#inter: jonas
philosophenstreik · 1 year
lieber jonas oder der wunsch nach selbstbestimmung
brief von linus giese
erschienen 2023
im kjona verlag
isbn: 978-3-910372-06-1
(von tobias bruns)
es ist ein brief an jonas, einen jungen mann, den giese kennenlernte, der, viel früher als er, offen über seine trans-identität sprach, der noch zur schule geht und von seiner mutter auf seinem geschlechterweg unterstützt wird. es ist ein brief, in dem giese über seine eigenen erfahrungen spricht und jonas mut zuspricht. es geht in diesem brief um gesellschaft, politik, individualität, persönlichkeit und viele, viele  vorurteile. es geht auch um fakten, die nicht gewusst werden wollen...
mit voller wucht trifft linus giese hier den wunden punkt in der gesellschaft, die sich offen gibt und doch in so vielerlei hinsicht scheuklappen trägt. eines der besten beispiele, die giese hier betont sind die kinderbücher - ewig lang waren sie ein hort an “erstrebenswerten” stereotypen, die garnicht zuließen, dass etwas anderes als das stereotypisierte erstrebenswert sei... homosexuelle beziehungen waren lange für solche literatur ausgeschlossen - trans noch länger... doch schon was die homosexualität angeht wird oft gesagt es dürfe nicht sein, denn es bringe die gedanken und sexuelle entwicklung der kinder durcheinander - wie sollte es da nicht noch schlimmer sein, wenn man sich seines geschlechtes nicht sicher ist... komisch nur, dass es homosexualität, bisexualität, transsexualtität, ... schon immer gab und das ohne beeinflussung der kinderlektüre...
linus gieses “brief an die kommenden generationen” ist ein meisterstück! allerdings mit einschränkung: nicht nur für kommende generationen, sondern gerade auch für die aktuell sich an der macht befindliche generation, denn heute werden die weichen gestellt.
die zahlen der geschlechtlich bedingten namensänderungen sind, so erfährt man, nicht sonderlich hoch, und doch scheinen sich menschen bedroht zu fühlen dadurch, dass diese möglicheit überhaupt besteht.... der weg zur gesellschaftlichen toleranz ist wohl lang, bewusst sage ich nicht akzeptanz, denn dieser schritt scheint für viele sehr weit entfernt zu sein... extrem einfühlsam geschrieben und die probleme auf den punkt bringend ist gieses brief an jonas einerseits ein großer gestus, andererseits ein hinweis auf die einsamkeit in oder trotz gesellschaft...
wunderbar dieses buch, dieser brief!!!!!!!
dazu eine sehr schöne idee des kjona verlags, diese reihe “briefe an die kommenden generationen”, in der linus gieses brief den ersten band darstellt. ein fulminanter start - weiter so in den nächsten bänden!
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lawless-walrus · 5 months
She tripotentiary on my Moc til I Weepe
she Clara on my mire til I breach
she gold on my finch til I notarize
she kozma on my lazslo till i melt
she jonas on my spahr till i divorce
she breach on my back til I pack
she Lox on my lee til i'm light
she laz on my retto till i'm merciful
she valorous on my caenum till i break even
she fold on my baron til I'm shallow
she burden on my zenith till i fracture
she the's on my highest till i light
she bed on my rock till I breach
she moth on my reverie till i eclose
she anguish on my mother til I'm trauma
she descend on my coda till my end is loose
she mirror on my hawk til I dip
she bocular on my horse till i awooga
she b on my o till i c
she sher on my man til I guthrie
she arca on my balustrade til I caenum
she pea on my body til I fuze
she atti on my cus til I concord
she inside my truth till i hit a new imago
she more on on my that til I'm later
she master on my post till i shatter
she ice on my cracker til I nut
she moon's on my empty till my wallet's full
she tinder on my box til I wail
she cabaret on my candle till I black
she arch on my auditor til I Imelda
she stationary on my hill till i'm blinding
she DO NOT on my SHOW til I'm WEAKNESS
she light on my bulb til I pulse
she bludgeon on my heat till i sink
she breakfast on my bread till i'm infinite
she inter on my istletary til I cable
she milton on my fleit till i'm senior
And finally, the deep cut
She blue on my berries til I'm hill
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incorrectdevils · 1 year
Timo Meier, grinning: Before you were what? Akira Schmid: Before I was- Timo: What? Akira: Before I was inter- Timo: Before you were interrupted? Akira: Cut me off one more time and I swear I'll- Timo: What? Akira: [makes frustrated sound] Jonas Siegenthaler, nervously: Stop that. Before he hurts you.
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quincyhorst · 3 months
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So... Remember the Inazuma Champions League? I did a post about it like months ago, mentioning some interesting moments of each match and updating on the eliminatories. I'll confess, if I didn't progress any further... I simply both forgot AND lost interest later on. I wasn't sure if there was any interesting potential moments to share about the series...
...All except the final, that is. A particular Euro Quarterfinal reminded me of it... So, how about we check it out?
After the eliminatory phase, the last two teams to duel it out are Inter Milan and Real Madrid.
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Have a look at its formations:
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And all I'm thinking about is:
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(Glad this meme becomes effective once again <3)
To further expand on my point, the first damn hissatsu used on this match was one in which Querardo participated in... Aganist Jonas... 🥴
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The overall match was nice, though looking back I'm not that convinced on depending SO much on the miximaxed players for everything. At least I'm glad Querardo did its part here, he even got to do the final hissatsu of the tournament ;____;
Aaaand here's the final podium, with RM winning againist all odds 2-1 aganist Inter Milan. Regardless of some character choices, I'll still admit they were a very solid team with very strong points in attack and midfield mostly. Plus I find cute how eventually all the main players got something to do in this tournament (Even Kurimatsu 🌰🌰🌰).
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Can't tell if the creators of this event will do something similar in the future, granted the ROM patch it was based on reached its final update already. But whatever, this event was very fun to follow through. (Plus the final match still makes me smile to this day <3). Be sure to check the matches I did not comment on their YT channel!!!
Now, returning to the present... Will the story be the same at the Euro? Will Querardo win over Jonas again...?
Nonetheless, if France wins aganist Portugal, Pierre's gonna be looking at either winner like:
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milfglupshitto · 1 year
the totally real star wars animated series Star Wars: Recrimination Season 1 episode titles/subtitles and full descriptions (LEGIT LEAK) (NOT CLICKBAIT) (TRUST ME) (DARLING YOU MUST TRUST ME)
Episode 1: The Law of Identity
After nearly a year gone, a man returns home. 
Released from quarantine and intelligence meetings after his return from behind enemy lines, human officer Eli Vanto is restored to the command of his own ship, the Ratite. The episode follows him as he navigates through his final debriefing with fleet high command, reunion with his family, a social gathering with military associates, and the beginning (and abrupt derailing) of his first mission back. 
Episode 2: The Law of Noncontradiction
Two not-quite-strangers brave the woods and the wars waging around them.
After his smaller craft is shot out of the sky above a war-ravaged planet on the verge of seismic collapse, Eli must work with Mirri, a Grysk elite enforcer who he recognizes from his capture, to get off the planet before it’s too late. As the pair make their way through the woods over the course of three days, flashback-dreams to their shared past are interspersed to provide context. The episode culminates in their arrival at the safehouse where Mirri’s Force-sensitive daughter Jona is hidden, and Mirri sacrifices herself after extracting Eli’s promise to protect her child at the cost of his life. 
Episode 3: The Law of Excluded Middle
A new variable disrupts an established order.
Eli returns to the Ratite with Jona, encountering resistance to his adoption of the alien child, whose species he is able to keep secret from all except the admiral he was captured alongside prior to the events of the series. He convinces her not to expose the lie, but even after calling in favors his choice strains the faith of his fellow command officers as well as that of his other children. The previous harmony of ship and captain is tested as a difficult operation forces all passengers and crew to rely on each other. Eli is able to demonstrate his loyalty to the Ascendancy despite his recent (perceived) betrayal, and his family closes ranks as his second daughter, at first the most hostile to the newest addition due to her own trauma, begins to warm up to the youngest girl. Eli experiences the first of many strange dreams.
Episode 4: The Law of Large Numbers
Concerns mount as patterns take shape.
Roughly three months have passed since the previous arc. Jona continues to acclimate to her new surroundings, and the crew are beginning to behave more favorably towards her, especially when her self-appointed twin sister Idsvey is around. Eli has been being sent on more missions that appear to be increasingly dangerous. This episode jumps between the four girls on the ship in a “slice-of-life” look at how they have adjusted and some of the challenges they are facing and Eli’s mission as it draws him into a desperate fight that threatens his return home and suggests that he is being sent into deliberate peril. 
Episode 5: The Law of Inverse Consequences 
Dark forces reveal themselves.
On a joint military operation to confront a burgeoning attack force, poor strategic decisions as  result of inter-Family conflict allow the opposition to gain a stronger foothold in the Chaos. Jona and her sisters experience strange visions that suggest a growing threat with extraordinary power in the Force. The end of the episode, which functions as a “mid-season finale”, reveals this threat to be a dark sorcerer, a conceptual variant on Legends’ Joruus C’baoth. 
Episode 6: The Law of Total Expectation
After not nearly enough years gone, a woman returns home.
In this episode, the first one after the “mid-season finale”, Chiss Navigator Vah’nya is facing her impending 28th starday– and 21 years of service to the Expansionary Defense Fleet–  with cynicism and hostility. Prompted by a bizarre dream that she believes to be a result of her Third Sight abilities, she returns to her birth planet and the Shadehouse facility there and reconnects with some of the veteran and junior staff, as well as members of her original Family. While the episode mostly follows Vah’nya, the goings-on of the Ratite are featured as the young woman calls to check in on things “back home”. The episode ends with Vah’nya experiencing another strange dream, and waking up at the entrance to a cave. 
Episode 7: The Law of Total Variance
Mystical revelations lead to startling encounters. 
Vah’nya returns to the Shadehouse after her sleepwalking adventure, resolving to return to the cave with appropriate supplies and investigate it despite the warnings of the staff. When she enters the system, she must face spectres from her past and frightening portents of the future. Upon facing these challenges, she locates a crystal which has been calling to her in her dreams, taking it from the cave and keeping it hidden as she journeys back. When she rendezvouses with the Ratite, she does not tell anyone about the crystal, but notices Jona staring at her with a curious expression as she locks herself in her quarters and begins sketching out schematics.
Episode 8: The Law of Detachment 
Decision and indecision make for dangerous roads. 
The enemy attack force from earlier, strengthened by the previous conflict, begins advancing on neighboring territory. Eli and his allies petition for a response force, but are denied. Vah’nya feels compelled to travel to a planet on the edge of the threatened system and sneaks off the Ratite to journey there alone, where she encounters the dark sorcerer revealed at the end of the mid-season finale. He appears to be a wise teacher at first, helping her to refine her lightsaber design, but as her “training” progresses he reveals himself to be unstable and controlling, warping the navigator’s mind. Eli becomes aware of Vah’nya’s disappearance, but is unable to investigate further before a highly coordinated attack is launched by the enemy, prompting the fleet to fully engage. 
Episode 9: The Law of Syllogism
Fire rages among the stars.
Vah’nya battles the sorcerer’s control over her mind as he influences the forces engaged in battle high above them. Unable to break her will completely due to the protective influence of her crystal, he casts her aside and focuses his efforts on the three eldest daughters on the Ratite above, who follow his call and attempt to leave the ship while the crew battles the furious and faultless enemy onslaught. Unnoticed by and immune to the sorcerer’s influence, Jona makes her way to the turret controls and fires a laser directly at the sea of the planet below. The impact distracts the sorcerer long enough for his hold over the children and the enemy forces to break, and Vah’nya engages him with her saber. Before she can strike him down or incapacitate him, the sorcerer takes his own life by means of fire, his last words a warning that “only perfect order can hold back what is to come”. The fleet wraps up the battle, and Vah’nya returns to the Ratite as it lands to assist with relief efforts, embracing Jona and showing her family her saber.
Law of Identity- each thing is identical with itself 
Law of Noncontradiction- contradictory propositions cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time
Law of Excluded Middle- for every proposition, either it or its negation is true 
Law of Large Numbers- the average of the results of a trial becomes closer to the expected value as more trials are performed 
Law of Inverse Consequences- a choice can have the opposite of the expected result 
Law of Total Expectation- expected result is dependent on in-group and between-group expected results  
Law of Total Variance- variance in the total result is dependent on in-group and between-group variance 
Law of Detachment- given true hypothesis of a true conditional, the result must be true
Law of Syllogism- if two statements between three variables are true, so is the third 
(Discrete arcs, as indicated by the episode titles, are color-coded)
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starwarsrecrimination · 10 months
Star Wars: Recrimination Season 1 Episode Titles/Subtitles and Full Descriptions [LEAKED]
Episode 1: The Law of Identity
After nearly a year gone, a man returns home. 
Released from quarantine and intelligence meetings after his return from behind enemy lines, human officer Eli Vanto is restored to the command of his own ship, the Ratite. The episode follows him as he navigates through his final debriefing with fleet high command, reunion with his family, a social gathering with military associates, and the beginning (and abrupt derailing) of his first mission back. 
Episode 2: The Law of Noncontradiction
Two not-quite-strangers brave the woods and the wars waging around them.
After his smaller craft is shot out of the sky above a war-ravaged planet on the verge of seismic collapse, Eli must work with Mirri, a Grysk elite enforcer who he recognizes from his capture, to get off the planet before it’s too late. As the pair make their way through the woods over the course of three days, flashback-dreams to their shared past are interspersed to provide context. The episode culminates in their arrival at the safehouse where Mirri’s Force-sensitive daughter Jona is hidden, and Mirri sacrifices herself after extracting Eli’s promise to protect her child at the cost of his life. 
Episode 3: The Law of Excluded Middle
A new variable disrupts an established order.
Eli returns to the Ratite with Jona, encountering resistance to his adoption of the alien child, whose species he is able to keep secret from all except the admiral he was captured alongside prior to the events of the series. He convinces her not to expose the lie, but even after calling in favors his choice strains the faith of his fellow command officers as well as that of his other children. The previous harmony of ship and captain is tested as a difficult operation forces all passengers and crew to rely on each other. Eli is able to demonstrate his loyalty to the Ascendancy despite his recent (perceived) betrayal, and his family closes ranks as his second daughter, at first the most hostile to the newest addition due to her own trauma, begins to warm up to the youngest girl. Eli experiences the first of many strange dreams.
Episode 4: The Law of Large Numbers
Concerns mount as patterns take shape.
Roughly three months have passed since the previous arc. Jona continues to acclimate to her new surroundings, and the crew are beginning to behave more favorably towards her, especially when her self-appointed twin sister Idsvey is around. Eli has been being sent on more missions that appear to be increasingly dangerous. This episode jumps between the four girls on the ship in a “slice-of-life” look at how they have adjusted and some of the challenges they are facing and Eli’s mission as it draws him into a desperate fight that threatens his return home and suggests that he is being sent into deliberate peril. 
Episode 5: The Law of Inverse Consequences 
Dark forces reveal themselves.
On a joint military operation to confront a burgeoning attack force, poor strategic decisions as  result of inter-Family conflict allow the opposition to gain a stronger foothold in the Chaos. Jona and her sisters experience strange visions that suggest a growing threat with extraordinary power in the Force. The end of the episode, which functions as a “mid-season finale”, reveals this threat to be a dark sorcerer, a conceptual variant on Legends’ Joruus C’baoth. 
Episode 6: The Law of Total Expectation
After not nearly enough years gone, a woman returns home.
In this episode, the first one after the “mid-season finale”, Chiss Navigator Vah’nya is facing her impending 28th starday– and 21 years of service to the Expansionary Defense Fleet–  with cynicism and hostility. Prompted by a bizarre dream that she believes to be a result of her Third Sight abilities, she returns to her birth planet and the Shadehouse facility there and reconnects with some of the veteran and junior staff, as well as members of her original Family. While the episode mostly follows Vah’nya, the goings-on of the Ratite are featured as the young woman calls to check in on things “back home”. The episode ends with Vah’nya experiencing another strange dream, and waking up at the entrance to a cave. 
Episode 7: The Law of Total Variance
Mystical revelations lead to startling encounters. 
Vah’nya returns to the Shadehouse after her sleepwalking adventure, resolving to return to the cave with appropriate supplies and investigate it despite the warnings of the staff. When she enters the system, she must face spectres from her past and frightening portents of the future. Upon facing these challenges, she locates a crystal which has been calling to her in her dreams, taking it from the cave and keeping it hidden as she journeys back. When she rendezvouses with the Ratite, she does not tell anyone about the crystal, but notices Jona staring at her with a curious expression as she locks herself in her quarters and begins sketching out schematics.
Episode 8: The Law of Detachment 
Decision and indecision make for dangerous roads. 
The enemy attack force from earlier, strengthened by the previous conflict, begins advancing on neighboring territory. Eli and his allies petition for a response force, but are denied. Vah’nya feels compelled to travel to a planet on the edge of the threatened system and sneaks off the Ratite to journey there alone, where she encounters the dark sorcerer revealed at the end of the mid-season finale. He appears to be a wise teacher at first, helping her to refine her lightsaber design, but as her “training” progresses he reveals himself to be unstable and controlling, warping the navigator’s mind. Eli becomes aware of Vah’nya’s disappearance, but is unable to investigate further before a highly coordinated attack is launched by the enemy, prompting the fleet to fully engage. 
Episode 9: The Law of Syllogism
Fire rages among the stars.
Vah’nya battles the sorcerer’s control over her mind as he influences the forces engaged in battle high above them. Unable to break her will completely due to the protective influence of her crystal, he casts her aside and focuses his efforts on the three eldest daughters on the Ratite above, who follow his call and attempt to leave the ship while the crew battles the furious and faultless enemy onslaught. Unnoticed by and immune to the sorcerer’s influence, Jona makes her way to the turret controls and fires a laser directly at the sea of the planet below. The impact distracts the sorcerer long enough for his hold over the children and the enemy forces to break, and Vah’nya engages him with her saber. Before she can strike him down or incapacitate him, the sorcerer takes his own life by means of fire, his last words a warning that “only perfect order can hold back what is to come”. The fleet wraps up the battle, and Vah’nya returns to the Ratite as it lands to assist with relief efforts, embracing Jona and showing her family her saber.
Law of Identity- each thing is identical with itself 
Law of Noncontradiction- contradictory propositions cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time
Law of Excluded Middle- for every proposition, either it or its negation is true 
Law of Large Numbers- the average of the results of a trial becomes closer to the expected value as more trials are performed 
Law of Inverse Consequences- a choice can have the opposite of the expected result 
Law of Total Expectation- expected result is dependent on in-group and between-group expected results  
Law of Total Variance- variance in the total result is dependent on in-group and between-group variance 
Law of Detachment- given true hypothesis of a true conditional, the result must be true
Law of Syllogism- if two statements between three variables are true, so is the third 
(Discrete arcs, as indicated by the episode titles, are color-coded)
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grittyreadsfic · 2 years
top 5 inter-team pairings?
mmm zach/willy, nate/ty, jack/ty, tk/nolan, nolan/provy rip ://///
but as for currents i'm a big fan of nate/ej, mcdrai, nico/jonas, jack/nico, and john tavares/morgan rielly
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer 
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carol-the-sith-lord · 11 days
as an arsenal i hope liam is joking, jonas has got worse since his first season i think we were quite good in jonas first season
and i also wanna say i don’t want jonas as manger i wanna make that clear but i also understand that if we sack him then we’d have to get an inter in who would most probably be someone in our coaching team who guess what works with joan’s so it wouldn’t be any better and it’s not like there’s any good manger to replace him and season have already started no club is gonna let a manager go now are they i mean lyon had to get Joe Montemurro in that’s how bad the manager pool in the women game is
Casey stoney is available
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the-invisible-queer · 27 days
If Boone Clemens fell down some sort of inter dimensional hole and met the rest of the Nick Jonas characters, would he be the one that everyone just agrees to dislike? I feel like not even the doll would be willing to vibe.
How DARE you disrespect Lou and call him the doll 😤
Boone, Joel, Eli, and Davy Jr. are in the "nobody likes me" club
They'd find camaraderie in each other in a frenemies way
But Boone would definitely be Ian's loyal henchman
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wikiuntamed · 9 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Saturday, 20th January
Welcome, bem-vindo, chào mừng, 欢迎 (huānyíng) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 20th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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20th January 2022 🗓️ : Death - Meat Loaf Meat Loaf, American singer and actor (b. 1947) "Michael Lee Aday (born Marvin Lee Aday; September 27, 1947 – January 20, 2022), known professionally as Meat Loaf, was an American singer and actor known for his powerful, wide-ranging voice and theatrical live shows. He is one of the best selling music artists in history. His Bat Out of Hell..."
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Image by Ronden Talent Management
20th January 2018 🗓️ : Event - Taliban A group of Taliban gunmen attacked the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, sparking a 12-hour battle that left at least 21 people dead. "The Taliban (; Pashto: طَالِبَانْ, romanized: ṭālibān, lit. 'students'), which also refers to itself by its state name, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, is a militant organization in Afghanistan with an ideology comprising elements of Pashtun nationalism and the Deobandi current of Islamic..."
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Image by
20th January 2014 🗓️ : Death - Jonas Trinkūnas Jonas Trinkūnas, Lithuanian ethnologist and academic (b. 1939) "Jonas Trinkūnas (28 February 1939 – 20 January 2014) was the founder of Lithuania's pagan revival Romuva, as well as being an ethnologist and folklorist...."
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Image licensed under GFDL? by Algirdas at Lithuanian Wikipedia
20th January 1974 🗓️ : Event - Paracel Islands China gains control over all the Paracel Islands after a military engagement between the naval forces of China and South Vietnam. "The Paracel Islands, also known as the Xisha Islands (simplified Chinese: 西沙群岛; traditional Chinese: 西沙群島; pinyin: xīshā qúndǎo; lit. 'West Sand Archipelago') and the Hoàng Sa Archipelago (Vietnamese: Quần đảo Hoàng Sa, lit. 'Yellow Sand Archipelago'), are a disputed archipelago in the South China..."
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Image by United States Naval Oceanographic Office
20th January 1924 🗓️ : Death - Ivo Crapp Henry "Ivo" Crapp, Australian footballer and umpire (b. 1872) "Henry "Harry" Crapp (1872 – 21 January 1924), commonly known as Ivo Crapp, was a leading Australian rules football field umpire in the Victorian Football League (VFL) at its formation in the 1890s, and with the West Australian Football League across the late 1900s and early 1910s. Known as the VFL's..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
20th January 1819 🗓️ : Death - Charles IV of Spain Charles IV, Spanish king (b. 1748) "Charles IV (Spanish: Carlos Antonio Pascual Francisco Javier Juan Nepomuceno José Januario Serafín Diego de Borbón y Sajonia; 11 November 1748 – 20 January 1819) was King of Spain and ruler of the Spanish Empire from 1788 to 1808. The Spain inherited by Charles IV gave few indications of..."
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Image by Francisco Goya
20th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Abadios "Jacobite Arab Synaxarium or Synaxaire Arabe-Jacobite is a volume containing biographies of several saints and it utilized by the Syriac Orthodox Church. It was initially published into French in 1904 in the Patrologia Orientalis by René Basset. This is not to be confused with the Coptic Synaxarium,..."
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fabioperes · 10 months
Suzuki com PREÇO COMPETITIVO e DESCONTO em TODA linha Haojue DR160 DK160 NK150 Chopper Master Ride Guimarães Motos - Concessionária Suzuki, Haojue e Kymco 📱Whatsapp: (71) 99239-0553 📱Telefone: (71) 3357-5000 📍Endereço: Av. Gen. Graça Lessa, 115 - Acupe de Brotas, Salvador - BA, 40290-110 📍Mapa: https://goo.gl/cMBPBG 🔹Siga-me no Instagram: https://ift.tt/VgudYK5 🔹Inscreva-se no meu canal secundário: https://www.youtube.com/sepulvedaverso 🔹Seja membro deste canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6HSgv198kjUi7qypT7ff_g/join 🔹Apoie o Tio Chico: https://ift.tt/u74xBjW 🔹Manda um PIX e me apoie: [email protected] 🔹Contato: [email protected] 🔹Faça sua conta gratuitamente nestes bancos digitais: Banco Inter: https://ift.tt/2aKB5rp Use o código de indicação: 5137083A Nubank: https://bit.ly/3aEoKco ******************************************************************** PATROCINADORES: BNP Seguros - Somos especialistas em Seguro de MOTOS E CARROS 📍Escritórios RS/BA 📍Atendemos todo o país 💰 DESCONTO ESPECIAL PARA INSCRITOS DO CANAL 📱RS: Renan (54) 9995 50342 https://ift.tt/S8LJOb9 📱BA: Jonas (71) 98181 3350 🔹www.bnpfuturo.com.br 📨[email protected] KM Moto Shop - Acessórios para o motociclista 🔹https://ift.tt/EQRs3iB 📍Enviamos para todo o Brasil 📱Whatsapp: (71) 99140-0002 🔹Telefone: (71) 3346-0308 👇 Unidades KM👇 📍KM Salvador - Av. Vasco da Gama, 4615 📍KM LAURO DE FREITAS - Av. Santos Dumont, 2821 🔹taplink.cc/kmmotoshop RL Motos - Oficina mecânica multimarcas 🔹(71) 3168-4402 📱(71) 99949-4564 (whatsApp - Daniel) 🔺Instagram: @rl.motos 📨[email protected] 📍Rua São Cristóvão, 186, Itinga, Lauro de Freitas-BA. 42700-000 📍Mapa: https://goo.gl/maps/J8Kg38qWofp Royal Enfield Campinas 📲 Vendas WhatsApp: (19) 99509-9900 e (19) 98982-1761 🔹Tel.: (19) 3381-2009 🔹https://ift.tt/fKi60bC 📨 E-mail Comercial: [email protected] 📍Av. Barão de Itapura, 1996, Jardim Guanabara - Campinas-SP 🔹Pós-Venda: (19) 3381-2004 🔺Instagram: @royalenfieldcampinas Mega Motos - Concessionária Dafra, Shineray e CF Moto 📍Envio para todo o Brasil 🔹www.megamotosba.com.br 📱Ligações e WhatsApp: (71) 3378-5509 📍Avenida Santos Dumont - Recreio Ipitanga, Lauro de Freitas - BA, 42700-170 📍https://goo.gl/maps/RU4HzPpXhtL2 GV Bancos Bancos customizados e capas comfort para todos os modelos de motocicletas 📍Enviamos para todo o Brasil 📱Whatsapp: (81) 99906-7143 📱Whatsapp: (81) 999067188 🔺https://ift.tt/541Emru 🔺Instagram: @gvbancos Shineray do Brasil 🔹Tecnologia, economia e qualidade 🔹Motos produzidas no Brasil 🔹www.shineray.com.br 🔺Instagram: @shineraydobrasil João Wanderley | Cone Contabilidade & Negócios Contabilidade e Consultoria em Finanças e Negócios 📍Atendemos todo o Brasil 📱WhatsApp: (81) 9240-9000 🔺 https://ift.tt/BO217HV 🔺 https://ift.tt/bwpChEU ******************************************************************** 📱[-Grupo Telegram-] 🔺https://ift.tt/zIB0KM9 🔺https://ift.tt/Lpmzt1f 📱[-Grupo WhatsApp-] 🔺Sepulveda AUTOS: https://bit.ly/3mj2cDf 🔺GRUPO 4: https://bit.ly/3hx3w4b 🔺GRUPO 3: https://bit.ly/2SZktKJ 🔺GRUPO 2: https://bit.ly/3yg7vIm 🔺GRUPO 1: https://bit.ly/3bsSiKb 📱[Mobilidade Elétrica Brasil⚡] 🔺https://ift.tt/5qRkx4C ******************************************************************** #haojue #suzuki #zontes #guimaraesmotos #moto #chicosepulveda via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeUQtAHLw-k
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Champions: Schaerer arbitra l'Inter, Vincic per il Napoli
Lo svizzero Sandro Schaerer è stato designato per dirigere Inter-Real Sociedad, match della sesta giornata del girone del girone D in programma martedì a Milano (ore 21). Tutti elvetici anche gli altri assistenti in campo (Bekim Zogaj, Jonas Erni e Lionel Tschudi), così come l’addetto alla Var, Fedayi San, che avrà come assistente il francese Benoît Millot.     Sarà invece lo sloveno Slavko…
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futsal-blogat · 1 year
AC Vienna 2020 (Saisonvorschau 2023)
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Werbung
Statistik 2022/23
Tabelle ⌀ Tore pro Spiel ⌀ Gegentore pro Spiel Zuschauerschnitt Eingesetzte Spieler 4. 7,6 (4.) 5,7 (5.) 37 (13.) 26
Die Stärken
Am Toreschießen lag es nicht, dass die Truppe von Coach Roman Fankhauser schlussendlich nur den enttäuschenden vierten Rang in der Tabelle einnahm. Staffelübergreifend belegt man damit Rang 4, wird nur von drei Spitzenteams Pharaohs, Klessheim und LPSV Kärnten übertroffen. In den Heimspielen zeigte man dabei starke Auftritte – vier Siegen stehen nur zwei Niederlagen gegenüber, wobei man gegen die Pharaohs und den Zweitplatzierten Oberndorf trotz guter Leistung in der ersten Halbzeit nur knapp an einem Punktgewinn vorbeischrammte.
Die Schwächen
Was eklatant auffällt: besonders im zweiten Durchgang baute man durchgängig ab. Im staffelübergreifenden Vergleich positionieren sich die Wiener, würde man nur die zweite Halbzeit zählen, auf Rang 9. Auswärts verlor man so z.B. die Matches gegen Oberndorf und die Allstars Wiener Neustadt, obwohl man nach dem ersten Durchgang noch führte. Insgesamt sprangen in der Fremde nur zwei Siege raus – einer davon gegen die sehr schwachen Seestädter.
Spieler im Fokus
Keeper Kristijan Basic ist ein Urgestein des österreichischen Futsals. Bereits vor 13 Jahren hütete der Schlussmann für eine Saison den Kasten bei Futsal Tirol, ehe es ihr für 6 Spielzeiten zu Futsal Schwaz zog, mit denen er auch den Meistertitel in der Bundesliga feiern konnte. Danach zog es ihn nach Wien, wo er für Stella Rossa, Polonia FC und PFC Liberta Legion seine Fäuste hinhielt. Seit letztem Jahr spielt der 36-jährige Routinier im Kasten des AC Vienna. Insgesamt 75 Bundesligaspiele absolvierte Basic, wobei ihm für einen Keeper beachtliche 3 Tore gelangen.
Vorgängerverein FC Internazionale Wien wurde in der Saison 2016/17 zum ersten und einzigen Mal Meister der 2. Liga. In knapp bemessenen 10 Saisonspielen musste sich die Truppe nur einmal geschlagen geben – gegen die AKA St. Pölten. Damals standen mit Jonas Auer und Robert Ljubicic, der auch den Siegtreffer zum 2:1 schoss – zwei spätere Fußball-Bundesliga-Profis am Parkett. Den Titel feiern durften dabei unter anderem Spieler wie Ronald Mertinger, Alexander Kukolja, Viktor Kozo oder Patrick Varga, die auch letzte Saison für AC Vienna 2020 auf der Platte standen.
Der AC Vienna 2020 gleicht diese Saison einer Wundertüte – zahlreiche Zu- und Abgänge prägen das Bild der Mannschaft. Diese wurde definitiv verjüngt, schließlich verlassen einige Routiniers das Team. Mit ihnen verlieren die Wiener einiges an Routine und auch Toren – mit Krammer, Wollmann, Fend und Jusits verlor man die vier besten Torschützen an die Konkurrenz. Ob die Neuzugänge im Kollektiv oder einzeln diesen Umstand auffangen können, wird sich weisen. Gelingt es der Mannschaft schnell Fuß zu fassen, ist ein Platz im Aufstiegs-Playoff möglich.
Vorläufiger Kader 2023/24
NEUZUGÄNGE: Muhammet Özdemir (Stella Rossa Juniors), Brian Brem (Cafe Hegelhof), Gheorge Dani (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Marko Zivkovic (MNK Posavina Orasje), Emilio Iljas Kaya (Neuanmeldung), Josip Habula (Neuanmeldung), Anes Jakupovic (Neuanmeldung), Nikola Djordjevic (Neuanmeldung), Aleksandar Radosavljevic (Neuanmeldung), Mathias Svoboda (Neuanmeldung), Melih Alici (Neuanmeldung), Emir Sahin (Neuanmeldung), Mustafa Güllü (Neuanmeldung), Florian Bachmann (Neuzugang) ABGÄNGE:  Thomas Jusits (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Mathias Wollmann (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Varga (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Christopher Fend (Allstars Wiener Neustadt), Patrick Krammer (Pharaohs FC), Ahmed El-Baali (Pharaohs FC), Viktor Kozo (Inter Futsal Club Vienna), Philipp Reinisch (1.Fortuna Wiener Neustädter SC)   Trainer: Roman Fankhauser Position Name Geburtsjahr Nat. L-spiele/T im Verein seit Letzter Verein BL-Spiele/T 2.BL-Spiele/T Tor BACHMANN Florian 2004 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Tor BASIC Kristijan 1987 AUT 2022 Stella Rossa 75 / 3 28 / 0 Feld ALICI Melih 2003 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld BREM Brian 1993 AUT 2023 Cafe Hegelhof 24 / 17 0 / 0 Feld DANI Gheorge 1988 AUT 2023 Allstars Wiener Neustadt 2 / 1 8 / 3 Feld DJORDJEVIC Nikola 2003 SRB 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld FEJZIC Mirsad 2002 AUT 2022 Futsal Tulln 21 / 10 Feld GÜLLÜ Mustafa 2000 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld HABULA Josip 2003 CRO 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld IACOB Leonard 1995 AUT 2021 Dynamo Triestingtal 26 / 14 25 / 26 Feld JAKUPOVIC Anes 2003 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld KAYA Emilio Iljas 2000 GER 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld KUKOLJA Alexander 1990 AUT 2020 Stella Rossa Juniors 1 / 1 39 / 60 Feld MERTINGER Ronald 1989 AUT 2014 - 5 / 0 49 / 4 Feld ÖZDEMIR Muhammet 2000 TUR 2023 Stella Rossa Juniors 4 / 2 5 / 5 Feld RADOSAVLJEVIC Aleksandar 2005 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld SVOBODA Mathias 1996 AUT 2023 - 0 / 0 Feld ZIVKOVIC Marko 1999 BIH 2023 MNK Posavina Orasje 0 / 0 AUT = Österreich, BIH = Bosnien & Herzegowina, CRO = Kroatien, GER = Deutschland, SRB = Serbien, TUR = Türkei
Starting 5
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De pessoas especiais,
muitas lembranças
guardamos em nossa mente,
os rostos,
os cheiros,
os jeitos diferentes de andar,
e aquilo que toca aos ouvidos,
o dele o por exemplo
o sotaque sulista
no jeitão matuto de falar,
tudinho fica armazenado
em nossa memória,
mas guardamos também
a melhor parte,
sua história,
o matuto foi um bom filho
ao cuidar da mãe,
com muito zelo e cuidado,
graças a Deus ainda
esse amor,
entre mãe e filho amado,
que mesmo a contramão
dos ensinamentos
eu tenho sim ,
o idolatrado,
passou por todas
as fases da vida,
desceu fácil e batalhou na subida,
tendo família como seu esteio,
se encontra agora bem ali no meio,
escritor de talento
que o destino ensinou,
assim como fez comigo,
são para serem espalhadas
ao vento,
não para virar fortuna
e ser nosso sustento,
nunca para serem comidas
e depois cuspidas fora,
serem absorvidas,
virar ensinamentos
e nos dar vitória,
fez de tudo esse moço do Sul,
com honestidade criou os filhos,
que lhe deram um grande orgulho, recompensas,
são amor e carinho,
agradece por nunca estar sozinho,
disse que pouco sobrou de seu passado,
não diriam aqueles que
tiveram aprendizado,
dos livros
que em cada lar foram deixados
só não sei se torce
para Inter ou para o Grêmio,
mas esse é o segredo
de nosso amigo Artêmio,
lutou,lutou e lutou,
e vejam o resultado,
olhem que grande homem
ele se transformou,
se todos colhem o que plantou,
está recebendo de volta
todo amor que espalhou
pelos Campos dessa vida,
e quando levantar todos os dias amigo,
lembre-se de andar altivo,
sempre de cabeça erguida.
Crônica poética de Jonas R Cezar
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quincyhorst · 1 year
Inazuma Eleven Champions League
For those who don't have/don't use Xitter much, there is quite a promiment modding community in regards to Inazuma, with the Great Road mod being the most well known (And with a reason, since they've managed to combine GO + AreOri + extras in the IE3 ROM). As a way to promote itself, the main account has been hosting a simulated Champions League tournament, with both original and mod-exclusive characters filling the well known european teams.
I cannot describe enough how incredibly well this project has been handled so far, and I really want to give a shotuout to both the organizers as well as the whole modding team for their efforts. I'll leave their YT channel + Xitter account below!
At the time I'm queueing this, the last Round 2 match has ended and we'll be into the final now, meaning we'll have some proper eliminations soon enough. That being said, before that happens I'd love to dedicate at least one post to this project.
Obviously with the focus being european teams there's found to be some Euro B characters here and there, sometimes having relevance for the better or the worst. I'll use this post to share my favorite moments of these first rounds so far - alongisde linking the original videos/matches.
Real Madrid vs Manchester City
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In this ROM, Querardo gets the fanmade move Lion Gate... Which is from Li Hao's team..... Hahaha................... 🥲
(I have conflicting feelings about seeing him on Real Madrid, but that's beside the point...)
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He also got Matador Feinto'd LMFAO
Inter Milan vs Paris Saint German
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Jonas has quite the participation on Inter Milan, he even gets to collaborate in some shots :')
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Not EuroB perse, but... Angeloooooo 🥺👼 (Also, battle of the tiny :3)
Barcelona vs Liverpool (+ Atletico Madrid vs Manchester United)
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Matching pictures for you and your bestie who only serve as to be ridiculed by rival hissatsus :(
(I don't really get why Rafael got added on Barcelona, I just cannot see him there at all. Oh well... There are worse choices here, like Clario being at Real Madrid)
Ajax vs Manchester United
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Julien doing Aikido with a demon (Typical)
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I've never seen this keeper losing animation before, AND I ADORE IT ASKDÑKAFSDÑF. IT GOES SO WELL WITH FER!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Though if you are a Fermín fan like me, I don't recommend watching the match at all; the whole thing felt like this:
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Paris Saint German vs Chelsea
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Hezekiel :3
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Blud thinks he's Fermín Sánchez 😭🐂
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Unironically this goes hard
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(Both Thorsten and Hezekiel did so much this match, it's painful to see....)
Porto vs Barcelona
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Inspired by recent events, Kidou decided to teach Rafa how to fly like a superhero (?)
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Here's Mikel on Porto ò_ó I love seeing him there!!! It does give me validation to my "Mikel is part portuguese" headcanon LMFAO
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He also got to shoot, and even if he failed (And was partially mocked by the live chat) I'm still proud of him 💔
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Seeing Mikel and Rafael oppose each other is painful, too..........
If Real Madrid and Porto ever get a VS then idk what will be of me. I will be watching a real life divorce unfold or smth
Manchester City vs Borussia Dortmund
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...Yeah, no way Ern lived after this. (Also wtf Jan betraying your former teammate)
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No context for this but it also goes HARD. It's the power of the kartoffelsalat for me 🫡
I'm sure there's more moments with EB out there, but... I don't remember. Watch the matches by yourself, and tell me what you find, okay? ~
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wildwechselmagazin · 1 year
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