midnight-endings · 1 year
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arbiterlexultionis · 1 year
Instant Eternity Pt. 2
So, Danny has the infi-map and uses it to go on vacations and the like to enjoy his now eternal life. The infinite realms are Infinite, really and truly. But locations within the realms correlate to spaces in the “real” world, so what happens when you travel beyond what should be the ends of the “real” universe in the realms? You find other universes. All universes, realities, multi and Omni verses connect with the Infinite Realms, hence the name kind of implying the existence of infinite realms. With the infimap Danny’s able to visit and explore these other planes of existence to his hearts content, and over the course of his travels makes a number of close friends.
He can’t just say goodbye forever, can’t leave them with no way to call for aid or call for small talk so, he comes up with a bit of a crazy plan to make sure all his new friends can meet each other and stay in contact. A combination of the infi-map, Fenton portal technology, time medallions/assistance from clockwork, help from the yeti’s and maybe even some help from Dr. Strange or Dr. Fate all come together to make a private club that connects to who knows how many dimensions. In a Ghost King AU his royal palace has all the normal palace stuff but surrounding Phantom’s Keep is a whole town for inter-dimensional travelers. The portals themselves are all in a massive tower, either leaning tower of Pisa style or a massive clock tower because of how much Clockwork helped out, arranged kind of like how all the statues of the avatars are arranged in the air temple in ATLA.
Danny’s sitting at his desk in his office while 7 Gokus, 13 Vegitas, 4 Beeruses(Beerusi? A pod of Beerus? Flock?) 10 Piccolos and 1 Gohan crowd the rest of his office. “Two Hundred and Forty. 2-4-fucking-0. That is the number of of Territories that have lodged official complaints about the ruckus your fights have been causing! Queen Patet sent a fifty seven page long letter asking me to give every single one of your dimensions eternal travel bans to all of your dimensions and every dimension where even one of you exist. Because the shockwaves from your fights were still strong enough to shatter glass when they reached her Territory. The territory of Vitrum, which makes Fucking Everything from glass! Including the Goddamn Buildings! They build their cities in massive glass orbs! More than thirteen hundred buildings torn down in one day. Including every single hospital they had. You fought for nine days straight. Get out. Get the crap baskets out of my office. Now. Go home. Let the Bulmas know that they’re paying the reparations.” They all file out of the office, Vegitas and the flock of Beerus mumbling about how they shouldn’t have made their buildings out of glass if they didn’t want them to get broken. The one(1) brain cell the group had, otherwise known as Gohan, was apparently the only one with manners, profusely apologizing and offering to help with the clean up even as he got shooed out of the office.
More then a dozen Quirckless!Izuku vigilantes come together to form a great big club to share intel that match’s across their various worlds, analyze quirks, train and give each other therapy. It’s all going well. Then the Batmen stop developing contingency plans for literally all the beings they meet here juuust long enough for their adoption senses to start tingling. The Dad Mights, Dadzawas and Dad for Ones put aside their differences to combat this new threat. The Spider-men are sitting in a corner grateful that their spider senses and Peter tingles helped them avoid all that nonsense. Until the Iron Dads show up. Then they’re all to busy running and cursing their Parker luck to be grateful.
Passing through a gateway to another universe that isn’t yours require approval from no less then half the visitors from that verse and/or Danny himself. Same thing goes for leaving the compound to explore the Realms.
All the adoption addicts from across the multiverse take one look at Danny, listen to all the rumors about his parents and go “Mine!”. Luckily for Danny he doesn’t really have to to worry to much, doesn’t even notice really, because 2.3 seconds after they did that they all turned to each other and went “No! Not yours, Mine!” The infighting has kept them busy ever sense. However, according to an ancient, sacred prophecy(something that Clockwork mentioned in passing 2 months ago) they will eventually all decide that Danny having a proper support network is more important then who his favorite supporter is. So he’s going to get parented so hard by all three hundred and eighty of them. More moms, dads, ma’s, pa’s aunts and uncles then he’ll know what to do with.
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clowningaroundmars · 2 months
Happy bday Miles!!!
it was miles' bday yesterday! i was hard at work pumping this thing out but alas it was already past my bedtime when i finally finished it u_u
this is... very last minute and i'm p sure you can tell but i hope yall enjoy anyhow LOL
for my (belated) gift to the mileses i present: miles and miles g celebrating their birthday together! and g getting a gift better than anything anyone could wrap up for him :) <3
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Miles G was nervous. Very nervous.
It was already August third, a date he never really ever paid much attention to before today, but here it was.
The day.
His birthday. His 16th birthday, to be exact. And not just his birthday, but the birthday that other dimensional variants of himself shared as well.
Namely, one Miles Morales from Earth-1610 came to mind, especially now as he held his wrapped package in one hand and shuffled nervously from one foot to another.
The suffocating darkness of Earth-42’s late evening was falling and falling quickly, which would otherwise ignite something in him on a normal day. But, as he fiddled with his dimensional watch strapped to his right wrist, he knew this wasn’t any normal evening out.
After the events of… the utter and total chaos of his inter-dimensional doppelganger crashing into their universe out of nowhere once many months ago, life was never the same for him or his family.
As a result of the inter-dimensional shenanigans that ensued, his mother Rio finally found out about his secret identity and his illicit vigilante dealings on the nights he usually got away with his uncle Aaron, and that was… well.
It was a Time, alright.
Eventually, after boxing both his and his uncle’s ears and giving them a stern lecture, Rio slowly warmed up to the idea of her son going out and doing what he needed to do in order to assist with NYC’s battle against the fascist oppression that the Sinister Six were insisting upon the city. With help, of course.
Rio’s one condition was that Miles G’s new spider-themed friends would come and help and make sure her son was still on the straight and narrow, that he wasn’t going to get too hurt.
She figured that if Miles G wasn’t going to back down from being a hero in his own right, then he might as well have someone by his side helping him achieve his goals… and helping out at the hospital and F.E.A.S.T. as well every now and then, of course!
Now, she was waiting right by the door to the rooftop, holding it open with a hip and looking on at her son approvingly. It was August of course, but that night on Earth-42 happened to be a bit chillier than normal. Her hair frizzed with the humidity that hung thick in the air and she wrapped her hands around her arms as she smiled.
Miles glances up and notices the rolling darkness overhead moving in a bit too quickly. Must be a storm brewing again, then. It sure smelled like it, anyways.
“Good luck, mijo! Tell them I said happy birthday to the other you!” Rio calls, just as something suspiciously thunder-like starts growling on the other end of the city. “Y no te preocupes tanto, Miles! Tu pareces tan nervioso! Relax a little, it’ll be a fun time, right?”
Miles G offers her a crooked smile. It didn’t really feel genuine at all, just a mask he plasters onto his face to hopefully placate his mother, which seems to work. Rio beams at him and then the winds start picking up.
“Okay, goodnight Miles! Te amo!” Her voice is almost drowned out by the sudden chilly gust that blows through and whips her hair in different directions. She gives her son one final wave before turning and letting the door shut behind her.
Miles breathes in the ozone that materializes in the air, trying to ground himself in the sudden temperature drop before a streak of lightning bursts through the clouds and flashes out of the corner of his eye. Feeling his anxiety bubbling through his nerves and into his chest, he hastily starts the search for his “twin’s” dimension.
The idea of going to a party and celebrating his birthday for the first time in years, alongside his doppelganger and his family in a dimension that isn’t his-- but probably should have been-- made his stomach roil a bit.
But thunderstorms? Those were a whole different level of hell no.
The quickly-developing storm gave Miles G just that last bit of courage he needed to take the leap, metaphorically speaking.
The portal he opens once he finds Earth-1610 almost instantaneously blinks into existence right before him. Well, also literally speaking, too, he muses sardonically as well, peering into the bright neon hues of his own custom-made portal.
He didn’t really know whether he liked Hobie Brown from Earth-138 yet, but he sure as hell was never going to get used to the fact that that kid straight up just reverse-engineered technology from the future, on his own. That alone put Hobie high up on the ranks of respect in Miles’ own mind.
Well. No more time to waste. Another burst of electricity streaked through the night sky, illuminating the angry dark rain clouds advancing on the city like jaguars ready to pounce. The anxiety threatened to burst forth from Miles’ chest just like the booming thunder that clapped in the air just then, and he took that as his cue to move.
He hated jumping through these portals, but hated storms even more. With one breath held tightly into his lungs, he stepped forward…
… And landed on some cardboard boxes.
Not a bad place to land, though, given his watch was still a prototype Hobie had cooked up last-minute to enable non-superpowered beings to travel through space and time without getting their nuclei scrambled like omelets.
All in all, not the worst position he’s found himself in, either. Not like that one time with those guard dogs… shudder. Anyways.
Miles G slowly stood up, head on a swivel as he immediately takes in his surroundings, hoping no one saw the giant burst of purple and blue lights that his portal emitted. Behind him, the aforementioned portal quickly fizzled out and blinked out of existence.
He seemed to land in an empty, but very smelly alleyway next to some restaurant on Earth-1610, if the wafting smell of greasy food hitting his nostrils was anything to go by. Dozens of styrofoam containers and wet-looking garbage bags sat piled up next to an overflowing dumpster, and a rat or two started to make their break for it once Miles lifted his legs out of the pile he landed in to connect sneaker soles to concrete.
He dusts himself off, groaning something about needing to find that twiggy punk and throttle him for not getting him his own stabilized watch sooner, when the back door of said restaurant suddenly swung open and a mean-looking, heavyset man with a hell of a beer gut started scowling at him.
“Aye! Whaddya doin’ back here, dumpster diving? Punk kid! Get outta here!”
Miles G’s own upper lip curled with full teenage disdain. “I’m not dumpster diving, genius. I’m takin’ a shortcut through here. That alright with you? It ain’t illegal,”
“Takin a shortcut?” The man’s eyes bulge out with rage. “Lyin’ punk! Get on outta here!” He hurls more curse words at Miles and shakes his fist like a cartoon character yelling at someone to get off their lawn.
Miles simply rolls his eyes, stoops over to fetch his gift from the giant pile of discarded cardboard boxes and brushes it off as well. He tosses a sarcastic salute at the man as he makes his way down the alleyway.
“Stay classy, my man,” he grumbles and steps out into the blinding rays of the late August evening on Earth-1610.
It was lucky he was found by this man on this dimension rather than back home, because otherwise his encounter would have been possibly twice as deadly than a grumpy old restaurant cook simply shaking a fist at him.
It was one of the many things about this mirror-dimension that he needed to get used to, at first. The adults back on 42 were twice as aggressive and authoritative as the ones from here, and it was something very relieving to find out once he first stepped into this world.
Here-- even though things didn’t quite sit right in his cells about being in a world so similar to his, but yet slightly skewed-- he could really relax. He could let his shoulders down a bit, loosen his muscles, not hold his head up so high. He could truly live.
So now, even though he was most definitely going to be late to this party at his twin’s house (if his directional instinct was anything close to accurate), he was relatively chill.
Miles G strolled through the city streets of what looked to be Queens, though whether he was in the east side or the northern side was really up in the air. He turned on his heels towards a subway station and made a beeline for the underground oasis in the desert only to find that the subway map on Earth-1610 was completely flipped from the ones in his dimension.
Damnit. Damn it all. Well, then. Looks like he was gonna be even more late to the party.
He sent his dimensional twin a quick update text and began the long and frustrating process of taking pictures of maps, attempting to turnstile-hop as often as he could, and asking New Yorkers for directions.
Asking for directions and train info from New Yorkers here seemed to have the exact same success rate as it did back home; that is to say, little to none. Great. Miles stopped asking New Yorkers for directions after a while.
It killed him that he couldn’t just go as the crow flies with his gear, on account of needing to keep a low profile in order to not land 1610’s Miles in any hot water.
He missed his bungee and parkour gear something fierce after getting turned around yet again, hands picking at the stupid present’s gift wrapping impatiently after hopping onto the correct train this time. You’d think that a kid living and getting by all on his own in the city would make him a better navigator of public transportation, but alas. Even a 16 year old kid living his entire life in the bowels of the concrete jungle gets inbound and outbound trains confused sometimes. Go figure.
It seemed like it took forever and a half to finally find himself setting foot on the familiar streets of the Williamsburg area in Brooklyn, but the brownstones and corner streets eventually started shaping themselves into something much more familiar to him, much to his relief.
Cool. So this was Miles G’s domain, finally.
Even if all of the details were slightly off, even if some stores weren’t quite named correctly enough not to tickle a weird part in his brain as he walked past them, this was home. He knew it, and he felt his own “spidey senses” go off once he made his way closer and closer to his-- and Miles’-- apartment block.
G did a double take as he walked past the usual stream of faceless pedestrians and spotted a familiar puff of dark hair in the crowd. It was Miles!
Miles G may not have had that strange precognitive superpower that all of the other spider-people seemed to have, but it looked as though his body's cells had minds of their own as they gravitated towards his dimensional doppelganger bounding up to him with a joyful gait.
Miles was clad in his usual bright sporty colors, grinning as brightly as the sunset that cast everything in a nice warm hue all around them.
They dapped each other up as a casual greeting, immediately starting up their banter.
“You’re finally here, man, goddamn! Gettin’ old now, getting turned around more nowadays?” Miles ribbed his twin playfully.
“Ha, ha,” Miles G replied sarcastically, “You and me are the same age, remember? Anything you say about me--”
“You say about yourself. I know that one, smartass. I was the one who came up with that first, you can’t quote me back at me!”
“Arrest me, then,” G stuck out his chin defiantly and laughed when he got a strong jab to the side.
They quibbled like this all the way down the streets, two teenage boys just basking in the last golden rays of the sunset before it finally darkened to a nice purple haze on their shared birthday. A beautiful cloudless evening, the complete and total opposite of the raging storms most likely tearing their way through Earth-42's Brooklyn night.
G was enjoying himself so much that he forgot how nervous he was before this moment.
Navigating the streets of New York City alone with not much help from his own cellphone or the people around him distracted him long enough to put his worries off to the side for a while, and now that he’s reaching the steps to his own apartment building, it seems like all those worries are bubbling back up again.
His purple sneakers freeze right on the bottom steps of the Brooklyn brownstone he always called home, watching as his doppelganger reaches for the door handle and only stopping once he notices G fall silent behind him.
They pause together, and Miles tosses an all-too-casual glance over his shoulder up towards the stairs before letting the door shut behind him again.
They sit together on the stairs, side-by-side.
Miles G is taking a couple of deep breaths, using the box breathing method Miles taught him a while ago.
Miles asks him, “you sure you wanna do this, bro?”
“Yes,” Miles G answers, a little too quickly.
Glances are exchanged, a million words shared with just one look. G sighs then.
“Okay… maybe… I mean, I do. I really do, wanna… uh,” Miles G takes another deep breath before sitting back and fiddling with the ribbon on the present once more. “… I wanna celebrate this, like not just for you. For me, because it’s… this is gonna be the first time I ever had a party since… well. Anyways, yeah, so I wanna do this. I do! This is important and I have to do this.”
“But?” Miles adds, a bit hesitant. He’d never want to make his dimensional variant feel like he’s being pushed or pressured, especially when he looks like he’s teetering on the edge of a panic attack.
“But,” G emphasizes the T, “I… fuck, this is gonna sound kinda lame but, ugh. I hate sayin’ it out loud. But…!”
“Jeff, right?” Miles offers him his most comforting expression. G hates it anyhow.
G hangs his head, clasping his hands over the box. “Yeah,” he admits, full of shame. “It’s dumb and I should be over it by now--”
“Bro, stop. Look,” Miles sighs in a way that reminds G of Rio a little too much, making his heart clench. “Your dad passed away, man. That is tough. That's the literal definition of trauma, and there’s nothing anyone can say about that. But you shouldn’t beat yourself up over not having like a linear progression on healing or whatever. You’re never really gonna get over it, like ever. And that’s okay, man. Losing a family member like that’s hard. Real hard.”
Aaron, G thinks to himself then, nodding slowly. Miles is probably the only person who understood the visceral and soul-crushing feeling of watching a beloved family member die at such a young age; and a father figure as well, at that.
Sure, all the other spider-people lost their uncle Bens or Tonys or whatever they said their uncles’ names were. But Miles lost Aaron. Aaron Davis. A man that was held in such high regard by the both of them, a key player in the way they both grew up and formed their own personalities as kids. There was nobody like him, and that was a fact.
It felt simultaneously weird and also comforting to know exactly what Miles was thinking, feeling, because in a lot of small but significant ways, their pain mirrored each other’s. Miles knew. G knew.
There wasn’t anything else left to say.
“I gotta go up,” Miles G said quietly after a small bout of silence.
Miles shrugged non-committaly. “Only if you’re ready,” he replied.
“No,” G shook his head, his neatly-done braids wiggling alongside the movement. “I have got to man up and stop bein’ so pussy right now. He’s not my dad. He isn’t my dad and I can do this!”
Miles blew out a breath and leaned back on the stairs behind him, legs spread as he crosses his arms. “Dude, look at me. Dad’s not gonna be weird this time, okay? We talked to him and he’s cool about everything and he is not gonna be weird. Everyone understands if you need some time to yourself, like in my room or up on the roof, just in case. This isn’t mandatory, you know. You don't have to push yourself.”
“I know this isn’t mandatory but I don’t wanna ruin your special day, alright? I’ve gone years with no birthdays, I’ll be fine. I’ll live,” Miles G bit out. It was much harsher than he intended it to come out, so he tried to save the conversation. “I uhm… sorry. I mean… it’s no biggie to me if I have to skip out or whatever. If it’s too weird, y’know? If you guys don’t want me here... I just don’t wanna, like, step all over your guys’… lives. The way you all do things. I know it’s different.” G gives a half-hearted shrug, hoping his twin will catch on to what he’s trying to convey.
Miles leans forward then, clapping a hand on G’s shoulder and shaking him a bit. “Man, you worry too much. Just like me,” he laughs, “I can’t believe I’m like this! Goddamn,” he shakes his head.
G groans. “Am I, though? Am I worrying too much? Ain’t this whole situation just… weird?”
Miles waves his hands around as he speaks. “Yeah, but… teen heroes in spandex costumes shooting webs out of their wrists is weird, too. I promise you’re not ruining anyone’s day by existing. My parents love you, dude, you’re fine. Either way, no one’s gonna think bad of you if you wanna stay or go.”
G sighs deeply, steeling himself. “Then I’ll stay. We’ll do… the birthday things. It’ll be fine,”
“If you insist!” Miles shrugs again and moves to stand up.
G snorts derisively and puffs himself up to his twin’s height once they’re both on their feet. “I hate when you do that shit, man!”
“Do what?” Miles holds his palms aloft, grinning crookedly.
“Don’t play dumb, Morales. Just…” G wedges the box he was holding in between the ornate railings of the stairs and pops back up, annoyed. “Look at me. I look fine, right? I’m not dressed down too much?” He holds his arms akimbo.
Miles laughs again, giving his twin a well-meaning once-over.
“Hair good, kicks good?” Miles G presses, sending Miles a look all the while.
“Yes, yeah, dude. You look fine. Everything’s gonna be fine! Stop freakin’ out!”
“You’re pulling your stupid nonchalant cool guy shtick and I hate it. You know that makes me even more nervous, right? It does not help, not even a little,”
Miles cackles as he pulls the door open once more, motioning for G to hand him the wrapped present. “You are unbelievable, man. Completamente insoportable!”
They bicker once again all the way up three flights of stairs, as naturally as if they had done it for years until they reach Miles’ family apartment and push their way through the doorframe.
They don’t even get to set one Jordan into the living room before Earth-1610’s Rio is leaping out from right around the corner and shouting SURPRISE!!! right into their faces.
Behind her, Jeff wears a party hat and blows on a dinky little party horn.
Both Mileses stood frozen staring into the face of their excited mother before Miles opens his mouth to speak.
“Mamí, I already told you this wasn’t a surprise party!”
“No, pero yo quería, como… hacer un algito para el niño, sabes?" Rio answers innocently, cheesy grin plastered on her face as she reaches for a balloon floating nearby and hands it to G.
“Anyways,” Miles gives his twin a sidelong glance and holds his present aloft, picking his way past the balloons on the floor to deposit it next to a pile of boxes and bags. "Sorry about them, they're... y'know. They mean well, but--"
"Of course we do! What's with this attitude all of a sudden?" Jeff complains, taking off his comically small party hat and setting it aside.
“Last night, we had my party with the fam on the rooftop, and today it’s just us here. We’re gonna watch a movie and eat together if you don’t mind,” Miles begins again, by way of explaining the massive pile of gifts in the living room corner. “I figured your first party in a while should be more... lowkey. Just a totally casual and definitely not weird birthday celebration, right guys?” He shoots looks at both of his parents, who both nod.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah! Totally casual. We cool, we cool,” Jeff assures his son, punching at his shoulder playfully. “When have we ever not been cool? About, y’know… this whole inter-dimensional universe stuff?”
“Dad!” Miles groans.
G smiles a bit, shoving his hands in his pockets and hiking his shoulders up to his ears. “Yeah this sounds cool, actually. Real good, better than…”
“Than what you thought it’d be?” Miles grins, “you really think I’d just throw you into a massive block party with the whole family out of nowhere?”
“No, but,” G kicks off his sneakers as their parents go into the kitchen and start laying pots and bowls out onto the dining room table. “I dunno… I thought it’d be more than just us. But this is nice, yeah. I don’t mind this at all.”
“As I knew you wouldn’t!” Then, a little louder, “what’d I say, dad?”
“I still got some of the crew on speed dial with gifts if you want!” Jeff calls out from the kitchen.
G laughs aloud and shakes his head, finally relaxing for the first time in what seemed like forever.
Together, the four set up dinner on the table to laugh and eat, celebrating two birthdays with two versions of the same Miles. They toast to another happy birthday, tacking on a little “here’s hoping G survives until the next one” for good measure.
Miles elbowed his father for that, but G was more than grateful that he had some more people in his corner, even if they were from different dimensions. Knowing that he had another set of parents praying for his health and his safety in a world that seemed so far away and distant as to be from a completely different galaxy made his heart clench in a way he didn’t know how to articulate yet.
He raised his own glass and prayed for their health and safety as well.
Then they settled into the living room together to watch a goofy horror-comedy movie that Jeff insisted on picking out himself.
“So Miles let me know the other day that he doesn't really actually like horror movies much, which was-- y’know definitely not feeling betrayed or anything ‘cause of that, but.” He shot his son a look.
“Oh my god, this again,” Miles groans, rolling his eyes and smiling exasperatedly.
“Anyways, dunno what your horror tolerance is, is all. Don’t know if you love it or hate it, but my wife hates horror and I love it. I figure this one’s a good middle ground.”
G sat forward, clasping his hands together in front of him. “You hate horror movies?” He asks his twin.
Miles throws his hands up in the air. “Do not tell me you’re gonna say that you’re shocked ‘cause you love it,”
G bobs his head and laughs. “I’m gonna say that I’m shocked ‘cause I absolutely love horror. Huh! That’s… that’s kinda funny we’re different like that,” he hummed in thought.
Miles sighs. “Oh right, of course. My twin who is absolutely better than me at everything ever happens to love the same stuff my dad does. Man, y’know what, I’m wavin’ the white flag. You can have him if you want!”
“Huh?” Jeff looks back and forth between his two sons as they laugh.
"Pero así tampoco!" Rio laughs along with them. “No one is stealing anyone’s father tonight, boys. Come on now,”
“I’m saying!” Miles offers anyways.
“I’m good,” G replies good-naturedly.
“Hold on, you two are not saying what I think you’re saying,” Jeff finally catches up to speed.
The whole room laughs at that, joy and comfort palpable in the air as the family settles down after bantering some more. They pass the bowls of popcorn and watch their movie, commenting on terrible acting and cackling at bad jokes.
G settles down, really relaxing this time, as he sinks deeper into the comfortable couch cushions and basks in the normalcy of this life. He was grateful the family didn’t make him feel like he was a guest, or an intruder into their seemingly perfect lives of familial affection. This was a million times better than awkward happy birthday songs and loud music,. It was much more… intimate. Intimate in ways that G himself hadn’t been allowed to feel since his own father’s passing.
He was grateful that his own dimensional variant understood what it was that he could handle, and what he couldn’t, completely judgement-free. It left a warm feeling deep in his chest he hadn’t ever known he was even capable of feeling. Maybe that was Miles’ real gift to G, the perfect environment for anyone to be able to let their walls down, even just a little.
It made the homemade sketchbook as his gift to his twin seem so silly in comparison, in the end. Oh well.
The night ended wonderfully, with each parent getting G his own gifts on top of the one Miles dumped unceremoniously in his lap towards the end of his visit.
But it was getting late, and the night was getting progressively darker.
The nighttime wasn’t nearly as suffocating and all-encompassing as Earth-42’s nights, especially considering it was a clear and crisp night on 1610, the total opposite of the angry weather back home… but the hour was getting longer nonetheless and G’s tranquil visit to this dimension was drawing to a close.
“I wish you could sleep over this time, y’know. Kind of a bummer that you can’t”, Miles bumped shoulders with G as they sat side-by-side on the couch.
“Mmmn, yeah” G sighed.
“Hold on, what am I missing here? I thought he was going to stay tonight!” Rio pipes up from her end of the couch, brow raised.
G looks up at her. “Uhh, no. I have, uh, I have a thing… in the morning, with uncle Aaron. So,”
Jeff grunts disapprovingly, earning him a glare from Miles.
Miles then turns back to his twin. “It’s fine, we get it. Let’s try to make some more time in the future to hang soon, though, right? This was fun!”
They both smile at each other and then start to get up, gathering discarded wrapping paper from Miles opening his gift from G.
G himself tries tucking his unopened presents into his light sweater, zipping it up and holding the boxes against him with crossed arms.
“If I don’t hold ‘em like this, they’ll go flying everywhere in the portal back home,” he explains to Miles’ parents.
Miles shoves his hands in his pockets and agrees that that's a great idea before suggesting they not open a portal in the middle of the living room where all of his birthday balloons and gifts were still in neat piles.
G finally bids everyone a good night before climbing up the final set of stairs up to the rooftop, with Miles right on his heels.
They dap each other up again and Miles eventually pulls G into a hug.
“Man, what you doin’ that soft shit for?” G ribs Miles playfully, punching him lightly on the shoulder.
“I dunno, you look like you could use some soft shit after tonight. You looked like you didn’t even wanna leave my apartment,”
G rolls his eyes but concedes anyways. “Uh huh, yeah… shit was nice there, for a second… things were real nice.” He trails off, then gathers himself back up again. “Your dad was great back there, by the way. So… looks like your talk with him was good, it was effective.” He sniffed.
Miles purses his lips. “Hmmm, was he, though? He coulda been a little better, honestly.”
G shakes his head, laughing. “You need to stop being so hard on your parents, kid. They’re great. They are.”
“Yeah, I know. Your fam’s great, too, by the way. Let Aaron know that I really love his gift he left me the other day, when you get back,”
G does a double take. “That he-- that he left you? How? He’s got a watch now?”
“I think…? I think he stole yours, honestly, bro. Or… I dunno, knowing him, he might’ve already reverse engineered his own by now,” Miles offers a wincing shrug, chuckling a bit at the shocked expression on his own face standing a little ways away from him.
“Wh--! Goddamn. Well.” G sniffed again and fixed the hoodie of his sweater casually, adjusting the gifts inside. “Well, damn. Thanks for letting me know about that, I guess.”
Miles throws G a salute and steps back, right by the rooftop door and then G's suddenly reminded of his own mother most likely already asleep back home.
He loves 1610, sure, but in that very moment, his heart ached for his own-- definitely not perfect but-- comforting home.
He opens his portal behind him, purple neon rings and hazy blue light emitting from it, an occasional green static flickering in and out, and the smell of wet pavement and rain hits them both almost instantaneously. Potted plants, chairs and crates sat nearby start floating in the air.
Miles whistles low. “It’s raining back where you’re at, man. I’m jealous. You get to fall asleep to rain!”
G only shrugs, not wanting to let his twin know anything about his fear of storms. That was a topic that would have to brought up later. “You have a good night, too, man. You can look up rain sounds on Youtube if you need to,”
Miles huffs out a laugh. “You got jokes! Nice!”
“Always, genius. I always do. Take it easy, man.”
G steps backwards, his last sight of 1610 being his twin standing by the half-open door to the roof, warm hallway light illuminating him from behind, small pinpricks of little sparkles in the deep blue night sky high above them…
And lands right onto his own bed.
G gasps, not possibly believing his own luck this time!
He scrambles around in the dark as quietly as he can, reaching for his lamp by his drafting table and flicking it on. His eyes bounce around the room, taking in every single little familiar detail of his posters, hats lined above the window frame, record player on top of stacked crates in the corner…
It’s home. Thank goodness. No need to traverse the dangerous roads at night past the state-mandated curfew.
Tonight was really shaping up to be an amazing night. What a relief…
Miles G laid back after eventually finishing his night routine and making sure his mother was asleep in her room, hopefully breathing. He had his arms behind his head and a big smile on his face as he thought back to the presents he received from the 1610 Morales family, now stacked neatly on his drafting table to be opened in the morning.
He thought back to the fond gazes he received at the dinner table as they had all chatted over pastelitos and refried beans. He thought back to the warm glow that the city took on during the sunset, how his train rides over to Brooklyn were always much less stress-inducing than the rides on Earth-42 were, no matter how late G was getting to be. He was unbelievably grateful that he got to experience it at all, and that it wasn’t all a fever dream his half-baked brain cooked up on little to no sleep.
No matter what his presents from the Morales family turned out to be, he was already grateful for the best gift that Earth-1610 could ever give him: peace.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: Spider-man : Across the Spiderverse
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thanks @knightsweeties for drawing my icon's spidersona
So I am WAY behind on movies I should have been watching and Finally cleared my schedule enough to watch this movie
So I think I will break it down into the following. As a fan of into the spider-verse, my expectations for this film are a lot higher than most movies. Here's how I am breaking it down.
The Characters
The Lesson
Does it live up to the hype
Final Thoughts
Across the Spiderverse is an animation marvel.
I wouldnt call it beautiful, because that is such a mundane term. It is artistically masterful. It even goes beyond what it had done in the previous film.
The way the film has each universe has its own art, color and style that transfers to each character. The level of detail is beautiful. The way colors are used in Gwen's universe. How Hobie is never looking consistent in any shot he is in because in his own words "He hates consistency" Its incredible.
The animation is the best part of the movie. If the animation is a cut above the rest and it is the best I have every seen in a CGI film.
10/10 (And that is a hard 10)
The film takes place a year and 4 months after the events of Into the spiderverse. There is a group of inter dimensional spider people that go around to fight anomalies and ensure the "Canon" is maintained.
Miles aka Spiderman is just trying to get a hang of his life as Spider man, his parents are worried about his future and now he has a new villain, the Spot. The Spot is obsessed with becoming Miles/Spiderman's nemesis and is hopping universes to increase his power.
Miles ends up in trouble with the interdimensional spider people and their leader, Miguel o'hara. And it culminates in the Spot becoming a massive threat to the multiverse, Miles being chased down by the spider people because he is an anomoly and him ending up in a dimension from where the Spider that bit him came from. A world where there is no spider man.
Now there is SO much to cover and this movie is a 2 hour and 20 minutes and it is only PART 1!
Now there are also a bunch of other story lines like with Gwen and her dad, Peter B parker becoming a father and The Spot figuring out his powers. But that is only the beginning.
Now the way the movie takes its time to set things up is fine... but it also feels like there are some things that could have been cut. It feels so long. The movie does do a good job to ensure it never feels boring, but at the same time it feels cluttered and empty in random intervals.
The first part does leave me excited for part 2, but I also feel like I have a lot of movie to process already and I am not in a rush to see part 2.
I think the previous film did a better job maintaining the hype and pacing, while also giving so much development.
Overall 8/10
The Characters
Miles Morales: Miles is as great as he was in the first film. You sympathize with his situation, he never comes off as annoying or jerkish because the movie does a good job in making sure you understand his perspective. Even when he is arguing with his parents, you know he wants to tell them but all the advice he has been given is NOT to. The problem with Miles though is that his problem is basically the same as the first one, people keep telling him what he is or needs to be and he has to find his own way and rise up. It feels a bit repetitive. But that being said it is a twist on it because with the situation we as the audience have to figure out if Miles is in the right or not.
Spider-Gwen: Gwen gets more development here, including the focus on her dynamic with her father. The strain that occured when he found out that his daughter was the vigilante that he believed killed his daughter's best friend. Its a whole can of worms as Gwen is basically dimension hoping to avoid dealing with that. We also see how she and miles grow closer ONLY to seperate as he learned the truth on why she never visited and why he is an anomoly. Gwen does manage to make up with her dad and she has a new mission, saving Miles. She is in her own way just as much of a main character in this as Miles, which is great for her as it allows us to explore her character more. Her character is one of the best.
The Spot: When it comes to pathetic villains that grow into massive threats, you can say I have a soft SPOT for them. I like the backstory and how absurdly dumb it is but how it makes sense. The spot is growing into his own and a twisted version of miles, like he had to deal with in the first movie. Coming into his own but lacking control only to grow exponentially as he grew in confidence. The spot now has a mission, be the true nemesis of Miles whether he wants it or not, and he is willing to rip apart the multiverse to do it.
Miguel O'Hara: The hard ass future spiderman that is obsessed with making sure no other universe collapse. He is fervent in his belief that Canon can not be broken and any and all threats to the spiderverse need to be dealt with. He is also a foil to Miles because he is a bigger, serious and seemingly more competent version of him. Miles' own friends take this guy's side over his, and it is a great point of tension. Personally, I think he is wrong with his takes and while the movie tries to show him as right, it fails to take into account how inaccurate it is by ignoring the times things DIDNT break. If Canon was so definitive, than Miles universe would have collapsed when his world's spiderman died. Regardless I do like the character.
The Spiders: The other spider people were great. Seeing Peter b parker, and Spider byte were some of my personal favorites. Spider woman was great... but it bothered me that a PREGNANT WOMAN was doing all this crazy dangerous stuff. I dont care if she is a spider person that is dangerous and could cause a TON of complications. WHY DID NO ONE POINT OUT THE DANGER TO HER? Rant done, I did enjoy all the jokes that were made and most of the spiders were endearing and fun to see. (Lego spider man is the best one confirmed by Miguel)
Overall solid 9/10. While Gwen got an upgrade and Miguel was a welcome antagonist I think there were a LOT more characters here and it cost some of them development. But despite that it is still good.
The Lesson
Its basically a coming of age story that life is unpredictable and that people can advise you but you are the only person that can decide how you write your story. That is similar to Miles story in the first one and it could be argued that this is just an expansion on that. Or it can be said that the first lesson was to rise to the occasion and never fear failure while this is to push forward and decide whats right for you.
Overall its done well if a bit of a rehash.
Does it live up to the Hype?
Yes. 100% if you liked the first one you will love the second one. But I can also see the argument that the first movie was great as a stand alone, and with this being part one it now becomes dependent on how the second part delivers, that is the problem with movies in Parts. I do think it will deliver, so I am not worried on that end. So yes, it lives up to the hype.
Final thoughts
Across the Spiderverse brings a new redefinition of animation as we know it, it is a solid plot and it has a lot of hype and build up going into the next part. I am glad I waited before watching as it allows me not to get sucked into people's opinions and I can say I enjoy it without just agreeing with the crowd.
solid 10/10 for me. It is one of the best Animated movies I have ever seen and I cant wait for part 2.
Also what is with spider people and child endangerment? Spider woman and peter B parker. I got my EYE on you
TLDR: Its an INCREDIBLE movie, its long and it lives up to the hype.
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jamalashley-blog · 6 months
At the University of the Philippines, he was Grand Archon of the Sigma Rho fraternity, the President of the Inter-Fraternities and Sororities, captain of the debating team which won the national championship, etc.
He was also the President and later Secretary-General of the National Union of Students of the Philippines and Secretary-General of the World University Service. On the Moro front, he was the “brain” of the Moro revolution. He submitted evidence of torture and genocide of the Moro people to the Organization of Islamic Conference in Jeddah in 1972. On the strength of his petition before then OIC head Tengku Abdul Rahman and other OIC leaders, the OIC took cognizance of the Moro struggle.In the early 70s, he was the publisher of the only Moro newsletter in Manila, the Dawat ul Islam, where the atrocities of the Christian vigilantes and Philippine armed forces were exposed.
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moltengoldveins · 8 months
summarizing my WIPs as stupidly as possible, part 1
All in the title. I saw someone else do this and thought it was hysterical.
Hold Hope Internally (37.5 Degrees) : local religious slave woman about to, in quick succession, loose her mother, learn how to see souls, start an underground criminal empire, crush an inordinate number of spiders, receive a prophecy of doom, befriend a monk, and kill the president. She does this largely through the powers of autism and crochet.
Watchers at the Rim: the whole “forever cyclically reborn into different bodies, destined to meet each other in every lifetime” except they’re both eldritch horrors beyond mortal ken and they’re in a mildly unhealthy qpr. Watch as they learn to be human again through the power of adopting a small child. Meanwhile, the fabric of the universe once torn by hubris and capitalism is fixed by one gal’s inability to forget how to carve and also play the cello.
Wayfarer: deep beneath the surface of the earth, in caverns the size of small US states, there are many things, including-but-not-limited-to: slavery, snake people, nerds who are actually plants, space whales, plants who are actually helpful mentor figures, flying pirate ships, helpful mentor figures who are actually evil, incredibly complex inter-cultural conflicts, and one very, VERY confused teenager from the foster system with a not-Insignificant amount of Space Sorcery Juice in her bones.
Palm To My Mouth: in a quintessential ‘modern city but with superheroes’ setting, one man who loves his wife Very Much is about to cause So Many Problems. Meanwhile, local man incapable of dying is forced to be the parental figure of a small gang of underage vigilantes. Neither of these men posses what we would call a ‘classic moral compass.’ This is surprisingly fine for them, they’re doing quite well all things considered. The same cannot be said of the government.
On The Morrow: (a retelling of my current DND campaign, on hold until the campaign reaches another climax and/or finishes.)
Local single mother of ~35 steps outside for the first time in her bafflingly long life to find that the world does not, in fact, conform to her every religious belief. Her resulting crisis of faith is rather wonderfully accompanied by the (horrifying) sounds of the Local Squire With Royal Heritage getting magic radiation sickness and blowing up a small town. Meanwhile, several criminals on the run from the law join with our mother-son duo and Immediately cause World War Four due to a misunderstanding in a cave. Also there’s a baby plague doctor breaking the fourth wall the whole time.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
May 5th - Ms. America Chavez
In her childhood, both America and her younger sister, Catalina, suffered from a rare and deadly genetic disease.  The girls’ mothers, both renown researchers in the medical fields, brought their daughters to the private island of a wealthy and eccentric benefactor so to attempt a highly experimental treatment.  The process, which seemed to draw mystical energies from a parallel dimension ended up working and cured girls of the disease; it also had the unexpected result of awakening incredible powers within young America.  She now possessed incredible strength and resiliency as well as the capacity to fly at high speeds.
It became evident that America and her sister were being used as text subjects in a nefarious plot to create world-conquering soldiers.  America’s mothers destroyed the machines used to empower their daughter and attempted to escape.  America got away, but her mothers and sister were apparently killed.  The shock and trauma of seeing her family killed was too much for young America, causing her to fall into a dissociated state where all memories of her past were suppressed to such a degree as to mirror total amnesia.  She ended up in the care of a kindly family named the Santanas who took America in and eventually adopted her.
America’s efforts to recall her past caused her to confabulate a fantastical tale of her origins.  She came to believe that she heralded from a parallel dimension, a realm where her mothers possessed incredible super powers they used to forge a utopia.   Furthermore, America came to believe that she had traveled to this earth to follow in her mothers’ footsteps and fight for justice in a universe less fortunate than her own.  
America’s convictions about this fantasy were further compounded by the reemergence of her powers.  Not only did she possess flight and vast strength, but she also discovered that she could create star-shaped portals that offered access to other dimensions across the multiverse.      
Much to her adoptive family’s chagrin, America began to use her abilities to act as the super powered vigilante called ‘Ms. America.’  Her activities led to a rift between her and the family and she ultimately chose to leave them, resuming her original last name of Chavez and venturing out on her own to become a superhero.  
Following a brief stint with the group known as The Teen Brigade, America sought out the Young Avengers.  She had witnessed a parallel reality where Kid Loki had tricked Wiccan into giving over his tremendous magical powers and wanted to ensure this same turn of events did not occur in the 616 reality.  As such, Ms. America joined the Young Avengers (primarily to keep a watchful eye on Kid Loki).  
Later, America was recruited to be a member of The Ultimates, a team of heroes who dealt with galactic and inter-dimensional threats.  While continuing on as a member of The Ultimates, America also made time to act as a part of her friend Kate Bishop’s new iteration of the West Coast Avengers.  During this time she began a romantic relationship with a young woman named Ramone Watts.
After numerous adventures both on her on and as a member of super teams, America was eventually sought out by her sister, Catalina.  It turned out that her sister had not died and that she possesses the same powers as America.  She tried to convince America of their true past, which was quite difficult in that America had become so fully invested in the delusion she had created for herself.  Yet she was finally able to accept the truth and the two sisters acted together to put a stop to the man who had empowered them in the first place and free the other test subjects that he had kept in stasis.  
Afterward, America reconciled with her adopted family and has continued to try to come to terms with her fractured sense of personal history.  More recently, Ms. America has accepted an offer to serve on Hawkeye's new Thunderbolts squad.  
A version of America Chavez appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, debuting in Dr. Strange in The Multiverse of Madness and portrayed by actress Xochitl Gomez.  The heroine first appeared in Vengeance #1 (2011).  
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marvelrarepairbingo · 2 years
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This summer is about to spring into action with our very first Marvel Rare Pair Bingo 2022. The month of July has been a busy one for our participants and as we share the list of all the great works for July, we want to encourage anyone who would still like to join in on the fun to check us out at https://marvelrarepairbingo2022.tumblr.com/ or head on over to our discord. It’s a no pressure event and we are open to a lot of wiggle room for creativity, so please check us out if you get a chance as so far everyone seems to be having a lot of fun.  Now, for those who are already part of the bingo and have been sharing their works we wanted to do a round up for July to showcase the great submissions we’ve received under the cut :)
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Title: And It’s A Long Way Down
Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: N2: Ice Cream Cones & Lollipops Pairing: Bobby Drake/Christian Frost Rating: Explicit Warnings: Day at the Beach, Oral Fixation, Oral Sex, Blow jobs, established relationship Summary: Bobby loves ice cream. Christian realizes he loves watching Bobby eat ice cream until it causes a problem. Word Count: 4796 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40115829
Title: Dum Inter Homines Sumus
Card #: MRP002 Square FIlled: B1 Formidable Pairing: Emma Frost / Mesmero Rating: M Warnings: Sadness, Nudity Summary: Emma Frost attends a high end charity ball, befriends Mesmero, meets several old friends, and helps some people out. Mesmero then tempts her with an offer she can hardly refuse. Word Count: 4807 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40059642
Title: Permit Me To Teach You How To Wage War
Card #: MRP003 Square Filled: B2: There is No Escape Pairing: Justin Hammer and Loki friendship Rating: Teen Warnings: Prison, crossover Summary: Following the disappearance of Loki and the death of Odin, two gods emerge from another universe to take their places. And Justin Hammer makes a new friend in prison. Word Count: unfinished Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40130454/chapters/100506642
Title: I'll Get You Back
Author: GODESTof3WORLDS Card #: MRP-004 Square Filled: I1- Isolation/Loneliness Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes (Winteriron) Rating: Gen Warnings: Amnesia, Hurt No Comfort, Tears Summary: I finally find the love of my life and he doesn’t even remember me. Maybe it’s my payment for all my sins. To love but never get loved back. It’s a sick joke. Word Count: 879 Link: here
Title: Sleep? Never Met Her
Author:  Writerpete Card #: MRP-016 Square: N4 -Cuddling and Movie Night Pairing: Steve Rogers & Peter Parker Rating: Teen Warnings: None really! Summary: Peter Parker, a college student, a photographer for the Daily Bugle, and secretly the vigilante of New York City called Spider-Man. Those three titles have demanding requirements of studying, underappreciated work and saving lives. So who needs sleep anyways when you have important work to do? Word Count: 2783 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40289934
Title: bubble burst
Card: MRP-023 Square Filled: G4 – a blessing is bestowed Pairing: Loki / Stephen Strange Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No warnings apply Summary: The sound of a baby’s laugh stirs Loki awake. Word Count: 1705 words Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40438194
Title: 9 to 5
Author: thisislegit Card #: MRP-0027 Square Filled: O5 Sex Shop AU Pairing: Logan/Kurt Wagner Rating: M Warnings: Romance, Meet Cute, Alternate Universe-Sex Shop Summary: Logan wouldn't pretend he didn't recognize his regulars when they entered. Some people shopped here long enough that they were comfortable around his never changing and never judging demeanor. Their small talk met with grunts of acknowledgment, and their questions answered with a point to an aisle or a promise of things shipping in next month. The latter of which not being given lightly since Logan didn't order cheap shit that broke easy. It was bad business not to stock his joint with decent to high quality merchandise, and he hated bad business. Bad business was why there was a no return policy for his shop. It'd be plain unsanitary otherwise. Bad business was also why thinking too hard about customers who came off as unique was dangerous. Yet, in his defense, ignoring a tall, blue man who looked like he just stepped out of a church sermon in his sweater vest and khakis was a new one for Logan. Word Count: 4097 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/marvelrarepairbingo22/works/40655649
Title: Two Halves of the Same Whole (by Chaoticgardenbread)
Card #:MRP-029 Square Filled: N5 Soulmates Pairing: Logan/Pietro Maximoff Rating: Explicit Warnings: No warnings apply Summary: Soulmates. The foreign concept crashes into Logan with almost startling clarity. Definitely something, or rather, someone, much more trouble than they’re worth. Then again, Logan usually feels the same about most things. Especially if he sits on the other end of the equation. (You feel what your soulmate feels and you’ll share your dreams when you’re both asleep) Word Count: 2900 words Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40649730
Title: Up In the Air
Author: ScottxLogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: I-2 “You saved me.” Pairing:James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: M Warnings: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mile High Club, Sexual Content,  Foot Massage, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Bonding, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Protective Bucky Barnes, Hurt Tony Stark, Mild Hurt/Comfort Summary: When a threat is made against Tony's life, he is forced to leave New York and retreat to a private island with Bucky at his side serving as his bodyguard. Although the two have come a long way with one another during the time Bucky has been protecting Tony, it seems that the flight to their destination brings them closer in ways that neither had anticipated moving forward. A quiet conversation leads to awakenings between them as Tony finds himself tempted to explore new heights with Bucky. Could this be the real thing happening between them? Word Count: 12343 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40435989
Title: Against All Odds
Card #: MRP-131 Square FIlled: G-1 “Too Bad You’re Not Single.” Pairing: Tony Stark/Scott Summers Rating: E Warnings: Heavy Angst, Hellfire Gala (X-Men), Implied/Referenced Cheating, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Forbidden Love, Past Drug Addiction, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Summary: Some addictions are harder to get over than others, but when Tony Stark discovers the truth about mutant resurrections in Krakoa starting with the reemergence of Scott Summers, he can’t help, but give in to a curiosity by going to the Hellfire Gala even knowing that it will no doubt take him under. Reunited at the party Tony and Scott are forced to face what still remains between them. Word Count: 6713 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40362063
Title: FireStorm (Chapter 6)
Author: ScottxLogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: O-1 You’re a terrible liar.” Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: E Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Mistaken Identity, From Sex to Love, Misunderstandings, Murder Mystery, Canon Divergence Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe-Firefighters, Light Angst, Swearing, Arson Summary: Poker night finally winds down and in the aftermath both Bucky and Tony are left to face the consequences of their actions. Will their risky gamble bring them closer together or tear them further apart once a winner is named? Once the results are in everything changes for both men in ways that neither can turn back from. Word Count: Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38737926/chapters/100931856
Title: FireStorm (Chapter 7)
Author: ScottxLogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: N-4 Heartbreaking Confession Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: E Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Mistaken Identity, From Sex to Love, Misunderstandings, Murder Mystery, Canon Divergence Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe-Firefighters, Light Angst, Swearing, Arson Summary: Tony and Bucky's quiet aftermath together is filled with tenderness and confessions that lead Tony down a road that he fears he may never be able to turn back from. After his night with Bucky, Tony's past comes back to haunt him as he puts the wheels in motion on a plan that may change everything forever. Word Count: 7347 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38737926/chapters/101772033
Title: Home Again (Chapter 17)
Card #: MRP131 Square FIlled: O5 Hold My Hand Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: M Warnings: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence-Avengers:Endgame (Movie), Bucky Barnes Needs a Hugh, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe-Canon Diverence, References to Depression, Bucky Barnes has PTSD, Tony Stark Needs a Huh, Pre-Relationship, Angst with a happy ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Blood Loss, Adult Content, Explicit Language, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Blood and Injury, Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Protective Happy Hogan, Bucky Barnes Has Panic Attacks, Bucky Barnes Has Nightmares, Dreams and Nightmares, Slow Burn, Sexual Content, Sexual Tension Summary: Tony and Morgan's reunion is filled with questions as they bond with one another. When a surprise guest arrives in the lab, will it mean the end of the new beginning for Tony and Bucky together? Word Count: 11693 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38259688/chapters/101887530
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talatomaz · 4 years
crossing paths pt.i | diana prince x lance!reader
a/n: reader has the powers of telekinesis. since this was going to be really long, i decided to split it into two parts. also this may be slightly canon divergent since i’ve not watched flash in a long time.
warnings: mentions of fighting, death
word count: 1.9k
masterlist | request list | request rules
pt.i | pt.ii
reader is sara & laurel’s younger sister who works with team flash. after her and cisco’s experiment goes sideways, she finds herself trapped on an unknown earth not unlike her own
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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“You’re absolutely sure this will work, Cisco?”
You asked, tying your hair up into a ponytail whilst the mechanical genius typed on his computer; the keys clacking under his fingertips.
“Yes. 100%. Well, more like 99%. Okay, if we’re being truly honest, then 93%.”
Cisco paused after each figure before turning his head to face you.
You started before the former interrupted, “Trust me, y/n. You’ll be fine. You just need to travel there, have a look around and then come straight back. We’ve done it so many times before.”
You and Cisco had been working on modifying the extrapolator your team often used to travel between different Earths. Or rather, you used to use them before the rebirth of the universe following Oliver’s sacrifice.
You cleared your throat at the thought of the vigilante. Having grown up with him and he having dated both of your older sisters meant that he was practically like your brother. And you were broken when you’d lost him so you’d left Team Arrow and came to work with Barry and his team instead.
Working with Team Flash was...different, to say the least. But having known them for several years, you got on well with them all, especially Cisco and Iris.
However, this project you were working on was only known to you and Cisco; the others blissfully unaware, mainly because the two of you knew that if you told them, they’d guilt you into stopping your experiment.
You were the one who had gone to Cisco with the idea in the first place.
After the Crisis, many of you had assumed that everyone solely remained on one Earth however you believed that the multiverse still existed, but that it’d be much harder to access. Cisco had agreed to help you but had explained that he wouldn’t come with you due to his relinquished powers.
So here you were, getting ready to try out the extrapolator in order to confirm or disprove your theory that the multiverse still existed.
“Technically, we haven’t, Cisco. New Earth remember?”
“That’s just semantics.”
“Cisco, if this doesn’t work, you better be ready to explain to my ex-assassin of a sister what happened to me.”
You laughed as his face dropped at the thought of that conversation.
He cleared his throat, “I’ve done all the necessary calculations and made a few needed modifications, including a GPS chip. It’ll work, y/n. Here, take your mask. Just in case.”
He added as an afterthought, handing you the sleek black mask he had designed to disguise your identity.
You put the mask in your jacket and took a deep breath, readying yourself. Holding the extrapolator, you pressed the small button and a familiar portal opened in front of you; variations of colours swirling around the breach.
You looked back at Cisco and feigned seriousness, “If I die, I’m going to kill you.”
His eyes widened making you smile, “Be safe, Cisco. I’ll see you soon.”
With that, you then stepped into the inter-dimensional breach.
“Okay, hopefully this worked.”
The breach closed behind you as you stepped into an alley; the several dumpsters providing some form of protection from anyone who may have seen you.
Wherever you were, it was bright and sunny.
Pocketing the extrapolator, you stepped out of the alley and walked down the paved sidewalk, listening for any indications of where you were from passersby.
You continued walking until you came across a newsstand that looked fairly out of place in this seemingly technological environment.
You stopped, peering at the front cover of one of the magazines.
The words “DAILY PLANET” were printed on the top of the paper. You reached down and picked it up, flicking through the pages, pausing when you saw a familiar name on the byline.
Folding the paper back into its original state, you placed it back on the stand, flashing a kind but brief smile to the newsagent who looked at you with intrigue.
Although you didn’t know what Earth you were on, at least you knew you were in Metropolis.
A place you had visited several times since the rebirth of the universe.
A place that, despite whatever Earth, was always home to one Clark Kent, better known as Superman.
You pondered in your thoughts for a little while longer before deciding to venture out and explore the city, eager to find any similarities or differences between your Earth and this one.
You ended up in a museum.
You weren’t sure exactly how you’d gotten there, having followed wherever your feet had taken you but, nevertheless, you were here.
Whilst you were never a huge fan of museums, you’d often found yourself being dragged to them by Laurel when you were younger.
There was something about them that she’d loved.
She tried explaining it to you once.
How the beauty of art told a story or something.
You didn’t really pay much attention and who could have blamed you? You were only 10 years old. You’d rather be out playing or hanging out with your friends than spending your Saturday afternoon in a stuffy old museum.
But this place was anything but.
In truth, you knew that you sought solace in places like these during times of distress or uncertainty.
It gave you a chance to feel closer to your sister after the world had cruelly taken her away from you. Even on another Earth, you still found peace and felt her presence next to you.
You sighed, your shoulders sagging before tensing once more, feeling someone behind you.
You never used to be so on edge.
When you were younger, you lived such a care free life, never feeling any need to be concerned or cautious.
But that had changed quickly.
Soon you had been thrust into the vigilante life, more determined than ever to become like your sisters and help them fight crime.
In fact, you had learned to fight from a reluctant Sara.
After several arguments about the danger of her world, she’d come to accept that there was no changing your mind and had decided that if you were going to purposely put yourself in harm’s way, you needed to be prepared. She had put you through vigorous training which Oliver soon picked up with you after Sara had been recruited to form the Legends.
So, suffice it to say, you were well-versed in the forms of self-defence and were constantly on the lookout for any form of danger.
And being on a different Earth certainly warranted your caution.
“How are you liking our exhibit?”
A feminine voice said, her voice thick with an accent you couldn’t distinguish.
Turning with a smile, you spoke, “It’s beautiful. I never used to appreciate art but now I find myself lost in the works of Rembrandt or Claude Monet.”
“Ah yes. They were most excellent artists.”
You blinked, not at her words but at her face.
The woman who stood before you was, quite simply put, the most beautiful person you’d ever seen in your life.
Realising you were staring, you cleared your throat, “Yes, I agree.”
You opened your mouth to say something else - what, you weren’t sure of - when you closed it again having spotted a man who’d just entered the room which held the small exhibit.
The figure wore a black cap, obstructing his face, his eyes darting around before landing on another male situated in one of the corners of the room. The latter gave him a brief nod which the other returned. Discreetly glancing at them, you noticed familiar bulges beneath their shirt, surely holding a gun.
“Okay, don’t be alarmed but I think this place is about to get robbed.” You said in a hushed whisper, faking interest in another piece of art beside you.
You noted the small but discernible flicker in the woman’s eyes, her name still unknown to you.
“Let’s just say I’m perceptive. Do me a favour and take out your phone.”
You waited until the brunette had followed your instructions.
“Pretend to be talking to someone and walk out the room. They’re not going to do anything until you’re gone because they don’t want to run the risk of you warning someone.”
She nodded at your words and proceeded to carry out your plan.
You fought the look of surprise and confusion that surely would’ve shown on your face at the lack of fear on hers. Instead, her eyes seemed to hold a look of determination.
Determined to do what, you weren’t sure of.
Once she had left, your suspicions were confirmed when the two men simultaneously took out their guns and shouted.
“Everybody down on the ground. Now!”
Screams and shouts were let out by the small group of citizens in the room, replacing the quiet bustle of hushed whispers that had previously filled the air.
As everyone immediately fell to the ground, you slid down the wall until you were in an upright position.
You watched as they removed several of the smaller pieces of art, carefully placing them in a duffel bag. You waited until they grew closer to you before standing up causing both of their guns to be aimed at you.
“Sit back down or you’ll get a bullet in your pretty little head.”
They both moved to stand in front of you, blocking you from the view of the security cameras and the people behind them. Using your powers, you pulled the guns toward you and flung them to the far side of the room.
You took advantage of their momentary confusion and kicked both of them. One of them grabbed you from behind, his tight grip trapping your arms. You raised your legs and caged the other’s neck between them.
Twisting your legs, you threw him to the ground and then drew yourself closer into your captor’s arms, lifting off the ground for a brief second before throwing him over your shoulders and onto the ground beside the other intruder.
You yelled to the handful of citizens who watched you with a mixture of awe and fear.
Then you felt yourself being pushed against the marble ground as one of the men jumped on top of you, his weight crushing your small figure.
“You’re going to regret that, bitch.” He snarled against your ear.
You threw your head back, smirking when you heard the grunt of pain and several curses falling from the man’s lips.
You raised your hands and with it, the other man floated in the air. With a wave of your wrist, he went crashing into his friend and they slumped into a corner.
You quickly picked yourself up and ran out of the museum’s back exit, knowing you had to avoid the police at all costs.
Reaching an abandoned alley, similar to the one you first arrived in, you took out the inter-dimensional extrapolator, deciding it was way too dangerous for you to remain here any longer.
Pressing the device, you expected to see a breach form but to your shock, there was none. Inspecting the device, you saw that it had been broken, more than likely from when you’d been thrown against the ground by the robbers.
You muttered a foul curse before calming yourself.
Think, y/n. Think.
Your ears perked up at the familiar whistle and rattle of train tracks.
Okay, you knew what to do next.
You needed to go home.
Part 2 ->
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Christopher Smith & Keith Smith, Adrian Chase/Christopher Smith, Keith Smith/Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: POV Outsider, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Angst and Humor, Parallel Universes, Spoilers, Comic Book Science Well, everyone, I finally did it. I started writing a Peacemaker/Vigilante fic. Naturally I had to do it as an outsider POV exploring the vagaries of a world where Peacemaker’s brother didn’t die young, because I am who I am. I’ve included the summary and a snippet for you below, to get you started. Enjoy! Summary: Keith Smith is out on a perfectly ordinary grocery run one afternoon when he gets sucked sideways through an inter-dimensional portal to a universe where he died when he was thirteen years old. Things only get weirder from there.
Keith has never been on the receiving end of a stun grenade before, but he feels in his gut that this is a remarkably similar experience. Or maybe that’s just the pressure of the watermelon where it’s resting against his stomach. He’d pitched backwards, he realizes, and is now lying on his back on the pavement, his groceries scattered around and over him like so much shrapnel, though thankfully they appear to be largely intact.
His vision is blown and bleary the way it gets whenever he opts to have his eyes dilated at the optometrist’s office and his ears are ringing, so it takes him a second to process the voices ricocheting across the alley around him.
" - the fuck is that guy?" says the first voice in a clear, excited tenor.
"Why do you think I know?" comes the second, gruffer and lower and strangely familiar.
"I don’t know, man! You know a lot of stuff! Like, you just told me this morning that king cobras aren’t even a real thing."
"They’re a real thing!" the second voice shoots back in a huff. "Like, they’re real snakes and they’re really badass and poisonous, they’re just not really cobras."
"Venomous," the first voice corrects.
"Snakes are venomous. Poisonous is for stuff you touch or eat. Like frogs or mushrooms or whatever. Venomous is for stuff that bites you or stings you and injects you. Like that half-scorpion Ninja Turtle reject the other week."
"What the fuck does that have to do with anything?" the second voice grunts. It really is so familiar. If Keith could just think past the pulsating throb in his brain he’s sure he could pin it down.
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midnight-endings · 9 months
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Chedeck Dok (he/she/they)
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stevishabitat · 3 years
One of the greatest superheroes of Hell's Kitchen is returning to the Marvel Universe. And although we might not know when that return will happen, we do know that we can expect a familiar face.
During an interview with CinemaBlend, Kevin Feige confirmed — in the most Kevin Feige way possible, of course — that fans would see the character of Daredevil in future projects. More importantly, he confirmed that the actor playing Matt Murdock would indeed be Charlie Cox, who previously played the character from 2015-2018 on Marvel's Daredevil series.
"If you were to see Daredevil in upcoming things, Charlie Cox, yes, would be the actor playing Daredevil," Feige told the outlet. "Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen."
Although it might seem obvious that Feige would want an actor to return who was had already established himself as the character, it was never a clear confirmation whether or not Cox — as well as fellow street-level superheroes Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter), Iron Fist (Finn Jones), and Punisher (Jon Bernthal) — would return to the Marvel Universe. That's largely because their programs were produced for Netflix under the now-defunct Marvel Television umbrella that has been all but forgotten with the new inter-connected Disney+ programming.
From everything we've seen so far, Marvel definitely seems to be building to Daredevil's eventual inclusion in some way. Last week, Disney+'s Hawkeye fully introduced Maya Lopez's Echo (Alaqua Cox), a character who in the comics has ties to one of Daredevil's major antagonists: Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. Kingpin. Echo has also been confirmed for her own upcoming Disney+ series, which would be the perfect way to reintroduce Cox's character into the folds of the current MCU storytelling.
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addicted-to-dc · 5 years
Jason Todd (Old) Masterlist
(Older series with new parts will be placed in the new masterlist)
Ongoing Series
Woman of the Night - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
-A failed sacrifice leads to an ancient being returning to Earth.
Completed Series
I’m Supposed To Be Fighting You - Part 1,  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
- A new member of the Teen Titans, (Y/n) faces the repercussions from her past after finally meeting Red X.
Partners - Part 1,  Part 2
-As Archangel you are supposed to be feared by criminals, but you’ve got a soft spot for the batfam. 
All Hallows’ Eve Request #3 - Part 1,  Part 2
-A modern day Robin Hood, (Y/N) steals to provide for the kids she’s taken in.
Why Don’t You But Me Dinner First? - Part 1,  Part 2
-Being a medic is not an easy job, and an injured Red Hood outside your window supports that statement.
I Love You, Too - Part 1,  Part 2
-You’ve known Jason since your father brought him back to the Bat Cave, but that’s why his death hurts so much. Your son lost his father and you lost the love of your life, but you have a piece of Jason with you to help you through it. 
Set Your Demons Free (Jason Todd/Red Hood X ArkhamKnight!Reader)- Part 1,  Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
-As the Arkham Knight, (Y/N) is determined to complete her mission to kill Bruce. What happens when someone from her past decides to ruin the mission?
Stalker From Another Universe - Part 1,  Part 2,  Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
-What happens when you wake up somewhere other than your room? You’re in the DC universe of course.
Fallen (Demon!Jason Todd X Angel!Reader)- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 
-(Y/N) is an angel who was cast out of Heaven, becoming a Fallen. What happens when she’s taken to Hell?
Red Hood’s Little Monster- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
-A clone of Jason Todd, (Y/N) is a shape shifting assassin who refuses to give in to their familial ties.
Survivor (Slight Smut) - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
-You finally kill the Joker after years of torture, recovering secretly with Jason when Bruce visits.
Clumsy Ass
-Being clumsy and a vigilante is not a great combination.
A Gift To The Bird Boy
-Joker thinks kidnapping and torturing you on Jason’s birthday is the perfect gift.
All Hallows’ Eve Request #1
-Your past comes back to bite you... literally.
Maybe That’s The Reason
-Jason’s smoking habits cause an argument. 
I Will Literally Fight You For Him
-You defend the Red Hood against a hater.
That’s The Way The World Works
-You’re a reporter who is against the Red Hood, making him decide to give you a visit.
-Jason made you die in game, now he must understand the pain of gaming.
How the Batboys would react to their s/o dying the same way they did (Jason)
-The title says it all.
It’s Worse Than You Think
-Jason takes you out on a date, what he sees when he comes back to drop you off will haunt him forever.
His Juliet
-Jason finally thinks he’s going to have you, but it was not meant to be.
No Grave Can Keep Me Away From You
-Damaged and broken, you have nothing else to lose. What happens when you find out Jason is alive?
Happy Birthday
-You have a suprise planned for Jason’s birthday.
How the Batboys would take care of their PMSing S/O (Jason)
-As the title says
-Jason attends a party that results in a gun fight with Joker sympathizers, but he wasn’t expecting help from someone like you.
-Jason tries to end your relationship.
Sugar Bribery
-Damian is a pain in the ass, sugar will fix that.
This is Gospel
-You’re Jason Todd’s soulmate, and the constant scars and marks marring your skin make you worry for his life.
Karaoke Night
-A mutant on the run, you finally meet the Red Hood and form an unlikely bond.
Shakespearean Tragedy
-Your bar is a safe haven for some of the villains of Gotham, and a new patron piques your interest.
Kori’s Friend
-Kori asks you to help with an alien invasion.
-Your kid is trying to set you up with Jason.
-You’re a powerful crime lord, and now you have a personal relationship with the big bad Red Hood.
-Preparing to end it all, you were saved and taken in by Poison Ivy. What happens when you finally return to the vigilante life?
I Need A Vacation
-You are friends with a couple villains, unfortunately heroes act first and ask questions later. 
Self Defense?
-Jason teaches you how to use a gun.
I’m Getting a Sword
-You see Wonder Woman with Jason
A Godfather
-You help a friend at the bar, allowing you to meet a handsome stranger.
Freaky Friday
-You and Jason switch bodies
Killing Is Easier
-Jason finds out you have a crush, and then dares you to tell them how you feel.
-A stranger leaves food and other items for you in your backpack.
I’m Sorry
-After the Cloudburst was released you had no idea what to do.
I’m About To Die
-You gave information to the Red Hood, and that might get you killed.
-Jason notices marks on his skin, finally giving in to speaking with his soulmate.
Killer Merman
-You meet Jason, a merman.
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Loki: Every MCU Easter Egg In Episode 1
Loki has officially begun on Disney+, and Tom Hiddleston comes bearing plenty of Marvel Easter eggs in the premiere episode. Here's what we found.
The premiere episode of Loki is burdened with glorious Marvel Easter eggs, from potential future villain teases to skulking Skrulls. Even before the considerable success enjoyed by WandaVision and Falcon & The Winter Soldier, MCU fans were eagerly anticipating Tom Hiddleston's return as the God of Mischief. Now blessed with his own Disney+ solo series, Loki has all of time and space to bother, and the premiere wastes little time throwing Hiddleston from the Avengers' frying pan into the TVA's fire.
After using the Tesseract to escape The Avengers in Avengers: Endgame, Loki is swiftly picked up by the Time Variance Authority - a seemingly omniscient organization overseeing the entirety of time and space. Evidently not ones to take prisoners, Loki's fate at the TVA looks grim, but Owen Wilson's Major Mobius intervenes, handing the silver-tongued variant a reprieve. In the opening episode, Mobius successfully digs to the root of Loki's dastardly ways, breaking him down to (presumably) build him back up, all with the aim of enlisting Loki's services as an ally to hunt down an especially vicious variant murdering the TVA's Minute Men.
Loki's premiere is predictably heavy with exposition, and relatively limited in scope, mostly taking place within the walls of TVA HQ. Nevertheless, Michael Waldron (creator) and Kate Herron (director) pepper the 50-minute installment with an array of references to the Marvel comics, MCU history callbacks, and hints of the multiverse madness to come. Here's every Easter egg we discovered in Loki's "Glorious Purpose."
The Avengers Intro Sequence:
Loki's introductory scene is somewhat of an Easter egg itself, retelling the famous Tesseract heist from Avengers: Endgame. Much of the footage here derives straight from the 2019 box office behemoth, meaning no other MCU stars filmed additional footage or recorded new dialogue especially for Loki. With that said, a few extra Tom Hiddleston moments are spliced into the existing footage to show events entirely from Loki's point of view. The villain's Steve Rogers "search and rescue" gag is zoomed-in, and there's a closer shot of Loki waving goodbye to Hulk in the elevator, as well as fresh reaction shots during the Stark scuffle in the lobby.
An Iron Man Callback:
After commandeering the Tesseract in New York, Loki finds himself falling from the sky above Mongolia's Gobi Desert, landing unceremoniously in the sand below, and this scene might trigger a sense of déjà vu for longtime MCU fans. In 2008's Iron Man, Tony Stark escapes capture by creating a rudimentary suit of hi-tech armor. Flying to safety, the genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist also lands roughly in a remote desert. There's a symbolic correlation in how Iron Man marked the beginning of the MCU, while Loki is now ushering in a whole new chapter, and both begin with their protagonists in matching predicaments. Both characters also crash while evading incarceration, though only Loki immediately finds himself in chains once again.
"Burdened With Glorious Purpose":
As a man who rarely shuts up, Loki has plenty of wry MCU catchphrases, and one of his most famous would be "I am burdened with glorious purpose" from The Avengers. Disney +'s Loki premiere leans heavily into the line's popularity, with Tom Hiddleston repeating the quote on several occasions throughout the episode, the phrase becoming less sinister with every utterance.
The TVA:
The addition of the TVA to MCU canon was confirmed ahead of time via Loki's trailer and, sure enough, the paradoxical pen-pushers play a prominent part in the premiere. Although their motivations and methods are somewhat altered from the source material (as well as their aesthetic, which now sits closer to The Umbrella Academy's Commission), the TVA hails directly from the Marvel comic books. They were introduced by a 1986 issue of Thor that featured several time-hopping agents, one of which picked a random Earthling up for jaywalking.
A Skrull At The TVA:
Given their propensity to shape-shift and assimilate the forms of other races, it's not surprising that a Skrull might be lurking around the TVA's front desk. One of the MCU's green aliens can be spotted in the background as Loki gets marched in, and though it's not clear why the Skrull is present, the distinct lack of guards would suggest they aren't a variant. A timely reminder that Secret Invasion is right around the corner.
The Time Twisters:
As you'd predict, Loki tries running away. With minimum effort, Hunter B-15 (played by Wunmi Mosaku) clicks a device, and Loki is pulled back to where he stood moments earlier, effectively making escape impossible. These time twisters appear to be standard issue at the TVA, and have a vaguely similar counterpart in the Marvel comics called the Retroactive Cannon. Far more lethal than Loki's little clickers, these devices would rewind a person completely until they were unwritten from history. Like The Algorithm in Tenet, but less confusing.
Life Model Decoys:
For someone who spent many, many years unaware he was actually a Frost Giant, Loki probably shouldn't be shocked that some people don't realize they're secretly robots. Heading through the TVA's airport scanner, Loki passes the test with flying colors, though he remains perplexed by the idea someone could be unknowingly cybernetic, Loki's line is a nod to Life Model Decoys, which have appeared in both the Marvel comics, and Agents of SHIELD. These lifelike androids can mimic mankind so perfectly, the LMD itself isn't always certain of the truth.
Secret Wars?:
Whether you've accidentally arrived late for work, or just escaped a group of costumed vigilantes by seizing a glowing blue cube from the beginning of time, being labeled as a variant is confusing stuff. Luckily, the TVA has put together a short animation to fill quantum criminals in on the basics. The helpful Miss Minutes finally provides an explanation of the MCU multiverse, revealing how, long ago, separate timelines fought an inter-dimensional war for supremacy that almost resulted in total annihilation. Since then, the TVA has strictly maintained one single reality - the Sacred Timeline *echoes*. The history lesson bears some similarity to 2015's Secret Wars comic event, in which conflicting universes came together in Battleworld (the setting of the original Secret Wars), and attempts were made to streamline Marvel's sandbox.
The Time-Keepers:
The TVA's infomercial also confirms the organization are led by three Time-Keepers, who oversee the combined reality and dictate the proper flow of history. This big-faced trio were first introduced in the late 1970s, created from the sole remaining survivor of the previous universe's destruction. The mysterious overlords performed much the same function in the comics as they do in Loki, and possessed virtually complete mastery over time.
Kree And Nova's Attack On Titan:
As the animated exposition rumbles on, Miss Minutes (voiced by Tara Strong) uses "starting an uprising" as an example of something the TVA might potentially frown upon. The corresponding image shows two armies clashing, with the blue folk on the left appearing to be Kree, and the force on the right possibly the Nova Corps. Based on the spiky ruins in the background, the battle is taking place on Thanos' home planet of Titan. In Guardians of the Galaxy, Ronan confirmed the Kree and Nova Corps were at war for 1000 years - was the TVA involved somehow?
Nexus Events:
This week's lesson from Miss Minutes explains how stepping off one's designated path can create a "Nexus event," and spiral out of control to spawn countless alternate timelines that trigger another war. This word has cropped up several times in the MCU, first as an internet facility in Oslo (Avengers: Age of Ultron), and then as an antidepressant drug during one of WandaVision's fake commercials. The latter was most likely a reference to the Nexus of All Realities from the Marvel comics, which is essentially a gateway between every possible timeline. The TVA's Nexus events could take their name from the very same source.
The Timeline Diagram:
Throughout Loki's Disney+ debut, the TVA repeatedly use diagrams of a single flowing timeline with branches shooting off to represent unwanted deviations. MCU fans might recognize this from Avengers: Endgame, where the Ancient One drew something extremely similar while explaining the consequences of time travel to Bruce Banner. Perhaps Ms. One has visited the TVA herself once or twice?
Devil In The Church:
MEPHISTO. There, we said it. When Mobius asks a young girl who committed time crimes in 16th century France and the child points to a stained glass window depicting the Devil, Loki knew exactly what it was doing. WandaVision dropped several hints that Marvel's own Satan would appear, all of which proved fruitless, and Loki seems to be heading down the same hellish vein. Alas, there could be a simpler explanation. Mobius claims to be chasing an alternate version of Loki, and it's highly likely the child has mistaken the God of Mischief's famous horned helmet for the demonic horns of Lucifer.
Ravonna Renslayer:
Though her name isn't mentioned in Loki's premiere, Gugu MBatha-Raw's TVA judge is actually Ravonna Renslayer, who made her debut in a 1965 Avengers issue. In the comics, Renslayer is a human from the far future, most often a villainous figure associated with Kang the Conqueror. She certainly isn't a legal official sat behind a desk. One would imagine Marvel Studios has something more interesting in store for Renslayer further down the line.
Explaining Endgame:
During his TVA interrogation, Loki quite rightly points out that it was not he who meddled with the timeline. T'was those pesky Avengers who penetrated the Quantum Realm and disrupted the natural course of events in the aftermath of the Battle of New York; Loki merely picked up the Tesseract that fell at his feet. Unfortunately, this excuse falls on deaf ears, as Gugu MBatha-Raw confirms the Avengers' ambitious time heist was entirely sanctioned by the Time-Keepers. This exchange more or less clears up every single timeline wrinkle in the MCU, including Steve Rogers' reunion with Peggy, and Gamora from the past staying in the present. It's not altering time that irks the TVA; it's altering time in a manner the Time-Keepers haven't permitted.
Loki's "Wooing":
After Owen Wilson saves Loki from being "reset," the pair sit down for a more friendly conversation, but when Loki warns Mobius that cooperation isn't an option, the TVA officer retorts with, "even when you're wooing someone powerful you intend to betray?" Loki has betrayed a fair few people during his time, and Mobius' accusation could easily apply to Odin or Thor. Most likely, however, Mobius is alluding to Thanos here - a powerful figure Loki tried buttering up with intent to usurp him once the universe was brought to its knees.
While not strictly a Marvel reference, it's worth noting that Mobius is a big fan of an ice cold Josta. Viewers of a certain age might not recognize this soda brand, but Josta is a genuine Pepsi product that was available in the late 1990s before being discontinued. An early variety of energy drink, there's evidently a few perks to hunting down timeline criminals. In Mobius' case, this includes sugary contraband.
Loki's Greatest Hits:
In a twisted version of It's A Wonderful Life, Mobius tries to change Loki by examining his choices in the past, present and future. Unlike the jaunty 1946 holiday classic, Mobius has access to a handy hi-tech screen which displays Loki's "greatest hits." The footage begins with the God of Mischief's defeat and arrest in 2012's The Avengers - perhaps not an entry Loki himself would've picked for the highlight reel. The screen next switches to Phil Coulson's death (which Loki definitely would pick), before moving on to images of civilian deaths from the Battle of New York, the gala eyeball removal scene, and the dictator speech, all from The Avengers.
D.B. Cooper:
More an Easter egg from real-world history than Marvel lore, Loki reveals the truth about D.B. Cooper - it was Agatha Loki all along! In 1971, an as-yet-identified man boarded a Boeing 727, held the aircraft ransom for $200,000, then parachuted out with the cash. Mobius' dive into Loki's past reveals that, thanks to a lost bet with Thor, the God of Mischief descended from Asgard to pull the plane heist himself as some kind of stunt. From Loki's hairstyle matching the real D.B. Cooper artist's impression to the smattering of bank notes left behind, there's an impressive attention to detail in this scene.
Infinity Stones In The Desk:
The Infinity Stones... Thanos would give his own daughter just for one. Entire worlds brought to their knees by their power. Humans turned into Gods at the merest touch. Gary from the TVA's HR department using one as a paperweight. Threatening Casey with a fishy demise, Loki finally gets his hands back on the Tesseract, only to discover even Infinity Stones are useless within the TVA's jurisdiction. To Loki's immense surprise, Casey's desk draw is chock-full of discarded Infinity Stones, most either of the Time or Reality variety (no surprises there). The scene essentially confirms that the power of these fabled jewels has led to more than a few timeline variant incidents over the years, but perhaps also undermines the once-unstoppable power of the Infinity Stones. Well, the Infinity Saga is over.
A 3rd Millennium Kang Hint?:
In its final scene, the Loki premiere might just be hinting at the future villain of Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania. The MCU will soon introduce Kang the Conqueror, a major comic book baddie played by Jonathan Majors, and "Glorious Purpose" could represent the first step toward his arrival. Called out to 19th century Oklahoma, TVA agents find a piece of technology hailing from the 3rd millennium. Though it might be a coincidence, Kang hails from the 31st century, and is known for using advanced tech in his dominion of the timeline. The mysterious hooded figure is more likely a Loki variant than Kang himself, but since Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania and Loki both deal in temporal themes, it wouldn't be strange for the Kang foundations to be laid on Disney+.
- Screen Rant
Loki releases new episodes every Wednesday on Disney+.
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redvanillabee · 4 years
MCU Phase 4: S.W.O.R.D and the Collapse of the Multiverse
I’ve been seeing a lot of theories about Phase 4 floating around, and with the finale of Agents of SHIELD, I reckon I’d collate all the theories here, as well as add in a few of my own theories, and get a feel of what Phase 4 might hold for us.
WARNING: contains slight Agents of SHIELD S7 spoilers.
1. Leaving Endgame: unresolved issues
The infinity Saga (Phases 1-3) ended with Avengers: Endgame. Regardless of how you feel about the narrative, the film wraps up the story based around Thanos’ encroachment on earth. So that should leave no loose threads, right? No world-bending problems left to resolve?
Avengers: Endgame actually left a lot of paradoxes and loopholes. There are objects remove and added into different points of time, characters killing their past selves, etc.
These problems with their Time Heist can’t just be left there, unattended. These paradoxes also can’t be brushed aside simply with a “new timeline” theory. As we learnt in Agents of SHIELD Seasons 5&7, while time can indeed be changed, there will still be paradoxes, which will result in anything from confusion to deaths and destruction.
Are the Marvel execs that stupid? That they would painstakingly explain the logistics of time travel to the audience in the film, then blatantly break all their own rules? Even mass-market films aren’t that stupid. Especially not ones by a studio that is known for planting Easter eggs and somehow planned a whole 10-year, 22-film franchise.
Rather, I believe this is a pantomime moment. Remember, the Thanos storyline--the Infinity Saga--may be over, but the MCU is far from it. I believe they are leaving behind these gaping holes in the spacetime continuum, luring the audience to point at the screen and shout out the inconsistencies, to name the problems themselves. So let us peel back the story, and identify those time-travel and inter-dimensional problems ourselves.
2. Far From Home is our primer for Phase 4
Here’s the funny thing: Far From Home is classified as the last film of Phase 3, with Black Widow as the first film of Phase 4. But narratively, it seems odd to class FFH as part of Phase 3, stringing it with the rest of the infinity Saga. Apart from the plot thread with Tony Stark, what does FFH have to do with the main premise of the Infinity Saga?
This awkward position of FFH might make sense if we view it not just as part of Phase 3, but as that transition instalment between Phases 3 and 4. On the one hand, FFH continues its legacy from the Infinity Saga, by physically having Peter inherit something from Stark, arguably the lead star of the Infinity Saga. At the same time, FFH melds that with a whole new element that will bring us forward: the idea of dealing with threats from not just different points in time, but different realities altogether. Even though Mysterio isn’t really from another dimension, Pandora’s Box is now open. This idea has officially been introduced into the MCU, and as we will find out later, there are heavy suggestions of the MCU going in the direction of inter-dimensional threats.
FFH also bridges the past by reintroducing to us the idea of an overarching organisation governing or monitoring the actions of the superheroes. As mentioned above, MCU superheroes have been freelance superheroes since Apr 2014, with the fall of SHIELD in Winter Soldier. However, with FFH, we see a return of... well, some kind of SHIELD, with the intervention of Fury and Hill. Granted, this is not really SHIELD. Fury and Hill, as we find out in FFH, are impersonated by Skrulls. Regardless, an authoritative organisation has been reestablished in the MCU. The return of ““SHIELD”“ also gives FFH the feel of Iron Man 2/ The Avengers (2012), harkening back to the early days of the Infinity Saga, which I would say is rather appropriate for opening a whole new arc. And, as I will explore below, we might be seeing more of SHIELD in MCU’s future.
(Incidentally, is Peter Parker supposed to know that, for what it’s worth, Nick Fury is supposed to be “dead”?)
FFH is not the first time MCU has played with alternate dimensions, of course. The Ancient One has introduced the idea of borrowing powers from alternate dimensions going as far back as Doctor Strange (2016). But during that film, they have left it at a tease. However, it seems that we might finally be meeting alternate versions of our known reality.
3. Black Widow: Taskmaster is a little too familiar
While we still haven’t seen the Black Widow standalone (damn you coronavirus),  based on what we know from trailers, BW will likely follow FFH’s angle of bridging elements of the past (e.g. a secret organisation with Fury at the helm) while introducing elements from the future (alternate dimensions), But this time, Mama Spider is going to kick it up a notch.
Firstly, it seems that BW might be introducing a nemesis to the SHIELD-equivalent in Phase 4. In the Infinity Saga, the main villain--at least when SHIELD was a thing--was HYDRA. With the fall of SHIELD, the last of the HYDRA bases are also wiped out of the MCU at the start of Age of Ultron.
(If you go with Agents of SHIELD, Thanos is very very vaguely connected to HYDRA, what with him being known to/ part of(?) the Confederacy, who are working with HYDRA).
So what will be the main villain in Phase 4? BW trailers focus very heavily on reconnecting with the past, which reminds me of how FFH calls back to Fury being in charge of the big picture. But in BW, it seems that a reconnection is also made with shady characters. There is a lot of discussion about Natasha’s Red Room past, of other Black Widow graduates. There are grey areas, and the focus on reconnecting to the Red Room reminds me of the “the other Winter Soldiers” arc from CACW, as well as the Dottie Underwood arc in Agent Carter season 1. Will the Red Room be our new HYDRA? Or... are they just a smokescreen?
Because there’s the Taskmaster, and they are very strange indeed. We know nothing about the Taskmaster--their motives, their affiliations, their goals--but they already strikes an eerie chord with the audience. They seem to be an amalgamation of so many notable heroes in the MCU. Why would a villain just... happen to be a combination of so many MCU heroes? Or could the Taskmaster be paving the way to how the Madness of Multiverse “may reportedly feature alternate-reality versions of known MCU characters”?
First Mysterio, and now the Taskmaster. The threat in Phase 4 is gaining steam, and is gearing up to be a force that can only be defeated if the superheroes are once again brought together. The Avengers was initially designed by SHIELD, but were brought together by Loki’s invasion (and Coulson’s death). But where are they now? Who will take up the mantle of the fallen? Who will be there to unite the forces needed? 
For those who only watch the films of the MCU (like myself until recently), SHIELD has not been a legal organisation since April 2014, and has been completely out of the picture in the MCU since April 2015. However, the organisation has actually been hard at work behind the scenes since.
The actual events in Agents of SHIELD, being so separated from the MCU, are not strictly relevant to the discussion and prediction of Phase 4. What we need to know is that: following a series of events that turned them legitimate, then illegitimate, then legitimate again, SHIELD should be a legitimate organisation again by the time of FFH.
(Side note:
There is some debate as to whether Agents of SHIELD is still taking place in the same timeline as the MCU. I personally like to think yes, AOS is still taking place in the same timeline as the MCU. Some have argued that the Snappening never happened in AOS, and when Daisy stopped Talbot from destroying Earth at the end of Season 5, that launched AOS into a branching timeline. However, I would argue that they are in the same timeline because Daisy stopped Talbot. Based on the words of the alien Confederacy, it does not seem that the Snappening and Talbot are two inter-dependent events. If Talbot had cracked the Earth in half, it wouldn’t matter what the outcome of Infinity War was, because, well, there’d be no Earth. There’d be no Endgame. So in my opinion, Agents of SHIELD, as it closes in 2020, is in the same timeline as the MCU, at which point the Avengers would have been moping about losing half of Earth’s population. As for the fact that none of the AOS team got dusted... the OG6 Avengers also didn’t get dusted, and the AOS team was small. I think we can let that slide.)
(Besides, if timelines really are going to be fucked up, as we will see below, then it really doesn’t matter if AOS and the Infinity Saga are in the same timeline. They can just cross over into each others’.)
But SHIELD’s reach, after all, is limited. Even Fury did not have a handle on Carol Danvers as she spent 23 years (1995-2018) just roaming the Universe as a space vigilante. With the jurisdiction of the MCU heroes now extending beyond time, space, and dimensions, we will need authorities in space. Maybe some kind of... ambassadors from earth.
In the Agents of SHIELD series finale, Marvel threw us a bone. As the team part ways after their final mission together, Daisy, Sousa (yes that Sousa from that Agent Carter), and Kora take to space, as some kind of SHIELD representative. The showrunners teased the audience by having Sousa describe their little unit as the “Astro Ambassadors”, but the audience immediately know what to ask for: SWORD. SWORD, according the MCU Wikia, stands for Sentient World Observation and Response Department, and is a “subdivision of SHIELD”. In fact, I believe we will be seeing more of SWORD in Phase 4. And with the release of the latest WandaVision trailer, we know that SWORD with Monica Rambeau as one of its agents is definitely going to be a thing.
Even if, EVEN IF, SHIELD and SWORD aren’t going to be a thing in Phase 4, we still have another authority that will be very interested in all these alternate dimension business going on around Earthlings. In what little we know of the Loki standalone TV show, it seems the Time Variance Authority will be part of it. Time, space, dimensions, these will all be threatened in Phase 4.
5. Steve Rogers and Corrupted Timeline Theory
By this point, if we are keeping score, we know space and time in the MCU is fucked up. Timelines are messed up, left in paradoxes, and people are just travelling everywhere and anywhere they fancy. Loki. Natasha. Astro Ambassadors.
And then there’s Steve Rogers.
Since the end of Endgame, a theory has been gaining steam that the actual Steve Rogers is stuck in the Quantum Realm, and whoever/whatever Old Steve is, it is a corrupted version of him. Please click through and take a look at the brief post about how Steve may be trapped in the time stream. It is an excellent analysis on how Steve could be a central indicator to all these time/space/dimensional tomfoolery.
6. What to expect
Here’s what I think is going to happen:
Following the primer that is Far From Home, Black Widow will continue to push the idea of interdimensional threats a notch further. Things that should be resolved, things from the past, are coming back to haunt us. Things start to get uncanny. The Taskmaster’s powers are too familiar. It’s all a little eerie.
Meanwhile in Marvel TV land, things go from “still earthly” to downright insane. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, in all likelihood, will be the most earth-based of the Marvel TV shows, kind of like how the Cap trilogy is the most earth-based, with the least amount of sci-fi invention compared with the Iron Man trilogy and Thor saga. However, since Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are the two people closest to Steve, one literally inheriting his mantle, it might be in this show that we see more signs of reality being corrupted through iterations of Steve.
WandaVision is a result of both anomaly!Steve, as well as the many timeline problems left in Endgame. In WandaVision, Wanda and Vision find themselves flung through so many alternate realities. The anomalies in spacetime catches the attention of the authorities, in this case, Monica Rambeau and SWORD. We officially have our overarching authority for Phase 4.
The madness in time and space goes even further when Loki, now armed with the Space Stone and somehow looking like his Thor 1 (2011) self again, just... Loki-s it all up. Making jumps. Causing chaos through human history. General Loki shenanigans. The disturbance that this causes alerts an authority higher than SWORD: the Time Variance Authority.
This is also an excellent time to reintegrate the Marvel TV Universe back into the MCU, after having them split off from the MCU in 2013 and 2015. There is a very special cameo in Endgame, an Easter egg reserved only for those who have watched the Marvel TV spin-offs. “James D’Arcy’s cameo as Edwin Jarvis in Avengers: Endgame marks the first time a Marvel Cinematic Universe character introduced in a television production has crossed over into the films.“ Of course, there is no promise that just because they have brought Jarvis from Agent Carter over to Endgame, that they will bring others into the MCU in a similar fashion. But with Marvel Studios/Disney+ branching officially into making their own TV shows (instead of collaborating with ABC/Netflix), we can expect more crossings between the TV shows and the films. With the door now open with Edwin Jarvis, characters from AOS can rather easily be integrated into Phase 4 shows. And, if Daniel Sousa, a character that was last seen in 2016, can somehow be brought forward in a miraculous time escapade, there is no reason why other Agent Carter elements can’t be.
Time, space, dimension, reality, are now all fucked up beyond recognition. The hints of alternate reality characters? They are now coming in full-swing. There will be “alternate-reality versions of known MCU characters“. Marvel’s What If? cartoon ties into this as basically some kind of MCU fever dream: what if skinny Steve had an Iron Man suit? What if Peggy Carter was Captain America? It’s all out of the window by this point.
Captain Marvel 2, being likely set between earth and space, can easily fit into this whole development. Arguably, same for Thor: Love and Thunder. The events in space can rather easily tie into all these inter-dimensional madness. (And if Marvel Studios stop being a coward, they will let Carol Danvers date Dr. Thor).
Fun fact: SWORD was apparently mentioned as early as a deleted scene from Thor (2011).
With the world on the brink of universal collapse, we finally enter Doctor Strange: Madness of Multiverse. In the first Doctor Strange film, we’ve only seen one alternate dimension: Dark Dimension (Dormammu). In the Madness of Multiverse? Get ready for the Actinaria Dimension. The Grass Jelly Dimension. The Flowering Incense Dimension. The Mandelibus Dimension. Btw I’m not making these dimensions up. They are all introduced in the Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary.
Endgame may have ended Thanos’ arc, but it is only the beginning for a whole new chapter of the MCU. Years ago... probably around the time of CACW, I read a meta that discussed how Marvel might be taking the MCU in the direction of a “collapse of the multiverse”. That was predicted to happen in Infinity War/Endgame. While the Universe did not implode in Endgame, the world also doesn’t... necessarily settle into peace at the end of Endgame. To borrow what a friend of mine said,
Aren’t the other timelines just as doomed as the OG timeline where the Thanos snapped ... and the stones [are] gone in the end?
Like if we assume that they came up with the same idea for every other fucked timeline, then we would just end up with even more alternate timelines, and even more fucked timelines
and it becomes endless
Is this why it’s called Infinity War lmao
As we learnt in Agents of SHIELD Season 7, if a timeline is mucked up, actions must be taken to help it settle, if not restore it to its original form, otherwise there will be grim consequences. Between the milieu of timelines created by the Avengers and the Agents of SHIELD, I think Doctor Strange has his work cut out for him in Madness of Multiverse.
Madness indeed.
Further Reading
‘I’m a storyteller, I know when I am in one’ — John Watson, Series Four, and Authorial Intent 
Pantomime moments of the storyteller leaving gaping holes for the audience to point out are very common. In this piece, I explore how that technique is used in BBC Sherlock’s Season Four. While it looked like the showrunners are breaking all storytelling rules, they are doing it for a very sound reason.
Don’t Mourn — Avengers: Infinity War and the Five-Act Structure
Aka that time I wrote 7k words on the narrative structure of the Infinity Saga that is somehow still gaining clicks and reads on Medium.
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we-want-mini-mini · 4 years
Since I have no self restraint, I’m writing another prompt/one shot.
Essentially, normal girl Lia (or some OC) whose a big fan of DC comics and the like ends up in a weird inter dimensional accident and ends up in the DC universe (it can be a mix of canon because fuck canon, up to you).
But, where did Lia end up exactly? Fucking Gotham.
The moment she realizes this is decides: Nope. Nah. Nada. No sir-y. This is NOT happening. Fuck this. I might end dying, or, worse, BECOME A FUCKING MAIN CHARACTER IN THE BAT CLAN. NAH. HELL NO.
Lia decides that, no, she will not involve herself in the Bat Clan/Wayne’s at all. Nope. Nah. Too much drama. Too much angst. Too much fucking skin tight suits and my poor Pan heart can’t TAKE all the HOT, RIPPED hero’s like what the fuck.
Now, this can play out in a variety of ways:
Lia is, say, around the same age as one of the Batboys. It can be any of them, up to you. Now, she some how ends up in Gotham Acdemy and begrudgingly befriends them. Cue angst (especially if its Jason. Considering in canon, if Jason survives he becomes Red Robin thats all I know lmao). If Lia is friends with the second Robin, it’d bring up the deliemma of: does she tell him that he’s gonna fucking die and then come back to life. Oh and, she’s actually from an alternate world were everyone thats like a superhero/vigilante is a fictional character. Honestly, if done well, can definitely stir the feelings of the poor saps who read the moral deliemma of Lia. Now, who is Lia? Someone who doesn’t want to get involved. If she avoids Jason in the beginning, does she have doubts and wants to warn Batman of Jason impending death or not? Like, that sort of shit panic attack inducing. There’s a lot of things you guys can do to torture not only Lia, but also the readers who might be like: “TELL HIM! TELL HIMMMMM!!!” or, “fuck, even I don’t know what I’d do” and etc. There’s a lot of leeway.
They are grown, and are in college (let’s say the events of Death in The Family happened and everything surrounding Red Robin striking out to find Bruce whose lost in time). This Lia is much older, recently graduated from college and currently interns for Wayne Enterprises. See, Lia is just another intern in a global colgomerate cooperation, there’s no way she’d ever run into any of the Wayne’s. None at all. But. But. She does. Some how she becomes the Executive Assistant to Tim (he once saw how she managed an entire fucking department’s schedule even though a group of people spontaneously quit. She was able to somehow salvage that shit in under three hours. And, Tim might or might not have fallen slightly in love with her—). Lia, now, a fresh 20-something year old, is now the Executive Assistant to another 20-something year old who happened to run one of the most rich and powerful companies in the entire world holy shit. Now, we follow the adventures of Lia, whose now one of the most powerful persons in the entire company (and proxy the world, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️). Lia, let’s say, is a fucking god at manipulating people, making connections, accounting and management, and also a Very Tired Recently Graduate of GU. She, cannot, and will not deal with the constant bullshit that the Bats pull regularly. So, Lia can either passive aggressively hint that, yeah Tim, you definitely got that broken arm from a golf accident. Oh hey, I also heard the Red Robin foughy Killer Croc and also sported a broken left arm like you! What a coincidence, right? And she’d say this with a straight face. Tim knows that she knows, and Lia knows that Tim knows and yeah. Alternatively, she could outright tell him: “look, Tim, I swear to god, if you put off another meeting without a day notice just because some gang member got the better of you.” “Wait, gang member—?” “—do NOT interrupt me. Look, I know Bruce Wayne is Batman. Not the whole, ‘Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person! The butts match!’ type of thing. I know he is Batman, you Red Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Red Hood is the weirdly alive Jason Todd, etc etc. There’s no point in feigning the fact that I don’t know. Because, I do.” They stare at eachother for a bit, and Tim falls just a little more in love. “How... Actually it’s dumb to ask you how you know, but, how long?” “Good tactic to ask me how long I’ve know instead of how I know. But, to answer your question: I’ve know since I was around...” THE FRAME FREEZES now, should Lia say 8, since, technically, she’s know since she was 8 that Bruce Wayne is Batman, considering the whole parallel universe thing. Or, does she say 18, the age in which she arrived into this world? Now, that decision can prompt many things to happen. For one, if Lia says 8, Tim is gonna be so awestruck and also be dry curious. If 18, Tim is still amazed (that she knows at all). Either answer would also illicit this response: “...you’ve known for so long, yet never told anyone?” Lia shakes her head. “You guys have a secret identity for a reason. Plus, I’m not in the business of becoming a vigilante or whatever. I’ve tried my best to steer clear of all of that, in all honesty.” “Huh. Makes sense. Wait. Then... why did you start working at WE, if you knew our identities?” Lia stares at him like he’s grown three heads. “Dude. This is WE. One of the most powerful companies out there, why wouldn’t I work here? But, the ither fact of the matter is that I didn’t expect to become your fucking Executive Assistant. Like, I couldn’t just deny the offer, my mother would’ve disowned my ass the second she heard I turned down such a prestigious position.” Lia shuddered. “Fuck, I can hear her curse me out in like, five different languages.” Let’s also say, at one point or another, Lia’s mother arrives, and say, is the most terrifying person Tim has ever met (and Tim’s faced off against Ra’s al Ghul, a functionally immortal man with a fucking army of highly trained assassin at his disposal).
Lia is tame honest to god tame compared to her mother (if her mother is like, 5’3”, that’s even more hilarious tbh). Essentially, if Lia’s older and somehow become Executive Assistant to Tim (or Bruce, because, fuck canon) it would be so god damn funny (read “The Executive Assistant To Batman” in which Tim nene became Robin but still knows the identities of the various Gotham vigilantes. Oh, and, he’s the Executive Assistant to Batman. It’s so fucking hilarious and y’all gotta check it out. It’s on AO3).
Number 2, is a lot more light hearted compared to the moral deliemma of Number 1 (as, is Lia is the same age as Robin!Jason, and knows that he’s gonna die, but she also doesn’t want to get involved with the vigilantes presents a very large problem). Number 1 is great for angst and a character study for this OC. Number 2, is a more light hearted, fun scenario (as it avoids the can of worms called “Do I Warn the Bats of Robin!Jasons impending death or not because I honestly don’t want to get involved with the Bat.”.
I, personally, would love to read Number 2 (please make Lia, or whatever OC, a god damn Tired of Your Bullshit, amazing assistant to the CEO of WE, competent af and very, Very Tired of the Bats BS, and, PR is Going To Skin Me Alive and Roast Me Over A Flame). Maybe some drama, angst sprinkled in (there’s the blatant fact that, Lia is a completely different world. One that has superhero’s, aliens, magic and so, so much more. The fact that she’s in her doppelgänger’s body could cause some dissociation/body dysphoria and that sort of stuff. It’s a great opportunity for a character study for Lia/your OC).
Regardless of you choose 1 or 2, the basic premise is:
Some rando kid (or young adult, whichever strikes your fancy) who loves to read Batman/DC in general. Ends up in some weird ass accident that lands them in the DC universe, specifically Gotham. Everything about their pervious life and the life in his world is the same (or not, up to you), only difference is that there’s an alien powered by the Sun and that cannot he injured (unless it’s by a glowing green rock). They decide, pretty early on, that they want nothing to do with the vigilantes of Gotham (which also means they have to avoid the Wayne’s and Co, which should be ways right? Right?? Gotham is really big, I’ll probably only ever see them in passing, I’ll be fine—). But, the universe said, LOL, nope. And they end up befriending the Wayne’s somehow. The rest? Up to you. If they befriend Robin!Jason they have to cope with the moral deliemma of getting involved to save his life or not. Or, maybe this is the world where Dick is still Robin. Do we save Jason early on, or not? What about Tim? Cass? Stephanie? Or, what if, they end up in a world in which Jason died and came back, Bruce came back from being lost in the time stream and Damian is now Robin.
Essentially: OC ends up in the DC universe, specifically Gotham. Decided not to ever get in involved with the Vigilantes/Wayne’s. However, the universe said nope and they become friends with one of the Bats/Waynes regardless. Now, how the fuck do they cope?
BONUS: Lia manages to avoid the Wayne’s/Vigilantes of Gotham completely. How? She ends working for LexCorp. As Lex Luthors Executive Assistant (basically the same way as she became the Executive Assistant to Tim). Now, she has to cope with the fact that she works as the Executive Assistant for Lex fucking Luthor of all people. She can hear her mother shaking her head in Disappointment™️. She hates the universe. Also, Lex Luthor is pretty open about his Evil, Bastard Schemes with Lia for whatever reason (much to Lia’s utter fucking chargin). She discreetly sends info about these Evil, Bastard, Devious plans to the Bats. Cue her realizing that, to ensure Luthor doesn’t suspect her, she’s gotta get GOOD at hacking and computer science. And get good she does. Like, her utter fucking Done-ness over Luthors Supervillain ways and her wanted to never be found out by the Bats is like taken to Infinty in the 10 dial scale. Somehow, she manages to both avoid suspicion from Luthor (cue intense moments in which Luthor is talking to her, and he’s speaking in a weird direct way that makes Lia think he found out and she mentally plans for her subsequent “death” and fleeing of the country and when Luthor finishes his sentences it just him praising her or something else innocuous. Lia felt like the sun was lifted off her shoulders.) She’s always on edge. Her hair is slowly turning grey. Luthor notices and makes a comment and Lia simply laughs while making a underhand comment about how Luthors bald so he doesn’t need to deal with greying hairs. Lia stops laughing realizing oh shit I just insulted my boss in the most underhand way. What ghe fuck. But Luthor just laughs, much to Lia’s relief. Her hair is still greying from the stress. Anyways, she inadvertently becomes a techno vigilante that can rival the famed Oracle (let’s say, for the sake of this prompt, Lia’s code name is Reaper because she was drunk and apparently in the mind of her 13 year old self when she came up with it). Reaper’s name is slowly growing, as Lia does some other stuff with her new found skills in hacking. She mostly helps the Bats by giving them crucial info on Luthors dealings and the like.
One day, she realizes, that, oh shit. I became the one thing swore I’d never become. What type of Shakespearean shit is my life—
If someone does the situation in which Lia/their OC becomes Luthor Executive Assistant and then inadvertently becomes a Vigilante themselves because, sure, they don’t want to get involved, but, fuck Luthor and Eat the Rich. Also, I would love it if said fic included the most stress inducing scenes were it seems like Luthor found out about Lia and the whole Reaper situation but he actually DIDN’T and Lia is here like, sweating god damn bucks while her hair slowly falls out. Please. Write this shit. It would be
Anyways, hope you like this prompt/one shot because I damn well enjoyed writing it!
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