ijustwannamakeemojis · 2 months
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being OCD, Schrögender, MDD, two hyenagender, and Interevenic. End ID]
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isobug · 1 year
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Intercusper / Intercusp and Interevenic
Intercusper / Intercusp - An Intersex Cusper, or one who is feeling like one is on the “cusp” between being transgender and a gender non-conforming “cis” person in a way connected to or even caused by their Intersex variation/experiences. Or simply a broad combination term for anyone who is both Intersex and a Cusper.
Interevenic - One who is both Evenic and Intersex, a term for when someone is on the boundary of two existing identities in a way connected to or even caused by their Intersex variation/experiences. Users may feel as though they partly or entirely fall under both, or they may not identify as either one individually.
Unlike Intercusper / Intercusp, this term does not exclusively describe a boundary between gnc cis and trans, it can be described as someone whose identity is on the boundary of any two identities, usually ones that do not typically go together (though not always.)
Each flag combines the Carpenter Intersex flag with the Cusper flag / Evenic flags. A plain version of each is given for those who want to reposition the circle, use a different symbol, or just for those who want it.
Made for anon, help with image descriptions welcome and free to use as always. Just please be respectful of Intersex people if you're perisex and mind that these are exclusive to Intersex individuals only.
Taglist - @revenant-coining, @radiomogai, @interarchive
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neopronouns · 10 months
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flag id: two flags with 7 stripes. the left flag's stripes are dark indigo, faded blue, very light sky blue, light purple, very light red-pink, pink-red, and dark pink. the right flag's stripes are purple-black, dark blue, very light sky blue, light purple, very light red-pink, faded red, and dark pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
anisocusper | anisoevenic
anisocusper: an anisohormonal cusper; a person who feels they are on the 'cusp' between being transgender and being a gender nonconforming 'cis' person in a way that is connected to and/or caused by their anisohormonal experience
anisoevenic: an anisohormonal evenic person; a person who feels they are on the boundary of two existing identities in a way that is connected to and/or caused by their anisohormonal experience
[pt: anisocusper: an anisohormonal cusper; a person who feels they are on the 'cusp' between being transgender and being a gender nonconforming 'cis' person in a way that is connected to and/or caused by their anisohormonal experience
anisoevenic: an anisohormonal evenic person; a person who feels they are on the boundary of two existing identities in a way that is connected to and/or caused by their anisohormonal experience. end pt]
for anon! these are anisohormonal versions of intercusper and interevenic. the flags use colors from the anisohormonal flag and the cusper and evenic flags.
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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sami-guinea-arts · 7 months
In the Soul Eater manga, I thought there was catharsis in Medusa willing to die for her plan, only for it to fail anyway. Felt like good dramatic irony for me that she was happy when she died.
100% didn't like the sacrifice = redemption thing they did with Crona in the end. Literally, they were let down by the DWMA so many times. I get that they did a lot of aweful shit, but LD didn't try to interevene until it was "too late".
Also forever pissed the moon is a boob.
Even though, she got what she wanted and died satisfied. Crona finished the black blood and became a kishin. Death died, meaning Medusa's plan of changing the world order did also happen. I remember seeing an interesting discussion from years ago, with how Medusa could've been indeed given a better and more interesting end.
Yes, everyone just stops looking for Crona during the whole timeskip (1 to 2 years?) and then they wonder why Crona's mental state is even worse when they meet again.
Honestly, I get the idea Crona's madness might be the madness of (motherly) love. I forgot who said it, but a character mentioned it is because Crona never recieved that type of love. While breasts are indeed a symbol of motherhood...that...was done... so bad. Making it perverted bc BOOBS really ruined it.
To mention the ice berg yet again, I always wondered why Medusa suddenly lost all interest in Stein? Did she not want to risk being killed again? Also Ragnaröck is now fully feral.
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yanderefairyangel · 11 months
I got someone on X who think he is cooking so, if you'll allow me
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The video maker mentionned several time Alear doesn't grow, chapter 10 is an instance of Alear failing at being brave as they literaly lost the emblem rings who made them feel braver and is being vulnerable in front of the enemy. They are having an emotional break down and the look in their eyes show the terror they felt upon seeing Sombron turn Marth into a Dark Emblem.
Put if you wanna have several more instances : chapter 1, Alear orders to run away from the Corrupted and are forced to interevene to save Framme and Clanne which they struggles to do as they need Marth's help. Same chapter, when Alear meets Lumera they are frozen in place as more Corrupted approaches and upon seeing a great big white dragon, they are frozen and it's to the point they nearly got blasted by Lumera's lazer. In chapter 2 they express worries over fighting Sombron, talk about how the Corrupted gave them a chill done the spine. When they see Lumera's creation, they mistake them for the Corrupted and scream indicating fear and when Lumera tell them they must be brave upon Alear's request to have "less unsettling ennemies to face" Alear answer by a weak, I understand with the awkward animation. Chapter 3, in th vault, they are paralyzed when Veyle attacks them and got almost killed by it had Lumera not intervened. When Alfred ask for their help, Alear is very reluctant and hesistant before accepting. Chapter 4, when seeing the Corrupted, Alear's initial reaction showed their fear. Still in chapter 4, a Corrupted attacks them by surprise as they are witnessing the scenery and got almost struck by it as they were frozen in place, had Veyle not intervened. In chapter 15, whe Timerra tease them about the Northern Fortress, Alear is visibly scared. Should I quote more ?
And a blatant evidence of character developpement being Alear reacting differently to Lumera's death in chapter 25 compared to chapter 3. You know ? Chapter 25 ? the one that is supposed to parallel with chapter 2
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Oh look, it shows you can show something using telling and words !
Contrivance in Engage is limited to the set up for the time loop in chapter 24.
The dream is nonsensical ? are you kidding ? Past Alear in chapter 24 that happens in the past meets the Royals since they fight with current Alear. Past Alear has only two special battle dialogue : with Veyle and their current selfves. With the Royal or any other units, they react like that
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Past Alear is a broken individual who is lonely and they want to have the Royals, people who have proven to be always there to support Alear through their reaction in chapter 20 and chapter 22, by their side. Past Alear also admits to envy their future self for being who they are
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Past Alear is jealous of their current self, to them, our Alear is what they want to be deeply in their heart, so in that battle Alear view themselves as their future self whom they meet because of time loop. That's why they are dressed in white, with their hair color and eyes being different and the Royals being all here. Another evidence is Sombron's cue
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"It's your fate to die here /omae wa koko de horobiru sadame"
It's the exact same line that Past Alear says in chapter 22
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"As expected... it is my fate as a Fell dragon to perish here/Yahari ja ryu wa, horobiru sadame"
If you managed to miss that chapter 24 is a time loop supposed to explain how Lumera and Alear met and therefore the dream of the prologue, that's on you. Linkand06 and Aster/ZefirArt on Twitter also made post about this on their main.
... do you still not get why Alear is fighting alone ? It is because when they fought Sombron, even if in that dream they had the Royals with them, as they expressed in chapter 24, they still did it alone. During 1 000 years, Alear had to fight all alone. They had no one. @fayesdiary even made a most where they compared Alear's stats to that of their past self and explained how Past Alear had to become stronger all alone. With no one. So yeah, it does show it pretty well.
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You call that "I am gonna help my enemies haha funny ?"
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I am not arguing sematics. Zephia never said once what were the actual power of that dragon crystal, we only discovered it in chapter 24 since the characters themselves did it. You can argue we could have guessed it because of the hourglass shape, but she never "dropped the nuke" and it's not arguing semantics. There is a diffference between Zephia explicetley telling Alear and Veyle and the audience about the time crystal and the current situation of the game, being that we discovered the power of the crystal only in chapter 24. And also, when making an analysis of a media, you ARE supposed to argue semantics, that's the basic of lierary analysis. And if you are seriously trying to adequate the Agarthans not using their light javelin on Rhea when they could have because of countless possiblity to Zephia never using something that is hinted that she made to see her parents in the past again... what are you even trying to say ? Bare that reason Zephia had 0 reason to go back in time. 0. She didn't even knew Alear was still alive in chapter 23, that's precisely where she learn that they are alive. And again, time travel and time rewind is different. Using it as she dies would only have Zephia, still dying warn her double of the past Alear is alive for the little time she had left. She resent Sombron for leaving her in the dust and if she can't have her child, she doesn't care about living anymore.
But you would knew that if your bothered reading the game
Zephia's magic is never explained as such. She said and I quote the game that Sombron gave her the power to make adjustements.
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She said that she is using her magic as a Mage dragon to control Veyle's dragonic impulse, as tasked by Sombron, she never said "yeah it's a spell that can only do that". Zephia can mind control people as shown by her control over Hortensia. The magic she is using with Veyle is combined with Sombron's power, as she explained in the literal screenshot since Sombron has the power to corrupte people and I mean it in every possible way. In the Xenologue, he uses this power on Rafal to manipulate him. Those two powers combine is what Zephia is using on Veyle and in fact, it's even why Sombron gave her a helmet to make it stronger, that the helmet gets more power for Upgraded Sombron and that in the Bad Ending, Sombron made another one to manipulate Veyle again.
Alright once again : Zephia's death is not to redeem her. Sadly I can't find the @teaveetamer 's post that explained perfectly why, so Ill just explain it : for a villain to be redeemed, they need to do once good action out of a good will. Take Marni, take Rafal as an example for God sake. Zephia helped Alear and Veyle only to piss off Sombron and even lied to them until the end! How is it redeemable ? And her death being said is no evidence when the reason why the death is sad is because the scene is from Zephia's perspective !!! She realized only now that she messed up, she realized only now that she could have had her family if she was less blind. What makes it even more laughable is that even she and Griss says it word for word to cry it out loud !
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The difference between a sympathetic or redeemable villain is all about the portrayal. See Goro Akechi, See Rafal. They are both portrayed as the victim in all of this and their crimes is an attempt from them to recover their lost agency. See Hyacinth, who in all supports and dialogue about him is remembered foundly by his daughter. Saying the game is trying to redeem Zephia is like saying the game is trying to redeem Sombron ! also
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see how their main victim is basically saying it's too late for her to be forgiven ? Another fun fact, but Veyle's support with Zelestia and Gregory shows she is still traumatized by what Zephia did to her. And Mauvier also have a support with those two : saying that Zelestia and Gregory felt 0 pity hearing Mauvier talk about the sad backstory of Griss and Zephia and instead felt horror upon learning what they did is an understatement.
And don't get me started on how in the Nintendo Life interview the devs said this
"Alear will not abandon someone who is capable of chaning their ways"
Is Zephia able to change her ways ? No. She helped them just to get her revenge on Sombron for letting her.
I can't believe you really said the game never established Sombron as arrogant !!!! Do you even read mate ?! Anyway he already got what he wanted. The power of the rings. And Sombron is someone who doesn't keep things in which he sees no value
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Once he absorbed it to become a Great Fell dragon, he got what he wanted : the power to open the portal. He threw them away because they were useless to him. And also BECAUSE HE MURDERED ALEAR WHO IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SUMMON EMBLEMS ! And at the moment Veyle switched back to being mind controlled, so really, our allies where in quiet a danger. Also
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Sombron said, and I quote
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meaning he presentely is in the process of sealing it. Which means it's not done yet, it just created a disturbance, but he didn't closed it yet. That's why paying attention to semantics is important kids : so that it doesn't gives people the impression you don't know how to read.
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says Alear as Sombron is still in the process of closing the portal for good, which he didn't at the end.
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What a coincidence ! I just linked you to a post with screenshot of Lumera explaining literaly why she didn't knew, but I guess you and everyone forgot that Lumera only learned at the begining of the chapter that Sombron awake since there was peace of the 1 000 years where Alear took a nap ?
The Veyle is able to make better corrupted plot point exist in chapter 17. Sombron can't because he is weaker due to having being imprisonned for 1 000 year having weaken him. Ivy straight up said he was so weak he couldn't even move, and that's why he needed Veyle to do the dirty work for him in the first place !
The JP indicates that Veyle and Other Veyle speaks differently. Regular Veyle : speaks like a child and use hiragana. Other Veyle : speaks like an arrogant adult and use kanji. JP has different conjuctions and expression and the writers used it to make Veyle look different : compare the two speaking in JP
Hence why Alear says that. Also, regular Veyle has purple eyes, not red. SoOOOOOO. But that said, how a character speaks show their personality. This is why jpn Etie and Eng Etie are different characters : in jpn, Etie speaks like Maribelle, in Eng, she speaks like Sully. Seeing this, Alear's reaction and commentary makes sens because the two Veyle don't speaks in the same way. See Goro Akechia and see Rafal. Speaking differently = different behaviour. If someone you knew were to act completely differently out of a sudden, wouldn't you act like Alear reacted ?
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idk I mean Pandreo straigt up state in chapter 25, in his post battle dialogue he never meet Lumera and that the first time he meet her was chapter 25. Dragons are revered in their dragonic forms, as shown through the statues of Lythos Castle, the Brodian Bridge, Gradlon's temple and Destinea cathedral. Also
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chapter 5, Zephia wonders when Lumera had the time to have a child. chapter 7, Hortensia screams her surprise that there are 2 Divine dragons. Sombron and Veyle are the last Fell dragon in this world, yet we know Veyle was being worshipped as well solely cause she is a Fell dragon and Mauvier and Zelestia's support tells us that Zephia would have been powerful enough to be revered as a Fell dragon would Sombron not being here. Lumera put them in the Somniel and only let some people meet Alear to protect them since she is scared the followers of Sombron would want to do something to Alear. I mean, we all see how Sombron reacts when he learn Alear is still alive ? right ?
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Veyle : "Who are you ?"
Alear : "I am..."
Lumera :" Alear is the heir of the Divine dragon"
Veyle : "Strange... Did Queen Lumera had a child ? I never heard of that"
Lumera :" Only some Royal families and believers are aware... He was asleep for 1 000 years... it was partly to protect him from people such as you... Was Alear's existence unexpected ?"
don't you love it when the manga, for once, follow the same dialogue or same plot point as the game ? I do. I sure do.
Alcryst though that they were bandits because they crossed no one but bandits. It's been established he never meet Alear and that Alfred barely recognized him. As the @teaveetamer explained in the reblogg where she made some additions, Alcryst is 17. Diamant is 25. Diamant said the first time he meet Alear was when he was visiting Lythos as a kid. Alcryst was either a toddler either not born at that time ! And unlike Céline and Alfred who frequently visisted, Diamant came at best one or twice when he was a child ! How do you want Alcryst to know them ? Also, see the manga ? This scene is even funnier cause Alcryst mistakes Alear for a pervert and takes even more time to realize Alear is the Divine dragon, even though he was given a portrait. But hum...
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Also, you know that the camera angle clearly indicates that they were at miles away when Alear and Alfred approached.
and please don't tell me you are trying to go "yes but Alear and Alfred are wearing pretty clothes". They were miles away when Alcryst shoot, as indicated by the camera angle of the scene and even then Alcryst is supposed to be in the wrong anyway, he is supposed to be the one making a mistake based on the fact he never met Alear and the fact he didn't recognized Alfred right away because he shoot them when they were miles away, because Alcryst let his protective side get the best of him which lead him to do irrational things. That's why he is introduced that way, this scene takes into account his protective side which is by far his most important character trait. When a character commits a mistake, there is absolutely 0 reason to wonder if they were right to make this mistake since it defeats the very point.
And also
We waited for you for so long but most of the time, only monsters came. Sometimes we crossed path with humans, but all turned out to be thieves. We had to defend ourselves, so we kept on defeating them but we ended up threatning you as well.
Just though I'd mention it but in the jpn version this aspect is much more obvious.
And anyway, considering the author's remark on Queen Eve it seems more like trying to nitpick every little conflict the story has as if it was a irl scenario where you need to avoid any little mistakes. Well, it's not. We aren't in real life, we are in a story and conflicts are required.
I never handwaved anything saying it's amnesia. Apparently it's not just Engage that gives you reading problem. I said that Alear being ignorant is due to being a Fell dragon. We don't know how much they knew before their amnesia but the way Veyle, Rafal and Nel shows they are ignorant about most thing of the human society explains why Alear, as someone who in the past was isolated and fought for Sombron being the only thing he knew about human and whom in the JPN version of Engage speaks like a little kid using hiragana and only hiragana, they knew no better then a child.
The dream does parralele since I just gave you literal screeshot and proof that it does. Also Lumera, when joining Past Alear ask them "Why are you here all alone ?" if this doesn't meant that Alear was all alone fighting Sombron before Lumera joined them, I don't know what it does. Do you not understand subtext or ?
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Weird, I found all of this in the game, in the literal FE wiki page and even in the manga that the mangaka is writing wroking with the writers and having played the game and that is adverstised as expanding on the game.
And Engage's story has it is is at best 7 hour long, not 40 hour long. That's 3H you talking about mate.
And I never bring up 3H once in my debunk, other then to point out that the dreams you call contrivance rely on the exact same strategy as 3H as a whole : different portrayal of one same event.
Also, the video maker admitted she NEVER played any other FE before 3H. As for you idk, but you are acting like a literal sheep, making a video made by someone who quoted the literal inteview where Tei, Yokota and Nakanishi said they wanted to make a simple story saying they were trying to write a "complex story" and who, as I saw scrolling down the comment, commented she didn't knew why they imitated Awakening that she was playing at the moment she made this comment, which is more recent then the video when in the literal interview she quoted they literaly explained why they wanted Engage to be more like Awakening, along with the lines of saying they wanted to write a simple story your entire personality and being very obnoxious, annoying and toxic about it.
And finally
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People, say it with me : IT HAS BEEN LIKE THIS FOR THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE !!!!! People even complained that in Tellius, despite being more involved in the plot, you still had support that required a special partner to learn said thing about said character and that it was easy to miss. As for 3H, if you never unlock some support you will never learn that said character is actually deeper then you though.
You are essentially complaining I am saying you need to play and complete a video game in its entierty to make a proper review of it and to understand the story. That's just making you sound like a lazy guy. To understand something, you need to make your braincells works and work to have it. Complainig that a game demands investissement from it's player is the equivalent of complaining that a book asks you to wait for the following one to understand the story as a whole.
And that's it. Sorry for the long post.
If you wanna add some more stuff you think I forgot, go ahead
so now can I go back to drawing ? please ? I have a cute Alear and Veyle fanart I wanna finish
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willow-the-druid · 5 months
We made our way to the Grove, where a team of adventurers had led goblins to the gate. We successfully faught them off, although there was a casualty. Once inside, I met the leader of the tieflings, Zevlor. He told me the druids of this Grove were preparing to seal it off from outsiders and kick out all the refugees from Elturel. I said I would speak with Kagha, their archdruid, and see if I can't change her mind.
Once inside, I explored and chatted with the refugees inside. I convinced the young wizard, Rolan, and his siblings to stay in the Grove in case danger arrived. I talked with Dammon the blacksmith and upgraded some of the team's equipment. And then I met Wyll.
Wyll is a warlock who was training some of the tiefling children to defend themselves. Our tadpoles connected, and I got a glimpse of a fiery devil Wyll had been chasing through Avernus. The two of them boarded the nautiloid and got infected while we were tearing through the Hells. He says that he needs to hunt her down before she terrorizes the whole of the Sword Coast. I decided we could help each other- track down this devil and look for a cure together.
After making it to the inner circle of the Grove, I learned that Kagha was keeping a tiefling child, Arabella, for stealing their Idol of Silvanus. I understand the importance of protecting the Oak Father's visage, but imprisoning a child? What kind of monster would do such a things?
Reaching the druids' chambers, I interevened before Kagha set her snake to bite Arabella. I had to remind her of the Oak Father's teaching; she seems a bit lost. As I spoke with more of the druid's, I learned that their master- Halsin- had gone missing. I said that I would go looking for him. It's not right to leave a fellow druid stranded, even if those in his Grove are misguided.
I explored a bit more of the druid chambers, and found a locked chest. Astarion cracked it open, and we found notes to Kagha mentioning something hidden in the swamp down south. We should try to investigate what's really going on.
Along the walls of the druid chambers are huge murals depicting the events of druids and Harpers banding together to take down a group of Dark Justiciars, Shar worshippers. Shadowheart seemed to take intrigue in them.
I explored more of the Grove, meeting Alfria the bard and saving a young boy from a group of harpies. I've grown up with stories that deemed tieflings as chaotic beasts with no sense of humanity. I used to think myself the same. But these refugees... they just want to survive. Is that really so criminal that these druids would cast them out, even with goblins and gnolls around? In a weird way, it reminds me of home.
We camped out for the night and made our plan to move forward. We're heading west, to the temple ruins where Halsin went missing. We may head north, to the last known location of the devil Wyll is hunting. And perhaps we'll even travel to that swamp and find what Kagha is hiding. So much to do...
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Sakuya is leaving the area where the sisters are fighting well enough alone. He knows that neither of them would want him to interevene. He is simply trying to ignore all the noise and clean a different part of the mansion, he'll clear up the mess from their battle after they're done.
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keykidpilipili · 4 months
Thinking again about heavensward for my AUs and while I completely understand the narrative choice to focus on Ishgard itself, the heretic factions don't interevene on the topic of Ishgard-dragon reconciliation at all. We don't even any in msq after the riots leading to the vault and Ysayle telling them the war is over.
The peace treaty with the dragons through Vidofnir is really interesting because she explicitely said her Anyx Trine fellows didn't pick fights based on Hraeselvgr' stance. Sure Ishgard was indiscriminate in which dragons it attacked but I feel like actually involving some who were actively hostile by siding with Nidhogg or heretics would have had a bigger impact.
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archduchessofnowhere · 9 months
Last night I watched episodes 2 and 3 of Sisi's latest season but I didn't feel like live blogging, so behold some belated commentary!
The writing of episode 2 suffers heavily from hindsight: the writers (and most people interested in the real history) already know what a traumatic experience Rudolf's first year of formal education was, so they basically just exported the conflict without actually writing it organically into the story. We know why it is a bad idea to have a literal child doing military training. Despite not being accurate, Rudolf being afraid of starting his training is understandable as well. But why is Sisi so against the idea even before she meets Gondrecourt? It is even canonically stated that this is normal (we even see other children being trained!), so why she decides to kidnapp her own child before he even begins his training? Since when is Sisi so against the military, anyway? This is a brand new character trait they randomly gave her when writing this season.
It just feels lazy, imo. In reality Rudolf was 5, not 9, when his military education begun, and he was trained for a whole year before his health visibly deteriorated and Elisabeth intervened. Having Sisi interevene before anything even happens just doesn't convince me at all.
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saiyanandproud · 2 years
Sometimes I think about Mariko’s snarky, ironic attitude. A lot has to do with her gremlin personality, she has that irriverent spark typical of young adults who are overconfident, not yet scarred by life to a mature degree. But there’s more to it than that.
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Mariko holds her job to a high degree. She does her best to perform well and respect the Time Patrol and its role. She knows that, while her job is exciting and challenging, it can also have some dark sides: she can’t interevene to save people when a disaster is meant to happen, and she has to serve any side where she’s required to intervene. For example, as much as she hates Frieza, if her mission is to protect him, she has to. 
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Time Patrollers can’t help but keep a distant eye on history, no matter their personal preferences. They have to keep in mind it’s all a matter of winners and losers, of people meeting and parting ways. She might do her best to keep solutions as human as possible; with Nucleotide,  she was meant to destroy him to make sure there would be no casualties from him losing control, but decided to take him to Conton instead, as removing him from the timeline would have still ceased his existence there and protected the people she was meant to protect. However, it’s always rare and difficult, and as much as she’d like to, she can’t always save everyone. In the end, she’s a guardian of Time and nothing else.
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Hence why I think she has kept that sardonic attitude of hers: it’s a way to distance herself from the emotional implications of her job. Given her sensitivity, she would be easily taken over by those consequences if she stopped and let them sink in every single time.
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avionvadion · 1 year
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“Please, don’t make me do this! Don’t make me do this!” - Irene to Sora, probably. 
Holy smokes, content for the Kingdom Hearts fic I haven’t updated in an eternity! Le Gasp! In all seriousness, Epic: The Musical has been living rent free in my head and the one line gave such KH Maria vibes, which in turn made me think about the planned battle for Hollow Bastion that takes place after a certain character’s death. Which in turn made me think of Riku vs Irene. 
Irene straight up snaps and attacks Sora, but Riku!Ansem interevenes. He distracts her by telling her that he was the one she wanted, as he was the one who killed Zexion and Lexaeus, and it works. Her attention is solely on him now. She loved Zexion. Lexaeus was like a father to her. She’s wants to kill this stranger. To add to her rage, she recognizes him as the one that stopped her from saving Roxas. 
As Sora is running through killing the Heartless, Maria appears. She wants vengeance. Has from day one upon learning about Castle Oblivion. She doesn’t win, though. Mickey probably appears (another subject of her hate) and gives Sora a chance to escape after surviving by himself for so long. 
Irene almost defeats Riku, but hesitates when she goes to deliver the final blow, believing she would be just like him (who murdered Zexion and Lexaeus) and Riku nearly kills her in that moment after taking advantage of her hesitation to knock her down, slashing at her, but decides to heal her when he goes to leave and takes her unconscious self somewhere safe to recover. She has severe burns after the fight, seeing as foreign darkness is poison to her, and he had used dark firaga against her. Burns carry over all the way to KH3. 
(The gauntlets Irene is wearing is actually her staff transformed, via an item Lexaeus gave her. Maria and Irene are both able to transform their weapons based on the accessories they’re given and/or are able to use a very specific trick. Marluxia’s lets Irene throw out seeds that bloom and grow into vines, trapping whoever is within range. Axel’s lets Irene throw out what’s basically akin to deadly fireworks, lol. 
Lexaeus’ gift is just more physical than magical because he’s an earth elemental, and Irene uses her own earth element to strengthen her body and deal great physical damage. One of the gauntlets shatter in her battle with Riku, though, which resulted in her facial burn as she was using the gauntlets to guard against his attack. With Zexion’s gift, her staff transforms into a type that specializes in illusion magic)
Riku literally broke the bloody cycle surrounding the Keepers of Heart by choosing to spare Irene in that moment. 
He could have very well added to it, but doesn’t, and will later learn this in Dream Drop Distance upon seeing little Micheal and Rachel, the previous Keepers of Light and Darkness, in Fantasia. He’ll also realize that the burn he gave Irene parallels the one Rachel was given by Micheal when he was failing to learn offensive magic. Sora meanwhile gets to learn the messed up origins surrounding Maria growing up in the Mysterious Tower.
And then Irene and Maria have mental breakdowns upon seeing Ienzo, Aeleus, Dilan, and Lea. Woo! Irene is paired with Zexion/Ienzo and Maria with Axel/Lea and Saix/Isa. 
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obscureshipsandchips · 11 months
Here’s my ao3!
List of works below :)
Please be patient with any late works, I have two full time jobs, am a full time uni student in accelerated classes, and have a long-term partner❤️
Friendly Dynamics (oneshot series written based on tiktoks.) Last Added To: November 15 2023
The Moment (sirius realizes he loves remus)
Shimmy Shimmy Tears (sirius is good at crying to get out of trouble)
Stoned (perks of being a wallflower au where Sirius says how Reggie died to Lily)
Corner Store (nathaniel meets andrew at a corner store in the night, but nathaniel kept popping up and now hes interested. Raven Neil) Last Update: December 26 2023
Marauders And The Olympians (marauders PJO AU where Sirius is Percy Jackson and the marauders have to stop Kronos) Update: idk
I Know You Don’t Want To Hear This (bipolar Sirius au, made off of a TikTok I saw, and it’s accidentally shameless s5 au. Wolfstar and Jily. Sirius has bipolar and has to heal)
Felt Like Home (Remus sees marauders after death)
Who (James sees Lily hurt and asks who did it)
Potentially to be made into more chapters of other ships doing this
Invisible (andrew’s in a dream under his bed at cass’s and his dream neil comes and saves him)
What Did I Do Wrong This Time (sirius gets an angry letter from his parents and remus comforts him)
What The Past Leaves Behind (neil has a nightmare and andrew comforts him on the roof)
Better Luck Next Time (Neil and Andrew are Pro, Andrew doesn’t ever let neil make a goal)
Taller Sons (andrew is a Dad ™ and lectures his son on laughing at harassment jokes)
Potentially to be given a follow up chapter
Camping (Draco and Harry are camping)
Hospitals and Anesthesia (neil hurts his ankle and needs surgery, so he gets put under anesthetic)
That’s Enough (kevin interevenes when riko doesnt stop)
I Always Thought Id Be The One To Die Alone (after seth dies Neil is on the porch and andrew joins him for a talk)
When the Sun Wakes Up (baby harry is taken to his aunts and wants his pa’foo. Baby harry pov)
It Wasn’t Enough To Save Him (alternate ending where harry doesnt make it and draco loses his shit)
Where’s Josten (when neil goes missing because he was kidnapped, andrew loses his shit)
Speaking French (sirius fakes not knowing french, then when he reveals he does he confesses his love to remus)
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gender-buddies · 1 year
Hey there! I love what you're doing, so I wanna give you some tips for designing a gender buddy for any intersex-exclusive identities (intergender, intercusper, internon, interevenic, etc) you may do in the future!! (From an intersex person)
- Do not use purely hermaphroditic animals to represent these! Trust me, a lot of intersex people are sick and tired of being represented with only snails and slugs. Mix it up with some beetles, birds, mammals, butterflies, and other things!! Don't just see "oh this fish can change sex" and use that, it's kind of disheartening to see that as the only intersex representation, lol.
- Don't be afraid to research how intersexness effects animals physical appearance! Things like bilateral gyandromorphs are a good starting point, as they're very interesting from a biology standpoint and very clearly intersex
-You can use both the old and new intersex flags for colors! (The pink blue and white one with a gradient in the middle is the old one, the yellow with a purple circle is the new one :]) Many members of the intersex community feel represented by both flags, and just using the new one would be really restricting from a creative standpoint.
-Remember that intersex isn't a gender or third sex sex, but instead a web of different experiences and different bodies many people have that are intertwined under one label.
I very much appreciate this anon! I'm choosing not to do any exclusive identities that I don't already experience, just so that I know I'm representing them correctly. I've done Autigender and Neurogender, but I don't plan to do much else.
This was very helpful, though. Thank you!
- 💜
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neopronouns · 11 months
Could you make a flag/term for an anisohormonal equivalent of intercusper/interevenic? Like anisocusper/anisoevenic?
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deeptalkind · 1 year
Last week Chelsea won against Brighton it makes me pleasure because Brighton is quite strong opponent. At the same say Manchester United won against Arsenal, it makes me laught at Arsenal because Arsenal is Chelsea rival team in the same city, London. Because of that I remember someone in junior high school, for me he is a meaningful person for me and savior of my life. I'm cluless when close to another person (male) ended up failing to move on from him. I know it such pathetic for my self, even when he know my feeling towards him, he just whatever wkwk but at the same time we can still get along well as friend. Sometimes we squirrel each other, he was the first person who called me Qitul , it was quite annoying and makes me grateful at the same time. That nickname is memorable and made my secondary friends still remember me even we don't keep touch. When in junior high school he sometimes cheer me up when I cried because got bullied🤣. I think it was hilarious. He always remind me with meaning words and sarcastic jokes because the way I'm thinking when I see the problem, another people's thoughts was logical falacy for him. He knows well the situation when mocked me, advised me, bullied me, entertained me, debate with each other because of which one is better Chelsea or Manchester United. My mother told me that she met with his mother and sit at the same chairs when parents got academic student's report, they talk each other, I have no idea what they were talking about at that time. I grateful met him, he taught me important lesson of life that I should not interevene other people business and because person get older it doesn't mean that person wise&mature. Till this time we don't see each other again but sometimes I contact him when there are important matters
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yanderefairyangel · 9 months
I didn’t hear about the recent *sigh* discourse over the new chapter of the Engage Manga. But it’s very clear to me that people just want to use it to antagonize m!Alear, or just lack critical reading/thinking skills and tone evaluation in text. When I read that chapter a few days ago, I viewed it the same way you did. But I also feel this is important and a big moment for Alear, because Alear does not like using their authority or demanding things of people due to their station. It’s brought up in their supports constantly. As you said, it’s not about him being a man, but rather the Divine Dragon. He is the “god” half of Elyos worships and so his word holds authority and precedence over the King of Brodia. Brodia, who worships the Divine Dragon. The Divine Dragon who in the Spanish description of the class in game, describes them as ruler of the world. (Well, to be exact it says “capable of governing the entire world.)
King Morion even addresses Alear by the honorific “-sama.” Primarily used for those you have respect for or who have higher authority than yourself. THIS SCENE WOULD BE THE SAME REGARDLESS IF F!ALEAR WAS THE ONE USED IN THE MANGA. In caps for those in the back. Why? Because she would be the Divine Dragon. Brodia was founded due to Lumera’s guidance and blessing, so the Divine Dragons word would be incredibly important to follow.
^^^^^This anon.
But I also think there is another level of nuance, and that it's that even though Alear is their god figure, King Morion is still not accepting. Even Alear cannot convince them since they are still having a trial because of the Brodian nobility being this influent... this means that Brodia, somehow, view the nobility as a higher authority then Alear since Alear and Lumera (important she is commin back just for this because she is the Divine Dragon, so again, even with F!Alear this would have happened) still need to convince the Brodian nobility to spare Ivy, someone who still attacked the castle and killed many soldiers... good luck.
Alear doesn't exactly use their authority they just speak about what they feel regarding Ivy not being evil which he extent to King Morion (at least from my memories I need to read it back and check) but the sole fact that Alear wasn't enough to save Ivy and that we are STILL having a trial does show that to Brodia, the nobility's influence is even superior to that of their supposed deity. Do you imagine what that means ? This means that even though they have this authority, Alear is still not powerful enough to sway an entire nation. There is still someone or something beyond them, a power beyond their own, the nobility of Brodia.
That's super mega important. Even though Alear is regarded highly by other, even though they are worshipped, even though Lumera is that as well, there are things they simply do not have the authority to control. There are thing were there will be an higher authority. Even though normally the Divine dragon's words would have precedence over the nobility, the nobility who should normally be lower then the king himself is still contacted to interevene on this situation. If this isn't showing how powerful the Brodian nobility is and how much influence they have on Brodia and possibly Elyos as a whole, I don't know what is
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