#irina binder
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bmhasdeu · 2 years ago
Cele mai frumoase romane de dragoste
Tema dragostei este una dintre cele mai preferate de autori. Vă propunem cele mai frumoase cărți de dragoste: de la clasică la romane moderne. Toate au în comun povești fascinante de iubire care vă vor seduce, crâmpeie din dragostea descrisă le veți găsi, posibil, în viețile noastre. Romane de dragoste clasice: Mândrie şi prejudecată / Jane Austen ; trad. şi note de Corina Ungureanu .…
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years ago
Consider this: E Class learns about Nagisa’s mom, and how Korosensei let he “off the hook” (so to speak)… And immediately decides that this must be him Teaching Them Something. They promptly kill Hiromi thinking it’s a fuckin lesson of some sort and Korosensei is just like, “this isn’t what I intended at all but I guess it’s time to whip out those binders on how to hide a body again” because you know he’s ride or die for his kids.
Koro-sensei let Hiromi go and the class just all automatically assumed that it was the equivalent of a cat bringing its kittens half-dead prey to teach them to kill.
Koro-sensei is breaking out the binders, Irina is proud, and Karasuma is in the background like "yeah this might as well happen"
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wounderful-chaos · 5 months ago
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Let things happen, live your life with good and bad, with tears and smiles, with everything it offers you, because they all have a purpose. Love and let yourself be loved, forgive, but don't forget, and if you fall, get up and move on... 🍀
✍Irina Binder
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panlight · 2 years ago
What is forever dawn?
Forever Dawn is/was the original sequel to Twilight.
Basically Twilight was based on a dream SM had, but she kept writing 'epilogues' about what happened next. These epilogues eventually grew big enough to be their own book, and that's Forever Dawn. It's the same general story as Breaking Dawn but because New Moon and Eclipse don't exist, Edward never left, Jacob and Bella aren't so close, and Victoria and Laurent are still alive. Laurent lives happily with Irina and both are witnesses on the Cullen side when they face off against the Volturi; Jacob still imprints on Renesmee, though, which is so weird, and kind of torpedoes the idea that SM only did that to 'solve the love triangle' because in Forever Dawn there was no love triangle. Jacob was just a family friend with low-level crush feelings on Bella and that's it.
SM KNEW the imprint was going to happen the whole time and still wrote Jacob/Bella like that in New Moon and Eclipse. How. Why.
But when SM showed Forever Dawn to her agent/publishers, they weren't happy with it. The whole wedding and baby thing is not really YA, so she went back and wrote New Moon and Eclipse with Bella still in high school. Eclipse was originally going to be the final book, but by then the series was making so much money, she asked if she could do a fourth book (because SM was so attached to the character of Renesmee and 'needed' her to 'exist') and they said, sure! And she reworked Forever Dawn into Breaking Dawn.
And this, this, is why Breaking Dawn feels so weird to so many people. It's not really a sequel to Eclipse; it's a sequel to Twilight! In Eclipse Bella and Edward supposedly worked on their communication skills and Edward became less overprotective; in Breaking Dawn though? All that work is undone so we can have the pregnancy drama. The Cullens and the shifters worked together to fight the newborns in Eclipse; in Breaking Dawn that tentative peace is out the window because of Bella's pregnancy. The Cullens just had to kill a dozen other vampires and nearly adopted a new daughter in Eclipse. There's absolutely zero fall out from that in Breaking Dawn and Bree is never mentioned again. It's like it never happened, because in Forever Dawn, it didn't.
Allegedly there's one copy of Forever Dawn in existence, at the Library of Congress, which SM submitted for copyright purposes. It's not like a fully published book, but something SM printed out and stuck in a binder or something. You can read if it you submit a request, pay all the fees, and travel to Washington DC.
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blueloveonly · 1 year ago
“Pe parcursul vieții înveți de toate. Înveți să trăiești, dar și să mori câte puțin, cu fiecare pierdere, cu fiecare eșec, cu fiecare renunțare, cu fiecare vis abandonat. Înveți să fii puternic, dar și neputincios și slab. Înveți bucuria de a câștiga, pentru ca mai apoi să înveți cum e să pierzi. Înveți să depinzi de oameni, apoi înveți să traiesti fără ei. Înveți să iubești, iar uneori să-i urăști profund pe cei pe care i-ai iubit. Înveți să zbori, ca mai apoi să înveți să te târăști, visând la zbor: înveți cum e să ai totul, dar și cum este să nu ai nimic. Înveți cât de minunat este să te simți al cuiva, ca mai apoi să înveți cât de dureros este să te simți al nimănui. Înveți să cari mult timp poveri sufletești, iar când nu le mai poti duce, înveți cum să te debarasezi de ele. Înveți să aștepți si sã amâni, iar când obosesti, înveți să renunți. Înveți să nu mai crezi și să nu mai speri, ca mai apoi să înveți din nou să crezi și să speri cu toată forță inimii tale.”
- Irina Binder
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rockgirl05 · 2 years ago
Uităm să iertăm. Uităm să iubim. Uităm să trăim, căci suntem prea ocupaţi să existăm…
-Irina Binder
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ndpreservation · 2 years ago
Meet Our Student Assistants
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Irina Stanescu is from Morgantown, West Virginia. Irina is a freshman architectural student with a keen eye for detail who is pursuing her bachelor’s degree. Irina spends her free time outside the lab swimming with our Notre Dame swim team. She is a natural at conservation work, in my opinion! Even though this is her first experience with conservation work, she executes each treatment flawlessly with minimal training. Irina began in the lab by stapling and sewing music scores into protective binders and constructing pockets for the score’s various instrument parts. She then learned customized book jacketing using our Colibri machine. This machine seals a clear polyethylene jacket onto the book to help protect the cover. She is currently re-backing books with damaged spines which you can see in the image above. Irina recently assisted in the construction of several "tuxedo" style boxes to preserve a large Asian collection.
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livinlavidavili · 9 months ago
I tilt my head at him, “are you trying to be intimidating, goof?”
Cole frowns. "Intimidating?" He blinks. "I don't have to try to do that. Have you met me? I've just had this blade on my mind and didn't have my cleaning supplies with me on Naboo."
And... he and Irina may be taking a few minutes to themselves after that vacation. After he mentioned children, and she said she may not be able to have any, and he reacted a bit too strongly for her liking, so sex was stopped midway through and she demanded they come home.
His gaze shifts to Anakin. "Skywalker. I hear you are a good fighter. Strong in the Force."
"Oh uh- yeah," Anakin nods, turning back to you two, "Yeah I am. Well I like to think I am. That's a very cool knife."
Cole gives him a small, lopsided smile, "Thanks. I made it myself. You should have one of your own. In case you are ever without your saber or forced into binders or something. I can make you one."
Anakin smiles, "Thank you, sir-"
"Ew- just Cole."
"Cole." Anakin nods. "Awesome."
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johnny-em · 9 months ago
Fluturi – Irina Binder
Azi, mă voi ierta și îmi voi elibera sufletul de regrete.Mă voi ierta, fiindcă am obosit să mă condamn atât de mult și de aspru pentru tot ceea ce am făcut si pentru tot ceea ce nu am făcut. Am fost cel mai dur judecător al meu, iar uneori am devenit propriul meu călău.Mă voi ierta pentru lacrimi plânse în zadar și nemeritat.Mă voi ierta pentru toate vorbele pe care le-am spus în grabă și sub…
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movienized-com · 10 months ago
Shoshana (2023) #MichaelWinterbottom #IrinaStarshenbaum #DouglasBooth #HarryMelling #AuryAlby #OferSeker Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Drama / Thriller / History Regie: Michael Winterbottom Hauptrollen: Irina Starshenbaum, Douglas Booth, Harry Melling, Aury Alby, Ofer Seker, Yoav Bavly, Shiri Binder, Gina Bramhill, Camilla Calderoni, Bouchaib Chtiwi, Lee Comley, Tim Daish, Daniel Donskoy … Filmbeschreibung: Der Film folgt zwei britischen Polizisten, Thomas Wilkin und Geoffrey Morton, bei ihrer…
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onutaa · 2 years ago
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Iubitelor mele prietene de Irina Binder
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https://fb.watch/kjLDOyR7pS/Sugar is dangerous!!! Zucker ist gefährlich!!! 🤣😂🤣
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vamanumalina · 5 years ago
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Irina Binder - Insomnii
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iubiredecititor · 6 years ago
Pentru ca iubirea nu este rațională și nu putem alege pe cine sa iubim. Pentru ca la capătul tuturor luptelor interioare intre inima și rațiune, inima este cea care ia decizia finala.
Fluturi / vol. 1 - Irina Binder
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13decembriee · 7 years ago
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in-ultimul-moment · 7 years ago
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I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.
–Harold Kushner
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