krookodyke · 15 hours
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quotation--marks · 3 months
We both knew the knock was coming. We heard the footsteps stop outside Irene’s door, but there was empty time between the end of those steps and the heavy rap of his knuckles: ghost time. Mr. Klauson standing there, waiting, maybe holding his breath, just like me. I think about him on the other side of that door all the time, even now. How I still had parents before that knock, and how I didn’t after. Mr. Klauson knew that too; how he had to lift his calloused hand and take them away from me at eleven p.m. one hot night at the end of June - summer vacation, root beer and stolen bubble gum, stolen kisses - the very good life for a twelve-year-old, when I still had mostly everything figured out, and the stuff I didn’t know seemed like it would come easy enough if I could just wait for it, and anyway there’d always be Irene with me, waiting too.
Emily M. Danforth, The Miseducation of Cameron Post
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birdfriender · 7 years
Is the new castlevania anime any good tho?? Looking for something new to watch.
Yes! I really enjoyed it. It is very short though, it kind of felt more like a prequel than a full series bc by the final episode it really felt like the story was only just getting started.
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godsdawning-blog · 5 years
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gayerluke · 7 years
there are multiple ways to respond to “what you’re saying is antisemitic” but “idk callout culture is weird” & then immediately blocking isn’t...... one of them?? like at least defend yourself or else you’re quite literally admitting that you don’t care or value jewish people at all bc you don’t think antisemitism is a Thing that’s even worth your time to consider or address.
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baysidebooks · 4 years
The afternoon my parents died, I was out shoplifting with Irene Klauson.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth
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measuringspoon2 · 6 years
the afternoon my parents died, I was out shoplifting with irene klauson
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
so is be gay do crimes just universal or something
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“So when Grandma met us on the front steps in her purple housecoat, and hugged a stiff Mr. Klauson beneath the orange glow of the porch light, the millers swooping around their awkward embrace, and then sat me on the couch, and gave me the mug of now lukewarm, too-sweet tea she had been drinking, and wrapped my hands in hers and told me that she was just sitting down to watch TV when the doorbell rang, and it was a state trooper, and there had been an accident, and Mom and Dad, my mom and dad, had died, the first thing I thought, the very first thing, was: She doesn’t know about Irene and me at all. Nobody knows. And even right after she said it, and I guess I knew then my parents were gone, or at least I had to have heard her, it still didn’t register right. I mean, I had to have known this big thing, this massive news about my whole entire world, but I just kept thinking, Mom and Dad don’t know about us. They don’t know, so we’re safe— even though there was no more Mom and Dad to know about anything.”
— The Miseducation of Cameron Post
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rootkiss-blog · 6 years
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sometime in late september irene klauson came to school with the kind of smile kids wear in peanut butter commercials.
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heartmates · 7 years
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@ariminak tagged me in this and i also dont know how this works LMAO but um i’ll tag these gays if they wanna try @50degrees, @inlustriis, @irene-klauson, and @uhura
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th3bla1rb3tch · 8 years
Gauge Means Nothing - Boku Wa Bikaiin [I'm Idealize Commissioner]
omg thank u @irene-klauson for showing me this
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evilponds · 8 years
irene-klauson said: should i unfollow? noo i lob you i just mean like i cant imagine the content i produce these days is interesting in the least mmgmfjdjv
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thebooksupplier · 7 years
The Friday 56: The Miseducation of Cameron Post
The Friday 56: The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Happy Friday, Readers! It’s Friday Linkup time.  I’m currently reading The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth. Let’s get started with a Six Word Summary. Click here to learn more. Let’s take a look at the beginning of the novel, in Book Beginnings hosted by Rose City Reader. The afternoon my parents died, I was out shoplifting with Irene Klauson. Mom and Dad had left for their…
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nocakesformissedith · 8 years
Wait did that immortal tag reference team four star??
Ahh sorry no((I don't know what that is, would you recommend I watch/read it ??))I was referencing thishttps://youtube.com/watch?v=NONxZtUgwFc but maybe THAT was referring to "Team Four Star"?????
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Hey sabotens is a terf
yikes! thank you for letting me know, i’ve deleted the post
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plaguegirlfriend · 8 years
Izzy!! I hope you know that I think you have a cool sense of fashion!
omg thank you!
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