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ritmos-eternos · 1 year ago
Lo que los ojos no pueden ver, la intuición lo siente.
El principito97/pinterest
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amara-aaa · 7 months ago
La intuición no falla
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unaparceramas · 14 days ago
Podrá fallarme el sistema digestivo, pero jamás la intuición
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tooweirdtobehuman · 8 months ago
Una vez más confirmo lo que me decía la intuición, tristemente, el que busca encuentra, pero demonios, si no encuentro, cuanto tiempo me costará vivir engañado.
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sentidoysensibilidad · 7 days ago
𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘢 𝘵𝘶 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘯
A veces, la vida nos presenta oportunidades o relaciones atractivas, pero no siempre están destinadas a nosotros. Aunque nos atraigan, estas experiencias pueden convertirse en fuentes de dolor y desilusión si no están alineadas con nuestra esencia.
Las señales de que algo no es para ti suelen manifestarse como incomodidad, dudas o sufrimiento emocional. Ignorar estas señales solo retrasa el proceso de aceptación. Lo que está destinado a ti fluye naturalmente, sin tanta resistencia.
Aceptar que algo no es para ti es un viaje de autodescubrimiento. Es liberador, pues te permite soltar lo que te limita y abrirte a nuevas posibilidades. Cada experiencia, positiva o negativa, es una lección que te prepara para lo que realmente te pertenece.
Escucha tu intuición, ten la valentía de dejar ir y confía en que el universo te guiará hacia lo que es mejor para ti.
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rafaelmartinez67 · 2 months ago
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Tu tiempo es limitado, así que no lo malgastes
viviendo la vida de otra persona.
No dejes que el ruido de las opiniones de los demás
ahogue tu voz interior.
Y lo más importante, ten el coraje de seguir
tu propio corazón y tu intuición.
Steve Jobs
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psychelis-new · 2 years ago
pick a pile: "Where are you in your healing process?"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about how is your healing going and how things may evolve from now on in that field. thanks @narisachan for the suggestion.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I think something new is coming towards you. You're probably "giving birth" to something, may it be a new idea, a new project, a new job, a new way to see things or enjoy life, a new point of view, a new perception... a child for some ofc, but even a new way to see yourself and love yourself. Mostly this tbh. It's something that comes from within first. It's like a butterfly finally spreading its wings from inside of you. A change that took place within and it's now helping you change your environment and approach to the outside as well. You are probably leaving something in the past, bringing closure to yourself or to some old behaviour or mental pattern that kept you in a certain cycle. There's a bit of nostalgy but also a lot of hope for the future. This butterfly, wants to fly away too: spreading its wing is not enough.
Yup I think you have been working, like shadow working, on your inside for a lot now. And you may have reached a point in which many things seem more clear. You have liberated yourself from something too. You have also gained a lot more control on your thoughts and, even if you may have fallbacks, you know it's okay and you can confront them and your fears in a more stable way, from a much more collected place. You have learned a lot, you have learned how strong you actually are and how a simple change in perspective can really make things look better and easier to get through. I think not just your thoughts process but also your communication has also improved a lot, the way you stand up for yourself and how you confront with others. You welcome them, but you don't let them step over you anymore. I also think you know that something is coming soon. You can feel it as well. Now, whatever that is, remember to give yourself accolades for your work and to enjoy it properly. You may need to walk this road of healing for some more kms, but you have already done a great job. Self luv first!
song: love | keyshia cole
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pile 2
I think you are coming out of your shell and letting others see you for who you are now. You are coming back in the world. You are no more scared of being seen, flaws and whatever else that comes with being human. You take pride in whatever makes you you and honestly this is amazing. Your energy is so bright and pure atm, you treat yourself with lot of kindness now and don't worry about what has been. I think your heart has been through a lot of pain, but you have forgiven yourself and others too. You are moving on, or at least you are trying to (on your best days in particular). You know you weren't aware, you know it all was a lesson. And now you are taking those lessons to the next step: not letting them closing you off from the world, but bringing them with you in the world, to enjoy new experiences. Maybe new love and relationships too.
Yeah, you're being bolder, more stable and balanced, nurturing, understanding... you're following your heart more, despite still taking care of it. You're being true to yourself. You know you had to heal your heart first, to take care of you, and now you can start enjoying again all the warmth and joy that come from sharing with others. You have learned your lessons, you know now it's time to get out of your comfort zone and move towards new experiences. Even if it feels scary at times and you may wonder if you're really ready. But you have kinda been working for that for a lot now, healing all your scars and learning to trust your guts. Even if you weren't aware. A very bright, warm energy. Maternal, I'd say. You're more complex than you can imagine. You are more in tune with yourself than you give yourself credit for. Remember you have the power to realize your dreams, you can be your own superhero. And... trust Universe and your Guides, they'll know when it's time. Keep focusing on you and clearing your mind from occasional self doubt. Your energy still has ups & downs, try to keep working on balacing them. And on trusting more, even when you cannot see for sure, even when it feels unsafe and scary. Trust yourself.
song: heart of glass | blondie
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pile 3
Are you working with your inner child? I am getting a huge amount of childlike energy here (not naive, just plain happy-child-running-in-a-field type of energy)! It feels very good. I think you have come back to your roots, to your past, to whatever used to make you feel happy (hobbies/passions especially) and you're working with that anytime you can. And it's working for you, which is even more important tbh. It's helping you going through stuff, especially when things become too overwhelming. Your mind goes fast, this is for sure. I cannot keep up with your thoughts (and messages are coming in different languages too welp). And probably running, drawing, dancing, moving... whatever that is, helps you free yourself from the overload of this energy that your continuos overthinking creates. You have a very imaginative mind too. Are you writing stories?
You're probably finding your happiness now. It's still a work-in-progress maybe, but you're getting there. And you're not shying away from whatever that is that makes you happy inside out. You're trying to put things into perspective, to worry less and enjoy more. To just act accordingly with your inner guidance. I think you have reached a good point in your healing process, it seems at least you have found a way to balance the pain with something that feels good to you, that comforts you. And you are using it to unwind. Ofc this is good as I said, just remember that only unwinding, cannot work to heal you. We also need to stop and try to realize what is going on. But I think you know that, at least most of you: it's probably only a phase, like you need a time out from healing and its heaviness, and this is very good to do. You need and deserve to be present and enjoy, not just work on what is not going well: if you only did that, you would only lose your mind and energy. Yeah, you're just finding outlets, creative ones especially, maybe even simply journaling, to express your feelings and emotions and it's helping you a lot too. Well done!
song: shout | tears for fears
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morir-mientras-duermo · 4 months ago
Mi intuición me vuelve loco,pero lo peor de todo es que no se equivoca..
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de-saturno · 4 months ago
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bocadosdefilosofia · 3 months ago
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«§ 3. También sabe que la nada no puede producir un ser; por lo tanto, que hay algo eterno. Además, el hombre sabe, por una certidumbre intuitiva, que la pura nada no puede mejor producir un ser real que ser igual a dos ángulos rectos. Si hay alguien que no sepa que la nada, o la ausencia de todo ser, no puede ser igual a dos ángulos rectos, será imposible que pueda conocer cualquiera de las demostraciones de Euclides. Si, por lo tanto, conocemos que hay algún ser real y que el no ser no puede producir ningún ser real, resulta una demostración evidente que desde la eternidad ha habido algo, puesto que lo que no es desde la eternidad ha tenido un comienzo, y lo que ha tenido un comienzo debe haber sido producido por alguna otra cosa.»
John Locke: Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano. Fondo de Cultura Económica, pág. 622. México, 1999
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cherryflavoureddd · 6 months ago
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desorden-en-letras · 2 years ago
Me negué a desaparecer, y en el centro de mi intuición; supe que tu amor me dejaría de reconocer...
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cry-for-noone · 5 months ago
La intuición de una mujer es más precisa que la certeza de un hombre.
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alexander-ert · 5 months ago
La intuición es una arma poderosa, salida de cuentos de magia o incluso de ficción o de la misma realidad, aveces solo tenemos que escuchar esa voz interna.
Y cuando esa intuición es tan fuerte aveces es incuestionable, pero nuestra mente racional trata de silenciar esa voz.
La pregunta es…
¿Si tu intuición te dice que explotará la bomba te quedarías a ver como lo hace, lo ignorarías o simplemente dejarías que explote?.
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d-e-s-c-o-o-r-d-i-n-a-d-a · 11 months ago
La intuición permite conocer personas que significarán de algún modo tu vida; tomar decisiones que de alguna u otra manera nutrirán la experiencia de vivir, sin arrepentimiento, por el hecho de ser uno mism@.
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magic112244 · 2 years ago
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