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brainmade-culture-is · 3 months ago
brainmade culture is not being able to figure out who you are bc most of those like. new headmate intro sheet type things are either so heavily focused on introjects (asking what your source is, what exomemories do you have, who else do you remember) or just look like a human OC introduction sheet (what are your hobbies, favourite tv show, what your zodiac sign is even??) when i literally don't even know what SPECIES i am let alone my name
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yardsards · 1 year ago
the fact that infinity train book 4 is largely considered to be the "worst" season by much of the fandom, and yet is the season with the most fanfiction by a pretty large margin (primarily because it has the most shippable pair of main characters) feels like a strangely apt summary of fan culture as a whole
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talonabraxas · 2 months ago
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Owl Witch Talon Abraxas
Hecate and Owls: Ancient Symbols of Wisdom and Mystery
In ancient mythology, Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, crossroads, and the night, holds a mysterious and revered place. Often depicted as a triple goddess, with three faces representing the maiden, mother, and crone, Hecate is associated with the unseen realms, the moon, and the mystical forces of nature. One of the animals closely linked to this enigmatic deity is the owl, a creature that has captivated human imagination for centuries.
Owls have long been regarded as symbols of wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond the veil of darkness. Their nocturnal habits and keen nocturnal vision have earned them a place in various cultures as messengers between the mortal and spirit worlds. In many ancient societies, owls were believed to be companions of goddesses associated with magic and wisdom, including Hecate.
The connection between Hecate and owls is deeply rooted in the symbolism they share. Owls’ nocturnal nature and their ability to navigate through darkness align with Hecate’s role as the goddess of the night and the underworld. The owl’s piercing gaze, often depicted as penetrating and all-knowing, mirrors the goddess’s wisdom and her ability to see through illusions. Additionally, both Hecate and owls are associated with crossroads, places where choices are made and where paths intersect, symbolizing the liminal spaces between worlds.
In ancient Greek literature, Hecate is often accompanied by a retinue of owls, reinforcing the bond between the goddess and these wise birds. Some stories even describe her sending owls as messengers to guide and protect individuals in their journeys through the darkness of life.
The image of Hecate and owls has persisted through history, inspiring art, literature, and spiritual practices. Even today, many modern practitioners of various magical traditions invoke Hecate’s guidance and the wisdom of owls in their rituals and meditations.
As symbols of mystery and enlightenment, Hecate and owls continue to intrigue and inspire, reminding us of the vastness of knowledge hidden within the shadows and the importance of seeking wisdom in the darkest corners of existence. Their timeless connection serves as a reminder that understanding and embracing the unknown can lead us to greater depths of insight and self-awareness. Just as Hecate guides travelers through the crossroads of life, owls illuminate our paths through the mysteries of the world, inviting us to embrace the magic that surrounds us.
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rainydawgradioblog · 2 years ago
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boygenius, a superstar trio of indie artists including phoebe bridgers, julien baker, and lucy dacus, recently released their debut album, and it is truly nothing short of genius. in a moment that was about as culturally significant to me as the signing of the declaration of independence, these three women utterly changed the course of my life and the lives of thousands of other melodramatic girlies. this lil post, despite being a healthy 3-ish weeks after the actual release of the record, will compile some of my standout thoughts on each track of the album. hope you enjoy! ;)
1: without you without them 
one thing about me, i LOVE some boygenius harmonies. in a similar manner as my beloved favorite track from their 2018 EP, ketchum ID, without you without them provokes a deep sense of peace and emotion combined. “speak to me, until your history’s no mystery to me” is the cutest cleverest little lyric. the perfect opening track. 
2: $20 
0:01 seconds in, any seasoned boygenius fan immediately goes “julien!!!” her signature heavier guitar and drums sets her apart from the jump and creates the catchiest hook. plus the screaming at the end?? oh my god??? (that video of phoebe recording I KNOW!!!!! YOU HAVE!!!!! 20 DOLLARS!!!!!! has actually not left my head since i saw it)
3: emily i’m sorry
i will forever be unapologetically weak in the knees for phoebe bridgers. she captures so many emotions so beautifully in this, between loving someone so much it destroys you and feeling completely out of control of your life. i love the progression between “i can feel myself becoming someone only you could want” and “i can feel myself becoming somebody i’m not, i’m not” between the two choruses. 
4: true blue
more songs about platonic love!!!! PLEASE!!!! this track is devastatingly adorable. “i can’t hide from you like i hide from myself,” is the perfect lyric to make you think of that friend who will tell you that you don’t have to say “its ok” when you’re miserable over something. the bridge also makes me feel like i’m floating. i love lucy!!!! 
5: cool about it
WOW. unquestionably in the top three, immediately. i’m a sucker for a boygenius song where they all have equal verses (souvenier-esque) and this one HITS. i’ve seen so many different interpretations of this one, including but not limited to: 1: the feeling of knowing an old friendship is slowly drifting apart, 2: a heartbreak that you swallow and smile through for the other person, and 3: clinging to someone that you know is bad for you because you can’t imagine yourself without them. all of them are so fitting, and i find so much beauty in the open-endedness. 
6: not strong enough 
makes me go actually crazy every time. they ate this one up. a depressing song in an upbeat major key melody is an incredible combination. sneaks up on ya.  
7: revolution 0
this is such a genuinely beautiful song. another one where they just nailed the harmonies. “i used to think if i’d just close my eyes, i will disappear”  reminds me so much of “i used to think you could hear the ocean in a seashell, what a childish thing” in phoebe’s single “sidelines.” definitely a lie on the floor and ponder existence while tracing the cracks in your ceiling type jam. 
8: leonard cohen 
i love a short little song. and this is a fantastic one. “i am not an old man having an existential crisis at a buddhist monastery, writing horny poetry, but i agree” is incredibly boygenius-coded. their tendency towards the occasional silly little lyric is something i can always get behind. my favorite fact about this one is that the story at the beginning is 100% true-and that phoebe was the one driving the car. 
9: satanist
as the text that my best friend sent to me at the release of the album reads, “satanist BANGS” and it’s true. satanist does in fact, bang. another distinct julien standout, it provides a sick little head-bangy intermission to all the introspective, staring-at-the-ceiling pondering. “will you be a nihilist with me? if nothing matters, man that’s a relief” has got to be the realest thing i’ve heard in a minute. 
10: we’re in love
dunno if this song has too much of a tinge of sadness to be my first dance song at my wedding…..but i certainly want it to be. i’d have to claim this one as my favorite from the album. everything about it is just stunning, from the lyrics and the story they convey to the vocals and simple instrumental backing. the verse about finding each other in the next life actually made me tear up in the public record store where i first heard the album. “i can’t imagine you without the same smile in your eyes, there is something about you that i will always recognize” ARE YOU KIDDING?!! so heart-stoppingly beautiful. 
11: anti-curse
i’d love to drive down an empty highway with this song playing. there’s something so magical about a song that has a dramatic build-up, and there’s nobody that does a dramatic build-up better than these three right here (shout out not strong enough again). the instrumental swells at “i guess i did alright considering” and “i’m swimmin back” feel like such a true release of emotion, you can’t help but feel it alongside the band. 
12: letter to an old poet 
INSANE. easily a standout track, between the parallel to the past “me and my dog,” from the band’s debut EP, to the gut-wrenching lyricism delivered in phoebe’s smooth vocals, it’s seriously unforgettable-especially for old fans of the band. “and i love you, i don’t know why, i just do” is a poignantly simple capture of a feeling we’ve all faced at one point or another. the combination of love, hurt, and rage is such an intriguing combination and draws the listener in from the first moment. also a BIG fan of “you don’t get to tell me to calm down.” remember to never let anyone invalidate how you feel, my friends. and also remember to…
listen here:
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bartholomaus · 11 days ago
Să luăm aminte la grafic. În supracivilizata Uniune Europeană, poporul român este codaș la capitolul citit. Faptul traduce un înfiorător deșert cultural- un grad de incultură înspăimântător, o lipsă de nevoi spirituale cumplită. Practic, în medie, rezultă că românașul nostru din popor, oamenii dă bine- poporul de oameni simpli dar drepți cu care ne mândrim atâta- se cam ferește să pună mâna pe o carte. Ca dracul (ptiu, pușchea pe limbă-mi!) de tămâie. Dacă citește, românul mediu citește într-un an cel mult inscripțiile de pe vagoanele de cale ferată și tăblițele de orientare interjudețene.
Dar ce-a mai chirăit poporul dreptcredincios când am îndrăznit să scriu câteva adevăruri mai tari despre marele profitor și scriitoraș de mâna a șaptea Liviu Rebreanu! Ce imprecații, ce înjurături, ce zoaie s-au precipitat pe capul meu! Eu nici nu mă pronunțasem asupra valorii literare (mai mult decât îndoielnice) a cartoforului din Maierii Năsăudului, delapidator al casei de bani a regimentului, omul tuturor combinațiilor financiare dubioase din interbelic-și autor al romanului mincinos „Pădurea spânzuraților”, pornograful rural Liviu Rebreanu! Să te ții, s-a pornit armata celor douăsprăzece maimuțe urlătoare! Dar ce spun eu douăsprăzece, când de fapt erau de douăsprăzece mii de ori câte douăsprăzece. Sau, cum spuneau dracii lui Isus, înainte ca acesta să-i trimită să intre în turma de porci- „noi suntem legiune“.
Și cam așa sunt și românașii noștri, oamenii noștri de bine- legiune. O legiune care nu citește, o legiune de inculți, o legiune de nespălați (că și la igienă stăm prost ca popor)- dar care se inflamează instantaneu dacă îndrăznești să nu-i consideri pe scriitori români (pe care respectivii nu-i citesc, despre care au vagi amintiri de la examenele de corigență și repetenție prin care au trecut în zbuciumata lor viață) drept niște sfinți.
Să ne înțelegem: eu nu fac afirmații decât în cunoștință de cauză. Dacă scriu ceva, înseamnă că susținerile mele de acolo au o bază temeinică. În schimb, comentacii care mă luau la trei păzește erau exact din categoria cititorilor de vagoane: oameni umili, cu o psihologie servilă, cu o intelectualitate precară, de slugi prea-plecate, care toată viața au făcut ce li se spune, care nu au gândit cu propriul cap niciodată, ba devin și furioși dacă li se cere să o facă, gânditul provocându-le dureri atroce de cur (sediul instanței lor cognitive).
Sunt oameni servili- dacă organele noastre (fie și școlare) le-au băgat în cap că un mare scriitor e mare, înseamnă că așa e! Ei nu au a-și bate capul, nu judecă- plus că fudulia lor de oameni umili, care n-au realizat nimic notabil și nu vor fi amenințați de vreo experiență spirituală majoră, e gâdilată la gândul că sunt din tribul lui Eminescu. Sau Rebreanu. Sau Goga. Scriitori mari, dom'le, ne-au spus-o cei de la organele noastre! Când, de fapt, respectivii enumerați sunt niște loaze.
Mentalitate gloatei care s-a dezlănțuit la post-ul meu despre Rebreanu nu are nimic de-a face cu latina gintă. E, mai mult, o mentalitate de mujici ruși. Genul care în toată istoria lor au fost călcați în picioare de boierii lor, înjosiți și dezumanizați, astăzi sunt trimiși cu sutele de mii să fie măcelăriți inutil și criminal pe fronturile din Ucraina, făcuți să fie criminali împotriva umanității (o vocație rusească) dar, în schimb, fuduli foarte de Ruskii mir și alte rahaturi analoage.
Similar mujicilor, și românașii noștri, de fapt niște rumîni și vecini contemporani, demnii urmași ai celor înjosiți și dezumanizați de boierii noștri, sunt doar ignoranți, creierele lor sunt ca fundul nou născuților- fără nici o circumvoluțiune. Nu l-au citit pe Rebreanu de când repetau clasa a X-a de liceu a opta oară. Dar îl consideră un sfânt pe care nimeni n-are dreptul să-l atingă nici cu o floare. Când, de fapt, respectivul a fost un veros și un dubios, datorându-și intrarea în canonul literar unui roman mincinos și propagandistic- „Pădurea spânzuraților”.
Dar armatei maimuțelor urlătoare nu-i pasă. Ei s-au obișnuit să venereze ceea ce nu înțeleg și ceea ce nu cunosc. Nu-i citesc pe scriitorii români, nu le cunosc parcursul, dar sunt extrem de agresivi și vor ca noi toți să-i considerăm pe scriitorii români niște sfinți. La urma urmei, ei venerează în același mod tot felul de sfinți falși, inventați de Biserica Ortodoxă Română (Paraskieva, Dimitri Basarabov, Mina, Vartanufie, Sosipatru, Sachelarie e.f.) pentru că popii le-au cerut s-o facă, iar ei nu au exercițiul gânditului cu capetele proprii. Indiferent de statutul lor școlar- pot fi academicieni, profesori, oameni cu studii superioare sau nu- ei au rămas tot țărănușii aceia primitivi și îngrămădiți, obscurantiști, ignoranți, în schimb locuiți de o spaimă superstițioasă față de șamanul și vrăjitorul sătesc- popa ortodox, singura autoritate pe care mulți dintre ei o recunosc din atavism. Și la fel fac și cu literatura română: li s-a spus de către ceilalți popi, ceilalți pontifi, criticii consacrați, cu patalama de la Facultatea Oficială de Critică Literară, că scriitorii români sunt magnifici, iar cărțile lor- capodopere. Și pentru ei asta e deajuns, mai ales că îi face să se simtă mai puțin mediocrii jalnici care de fapt sunt. La fel se întâmplă și cu istoricii.
Însă literatura română, ca regulă, mai ales canonul literar, e formată din cărți și opere de o urâțenie absolută, imposibil de citit- în general, o reflectare fidelă a poporului din care originează scriitorii. E o literatură insignifiantă cantitativ și derizorie calitativ- cu precădere cea din amintitul canon literar. Nu are rost să punem batista pe țambal, să menajăm false susceptibilități, să ținem seama de istericalele unor ignoranți fără speranță.
Niște curve intelectuale de ambe sexe.
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galaxyinstitute-blog · 2 months ago
Trends in Coffee Preparation and Service Training: What’s New in the Industry?
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If you’ve been to a coffee shop recently, you may have noticed that your cup of coffee is more than just a caffeine fix—it's a carefully crafted experience. From the art of brewing to latte art, coffee culture has evolved significantly over the years. For aspiring baristas and coffee enthusiasts alike, staying on top of the latest trends in coffee preparation and service training is key to mastering the craft and excelling in the industry.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we make it a priority to keep our students informed about emerging trends in coffee preparation and service training. The coffee industry is constantly evolving, with new brewing methods, sustainability practices, and customer service approaches transforming how we enjoy our favorite brew. In this blog, we’ll explore the latest trends shaping coffee preparation and service training, and what aspiring baristas should know to stay ahead in the industry.
1. Third-Wave Coffee Movement: Beyond Just a Cup of Coffee
The third-wave coffee movement has been a game-changer for the coffee industry. Unlike the first and second waves, which focused on mass production and commercial coffee chains, the third wave emphasizes coffee as an artisanal product, where every step in the process—from bean sourcing to brewing—requires skill and precision.
This movement has reshaped barista training programs, shifting the focus toward more in-depth knowledge of coffee origin, sustainability, and advanced brewing techniques. At Galaxy Training Institute, our barista training program teaches students the importance of understanding coffee beans’ terroir (the region and conditions where they’re grown) and how this affects flavor profiles. Baristas are also trained to use manual brewing methods, such as pour-over, siphon, and AeroPress, which have become popular in third-wave coffee shops.
According to a report by The National Coffee Association, 48% of millennials are willing to pay more for premium coffee, highlighting the growing demand for high-quality, artisanal beverages. For baristas, this means mastering a range of brewing techniques and staying current with the latest coffee trends is essential to meet consumer expectations.
2. Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: A New Standard
In recent years, sustainability has become a major focus in the coffee industry, and it’s now a central component of coffee preparation and service training. More coffee consumers are interested in knowing where their coffee comes from, whether it's ethically sourced, and how the industry impacts the environment.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we emphasize sustainability in our training programs by educating future baristas about the importance of sourcing coffee from environmentally responsible producers. We teach students how to recognize certifications such as Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance and how these practices contribute to a more sustainable coffee industry.
In a survey conducted by National Geographic, 76% of global consumers said they would stop buying from a company if they discovered unethical sourcing practices. This growing demand for transparency in the coffee industry means that future baristas not only need to be skilled in brewing but also knowledgeable about the sustainability and ethics behind the beans they serve.
3. Latte Art and Aesthetic Presentation: More Than Just Coffee
The art of latte art has taken center stage in the coffee world, becoming an essential skill for any professional barista. But it’s more than just creating a pretty picture in your foam—latte art requires a deep understanding of milk texture, temperature, and pouring techniques. Baristas who master latte art can add value to their service, as customers increasingly seek Instagram-worthy coffee experiences.
At Galaxy Training Institute, our barista training program covers the essentials of latte art, from basic heart shapes to more intricate rosettas and tulips. Students learn how to steam milk to the right consistency, use proper pouring techniques, and even create custom designs that make each cup unique. In today’s visual-driven world, being able to create beautifully presented coffee can set baristas apart in the competitive marketplace.
Research by Square found that 35% of customers are likely to spend more on a drink that looks visually appealing. This highlights the importance of presentation skills in the modern coffee service industry, where aesthetic appeal is almost as important as taste.
4. Technology in Coffee: The Rise of Smart Coffee Machines
Technology is making its way into every industry, and coffee is no exception. Smart coffee machines are becoming increasingly popular in high-end coffee shops, allowing baristas to precisely control temperature, brewing time, and pressure for the perfect cup every time. These machines are designed to ensure consistency while also freeing up baristas to focus on other aspects of customer service.
As part of our training at Galaxy Training Institute, we introduce students to the latest coffee technologies and teach them how to operate state-of-the-art espresso machines. From learning how to program different settings to understanding the mechanics behind the machines, students are equipped with the technical skills needed to thrive in tech-savvy coffee environments.
A report by Statista projects that the global smart coffee machine market will grow by 6.5% annually, indicating that this trend is here to stay. Baristas who are well-versed in both traditional brewing methods and modern technology will have a competitive edge in the industry.
5. Specialty Drinks and Customization: Catering to Customer Preferences
With more customers looking for unique coffee experiences, baristas are now expected to create specialty drinks and offer customizable options. From nitro cold brew to plant-based lattes, coffee shops are expanding their menus to cater to a variety of tastes and dietary preferences.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we teach students how to create a wide range of specialty drinks, including cold brew, nitro coffee, and alternative milk-based beverages like oat milk lattes and almond milk cappuccinos. Understanding how to work with different ingredients, such as plant-based milks and flavored syrups, is crucial for today’s baristas.
Customization has become a major selling point in the coffee industry. According to Mintel, 27% of U.S. coffee drinkers want more options for customizing their beverages. Baristas who can offer personalized drinks and cater to dietary restrictions will be well-equipped to meet the demands of today’s coffee consumers.
6. Customer Service: The Heart of Coffee Culture
While technical skills and knowledge of coffee are essential, exceptional customer service is what ultimately keeps customers coming back. In the competitive coffee industry, baristas need to create memorable experiences for their customers, from greeting them with a smile to remembering their favorite orders.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we emphasize the importance of customer interaction and provide students with the tools they need to excel in customer service. This includes role-playing exercises that simulate real-world scenarios, such as managing difficult customers, taking complex orders, and creating a welcoming atmosphere in the café.
According to PwC’s Global Consumer Insights survey, 73% of consumers say customer service is a key factor in their purchasing decisions. For baristas, being able to connect with customers on a personal level is just as important as crafting the perfect cup of coffee.
7. Ongoing Education and Professional Development
As the coffee industry continues to evolve, so too must baristas. Ongoing education and professional development are becoming more common, with many coffee professionals seeking certification through programs like the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). Continuous learning allows baristas to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, brewing techniques, and sustainability practices.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we encourage our students to pursue advanced certifications and offer workshops on topics like sensory evaluation, coffee roasting, and business management. By providing students with opportunities for further education, we ensure that they are not only prepared for their first job but also equipped for long-term career growth in the coffee industry.
Conclusion: Staying Ahead of the Trends
The coffee industry is constantly evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends is essential for any aspiring barista. From the third-wave coffee movement to sustainability, technology, and customer service, the modern barista needs to be skilled in a wide range of areas to succeed.
At Galaxy Training Institute, we keep our finger on the pulse of these trends, ensuring that our students are prepared to meet the demands of today’s coffee consumers. Whether you’re looking to master latte art, learn about sustainable coffee sourcing, or get hands-on experience with smart coffee machines, our barista training program offers the comprehensive education you need to thrive in the coffee industry.
Ready to brew up a career in coffee? Join us at Galaxy Training Institute and start your journey toward becoming a professional barista today!
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gorigorculture2021 · 3 months ago
Handcrafted Art: Turkish Lamps, Mosaic Lamps, Rugs, and Embroidery
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Handcrafted art serves as a vibrant reflection of culture, history, and artistic mastery, with Turkish lamps, mosaic lamps, woolen rugs, and Russian embroidery standing as iconic examples. These timeless crafts, passed down through generations, not only add elegance to modern spaces but also preserve rich traditions through the work of skilled artisans.
Turkish Lamps: A Glimpse of Ottoman Elegance
土耳其燈 Turkish lamps, originating during the Ottoman Empire, have become synonymous with intricate glasswork and vibrant colors. These lamps are created through a labor-intensive process involving hand-cut glass pieces that are carefully arranged into intricate patterns. Each piece is unique, reflecting the artistry of the craftsmen who devote hours to perfecting these designs. Turkish lamps come in a variety of forms, including hanging lamps, floor lamps, and chandeliers, each casting a warm, welcoming glow. Their distinctive style not only illuminates spaces but also introduces a touch of cultural history and craftsmanship into homes.
The use of bright colors, particularly reds, blues, and golds, adds to the visual allure of these lamps, making them a popular choice for those looking to blend traditional art with contemporary interiors. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, Turkish lamps are highly durable, making them a lasting piece of décor that transcends fashion trends.
Mosaic Lamps: A Play of Color and Light
土耳其馬賽克燈 Mosaic lamps, closely related to Turkish lamps, are similarly crafted using small colored glass pieces arranged into elaborate patterns. The mosaic technique allows for an even greater diversity of designs, as artisans experiment with color and texture to create stunning light effects. When illuminated, mosaic lamps offer a mesmerizing display, as light dances through the multicolored glass pieces, casting beautiful patterns on surrounding walls.
These lamps are more than just a functional item; they are an art form in themselves, adding character and charm to any room. Mosaic lamps are available in various sizes and styles, making them a versatile choice for both modern and traditional interiors.
Woolen Rugs: Tradition Woven into Threads
Woolen rugs, also known as "毛毛地氈," are renowned for their craftsmanship and practicality. These handwoven rugs, often passed down as family heirlooms, showcase intricate designs and are made using high-quality, natural materials. Wool’s durability and warmth make these rugs an enduring choice for home decoration, particularly in colder climates. Each rug reflects the distinct cultural motifs and weaving techniques of its region, making every piece a unique work of art.
The production of woolen rugs involves a lengthy process that includes dyeing the wool, designing patterns, and meticulously weaving each thread. These rugs are not only beautiful but also functional, providing insulation and comfort in homes around the world. The tactile nature of woolen rugs, combined with their complex patterns, makes them both visually and physically engaging.
Russian Embroidery: The Art of Stitching Stories
俄羅斯刺繡 Russian embroidery is a time-honored tradition that combines skill and storytelling in every stitch. Known for its bold colors, intricate patterns, and cultural symbolism, Russian embroidery often adorns clothing, linens, and decorative items. This embroidery style is characterized by detailed floral and geometric designs, reflecting the country’s rich artistic heritage.
Each embroidered piece is a testament to the meticulous work of artisans who have mastered the delicate art of stitching. Whether used in fashion or home décor, Russian embroidery adds an element of sophistication and craftsmanship, preserving the cultural stories of the past while enhancing modern design.
Turkish lamps, mosaic lamps, woolen rugs, and Russian embroidery exemplify the beauty and depth of handcrafted art. These traditional pieces, with their intricate designs and cultural significance, not only serve as functional items but also as timeless works of art that enrich homes with history, culture, and creativity. Their lasting appeal lies in their ability to combine the old with the new, offering a unique blend of tradition and modernity that continues to captivate and inspire.
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frontlist-official · 3 months ago
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Book of the Week: A July Celebration of Literary Excellence
July was a month of intense heat and long, sun-soaked days, perfect for diving into the latest and greatest in the literary world. As a leading publishing news agency, we are excited to highlight some of the most compelling, thought-provoking, and entertaining books that captured the imagination of readers and critics alike. Each week brought its own unique gem, from thrilling mysteries to heartwarming tales of love and loss. Here’s a recap of our top picks for the Book of the Week throughout July.
Week 1: "The Night She Disappeared" by Lisa Jewell
Kicking off the month with a gripping psychological thriller, The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell kept readers on the edge of their seats. Jewell, a master of suspense, once again delivered a narrative that intertwines mystery, intrigue, and a deep exploration of human emotions. The novel revolves around the sudden disappearance of a young woman, Tallulah, and the chilling secrets that unravel in the aftermath.
Set in a small English village, the story is told from multiple perspectives, blending past and present in a way that keeps readers guessing until the very end. The richly drawn characters and the eerie atmosphere make this book a perfect summer read for fans of thrillers. The first week of July couldn’t have started on a better note, with Jewell’s novel leaving a lasting impact and prompting many late-night reading sessions.
Week 2: "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro
For the second week of July, we turned to the literary genius of Nobel laureate Kazuo Ishiguro. His novel Klara and the Sun is a profound meditation on love, artificial intelligence, and what it means to be human. Set in a dystopian future, the book is narrated by Klara, an Artificial Friend designed to be a companion to children.
Ishiguro’s storytelling is as mesmerizing as ever, weaving a narrative that is both haunting and tender. Klara and the Sun is not just a science fiction tale; it’s a deep philosophical inquiry into the nature of consciousness and the complexities of human relationships. Readers found themselves questioning their own perceptions of technology and empathy, making this book a standout for the month.
Week 3: "Malibu Rising" by Taylor Jenkins Reid
The third week of July brought a sizzling summer read with Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid. Set in the glitz and glamour of 1980s Malibu, this novel is a family saga that delves into the lives of the Riva siblings—Nina, Jay, Hud, and Kit. Each sibling has their own struggles, dreams, and secrets, and the story culminates in a legendary party that changes their lives forever.
Reid’s ability to capture the essence of a time and place is on full display here, with the sun-soaked beaches and celebrity culture of Malibu serving as the perfect backdrop for this story of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. Malibu Rising is both a nostalgic trip to the past and a poignant exploration of the ties that bind families together. It’s no wonder this book was a hit among readers and critics alike.
Week 4: "Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir
Rounding out the month, we have Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, a sci-fi thriller that took readers on a breathtaking journey through space. Weir, known for his bestseller The Martian, delivers another high-stakes adventure filled with scientific puzzles, unexpected twists, and a protagonist you can’t help but root for.
The story follows Ryland Grace, a lone astronaut who wakes up on a spaceship with no memory of who he is or why he’s there. As he slowly pieces together the details, he realizes that he is humanity’s last hope to save Earth from an impending catastrophe. Weir’s trademark wit and meticulous attention to scientific detail make Project Hail Mary a thrilling ride from start to finish.
Fans of science fiction were particularly excited about this book, and it quickly became a must-read for the summer. Its blend of humor, suspense, and scientific intrigue made it a fitting end to our July Book of the Week selections.
July was a month that truly celebrated the diversity and richness of contemporary literature. From Lisa Jewell’s nail-biting thriller to Kazuo Ishiguro’s thought-provoking exploration of AI, from Taylor Jenkins Reid’s nostalgic family saga to Andy Weir’s exhilarating space adventure, there was something for every kind of reader.
As a publishing news agency, we are thrilled to bring these exceptional works to the forefront, showcasing the talent and creativity of today’s authors. These books not only entertained but also challenged readers to think deeply about the world around them. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for us in the literary world, but for now, these July picks will continue to resonate in the minds of readers everywhere.
Stay tuned for more book recommendations, and happy reading!
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diricamo · 4 months ago
Best Embroidery Shirts
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When talking about "Embroidery Shirts," we're referring to shirts that feature embroidered designs, which can range from simple logos to elaborate patterns. Embroidered shirts are a perfect solution to the challenge of finding the right outfit that will help you stand out from the crowd in this current fashion world.
It is quite difficult for anyone to choose the right suit for themselves as it is important to understand your style to find the outfit that makes you look fashionable and classy.
These men's shirts have gained great fame for their intricate embroidery designs, as well as the character and personality they bring to the outfit. In this blog, we will explore the versatility of embroidered shirts, the art of embroidered shirts, and their impact on the overall outfit.
History of Embroidery
Embroidery, with its intricate patterns and meticulous craftsmanship, has a history that spans centuries and weaves its way through different cultures and civilizations.
The origins of embroidery date back to ancient civilizations, where it had both practical and decorative purposes. The earliest examples of embroidery can be found in ancient Egypt, where garments were adorned with elaborate stitching to indicate status and wealth.
In China, embroidery was revered as an art form, and intricate silk threads were used to create stunning designs on clothing and textiles.
As civilizations flourished and trade routes expanded, embroidery techniques spread far and wide and each culture added its own unique style to the craft.
In medieval Europe, embroidery adorned the clothing of royalty and nobility, with elaborate designs symbolizing wealth and power. In India, the art of embroidery reached new heights with the introduction of complex techniques such as zardozi and kantha, creating stunning garments fit for royalty.
Embroidered shirts are more than just clothing items. They are like little works of art that add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. They have a way of enhancing any outfit, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication that sets them apart from the rest.
The Art of Embroidery:
The centuries-old craft of embroidery involves the art of decorating fabrics with thread and needle. The intricate, handcrafted designs of embroidered shirts are the feature that makes them so special. These beautiful designs can range from bold and eye-catching to subtle and delicate.
Embroidery Designs for Men's Shirts:
There are endless options when it comes to men's shirts, especially embroidered shirts. You can find a wide variety of designs to choose from to suit your preferences and tastes. From abstract motifs to floral prints, the versatility of embroidery helps you express yourself through your clothing.
Embroidered shirts are incredibly versatile. These shirts are suitable for many different occasions as they can be dressed up or down. Whether you are attending a formal event or a casual gathering, an embroidered shirt can be a unique option to fit the dress code and add a unique touch to your outfit.
In this blog, we'll delve into the world of embroidered men's shirts, exploring their rich history, the benefits they bring to your wardrobe, and the meticulous techniques used to create them.
From customization options that let you leave your mark on your clothing to care tips that ensure your embroidered shirts stand the test of time, we'll cover everything you need to know to add a touch of elegance to your wardrobe with General Wear Inc.! Then let's get started!
Here’s a quick guide to help you choose and style them. Embroidered shirts can add a unique and personalized touch to your wardrobe! Various styles and techniques are depending on the look you're going for.
1. Custom Designs:
You can choose custom embroidery for personal or professional purposes. This could include logos for a business, custom artwork, or personalized names and messages.
2. Styles and Patterns:
Embroidery can range from intricate patterns to simple monograms. Popular styles include floral designs, geometric patterns, or even themed illustrations.
Create gradients with our unlimited color feature
Unleash creative freedom with unlimited color embroidery. Thanks to our advanced embroidery technique, you can make gradients and designs with nearly endless color possibilities.
This option is currently available for more than 50 products. To check them out, go to the product catalog and filter by Technique > Unlimited color embroidery.
Choose from different vibrant thread colors
For each design, you can select up to 6 colors per design from our palette of 15 vibrant options, ensuring your embroidery turns out exactly how you envision it.
3. Embroidery Techniques:
There are several embroidery techniques, such as:●  Satin Stitch: Creates a smooth, shiny surface, perfect for detailed and intricate designs. ●  Backstitch: Good for outlines and can give a clean, defined look. ●  French Knots: Adds texture and dimension with small, raised knots. ●  Appliqué: Involves stitching fabric pieces onto the shirt, often with decorative edges.
4. Types of Shirts:
You can get embroidery on various kinds of shirts, including: Button-Down Shirts:●  Professional and Business: Often used for uniforms or corporate attire. Embroidery can include company logos or employee names. ●  Casual and Dressy: Can feature more intricate designs or patterns for a stylish, personalized touch. T-Shirts: ●  Casual Wear: Great for personalizing with fun designs, quotes, or team logos.
●  Promotional Items: Commonly used for events, merchandise, or giveaways.
Polo Shirts:
● Sporty and Casual: Popular for teams, clubs, or casual work environments. Embroidery often includes logos or team names.
Hoodies and Sweatshirts:
● Comfort and Style: Embroidery on these can include anything from small logos to large, eye-catching designs.
5. Materials:
Cotton and polyester are common fabrics for embroidered shirts, but you can also find options in blends and specialty fabrics.
Explore Embroidery Design Placement Possibilities
According to these patterns, let’s style your custom embroidered shirts as you wish.
● Leftchest
Choose the upper left area for a classic and visible embroidery design on the front of your shirt, perfect for branding, logo, or a monogram
● Centerchest
Pick the center chest placement for uniform designs, school emblems, bold lettering, or any design you want prominently displayed
● Largecenter
Opt for a large, centered design on the front for maximum impact and visibility, ideal for statements or bold designs
● Sleeve
Embellish the sleeves with a subtle logo to add branding to your custom shirt without overwhelming the overall design
Benefits of wearing embroidered shirts for men
Embroidered shirts offer versatility in style options, easily transitioning from casual to formal wear. Unlike plain shirts, which can sometimes look boring, embroidered shirts add a touch of personality and style to any outfit. Whether you're going for a casual look with jeans and sneakers or dressing up for a special occasion, an embroidered shirt can effortlessly elevate your outfit and make a statement.
It offers a unique and personalized touch to outfits, allowing you to stand out from the crowd and express your style. With a wide range of designs and motifs to choose from, you can find an embroidered shirt that suits your personality and interests. Whether you prefer classic patterns like paisley and florals or more contemporary designs like geometric shapes and abstract art, there's something for everyone when it comes to embroidered shirts.
Choosing the Right Shirt:
- Fabric: Cotton is popular for its comfort and breathability, while polyester or blends offer durability and easy care. For performance shirts, moisture-wicking fabrics can be a good choice.
- Fit: Consider whether you want a fitted, relaxed, or oversized style, as this will affect how the embroidery looks.
- Design Placement: Common locations for embroidery include the left chest, center front, sleeve, or back. Placement often depends on the shirt type and design.
- Color Coordination: Ensure the thread color contrasts well with the shirt color for visibility and impact.
Care Tips:
●  Washing: Follow the care instructions on the shirt label. Usually, it's best to wash embroidered shirts inside out to protect the design.
●  Drying: Air drying is recommended to preserve the embroidery. If using a dryer, choose a low heat setting.
Where to Get Embroidered Shirts:
●  Local Print Shops: They often offer custom embroidery services.
●  Online Retailers: Websites like Vistaprint, Zazzle, diricamo, or custom apparel companies provide online tools
to design and order embroidered shirts.
●  Specialty Stores: Some brands specialize in embroidered apparel and offer a range of options.
If you have a specific design or purpose in mind, I can help with more tailored advice! If you want to order embroidered shirts for yourself or sell them online?
Buy Your Lovely Shirt Here ( Buy Now )
My Final Words:
Incorporating embroidered shirts into your wardrobe is a simple but effective way to add a touch of elegance to any outfit. With Di Ricamo, you can enjoy the benefits of high-quality craftsmanship, customizable designs, and expert care tips to ensure your embroidered shirts always look their best. Improve your style and discover the sophistication of Di Ricamo embroidered shirts today.
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brainmade-culture-is · 5 months ago
brainmade culture is looking for names on baby naming websites so often google has to think we’re a suspecting mother or something
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ivaldisonsforge · 4 months ago
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Sheild knot pendant
Introducing our Shield Knot Pendant, an exquisite necklace crafted from sterling silver. This pendant showcases the timeless beauty and intricate design of the Celtic shield knot, a symbol of profound meaning and history in Celtic culture. • Material: 925 Sterling Silver • Diameter - 1.18 inches (3 cm) • Weight - approx. 0.31 oz (9 grams)
The Celtic shield knot, also known as the Celtic shield or warrior knot, is a symbol of protection, strength, and unity. Its endless interwoven pattern represents an eternal connection between individuals, often used to invoke protection and ward off negativity. Our sterling silver pendant captures the essence of this ancient Celtic symbol, making it not just a piece of jewelry, but a representation of strength and heritage. Its fine craftsmanship and detailed design serve as a tribute to the rich tradition of Celtic knotwork. Whether you have a deep appreciation for Celtic art and symbolism, or you're simply looking for a unique and meaningful piece of jewelry, our Shield Knot Pendant is a splendid choice. Wear it with pride, and let it remind you of the enduring strength and unity it symbolizes, while adding an elegant touch of Celtic culture to your style.
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talonabraxas · 5 months ago
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Owl Witch Talon Abraxas
Hecate and Owls: Ancient Symbols of Wisdom and Mystery
In ancient mythology, Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic, crossroads, and the night, holds a mysterious and revered place. Often depicted as a triple goddess, with three faces representing the maiden, mother, and crone, Hecate is associated with the unseen realms, the moon, and the mystical forces of nature. One of the animals closely linked to this enigmatic deity is the owl, a creature that has captivated human imagination for centuries.
Owls have long been regarded as symbols of wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond the veil of darkness. Their nocturnal habits and keen nocturnal vision have earned them a place in various cultures as messengers between the mortal and spirit worlds. In many ancient societies, owls were believed to be companions of goddesses associated with magic and wisdom, including Hecate.
The connection between Hecate and owls is deeply rooted in the symbolism they share. Owls’ nocturnal nature and their ability to navigate through darkness align with Hecate’s role as the goddess of the night and the underworld. The owl’s piercing gaze, often depicted as penetrating and all-knowing, mirrors the goddess’s wisdom and her ability to see through illusions. Additionally, both Hecate and owls are associated with crossroads, places where choices are made and where paths intersect, symbolizing the liminal spaces between worlds.
In ancient Greek literature, Hecate is often accompanied by a retinue of owls, reinforcing the bond between the goddess and these wise birds. Some stories even describe her sending owls as messengers to guide and protect individuals in their journeys through the darkness of life.
The image of Hecate and owls has persisted through history, inspiring art, literature, and spiritual practices. Even today, many modern practitioners of various magical traditions invoke Hecate’s guidance and the wisdom of owls in their rituals and meditations.
As symbols of mystery and enlightenment, Hecate and owls continue to intrigue and inspire, reminding us of the vastness of knowledge hidden within the shadows and the importance of seeking wisdom in the darkest corners of existence. Their timeless connection serves as a reminder that understanding and embracing the unknown can lead us to greater depths of insight and self-awareness. Just as Hecate guides travelers through the crossroads of life, owls illuminate our paths through the mysteries of the world, inviting us to embrace the magic that surrounds us.
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tropitelhotels0 · 4 months ago
Discovering Paradise: Hotels in Dahab, Sinai
Nestled along the azure waters of the Red Sea, Dahab in Sinai, Egypt, beckons travelers with its tranquil beaches, vibrant marine life, and enchanting desert landscapes. This coastal haven, once a humble fishing village, has evolved into a sought-after destination offering a diverse range of accommodations to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences. From luxurious resorts to charming boutique Hotels Dahab Sinai and budget-friendly guesthouses, hotels in Dahab Sinai promise an unforgettable stay amidst stunning natural beauty and rich cultural experiences.
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Luxurious Beachfront Resorts
Dahab’s luxury beachfront resorts epitomize seaside elegance and offer unparalleled views of the Red Sea. These resorts cater to discerning travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure, with amenities such as infinity pools overlooking the ocean, private beaches for snorkeling and diving, and spa facilities offering indulgent treatments. Whether you’re unwinding by the poolside with a cocktail in hand or exploring the vibrant coral reefs just offshore, these resorts ensure a luxurious retreat in a serene coastal setting.
Charming Boutique Hotels and Guesthouses
For a more intimate and personalized experience, Dahab Hotel Booking boasts a variety of boutique hotels and guesthouses scattered throughout its picturesque streets. These accommodations blend traditional charm with modern comforts, providing cozy rooms adorned with local artwork and furnishings. Many boutique hotels in Dahab Sinai are located in quieter areas, offering guests a peaceful oasis within walking distance of the town’s bustling markets, cafes, and beachfront promenade.
Budget-Friendly Options
Travelers on a budget will find plenty of affordable accommodations in Dahab, ranging from budget hotels to hostels and guesthouses. These establishments provide comfortable rooms and essential amenities, making them ideal for backpackers, solo travelers, and families seeking a cost-effective stay without compromising on location or convenience. Budget-friendly hotels in Dahab Sinai often offer communal spaces where guests can mingle and share travel tips, creating a welcoming atmosphere for travelers from around the world.
Activities and Attractions
Staying at hotels in Dahab Sinai opens up a world of outdoor adventures and cultural discoveries:
Water Sports: Dahab is renowned for its world-class diving and snorkeling sites, including the Blue Hole and the Lighthouse Reef. Hotels in Dahab can arrange diving excursions, snorkeling trips, and water sports activities, allowing guests to explore the vibrant underwater world of the Red Sea.
Desert Safaris: The Sinai Desert surrounding Dahab offers opportunities for camel treks, jeep safaris, and Bedouin cultural experiences. Hotels often organize desert excursions, providing guests with a chance to immerse themselves in the region’s rugged landscapes and traditional Bedouin hospitality.
Relaxation and Wellness: Many hotels in Dahab Sinai offer wellness facilities such as yoga studios, meditation sessions, and spa treatments. Guests can unwind with holistic therapies and wellness activities against the backdrop of sweeping desert vistas or panoramic sea views.
Cultural and Culinary Experiences
Dahab’s hotels also serve as gateways to experiencing Sinai’s rich cultural heritage and diverse culinary scene:
Local Cuisine: Hotel restaurants and nearby eateries showcase traditional Egyptian dishes infused with Middle Eastern flavors. From fresh seafood platters to aromatic tagines and falafel wraps, guests can savor authentic flavors while enjoying stunning views of the Red Sea or the desert’s majestic landscapes.
Shopping and Souvenirs: Dahab’s markets and artisan shops offer a treasure trove of handmade crafts, jewelry, and textiles. Hotels in Dahab provide convenient access to these markets, allowing guests to browse for unique souvenirs such as Bedouin rugs, hand-blown glass ornaments, and intricate silver jewelry.
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bartholomaus · 4 months ago
Cazul Posmus ca si celelalte castele si curii (NU "conace"!, Conace / cule sunt in Muntenia) din Ardeal arata ca istoria Ardealului e complexa, frumoasa, pe alocuri frustranta / dureroasa, dar intotdeauna surprinzatoare precum ...viata.
1. Sa incepem chiar cu termenii si cadrajul ("framing"ul): Termenul potrivit de CASTEL / CURIE ne aminteste subtil ca maghiarii (si sasii) au fost, implicit, grupurile care si ele au pastrat vie mostenirea LATINA / "LATINITATEA" in Ardeal - prin folosirea limbii latine in administratie, biserica, scoala, timp de secole. In tot acest rastimp (de secole), romanii / ortodocsii scriau cu caractere chirilice si la biserica li se vorbea in slavona - pana ce, la insistenta sasilor ptotestanti si a unor nobili maghiari, au fost tiparite carti religioase si manuale scolare in limba ...romana!
BONUS: Termenii de CONAC / CULA sunt si ele f graitoare, ele fiind de proveniente turca / orientala /kula = turn).
CONCLUZIE nr. 1: In Ardeal, latinitatea a fost pastrata etnolingvistic de romani, iar cultural-lingvistic de sasi si maghiari. Elemente de orientalism se gasesc etnic la maghiari, iar lingvistic si religios la romani.
2. Despre CONFLICT vs. COOPERARE intre grupurile constitutive din Ardeal: Intr-o societate ierarhica precum cea premoderna, inegalitatea (nobil vs. iobag; confesiuni recepte vs. tolerate / interzise) si el element constitutiv. Interesant ca si societatile moderne contin elemente constitutive si institutionalizate de inegalitate - in Ardeal sub forma etnocratiei, adica a dominatiei unei limbi si grupari etnice, carora celelalte grupuri 2musai" sa se supuna, pentru ca "altfel va fi bai"! Inainte de 1918 erau maghiarii, dupa 1918 sunt, pana astazi, romanii. A se vedea doar monopolul limbii romane ca singura limba oficiala, a colonizarii de etnici romani in zonele candva predominant nonromanesti cat si a drapelului Romaniei, fara dreptul de a przenta pe cladiri oficiale si alte drapele.
Deoarece istoria Ardealului este complexa, conflictele si cooperarile sociale sau interetnice de la noi au decurs in esenta foarte diferit de cum propaganda naationalista romaneasca le-a prezentat de la 1918 incoace. Astfel,
a.) Au existat si numerosi nobili de origine romana (si germana), nu doar maghiara, la fel cum au existat si iobagi maghiari si sasi, nu doar romani.
b.) In Tara Hategului exista o intrepatrundere deja istorica intre nobili maghiari si romani - prin care se estompeaza si delimitarile etnice clare dintre cele doua etnii - similar cu ceangaii din Moldova, supusi romanizarii fortate si care acuma formeaza o cultura romano-maghiara.
c.) Rascoalele taranesti au fost conduse de maghiari, nu de romani (Budai, Dozsa).
d.) Romanii isi datoreaza majoritatea demografica in Ardeal tocmai celor pe care au fost invatati sa-i urasca: nobililor maghiari. Acestia i-au colonizat in numar semnificativ pe mosiile si in satele lor, iar romanii au preferat sa vina in numar mare ca iobagi la groful ungur decat sa ramana iobagi la boierul roman din Muntenia sau Moldova. Mai ales dupa raidurile destructive ale lui Mihai Patrascu (zis si "Viteazul" - care, by the way, NU a unit ABSOLUT NIMIC, ci doar fusese temporar voievod in MT, MD si TS), deci dupa ale sale raiduri, jefuri si maceluri prin zonele sasesti si unguresti ale Ardealului, numeroase sate si mosii nobiliare / maghiare au devenit subit majoritar romanesti, in urma influxului de romani, adusi chiar de nobili, pt a relua productia agricola. Exemple notorii sunt satele de pe Valea Muresului in amonte si aval de Alba Iulia cat si in Campia Transilvaniei. Prin sporul demografic superior, romanii, la 1918 avea sau aiba acel procentaj de 4-10% in plus fata de nonromani (55% vs. 45% din totalul populatiei) - pretext "suficient" pentru Antanta si Guvernul Roman aflat a Iasi de a inscena la 1 decembrie 1918 la Alba Iulia acea reuniune a 1228 de reprezentanti ai romanilor care sa declare (unilateral) "unirea" cu Regatul Romaniei, omitandu-se astfel organizarea unui REFERENDUM care referendum f probabil NU ar fi produs o majoritate pentru "unirea" cu Romania.
CONCLUZIE nr. 2: Pentru a ascunde toate aceste adevaruri incomode despre cat de fraudulos a fost pasat Ardealul, Banatul si parti din Ungaria de Est ("Crisana") Romaniei, istoriografia romaneasca a inventat conflictul etern (in realitate unul foarte punctual si sporadic) dintre romani si maghiari.
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alessandro55 · 5 months ago
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Karlheinz Weinberger
Intr : Gianni Jetzer
Photos : Jim Zürich
Museum für Gegenwarts Kunst, Basel 2011, 108 pages,Hardcover, 54 b&w ill., 24,5x38cm, ISBN 978-0-920293-85-0
euro 120,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
“Mr. Weinberger’s subjects, mostly young men in the ‘50s and ‘60s, interpreted American style in ways both fascinating and bizarre.” -New York Times
“Mixing American pop culture fashion with their own over-the-top accents, the ‘Halbstarke’ youth made giant belt buckles and DIY denim look good, in a way only charming delinquents can (imagine Elvis meets Brokeback Mountain, with an eccentric Euro edge).” -W Magazine
An unsung pioneer of vernacular photography since the Fifties, Weinberger captured a young generation of Swiss rebels who were greatly influenced by American culture. For most of his adult life, Karlheinz Weinberger (1921-2006) worked in the warehouse department of the Siemens-Albis factory in Zurich. In his free time, he escaped his job’s monotony by immersing himself in photography. The images in this publication—a facsimile of a self-designed portfolio that Weinberger made in the mid-1950s—showcase the evolving documentary style that would define much of Weinberger’s later work. “Jeans” focuses on individual portraiture and his fascination for men in blue jeans, an article of clothing whose scarcity in post-war Switzerland and close association with American pop stars implied more than just a fashion statement. Blue jeans were a badge of status, differentiation and rebellion for working class Swiss boys and girls dissatisfied with the conservative climate of the day.
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culturoro · 5 months ago
Eforie Sud. Sapte artisti deschid sezonul de „Arta (si ecologie) la Mal(ul Marii)”
O comunitate de artisti aduce un vis green culture la Eforie Sud, o poveste despre locuri uitate sau iresponsabil exploatate, care ar putea deveni spatii frumoase si primitoare, incurajand dialogul intre culturi, discipline, genuri si varste. Derulata de Forumul Artelor Vizuale, initiativa „Arta (si ecologie) la Mal(ul Marii)” reuneste povesti despre oameni si natura, semnate de sapte artisti…
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