#is Byakuya already captain or not?
recurring-polynya · 2 months
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this is the most disrespectful use of the split-screen reaction shot i have ever seen. i would file a grievance with the vice-captains' union.
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renjirukia · 1 year
hc that the official story is ukitake is the one who mercy killed kaien and the shiba’s + byakuya are the only ones who know what really happened
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 months
… I'm too sleep deprived to be rewatching this arc. I keep pausing to explain the issues to no one.
#Firebird Randomness#the issue that they don't utilise the potential that the whole clone thing has for the existing characters#instead they introduce a macguffin character and proceed to have her take up the majority of the focus and succeses#justifying it as 'well she's important to the villains' plans' doesn't work bc that's the ENTIRE ISSUE#that the writers choose to insert this Super Important rando and then made her overpowered and obnoxious to boot#the whole split personality thing and one half making friends w/ the cast can be interesting#but it loses its lustre after several eps of her being completely useless or even obnoxious#while everyone coddles her and acts like not upsetting her is more important then eight missing Captains and wounded comrades#she runs off and people get repeatedly hurt saving her but it's not her fault uwu they need to protect her at all costs#but then lol guess what she's actually so super powerful Only She can beat the villain!#Yamamato of all people suddenly needs to be saved by her#she's all anyone worries about when she gets captured#she's so pure and good and perfect#that by the time we get to the 'fighting from the inside' stuff I'm like 'just pls let her disappear'#but no she gets to Save The Day and drawn out death scene so everyone can break character to be Sad about her#there's SO MUCH potential in a clone arc#spotting the clones; lieutenants having to fight their captains and vice versa; suspicion#maybe have the clones reflect their originals so well they have similar relationships w/ each other#so many possibilities w/ the characters you already have#that you could do even while having this one off character as well just w/out overdoing her???#but instead????#you just have her oneshot a bunch of clones and then later they defeat themselves#I WAS DEPRIVED OF RENJI AND RUKIA FIGHTING THE BYAKUYA CLONE FOR THIS???#or the Renji clone and the Byakuya clone fighting together#I'll never not be disappointed#Things You DIdn't Know Fire Was Into
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kyokutsu-sama · 9 months
Can you do Bleach Captains favorite "positions" with reader?
In no particular order with scenarios? 👀 Shunsui, kenpachi, Byakuya, Kensei, shinji and Toshiro.
A/n: Hi @kr0wu !! Here is your request and I hope you like it ❤️ Tw: Smut content below
Shunsui :
So, this man loves physical contact and closeness with you, so I believe that during the act he want to be as close to you as possible. I think his favorite position would be missionary where he could have your body right underneath him and be able to look into your eyes while your hands hold him close to you like he loves to feel. He simply loves seeing all your expressions of pleasure from the way your eyes roll to the way your body twitch and your legs pull him to keep him inside you. He's all about intimacy and romanticism, something that suits him
Kenpachi :
Unlike the previous captain, he is not soft most of the time, he simply can't be very romantic. And when he try, you end up laughing at him and he rolls his eyes and turns his back on you. I don't need to mention that this man loves doggy style, whether it's on the bed or against the wall. He loves pulling your hair or marking your skin with his hands, just as he loves pinning your arms behind your back and watching you struggle to free yourself from his grip. There are countless reasons why he loves having you in this position, but mainly seeing his cum run down your legs and hearing the wonderful sounds you release. Another position I think he would like would be pressing your back against his broad chest and wrapping his arm around your neck while pulling your body back to slam into you.
Even though he looks serious and emotionless all the time, he loves you deeply. He would be a mix of Kenny and Shunsui, or maybe a middle ground, he is very soft with you but also likes to be a little more dominant sometimes. His favorite position would be either missionary where he could be close to both your lips and your neck to leave some small marks on your skin, or on your side hugging your body against his and lifting your thigh while he buried himself in you. He really likes to kiss or leave a few marks on you, regardless of the two positions.
This man is like Kenpachi, he is not patient or gentle and he doesn't even try to be romantic. So you already know what you will find there. He likes intensity and something rough, so I'm going to bet on doggy style where he will keep one hand on the back of your neck and pin you against the mattress while he hits you from behind or thrust you with both of your legs over his shoulder while keeping the other hand on your neck, choking you. He will order you to keep your eyes open just so you can see the mess he is causing you.
To be honest, I see him being more of a sub than a dom and a green flag. He likes it when you challenge him too, given his silly personality he will always be putting you to the test. So, I think he would like you riding him with both hands roaming his body, he would probably be witnessing one of the most beautiful sights of his life and yes he will want to have you dominating him like that more than once. He also really likes having your lips, so it's good for you to give this man some big kisses.
Toshiro :
(Firstly, I'm writing for the adult version of the character, just so y'all know)
He is careful with you and in addition to hugging you a lot, he also likes it when you hold his hand, showing him some kind of "connection". So, here, I think it would be two possible positions, either missionary where you can hold hands while he enters you gently and your bodies are very close or if you are on his lap running your hands over his shoulders and through his white hair while you ride him slowly. He is very protective of you and that is why it is normal to see his arms holding you all the time.
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On God I was working on the AEIWAM Outline today but I also got "The AEIWAM cast, post-fic, go to the Aquarium" brainrot so have this:
It kicks off with Retsu seeing Kenpachi deep in thought for once and asking him what he's mulling over and after a moment he asks: "Are there zoos for fish?" "...Pardon?" "There are lotsa fish," he reasons, "-at least as many as there are land animals, but they're all really hard to see, because they're in the water." Retsu considers him for a moment before gently asking "Do you mean The Aquarium?" "The what?"
Retsu, texting Ichigo in the Gotei-13 Groupchat at 2AM: I need you to acquire tickets and human chaperones for a group field trip to The Aquarium Ichigo, who fears her above everyone else in soul society: Yes, Captain. Retsu: If it was just the SWA I'd only ask for tickets but you know what The Lads are like. Ichigo: Unfortunately, Yes. Ichigo: I'll bring the first aid kit, zip ties, duct tape and candy. Retsu: Good man.
Upon Arrival, Kenpachi has already been lectured about "You ARE NOT ALLOWED to fight and/or eat the fish, no matter how annoying and/or delicious they look
Turns out they were lecturing the wrong guy because it's Byakuya that develops a personal rivalry with a grouper ("It's smug expression disgusts me." "Captain that is a FISH.") and has to be talked out of climbing into the tank to fight it
after that he has to hold hands with Rukia or Renji.
Rukia discovers Sea Bunnies and ends up crying about them.
Yachiru gets to see them feeding the Piranha and it's a Spiritual Experience for her.
Later, she gets to see them feed the sharks and it's an EVEN BETTER spiritual Experience.
Hitsugaya learns Penguins are real and not just 'made up for christmas, like the flying reindeer and the guy with the suspect toy charity'.
Momo lights into him about "Penguins are my favorite animal, they've been my favorite animal for decades YOU THOUGHT THEY WERE FAKE?" Hitsugaya: "YOU ALSO USED TO LIKE UNICORNS!" Momo: "THOSE ARE ALSO REAL!" Orihime: "They are?" Momo: "...I keep forgetting they're extinct in the living world."
Tousen gets to experience the Touch Pool and the docents realize what's up so they start pulling out the cool stuff like sea hares and moray eels because he's an adult that can be trusted to pet things gently.
When the group comes back to collect him the staff is letting him hand feed a Pacific Red Octopus, and Yachiru immediately demands she be allowed to as well.
Retsu quietly releases Minazuki into the stingray touch pool so she can "go play with her cousins :)"
Kenpachi and Yamamoto asking "Can we eat it?" about every. single. animal.
The extremely dedicated docent that is *just* Psychic enough to know something is up with this group of chucklefucks so they're following them through the aquarium, but is also genuinely having fun answering every fucking insane question these guys ask.
Yoruichi was not anticipating there to be Tigers at the aquarium (they ARE semi-aquatic and part of a larger exhibit on Tropical Riparian Ecosystems) and she is SUPER NOT JEALOUS of how much Urahara and Baby Labcat like them.
There is also an exhibit with an Anaconda that the docent finds Rangiku staring at with a forlorn expression. Docent: "It's okay, not everyone is a fan of snakes." Rangiku: "What? Oh, no, I love snakes. They just also remind me of my Ex." Docent: *WomanTryingToDoMath.Meme* Docent: *Considers the size of the Anaconda* Docent: "...Ah. Yeah, I'd miss a man like that too."
Renji, Ichigo and Ikkaku going "Its YOU!" to each other over every single red, orange or round creature.
Kenpachi going "IT ME!!" about the black urchins before anyone can get him though.
Shunsui pointing at the sea otters that are holding hands and declaring, tears in his eyes "Jushiro! It's US!" Ukitake then prompty ruins the moment by telling Shunsui Fun Facts about Sea Otters like how they're basically giant marine weasels that will absolutely drown each other's young and maul anyone dumb enough to touch one.
The Dolphins all love Komamura and he is just a little bit smug about this.
Relatedly, not sure if its funnier for Komamura to show up in a Human Gigai, or as Tousen's "Service Dog"
Human Gigai: -Komamura is weirdly stony-faced and sort of intimidating and everyone thinks he's stressed out but really he's used to making micro-expressions and gesturing with his ears so he sorta just forgot how to move his face. -Still Nine and a Half feet tall and smacking his head on Everything
Service Dog: -"He's uh. A Shepherd. Mix." Ichigo says to the aforementioned Docent about what is very obviously a Bigass Timber Wolf. -Sajin doesn't give a rat's ass about his cover and keeps talking to Tousen while in dog form. If anyone looks at him funny he makes direct eye contact and says "Woof. Bark."
Yamamoto vs. Escalator. Catastrophic Beard Incident. 2 injured, 16 Dead but they were like that already.
Ukitake, Retsu, and Tama all Not Shutting Up With Facts About Every Fish Ever because they all share a Special Interest.
They briefly lose Byakuya in the Jellyfish exhibit because Rukia and Renji both thought the other one was holding Byakuya's hand and he is *enchanted* by the wall-sized tank of Moon Jellies.
Ikkaku attempting to talk Yachiru out of getting the ridiculously oversized Great White Shark plushie only for Zaraki to get it for both of them instead.
Everyone had a great time and is Very Tired and so they don't realize anything is amiss until they get back to Ichigo's place and the nightly news comes on. "Hey ichigo?" Yuzu calls. "Why is Ms. Unohana on TV?" The news has a story with a still image of Retsu on CCTV and "Authorities are looking for this woman who somehow ADDED a fully intact and highly venomous short-tailed stingray to the aquarium's touch pool" "OH MY GOD WE FORGOT MINAZUKI!"
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dreadsuitsamus · 5 months
Unite | Ichigo Kurosaki x Reader |
author's note: this is a follow up to the ichigo x reader blurb i wrote, which you can read here. i decided i couldn't leave it on that angsty note!
pairing: ichigo kurosaki x fem!reader
warnings: reconciliation, light jealousy
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Your captain unceremoniously lays a cloak before you, and you hear the sounds of his sister and lieutenant arguing a short distance away. Frowning and gazing up at the man, you take the beige cloak in hand. "Captain?"
"The sands of Hueco Mundo are harsh." He murmurs, turning away to leave as quickly as he came.
The gears in your head turn, and faster than your mind can process things, your body is moving and snatching your zanpakutō up. Ichigo, that idiot... He's traveling to save Orihime in a land he doesn't know, and likely alone! What a stupid man... He just can't sit still for a single moment.
But hell, you're just as much of an idiot for running after him, aren't you?
Rukia and Renji pause their squabble as you meet them outside, each of them draped in similar cloaks to the one Byakuya left you. Surely your captain knew what they would do, but why would he include you in such a heist?
"He says he was only ordered to bring us back to Soul Society." Rukia murmurs, her eyes gazing at you with an expression you can't quite read.
Renji's face, however, is much less made for gambling. He's your lieutenant, after all, and you have the utmost respect for him, but he's just about as dumb as that man that you love. A stupid smirk is spread on his lips and he wiggles those oddly-styled brows of his. "Time to go make up with-"
"Renji!" Rukia barks, delivering a solid strike of her elbow into the taller man's side.
"I'll help save the girl." You murmur to yourself, looking away from the two people your captain trusts the most. "And that's all."
Rukia's eyes are soft, her lips pulled in a soft little pout. It hasn't been too long since you returned home, without Ichigo, and it was actually Renji that was able to get the details of what happened before her older brother finally retrieved you. "Tensions have been high, and things said and done under duress aren't always indicative of one's heart."
"We should hurry before he can get too far ahead." Voice flat, it gives away little of what's on your mind. "Lest his rescue mission become one for himself."
But Renji knows you, the third seat of the Sixth Division, very well. He nudges Rukia when she opens her mouth to speak, shaking his head minutely. You'll work through your emotions and tension with Ichigo later— Orihime's the priority now, for everyone.
"Let's go." The words have hardly left Renji's mouth before you're racing for the gates out of Soul Society, your mastery of Shunpo perhaps better than your very own captain's. And though Renji feels sluggish in comparison even with his more than adequate skill in the flash step, the soft raise of his smirking lips gives way to his pride in you. Certainly, he can trust you with his life.
The thump of an anxious heart simmers below your chest, the speed of the hammering increasing as you get closer to journeying into Hueco Mundo. You've never been there yourself, and it's no doubt crawling with Hollows and things even worse than them. Aizen is there, the traitor, and he's got Ichigo's friend.
Shame floods your cheeks with warmth. What the hell were you thinking, giving Ichigo an ultimatum like that? That was a terrible way to act, a horrid display of your jealousy and anger at a woman that would have Ichigo if he wanted her. He chose you once already, and it just wasn't enough for you in that moment. Why wasn't it enough?
Urahara hums when you arrive, almost as if he'd been expecting you all. And with his easy sense of what's coming and how to prepare for it, he's probably been left wondering what took so long.
"So…" The shop-owner flashes a smile full of teeth. "Do you need something?"
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Your captain was right to give you this cloak, you learn quickly. Hueco Mundo is worse than any desert terrain you've ventured into, which in itself is on the limited side of things. The entire valley feels like a void, a nightmare dimension that's ready to kill you at any moment.
"Scared?" Renji teases with an elbow to your side, receiving a harsh glare in return. This may not be an official mission or anything, but he is still your lieutenant.
He's skating on thin ice, however.
"This is a suicide mission." You mutter bitterly, gazing at the empty void surrounding you. The journey here was already freaky, but actually being in here is something else entirely. "We should've come up with a plan."
"This is the plan!" Renji argues, hand on his hip while his other firmly grasps the hilt of his zanpakutō.
"No, this is not a plan!" You reel on him harshly, anger fueling your body all over again.
This will get you all killed, including the girl you all came to save! Surely with just a little bit more time and effort, a plan within Soul Society could have been formulated and you could've come as a unit. What good is this idea of a mission if you're all dead??
You shudder to think what you'd have done had Ichigo come here and died while you remained safe at home.
He better shudder to think what you'll do to him when you finally get your hands on him for this next level of foolish bravery.
"We should've waited, or worked faster, or something other than this! Do any of us have any idea what the hell we're doing?!"
Renji steels himself, face stern as he allows you to unleash your frustration. "When have you ever known us to make a plan? When, in our line of duty, have we stopped and thought about it clearly? When, and I ask this genuinely, have we ever had the time to do anything but rush in and make it up as we go?"
Rukia steps forward, her hand out to be the more gentle side of your lieutenant's scolding. "If we remain strong together, this will all work out in the end. We don't have much time right now; the more we linger, the further Ichigo gets."
You huff and gaze into the endless void of white sand. "My head feels like it's swimming in here."
"It's definitely unnerving." Rukia murmurs, taking in the sights.
A particular strike slashes your heart, anxiety and fear crawling out slowly as you sense a harsh rise in Reiatsu. Renji and Rukia feel it too, and off you all go towards Ichigo's presence in Hueco Mundo. It's him, it's always him with that sloppy spiritual pressure of his. Rukia's the first to attack, her beautiful zanpakutō easily demolishing the sandy Hollow.
The course of the fight is honestly second in importance to you as your eyes zero in on him. It's in his eyes, the warm amber hue so beautiful in this horrible place. He's surprised, made so obvious by the dumb look on his face, and your breast is giddy and full as the gap is closed and you're in his arms again.
Tears flood his chest as you hide your face against him. "Ichigo, I'm—"
"Shh…" Ichigo's hands hold you so gently as his lips find your cheek for a gentle, quick kiss before he murmurs directly to you in a way the others can't hear, though to their credit they've turned their backs on your private moment. "It's okay. I'm not mad. It's okay."
Turning your head to gaze at him, you find the courage to smile softly as you brush a new tear away, Ichigo's lips and eyes offering all the warmth and love in his heart to you, just as always. Hugging you tightly again, Ichigo closes his eyes. "I knew you'd come. If nobody else would, you would."
"You trusted that even after…?"
Ichigo holds your face carefully, like the finest china that will break at just the slightest mistouch. "It'll take more than that to make me lose faith in you. A lot more."
Ichigo dips down for an all-too-brief kiss, one that only promises more to come at a better time. He's certainly missed you as much as you missed him, and your sweet love has always been sure to get his fill of you when he can.
"Alright, lovebirds!" Renji calls over his shoulder, but the little smirk on his face betrays any sense of irritation he tries to force out. "We've got a job to do, y’know!”
“And you're waiting for someone else to lead the way?” Ichigo fires back, and even as they squabble during the journey through these unforgiving sands, Ichigo's large hand holding yours is all it takes for peace to settle within you again.
United, you'll stand.
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
Kenpachi's Place
On the subject of "what people call each other" more generally, my favorite Bleach topic, Aizen is also kind of weird about Zaraki. He refers to Renji leaving the 5th for the 11th as Renji being "taken away to Kenpachi's place." Was he. Was he kidnapped. Is Kenpachi's Place a trafficking front.
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Referring to Zaraki by title is a Choice, for sure. I don't know if anyone else does that (besides Ichigo), but I can think of many who do not, would never.
Referring to the 11th as "Kenpachi's Place" also feels like a Choice. It makes me think about Renji's question to Ichigo when they first meet:
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[Bleach 054]
His meaning of is speech bubble is, "Which [number] Division are you affiliated with?" but the pronunciation is just "Where are you affiliated?" So there's already a sense, I guess, that the geographic question of "where" implies your divisional affiliation, and that divisions are thought of as places. Makes sense, given that all the divisions are meaningful geographic spreads in the Seireitei.
Is it still weird that it's "Kenpachi's Place" and not just idk, "the 11th Division"? I mean, I think it is, but it does speak to the unique tradition of leadership succession the 11th's got going on, and how intense the cult of personality is in the 11th, as a division whose nature is extremely tied to the nature of whoever its leader happens to be.
Aizen also never actually refers to the 11th as the 11th, so in order to make that connection we'd have to remember Zaraki's name and number from when he showed up at Byakuya's Place. Why wouldn’t he? Idk but I enjoy it as character info. (NB: Byakuya is perfectly happy to refer to Tousen purely by number, as "9th Captain" and not by any name at all, so there's a lot of different conventions out and about across the various captains.)
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Could I request Ishida, Ichigo, and Byakuya just kissing their s/o passionately only to get interrupted by someone walking in on them?
Byakuya/Ichigo/Ishida - Interuptions in Inopportune Interludes
“I won’t be long. Just stay here. The squad will protect you.”
“I don’t need protection.” [Y/N] insisted as they looked up at Byakuya with earnest and determination. “I want to be with you.”
The captain smiled; or rather the corner of his lips tilted up. His hand reached out to clasp their cheek. “You will be with me. In my heart. But I cannot do what needs to be done if I’m worrying about you. Please, stay here with the 6th and keep order in my stead.”
[Y/N] huffed and turned their head away, but nodded.
Byakuya lifted their head back up towards him and leaned in for a kiss. He was aware this was dangerous. He was aware that the threat of death was a possibility. He was also aware that he couldn’t stand the thought of them being out there in the middle of it, and would gladly take on this danger alone to keep them safe.
He was also aware this was the last time he could see them.
“Captain! The enemy has broken through the first barriers on the west gate! 1st squad said—”
Byakuya pulled away from his love to level a stern, icy hot glare, at his vice-captain. “I will be there shortly.”
Renji visibly gulped and backed out of the room quickly. “I will be back as soon as I can.” He placed a kiss on their knuckles. “Be safe.”
“This is so stupid….”
“Come on. Don’t pout.” Ichigo replied. Halfhearted as he knew there was no way they weren’t going to pout. It just seemed like the thing to say.
“Why do I have to stay here?!” [Y/N] insisted. This close to stamping their foot down about it. “I’m not a child! And I’m not helpless! I can fight too!”
“I know you can.” He told them. “But I just want you to stay here and help with the ones that make it past. There important too!”
“You just want me benched and picking off small fries.” [Y/N] flopped down on the couch and literally pouted. Clearly not a fan of his plan.
Ichigo sighed and came up to them. “Look, I’ll be honest ok?” They glanced up at him, but only a little. “It makes me anxious when you’re out there.” They seemed surprised by his answer and Ichigo rubbed the back of his head. “It’s one thing when it’s the others, but with you….I can’t think straight and it makes me do stupid stuff. I’d just feel better if you stayed back here. Where I know you’re safe.”
They seemed to think it over for a minute before [Y/N] sighed. “I guess that makes sense. In a really dumb way.”
Ichigo smirked, then knelt down in front of them. “Hey, I never said I was a smart one. Just good looking.”
[Y/N] laughed a little, and Ichigo leaned in to give them a kiss. He was telling them the truth. Of course he cared about his friends & comrades on the battle field. With [Y/N] though, he’d do really stupid stuff to keep them safe.
“Ichigo! We have to get to the west gate! The barricade as already---”
“Jeez Renji! Ever think of knocking!”
The other red head seemed to sputter, sensing deja vu, but then just left to go tell the others.
“Least I won’t be the dumbest one out there.” Ichigo muttered, before he turned to [Y/N] and gave them a quick kiss. “I’ll be back. Keep your head down and try not to break anything important if you can!”
“Are you sure you’re fine with this?”
“Yes, Uryuu, go. I said I’ll be fine and….I want to help.”
Ishida’s face scrunched in an unappealing frown as he looked around. He supposed that the 4th was the safest place for them. It was the highest concentration of healers, and Captain Unohana was there; who always somehow gave Ishida a cold chill. Still, he didn’t want them to be anywhere near a battle. “Let me just have someone open a portal to send you home. Humans shouldn’t be here.”
“You’re here.” They insisted.
To which Ishida pushed up his glasses and told them, “that’s different. I’m a Quincy.”
[Y/N] stood up from their crouched position, helping get some of the beds ready for the inevitable injured, and looked him dead in the eye. “I know I’m not like the rest of you. I know I’m not special. Or have powers. Or am good at fighting. But this is something I can do. I want to help. If my friends, and the world, is in danger I want to do something. Let me do this so I can feel important for a change too.”
Ishida instantly buckled at their resolve. He should have known better. [Y/N] had a huge heart and wanted to help everyone. There was no way he was going to get them to budge. “You are important.”
The quincy leaned in and gave them a kiss. Permission, in a way, although they didn’t need it, for them to stay while he went out and fought. He’d honestly feel better knowing there were here to take care of him if he was injured.
“Ishida! Man, everyone is being super crazy today. We need to get to—”
“Get out of here Renji! This is a private area!” Ishida shouted, beet red at being caught kissing his s/o.
This time Renji just huffed with a shrug and walked out. “Did you really need to yell at him?”
“He…He startled me!”
[Y/N] smiled. Then they leaned up to give him another quick peck. “Try not to get cut. I’m not as good with a needle and thread as you are.”
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muzansfangs · 9 months
Sharing a threesome idea real quick
Byakuya x reader x kenpachi
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Starring: Byakuya Kuchiki x f!reader x Zaraki Kenpachi;
Format: one-shot;
Warnings: nsfw, threesome, post Aizen’s betrayal, sparring, hair pulling, choking, language, degradation kink, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, slut-shaming, face slapping, rough sex, double penetration, anal sex, scratching, marking, creampie, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, brat taming, oral sex (Kenpachi!receiving);
Plot: When you went to an old bar in the Seireitei to celebrate the beginning of your new career as a Captain for the Gotei 13, you did not expect to bump into you hot-headed former Captain, Zaraki Kenpachi. Your mutual hostility and rivarly made him challenge you into a fight that soon escalated into something more. Caught in the middle of the pouring rain, you ended up finding shelter in a nearby cellar, only to stumble in Byakuya Kuchiki. Insults, resentement and passion made you three lose your shame and composure as you promised yourselves not to talk about that ordeal anymore.
When you walked into an old bar in the outskirts of the Seireitei, the white haori fluttering around your form surley drew some curious glances from the drunk men chugging down low-quality saké at the large counter on your left. You were used to people murmuring at the sight of your persona and it did not bother you at all. You were quite the controversial character and your name was well known by the upper class as well as by the delinquents inhabiting the Rukongai.
Now, as the chattering around you intensified, you did not even glance at the lower ranks glaring at you and, keeping your chin up in a arrogant demeanor, you strode straight towards the battered table in the back of the bar. You were a usual there. Yet, this time, something was different. You were not a simple member of the Eleventh Division anymore, you were a Captain. The black number sewed on the back of your haori made some of the recruits shake.
You had taken the vacant place as a Captain of the Gotei 13. After Kaname Tosen's betrayal, you had not hesitated to step up and claim what you believed was yours. Feared, respected, honored, full of yourself, you were proud to be finally free from the orders of your now former Captain.
"A bottle of saké. The best one you got, thanks" you spoke out, tossing a good amount of money on the counter on your way to your favorite table. The sound of the golden coins clattering onto the wooden surface made the waiter whip his head towards you, his hand already reaching up for shiny medals before his eyes. Apparently, it was his lucky day.
Plopping down onto the bench, granting you a clear view of the whole bar, you rested your feet over the table as you waited for your order. Unhinged, reckless, rude, cruel. Those were just some of the adjectives people picked to describe you. Overall, a rogue. But those who really knew you, oh dear, they called you the classy doll, the rebellious noble, the rich brat, or the capricious princess.
And the worst part of it was that they were right.
Just the idea of being forced to marry him, the stoic heir of the Kuchiki clan made you want to barf. Therefore, not only you had refused to give yourself to him, but you had literally abandoned your family and the glorious position you had in your clan. Enrolling at the Academy was your only choice back then. Soon enough, you found out you were exceptionally skilled at wielding a sword and no woman or man in your year could make you bend the knee.
Obviously, you were a good match for the infamous Eleventh Division and that was how you ended up fighting alongside the bloodthirsty Zaraki Kenpachi. He taunted you for your grace, pointing out how you were even more obsessed with yourself and composure than your comrade Yumichika. This probably contributed to bring out the worst in you.
When the waiter finally settled the bottle of saké in front of you, a smug grin graced your lips and you triumphantly proceeded to pour yourself some of it to start the night with a bang. As soon as you brought the cup to your lips, though, you widened your eye in irritation at the sight of the tall man entering the bar, his heavy footsteps echoing in the now silent area.
Zaraki Kenpachi.
You gritted your teeth, your free hand reaching up to remove the black eyepatch on your left eye as you made sure to let your reiatsu clash with his one, when he made eye-contact with you. Some recruits faltered, some others even scurried out of the bar, sensing how the air had gotten exponentially denser, gloomier. Your hands slammed over the table, the saké spilling out of the cup, splattering on your uniform and the dark wooden surface.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you blurted out, glaring at him as he finally stopped a few feet away from you.
"What an insufferable brat you are. Calm your tits, princess. — Zaraki croaked out, tilting his head to the side, sizing you up with an unreadable face before continuing — So it's true, I see. You've made it, in the end".
You narrowed your eyes at him, blood boiling in your veins at the sound of that nickname you loathed with every molecule of your body. He knew you did not want to hear anyone hinting at your noble lineage. The gold and the parades belonged to your past. A past you did not want to talk about anymore.
"What is it? Didn't you trust the rumors enough to believe them? Did you really come all the way here to ascertain whether I was the new Captain in charge of the Ninth Division, or not? It's a wonder how you've not got lost in the process..." you sassed, your words dripping haughtiness and bumptiousness.
Zaraki sighed and unsheathed his chipped sword, causing some drinkers to freeze, eyes darting on you two in anticipation. They perfectly knew what was about to happen and you did too, a devious smirk making its way on your lips as you reached for the hilt of your sword almost instinctively. You were honestly up for some fun. This fight, actually, was long overdue. After decades spent in bickering and taunting each other, it was only fair to let one of those spark igniting a great fire.
"Bring your ass out of this place, princess. I am here to fight. I believe you make a poor excuse of a Captain" he stated in a raspy voice, staring you down in disdain.
Nobody around you dared to talk. Your malicious grin, however, spoke volumes as you unsheathed your sword and laisurely walked out of the bar. The hunger for glory and a bloody, exciting fight, typical characteristics of your former Division, were now kicking in again. You yearned to taste blood on your teeth, to slash and stab your opponent once and for all to show him you were not the frail little princess in distress who had found shelter in the Academy.
"Are you so sure about it? Maybe I'm just going to chop you up and steal your title. Perhaps, I will become the real Kenpachi" you provoked him, your tone of voice infuriatingly mocking as you located a good spot to fight without causing too much trouble to the citizens.
The way he laughed made you falter, though. Your grip on the hilt of your zanpakuto tightened significantly, your eyes locking with his ones as you adopted a defensive stence to prevent a possible attack from him.
"Look at you. Haven't I taught you to act instead of wasting your time in meaningless talk with your opponent? That's a duel, not a chit-chat. But I guess I shouldn't get too mad about it. Some royal ass like you would have never fitted the Eleventh Division anyway" Zaraki bitterly retorted, a wave of his reiatsu washing over you in a intimidating manner.
Your right eye twitched, his words hitting a nerve, and trusting into your abilities blindly you sprinted towards him. You swung your blade towards his neck, aiming for his pulsing jugular, enjoying the air whipping your face harshly. The adrenaline was immense, joy and fieriness burning in your eyes, but the sound of your swords clashing brought you back to reality. You were close now, maybe too close considering his immense physical strength, distancing yourself from him would have been a wise move but he clearly had other plans.
His free hand snapped up towards your wrist, his iron grip making you wince out in pain, as he tossed you far away into a dark alley. The impact of your back against the wall knocked the air out of your lungs temporary, a shaky breath leaving your lips as you slumped down onto the ground. The pain was immense, but you had endured worse wounds and blows in your career.
Groaning out in pain, you rolled on your side, you hand reaching out for your balde hastily until he stepped over it and towered over you. His shadow loomed over your frame as a hollow and you felt your mouth going dry. That was going to he a problem.
Zaraki grinned down at you tangled his tick fingers in your hair, yanking your hair back to make eye-contact with you. His breath was hot against your cold skin, as he pinned you up against the wall once again. Your feet kicked the air aimlessly in a futile attempt to kick him between his legs.
"Pathetic. Not even Kurosaki had such a poor performance at our first match" he mocked you, earling a spit on his face that left him totally unfazed, albeit he snorted and pressed you harder against the wall with his massive body.
Both of your hands gripped his large wrist, clawing at his flesh to somehow get him to release the painful grip on your hair. He was literally holding you up as if you were a weak kitten. Your scalp stung, your teeth were gritted as you lashed out at him "Leave me alone then! Why wasting your time with me?" you shouted at his face, earning a scornful glance from him.
"Maybe I don't wanna fight. Maybe I just feel this urge to tame you and your bratty ass once and for all" he hissed at your face, the hand holding your hair now wrapped around your neck and making you choke on your own words, throat contracting to suck in some precious air he was depriving you of.
You narrowed your eyes, your leg wrapping around his hip as you planted your hand over his chiseled abs. The only chance you had to escape this deadly grip was probably using a kidō. Grinning up at him, although your face had turned purple, you whispered some soft words that made an explosion between you two.
"Hadō 31. Shakkahō" you said, earning a groan from the masthodontic man before you.
The red flame cannon exploding between you two made him retreat of a few steps. His grip on your neck loosened, as you slumped down on the dirty ground with a grunt. Panting, you squinted, trying to scrutinize the area in search for him. The greyish smoke, however, was still too thick for you to discern anything more than the pebbles underneath your feet. Your breath was still uneven as you picked your blade back up, twirling it between your fingers with expertise as you tried to follow his reiatsu.
It was crazy how you could still sense his iron grip on your neck even now that his fingers were no longer wrapped around your throat to squeeze the life out of you. The was your heart was thumping into your cheeks, making you feral, searching glory and letting your heart follow the basic, animalistic desires, was incredible. It was as if he had awakened a dark side of you caged in the depths of your mind.
The loud thunder exploding above you, heavy and tenebrous clouds obscuring the once limpid sky, contributed to the crescendo of anxiety enveloping your heart. What did you want? Him, at your feet. Now. You wanted to defeat him, just like he wanted to break you.
Inhaling sharply, your detected his blow and you swung your blade up above your head to block his lethal slash. The metallic clash of your swords made you whip your head towards him, the smoke finally clearing out as he now was so close to you. His superior physical strength made you stumble back for the impact, only fueling the primordial desire to prove yourself.
"Did you honestly believe I was going down so disgracefully? That's not my style" you cooed, standing back up, dusting away some dirt from the once snow-white haori embracing your figure.
"You've been lucky. Those knees of yours will eventually bend before me. — Zaraki said, pointing his sword at you menacingly —  Look at you, still bothering to clean up your clothes instead of focusing entirely on me. You need to improve your concentration instead of yapping and playing the princess in the middle of a duel" the Captain of the Eleventh Division pointed out, making you glare at him in disdain.
He never praised you. Not even once. Not in your entire life. Maybe that irked you more than you liked you admit and that feeling of not being enough to make him proud of you surely played a major role in makinf you push past your limits, work harder to accomplish your goals. Your ambition and determination came from years of starvation.
You narrowed your eyes at him, a cool droplet splattering on the tip of your nose not making you flinch at all. You were too far gone to care about it. The sound of the rain pattering on the desolate street, on your clothes and blade, drenching your hair and making goosebump raise on your body did not nothing to sooth your nerves
You both decided to move in the same exact moment. Your faces were only a few inches apart, when your swords clashed again, a strained scream of fury echoing around you as you engaged a close-up battle. Your uniforms soon were torn in various parts, skin exposed as the blood from the small cuts mingled with the pouring rain washing it away. Your breath was uneven, as you ended up in a blind alley. Admitting your defeat was an option you were not contemplating, but your muscles ached, your breath was too shallow to go ahead and, much to your dismay, you were running out of stamina.
With a last blow, Kenpachi made your grip on your zanpakuto loosen and your back hit the wall behind you. The jagged edge of his blade pressed up against your neck, water dripping down your face, a defiant glare gleaming in your eyes as he towered over you.
"Pathetic" he barked out, earning a groan of frustration from you as you lolled your head back against the wall to distance your tender neck from the dreadful blade piercing it.
You gritted your teeth, back flattened against the cold surface behind you "Why don't you kill me then?" you asked him plainly.
Zaraki lowered his sword, his hand replacing it once again as he pressed you harder against the smooth surface at your back "Because I told you I was going to make you bend the knee, not kill you" he snarled, hitting the back of your knee and loosening his grip on you. The impact of your rotula against the asphalt made you yelp, eyes shooting up in contempt as you watched him undo the white knot keeping his pants up.
Your blood ran cold. The defeat on your tongue suddenly tasting better than the awarness of being out in a semi-public place in such a compromising position. It was not like someone could see you there. It was still raining pretty hard, this area was hardly patrolled anyway. As much as you wanted to tell him to go to hell, you had to admit this whole situation was making something stir within you.
"What's up now? Is the princess too uptight to let loose? Or is it the fact that you probably lack the talent to please me?" Zaraki taunted you, as your eyes widened even so slightly, hand reaching up to wipe some water off of your face.
No, you could not let him believe that too. You were too proud for that.
"Fuck you" you fired back, exhaling through your nosetrils in exhasperation, before taking action. Your head whipped to your right, checking out if someone was turning the corner, then you reached both of your hands up to tug his pants down his thighs.
And, obviously, you were not disappointed in the slightest. Your mouth parted, a small, inaudible gasp escaping your lips as he gripped your hair tightly to catch your attention. Grimacing in pain, you flicked your gaze up to meet his restentful and arrogant one.
"Eyes on me. Show me that you are closer to be harlot rather than a princess" he challenged you, only for your hand to wrap around his cock and giving it a few firm and languid stroke.
Kenpachi groaned softly, amused by the fact that your hand could barely wrap around his whole girth. You wondered if you were going to make it fit in your mouth, but you also knew that he was not going to let you have the command of the situation. Not at all, not even for a second.
"You're going to choke on your words pretty soon" you hissed, mouth parting as your tongue darted out to livk and tease his pinkish tip.
The way he thrused his hips forward, fingers tangled in your hair to keep you in place though, made you regret your words and your eyes widened for the sudden intrusion in your mouth. He showed no mercy at all, your throat almost contracting as you breathed through your nose. You had littel time to adjust as he drew back before snapping his hips forward again, setting up a rather relentless pace to literally fuck your mouth.
The gag reflex at first made it so hard for you to relax, eyes squeezed shut as his cock bullied the back of your throat. Your warm mouth was perfect for him. The pleasure and satisfaction it provided him was immense, his feral grunts filling the air around you as he hoarsely chuckled, looking down at the way your nails dug into his thighs for support.
Drool was running down your chin, his cock disappearing into your stretched mouth making him realize how good of a girl you could be if someone like him took the reins.
"Look at you. It looks like you are the one choking now" he groaned out, giving a few last thrusts before pulling out of you.
Coughing, you fell forward as he stepped away from you. Your hands preventing you from falling face first as you panted, tears still making your eyes burn. Your throat was definitely sore now, speaking was not something you could do right away.
A large hand wrapping around your forearm and pulling you back on your feet made you jolt, Zaraki's mouth capturing your lips in a fervent kiss bringing you back on Earth. You did not protest, your hands cupping his cheeks, as he hooked his hands underneath your thighs and lifted you up. The cellar at your back could provide you some shelter from the rain and the right amount of privacy for continuing what had started.
As he kicked the door open, he roughly let you down. You did not have enough time to talk, his calloused hands gripping your hips and spinning you towards the wall. The palms of your hands flattened on the wall, eyes closing, when he dragged your pants and underwear down your legs.
"Spread your fucking legs" he roared in your ear, fingers already slipping between your thighs to torment your throbbing clit. It was not a surprise for him feeling how wet you already were. His rough digits had no problem at all in slipping past your folds, plunging deep into your core to prompt strained moans from you.
"You better hurry up and not be a disappointment, Kenny" you breathed out, back arching as you rested your forehead against the wall. His fingers thrusting in and out of you sent shivers down your spine, your thighs quivering as you closed your eyes in bliss. A bliss destined to vanish abruptly as a familiar reiatsu dawned on you two.
How? How was he there?
Your head turned to glance back above your shoulder, greyish eyes boring judgementally into yours. Byakuya Kuchiki, the standoffish man you had refused to marry back then, was standing a few feet away from you two, his neat clothes giving him his typical regal appearence that made your blood boil into your veins.
"I'm not into exhibitionism. Move away" you blurted out, soft whimpers falling from your lips as Zaraki kept on curling his fingers into you relentlessly. You were close, sweat beading your forehead as you tried to restrain your orgasm.
The lewd squelching sounds echoing into the room made you blush, as Zaraki stared down at Byakuya in contempt "What is it? Are you envious or are you a virgin? Don't you know how to handle a woman? No wonder she refused your hand back then" he sarcastically commented, making you roll your eyes as he slipped his fingers out of your aching cunt.
Everyone knew it. The entire Seireitei knew that you had decided to turn your back on your family and choose to get your hands dirty instead of getting married to him. Albeit Byakuya never allowed his fragilities and emotions to slip past his stoic façade, you knew your stunt had hurt his feelings.
As Zaraki forced you to get on all fours on the floor, groans of protests erupting from your throat, you locked eyes with the noble man standing tall before you. His eyes were seemingly reduced to slits, as he watched the way Zaraki latched one of his hands behind your neck to keep you in place, while the other lined his cock to your opening. You were going mad. The anticipation of hearing Byakuya venomously retort something paired with the burning desire of feeling Zaraki split your walls apart, fill you up the brim, were making your body tremble.
“I would have never married a whore anyway” the Captain of the Sixth Division broke the silence again, stepping forward until he knelt right before you.
You felt your blood pump fast in your veins, rage and wrath blinding you as you opened your mouth to clearly make him regret his words. But the smack on your face, the way your head snapped to the side, even if it was not meant to truly hurt you, made you shudder. You had not seen it coming, too distracted by your irritation and the way Kenpachi’s cock dragged up and down your slit to collect your juices on his length.
“You never wished to be treated like a loved wife, did you? That is the kind of treatment your cunning heart ardently craved? It would be just direspectful of me not to be indulgent with you now, right?” Byakuya calmly said, his words ringing in your head like a death sentence, lips parted in disbelief, when you watched him unfasten his robes.
“You are a freak just like the others, Kuchiki Byakuya. Let’s do this then. I have nothing to lose. But you have factually lost my respect and admiration” you pointedly remarked, whining softly as Zaraki squeezed your left rear to catch your attention again.
With your eyes transfixed on Byakuya’s chiseled abs, on his bulge, you simply got the hint of what he wanted. Raising up on your knees, you let Byakuya help you to straddle him, the tip of his cock pressing into your warm cavern. As he gradually let you sink down onto him, a strained moan left your throat as you gripped his shoulders to adjust to his size. He stretched you perfectly, your walls clenching onto his length so deliciously that even his composed self was forced to let out soft groan.
“Really now? You think you can just walk in and steal my bitch like that? I’m fucking sure it’s mine the name she’ll scream while coming” Zaraki growled, his tick fingers now trying to prep your puckered hole for what was yet to home.
The soft grunts of Byakuya, the pleasure coiling in your lower abdomen made you relax a little, despite the slightly uncomfortable feeling of being stimulated in such a delicate spot. Your shallow breaths mingled with Byakuya’s ones, forcing you two to make an intense eye-contact.
It was weird remembering how much you loathed him right now, or how you thought you would have never let him touch you even with a finger. It was almost degrading, humiliating, your eyes squeezed shut as he reached your g-spot with a particularly hard snap of his hips. Your movements were meeting his thrusts, high-pitched moans now piercing the ears of the two men feasting on you.
There was passion, hate, aggression between you two.
The moment Zaraki finally pulled his fingers out of you to replace them with his cock, your nails scratched down Byakuya’s back hard enough to leave crescent moons marks onto his flawless skin. It hurt quite a bit, your muscles struggling to relax as the air seemed to be knocked out of your lungs.
The stretch was immense, unbearable, your wobbling lips brushing against the ones of the noble man you were riding. You did not think he would have showed you some mercy at this point, but when he kissed you passionately, his hand gripping your jaw roughly to keep your head in place, you knew he was finally letting his mask slip off to let his emotions take over.
You let out a strained moan he gladly swallowed, Zaraki’s thrusts being firm and steady as you gradually allowed your muscles to relax. You had never in your life experienced anything like that. You felt about to explode, the feeling of being stuffed to the brim, of being manhandled like that was overwhelming.
“So tight! Shit, I’ll stuff you full of my cum” Zaraki growled in your ear, his mouth latching onto your neck, biting, sucking, bruising you to remind you of how miserable you were in his hands.
The sound of skin slapping against skin, the groans and moans coming from the three of you would have made anyone passing by turn pale, their ears bleeding in disgust. You were not people in that moment. You were animals.
“Come” Byakuya whispered in your ear, observing the way you shuddered, your walls clamping down onto him as you felt them both twitch into you.
And you did. The moment you came, Byakuya thrusted upwards sloppily, his seed painting your insides white, as you released a ragged breath and your back flattened against Zaraki’s sweaty, firm abs. You felt it, the way the Captain at your back cussed before keeping his promise to fill you up too.
Panting, still stuffed up with their now softening members, you found the strength to say something they obviously agreed with.
“Not a word with anyone”.
Hello there!
I am going to be ashamed of myself for a few hours after this. I honestly hope you are going to enjoy this piece because I literally have poured my whole heart into it. It’s my official second threesome, being the Shinobu x reader x Giyuu one the first one I have written! Likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreaciated!
Until next,
TAGS: @shonen-brainrot @electronicwitchcollection
321 notes · View notes
compressingsins · 1 year
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By Me
Pairing; Byakuya x chubby f!reader
Warning; Detailed NSFW, romantic NSFW, overstimulation, shared orgasms, oral, masturbation
Word Count: 7.9k
"I'm trying my best, Captain!"
"Is that so? You have been nothing but a disappointment, these days."
You knew how blunt your captain was, Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain of Squad 6. It nearly made you tear up though, because you always gave everything a hundred percent but the way your Captain was talking to you, it made you honestly doubt your own strengths. However though, you weren't going to argue with him.
Considering how new you were, it would take time for you to adjust and get along with your new Squad, but he wanted you perfect already, it seemed. Lieutenant Abarai was the only one to understand your position though, and it annoyed you really as your Captain didn't excuse you for that. He was treating you as if you weren't new to this Squad.
It's not like you hated your Captain or anything, but for the pass few months, three to be exact, he's been a stress magnet. Wanting you to perfect and adjust to his Squad already was really stressful, pilling a lot of pressure on you. He wanted you to have everything down pat, kido, sword training the whole nine.
You bit your lip though, suppressing the sniffle of sheer embarrassment you felt right now, as you've never been the type to disappoint. Of course you had room to train, but since he was pilling everything on you at once, it was pretty damn tough trying to focus on one thing. You could only nod as he spoke though, the words just weren't there.
"If you want to be in this Squad, improve. If I do not see improvements by next week, you will be assigned differently."
You lowered your head in shame a bit, as your Captain didn't seem the slightest bit of guilty for what he was doing, basically forcing you to push yourself to limits you couldn't accomplish in only a few days. How could you say no to him though, because one, you honestly wanted to be a part of this Squad.
It wasn't evident that he hated you, but you felt as if he didn't like you either. If that was the case, you had no idea as to why but you weren't going to ask. That wasn't your main focus, your main goal was to just push yourself as hard as you could until you met the level he wanted you at. It was a lot of pressure but what the hell...
"Ye- yes sir," Your words were stuttered, your lips trembling as you spoke. "Should I take my leave?"
You couldn't even lift your head to look at him anymore, the Captain staring down at his desk as he spoke one word.
You bowed, turning and speed walking to his sliding door, pushing it open and quickly leaving. What you didn't know was that he stared you down as you left, watching you leave his presence and his paperwork becoming his main focus. That's until he heard a familiar voice.
"Is it really necessary to be that harsh to her?"
The dark haired male didn't look up, recognizing the source of the voice, Yoruichi, the former Captain of the Stealth Squad.
"Yes, it is necessary. She has to get better, now."
"She doesn't have to, you just want her to," A low groan came from Byakuya, feeling as if what he just told you was right. Yoruichi had her own reasons and beliefs as well, so she felt as if she could speak on them. "She's only just joined your Squad, and you're pushing her to perfect Kido and Sword Training in matters of only a week?"
"She has potential, meaning she can do it. Hollows will not allow her extra training, in battle, she will need as much training as she can get."
"Why don't you just tell her? What do you have to lose?"
The Captain didn't respond, continuing with his paperwork but he was listening. He didn't know if she was referring to what he was thinking about, but he believed that was what it was. He wasn't going to say that out loud though, because he knew the black cat knew, what he didn't know is how she knew.
"What, you think because you're her Captain, you can't have a relationship with your her? It's obvious Byakuya, you're scared-"
"Shut up."
"You're scared that she'll end up getting herself killed, so you're being overprotective."
That shushed Byakuya, his hand ceasing motion of the pen that was in his right hand, stopping all administrations to listen closely. He wasn't enjoying the conversation honestly, but he at least thought she was sorta right. Well, he knew she was right, and he knew what he felt for you was something he shouldn't be feeling.
Yoruichi knew all too well that Byakuya felt some kind of way towards you, and she found out from just visualization. He's never pushed a newbie this much in such short time, which proved Yoruichi's point that Byakuya had feelings for you. Yes he's your Captain, but it shouldn't matter as much, well at least they think.
It may be weird falling for someone that's your student, but Byakuya didn't feel weird about it. He didn't even know if his feelings were real, or was he just being desperate because of his past relationship, that occurred years ago. He was deeply in love with his wife, but it was extremely difficult for him to deal with.
"I am only doing what a Captain should, and that's better his students. ____, must get stronger, this World is no longer safe to be falling behind in training. If she wants to live, then she has to train, no matter how far I'm pushing her."
He still didn't turn to Yoruichi, but he did reply to what she said, his tone sounding one as genuine sincerity which made her believe. She still knew what else he wanted with you, but she wasn't going to mention it. He might've just really cared for the girl, but if that's the case, it confused Yoruichi as to why he cares so much, anyway.
It was okay for a Captain to want their student to provel, but pushing them so hard when they've only just joined was a bit extreme, in Yoruichi's eyes. She knew more about his feelings towards you anyways, without Byakuya even knowing, she has stalked his room while he was alone. Not like a creep, but to understand his real reasons for pushing you extremely hard.
He however, did not want to hear anymore of this, going back to writing on his paper to complete his work. Yoruichi sighed in the back, already knowing what he was about to say to her, transforming back to her cat self.
"You're dis-"
"I know, I'm already leaving."
Byakuya side eyed the black cat, staring as she stood on the window that was open from her previous entrance. The cat stayed there momentarily, looking at Byakuya as she spoke one last time, before she was ready to take her leave.
"You don't have to hold it in, Byakuya. It'll hurt you more, once she's gone."
With that, the cat jumped out the window, shutting it with her tail. His eyes stayed trained on the window, turning away and going back to his work. Those words Yoruichi spoke however, did put a ache in his chest, his hand stopping the pen from writing on the paper. Blankly, he was staring at the paper, but not reading a single word.
He was in deep thought, and it was because of Yoruichi. Byakuya honestly didn't want anything to happen to you, and it was likely that too much training would do more bad than good. He just wanted you ready for missions, once the time came, but now that he's thinking about everything he's putting you through, he understands.
With a deep sigh, the Captain placed his pencil horizontally flat across his papers, getting up to call it a night. He'd check in with you tomorrow morning, as it's already late and you're possibly already off to sleep. He would not want to disturb you at a time like this, and he could use some rest himself, actually. He was stressing himself anyway, trying to come in terms with himself.
Almost immediately when his back layed against the mattress, his eyes began shutting. He wanted to more than likely apologize for his behavior as well, knowing he acted a little out of the ordinary with his student. He didn't want you hating him of course, so he had an idea of at least trying to apologize, as he isn't the type to really do so.
It wouldn't hurt though, and Byakuya knew that, he just didn't want you seeing him turn into a big softie, some will say. He knew if he wanted to do what he intended with you, he had to be more open and not so mean.
Thunderous moans sounded throughout a room of the Captain Barracks of Byakuya Kuchiki. He was doing it again, thinking about that certain person...
Letting his fingertips graze the underside of his cock, bracing himself once again as he tightly grasped it, slowly jerking it to let his mind wander as well. All he could imagine was ____ bouncing up and down on his cock, holding her hands as she broke down on top of him. Watching her face contort, while she slowly rode his cock dry.
Thrusting his hips up to meet her bouncing, making sure his tip collides with her cervix each time. Just the thought quickened the males pace, rumbling groans slipping from his closed mouth, his eyes sealed as well. His hand caressing his body was slowly dragging across his chest, sending shivers straight to the base of his cock, making his balls jolt with electricity.
Just imagining his long cock sinking slowly but deeply into ____, made his sack tighten, his impending high coming faster than he thought. He knew when it came to thinking about ____, his sexual desires would be there faster than usual, no matter the time nor place. He just wanted her underneath or a top of him.
Gripping the middle of his cock, Byakuya wildly began pumping quickly, his balls bouncing with each motion of his hand. He could feel the veins trailing in his cock throbbing, the pre-cum sliding down his shaft, coating him in his own clear essence of substances. It felt so much better when he naturally lubbed himself, sharp hisses coming from the sensitivity as he ran his hand across the veins of his cock, which seemed to get thicker every motion.
He gritted his teeth, his hand caressing his body slowly maneuvering to his abdomen, pressing down to add pressure so his high could come faster, that high he oh so desperately wanted. The motion of his hand also increased, his hand working extra hard to make himself burst already. The way his balls jumped added to the impending orgasm, that was so painfully close.
Byakuya finally opened his eyes, locking them onto his huge length, loving how the sheen of his pre-cum was coating the web of his hand. Licking his lips, Byakuya sat up a bit and held his shirt above his chest, so none of the substance would get on his clothes. That thought was leaving his mind though, as soon as that tight coil in his abdomen snapped, and violently.
His entire body jerked, his hand still pumping lazily with a tight grip, his eyes narrowed as the intensity of the orgasm nearly broke him. He was imagining ____ bouncing on his cock, overstimulating him as she desire, making a mess of her own insides. He let his hips buck up into his hand, his head falling back as a deep moan escaped him.
"That's it, ____..! Overstimulate me..!"
His words were something that usually slipped, when he pleasured himself to the girl. He almost always imagined her bouncing on his thick shaft, nearly crying as she complained about how big he was. He didn't know if she would though, but he knew that he could possibly have her breaking down, as she rode him.
He shook a bit, letting his head fall back forward to face his cock, his hand continuing on his softening length. Spurt after spurt jetted onto his chest and abdomen, the Captain nearly tearing up whilst he thought about her. His orgasm seemed to be more intense as he thought about her, his hold on his cock tightening.
He was practically milking himself dry, letting his cum run down his cock which made it easier to glide his hand across it. His abdomen was contracting and flexing as well, his hand stroking his entire softening length now, pushing down to his balls. A whimper came from Byakuya, his body shaking from how sensitive he was.
Once that hot chill ran through his body, he stopped moving his hand, closing his eyes before he let his back once again fall upon his bed. He could hear his heart thumping in his chest, his hand still on his cock that was limp and resting agaisnt his abdomen. His breathing was ragged, his chest heaving as he could literally feel his heart beat in the veins of his cock.
He couldn't take this anymore, because he wanted to be with ____. He's tired of sleeping without her next to him, and he's tired of stressing himself because of that too. The Captain was just doubtful of what you'd say, not knowing how she'd take confession, but it was worth a try. ____ meant so much to the Captain, and it could be worse... right? The worse she can do is deny his feelings, which would be pretty heartbreaking...
Just that thought itself pained him a bit, hoping for the best tomorrow, when he confronts her. If she denies him, he doesn't even want to think about how that'll feel...
There you go, kid! You're doing great, just keep going!"
Your adrenaline rush was so high right now, your Lieutenant screaming at the top of his lungs, pumping you up to keep you going. Your Captain was there too, but he wasn't saying anything, just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and closed eyes. It was just you three, Renji trying his best to better you, and help you.
Captain Kuchiki was the one who decided this early afternoon training, and it honestly didn't bother you, just because you knew you needed the training. Besides, you prepared yourself last night, just to wake up early and train. It was already in your plan and you was originally going to train by yourself, but your Captain insisted.
You honestly just straight up welcomed it, even if he wasn't helping you, but his mere presence strived you to push yourself harder. Your Kido was improving really quickly, making you honestly feel great about your skill. You were already talented but with the extra work, you were getting even better and it impressed you.
You were training ever since twelve in the afternoon, and now it's four, which has been a long time. You were honestly a bit tired, but you didn't want to stop, hearing your Captain's voice behind you which ceased your movements. Looking behind you, you eyed him, seeing as he was still in his current position.
"That is enough for today, ____. Renji, you are dismissed, relieved for the evening. ____, in my Barracks, now."
Instantly, your happiness died down, your smile dropping to a frown of sadness and disappointment. Lieutenant Abarai looked down at you, a smile displayed across his face whilst he eyed you. He felt so bad honestly, but he didn't know what Captain Kuchiki intended for you, so he didn't know if feeling bad was correct.
Captain Kuchiki left almost instantly, not even giving you or Renji anytime to reply, just flashstepping away. It bothered you thinking that you didn't impress him as much as you thought, and at the beginning, you thought you were doing so freaking well...
Renji placed a hand a top your head, considering how much taller he was than you, your head tilting up to look the red haired male, in the face. The Lieutenant ruffled your hair, letting the strands thread through his fingers, your sad eyes changing a little. Your frown was also dying, but you were still sad a bit.
"Don't worry, ____. I'm pretty sure it isn't as bad as you're probably thinking."
"Maybe but... he always seems so disappointed in me Renji, it just gets stressful. Sometimes I wanna just stop training, when he's like this with me."
"Don't let your thoughts get to you, he's not disappointed in you at all. Well... hopefully he's not, I personally don't think so. It's kind of hard to impress him, so just give it some time. For now, you might wanna report to him like he asked."
"Yeah, you're right. I'll catch up with you later then, if you wanna continue training?"
The red head nodded, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at you, smiling cheekily as if giving his word.
"You know it! I'm ready when you are, so just be prepared because this time, we're clashing against each other!"
You smiled, the two of you turning away at the same time, different directions you both went. Your nerves began striding up, adding tension to your beating heart that was bamming in your ears. He was the type of person you'd always get nervous and quiet around, just because you're slightly scared of what he has to say.
He was so unreadable, and that's why you always get the worse idea's whenever he did something like what he just did. You could flash step, so it didn't take a World trip to reach his barracks, your hands shaking as you were about to knock, but was interrupted when the sliding door opened itself, the person who did it coming into view.
It was your Captain, who was looking down at you, and you were trying so damn hard not to be nervous. A smile pulled at your lips, trying to show him that you were okay at least, but he saw right through that forced smile. He didn't speak on it, however, just moving his body to the side to let you in, his eyes watching you intently.
That made you even more nervous, taking your steps into his Barracks, standing in one place awkwardly. He walked pass you, the sound of his door closing meeting your ears.
"Relax, it's just us."
His deep voice sent a chill down your spine, your body jolting with a shock of surprise, but you still were unmovable. He sat at a table, with other seat across from his, gesturing for you to come over and sit which you nervously did. You've never really had one on one times with your Captain, so you were practically shaking in your shoes.
You sat across on your knees and shins, both your hands on your thighs, trying your best to calm down. He was drinking some beverage, both his eyes closed as he sipped it. Once he put his cup down, his eyes were focused and practically piercing through your skull, making you stiffen and your heart drum.
"I'm assuming, you're wondering why I've brought you here, correct?"
"Yes! I mean, yes sir..."
Your outburst was to be expected, Byakuya not even flinching from it. He knew you were nervous, and on the inside deep in a abyss of thoughts, Byakuya found it to be cute. His eyes closed again, now you finally looking at the Captain, since he was no longer looking at you, relieving some nerves from your veins, just a tad bit.
"I am not disappointed in you," His words caused a gasp to escape your throat, your eyes widening as you listened, "You are my newest student, yet you're surpassing all of my older ones. I am willing to admit, ____, I am impressed."
Your entire face lit up, your smile stretching from ear to ear and Byakuya opening his eyes to look at you, finding your smile really cute. He was thinking about what he did last night, and he knew this was a better time than any. He wasn't really a shy man when it came to women, even if he hadn't been with one in a while.
He cleared his throat, eyeing you down even though you weren't necessarily paying attention. Sitting across his him, you were telling him how you appreciated him for saying that, because you honestly thought the complete opposite. The only thing Byakuya didn't know how to do was confess to you, but he had an idea.
"A couple of years back, I was married."
Your words stopped flowing, confused and thinking if you heard that right or not. If you did hear that correctly, why was he telling you this, and at a time like this? You honestly didn't know, but you did care to listen. You did hear something about him being in a past relationship, but that was all and you didn't bother getting details.
"Once she left me, I was broken. It was so sudden, hopeless to think that she'd win that battle of sickness. I was strong for her, but it was not enough. She did fight, however, paining me when she passed away-"
His words saddened you, but that was kind of a background on why he was the way he is now, you think at least. It seemed like a logical reason, though it wasn't in your mind to question him on that. He seemed a little hurt, which also made you sad for him, even if you didn't know why he was telling you this.
"You wonder why I push you, strictly because I do not want you to get yourself killed, once I start sending you outside of the Soul Society."
"It's only natural for a Captain to push his students, but why me? I mean, I've seen how you've treated everyone else in the Squad, and it's no way near how you treat me."
The male looked down, deeply inhaling as his eyes shut, both arms crossed over his chest. You gulped just at the sight, thinking he was about to say something you possibly wouldn't like, just because this is his usual position.
"You are my student, as I am your Captain, ____. It isn't professional, but I've... taken an interest in you."
Dumbfounded, you sat there staring at him, your eyes slowly widening as his words seemed to be delayed, meeting your ears and making your heart jolt like crazy. Was he serious, or were you delirious from your nervousness? Your mouth wouldn't even form words, just because you were speechless in all honesty.
"Former Captain Yoruichi has acknowledged me of my feelings, feelings that I wasn't quite sure of. It is correct to say, I push you because I want you to get stronger, strong enough to fend for yourself when I'm not by your side. I do not wish for you to die in battle, neither from sickness. I've come to terms with my feelings, and can honestly say that... I love you. It is sudden, in a matter of months, though I do."
You listened to everything he said, trying to figure out if this was real or not. Your Captain, Byakuya Kuchiki, one of the strongest Captains in all of the Soul Society... loves you? And out of everybody, you couldn't figure out, why you? You were so befuddled that you didn't even realize he was staring at you as he spoke, his words seemed genuine.
You didn't expect this to be your conversation with your Captain, when he told you to come to his barracks. You were so shocked, as it was silent for a bit, because you honestly didn't know what to say, but Byakuya could completely understand. He just dropped a huge bombshell on you, who wouldn't react like that?
"Captain... I don't know wha- what to say..."
"Do not say anything, ____. Let me show you."
The Captain stood up, taking strides over to your body before he stood behind you, your heart thumping in your chest becoming an offbeat drum in your ear. Byakuya began to drop to his knees, snaking his arms under yours to reach your waist, as he sat down and pulled you against him. You were sitting on his lap, with his arms around you.
His left hand went to your chin, grasping it and turning it so you could face him. Your heart was beating so damn fast you thought it could explode, and Byakuya could tell you was nervous, the way your entire face nearly turned red showed it. He released your chin, using that same hand to take yours in his.
As he stared at you, you saw nothing but passion and love in his eyes, none of his actions seeming false. That's what made you even more nervous, because you honestly do find your Captain extremely attractive, but you never thought you'd end up getting a confessing from him. You didn't even know if this was okay, but you still held his hand, honestly loving his affection.
"May I kiss you, ____?"
You stared at the man, feeling as your entire heart was yearning for Byakuya. You didn't know if you were desperate, or genuinely wanted his affection, just because your past relationships weren't that good. Terrible to be exact, and you honestly didn't want that to reoccur, however, your Captain seemed to be honest with his words.
"Ye- yes... yes you may, Captain."
"Please, call me Byakuya."
Before you could reply to that, his lips were on yours and damnit if it wasn't the best feeling ever. You couldn't help but to relax into him, the warmth of his body heightening your relaxed mind, as this was your first kiss. The kiss was so sweet, Byakuya letting only your lips press together, a single tear escaping your eyelid.
Once he pulled away, you took a moment to bask in his touch, both your eyes opening to lock onto each other. He saw that tear streaming down your face, his arms around you tightening, like he actually didn't wish to ever let go. You've never been touched like this either, so your body was shaking a bit, which he felt.
"Why are you crying?"
His question sounded as one of sadness, your eyes looking down at his chest before going back up to his face, trying your best to think of some words to speak. He was being a gentlemen, letting you do as you must, just so you could reply to him.
"I just... that was my first kiss, Cap- Byakuya. It was only a single kiss but yet... it made me feel like... like I love you... too."
Both your eyes were locked, Byakuya inching closer to you to enclose on your lips once again, this time you easily relaxed into it. He was so warm but once his hands started traveling your body, groping your soft flesh, you pushed at his hard chest. He looked up at you, seeing the fear in your eyes that was to be expected.
He knew what he was doing, but he couldn't help it because he wanted you. He wanted to claim you, forever make you his, but he wasn't going to force you to do it.
"____, I will not do something you aren't comfortable with. If you'd wish for me to stop, I have no problem with it. We can wait, until you're ready, but I would like to know your answer. Would you allow me to love and protect you, for as long as I live?"
You couldn't help how you felt so whole, even with how sudden this confession was. You honestly felt like this is what you wanted, but it scared you just because you didn't know what the future would hold. Would he leave you for someone else, or would he leave you once he's tired of you? Your insecurities were the reasons, for these questions.
You honestly didn't know Byakuya could be this affectionate, but you liked this side of him. He hasn't spoke to you this much, even when you first joined his squad, he hasn't. However, you believed everything he was saying because you've never seen him act like this towards anyone else, you knew it wasn't just a thought.
He was serious about what he was saying to you, it was as clear as day. You couldn't be more happier, nodding before you spoke.
"Yes... I'd love that... Byakuya."
For the first time, you saw your Captain smile, it wasn't too big but enough to warm your entire heart. You held onto his hand, just before he let go to turn your body to face him. This position made your lower regions brush up agaisnt him, bringing a crimson red to your cheeks. He didn't seem to mind though, letting his hands rest on your lower back.
Both of you were just staring into each other's eyes, but that's until you felt it again, felt him. You wanted to look down, but then again, you were still so scared. He could tell you were, watching as you would start to randomly look around in the room, searching for nothing but obviously something to distract your body.
He couldn't help but think of how cute you were, being all shy around him, well... against him. He did stop his actions earlier, but you kind of wish he didn't. Not because you were horny or anything, just because you've been craving someone's touch and when you're so close like this, you couldn't help but want him more.
You took your lip in between your teeth, Byakuya's eyes watching your actions with amusement. It was an embarrassing thought to you, but you wanted him... you needed him, at the moment. This is honestly, all you've ever wanted your ideal partner to be like.
"Yes, My Love?"
You were nearly dying at the sound of that, your mind screaming at you to convince you that, yes he just said that.
"Can we...," You sighed, trying to get your words out that embarrassed you, "Can we take it to the next step... right now?"
You looked at him as you said that, seeing his cheeks dust faintly before it quickly went away, his hand going back to grab yours. He pulled your hand up, just before placing a soft romantic kiss to the back of it, running his thumb over it.
"Whenever you are ready, ____. Do not think we have to do this now, for I will wait on you."
You smiled at this, nodding as you took in your new possible lover's words. You were still worried about the future, even if it shouldn't matter as much, when it hasn't even came yet. You were always thoughts ahead, but your mind brought you back into the present.
"I'm ready, now. I wanna do this, with you Byakuya."
Byakuya placed a kiss to your forehead, gently rubbing over it before he picked you up, standing up and placing you back down on his bed laying on your back. Your hands were crossed over your chest, watching Byakuya's every move before he shifted his body on top of yours, hoisting your legs up on his hips as you two looked into each other's eyes.
You never thought you'd ever see your Captain act like this, giving his layed back personality, never thinking that he'd fall for you. This would be the last thing you'd think would happen between you and your Captain, but crazier things have happened in your life. You didn't notice how much you craved his touch, until his hands slid underneath the fabric of your kimono, ghosting his fingertips across your warm flesh.
A warm and pleasant shiver trailed throughout your body, his hands pushing up the end of your clothes to expose your meaty legs. You didn't want him to see your figure honestly, thinking he wouldn't like it so that's why you gripped his wrists, causing a hum to resonate from his throat his eyes trailing to your face.
"What is wrong, My Love? Do you want to stop?"
"No, it's not that. I- I just don't want you to... take off my clothes and not like what you see..."
Your words came out as a near whisper but he heard you clearly, staring at your face with his usual unreadable expression.
"Why would I not, ____?"
You gulped and looked away from his face to distract yourself from hurting as you spoke the words you've always deceived.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm... y'know, fat..."
A quiet gasp came from the male who was between your legs, still being unmovable which nerved you even more. You could never tell what your Captain was thinking, as you heard his voice though, you looked back at his face.
"You are perfect, ____. I am well aware of your physique, I've always found you beautiful. There is nothing wrong with being plus sized, My Love, as it is more for me to love. Do not feel as if I do not find you attractive, ____, you are perfect and for my eyes only. I love you."
Honestly, the tears that were stinging your eyes were from pure happiness. You didn't think Byakuya would be this loving and caring, warming your heart because you've never recieved this kind of affection from anyone. Once or twice you've been titled beautiful, but you never felt as if their words were genuine at all. When Byakuya said it though, it felt like he meant that and more.
"Can I proceed, ____?"
You only nodded, letting his hands travel back to your legs to uncover them. The cold air grazed them, sending a shiver through your body and making your head turn, thinking that he still didn't like what he saw. That's until you felt his hands give your thighs generous squeezes, loving how your flesh felt in his hands.
You looked down at the black haired male, seeing him lower his head to your thigh, before feeling him plant a five second kiss there. He was being so genuine with everything he was doing to you, and you honestly felt as if you were falling for him way too fast. It couldn't be helped, when you haven't really recieved this kind of affection, before.
He was sweeter than he let on and showed, you wouldn't expect him to be like this. You were a little timid with how close he was to your heat, that was probably on display to him. Once his right hand inched closer to your most private area, he stopped and your breath hitched, a little scared of this situation escalating even if you initiated it. His eyes went back to your face that made your cheeks heat up.
So handsome...
"May I?"
You knew what he was asking for, seeing as his eyes went to in between your legs before darting back to your beautiful face. You were nervous, but you honestly craved his attention and affection, really wanting him to touch you.
"Please, Byakuya."
He slid the lower half of your kimono to rest over your stomach, exposing everything that was covering those parts. You flinched once his hand went to your lower regions, grasping the middle of your soaked panties to slide them to the side. Everything was going so fast but your mind and body already convinced you that you wanted this.
Merely jerking, once his thumb was pressing down on your clit.
"It is okay, My Love. If we are to do this I must prepare you ahead of time, as I do not wish to hurt you. Just relax, it's only me and you."
Everything that he said seemed to expand your heart with more love for him, but you layed on back, trying your best to relax. You felt his thumb remove from your clit, using his other fingers to slide through your folds, causing a warm pleasurable chill to tingle your spin.
No one has ever touched you in such sinful ways and when he did it, it almost instantly took all your fears away. Once his head started to lower to your heat though, you grasped his head which made the male look back up to your face, knowing exactly why you stopped him.
"____, Love, just lay back. Do not be nervous, we are doing this together. Your virginity is well known, to me. This will prepare you for me, then again if you want to stop, we still can."
Even when you've came this far, he was still so caring and thinking of you before himself. It was such a nice and heartwarming thing you thought, and you honestly didn't want him to stop bit since you're inexperienced, it just bothered you a bit. Not that you thought you would regret this.
"No Byakuya, I want you to continue. I'm just a tad bit nervous..."
"Yes, I know. I will not let this be an bad experience for you, it will be memorable forever. Try to relax," His eyes trailed back to your sopping pussy, your face heating instantly. "You're so wet, ____. So beautiful."
His head lowered back between your legs, your eyes focusing on his face as his eyes were still locked with yours just before his tongue grazed your heat. It made you gasp, shivering as he glided his tongue between your folds to collect your sweet nectar that was now his.
Even if he just started, it already felt heavenly when his tongue started digging in, his fingers also pushing in to give your opening preparation to him. It was slightly painful due to how new you were to this type of affection, but you didn't stop him because the wet tongue that was agaisnt your clit made the pain shallow.
Your head hit the pillows underneath you, a whine escaping your lips once he stopped all his actions on your body. You looked back to him seeing as he was already staring up at you, his usual expression apparent on his features.
"Look at me, ____. I want you to watch as I pleasure you, My Love."
That heated your cheeks, keeping your eyes on him before his mouth once again latched onto your drenched cunt, suckling as much of your juice as he could. He was already staring up at you as he dug into your sweet essence, letting his tongue drag agaisnt your juicy heat.
Your eyes were threatening to shut just to ride out the waves of pleasure that was being inflicted upon you, though you kept them open. His right hand grasped your thigh, pushing it agaisnt the side of his face and pulling your body agaisnt his mouth, letting his tongue press deeper into your clit.
His fingers were still pumping in you as he feasted on you, drinking all your juices out of you watching the way your face contorted a bit. His tongue was really warm, and his fingers were thick as they stimulated you when he pushed them in and out of you.
His mouth was covered in your juices already, your chest heaving due to the pleasure. He lifted himself up and pulled away from your body, though his fingers continued pumping in and out of your body, coating his fingers in your essence. He was loving how you were reacting to his administrations.
"Does this feel good, My Love? Cum, if you want."
You're glad be said something, because you were already insanely close. His mouth was once again latched onto you, both his hands grasping your thighs separately to pull you agaisnt his face. He was eating you like he honestly wanted to consume your every being.
Your hands went to his hair, gripping the black locks making Byakuya groan agaisnt your heat, sending vibrations through your bones. It rattled your insides, tingling your nerves as you nearly screamed for him.
He only just started and yet you were already so close to that high that was inching closer, and fast. He let his hand trail back to your clit as he slowly began massaging your clit, now your body arching into his mouth, causing the licks of his tongue to fasten.
Your grip on his hair tightened, making the male buck his hips to try and relieve the tension in his cock. He was extremely hard, feeling his slit already leaking a decent amount of pre-cum. It made him hiss and groan agaisnt you, sending extra vibrations that shook your walls.
It didn't take long for your snug walls to tighten, around nothing, the tongue of Byakuya harshly flicking against your clit, forcing more of your juices to pour from your pussy. You tensed and jerked once your release broke over you, your hands in his hair harshly gripping it.
"Byakuya..! I'm cumming..!"
He knew that and continued to slurp up your juices, forcing you to nearly ball up and curl underneath him. His thumb on your clit was harshly rubbing, overstimulating your body to an extent that you could hardly handle.
He removed his mouth from you continuing to slowly caress your sweet pussy, loving how your juices sprayed out of you. You were trembling and shivering whilst that delicious and intense high broke over you, shaking your bones and warming your entire body.
You didn't even notice when his body was removed from you and as you opened your eyes, your eyes feasted on his now nude body. This was a sight you never thought you'd see and when you saw it, it made you even more aroused but when you saw IT... your entire body tensed.
Byakuya was so big down there, visually you could see the pulsing veins throughout his cock. You could still feel your first orgasm washing over you, watching as he settled himself in between your thighs once again. Both his hands were placed on both sides of your head, looking deeply into your eyes as a moan escaped you once his tip brushed agaisnt your sensitive clit.
You could still feel the aftermath of his tongue on your clit, causing shivers and tingles to surge throughout your body. Byakuya's fingers once against slide slowly through your folds, your hands going to his shoulder to brace yourself for the sensitivity flowing through your veins as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You do not have to undress, for this My Love. I'm content with doing it as you are."
Again, tears were threatening to escape your eyes because of how sweet he actually was. But you wanted to at least expose some of yourself to him, opening up your kimono but leaving layed on your shoulders. He could see your stomach, breast and chest, his mouth nearly watering just at the pure sight of your body.
You thought he didn't like your plump stomach, but his lips tenderly kissed it, kissing each stretch mark that he could see. You couldn't help but smile down at him, as your heart felt like it was nearly bursting with more love for him. You honestly felt like you hit the jackpot, with Byakuya.
It no longer felt wrong anymore, you honestly feeling as if you were meant to be with him.
"I love you, ____."
"I love you too, Byakuya. Please... continue."
Your words came out hesitantly, as he maneuvered back up to your body, taking both of your hands in his and placing them agaisnt the sides of your head. He looked down and so did you, both your eyes watching as he used his hips to guide himself to your drenched hole.
You cringed once that thick tip nudged your snug hole, then and there Byakuya could tell it would be a tight fit to push through. He braced himself though, also squeezing your hands once he started to push in, your eyes clenching tightly due to the intrusion.
His eyes trailed back to your face, watching you as he sunk more of that stiff cock in. Your hands squeezed his hands tightly, ceasing the movements of his hips. He lowered his head to your neck, placing soothing kisses that were calming your nerves.
His lips always calmed you down, feeling his hips sinking starting to push back into you, breaking the tender rings of your walls. It wasn't as painful once his lips were grazing your throat, your walls relaxing a bit which allowed him to slide in easier. Your tight grip on his hands stayed though, because you could already feel him reaching the deepest depths inside you.
Quiet moans escaped Byakuya, whilst loud ones traveled up from your chest. It took him a while to bottom out but once he did, it felt like absolute heaven, even for you. Coming up from your neck again, Byakuya kissed your forehead as he pulled all the way out, watching your reaction as he slowly sunk back in.
You were practically screaming due to the hard way he thrusted back in, that bulbous tip bashing your cervix until it gave way, allowing him to practically fuck into your womb. He didn't look away from you for a second, even if your eyes were closed while he sunk slowly yet deeply into you.
You bucked your hips into his to feel the full impact of his hips, that thick cock deliciously reshaping your walls to fit like a puzzle that he could only complete. You both were already on edge as both your hips met each other in full impact, causing violent electrifying pleasure to fill your veins.
He was moaning in your face, your moans being louder than his however.
"____, you feel so... so good..!"
You could only moan and jerk from the harsh pounds of his hips, Byakuya letting out deep moans as he only moved faster and harsher, both your hands squeezing each other's tighter. His lips were again on your neck, trailing his tongue over as much skin as he could.
That pressure inside you was winding quickly, your back arching into his chest that caused his hips to harshly smack into yours, your juices spraying out and around his thick cock. The coil that was tightly wounded inside you harshly snapped, Byakuya gritting his teeth once his burning hot seed jetted into you, intensifying your orgasm that shook your entire body.
He removed his mouth from you continuing to slowly caress your sweet pussy, loving how your juices sprayed out of you. You were trembling and shivering whilst that delicious and intense high broke over you, shaking your bones and warming your entire body.
You didn't even notice when his body was removed from you and as you opened your eyes, your eyes feasted on his now nude body. This was a sight you never thought you'd see and when you saw it, it made you even more aroused but when you saw IT... your entire body tensed.
Byakuya was so big down there, visually you could see the pulsing veins throughout his cock. You could still feel your first orgasm washing over you, watching as he settled himself in between your thighs once again. Both his hands were placed on both sides of your head, looking deeply into your eyes as a moan escaped you once his tip brushed agaisnt your sensitive clit.
You could still feel the aftermath of his tongue on your clit, causing shivers and tingles to surge throughout your body. Byakuya's fingers once against slide slowly through your folds, your hands going to his shoulder to brace yourself for the sensitivity flowing through your veins as he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"You do not have to undress, for this My Love. I'm content with doing it as you are."
Again, tears were threatening to escape your eyes because of how sweet he actually was. But you wanted to at least expose some of yourself to him, opening up your kimono but leaving layed on your shoulders. He could see your stomach, breast and chest, his mouth nearly watering just at the pure sight of your body.
You thought he didn't like your plump stomach, but his lips tenderly kissed it, kissing each stretch mark that he could see. You couldn't help but smile down at him, as your heart felt like it was nearly bursting with more love for him. You honestly felt like you hit the jackpot, with Byakuya.
It no longer felt wrong anymore, you honestly feeling as if you were meant to be with him.
"I love you, ____."
"I love you too, Byakuya. Please... continue."
Your words came out hesitantly, as he maneuvered back up to your body, taking both of your hands in his and placing them agaisnt the sides of your head. He looked down and so did you, both your eyes watching as he used his hips to guide himself to your drenched hole.
You cringed once that thick tip nudged your snug hole, then and there Byakuya could tell it would be a tight fit to push through. He braced himself though, also squeezing your hands once he started to push in, your eyes clenching tightly due to the intrusion.
His eyes trailed back to your face, watching you as he sunk more of that stiff cock in. Your hands squeezed his hands tightly, ceasing the movements of his hips. He lowered his head to your neck, placing soothing kisses that were calming your nerves.
His lips always calmed you down, feeling his hips sinking starting to push back into you, breaking the tender rings of your walls. It wasn't as painful once his lips were grazing your throat, your walls relaxing a bit which allowed him to slide in easier. Your tight grip on his hands stayed though, because you could already feel him reaching the deepest depths inside you.
Quiet moans escaped Byakuya, whilst loud ones traveled up from your chest. It took him a while to bottom out but once he did, it felt like absolute heaven, even for you. Coming up from your neck again, Byakuya kissed your forehead as he pulled all the way out, watching your reaction as he slowly sunk back in.
You were practically screaming due to the hard way he thrusted back in, that bulbous tip bashing your cervix until it gave way, allowing him to practically fuck into your womb. He didn't look away from you for a second, even if your eyes were closed while he sunk slowly yet deeply into you.
You bucked your hips into his to feel the full impact of his hips, that thick cock deliciously reshaping your walls to fit like a puzzle that he could only complete. You both were already on edge as both your hips met each other in full impact, causing violent electrifying pleasure to fill your veins.
He was moaning in your face, your moans being louder than his however.
"____, you feel so... so good..!"
You could only moan and jerk from the harsh pounds of his hips, Byakuya letting out deep moans as he only moved faster and harsher, both your hands squeezing each other's tighter. His lips were again on your neck, trailing his tongue over as much skin as he could.
That pressure inside you was winding quickly, your back arching into his chest that caused his hips to harshly smack into yours, your juices spraying out and around his thick cock. The coil that was tightly wounded inside you harshly snapped, Byakuya gritting his teeth once his burning hot seed jetted into you, intensifying your orgasm that shook your entire body.
His hips continued though, thrusting through both your orgasms, overstimulating you and him. His hands took both of yours into his once again, pressing them down against the bed while his hips continued sizzling your brain to a fuzzy mush of pleasure, due to the crazy easy his cock sunk into you. He managed to quickly fuck another orgasm out of you, his mouth latching onto your neck to sink his teeth into it.
"Just keep cumming, for me My Love."
This was exactly what he wanted and now he had it, had you. His rapidly thrusting hips along with his thumb caressing your overly sensitive clit nearly had you delirious with so much pleasure you've never felt in life. His hips were slow though, but he was still pushing in deep, hitting your cervix each time. You pulled him down onto you, moaning into his ears, the words he loved dearly.
"I- I love you... so much... Byakuya..!"
"We will be together forever, ____."
So this story was too long to detail the NSFW, but I can always make that separately if you enjoyed this.
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Random thought swimming around my hollow head today 🙃
The Captains does secret Santa for Christmas
No one besides Ukitake and Komamura wanted to take part. Ukitake stole Shunsuis hat to place all the names in
Everyone is praying that they aren’t the one Kurotsuchi picked
Kensei pulled Soi fon , Shinji convinced him (with copious amounts of alcohol) that she wouldn’t want the weight set he had picked out, and instead tricked him she would want sexy underwear. They’re still looking for Kensei. Kenpachi couldn’t care less, didn’t even look at the name he pulled. Yachuru however loved it (and made all the vice captains do their own secret santa, in which all the names in the hat were her own) and drew a picture on Ikkakus head for Ukitake, she made Ikakku follow him around all day so he could enjoy her drawing, which he very much did. Ikakku did not.
Byakuya got Kenpachi. Gifted him a dictionary. He uses it to keep the door open when it’s hot.
Shinji pulled Komamura. Jokingly gave him dog biscuits from the world of the living. He loved them. Shinji couldn’t hide his disgusted face as he watched him chow down
Kurotsuchi pulled Shinjis name. He gave Shinji a Reccord. Pleasantly surprised he went home to listen to it, it was 4 hours of Mayuri screaming. He knew it was four hours long because Kurotsuchi modified it to be unable to removed until it finished. Nothing he could do could turn it off. He hated this damn secret Santa.
Histugaya was probably the only one to doing something normal. Pulled Byakuya, bought him fancy tea. Ukitake pulled Kensei, thought he needed a hobby to help with his anger issues, bought him a bonsai tree. He actually quite liked it. Spent ages tending to it while hiding from soi fon
Komamura got Hitsugaya. After struggling to come up with an idea, he asked Ukitake who seemed friendly with the young Captain. He was baffled and delighted at the multiple gift baskets filled with sweets, chocolates and toys Ukitake already had prepared, and offered him one to give to him. Hitsugaya really wished he would get older already
Soifon got Mayuri. She gave him a ridiculous amount of fancy machinery used for all kind of experiments. Some he hadn’t even heard of and enjoyed figuring out what they were and what they did. That was until a pissed off Urahara came to try and get back all his belongings that had been stolen him. Apparently Hachi was good on his promise and sealed Urahara away using kido, Soi fon very much enjoyed as Urahara watched helplessly as she stole all his things
Shunsui picked his own name, and never mentioned it. He bought himself a bottle of sake and made a big show about gifting it to himself and then thanking himself. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. Sipping on his own gift to himself while watching the madness unfold
Yamamoto banned secret Santa the following year due to too many fights breaking out
I know it’s ages away. But merry Christmas 😂
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recurring-polynya · 10 months
Who wants a post about 🎶spirit phones??🎶
lol, j/k who doesn't want a post about spirit phones?
So, me and my kid have just hit the Advance Team filler, specifically #128, the first of the episodes about the Whistle Hollow, and it gave us some really good looks at everyone's spirit phone, starting with Matsumoto's fantastically be-dazzled, magenta model. It looks a lot like a Motorola Razr or a Nokia 6133. I'm gonna assume she managed to get it in a premium color and then decorated it herself.
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Next, we see Hitsugaya's, which is not quite the same model, because Matsumoto's has the square external display, and his doesn't. Are they different model years, or does he have some sort of fancy captain model?
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I also think it's interesting that his display features an actual map (left), instead of this absolutely incomprehensible crap Rukia's phone gave her back during the Quincy Archer Hates You! Hollow Bait debacle (right).
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Here's the real reason I made this post because what the Hell is that, Yumichika??? There were lots of slider phones available at the time, but you didn't usually hold them vertically like that. Is it a T-Mobile Sidekick? (I had a friend who had one of these and it was so extra)
As far as I can tell, Ikkaku does not have a phone, Yumichika handles the telephony in the relationship.
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Renji is not in this filler episode for some reason, but we see his phone a few episodes later, in 136. It's pretty hard to see here, but there are some better shots of it back in the Bount Arc, and I think it's pretty clearly the same phone.
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It looks pretty similar to Matsumoto's, but his has a light just below the external display that blinks and beeps to indicate Hollow activity. Also, it's lavender.
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Rukia has already left for Soul Society at this point, but we got a good look at her phone in the Bount Arc, which appears to be the same one she had in the Agent of the Shinigami Arc, down to the Chappy charm on it.
It looks very similar to Renji's, including the blinky Hollow light. Hers seems to have a grid of dots below the light. I think Renji's may actually have that, too, but the animators were too busy lovingly drawing his tits and pretty braid to worry about air flow to his spirit phone battery. (I support your life choices, nameless Pierrot animator!)
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Here's the interface to Rukia's phone, which is significantly different from Hitsugaya's.
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Normally, I would accuse Hitsugaya of having some older or cheaper model of spirit phone, but his actually looks significantly nicer than everyone else's (except Yumichika). It definitely looks like Rukia and Renji have the same model (I keep going back and forth over whether or not they are the same color. Rukia's def reads as grey to me and Renji's looks more lavender to me but idk. Maybe it's a trick of the lighting). Matsumoto has a similar, but not identical model. I feel like my takeaway from this is that shinigami have to buy their own phones-- Matsumoto splurged a little on color, Yumichika splurged a lot on rizz, and Rukia and Renji appear to be at the mercy of Byakuya's family plan. I feel like Hitsugaya didn't even have a phone before this and bought one expressly for this mission, which is why his is nicer than it would otherwise be.
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 months
Hi! I feel bad for having messaged twice in kinda quick succession, but I have a Bleach AU idea and don’t really have anyone to tell about it, but i hope you’d like to hear about it!
So I’ve only recently been trying to finish reading Bleach (I’ve read earlier chapters multiple times, but never managed to read past the Xcution arc). I’ve still got about 100 odd chapters to go, but I’m in the thousand year war arc finally, (and I’ve read the last few chapters, so I know how it ends, just not all of the details in between).
Anyway, I’ve recently read the bit where Kyoraku (is that his name? Shunsui, the head captain guy) actually goes to the land of the living and visits Ichigo’s friends to warn them that depending on how powerful he is once he’s sorted his issues with his Zanpakuto, he might not be able to come back home and it’s just GOT ME THINKING, because so far it’s not been mentioned again, and it isn’t in the last few chapters either, I don’t think. BUT!! What if it is that Ichigo is so powerful now that going back to the human world on a permanent basis would completely mess with the human world, so he’s forced to stay in the soul society.
So much potential for angst, with him missing his sisters and friends (and Kisuke), BUT also so much potential for absolute highjinks in the SS.
I think this could potentially be a little similar to your Turn Back the Clock AU, but I’m just imagining all of the remaining captains/lieutenants all absolutely beside themselves trying to convince Ichigo to join their teams, Shunsui is already eyeing him up for a captain position in the near future, Kenpachi (who’s still a little lost without his little sidekick (whose name I’ve forgotten, god I feel so bad because I love her)) just itching to get Ichigo to join his squad so that he can have daily fights without the trouble of having to go looking for the guy. Shinji (who without a shadow of a doubt has a soft spot for Ichigo, no matter how much he might enjoy irritating him) who wants to have him in his squad as some kind of “visords-stick-together” kinda deal (and because he knows it’d piss all the others off). Rukia laying claim because HELLO, she’s the one that stabbed him and gave him the powers in the first place, she calls dibs! Hell, I think even Byakuya would want him in his squad, because as much as he might deny it if asked, he’s actually rather fond of the guy, so long as he learns to call him Captain rather than his first name.
And as things are want to do in the SS, where the more power the shinigami, the more insane they seem to be, things get a little out of hand. During one heated discussion, where they’re all giving their updates on how well each of them think they’re doing in convincing Ichigo to join them, someone (I’m thinking a shit-stirrer like Yumichika maybe) gives the idea that hey, this competition seems almost as if you’re trying to court the guy! And so it turns into this weird ass Shinigami-courting situation, with a “whoever manages to (woo) CONVINCE Ichigo to join their squad is OBVIOUSLY the one that Ichigo likes best, so that means that he’s OBVIOUSLY also open to (after)life long commitment in the form of marriage to whichever captain wins” kinda thing going on.
Cue Ichigo not getting a single moments peace, when all he really wants is to be left alone to just PROCESS the fact that he 1) has had to leave everyone and everything he’s ever known in the human world to live with these absolutely crazy people, and 2) just fought in a very big battle and helped kill a thousands-year old crazy Quincy guy.
He’s more than happy spending his time helping clean up and rebuild the SS for now, and he’s happy to worry about what comes next once the SS is back on its feet. (And he’s more than a little oblivious to the weird fighting/flirting/coercing that seems to happen whenever he comes across any familiar face whenever he’s out and about).
It all comes to a head when his friends from home come for a visit to the soul society with those handy dandy tokens that Shunsui gave them, and instantly see what’s happening and have to sit Ichigo down and explain to him that he may or may not (but definitely does) have twenty or so extremely powerful shinigami captains and lieutenants all after his ass(ets), which, know that Ichigo thinks about it, definitely explains a few things that’ve been happening to him lately.
And shortly after his friends go back home, all three realms feel a shift in reiatsu and hear a distant screech from Kisuke, who’s suddenly realised that hey, maybe the human world sucks actually and he should relocate back to the soul society for no reason in particular! None at all! Definitely not jealousy because that would be ridiculous.
If I had the time or energy (and a better track record of finishing fics that I start 😬) I’d love to write this, but I fear it’ll be stuck in my notes forever, lol, so thought I’d share!
No I love this so much!! Especially if it's endgame UraIchi and like all this courting, all this drama, all the shenanigans from all these different high-powered shinigami all trying to get Ichigo's attention and Kisuke just rocks up and gets him within a solid 10 minutes and 5 of those were spent with Ichigo purposefully ignoring him while Kisuke apologized for some dumb petty shit he did before Ichigo ended up in SS
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brittscafe · 1 year
Aftermath of TYBW
Finding each other after Ywach invades the soul society.
Includes: Jushiro, Shunsui, Shinji, Byakuya, Kenpachi, Renji, Ichigo, and Toshiro.
CW/TW: Angst...I think, but happy endings for everyone 🫶🏻 Plenty of fluff to go around for everyone.
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Jushiro: Everyone had already lost so much and you weren't going to be able to handle the loss of your husband. You enter one of the buildings that was left standing, the hospital.
So far, you knew most of the captains had made it out alive, but there was no word on Jushiro.
Your palms are sweaty as you burst into the hospital full of people roaming in the hallways and loud chatter. Your eyes dart around and you sink down in your figure.
Jushiro and you were on opposite sides of the hospital, trying to see over the crowds of people. He clenches his fists and your eyes catch a glimpse of his silver hair.
A smile tugs on your face as you push through the other soul reapers and Jushiro's gaze meets yours. His eyes light up as you run over to him and practically crash into him.
Jushiro wraps you up in his tight embrace and relief washes over your body. You were at home and you were so happy.
"You're okay," you breath out, squeezing him as tightly as you can.
"I am, but I won't be if you keep squeezing me like that," Jushiro struggles to speak and you quickly release your tight grip.
Shunsui: Your feet thud on the ground and you pant heavily. You stumble over the rubble of what used to be buildings in the soul society and your feet slide across the ground.
Ywach and his army had just left and you couldn't find Shunsui. You couldn't feel him anymore and you were just imagining the worse.
Shunsui was barely holding himself up on the palm of his hands. Blood was running down his face and his right eye is gushing out fresh crimson blood.
Your jaw drops open and you fall onto your knees in front of Shunsui. He glances up at you, a smirk forming along his face and you frown widely.
"Shunsui, oh my god," you breath out, bringing up your trembling hands, but stopping before you can touch him. You didn't want to hurt him.
"Oh, come on. It could be worse, y/n," Shunsui teases you, grabbing onto your hands and rubbing your skin gently.
"You're hurt and we need to get you to the Unohana and the others," you demand, chewing on your bottom lip.
"I've got new responsibilities, y/n. I'm the new head captain," Shunsui points out and you shake your head. You pull away from his hands and cup his face.
Shunsui slightly winces at your touch, but leans into it, craving more of you.
"Not yet. Let me take care of you, please, Shunsui," you beg him, fresh tears glistening in your eyes. A pout dances along Shunsui's face and he nods his head.
"Thank you," Shunsui whispers and you pull his face towards you. He rests his forehead on yours and relishes in the peaceful moment.
Shinji: You were both searching for each other, hearts ramming against your chests as both sprint through the soul society. You were both injured, but on the better side than the rest of the soul society.
"Shinji!" you call out with a roaring voice. Shinji spins around and his face lights up at the sight of you. Shinji sprints over to you and he wraps his arms around your waist and spins around you.
"I'm so glad that you're okay," he breathes out, nuzzling his face into your neck.
Your feet are still dangling into the air as the tears stream down your face and you let out a tiny sob. Shinji's eyes widen as his eardrums fill with the sound of your sobs and he loosens his grip on you.
Your feet hit the ground and you slowly pull away from Shinji. His eyes rake over your face with concern and he places his hand on your cheek.
"I was so worried...that I had lost you. I can't lose you, Shinji," you hiccup out in between sobs and Shinji frowns widely.
"You will never lose me, ever," he reassures you, gathering you into his arms again.
Byakuya: You couldn't help the streams of tears rushing down your face as you laid your eyes on Byakuya, pressed against the wall and his sword on the ground.
Your stomach twists into uneasy knots as Byakuya's eyes meet yours. His eyes are full of agony, shame, and deep sadness. You rush over to him and he does everything in his power to hold himself up.
"Y/N," Byakuya calls out with a soft voice.
"It's okay. I got you," you reassure him, placing your hands on his shoulders. Byakuya leans against you and instantly falls down onto you.
He holds himself up against you, his chin resting on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you," he mumbles out, a frown tugging on his face. Your breath shudders and you rake your fingers through his hair.
"No, don't you dare say that. You did protect me, Byakuya. Now it's my turn to protect you, okay?" you assure him and he inhales sharply.
"Okay," he whispers and you give him a gentle squeeze, carefully not to break him in his fragile state.
Kenpachi: Finding him face down on the concrete was the scariest thing you had ever witnessed. You never had to worry about Kenny, he was always so strong.
He never gave up and a bitter taste had formed in the back of your throat that you couldn't seem to get away.
You drop down onto your knees in front of him and start to shake his body, hoping he'll get up. Panic starts to flood your body as the large man doesn't move and you stand up onto your feet.
You kick him in his side and he still doesn't move. Your hands become sweaty and you let out a shaky breath.
"Get up. Get up, Kenny," your voice starts out as a whisper, begging and pleading him.
Ikkaku hears your voice in the distance and starts to rush over to you.
The tears fill up to the brims of your eyelids and you bite down on your bottom lip. "Get up! Goddamn it, get up! Kenny, please!" you start to scream out and Ikkaku's eyes widen.
You start to leap towards Kenny when Ikkaku's arms wrap around you, pulling you back.
"Y/N, stop!" Ikkaku demands, but not before you get in one last kick. You become pudding in Ikkaku's arms, blood-curdling sobs leaving your lips.
Ikakku's loosens his grip on you and you drop down to the ground.
"Hey, you kick me one more time, y/n and I'll make you regret it later," Kenny's voice growls out as he slowly lifts his head up from the ground.
"Kenny?" you call out, sniffling as he groans and grunts as he struggles to sit up on the ground.
"Why the hell are you crying so much? I'm still alive," he asks, examining your face and you throw yourself into his arms. Kenpachi grunts as you slam yourself against him and he secures his arms around you.
"I'm okay," he comforts you, gently rubbing your back.
Toshiro: Heavy pants leave your lips as you hunch over on the ground, your fingers loosely wrapped around the handle of your sword.
There was blood everywhere, surrounding you. Your comrades blood and yours everywhere. Your lungs were burning and every inch of your body was covered in hot, sticky sweat.
A pair of strong arms wraps around your body and easily lifts you off the ground. Panic fills your body and you snap your head, glancing over at your shoulder.
You gaze into Toshiro's icy eyes and let out a sigh of relief. You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes for a minute.
"Are you okay?" you ask, opening your eyes and they glue to the blood painting his face.
"Don't worry about me, y/n. Are you okay?" Toshiro asks and you tug away from him. You turn around and Toshiro's eyes widen.
"I'm not really sure. This guy did stab me pretty good," you point to the sword wound sticking through your chest.
"Y/N," Toshiro calls out, his jaw dropping open.
"I'm sorry," you mumble out.
"Shut up!" Toshiro speaks through gritted teeth and your eyes widen.
"Listen, I have to be honest with you, Toshiro. I don't think I'm going to make it back to the hospital," you explain as Toshiro forces himself up onto his feet and lifts you up into his arms.
"Stop talking!" Toshiro raises his voice and you shake your head.
"I just want you to hold me, please," you beg him, tears spilling down your cheeks. Toshiro frowns widely and shakes his head rapidly.
"I will do whatever you want after I get you to the hospital okay? Once we get there, I will hold you forever," Toshiro rambles on, biting back tears as he leaps off of buildings trying to save you.
"You promise?" you choke out, glancing up into his icy blue eyes. Toshiro glances down at you and nods his head.
"I promise," he reassures you.
Toshiro did keep his promise once you woke up in the hospital. He laid in the tiny bed with you, kissing every inch of you and holding you with every ounce of love.
Renji: He didn't care that he was hurt and could barely walk. He didn't care. All Renji Abarai could think about was you and the way your scream echoed throughout the soul society.
Your scream rattled his eardrums so he pushed himself to sprint as fast as he could to you.
Renji freezes in his tracks when he finds you laying on the ground on your side. Blood covers every inch of your uniform and his breath shudders.
He slowly walks over to you and peers over your body. Relief washes over his body as he sees your eyes open.
"Renji, what the hell are you doing?" you scoff out as he grabs onto you carefully. A tiny gasp leaves your lips as Renji effortlessly lifts you up into his arms and starts limping away from the rubble.
"Renji, put me down!" you scoff out, smacking his chest.
"Never," he shakes his head, too prideful.
"You're hurt, Renji. You barely have the strength to stand up yourself. Please put me down before you both send us crashing to the ground," you explain, clutching onto his shoulders tightly.
"If you don't stop talking, I'll make you," Renji comments, rolling his eyes with annoyance.
"Oh, really? And exactly do you plan on doing that because you-" you ramble on when Renji presses his soft lips against yours.
You quietly groan against his lips and bring your hands up to his cheeks, your thumbs brushing his soft skin.
"I plan on kissing you again and again," Renji speaks, peppering your face in soft kisses.
"I see that now," you grumble out, unable to hide your growing smile.
Ichigo: Late. He was too late or at least that's what Ichigo thought. You were fighting in the soul society and he had just gotten here. His eyes were full of sadness and despair as he gazes over the whole soul society, absolutely destroyed.
Ichigo sprints through the destroyed walls and his eyes dart around. He's been running around for a good 10 minutes and he still cannot find you.
"God damn it!" Ichigo curses out, clenching his fists and shoving it into the concrete wall beside him. He didn't realize that you were laying on the rubble right behind him.
"Take it easy, substitute soul reaper. The wall is innocent," you croak out, your voice weak and fragile. Ichigo spins himself around and lays his eyes on you.
His breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you, laid over the rubbled and covered in crimson blood. He rushes over to your side and kneels down.
"What the hell are you doing? I told you to wait for me," Ichigo scoffs out, his eyes softening as he meets your gaze.
"I don't wait on you. Just who the hell do you think you are, asshole?" you still manage to scoff out as Ichigo grips onto your upper forearm.
"Your boyfriend who you should listen more to," Ichigo explains, lifting you up onto your feet. You barely stand on your own feet for 2 seconds, before your muscles start to ache and throb, giving out on you.
You stumble over and Ichigo easily sweeps you up and onto his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" you hiss out, kicking your legs in the air.
"Taking you to a healer. You're not dying on me," Ichigo speaks sternly, starting to make his way through the destruction.
"Ichigo..." you call out, resting your head on his upper back.
"What?" he replies dryly.
"I love you," you whisper, placing a soft kiss against his upper back and Ichigo smiles warmly.
"Don't talk anymore, y/n. You need to rest for now," he assures you, tightening his grip on you. Ichigo carries you the rest of the way to where the hospital was set up, knowing he loves you more than you could ever know.
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sashi-ya · 6 months
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byakuya kuchiki x f! reader tw: suggestive language, not entirely nsfw. thinking of writing a full nsfw part tho. wc: 475 masterlist 🌱
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DESERT ROSE. A sun that shines too brightly, too hot. the heat, rising up… almost boiling your blood, your skin, your eyes. “Are you feeling ok?” he asks, turning around to look at you. Byakuya looks visibly hot, drenched in sweat but still perfectly fine. “I… yes, Captain Kuchiki“ you lie. Of course you aren’t. Never in your soul years you have experienced such hot summer. But you can’t lack now, your captain trusted you to accompany him in this important mission for the very first time. Byakuya frowns. He knows you are lying; he can tell the way your skin has become hotter and hotter. How your breathing is becoming accelerated and drops of sweat garnish your temples. But, is he really worried just for your safety? Your lips, slightly opened in an O shape, letting hot air escape your insides, are making him nervous. Nervous, anxious, needy. “We should rest a little bit anyway” he suggests. In all honesty, orders. You nod, following the orders with no hesitation… as if being completely submissive towards him, wasn’t something you wouldn’t like to indulge in. He is using his gimpaku to cover his head, somehow it reminds you of those tales of the middle east. A beautiful Bedouin in the middle of desert. Following him has never been easy, but this time he waits for you to walk past him. There is a reason why Byakuya needs to walk behind you... Your uncovered back, the uniform you are wearing that used to belong to squad two. The shiny drops of sweat pooling on the small of your back, luring the eyes to wonder down, down your spine. The sixth division captain, far from being a pervert, somehow can’t help it this time; just today, one single time…let me lose control. A bottle full of water wouldn’t be enough to cool down his own inner workings… and that bottle full of water would look much better if it got poured on your beautiful anatomy. A cold relief makes you jolt.  “What?!” “I was worried you would end up passing out because of the heat” he murmurs, enjoying the fabric of your uniform get even wetter, sticking to your already dampened skin. You stutter. You are lost of words. Slowly, you turn around to face him. It is almost immediate; the little water left is now being poured on your lips. Like honey, like milk… like what he would absolutely love to drizzle on you. “Thank you, Kuchiki-sama…” you purr, looking up at him. Oh, you have understood exactly the metaphorical meaning of his actions. “I’m about to pass out, too… you know?” he lies; Byakuya hasn’t ever felt that strong and alive. “You must cool down too, Taichou…” you whisper, coming closer, using your hands to untie the white sash of his hakama.
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
Hello again, apologies if this has already been answered, but which captains get along the best? Any unlikely friendships within the gotei 13?
I did a post on some of the friendships in AEIWAM but I'd like to elaborate on a few of them so:
Less than a year after the events of Turn Back The Pendulum, Widower Sojun Kuchiki died, and a teenage Byakuya was orphaned.
Now, Byakuya wasn't totally alone in the world- he still had his grandfather and the rest of the Kuchiki clan, but that sort of ended up being the problem. Ginrei was massively overworked as captain of the 6th, and had to ask Byakuya to step into some of his late father's roles early, like taking a diplomatic trip to some of the clan's land holdings up North. A largely boring and scripted event, but an important one and good practice for the future Clan Head.
-So of course, it immediately went catastrophically sideways when a rival clan attacked and attempted to kidnap the Kuchiki heir, shutting down the portal system to prevent support from the Seireitei arriving in a timely manner. Young Byakuya, already doing poorly from the grief of losing his father, suddenly found himself alone in unfamiliar territory, surrounded by enemies and hopelessly outnumbered.
Unfortunately for the rival clan, just because the portals were down didn't mean that other shinigami weren't in the area.
The memory is burned indelibly into Byakuya's mind.
It was a blazingly hot, almost painfully bright bright summer afternoon, the sun gleaming off the blades of his would-be assassins. They were good, and had separated Byakuya from his retinue, but at least he had managed to buy time for the village and the rest of the diplomatic party to escape. He stood, panting, holding the blank asauchi sword that had not yet been called to host a zanpaktou spirit, between himself and the leader of the strike team. All around him, spears and Kido Spells were trained on his person. No escape. Nowhere to strike that wouldn't immediately get him killed.
Despite there not being a breath of wind in the valley where he stood, something was causing the Alarm Bell at the top of the valley to ring, making Byakuya look up-
The sun was behind the leader as he was saying something about how their contract didn't actually specify that they had to keep him *alive* so how about he be a good boy and come quietly before they decided he was more manageable dead, but Byakuya wasn't actually paying attention.
Behind the leader, the sun seemed to be having some kind of spontaneous Eclipse. Or at least, there was a dark spot in the middle of it that seemed to be rapidly expanding and surely that can't be righ-
It wasn't even a word, more an impression in his mind that something was hurtling in his general direction with the intent to disembowel, and not even centuries of Noble Breeding to be stoic in the face of peril could stop Byakuya's entirely correct prey animal instinct to duck and cover.
The blast from the impact would have been enough to pin Byakuya to the ground anyway, given how it scattered half the strike team and the dust blinded the rest. Byakuya felt the interloper's feet strike the ground on either side of where he was curled into a defensive ball, and the string of invective was too fast to parse but the way his rough voice echoed in Byakuya's chest left no doubt to his meaning.
A swing of the Odachi from his impressive wingspan cleft three of the assailants in twain and mortally wounded a fourth. The headless corpse of the leader thudded to the ground behind him, vaporized from the neck up by the flying kick he'd taken to the head. There was a strange jingling noise, the bells of a child's toy, and one of the remaining assassins recognized the chime and spiky silhouette-
The remaining assassins started to back up, and Byakuya peered up from where he was hiding under the protective stance of recently-appointed 11th Division Captain Zaraki Kenpachi.
"THAT'S CAPTAIN SWORD BASTARD TO YOU!" He roared back, bristling magnificently and the remainder of the strike team scattered.
Once satisfied they were fleeing and not regrouping, Zaraki reached down with his free hand and grabbed Byakuya by the collar, pulling him to his feet.
"Zaraki-Taicho?" He asked, almost not believing his luck. "How did you get here so fast? The portals are down and even Captain Yoru- Captain Fon's shunpo would take days to reach me from seireitei!?"
Slowly, Zaraki turned his head and actually looked down at the boy, single functioning eye blinking in confusion.
"Byakuya?" he asked, cocking his head sideways. "-The fuck are you doin' out here?"
"BYAKUSHI??" Yachiru shrieked with excitement, popping up from behind her father's shoulder, and scrambling over to climb into Byakuya's bewildered arms instead.
"I- I'm on a diplomatic inspection of land holdings for the Kuchiki Clan. Sir." Byakuya babbled, unconsciously settling Yachiru on his hip, still waiting for his heart to resume a regular pulse and not whatever this live-hummingbird-in-his-ribcage nonsense was.
Zaraki squinted, displeased with that answer. "...Didn't your dad die just last week? The fuck are you doing out here? You should be home mourning or something."
Byakuya's gaze flicked away from the captain, face wan and jaw tense. "I have. Duties." he winced.
"Hf." Zaraki grunted, still displeased, and Yachiru pulled a spare hair tie out of her kimono. "Whatever. Relatedly, where the fuck is 'here', actually? Also- We have a Portal system??" he asked, changing the subject gracelessly but with deep mercy.
"We are in Inuzka, the town inside the Kuchiki Clan's ancestral land holdings in North 41." he answered- Zaraki could stand to be more polite, but Byakuya had to admit he wasn't precisely out of line- He wasn't Clan Head yet, and even if he was, as a Captain, Zaraki still would outrank him. "If you didn't come here by the portals, you must have already been in the area... Forgive my impudence into prying, but what are you doing here? Eleventh Division exercises?"
"I'm fuckin' lost." Zaraki shugged, unbothered by the question. "Tryin' to go see family while they're done here for the summer and I thought I could just follow the Red River up to the headwaters and then I'd be close enough but I must've picked the wrong tributary..." He muttered, folding his arms into his Kosode and reaching out through the neck hole to scratch under his chin, contemplative.
Byakuya blinked in surprise. "I didn't know you HAD a famil-" He started, then slapped his hand over his mouth, mortified.
"HAH!" Zaraki's laugh rang through the empty street and he affectionately slapped Byakuya's shoulder. "Did you think I just fell out of the sky one day? 'Salright, I look like something that got tossed out of Heaven's garbage tip." he grinned, and Yachiru giggled as she braided Byakuya's hair.
"My apologies, sir." He mumbled, face flushed. "-Well, the Gotei-13 *had* a portal system but this was a very coordinated attempt to kidnap me and there was an agent in the Seireitei that sabotaged the portal system, preventing both a retreat and form help arriving. I got the villagers and my retinue safely through before they went down, but I'm not sure how I'm getting back..." he puzzled.
Zaraki frowned into the distance, the hand on Byakuya's shoulder rubbing a slow circle as he considered something. "These duties- sort of a 'go practice yer meetin' people manners' trip?"
"It was supposed to be a routine diplomatic excursion, yes." Byakuya nodded, confused. "I've been here before with- with my father, and we had planned to go together again, so it's not like this was dropped on me suddenly." he muttered.
Zaraki nodded. " 'S summer break for school right now, yeah? Yachiru starts school in September, when do you go back?"
"Um. The first week of September as well?" Byakuya blinked confused.
Zaraki tilted his head to peer down at Byakuya, and gave him a strange grin. "-And you know how to read a map, right?"
"Yes?" Byakuya huffed, starting to get annoyed at this strange interrogation.
Zaraki suddenly dropped into a crouch, single eye level with Byakuya's own, and the boy startled to see that his iris was a pale yellow, like a hawk. The Captain threw his arm around his shoulders and pulled him in close.
"...How d'ya feel about goin' on a REAL Diplomatic Mission?" he asked with a decidedly conspiratorial drawl.
"YEAH! COME SEE BA-SAMA!" Yachiru bounced in his arms with excitement, waving a handful of clover flowers he suspected were being incorporated into the braid.
Byakuya tilted his head sideways, hoping they would make more sense at a forty-five-degree angle.
Minutes later, the recently-installed Spirit Phone on Kuchiki Clan Head and 6th Division Captain Ginrei Kuchiki's desk rang.
The elderly head of the Kuchiki clan looked to his even more elderly commander, and then to the piebald clown that was now running the 12th division. Mayuri pressed a button on the strange device he'd hooked up to the Spirit Phone which would allow them to record and track the call, which whirred and clicked, and he listened for a moment into the earphones before giving Ginrei a thumbs-up. Yamamoto nodded as well, and with grave seriousness befitting a likely hostage situation, Ginrei picked up the receiver.
"Captain Ginrei Kuchiki speaking." He spoke, trying to keep the icy growl out of his voice and failing.
"Hi Grandpa!" Byakuya called cheerfully on the other end of the line.
"BYAKUYA?!" Ginrei yelped. "Are you alright? You need to get out of Inuzuka now! The Ozaki clan have-!"
"Oh no, no- they already attacked! I'm fine!" Byakuya interrupted him. "Captain Zaraki saved me!"
There was a moment of very confused silence.
"...Zaraki?" Yamamoto asked, stepping in to speak into the receiver as well. "What's he doing there?"
"You gave me leave to go see my family and tell them where I live now, remember Boss?" Zaraki grunted.
"HI JI-SAN!" Yachiru called as well.
"...Well that worked out nicely. What a stroke of good planning on my part." Yamamoto nodded and Mayuri rolled his eyes.
"I- Thank you, Zaraki-taicho." Ginrei said, bewildered but genuine. "...Where are you now?"
"I'm calling from the spirit phone in the town council building in Inuzuka." Byakuya explained. "If I may grandfather, about me getting home-"
"It's going to take at least three months to get the portals up and running again." Mayuri grunted, disappointed that he was not getting to test out his new spirit phone tracking invention.
"...Three months?" Yamamoto glared.
"Don't glare at me like that!" Mayuri huffed. "-With anybody else in charge a blast like that would have taken the system out for good, but *I* build in redundancies! Which are. also damaged. but not obliterated! Urahara hadn't backed up SHIT, if this had happened last year-!"
"Yeah, yeah- Hop to." Yamamoto waved.
"Well, since the portals aren't going to be working any time soon and I'm already more than halfway from the city- I had a thought." Byakuya spoke up, voice gentle and sentences clearly enunciated, making sure Ginrei could follow his logic. "It's an awful shame that the Land Holdings Assessment Meeting won't be held this year, but Zaraki-taicho's family is significantly farther north than I thought, and the journey there would take me through several very underrepresented districts-"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT." Ginrei snarled. "I knew it was wrong to send you to the Holdings without an armed escort, I'm sending the Onmitsukido out to collect you this instant!"
"Now hold on a minute." Yamamoto cautioned him with a hand on his shoulder as there was a muffled noise on the other end of the line. "-I know you're worried but-"
"-He's a Kuchiki, ain't he?" Zaraki interrupted on the other end.
"Yes? Of course? What does that have to do with anything?" Ginrei demanded.
"-Future Head of The Clan and Captain, yeah?" Zaraki continued. "He's gonna have to deal with shit like this sooner rather than later. Already dealin' with it! Tryin' to hide him back in the compound won't teach the kid shit."
Ginrei sighed, pushing his glasses up to rub the bridge of his nose, perfectly aware of where this was going.
"He's not made of spun glass- hell, he'd forced the assassins into having to siege him to get to him when I showed up. Exactly the correct choice for the options and information he had- But I do think you're right that he still needs an armed escort while he's learnin'. I'm armed, and I'd be Escortin' him." Zaraki offered. "...Actually, he'd be escorting me, I'm lost as hell and Byakuya knows how to read a map. I get more time with my family, he gets- What'd ya call it?"
"It would be an Exceptionally Valuable Diplomatic Experience." Byakuya chimed in.
"Byakuya..." Ginrei groaned. They had coordinated and rehearsed this, Gods help him.
"While I appreciate your concern Grandfather, and no shame to the Onmitsukido, but recent events have shown that sufficiently motivated criminals will try their luck against them." The boy continued, undeterred. "...Wheras Captain Zaraki is well-known in these parts- to the point that the Ozaki Clan's would-be assassins scattered at his mere silhouette. I honestly think that 'Within Arm's Reach of The Current Kenpachi' is quite possibly the safest place I could be in all of Soul Society."
"Kid's got a point." Mayuri shrugged, prodding at his call-tracking device. "Even *I* had heard of him as a fighter when I was still on the outside, and I was operating clean on the other side of the Rukongai! The guards at The Maggot's Nest speculated that if he were ever to cross the law, he might not be arrested because they didn't think that hole could actually hold him. Rather natural that he ended up here- very literally nobody in the rukongai wants to cross blades with him anymore."
Ginrei fixed Mayuri with a horrified stare, gaze slowly shifting to Yamamoto.
"...You're both Captains and privy to classified information, but this does not leave this room." Yamamoto said, covering the receiver and glaring imperiously down at both men. "Zaraki's family, especially his Mother, is someone we very much need to stay on the good side of, and I am NOT going to interrupt communication between them, lest we suffer Her wrath."
"Captain Kurotsuchi was in prison?" Byakuya asked, voice muffled like he'd covered the receiver with his hand as well. "-Yeah, he heard 'a me and I heard 'a him, which is why I ask Akon and *Not Him* if I ever need anything out of the 12th." replied Zaraki.
"...Who is She?" Ginrei frowned. "-And if She is so dangerous, you think Byakuya is the person we want to send as a diplomat to Her?"
"What for?" Byakuya continued, curious. "-Operatin' without a license." Zaraki shrugged.
"How does your mouth feel after saying that, Captain Kuchiki?" Yamamoto asked, voice light and pleasantly curious in a way that belied extreme danger.
"It's f-" Ginrei started and stopped. There was an odd sensation in his mouth, a sting like he'd taken a sip of tea without letting it cool down. "...Why is my mouth burning?"
"You were present for the execution of traitor Soya Azashiro, yes?" Yamamoto smiled menacingly.
"Operating what?" Byakuya asked, puzzled. "-Or anesthetic." Zaraki elaborated. "...Ah." Byakuya winced.
"Yes, the sight and heat of the released form of the Sokyoku is not something I'll soon forget, but what does that have to do with..?" Ginrei stopped as a horrible, terrifying thought occurred to him.
"I still do not entirely understand how-" Yamamoto admitted, patting Ginrei on the shoulder. "But Kiko'o is both Captain Zaraki's Uncle, and quite submissive to his Big Sister."
Ginrei paled.
Mayuri frowned in confusion, trying to work out how that happened, biologically speaking. "-Did Zaraki fucking hatch out of an Egg?"
"You can ask him when he returns with young master Kuchiki!" Yamamoto grinned. "-But that said, you see why I will not do anything that would turn her attention to Seireitei."
"...I understand." Ginrei gulped. "-but he's just a boy!"
"Take heart- You've seen how fond and protective of children Zaraki is? By all accounts, it's something he picked up from Her. Byakuya's youth will serve us all well." Yamamoto explained, uncovering the recciver. "Let him go."
Ginrei grimaced, but nodded and lifted both pieces of the Spirit Phone to his face again.
"-was in prison too, but that's just because his family sucked ass and didn't realize talent when they saw it-" Zaraki was explaining on the other end.
"Byakuya?" Ginrei asked.
"Yes, grandfather?" Byakuya asked, Zaraki's voice stopping like he'd been physically shoved aside.
"This journey will take some time, and I am concerned about your schooling." Ginrei said, never one to give up ground.
"Winter comes early up there, we'll be home well before term starts!" Byakuya assured him. "Captain Zaraki suggested I write to you for your sanity while I was away, but I feel like it would be a legitimate academic exercise to write reports on the lesser-known districts for as well." he offered.
"That is very generous of you to offer, young Kuchiki. I would appreciate Zaraki-taicho's local knowledge of the area in those as well." Yamamoto added, grinning at Zaraki's audible groan on the other end.
Ginrei winced. "Promise to return home by the last week of august, and sooner should any disaster befall you."
"Oh yeah, anyone loses a limb or major internal organ we'll hoof it right back!" Zaraki said, managing to evoke the exact opposite of reassurance, and Ginrei hid his face in his hand.
"I promise." Byakuya said, voice soft and sincere. "I'll write often, and call when possible."
"...Please, take care, Hokushin." Ginrei begged, using the boy's nickname. Public displays of sentimentality were unacceptable, but... this was his only grandson, about to venture deep into the wilds with some maniac!
"I will, Ji-san. I'll be fine, I promise." Byakuya replied, returning the intimate nickname.
"Alright punk, we need to get moving before it gets dark." Zaraki interjected, ending the call with an unexpected social grace. "See you in August Old man!"
"Bye Kuchiki-ji! Bye Jii-san!" Yachiru called.
"Go in good health, and I look forward to both your reports!" Yamamoto dismissed them.
"Didn't catch that Boss, bad line-" Zaraki said, then abruptly hung up, negating any vague hopes Ginrei had about his diplomatic prowess.
"Oh gods- What have I done?" Ginrei cried, hanging up the phone and hiding his hands in his face.
"Well, you've agreed to let your only heir and grandson walk into the most violently uncivilized parts of the rukongai under the supervision of a violent maniac that was raised by birds, and a toddler!" Mayuri explained, unhelpfully.
"Don't you have a portal system you need to be repairing?" Yamamoto glared.
"I'm multi-tasking." the freak of unnatural sciences waved, fiddling with his newfangled 'textual communicator' device. "My point is, loathe as I am to agree with someone like Zaraki, he's got a point. If your little star is going to be captain someday he needs to learn to handle worse than this. He'll be fine, or he wasn't qualified in the first place."
"Keep that name out of your mouth, clown." Ginrei snarled.
"That's the spirit!" Mayuri cheered, pumping a not-totally-ironic fist. "Mind copying me on those reports? That shit's gonna be HILARIOUS."
"KUROTSUCHI! PORTALS!" Yamamoto barked and the captain of the 12th abruptly made himself scarce. The captain-general gently laid a hand on Ginrei's shoulder, and Ginrei placed his own atop it.
"I never had children of my own, so I cannot imagine the depth of your fear, but I can imagine it pains you." Yamamoto sighed. "But that was the right thing to do. He will be fine."
"He will. He has to be." Ginrei sighed, sitting back in his chair. "...though I fear that Zaraki's presence may presence may prove more educational to the boy than any of us intended."
"Just a tip for the future-" Zaraki sighed, turning to Byakuya after hanging up. "-once someone agrees to your demands, you don't offer additional incentives. That just makes it a worse deal for you."
"I know that!" Byakuya protested. "-the second he brought up my schooling I knew Grandfather agreed to the trip, but that was also him retreating to the tactical ground of controlling my schooling. The offer of reports was the Opening Salvo of the next battle."
"...Fought the old man a lot eh?" Zaraki cocked a heavy, bald brow at him.
"There are limited opponents for me to practice diplomatic sparring on." Byakuya shrugged. "...but yes, he is a prickly old sod."
Zaraki barked a laugh and shook Byakuya's shoulder affectionately. "Alright, where the fuck are we, actually?"
"We're... Here, in Inuzuka Village." Byakuya pointed to their location on the large map on the wall of the village hall. "I'm not sure where in North 80 your family is-"
"Way up here, on the coast." Zaraki pointed out. "So... Oh, we did pick the right tributary!"
"I told you so!" Yachiru rolled her eyes, adding more clovers to Byakuya's braid.
"Lessee- We should raid this place for anything useful first, but we need to get moving soon so we're somewhere high before it gets dark, but... Oh hey, is this Saikoro the place with the big gambling house?" Zaraki asked, tapping a point on the map just upriver.
"I believe so?" Byakuya nodded.
"...Ya wanna learn how to shark at pool?" Zaraki grinned the same conspiratorial grin.
This time, Byakuya nodded enthusiastically.
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