#interview with a vampire 2022
ingridgh0st · 2 days
Me yapping about my latest obsession to my bestie
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vampires are gay. every single one.
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ninithegreat · 1 year
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Interview with the Vampire (2023)
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citrusbunnies · 27 days
just watched the 2022 interview with a vampire and DAMNNNNN THAT WAS FUCKED AND REALLY GOOD i loved claudia and i honestly damn near cheered at parts in the ending
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dreamgirledward · 2 years
in my rediscovery of the interview with a vampire series that's about to start airing, it's been hilarious watching people actually get red-faced, hand-wringing angry in online spaces about 'yet another remake that no one asked for' when in fact the 1994 movie theyre all claiming to be a 'perfect adaptation' was notoriously disliked by the author (tom cruise as lestat specifically jhkjdhsfjkg) and heavily criticized for removing the gay subtext TEXT laden throughout the original story. people angry about the change in the time period as well arent really understanding how poorly a sympathetic plantation owner living in 18th century louisiana would age nowadays (and how poorly they age period)... this is why i wish more people understood what kind of skill adapting something from page to screen is, that it's difficult and an art in its own right, when done well. think about jojo rabbit, a film adapted from a novel that's got a completely different tone compared to its source material, but still poignant and manages to deliver an enrapturing, endearing story dealing with extremely dark and sobering themes. sometimes it's literally not possible to adapt something word for word, and i think fans of the books should count themselves lucky that anne rice was involved in production until she passed. the thing with interview with a vampire however, aside from appropriately casting way more black actors in a setting that, let's be quite clear, was completely whitewashed in the film, is that it's telling a queer dramatic story. it's doing what the film was too scared to do, which is be SUPER GAY and the 1994 film was only 'great' or 'perfect' for all those people who thought they may have stood a chance with brad or tom (who in my opinion werent even well-cast!) 🤷🏻‍♀️
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thereadersmuse · 2 years
Daniel is such a fucking mood. He, with a straight face to a 100+ year old vampire, snaps that he is too old to be called a ‘boy’ and actually means it. It is hilarious because to Louis and Armand he is basically in his rebellious teenager phase.
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glennethph · 2 years
Lestat when he sensed Louis saying, “I’d like you to meet the Vampire Armand, the love of my life.”
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themightyaliendwarf · 2 years
First thoughts on the Interview with a Vampire series
It's going to be a long one, so get ready.
From the moment I heard about the details of this project, I was sceptical. After all, to change Louis from a late XVIII century plantation owner to a black man and the owner of brothel houses living in the early XIX century is quite a jump. However, we've seen bigger changes being done and sometimes not only would they not make the story worse, but even go as far as make it better (I find Forrest Gump to be a perfect example). So, how did it go here?
Well... I'm confused.
Which isn't a bad thing in itself! I'd say I enjoyed this first episode, but it certainly felt more like fanfic rather than an adaptation.
If you have read the book you know it has one significant feature: it's melancholic. Rice wrote it after she lost her daughter and each page is filled with incredible grief that is so characteristic of Louis's story. On the other hand, the second book - Vampire Lestat - while still similar in style, it's definitely a lot lighter. I strongly believe showrunners decided to combine those two books and that's why it seems the style is a bit confused at times. After all, how much grief can you put in and still feel genuine if you want your flamboyant Lestat to be Lestat, do Lestat things and steal the show?
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Because I don't think you can quite do it. Even the movie from 1994, despite being a very good adaptation, is significantly less painful than the book.
And they actually have Claudia being played by an incredible child actress!
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But let's talk about the series. I think they wanted this show to be connected to the book and have Lestat. I doubt Louis as Louis was their priority. Yes, of course, his family story is actually pretty similar to the book... but obviously they decided to add racism to his long list of things he can whine about (for the record, yes, I do think book Louis is rather whiny). While I do think it provides something new to the story (I also think Jacob Anderson is doing a very good job and is giving us something different from what Brad Pitt did), I don't think it improves the story. I love the 1910' aesthetic and jazz, but is it something I want from Interview with a Vampire? Not really. However, if you are able to fully separate it from the novel and the 1994 book and treat it as its own thing, I think you will enjoy it a lot.
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Ok, but I can't finish this post without talking about Lestat. I told my friend that this series can be shit, but if Lestat is done well, it's at least a 7/10. And you know what?
Of course, Lestat is amazing.
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Again, Sam Reid is giving us something different from Tom Cruise (this Lestat actually speaks French!). I like how they are taking elements from Vampire Lestat - tho, for now mostly in the form of Lestat talking about his family - and that this fabulous bloodsucker is as much of a dandy and asshole as I want him to be.
I mean, the scene of Louis' brother's funeral when Lestat straight up tells him "Nice coffin. Where did you buy it?" is kinda hilarious.
Reid has a very strong screen presence and he absolutely steals every shot. Not gonna lie, I want this show to go for another season purely to see him as a 1980's rockstar Lestat.
I think most people know how important the 1994 movie was for the LGBT+ community. I mean, clearly, gay (or bi) vampires are being played by 3 known actors? That's not something you see every day in the 90s'. A clear difference between the movie and this series is that they are a lot hornier. I don't think we've seen an on-screen kiss in 1994 (I don't think you even have them in the book). Louis doesn't want to give the reader juicy details - you need to wait for Vampire Lestat to read how everybody was Lestat's boyfriend.
This series is not subtle at all with the romantic tension.
So, would I recommend it? The first episode was pretty good. I expect to be disappointed by Claudia's story, tho. Overall, if you can easily separate this series from the original novel, I think you will enjoy it.
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greenpanda-djg · 2 years
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I'm sorry what? Did he just telepathically tell Louis- MR I can't read your thoughts coz I'm your Maker- lestat? Communicate to Louis with thought? Then Lied about it later on???
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pierogipie · 2 years
It's gay and it slaps
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ninithegreat · 2 years
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Interview with a Vampire (2022)
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questionablespecies · 2 years
Lol I'm sorry but this Interview with a Vampire show definitely comes off like a fanfiction and should've been like a fifty shades situation where someone wanted to make their own narrative with their own twist in it and called it The Dark Gift and ran with that - cuz this is not what Anne Rice wrote at all lol idk what this is
The only props that can give to it is that it leans into them being lovers more which I definitely approve of but let's not call it an interview with a vampire cause you literally had to restructure entire characters to make this make sense lol
Also let me not go into the repeated narrative of race bending a white character Black just for the sake of it 😐 cause for Louis's case, who was literally a slave owner and acquired his family fortune FROM slaves, you cannot race bend this one without changing the ENTIRE story.
Racebending only works when the race has literally no bearing on the character - as in their culture is not integral to the story being told.
And I'm tired of them changing characters into Black people without fully recognizing the implications of it within the story (Anne Boleyn and now Louis and Claudia - who look like Lestat's slaves now)
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 years
Hii :)
I just found out there is a new "an interview with a vampire" series and omg I wanna watch it! Since you have *ahem* similar interests ;) , do you know where I can watch it?👀
I know it's playing on AMC and will stream on AMC+! I think... it starts tomorrow! Maybe. I think so.
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thereadersmuse · 2 years
Having Daniel being the only adult in the room at all times is fucking hysterical considering the fact that he is probably still yelling at Louis, asking if he ate the baby or not.
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glennethph · 2 years
Jacob Anderson seems to be a better Louis than Brad Pitt ever could have been. The jury is still out on Sam Reid’s Lestat but I kinda like it because he differentiates it from Tom Cruise’s campy revelatory performance.
I can’t wait for Claudia.
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themightyaliendwarf · 2 years
Future of the Vampire Chronicles the series
First of all, this show proved me wrong in so many ways that I'm unable to count them all. To put it mildly, I adore it - and that's something I'm not always so keen on saying when it comes to works, that change the original so much.
This time, however, I think they handled it beautifully and, yes, while the overall atmosphere is different, I don't this the story suffers because of it. Even the massive change in Claudia's character - I don't mind it. I'm honestly stunned to be saying that.
With season 2 already being confirmed, I have a couple of thoughts, I'd like to share. BTW. spoilers for Interview, Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned are below:
According to Anne Rice (RIP), Louis wasn't a reliable narrator, but Lestat was. Based on that, I wonder whether we will get, sometime in the future, more of Lestat's POV. For example, we know scriptwriters are taking big chunks from the second novel in which Lestat says he would only hunt "the bad guys". Louis's recollection still doesn't seem to acknowledge that, so I wonder how truthful he is.
Obviously, it does seem Louis and Claudia are going to go to Europe in season 2. How much do you think WWII will affect their journey. Will they use it as a point for struggle? Will showrunners be using this unnecessary bloodshed as a plot point? I think they are absolutely going to because otherwise, they could have moved their departure to the 1920s since Berlin before the Nazi takeover was a capital of queer culture. I'm kinda sad they don't have a chance to explore this fascinating period, but oh, well...
I still don't know how I feel about the "Rashid is Armand" theory. It is interesting, but based on who Armand is supposed to be, I doubt it. After all, Armand and his gang should be responsible for killing Claudia and I'm just not seeing Louis staying with a person like this for so long. I would be more willing to believe that Rashid is either a relatively young vampire OR somebody super old who may or may not be connected with Akasha
How will Lestat's rock star career will go (if you haven't read the second novel, I'm sorry for the confusion)? The world in 2022 clearly still doesn't know about vampires, so I don't think Lestat went forward with his plan back in the 80'. Maybe his nap is now about 50 years longer? Because if we are covering the full story of those bloodsuckers, you better give us Rock Star Lestat
Speaking of Lestat, it does seem his backstory (awful father and brothers, Magnus, and Nicky) is pretty much the same. Therefore, I assume his encounter with Marius and Akasha is still canon. At least, I hope so because otherwise, he has no reason to be OP. And if that's the case, in future seasons, we will need to spend a ton of time (probably a full season or two) just on telling this story. Show don't tell, right? I'm not saying that just because I'm craving XVIII-century aesthetic
If Lestat's backstory is the same, then we better get Gabriella. She is a major part of his story and a very interesting character. The show clearly doesn't shy away from exploring queer topics, so I know they will do her justice. Also, we need a badass vampire lady
I think AMC has a bad habit of dragging shows for too long. Personally, I think this show should end with Queen of the Damned. They can then make spin-offs about Marius, Armand etc. but so far it's about Louis and Lestat (with Claudia, Daniel and, in the future or already, Armand being important players), and I think it should stay that way. Those two really long backstory sections in Vampire Lestat, while being interesting, just took me out of the story and I want them to stay focused on important bits
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