#iris hazakurain
any ace attorney girlies?
Jezaille Brett: 2 submission
Olive Green: 2 submissions
Aura Blackquill: 2 submissions
Franziska von Karma: 1 submission
Dee Vasquez: 1 submission
Sister Iris of Hazakura Temple / Iris Hawthorne: 2 submissions
Dahlia Hawthorne: 1 submission
Ini Miney/Mimi Miney: 1 submission
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raincandyart · 11 months
Symmetrically / Different
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[ID: Art of Iris and Dahlia Hawthorne, identical twins. The canvas is perfectly symmetrical, everything the same but flipped on the left side of it. The right side is Dahlia Hawthorne, smiling at Iris while back to back with her sister. The backs of their heads pressed against each other as they lean against the other. Dahlias hair is a lighter ginger, her skin tone ever slightly more warm and she has a mole under her right eye. There is a giant green magatama behind her head, the left side of it slightly covered by the side of her face. The magatama bleeds the same red as the bright red canvas background. Underneath the magatama, there are three neonish green, magatama colour matching, diamond shapes with Dahlias lace dress pattern in them. Two of the diamonds are cut off by the screen. Above the magatama, in the corner, there's more triangles and diamond shape patterns in reds and greens. Towards the middle of the canvas, there's a swirling green coloured to match the magatama, and a red like the blood, love heart that curls in the middle. Iris' side is the same as Dahlias, but flipped. Her expression is upset as she looks at her sister, with pushed in brows and a slight frown. Her hair is more artificially red with dark roots, her mole just below her mouth on the left of her face, and her torso is very slightly thicker than her twins. The poison heart shaped necklace is chained around the two twins, keeping them stuck leaning against each other. The necklace faintly glows, leaking symmetrical tears that turn into blood. /end ID]
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eway · 9 months
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Art I commissioned @cheatsykoopa98
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franzizka · 2 years
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the loveliest rose can hide the cruelest thorn
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small-spanish-face · 9 months
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Sister Iris is literally 25 she should be at the club.
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sobeksewerrat · 7 months
Characters for my Ace Attorney AU (again):
Jake -> Phoenix Wright
Hailey -> Mia Fey
Zander -> Maya Fey
Drew -> Miles Edgeworth
Henry -> Dick Gumshoe
Liam -> Larry Butz
Shannon -> Misty Fey
Milly -> Franziska von Karma
Elliot -> Adrian Andrews
Luke -> Matt Engarde (trust me on this one okay)
Stacy -> Either Lotta Hart or Pearl Fey. Seriously trust me on this.
Lia -> Diego Armando
Miss Jones -> The Judge cuz they r both incompetent idiots
Zoey -> Dahlia Hawthorne
Maria -> Valerie Hawthorne
Daisy -> Iris Hazakurain
More TBA
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lilzi-art · 2 years
Some more sketches of Phoenix x Iris from AceAttorney ;w; 💙
I love this ship, it's so soft 💙
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kahokubo · 6 years
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Spoilers and AU Alert for AA3 fanart dump.
I’m recovering from being sick. I woke up with a cold and slept and stuff for most of the afternoon and finished up AA3 while rolling around in bed. And it was amazing and I really miss Kaminogi and wished that there was an alternated version of the game’s timeline where he doesn’t get poisoned and Chihiro is safe so the pair can be Naruhodo’s mentors.
And Ayame is flipping adorable help.
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farafeys · 5 years
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some recent stuff i havent posted here, about half of them r inspired by aa jokey rp twitter that i’ve been doing lol
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The top two characters will be eligible to proceed into the bracket!
Propaganda under the cut.
Dahlia Hawthorne:
did a lot of murders and poisonings but they deserved it imo so she’s ok
She has committed so many crimes. And in an outfit that wouldn’t look out of place on Barbie at that. She’s the DEFINITION of girlboss, and she can poison me any time.
Aura Blackquill:
her brother got framed for the murder of her wife and she became bitter and evil because of it. this led to her holding an entire space center full of people hostage to get him a retrial
So she may have a robot army to take a couple people hostage, and blamed an 11 year old child for killing their own mom (who was her work partner and maybe sort of girlfriend), but in her defense her brother was about to be executed for a murder he did not commit and there was definitely some evidence that pointed towards the 11 year old being the culprit. So what else was she supposed to do? Just sit by while another important person to her is taken away and the real killer gets to go free? She tried to do things right and go through the police but that didn't work, and sometimes when you run out of options and run out of time you have to use unconventional methods. And in the end it worked and the execution was cancelled and the real killer was found (it wasn't actually the 11 year old child, now 18, but that's beside the point), so in the end things were ultimately better as a result of her actions so you can't exactly say she shouldn't have done it. So she did some things wrong but they are also understandable. I don't think she's a bad person deep down, she just got screwed over by the broken justice system.
Kidnapped a bunch of people but it was like. So the courts would do a retrial for her brother because she believed he was innocent (he was) a day before his execution, and so who she believed the true killer was (she wasn't) would take his place (she didn't) Also a lesbian <3
Franziska von Karma was submitted without propaganda, but I know AA well enough to attempt to write my own. She is obsessed with the idea of crafting the "perfect case" and goes so far as to hide evidence, manipulate witnesses, and also physically assault everyone with a whip in order to achieve it. However she was only doing it to avenge her adopted brother and at the end of the game she comes around and ends up delivering the crucial piece of evidence to save the protagonist's assistant from being killed by an assassin.
Dee Vasquez was submitted without propaganda. My attempt: She has ties to the yakuza and blackmailed one of the actors at her studio into basically being a slave to her. When he gets fed up and ends up trying to kill her she kills him in self-defense, making her one of the few "true culprits" in the series who would actually be found not guilty in an IRL court of law.
Ini/Mimi Miney was submitted without propaganda. My attempt: She was overworked to the point that she accidentally killed about a dozen people by switching their meds while sleep-deprived, then felt so bad about it that she got into a car crash, stole her sister's identity, and pretended she was dead for years. Then she killed a guy because she was worried about him revealing her secret.
Jezaille Brett / Assa Shinn:
prime example of god forbid women do anything. like cmon she just killed a bunch of people and left no trail behind so masterfully she up and haunted the entire goddamn narrative. her name is mentioned in secret messages in streets in papers in fear in mystery and we don't know her motivations still; why does she do what she does we do not know, and will never find out. fucking girlboss she's there for one case then the next we see her she's dead. what is up with this woman and why is she so important despite not seeming so ever.
Olive Green:
She qualifies as after her fiancé died from gas inhalation, she had questions about his death and suspected one of his fellow tenants to have murdered him rather than it being an accident. She consequently attempted to murder him. She rocks because we have to stan a vengeful woman!!!!!
Iris Hawthorne / Sister Iris Hazakurain / Sister Iris of Hazakura Temple:
well she’s more morally ambiguous than her sister!!!! she covered up a lot of crimes and lied about her identity to her (long series of hand gestures to indicate how complicated the boyfriend status is) Sorta Boyfriend for. like nine months i think. and she would have gotten away with it too if not for her co-conspirators fucking everything up
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aceredshirt13 · 4 years
Dahlia is a character I’ve seen a bizarre amount of apologism for, which doesn’t make sense to me.
A lot of people cite the fact that she had horrible parents as an element of her start of darkness but like - did you forget what series this is? There are very few good alive parents in AA. Countless characters have had abusive, neglectful, or otherwise decidedly non-ideal parents in this franchise - Sebastian, Franziska, Rayfa, among others - and yes, it did mess them up psychologically, as abuse does. But it didn’t make them Dahlia.
As a kid, Dahlia literally enlisted her abusive father’s help in convincing him to abandon Iris - who was actively reaching out to Dahlia and was probably the only positive person in her life - at Hazakurain because she thought she was annoying.
I’ve also seen people discuss how she’s a victim in regard to Terry Fawles, and while I absolute acknowledge that it is extremely messed up that he was a grown man dating a fourteen-year-old girl, guess what? Even if Fawles had been the most abusive sort of predator, and her fake kidnapping/murder plot to imprison him was justified, murdering Valerie super wasn’t, and neither was poisoning Diego, or killing Doug, or setting up Phoenix to die.
There’s a point where your tragic backstory isn’t enough to justify what you’ve done, and Dahlia sailed past it a long time ago. (Honestly, her unfeeling and manipulative attitude toward Iris and Valerie suggests that she never cared about anyone, and was quite possibly a psychopath from the start.) Like, Dahlia’s definitely a great and terrifying villain who has suffered bad experiences in her life, but I would hardly say she is to be apologized for, or defended.
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Mr. Edgeworth,
Um, I hope you’re doing okay. I know it’s been a while since we last talked. I’m…I know that you really care for Feenie Mr. Wright a lot. And a lot of this is my fault so I want to help.
When I was released a few years back, I assisted Master Maya with a few things to prevent what happened at Hazakurain. I did my research…and it seems vengeful spirits require either a significant emotional response or a Magatama of Parting to exit the channeler. I keep one with me on all times, just in case my sister chose to return to this world, and I do some freelance writing at the local paper so I’m back in the city. I…I don’t want to overstep, and please stop me if I’m causing you any pain, but I… I know this is all my fault! I’m sorry…! If only I was stronger then maybe I could have saved him from this, and maybe we would still be….no, I shouldn’t think so selfishly. I just….I think this is only way I can help. So, if you’ll let me, I can try to perform the exorcism. You have my contact information. And thank you, again. For taking care of him.
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Iris Hawthorne?!
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...I have to admit, you were the last person I expected to be reaching out and trying to help us...
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With all due respect, I would prefer it if you contact Maya, perhaps providing her with this magatama of parting and preparations for her to perform the exorcism instead.
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velasnyx · 6 years
Ace Attorney AU where Mia became Iafey rather than Diego becoming Godot, Diego having been Phoenix’s mentor instead. What would be different? What would be the same?
I have spent DAYS thinking about this. I have analyzed the fuck out of this. Here’s my take on it.
Obviously, their appearances would be very different. Diego would look how he did before he became Godot, except a little older. He would be the same coffee loving attorney but a little unsure of himself at times, much like Phoenix. Mia would basically be the one keeping him afloat during trials. She would have the demeanor and confidence she gained when she got older. Of course, Mia would be poisoned by Dahlia Hawthorne and fall into a indefinite coma. Diego would continue Mia’s work toward getting justice for Mia’s mother, which would ultimately get him killed by Redd White. But before his death, he would be Phoenix’s mentor. He would teach Phoenix what Mia had taught him, continuing her legacy. Maya would grow closer to him through their shared struggles with Mia. They would often hang out whenever Maya was in town. Mia would have the same upbringing. After her mother’s disappearance, she sought out to become a lawyer to find the truth. With her determination, she became the top lawyer at Grossberg Law Offices. There, Diego would find himself honing his skills under her wing, much to his delight since he became enamored with her by the time he first saw her. Mia would often serve as his co-council and keep him going when things got tough, reminding him to believe in his client no matter what. Sometime after Terry Fawles’ trial, Mia was poisoned by Dahlia Hawthorne and fell into a coma. When she finally woke up, she found out Diego had been killed. After that, she became a prosecutor under the name Lafey (with white hair, visor and all).. Then the whole thing at Hazakurain would go down. She would have to kill her own mother, which would take its toll on her, to save her sister. Instead of Maya being framed for the murder, I think it would be Iris. I couldn’t see Mia framing her own sister and then being the prosecutor in her trial. Phoenix would have to face her in court. She would continuously berate him mainly because she unreasonably blamed him for Diego’s death. It would be the final straw for Phoenix when she stated that he will never be half the lawyer Diego was. Then, Phoenix would reveal her as the actual killer. Mia would accept her defeat and Maya would call out her real name. Mia would remove the visor, revealing her true identity. Her and Maya would have a heartfelt reunion before Mia would have to be incarcerated. I also think that Mia would meet up with Lana in prison. Like Lana would see her and be like “Mia? Mia, that you?”. Lana would be rather shocked by her massive change in appearance. But they would catch up and stuff. I don’t ever remember them having that chance in canon but it’s something that I would have liked to happen.Also, you know how Maya or Pearl would channel Mia. Well, they’d also channel Diego. Yeah, imagine that. Thank you for this ask anon! It was a lot of fun! Hey anon, would it be okay if I made some art based on this AU?
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 6 years
Shining Brilliantly In My Eyes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmAKPm
by woolhat
A series of scenes woven into Bridge to the Turnabout illustrating the final shift from years of friendship into something much deeper.
Words: 2356, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Ayame | Iris (Gyakuten Saiban), Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Sister Bikini (Gyakuten Saiban), Ayasato Maiko | Misty Fey, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Additional Tags: Case 3-5: Bridge to the Turnabout, Missing Scenes, Canon Compliant, NaruMitsu Week 2018, Hazakurain, Trés Bien (restaurant)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmAKPm This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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ao3feed-wrightworth · 6 years
Shining Brilliantly In My Eyes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmAKPm
by woolhat
A series of scenes woven into Bridge to the Turnabout illustrating the final shift from years of friendship into something much deeper.
Words: 2356, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey, Itonokogiri Keisuke | Dick Gumshoe, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Ayame | Iris (Gyakuten Saiban), Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Sister Bikini (Gyakuten Saiban), Ayasato Maiko | Misty Fey, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne
Relationships: Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright
Additional Tags: Case 3-5: Bridge to the Turnabout, Missing Scenes, Canon Compliant, NaruMitsu Week 2018, Hazakurain, Trés Bien (restaurant)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zmAKPm
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lesbiankoby · 7 years
me & belle were tossing around ideas w/ like....an Ideal Larry (who has a character arc and development that spans the end of the stolen turnabout and the time period between bridge and stolen) and like. instead of sending iris a creepy love letter he recognizes her as phoenixs ex girlfriend who should be in jail and spends most of his time in hazakurain extremely indecisive about What To Do About That up until nick shows up; whereupon he's spurred to send her the "i know what you did" letter or. something like that. [edgeworth voice] why would you send her something like that!!!!!! [larry voice; like 8 psychlockes appearing] ask nick dude
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