I don't know if you have enough data to answer this, but I believe that the Sussexes are becoming more irrelevant, people have just lost interest: do you get the same number of rumors nowadays as you did a couple of years ago? Or less?
What's your "sentiment" about this, if you feel inclined towards a little speculation?
I don’t have any quantitative data, this is just based on my observations.
First, the media’s interest in the Sussexes has dropped significantly. It used to be that they had new stories on them daily. Every day, no matter the occasion or what else was happening. Now, it’s about once a week, if that. (Excluding when they’re on “foreign tours”.)
Second, they’re not organic discussions on social media. They aren’t in the algorithms unless there’s a huge PR push (aka $$$) involved, like with the recent ARO product “launches” or the rumormongering about Kate’s health/the Waleses’ marriage. That means people aren’t talking about them until they’re paid to talk about them and then they go to work with trending topics and algorithm manipulations.
Third, there was a huge reckoning during the pandemic that saw an enormous shift away from the celebrity influencer culture of the ‘10s. People aren’t paying attention to celebrities just because they’re pretty or famous or wealthy anymore. People are paying attention to, and supporting, people who have values, who do something, who are meaningful.
That’s not the Sussexes. The Sussexes - Meghan more so than Harry (because Harry still offers purpose through Invictus Games, but he destroyed a lot of it with the whining in Spare) - are trapped in their “famous for being famous” mindset that was the late ‘90s - mid ‘10s. They haven’t evolved as the culture and as society has evolved. Meghan tried, with all those bandwagon trends and topics she spouted 2018 - 2021, but they always failed because everyone could clearly see she didn’t actually care about those things, she was only using them. So people aren’t giving them attention because they don’t fit the current model for our idea celeb. (And that’s why you see a lot of celebs hustling with their own companies and brands or charities now, separate from their acting or music or modeling - the market has shifted from their pretty faces to the contributions they give to society at large.)
Fourth, the Sussexes greatly overestimated the Oprah interview and their “revenge era” against the BRF (the time from Oprah to Spare when they were, more or less, gossiping about the BRF and whining about not having enough privilege). Their expectation was that everyone would be on their side and we would all condemn the BRF with them. They overestimated and misunderstood that the global majority of the world a) respected The Queen as much as we did, b) saw it was completely ducked up to have done the Oprah interview while Philip was literally dying (and also the Sussexes’ claim that “they’re just saying he’s sick so we don’t do this interview” was all sorts of inappropriate), and c) would never air our own family’s dirty laundry in public like that and judged them horrendously for doing that to The Queen and the BRF while their patriarch was dying. That alienated a lot of people and the result wasn’t “all hail Harry and Meghan, Royal Freedom Fighters” (which was the Sussexes’ expectation); it was “who the f@&k do they think they are” (especially after Fleet Street published about all the lies they told during the interview with receipts).
And finally, the biggest indicator that they’ve become irrelevant is the blogs here. Just look at how many blogs have stopped posting or changed their content. There’s a huge group of bloggers that left or lost interest, and the blogs that remain tend to fall on either side of the spectrum: they either love the Sussexes or they hate them. There’s no middle ground anymore, and it kinda does actually suck. It doesn’t mean the neutral/middle blogs and anons and readers don’t exist (they do, they’re here, I see them on my dash and in my mentions) but they’re lurking more than engaging. The people engaging are people that either love or hate the Sussexes, so there’s a lot of “same” being blogged and discussed. (It’s why I’ve not been posting recently - I get bored when we talk about the same things over and over so I check out for a bit until I can think of something (or see something) different to change the conversation with or I get anons with questions (like this one) that scratch an itch in my brain.)
So to that question, yes, the Sussexes are becoming irrelevant. They’ve become quite irrelevant if you go by the media and social media that was happening in 2017 when they got engaged.
For your question about the rumors and theories, yes. There’s been a huge drop off in those as well. I used to be updating my spreadsheet daily with all the gossip and discussions happening, but now, it’s just once or twice a month. I will admit that part of that is because the sources I used have become venomously anti-Sussex or anti-Kate and I’m just not interested in that so I don’t go to those places as much anymore. But another part of it is that there’s just an absence of people talking about it. The people left discussing the Sussexes are, again, either you love ‘em or you hate ‘em and that brings a certain bias to the rumor mill and the conspiracy theories, which can actually become very toxic very easily because there’s no one left to moderate or play devil’s advocate to remind everyone that these are real people with real families and real lives; yes, running away with your imagination is fun but it’s also not a realistic barometer of who these people (the subjects of the gossip, the sources of the gossip, and the consumers of the gossip) are.
And I think when you’re left with the two extremes of the spectrum - haters and lovers - that’s the ultimate show of irrelevance. The “middle” (or the silent majority, if you will) has completely noped out of the conversation and doesn’t have even a rat’s ass to give you.
That’s why all the Sussexes have left is either divorce or reconciliation with Charles, William, and Kate. If either one of those things happen, they’ll suddenly become relevant again. But they don’t either of those. They can’t afford either of those options reputation-wise because both options end with egg on their faces and a global chorus of “I told you so” from family, press, and the public.
So they’ll just stay stuck getting more and more irrelevant because their egos are too enormous to allow being served some serious humble pie.
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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castiels-undercoat · 2 months
I actually think Cas WOULD be a better fuck then Dean. Like if they had sex Dean (self-proclaimed sexpert) would low-key be jealous at how good Cas was at it.
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wxlking-dexd · 2 years
God, I‘m so fucking irrelevant. I don‘t fucking matter at all. And that shit hurts.
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blurd-blue · 4 months
Sth Headcanon that's been eating at my brain:
Deaf/Hearing-impaired, Miles "Tails" Prower.
My friend mentioned in passing how being around Sonic for years and likely being more than too close to his fair amount of sonic booms, Tails' Eardrums should be in shambles.
It's been a month since he said that and I can't stop thinking about it. It makes so much sense to me and now I wanna put it in all my stories.
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illiteratealliterate · 5 months
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she's a lil gooner goblin
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simonrillleyyysss · 7 months
this is who you guys support????????
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spacefinch · 4 months
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Is this not the first 5 minutes of “Octopus Wildkratticus”
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skittle-bites · 9 months
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mackei kiss. he smooch the boy.
(box underneath nate’s feet not pictured)
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antisocialgaycat · 9 months
so ive finally mastered the tap dance of 92sies king of new york, livesies king of new york, combined both into a weird hybrid king of new york and also choreographed my own. so ive decided to move on and learn a new dance. which one? step in time from mary poppins. why? cos i saw it today and its fucking awesome. and also apart from the going upside down bit its decently simple and honestly quite similar to the mash up thing i did. wish me luck lmfao cos ill sure as hell need it
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last-flight-of-fancy · 6 months
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One day...🔥
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blurd-blue · 5 months
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I've lost a lot
But most importantly....
Who am I gonna display next to sonic now?
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khaothanawat · 1 year
i mean this so genuinely and as such a compliment, but everything about my school president becomes so much more meaningful and emotional when you’ve already seen bad buddy. like i’m genuinely convinced those two shows just exist in the same universe now.
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