#interlude 1 part 1
moash · 2 months
when are they gonna release a moash pov chapter? <- delusional
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mantisgodiveblog · 5 months
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Behold! Friend Art, drawn by @danspectorboy! We have successfully given them brain worms for this game through our evil liveblogging. And also brain worms for our liveblogging itself.
We are, of course, taking this opportunity to elaborate on some previously unestablished lore - or, rather, established lore not yet written on the blog, because we've been DEARLY enjoying tossing our sona mechanics at the wall while doing brainstorm-with-friends chatter. To host a god isn't a light thing, you see. Even if it's only partial. Anyways Discord screenshots, some minor chatter, and slightly more art below cut.
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NECESSARY CONTEXT: The Mantis God may possess any mantis it pleases, provided that they are a mantis. This notion may be a bit "loose" - as hosts who are purely mantises, by the modern standard, may be less than ideal. The small must always struggle with being small. Ambush predators, well-developed claws and carnivorous diets, taur-like body schemes, the sorts of predators who can lay in wait for ages before striking, may be viable - being an insect will aid the chance of viability, but not ensure it. With sapient hosts, more abstract features may be key.
The Mantis God's possession will favor the cunning, the keen, the level-headed. Patience is a virtue, as well as ruthlessness - if a character can be reasonably anthromorphized as a mantis, they are likely to be viable for possession. In order to be possessable, a host must retain some resemblance of dignity, reservation, poise - though they need not keep this face at all times, "most of the time" is enough.
As such, Siffrin is not necessarily a viable host. They can be "piggybacked" on, certainly, but not fully controlled - they will remember everything that is done under possession, they may resist or refuse actions, they are fully present in their own body and simply dealing with a backseat driver rather than dealing with a "full" possession.
A partial possession, though not a full possession, does cause some physical effects - a gold tint, in the iris, or a line of gold around the edges of the pupil - but it does not cause full effects. The claws that generally indicate a host, rather than sprouting from the host's shoulderblades, will instead originate from somewhere behind them, sprouting from some unknown point outside of the field of view of the viewer. These will always end just "behind" the host, from the point of view of an observer, regardless of angle viewed, and may appear at multiple different angles with multiple observers - though whether they can be viewed at all largely depends on if an observer is the sort of person likely to be capable of viewing what's functionally just an abstraction of the possession process.
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dallonwrites · 6 months
THINK i am halfway through this chapter it just Feels Right, though based on what i know needs to happen i feel like the second half will be longer and the first half is 4.5k so like, laugh out loud !
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bitchkay · 1 year
I prefer Guys characterization in the princes path rather then his consort route
I feel like all the routes should've progressed slower tbh but with Guy in particular I feel like it would really work with a slow burn romance
Also, unrelated but MC always falls in love with her chosen consort by chapter 10 like girl you've known this man for 2 weeks
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seoul-bros · 1 year
100 days since the world witnessed history be made by Jimin's debut single Like Crazy and album FACE. People had no idea how big it was going to be until they woke up on 3rd April 2023 to the news of Like Crazy = #1 worldwide.
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Like Crazy is an emotionally raw and addictive song that deserves the widest possible audience. Introduce it to a friend today!
Twitter Link
While you are at it you could also tell them about the other songs on FACE. Spread the love people.
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Post Date: 11/07/2023
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Insert clever title (2)
SAGAU | Imposter AU
Part 1
You’re pretty sure that if there was an award for the most braindead, incomprehensibly stupid plan ever, you’d earn at least third place, because what else could you possibly call sneaking into Albedo’s camp on Dragonspine with the intent of rifling through his correspondence.
The smart part of your brain (see: the negligibly small part of your brain) tells you that Albedo has a very sharp sword and knows how to use it, and also has magic rocks that obliterate monsters on the regular, and is probably ready and willing to turn you into a red splatter against the cave wall.
The rest of your brain tells you that you’ve got to know what the hell is going on, and clearly you can’t just go around asking people because somehow your face is notifying them that you are to be killed on sight, regardless of what region you’re in. You would know. You have done extensive research.
(You couldn’t even make it past Mondstadt’s front gates. Covering the lower half of your face with a scarf didn’t work in Liyue, and you figured that covering your entire face would just make you more suspicious. You nearly lost your head, literally, when you teleported directly into Inazuma City, and the people of Sumeru weren't happy to see you, either. Even the smaller villages and towns, like Springvale or Konda Village, had guards who knew to try to apprehend you, and it was only your decision to stay within very close proximity to the teleport waypoints that kept your body blessedly free of stab wounds.)
Ergo, Albedo’s camp, which has a grand population of one (1) guy who probably would have to leave at some point. You’re pretty much banking on the possibility that Albedo would have received a letter or something that might explain what’s going on, because something has to be tipping everyone off about you and your apparently-very-killable face, right?
You… are also banking on the likelihood that Albedo is actually still on Dragonspine instead of stationed down in Mondstadt, but if that turns out to not be the case, then no harm, no foul, you can just figure out another plan.
So your current plan is to sneak into his camp while he’s not there and steal the contents of his mailbox, because you’re getting desperate and this is the only thing that you can think of.
It’s probably not your only option. It’s probably not even your best option; but it’s the only one you can think of, so.
You’re doing this.
Or, at least, you would be doing this if you hadn’t forgotten one teeny-tiny issue: the route from the nearest teleport waypoint to Albedo’s camp is interrupted by a broken bridge and a hundred-foot drop down the cliffside. The broken bridge that requires a wind glider to get across. That broken bridge.
You are so fucking mad.
So now, you’re crouching by the broken end of the bridge, staring at the wide gap and trying to figure out how steep the cliffside is (very) and whether or not you can kind of scramble across to the other side (definitely not), because there are no other waypoints on Dragonspine that you could feasibly get to the camp from without freezing to death in the meantime (you’ve checked the game map).
Maybe the waypoint by the exit to Starglow Cavern…? But it’s so far away, and you’re pretty sure that the path from there to the camp runs right past a Ruin Grader. Or was it a Frostarm Lawachurl?
You’re so focused on the map and the broken bridge and the increasingly tempting decision to just give up and try to break into the Favonius Headquarters instead that you don’t hear the footsteps coming up from behind you, near-silent under the whistling of the wind.
“Well, well, what do we have here?”
Alarm bells go off in your head, accompanied by all of the curse words in your vocabulary.
You’d been so anxious about being spotted all day that, as you whirl around to face whoever had snuck up on you, you expect to see ash-blond hair and a face belonging to the worst in-game model in Genshin Impact. Or, if you’re really unlucky (and you’re starting to consider yourself to be so), a nun.
Instead, you’re greeted by Kaeya and his fucking indecipherable smile, and you have to wonder if this is the worst case scenario.
You think he’s trying to look unthreatening; both of his hands are empty and in sight, held up like he’s placating a skittish animal, and he’s left a respectable ten feet of distance between you. Until now, you hadn’t realized how much you missed being greeted with a smile instead of a sword, but you did, so much that Kaeya’s was almost enough to get you to drop your guard.
You’ve read his character story, though, so it just makes you wary.
“You’re quite a ways from the nearest camp,” Kaeya comments, amiable as ever. His eye twinkles like a false star. “Without winter gear, too. You wouldn’t want to freeze out here, would you?”
That’s a fucking threat.
‘Yeah, it’s time to leave,’ you decide, before remembering that you need to be touching a waypoint to teleport and Kaeya is blocking the fucking way. In fact— you realize with rising panic— you’ve trapped yourself on the edge of the broken bridge, unless you want to drop a hundred meters into Wyrmrest Valley.
You’d bet that Kaeya knows it, too. He doesn’t even look cold. Bastard. Your hands are stiff and painful despite being tucked into your jacket, your entire face stings bitterly, and even breathing feels like you’re inhaling glass shards. You can’t feel your ears and you’re too afraid to check.
How long have you been away from the waypoint? Five minutes? Ten? Maybe Kaeya doesn’t even plan on doing anything more. Maybe he’ll just block you off from the waypoint until you freeze to death.
Shit. Shit shit shit.
You’re just fucking staring at each other, now, Kaeya with his knowing smile and you wondering if you can, like, trip him, or something. You don’t know. He has a sword and ice powers while you can’t feel your hands or feet. That’s what you get for being an isekai protagonist, you guess.
Christ. You’re going to die here.
Kaeya shifts his weight like he’s about to close the gap between you, and your fight or flight instincts kick in— and since you can’t run anywhere, you find yourself clutching an icy rock that’s probably hurting you more than it could possibly hurt him, frost-stiff fingers coming alive with pain. You don’t think that there’s enough strength in your arms to do much damage with it. You bare your teeth and think that they might suffice, if you can stomach the taste of blood.
“Get the fuck away from me, Kaeya,” you bite out, relieved when it comes out like a threat instead of a desperate plea. You scramble to follow up, wildly casting around for anything that’ll give you some leverage in this confrontation that doesn’t involve your usual go-to of threatening to have an intimate night with his father. You think that if you spill his secrets he will impulsively separate your head from your shoulders, so that’s out. “I literally have no fucking clue what’s going on.”
Well… that wasn’t going to gain you any leverage, but maybe it’ll score you some pity points?
Kaeya laughs.
The sound is so jarring, so anticlimactic, that irrational rage sweeps over you. You want to punch his teeth in for having the audacity to laugh at you and giving you emotional whiplash. Instead, you hunker down against the cold and wait for him to stop.
He does, after a few seconds, wiping a fake tear from his eye (at least, you assume it’s fake. You aren’t that funny). “I must admit, you aren’t quite what I was expecting,” he muses. “I wonder… just what have you done to anger the gods?”
A laugh scrapes its way, unbidden, from your throat. Your everything hurts, you’re literally freezing to death, and honestly? You’re exhausted.
“Shit, man. I’d sure like to know, too.”
(Part 2/?)
(Prev | Next)
@zyzypretty @consumedbymoss @kokxm1 @asoulsreverie @bittersweetorpheus @iruiji @yuyuzi-ling @depressed-bitchy-demon @roger272
(Just FYI this is probably the last time I’m tagging people in the post because that was a bitch to figure out even with so few of you)
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Chapter 11: Stokers' Interlude
Gerry has a new client at work who seems to be flirting the whole place up. Jon and Martin get the chance to reconnect, and connect for the first time, with an old friend.
“Oh. Okay. well, I’ll text them and see if they respond.” He pulled out his phone and turned a corner to see if there were any new paintings in the other room but froze. At first, all he saw was the hideously neon Hawaiian shirt. He looked over at Martin at the same time Martin looked at him. 
“Is that-“ Martin’s voice was barely a breath as Jon nodded. Martin took his hand and squeezed lightly. “We can go. If Gerry’s busy. If you don’t want to-“
The person in front of them turned around and flashed a wide smile at them. Just past him, Josh was a blushing mess and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Well hello. I'm Timothy. Timothy Stoker. But you can call me Tim if you want.” He winked and held a hand out. Jon took it with a shaky hand. 
How to fall in love again - Chapter 11 - Aspen_rayne - The Magnus Archives (Podcast) [Archive of Our Own]
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emilyhopebunny · 1 year
I'm forcing myself not to work on composition for the rest of the evening, because I work the next few days and I need to stop getting sick every time I work a lot, because that means zero progress on composition or anything else while I'm sick.
It's great that I've got a lot of ideas and motivation right now! Unfortunately I don't have a sufficient spoon supply to keep up with all that!
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qazastra · 2 years
the past few years it’s been hard to pick something to ask for for my birthday but this year i have a very concrete ask and it’s nice 
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modernmaenad · 2 years
goddamn if i earned the whole weekend off for going to this awful work confrence today
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maxthetruman · 2 months
if anything happens to tom hagen i will cry and scream and throw up
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velinxi · 6 months
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The time Dva took in and repaired the null sector leader without realizing it was him, an interlude
[part 1]
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renard-dartigue · 5 months
Hi now i'm curious what is the beef with the rappers
Man this is going to be long so I'll try to keep this simple and entertaining. I hope this comes across as clear cause I'm shook right now.
Here is a glossarie to break thing up:
Prologue (The Spark 🔥)
Round 1.1 (Physical Education 💪🏾)
Interlude part 1 (Roots 🏠)
Round 1.2 (2 Warning Shots 🔫)
Interlude part 2 (Pusha the Seer 👁)
Round 2.1 (Knifes Out 🔪 )
Round 2.2 (The Nuke 💥)
Epilogue (All eyes on him 👀)
My Theory 🤷🏾‍♂️
Highly recommend checking out the tracks yourself while you read along.
Prologue (The Spark)
Let it be known that I am a neutral party and that I don't take sides when it comes to rap beef. I was here for the music and creativity. I am just trying to recount events to the best of my knowledge. Sorry if some details are inaccurate.
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Okay so basically, Drake, J Cole, and Kendrick Lamar are the Big 3 of the rap world right now.
A month ago, Future and Metro Boomin (two rapper who supposedly don't fuck with Drake anymore) released a song with Kendrick Lamar called "Like That". In the song Kendrick took a shot at Drake and J Cole, saying there isn't a big 3, its only him on top.
4 weeks ago J Cole dropped a track called "7 Minute Drill" that is dissing Kendrick. However, in a move that is very uncharacteristic of J, he took down the official track and formally apologized to Kendrick. Thus signaling his exit from the rap battle.
ROUND 1.1 (Physical Ed)
Drake on the other hand dropped "Push Ups" 2 weeks ago, a diss track that went after other rappers he doesn't like but mainly Kendrick. In it, he made fun of Kendrick's height and his contracts. He then ends the song with "I was really try'n keep it PG" meaning he has a nuke on Kendrick that people don't know.
Not long later, Drake dropped ANOTHER diss track "Taylor Made Freestyle" with Ai voices of Snoop Dog and fucking 2PAC! Kendrick has stated before that 2pac is one of his idols so this must have been a deep cut. In the song Drake claims Kendrick doesn't write his own music and uses the writers of Taylor Swift. Relating a rapper to pop music is seen as disrespectful.
Before I continue, I want to give a brief run down on how the public perceives these two rappers.
Drake portrays himself as a superstar, he's always on social media flaunting his success and partying with other celebrities, seeing alot of women and living a lavish lifestyle. His music is catchy, something you put on in the club. Most of his fan base praise him for his sick beats and witty lyrics. He's been in the music industry for a while and is no push over.
Kendrick Lamar is a very private person, doesn't expose anything about his personal life unless its on a track. He almost never gets into fights with anyone. He is a family man, stressing the importance of being there for his wife and son and encourages other fathers to do the same. His fan base praise him for his creative lyrics and highlighting the black American condition.
ROUND 1.2 (2 Warning Shots)
2 Day ago, Kendrick Lamar came back with his first official diss track on Drake called "Euphoria". In this song, Kendrick goes in on Drakes fake personality. Drake has always been known around the community as a bit of a poser, he grew up in Canada and was raised by his white mother, a relatively comfortable childhood. He was a star on the popular show Degassi when he was young. garnering him a fan base early in his career. Kendrick doesn't approve of Drake appropriating black American culture and acting like he some tough guy. When in reality he is a Canadian nerd thats disrespectful to 2pac. All throughout the song, Kendrick hits at things that many people have know about Drake, such as his behavior around underage girls. He also called Drake a deadbeat father who isn't in his son's life, even referencing his lost battle to Pusha T. Then Kendrick finally warns him that he has more dirt that he is willing to share if Drake takes things further.
Similar to Drake, Kendrick dropped another track called "6:16 in LA" later that day. This song focuses on Drake's environment, specifically the people he hangs with. Kendrick implies that Drake paid people to dig into his background and when they didn't find anything, Drake made up stuff instead. Kendrick then says that someone in Drakes group is leaking information to him about something even more serious. Also planting a seed in Drake's mind that his supposed friends don't actually like him, just like the clout from hanging around him.
INTERLUDE PART 2 (Pusha the Seer)
Taking a quick break again, we need to discuss something that occurred long before Drake's battle with Kendrick.
5 years ago, Drake was in a rap battle with rapper Pusha T, someone who was smaller than Drake at the time in terms of popularity. Pusha dropped a song called "The Story of Adidon" where he dropped a bomb that Drake had a kid and wasn't taking care of him. Drake initially denied it but it was later revealed to be true.
Since then Drake has never responded to Pusha T's diss track, making Pusha the current winner. And Kendrick is bringing it back into the light.
Round 2.1 (Knifes Out)
Around 2 am EST time of May 4th, Drake drops his diss track, "Family Matters" one of his strongest songs, switching his flow 3 times in the span of 7 minutes. In true Drake fashion, its a club song with a catchy beat. Like his previous diss, its aimed at multiple people but the main focus is on Kendrick, even bring up "I was really try'n keep this PG".
Drake doubles down on his black identity and mocks the fact that Kendrick and other rappers are saying he isn't black, (incorrectly assuming that they are coming at him for being mixed when the real issue is that he is appropriating black American rap culture as a Canadian mixed man who grew up in a safe environment) Drake not only calls Kendrick a fraud who only raps about black issues for attention, Or that his activism is performative. He makes a shocking claims that Kendrick is a wife beater. Then Drake says that Kendrick's son doesn't belong to him and implies Kendrick's producer was the real father.
The track caused an uproar. But only for the span of 15 minutes. Because Kendrick did the unthinkable.
Almost as if expecting Drake's move, Kendrick Lamar did what no one saw coming. He dropped his diss track "Meet The Grahams" about 15 minutes after Drake released "Family Matters".
This time around, in a fashion almost unheard of from him, Kendrick strips all the usual metaphors from his lyricism and structures his track like he is speaking to Drake and his family, 4 parts per individual.
Kendrick begins by speaking to Drakes Son, Adonis, the same son Pusha T exposed Drake for neglecting 5 years ago. He's apologizing to him for his father's behavior. Kendrick speaks to him softly but sternly like a mentor, telling him not to be like his father. Kendrick tells Adonis all the things Drake did and warns him not to do them too: involved with escorts, plastic surgery to appear more black, surgery to look more muscular, hiding a kid. (Kendrick stresses that Adonis is black regardless of being mixed, further highlighting that he isn't discrediting Drake's blackness because he's mixed but because he isn't being himself.) Finishing of by telling the kid to be proud of who he is.
The second half is Kendrick addressing Drake's mother and father, Sandra and Denise. Kendrick speaks to her like he's revealing tragic news, explaining to her that her son is involved in disgusting things. He goes down a list of things, his tone growing more intense and angry. Kendrick then claimed that Drake is employing and enabling pedos in his group, and hopes they die. Even implying that his group is going to be raided by the feds some day.
The third half is the MOST shocking of all. Kendrick begins talking to an unnamed individual, simply calls her babygirl. Similar to Adonis, Kendrick takes on a somber tone and apologizes to her for Drakes behavior. He says its not her fault Drake abandoned her, says that she is deserving of love. He warns her not to become a target for people like Drake to pray on and says she has so much to offer the world.
Kendrick revealed Drake has ANOTHER kid and isn't in their life! (Allegedly)
To close of, the fourth half is Kendrick speaking directly to Drake, his tone tired. He tries to reiterate that he doesn't have hate for him. However, Kendrick says Drake was the first one to go after his family and he couldn't let it slide. He once again calls for Drake to take the mask off. Then says this isn't a rap battle anymore, tells Drake he is fighting himself.
Epilogue (All eyes on him)
And so here we are, waiting for what will happen next.
Drake posted an Instagram story denying the claim he has another kid. But given what happened with Pusha T, we can't quite take his word for it yet. We should wait a bit to see if anything comes out.
Kendrick hasn't put out a statement on Drake's claims about him but given the recurring theme of Drake being a manipulative lier, Kendrick clearly denies it. Given how private he is, its difficult to prove or disprove it. Much like Drake's claims, we will have to wait and see if any evidence comes out about it.
Drake and Kendrick stans are at eachothers throats right now, arguing over who one and whats real or fake.
Right now everyone is looking to see if Drake is going to continue the battle or stay silent like he did with Pusha.
My Theory
Personally as an outside observer who only followed the beef for good music. I think this goes beyond a simple rap battle.
Here is my theory: Someone from Drake's clique told Kendrick that Drake and his producers were writing something about him. Real or fake, Kendrick was pissed. And so he drafted 3 tracks, dumping everything he hates about Drake into them. And then, with the leaker's help, Kendrick baited Drake into a battle, goading Drake to drop the "Family Matters" track so he can shut the battle down with "Meet the Grahams". Or maybe his first 2 tracks were a warning to Drake that if he released a track with lies on him he would reveal he has another kid.
I do think Kendrick initially had good intentions in trying to help Drake be a better person. But maybe the more he learned about Drake the less sympathetic he felt.
But I don't know thats just how I see it.
Thanks for reading my essay. I hope it made sense heh. I encourage healthy discussions in the comments and reblogs please. But everyone agrees that Drake is inappropriate with young girls. We won't argue over that.
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spicy-apple-pie · 10 months
Adopted Damian AU Index
Brief overview of the AU
Arc 1: Who's your Daddy?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Arc 2: Welcome to the family
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Arc 3: A Breaking Point
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Arc 4: What could have been
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Arc 5: Who’s Really Your Daddy
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Arc 6: 4th of July
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Arc 7: Mother Dearest
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
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jexnkookie · 2 months
The Law of Attraction (Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader) [Masterlist]
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Story Synopsis: Throughout his life, Jung Kook has only ever loved one girl. Despite her being out of his league and of an elite class that he wasn't born into, he fell hard, keeping his feelings a closely guarded secret. When they parted ways, and Jung Kook pursued his law career, he did so with the intent of moving on. But when she unexpectedly arrives back into his life, Jung Kook finds himself once again face to face with his own insecurities, and the girl of his dreams.
Story Rating: M (18+) [Language, sex, depression, alcoholism]
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Characters/Pairings: Lawyer! Jung Kook x Reader (feat. Jimin x Reader)
Series Word Count: 26.9k (and counting, updated as new chapters are added)
Status: Ongoing, new chapters added frequently! Unsure of how many parts this will have, so expect another update until a part labeled “final” is posted!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Interlude: A Ski Trip and a Proposal (Flashback) Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 (Coming Soon)
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samzikei · 3 months
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Butcher x Florist RADIOAPPLE AU Part 11
Interlude ~☆
Original AU Art | extra 1 | extra 2 | Comic Part 1 | Comic Part 2 | Comic Part 3 | Comic Part 4 | Comic Part 5 | Comic Part 6 | Comic Part 7 | Music Playlist | Comic Part 8 | Comic Part 9 | Comic Part 10 | Comic Part 12 | Comic Part 13
on twit
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