chonky-thomas · 3 months
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Today for Fat (Food) Fic Friday we're highlighting a fantastic fic featuring some fabulous food (and Thomas eating it, of course!) with:
Soggy Bottoms, by ao3 user irrationalgame
Jimmy finds Thomas's enjoyment of pastries to be inconveniently yet irresistibly arousing in this one-chapter e-rated story.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: Sinuses in progress
So I've basically felt like blargh for both of my days off and not gotten anything written. The good news is that Operation Remember How To Write In Journals has been going very well and while I've not finished most of what I've worked on, I've made progress on a lot of things, including finding a starting point for a thing that I've wanted to do for awhile as a sort of present for @tuesdayintheservantshall and @irrationalgame and any other Jimmy fans who are following me that I'm not aware of, because while Jimmy might annoy me greatly, he can also be fun to write, and you guys are cool, so.
Merry Pumpkinmas...or something.
...bloody sinuses....
Remembering the empty glass in his hand, Thomas walked over and traded it for a new one. Then, with the stealth of a fully trained servant who would never be able to break the habit, he crossed to the man who had caught his eye and asked, “Jimmy?”
The way the other man turned, the way his curious expression seemed to trip and fall into shock, was worthy of the silver screen and it’s comedies. “Mr. Barrow?” Jimmy gaped, before he seemed to realize they weren’t in a formal setting and tried again. “Thomas?”
Thomas smiled and held out his hand, which the younger man shook without hesitation. “What are you doing here?”
“Playing the piano,” Jimmy replied, jerking his head toward the instrument in question. “I was just taking a break and getting a drink before me hands fall off. What are you doing here? Don’t tell me the Crawleys gave you the boot too?”
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OFMD Valentines Day Cards
(Source: Live Lucius Reaction by @irrationalgame from here)
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champagne-castiel · 2 years
what downtown abbey time loop fic 👀
it’s called ‘forever Tuesday morning’ by irrationalgame. it’s a thomas and jimmy fic where basically jimmy gets stuck in a time loop where thomas dies every single day and he can’t seem to stop it. It’s really good!! and it does have a happy ending
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henry-stein-art · 4 years
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Lab borne
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digital-elixir · 3 years
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The Bioshock Collection has been on my radar for some time. I played System Shock 2 years ago and as a big fan, I wanted to give this series a try. The focus on plasmids, weapons, audio logs and the environment greatly intrigued me.⁣ ⁣ The wet, dark and mysterious world of rapture has gorgeous lighting, neon signs and cool particle effects. One truly feels immersed in a world under the ocean. Bioshock 2 takes visuals to new levels with higher fidelity and effects. Infinite looks absolutely breathtaking. Some of the set pieces here need to be admired. The amount of work put into these games is a technical marvel.⁣ ⁣ Across each title, both gunplay and mechanics are exciting and engaging. I loved scrounging for items while looting each nook and cranny. Plasmids are excellent and allow varied styles of play. Bioshock is rough around the edges but impactful and satisfying. Bioshock 2 feels smoother and more visceral adding in Big Daddy drill attacks and improved plasmids. Infinite is peak performance with phenomenal hook gliding, interesting vigors and polished gun fights. The voice acting in each title is stellar.⁣ ⁣ Music is on point. Classic songs from the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s paint a beautiful tapestry in both tone and feel. “Chasing Shadows”, “The Trouble with Me is You”, “How Much Is that Doggie in the Window” are worth a listen. The symphonic ambient pieces are both creepy and unsettling. Infinite has many fantastic tracks. “Will the Circle Be Unbroken”, “Goodnight Irene”, and “God Only Knows” are quite pleasing to the ear.⁣ ⁣ After playing all three titles, I can honestly say Bioshock 2 is my favorite. Bioshock is incredible and well-made and Infinite, while extremely polished and fun, fell flat for me. I highly recommend these games if you’re a fan of FPS’s or great stories and environments!⁣ ⁣ #bioshock #bioshock2 #bioshockinfinite #irrationalgames #bigdaddy #rapture #atlas #comstock #splicer #systemshock #2kgames #playstation #ps5 #videogame #gaming #instagaming #gamestagram #gamersofinstagram #backlog https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6ULBNFkCU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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geekynerfherder · 3 years
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#BioshockInfinite, first released on consoles & PC #OnThisDay in 2013 by #IrrationalGames #TitleScreen #StartScreen #OTD #VideoGames #Gaming #Playstation #PS3 #Xbox #Xbox360 #Columbia #Bioshock #BookerDeWitt #ElizabethComstock https://www.instagram.com/p/CM5LBujrfkQ/?igshid=133uarxj7mrrk
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xiwangxian4everix · 5 years
Meeting Sander Cohen #burialatsea #bioshock #bioshockinfinite #bookerdewitt #elizabethcomstock #burialatsea #rapture #games #videogames #gaming #playstation #ps4 #PS4share #sharefactory #playstation4 #gameplay #sandercohen #andrewryan #irrationalgames #2kgames #bioshockthecollection https://www.instagram.com/p/B2CvNvOjO5W/?igshid=uu9kz8regs4c
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gamexplora · 2 years
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Welcome to the circus of values Algum comentário? #bioshock #bioshock2 #bioshockinfinite #bioshockburialatsea #circusofvalues #playstation #playstation3 #playstation4 #playstation5 #irrationalgames #gamexplora #cmaemo #carlosmaemo https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce21NVxNrCu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tyraknifesaurus · 6 years
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Late Day 13 of #inktober Bioshock Based on a @little.songbird pose and a @pirosphotos picture #bioshock #elizabeth #bioshockinfinite #inktober2018 #vidya #irrationalgames #2kgames #ps3 #bookerdewitt https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo794h1nR4Z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mr9favpyrr1k
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ktshy · 6 years
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Elizabeth. Ink on blue paper. #bioshock #bioshockinfinite #irrationalgames #sketchbook #videogames #fanart #drawings
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bitletsanddrabbles · 7 months
Christmas present for @tuesdayintheservantshall , @irrationalgame , and any of my other followers who love Jimmy Kent. I wrote you a thing. I hope it pleases.
...frankly I'm just happy to finally finish something Jimmy-centric. I have several and they just...bah. So much word fighting!
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geeklyfanboying · 6 years
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"Don't be a slow poke, Mr. B. Angels don't wait for slow pokes." @julesriccio did an amazing job with her Little Sister cosplay from Bioshock. I hope she managed to harvest enough ADAM at Wondercon #LittleSister #Bioshock #Cosplay #IrrationalGames #2KGames #Wondercon2018
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platanosconlechera · 4 years
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#gamesthatrock #bioshockinfinite #irrationalgames #2k #multiverse #playstation4 ##bioshock https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1eGXppJpm/?igshid=d7ygtrjqzg9x
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thereasonsimbroke · 4 years
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I always wanted to play this #BioshockInfinite for the aesthetics. Maybe I’ll watch a #LetsPlay soon 🎮
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geekynerfherder · 4 years
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#BioshockInfinite, first published #OnThisDay in 2013 #CoolArt #Art #VideoGames #Gaming #Playstation #PS3 #PS4 #Xbox #Xbox360 #XboxOne #PC #IrrationalGames #BookerDeWitt #ElizabethComstock #Columbia #Bioshock https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NNbQgH7eo/?igshid=1fsirkb76wvko
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