chonky-thomas · 14 days
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From The Official Downton Abbey Afternoon Tea Cookbook
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chonky-thomas · 23 days
This Friday's Fat Fic selection is only 508 words long, but each paragraph in this little fic tells its own (sometimes smutty) little story about the various ways Jimmy appreciates Thomas and his belly, even if Jimmy would never tell Thomas about any of it directly.
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Jimmy Would Never, by ao3 user tara_duchess_of_nil, is a Chonky Thomas classic!
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chonky-thomas · 1 month
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chonky-thomas · 1 month
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chonky-thomas · 3 months
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Today for Fat (Food) Fic Friday we're highlighting a fantastic fic featuring some fabulous food (and Thomas eating it, of course!) with:
Soggy Bottoms, by ao3 user irrationalgame
Jimmy finds Thomas's enjoyment of pastries to be inconveniently yet irresistibly arousing in this one-chapter e-rated story.
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chonky-thomas · 3 months
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Soft Belly Thomas my beloved
Worked into my practice drawings and decided not to leave them unseen
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chonky-thomas · 3 months
characters who have had a life of intense hardship and deprivation who are now in a place to be well fed and cared for and get fatter because of it >>>>>>>
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chonky-thomas · 4 months
First Fat Fic Friday
Welcome to a new, hopefully regular, series of recommendations for fanfiction featuring Chonky Thomas! For the first suggestion, let's look back in time, all the way back to the earliest fic I know of on ao3 in which Thomas's weight is the focus.
Self-Improvement, by ao3 user Gigi_Sinclair.
In this one shot, Thomas becomes worried that Jimmy, with whom he's been for six months, will leave him for someone younger, richer, and thinner. So he decides to do something about his figure. How will Jimmy react when he finds out?
Do you know of any earlier Chonky Thomas fics? Perhaps on ff dot net? If so, let us know in the replies.
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chonky-thomas · 4 months
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Rob James-Collier as Thomas Barrow DOWNTON ABBEY
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chonky-thomas · 6 months
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chonky-thomas · 7 months
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
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Downton Abbey | 2.03
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
it true he's in my pocket right meow
jimmy kent just this little guy and you can put him in your pocket
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
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Thomas Barrow, Downton Abbey S05EP01
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chonky-thomas · 1 year
so if I occasionally posted chonk fic recs on this blog would people enjoy that?
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