#inspired content
aerinkate · 1 year
Isolation becomes viscous once days roll into weeks. 
The dog and I had spent the first mornings poised toward the front door, as though at any moment the handle would tug down and there you’d be — smiling through a soaked hood, shaking off your umbrella before stamping your boots on the mat, “Well, that took a little longer than I expected.”
I wanted it to be homely for your return. The over-anxious welcome of the dog scratching at your shins. The comforting kiss from your wife after a long day.
But there were no late callers. 
You left no instruction on dealing with the chills that accompany each morning. No instruction on how to handle the dishes when life littered with all other excesses. Nothing on how to keep the dog out of the nursery, or to stop her from knocking the empty chardonnays from the coffee table. You had mentioned how the house’s silence would drape around your shoulders, but left no instruction on coping with its persistent muttering in your ear. 
Perhaps the dogs orchestrated tantrums were her way of keeping me sane.
Through my months of hibernation, I ignored the roll-in of nature through the back door. The lock is still rusted beyond any use, and I find various creatures have scuttered in on the days I manage to get downstairs. Some days, it’s birds being hounded back to open air, on others it’ll be the odd cat or squirrel. Perhaps your least favourite, the pregnant rat that the dog has yet to set her sights on.
The fridge sputters, the bulb flickering its last dregs of life. Another task abandoned to my to-do list.
Her Highness trots into the kitchen upon hearing porcelain bump the countertop. The meat beats purple, fresh from the butchers. He’d given it to me as a gesture of goodwill, I’d forgotten my purse and he knows I come in each week. 
I comfort myself in the image of your frown at his kindness.
She paws at me. I embrace her desperation, slicing slower into the meat as she whines and whines… Instinct overcomes her. She jumps at my leg, only to be met with the harsh jolt of my own casting her away.
I drop the meat onto the tiles, the knife into my pocket.
Did you know that pig hearts are compatible with people? They’d managed it on a cripple with heart disease, once the pig had been modified beyond anything divine would conduct. The man lasted a few months longer, a nasty shred of hope for those waiting on transplants.
If I’d needed your heart instead, would you have shared it? 
With her, I assume so. In between your moments of peace and rib-cracking ecstasy, would there still be no room left for me? 
Blood drips through my fingers and the dog lurches.
I haul back, but—
She bites. What else can I do?
I curse you every day I’m stuck with this creature.
I kiss my teeth upon finding the rat's nest in the cupboard and slam the door, swearing at the dog for being beneath my feet.
The rat's fat body springs from the shelf, smacking against the tiles before fleeting through the open door, the dog slipping out behind it. A choir of artless contest ensnares as the pair wrestle in the garden, I offer no help separating them as the dog, equalled in size, catapults the rat across the patio.
For your sake, I seize the match by the collar.
“Leave it!” 
She whines against me, the rat now spine curled and dark hair pointing on end. With each tug my fingers protest her strength, trapped between fleece and collar — this tiny thing, how can she cause so much pain?
Fatigue throbs through my hand, clenched too long.
She breaks her chase to look up at me. Quivering lips peel back to reveal a gruesome smile, teeth pressing through her lips like thorns from a briar. She releases another mewl and my grasp loosens, just as her contender pounces toward her—
She escapes me.
Have you ever watched joy slip through your fingers? And no matter how much you tighten your grip to save it, it keeps going?
That’s kind of what it felt like to love you in the end. 
My hands are still aching.
I plan to spend the rest of the day peeling back the layers of dirt from the house. By chance I spot the rat sliver back inside, hind legs dragging. 
I empty bottles of booze into the recycling, wincing at the echo of glass breaking — as piercing as the twist of your mother's lip upon hearing that we wouldn’t be having children.
“Giving up so soon?” 
I doubt you’ve ever felt the weakness that accompanies having to look a self-appointed god in the eye and tell them you can no longer worship them without stuttering. 
“We’ve no luck for months.” Everything about me apologises.
I hadn’t realised I’d been crying until you pulled me in. You took my face between your palms and tried to suck the nonsense right from my lips. I had forgotten how you had me chained to the rhythm of my natural countdown.
“It’s not too late,” you’d said.
Beneath the sink, the nest births the purest of wars; life versus life, or death, I can’t really tell. The rat, too worn down from the labours of motherhood, seems unable to discern that her body is being torn apart by her children. They bite and claw into her flesh, blood gushing from the wound as though tipped from a jug. 
Her demise has me caught.
Life against life, life against death… 
A mother, against her daughter.
I find that I’m pressing myself into the floor, its coolness as comforting as that day you found me collapsed.
Do you remember?
The blood filled the gaps between the tiles like grout. You slapped my hand away as though I’d drowned them right there in the sink.
The following week, when your mother tapped on the door with the dog in hand, you were all smiles. I saw more from you that day than I’ve ever found in our wedding photos.
The pup quaked on the kitchen tiles, your mother beaming. Pried from her own mother just that morning, you thrust the pup onto me as though to mean something more than a marker of my own failings.
“She’s yours,” you’d said, cradling us as though by cribside, “she belongs to you.”
And at the moment I held her in my arms I knew that she did belong to me, as I belong to my shame.
I knew I would fail her, too.
Aches from the long winter pull me upstairs, naming me bedbound. I barricade myself beneath the sheets and drift off to lullabies from the gutter, creaking with the weight of last summer's foliage.
Inside of sleep, I battle reels from a shocked-white mind — images of an infant’s body breaking their father’s heart and the mother, if she could even call herself that, dragged into the wolf’s den…
Did she hear weeping at the bedside?
My eyes open and she’s watching me from the doorway.
Beady and blackened beyond anything earth-born, her gaze bites. You’d said there was nothing wrong with her look, that that’s how all dogs marvel at their owners. I still disagree.
Her tongue juts through the flaps of her mouth. Placing one paw ahead of the other, she steps into our room.
A rare occurrence, she doesn’t come upstairs without you there.
And then she hops onto our bed, her movements, as ever, soaked in silence. I resist an instinct to reach out to her.
She nestles into the duvet, her contemptuous side-eye doing little to mask how her feeble little body shivers in the cold. I tuck some of the sheets around her, and she jerks as though she’s heard you come in through the front door, as though our house has flooded with warmth...
The knife pokes into my thigh like melted butter. I take it out and press it into the scruff of her neck, wondering if the moment reminded her of her mother.
Eventually, she stops squirming.
I miss the southern breeze that left with you.
— A. K. D
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boudicca · 1 year
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nipuni · 1 year
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the snake of eden 🥰
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tofixtheshadows · 5 months
I've been thinking a lot lately about how Kabru deprives himself.
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Kabru as a character is intertwined with the idea that sometimes we have to sacrifice the needs of the few for the good of the many. He ultimately subverts this first by sabotaging the Canaries and then by letting Laios go, but in practice he's already been living a life of self-sacrifice.
Saving people, and learning the secrets of the dungeons to seal them, are what's important. Not his own comforts. Not his own desires. He forces them down until he doesn't know they're there, until one of them has to come spilling out during the confession in chapter 76.
Specifically, I think it's very significant, in a story about food and all that it entails, that Kabru is rarely shown eating. He's the deuteragonist of Dungeon Meshi, the cooking manga, but while meals are the anchoring points of Laios's journey, given loving focus, for Kabru, they're ... not.
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I'm sure he eats during dungeon expeditions, in the routine way that adventurers must when they sit down to camp. But on the surface, you get the idea that Kabru spends most of his time doing his self-assigned dungeon-related tasks: meeting with people, studying them, putting together that evidence board, researching the dungeon, god knows what else. Feeding himself is secondary.
He's introduced during a meal, eating at a restaurant, just to set up the contrast between his party and Laios's. And it's the last normal meal we see him eating until the communal ending feast (if you consider Falin's dragon parts normal).
First, we get this:
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Kabru's response here is such a non-answer, it strongly implies to me that he wasn't thinking about it until Rin brought it up. That he might not even be feeling the hunger signals that he logically knew he should.
They sit down to eat, but Kabru is never drawn reaching for food or eating it like the rest of his party. He only drinks.
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It's possible this means nothing, that we can just assume he's putting food in his mouth off-panel, but again, this entire manga is about food. Cooking it, eating it, appreciating it, taking pleasure in it, grounding yourself in the necessary routine of it and affirming your right to live by consuming it. It's given such a huge focus.
We don't see him eat again until the harpy egg.
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What a significant question for the protagonist to ask his foil in this story about eating! Aren't you hungry? Aren't you, Kabru?
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He was revived only minutes ago after a violent encounter. And then he chokes down food that causes him further harm by triggering him, all because he's so determined to stay in Laios's good graces.
In his flashback, we see Milsiril trying to spoon-feed young Kabru cake that we know he doesn't like. He doesn't want to eat: he wants to be training.
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Then with Mithrun, we see him eating the least-monstery monster food he can get his hands on, for the sake of survival- walking mushroom, barometz, an egg. The barometz is his first chance to make something like an a real meal, and he actually seems excited about it because he wants to replicate a lamb dish his mother used to make him!
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...but he doesn't get to enjoy it like he wanted to.
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Then, when all the Canaries are eating field rations ... Kabru still isn't shown eating. He's only shown giving food to Mithrun.
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And of course the next time he eats is the bavarois, which for his sake is at least plant based ... but he still has to use a coping mechanism to get through it.
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I don't think Kabru does this all on purpose. I think Kui does this all on purpose. Kabru's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be understood as informing his character just as much as Laios's autism informs his. It's another way that Kabru and Laios act as foils: where Laios takes pleasure in meals and approaches food with the excitement of discovery, Kabru's experiences with eating are tainted by his trauma. Laios indulges; Kabru denies himself. Laios is shown enjoying food, Kabru is shown struggling with it.
And I can very easily imagine a reason why Kabru might have a subconscious aversion towards eating.
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Meals are the privilege of the living.
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: Picture Inspiration #1
Code Name: The Trash Fungus
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Samples of SCP-AEV have been contained at Site-AB within the newly established biohazard labs. The samples are contained within 4 biohazard canisters and kept within a biohazard freezer locked by a 12-digit pass code. Any testing must be approved by at least three Level 4 Clearance staff members. Testing must be done with Foundation Standard Biohazard Suit and an Anti-Cognitio Hazard Protection Helmet to prevent infection as well as affection of the anomalous effects.
In the event of a containment breach, Foundation security near the biohazard labs is to change into the proper protection gear and guard the labs form potential dangers with their lives. Regarding SCP-AEV spores still on the loose, Mobile Task Force Hestia-7 "Brain Fungus" is in charge of locating hosts of SCP-AEV. They are to kidnap the hosts, decapitate them, and engrave on the corpse's back, "The Collector". They are then to quietly place the corpse in an area where witnesses or police are likely to find it later. All of this is under accordance with Protocol "The Unknown Killer". They are to place the head in a biohazard bag and later incinerated to destroy the SCP-AEV spores in the brain.
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Young colony of SCP-AEV after it has completely devoured the head of [data expunged].
Description: SCP-AEV is an anomalous fungus that for whatever reason seems to take the form of garbage piles. However, these garbage piles more often than not resemble warped versions of trash. What can be identified, is paper, books, toys, metal parts, and other common things in homes that are eventually thrown away. Why they always appear warped and rarely if ever perfect versions of themselves is unknown. Like most fungus SCP-AEV can grow in any environments but grow better and stronger in certain environments. SCP-AEV grows best and fast in environments with little air, lots of dust, and extremely dirty.
Looking directly at SCP-AEV causes the viewer to suffer a stroke, though unfortunately, that is not the end of it. The victim now has SCP-AEV spores in their brain, but they do not burst and grown until the victim has died. meaning its possible for SCP-AEV to spread great distances and cause a global pandemic rather easily. Unfortunately, SCP-AEV being a fungus, it's impossible to create a cure or proper vaccine against infection. The only way to prevent infection is to kill and incinerate the head of all current hosts.
When SCP-AEV colonies grow to a certain size normally [data expunged] meters in diameter they do start to resemble more perfect versions of common trash, all be it, fused together. However, this is when SCP-AEV starts to get more dangerous. Once SCP-AEV reaches a perfect size it starts to grow appendages out of shirt sleeves, jacket sleeves, and jean sleeves with different kinds of gloves at the ends.
At this stage, SCP-AEV will start to grow blobs of monsters with these appendages. They will detach and start attack any living organisms they come across devouring them and adding their biomass to its own. It should be noted even in this stage it's possible to be infected via its Cognito hazardous properties.
SCP-AEV was discovered in 2019 after police were sent to a house due to the neighbors calling saying a man was held hostage in his house by a murder. When police got to the area, they found the man decapitated and his capture on the floor suffering from a stroke. They quickly surveyed the area and had the man sent to the hospital with handcuffs. However, upon taking photos for evidence they found the head of the victim within one of the closest of the house. Though it had already been completely devoured by SCP-AEV due to the closet having a perfect environment for the fungus. As such the police unfortunately suffered from strokes and infection of SCP-AEV spores manifesting in their heads.
Due to the spontaneous and seemingly infectious cases of strokes Mobile Task Force Delta-4 "Minutemen" were deployed immediately in hopes of containing the area as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it was only after Mobile Task Force Eta-10 "See No Evil" was deployed was the Foundation able to properly suppress the SCP-AEV infection of the area. Still the Foundation suffered 7 MTF casualties, and 5 civilian casualties all of which were preventable, as such containment was deemed a failure. It is for this reason that SCP-AEV was initially labeled as Object Class Keter.
Unfortunately, SCP-AEV was reported in several other areas all around the world. A report of SCP-AEV blobs wandering the forest of [data expunged] slaughtering an entire family of hitchhikers and several bears. sprouts of small SCP-AEV colonies overgrowing in an apartment in a poor area of the city [data expunged], Russia leading to all the occupants suffering from strokes and regularly mental deterioration. Then a Sarkic Clan in the Italian city of [data expunged] was found cultivating it and used "brain twisting" to resist the cognitive effects.
Thankfully Foundation satellites have been updated to be able to identify the biosignature of SCP-AEV infection. Though with that being said, its unknown how many have been infection. The best estimate is at least 0.0000005% of the world's population. It is for this reason that the Foundation has activated Protocol "The Unknown Killer" to help contain the anomaly. For SCP-AEV the assigned killer name is "The Collector" which was later adopted by the public as "The Head Collector" given the nature of the killings.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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aromanticduck · 1 year
Cartoon with identical looking boy/girl twins that's self-aware of the fact this implies one is trans, and keeps the audience guessing as to which one it is.
The girl laments that her friends are buying bras and her chest is still flat. The boy keeps his t-shirt on the whole time at the beach. Neither of them like using public toilets. The girl always seems to be eating pickles. The boy is giving himself an injection... But it turns out he's diabetic and it's his insulin. Oh look, one of them has a trans flag pin! But so does the other one, because the cis sibling is a very enthusiastic ally.
Bonus points if the twins are aware of this and confusing people on purpose.
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Michael is FNAF Baby's number #1 hater
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originalartblog · 4 months
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(continued under the cut ↓)
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did you hear about my amazing propaganda yet
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imfromsixam · 2 months
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The Hacienda Getaway (CC Pack for The Sims 4)
Welcome to "El Agave" Hacienda Resort!
Hey, Simmers! With the arrival of the "Ciudad Enamorada" world in The Sims 4 Lovestruck, I couldn't resist recreating a beautiful spot I visited last year in Los Cabos, Mexico.
This CC Pack is all about an old hacienda where they produce the finest tequila. Even though I'm not a big drinker, the place was simply magical! Of course, I had to try a couple of Paloma cocktails and some tequila shots – when in Rome, right? 🍹
In this pack, you'll discover a treasure trove of old archways, grand double doors, and windows made of wood, clay, and iron, all available in open versions to bring your spaces to life. Plus, there's a full set of cozy, leather-style living room furniture where your Sims can chat, relax, or get a little romantic. 💕
I had a blast crafting the rustic coffee table and console with carved wood finishes. The iron chandeliers add an authentic old-world charm, and the mud planters with cacti are a perfect touch of the local flair. 🌵
But wait, there's more! I've added new flowers, a traditional-style rug, rustic painting frame, cushions, armchair, cool beams for your ceiling, beautiful terracotta tiles, and of course, a tequila set to make it all complete.
I had a lot of fun creating this set, reminiscing about one of the best vacations I've had. I hope to go back soon, but in the meantime, my Sims can enjoy a bit of that life.
Dive into the fun with this custom content for The Sims 4, and as always, happy simming!
About this CC Pack
Build: Arch, Door, 2 Floors, 2 Windows
Comfort: Armchair with and without pillows, Armchair, Loveseat, Sofa
Decorative: Cushions for sofa, Cushions, Beam, 3 plants (cactus), Paiting, 1 Flower (Dalia), Rug, Tequila Bottle, Tequila Set, Mud Vase
Lighting: Chandelier, Wall Light
Surface: Coffee table, Console Table
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chinchilla-clown · 5 months
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When you think Sun is winking at you but no his eye is just busted :-(
(I was thinking "huh i copy paste the dca's face a lot :-/" so WHY NOT incorporate that in universe with a comic!! The facial changes are subtle but it makes sense this way idk. I'll be drawing them a bunch anyway and I'm a sucker for asymmetry. Next one will be Moon talking abt their eyes too)
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Biblically accurate DCA enjoyers rise up <3
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glittter-skeleton · 2 months
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Rip Fifteen, you would’ve fallen in love with Jack Harkness instantly
Bonus doodle:
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aerinkate · 1 year
Your Hands
At first, I’d written about how your hands 
could only ever love me gently. 
Tender touches between kisses that
leave me weak, legs shaking— body aching
for one last drop of your welcome relief.
The ghost of your touch still present...
I’d have bent my bones for those hands — don’t tempt me.
At first, I’d written stanzas on how
you appeared to me as everything saintly.
That your hands would bring everything good
in the world, that you were such a…  rare find
you could release my ties to hard-hearted men
and could unbind my mother's hands, too… No.
You are not the gift I’d thought heaven had sent me.
Love should not flow over your palms like water,
and tender touches don’t scald the beholder.
You promised me peace then kissed my eyes softly,
blinding me from that your memories would cost me.
I hope you still feel the weight of guilt within your ribs.
Does it scratch at your guts? Growl through your lips?
Tied down by love, you bound my wrists fast—
now I understand those men, their angry hearts.
But it’s on me for failing to see the irony that
you told me to stop playing at love with spare parts,
masking a bruised truth with your godly laughter
that once held me captive in a false love high…
Oh, how I’d clung to you so intently! Tell me
again how easy it is for you to forget it all.
If it helps, I will say it for you bluntly:
that while you poured your hands over me,
fingers mapping each concave and every convex,
our photo frames mapped shadows onto our walls.
It’s clear to me now why you never held my hand so tight,
because why hold onto something you’re going to let go, right?
— A. K. D
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jsheios · 9 months
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So Hilda season 3. (This post has nothing to do with hilda season 3)
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ave661 · 11 months
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for Inquisitor, you will be missed♥
tried to create his model based on his cosplay
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crafting-mojo · 5 months
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Postmaster Pearl's new line of *Official* PostOffice Merchandise! Get yours today!!
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busra-tr · 27 days
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TIMELESS Denim Revolution Part 1 (AUG #2)
Hey there, lovely followers!
We are thrilled to introduce our brand new collection, Timeless Denim Revolution, crafted with love by Busra-tr, Mermalade, and Daph's! 🎉
This collection features a total of 10 unique pieces, with 6 of them being different denim designs that are sure to become wardrobe staples. Each piece is carefully designed to bring out the timeless elegance and versatility of denim, making sure you can stay stylish and comfortable at the same time.
Timeless Denim Revolution is a two-part collection, and today, we are excited to release the first part just for you! The first part of the collection includes a minimalist polo shirt paired with an asymmetric denim skirt, a little black dress with a stylish denim jacket, and a loose denim dress with a chic belt detail. In this collection, we are offering you both package files and blend files to enhance your experience. Rediscover your style with our new collection and add a touch of denim sophistication to your wardrobe! 🔥
These stunning pieces are now available! Visit our pages to explore the first part of the collection and find your favorites.
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10 Opitons
Adult-Elder-Teen-Young Adult
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
New Mesh
All Lods
Custom thumbnail
Early Access ( Avaible 24.11.2024)
**-Please do not re upload or claim as yours feel free to re color but do not include the mesh .
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Thanks to @saffirabluu for these amazing photos 💗
I hope you like them.  ♥
💖 You can check out my Patreon for special cc and other early access content. 💖
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