#ireland things
10,000 notes and I will film myself wearing a skirt and cat ears
@realsafari @duothelingo @true-blue-straya @yandex-search-fr @microsoft-edge-official @kroger-fr @official-the-united-states @totally-peacock-i-swear @the-us-navy-offical @definitely-wikipedia @walmart-the-official @bingle-official @true-opera-gx @gibbish-anon-from-gell @shakespeare-official-account @apple-unofficial @royal-canadian-air-force @firefox-official and whoever else I forgot
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lilrowantree · 8 months
Me vs the french language who will win
(i’ve orals i’m so fucked)
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taviamoth · 4 months
Irish MP: 'I hope benjamin netanyahu burns in hell'
Irish Member of Parliament, Thomas Gould, became emotional over the death of children in Gaza following israel's attacks on Rafah last weekend. 'I hope [israeli Prime Minister] benjamin netanyahu burns in hell in the same way those children burned', he told Parliament.
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vyorei · 11 months
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Wasn't expecting this to pop up in reports, always nice to see
Ireland stands with Palestine, always 🇵🇸✊🇮🇪
Ón abhainn go dtí an fharraige, beidh an Phalaistín saor 💜
Source for images: Clodagh Kilcoyne and Reuters via Al Jazeera Live Updates
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ghost-bison · 27 days
I finished Derry Girls yesterday. I know the whole show's about a serious topic and all, but it's done in such a funny way that you don't expect it to go so dark at times. Which is why this show is genius. You see everything through the eyes of a bunch of naive teenagers who honestly have other things to worry about than the Troubles. They think about boys (and girls), and school and the fact that their mums are gonna kill them if they don't pass their final exams, and you get invested and forget what's happening out there. And every time an episode ends with a reminder it's brutal and random and it's so real. Because that's how it is in real life: you never expect to get a call telling you your granddad is dead. Or for your TV program to be interrupted to tell you terrorists crashed a plane into a bunch of towers and killed over 3000 people. Things like that always come unexpected and Derry Girls understood that. Beautiful show.
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mikkeneko · 3 months
If we're all pretty much on board by now with "media consumption is not activism," are we ready to move on yet to the necessary corollary of "failure to consume media is not failure of activism?"
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gardenerian · 3 months
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inkcoffinz · 4 months
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Happy pride month
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aut1sm-mess · 1 year
Aaah! Here it is!!
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hballegro · 2 months
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the clock is here. all hail.
i forgot to turn antialiasing to the right settings with my pen so it is. the little numbers are chunky. thats life sometimes. just dont zoom in too hard. if i fix it, i wont make a new post abt it ill just edit it on to this one or something [and state that i did so in the post]
prev post with noclock version
and as promised here is also progress pics, harvested from when i sent screenshots to friends as i worked. as a bonus ive also included various layer names and the 5 different names the file went thru. the parts i [very lazily] painted over with dark blue had not been done yet, ergo anything with dark blue over it is just the picture itself so do not regard it
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i will now be nice to myself and work on my fanfic and smaller drawings for a while. i will do eye posts sometimes still when i get a slow day and wanna do some peepers for 3 hours, i have collected many eyes [klinger, fr mulcahy, trapper, margaret, charles, hawkeye, bj. ive been busy stealing eyeballs to paint on. theyre all on one document its pretty funny]. i will be doing my best to force the cast into my style so i can do quick stuff.
i also WILL do more paintings of full shots again, but. fellas. ive done 3 back to back full paintings with no other digital art projects in between.
this has been NOT good planning lol
not sure if i should tag everything again so i will just. do so? idk i have not been on tumblr hardcore since like 2018 and have never regularly posted so idk proper etiquette. im gonna leave off characters for this one ig
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no no no no please no no no no don't do it
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drinkingbitterboy · 11 months
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[x] i had to gif the "dolls like you and me" and "rocket ship grease" star treatment moments because it's just absolutely insane
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goldenstarprincesses · 9 months
Alfred's gift giving habits at Christmas time fall into two categories
He was so busy that forget about Christmas until 48hrs before when his Google alert reminded him. He tossed his black card at some terrified intern with a "ya know...just get whatever you think the former British empire would want". So everyone gets a summer sausage/Wisconsin cheese gifts basket that costs more then what the average person makes in a month
Everyone gets very heartfelt gift that he specifically picked out for them based on one 10 minute conversation they had 5 years ago. Every time this happens everyone is thrown for a loop because honestly, everyone in the family assumes there is always only a 45-55% chance Alfred is actually paying attention to them when they are talking to him. When in reality he is always listening to them and its just that its rare he actually dose anything with the information he has collected
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hetagrammy · 1 month
I'm really partial to the idea of visual storytelling through clothing, and I really like the concept of the whole Immigrant Trio experiencing it
When Molly first comes to America, through the 1850s she was constantly wearing black. Like to the extent that people on the street frequently mistook her for a widow. By the 1860s she started to get into more of a half mourning stage, not quite out of it, but incorporating colors like dark purple and blue into her clothing again. Then it's the late 1860s, the war is over, and she and Alfred go on their railroad adventure. She's in rough, mismatched clothing that helps her masquerade as a gender she isn't, but behind it she's still herself. She's trying to find and understand herself, but is coming to terms with the only way she is able to do that is in a new place where she can break down and build up again. It's after this point, and as she's joined by new friends and a lover that she starts taking on her old habits- lighter, warmer greens, lilacs, teals and blues.
Tolys first comes to America layered up and his clothing is tight. His waistcoat is always buttoned, his tie looks like it's choking him, his sleeves are always rolled down. He's almost too formal at points. Over time his clothing gradually starts to loosen around the house- his waistcoat is unbuttoned, his bow is looser, he lets his hair down when he's not working. He's living in a place where he's afforded the time to do this, and more importantly he can trust in the people around him to allow him that.
Lovino is almost the opposite. He comes to America with few possessions on him, including articles of clothing. He's plain, partially to do with his financial state and partially because he's trying to avoid home baggage. The exception of course is his cap, which is emblematic of his identity and acts as a bit of a connection with Molly (for whom the style is also culturally significant). As he's there and builds relationships he didn't anticipate, he accumulates more (items Molly knit or embroidered for him, clothing he's borrowed from Tolys, knick knacks he found for himself, etc.) Rather than layering per se, he gains more detail because he allows himself to form those bonds and he treasures them and his experience in spite of its rough beginnings. In a similar manner to Molly, he also starts to take on hints of color in his clothing again, especially reds and yellows.
Alfred is a special case because he's relatively consistent except for his breakdowns. He tries to be fashionable and trendy, but he's always got one thing out of place like a mismatched tie. He always looks really put together and professional, because it's what he's supposed to be masquerading around is. Then when he goes on his western breakdown adventures his clothing becomes even more mismatched, simple, and at times oddly fitted on him like a child trying to put on a shirt too big for them. Even though it peeks out under normal circumstances, it shows fully he is a bit of a child under the fresh and put together veneer.
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lumi-of-the-universe · 4 months
Keep seeing people call St Hilarion’s a Catholic school or Charles and Edwin Catholics, and guys, they’re Anglican.
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There is no way a British school founded in 1802 for the education of officers’ sons is Catholic. This is over two decade before the Roman Catholic Relief act of 1829 that let Catholics serve in parliament or higher officers. Hell, it’s nine years before England officially outlawed officers forcing Catholic soldiers to attend Protestant divine service.
Yes the Anglican Church does have saints, though yes it’s different from Catholic saints. St Hilarion was canonized pre Reformation which seems to make him also an Anglican saint.
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asmiraofsheba · 11 months
"Why are Irish people so quick to defend the Palestinians and to call out Israel?"
This is a list of what the British authorities were allowed to do to the local Irish population in Northern Ireland:
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This Act was only repealed in the 1970s.
Violence, oppression, and discrimination against the Irish is not ancient history. Many Irish people are still feeling the effects today. Northern Ireland has one of the highest rates of PTSD in the world. It has some of the worst mental health statistics in general. It's still plagued by political dysfunction, which is a direct result of Britain's colonial activity in Ireland.
So why do the Irish support Palestine?
It's because many of us have lived through very similar things to what they are going through.
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