#ipl 2019 auction rules
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bhaskarhindinews · 6 years ago
Auction of 350 players in Jaipur for 12th edition of IPL today
IPL AUCTION : वरुण चक्रवर्ती और जयदेव उनादकट बिके सबसे महंगे, यहां पढ़ें पूरा लेखा-जोखा
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2 करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ियों में एक भी भारतीय शामिल नहीं
इंडियन प्रीमियर लीग (आईपीएल) के 12वें सीजन के लिए जयपुर में मंगलवार को नीलामी हुई। 351 खिलाड़ियों को इस नीलामी में शामिल किया गया। हालांकि 1003 खिलाड़ियों ने इस नीलामी के लिए अपना रजिस्ट्रेशन कराया था। लेकिन लीग की आठ टीमों ने छटनी करके इसमें से एक तिहाई खिलाड़ियों की लिस्ट आईपीएल की एक्जीक्यूटिव काउंसिल को सौंपी। इन 351 खिलाड़ियों में 228 भारतीय और 13 देशों के 123 विदेशी खिलाड़ी शामिल रहे। दोपहर 3 ब��े से शुरू हुई यह नीलामी प्रक्रिया रात 9.15 तक चली। इसमें भारत के स्पिनर वरुण चक्रवर्ती और तेज गेंदबाज जयदेव उनादकट सबसे महंगे बिकने वाले खिलाड़ी रहे। दोनों खिलाड़ियों को 08.40 करोड़ रुपए में खरीदा गया। विदेशी खिलाड़ियों में सैम कुरान (7.2 करोड़) और कॉलिन इंग्राम (6.4 करोड़) महंगे बिकने वाले रहे। इस नीलामी में कई ऐसे दिग्गज खिलाड़ी रहे, जिन्हें किसी भी टीम ने नहीं खरीदा।
यहां पढ़ें नीलामी प्रक्रिया की पल-पल की अपडेट :
09.15 PM : रियान पराग के साथ ही IPL के 12वें सीजन के लिए नीलामी प्रक्रिया खत्म हुई।
09.10 PM : भारतीय खिलाड़ी रियान पराग को बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपये में राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने खरीदा।
09.09 PM : ऑस्ट्रेलियाई बॉलर एश्टन टर्नर को बेस प्राइस 50 लाख रुपये में राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने खरीदा।
09.08 PM : बैट्समैन मनन वोहरा को राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने खरीदा। उन्हें बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा गया।
09.07 PM : बॉलर श्रीकांत मुधे को केकेआर ने बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
09.05 PM : बंदारू अयप्पा को दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने खरीदा। उन्हें उनके बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा गया।
09.04 PM : इंग्लैंड के खिलाड़ी जो डेनली को केकेआर ने एक करोड़ में खरीदा।
09.02 PM : बैटिंग ऑलराउंडर शुभम रंजाने को राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने बेस प्राइस 20 लाख में खरीदा।
09.00 PM : बल्लेबाज ऋतुराज गायकवाड़ को चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स ने खरीदा। उन्हें बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपए में खरीदा गया।
08.59 PM : गेंदबाज मुरुगन अश्विन को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने बेस प्राइस 20 लाख में खरीदा।
08.58 PM : बैटिंग ऑलराउंडर जलज सक्सेना को दिल्ली ने बेस प्राइस 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
08.35 PM : दूसरी बार में भी नहीं बिके डेल स्टेन, ल्यूक रॉन्ची, जेसन होल्डर और सौरभ तिवारी
08.30 PM : बल्लेबाज अक्षदीप नाथ को रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर ने 3.60 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा।
08.28 PM : मुंबई इंडियंस ने युवराज सिंह को बेस प्राइस में खरीदा। एक करोड़ थी युवराज सिंह की बेस प्राइज।
08.25 PM : इंग्लैंड के ऑलराउंडर क्रिस जॉर्डन, भारतीय खिलाड़ी मनोज तिवारी दूसरी बार भी नहीं बिके।
08.24 PM : न्यूजीलैंड के बल्लेबाज मार्टिन गप्टिल को बेस प्राइस 1 करोड़ रुपये में सनराइजर्स हैदराबाद ने खरीदा।
08.21 PM : हरप्रीत बरार को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
08.20 PM : अग्निवेश अयाची को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
08.19 PM : प्रयास बरमन को रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर ने  1.50 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा।
08.15 PM : विंडिज बॉलिंग ऑलराउंडर कीमो पॉल को दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने 50 लाख के बेस प्राइस पर खरीदा।
08.14 PM : इंग्लिश बैट्समैन लियाम लिविंगस्टोन को राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने 50 लाख के बेस प्राइस पर खरीदा।
08:14 PM : गेंदबाज यारा पृथ्वीराज को केकेआर ने बेस प्राइज 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
08.13 PM: रसिक सलाम को 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस पर मुंबई इंडियन्स ने खरीदा।
08.12 PM : प्रभसिमरन सिंह को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने 4.80 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा।
08.06 PM : शशांक सिंह का राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने 30 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
08.05 PM : गेंदबाज दर्शन नालकंडे को किंग्स इलेवन ने 30 लाख रुपये में खरीदा। 08.03 PM : मिलिंद कुमार को रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर ने 20 लाख बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
08.02 PM : पंकज जयसवाल मुंबई इंडियंस ने 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
08.01 PM : इंग्लिश बॉलर हैरी गर्नी  को केकेआर ने 75 लाख रुपये के बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
08.00 PM : अर्शदीप सिंह को किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने 20 लाख रुपये के बेस प्राइस में खरीदा।
07. 58 PM : बल्लेबाज निखिल नायक को केकेआर ने 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
07.57 PM :  हिम्मत सिंह को RCB ने 65 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
07.53 PM : वेस्ट इंडीज के ओशाने थॉमस को राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने 1.10 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा।
07.50 PM : ऑस्ट्रेलियाई खिलाड़ी डेनियल क्रिस्चन को भी नहीं मिला कोई खरीदार
07:49 PM : राइली रूसो को नहीं मिला कोई खरीदार।
07:47 PM : साउथ अफ्रीका के खिलाड़ी आरनिच नोर्त्जे को केकेआर ने 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस में केकेआर ने खरीदा।
07:46 PM : शेफरन रदरफोर्ड को दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने 2 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा।
06: 45 PM : नीलामी के बीच 45 मिनट का डिनर ब्रेक। 07.30 पर फिर शुरू होगी नीलामी।
06:42 PM : डेल स्टेन को नहीं मिला खरीदार।
06:41PM : लोकी फर्ग्युसन को कोलकाता नाइट राइडर्स ने 1.60 करोड़ में खरीदा।
06:39 PM : साउथ अफ्रीका के तेज गेंदबाज मॉर्ने मॉर्केल को नहीं मिला खरीदार।
06:37 PM : विनय कुमार को नहीं मिला खरीदार
06:36 PM : बरिंदर सरन 3.40 करोड़ रुपये में बिके। मुंबई इंडियंस ने खरीदा।
06:33 PM : दक्षिण अफ्रीका के विकेटकीपर बल्लेबाज हेनरिक क्लासन को 50 लाख के बेस प्राइस में रॉयल चैलेंजर्स बैंगलोर ने खरीदा।
06:31 PM : बांग्लादेशी खिलाड़ी मुस्ताफिजुर को नहीं मिला खरीदार।
06.30 PM : न्यूजीलैंड के ल्यूक रोंची रहे अनसॉल्ड।
06:29 PM : इंग्लैंड के युवा ऑलराउ���डर सैम कुरॉन 7.20 करोड़ रुपये में बिके। किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने उन्हें खरीदा। बेस प्राइस थी 2 करोड़ रुपये।
06:24 PM : वेस्ट इंडीज टीम के कप्तान जेसन होल्डर भी नहीं बिके।
06:23 PM : न्यूजीलैंड के ऑलराउंडर खिलाड़ी कोरि एंडरसन को नहीं मिला कोई खरीदार।
06:22 PM : ऋषि धवन को किसी ने नहीं खरीदा।
06:22 PM : श्रीलंका के हरफनमौला खिलाड़ी एंजलो मैथ्यूज का बेस प्राइज- 2 करोड़ रुपये । नहीं मिला खरीदार।
06.21 PM : न्यू जीलैंड के जेम्स नीशम की 75 लाख रुपये।  किसी ने नहीं खरीदा।
06.20 PM : साउथ अफ्रीका के हाशिम अमला को नहीं मिला खरीदार।
06.19 PM :  भारत के सौरभ तिवारी नहीं बिके।
06.18 PM : ऑस्ट्रेलिया के शॉन मार्श को नहीं मिला कोई खरीदार।​​
06.16 PM :  साउथ अफ्रीका के बल्लेबाज कॉलिन इनग्राम की बेस प्राइज- 2 करोड़ रुपए। दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने 6.40 करोड़ रुपये में खरीदा
06:14 PM : अफगानिस्तान के हजरतुल्लाह जजाई की बेस प्राइस- 50 लाख। नहीं मिला खरीदार
06:12 PM : ऑस्ट्रेलियाई बल्लेबाज उस्मान ख्वाजा की बेस प्राइज 1 करोड़ रुपए। नहीं मिला खरीदार।
05:58 PM : केसी करियप्पा नहीं बिके।
05:55 PM : नाथू सिंह 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस में दिल्ली कैपिटल्स में हुए शामिल
05:52 PM : अनिकेत चौधरी, इशान पोरेल, रजनीश गुरबानी, चामा मिलिंग को भी नहीं मिले खरीदार
17:50 PM : केएस भारत को नहीं मिला कोई खरीदार
05:49 PM : अंकुश बैंस को 20 लाख के बेस प्राइस पर दिल्ली कैपिटल्स ने खरीदा
05:47 PM : बाबा चक्रवर्ती को नहीं मिला खरीदार
5:44 PM- वरुन चक्रवर्थी को पंजाब ने 8.4 करोड़ में खरीदा।
5:44 PM- वरुन चक्रवर्थी की बोली 8 करोड़ पहुंची।
5:42 PM- वरुन चक्रवर्थी पर KRR ने लगाई 7 करोड़ की बोली।
5:41 PM- वरुन चक्रवर्थी पर RR ने लगाई 6.20 करोड़ की बोली।
5:37 PM- 20 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले वरुन चक्रवर्थी की बोली 3.4 करोड़ पहुंची।
5:35 PM- 20 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले शिवम दुबे को RCB ने 5 करोड़ में खरीदा।
5:35 PM- शिवम पर मुंबई ने लगाई 4.8 करोड़ की बोली।
5:34 PM- पंजाब ने शिवम पर लगाई 4 करोड़ की बोली।
5:33 PM- शिवम दुबे पर RCB ने लगाई 3 करोड़ की बोली।
5:31 PM- 20 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले शिवम दुबे पर RCB ने लगाई 2.20 करोड़ की बोली।
5:30 PM- आयुष बदोनी अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:29 PM- 20 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले सरफराज खान पंजाब ने 25 लाख में खरीदा।
5:29 PM- अक्षदीप नाथ अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:27 PM- अरमान जाफर अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:27 PM- 20 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले अनमोलप्रीत सिंह को ��ुंबई ने 80 लाख में खरीदा।
5:25 PM- अंकित बावने अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:25 PM- सचिन बेबी अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:24 PM- मनन वोहरा अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:23 PM- देव दत्त को आरसीबी ने बेस प्राइस 20 लाख में खरीदा।
5:09 PM- 15 मिनट का ब्रेक हुआ।
5:08 PM- ऑस्ट्रेलिया के गेंदबाज फवाद अहमद अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:08 PM- वेस्टइंडीज के खैरी पियरे अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:04 PM- 1 करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले एडम जंपा अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:02 PM- 50 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले राहुल शर्मा अनसोल्ड रहे।
5:02 PM- 50 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले मोहित शर्मा को चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स ने 5 करोड़ में खरीदा।
4:58 PM- वरुण आरोन को राजस्‍थान रॉयल्‍स ने 2.40 करोड़ में खरीदा।
For second year in a row, Jaydev Unadkat sparks a bidding war. Rajasthan Royals emerge victorious again, with a winning bid of INR 8,.40 Crore - the highest of the #IPLAuction so far   http://r.cricbuzz.com/IPL19Auction-Tracker …
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4:51 PM- पंजाब ने शमी को 4.80 करोड़ में खरीदा।
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#IPLAuction: Jaydev Unadkat sold to Rajasthan Royals for Rs 8.40 Crore. (file pic)
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4:49 PM- मोहम्मद शमी पर बोली लगनी हुई चालू।
4:48 PM- लसिथ मलिंगा को मुंबई ने बेस प्राइस 2 करोड़ में खरीदा।
4:47 PM- इशांत शर्मा को दिल्ली ने 1.10 करोड़ में खरीदा।
4:46 PM- इशांत शर्मा पर बोली लगनी चालू हुई। उनका बेस प्राइस 75 लाख है।
4:44 PM- जयदेव उनादकट को राजस्‍थान रॉयल्‍स ने 8.40 करोड़ में खरीदा।
4:42 PM- पंजाब ने जयदेव उनादकट की कीमत लगाई 8.20 करोड़।
4:42 PM- जयदेव उनादकट की कीमत 7.60 करोड़ पहुंची।
4:40 PM- राजस्‍थान रॉयल्‍स ने जयदेव उनादकट पर लगाई 6 करोड़ की बोली।
4:39 PM- जयदेव उनादकट पर CSK ने लगाई 5.80 करोड़ की बोली।
4:37 PM- जयदेव उनादकट पर बोली लगाई जा रही है।
4:31 PM- ऋद्धिमान साहा को हैदराबाद ने 1 करोड़ 20 लाख में खरीदा।
4:30 PM- निकोलस पूरण को पंजाब ने 4.20 करोड़ में खरीदा।
4:21 PM- जॉनी बेयरस्‍टो को सनराइजर्स हैदराबाद ने 2 करोड़ 20 लाख रुपये में खरीदा।
4:19 PM- बेन मैक्‍डेरमोटअनसोल्ड रहे।
4:18 PM- नमन ओझा अनसोल्ड रहे।
#IPLAuction: Yuvraj Singh, with a base price of Rs 1 Crore, remains unsold. (file pic)
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4:14 PM- अक्षर पटेल की बेस प्राइस 1 करोड़ रुपये है। अक्षर की कीमत अब 2 करोड़ रुपये से उपर पहुंच गई है।
4:12 PM- हेनरिक्‍स को किंग्‍स इलेवन पंजाब ने 1 करोड़ रुपए में खरीदा
4:11 PM- युवराज सिंह के लिए पहले चरण में नहीं लगी बोली
4:10 PM- क्रिस जॉर्डन अनसोल्ड रहे।
4:08 PM- कार्लोस ब्रैथवेट को 5 करोड़ रुपये में कोलकाता नाइट राइडर्स ने खरीदा।
4:08 PM- कार्लोस ब्रेथवेट की बेस प्राइस 75 लाख रुपए है। ब्रेथवेट की कीमत 4 करोड़ 20 लाख तक पहुंच गई है।
4:01 PM- क्रिस वोक्स 2 करोड़ रुपये के बेस प्राइस में पहले सेट में अनसोल्ड रहे।
4:00 PM- मार्��िन गप्टिल 1 करोड़ के बेस प्राइस में अनसोल्ड रहे।
3:59 PM- ब्रैंडन मैकुलम 2 करोड़ के बेस प्राइस में अनसोल्ड रहे।
3:58 PM- शिमोन हेटमायर को रॉयल चैलेंजर बेंगलुरु (आरसीबी) ने 4 करोड़ 20 लाख रुपए में खरीदा। उनकी बेस प्राइस 50 लाख रुपए की थी।
3:49 PM- हनुमा विहारी को दिल्ली कै���िटल ने 2 करोड़ में खरीदा
3:46 PM- एलेक्स हेल्स भी अनसोल्ड रहे।
3:44 PM- चेतेश्वर पुजारा भी अनसोल्ड रहे।
3:30 PM- Auction की शुरुआत मनोज तिवारी से हुई जो की अनसोल्ड रहे।
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2 करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ी
इन 350 खिलाड़ियों में से नौ ऐसे खिलाड़ी हैं, जिनका बेस प्राइस 2 करोड़ रुपये है। आखिरी समय में इस लिस्ट में मॉर्गन का नाम भी शामिल होने से अब यह संख्या 10 हो गई है। जिसमें एक भी भारतीय खिलाड़ी का नाम शामिल नहीं है। दो करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ियों की लिस्ट में मॉर्गन, ब्रैंडन मैक्लम, लसिथ मलिंगा, क्रिस वोक्स, कोलिन इंग्राम, शॉन मार्श, कोरी एंडरसन, डी आर्की शॉर्ट और एंजेलो मैथ्यूज शमिल हैं।
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1.5 करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ी
भारत के जयदेव उनादकट को पिछली बार 11.5 करोड़ रुपये में राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने खरीदा था। इस बार हालांकि उन्हें फ्रेंचाइजी ने रिटेन नहीं किया है। वहीं, 1.5 करोड़ रुपये के बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ियों की लीस्ट में 10 खिलाड़ियों के नाम शामिल हैं, जिसमें एक भारतीय और नौ विदेशी खिलाड़ी हैं। इनमें डेल स्टेन और मोर्ने मोर्कल जैसे खिलाड़ी शामिल हैं।
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1 करोड़ बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ी
एक करोड़ के बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ियों में चार भारतीय सहित कुल 19 खिलाड़ी नीलामी में उतर रहे हैं। युवराज सिंह, अक्षर पटेल और मोहम्मद शमी का बेस प्राइस इस बार एक करोड़ रुपये हैं। युवराज और अक्षर को पंजाब ने इस साल रिटेन नहीं किया है। वहीं दिल्ली ने शमी से नाता तोड़ लिया है। 75 लाख रुपये की बेस प्राइस की लिस्ट में इस बार दो भारतीय सहित कुल 18 खिलाड़ियों की बोली लगेगी। इस लिस्ट में भारत के तेज गेंदबाज ईशांत शर्मा भी शामिल हैं।
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50 लाख बेस प्राइस वाले खिलाड़ी
इसके अलावा 50 लाख रुपये के बेस प्राइस वालों में कुल 62 खिलाड़ी नीलामी में उतरने जा रहे हैं। इनमें 18 भारतीय और 44 विदेशी खिलाड़ी शामिल हैं। आईपीएल के 12वें सीजन के लिए सात ऐसे खिलाड़ी हैं जो पहली बार नीलामी में उतरने जा रहे हैं और इनका बेस प्राइस 40 लाख रुपये हैं। ये सातों खिलाड़ी विदेशी हैं। 30 लाख रुपये के बेस प्राइस वालों में कुल आठ खिलाड़ियों की बोली लगने जा रही है। इन आठ में से पांच भारतीय और तीन विदेश हैं। ये आठों खिलाड़ी पहली बार नीलामी का हिस्सा बनने जा रहे हैं। वहीं, 20 लाख रुपये के बेस ब्राइस वालों ��ी सूची में कुल 213 खिलाड़ी हैं जो पहली बार लीग के लिए नीलामी में बिकने जा रहे हैं। इन 213 खिलाड़ियों में 196 भारतीय और 17 विदेशी हैं।
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सनराइजर्स हैदराबाद ने वार्नर को किया रिटेन
सनराइजर्स हैदराबाद ने आस्ट्रेलिया के डेविड वार्नर को इस सीजन के लिए रिटेन करने का फैसला किया है जबकि टेस्ट विकेटकीपर रिद्धिमान साहा को रिलीज कर दिया है। साहा के अलावा फ्रेंचाइजी ने इंग्लैंड के एलेक्स हेल्स, क्रिस जोर्डन और वेस्टइंडीज के कार्लोस ब्राथवेट को भी बाहर का रास्ता दिखाया है।
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दिल्ली ने श्रेयस अय्यर, पृथ्वी शॉ और ऋषभ पंत किया रिटेन
वहीं आगामी सीजन में नए नाम से उतरने वाली दिल्ली ने युवा खिलाड़ियों पर ज्यादा भरोसा जताया है और इसलिए श्रेयस अय्यर, पृथ्वी शॉ तथा ऋषभ पंत को रिटेन किया है। बीते सीजन दिल्ली में लौटने वाले गौतम गंभीर को टीम ने रिटेन नहीं किया था। गंभीर ने हाल ही में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिकेट से सन्यास की घोषणा कर दी है। वहीं दिल्ली ने मोहम्मद शमी को भी रिटेन नहीं किया। शमी के अलावा दिल्ली ने आस्ट्रेलिया के ग्लैन मैक्सवेल, डेन क्रिस्टियन को भी रिलीज कर दिया है। मैक्सवेल के साथ एरॉन फिंच ने इस साल नीलामी में हिस्सा न लेने का फैसला किया है। दिल्ली ने मनजोत कालरा, कोलिन मुनरो, क्रिस मौरिस, जयंत यादव, राहुल तेवतिया, हर्षल पटेल, अमित मिश्रा, कागिसो रबादा, ट्रैंट बाउल्ट, संदीप लामिछाने और अवेश खान को रिटेन किया है।
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किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने क्रिस गेल को किया रिटेन
वहीं किंग्स इलेवन पंजाब ने कप्तान रविचंद्रन अश्विन, क्रिस गेल, लोकेश राहुल, एंड्रयू टाई, मुजीब उर रहमान को रिटेन करने का फैसला किया है और स्थानीय खिलाड़ी मनदीप सिंह के स्थान पर मार्कस स्टोइनिस को अपने साथ जोड़ा है। रिलीज किए गए खिलाड़ियों में मोहित शर्मा, मनोज तिवारी, बरिंदर सरन, अक्षदीप नाथ, प्रदीप साहू, मयंक डागर और मंजूर के नाम शामिल हैं।
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राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने स्मिथ को किया रिटेन
वहीं राजस्थान रॉयल्स ने आस्ट्रेलिया के पूर्व कप्तान स्टीव ��्मिथ को रिटेन किया है। राजस्थान ने कुल 16 खिलाड़ियों को रिटेन किया। इन खिलाड़ियों में जोस बटलर, संजू सैमसन, कृष्णाप्पा गौतम, जोफ्रा आर्चर और श्रेयस गोपाल के नाम भी शामिल हैं।  फ्रेंचाइजी ने पिछले सीजन में कप्तानी करने वाले अजिंक्य रहाणे को भी रिटेन किया है।  तीन बार की विजेता मुंबई इंडियंस ने कुल 18 खिलाड़ियों को रिटेन किया है। वहीं मौजूदा विजेता चेन्नई सुपर किंग्स ने बीते सीजन के कुल 22 खिलाड़ियों को रिटेन किया है। Source: Bhaskarhindi.com
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sportiqoblogpost · 2 years ago
IPL 2023: 5 Players MI might trade in the trading window
Meta Description: Know about 5 players of IPL 2023 MI that they might release or trade. Also, get details of the reasons and their better substitute as well will play for MI.
IPL is one of the most interesting and famous T20 cricket leagues in the cricket world. Players from all over the world Come to play in this cricket league. This cricket league has a particular feature of signing some players across the globe. Not only that, but the franchisee can also trade them during the trading calendar too. This is the same for Mumbai Indians or MI as well. If you will look at the current year or situation, you might feel that there will be some situations where some player trading can happen for IPL 2023 MI. 5 players that you need to know and keep a count on.
Trading Some Players in IPL 2023 MI
Once any team will start playing in IPL they will have certain players. Most importantly they will get those players from an auction. There are some mega auctions and the Last one was held in 2022. At that tone, all the teams bought some players. Based on some strategies and specialties of the players, they have bought them. Eventually, all the teams find that some of the players have some replacements and even better options. So, they might trade those players. This is the same for Mumbai Indians 2023 as well. You might need to get a head start on most possible 5 players that MI can trade.
1.  Fabian Allen
Let's start with this overseas all-rounder who is a furious hitter, and an off-spin bowler as well. This Caribbean player has just got one chance in 2022, and just got 1 wicket only. Not only that, but the economic rate was also too high. For batting also, he gets considered a finisher. Here comes the point, MI already has Pollard and Tim David as a finisher. Also, Pollard is more than just handy with his bowling quality. It might happen that in IPL 2023 MI might trade this player at the very first chance. It is true that this player has shown some two talents in some other leagues but might not just Perfectly fit for MI in IPL.
2.   Anmolpreet Singh
This 24-year-old cricketer was there with MI since 2019 and MI made him resign during the 2022 mega auction. Still, he didn’t get a lot of chances to prove himself. In the last season, 2022 Surya Kumar Yadav was ruled out of the matches due to his injury. At that time, he got a chance and only could add 13 runs to the scoreboard. After that, he didn’t even get any chance. On the other hand, MI 2023 IPL team will have a hidden gem known as Tilak Verma. He played some good games in the last season on IPL, with a strike rate of more than 131. So, there is a high chance that MI will trade Anmolpreet Singh as well.
3.   Mayank Markande
He started his career on IPL with MI itself in 2018. After that season he signed with Rajasthan Royals, and in the mega auction of 2022, he came back to MI again. Still, this season he only got to play 2 matches. If you will go for the performance, then, it was not at all an impressive one, and he just got one wicket with an 8.50 economy rate. While in IPL 2023 MI will look for some leg spinners, they will have Murugan Ashwin, and Hrithik Shokeen as well. They have shown some real talents and some good games in the last season. So, Mayank might be one of the released players as well.
4.   Tymal Mills
He is another overseas player and a pace bowler indeed. Though this pacer from England is a good performer in the T20 cricket circuit but was not a good one in IPL. He got to play 5 matches and got only 6 wickets. Also, the economy rate was very high at 11.18. MI planned to make a perfect companion with Jasprit Bumrah, but that was a complete failure. On the other have MI has Daniel Sams, and he played well in 2022. So, it might be possible that Mills will be on the list of MI-released players in 2023. The expectation from this player was high and he couldn't manage to serve.
5.   Basil Thampi
This is true that Basil Thampi is a consistent performer in Domestic cricket. MI signed him to be a constant wicket taker and a good bowling performance. He played 5 matches and got 5 wickets only. Though the economy rate was 9.50. so, it was an ordinary performance. That is why he might also be on the Lindsay of trading players of MI. You might not be able to see him bowling in IPL 2023 MI. If you will look for some other options for pace bowing but this 29-year-old player, you will get a lot indeed.
You have already got to know about 5 players that you might not be able to see with MI in the next season of IPL. All of them are indeed really good performers, but they couldn't manage to deliver the same for MI. That is why it might happen that in IPL 2023 MI trade them. So, you will also need to know that all of them have a better substitute in the team, and they have shown some really good performance for the team in the last season.
1.   Will MI trade any all-rounders in 2023?
MI might trade Fabian Allen, and he is an all-rounder. He is ideally a power hitter and can play as a finisher. In the last season, he didn’t perform well, and MI has Pollard and Tim David as a finisher, and Pollard is an all-rounder as well. So, MI might trade this player too.
2.   Will Pollard be in IPL 2023 MI or not?
Pollard is one of the oldest players in MI, and he is a good performer throughout all seasons. In fact in the last season as well, MI performed poorly, but he played some good games. So, it can be said that you will be able to see him for the 2023 season as well.
3.   Which overseas pacer will be there for 2023?
If you are looking for an overseas pacer in IPL 2023 MI, then you might see Daniel Sams. Mills have a very average performance throughout the season and in all the matches he played. So, MI might trade him as well.
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playon99newq · 3 years ago
Royal Challengers Bangalore Team of IPL 2019
Virat Kohli is the captain of the Royal Challengers Bangalore team and his price in IPL 2019 is 17 crores. RCB's performance in IPL 2018 was very poor. In the 2018 season of the Indian Premium League, Royal Challengers Bangalore played 14 matches and here the team won 6 matches and lost 8 matches. RCB captain Virat Kohli would definitely be looking to correct his team's poor record in IPL 2019.
The home ground of RCB is Chennaswamy Stadium in Bangalore and the current head coach of the team is Gary Christen. Ashish Nehra is associated with the team as bowling coach. The captain of RCB is Virat Kohli.
A company named United Spirit has been associated as the owner of the Royal Challengers team, Vijay Mallya is currently the shareholder of the team. The team was bought by Vijay Mallya in 2008 for $111.6 million from the BCCI.
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In the Indian Premier League, the first match of Royal Challengers Bangalore, captained by Virat Kohli, is going to be held on March 23 with last year's winning team Chennai Super Kings, which has many big star cricketers. However, the last IPL season was nothing special for the team. In this auction, Bangalore team has invested 5 crores on all-rounder Shivam Dubey. While the team with AB de Villiers has also included foreign players like Heinrich Klaasen (5 million) and Shimron Hetmyer (4.2 million), due to which now more fun will be seen in the game.
Meanwhile, first of all, let us also tell you that before the 12th IPL auction held in Jaipur, the Bangalore team had retained only 14 players of the last season apart from Virat Kohli. This time the team has given Gurkeerat Singh Mann 5 million, Milind Kumar 20 lakh, Devdutt Padikal 2 million, Akshdeep Nath 3.6 crore, Himmat Singh 65 lakh and Prayag Ray Burman in their team for 1.5 million rupees.
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The team already has batsmen like Virat Kohli, AB de Villiers, Moeen Ali and Colin de Grandhomme, while Umesh Yadav, Tim Southee and Yuzvendra Chahal are also there.
It is worth noting that this time many new rules have been seen, one of which was that the players themselves change their teams, in which the star all-rounder Marcus Stonis, who played for Kings XI Punjab last time, decided to come to Bangalore. Now it will be seen whether the Bangalore team is able to win the IPL title for the first time by performing well or not.
These will be the players of Royal Challengers Bangalore in IPL 2019
Virat Kohli, AB de Villiers, Umesh Yadav, Parthiv Patel, Mohammad Siraj, Marcus Stonis, Tim Southee, Kulwant Khejroliya, Yuzvendra Chahal, Nathan Coulter-Nile, Moeen Ali, Himmat Singh, Colin de Grandhomme, Shivam Dube, Milind Kumar, Prayag Ray Burman , Devdutt Pradeepik, Simran Hetmyer, Gurkeerat Singh Mann, Heinrich Klaasen and Navdeep Saini.
Read also: MS Dhoni Net Worth and Salary details
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athmasblog · 3 years ago
Ravi Bishnoi - Superhero in the making.
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Well, what was the last time you watched an Indian wrist-spinner apart from Yuzi Chahal and Kuldeep Yadav making headlines in Indian Cricket?! Well, it's not too long unless you consider Amit Mishra who last made the spotlight in 2014. In the recently started India vs West Indies, Ravi Bishnoi made sound in the cricketing world by announcing himself in a style the youngster returned with the figures of 2/17 from 4 overs, which is phenomenal against a team which is known for its power hitting and now he's posing a threat to the place of Yuzi Chahal in the squad.
When did Ravi Bishnoi come into the spotlight?
Ravi made an impact for the Rajasthan squad in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy, India's domestic T-20 league in 2018-19, and soon grabbed a deal with IPL as Punjab Kings ropes him in for the 2019 season however he had to wait for his debut that took place in 2020 season against Delhi Capitals and guess who was his first wicket?, it was Rishab Pant and he returned with the figures of 1/22 from his quota of 4 overs. He grabbed 12 wickets in his name and was nominated for the "Emerging Player of the season".
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What does the future look like?
Ravi Bishnoi's bowling style suits modern-day cricket where wrist spinners are ruling the world addition to that he brings a various types of variations!
He was picked by Lucknow Supergiants, a new entrant to the IPL as a pre-auction pick alongside KL Rahul and Marcus Stoinis. This shows his reputation in the league and can surely replace the likes of Yuzi Chahal shortly.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years ago
IPL 2022: Who will captain which team? | Cricket News #اہمخبریں
New Post has been published on https://mediaboxup.com/ipl-2022-who-will-captain-which-team-cricket-news/
IPL 2022: Who will captain which team? | Cricket News
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NEW DELHI: They say that a captain is as good as his team; but it is also true that a true leader can rally an enthusiastic bunch to do great things. From Shane Warne to MS Dhoni to Rohit Sharma — captains have played a major role in the success of teams in the world’s most competitive T20 league – the Indian Premier League. As we gear up for the 15th season of the league and the upcoming mega auction, TimesofIndia.com highlights the leaders who are going to shape the fortunes of the ten teams who will compete for the coveted IPL trophy: Chennai Super Kings: MS Dhoni One player synonymous with Chennai Super Kings is their charismatic skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He has been part of the franchise since the beginning of the league in 2008. The only time they were apart was when the team was suspended for two years (2016 & 2017) after the betting and match-fixing scandal, when Dhoni captained the Pune franchise.
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(Photo credit: BCCI/IPL) Dhoni has led CSK to four IPL titles – 2010, 2011, 2018 and 2021, and CSK are the defending champions. No wonder, the team has kept their faith in Dhoni and retained him along with India all-rounder Ravindra Jadeja, England all-rounder Moeen Ali and last season’s Orange Cap winner Ruturaj Gaikwad. At 40, Dhoni is no longer the dreaded finisher with the bat he used to be in his heyday and these days he only plays in the IPL, after retiring from all formats of international cricket. His last two seasons with the bat yielded just 314 runs in 30 IPL games – 200 in 2020 & 114 in 2021, without hitting a fifty. But he remains a skipper par excellence, leading the team to their fourth title last year. Dhoni’s IPL Record: M 220 | R 4746 | HS 84* | Av. 39.55 | SR 135.83 | 23x50s | 6s – 219 | Ct – 126 | St – 39 CSK Retained Players: MS Dhoni, Ravindra Jadeja, Moeen Ali, Ruturaj Gaikwad
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Mumbai Indians: Rohit Sharma Another leader par excellence is Rohit Sharma, who has led Mumbai Indians to a record five IPL titles – the most by any team in the league. Unlike Dhoni, Rohit did not start his IPL career with MI. He was part of the now defunct Deccan Chargers team for the first three seasons, before joining MI after the 2011 auction.
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(Photo credit: BCCI/IPL) Two years later, Rohit was handed the captaincy baton in the middle of the season in 2013, from Ricky Ponting, and he came out triumphant immediately, leading MI to their first IPL title. There was no looking back after that for Rohit the MI skipper, as he led MI to four more titles in the next 8 seasons, winning in 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020. Along with his leadership skills, Rohit, who is also the Indian limited overs captain in international cricket currently and a frontrunner to take over as Test captain as well, has been a prolific run scorer for MI at the top of the order. Rohit is the highest run getter of all time for the Mumbai franchise, having scored 4441 runs from 2011 to 2021, with one century and 32 half centuries. He is also the third highest run-getter of the league overall, behind only Virat Kohli (6283 IPL runs) and Shikhar Dhawan (5784 IPL runs). Rohit’s IPL Record: M 213 | R 5611 | HS 109* | Av. 31.17 | SR 130.39 | 1x100s | 40x50s | 6s – 227 | Ct – 90 MI Retained Players: Rohit Sharma, Suryakumar Yadav, Kieron Pollard, Jasprit Bumrah
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Delhi Capitals: Rishabh Pant Young India wicketkeeper-batsman Rishabh Pant was promoted from vice captain to the post of captain of the Delhi Capitals in 2021, after Shreyas Iyer was ruled out with a shoulder injury. Covid forced the IPL last year to be played in two phases and though Shreyas returned for the second half, DC chose to continue with Pant as their skipper.
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(Photo credit: BCCI/IPL) In his first season as skipper, Pant led DC to the top of the standings after the league stage, winning 10 of the 14 matches. But he failed to take the team to their first title, losing in Qualifier 2 against Kolkata Knight Riders. Pant has played his entire IPL career for the Delhi franchise, after being signed by its previous avtar Delhi Daredevils in 2016, which was his debut season. He has been a consistent performer for the team since then, scoring 2498 runs so far in 84 matches, with one century and 15 half centuries. He is also of course the wicket-keeper for DC. Pant’s IPL Record: M 84 | R 2498 | HS 128* | Av. 35.18 | SR 147.46 | 1x100s | 15x50s | 6s – 113 | Ct – 56 | St – 14 DC Retained Players: Rishabh Pant, Prithvi Shaw, Axar Patel, Anrich Nortje
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Rajasthan Royals: Sanju Samson Another new captain in the league is Sanju Samson, who was appointed Rajasthan Royals’ skipper ahead of the last season. He scored a century on captaincy debut – 119 against Punjab Kings, making him the first IPL captain to achieve the feat.
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Photo credit: BCCI/IPL) But Samson’s first season as captain ended with RR finishing 7th on the standings with just 5 wins from 14 matches, even though he personally scored a career best 484 runs in the season. He was, as expected, retained by the franchise ahead of the next edition of the player auction. Samson was first signed by KKR in 2012 but did not get a chance to play. He made his IPL debut in the next season for RR. Since then, he has played for RR except for the two seasons (2017-18) the team was suspended. He spent those two seasons with the erstwhile Delhi Daredevils before returning to RR in 2018. Samson’s IPL Record: M 121 | R 3068 | HS 119 | Av. 29.21 | SR 134.20 | 3x100s | 15x50s | 6s – 132 | Ct – 59 | St – 10 RR Retained Players: Sanju Samson, Jos Buttler, Yashasvi Jaiswal
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Sunrisers Hyderabad: Kane Williamson New Zealand skipper Kane Williamson, who was the stand-in skipper for SRH, when David Warner was not allowed to play the 2018 season due to the ball tampering scandal and then in 2019 too, before Warner was reinstated the next season.
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(Photo credit: BCCI/IPL) Williamson officially took over the captaincy of Sunrisers Hyderabad midway through the last season from David Warner, who led the team to their only title so far in 2016. SRH had won just 1 game in the first 7 games under Warner in 2021, but Williamson also failed to make much of an impact, as SRH finished last in the standings with just 3 victories from 14 games. Williamson was retained by the team ahead of the next auction, while Warner was let go. 2018 was Williamson’s best season with the bat for SRH, scoring 735 runs @52.50 to win the Orange Cap, as he led SRH to the final where they lost to Dhoni-led CSK. Williamson has played his entire IPL career at SRH, since making his league debut in 2015. Williamson’s IPL Record: M 63 | R 1885 | HS 89 | Av. 40.10 | SR 131.26 | 17x50s | 6s – 56 | Ct – 29 SRH Retained Players: Kane Williamson, Abdul Samad, Umran Malik
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Lucknow Super Giants: KL Rahul Two new teams are joining the league from the upcoming season, making IPL a 10-team affair. One of the two new franchises is Lucknow Super Giants and they will be led by India’s star batter KL Rahul.
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Before the mega auction, LSG drafted three players – Rahul, Australian all-rounder Marcus Stoinis and young Indian leg-spinner Ravi Bishnoi with KL as their skipper. Lucknow have in fact made KL Rahul the joint most expensive player in the IPL, signing him for Rs 17 Crore. Virat Kohli was earlier retained by RCB for the same amount, though now Virat has taken a salary cut. Rahul was captain of Punjab Kings in the last two seasons before joining Lucknow. Since making his IPL debut in 2013 for RCB, Rahul has established himself as one of the most consistent run-scorers of the league, scoring more than 600 runs thrice in the last four seasons. He has scored at an impressive average of 47.43 in 94 matches, aggregating more than 3000 runs. However, it’s his captaincy credentials which will be tested when he turns up for the Lucknow franchise. In the last two seasons as Punjab Kings captain, Rahul saw his team finish sixth after the league stage both times. He was also named stand-in skipper for the ODI series in South Africa recently, where India lost all three matches in the series under his captaincy, with his leadership skills being questioned by many. Rahul’s IPL Record: M 94 | R 3273 | HS 132* | Av. 47.43 | SR 136.37 | 2x100s | 27x50s | 6s – 134 | Ct – 50 | St – 5 LSG Drafted Players: KL Rahul, Marcus Stoinis, Ravi Bishnoi
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Ahmedabad: Hardik Pandya The other new team in the league – the Ahmedabad franchise will be led by India all-rounder Hardik Pandya in their debut season. It will be the first captaincy stint for Hardik, who has played his entire IPL career at MI.
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Hardik, who has been on the sidelines of National selection for some time due to the fact that he is not able to bowl at full tilt, made his IPL debut in 2015 for MI and since then played many memorable matches for the five-time champions. The all-rounder has scored almost 1500 runs in the league and has taken 42 wickets in 92 games. A big hitter and a handy pacer, Hardik has been a match winner for MI with both bat and ball but is now struggling with injuries and in fact hasn’t bowled in the last two seasons for MI. It will be interesting to see whether skipper Hardik will roll his arm over for the new team in the upcoming season. The biggest test for Hardik the captain of course will be to lead from the front and deliver with his leadership skills for a team which has just joined the club of IPL teams. Hardik’s IPL Record: Batting: M 92 | R 1476 | HS 91 | Av. 27.33 | SR 153.91 | 4x50s | 6s – 98 | Ct – 53 Bowling: M 92 | W 42 | Best 3/20 | Av. 31.26 | Econ. 9.06 | SR 20.69 Ahmedabad Drafted Players: Hardik Pandya, Rashid Khan, Shubman Gill
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TEAMS WHICH ARE LOOKING FOR CAPTAINS Three teams — RCB, KKR & PK — have not announced their captain for the upcoming season and will potentially be looking for new leaders in the upcoming mega player auction. There of course will be many options available for them in the auction pool, both foreign and domestic. Prominent overseas names available for leadership roles are: England skipper Eoin Morgan, Australian skipper Pat Cummins, former South African skipper Quinton de Kock & Faf du Plessis, David Warner, former Australian captain Steve Smith, former Bangladesh skipper Shakib Al Hasan, former Windies skipper Jason Holder among others. And the prominent Indian names are: Ravichandran Ashwin, Shikhar Dhawan, Dinesh Karthik, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Shreyas Iyer, Ajinkya Rahane among others. Royal Challengers Bangalore Virat Kohli dropped a bombshell during IPL 2021 when he announced that he will be stepping down from Royal Challengers Bangalore’s captaincy at the end of the season. Kohli had led RCB for 8 seasons without winning the coveted title. Kohli has played his entire IPL career with RCB and is the top run-getter of the league with 6283 runs from 207 games with the help of 5 hundreds and 42 fifties. This has left RCB without a leader for the upcoming season, even though they have retained Kohli, who incidentally has also taken a Rs 2 Crore salary cut (Rs 15 Crore) along with Australia’s Glenn Maxwell and India pacer Mohammed Siraj. The perennial underachievers will be looking for a leader along with building a new squad in the upcoming mega auction in Bengaluru. RCB Retained Players: Virat Kohli, Glenn Maxwell, Mohammed Siraj
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Kolkata Knight Riders Two-time champions Kolkata Knight Riders retained four players but they let go of skipper Eoin Morgan and former captain Dinesh Karthik. KKR will potentially be looking for a new leader in the mega auction. England’s World Cup winning skipper Morgan was appointed KKR captain before the last season and he led the team to the play-offs by finishing 4th in the league stage. They eventually finished runners-up, losing to CSK in the final by 27 runs. Despite the good run, captain Morgan was not one of the four players retained by KKR. KKR Retained Players: Andre Russell, Venkatesh Iyer, Varun Chakaravarthy, Sunil Narine
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Punjab Kings Punjab Kings are one of only three teams (along with DC and RCB) in the league without a trophy to show off so far (among the 8 older teams). They were led by prolific runscorer KL Rahul in the last two seasons, but their fortunes did not improve at all. The Punjab franchise in fact haven’t qualified for the IPL playoffs since 2014, which was their best ever season, where they finished as runners-up. Despite Rahul scoring more than 600 runs as PK skipper in the last two seasons, they finished sixth in both seasons (2020 and 2021). Before the upcoming auction, India vice-captain, Rahul was signed by the new team Lucknow as their skipper, leaving PK without a captain for the season. Punjab chose to retain only two players ahead of the next edition of the player auction. PK Retained Players: Mayank Agarwal, Arshdeep Singh
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gokul2181 · 4 years ago
IPL Mid Season Transfer 2020: CSK not looking to trade any player, says CEO Kasi Viswanathan | Cricket News
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IPL Mid Season Transfer 2020: CSK not looking to trade any player, says CEO Kasi Viswanathan | Cricket News
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DUBAI: Chennai Super Kings spinner Imran Tahir finished the 2019 edition of the Indian Premier League as the highest wicket-taker with 26 wickets from 17 games. But last year’s purple-cap holder is yet to get the nod this season after eight games. CEO Kasi Viswanathan though has made it clear that a playing XI spot is round the corner for the star leg-spinner. Speaking to ANI, Viswanathan said that the conditions on offer in the UAE have forced the team management to go in with two foreign batsmen and fast bowling all-rounders. But he expects Tahir to come in as the wickets will now start turning. IPL 2020 POINTS TABLE “He will definitely come into the picture as we go ahead. Right now, with the conditions on offer, the team composition has been planned with two foreigners at the top as pure batsmen and then two pace bowling all-rounders. But he will come in with the wickets starting to take turn in the second half. You have the 4-foreigner restriction so you always plan according to the conditions on offer,” he explained. Tahir himself understands that it is all about team composition and giving the right guys the nod with an eye on the conditions.
“It has been difficult sitting out, but I have to be honest, I am enjoying and I know how we go about it as a team. I am happy if we are doing well and waiting for my opportunity and hopefully will be ready when I get it. Will be a good challenge playing against the young Indian talent. I see the pitches have started spinning a little bit,” he told the commentators during the game against Sunrisers Hyderabad. Coming back to the team, Chennai could do with a couple of Indian players in the middle-order to pick from and with the mid-season transfer starting, CSK do have that opportunity. But the CEO made it clear that they aren’t looking at trading.
“CSK has never brought or released players in the mid-season transfer window and we have honestly not even gone through the rules and regulations that come into play if we are looking at a transfer. We are not looking at any player,” he explained. Adding on, the CEO said that it was unlikely that any team would wish to give away a capped player as all buys are done at the auction keeping multiple permutations and combinations in mind. “It is a competition after all and I don’t think anyone would want to loan players to another franchise. Some might be playing and others might not, but all players are picked at the auction with numerous plans in mind and for different situations that might arise during the course of the tournament. You do not go in with just Plan A. You have an A, B, C and D,” he said.
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awesometeennews · 4 years ago
IPL has helped adapt while bowling on various tracks: Mitchell Santner
IPL has helped adapt while bowling on various tracks: Mitchell Santner
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Santner was picked up by the CSK for Rs 50 lakh during the IPL auctions ahead of the 2018 edition of the league but was ruled out of the tournament that year due to a bone defect in his knees. However, the Hamilton-born cricketer was back in 2019, playing four matches.
“The IPL was a cool experience as well. It was the first time for me playing at a ground where it spins more, in…
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bigyack-com · 5 years ago
Ravichandran Ashwin's Witty Reply Wins The Banter With Rajasthan Royals
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Ravichandran Ashwin engaged in a "good banter" with Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Rajasthan Royals on the New Year's eve. The banter began when Rajasthan Royals took a dig at Ashwin's infamous 'Mankad' dismissal that rocked the IPL 2019. However, the credit of starting the banter goes to a fan who shared a picture of a special ball box, with 'Mankad' written on all of them. The Rajasthan based side, who were at the receiving end of Ashwin's infamous dismissal, wasted no time and tweeted, "No points for guessing who is adding this to their cart for #IPL2020". No points for guessing who is adding this to their cart for #IPL2020 https://t.co/66sYUMosUp — Rajasthan Royals (@rajasthanroyals) December 31, 2019 Ashwin was also quick to respond and tackled the issue with great maturity. In fact, he won the little battle with his witty reply and also took the opportunity to wish them a Happy New Year."Might well be a good collection for the non strikers who meander along.  Good banter nevertheless. Wish you all a happy 2020," Ashwin replied. Might well be a good collection for the non strikers who meander along. Good banter nevertheless wish you all a happy 2020. https://t.co/fqD9WOCHTL — Ashwin Ravichandran (@ashwinravi99) December 31, 2019 In IPL 2019, Ashwin, playing for Kings XI Punjab, had mankaded Rajasthan Royals' Jos Buttler after he tried to steal some yards by backing too much at the non-striker's end even before the ball was bowled.The incident caused  a lot of stir and left the fans and pundits divided. Some were in favour of Ashwin's conduct saying whatever he did was well within in his rights and legitimate as per the rules and regulations framed by the International Cricket Council, while others criticised him and even raised questions over his sportsman spirit.Despite all the criticism he received for the incident, Ashwin has made his intentions for the IPL 2020 quite clear. Two days ago during a Q & A session on Twitter, when a fan asked him: "Who are the potential batsmen you can Mankad this IPL?", Ashwin replied by saying: "Anyone that goes out of the crease".Ashwin, who led Kings XI Punjab in last two seasons of the IPL, will ply his trade for Delhi Capitals after he was traded before the annual auction in December. Read the full article
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kanhucharanrout-blog · 6 years ago
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Defending champions Chennai Super Kings will faceoff against Royal Challengers Bangalore in the opening fixture of #VIVO IPL 2019.
The side put together by CSK last season was dubbed by a few as ‘Army of Oldies’; however, the players justified the adage ‘age is just a number’ as CSK clinched the title upon their return to the league after a two-year suspension. MS Dhoni’s side won 9 of their 14 league matches – this despite having to shift base to Pune, sailed straight to the final by winning the first playoff, and then turned in a dominant performance in the title clash to clinch their third IPL title.
The franchise has retained the bulk of the squad that did duty for them last season. They have given themselves a couple more options by acquiring the services of Mohit Sharma (former India pacer) and Ruturaj Gaikwad (Maharashtra opening batsman) in the IPL Player Auction 2019.
The title holders were dealt a lethal blow days prior to their opening match when South African pacer Lungi Ngidi was ruled out of the season with a side strain. It will be interesting to see if the team management replaces him with David Willey or if they tinker around with the line-up.
RCB had a disappointing season in 2018. The franchise won just 6 of their 14 league matches and finished sixth in the eight team standings. Virat Kohli’s team won only 3 of their first 10 matches and were therefore always playing catch up. Heading into their last league match, they were still in with a chance of progressing to the Playoffs; but Rajasthan Royals emerged victors in that match and qualified as the fourth qualifier.
RCB have retained 15 players from their 2018 squad and acquired the services of nine more players at the IPL Player Auction 2019. Shimron Hetmyer, Shivam Dube and Heinrich Klaasen are among the exciting new signings. They will be handicapped at the start of the season with Marcus Stoinis and Nathan Coulter-Nile missing out the first few games because of international commitments.
23 March 2019, 8pm IST
MA Chidambaram Stadium, channai
 Chennai Super Kings: Shane Watson, Faf du Plessis, Suresh Raina, Ambati Rayudu, MS Dhoni, Kedar Jadhav, Dwayne Bravo, Ravindra Jadeja, Harbhajan Singh, Deepak Chahar, David Willey.
Royal Challengers Bangalore: Virat Kohli, Parthiv Patel, AB de Villiers, Heinrich Klaasen, Shimron Hetmyer, Moeen Ali, Washington Sundar, Pawan Negi, Yuzvendra Chahal, Mohammed Siraj, Umesh Yadav.
Suresh Raina has scored in excess of 350 runs in each of the nine seasons that CSK has been part of the league and has been one of the pillars of the team’s success. The left-hander may not be in the scheme of things where the national team is concerned, but he is only 32 years old and still has a lot to offer. Raina will have fond memories of playing at the Chepauk – a place he can call home away from home; in his entire career, Raina has scored more runs at the MA Chidambaram Stadium than at any other venue.
As has been the case for the last few seasons, Virat Kohli and AB de Villiers form the nuclei of RCB’s batting. One can expect the pair to bat with a lot more freedom this season knowing they have more ammunition in the batting order this time; Shimron Hetmyer, Shivam Dube and Heinrich Klaasen are powerful strikers of the ball and can cause plenty of damage with the bat.
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myteam11 · 6 years ago
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This IPL season, the selection of the playing XI will be extremely crucial for the franchises as most of the top players will be preferring their practice time for the World Cup 2019 over IPL. Considering this fact, here’s our take on the probable playing XIs of all the 8 teams for their first matches -
Chennai Super Kings
The three-time IPL winner, Chennai Super Kings will be defending its title against all other teams. CSK did not release or buy many players for this 2019 season. Thus, the defending champions predicted playing XI for the first match will be more or less similar to that of last year’s. CSK's comeback man Mohit Sharma is expected to open the innings with Ambati Rayudu and Kedhar Jadhav might handle the affairs of the middle order.
Predicted playing XI - Ambati Rayudu, Suresh Raina, MS Dhoni (C & WK), Shane Watson, Kedar Jadhav, Dwayne Bravo, Ravindra Jadeja, Deepak Chahar, Mohit Sharma, Lungi Ngidi, Imran Tahir.
Mumbai Indians
Mumbai Indians will look to start afresh in IPL 2019 with a victory against Delhi Capitals in its opening match on 24th March, to put behind the setbacks of last season, where the team failed to make it to the playoffs. With Lasith Malinga not available for first few matches as he will be playing for Srilanka against South Africa and Jason Behrendorff for Australia, Mitchell McClenaghan might get into playing XI. Hardik Pandya with his brother Krunal will be crucial for Mumbai Indians. Ben Cutting owing to his splendid form might be a part of the playing XI. Yuvraj Singh might miss out from the playing XI.
Predicted playing XI - Quinton de Kock (WK), Rohit Sharma (C), Krunal Pandya, Hardik Pandya, Ishan Kishan, Kieron Pollard, Ben Cutting, Mitchell McClenaghan, Mayank Markande, Jasprit Bumrah,Suryakumar Yadav.
Royal Challengers Bangalore
Royal Challengers Bangalore are looking to change things around this season after having yet another unsuccessful IPL leg last year.  The RCB’s batting side gave a massive blow to the team in 2018 that made the team management to let go of every batsman in this year’s auction except AB De Villiers and Virat Kohli. They do not have a prominent opening batting line which means Virat Kohli will open the innings. Shivam Dube is also expected to make his debut in the very first match of the season.
Predicted playing XI - Virat Kohli (C), Shivam Dube, Parthiv Patel (WK), Ab de Villiers, Shimron Hetmyer, Colin de Grandhomme, Washington Sundar, Umesh Yadav, Yuzvendra Chahal, Mohd Siraj, Tim Southee.
Sunrisers Hyderabad
Sunrisers Hyderabad had a pretty successful season last year, and thus they did not gamble with the team selection much, this season. David Warner is expected to open with England's Johnny Bairstow, IPL 2019 debutant, who has been extraordinary for England across all three formats. Vijay Shankar is speculated to be a regular in playing XI as he displayed impressive game for the national side. Rashid Khan and Shahbaz Nadeem will lead the spin attack with Bhuvneshwar Kumar leading the pace attack along with Siddharth Kaul and Khaleel Ahmed.
Predicted playing XI - David Warner, Johnny Bairstow (WK), Kane Williamson (C), Manish Pandey, Vijay Shankar, Rashid Khan, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, Shahbaz Nadeem, Siddarth Kaul, Khaleel Ahmed, Deepak Hooda.
Rajasthan Royals
The ever-dependable Ajinkya Rahane will lead the side for Rajasthan Royals this season. The team has a pool of talented Indian players along with class overseas players such as Ben Stokes, Steve Smith, Jos Buttler, Jofra Archer, and Oshane Thomas. Special mention, Liam Livingstone, who has been in excellent form in the PSL and the latest Australian star, Ashton Turner.
Predicted playing XI - Ajinkya Rahane (C), Jos Buttler (WK), Steve Smith, Sanju Samson, Ben Stokes, Rahul Tripathi, K Gowtham, Jofra Archer, Shreyas Gopal, Jaydev Unadkat, Varun Aaron
Kolkata Knight Riders
KKR had suffered a significant blow even before the start of the season as young players Shivam Mavi and Kamlesh Nagarkoti have been ruled out of the series due to injuries. KKR has a dearth of fast bowlers, and these injuries might further damage its overall chances in the IPL 2019. The team's batsmen will have to make up for a weak bowling department. KKR skipper Dinesh Karthik with Chris Lynn, Robin Uthappa, Kuldeep Yadav, and Sunil Narine will bring their experience into play right from the beginning of the tournament. 
Predicted playing XI - Dinesh Karthik(C & WK), Chris Lynn, Sunil Narine, Robin Uthappa, Shubman Gill, Nitish Rana, Andre Russell, Piyush Chawla, Kuldeep Yadav, Lockie Ferguson, Prasidh Krishna
Kings XI Punjab
Kings XI Punjab will begin its IPL 2019 campaign against Rajasthan Royals at Jaipur on 25th March. The team management has made some significant changes in the squad and will be hoping for a spin of luck this year. Chris Gayle will be a big threat for the opposition bowlers owing to his present form. Mayank Agarwal will play at number 3 given the kind of performance he has given in domestic tournaments. It will be interesting to see if the Kings will introduce young players Prabhsimran Singh and Varun Chakravarthy in the first match or not.
Predicted playing XI - Chris Gayle, KL Rahul, Mayank Agarwal, Karun Nair, Prabhsimran Singh (WK), Varun Chakravarthy, Moises Henriques, R Ashwin (C), Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Andrew Tye, Mohammed Shami
Delhi Capitals
With experienced Indian opener, Shikhar Dhawan providing the stronghold to the young Delhi Capitals batting line-up, Delhi Capitals has been successful in forming a strong team for the 12th edition of the IPL. Captain Shreyas Iyer will be taking forward his fine form from Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy into the IPL. Sandeep Lamichhane along with Amit Mishra will be leading the spin department, while Kagiso Rabada and Trent Boult heading pace attack. Debutant Axar Patel might be in Playing XI in the first match.
Predicted playing XI - Shikhar Dhawan, Prithvi Shaw, Shreyas Iyer (C), Rishabh Pant (WK), Colin Ingram, Axar Patel, Kagiso Rabada, Trent Boult, Amit Mishra, Rahul Tewatia, Sandeep Lamichhane.
Stay Tuned to Myteam 11 for more updates on IPL season 12 and cricket world.
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johnnykhfs019-blog · 6 years ago
The Worst Advice You Could Ever Get About ipl 2019 schedule time table
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The tournament has ever become the platform for those newbies. Furthermore, the experience of players, who have played far from the subcontinent, could wind up being an essential element. At the conclusion of the initial 6 overs another 3 gamers might go out into the outfield in the event the captain dreams.
All our tips are 100% real and will assist you to have a substantial earnings. There's already lots of enjoyment emerging for auction though only 70 slots must be objected to. Also, there aren't numerous bidders who are considering buying women's groups, making BCCI the sole body who may have to play Indian in addition to foreign gamers playing in the League.
According to the format of the play, each group will find the opportunity to play a single home match against the rest of the teams. Many groups will likewise opt for secondary premises and a few matches are arranged there too. They will clash with one another on a home and away basis.
It's been an Find out more interesting trade window, which will enliven the auction. Keep reading to get more information how it is possible to get trusted info regarding IPL 2012 groups team. It's been anticipated that the IPL in 2019 will Visit this page be a lot more interesting ipl 2019 dates and here are the key elements.
It's also located close to the sea which keeps a continuous stream of cool breeze. There's also a chance of the entire IPL competition to be moved to another location as a result of elections. But this was not the conclusion of the joyful banter.
Below is the most recent schedule of 2018. Let us have a look at the complete KXIP schedule 2018. On our site, you can receive the comprehensive schedule for the tournament together with the specific Indian timings and the places of the matches.
It has actually ever been a slow turner. Stuart Binny had seemed among the shining lights at a minute, the Rajasthan Royals were lingering in the base of the table. This, as a result, has triggered the unfortunate postponement of the IPL schedule also.
Considering that I have currently mentioned this year's ceremony ought to be a no exception and just delight in every fiscal year, it's going to be held on 4th April that's only one day before the inaugural match or it might ipl 2019 fixtures likewise be on 5th April right before the onset of the very first match. After the auction day, that's after 4th February 2017, the last collection of the group will be offered. This season is very little bit change because of some problems.
As mentioned by the IPL's main site, when the election dates are revealed, BCCI will also prepared the schedule for the remainder of the season working with the regional authorities around the ballot dates. This year's IPL 10 Auction is prepared for to take place in the really first week of February. With IPL 2012 knocking the doors immediately, you need to be gearing up to delight in this thrilling season with your family members and pals.
As a result of general election in India, it might be hosted outside the country. There's a chance that the competition will be kept in UAE also due to the probable clash with election dates in 2019. There's a possibility that the tournament is going to be held in UAE also because of the possible clash with election dates in 2019.
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famedubaitravl · 5 years ago
IPL – A measure of players’ return on investments
Teams often make or break their fortunes in auctions much before the on-field action kicks off ©BCCI
The Indian Premier League was a pioneer in franchise cricket and a dozen of years since its inception, it has evolved as the world’s best run franchise T20 tournament. It is unrivalled in terms of talent pool, quality of cricket on display, prize money on offer and the overall razzmatazz. One of the distinct features of the league is the way it distributes players among various franchises involved – the auction.
Not just the players themselves, the teams often make or break their fortunes in these auctions much before the on-field action kicks off. But how can one measure the Return on Investment (RoI) on the money spent on a particular player? Is one worth the amount he is invested in? It is next to impossible to measure the intangibles one can offer in the game of cricket – such as the brand value and marketability a player brings to the franchise, the tactical acumen one brings to the table and likewise. Through this exercise, we try to answer the question on the value of a player by quantifying the two basic tangible parameters – runs scored and wickets taken.
The methodology
The runs scored and wickets taken is passed through the prism of batting strike rate and economy rate respectively, which is then adjusted relative to the tournament average to arrive at notional values on which the price/run and price/wicket is calculated. The batsmen with a higher strike rate or a lower economy rate compared to the overall tournament average, as often two of the most important aspects of T20 cricket, is thus rewarded accordingly. It is calculated season-wise and the weighed average is taken to measure the overall impact across six seasons.
The salary distribution in IPL is directly dependent on player availability throughout a season (considering national commitments of overseas players). Once a player is available, the franchise can deduct from his salary (the amount for which he was bought in the auction), 20% to 50% depending on his selection to the playing XI and his injury track record. For the purpose of this exercise, we assume a player is available and injury free throughout the season and his salary will be proportional and dependent only to the number of matches he plays.
For example, if a player was bought for ten crores in the auction and if he features in seven games of the 14 matches played by his team in the season, his salary for the season is calculated as:
(Matches played by the player/Total matches played by the franchise) * Sum paid in auction
Salary = (7/14) * 10 cr = 5 cr
In reality, he could receive up to nine crores depending on the reason of his non-selection for the seven matches.
The analysis is applicable for the six seasons starting from 2014. It was in 2014 that the rule came which made it mandatory all the players had to be bought in the auction, including the uncapped ones. For the replacement players, their base price in the auction is considered. In the case of players whose actual salary differ from the amount the purse is deducted for the franchise, the latter is considered.
Batsmen with best price/run returns
While most of the big-ticket buys are placed at the wrong end of the price per run table, David Warner is a notable exception ©BCCI
Batsman Team(s) Mat Runs Price/Run Lendl Simmons MI 29 1079 0.11 Parthiv Patel RCB, MI 72 1642 0.47 Kane Williamson SRH 41 1302 0.51 Suryakumar Yadav KKR, MI 84 1544 0.52 Nitish Rana MI, KKR 46 1085 0.64 Quinton de Kock Delhi, RCB, MI 47 1450 0.75 JP Duminy Delhi, MI 44 1051 0.78 Dwayne Smith CSK, GL 56 1528 0.81 David Warner SRH 71 3271 0.87 Jos Buttler MI, RR 45 1386 0.90 KL Rahul SRH, RCB, KXIP 62 1957 0.97
* Qual: 1000+ runs; Price/Run in INR lakhs
Lendl Simmons leads the list with 0.11 lakhs per run scored. He came into the Mumbai Indians side in 2014 as a replacement for Jalaj Saxena and was instrumental in turning the side’s fortune in 2014 and 2015 after enduring poor runs at the start of both the seasons. Despite two good seasons on the bounce, he struggled to find a place in the starting XI after the entry of Jos Buttler in 2016.
Simmons forged a successful opening partnership with Parthiv Patel, who joined Mumbai’s ranks in 2015. The pair has scored 854 runs at the top of the order for the franchise at 44.95 – the most by an opening pair for the team in IPL. Parthiv was Mumbai’s leading run getter in their successful 2017 campaign scoring 395 runs. He has consistently averaged between 0.33 and 0.68 lakhs per run scored in the last six seasons and has been a good value for money pick for his franchises, his wicketkeeping skills being a bonus in the bargain.
While most of the big-ticket buys are placed at the wrong end of the price per run table, David Warner is a notable exception. After five middling seasons with Delhi Daredevils where he averaged 28.70, Sun Risers Hyderabad bought him for 5.50 crores in 2014. In the five seasons since (he did not feature in 2018), he aggregated 500+ runs each time and was the Orange Cap winner thrice (2015, 2017 & 2019), besides leading Sun Risers to their only title win in 2016. It came as little surprise when the franchise retained him for 12.50 crores in 2018.
KL Rahul has grown leaps and bounds from an uncapped novice in SRH to the kingpin of Kings XI’s batting lineup. Kings XI broke the bank to acquire his services in 2018 and unlike the other big ticket buys of that auction, he was one player who justified his selection with the sheer volume of runs he accumulated for them at the top of the order.
Batsmen with worst price/run returns
Yuvraj Singh won record bids in both 2014 and 2015 but never really took off in the IPL ©BCCI
Batsman Team(s) Mat Runs Price/Run David Miller KXIP 61 1334 3.97 Shane Watson RR, RCB, CSK 79 1790 3.78 MS Dhoni CSK, RPS 94 2188 3.65 Rohit Sharma MI 91 2385 3.53 Yuvraj Singh RCB, Delhi, SRH, KXIP, MI 62 1275 3.51 Gautam Gambhir KKR, Delhi 66 1746 3.29 Dinesh Karthik Delhi, RCB, GL, KKR 90 1913 2.95 Virat Kohli RCB 84 3139 2.81 Suresh Raina CSK, GL 94 2566 2.59 Shikhar Dhawan SRH, Delhi 91 2728 2.43 Glenn Maxwell MKXIP, Delhi 64 1355 2.32
It has to be noted that some of the players in the above table play multiple roles for the franchises they played for, but the above considers only the runs scored. Rohit, Kohli and Gambhir have led their teams while Dhoni and Karthik have also kept wickets in addition to leading their teams. Shane Watson was billed as an all-rounder at least till 2017 though his bowling prowess waned of late. In the 2019 season, he did not bowl a single ball.
The batsmen with the highest price per run are mostly the players retained by the franchises in the lead up to major auctions. The notable exception being Yuvraj Singh who played for five different franchises in six seasons. He won record bids in both 2014 (14 crores) and 2015 (16 crores) but never really took off in the IPL when compared with his exploits in international cricket. In 2015, for Delhi he scored just 248 runs in 14 matches at a disappointing strike rate of 118 shooting up the price/run value to 7.21 for the season – his worst in any season.
David Miller was Kings XI Punjab’s biggest player retained in 2014 thanks to his exploits in the previous season. True to the trust of the franchise, he had a brilliant 2014 where he played a crucial hand in the team’s run to the finals. However, his fortunes dwindled post 2014 averaging just 26.12 at a strike rate of 126. The 2016 season was extremely detrimental when Miller scored only 161 runs in 14 innings at 16.10, this after punching a hole of 12.50 crores in his franchises’ purse.
Dhoni dons multiple hats for the franchises he represents – that of a batsman, a captain, a wicketkeeper, in addition to being the face of the team. The purview of this exercise is limited to only the first of those and Dhoni the batsman has proved to be expensive to the franchises he played for. He had three middling seasons on the bounce between 2015 and 2017 which has shot up the price/run parameter to 3.65 though two good successive seasons with Chennai in the last two years has nullified the inflation to a reasonable extent.
Shane Watson was Rajasthan Royals’ big-ticket retention (12.50 crores) in the lead up to 2014 IPL after winning his second MVP award in the previous season. He had two modest seasons with them in the two years that followed before the franchise was suspended. Watson was the most expensive buy of the 2016 auction when Royal Challengers Bangalore bought him for 9.50 crores. He suffered his leanest period in the next two years where he averaged a paltry 13.16 with the bat with a highest score of 36. Chennai Super Kings bought him in 2018 for four crores and he had two fruitful seasons with them so far that includes top scoring in two finals for them. Watson’s returns vary from 0.84 lakhs per run for CSK in two seasons compared to 7.50 for RCB and 3.97 for RR for the same sample size of two seasons each.
Bowlers with best price/run returns
Mumbai Indians’ left-arm seamer Mitchell McClenaghan has given the best returns with the ball ©BCCI
Bowler Team(s) Mat Wkts Price/Wkt Mitchell McClenaghan MI 56 71 3.04 Imran Tahir Delhi, RPS, CSK 55 79 4.02 Sandeep Sharma SRH, KXIP 75 87 8.47 Dhawal Kulkarni RR, GL 57 50 11.63 Yuzvendra Chahal RCB 83 100 12.86 Siddarth Kaul Delhi, SRH 39 45 14.77 Ashish Nehra CSK, SRH 34 47 16.61 Jasprit Bumrah MI 75 79 18.26 Umesh Yadav KKR, RCB 72 76 23.48 Mohit Sharma CSK, KXIP 70 71 30.44
* Qual: 40+ wickets; Price/Wkt in INR lakhs
The bowler giving the best returns with the ball is Mumbai Indians’ left-arm seamer Mitchell McClenaghan – every wicket of him costing 3.04 lakhs each. He was bought by the franchise in 2015 for a meagre sum of 30 lakhs prior to the 2015 edition and he finished as franchise’s most successful in the next three years (in which they won two titles) with 54 wickets, 16 more than any other. Despite the feats, he was not retained ahead of the 2018 mega auction, but he came back as an injury replacement for Jason Behrendorff. In the six editions since 2014, no other overseas seamer has taken more scalps than McClenaghan’s 71 which came at an impressive strike rate of 17.9 balls per wicket.
Imran Tahir has represented three teams in the last six years and he wasn’t the original choice for two of those. He went unsold in 2014 and 2017 auctions and was getting picked as replacement by Delhi Daredevils in 2014 and Rising Pune Supergiants in 2017. Despite being at the top of ICC rankings in T20 Internationals, Chennai took him for a base price of one crore in 2018 auction and in the following year he finished as the Purple Cap winner with 26 wickets. Across the six editions, Tahir has picked 79 wickets which is the most among overseas bowlers and second most among spinners which gives him a value of 4.02 lakhs per wicket taken.
Only two bowlers have picked a minimum of ten wickets in each of the last six seasons of IPL – Sandeep Sharma and Yuzvendra Chahal. Chahal was nabbed by the Bengaluru franchise for a measly 10 lakhs in 2014 and his stocks have been on the rise ever since. Only Bhuvneshwar Kumar has picked more wickets than Chahal in the last six years in IPL. Chahal picked 70 wickets in the four seasons between 2014 and 2017 and he was brought back in 2018 using RTM for six crores – a whopping increase of 60 times the previous price.
Sandeep Sharma on the other hand has almost gone under the radar despite picking more wickets (87) than any bowler apart from Bhuvneshwar Kumar and Chahal in the last six seasons. He was picked by Kings XI for 85 lakhs in 2014 and he picked 63 wickets for them in the next four seasons becoming their new ball specialist. In 2018, he moved to Sun Risers for three crores and picked 12 wickets each in 2018 and 2019.
Two bowlers that narrowly miss the 40 wickets cut-off are Shreyas Gopal (38 wickets) and Deepak Chahar (33 wickets). Both were purchased for less than a crore and has reaped rich dividends for the franchises – Gopal’s 38 wickets costing 0.92 lakhs each and Chahar’s 3.74 lakhs each.
Bowlers with worst price/run returns
Jaydev Unadkat was not retained after any of the seasons and appeared in each of the last six auctions ©BCCI
Bowler Team(s) Mat Wkts Price/Wkt Shane Watson RR, RCB, CSK 79 44 83.70 Ravindra Jadeja CSK, GL 92 69 70.06 Sunil Narine KKR 79 76 67.51 Jaydev Unadkat Delhi, KKR, RPS, RR 49 54 59.86 R Ashwin CSK, KXIP 72 61 53.65 Andre Russell KKR 57 54 43.93 Krunal Pandya MI 55 40 42.99 Chris Morris Delhi, RR 45 54 41.24 Axar Patel KXIP, Delhi 82 71 38.79 Karn Sharma SRH, MI, CSK 49 43 37.90
The bowler’s list for worst returns are mostly occupied by all-rounders – at least seven of them can claim to be belonging to the ilk, barring Unadkat, Ashwin, and Karn Sharma. And of the seven, barring Watson and Russell, rest are all bowling all-rounders. Since Watson has not bowled at all in the 2019 season, his 2019 numbers aren’t considered for calculation.
No surprises with Jaydev Unadkat in the top half of the list, costing 59.86 lakhs per wicket. Unadkat was not retained after any of the seasons and appeared in each of the last six auctions. His best efforts came for Pune in 2017, who picked him for a 30 lakhs, when he aggregated 24 scalps at a cost as low as 0.80 lakhs per wicket. His stocks boomed after that season, with Rajasthan Royals buying him for 11.50 crores in 2018 and eight crores in 2019, though his form with the ball plummeted picking only 21 wickets for Royals at an economy of 10-plus giving values of 118.39 lakhs per wicket in 2018 and 84.97 lakhs per wicket in 2019 compared with that of just 0.80 lakhs per wicket for Pune in 2017. (Unadkat made solitary appearances in the 2015 and 2016 seasons, and failed to pick a wicket each season; for those two seasons he is assigned the salary taken for the season as price per wicket)
The one big miss in the above lists is Ben Stokes who stormed into the IPL winning the MVP award in his maiden season in 2017 for Pune. Rajasthan Royals broke the bank to acquire his services next season though his performances left much to be desired. Stokes average 5.39 lakhs per run for his aggregate of 635 runs and 125.60 lakhs per wicket for his 26 scalps in his three IPL seasons so far.
The value for money buys each season
Yuzvendra Chahal had the best value for money among bowlers in both 2015 and 2016 while KL Rahul cost the least for his runs in 2016 ©BCCI
Batsmen (Qual: 10+ innings)
Season Batsman Team Runs Price Price/Run 2014 Naman Ojha SRH 232 50 0.15 2015 Lendl Simmons MI 540 50 0.08 2016 KL Rahul RCB 397 100 0.20 2017 Rahul Tripathi RPS 391 10 0.02 2018 Ambati Rayudu CSK 602 220 0.34 2019 Mayank Agarwal KXIP 332 100 0.26
* Price/Run in INR lakhs
This set is dominated by batsmen who were bought relatively cheaply and performed way better than they were expected. Take the case of Rahul Tripathi in 2017. He was bought for a base price of ten lakhs made his way to the starting XI only after Mayank Agarwal’s failure in the initial few matches. He prospered big time hitting 391 runs at a strike rate of 146.44 giving him a return of 0.02 lakhs per run.
KL Rahul was transferred to Bengaluru from Sun Risers ahead of 2016 and his 387 runs at 146.49 gave him an excellent return of 0.20 lakhs per run. Ambati Rayudu flourished for the Super Kings at the top of the order in 2018 scoring 602 runs at a strike rate a shade under 150 – which gives a brilliant return of 0.34 lakhs per run that season for a moderate price of 2.20 crores.
Bowlers (Qual: 25+ overs)
Season Bowler Team Wkts Price Price/Wkt 2014 Pravin Tambe RR 15 10 0.56 2015 Yuzvendra Chahal RCB 23 10 0.44 2016 Yuzvendra Chahal RCB 21 10 0.39 2017 Siddarth Kaul SRH 16 10 0.45 2018 Prasidh Krishna KKR 10 20 0.95 2019 Shreyas Gopal RR 20 20 0.87
* Price/Run in INR lakhs
The value for money for bowling each season is exclusively filled by uncapped and relatively unknown bowlers bought for their base price. Pravin Tambe remains the oldest debutant and had not played a game in professional cricket when he made his IPL debut for Rajasthan Royals in 2013. He was re-picked by the franchise in 2014 for his base price and finished as their leading wicket taker with 15 victims giving him a price per wicket value of 0.56.
Though Siddarth Kaul was initially bought by Sun Risers in 2015 auction for a base price of ten lakhs, he did not find a place in the playing XI until 2017. He picked 16 wickets in the season and became a death overs specialist giving him a value of 0.45 lakhs per wicket. The franchise had to shell out 3.80 crore in the mega auction in 2018 to hold on to his services.
Prasidh Krishna in 2018 came into Kolkata Knight Riders team as a replacement for an injured Kamalesh Nagarkoti and only featured in the second half of the tournament. He bagged ten wickets from seven matches becoming his team’s go to man in the final stages of the innings.
Shreyas Gopal made his IPL debut in 2014 but only got to feature in six games across four seasons and was picked by Royals in 2018 for 20 lakhs. He had an impressive season especially towards the latter half which earned him a spot in the final XI in the following season. In 2019, he came in to his own with 20 wickets from 14 games, nine wickets more than any other bowler in the team.
Teams with best Return on Investment (RoI) values
Mumbai Indians had the best return on investment in 2015 and 2017 ©BCCI
For calculating the RoI for teams, the total salary paid to all its players is deducted from the value added by runs scored and wickets taken by the team. Value addition by runs and wickets is formulated by multiplying the adjusted runs scored with cost per run and adjusted wickets taken (as mentioned at the start of the copy to evaluate individual players) by cost per wicket.
Cost per run is the total runs scored in the tournament by the batsmen divided by the cumulative salary earned by all the players. For example, 18573 runs were scored, and 639 wickets were taken by the bowlers in the 2019 edition of the tournament which equates to 2.33 lakhs per run scored and 67.62 lakhs per wicket taken (a total salary of 432.07 crores were disbursed among the eight teams out of the 595.30 crores spent in the auction).
Season Top four teams on RoI Top four teams on points table 2014 KXIP, KKR, CSK, RR KXIP, KKR, CSK, MI 2015 MI, CSK, RCB, SRH CSK, MI, RCB, RR 2016 RCB, SRH, KKR, GL GL, RCB, SRH, KKR 2017 MI, RPS, SRH, KKR MI, RPS, SRH, KKR 2018 SRH, CSK, KKR, Delhi SRH, CSK, KKR, RR 2019 CSK, Delhi, MI, SRH MI, CSK, Delhi, SRH
According to our methodology, the four teams that finished top four in the order in RoI table have made it to the Play Offs in that respective season in 2016, 2017, and 2019. While in the three other seasons, three of the top four in RoI table made it to the playoffs.
In 2014, it was Rajasthan Royals who finished fourth in RoI table but Mumbai Indians ended on fourth in the points table and made the cut thanks to the Aditya Tare six off James Faulkner which helped Mumbai to finish with a net run rate a few decimal points ahead of Royals.
In 2015, Sun Risers were placed better on RoI table to Royals because of the high return to cost ratio for Warner, Moises Henriques and Bhuvneshwar. Of the five retentions by Royals in the previous year, three had negative returns (James Faulkner, Stuart Binny, and Sanju Samson), while the other two (Watson and Ajinkya Rahane) had meagre positive returns.
In 2018, Royal’s position in the RoI table was pulled down because of the large negative returns of their two big ticket buys in the auction – Stokes and Unadkat.
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newbisskey · 5 years ago
Karnataka Premier League (KPL) 2019 Full Schedule: Teams, Fixtures, Squads, Time Table, Telecast The Karnataka Premier League (KPL) 2019 kicked-off on August 16 at the M Chinnaswamy stadium, with the opening fixture between Bengaluru Blasters and Mysuru Warriors. The 2019 edition of the tournament will see a total of 7 teams battle it out for the title, namely: Bijapur Bulls, Bengaluru Blasters, Ballari Tuskers, Mysuru Warriors, Belagavi Panthers, Shivamogga Lions, Hubli Tigers.
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Karnataka Premier League (KPL) 2019 Full Schedule
It is the eighth edition of the KPL where all the matches would be played on two venues - Bengaluru and Mysore. Earlier, the name of Hubli was also suggested as the third venue for the season but the forecast of persistent rainfall there forced the organisers to change their plans.
The league will be played in the semi-final format, unlike the playoffs system that is used in the Indian Premier League. A total of 25 matches will be held, with ever squad containing a roster of 15 to 18 players. The final of the tournament will take place at the Chinnaswamy stadium on September 1.
KPL 2019 Full Schedule and Time Table:
Match Date Time (IST) Venue Bengaluru Blasters v Mysuru Warriors 16-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Hubli Tigers v Shivamogga Lions 17-08-2019 15:00 Bengaluru Ballari Tuskers v Belagavi Panthers 17-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Mysuru Warriors v Shivamogga Lions 18-08-2019 15:00 Bengaluru Bengaluru Blasters v Bijapur Bulls 18-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Hubli Tigers v Ballari Tuskers 19-08-2019 15:00 Bengaluru Mysuru Warriors v Belagavi Panthers 19-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Ballari Tuskers v Bijapur Bulls 20-08-2019 15:00 Bengaluru Bengaluru Blasters v Shivamogga Lions 20-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Hubli Tigers v Belagavi Panthers 22-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Bijapur Bulls v Mysuru Warriors 23-08-2019 15:00 Bengaluru Shivamogga Lions v Ballari Tuskers 23-08-2019 19:00 Bengaluru Belagavi Panthers v Bengaluru Blasters 24-08-2019 15:00 Mysuru Hubli Tigers v Bijapur Bulls 24-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru Belagavi Panthers v Shivamogga Lions 25-08-2019 15:00 Mysuru Hubli Tigers v Bengaluru Blasters 25-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru Mysuru Warriors v Ballari Tuskers 27-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru Belagavi Panthers v Bijapur Bulls 28-08-2019 15:00 Mysuru Mysuru Warriors v Hubli Tigers 28-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru Bengaluru Blasters v Ballari Tuskers 29-08-2019 15:00 Mysuru Shivamogga Lions v Bijapur Bulls 29-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru TBC v TBC, Qualifier 1 30-08-2019 15:00 Mysuru TBC v TBC, Qualifier 2 30-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru TBC v TBC, Eliminator 31-08-2019 19:00 Mysuru TBC v TBC, Final 01-09-2019 19:00 Mysuru
KPL 2019: Team-wise list of players:
Bijapur Bulls: Bharath Chipli (C), KC Cariappa, Suneel Raju, Prateek Jain, Bhareth NP, Naveen MG, SL Akshay, Rajoo Bhatkal, Pranav Bhatia, Shimon Luiz, BA Mohit, Chiranjeevi GS, Swapnil Yelave, Samarth Ooty, Liyan Khan, R Praveen Kumar, Suraj Kamath, Jaswath Acharya.
Bengaluru Blasters: Rongsen Jonathon (C), V Koushik, Manoj Bhandage, Rohan Kadam, Sharath BR, Bharath Duri, Anand Doddamani, Naga Bharath, Bharath D, Anil IG, Nikin Jose, Anuraj Bajpai, Nishant S Shekhawat, Muthanna Chandrasekhar, Kishore Kamath, Kuldeep Kumar, Rishi Bopanna, Aditya Goyal.
Ballari Tuskers: CM Gautam (C), Devdutt P, CA Karthik, Abhishek Reddy, Krishnappa Gowtham, Prasidh Krishna, Pradeep T, Abrar Kazi, KP Appanna, Mohammad N Nizar, Bhavesh Gulecha, Zeeshan A Sayyad, Ruchir Joshi, Santok Singh, Vishnu Priyan, Gaurav Dhiman, Sharath Srinivas, Suraj Reddy, Sharana Basawa.
Mysuru Warriors: Amit Verma (C), Aniruddha Joshi, J Suchith, Vyshak Vijaykumar, Shoaib Manager, M Venkatesh, Devaiah KS, KV Siddharth, Kushal Wadhwani, Vinay N Sagar, Saurabh Yadav, Manjesh Reddy, Sankalp Shettinavar, BU Shivkumar, Ram Sarikh Yadav, Jayesh Babu, Kishan Bedare, Dega Nischal.
Belagavi Panthers: Mir Kaunian Abbas (C), Shubhang Hegde, Avinash D, Manish Pandey, D Negi, Abhinav Manohar, Arshdeep Singh Brar, Ritesh Bhatkal, Stalin Hoover, Darshan MB, Ravikumar Samarth, Zahoor Farooqui, Kiran AM, Rakshith S, Lochan Appanna, Darshan Machaiah, Abdul Majid.
Shivamogga Lions: Abhimanyu Mithun (C), Pavan Deshpande, Nihal Ullal, Prithviraj Shekhawat, Nidhish M, HS Sharath, Arjun Hoysala, Manjunath SP, Akshay Ballal, Sujith N Gowda, Rishabh Singh, Rohit Gowda, Rohit K, Prashant S, Hoysala K, Pradeep Gangadhar, Shivaraj S.
Hubli Tigers: R Vinay Kumar (C), Praveen Dubey, Mohammed Taha, Pawan KB, Aditya Somanna, Shishir Bhavane, Vidyadhar Patil, Mahesh Patel, Abhilash Shetty, David Mathias, Shivil Kaushik, Suraj Seshadri, Mithrakanth Yadav, Vishwanath M, KL Srijith, Luvnith Sisodia, Parikshith Shetty, Dheeraj Shashidhar.
Karnataka Premier League 2019 Telecast:
The Star Sports Network has the broadcasting rights for the telecast of Karnataka Premier League 2019 season in India.
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league 2019 live channel karnataka premier league 2019 matches karnataka premier league 2019 match list karnataka premier league 2019 news karnataka premier league 2019 official website schedule of karnataka premier league 2019 karnataka premier league 2019 prediction karnataka premier league 2019 players karnataka premier league 2019 results karnataka premier league 2019 scorecard karnataka premier league 2019 schedule squad karnataka premier league 2019 today match karnataka premier league 2019 twitter karnataka premier league 2019 teams squad karnataka premier league 2019 team player karnataka premier league 2019 team list karnataka premier league 2019 teams cricbuzz kpl 2019 live streaming kpl 2019 results kpl 2019 schedule cricbuzz kpl 2019 schedule time table kpl 2019 cricket kpl 2019 teams kpl 2019 live score kpl 2019 schedule cricket pkl 2019 point table kpl 2019 all team player list kpl 2019 auction kpl 2019 auction date kpl 2019 auction list kpl 2019 auction list of players kpl 2019 auction date and time kpl 2019 auction live streaming kpl 2019 auction telecast pkl 2019 all teams kpl 2019 betting tips kpl 2019 broadcast kpl 2019 bidding kpl 2019 bangalore tickets kpl 2019 bijapur bulls players kpl 2019 broadcasting rights pkl 2019 bengaluru bulls pkl 2019 bengal warriors pkl 2019 bengaluru bulls time table pkl 2019 bengaluru bulls schedule kpl 2019 cricbuzz kpl 2019 cricket point table kpl 2019 cricket schedule kpl chat 2019 kpl cricket 2019 auction 2019 ipl champions kpl auction 2019 live channel cg kpl 2019 kpl candidates 2019 c ipl 2019 c lynn ipl 2019 c morris ipl 2019 c ingram ipl 2019 ipl 2019 r c b team c brathwaite ipl 2019 c gayle ipl 2019 c de grandhomme ipl 2019 c munro ipl 2019 ipl 2019 c s k pkl 2019 auction date kpl europawahl 2019 kpl 2019 fixtures kpl 2019 final kpl 2019 full squad kpl fixtures 2019/20 kpl free flicks 2019 g ipl 2019 g maxwell ipl 2019 g gambhir ipl 2019 ipl 2019 gtv g singh mann ipl 2019 kpl 2019 hubli ipl 2019 highest scorer ipl 2019 highlights final ipl 2019 highest score ipl 2019 high scorer ipl 2019 highest wicket taker ipl 2019 highlights youtube ipl 2019 highest paid player ipl 2019 highlights match 1 s r h ipl 2019 h gurney ipl 2019 h viljoen ipl 2019 h pandya ipl 2019 h brar ipl 2019 h klaasen ipl 2019 ipl 2019 h ipl 2019 kab se h srh ipl team 2019 h singh ipl 2019 kplc internship 2019 kpl india 2019 ipl 2019 ipl 2019 final ipl 2019 winner ipl 2019 results ipl 2019 song ipl 2019 final winner ipl 2019 final scorecard ipl 2019 winner team ipl 2019 squad ipl 2019 winning team pkl 2019 jaipur pkl 2019 jaipur pink panthers pkl 2019 jasvir singh pkl 2019 jaipur match list pkl 2019 jersey pkl 2019 jaipur squad pkl 2019 july pkl 2019 jaipur vs patna pkl 2019 jaipur schedule pkl 2019 jaipur pink panthers matches kpl 2019 kabaddi pkl 2019 kabaddi pkl 2019 kashiling adake which team pkl 2019 kabaddi points table pkl 2019 ka points table pkl 2019 knockouts pkl 2019 kolkata team pkl 2019 ka time table pkl 2019 kab se start hoga pkl 2019 kab start hoga kpl 2019 live telecast kpl 2019 logo kpl 2019 list kpl 2019 live telecast channel kpl 2019 live auction kpl 2019 liquipedia kpl league 2019 kpl log 2019 kpl 2019 match schedule kpl 2019 matches kpl 2019 match prediction m nabi ipl 2019 m s dhoni ipl 2019 m ashwin ipl 2019 m stoinis ipl 2019 m i ipl team 2019 m agarwal ipl 2019 m shami ipl 2019 m s dhoni ipl 2019 price m guptill ipl 2019 m pandey ipl 2019 kpl 2019 news kpl transfer news 2019 kapil sharma show new 2019 kpl 2019 official website kpl ottelut 2019 kpl 2019 prediction kpl 2019 players kpl 2019 player auction pkl 2019 players list pkl 2019 points pkl 2019 points table live pkl 2019 puneri paltan team pkl 2019 patna team pkl 2019 results kpl 2019 robin uthappa pkl 2019 raid points pkl 2019 rules pkl 2019 records pkl 2019 rahul chaudhary team pkl 2019 ratings pkl 2019 ranking pkl 2019 rahul chaudhary raid points rr ipl 2019 rr ipl 2019 scorecard rr ipl 2019 player list rr ipl 2019 team squad rr ipl 2019 results rr ipl 2019 matches rr ipl 2019 match list rr ipl 2019 playing 11 rr ipl 2019 point table rr ipl 2019 score kpl 2019 schedule kpl 2019 standings kpl 2019 scorecard pkl 2019 stats psl 2019 score pkl 2019 start date s ipl 2019 abhishek s ipl 2019 s curran ipl 2019 s yadav ipl 2019 ipl s 2019 schedule s goswami ipl 2019 s gopal ipl 2019 s samson ipl 2019 s smith ipl 2019 s iyer ipl 2019 kpl 2019 time table kpl 2019 top scorer kpl 2019 today match kpl 2019 table standing kpl 2019 talent hunt ipl p o i n t 2019 ipl t shirts 2019 ipl t20 2019 t natarajan ipl 2019 t boult ipl 2019 t southee ipl 2019 ipl 2019 point t ipl t 2019 points table t perera ipl 2019 pkl 2019 u mumba pkl 2019 u mumba team pkl 2019 updates pkl 2019 u mumba team players pkl 2019 u mumba matches pkl 2019 unsold players pkl 2019 u mumba schedule pkl 2019 upcoming matches pkl 2019 up yodha pkl 2019 u mumba coach pkl 2019 u mumba squad pkl auction 2019 u mumba pkl auction 2019 u mumba team pkl auction 2019 u mumba players pkl auction 2019 u mumba squad vivo ipl 2019 vivo ipl 2019 point table v ipl 2019 vivo v ipl 2019 vivo v ipl 2019 live vivo v ipl 2019 time table vivo v ipl 2019 ka v shankar ipl 2019 ipl 2019 mi v csk v kohli ipl 2019 v aaron ipl 2019 ipl 2019 csk v rr kpl 2019 winner kpl 2019 wikipedia www.kpl 2019 wangzherongyao kpl 2019 w ipl 2019 w saha ipl 2019 w sundar ipl 2019 w saha ipl 2019 score most win ipl 2019 kpl 2019 yesterday match ipl 2019 1st match ipl 2019 1 match ipl 2019 12 may ipl 2019 1st match scorecard ipl 2019 11 ipl 2019 12 ipl 2019 1st prize ipl 2019 10 teams ipl 2019 10 may ipl 2019 10 july 1 ipl 2019 1 ipl 2019 points table qualifier 1 ipl 2019 qualifier 1 ipl 2019 date star sports 1 ipl 2019 qualifier 1 ipl 2019 tickets qualifier 1 ipl 2019 team qualifier 1 ipl 2019 venue qualifier 1 ipl 2019 highlights qualifier 1 ipl 2019 scorecard ipl 2019 20 ipl 2019 2nd match ipl 2019 23 march ipl 2019 2 match ipl 2019 24 ipl 2019 2nd winner ipl 2019 2nd runner up ipl 2019 2nd match highlights ipl 2019 24 march ipl 2019 2nd match score 2 ipl 2019 qualifier 2 ipl 2019 qualifier 2 ipl 2019 date star sports 2 ipl 2019 qualifier 2 ipl 2019 tickets match 2 ipl 2019 qualifier 2 ipl 2019 highlights eliminator 2 ipl 2019 qualifier 2 ipl 2019 venue qualifier 2 ipl 2019 scorecard ipl 2019 3rd umpire ipl 2019 3rd umpire banned ipl 2019 3rd match ipl 2019 3 ipl 2019 3rd place ipl 2019 30 june ipl 2019 30 march ipl 2019 31 march ipl 2019 3 april ipl 2019 30 april 3 ipl 2019 star sports 3 ipl 2019 match 3 ipl 2019 star sports 3 ipl 2019 live qualifier 3 ipl 2019 qualifier 3 ipl 2019 date match 3 ipl 2019 highlights star sports 3 ipl 2019 schedule match 3 ipl 2019 result 3 april ipl match 2019 ipl 2019 47 match ipl 2019 4 ipl 2019 47th match ipl 2019 4 april ipl 2019 4th match ipl 2019 4 may ipl 2019 49 match ipl 2019 42 match ipl 2019 4 april match ipl 2019 4 match 4 ipl 2019 match 4 ipl 2019 match 4 ipl 2019 highlights super 4 ipl 2019 top 4 ipl 2019 match 4 ipl 2019 scorecard 4 may 2019 ipl match 4 april 2019 ipl match ipl 4 april 2019 ipl 5 4 2019 kpl 2019 5th match prediction ipl 2019 50 ipl 2019 5 may match ipl 2019 5 over match ipl 2019 52 match ipl 2019 5 april ipl 2019 51 match ipl 2019 5 may ipl 2019 5th match ipl 2019 51 match highlights pkl 2019 top 5 raiders pkl 2019 match 5 kpl 2019 6th match ipl 2019 6 ipl 2019 6 wickets in one match ipl 2019 6 wicket taker ipl 2019 6 wicket takers list ipl 2019 6 april ipl 2019 6 april match ipl 2019 6th match ipl 2019 6 may ipl 2019 6th match highlights pkl 6 schedule 2019 pkl 6 point table 2019 ipl 2019 7 ipl 2019 7 april ipl 2019 7th match ipl 2019 7 may ipl 2019 7 match ipl 2019 70 player list ipl 2019 7 match highlights ipl 2019 7th april match ipl 2019 7 tarikh ipl 2019 7 april match winner pkl 2019 schedule season 7 date pkl 7 points table 2019 pkl 7 retained players 2019 pkl 2019 schedule season 7 teams pkl 7 starting date 2019 pkl 7 time table 2019 pkl 7 auction date 2019 pkl 2019 season 7 match list pkl 7 2019 pkl 2019 schedule season 8 pkl 8 schedule 2019 ipl 2019 9 june ipl 2019 9 ipl 2019 9 april ipl 2019 9th match ipl 2019 9th match highlights ipl 2019 9 tarik ipl 2019 9 may ipl 2019 9 match ipl 2019 9th match prediction
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thebulletindesk · 6 years ago
IPL 2019: Kings XI Punjab’s Varun Chakravarthy ruled out of tournament
IPL 2019: Kings XI Punjab’s Varun Chakravarthy ruled out of tournament
Kings XI Punjab’s Varun Chakravarthy, who was playing his first season of Indian Premier League this year, after being sold for Rs 8.4 crore at the auction, has been ruled out of the tournament, due to injuries.
In a press release, the franchise said: “While the team were hopeful that Chakravarthy would return for the final few games of the campaign, his recovery, however, hasn’t been…
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boloorsportsmania · 6 years ago
#693 Tiger “The Legend” Woods is BACK and is ROARING in the WOODS in typical TIGER style; Wins his 15th major in what is considered to be THE biggest comeback in history of sport; CSK have one leg in playoff after 7 wins from 9 matches; SRH finally win against CSK; RCB continue to bowl and field poorly; Punjab and DC have 5 wins and have momentum to make it to playoffs; Hardik Pandya and Malinga continue to haunt RCB; RR and RCB continue to fight for last 2 spots though RCB looks like a kingmaker in that challenge; Dual strike by Messi helps Barca reach Champions league SF where they would clash with Liverpool; Ajax shock Juventus to setup SF clash with Spurs who won on away goal rule against City in a thriller and more...:-)
Augusta masters 2019 had all the drama which a blockbuster movie could have. Molinari played solid golf in first 9 holes. He had a bogey and a birdie. He still lead by 2 strokes at half way stage from rest of the pack. He parred 10th and 11th hole. 12th hole changed the round upside down. Molinari had a double bogey as he hit the ball to the lake. Tiger Woods parred that hole. He was tied with Molinari at 11 under. Tiger had scored 2 birdies and 1 bogey till then. In the same hole, Koepka also had a double bogey to move back to 9 under. Leaderboard had changed. Schauffele also joined the leaderboard one hole later. 3 players were tied at 11 under at this stage. Moment of Tiger Magic had arrived. He birdied 13th, 15th and 16th hole. By then, he had 2 shot lead over Schauffele. Molinari had another double bpgey at 15th hole. He was 10 under by the end of 16th hole. It was Tiger’s major to lose. He needed to avoid double bogey in final hole. He missed par but hit the next to the hole to win his 15th Major. I was in 3rd year engineering when Tiger Woods first won his masters in 1997. Nick Faldo was still playing golf. He was the one who handed green jacket to Tiger Woods. Federer and Nadal had not even started playing mens senior tennis. Sampras had just won 9 slams by then. Agassi had not even grabbed his slam. Obama was not the president. Golf was just a sport and not super stardom sport which this legend converted into. Tiger Woods won his 5th major, 3954 days since he won his last major in 2008, 14 years since he last won Master and after suffering 4 back and 4 shoulder surgeries. Legend is back and is ROARING in the WOODS in typical TIGER style.  In what is arguably the greatest comeback in history of sport, Tiger has reinforced the status as one of the if not THE greatest SPORTSMAN on earth.
CSK faced KKR in 29th match of IPL in Eden Gardens. Lynn took KKR to 122-3 in 14 overs to give KKR a platform to take score to 185+. Once Imran Tahir dismissed Lynn and Russell in 15th over , KKR struggled and they just managed to reach 161. This was 20 less than par score in Eden Gardens. Imran Tahir’s 4-24 was truly an exceptional performance. Though CSK kept losing wickets. Raina’s unbeaten 58 ensured CSK won easily by 5 wickets. They won their 7th game in 8 matches. They have one step in playoffs already when others are struggling to win 2 games together. SRH faced DC in Hyderabad. Though openers failed, 40s by Munro and Shreyas Iyer and some late hitting by Axar patel took DC to 155 in 20 overs. It was a par total. Bairstow and Warner looked like taking game away from DC with 72 run opening stand before Paul dismissed English keeper.  Paul dismissed Williamson soon after. SRH 78-2. Warner and Bhui took SRH score past 100. SRH needed 56 from 29 balls. Warner had reached fifty and looked like taking SRH to another victory. What happened post that was mayhem. In next 21 balls, SRH lost 8 wickets for 15 runs. Rabada grabbed 4 wickets and Morris picked up 3 wickets.  It was collapse of the highest order. SRH have lost the rhythm as they lost 3 games in a row now just like KKR.  
RCB faced MI in Wankhade stadium. Though RCB lost Kohli early on, ABD and Parthiv consolidated score for RCB. Parthiv got out for 28. RCB 49-2. Moeen joined ABD. They both played smart cricket mixing aggression with caution. They had 95 run stand in 61 balls before Moeen was dismissed for 32 ball 50.It was a fine innings by English allrounder. RCB lost plot post that. In last 3 overs, they just managed 27 runs. 171 was 15 runs less than par score. ABD runout in final over was a turning point. Malinga starred with 4 wickets. He has haunted RCB in both matches this season. ROhit and Quinton ripped RCB pace bowlers all over the park. By the time, Moeen castled Rohit for 28, MI had scored 70 runs in 7 overs. Umesh and Siraj were again poor. They bowled length balls and with width. They are just not T20 bowlers. RCB need to curse themselves for picking them for such a high cost in auction. Moeen gave RCB some hope by dismissing Quinton in the same over. MI 71-2. Ishan hit 3 sixes in 9 ball 21 as he gave MI further momentum before Chahl dismissed him. MI 104-3. MI needed 68 from57 balls when Ishan was dismissed. Though RCb bowled better post that, fielding again haunted them. Hardik was ropped by Southee when he was just at 6. RCB took the game to final 2 overs . MI needed 22 from last 2 overs. RCB went with Negi. After beating Pandya of the first ball, he gave away 22 runs in next 5 balls to give MI another victory over RCB. Pace bowlers performance and catching have haunted RCB all through this IPL. If Stoinis is not given a chance to bowl RCB need to try Hetmyer a longer run probably as opener. They cant reach playoff any longer. They can as well try few combinations for 2020 IPL.
Punjab faced RR in Mohali. Fifty by KL Rahul and good contributions by Gayle, Mayank and Miller pushed Punjab score to 182. Ashwin hit sixers of last 2 balls which took score to above par. RR started well as they reached to 38-0 in 4 overs. Arshdeep Singh dismissed Butler for 23. Samson and Tripathi took RR forward though run rate was a concern. Samson was eventually was dismissed for 27. RR needed 86 from 50 balls at this stage. There was no Smith and Stokes. Rahane is a not a player who relishes such chase. He tried but just made 26 from 21. Tripathi was dismissed for 50. Binny tried his heart out with 11 ball 33 but it was way too late as RR lost by 12 runs. RR has just been marginally better than RCB. CSK faced SRH in Hyderabad. SRh had lost to CSK in all 3 games including finals in 2018. Watson and Faf had 79 run opening stand in 9.4 overs and it looked like history would repeat itself. Nadeem castled Watson at this point of time Shankar dismissed Rayadu soon after. Rayadu faced Shankar which was an irony as Shankar was chosen ahead of Rayadu in WC squad. Rashid then dealt the match turning over. He dismissed Raina and Jadhav in 14th over. CSK just managed 132-5. They just scored 30 runs in last 6 overs. It was a slow wicket but score was still 20 runs short. Warner hit 10 boundaries in his 25 ball 50 which took the game away from CSK. Though few wickets fell, Bairstow’s unbeaten 61 calmed things for SRH to give them their 4th IPL win
In Champions league. Messi dual strike ensured Barca reach Champions league SF for the first time in 4 years. Messi has not scored in Champions league QF since 2012. In other QF, Juvents took lead via classy Ronaldo goal in 28th minute. Juventus had 2-1 aggregate over Ajax at this stage. What happened post that was a revelation. Youngsters of Ajax shines to give its team 2-1 win and 3-2 aggregate win. Donny and Mathijis scored goals for Ajax. It was top class football from Ajax. Liverpool easily beat Porto 4-1 (aggregate 6-1) to setup clash with Ajax. Spurs vs man City was a blockbuster match. 5 goals were scored inside first 21 minutes as City lead 3-2. Post break, City made it 4-2 as Aguero gave City the lead. Fernando broke the heart of City again by scoring in 73rd minute. It was 4-4 aggregate as of now. Spurs would go through based on away goal rule. City needed a goal. It looked like they got one in injury time but VAR decided that it was offside. City were a bit unfortunate but Spurs played their heart out and deserved this win. Difference was Aguero missing penalty in first leg QF. They would now clash with Barca in SF. This is just their 2nd SF appearance in Champions league.
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