#instead of actually being a groundbreaking drama & having the difficult conversations
lemonhemlock · 1 year
I think the general speculation around the Dyana returning rumors/being part of B&C has been that she might not necessarily be trying to go on a murderous revenge rampage but that she might be somewhat-recruited by Mysaria. Mysaria may offer her money (paralleling her conversation with Alicent), maybe offer some vague form of justice, and Dyana may in turn give her some information that helps them execute B&C. Even if they do go that route I think it's more likely that Dyana doesn't know the details of what's going to happen (i.e. she wouldn't know that it's the babies that are being targeted - I think it would be a bit absurd for a young girl who was their nanny to be super chill with toddler beheading), and it'll probably include a heavy manipulating hand from Mysaria, who would clearly be very adept at getting people in vulnerable positions to give her what she wants. As I said, all speculation, but I do think there's a scenario in which it could work.
good tidings, anon. in this context i was using the word "rampage" more in a hyperbolic way; i'm not expecting dyanna to charge at aegon with a machete or anything like that. what you're proposing is a less extreme version, true, but i'd say it still falls within the ballpark of option 2. even if she is not tortured for information or physically assaulted or what not, i imagine she would still be pretty horrified to find out that she unintentionally contributed to the murder of a child and the extra trauma of four additional people, two of which are other children. that would do some serious damage to one's psyche, even if she had nothing to do with the execution. to a character that's already been recently raped.
unfortunately, dyanna existed as a character only to further other characters', well, characterisations (lol), namely alicent's and aegon's. if she appears again, it'll only be for the same reason. she is not going to be a stand-alone person, with her own story and rich inner life. the writers are just not going to do that bc they've already made clear what they think of the smallfolk (they don't matter).* so should we expect her to receive a nuanced portrayal? ofc, it could be possible, but i'm not holding my breath. i also think it would be absurd for a former nanny to start plotting child beheadings, but, sadly, it's the type of "shocking" "plot twist" that might get confused for actual progressive, thought-provoking writing in the GoT cinematic universe.
*the lack of common folk representation or at least discussion of their plight is a distinct problem in HOTD, especially when it takes place in a fictional world whose main philosophy is "it's always the innocents who suffer the most when the high lords play their game of thrones". so far, in the series, we've seen commoners only as brutalized / dangerous / or as stigmatized sex workers. not an award-winning portrayal, but, then again, even noble main characters have nonsensical characterization, so...
it's also going to be very easy to spin this framing into a comeuppance for the greens, like it's predictable karma that they might suffer at the hands of people "they" wronged in the past (quotation marks bc it's only aegon who committed a crime against dyanna). so, in addition to daemon invalidly pinning aemond's crime on his sister & her children, now we have to pin aegon's crime on helaena & the children, too. and i doubt the show is going to take the time to actually portray this as a gross misunderstanding of justice, when it's so easy and so immediate to depict it as just desserts.
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