bag and other products available on my Redbubble
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