#irresistible mistakes voltage
sterkeyra · 5 months
Voltage Chara Cafe Chibis 2024
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Voltage once again claimed my heart by announcing the new merch for their upcoming character cafe. Weak as i am for chibis they just had to release animal hoodie acrylics of some of our best boys.
Kasumi tries to wriggle himself into my heart more and more by now also dressing up as a red panda! It almost feels like Kurosawa stole the penguin hoodie of him :D
Of course Tsugaru just had to have something bunny themed in the picture. Nomura has to watch out not to end up in Tsugaru's bunny merch collection at this point.
Kaga and Ishigami have their signature food and just had to have matching poses. Coincidence? xD
I wonder what the animals say about our characters. They are all so very adorable! It's difficult to decide!
Anyways, if you would like to buy some chibi merch too, @lydskisses organises a group order for the event. If you are curious just contact her ;)
Who is your favorite?
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toshiakikijima · 6 months
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neerons · 4 months
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the-voltage-diaries · 6 months
voltage men as political thinkers/philosophers, with little to no explanation
Eisuke Ichinomiya: Aristotle: Jack of all trades, also master of all
Kazuomi Shido: Socrates: Plays opponents like a big bass drum
Yosuke Sagara: Plato: Ridiculously extra
Hyogo Kaga: Niccolo Machiavelli: Violent bastard
Kei Soejima: Thomas Hobbes: Traumatized by human behaviour
Taki Kozaki: John Locke: Self inserts everywhere (re: when locke said this about his own work)
Karno: Jean Jacques Rousseau: Loves humans too much
Mamoru Kishi: Karl Marx: Fuck the rich. What a hassle.
Jun Araki: John Rawls: The bare minimum (re: misogyny)
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kamyru · 1 year
I like a bunch of Voltage Inc guys. They are fantastic men, and their biggest flaw is that they are fictional.
However, every time they say that MC has a part of the guilt when being harassed by other men, it ticks me off. And nearly all of them have scenes like this.
Was it my fault that my ex who was twice my size and older couldn't take no as an answer and respect my boundaries and this caused my hatred towards being touched and sex?
Was is my fault for being harassed as a kid in the public transportation? Or for being spied on in the bathroom of a hospital? Or for being told by a random man in the night train that my place is in his home?
What have girls who were sexually assaulted and raped done wrong?
I do want a man in real life to protect me, be bigger than me, and give the best hugs. Not because I can't take care of myself. But because men take seriously only other men. And I lived for long enough to be afraid of them.
I refuse to think that Voltage Inc men who tell MC that she has to be more aware of her surroundings instead of asking her if she is okay are canon. And I intend to rewrite the scenes where something like this happens. Because it's not MC fault, like it's not mine, or any other victim's.
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quietbooklion · 12 days
I'm convinced Voltage gave Maki the worst wink sprite ever because what the hell is this? He's supposed to be angry in this scene and he's winking???
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otomeminion · 2 months
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keita's solution to writers block is literally sexy time wowiie :3
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sophiie2000 · 3 months
Hi! I loveee your writing! If it's fine with you I'd like to request a crossover of Irresistible Mistake & OISY. It's where Shunichiro and MC are already married but MC is from the Miyoshi Concept of OISY & didn't meet as a fling. So the scenario is like this Shunichiro has been acting strange since morning. Like he looks at the door often which he was actually waiting for his wife as their in a Collab with them. So their surprised when he hugged & call her wife as they didn't know he's married.
Hey! Thank you so much! It means a lot to know that you've enjoyed my writing! ♡
I LOVED the sound of this scenario, and it had me thinking about how I could do your idea justice! 😊
I hope you enjoy this and I've managed to capture the essence of what you were hoping for! And thank you for trusting me with your idea! ☆
Request Crossover
Shunichiro Tachibana (IM) x MC (OISY)
Word Count ~ 1241
A bustle of nervous energy, thick as a fog, filled the halls of Addison & Rhodes offices. A nervousness unlike any the employees had ever experienced before. It wasn’t the typical anxious excitement from the team preparing for a meeting, or the worried jitters of the new hires about to experience their first assignment.
No. This nervousness was different. Why? Well, for starters because the person who seemed bursting with nervousness wasn’t a new hire aiming to please their bosses, nor was it the team leaders excited to begin a new project.
It was Mr Tachibana. Creative director of Addison & Rhodes. The man who had always been known for his brilliance, calm, collectiveness. A man all within the company look to for guidance.
The man who could face any challenge a project threw his way without batting an eye or displaying any sort of weakness, now strode back and forth, between his office and the conference room where a meeting with another company was scheduled to take place in less than 10 minutes.
He had treaded the same path between his office and the conference room so frequently that morning, it was a wonder he had not left a threadbare path in the carpet on the route he had taken.
Toma and Natsume watched as Mr Tachibana strode once more through the thick doors to the conference room which had already been prepared not once, not twice, but three times this morning after Mr Tachibana had deemed it lacking.
Demands had been directed in all directions. The water is too warm, prepare some more. Also bring a few extra bottles in case the three iced jugs already prepared would not be enough. Also make sure there is hot water available should that be preferred.
The coffee had to be remade, as Mr Tachibana had feared it may be too bitter. Then again, as the second batch seemed too weak. The regular mugs used during conferences had been deemed inadequate by Shunichiro this morning, and so the company’s best were fetched out of storage for the meeting.
Neither Toma, nor Natsume, could decipher why their boss had suddenly become so stressed about a regular initial meeting with another company to discuss a collaboration. Neither had been informed of the meeting being a level that required such anxiety. Had they underprepared themselves? Surely, their already anxious leader would have informed them if they were ill prepared.
Five minutes before the meeting, the employees of Addison & Rhodes required for the meeting filed into the conference room.
Toshiaki entered the room, noting his friends tension offered a quiet chuckle as he attempted to take the empty seat to Shunichiro’s right. The seat he occupied every meeting in which both attended. It had become an unspoken rule that when both were present, the chair at the head of the table, and the one to its right were to be occupied by the duo. However, before he could even begin to lower his body into the seat, Shunichiro stopped him, pushing the chair firmly back under the table. Toshiaki glanced at his friend; eyebrow quirked. Shaking his head, he moved further down the table.  
The other employees, having witnessed the exchange, shared cautious glances. Who could they be meeting? So important that they would be taking the seat directly besides the creative director, rather than sitting at the opposite end of the table, like all previous meetings saw.
The five minutes leading up to the meeting seemed to pass by at a snail’s pace. Mr Tachibana, however, seemed to become even more fidgety.
The employees present had watched him rearrange the placement of his pens, at least, seven times. The latest placement returned them to their initial spots.
His eyes had moved between the door, his watch, and the conference room clock, repeatedly. If he wasn’t watching the clock, he was watching the door.
And when he wasn’t watching the door, he was guzzling glass after glass of ice-cold water down, as though his life literally depended on it.
Finally, the conference room door opened, Kunihiro Kasai, the managing director of Miyoshi Concept entered first. Toma and Natsume shared an even more confused look. Miyoshi Concept were a good company. Toma had had the privilege to work with them on previous works, but neither could imagine why this meeting could have caused their boss so much stress.
Following Mr Kasai into the room was the team he had clearly selected for the collaboration. Kuranosuke Kiba, Shu Hasunuma, Ukyo Senkawa, Eiji Takao.
As the door closed behind Eiji, Shunichiro’s eyebrows drew together. Frustration marred with confusion filling his gaze.
“Is this everyone?” The words almost sound like they’re spoken on a low growl. Disappointment laced in his tone. The Addison & Rhodes employees were tense, silent. You could hear a pin drop despite the full conference room. They had never heard the tone the words were spoken come from their boss before.
Luckily, Mr Kasai didn’t seem offended by the tone in which he had been spoken to. He simply chuckles and shakes his head.
“My apologies, Mr Tachibana, I do have one more member of my team to join us, she –”
Before the other man could even finish his sentence, the conference room door was opening once again, all eyes turned towards the sound, and a pretty, brunette entered the room, a smile gracing her cherry lips, her blushed stained cheeks reddening further as she felt all eyes on her.
However, it was the next moment that seemed to really deepen her blush.
Mr Tachibana’s chair screeched, as it scrapped along the ground, almost falling over in his haste to jump up out of his seat. He seemed to rush towards the woman who had just entered the conference room. Panic flared in the eyes of the employees seated at the table. Was he angry she was late? Surely, he would not react so overtly if he was.
 But it was the next moment that shocked everyone more.
They watched as their boss pulled the woman firmly to his chest, caging her in his arms, and nuzzle his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her hair.
“Shun…” The soft murmur of his name, fell from her lips, while she sounded shocked, she spoke his name with such love. Returning his embrace.
“I missed you, Mrs Tachibana”.
Audible gasps ricocheted around the room, appearing to echo around the walls.
Taking her hand in his, Shunichiro led her towards the seat directly beside his own. Pulling her chair out, and directing her to take the seat, before Shunichiro gazed out across the table and took in the shocked expressions on his employees faces.
Shunichiro saw Toma and Natsume with their mouths agape, eyes wide. Toshiaki’s subtle smirk and shake of his head at his friend’s caveman like behaviour despite being at an important meeting.
Yet he simply smiled. His nervousness and excitement from waiting for her to arrive finally dissipating, now she sat beside him. Her delicate fingers fiddling with her documents in front of her. The diamond ring he had put on her finger months earlier, glistening under the conference room lights.
Warmth flooded his chest and with every ounce of pride, Shunichiro loudly declared towards the room, with his eyes firmly fixed on the beautiful woman who held his heart sitting beside him,
“Now my wife is here, the meeting can begin”.
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sweet-pinkitty · 11 months
Koi100+ | General Election 2023 My boyfriend No.1
Result Announcement
The top 30 people who made it through, the preliminary rounds and will participate in the final round are:
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hamhamki · 1 year
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More blushing men in question:
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Me seeing them blush:
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jubilantgamer27 · 6 months
Taking Care of You (IM)
Scenario: The MC is tired after a long week of work and her man subtly watches out for her at work.
At the start of the day ___ had lacked some sleep and forgot her lunch. She sighed as she walked and clung onto the sticky notes threatening to slip through the folder. Shunichiro has taken notice and didn’t tell ___ knowing that she’d insist that she’s “fine”. During a meeting Shunichiro kept on his “boss mask” but underneath it he was concerned. Everyone started to file out of the room, “___, stay here for a second”, he said. ___ came back as Shunichiro reached behind his desk. He pulled out a McDonald’s bag with a flash card wedged in the bag and handed it to __ . “Tonight, lets have brandy...” it read. ___ looked at Shunichiro and was met with a secretive smile of his “Our secret” he whispered meaningfully.
___ hadn’t been getting good sleep with all of the work piling high. During a meeting ___ struggled to stay awake. ___’s elbow was on the table but as the lights dimmed to enhance the projector screen ___ started to nod off only to be startled by her chin falling out of her palm. “___, are you following along...?” the boss asked with his eyebrow raised. “Yes sir,” replied. She hadn’t realized that Toma had noticed. He was seriously worried about her but he couldn’t say it at the moment because everyone had their eyes on them. The next day ___ was drowsy again. Back at the desk ____ typed vigorously on her keyboard and printed out a a script. Toma read it slowly and clicked his pen on the table as soon as he handed it back. He also placed a frappuccino on ___’s desk. On a sticky note Toma had written something: “Brush up this script a little bit more. Also, don’t keep this exhaustion to yourself, tell me about these things”.
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sterkeyra · 6 months
Voltages 3 New Titles for 2024
The japanese Version of Love 365 announced 3 new titles for this year. The first one will already release at the end of April.
You can watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/Q8sn1uNZe-Q
My childhood friend - My second first love (Late April)
The title boy is called Kuroe Kento (黒江健斗). MC seems to be engaged at the start of the story however her fiance betrays her and it seems like she is seeking comfort in Kuroes arms. Her childhood friend has grown into a fine man.
The premise feels similar to My Last First Kiss, Love Brings You Home or maybe even Kings of Paradise.
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Head over Heels Marriage - I'm too obsessed with my wife to let her go (June)
The title man's name is Mikoshiba Kazuma (御子柴和真). MC starts of happily married with her man, living their best life in his suite. However, things feels too perfect, is really truly everything okay?
I gotta say this title seems to be the most mysterious. The guy could be shady, or maybe does not have as much money as he deems or he is just overly smitten by his wife and does not give her much room to breath and pampers her rotten
From the premise it looks a bit like Oops I Said Yes or maybe even the untranslated Honey Moon title.
I could also imagine it to be a more wholesome or realistic Kissed by the Baddest Bidder without the auctions? Anyways the guy reminds me a bit of a mix of Kunihiro and Kazuomi (at least on the cover)
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Kiss Me Until Daybreak (August)
The last of the three protagonists is called Iriyama Tsubaki (入山椿). MC is hopelessly in love with the man but he is not interested in a relationship. Luckily friends with benefits is rather popular these days so she might just be able to convince him in that way.
This title seems to be a bit more angsty and emotional compared to the others. It gives me Irresistible Mistakes and Hiroki from My Last First Kiss vibes. Und
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Anyways this is whats to come in the near future.
My opinions under the cut
In my opinion the titles give a more mature vibe and feel a bit like soft versions of the adult site Otona / Koi100 More. (The More stories that we are currently getting are from the for example, though they have their exclusive titles too).
I have to admit none of the titles really caught my eyes right away and they feel more like Oneshots similar to Perfect Boyfriend or A World With(Out) You. They somehow lack the... glow? of other Voltage titles, but I'd gladly get proven wrong 😄 Currently i cannot see them having multiple seasons or even multiple characters? Plotwise i'm most curious about the Marriage title, artwose Kiss Until Daybreak even though I'm not that much of a fan of friends with benefits. The sprite of childhood friend looks good to me!
I feel like Voltage might be stalling for time until they can continue with Kings of Paradise or Tokyo Love Hustle.
I felt like instead of just relationship / romance focus I would have loved another supernatural or action series (which is why i really hope they'll continue TLH) because they feel similar to other titles. Voltage has proven that they are great with the supernatural themes with Court of Darkness or Even if Tempest, so i'm definitely excited about their new Switch titles. I just wish they gave a gem to Love 365 too haha.
Anyways let's wait and see.
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toshiakikijima · 6 months
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From Voltage, 3 new titles release decided!
(3 new titles release decision!)
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Which would you like to experience?
(Childhood friend and slow building love)
(A loving marriage)
(Serious relationship from a friend with benefits relationship)
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(Childhood friend, second attempt to love)
Don’t forget that I’m just a man.
April Release
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Dotting Wedding: A reasonable wife is loved too much and can’t run away.
There’s a reason for this wedding.
June Release
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This night won’t end, Kiss Me
Is it wrong for me to be a “mature [lit. convenience] women” for someone I like?
August release
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voltagevibes · 1 year
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All I have is his prologue and I’m already in love
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erisuedorian · 6 months
a little belated happy birthday to the most devious of scoundrels, Mr. Tachibana!
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(isnt he just as mesmirising as Mr. Tachibana💕 btw it's AI, source: pinterest)
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kamyru · 1 year
A summary to the family relationships in Voltage Inc stories
I once posted about how the MCs from Voltage Inc are mostly mentally healthy girls from complete families, with both parents being more than adequate and usually with siblings. The statistics for the games I am writing for are like this:
Her Love in the Force: Two alive parents that are good at parenting and an alive sibling good at "siblinging"
Irresistible Mistakes: Two alive parents that are good at parenting and an alive sibling that briefly mentioned
Oops! I Said Yes?!: Two alive parents that are adequate at parenting
Plust: Love U So True: Two alive parents that seem to be good at parenting
Romance MD: Always on Call: ... She is the one whose family status can be compared to the LIs
Tokyo Love Hustle: I don't remember, but I'm not sure both her parents are alive
So, out of 7 MCs, only one and a half (if anyone remembers TLH's MC's backstory, tell me what's up with her) have a tragic backstory regarding their families, which makes up around 80% of MCs with no family trauma. If we take more MCs, then it probably is 85%. Now, let's see how we are with the boys. (I don't remember or know all their stories, so correct me if I wrote something wrong).
Alive parents with alive siblings (if they have any): Seiji Goto, Toshiaki Kijima, Toma Kiriya, Natsume Asaoka, Kuranosuke Kiba, Shu Hasunuma, Munechika Takado
Alive parents with dead siblings: Shusuke Soma
Alive parents with dead siblings and questionable love for them: Eiji Takao, Tetsuya Hosho, Sentaro Kyogoku
Alive parents with questionable love for their children: Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Ukyo Senkawa, Kunihiro Kasai, Sui Claude Saigu, Mikoto Amamitsu, Kaede Ekuni
Another fatherless child with his dad away: Hyogo Kaga (he can fall in the previous category too), Taku Hayama
Adopted orphan: Ayumu Shinonome, Rei Kamiki, Keita Mitsuura, Go Okubo, Daimon Togo, Toshiki Kasumi, Suzumu Mado
Adopted orphan with dead siblings: Takaomi Tsugaru
Adopted orphan with dead siblings and questionable relationship with the parents whose at least one adopted parent died: Hideki Ishigami
Not adopted orphan: Jun Araki, Taro Akuchi
Characters about whom I don't remember/know anything (please, tell me in the comments what's up with them): Jin Namba, Toru Kurosawa, Eiichi Matsunaga
Status unknown (please, tell me if you know anything): Ryoga Buto
So, here we have 35 characters. The ones about whom I don't know anything don't fall into the first category, from what I remember. And even if we put the last one in the first category, we still have a rate of 23% with no family trauma. By games, it looks like this:
Her Love in the Force: No trauma = 12,5% (1/8)
Irresistible Mistakes: No trauma = 30% (3/10)
Oops! I Said Yes?!: No trauma = 33,3% (2/6)
Plust: Loving U So True: No trauma = 66,6% (2/3)
Romance MD: Always on Call: No trauma = 16,6% (1/6)
Tokyo Love Hustle: No trauma = 0% (0/2)
Besides the fact that we don't have information about Ryoga yet, these are still not accurate because Kuranosuke theoretically falls into the "No family trauma" category, even if this man has trauma regarding his family and his entire personality can be explained by his family's behavior towards him. 
Even the story with the "happiest" families (Plust with 66,6%) isn't close to MCs' 80%. 
I want MCs with traumas who went through something and overcame it. And if Voltage Inc likes to make it hard from the beginning, using their families, then there it be. I don't want men characters who went through hell and back to come to MC so that she could fix them. I want MC to have her struggles that don't involve her man. Women's lives don't revolve around their men. They can have struggles outside their relationship. 
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is important to support your partner and everything. I like how the LIs have character development. But if you look at these games, MCs' lives seem so good and careless before meeting their SO. Their problems begin after men appear in their lives. They go through problems that aren't as serious as their partners, while the men save the day and are named heroes. 
The family thing is only ONE aspect of the traumas that Voltage gives to MEN in their stories. There are so many struggles that a woman can go through: toxic exes, physically present but morally absent parents (especially fathers), high expectations, double standards, and sexual harassment. 
I have had a pretty normal life compared to Voltage Inc men's. But I still can't identify myself with the MCs in here. I'm only 21, and I have seen more sh*t than the MC from "Her Love in the Force" when she entered the Academy. It makes me uncomfortable when I play for a plant from a greenhouse whose strongest personality trait at 23+ is naivety. 
I want to live in a world with parents that love me nonetheless, there's no depression, sexual harassment, toxic relationships, messy breakups, divorces, bad relationships with siblings, mental illnesses, double standards, or high expectations. But it's not possible right now, and I want to see problems depicted in fiction to know that I am not alone. 
I want to see a LI who goes out of his way to help MC with her problems, at least sometimes. I don't live on this earth to save men from themselves. I also want to have support to overcome my problems. 
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