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nineteenfiftysix · 1 year ago
Dettinger - Intershop 1 (Intershop, 1999)
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saisons-en-enfer · 1 year ago
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manuelamordhorst · 3 months ago
Tipp: fluent in silence. Fotografische Arbeiten von Katia Klose
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bspoquemagazine · 7 months ago
POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair 2024: Preview
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Künstlerische Positionen von 111 Galerien aus 24 Ländern werden in diesem Jahr in die Hangars 6-7 des Flughafens Tempelhof einziehen, davon sechs Galerien aus Südkorea, die gemeinsam mit unserem Sonderstand und kulinarischen Akzenten den diesjährigen Länderschwerpunkt setzen.
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probablyasocialecologist · 4 months ago
One man’s drudgery was another man’s stability. With some justification, Erich Honecker looked with pride at the changes in living standards that had been achieved under his leadership. Despite continuous problems with supplies and being behind technological standards in the West, the GDR felt like a stable country with comparatively high living standards. By design, there was full employment and the subsidized rents, food, cultural offerings and childcare meant that there were few existential concerns. At a time when West Germany was grappling with around 8 per cent unemployment and job security was a worry to many of those who did have work, East German families never really had to fear a sudden loss of income or not being able to pay the rent. By 1987, over half of all households had a car and all had at least one washing machine, fridge and TV. Products that were difficult to get hold of through regular routes were often obtained with the help of Western relatives who ordered them directly through Genex catalogues or provided the currency for a trip to the Intershop. Friends and family in the right places could also help. All in all, the economic shortcomings of the GDR in the mid-1980s, while reaching crisis level behind the scenes, appeared to many East Germans as nuisances rather than existential threats to their way of life. This lack of existential concerns coupled with a solid life–work balance meant that East Germans had a fair amount of money and time on their hands without having to worry too much about having to make the most of it. As a result, they spent a lot more time socializing and enjoying leisure pursuits. Clubhouses, allotment gardens, restaurants, communal barbecue pits and party rooms in apartment blocks were popular retreats where friends, colleagues and neighbours would meet to relax. Accordingly, alcohol consumption in the GDR skyrocketed. By 1988, the average East German drank 142 litres of beer a year and 16.1 litres of hard liquor, twice as much as their West German neighbours and enough to make VEB Nordbrand the largest Schnapps producer in Europe. The American academic Thomas Kochan has argued that this is not due to a need to escape the dreary realities of the GDR, as has often been claimed, but rather to the ‘existential carefreeness’ experienced by ‘a low-competition collective society’. Most East Germans drank not to forget their worries but rather because they had too little to worry about.
Katja Hoyer, Beyond the Wall: East Germany, 1949-1990
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vidavojic · 1 year ago
hi tumblr!!!
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Timing is Divine tour 2024 coming up
Tour dates::::
Sa. 6 Copenhagen @ Ladder Space
M. 8 Berlin @ 90mil
W. 10 Leipzig @ hitness club (+ livestream)
Th. 11 Chemnitz @ Lesecafé Odradek
Sa. 13 Leipzig @ galerie intershop
Tu. 16 Graz @ Kunst Klub Kräftner
W. 17 Celje @ Špitalska Kapela
F. 19 Buje @ Open University Buje
Sa. 20 Grožnjan @ Truba Bar
W. 24 Zürich @ Kulturhaus Helferei
F. 26 Rotterdam @ varia
Sa. 27 Nijmegen @ Extrapool
Su. 28 Amsterdam @ WIHH gallery
W. 31 Groningen @ NP3
F. 2 Düsseldorf @ the pool
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something-higher · 1 month ago
Top reissues of 2024
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VA - European Primitive Guitar (1974​-​1987) (NTS) https://n-t-s.bandcamp.com/album/european-primitive-guitar-1974-1987
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Intercommunal Free Dance Music Orchestra - Le Musichien (Le Souffle Continu) https://soufflecontinurecords.bandcamp.com/album/le-musichien
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VA - Someone Like Me (Efficient Space) https://efficientspace.bandcamp.com/album/someone-like-me
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Broadcast - Spell Blanket - Collected Demos 2006​-​2009 (Warp Records) https://broadcast.bandcamp.com/album/spell-blanket-collected-demos-2006-2009
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Emahoy Tsege Mariam Gebru - Souvenirs (Missippi Records) https://emahoytsegemariamgebru.bandcamp.com/album/souvenirs
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Dettinger - Intershop (Kompakt) https://dettinger.bandcamp.com/album/intershop-remastered-2024
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VA - Soft Selection 84 - A Nippon DIY Wave compilation (Glossy Mistakes) https://glossymistakes.bandcamp.com/album/soft-selection-84-a-nippon-diy-wave-compilation
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Galaxie 500 - Uncollected Noise New York ’88​-​’​90 (Modular Records) https://galaxie500.bandcamp.com/album/uncollected-noise-new-york-88-90
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Ozean - Ozean (Numero Group) https://ozean.bandcamp.com/album/ozean  
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VA - Juyungo - Afro​-​Indigenous Music From The North​-​Western Andes (Honest Jon's Records) https://caife.bandcamp.com/album/juyungo-afro-indigenous-music-from-the-north-western-andes 
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Ruth Goller - Skylla (International Anthem) https://ruthgoller.bandcamp.com/album/skylla 
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Ahmed Malek - Musique Originale De Films Volume 2 (Habibi Funk)  https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/habibi-funk-027-musique-originale-de-films-volume-2
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K. Yoshimatsu - Fossil Cocoon: The Music of K. Yoshimatsu  (Phantom Limb) https://phantomlimblabel.bandcamp.com/album/fossil-cocoon-the-music-of-k-yoshimatsu 
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Broadcast - Distant Call - Collected Demos 2000-2006 (Warp Records) https://broadcast.bandcamp.com/album/distant-call-collected-demos-2000-2006
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Dennis Bovell - Sufferer Sounds (Disciples) https://dennisbovell.bandcamp.com/album/sufferer-sounds
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Rail Band – Rail Band (Mississipi Records) https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/album/rail-band
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PRE HISTORIANS - Free Yourself (TRS Records) https://trsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/pre-historians-free-yourself
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THE MARIJUANAS - Tell Us When (TRS Records) https://trsrecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-marijuanas-tell-us-when
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Mashu Hayasaka - Piano Etudes I (All Night Flight) https://pink-layke.bandcamp.com/album/piano-etudes-i
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cLOUDDEAD - cLOUDDEAD (Alpha Pup) https://clouddead.bandcamp.com/album/clouddead-2024-remastered
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Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II (Warp records) https://aphextwin.bandcamp.com/album/selected-ambient-works-volume-ii
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O Terno - atrás/além (Psychic Hotline) https://oterno.bandcamp.com/album/atr-s-al-m
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inquiry-emech · 3 months ago
Best Transfer Trolley Suppliers
ElectroMech's intershop rail-based transfer trolleys provide efficient and simple solutions for moving goods between various bays in a factory. These trolleys operate on a rail track that runs through the bays, and they are powered by either a mains supply or a battery system.
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cad-iksodas-tsenre · 10 months ago
Der ist wohl noch mit der Kurbel als Anlasser — Intershop war ich auch mal drin. Da roch es nach West-Chemie. Süßigkeiten Betäubungsmittel Kaffe künstliche Schnelllösche und Tee’s Schnelllösliche, Alles nur künstliche Chemie. Vergiftungsmittel! Und ich habe dort einen Radio-Kassetten-recorder Stereo gekauft. Dann war mald der Bekleidungs – Michael Richter drin. Bei dem habe ich was gekauft, als…
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nineteenfiftysix · 1 year ago
Dettinger - Intershop 5 (Intershop, 1999)
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codeonedigest · 2 years ago
SiteGenesis Vs SFRA Architecture Comparison | Salesforce SFCC & Store Front Reference Architecture
Full Video Link https://youtube.com/shorts/aAw4Nt8sfkk Hi, a new #video on #sfra vs #sitegenesis #architecture #comparison #salesforce #reference #architecture #sfcc #cloud #salesforce is published on #codeonedigest #youtube channel. @java #ja
 ** SiteGenesis ** Site Genesis: Salesforce bought Demandware, which was originally built on Intershop. Demandware was an upstart launching the SAAS (software as a service) model for eCommerce. This is a predecessor to the SFRA and does not natively support mobile web experiences, is much slower in performance, and does not support code extensions. ** SFRA Storefront Reference Architecture…
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frankyherzkleber · 2 years ago
1982 - Platz im Mittelpunkt der Welt
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1982 hatte ich mit meinem Kumpel Rainer gehofft, das Udo Lindenberg in der DDR spielen würde. Auch wenn es illusorisch war. Im Intershop hatte ich Lindenbergs Album livehaftig (2 LPs) gekauft, für 60 Westmark = 180 Ostmark. Kurs 1:3  Später wurde sogar 1:7 getauscht. Ich konnte schon etwas auf der Gitarre und wollte Straßenmusik ausprobieren, was in der DDR verboten war. Ich habe es trotzdem Abseits am Freibad Pankow versucht, in der Nähe der damals neuen Schwimmhalle. Aber zu wenig Publikum kam vorbei. Deshalb zog es mich auf den Alexanderplatz, vor den Fernsehturm. Klassische instrumentale Stücke standen auf meiner Setliste. Frank G. und seine Freundin Jutta Bahlke lernte ich dort kennen. Wir freundeten uns an. Jutta konnte Klavier und spielte ein paar Jahre später in meiner 1. Band. Das die kleine DDR unter Realitätsverlust leidete, musste ich an besagtem Tag endgültig zur Kenntnis nehmen. Die Volkspolizei kam vorbei und forderte mich ultimativ auf, die Darbietung zu beenden, mit der Begründung: Das ich auf dem Platz im Mittelpunkt der Welt spielen würde. Wie hieß später meine 1. Band? Grüne Ohren? Die Kandidaten? Auf die Mütze?   1. Single-Release “Berliner Bär” am 12. Mai 2023 / 20:00 Uhr im Stream & YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikToc #Deutschrock #Rock #Berlin #Berliner Bär #Singer/Songwriter #Liedermacher #Tanzen #Frankys Herzkleber # HerzKleber   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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gazeta24br · 2 years ago
A Netshoes, maior e-commerce esportivo do país, preparou uma campanha especial para comemorar seu aniversário de 23 anos neste mês de março. O vídeo, desenhado pelo time de criação interno da empresa, mostra como seria o mundo sem a marca, que tem como missão democratizar o esporte. “Uma maratona seria só uma corridinha na rua. O futebol com os amigos, só uma bolinha. Não ia ter tanta gente torcendo pra você mandar aquela manobra! Com a Netshoes, o mundo fica mais legal”, celebra a campanha publicitária divulgada nas redes sociais. Rafael Montalvão, diretor de marketing da Netshoes, diz que o intuito da campanha é mostrar como a marca é importante para o segmento, a ponto de ser difícil imaginar como seria se ela não existisse. “Já são 23 anos levando o melhor do esporte aos nossos clientes e incentivando as pessoas a não desistir, a ter uma vida mais saudável. Estamos orgulhosos desse caminho até aqui e confiantes em um futuro com ainda mais atletas nas ruas”. A campanha vai rodar nos principais canais de mídia e conta com o reforço de um squad de influenciadores para sustentá-la durante o período, como Rosamaria, jogadora de vôlei da seleção brasileira, Negrete, um dos principais influenciadores de futebol da atualidade e Justin Neto, coreógrafo das celebridades. Desconto no site e no app Para celebrar junto aos clientes e reforçar o posicionamento inclusivo, a Netshoes iniciou, nesta segunda-feira (6), uma série de promoções no site e aplicativo da companhia. Os produtos da marca adidas estão com até 50% de desconto, assim como as camisas de times de futebol. Já os itens femininos, de treino, de skate e surf chegam a ter 60% off. Além disso, o consumidor consegue encontrar bikes a partir de R$ 529,90. Sobre a Netshoes A Netshoes é o maior e-commerce esportivo do país e oferece um amplo portfólio de produtos e serviços. Além disso, acredita que o esporte é para todos e por isso tem comprometimento com o consumidor para proporcionar a melhor experiência de compra, entrega e qualidade dos produtos. A marca está no varejo digital há 22 anos e tem mais de 16 milhões de fãs nas redes sociais. A empresa também opera mais de 10 e-commerces no Brasil, como as lojas oficiais da NBA, NFL e Kappa, Rainha e Topper, além das lojas de clubes como São Paulo Mania, ShopTimão, InterShop, ShopVasco e Loja da Chape. Em 2019, a Netshoes passou a fazer parte do Magalu, reforçando o comprometimento da empresa com o consumidor e a visão de ser referência global em experiência de compra on-line por meio de inovação e conectividade em multiplataformas.
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benkaden · 5 years ago
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ABR-Schkeuditzer Kreuz 71 01 Kursdorf über Leipzig
konsum fotocolor magdeburg, 1970
Foto: Rita Große
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ddr-reklame · 5 years ago
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Am 14. Dezember 1962 wurde in der DDR die staatliche Handelsorganisation „Intershop GmbH“ von Vertretern der Mitropa und der Deutschen Genußmittel GmbH gegründet. Diese sollte die sich in der DDR im Umlauf befindlichen frei konvertierbaren Währungen (Devisen, Valuta) abschöpfen. Valuta ist die Bezeichnung für eine Fremdwährung oder ein Zahlungsmittel in dieser Fremdwährung. . Anfangs wurde der Intershophandel von der Mitropa organisiert. Mit der Einrichtung der ersten Interhotels wurde dort ein sogenannter „Zimmerservice��� eingeführt. Dieser war meist in einem Hotelzimmer untergebracht und sollte an Ort und Stelle zum Ausgeben von Valutawährungen animieren. Nach und nach wuchsen diese Geschäfte. . Später wurden Intershops an Grenzübergangsstellen, auf Rastplätzen an den Transitstrecken zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und West-Berlin (Inter-Tank) und auf Bahnhöfen, Flug- und Fährhäfen eingerichtet. Bezahlt werden konnte mit jeder frei konvertierbaren Währung, vor allem mit Westmark (DM). . Das Sortiment umfasste Nahrungsmittel, Alkoholika, Tabakwaren, Kleidung, Spielwaren, Schmuck, Kosmetika, technische Geräte, Tonträger und vieles mehr. Diese Produkte gab es in der DDR für die offizielle Währung Mark der DDR gar nicht oder nur vereinzelt zu kaufen, obwohl der größte Teil des Warenangebots im Rahmen der Gestattungsproduktion in der DDR für Westfirmen produziert wurde. Für die Versorgung der Intershop-Läden mit Waren war die zum Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung gehörende „forum Außenhandelsgesellschaft mbH“ mit 900 Mitarbeitern zuständig. . Bis 1974 war es Bürgern der DDR offiziell verboten, Valuta zu besitzen. Durch Erlass des Ministerrates der DDR wurde dieses Verbot aufgehoben und auch DDR-Bürger durften seitdem in den meisten Intershops einkaufen. Ab dem 16. April 1979 mussten DDR-Bürger, um weiterhin im Intershop einkaufen zu können, Valuta in Forumschecks umtauschen. Eine Forumscheck-Mark entsprach einer DM. In den 1980er Jahren gab es 380 Filialen, der Umsatz ging in die Milliarden. (#Wikipedia) . #Intershop #Einkauf #Shop #Valuda #Geschäft #DDR #GDR #Reklame #Ostalgie #EastGermany #Vintage #Vintagead https://www.instagram.com/p/Bl0Dpf-HpjL/?igshid=7b2w98lqfvxi
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jamesv-t · 6 years ago
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An intershop at Berlin Friedrichstraße railway station.
From Wikipedia: “Intershop was a chain of government-owned and operated retail stores in the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany) in which only hard currencies (and later Forum checks) could be used to purchase high-quality goods. The East German mark was not accepted as payment. Intershop was originally oriented towards visitors from Western countries, and later became an outlet where East Germans could purchase goods they could not otherwise obtain. An unintended consequence was that ordinary East Germans had some insight into the selection of goods available in the West, which they could then compare with the rather limited offerings available in their own country.”
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