#irish yuri!!!!!!
poisoned-peppermint · 10 months
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Doomed Yuri Lovers
The sapphic nature of mermaids and demons
Malphas and Deidre embrace one last time
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artist: Domaffff__shut i think i can't really reed the first letters
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rexbalistidae · 2 months
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It’s Friday you know what that means…
Obligatory tags @lesbiansupavillain ur fault @autistic-haven ur fault
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crawlerarts · 2 months
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Aibreann, with her patience at an end, takes matters into her own hands
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philsmeatylegss · 8 months
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irishyuri · 10 months
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🚨‼️ college over irish yuri is back online ‼️🚨
(the second one is based on rowans tags on my last gwaine gwen art thanks rowan)
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
Bruh if Jade does manage to knock Yuu up with Irish twins after normal ones how done do you think Ace and Deuce will be. "Oh yeah sure we'll watch the kids this weekend for you!"
"I swear to the seven if you come back with any more."
Yuriiii, your brain is so big omgggg
First off, major kudos to Deuce and Ace if they have their lives together enough that Yuu and Jade trust them to babysit, lmao. Those boys are a train wreck, but we love them anyways!
They're happy for Yuu during their first pregnancy, all their friends are, and they're not surprised that they got twins on the first try. As Yuu's closest friends, Ace is a fun uncle and Deuce rather doting, and both become the twins' godparents shortly after their birth. Jade does ask that Ace please stop from making “The Godfather” jokes, they're not funny.
It's three weeks after the twins are born that Ace and Deuce come by to the shared cottage to watch the kiddos, while Jade takes Yuu out to a nice hot spring to relax and recuperate. At least, that was the original plan; but Jade suddenly remembered the little promise they made him before they first got pregnant, and the two have a little more fun at the springs for a few hours before returning home. But the two uncles are never the wiser and head off. So imagine their, and everyone else's surprise, when Yuu and Jade announce two weeks later that they're expecting. Again. Already.
Yuu deals with a few angry phone calls from their pseudo parents, Crewel and the school nurse, yelling at them about using protection. Crewel very specifically compared them both to rabbits, and begged that you don't let Jade touch you again for at least 3 months after this next birth. No one is surprised when you have another set of twins, just mildly concerned. Same as last time, Yuu gives birth to their twins (miraculously) with no major issues. The doctors do have them stay on bedrest for an extra week, just to keep an eye out for any complications. Jade's beaming with happiness, the now 10-month-old twins babbling happily over their new siblings.
Once Yuu and the twins are able to go home, Jade's parents asked for a quick visit with the new babies. Good uncles/godparents they are, Ace and Deuce babysit the older twins again.
As Yuu is leaving the house with Jade, each carrying one of the newborns, Ace is grabbing them by the arm and giving them a stern glare.
“Please, for the love of the Red Queen, do NOT get frisky with him. You do not, I repeat, do NOT need another set of twins for at least another year. I cannot mentally handle babysitting two pairs of babies. The D cannot be that good, man.”
Yuu laughed as Ace whispered that last part to them, waving him off as they promised to not have any more surprises. Jade hears, of course. So is it a surprise when he very much uses his parents as an excuse to take them away and see if they can try for triplets this time.
(For Yuu's sake, and Crewel's mental sanity, let's hope that it doesn't take this time… or do! Maybe Yuu's into that, hehe~)
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thatpitt · 10 months
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weird bacon ',:7
HEYA mb I keep forgetting to post on this platform, I should probably download the app sometime so I'm more active since surprisingly there's a lot of my moots here
haven't cooked anything and I'll probs post old art for the time being since I've been feeling sick and can't rly draw atm 😭
Anyways lol have irish yuri, my favorite
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heavens-roses · 3 months
A long rant related to some takes I've seen from anons from hotsystemtakes that are genuinely just racist. Hi, I'm a Native Hawai'ian + Asian mixed POC, and today, we are going to talk about cultural appropriation within the system community. For reference I was raised in a predominantly white city and moved to a small US city that's still predominantly white. While my small city does have at least 2 other hawai'ian families, it is still hard to ever see my culture. Whether it be through our names, our tattoos, traditional dances, our chants, or simply seeing other families and people who look like me. Now you might be wondering what does all of this have to do with me a random system on the internet who thinks telling to stop using closed names is stupid? Here is your answer.
For decades starting in the in 1860 my people's king Kamehameha signed a law to regulate our names. This law was not repealed till 1967. This meant our names that have a very deep spiritual and familiar connection to who we were as people was ripped away from us. Next we have laws against Chinese and Japanese immigrants who were often targeted for hate and bigotry. There is a reason #stopasian hate became a thing in the first place as we experience racism and culture appropriation too. There are also many other minorities who likely have had similar experiences such as having your voice not heard in the conversation of racism within the CDD community, having their cultural names stolen, microagressions, and many others. I mainly mentioned my culture as well as Asian culture simply because those are the groups I typically fall under and I have a closer connection to.
You see all of this was not because our people were bad or because our cultures were wrong in any way. It's because our cultures, our lives, our beliefs were a threat to white folks. You now praise and love to fetisize each of us in your own way. You think now that we have a bigger population that it's ok, you can use our names that have genuine deep meaning to our people simply because you are an introject and have CDD. I've talked to many of my aunties and uncles*[1] about having haoles*[2] name themselves our names. We not only find it extremely disrespectful but to us shows the true lack of understanding for our culture. Our names are not simply given to us for no reason. Each was created us as individuals, we might be named after our grandparents, be given names after big parts of our lives, have names are also linked to our mana*[3] and who we are.
You claim you care about POC and to have our issues heard, yet when it comes to your own racism you are ignorant. You throw out that Kai is a name from many cultures and while while it's true. You should not use Kaimana as a name because it's not open for haoles to use freely. Yuri, a common name in both Japan as well as Russia + Ukraine, does not mean it is now suddenly open for non Japanese, Russian, and Ukrainians people. You still need a tie to those cultures in order for you to use it.
If you are white, I'm not sorry to say you're not allowed to have any conversation in our cultures names and who is allowed what. There are plenty of open culture names, whether they are Irish names, Scottish, Latin, Italian, French, and many more. Stop your damn bitching about but but my name is apart of your identity as a part/alter when you are literally ignoring our culture and history. Suck it up all you sound like is a whiney coloniser, an appropator, and most of all, someone who gives no respect for cultures that you were never a part of. I've seen this argument for the last 3 years of being out as a system. If you even as another minority can not respect someone else's culture and traditions, you can shut up and keep it to yourself. Also yes even if you are apart of a different minority group you are suddenly not exempt from being racist and appropriating cultures.
[1] not literal uncles/aunts - in my culture to refers to those older men/women who are hawai'ian or are apart of our culture
[2] a hawai'ian word for foreigners often times white people
[3] Mana is a Polynesian word for energy, spirit, power, and many more words. It's often spiritual in nature and is all around us.
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small-world-au · 4 months
Okay everyone…meet the CUTEST and SWEETEST LIL’ BABY EVER!!!!!
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Odessa Stone Aguilar yuuki
Age: 4
Personality type: ENFP
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese) & Hispanic (Mexican) & Irish <- updated
Hair color/type: purple/straight-curly
Eye color: brown
Skin color: fair cream
Gender: Female
Family: Natalia Aguilar (maternal great-grandmother)
Gabriela Aguilar (Grandmother +)
Shino Yuuki (Grandfather +)
Noelia Aguilar (Maternal Grandaunt)
Sora Aguilar (Father)
Stone ( 2nd Father)
Avrille (paternal aunt on Stone’s side)
Rowan Pagonis (paternal uncle/aunt/titi)
Friends: Captain Crepitas (teddy bear), Scribble, Lila, Luca, Yuri, Skipp, Bailey, Vinnie, Finn, Jasper, maid, Quinn, Gabe, grown up versions of Baylee, taylee, Jayden, Adi, Maple, Maroon, Bailey’s kitties, Dante, all grown-up versions of the iconic 4 and rest of the gang
Neutral: Rigel and Cen, Pebble (will change)
Enemies: Fritz, Tre, Ivan, Nadia, Ditch, Avrille, mean people who hurt animals and “Scraps”
Spending time with her family/friends
Playing pretend
Her papa’s singing
Dress up
Her papa’s cooking
Skipp’s music
Bailey’s kitties
Animal cruelty
People flirting/being mean to her papas
Losing Captain Crepitas
Leaving her friends
Her papas being alone
Smelly places/objects
Scary people/animals
Her Grandfather (based on her family’s stories about him)
Her grand-aunt and her oppression on Sora when he was a teen
She is Stora’s daughter, Rowan’s half-niece, Noelia’s (grand)niece, Gabriela’s only (Grand)daughter, as well as Natalia’s (great)granddaughter.
She’s also a selective mute.
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ddlcpoly · 7 months
Sorry if someone asked this before, but what's your diversity headcannons for the dokis? (Neurodivergent in some way. Sexuality, gender. You get the gist) personally, I am incapable of not seeing Natsuki as transfem.
Well I have a bunch of head-cannons that I can’t really fit in a post and I don’t want to, but I’ll happily give you my ND, sexuality and gender headcannons, as well as a misc one for each one! I have already done a gender, sexuality and ND head cannon post, but I’m fine doing it again!
Sayori: She is definitely bisexual, maybe Omnisexual (<- projection), she is one of the most bisexual-coded characters I’ve seen. I also headcannon her as a cis girl (she/her), not much to say there. I also hc that she has ADHD (<- partially projection), because it she just has all the ADHD troubles and characteristics. I also have this like small headcannon that she doesn’t understand hot drinks, like why people want to get something inedibly hot and then waiting for it to cool down, that’s why she generally prefers warm, cool or cold food.
Yuri: I also headcannon Yuri as bisexual, but specifically demisexual and she has a preference for men (even if she is literally called Yuri and has 4 gfs). I also headcannon her as a Trans girl (she/her) mostly because it just makes sense for her to be a t-girl for me, I mean just look at her and the way she acts! I don’t know why people don’t headcannon her a trans. I also hc that she has autism and borderline disorder, it just feels right. I also have the hc that she has two moms, and they’re the only ones of the doki’s parents that know about her relationship status.
Natsuki: I headcannon Natsuki as bisexual as well, but like she recently discovers she was bisexual, she used to think she was a lesbian, like she found men sexually attractive, but she never had a crush on a boy, so she thought that was how it was, but then MC came along. I also hc her as a demigirl ( <- projection) (she/them), dunno she’s a girl, but not like fully in the “girl spectrum” and she likes the title. She also has ADHD like Sayori. She’s a biter, she has biten everyone else at least a couple dozen times, but in a loving way.
Monika: I hc her as a cis girl (she/it), but like in the vaguely eldritch, ghost in the machine kinda way. I hc her as pan, obviously. I also hc her as neurotypical, mostly because there isn’t really any form of neurodivergency that I can see her being, maybe bipolar? but not really and I don’t really know much about it. I also headcannon her as half-Irish.
MC: I headcannon him as a cis straight boy, but like the biggest ally every, he wouldn’t hesitate to knee someone in the gut for making a face at his girlfriends kissing. I also hc him as autistic, but instead of the smart, but socially awkward kind like Yuri, more like he acts like and looks like a kuudere kind of autism, except not that smart. I also don’t think he’s as much of a gamer as you’d think, only really ever having a Wii, a 3ds and a ps4, and he only really plays in the ps4 nowadays and he doesn’t have a lot of games.
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submalevolentgrace · 8 months
me: hey youtube, i'm really into gunpla lately, i like watching videos about gunpla kits. i have no privacy from you, you know all this already. so what's...
youtube: vinyl anime girl figurines in bikinis, you wanted?
me: no, that's not... gunpla. i like gundam plastic model kits. i wanna admire all the little detail in kits i don't have and learn some modelling techniques to apply to the ones i do.
youtube: ahh, gotcha. here's ww2 nazi germany panzer tank model kit reviews.
me: no! gundams! model kits of fictional giant robots! tiny 1/144 scale model kits of fictional giant 20m tall robots with laser swords they hold in their hands and put in cool poses! fictional. robot. kits.
youtube: this nazi half-track truck is considered one of the best 1/32 scale model kits for beginners, it comes with a full mechanised infantry support unit to paint, with accurate uniforms.
me: no.
youtube: best imperial japanese army fighter aircraft model kit 2023?
me: robots! fictional. robots.
youtube: ahh, best imperial japanese navy battleship model kit 2023.
me: listen, you...
youtube: a-10 warthog desert storm camouflage custom painted model kit!
me: STOP! i don't want vehicles of war! look i get it, gundam is a franchise about the horrors of war and we all missed the point in favour of 'wow cool robot' or lately 'omg cool yuri private school romance' or whatever, but it's not real. they're not real machines. it's not a real war, it's fiction. i can build these little guys as a distraction from the impending war here, from the existing wars, from the horrors of wars burned into my brain by live television news, i can love the zaku and zgok without conflating the republic of zeon with real world military superpowers seeking to dominate the globe and becoming a fascist fetishist because of anime robots.... i don't want to watch creepy old men salivate over scale model sculpted detail in planes with gattling guns that mowed down civilians, real human civilians, in real life wars. i want to watch energetic irish homosexuals rank the single-joined elbow posability of a bright red mech with a laser axe that'd be larger than a building, if it were real, which it is not, because these are toys for playing with, not historically accurate recreations of actually extant machines of horror and death. there is a difference! surely there is some confluence of keywords and user engagement metrics that can elicit an echo of understanding the difference in your unthinking algorithmic fever dream of signals????
youtube: ...
me: *panting with rage*
youtube: .....balloon titty anime bikini girl with the sculpted face of a scared crying child? it's a model kit!
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ddlcbrainrot · 3 months
do you view the girls/the in-game universe being in japan, another area of the world, or just a pseudo-japan type beat? you said you hc monika as french at some point so just curious :>
i dont really have a strong opinion on it, i just like to think about where they would be if they were from the real world
so in my mind i guess they are in japan? but its not a "set in stone" headcanon more of a "thats just what my mind came up with" headcanon if that makes sense
monika is, as i said before, french (wont be giving many explanations for these bc its just vibes tbh). sayori is half japanese from her mom's side and half irish from her dad's but is like a copy of her dad, she does not look japanese at all. yuri i hc as indian. why? why not. and lastly natsuki and mc are the only fully japanese ones
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crawlerarts · 6 months
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Saw this on Twitter and was like "Welp. I know what I'm drawing next." Source: https://twitter.com/astralbaes/status/1774869045046554669
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usaigi · 7 months
Oh oh so you’re gonna have the Dimileth fic kinda go like Meghan and Henry with the media and tabloids being obnoxiously racist? I’d love to see that!
I don't want to give to many spoilers but so I'll just say kindaaaa.
This story was inspired a bit by Crazy Rich Asian, a bit by Spencer, a bit by Red White and Royal Blue, a bit by the Crown, a bit by my love of gossip and video essay on youtube.
Specially with Red White & Royal Blue, this video I watched joked about how the book felt like it's from the Obama/Hamilton™ era as it is clearly optimistic about government (and by extension, the British monarchy.) We had a black president, gay marriage was legal, Thomas Jefferson had a miku binder, racism was literally over.
I did not want to do that. I know why RW&RB did what it did, queer & poc people deserve our cheesy fictional romcom where we can overlook the horrors of the monarchy/government for the sake of wish fulfillment. If the Straights can have a million hallmark prince charming movies, we should too. But, what I thought was odd was that RWRB did mention how horrible, outdated, and oppressive the monarchy is, and yet Prince Henry still stays in the family? The monarchy just becomes progressive overnight? Storytelling wise, I thought that was an odd choice. Why even mention the horrors™ if you're not going to address them critically? I honestly think that why Yuri on Ice did it better. By just having an alternate world where homophobia(and racism) doesn't exist, you can just have your cute queer/poc romcom.
I have been (trying) to set up that the monarchy is bad, both to its members and because of its ties to British colonialism. Like I strongly believe that you can't just slap a rainbow flag on the monarchy and call it a day. Dimitri's mom was pushed to an extreme and was not given any of the mental health support she needed. Rodrigue tried to comfort Felix by saying that at least Glenn died in service of the Crown (while they were literally doing colonizer things in the Middle East). Rhea's mom was a random civilian killed by loyalists (*cough cough colonizers*) Sitri was forced to go to a residential school to be Christianized and stripped of her culture. Both events are rooted in British colonialism and by extension, the monarchy and its legacy.
I just think it would be irresponsible of me to have Byleth, a half-indigenous half-Irish girl, and not address it. Like irl the tabloids and the monarchy couldn't be normal about Meghan Markle, what would they say about our favorite working class autistic brown rural girl?
Anyway, it will come up soon! (Next chapter will conclude Rhea's story, then some hospital stuff, and then Rufus is introduced? So next three chapters? I don't know how the chapters will break but it's coming)
Thank you for the ask and interest in the story, I love talking about it! :D
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biblicallyaccuratefour · 11 months
Updated Blog intro post, 'cuz the original intro post is long gone, for some reason- :/
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Hello, lads, lassies and fellow letter mafiosos and attack helicopters- This is a new intro post made by the person behind the screen, Yuri! I'mma just cut to the chase-
ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕤 𝕦𝕡!!!: Ask me for permission to draw my characters if you plan to make an artwork that is beyond SFW. This is a safety measure.
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✨About me✨:
Age 16 (Bday on 22/04)
Transmasc (They/them and he/him)
Irish-Ukrainian, and a raging polyglot (I know Ukrainian, English, French and Irish)
I am pretty much a tired, unstable and a lazy boi-
I am autistic, which explains a lot, lmao-
I now post multifandom content, yippee! ^^
I kin quite a few characters, mainly Five.
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~*•°✦𝕐𝕦𝕣𝕚'𝕤 𝕂𝕚𝕟 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥✦°•*~
☆ Five 📚 (XFOHV/BFDI)
☆ Lucifer 🐤 (Hazbin Hotel)
☆ Colress ⚙ (Pokémon)
☆ Test Tube 🧪 (Inanimate Insanity)
☆ Papyrus 🍝 (Undertale)
☆ Spamton 💲 (Deltarune)
☆ Catnap 💤 (PPT cartoon only)
☆ ENA 🎭 (ENA)
☆ Airy 💻 (hfj ONE)
☆ Polnareff 🗡 (JJBA)
☆ Caine 🎪 (TADC)
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⚠️DNI list⚠️:
Bots of any kind
Paedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiles and those with fetishes
Proshippers, comshippers and e.t.c
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, ableists and any other people who discriminate
Don't ask me for money through my asks. I don't have money.
If you happen to be one of the people that are listed and interact with me, you'll be promptly blocked.
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✅What I will/can post📝:
Art or other material with light gore, sex references and jokes, violence and dark topics. (Will have a content warning, so be aware)
Vent posts
❎What I won't/can't post📝:
NSFW, heavy gore, discriminatory content (That's it, really-)
There's a few more things I will clarify on, just to make sure I don't rub anyone the wrong way;
Even though my nationality is Ukrainian, I will allow Russian bloggers to interact.
Requests are always open, and I may not answer all of your asks, as I am lazy- TωT)
Reblogs are highly encouraged here. I want more people to see my content as much as the next bloke on Tumblr.
If there is harassment going on, I will report the people involved in said harassment, as this has happened recently with fellow bloggers.
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✨Cool people you should follow✨:
@justanapplenothinghere (my pookie /p/aff)
@yari-saber (cool big sis /p)
@crispysweetss (creates the most delicious artworks /silly)
@slayedfrr (CEO of 810)
@ikintwosm (another awesome friendo, creates yummy art /silly)
@lemonpie45 (another pookie of mine /p/aff)
@aft-3-r-gl-0-w (Slay all day, girlypop /p)
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That's pretty much it. Now, enjoy the silly content that will be posted on my blog! ^^
Faux's ask blog: @ask-faux-integer
Side/Reblog blog: @biblicallyaccurate4reblogs
Janitor AI profile
Character AI profile (taking requests for both Janitor and Character AI)
My Discord user: biblically_accurate_4
(Ref sheets under the cut-)
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Pfp by @cringecat69
Dividers made by @chachachannah
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irishyuri · 10 months
Irish yuri is what me and my friends call anything that has Katie McGrath in it
shes the vice president of irish yuri nation
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