#instagram bio for sports person
whatbio · 1 year
Instagram Bio For Football Lovers | Instagram Bio For Football Lovers 2023 | फुटबॉल प्रेमियों के लिए इंस्टाग्राम बायो
Instagram Bio For Football Lovers | Instagram Bio For Football Lovers 2023 | फुटबॉल प्रेमियों के लिए इंस्टाग्राम बायो. Instagram has become a popular platform for sharing and connecting with people who share similar interests. As a football lover, it’s essential to have an Instagram bio that captures your passion for the game and showcases your personality. This article will guide you through…
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nova2kss · 3 months
Influencer island
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“I’m your host Yanna Bailey to Influncer Island. It’s new, it’s hot, it’s dramatic, and it’s your new obsession!”
“We’re bringing all of your fav influencers and Internet personalities across the country for a steamy hot adventure”
“You all know them”
“And you all love them”
“I have hand picked these hotties myself…some ofc more known than others none the less they are all wild and ready to come in swinging!”
“Before I introduce you to the men that will participate in influencer island I think it’s fair that I give you a run down of what this show will look like!”
“These 16 hotties will come in ready to pick some partners and participate in challenges”
“Each pair will receive points based off of where they place on the board and based off votes from the viewers aka you guys”
“At the end of each episode there will be a poll placed for voting”
“You guys will be able too vote who should stay, go, and receive a punishment, or a hot date”
“With that being said let’s introduce the men of INFLUENCER ISLAND.
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“Coming in first we have the famous polo boy himself”
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“Armin Arlert”!
“He’s best known on instagram for being the cute polo soft boy model as stated in his bio, the internet has named him the number 1 golden retriever baby and I couldn’t agree more!”
“Armin is such a sweet heart and I know he can’t wait to be here….but with him being a sweetie pie…will he be able to hang and get wild with the rest of the contestants?”
“Especially this chipped tooth, beer drinking, horse riding, dirty country boy gone viral”
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“Reiner Braun”!!
“This big beefy boy best known on that clock app has gone viral for bringing his southern ways onto the app, Reiner caught the attention of many wild men and sexy ladies and was requested by the merrier”
“Currently living in Mississippi but we all know he’s a real south Floridian gator wrestling boy. He’s the perfect match for this cast”
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“Next up we got this black cat clothing owner bertoldt hoover!!”
“Best known for his brand flontae clothing and getting hella wild on them boats, don’t let the pretty eyes fool you this city boy knows how to party”
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“Kristen made that cast Okay!”
“Y’all know him cause he definitely produced your favorite songs”
“He’s worked with Nicki Minaj, lil Wayne, drake, lil durk, Kanye west, and so many more”
“However when he’s not in that Stu making beats he’s out hosting the biggest parties and filming it all letting us know he was a perfect candidate for this cast!”
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“This hot head was requested by the executive producer herself, we’ve seen him whoop ass in that underground ring, we’ve seen him getting wild in the streets, we’ve seen him catchin ass on twt and we wanna see MOREEE!!”
“Everyone love porco”
“But I don’t think as much as y’all love this sexy stoner”
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“Constance springer the man that you are”
“He’s 6’0 tatted like a chipotle bag and he is the life of the party! This skater boy most known on TikTok and YouTube is definitely  influential and definitely deserves his spot here
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“As stated himself he is a fine chocolate sexy black man”
“Get this! He’s also a brand ambassador for flontae clothing who would’ve known”
“Onyankapon, such a pretty name for a pretty boy.”
“We don’t know how wild ony gets and that’s why he was picked cause the whole world wants to see, he’s seen as someone who doesn’t do much. But I’m willing to bet as soon as he steps foot on this sand that will change.”
“And last but certainly not least”.
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“Eren Yeager.”
“Or jaeger”
“Regardless this man dose not need an intro at all, you’ve seen him right with Beyoncé on her ivy park campaign”
“You’ve seen him on the front page of Louis Vuitton”
“You all love him and rightfully so he is something else sporting that black motorcycle when he’s not doing them photo shoots”
“You see these men? These are who are gonna be across your screens in the next few weeks!! Now just imagine the women.”
“On the next preview we will be introducing your favorite wild ladies! It’s your host Yanna Bailey signing out!”
How do you guys feel?😁
(Not proofread)
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starastrologyy · 10 months
Composite Chart Notes 🪐
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Hi everyone, please do not copy or repost anything I write on other social media platforms :) I recently became aware of a Pinterest page reposting all my posts from TikTok/tumblr! I don’t have a Pinterest for my astrology blog :)
A composite Aries Rising, can often indicate a very active couple. They may enjoy partaking in various sports or various forms of physical activities together. However, they can appear to be a very argumentative couple, this is especially true of mars, mercury, or pluto squares the composite ascendant. Their conflicts can often be made public.
This is interesting because in terms of long-distance couples, I often see Uranus conjunct the descendent or Uranus in the 3rd house in their composite charts. A composite Sag or Aqua rising is also common in the charts of couples who are long distance.
The North Node in the composite 5th house can indicate a couple who have children together.
Another indication of a “hidden” or private relationship, is if the composite chart ruler is in the 12th house.
This is more of a personal anecdote, but I once had a man slide in my DMs on Instagram. We had mutual followers but I didn’t personally know him. Long story short, he just began offering to buy me things/send me money with nothing in return. Obviously I found that kind of suspicious as there’s usually a catch! He didn’t even push meeting me in person! We just kinda spoke online for a bit. I got his birth details and ran a synastry chart between us. We had no 2nd or 8th house overlays. However, his Jupiter did aspect my Sun (which explains why he was so generous towards me). I then took a look into our composite chart, and our composite Sun & Moon are both in the composite 2nd house! Additionally , the ruler of our composite ascendant is in the 8th. Which explains why our relationship is literally based on him sharing his resources with me, giving me money, and buying me things. Obviously not all relationships with this kind of configuration will play out like this, I just thought this was so interesting.
There can be elements of sexual idealizations in relationships where there are hard Mars-Neptune aspects in the composite chart. One or both people may feel as if they have met their “dream” sexual partner if the orb is particularly tight. However, once the illusion or initial “high” fades. This aspect can prove to be problematic in many ways. There can be deceptions and disappointments that start to manifest. Mars square Neptune is common to see in the charts of *affairs* or short lived sexual relationships. However, please remember the entire chart needs to be taken into consideration.
Couples who travel a lot together usually have significant 3rd and 9th house placements in the composite. Jupiter in the composite 9th, 3rd, or conjunct the composite Mercury can also indicate a couple that travels frequently.
A couple with Jupiter or Venus in the composite 7th house, can make very good business partners. Couples who have the ruler of their composite midheaven, in the 7th house, may also decide to go into business together.
My readings are still open for those interested ! The link is in my bio :)
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angelliicc · 1 month
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“nine to nine, you're on my mind all day
you're my world and my sweet escape”
a/n: HI GUYS! editor ❌ writer ✅ no fic coming tomorrow or thursday :( sorry. also i almost fell asleep writing this but i drank celsius lol, enjoy!!
warnings: not proofread, fluff, tension
| your phone buzzed with a notification. your phone had been quite dry, but whenever you get a notification you answer it immediately. it was from instagram.
message request from: ellie 💫 accept it?
“hm, whos this?” you thought. no person had dmed you out of the blue before. only close friends and family. “sure, why not?”
after accepting the request, you see the message she left for you.
“hey :)”
you respond back. “hiii”
e: “i dmed you because i saw we have a lot of interests in common, hope you dont mind.”
you needed new mutuals to talk about the same shit you liked, only a handful of people at your school, but they were mostly older.
r: “oh dont worry, i dont mind. so you like the same things as me mostly?”
e: “unless there’s something i dont know about, than yes”
“shes kinda funny” you thought.
r: “lol, i like music, clothes, painting, shopping, sports, all that shit.”
e: “i like sports also, what do you watch?”
r: “basketball, loved it since i was 5”
e: “damn thats for a long ass time. i tried it but its ehh not for me.”
r: “well what do you watch or play?”
e: “soccer, i play and watch.”
r: “nicee. i want to play soccer, but i don’t know how to play lol.”
e: “maybe i can teach you one day.”
shes bold, but you had no complaints about it.
you saw in her bio, she lived in the same area as you. you decided to ask her if you’d like to meet up and get some coffee. you had nothing to do this weekend and wanted to get out of the house anyway.
r: “hey, i saw you’re in the bay? you mind if you wanna get coffee and chat? get to know each other more?”
you pressed send before even thinking twice. “fuck fuck fuck why did i do that? she must think im so annoy-“ until you felt a buzz.
e: “sure, id like that.”
a smile grew on your face.
the next morning you woke up, went to the bathroom to do your 5 step skin care routine. while waiting for your skin to dry, you decided to pick out an outfit. the weather was partly cloudy, so you picked out a pink sweater, a white tank top, and some jeans. you changed, then applied your makeup, making sure everything was going perfect. you did your eyeshadow a baby pink color, with some glitter on the center of your eyelids.
the cafe was around 5 minutes away from your house, so you decided to walk. it was a good dose of vitamin D, and you needed some fresh air.
when you get there, you see her sitting in a chair. she has auburn hair in a mullet, green eyes and freckles on her face. she was wearing sweats, a compression shirt with a button-up short sleeve shirt on top.
you smiled as you sat down, placing your tote bag down. “hi!”
“hey, you look nice.” she replied. the comment caught you off guard, making you immediately flustered.
“thank you.” you said back “you look nice too. wanna order anything? its on me don’t worry.”
“nono i got it, thank you for the offer.” you and ellie went up to the counter placing your orders. ellie ordered an iced americano with a marble cake. you weren’t really hungry, so you just ordered a matcha.
you both sat down at the table and started talking. you both talked like it was your last day on earth. you told each other your personal lives, schooling, etc.
you both talked so much that you guys lost track of time. before you knew it, the sun was starting to set. “wanna see the sunset? lets see if it has pretty colors today.” she asked.
“yess, i love sunsets.” you said. you got your bag, and headed out the door with her. you decided to walk to the local park and watch the sunset.
you both sat down on the grass, enjoying the view. a random wave of drowsiness hit you. before you knew it, your head was on ellies shoulder and you were out like a light.
15 minutes later you wake up from her shoulder, still at the park. the sun had fully set, and you realized what had happened.
“im so sorry, i didn’t mean to.” you said.
“dont worry, i kinda enjoyed it actually.” ellie replied back, soothing your worries.
“yup, shes still bold.” you thought. “this was fun ellie. im gonna head home now, we should do this again sometime.” you told her enthusiastically.
“me too, this was very nice. see you again sometime soon.” she replied.
before you went to bed, you got another message from her.
“goodnight.” ellie said
“goodnight.” you replied back
the next morning, you were bombarded with texts. and you liked it.
for the next 3 days, you both were talking from sun up to sun down, never getting bored. you noticed ellie was being bold and flirting with you. “two can play that game.” you thought to yourself.
e: “i missed you these past couple of days.”
r: “oh really? how bad did you miss me.”
e: “i missed you so much i couldnt stop thinking about you. you’re so beautiful.”
r: “you really have a way with words, yk that right?”
e: “maybe.”
r: “since when are you the flirty type?”
e: “ive always been. why? too much to handle?”
r: “no, i like it. its cute from you.”
e: “when you slept on my shoulder by accident the other day, you had me nervous. in a good way. i wish you just stayed there forever”
r: “its just my touch i have on people. if you miss me so much come over.”
e: “omw.”
10 minutes later, the doorbell rang. you felt a rush of excitement.
you answered the doorbell, seeing her leaning on the doorframe. “did you fly down the highway?” you asked sarcastically. “thats only something i know.” she replied
you both went to your bedroom. it was pink with green vines and fairy lights. cds and posters spread according to match the aesthetic.
you sat on the floor, and ellie sat down on your bed, lying down to your plushies then eventually getting up.
“you’re the only thing ive been thinking about lately.” she started
“is that so? do i make you feel special?” you respond
“i wont lie, you kinda do. everything about you. i love all of it. your eyes, your hair, your style.” she spoke, all saying this while running her fingers through your hair. you felt like you falling, your heart was racing and your stomach was doing flips.
you got up off the floor and sat on the bed. she placed her hand on your knee and started doing circles with her thumbs, letting you get tingles all over your body. you both look at each other, and didnt break eye contact. you were getting nervous, so you started blushing and immediately turned away in embarrassment. “hey!” she said in a playful tone. you both eventually held hands while looking at each others eyes.
“no ones made me feel like this before” you told her.
“good, then let me be the first.” she spoke.
when you looked down she touched your face and kissed your cheek. you felt satisfied, and your whole face felt red. her soft kisses on your skin felt so relaxing. the feelings you both have kept hidden from the moment you say each other were about to become transparent.
the tension between you both was louder than any words ever spoken before. you both looked at each others lips, and started kissing, becoming drunk in each other. her taste of love was so special and sweet. so sweet that it made you dizzy. you felt like a spell was casted upon the both of you, like you could stay up all night, and never be tired. love felt so easy in that moment, and it made you want more of her. you both couldn’t get enough of each other, wanting to feel each others rush.
the touch of each other made it seemed like it lasted forever. she pulled away from your lips.
“can i be your girlfriend?” she asked you.
fuck, she did have a way of her words. the words themselves can make you levitate from the thoughts of her.
“you dont know how long ive been waiting for that question.” you told her. “absolutely.”
just as you were running out of love, you found the person you needed the most.
hours and hours what do I do now? baby
with no clue, i need you quickly
i need to feel your rush, drive me crazy and I know
i just can't get enough.
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dogwittaablog · 5 months
SO HERE IS THE TEA AND BREAKDOWN ON NOLANS ALLEGED TWITTER BURNER (I also want to apologise for the initial hostile reply to the anon that sent it in I was just taken back cause there weren't upfront receipts).
If you’re wondering how this alleged account was figured out, an anon said someone tweeted about it and decided to look into it... and then now we are here...
His FIRST account that went under @ gollpatter the account got suspended (He tweets about it on his second account, but you’re still able to see everything).
So now the account he is using the new one is @ shottergallas.
(So just remember there are two accounts. I know some can get confused lol).
WARNING: I know people are going to be running up the accounts anyways but will say just a heads up you will be finding shit that you don’t like mentioning SA and misogynistic comments, some of the comments are towards the incident of WJC 2018. (If I’m right it’s brought up on @ gollpatter)
Now we may all be here like okay… how do we know or assume it's actually him??? Here is my personal observation
If you look at the following on the first account @ GOLLPATTER. You can see that there are about 4+ people on there that he follows that are obviously his friends and has Steinbach Manitoba in the bio. Some of the content and influencers he follows or interacts with on there also align with his recent or past followings/likes/engagements on Instagram from celebs, influencers, sport hosts and even onlyfangirls (I’ll even get specific if I have to) . His interests are evidently displayed throughout his account... things like MMA, golf, hockey, Joe Rogan, Theo Von and other typical guy shit, but as I said if you followed up on him or paid attention to his Instagram activity it adds up. 
(Screenshot of his followings the only thing is they don't follow back)
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An Anon that initially sent me the sub on why she thought or had her own conclusions to why she thought it was him which I’ll be copying and pasting the sub down below and adding the links to the info she provided! To make everyone’s lives easier.
here’s the account introducing himself as goll patt: (X)
here’s the account calling jets/ava pond hockey last night: (X)
here’s that account excited about nolan’s friends ‘coggie’ return to the ‘national’ 6 days ago: (X)
and the related headline where Dylan Coghlan, Nolan’s former teammate returned to the NHL from the AHL:  (X)
here’s that account being called pat by its friends in the reply of previous tweet: (X)
account being call pats/patty by friends:  (X)
same account agreeing with hate on the vegas golden knights as a franchise, praising nic hauge and his wife:  (X)
The hockey talk on the account that pop up usually I noticed has pertained to Vegas and the Flyers (some slight shady tweets mostly but nothing over the top) Maybe just some coincidence but I mean hey… we all know what teams he’s played for. Plus there are some Travis Konency mentions on there as well…
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So “his” account interacts with the same 2-4 twitter accounts and these accounts tend to tag him in post about Nolpats which I found a bit ironic…
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So the last to this which I thought was another eyebrow raiser, was another burner account that has some mutuals but isn't entirely active. Also tagged his account in a post regarding a Tik Tok. The context of the Tiktok was how most likely pro athletes do see the things you post online about them.
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So would like to end this off with reminding you that this ALLEGED and there’s no real confirmation it’s him. You’re able to form your own opinion and perspective if you decide to look through and analyse the accounts yourself. I could go on more on some other details, but decided to just touch up on the things that stood out to me. I also was limited to adding content like photos and videos.
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caesarandthecity · 3 months
The Date Game: Olympic Sport or Minefield?
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Dating, darling, is it an art or a game? And if it's a game, shouldn't it be an Olympic sport? Just picture it: all the guys I've dated, competing for the gold medal in... well, we'll get to that. But first, let's talk about the rules (or lack thereof).
Every game has rules, right? They make things more fun, more challenging, and help you understand the goal. But dating, my sweet summer children, has ZERO rules. It's like being dropped in the middle of the ocean with a blindfold and a paddleboard.
I have yet to receive a rulebook for the GAME, the game of love. (Is that even what we're playing?)
I don't know about you, but I don't think people go on dates to find love. In my experience, it's more about finding someone who isn't a total nutjob, a psycho, or a cheater (that last one is harder to spot than a fake Rolex).
Gay dating, in particular, is two guys trying to out-impress each other with the same, tired lies. During the date, everyone's Mr. Perfect: zero baggage, amazing exes, no drug problems, mental health? Aced it! Workaholic, but with a heart of gold. It all sounds too good to be true... and honey, it usually is.
Social media is partly to blame. We're all curating our "perfect" lives online, and some people are taking that facade offline. I've met guys who are living their Instagram fantasy IRL, and let me tell you, it's exhausting.
But that's not even the worst part. The thing that really gets me is that dating feels like a never-ending job interview. Think about it:
I apply for the job: Based on my carefully curated profile pics and witty bio.
I'm randomly selected for an interview: If my pics are cute enough and my bio doesn't sound like a serial killer's manifesto.
I go to the interview: AKA the date, where I put on my best performance and hope they don't notice I'm wearing Spanx.
Now, here's where it gets different: If I don't get the job, I'm still open to a little "consolation prize" (if you catch my drift). In the real world, you don't sleep with your HR manager after a failed interview. But in the dating game? Anything goes.
So yes, I downloaded Tinder, took some flattering selfies, and crafted a bio that would make Shakespeare jealous. And you know what? It's been... interesting. Expect a full report in my next post, including tales of awkward Grindr encounters, unexpected hookups, and maybe even a happy ending (or two).
Ps. We're in 2024—can we normalize sex on the first date (or soon after)? Why is this still taboo? Sex is important in any relationship, romantic or otherwise, and it's weird that we don't talk about it more openly. Let's be real, we need to talk about sex, learn about it, and teach it without shame or judgment. This starts with looking inward and seeing our lives (and desires) with fresh eyes. Sex isn't dirty or ugly; it's a natural form of energy and connection. I want to know if the person I'm dating matches my energy in all ways, including sexually. 
Stay tuned, my loves! And remember, always swipe right for yourself first.
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darpow · 3 months
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at what age did your character start using social media? It took Darrius a while to really get into social media, he picked it up towards the very end of high school, and then got active during the college years to stay in touch with people.
did their parents monitor their use, if they were young? No, Darrius's parents were actually super trustworthy, on account of how he was the baby and the perfect child, but they did ask to be friends with him on Facebook when he got one of those.
has your character ever had fake identities or accounts online? No.
no shame: do they remember myspace? did they use it? He did! Not very often, it was sort of one of those things where he had it, but he didn't spend a ton of time on it.
who would be in their top eight today? It would pretty much have to be all five of his siblings, and then maybe like, Chetan, Trey and Alec, more than likely?
what social media platforms do they use today? Facebook, Instagram, Threads... he occasionally browses TikTok, he tries out all the new 'twitter' replacements before they get uncool, or end up dying off, too.
do they have public profiles, or go private? Public, he posts a lot on them about history and sports things, so he likes to be able to engage with other people and reach a broader audience.
how about their following? are they pretty lowkey, or do they have a decent following? Somewhere in the middle! Definitely more than the average small town kind of person, but not anywhere near well known or anything of the sort.
do they tend to pick obvious usernames, ones with sentimental value, funny things? how do they decide? It's pretty much always 'darpow' since people have come to look for that nickname from him, and also he can remember it easily. Nerdy.
profile pictures: the same across all platforms? Yes and no, the ones attached to Meta just sort of change all at once, and then he forgets to change the other ones.
and just what profile pictures do they use? Normally some gym bro picture that he thought made him look cool.
what kind of bio writer are they? silly, cute, sweet, or just basic? Very basic, if there's any bio at all. It'll say something like, "history nerd, gym rat, dog dad."
how much time per day would you say that your character spends on social media? A decent chunk of time, but he doesn't think that he spends an unhealthy amount, or does anything that's detrimental to his health.
is there one platform that they visit more than others? Probably Instagram, but he watches Threads a lot, too.
if they have kids, do they use social media? how do they feel about that? if not, and they want kids, will they let them use it someday? Darrius does not have kids and doesn't plan to have kids, so he doesn't worry too much about it, but given the way the world is today, he would probably be cautious about allowing his kids to use it, at least freely.
be honest: have they ever created an account for something else, like a hobby, or… to try to make their cat internet famous? No, but he's been sorely tempted to make his dogs internet famous!
do they run any professional or business accounts? Nope.
have they ever left a social media platform (or more than one) for any specific reason? The Elon debacle made him give up on X/Twitter, and he's left a lot of the copycats either because they didn't live up to expectations or he just didn't like the vibes that they gave off, too.
do they plan on using social media into their older ages? Yeah, more than likely. He doesn't live near a lot of his family, so he feels like social media is a good chance to keep in touch with them. There shouldn't be an age-limit on that.
have they ever made any long-lasting friendships through social media? A few, actually! He makes friends pretty easily online, since he can talk for hours about sports or nerdy history fact, or compare stories about dogs.
or on the flip side, gotten into any big social media beef? He's gotten into a few arguments and heated debates about things! But not really big beef or anything, he'd probably just turn tail and run if it got super heated.
have they ever felt negatively impacted by social media as a user? Maybe here and there, running into people who just don't care about who they hurt or how they talk about people, admittedly.
who is their favorite person / account to follow on social media? The Bears, obviously.
would they say that social media has had an overall more positive or negative impact on the world? For the most part, Darrius would say positive, since his experience has been a wholly good one, but that doesn't mean that he can't admit that there's been some bad stuff thrown in there, too.
and finally: a/s/l? (and do they know what that means?) This was the one that used to stump him, because he never knew if he should be honest when asked, but... 36/M/ME.
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jcksonfields · 3 months
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Merrock Task: Social Media
what age did your character start using social media? Around middle school, so like 12ish?
did their parents monitor their use, if they were young? Probably at first.
has your character ever had fake identities or accounts online? Oh definitely as a kid, he was a menace
no shame: do they remember myspace? did they use it? Yes and absolutely
who would be in their top eight today? Best friends, probably like Chandler and Michael. Along with his siblings including Jordan
what social media platforms do they use today? Instagram and X (Twitter)
do they have public profiles, or go private? Public for sure
how about their following? are they pretty lowkey, or do they have a decent following? A decent following. Used to play college football so it started back then.
do they tend to pick obvious usernames, ones with sentimental value, funny things? how do they decide? Probably obvious ones just so others can follow him and find him easily
profile pictures: the same across all platforms? Nah different for each one
and just what profile pictures do they use? Usually some cool selfie they 5ooj
what kind of bio writer are they? silly, cute, sweet, or just basic? Probably more of a snarky one if anything
how much time per day would you say that your character spends on social media? Passively? A few hours
is there one platform that they visit more than others? Instagram for sure
if they have kids, do they use social media? how do they feel about that? if not, and they want kids, will they let them use it someday? N/A
be honest: have they ever created an account for something else, like a hobby, or… to try to make their cat internet famous? Nahhhh
do they run any professional or business accounts? Not anymore
have they ever left a social media platform (or more than one) for any specific reason? Nope
do they plan on using social media into their older ages? Probably
have they ever made any long-lasting friendships through social media? Yes!
or on the flip side, gotten into any big social media beef? Probably about sports
have they ever felt negatively impacted by social media as a user? Absolutely
who is their favorite person / account to follow on social media? His friends
would they say that social media has had an overall more positive or negative impact on the world? It totally depends
and finally: a/s/l? (and do they know what that means?) 27, m, Merrock, and duh!!!
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Are there any stereotypes for hockey players in Czechia? Like how nhl players only date blonde, are usually conservative and kinda dumb
What are they in Czechia?
Speaking from my personal experience of having a brother who is an ice hockey player, also experiencing having a few of them in my class back in high school, and right now working for my uni's hockey team so encountering them fairly often on a weekly basis, they are not actually that different from the ones in America.
They still wear their caps backward like d*ckheads, grow their hair out, wear the same sort of clothing everywhere they go, looking like a bunch of minions, which you could recognize from miles away, post cringe photos on Snapchat, have the same bios on Instagram, the majority of them are dumb af, either naturally or because they skip school to devote their time and energy to hockey and hockey only, most of them usually have pretty well off parents that tolerate anything their kids do, the society overall puts them on a golden pedestal cause ice hockey is just as much of a national sport here as it is in Canada, all the girls here go through their "I want an ice hockey player so bad" era...
The only difference is that they don't date blondes. If you go to a game and spot their girlfriends or wives watching, most of them are actually brunettes - they switch to the NHL stereotype of blondes only when they make it past the draft and start playing on the other side of the Atlantic to fit the hockey standard, which differs in this aspect. The number of Czech players I have seen dating brunettes or simply dark-haired girls and immediately dumping them for a blonde or making them go blonde after making their NHL debut is ridiculous, however, you can still spot this difference prevailing in the case of some - Tomas Hertl, David Krejci, Tomas Nosek or David Kämpf are all dating dark-haired girls.
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jaywritesrps · 7 months
Everything I hear and see about Ashlyn makes it seem like she's not a great person. Like, she couldn't even tell her wife of however many years that she was divorcing her??? And she took off proud mom from her instagram bio when she left her wife? Sophia, girl, of all the women in the world...
It's because she isn't. I was starting to like her again when I saw Marta, the most lovable and carefree person in the woso world, ignoring Ashlyn's comments and posting pictures with Ali's in FIFA's the best. It was when I decided to use my journalist's skills to find out more about what was going on in the woso backstage.
The story I heard from some friends in woso world is far worse than what went to public. Like, no wonder nearly everyone in that universe don't want anything to do with her and I believe the story it's true cause I heard a lot of personal sources who are connected to six different teams and USSF, and especially the sources connected to the NWSL teams, they told pretty much the same story, some with more details than other, but overall it was the same story.
Since Ali told part of it, I can share some here. The thing is when they talked about their relationship in early 2023, Ali and Ash agreed to wait until the season was over to decide on what to do about their relationship. Ashlyn never said she wanted out, so to Ali's side, this meant as "let's figure our shit out", when to Ashlyn's side this meant "we are going to divorce".
My source from USSF said that there was rumors on Pride around Ashlyn infidelity since early 2021, so they think that might be one of the reasons they went to NY/NJ at the end of the season, while my source from Orlando said that never heard about those rumors, although some players and team crew took very personally their departure to Gotham FC, not to a point to see Ashlyn as ungrateful, but also not more as willing to defend her as they were before - and I will highlight that she said Ashlyn nominally, not them, they, the couple or Ashlyn and Ali.
Also my source connected to Gotham told me, that the whole story Ashlyn said in her statement of "we were together to keep contracts" and yada yada yada is BS to the public, cause they never really talked about the commercial part until september when the rumors around Ashlyn and Sophia started, cause it was when the Gotham Player's conscientiously ignored her in EA's Party. Even until then she never really communicated to her wife she wanted the divorce. It's why Ali really thought they were going to sit down and talk, cause how can you say you are married to a horrible person and schedule a couple trip to Mexico? (Remember that trip Ali made with Kyle at the end of the season? It supposed to be a family cruise, but she changed to a couple's retreat in July as a way for them to fix their marriage.)
It's why I strong believe that Ashlyn was leading Sophia and Ali on, it doesn't matter if it was intentional or not, but this is a big red flag for a person. Like one of my sources said that Ashlyn probably was trying to keep both relationships and choose the one who was more profitable to her at the end, I wasn't sold on this belief, but I am now after the restaurant's story from deux moi and how Sophia is working to clean Ashlyn's image to the public, even though most of her fans doesn't want anything to do with her. (Personal gossip here: A group of friend of mine are attending at SXSW cause Lucy Lawless was going to be there and Fallout panel and told me that a rumor running around is that they had an open spot and they pulled a panel about women's sport just to fit Ashlyn in and keep Sophia as their speaker, but no one really wanted it or care enough about it. They said they are going to attend on it today if they have nothing better to do.)
And Honestly, I am happy Sophia is happy, but ffs man, like if half of the stuff I heard is true, I really hope Sophia is helping her to growing up as person, because I still don't see this ending well to Sophia.
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lewisvinga · 7 months
OK! I’m here to give you a report on the comment section of the Mercedes and RB teams after qualifying. It’s surprisingly not as bad as usual. I know the person who has been commenting about how toxic it is it’s probably gonna say something as well, but it was mostly people being against the team. Of course, there were people, bashing Lewis, but most of it was either positive or against Mercedes as a whole team.
RB is a complete war zone. People who used to say they love Daniel now “love“ Yuki and people are still being ablest against Yuki despite Yuki not having a disability. All because Daniel called him helmet. You don’t get anything about Formula One on your Instagram because it’s a bloodbath in RB. And people are hating on Logan again. Saying that he’s only here because they want it a token American.
I don’t check Ferrari or Red Bull anymore because those are the most two toxic teens I have ever seen. I don’t understand why they don’t do what Aston Martin and Stake dies. They put their results in their stories so that haters can’t start a war in the comments. McLaren started doing that recently too. It’s only a matter of time until the other team admins get the hint.
Hopefully. I’m sick of seeing people insult people the way they are. It’s not fair to that one person who got banned from commenting, encouraging stuff under McLaren‘s post to get banned for seven days, but these people are over here and salting each other in the most bio ways possible and yet they’re allowed to go Scott free.
2024 needs to end soon or I’m ending my life and this is not even a joke. I’m Starting to want to get out of the formula fandom. Like, I’m legit going to follow everything to do with formula one fans. I know they shouldn’t do anything for me, but the fans are a huge part of the sport, and since they don’t believe in their own teams, or they’re fighting against each other, how is one meant to enjoy the sport?
Sorry, I ranted. You probably don’t care about the comment section or anything I said, but you’re the only person I can talk to about how I feel and you actually read it. If you need me to stop, just let me know and I will. You’re the only one up here who isn’t really that bias.
Ja ne
I’m sorry if I bothered you and annoyed you. I know your other Aon has been complaining about the comment section this entire time and I wanted to let out my woes. I apologize.
omg don’t ever worry abt ranting!!!!!!!
and yeah, the fandom can be REALLY toxic which thankfully i don’t see much of because i only ever interact w 44 fans & i totally agree that teams shld start playing results on their stories instead ! it might lessen the toxicity of the fandom/comments lol
ppl have been hating on yuki tho lmao, i love that guy tho😞
and i think logan’s here bc james genuinely sees his potential! i got into f1 last yr but i heard logan was only in f2 for a year! i think he’s a driver again this season bc james sees a chance in him 🤒
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fametick · 5 months
How to Get Your Instagram Verified: Facts and Strategies for the Blue Badge
The coveted blue badge on Instagram – a symbol of authenticity and status. But how exactly does one get verified? While Instagram keeps the specific criteria under wraps, here's a breakdown of key facts and strategies to increase your chances of landing that blue checkmark.
Eligibility Essentials
First things first, understand that verification is for accounts representing public figures, celebrities, or well-known brands. Personal accounts for your pet or niche hobbies likely won't qualify. Your profile must be complete, with a profile picture, bio, and at least one post. Most importantly, it must be public – verification aims to combat impersonation on the platform.
The Not-So-Secret Formula: Authenticity & Authority
While there's no minimum follower count, focus on building a loyal, engaged audience. In essence, Instagram verification service wants to see that you're a genuine, established presence. Here's how to showcase that:
Content is King (and Queen): Post consistently, with high-quality, engaging content relevant to your niche. Stories, Reels, and IGTV can further boost engagement.
Be a Standout: Strive to be a thought leader or trendsetter in your field.
Get Featured, Get Noticed: Mentions and collaborations with verified accounts or media publications add credibility.
Optimizing Your Application
Instagram offers an in-app verification request process. Here's how to make your application shine:
Double-Check Your Details: Ensure your username, name, and bio accurately reflect who you are or the brand you represent.
Category Choice: Select the category that best represents you, whether it's music, sports, or business.
Proof of Authenticity: This is where you can provide links to news articles, media mentions, or your website showcasing your notability.
Beyond the Blue Badge: The Perks of Verification
While the blue checkmark holds undeniable social currency, the benefits extend beyond bragging rights:
Enhanced Credibility: Verification establishes you as a legitimate entity, boosting trust with potential followers and collaborators.
Increased Discoverability: Verified accounts tend to appear higher in search results and explore pages.
Access to Exclusive Features: Some features, like swipe-up links in stories, may become available with verification.
Important Reminders
Patience is Key: The verification process can take weeks, so don't get discouraged if you don't hear back immediately.
Stay Organic: Focus on building your brand authentically. Buying followers or engagement hurts your chances.
Respect the Rules: Always adhere to Instagram's Community Guidelines to avoid jeopardizing your account.
Remember, verification is a recognition of your established presence, not a shortcut to fame. By focusing on creating valuable content, building a genuine following, and maintaining a strong online reputation, you'll be well on your way to earning that coveted blue badge.
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adinathgirhe-blog · 6 months
Makagago Net Worth, Real Name, Wife, Bio, Age, and More 2024
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In the dynamic realm of digital entertainment, few figures are as polarizing and captivating as Makagago. Known for his unapologetic style and candid content, he has carved out a niche in the YouTube community that resonates with a vast audience seeking authenticity and humor. This article delves into the life of Makagago, tracing his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a household name in the world of online entertainment. With a career that’s as controversial as it is successful, Makagago’s story is a testament to the power of social media in shaping modern celebrity.
Early Life and Background
Makagago, whose real name is Mark Warnakulahewa, was born on October 26, 1991, in Sri Lanka. From an early age, he showed a keen interest in entertainment, which would later become the cornerstone of his career. He began his journey into the public eye on December 21, 2012, when he started posting content on YouTube. His unique approach to vlogging, sports content, and competitions between YouTubers quickly garnered attention, setting the stage for his rise to fame. Makagago’s early life is not just a story of a budding entertainer but also a narrative of a person who, with persistence and creativity, turned his passion into a thriving career. His background serves as an inspiration to many aspiring content creators who seek to make their mark in the digital world.
Makagago Net Worth and Earnings
Makagago has made a significant impact on the digital entertainment industry through his YouTube channel “Makagago Wazzup Man.” As of early 2024, his net worth is estimated to be between $66.3K and $398K. His earnings are primarily generated from his YouTube channel, which boasts a substantial subscriber count of over 2.9 million. His estimated monthly earnings range from $41 to $650, with yearly projections between $487 and $7.8K. These figures reflect the potential revenue from his YouTube activities alone and do not account for any additional income streams he may have, such as sponsorships, merchandise sales, or other business ventures. It’s important to note that these figures are estimates and can fluctuate based on various factors, including changes in viewership, subscriber growth, and monetization policies. Makagago’s entrepreneurial spirit and diverse content offerings suggest that his financial success will continue to grow alongside his online presence. Makagago Bio in short: - Real NameMark Warnakulahewa - Age32 years old (as of early 2024) - Date of BirthOctober 26, 1991 - NationalitySri Lankan - ProfessionYouTube Content Creator - YouTube ChannelMakagago Wazzup Man - SubscribersOver 2.8 million - Net Worth ( 2024)Between $66.3K and $398K - WifeFranchesca Lopez - Kids2 kids (son & daughter) - Makagago Known ForVlogs, sports content, interactions with other YouTubers, diss tracks Also Read: Cong TV Net Worth, Real Name, Age, Wife & More Ivana Alawi Net Worth, Age, Bio, Real Name, Height & More Top 10 Richest Vloggers in the Philippines 2024
Makagago Personal Life & Family
He established a significant presence in the Philippines. On his Instagram page, which has amassed over 92.5K followers, he often shares glimpses of his personal life, including selfies and photos with family and friends. In November 2021, Makagago shared a photo of his wife, Franchesca Lopez, showcasing the personal side of his life that he occasionally lets his audience see. They have 2 kids, a son & a daughter, whose photos are shared on Instagram by his wife.
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Despite his controversial public persona, these moments provide a contrast to his online alter ego and offer a peek into his life away from the camera.
Career Beginnings
Makagago embarked on his YouTube journey with the channel Makagago Wazzup Man on December 21, 2012. His early content, which often included vlogs, sports commentary, and interactions with other YouTubers, quickly caught the attention of viewers. His authentic voice and engaging personality set him apart in a crowded digital space.
Rise to Fame
Makagago’s rise to fame can be attributed to his consistent content creation and his ability to engage with a broad audience. His channel has amassed over 2.9 million subscribers and a significant number of views, making him a well-known figure in the YouTube community. His fame was bolstered by his interactions and sometimes confrontations with other influencers, which often went viral, further increasing his visibility and subscriber count.
Content and Style
Known for his candid and often controversial style, Makagago’s content spans a range of topics, including reaction videos, personal vlogs, and diss tracks. His album The Putangina Songs is a testament to his bold approach to content creation, featuring a series of diss tracks aimed at various personalities. This unfiltered style has garnered a dedicated following, with many appreciating his straightforwardness and humor.
Impact and Influence
Makagago’s impact on the digital content landscape is significant. He has been known to stir the pot with his critical takes on other influencers, which has led to public disputes and discussions about the nature of content creation and influencer culture.
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His ability to drive conversations and sometimes controversy has cemented his status as a notable figure in the online world. Additionally, his public reconciliations, such as the one with Leng Altura on Raffy Tulfo’s show, demonstrate his influence and the reach of his platform.
Makagago Controversies
Makagago, a prominent figure in the Philippine social media landscape, has been involved in several controversies that have shaped public perception of him. Notably, he has had a history of creating content that targets other influencers. For instance, he was known for his attacks on Cong TV, which included a diss track aimed at the couple Cong TV and Viy Cortez. However, Makagago later revealed in a podcast with Ryan Tañada that he ceased his attacks after admitting that Cong TV had effectively ‘buried’ him in their spat. Another significant controversy involved Leng Altura and the “Kainpepe” issue, where Makagago exposed alleged dark secrets about her, criticized her for lascivious dance videos, and accused her of having a controversial scandal video. These incidents have contributed to a complex public image, characterized by both his bold content creation and the disputes it often sparks.
Public Perception
Makagago’s public image is multifaceted. He has been listed among the most hated personalities in the Philippines, primarily due to his controversial behavior, offensive language, and alleged involvement in physical altercations. His aggressive and confrontational online presence has drawn public condemnation and backlash, particularly concerning his impact on impressionable audiences and the broader implications of influencer culture. Despite the controversies, Makagago has also been referred to as the “Troll King” and “Diss King” of the Philippines, highlighting a segment of the audience that appreciates his unfiltered approach to social commentary and entertainment. This duality in public perception underscores the divisive nature of his online persona and the discussions it continues to provoke within the digital community. FAQs: Who is Makagago?Makagago, whose real name is Mark Warnakulahewa, is a well-known content creator on YouTube, famous for his vlogs, sports content, and interactions with other YouTubers.What is the net worth of Makagago?As of early 2024, Makagago’s net worth is estimated to be between $66.3K and $398K. These figures are based on his YouTube channel earnings and do not include other potential income sources.Who is Makagago's wife?Makagago’s wife is Franchesca Lopez. He occasionally shares photos with her on his social media platforms, offering a glimpse into his personal life.What’s Makagago’s age?Makagago was born on October 26, 1991, which makes him 32 years old as of early 2024.What is the real name of Makagago? The real name of Makagago is Mark Jayson Warnakulahewa.Why Makagago is famous?Makagago gained fame for his unique and often controversial content on YouTube, which includes reaction videos, personal vlogs, and diss tracks. His straightforward and bold style has garnered a dedicated following and significant influence in the online entertainment industry. Conclusion: Makagago has become an influential figure in the digital entertainment industry. His journey from a passionate content creator to a YouTube sensation is a reflection of his dedication and ability to connect with a diverse audience. Despite facing controversies and mixed public perceptions, Makagago has maintained a significant following and continues to impact the online community with his unique style and content. As we look to the future, Makagago’s story serves as an example of the power of social media to create opportunities for individuals to share their talents and perspectives with the world. His legacy, marked by both achievements and challenges, will undoubtedly influence aspiring content creators for years to come. Makagago’s narrative is not just about the content he creates but also about the conversations he inspires and the cultural shifts he contributes to. His story is ongoing, and the digital world eagerly watches to see what he will do next. Read the full article
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bethestaryouareradio · 7 months
Mental Health and Social Media
“When your mental health becomes impacted by social media then it is time for a detox.” 
— Germany Kent
Are you indulging in social media? How do you feel? Host Keerthi, who loves social media, navigates the negatives and positives of various platforms. She advocates for embracing imperfection and showcasing authenticity as well as digital detoxes. Keerthi also encourages celebrating other's successes, big or small, and showing kindness to strangers. Keerthi then interviews high school junior, Niru Shivakumar about the connection between mental health and social media. Niru is the founder of a nonprofit organization called Offline, which has been one of her main focuses for three years. She works with 5th grade classes across the Bay Area to educate students about the dangers and repercussions of social media as well as the effects it can have on mental health before they reach middle school. She does not use social media. Reporter, Kirpa, joins the conversation to discuss the pros and cons of social media and how it can affect our mental health. Her parents do not allow her to use social media and she understands that is because they care and want to keep her safe and healthy.  If you use social media, remember, you are more than your follower count, more than your most liked post, and more than the sum of your social media presence. Make sure to proofread every word before you hit send and keep your mental health front and center. Be yourself and don’t strive for perfection as perfection doesn’t exist. And consider being OFFLINE!
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Bio: Niru Shivakumar is a junior at Leland High School in San Jose and a rower for NorCal Crew in Redwood City. Since 2021, she has run Offline organization, a nonprofit aimed at battling phone addiction related mental health issues in young students. She began the organization because of her own personal experiences and has spoken out at several schools across the Bay Area. She loves to play sports and read books, which she believes is the better alternative than social media these days. She wants to continue Offline in the future and expand it even more to reach students in other countries as well. Offline’s program is an interactive, age-appropriate presentation for in person visits and an informative fun video for online visits that dives into the dangers of constant social media use that also describes and provides ways to stay healthier without the Internet. Offline also has its own newsletter, where they send out issues every 2 weeks about new technological advancements and new alternatives to stay happy without social media. During in person visits, the program combines fun games with the same theme to keep students engaged and help them understand the ideas better. www. offlineorganization.com Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/149452/mental-health-and-social-media
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govindhtech · 8 months
IBM Watson AI To Enhance Grammy Awards Ceremony 2023
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IBM Watsonx GRAMMY Awards
How the Recording Academy improves the Grammy Awards fan experience with IBM Watsonx The Recording Academy aims to preserve music’s permanent place in our society by recognizing excellence in the recording arts and sciences via the GRAMMYs. IBM will be there once again as the biggest recorded artists in the world walk the red carpet at the 66th Annual GRAMMY Awards.
Like other renowned cultural sports and entertainment events, the GRAMMYs faced a similar commercial dilemma this year, in today’s increasingly fragmented media world, producing cultural impact entails delivering appealing content across numerous digital platforms. It’s a difficult assignment to honor the accomplishments and life stories of over a thousand candidates in around 100 categories.
IBM collaborated to create GRAMMY Awards
For this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM collaborated to create a content supply chain that would allow for simple review and creative flexibility while saving hundreds of hours of research, writing, and production time. Utilizing IBM Watsonx’s creative powers, the system offers fascinating insights into the personal histories and professional achievements of well-known GRAMMY nominees.
A content engine powered by generative AI and reliable data The watsonx.ai component of watsonx is home to a potent large language model (LLM), which is used in this year’s solution. The model was trained using trusted, private data from the Recording Academy, which included brand rules and artist bios and tales from the GRAMMYs website and archives.
The Recording Academy may create a broad range of material using natural language prompts using an AI material Builder dashboard. This content can subsequently be posted on social media or uploaded to the Grammy.com website.
Automating social asset generation using intelligence in GRAMMY Awards
In order to engage with fans and publicize the event throughout the run-up to the GRAMMY Awards and on the night of the show, the Recording Academy had to increase the scope of their social media presence. However, content creation was very manual and time-consuming up to this point. Watsonx AI Stories is the answer. The editorial staff can quickly and simply build rich materials to be shared in Facebook reels, Instagram stories, and Tik Tok videos using the AI Content Builder dashboard.
Editorial team members may choose templates including nominees or categories with different layouts and branding using the AI Stories interface. These templates use authorized pictures from the Recording Academy’s asset bank. Next, they decide which artist or award category to highlight, the content of the piece (biographical details, GRAMMY accomplishments, charitable causes, etc.) and which subjects not to include in the final product.
When a user hits the “generate” button, the true magic begins. AI stories are written using headlines, bullet points, one-liners, questions, and calls to action as the wrap-up elements. Any of these outputs may be readily modified manually and regenerated to provide other phrasings. After selecting “publish,” the text is converted into a video file and made ready for download and publication.
Improving the online experience in real time on GRAMMY Awards presentation
Beyond the network broadcast, the GRAMMY Awards presentation is an impressive spectacle. Global fans will also be watching a range of livestreams on grammy.com, including as the Premiere Ceremony (where most category winners are announced),GRAMMY Awards Live From The Red Carpet, backstage moments captured behind the scenes, celebrities pulling up in a “limo cam,” and more.
This year, underneath the livestream, there will be a widget called “AI Stories with IBM Watsonx” that will provide educational textual material about the artists and categories that are being recognized. The editorial team uses the same interface as for creating social assets to produce these insights via the AI Content Builder dashboard. The widget’s default display consists of brief headlines and interesting facts, but users may click through to learn more.
Tyler Sidell, Technical Program Director of IBM Sports and Entertainment Partnerships, adds, “This year the widget lets fans dive much deeper and read more about their favorites. In previous years, they provided one or two insights per artist.”
The benefit of IBM: Skilled direction and execution
There’s more to responsibly using a game-changing technology like generative AI than merely typing some code. Complete proficiency is needed, from preparation to implementation. over this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM Consulting have been working together over the last seven years to use the IBM Garage Methodology to kickstart technological projects.
Working with the customer, this outcome-first, human-centered methodology is used to design, implement, and manage processes. The procedure fosters techniques, tools, and talent to quickly translate ideas into company value while also accelerating digital transformation and facilitating innovation.
IBM Consulting worked with a number of Recording Academy stakeholders throughout the GRAMMY preparation process, often meeting with teams from the digital, marketing, and IT departments. Additionally, IBM will be present on-site on the big night as a production and editing team extension.
With the help of IBM Consulting, IBM Garage, IBM Watsonx, and the Recording Academy digital team, over 5 million music lovers across the globe are treated to an immersive digital experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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mytechbug · 9 months
Julian Henry De Niro: The Private Life of a Celebrity Son
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Julian Henry De Niro is the son of legendary actor Robert De Niro, yet he has chosen to live a private life away from the spotlight. He grew up with fame always lurking in the background. However, unlike many celebrity offspring who embrace the limelight, Julian has deliberately avoided public attention. He leads an extremely private life, making few public appearances and focusing simply on family and a small circle of trusted friends. Julian Henry De Niro’s Bio Date of Birth October 20, 1995 Nationality American Father Robert De Niro | Actor Mother Toukie Smith | Former model/actress Occupation Model Siblings Twin brother Aaron - Half-sister Drena Net Worth Access to father's $300+ million Ethnicity German, Irish, Dutch Place of Birth New York City, USA Early Life in the Shadow of Stardom Born October 20, 1995, in New York City, Julian entered the world as Hollywood royalty. His father, Robert, was already an Academy Award-winning actor on his way to becoming one of the most celebrated movie stars of his generation. Julian’s mother was actress and model Toukie Smith, Robert’s longtime girlfriend. Robert and Toukie raised Julian, along with his twin brother Aaron, mostly out of the public eye. While little is known about the boys’ upbringing, they likely had all the privileges—and pitfalls—that come with growing up in a celebrity family. Exploring Julian Henry De Niro's Early Interests and Formative Pursuits Even as a child, Julian demonstrated less interest in the art of performance than his acting lineage might presume. His passions developed away from movie sets and premieres. According to some sources, Julian pursued sports in his youth. He is said to have been an avid football and basketball player throughout elementary school. Whether he continued with competitive athletics later on remains unclear. In any case, Julian seemed to gravitate away from his father’s career naturally. He never showed an inclination to follow in Robert’s footsteps down the path of acting or fame in any capacity. A Pioneer in Early Privacy Practices As an adult, details on how Julian spends his time remain sparse. He grants no interviews and makes vanishingly few public appearances, allowing almost no insights into his work, relationships, or personal life. Both Julian’s secrecy and his father’s evident protectiveness shield his private world from prying eyes. Robert fiercely guards information about his children, reflecting Julian’s craving for anonymity. Early Chapters of a Career Beyond the Spotlight Professionally, Julian gravitated toward modelling rather than acting or entertainment, allowing income without fame. His Instagram account reveals some modelling photos in exotic locales, hinting at an enviable jet-setting lifestyle. His most significant known professional move came in 2018 when he signed with modelling agency Directions USA. Even then, however, Julian refrained from publicity or self-promotion. He seems to view modelling as a passion, not a path to public visibility. Net Worth of a Noteworthy Entrepreneur While Julian’s finances remain private, there is no question he enjoys significant resources. His father, Robert De Niro’s net worth sits at an estimated $300 million thanks to one of the most acclaimed acting and directing careers in Hollywood history. Even without capitalising publicly on his lineage, Julian likely has access to financial means beyond most people’s imagination. Yet he maintains a low profile and does not flaunt luxury. Delving into Julian Henry De Niro's Secret Social Circle Just as Julian restricts visibility into his professional activities, he also remains silent regarding close friends or romantic relationships. Other celebrity children often appear across gossip columns and paparazzi photos, their personal lives displayed and dissected publicly. Julian strictly limits private details emerging at all. Rather than make a play for gossip magazine covers or reality TV contracts, Julian circumvents publicity. He socialises away from red carpets, restaurants, or clubs. Only close friends know the truth about how Julian spends his time. A Sidestep from Scandal Beyond general secrecy, Julian also maintains a staid, straight-edged lifestyle free from scandals of any sort. While many celebrity children fall prey to drugs, addiction, rash behaviours, and the law, Julian’s record remains squeaky clean. Despite having grown up amidst fame and fortune, he keeps level-headed with his reputation intact. His prudence contradicts stereotypes that children of privilege often feel entitled or superior. Julian takes nothing for granted. A Conclusion to an Inspirational Journey Julian Henry De Niro represents the quiet path of a celebrity child who shirks notice to shape his own life. Though fame beckoned as the son of Oscar winner Robert De Niro, Julian declined, committing privately to family and trusted friends. His integrity and discretion exemplify dignity regardless of public renown, inspiring questions of character beyond fame. For Julian, ultimate impact flows not through magazine spreads but subtler channels: humility, self-security, and priorities tied not to fortune but meaning. His is a grounded life sculpted by choice more than chance. FAQs Where did Julian De Niro grow up? He was raised primarily in New York City by his father, Robert De Niro and his mother, Toukie Smith. Why doesn't Julian share his life on social media? Extremely private by nature, Julian shuns social media presence and any public attention in order to maintain anonymity and a normal lifestyle. What does Julian do for a living? While details are scarce, it is believed Julian works as a model. He avoids high-profile gigs, however, using modelling as a career rather than an avenue to fame. Who are some of Julian's family members? He has several half-siblings, including actress Drena, real estate broker Raphael, Elliot, and Helen. His mother is Toukie Smith, and his father, of course, is screen icon Robert De Niro. Read the full article
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