#int. cap + john
its-all-or-nothing94 · 8 months
Like a Hurricane // JJ Maybank x OC - Part 1
Summary: Sky is a Pogue through and through. No one would doubt that. But what will happen if her Dad just disappears, and after nine months, she and her brother face the consequences with DCS? Sky tries to manage her way through a literal storm but also the storm of secrets, confessions, friendships, and... summer.
Warnings: language, use of alcohol, talk of death
Pairing: JJ Maybank x OC
A/N: And I'm back with an all-new Outer Banks story :) Yay! I got so invested in that show that I couldn't just binge-watch the whole show, as I didn't want it to end. And yes this is more a "reimagine". Don't @ me ;)
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Finally. We've waited a long time for the summer break to finally arrive. No more school, no more responsibilities. Not that my brother would care about that ever since our father went missing.
But hey, we're the Pogues, and our mission this summer is to have a good time all the time.
On the terrace of their new hangout, the Pogues lounged, beers in hand, basking in the golden-orange hue of the setting sun. The vibe was effortlessly relaxed and warm.
"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?", Pope questioned, eyeing the boy teetering on the rooftop, beer casually in tow. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival."
The blonde girl with the side braid perched on a scaffold nearby, beer can in hand, gazed upward nonchalantly. "So?"
John B paused, wetting his finger and testing the wind. "Should I do it?"
"Yeah, jump", urged the blonde boy with the cap, sitting next to Sky.
Pope, brandishing a drill playfully, aimed it at John B. "I'll shoot you on the way down."
"You'll shoot me?"
"Yep", he replied with a shrug.
John B mimed a gun with his hand, pointing at Pope. "Pow!"
"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kiara announced, stepping out. She was striking, her light-dark skin and wavy hair catching the last light of day.
Beside Sky, JJ chuckled. "Of course. Why wouldn't they?"
Sky shared a knowing look with JJ, a sly grin on her lips. "You know what's next," she whispered, sparking a grin from JJ.
"This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" Kiara lamented.
"Poor turtles", Sky responded with playful sympathy, standing up.
JJ shrugged. "I can't have cold towels."
Kiara ignored him and looked up at John B. "Can you please not kill yourself?"
Sky jumped down from her perch, finishing her beer with a swift gulp. "I mean, one less Routledge, who gives a shit?" she said sarcastically. "Oh wait, me! I would give a shit. Get the fuck down, JB!"
"Don't spill that beer. I'm not giving you another one", JJ warned his best friend.
Unfazed, John B balanced precariously, but a sudden gust of wind caught him off guard. His beer plummeted to the terrace below.
"Of course you did," JJ grumbled.
Kiara turned away, shaking her head. "Smooth..."
The blonde girl sighed and rubbed her face. "Dumbass..."
Pope, peering over the balcony, spotted a security guard emerging from a parked car.
"Hey, uh, security's here," he informed the others. "Let's wrap it up."
JJ looked around, glanced quickly at Sky, and smiled. "Boys are early today."
"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll," Sky said smugly.
"Yeah," John B agreed, walking down to the others.
"Let's go, boys," Kiara smiled, and they started to hurry.
JJ, teasing as always, exclaimed: "Gary, is that you?"
"Get down", Sky said to her brother.
JJ, still in light spirits, laughs as he sees that it is indeed Gary. "Gary, good to see you, man!"
They made their way downstairs, JJ's leaking behind. "JJ!" Sky laughed and pulled him along.
With Gary's backup close behind, the Pogues had to swiftly escape, leaping fences and dodging the guards. John B had the Twinkie, his van, revved up and ready. They piled in, laughter and adrenaline mixing, as one guard gave futile chase.
"Come on guys, you're giving him a heart attack," Kiara laughs, and Sky nudges her.
In high spirits, they sped off into the summer night, the promise of adventure ahead.
The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth.
It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island.
The nice side of the Island is called Figure Eight. It's the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live.
And then, there is the south side or the Cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters.
The natural habitat of... drumroll please... the Pogues. That's us. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain.
Okay. So, the downside of Pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of Pogue life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
But who are we?
There's JJ. My brother's best friend since the third grade. Meaning that I couldn't get rid of him even if I wanted to.
He's about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best male surfer I know. But don't tell him I said that. I wouldn't hear the end of it. Mild kleptomaniac and a future tax cheat, for sure. And then there's his secret – a massive, undeclared crush on me. Of course, I'm totally oblivious to it. No one knows about it. Well, that's the story, as my brother would probably kill him anyway.
Then there's Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. My best friend and the only other female Pogue apart from me. When not saving turtles or, listening to Marley, or getting a dolphin tattoo (which, for the record, I totally didn't convince her to get – okay, maybe I did), she hangs out with us. We are all not really sure why, though.
So, she's a rich kid, actually. Foot in both worlds. Her family owns The Wreck, my workplace, this Outer Banks institution. Total cash cow with the tourists. We are not really sure how her parents feel about us, well at least about the boys, as I think they kind of like me.
All of the guys had a thing for her at least once.
And then there's Pope. The brains of the operation... finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship. And probably the smartest person I know. He's a little bit of a weirdo, to be honest. His father's this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you.
Now, I'm not sure Heyward knew what to make of his oddball son, but it didn't matter. He was a Pogue, just like the rest of us.
There's John B – my twin brother. At first glance, no one would peg us as twins. John B, with his dark hair and deep-set eyes, starkly contrasts my light blonde hair and grey eyes. But beneath these superficial differences lies an unbreakable bond. John B and I have always been incredibly close, sharing a connection that goes beyond mere appearances. He's the undisputed leader of the Pogues, a role he takes as naturally as breathing. In his leadership, there's a sense of adventure, a hint of recklessness, and a deep-seated loyalty that binds all of us together. His presence is both a guiding force and a constant reminder of the unspoken understanding and support we share as twins.
And then there's me, Skylar Artemis Routledge. Or Sky. Talk about a mouthful of a name, right? Thanks a bunch, Mom and Dad. As I mentioned earlier, I'm the younger twin sister of John B – younger by a mere four minutes, a fact he never lets me forget, flaunting it like a badge of honor. My world? It revolves around the thrill of surfing, the freedom of skating, and, of course, my fiercely loyal band of friends. Oh, and about the infamous "no Pogue on Pogue macking" rule? Guilty as charged. That's on me. Or, more accurately, it's because of my overprotective brother, who's made it crystal clear: nobody messes with his "baby sister." It's a title I wear with a mix of annoyance and affection, but hey, that's family for you.
John B and I call an old fish shack on the marsh our home, fondly nicknamed "The Chateau" by our dad. That's how he always referred to it, with a hint of irony and a lot of love. Our dad... he vanished nine months ago while chasing the legend of a shipwreck. In this day and age, who just disappears at sea?
I miss him every single day. John B does, too, the weight of his absence hanging silently between us.
Our mom is a different story. She left when we were just three, a distant memory more than a mother. Last I heard of her, she was in Colorado, or at least I think it was Colorado.
But we've still got Uncle T. Ever since Dad's disappearance, he's been our so-called legal guardian. Right now, he's off in Mississippi, busy building houses. That leaves just John B and me free to roam with our friends, masters of our own little world.
Three months after Dad was declared missing, they wanted to pronounce him dead officially. But John B wouldn’t sign the papers. He's adamant that there's no giving up until he sees a body. As for me... well, as three months stretched into six, my hope quietly faded away. I hate to admit it, but I've stopped expecting a miracle.
John B and Sky found themselves seated in the stark, clinical setting of the sheriff's office, facing a social worker named Cheryl. Her gaze fixed on the twins, who wore expressions of casual, almost practiced boredom.
"John, Skylar, it's come to our attention that you're unemancipated minors living on your own," Cheryl began. At this, John B and Sky shared a quick, knowing glance before bursting into laughter.
"No... Not really," Sky drawled, slouching further in her chair, her face etched with defiance.
"No," echoed John B, shaking his head.
Cheryl sighed deeply, intertwining her fingers with a look of forced patience. "I need honesty to help you two. That's what we're aiming for, right?" she asked, her eyes shifting between the twins.
"We're being honest," John B insisted as Sky puckered her lips in a mock pout.
All too aware of the teenagers' evasiveness, Cheryl let out another sigh. "Okay, then, when's the last time either of you spoke to your uncle?"
The twins exchanged another glance, their silent communication a testament to their unspoken bond.
Sky glanced at her empty wrist. "Uh... 34 minutes ago, to be exact."
"And when did you last see him?"
This time, John B chimed in. "Two hours and, uh... 43 minutes ago?"
Sky couldn't help but chuckle, biting her lip – a habitual gesture.
"John... Skylar, we're planning to visit tomorrow to speak with your uncle. If he's not there, we'll have to proceed with foster care arrangements," Cheryl explained, her tone a mix of sternness and concern. Sky scoffed at the notion. "I assure you, our goal is to find you both a safe, loving home."
They actually thought we were gonna be happy to hear that. Bullshit! I knew that they would separate us, and, almost as bad, they would get us to the mainland.
And that's where this story starts. Our dad missing, our uncle MIA, and the bride of Frankenstein threatening us with foster care.
That evening, the Pogues sat by a fire at the beach. They had fun, but one was missing. John B sat a bit further away and gave in to his thoughts. Sky sat next to JJ, who causally had his arm around her shoulders.
"What's up with him?" JJ asked, and Pope and Kie were looking at Sky.
She sighed and shrugged. "It's his way of coping, I guess... They-" She gulped and sighed again. "They want to swing by tomorrow, talk to Uncle T."
JJ pulled Sky closer. "Come on, they can't just drag your asses away. You're Pogues. You belong here."
Sky's smile faded a little. "Tell that to them."
JJ's smile faded as well, as he looked down at the blonde next to him. Kiara couldn't help but smile at the sight. She realized, for some time now, how much JJ liked Sky. Not just liked, but liked.
"Have you heard about the hurricane? It's heading right towards us", Pope then said and showed them the news channel on his phone, and Sky looked at him, sighing.
She wiggled out of JJ's arm and stood up. "Well, at least one good thing comes of it." She took out her phone, and the others looked at her, confused.
"DCS, how can I help you?" Sky tipped her finger to her lips. "Yeah, uh... I think we have to reschedule."
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As Sky was at home later, thunder was crackling, and the wind took off. JJ sat on her porch on his phone. Sky just looked out to the ocean, wondering where her brother was.
"Hey yo, you know where John B is?" she turned and looked at JJ, who looked up at her.
He shrugged. "Nah, but my guess..." He pointed his head towards the ocean.
"He's really going for it, huh?" Sky muttered under her breath, turning back to the sea again.
JJ stood up and put an arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry, Barb. He's gonna be fine."
Barb. That was another thing. JJ called me that for as long as I can remember. Well, at first, it was Surfer Barbie, what many people call me, to be honest, so he just called me Barbie, and that morphed into Barb. He's the only one who calls me that.
Sky sighed once again and turned, walking into the Chateau. JJ looked after her with a questioning look, before he sat back down on the porch.
Shortly after, Sky walked out again with a Whiskey and two glasses. "Might as well..."
She poured some of the brown liqueur into the glasses and slid one over to JJ. He grinned at Sky and took it into his hand.
"The good glasses? What's the occasion?" he asked and winked at her.
"Don't know... When Aggie hits, they might break anyway..."
They clinked the glasses together and smiled at each other before taking a sip.
Forty-five minutes later, the almost full bottle was empty, and Sky sat on the porch bench with JJ, her legs over his lap. JJ has his hands on her shins and caresses them absently.
The conversation, deep and meandering under the influence of alcohol, takes a turn as JJ gazes into the distance, where lightning from the approaching Hurricane Agatha flickers ominously. "Barb," he slurs slightly, "have you ever thought about, you know, dating one of us Pogues? Like, hypothetically speaking?"
Sky, her head leaning back, a relaxed smile on her face, responds with a teasing lilt, "JJ, you know the rule. No Pogue on Pogue macking. John B made it pretty clear."
But JJ is undeterred, his eyes intense. "That rule is bullshit. It's just something John B came up with, so we don't mack on you. But seriously, what if? What if the rule didn't exist?"
Sky turns to face him, her expression softening in the dim porch light. "What if, huh?" she muses, the alcohol making her thoughts swim. "I don't know, JJ. It's a weird thought. We're like... family, you know?"
JJ nods, serious. "Yeah, I know. But sometimes, I think, 'What if.' What if the person you're supposed to be with is right in front of you, and you're just too blind to see it because of some stupid rule?"
The confession, raw and honest, hangs between them. Sky looks into JJ's eyes, seeing the vulnerability and sincerity within. "JJ, are you asking if I've ever thought about you that way?" she whispers, the storm's energy charging the air around them.
JJ meets her gaze, his voice earnest. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm tired of pretending that I haven't thought about it. About you."
The intensity of the moment builds, mirroring the storm's crescendo. But then, Sky, sensing the conversation veering into serious territory that she's not ready to navigate, especially not under the influence, lets out a laugh. It's light, an attempt to diffuse the tension.
"JJ, you're drunk, and your emotions are all over the place. It's just the whiskey talking."
JJ's gaze lingers on her, a mix of longing and frustration in his eyes. "Maybe," he concedes, "but what if it's not? What if—"
Skye cuts him off with a light laugh, leaning in to bump her shoulder against his. "Oi, Bandolero, trust me. You're going to wake up tomorrow and realize you were just feeling extra sentimental because of the storm and the whiskey."
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A little later, as the conversation drifted and the storm raged outside, Sky and JJ succumbed to sleep on the porch. Suddenly, Sky felt a persistent poking at her cheek.
Blearily opening her eyes, she was jolted awake by the looming figure before her, illuminated starkly by a flash of lightning.
"Jesus fucking Christ, are you out of your damn mind?" Sky exclaimed, her words directed at her drenched brother, who stood before her, surfboard in tow.
The commotion roused JJ, who blinked groggily at John B.
"That's your concern? What the hell are you guys still doing out here? Get inside!" John B barked, hauling Sky to her feet.
Sky, unimpressed, retorted as she was ushered inside, "Look who's talking, big bro. Did you seriously try to surf in this mess?" Behind them, JJ, barely awake, stumbled into the living room, collapsing onto the pull-out couch.
John B paused, eyeing his best friend's form. "What happened to him?" he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
Sky, smirking, replied as she headed to her room, "Dad's Highland Park. Turns out our Bandolero over there isn't as seasoned a drinker as he likes to claim." She paused at her door, glancing back at John B. "Good night."
"Night," he responded, his smile lingering as he made his way to his own room.
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
Advent Calendar: Day 24 @onlydevilsleft​
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It wasn’t like she didn’t know the blizzard was coming. Of course she did. So did everyone who’s ever been bucked off a horse, been kicked by one, got a bit of age on them, or been shot or otherwise injured. Which is pretty much every single soul over the age of ten between the Yellowstone and the Five Oaks. The storm has been heralded for a week by plunging temperatures, that bitter cold that bites deep and doesn’t let go. That’s why she’d done her best to prepare. In the backseat of the cab she’s got thick, insulating blankets, heat packs, gallons of water, a dry change of cold, a first aid kit, and high protein snacks. A lighter, matches, couple of high end flashlights, road flares. Everything she could possibly need. Except for chains, and jumper cables. A fully charged phone. Beth’s ignorance of auto mechanics rivals her knowledge about horses. She stands there, face reddening by the minute, fingers stiffening in her gloves as she lets out a strangled, scarf muffled scream as she kicks the tire once, twice. This does not convince her engine to turn over, and if anything, the truck sinks sullenly into the first five inches of snow. She has two choices then. Be stuck on the road out while the temperatures dip down her age or more below zero…or she swallows her pride and makes the two mile hike back up to the Duttons’ door.
~*~ She doesn’t feel her hands as she rings the doorbell. When Kayce opens the door, there are snowflakes pale like reverse-freckles against the strands of her peeking out from her knit cap with its bright colours and soggy bobble. Her lashes are just about iced, and her panting breaths create fog in front of her near-blue lips. All of her aches, and she’s almost too tired to shiver. Still, she tries to smile. “S-s-sorry t’ int-intru-intrude on Christmas Eve and all…but t-t-truck broke dow-” She doesn’t get any further than that before he’s ushering her in. It all happens so quickly she barely has time to register that the whole house looks like the North Pole. Jamie’s slumped by the fire that John’s just adding another log to. She doesn’t see the other Beth, but a hint of cigarette smoke says she’s been here recently. Arm wrapped around her waist and muttering things she can’t quite hear because she’s not really able to watch his mouth, Kayce doesn’t exactly smuggle her to his room so much as he guides her. And once there, with the door closed? “Take off your clothes.” “...’scuse me?” She’s absolutely certain he could incinerate her with the gaze he shoots at her and she laughs even if it hurts her chest to do so. She manages to get her gloves off, then her coat and regrets doing it. “You’re hypothermic,” he tells her, though there’s a huskier edge to his tone. “Need to get into some dry clothes, and come sit by the fire, getcha warmed up. He’s grabbed one of his flannels and she’s sure she’s plenty warmed up when he lays it on the bed and starts unbuttoning her shirt.
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alexyskyzz · 2 years
Cap 2
Após o homem falar isso, me senti assustada, olhei no meu celular e
estava muito tarde para voltar para minha casa, me deitei ao lado de Doe, já que ele já estava adormecido, largado pela cama, olhava para ele um pouco assustada, quando ele acordou um pouco confuso.
-Uh... Olá? Ah! Bom dia (Seu nome)!- Dizia ele com um rosto um tanto... estranho e muito animado, esse homem não fica de ressaca não?
-Na verdade Doe, ainda são 11 horas da noite...
-Oh! Mas do mesmo jeito! Agradeço por estar ao meu lado! Acordar com sua companhia é uma benção dos deuses!- Ele ria um pouco, como se fosse a primeira vez que havia me visto ao seu lado; Tenho certeza que isso aconteceu muitas, mais muitas mais vezes!
-É...- Digo um pouco desanimada.
-Que foi meu amor? Aconteceu algo? Está triste?- MEU AMOR? EU NEM CONHEÇO ESSE MANÍACO DIREITO!
-Só queria lhe pedir uma coisa... Posso pegar um colchão?- Seu sorriso se desfez, aonde o mesmo fez uma cara séria e raivosa, nunca havia visto ele assim... era estranho ver isso pois, ele sempre foi bem sorridente...
- Não.- Ele disse com bastante raiva.
Não acredito que vou ter que dormir com esse doido, fedido, sinico, língua de cascável, sem pai, sem amor da mãe, demônio, monstro da área 51, capiroto, filho da puta, mentiroso, ciumento, cachorro, mão na jaca, fetichista, aproveitador, mimado, Bobo, infantil, merda, puto, desgraça em pessoa e entre muitas coisas ruins! Me aconcheguei na cama para tentar me acalmar e virei para o lado ao contrário, mas ele simplesmente me abraçou massageando aquele lugar...
-Doe, pode parar.
Ele parou e senti um ar de frieza da parte dele, um silêncio desconfortável e horrível... Talvez o Senhor Albert esteja certo... Agora está tarde de mais! Quando percebi Seu despertador tocava, e eu nem ele dormimos, já era 5 horas da manhã, eu tentei sair do abraço de John, mas ele me puxou para si, dando um selinho em meu pescoço, eu queria fazer ele parar, mas ele abafou minha voz; Senti como se eu fosse ser estru... naquela mesma cena, quando uma mulher um pouco velha de cabelos loiro e completamente magra anunciou que havia gente na porta. Aquela mulher salvo minha vida e ele foi colocar outra roupa.  Eu me levantei curiosa e aproveitei que nem troquei de roupa; Desci e vi uma garota de aparência infantil entregando alguma coisa para o homem.
-Toma Senhor Doe...- Ela entregava uma caixa para ele, parecia pesada, ele me viu e pediu para não o seguir, mas como sou teimosa, eu o segui e vi o que havia na caixa...
-ELA VAI AMAR!- Ele gritava contente com o conteúdo da caixa, havia várias coisas relacionadas a facas e estiletes, é claro que eu iria odiar! Ele me observou na porta e tirou algo mais da caixa... era um... VIBRADOR? Ele é um tarado mesmo, e não do lado bom, e sim do ruim...
-Eu nunca iria amar essas... tralhas.- "Fico puta? Me cancela no Twitter!" Me lembrei desse trecho da minha música favorita quando ele me olhou rindo que nem um idiota. Ele veio até mim e sussurou no meu ouvido- Você nunca mais irá sair daqui, amorzinho...- Aproveitando que ele desceu, tenho que investigar o ambiente melhor... principalmente o que havia debaixo da cama dele, entrei no quarto e vi o que havia... VÁRIAS FOTOS MINHAS NUAS?!
Tinha nudes, fotos minhas tomando banho,
trocando de roupa, na praia... enfim, uma bagunça, eu fui mais para fundo e havia um pequeno botão, eu o cliquei e saí debaixo da cama. Sabe aquelas passagens secretas de biblioteca dos filmes? Abriu isso mesmo, eu entrei dentro de lá e havia um pequeno livro e dois estiletes com um bilhete escrito em russo "Две шпильки, мне и любимому...", peguei meu celular e o bilhete dizia "Dois estiletes, para mim e para minha amada...", isso era assustador! A sala era pequena coberta por cristais, havia muitos botões e bebidas, mas meu foco era o simples livro de capa vermelha feita de couro escrita: TE AMO!! Isso é para eu amar ele ou para eu me assustar? Quanto mais eu virava o livro, mas raivosa eu ficava, havia minha família inteira escrita lá, seus sonhos comigo e até mesmo... Não! Eu não vou virar a página de novo! Fechei rápido e cliquei no botão amarelo; o mais próximo. Era como um elevador, mas eu me direcionava para sala, onde eu encontrei o mesmo furioso em minha frente.
-Que merda fazia em minha sala? Não confia em mim? Não irei te explicar tudo direto! Ainda é muito cedo! Só peço uma coisa para você sua mocreia: Não. Se. Intrometa! Entendido? Por enquanto vou apenas te abrigar, pois você está muito, mas muito longe de seu lar, e como prometido: Você nunca mais vai voltar para seu lar. Você é apenas uma paparazzi para mim agora.
Ufa, ainda bem! Pelo menos não sou importante para ele agora! Eu acho...
-Mas, saiba uma coisa... O universo sempre estará em meu favor...- Ele é maníaco ou o que? Eu acho que eu deveria virar a página sim! Vai que eu entenderia mais coisa.
Me direcionei para a cozinha enquanto eu fazia meu café, apesar de eu nem ter minha higiene matinal, apenas quero esfriar minha cabeça dessa loucura toda! Ele era louco, e eu vou repetir isso para sempre. Só que eu percebi algo estranho... e o Senhor Albert? O que houve com ele? Será que ele morreu naquela mesma noite? Minha cabeça estava completamente diferente sobre meu "ídolo". Depois de beber meu café, percebi John me cutucando.
-O que houve?- Virei para ele curiosa e com a cara fechada.
-Você deliciando seu café é tão... não sei explicar.. Não consigo ve-la de um jeito diferente depois de anos... Se está se perguntando: Sim, eu matei o Senhor Albert. Ele é um traíra e quer afastar a gente de nosso destino, não? Seremos só nos dois neste grande mundo, nem que você seja um cadáver! Você nunca mais irá viver da mesma forma! Por que fugir se posso ser praticamente seu sugar daddy como os humanos falam?- A cada palavra que ele dizia, mas eu me assustava, só faltava eu cuspir meu café. Principalmente esse final... como assim "Como os humanos falam?"
-Até mais, princesa!- Ele fala a com animação, e eu tinha que investigar mais... muito mais!
Eu fui até a salinha de novo e cliquei em outro botão; Desta vez era um azul, onde abriu mais uma porta, eu entrei e vi outra sala, ali havia nada mais, nada menos do que 3 prateleiras; Uma de cada lado da sala, dessa vez, a sala era coberta de espelhos e casa livro havia uma data; Dos 12 anos até minha idade atual, 20. Investiguei tudo quando vi uma foto minha e de um garoto que conheci no oitavo ano... eu não lembro o nome dele, mas, eu dei o apelido dele de Doe... PERA, O QUE?
Então era ele...foi sempre ele! Nós já tivemos um caso há alguns anos, mas isso a gente releva.
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aliciaphen · 2 years
Hi. I've consumed more media this month than I have this entire year. Happy New Year everyone - I hope we all make the best of what's to come.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) dir. Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson: I was really excited to watch this after seeing the trailer but I wasn't expecting it to be a musical. I loved that they used a biblically accurate angel for the Blue Angel rather than the traditional look. I can't believe it took like 15 years to make it.
Split (2016) dir. M. Night Shyamalan: I rewatched this because I needed Anya Taylor Joy content and I couldn't get through the first episode of The Queen's Gambit. It's still a pretty great movie, but I hate that cheesy ending line lol.
Anastasia (1997) dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman: I grew up watching this movie throughout my childhood, so I already have a huge bias toward it. It's so great. The characters and their dynamic is so likable and the songs are so GOOD.
The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers: Another film I grew up watching. It's a lot more problematic than I remember T_T. Also cheesy but it was the 90s so you could kind of get away with it.
Emily, The Criminal (2022) dir. John Patton Ford: I was surprised by how much I liked this one. It's fast-paced, which is good for my pea brain. They make the character Emily easy to empathize with. Especially now when it's hard to afford to live, vulnerable people are targeted for these "get rich, quick" scams. I remember seeing so many of those ads whenever I went on YouTube for quite some time. Idk, I liked this one.
Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) dir. Bo Burnham: I always heard people talking about how great Bo Burnham was. I remember seeing his vines, but I never got into watching his stuff. I feel like the humour doesn't quite suit my taste, but I appreciate his work ethic and his capacity for making such a high-quality musical comedy. He's pretty fucking awesome.
Dreams (1990) dir. Akira Kurosawa: In a quest to research the Japanese folklore of fox weddings during sun showers, I watched this movie. It's just so pretty. I love the last story, where it's the small village and the funeral is more of a celebration. Just a gorgeous film.
Incantation (2022) dir. Kevin Ko: Heard from my roommate that this film was really scary. And I can confirm that it was. I watched half of it from between my fingers. Story wise, though, it was quite interesting. It’d be a fun watch for a group.
Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright: Another gorgeous film. I’ve always seen screen caps of it and have even watched Mina Le’s breakdown of the costuming from the film. I think the visuals are stronger than the story. Emotion wise, it feels like a less hard-hitting titanic.
Extreme Job (2019) dir Lee Byeong-heon: I watched this with my roommate! It’s a fun, chill watch. Just overall a good time.
The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari (2022) dir. Rory Kennedy: Some time earlier this year I remember seeing volcanic scarring that looked like the most intense, painful thing someone could ever experience. And I read up about the victim and they were hurt during the volcanic eruption in New Zealand a few years ago. The documentary is quite tragic, and interesting if anybody is up to watch it.
Klaus (2019) dir. Sergio Pablos: Such a cute movie. The scene where the mailman is giving paper and pencils and stamps out like it’s a drug deal actually made me audibly laugh. I’m surprised its 2D animation. It’s a really great Christmas movie for the whole family.
Brave (2012) dir. Brenda Chapman, Mark Andrews: AH. I still love this movie after so many years. I first watched it when I was in grade 5 as an “end of year” trip. It’s so good, story wise. As a young adult, I feel like I can’t relate to it as much - to my surprise. I think my older sister could probably relate to it more. I have a good relationship with my mom, which I’m super grateful for. I want to make a film about ME. Lmfao.
The Wonder (2022) dir. Sebastian Lelio: I wasn’t as interested in this film. It’s rather a frustrating watch to be honest. If you want visuals of Ireland and Florence Pugh, I’d give this one a go.
Marriage Story (2019) dir. Noah Baumbach: Ever since watching this film I’ve been seeing Adam Driver everywhere, it seems. I didn’t expect to feel for this movie as much as I did. I think the pacing was done very well. The letter reading at the end is what got me. :’(
Alice in Borderland, Season 2 (2022): Season 2 was better than season 1. Because this world and its rules are already established, I think the show got to focus more on the characters and their relationships. The action sequences were quite fun and I am SO surprised that they didn’t end it in a shitty way. I’m happy the characters got their happy ending but that there’s still room for exploration into this world. The last challenge, though was a little TOO LONG. DAMN.
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) dir. James Cameron: Okay so I wasn’t excited or looking forward to this sequel at all. I was quite indifferent toward it and wasn’t planning on watching it in theatres. But I ended up watching it with my family and it’s literally my new hyperfixation. I’m actually listening to the original motion picture soundtrack as I’m writing - and that’s not a joke. I’ve heard people say that the story is simple, and I suppose I can agree - its basically the family having to escape from the war and a revenge plot from the enemy side. And I’ve seen people wonder why its 3 hours long. And, it definitely felt like the film would never fucking end but, then again… did I really want it to…? In that time, I felt like I could actually get attached to the characters and this new family. I often really like media that makes me go through a lot of emotions and this was one of them. I need Avatar 3, 4, 5, & 6 and whatever else James Cameron is planning. I need to go visit Pandora in Disney World, even. Zoe Saldana, I love you.
Avatar (2009) dir. James Cameron: I ended up rewatching Avatar right after coming back from watching The Way of Water. I first watched this when I was 8 years old. I never really got to appreciate the absolutely insane world building that was put into this film, but now, as a student that wants to try pursuing film and maybe (?) visdev, I’m just astounded by the creatures and the religion and the plant life of the Na’vi people and how it’s been expanded on in Avatar 2. Again, a simple story, but I felt all the emotions so I love it.
Logan (2017) dir. James Mangold: Probably one of the best superhero movies I’ve seen. It still holds up today. Another emotional ride, so I’m inclined to say it’s a favourite. It’s almost… quiet. Like - it doesn’t do too much. All the marvel movies these days are doing too much. It’s kind of embarrassing. Can you tell I’m getting a little tired of writing about all the things I’ve watched? And I’m only on visual media. Anyways - this, the original Spider-Man movies, the last Spider-Man movie from MCU, and the Spiderverse movies and maybe Winter Soldier are the only superhero movies I have the patience to watch anymore.
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson: It was so fun! Something I don’t have to pay that much attention to because I know I’ll likely never be able to solve it. I know they spent most of the budget of this film on the cast because everyone in there is fucking crazy.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) dir. Rian Johnson: I think the first one is better.
Lead Me Home (2021) dir. Pedro Kos, Jon Shenk: It’s only about 40 minutes, so it’s a quick documentary. It’s eye opening. Makes me feel bad because I’m one of those people that don’t look homeless people in the eye when I walk past them. But I don’t think that’s the point of the doc. There’s obviously something very wrong with the housing system and to see that anybody could end up in such an unfortunate situation is scary. It’s especially sad seeing the people who have family that could help them, but I also understand their point of not wanting to be a burden on their friends or family.
Music: December 2022 Spotify Playlist
Selfish - YooA: I saw people making fun of this song but I’m actually addicted to it. YooA in that one stage where she’s wearing that fringe shirt and pink pants with her hair in a bun looks so good.
Blood Moon - YooA: I feel like I’m in a mystery movie?? Like I’m a detective trying to solve a mystery.
In My Dreams - Christy Altomare: One of the best things to come out of the Anastasia Broadway production.
Ditto - NewJeans: The girls have done it again. This time, enjoy three minutes of teenage loneliness.
Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) - The Weeknd: I wasn’t joking when I said I’m listening to the Avatar: The Way of Water soundtrack.
Into the Water - Simon Franglen: SO BEAUTIFUL. If you’re going to listen to any song from the soundtrack listen to this one.
Avatar: The Way of Water (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Simon Franglen, The Weeknd: Linking the album for good measure.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: I’ve finished reading this book and it has inclined me to be better at consistently drawing in my sketchbook and journal.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn’s Jones: I plan on finishing this book this month. I’ll update you at the end of January.
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mythos-writes · 2 years
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Alfie Solomons x Shelby! Reader
Plot: (Y/N) Shelby, a force to be reckoned with in the Peaky Blinders. When the boys decided to go to London to meet a new business partner, she catches the attention of a certain gang leader
Word Count: 2262
Warning: Swearing, smoking, Peaky Blinders level of violence
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
I do not give permission for anyone to repost/ post my stories, with or without credit. Reblogs, comments, etc. are more than welcomed, but please DO NOT copy and paste my stories that you may like onto another platform.
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(Y/N) Shelby. Younger sister to Arthur, twin sister to Tommy, and older sister to John, Ada and Finn. With Tommy being 7 minutes older, he always holds it over her. Sometimes with twins, they can be either complete opposites or the same person. She was very similar to her twin, but, had Arthur’s anger. When the Peaky Blinders were becoming well known, (Y/N) was viewed as an angel among demons. But, when anyone had pushed her over her boundaries, she made her brothers look like angels. But she is very useful when it comes to negotiations with new business partners. 
“So why are we going to London again?” she questions while walking out to the car. 
“We are meeting up with Alfie,” Tommy says, getting into the driver's seat. 
“Alfie?” she questions. 
“Right, you skipped out on the first meeting, Alfie Solomons, he runs the gang that's out of Camden,” Tommy states. 
“I didn’t skip, I wasn’t feeling well that morning,” she states. 
“Yeah and it had nothing to do with you and Arthur having a drinking contest at all,” Tommy looks at her, knowing the truth. (Y/N) just crosses her arms over her chest, letting Tommy win this bout. 
Once they get on the road, she lights a cigarette and looks over at her twin.  
“I know that look, what are you thinking,” Tommy asks, his eyes not leaving the road. 
“Why do I have to come with you this time? Is there something up with this Solomons guy?” she questions, taking another drag of the tobacco stick. 
“I just want you to do a double-check on him. I know that you can be very persuasive and thorough look into his books,” he says, looking over to her quickly. She nods before finishing her smoke, flicking the bud out the window. She leans back into the seat and pulls her cap over her eyes. 
“Wake me when we get there,” she says, smiling a little when she hears a small chuckle leave Tommy’s lips. 
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(Y/N) was dead asleep when all of a sudden the passenger side door flew open, causing her to fall out of the car. She groaned out in pain, giving Tommy a deadly look. 
“You told me to wake you when we arrived. We've arrived,” he says. She sighs while getting up, fixing herself before placing her hat back on her head and grabbing her coat. 
“You are lucky we are doing business right now cause you would have a black eye right about now,” she says while they walk towards the bakery. 
“I don’t doubt that one bit,” he says before entering the building. They walk in and see a few people working. 
“Hello, what can I do for you?” one worker asks. 
“We are here to see Mr. Solomons,” (Y/N) states, making sure they got every syllable. Before the worker could get a word in, Alfie walks through the backdoor of the bakery. 
“Ahhh, Thomas, shalom. And who is this?” he asks, looking (Y/N) up and down. 
“Hello Alfie, this would be my sister, (Y/N). (Y/N), this Mr. Alfie Solomons,” Tommy introduces. (Y/N) stepped closer, sticking her hand out. 
“Nice to finally meet you, Mr. Solomons,” she says, a smile crossing her face. Tommy knew what she was doing, she was giving him the sweet side of her, to see if he will get burned. 
“The pleasure is all mine, love,” he says, flirting a little. 
“She is here to double-check your books, knowing that Arthur and John aren’t the strongest with them,” Tommy states, not liking the flirty responce he gave.  
“Right this way then,” Alfie says, showing him to his office. As they walked by the brew tanks, she was impressed with his operations. They walk into his office, getting to books. 
“We will leave you to this, I have some other business to talk to Mr. Solomons about,” Tommy says, looking at Alfie. She nods before checking over his work, making sure it was up to par. 
A little while later, she emerges from the office, very pleased with the way the books were balanced. 
“So how do they look?” Tommy asks, seeing his sister walking towards them. 
"Everything looks good, our meatheads of brothers did well,” she says, making jabs at her brothers who were back in Birmingham. 
“See, nothing to worry about,” Alfie says, sending a wink toward her. She smiles back, feeling her cheeks heat up. No one normally gave her this type of attention, let alone looks at her back home, so the attention from Alfie was nice. 
Tommy started to talk to Alfie again, trying to include her in their previous conversation about some plans. But she became distracted when she heard some words that she didn’t like at all. (Y/N) tuned out of Alfie’s and Tommy’s words and focused on the two workers behind them, talking about herself and her family. She turned at the words of the workers.
“Do you want to say that again?” she yells out, not only getting the worker's attention, but also the two gangsters' attention as well. The two workers don’t respond, so she moves closer. 
  “I’m talking to you two gits, and when I ask a question I expect an fucking answer. So I am going to ask again, do you want to repeat yourselves,” she spits, venom slowly forming in her words. The two shake their heads, not wanting to anger her more. She went to go back towards her brother, but more words were spilled.
“A real basket case this one,” one says. She quickly turned around and landed a clean punch on the man. He holds his face and falls to the ground. The other one went to attack but she pulled out her gun, aiming at his head. 
“Do you want to be worse off than your friend?” he quickly shakes his head. “That’s what I thought,” she spits.  
“That’s enough (Y/N),” Tommy yells, not fazed at all at her reaction. She puts her gun away, then quickly punches the other one in the face, before walking out of the building. 
“Bloody hell, a spitfire that one is,” Alfie says, his gaze not moving. 
“Trust me mate, she makes us look like angels,” Tommy says while the two watch (Y/N) walking out.
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A couple of weeks later, Tommy sent (Y/N) back to London to check in on Alfie. His thinking is that Alfie would probably like having her around the bakery rather than himself.
“Hello Alfie,” she says, seeing the gangster walking towards her. 
“Hello my dear,” he says, bringing her into a hug. “I am assuming you are here for business," he asks.
“By orders of Mr. Thomas Shelby himself,” she jokes. A smile makes its way across his face before moving them towards his office. 
“So what does your brother want?” he asks, sitting behind his desk, taking in the older Shelby sister. She was dressed very similarly to their first meeting, her hair braided back, dark grey suit jacket and slacks, a white dress shirt, her flat cap, and some dress shoes. 
“Wanted to make sure the whiskey order will be shipping out on time,” she says, sitting down in one of the chairs placed across from him. 
“Does he not trust me with my time management skills,” he says, putting on a sad face. She laughs and shakes her head. 
“No, he just wants to be safe than sorry,” she says, leaning forward a little.
“Tommy should stop worrying, but, if he sends you every time he gets worried, then I wouldn’t mind it,” Alfie flirts. 
“Oh please,” she deflects, trying to hide her blushed face from view.
“How bout this, you make sure that everything is moving smoothly, and then I get to take you out,” he says, leaning his arms against the desk. 
“Are you asking me on a date Mr. Solomons?” she asks, raising a brow at his offer. 
“It can be anything that you want Ms. Shelby,” he replies with a smile. 
“Let's get this look over started so we can get that date started,” she says with a smile. Alfie returns it before making his way towards the door.
"After you," he says holding the door open.
"Oh, what a gentleman," she says, flirting back.  
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Alfie and (Y/N) relationship has grown quickly and secretly. None of the other Shelby siblings knew, even Polly. She knew Polly would tell them and blow her chance at this. She would go to London almost every weekend, even if there was no business needed in London. Of course, her brothers were a little suspicious of her intentions with all the trips, but none ever questioned her. Polly tried but was quickly shut down. 
But it all came to a head when Tommy called (Y/N) into his office. Usually, he never has any issues with his sister, so when John told her that Tommy wanted her in his office, she got nervous. She gets to his door and walks in, not bothering to knock. 
“Sit,” he orders, not looking up from the letter in his hands. This shocked her as he normally greeted her when she entered his office. It quickly dawned on her, Tommy was mad. He lights a cigarette and just stares at her. 
“What’s this?” he questions showing her the letter. 
“Well, obviously it’s a letter,” she states, trying to lighten the mood, It didn’t work too well. 
“I am being serious (Y/N). Why is Alfie Solomons sending you mail?” he digs, wanting an answer. (Y/N) was thinking of an answer, but she couldn’t think of one. 
“Well?” her eyes met his, his body language said anger, but his eyes held protectiveness and concern. 
“We had dinner when I was in London one time, and we kinda hit it off…” she trails off, fidgeting with her rings. Tommy rolled his eyes and threw the letter onto his desk.  He lit a cigarette, before studying her again. 
“I don’t want you to get hurt. I know men like him and they aren’t good men,” he states. 
“I know,” she says. Tommy was quite shocked at her reaction. He was expecting her to throw it right back into his face, like normal, but (Y/N) sat there like a child getting scolded. 
“But he isn’t scared of me. Everyone here is scared and intimidated by me, but Alfie isn’t,” she defends. 
“(Y/N),” Tommy tries to but in. “No. You, Arthur, and John all got to run around with different girls and got to experience some sort of relationship and love. What did I get, three over-protective brothers who scared off anyone who showed an inch of interest in me! Ay, even Finn had a girlfriend before I have a boyfriend!”
 ‘There’s my sister’ Tommy thought. “Alfie is the first person who is clearly not afraid of you or what comes with someone who comes with the Shelby name,” she says, now standing eye to eye with her twin.
(Y/N) didn’t want to hear another word from Tommy, she quickly grabbed the letter before walking out of his office, slamming the door while she left. She walked through the betting shop, eyes on her angry form. 
“What are you all staring at?!” she yells. All attention quickly leaves her. “That's what I bloody thought,” she muttered as she walks out to the streets of Birmingham. She dug out a cigarette and quickly lit it. Leaning back against the brick wall, she opened the letter, reading over Alfie’s words.  
(Y/N) hears the door beside her open and a shadow cast over her. She sighs, taking another drag of her smoke, not looking up. “Tommy you better fuck off right now. I am not in the mood to see you right now,” she says. 
“Well then, if that’s how you feel, I’ll just fuck off back to London,” a familiar voice says. Se quickly looks up to see Alfie standing in front of her. 
“Alfie!” she squeaks before jumping into his arms. He spun her around, enjoying the embrace. 
“What are you doing here?” she questions, most time she would meet him in London, not the other way around in Small Heath.  
“Thought it would be my turn to come to visit and come do some business with your brother. A win-win I’d fucking say,” he says, keeping the oldest Shelby sister close.  She looks into his ocean blue eyes, quickly glancing at his lips. Alfie catches the que and leans down to meet her lips. She felt sparks run through her as Alfie deepen the kiss. Before it could go any farther, someone cleared their throat. They broke apart and see Thomas standing by the door. He lights another cigarette, looking over the couple. He points at Alfie. 
“You’re serious about ‘er?” he questions. 
“I am,” Alfie states, not giving in. Tommy nods, taking another drag of his smoke.
“Don’t break her heart, or you’ll have the lot of us after you,” he states pointing to the London gangster. “And you, don’t break his face when you’re arguing,” he says pointing to his twin. (Y/N) rolls her eyes at her twins' words. 
“ Breaking my face?” Alfie questions, looking down at her. 
“I might have broken John’s nose once or twice when we have had arguments,” she comments, causing Alfie to laugh. 
“You’re a real spitfire aren’t ya.”
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clancarruthers · 4 years
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  From our beginnings in Annandale, Dumfriesshire, southwest Scotland, our family have spread far and wide, and in many cases have and still are making a difference to communities around the world.
We are continually on the look out for stories of our family and we are glad that this was brought to our attention by…
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
THIRD PLACE PRIZE @thotful-writing: the seeds at career day at their kid’s school (NON-CULT AU)
it’s been a while but i’m back! requests will be slow as i have a two commissions to work on and i am participating in the far cry holiday exchange as well! i still have a hurk x male!deputy in the works and a female!deputy x jess black request prize as well! my asks are still always open though! hope everyone is doing well and life is being somewhat kind to you! ♡
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john has been one of atlanta’s most popular lawyers for quite some time. he is known not just for his skill in the courtroom, but also for being a family man.
he spends his free time with you and the two children you share together, and also funding city revival projects alongside his brother joseph.
it’s time for career day at your youngest’s middle school and when they ask john to come in, he’s more than delighted.
in fact you think he looks like he might cry. he says it was dust.
when the time comes, john dresses up in his nicest court outfit, asks you to help him find his fanciest cuff links, and makes sure his beard is clean and trimmed.
john’s charisma kicks in when he’s at the front of the class and your child sits in their desk staring up at john in awe and pride.
he tells stories about the different, more low-key cases that he has won and lost, and even talks about the importance of feeling safe in your own family.
when both your husband and your child come home (john pulled him out of school early and took him to lunch in cool dad fashion), you wish you’d been there to see both of them as they both excitedly tell you how it went.
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jacob left the army with honorable discharge and a purple heart for saving one of his fellow soldiers named miller.
when your child came bouncing through the front door saying career day was coming up and they wanted him to go, you were both skeptical at first.
you and jacob talked about it that night in bed: whether or not he should go and what he would talk about.
he was beyond anxious about it, and you could tell in the way he kept adjusting his collar, fixing his patches, and dusting off his camo cap.
you gave him a kiss on the cheek before he hauled your kid over his shoulder with a laugh, the two of them heading out of the door together.
jacob takes off his military jacket during his presentation and lets the kids pass it around with his cap as well.
he strays away from the darker things and instead talks about how he’s gotten to travel and meet new friends through his service in the military.
when jacob walks through the front door, you can see the difference in his stance compared to this morning. his shoulders are high and he’s giving your child a piggyback ride.
“i assume it went well?”
“daddy even took me to mcdonald’s afterwards! it was so fun! i got to put on his jacket again and show all the kids how big i’m going to be!” jacob set your child down on the ground and slouched an arm around your shoulders.
“it went better than expected.” jacob had a smile on his face and it was so contagious you couldn’t help but smile too.
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joseph hears about career day and before you can even think of answering he volunteers.
you’re taken aback at first by how quickly he’d said agreed, but not surprised. joseph had and would do anything for his family, your little tyke included.
the next morning you woke up to the sound of joseph’s alarm going off a little earlier than normal. he was trimming his beard, already showered, and his hair tied up in a neat bun.
he was in a nice outfit, all dressed and ready to impress.
if anything, joseph was more excited to go than your kid was for their dad to show up at career day. 
you waved them off before they took off for school, both joseph and your child giddy with excitement.
when you got home, they were both sitting at the kitchen table, excitedly talking about what had happened that day while splitting a candy bar.
“a lot of kids asked a lot of questions.”
“oh? and what did your father tell them?”
“he talked about all the different jobs he did before becoming a preacher! from the peach orchard to other jobs he took int he city as he moved around.”
joseph nibbled on the candy next to your child with pink cheeks and a proud grin on his face.
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nouveauweird · 5 years
do you have any recs for learning about screenwriting / how to screenwrite? i'm one of those writers who kind of sees things like a movie and i'm wondering if things would work out better for me with a new medium. thanks in advance!
I hope you’ve got some time to read all of this because it got really frickin’ long.
I was introduced to screenwriting in a Writing Lab in college and followed suit into a Screenwriting IA (Integrative Activity, where students demonstrate what they’ve learned over the course of their studies in the Cinema and Communications program). 
So admittedly, most of what I learned was from two teachers who already knew their stuff and worked in the industry. However, I was so interested in pursuing screenwriting once I’d fallen in love with it, that I bought all the “optional” resource books my Screenwriting teacher had recommended. 
The Screenwriter’s Manual: A Complete Reference of Format and Style by Stephen E. Bowles, Ronald Mangravite, and Peter A. Zorn Jr. really has the basics for what you need to learn how to get into screenwriting. It is available on Amazon for a range of prices. 
I also read significantly through The Screenwriter’s Problem Solver: How to recognize, identify, and define screenwriting problems by Syd Field and to be honest it can actually be useful for any kind of story writer, as I perused it and applied some of its content to a few films I found were really poorly executed. 
I own, but have not significantly perused:
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting by Robert McKee 
My uncle who is a screenwriter recommended highly, I personally haven’t dived in yet because the McKee has a stupid disclaimer about why he chose to use He pronouns to refer to the writer throughout the book which was a bit irritating so I just covered it with a sticky note and let it sit for a while.
Writing Short Films: Structure and Content for Screenwriters by Linda J. Cowgill
*Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer by Roy Peter Clark.
*Showing & Telling by Laurie Alberts
*Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg (currently reading)
*Take Off Your Pants! : Outline Your Books for Faster, Better Writing by Libbie Hawker. 
* = not screenwriting specific, general writing.
Two other books that come highly recommended by both of my uncles who work in the industry are: Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, and Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field.
Since I didn’t learn this completely on my own, I don’t have many online resources, but a quick google search of “Basic Screenwriting Format” should yield you some decent results. HERE is one I found, which has a few book recommendations in it as well. Airtable has resources for screenwriting as well but I am not as familiar with it, search “screenwriting” in the template section.
Here’s what I can recommend right off the bat, sign up for Celtx. It has free and paid subscription services, and you can keep 3 projects on your account at a time, but you can also just download them as PDF’s to free up space and reupload them later and the format will be in tact. Scrivener also has a screenwriting word processor, but it’s a (one time) paid program. 
There are many other word processors for screenwriting, but the best for beginners is Celtx. Most processors these days do the formatting for you, unlike 10-20+ years ago when you had to figure that shit out yourself. All you have to do is get familiar with where everything goes. 
Which brings me to the next part of my answer…
A Screenwriting Crash Course 
For a whole fucking load more of information, look under the cut.
First and foremost, I think it’s important to understand that the narrative description / action / description (all terms used interchangeably) is written in present tense 3rd person, and that you should focus on describing exclusively on what can be SEEN and HEARD. You should also try to be as concise and brief as possible. I found this was quite freeing because while I do love the metaphorical descriptions in prose, screenwriting is a very snappy and visual medium to write in. 
Another thing to understand is that beyond learning the basic formatting rules of screenwriting, you can pretty much bullshit formatting you’re not sure about. I’ve read many screenplays where certain elements were not consistent, such as whether or not the writer chooses to put their characters’ names in CAPS every single time (you should at least do so when the character is first introduced).
It’s actually really easy to find scripts of your favourite films online with a quick google search, it might take practice but I’ve managed to build a decent collection of screenplays that I like to read and get an eye for certain formatting tricks that won’t be in a “how to” book. Screenplays also read very quickly. There’s a general rule of 1:1 for page:minute, meaning 1 page is usually equal to one minute of screen time, and if not, it usually averages out.
I’m going to pull some quotes from The Screenwriter’s Manual to give you a bit of an idea of where you can start: pg 25 - 44, 49 - 63
You can find photos of the table of contents HERE if you’d like to message me directly with specific questions, I’d be happy to send you photos of the section you want. 
The Staging
The first component in the scene line [or slug line] provides the most basic information about the set-up for the scene.
The staging is ALWAYS abbreviated and followed by a period. There are only two choices for a scene: 
INT. for an interior set, informing the reader that the scene takes place in an inside environment
EXT. for an exterior set, specifying an outside environment. 
1. The Location
The second component in the scene line is the location in which the scene takes place. 
The location follows the INT. or EXT. designation and is separated from it by two character spaces [most screenwriting processors will do this automatically].
Do not abbreviate any words in the location component of the scene line. For example,
INT. APARTMENT is correct, and INT. APT. is incorrect.
It is absolutely essential that every specific location be distinguished from every other location. 
If Joe lives in an apartment, then you can call that location INT. APARTMENT But if, in the same screenplay, Bob also has an apartment you can no longer use INT. APARTMENT as a location for Bob’s apartment.
To eliminate confusion, one solution is to call each apartment location by the resident’s name: INT. JOE’S APARTMENT and INT. BOB’S APARTMENT
Once a specific location has been identified in the scene line, all subsequent scenes taking place in that location MUST be identified in exactly the same way.
The location identifies where the activity and dialogue take place…
… if John lives in a multi-room apartment and John is currently in his bedroom (so that other rooms are concealed from view), then the scene line must read, INT. JOHN’S BEDROOM or INT. JOHN’S APARTMENT, BEDROOM
[If the action moves from one location to another there are different ways to indicate it; one would be to created a new scene line to indicate the new location, or to indicate the new location in the description like “John walks out of his bedroom and into the LIVING ROOM”. ]
A scene line can take either of two common variations: 
Most often, the scene line will define a specific location, such as INT. JOHN’S LIVING ROOM which limits the field of view to the area where the “camera” is placed.
If the scene takes place in a more generalized location, you can write it as an open scene, such as EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS … By identifying the scene in a generalized way, you are indicating that it is not important to your narrative to identify precisely where on the campus this scene takes place.
The third component of the scene line indicates the general time at which the scene begins. 
The time follows the location and is separated from it by a character space, then a dash, and then another character space.
[ example: INT. JOHN’S HOUSE, ATTIC - DAY ]
The time component of the scene line is most typically specified as a simple DAY or NIGHT. However, the time component can define a more precise period of the day or night. For example, DAWN, MORNING, AFTERNOON, RUSH HOUR, etc.
… You CANNOT specify an exact time, such as 3:30 PM, in the scene line. If such a specific time is required, you need to [include it in your description]…
When there is no lapse of time from one scene to the next, the time element in the scene line could simply be, CONTINUOUS. … if the time lapse is very brief, then you could use something like, MOMENTS LATER, A FEW MINUTES LAYER
If a scene takes place in a location in which there is no way to gauge the visible time (DAY or NIGHT), then that element is omitted from the scene line.
[example EXT. PARIS, FRANCE - DAY (1946)
If a scene opens with a moving vehicle within the location, then that can be indicated in the scene line. For example… INT. JOHN’S CAR - DAY (MOVING)
Description imparts the necessary detail to the essentials of the scene, describing such features as the characters, sets, props, and any necessary action and sound cues. 
It is generally best to keep the level of detail focused on the actions and dialogue that comprise the narrative. That is where your attention and the reader’s interest should be directed. 
By describing the particular props and decor in a scene and how each character dresses or grooms, you can suggest such character information as personality type, emotional condition, religious affiliation, economic level, artistic taste, and for forth.
First, establish the scene, describing only what is visually apparent in the location and giving only as much detail as necessary. 
You cannot describe anything that cannot be seen… until they have been revealed. 
You do not need to itemize things that are generic and would ordinarily be present, such as furnishings, colours, arrangements, [etc]…
However you MUST specify anything that is unusual or essential to the scene. 
[ My uncle imparted me with a great tip; screenwriting doesn’t maintain traditional prose rules about paragraphs. You should try to keep your descriptions a maximum of four lines, and feel free to break them up into one-line or even one-word for emphasis.]
You can only convey what is happening at the moment… [No what has happened or what will happen]. 
You CANNOT provide any biographical, psychological, or situational information [about your characters] unless you can find visual means to do so (such as a newspaper article, a television program, [etc.])…
Each character must be introduced in the description the first time [they] physically appear in the screenplay. This includes not only major characters, but also supporting characters and even minor characters and groups that function as characters. 
When a character is introduced, [their] name is ALWAYS typed in ALL CAPS regardless of whether the character is identified by a proper name, a profession, or an appearance… EVANS, AGENT ONE, DERELICT…
Once a character has been introduced, all subsequent references to that character’s name in the description should be written in a normal manner with initial caps… Evans, Agent One, Derelict… 
As the screenwriter, you know who is a major character and who is a supporting or minor character because you have the entire story in your mind. The reader, however, is in a different situation.
… The amount of detail you provide about a character’s appearance and demeanor will give the reader a key to that character’s important in the script. 
As a guide, when characters are introduced, you need to make clear how important each is going to be by tailoring the description and context accordingly.
[ You should describe their appearance and what they are doing when you introduce your characters. There are many different formats to describe a character when you are introducing them, and none of them are the hard and fast rule, you will probably end up settling for your own preferred method].
WARREN EVANS, late twenties, intense, handsome with closely cropped hair and a neatly trimmed moustache, is working with cool precision at one of the hundreds of banks of wiring terminals. he is dressed in coveralls and wearing thin latex gloves.
A character’s age can also be assigned a numerical designation, such as…
WARREN EVANS (late 20s), ruggedly handsome, dressed in… 
Seated at the table is CINDY LEWIS, late 20s and very attractive…
[ Generally you should only mention eye colour, skin colour, height, weight, hair style/colour if it is relevant to the narrative. ]
In addition to using CAPS to introduce characters in the description, there are established conventions for other elements that need to be typed in CAPS but only if they affect the narrative…
Those elements include: 
all essential costumes, props and decorany important action, effects, or emphasisany required music or sounds
Although some of the following instances require CAPPING, many will be judgement decisions. 
You CANNOT identify every costume, prop, or decor on the set. Ordinary objects that have no special significance to the narrative should be left [ in normal text].
… if a certain prop is important to the story, you should CAP it when it first appears, regardless of whether it is important to that particular scene.
CAPPED words can be effective only if they are used sparingly and appropriately, if CAPPED words are used too frequently, their significance will be lost.
The dialogue element, [also] called the dialogue-block, of the screenplay format consists of three components:
the character-name specifies which character is speaking…the dialogue reveals what is being said by that charactera parenthetical, when necessary, instructs [or indicated an element of] how or to whom the character [is speaking].                           EVANS                 (to the group)   Sorry I’m late. This round’s on me.
ALWAYS contains the character-name and dialogue, and it MAY, if helpful, also contain parentheticals.is ALWAYS single spaced with no blank lines that internally separate the individual componentsis ALWAYS preceded and followed by a single blank line
[ Parentheticals should not be used too often, you should be attempting to provide context for how the character is delivering their line in the description by providing adequate mood/intensity/emotion.]
A character-name is the designation used for the speaker…
… Once a character-name has been established, you MUST consistently use that name from that character.
For example, if you’ve introduced the character as COLIN PRYCE in the description, then you will probably want to use the designation COLIN or PRYCE in the dialogue-block.
Everything that the actor speaks that is heard by the audience is dialogue. 
[Dialogue] is ALWAYS written in basic prose with initial caps and proper punctuation. 
To emphasize a particular word or phrase you should underline it.
[ Off-screen: when a character is not physically present in the scene peaks from a nearby location, close enough that they could enter the scene. Such a character might be speaking from a room out of view or from behind a concealed area.
Voice-over: (1) a voice heard from a mechanical device such as a telephone, radio, intercom, tape recorder, answering machine, walkie-talkie, etc. (2) The voice of a narrator, which is required when the dialogue is spoken by an unseen narrator. (3) The thoughts of a character, applied when a character is visually present and what is heard are their thoughts.
Usually, a character who is speaking dialogue is visually present within the scene. However, there are two important exceptions: off-screen and voice-over.
The off-screen (O.S.) and voice-over (V.O.) cues 
- ALWAYS follow the character-name on the same line- are ALWAYS enclosed in parentheses- are ALWAYS abbreviated in upper case.
Parentheticals are a convenient device to convey specific information about how the dialogue is being said… 
[Parentheticals] are ALWAYS enclosed by parentheses… are restricted to words, phrases, and fragments… ALWAYS apply to the dialogue that immediately follows it.
Parentheticals need to be concise and direct, indicating such brief information such as:
- to whom the character is speaking (to John), (into phone), (to himself)- a particular gesture or mannerism(raising his glass), (looking at her watch)- how the dialogue is being spoken(angrily), (coughing), (softly), (thick ____ accent)
Because parentheticals are limited to words and phrases, they [should always be written in lowercase and with no punctuation, for example:
No more than two directions should be included in any parenthetical. If two directions appear they should be separated by a semi-colon:
(to the class; loudly)
- a (beat)- a (pause)- an (interrupting)
[A (beat) indicates a change of thought, suggests a moment of indecision, or conveys a dramatic effect.
A (pause) signifies that a break in the dialogue occurs. This is most often used in phone conversations. 
An (interruption) indicates that the dialogue begun be the previous speaker is being interrupted by the current character (there are a few different ways you can format this). ]
I won’t go any further than this because this is already extremely long, but ultimately I invite you to take a look at some of the scripts (here and here) I’ve written and doctored as an amateur screenwriter as well as digging up your own favourite movie scripts which will give you a good idea of how to implements what formatting.
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cookiecutterwrites · 5 years
Game Day! - How to Save the World in 12 Easy Steps, S1E8
Tetra tries out for catgirl cheer squad while Marley, Jaidyn, and Khep gear up for an epic game day watch party.
Genre: Fantasy/Sci-Fi Kitchen Sink, Slice of Life
Wordcount: ~2800
TW: Death and gore. Implied animal abuse and death.
TETRA stands gazing up at a saccharine-pink poster pinned to the center of the bulletin board: CHEER SQUAD TRYOUTS!!!
MARLEY rolls up to a stop behind her, speaks without quite turning to look at Tetra proper.
               MARLEY    Is that what you really want?
Tetra whips around to face her.
               TETRA    What? I can’t hear you, there’s lots of people and you're not facing me.
Marley looks away, maintaining the caricature of surreptitiousness.
               MARLEY    Ugh! I’m not supposed to have opinions on the cheer squad, I should be above this.
She relents, turns, claps both hands down on Tetra’s shoulders.
               MARLEY    Don’t do this. Those girls are the embodiment of evil on this campus.
               TETRA    That’s not true. You’re the embodiment of evil on this campus.
               MARLEY    I’m flattered but also you’re wrong.
KHEP sidles up behind them. Stops. Doesn't quite turn to face them either, same as Marley before.
               KHEP    You know, the Aesta Bowl is tonight.
               TETRA    What?
               MARLEY    Tetra's trying out for cheer squad.
               KHEP        (turning)    Tetra's -- what?!
               TETRA    What? What's going on?
               KHEP    Don't do it, those girls aren't alright. There's like 8 of them but they all act like one person.
               TETRA    So... exactly like you?
               KHEP    No! Not like that! ... If you go, they'll make you one of them.
Marley nods vigorously.
PAVLOVA sidles up behind the trio, stops abruptly, speaks without quite turning to face them. For those keeping track, that three now.
               PAVLOVA    What's this about the cheer squad? Tread carefully, take it from me. They're the only kids in our grade I can't control.
               TETRA                       MARLEY    What?! Speak up!                Not you too.
Pavlova narrows her eyes at Marley.
               PAVLOVA    I've already said too much. I should be above this.
She marches out. Marley, Khep, and Tetra watch her depart. And then,
               TETRA    But isn't it good to give people a chance?
               MARLEY    Not like this.
               TETRA    That just makes me want to prove you wrong.
She spins sharply on her heel and bounds away.
Marley pinches the bridge of her nose. Khep shakes their head.
               KHEP    Aesta bowl. Our place, tonight. Bring snacks.
               MARLEY    Why your place?
               KHEP    We have the most normal house.
               MARLEY    Won't your parents -
               KHEP    They're clueless -
               TETRA (O.S.)    Sorry fellas. It sounds fun but I'm all tied up! Trying out for the cheer squad and all that!
               MARLEY        (quietly to Khep)    Should we stop her?
Khep shrugs.
               KHEP    She's gonna find out sooner or later. It's just one day, she'll be fine.
Marley hums in agreement and makes for her locker.  SBAF! She vanishes in a flash of teleporter light.
Tetra plods by bleachers of milling football players, baseball players, and track athletes.
Enter, the CHEER SQUAD. 8 catgirls, all 16, slo-mo power walk onto the field. They're led by KATRINA, CALLIE, and CADY, who each execute a pristine shampoo-ad hair flip in turn. The rest flank out to either side. Their ears twitch, their dainty little fangs sparkle.
Katrina pauses to pull RILEY -- 17, quarterback -- into a deep, passionate kiss. He's the very picture of a dumb jock.
Tetra speedwalks to catch up to them, which is not difficult, since, you know, slow motion.
               TETRA    Hey! Hi!
This brings them up to speed. They break formation, shoot Tetra a dirty look, reform in seemingly the blink of an eye.
               KATRINA    You here for tryouts?
Tetra nods.
               CALLIE        (whispering)    Told you someone would be gullible -
               KATRINA    Quiet, Callie!
Callie rolls her eyes. Tetra frowns.
               KATRINA    Skylark High's game day is coming up in less than a week. We'll have to whip you in shape in record time since our best flyer, Cassie, dropped out -
She narrows her eyes, slit pupils gleaming.
               CALLIE    She couldn't take the pressure of laying down her life for the Princess Kittarella -
               KATRINA        (hissing)    I swear to Bast if you don't learn to hold your pretty little tongue, I'll tear it out for you.
She brandishes DAGGER-POINT CLAWS with a SCHINK!
Callie throws her hands up in surrender, rolls her eyes, huffs.
Katrina turns back to Tetra, cocks her head. Tetra welds herself to the spot, eyes wide.
               KATRINA    Cady, check if she's flyer material.
Cady SEIZES Tetra, and before she knows it, she's scooped up bridal-style. She just goes along with it, like any good citizen of Muttonchop.
               CADY    Huh. Lighter than you look. Kat, what if she turns out, you know, good?
               KATRINA    Have a little faith, Cady. If she's got it, we let her in.
Marley knocks on the front door.
               KHEP (O.S.)    Let her in!
JAIDYN answers the door. Unimpressed, he turns, shouts back into the house.
               JAIDYN    It's Marvin!
               KHEP (O.S.)    Yeah, let her in! The game's about to start!
Marley glares daggers into the vanilla faux-rustic HOME SWEET HOME doormat.
               JAIDYN    You gonna come in or what?
She sighs deeply.
               JAIDYN    Yeah, thought you might not be over not having the skybeams for the occasion. About the overpass incident, I'm-
               MARLEY        (shrugging)    Figured I'd just try enjoy the game like all the brainless peasant scum.
She holds up a tupperware.
               MARLEY    I brought kimchi.
She pushes past him, barging into the house.
Khep scuttles up to meet them.
               KHEP    Just so you know, John Smith's parents don't know anything about this eons-old lightning spirit thing. So, you know -
They mime zipping their mouth shut.
               MARLEY    John Smith? So he's a real person?
A haggardly ELDERY WOMAN dressed in what looks to be at least seven layers slinks around the perimeter of the Smiths' house. She crouches down near the picket fence, and then -
ZAP! A pronged LIGHTNING BOLT SHOOTS out of her and latches on to the phone line outside. Khep picks their way toward the house and in though an open window, STRIKING a YOUNG JOHN SMITH, 10, in the chest.                KHEP (V.O.)    We only switch bodes when we absolutely have to. We pick our hosts carefully but he... he was even more perfect than we thought. Perfectly average in every way. Inconspicuous. Exactly what we needed to keep a low profile.
               MARLEY (V.O.)    Wait, so that means there's an original John Smith -
An expanse of overcast grey as far as the eye can see. The very air ripples with indistinct whispers. Faces materialize, melt, reform -- flit in and out of the fog. In the center of it all sits JOHN SMITH, 17, scrunched up, hugging his knees, trembling, eyes wide, knuckles gnawed raw.
               KHEP (V.O.)    It only takes about 3 minutes for us to completely overwhelm our host's nervous system. But yes. John Smith is still in here. Just like all our previous hosts. Broken and assimilated, but alive.
Young John Smith puts on a baseball cap backwards. His eyes flash with electricity briefly -- Khep's in control.
               KHEP (V.O.)    At first, we'd confer with him to make sure his behavior was no different from usual. These days he doesn't speak much.
Back to Marley, Jaidyn, and Khep.
               MARLEY    You ripped an innocent child's life from him? That's cold. I respect it.
               KHEP    We're not proud of it.
               MR. SMITH (O.S.)    John! Come help your old man out, I think there's a cat under the hood!
Khep starts.
               KHEP    Yes, pops! Coming!        (to Marley and Jaidyn)    We'll be right back, you guys get ready -
Cady and Callie lock hands, joining forces. Tetra balances in between them. Katrina and the rest of the squad watch from a safe distance.
               CALLIE    Ready?
Cady nods.
               TETRA    Wait, what is this -
The cheerleaders FLING Tetra into the air. Tetra's first instinct is to lock up and SHRIEK.
But by the second throw, she's come to her senses.
And on her third flight, she pulls off a SOMERSAULT WITH A HALF-TWIST.
               KATRINA    Halt!
Cady and Callie catch Tetra handily, each bewildered.
               KATRINA    How'd you do that?
               TETRA        (shrugging)    It was weird at first but it's not so different from the anti-gravity field of an Aidrebdian warship.
The cheer squad huddle up and discuss in hushed whispers.
               CADY    I like her, Kat. Let's keep her.
               KATRINA    She is blonde...
Tetra simpers, peels off her wig.
               TETRA    It's a wig.
               CALLIE    ... How does it stay on?
               TETRA    Magnets.
               CALLIE    I'm not even gonna ask how that works.
Katrina purrs slightly, head tipped to the side, turns to Tetra.
               KATRINA    I like you. You're in.
Tetra gasps, practically bounces with exhilaration.
Katrina ushers her off the field.
               KATRINA    Come on now. Let's get you fitted for your uniform.
In the back, the rest of the squad break from formation, beam at the sound of good news, burst into a triumphant cheer -
           SMASH CUT TO:
Marley ERUPTS into barely-contained cheers, LEAPING off the couch!
Jaidyn snacks on chips, more or less devoid of emotion. He simply can't bring himself to be invested.
The lights are dimmed, an outdated early-2000s television set bathes the pair in cold, synthetic light.
The contents of the Bowl in question: gratuitous violence!
To set the scene: a forest in COMPLETE and UTTER CHAOS. A SPACE MARINE shoots a CENTAUR IN THE HEAD, BLASTING BRAINS ALL OVER THE LENS. A Robin Hood-type perched in a pine tree picks off distant competitors. A MOSASAUR BURSTS from the rapids, snapping a winged woman straight from the air. NO MERCY. NO SIGN OF LETTING UP. NO CENSORSHIP.
An overexcited COMMENTATOR, 35, narrates the action:
               COMMENTATOR    And here comes Kris straight down the field - OH!! A shadow strike, a classic! And another one bites the dust -- KRIS, ladies and gentlemen, biting the heads off her victims! AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! It's only been 10 minutes and we already have over 40 dead. Who will survive?! Who will emerge victorious?! Don't change the channel, it's Muttonchop's very own annual AESTA BOWL!
A robed WIZARD fires crystal blasts at TIMMY TOOTHBRUSH, 27, a scrawny little reed of a man armed with nothing but the humble toothbrush. He LEAPS out of the way, dodging narrowly. With a growl, he surges toward the wizard and STABS the old man THROUGH THE HEART!
               MARLEY    I stan you, Timmy Toothbrush!
               JAIDYN    How is he doing that? Is it hexed?
               MARLEY    Nope, it's a regular ol' toothbrush. You saying you could swing a toothbrush better?
               JAIDYN    I was blessed by Iadou, the goddess of pointy objects and sharp edges, as an infant. So yes. But this guy -
               MARLEY    Isn't he amazing?!
She sits, simmers down but still practically quivers with awe. Jaidyn munches on chips. Yells, explosions, and bloody murder ring from the screen.
               JAIDYN    Where is Tetra anyway?
               MARLEY    She's trying out for cheer squad.
Cronch, but like, suspicious.
               MARLEY    Don't look at me! I tried to stop her.
               JAIDYN    Did you really? Call me crazy, but I could see you working with them. You kinda remind me of them.
Marley motions for Jaidyn to keep it down so she can hear the announcer.
               MARLEY    Hushshush-shh- if you don't shut your mouth, I'll blast it off for you.
Khep BURSTS into the room, slack-jawed, wide-eyed. Cat snarls can be heard outside.
               KHEP    Where's Tetra?
               JAIDYN          MARLEY
               KHEP    She's -- what?! - we might already be too late. All the cats in the neighborhood are acting up. The Princess Kittarella is on the move. We just never thought it'd be so soon. She only needs a sacrifice of nine kindred lives to return.
               JAIDYN        (it's finally dawning on him)    Oh, so that's what cheer squad's been up to.
               KHEP    Yeah, that, or true love's kiss, which would also manifest the Princess. We should already be back at school.
They grab Marley and Jaidyn, make a beeline for the door -
               MARLEY    Aw, can't we wait for a commercial break -
The girls plod down a dark, foreboding hall toward the club room. Katrina holds up a hand, signalling 'halt'.
She pushes against the door. It creaks open maddeningly slowly with much resistance.
Cady bows and slips in first.
CLACK. Something's knocked to the floor. Katrina cringes. And then -
DOMINO EFFECT. A SYMPHONY of crashes and scrapes sound from behind the door. She’s set off a RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINE of destruction. CAT SCREECH.
The dust settles. Katrina exhales. She pushes, the door swings open and they enter.
The very air is riddled with dust. Sheets of burlap cover desks, half-melted candles and warped jars. A low, round coffee table and a dried bunch of catnip serve as the centerpiece. Cat hair covers every conceivable surface.
Katrina snaps her fingers and Cady steps forth from the dark recess between a bookshelf and a filing cabinet. She comes bearing a pair of CAT EARS. They still flicker with the lustre of life, they steam, they breathe. They drip carmine.
The girls circle up around the coffee table with uncanny practiced precision. Callie pushes Tetra up onto the table.
               TETRA    What -
Katrina presses a claw-tipped finger to her lips. Tetra gulps but says no more.
               KATRINA    Princess, we are gathered here on this joyous day, for we have selected a ninth spirit for you.
Cady steps up behind Tetra, who's eyes shift subtly. She knows chaos. She can feel it.
               KATRINA    Sisters, join me in welcoming the newest addition to our litter. For you see, Princess, even a runt has a place here.
Tetra frowns, indignant.
Cady lowers the ears. Barely an inch from Tetra's hair now -
               KATRINA        (hissing)    Babe! We're sort of in the middle of something here -
Riley seizes Katrina and pulls her close.
               RILEY    Kat! Kat, no more of this. No more. Enough of this.
Pavlova leans against the wall outside the door, arms cross, eyes glued to the floor.
               KATRINA (O.S.)        (throwing a hissy fit)    How'd you even find out about this?! This is a private function -
               RILEY    Kat, stop! I know everything, I-I know what you're trying to do, and I can't let you! You can't just leave me like that, babe, promise me you won't -
Pav walks away, fire in her eyes. Her job here is done.
Tetra garbs ahold of Cady's hands and wrenches the cat ears away from her head.
Katrina's practically in hysterics.
               KATRINA    How would you understand?! I owe Kittarella my life!                RILEY    There- there has to be another way!
               KATRINA    What?! True Love's Kiss?! There's no such thing, we abandoned that on day one!                RILEY    Kat...
He gently cups her face and pulls her into a kiss.
The table under Tetra's feet CRACKS, GLOWS, then EXPLODES! Tetra leaps deftly out of the way. She lands on her feet, as any good cat should.
Katrina and Riley break for air.
And there, shrouded in a blinding light, where the table used to be, stands the angelic, ethereal PRINCESS KITTARELLA.
               RILEY        (under his breath)    Oh my god, it worked.
Katrina scrambles to kneel before her goddess. The Princess tenderly places a hand between Katrina's cat ears.
               KITTARELLA    Katrina. My most devoted daughter. I have a plethora of gifts in store for you. How would you like to join me on my quest to unite the felines of this decaying world?
               KATRINA    ... Would I? Anything for you, my Princess.
She turns, surveying the room.
               KATRINA    ... On one condition. My squad comes too if they so choose. And Riley, of course.
Kittarella smiles.
               KITTARELLA    It is done.
Katrina beams, kisses Riley again.
Marley, Khep, and Jaidyn trample in!
Marley brandishes a blaster, Jaidyn raises Hoover like a bat, Khep flips open a butterfly knife.
               MARLEY    Stop right there, you snakes!
Kittarella raises a brow, indifferently nudges the barrel of Marley's blaster aside.
               KITTARELLA    What is this? Convince me of why I shouldn't rip your throats out right here and now.
Tetra leaps to her feet, waving frantically.
               TETRA    Guys! I'm fine! Over here! Guys!
Marley sighs, drops the blaster. Jaidyn lowers Hoover and Khep stuffs their hands in their pockets after folding the knife back up.
               RILEY    So, hey, this is awkward. Guess everyone should introduce themselves, huh? I'll go first, my name is Riley -
           CUT TO BLACK.
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andrebearakovsky · 6 years
This Week in Caps: Week 3
Welcome to This Week in Caps, a weekly newsletter where I recap everything important that’s been going on in the world of the Washington Capitals this past week.
This Week’s Games
10/17/18 vs New York Rangers, W 4-3 (OT)
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I hope you like the Caps on Wednesday Night Hockey, because the Caps have hosted that particular nationally televised game for three straight weeks. The Caps took on an old rival in the rebuilding Rangers, and Alex Ovechkin faced Henrik Lundqvist, the goalie he’s beaten more than any other.
The first period was fast-moving, with not a lot of stoppages and little to no shenanigans. Brett Connolly was robbed by Lundqvist, and Mika Zibanejad scored on a rebound in front about six minutes into the game. 1-0 Rangers. The action got going with about seven minutes left in the period; the Rangers had a mad scrum in front of the Caps’ net, and Christian Djoos made a huge save by sweeping the puck off the goalline, keeping a goal off the scoresheet. The defensive efforts paid off about a minute later, when John Carlson scored a booming slap shot goal directly off a Nicklas Backstrom faceoff win, trying the game 1-1.
Shortly into the second period, Ovechkin was back at it again against Lundqvist. On a power play, Carlson kept the puck in the zone and flipped it over to Ovechkin, who slapped a one-timer from the very back of the Ovi Office and caught Lundqvist off guard, giving the Caps a 2-1 lead. But the Rangers would be quick to tie the score, with them getting their own power play and Jimmy Vesey tapping in a goal to make it 2-2. Ovechkin made sure to have the last laugh of the period, scoring yet another one-timer power play goal, eerily similar to the first one, to make it 3-2 Caps.
But the lead wouldn’t last, and Chris Kreider scored a tip-in goal on a power play for the Rangers that tied the score 3-3. And despite everyone’s best efforts, this game would go to overtime.
Evgeny Kuznetsov drove play when he had the puck in overtime, eventually faking at shooting the puck at the net. Matt Niskanen, hovering nearby, dunked home the rebound to score the overtime winner, giving the Caps the 4-3 win.
The Caps outshot the Rangers 38-32 and had the advantage on faceoffs at 53%. Each team went 2/4 on the power play, and Braden Holtby saved 29/32 shots. This game was closer than the Caps probably would have liked, but it’s a win all the same, and the Caps will be happy to take it.
10/19/18 vs Florida Panthers, L 5-6 (SO)
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The Panthers came into this one winles on the season, and the Caps were looking for two in a row. And when all was said and done, this game ended up being a wild one.
Joe Beninati described the Caps’ first period as “sleepy,” and that’s how it felt. Defense was not good, and they just did not look good in the first at all. Vincent Trocheck scored halfway through the period. The Caps responded five minutes later on a John Carlson goal, throwing home a puck in front of the net to make it 1-1. But the Panthers pounded the Caps the rest of the period, scoring the next goal just thirty seconds later. Florida got goals from Evgenii Dadonov, Colton Sceviour, and Jared McCann to make it 4-1 Panthers by the end of the first.
Things changed for the Caps between the first and second periods — Braden Holtby was taken out of the game in favor of Pheonix Copley, and the lines were put in a blender. It seemed to work, as the Caps were completely revitalized and were dominating play, with the defense especially looking a lot better (the Panthers did not get their first shot on Copley until halfway through the period).
They got the comeback rolling with just under two minutes in the frame — Brett Connolly scored on a sharp angle to make it 2-4. Later, the Caps got an odd-man rush and Jakub Vrana scored from his knees to make it 3-4. And just a few minutes later, Devante Smith-Pelly took advantage on a bad bounce off the Panther goalie, and scored on the second shot to complete the comeback and tie the game at 4. The Panthers were also forced to make a goalie change, pulling James Reimer and replacing him with Michael Hutchinson.
However, the Caps were a bit undone by all the penalties at the end of the period. Alex Ovechkin was called for interference against Aaron Ekblad at 17:18 and the Caps were called for too many men at 18:03, giving the Panthers a two-man advantage for 1:15. Matt Niskanen, Brooks Orpik, and Nicklas Backstrom put up a great defensive showing, but the Panthers capitalized and Jonathan Huberdeau scored at 19:09 to make it 5-4 Panthers, and they still had about fifty seconds of power play time. Then the refs didn’t like what Evgeny Kuznetsov said to them and sent him to the box for unsportsmanlike conduct with eight seconds left in the period. The Panthers would start the third with three seconds of five-on-three, and then 1:45 of power play time, which the Caps killed.
The Caps got a power play at 16:52 of the third, and they pulled Copley for the extra attacker halfway through the power play, and Backstrom scored the tying goal, tapping one into the net at 18:35, trying the game at 5. But then Niskanen took a penalty with 23 seconds left in the game, and there was no more scoring in regulation, so the Panthers had just over 1:30 of four-on-three power play time to start overtime. The Caps killed that, and there were no more whistles in overtime and the rest of it was played four-on-four. The Caps had many chances in overtime, particularly a Dmitry Orlov shot off the post, but this game would be decided in a shootout.
The shootout went thus: T.J. Oshie goal, Aleksander Barkov goal, Kuznetsov goal, Nick Bjugstad no goal, Ovechkin no goal, Trocheck goal, Backstrom no goal, Huberdeau goal. The Caps lose the shootout 2-3 and the game 5-6.
The Caps outshot the Panthers 31-30 and were barely beaten on faceoffs, winning 49.2%. They went 1/3 on the power play, while the Panthers went 2/7. Holtby saved just 7/11 shots in his short start, and Copley saved 18/19.
The new third line (Vrana, Connolly, and Lars Eller) looked excellent tonight, and was the most prominent forward line. Orlov also had a couple of very strong looks. Copley was excellent in relief and kept the Caps in the game, even though the Panthers shooters made the rookie look a little silly in the shootout. Were it not for the shootout, he might have gotten his first NHL win.
The game was wildly entertaining, and even though the Caps got down and looked bad early, they showed great resilience in making that three-goal comeback and then tying it yet again late in regulation. This looked like it was going to be a horrible loss, and ending this game with a point is something they’ll gladly take.
Current record: 3-2-2
What’s Going on in the World of the Caps
Wilson Appeal
Tom Wilson met with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman on October 18th to discuss the appeal of his twenty-game suspension. The hearing lasted seven hours, and Bettman’s decision is expected sometime midweek.
Brett Connolly Leaves Yet Another Teammate Hanging
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[gif by @faceoffs]
Remember last year when Kuzy was looking for a fist bump from Brett Connolly, and Connolly left him hanging, resulting in Kuzy fist bumping himself? Well, Friday against the Panthers, Conno left another teammate in the dust, and the victim this time, Jakub Vrana, was left to fist bump himself. This seems to be becoming a trend for Connolly, and if history repeats itself, we may already have the winner of gif of the year. (x)
Special Teams
The Capitals’ power play this season has been absolutely deadly. They’re currently cashing in on an unreal 38.5% of power play opportunities, which is best in the league. The big guns have been doing their job. The penalty kill, however, is stuck near the other end of the spectrum. They’re killing 72.4% of penalties, which is 24th in the league. Ideally, you’d like to be somewhere around 80%, or maybe even 85%, to have a really effective penalty kill. They’ve been letting in too many chances and need to tighten it up a bit. Maybe the loss of Jay Beagle or the absence of Tom Wilson, both excellent penalty killers, is really hurting them, but they’re going to have to do something about it and get better.
Winning faceoffs? Never heard of her. Overall, the Capitals have won 46.0% of faceoffs, which is 29th in the league. Not good. The funny thing is that not everyone is doing horribly; Nicklas Backstrom is winning 54.5%, which is quite good, and Lars Eller is winning 51.2%, which is not shabby. But Nic Dowd is winning 43.8% and Evgeny Kuznetsov is winning only 36.2%, which is very bad, especially because he has taken the second most draws on the team (after Backstrom). The loss of Jay Beagle certainly hurts in this department, but the centers, especially Kuznetsov and Dowd, need to pick it up. Winning faceoffs can really help possession and even lead directly to goals.
Other Miscellaneous Happenings
Ovi repaired one of his teeth, which was broken in the Stanley Cup Final
Ovi doesn’t need pants
Brooks Orpik was inducted into his high school’s Hall of Fame
Wanna see pics from Casino Night? Here ya go
Player of the Week
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John Carlson is putting up his very early case for the Norris Trophy and reminding people how much of a mistake it was he wasn’t an All-Star and Norris finalist last season. In two games this week, he tallied two goals and two assists for four points. He is second on the Caps in goals, assists, and points, trailing Ovechkin, Backstrom, and Kuznetsov respectively. He is currently the second-highest-scoring defenseman in the league, trailing only Morgan Rielly of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Social Media Post of the Week
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nastyashubskaya: 2 месяца ❤️two months! #happybirthdayson #weloveyou
The Ovechkins posted an adorable family photo on the day baby Sergei turned two months old.
Stars of the Night Season Leaderboard
Over the course of the season, I will be keeping track of the Caps stars of the night, translating them into points, and organizing them into a leaderboard.
1st star = 5 pts, 2nd star = 3 pts, 3rd star = 1 pt
1. Kuznetsov — 13 2. Ovechkin — 8 3. Backstrom — 4 4. Carlson — 3 T-5. Eller — 1 T-5. Holtby — 1 T-5. Oshie — 1
Achieved and Upcoming Milestones
Jakub Vrana played in his 100th career NHL game on 10/17/18 vs the New York Rangers With two power play goals on 10/17/18 vs the New York Rangers, Alex Ovechkin advanced to 9th on the all-time NHL power play goals list, tied with Dino Ciccarelli (232). With one more, he can stand in 9th place alone, and with two more, he can be tied for 8th with Marcel Dionne (234). Nicklas Backstrom is 2 assists away from 600 career NHL assists Nicklas Backstrom is 1 power play goal away from being tied for 5th in Caps history in power play goals (67) John Carlson is 2 points away from being tied for 6th in Caps history in points among defensemen (345) John Carlson is 2 power play goals away from being tied for 7th in Caps history in power play goals among defensemen (25) Evgeny Kuznetsov is 7 assists away from 200 career NHL assists Dmitry Orlov is 5 assists away from 100 career NHL assists T.J. Oshie is 9 goals away from 200 career NHL goals Devante Smith-Pelly is 6 points away from 100 career NHL points Madison Bowey is searching for his first NHL goal Nic Dowd is searching for his first assist as a Capital
Next Week’s Upcoming Games
10/22/18 @ Vancouver Canucks (10 PM) 10/25/18 @ Edmonton Oilers (9 PM) 10/27/18 @ Calgary Flames (4 PM)
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/local-sports-report-august-28-29-2020/
Local Sports Report - August 28 & 29, 2020
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To report local sports scores, call 812-537-0944 or email [email protected].
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To report local sports scores, call 812-537-0944 or email [email protected].
Lawrenceburg 14, Mount Healthy (Oh.) 7 (Eagle Country 99.3 Feature Game) – Offense was hard to come by but the Tigers made big plays when it counted the most. Mount Healthy opened up the scoring in the second-quarter when QB Na’Davion Gaither scampered in the end zone from 8-yards out. The Tigers would answer just before halftime on a 10-play, 56-yard drive that was capped off by an Adam Burd touchdown. The PAT was missed and Lawrenceburg went into halftime down 7-6. The Tigers would score the lone second half touchdown on a 12-play, 99-yard drive on a 6-yard Garrett Yoon TD run. Yoon would connect with Dayha Patel on a fade route for the two-point conversion. Lawrenceburg’s defense was solid forcing four turnovers and coming up big in the red zone on multiple occasions. Offensively, the Tigers were led by Adam Burd. The senior ran for 120 yards and a TD. 
South Dearborn 32, Madison 26 (OT) – The Knights trailed for three quarters but a C.J. Rogers 39-yard touchdown run and Sean Sohmer two-point conversion in the fourth quarter forced overtime at Madison. Sohmer would score from one-yard out in overtime to give the Knights the comeback win. C.J. Rogers led the way with 67 rushing yards and three touchdowns. Quarterback Logan Thies went 13-30 for 177 yards, a TD and an INT. Isaiah Otto had three catches for 36 yards and a TD. Sean Sohmer led the Knights defensively with 7 tackles. Bryce Valdez and Dalton Hatfield contributed with six tackles each.
Batesville 42, Milan 34 – Batesville outscored Milan 26-7 in the fourth quarter for the comeback victory. Bulldogs QB Travis Lecher had a huge night, going 8-16 for 216 yards with two touchdown passes. Lecher added 151 yards and four TDs on the ground. Austin Pohlman chipped in with 112 yards rushing. Kurt Siefert caught five balls for 119 yards and two touchdowns for the Bulldogs. Ben Schebler led Batesville defensively with 8 tackles. 
Indianapolis Chatard 10, East Central 0 
Triton Central 20, Greensburg 3
Chaminade-Julienne 21, Harrison 17
Mariemont 30, Taylor 19 
Oldenburg Academy 3, Trinity Lutheran 0
Batesville 5, Herron 0 
Shelbyville 2, Batesville 1 
South Dearborn 4, Rising Sun 2 – Dana Lewis, Ashton Cotton, Zander Clayton and Nakia Scruggs all scored for the Knights. Landon Cole and Kendall Montgomery each had a goal and assist for the Shiners. 
Indianapolis Chatard 4, Batesville 0 
Tri-West Hendricks 7, Batesville 0 
Rising Sun 3, Morristown 1 (25-20, 25-17, 17-25, 25-22)
East Central 2, Covenant Christian 1 (21-25, 25-20, 18-16)
East Central 2, Seymour 1 (25-22, 11-25, 15-12)
#ECVB defeated Covenant Christian 2-1 to open the day at Bloomington South. We fell to Trinity Lutheran 0-2 in the second match of the day. Short break and then our last match against Seymour coming up!
— EC VOLLEYBALL (@EastCentralVB) August 29, 2020
#ECVB defeated Seymour in the final match of the day 2-1. We finished the day 2-1.
We are at Franklin County on Monday! @ECTrojanSports
— EC VOLLEYBALL (@EastCentralVB) August 29, 2020
Waldron 2, South Ripley 1 (25-21, 26-28, 16-14)
Batesville 3, Connersville 0 (25-9, 25-10, 25-9)
Madison 2, South Dearborn 0 (25-10, 25-18)
Lawrenceburg 2, Franklin County 0 (25-11, 27-25)
Lawrenceburg 2, Waldron 0 (25-22, 25-11)
Lawrenceburg 2, Madison 1 (16-25, 25-20, 15-9)
Tigers beat host Madison 16-25, 25-20, 15-9 to win the Madison Invitational! #overcome #wontheday @ihsvca @IndianaPrepVB pic.twitter.com/z80HssvoWJ
— LHS Volleyball (@LburgVB) August 29, 2020
Moores Hill Invitational (Info submitted by Jonathan Meyer)
Ladies Team Scores: Batesville (28), Columbus East (69), East Central (73), Greenfield Central (810, Franklin County (132)
In the girl’s race the Lady Trojans ran very well.  The race was dominated by Brinkruff from Greenfield Central who placed first in 19:34. Rachel Campbell went out with the lead pack, hung with them and then established her dominance; her time was about 17 seconds faster than her fastest time last year at Regionals.  Kendal Pflum, who is a freshman and still trying to figure out how to race a 5k, advanced several places at the 4k and kept passing girls the rest of the way in.  Kendal came up on her teammates Faith Henderson and Jessica Bender, all of them finishing with in 13 seconds of each other; the three of them are all freshman; showing hope and promise.  The 5th scoring Trojan was none other than Hannah Doan who ran almost 2 minutes faster that her best time from last year; summer running is paying off!  The Trojans placed 3rd after Batesville and Columbus East. 
Individual Trojans:
3- Rachel Campbell~ 20:33
15~ Kendal Pflum~ 23:14
16~ Faith Henderson ~ 23:17
17~ Jessica Bender~ 23:27
22~ Hannah Doan ~ 24:15
25- Jocelyn Inderhees ~ 25:36
31~ Jadda Hicks~ 27:25
Boys Team Scores: Batesville (43), Austin 47), Greenfield-Central (51), Connersville (104), East Central (108), Franklin County (155), Columbus East (223), South Dearborn (226)
In the boys race the Trojans ran strong.  The team ran smart coming up from the back and running good, even splits, in fact all of the trojan men ran their fastest time this season.  The race went out fast, with Ean Loichinger, of Batesville, clocking a 16:36.  Both Michael Schwebach and Griffin Werner went sub 18mins for the first time and Parker Fleming established himself as the third man today.  Reilly Small came in 4th for the team, running an all time best and almost breaking 19mins.  The 5th man today was all over the place: Owen Hagen, Logan Hicks and Nico DiMeglio all switched positions in the last 400 meters, there is excitement to see where this will develop.  Brody Sandlin, JJ Stenger and John Hotel are all right there as well.  There is a great sign of hope in this team’s depth.    
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gnomegirlgabby-blog · 4 years
History of Garden Gnomes Thoughts
So a few days ago I posted this article by Max! It is pretty lovely but I do have some responses to it since it has made me think pretty hard about a few things in it!
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Max did an epic job writing this and doing some serious Gnome research! I will say though that I am not sure why he put them in the West... they are all over literally everywhere! if you keep your eyes peeled you will find them all the time!
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I do not like that he says they are just male... that is totally not the case! Female gnomes may be uncommon but they are gnomes! GNOMES DON’T HAVE TO BE MALE!
Gnomes still are good luck charms! Most just got associated to Garden magic instead, not only that Leprechauns exist too and the luck became more their vibe than gnomes but gnomes are definitely lucky little creatures!
Garden Gnomes Meaning
During this section I learned what etymology is, the study of a word’s origin and its changed meaning over time.
Paracelsus gets more explained later but he is used here without explanation as an explanation which bothered me. For reader clarity Paracelsus is a Swiss physician, alchemist, and philosopher. He actually has a lot more importance than they gave him since he is basically the person who made up gnomes! I will post his more in depth crazy article later!
Basically though they believe the word Gnome came out of the Greek language either ‘genomos’ or ‘gnosis’ meaning earth dweller and knowledge. I think personally that a combo of the two is most likely because Gnomes live forever in the Earth really so they are very very knowledgeable about Earthly things.
Petite Gnome In Ancient Rome
The first thing about this section that got to me was the picture... why have a picture without a gnome in it to show that gnomes were in Ancient Rome!
But to be fair I couldn’t find a good picture for it either.... I did find a cool one from Turkey that will be shown off later!
I wish we could see one though and some of the god statues that paved the way for gnome statues! not to mention naughty gnomes since the most common God Priapus had a permanent erection!
Early Modern Period-From Gobbi to Lampy
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So now after all that we finally get to find out who Paracelsus is and why he is relevant! So during the Renaissance Era the gnome statues had a spiritual connection as well! Paracelsus is who said they have magical powers (which they do!!!) So he said they were one of the four elementals or nature spirits that were invisible to humans but belonged to the Earth. Gnomes in particular would come out at night to help the plants grow!
They also had another name during the time period of ‘Grotesques’ which at that time was pleonastical because it was very obvious they were not very good looking at time. They were made a ugly petite hunchbacks. Then painted bright colors and called Gobbi which is Italian for hunchback.
Not gong to lie to you all Gobbi sounds a lot like Gabby and I do have the worst posture so this felt like cruel fate!! But will say totally fits and makes a lot of sense to me why I love them soooooo much!
If I was from that time period I would have had the wealthiest family for the amount of gnomes I have! 
The popularity of gnomes grew due to all of the folklore and stories with them in it! Epp which makes gnome what they are today!
The First Garden Gnome
The iconic red hat gnome came form a sculptor named Phillip Griebel from Germany!! I love love love that his name is Griebel because it is real close to me true name Gabrielle! I just feel like it was meant to be! I was always supposed to be with the gnomes! Can you believe all these years later his factory still is there and producing gnomes?!
So a while later Sir Charles Isham showed up and brought Griebel’s gnomes over to England! He was believed to start the tradition of Garden Gnomes in the United Kingdom! Gnomes became nicknamed Lampy because Lamport Hall is what made them famous! There is another article of this coming later ;) One still exists and is being preserved at the family residence!
So fun fact one of my sorority sisters is an Isham! She also saved and preserved some of my gnomes from frat boys so I think it was another meant to be moment! Isham helps ‘Gobbi’ Griebel!
The 20th Century- Intermittent Rise And Fall Of Gnome
So I totally get the less money less gnomes thing but I never remotely thought about how gnomes would be impacted by war so that was an eye opening moment.
Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs restoring the glory of the garden gnome got to me... awww no way that happened!!! DRAWFS ARE NOT GNOMES! GNOMES ARE NOT DRAWFS! but I kept reading trying to see Max’s logic.... BECAUSE THEY LOOK SIMILAR!? WHAT!?!?!? Oh I can not get on board with the logic here! I think that many other things helped them out way more but hey not my article!
But seriously why that picture? It is not very snow white... guess it is somewhat gnomie...
I personally am so glad gnomes went to mass production or I would not be able to have a lot! I know that the quality is different but I do not think it is lesser and having gnomes of all sorts is so much more of a blessing than before!! Not less artistic either it is just a different artistic expression! The fall from being only for the wealthy is the best thing that could have ever happened to gnomes!
The Traveling Gnome Prank
Since this happens to me a lot I have a bit of bad vibes! I need to find these pictures of the Antarctica gnome travels that started it all! 
Garden Gnome Liberation Front deserves there own posts for sure and will get it but i have a serious love hate with them.... but gnomes do deserve travel freedom! I will say I need more of the epic pictures of gnomes with landmarks!
I have never got one of gnomes back with a travel diary but they really should be! It would make their absence bearable for me!
Amelie is a great movie with one of the cutest gnomes I have ever seen but I will say I hate that it encourages people to take my gnomes on adventures without me!
Gnomes' Red Cap
The Phrygain Cap is the most known thing about a Garden Gnome! I did not know that a gnomes hat had a specific name before this article so I thought it was an awesome fun fact! Really the hat had a whole different vibe before the gnome got to it! But it does make the liberation of garden gnomes and giving them freedom make a lot more sense because those hats used to be the symbolization of freedom and is still worn by nation symbols of France today!
Making of Garden Gnomes
Once again why pick a picture without a gnome in it? I’m sure there are a few of someone out there sculpting a gnome....
Also terracotta clay gnomes are the cutest but also the worst because they break sooooo easily!!! I actually have one I have to fix :(
I need to find all these tutorials and try them honestly!
Types of Garden Gnomes
I am so so glad he amends the male part of garden gnome here and includes females and the babies! Gnome families are real!
Can we just say gnomes are branching out into doing more things of modern culture like playing with a cell phone or being a scientist!
Uses of Gnomes In The Garden
Now the box he puts gnomes in here is not ok to me... they can go literally anywhere and everywhere! Plus they come in so many different forms! Like necklaces, shirts, sheets, the kitchen!!! ANYWHERE! There is a gnome for that I swear!
Gnomes, from Gardening to Popular Culture
So now he kind of shares some gnomes that are not meant to be lawn care takers... once again GNOMES ARE NOT DRAWFS!
I have to admit  I am glad the operating system is called GNOME but I hate when I search gnome and only that jazz pops up!
Social Deomcratic Party of Austria used gnomes for marketing and a post of this will come later because I didn’t even know that existed until this article!
A post of gnomes in the mentioned novels will come too because I need to see the reference of these in some of them... I have no idea where the gnomes are!
Travelocity thank you for using a gnome and its cool pictures but it encourages people to take mine toooo much! Plus my Travelocity gnome named Gnomad has never been returned! A post of their twitter is needed though!
I need to check out the George Harrison album with gnomes... another post that will appear!
Gnomeo and Juliet and Sherlock Gnomes are so amazing I hope they make a thrid! Please Elton John Please!
A post on all the festivals around the world that have gnomes will have to come! I need to know where all of these are!!!!
Truly this portion of the article has made it so I have to go down the well and learn more about these gnome appearances!
Garden Gnome Aesthetical Debate
Why is there a picture without gnomes in it?!?! Seriously they were jsut let in so they better be int he picture!!!
2013!!!! 2013!!! The gnomes were just accepted in 2013.... that is crazy to me! I am so glad they are allowed now! Next is to get rid of the gnomophobes and garden snobs!!! 
Garden Gnomes are just a big part of life and if you say otherwise you aren’t using your eyes! I don’t think they are a stereotype either!!! or a sweet cliche!!
Yes I do have garden gnomes in the garden but I don’t really have a garden...
Gnomes are Beautiful artistry and the best creatures on the planet really! If you think they are expressions of bad taste we can’t be friends!!
I just did a whole response to your article so I will skip writing in the comments :P
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Welp that concludes my thought on this article and it taught me a lot and gave me a lot of other gnomes to look into! I hope you feel the need to check some of these gnomes out as well!
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cultofthepigeon · 7 years
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Name: Molly Matilda Adler
Nickname: none
Age: 35 in New Vegas, 41 in Fallout 4
Height: 5′’2
Weight: 154 lbs
Specials: STG 5, PER 5, END 7, CHR 5, INT 2, AGI 5, LCK 3
Eyes: light brown
Hair: medium brown naturally, bleaches blonde, curly
Body type: fat with some muscle underneath
Status Currently: Previously a prostitute, presently a raider
Relationship Status: In a poly relationship with Vivian and Cam
Spouse(s): Vivian, Cam and her sort of
Sexuality: lesbian
Gender: female
Ethnicity: white 
Family: dead mother, father, and older sister
Languages: English 
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: infertile due to medical procedure gone wrong, depression
Allergies: none
Scars: knife scar across her stomach, small knicks over her face, arms, back, and legs, some self inflicted, some from battles, some from past clients
Physical traits: covered in moles, pale, usually wearing red lipstick and heavy eye makeup
Voice: a bit nasally
Clothing: Likes dressing up in nice dresses, cocktail and sun included, fashionable glasses
Weapon of Choice: plasma weapons in general, but a rapid fire plasma pistol she keeps on her at all times
Skills: good with managing money, torture
Weaknesses: can’t rely on chance or luck at all, not great with kids, bad at bartering
Affiliations: a raider gang run by Vivian
Former Affiliations: Enclave, a brothel out near New Vegas
Enemies: Followers of the Apocalypse and Brotherhood of Steel most of all but pretty much any faction in or around New Vegas, Minutemen
Neutral Affiliations: the Institute, the Railroad
Religion: none
Likes: Staying indoors, dressing nice, pre-war relics, cooking, sewing, cleaning weapons, modding weapons, reading (especially history books), a well made cocktail, spending time with her girls, pampering herself and others,
Dislikes: the outdoors, physical labor, rudeness, people interrupting her relaxation and alone time, difficult captives
Friends: Vivian and Cam, a few of the lower ranking raiders
Acquaintances: Sidney
Former friends: had friends at the brothel and the Luxe out West
Enemies: Arcade Gannon
Pets: Vivian’s dogs l o v e her
Fallout OC friends/family: Vivian and Cam!
Personality: Reserved but friendly, likes things just so and doesn’t want to deal with undue stress, though she can if she has to. Likes making others feel happy and comfortable, though not at her own expense. Helpful. Accommodating. Tries her best to be charming and intriguing, but usually falls flat. Daydreams of being more interesting and charismatic than she is.
Favorite color: green
Favorite foods: ANYTHING pre-war, sweet rolls, vegetable soup
Favorite drinks: purified water, whiskey, martinis, nuka cola
Favorite Sweets: again, pre-war snacks, nuka cola, and sweet rolls
Other info: 
Molly was born 4 years after the explosion of the West Coast Enclave oil rig. Her mother and father, both low ranking members of the Enclave, had been able to escape, but her extended family and sister (who was twelve at the time) didn’t make it.
Since her parents didn’t have many connections in the Enclave, they didn’t have any with the few remaining on the mainland. Her early years were spent on caravans where her parents would work as bodygaurds and prostitutes for whoever paid. Her folks distracted her from the poor circumstances with tales of the Enclave and pre-war America. She would often catch glimpses of these “better times” whenever her parents would attempt to negotiate or party up with other former Enclave members (though they never could) or found old Enclave outposts for shelter (though they usually had to move on as resources and caps dwindled). She grew up wishing she could have been a part of the Enclave as it had once been, and held an idealized view of pre-war America.
Her mother died at the hands of a group of drunken johns when Molly was only 5. Her father, though he loved her, was always distant toward her due to trauma of the loss of his last daughter. Her father still made sure to impart all the knowledge he could on her to help her survive in the wasteland. During her time traveling with him she was mild, well behaved, and always trying to help out. A respectful and polite young lady like she had been raised to be, and the type she imagined existed in the Enclave and pre-war America.
At age 16 he left her with the Followers of the Apocalypse, hoping they could teach her more and give her some sort of steady life while he was out on caravan runs. It was here she met Arcade Gannon and attempted to bond with him over their shared heritage. Unfortunately he took a disliking to her both because of her ideology and her ineptitude. 
Unfortunately her father died only four months after leaving her with the Followers. And ten months after that Molly was expelled from their camp at the old Mormon Fort due to her constant mishaps, inability to learn, frequent arguments with Arcade, and the accidental murder of a patient during surgery.
She got by on small time jobs for a few years after that but eventually with nowhere else to go she turned to prostitution. It was extremely difficult work for her, frequently getting settled with the worst clients because of her mediocre looks. But she kept focused, saving her money, staying hopeful, and always trying to be the peek of pre-war womanhood. During this time she met an old Enclave soldier, one who had even known her mother and father. Though he didn’t care for her enough to not take her as a prostitute, he did frequently share stories on the old days with her. A repeat and frequent client, he became the only man in her life, and one she developed an unhealthy pseudo-stockholm attachment to. Unfortunately due to the political climate, the lack of caps, her own lack of connections, and her mental state, Molly ended up staying in vegas for nearly 15 years.
The man died during the battle for the Hoover Dam. It broke her, finally letting out a wave of repressed disgust, self-hate, anger, and rage. After killing a few enemies at the brothel and a few at the fort, she headed out East on a Make it or Die Trying quest at the age of 35.
She made her way with murder and robbery, finding it easy to do. She did try to maintain her polite and up-kept demeanor when she could, still hopeful for the pre-war life even with her rage and hatred.
When she made it to the East Coast she set up camp in a small destroyed apartment complex. She robbed and killed passing caravans, dealt with any ghouls or mutants that came her way, and generally tried to figure out what she wanted for herself. 
Day by day and month by month she became less refined, less poised, and more angry. She frequently attacked enemies stronger and bigger than her, with nothing for her to gain from them, as a way of venting her still overflowing rage, self-hate, and disgust at the world.
When she finally ran into Vivian, she was practically feral.
Vivian, who admired her craziness, and whom she came to a standstill with during a battle, treated her with respect. Talking like some pre-war greaser trying to woo someone.
She fell in love almost instantly.
Over the next few years she helped Vivian construct her raider empire. Torturing anyone that needed tortured, managing their shared caps, and coming to befriend her dogs. Vivian in returned always treated her like a delicate lady, admiring her, bringing her gifts and pre-war items. And always keeping an eye out for old Enclave tech. lowly he returned to her more optimistic self, though still dealing with her emotions.
Now she stays mostly at their base of operations, and old subway station. She keeps the place looking nice and homey, cooking meals of Vivian and Cam and their close friends. She mods weapons and manages the caps that flow into their base of operations and generally doesn’t have to do a lot of leg work. She’s brought in to torture any captives they need info from, but even that she considers pretty laid back. Feeling safe, having a job she enjoys, and finally living the cushy homey pre-war-esq lifestyle she’s always wanted, Molly has finally found some peace and happiness. Still, she keeps an eye out for any old Enclave soldiers that might still wonder the wasteland with her, half dreaming of a future where they might exist once more.
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wsmith215 · 4 years
Successes and mistakes from most recent NFL expansion drafts
6:55 AM ET
No matter the format or circumstance, NFL expansion is a losing proposition in the short term.
There is no practical way to build an immediate winner out of remnants of other NFL teams. The four franchises to most recently enter the NFL as expansion teams — the Carolina Panthers (1995), Jacksonville Jaguars (1995), relaunched Cleveland Browns (1999) and the Houston Texans (2002) — took their short-term lumps, even with Hall of Fame general managers (Bill Polian for Panthers) and Super Bowl-winning coaches (Tom Coughlin for Jaguars) making the decisions. Polian’s Panthers came the closest to immediate success, going 7-9 in their first season.
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Combining the four teams, only two players picked in those expansion drafts made a Pro Bowl with their expansion teams: cornerback Aaron Glenn and defensive tackle Gary Walker with the Texans. Per ESPN Stats & Information research, the Texans had five players who started at least 40 games for them after being selected, and the other three teams had one such player combined.
Yet it still took longer for Houston to make the playoffs — in its 10th season — than any of the four. And none of the four teams has won a Super Bowl. The Panthers came closest, winning two NFC titles but losing twice in the Super Bowl.
TeamFirst YearFirst PlayoffsOverall RecordDiv. TitlesChampionshipsJaguars1995: 4-122nd year176-224-0 (.440)30Panthers1995: 7-92nd year195-204-1 (.489)60Browns1999: 2-144th year101-234-1 (.302)00Texans2002: 4-1210th year131-157 (.455)60ESPN
Of course, there are things all four franchises should have done differently. NFL Nation reporters David Newton (Panthers), Michael DiRocco (Jaguars), Jake Trotter (Browns) and Sarah Barshop (Texans) break down the best and worst decisions.
Former Jaguars coach and general manager Tom Coughlin talks with quarterbacks Steve Beuerlein and Mark Brunell during the team’s first training camp in 1995 in Wisconsin. Brian Bahr/AFP/Getty ImagesBest expansion draft pick
Panthers: Wide receiver Mark Carrier. It could have been nose tackle Greg Kragen or fullback Howard Griffith. But Carrier, a 16th-round pick in the expansion draft who previously was with the Browns, played four seasons at Carolina and still ranks sixth in team history in receptions (176) and fifth in receiving yards (2,547). He scored the team’s first points with a touchdown catch at Clemson’s Memorial Stadium and had the first TD at then-Ericsson Stadium when the team moved into its permanent facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1996. He still is with the organization as executive director of the football staff.
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Jaguars: Wide receiver Willie Jackson. The Jaguars’ 11th pick of the expansion draft — from the Dallas Cowboys — led the team in receptions (53), receiving yards (589) and receiving touchdowns (five) in the team’s inaugural season. He played two more years in Jacksonville but was pushed down the depth chart after the acquisitions of Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell, who rank first and second in franchise history in receptions and receiving yards. Jackson caught 103 passes for 1,281 yards and 10 TDs in three seasons with the Jaguars.
Browns: Guard/center Jim Pyne. He was Cleveland’s No. 1 expansion-draft pick who was a three-year starter for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Pyne started all 16 games for the Browns at left guard in 1999, but then he blew out a knee early in the 2000 season. The Browns released him the following year to save money on the salary cap, and Pyne started just one more game, with the Philadelphia Eagles, before retiring after the 2002 season.
Texans: Cornerback Aaron Glenn. Glenn, who played his first seven seasons with the New York Jets, was Houston’s third pick in the expansion draft and was only one of two players to make a Pro Bowl with his expansion team. The Texans’ next pick, defensive tackle Gary Walker, was the other. Glenn spent three seasons in Houston (2002-04), starting 43 games and finishing with 11 interceptions and 44 passes defended.
Kurt Warner won two league MVPs and was MVP of Super Bowl XXXIV. He could have been a Cleveland Brown, but they chose Scott Milanovich instead in the 1999 expansion draft. AP Photo/Eric DrotterWorst expansion draft pick
Panthers: Cornerback Rod Smith. Smith, the second pick of the expansion draft, started eight games with the Panthers in three seasons. But it’s hard to say one pick was the worst. Per the rules of the 1995 expansion draft, the Panthers had to fill 38% of the cap in the expansion draft, and then-Carolina GM Polian’s goal was to draft players with cheap contracts to fill the back end of the roster so he could use the cap space to acquire veteran free agents such as kicker John Kasay, linebacker Sam Mills and defensive end John Fox. So the fact Polian’s second-, third- and fourth-round picks never played a down for the Panthers didn’t make them bad picks. Polian still gets ribbed by general managers from those days about how he took advantage of the system.
Jaguars: QB Steve Beuerlein. He was the first overall pick and started the first two games in franchise history before suffering a sprained right MCL. Backup Mark Brunell, whom the Jaguars acquired from Green Bay during the regular draft for third- and fifth-round picks, kept the starting job when Beuerlein was cleared to return two weeks later. Beuerlein ended up replacing an injured Brunell in Week 12 and leading a 96-yard TD drive but went back to the bench when Brunell got healthy. Beuerlein’s Jaguars career stat line: 952 yards, four TDs, seven INTs, seven games, 1-5 record as a starter. He then joined the Panthers and went 23-28 as a starter in five seasons.
Browns: The Browns’ worst pick is one they didn’t make. They have infamously started 30 different quarterbacks since 1999, yet they could’ve taken Kurt Warner in the 1999 expansion draft. The Rams had left Warner unprotected after he’d attempted only 11 passes during the 1998 season following a career in the Arena Football League. To the Rams’ great fortune, Cleveland bypassed Warner and instead grabbed Tampa Bay’s Scott Milanovich as its only expansion quarterback selection. Warner went on to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Milanovich, who is now the head coach of the Edmonton Eskimos in the CFL, never played another NFL down. And the Browns struggled for the following two decades while desperately searching for a franchise quarterback.
Texans: Offensive tackle Tony Boselli. This is not his fault, but the Texans’ first pick in the expansion draft never played for the team. Boselli had a successful career in Jacksonville and has been a Pro Football Hall of Fame finalist in recent years, but injuries prevented him from having any impact in Houston. Boselli had multiple shoulder surgeries and did not play during the 2002 season. He retired the following year.
Aaron Glenn had 11 interceptions in three seasons with the Texans. David J. Phillip/AP PhotoHow it worked out
Jaguars: While Carolina went with an approach toward more established players to fulfill cap requirements, the Jaguars took the opposite approach. Coach/GM Tom Coughlin opted to build through youth, and the team took a beating that first season (4-12). However, a young nucleus of draft picks, trade acquisitions (notably Brunell) and free-agent signees came together late in the 1996 season and made a surprising run to the AFC title game. Three years later, the Jaguars had the NFL’s best record and made another AFC title game, then salary-cap issues caught up with them. The Jaguars made the playoffs from 1996 to 1999 but have made the playoffs just three times since then.
Panthers: Polian’s plan worked out better than anyone expected, as the Panthers won an expansion-record seven games in 1995 and reached the NFC Championship Game in their second season after going 12-4 in the regular season. The veteran leadership the Panthers acquired in free agency — particularly on defense with Mills and Fox, mixed in with young draft picks such as quarterback Kerry Collins, cornerback Tyrone Poole and offensive tackle Blake Brockermeyer, became the foundation for an organization that believed it had to win quickly to satisfy fans who paid for the stadium through the sale of permanent seat licenses.
Browns: Amazingly, only three of Cleveland’s 37 expansion picks — linebackers Tarek Saleh and Lenoy Jones and cornerback Raymond Jackson — played for the Browns for more than two seasons. And those three combined to make a total of four starts. The 1999 NFL draft didn’t go well for the Browns, either. Cleveland selected Kentucky quarterback Tim Couch with the No. 1 overall pick. Without much help around him, Couch failed to live up to his draft billing and was eventually let go by the team before the start of the 2004 season. Cleveland’s poor expansion and college drafts in 1999 set the tone for the franchise, which has been to the playoffs only once since then and is mired in the NFL’s longest playoff drought — 18 years.
Texans: The Texans went into the expansion draft wanting to get linemen to protect QB David Carr, the No. 1 pick of the regular draft in 2002, but injuries to their first two expansion draft picks (both offensive tackles) derailed those plans. Carr set NFL records for getting sacked and never fulfilled his potential. Houston struggled in its first four seasons, averaging 4.5 wins per year. They did not make the playoffs until 2011, and a big reason was because they couldn’t protect their quarterbacks.
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clancarruthers · 4 years
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  From our beginnings in Annandale, Dumfriesshire, southwest Scotland, our family have spread far and wide, and in many cases have and still are making a difference to communities around the world.
We are continually on the look out for stories of our family and we are glad that this was brought…
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