#inspired by shays au
mysticraven20 · 1 year
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Chapter Two: Then
Marinette jumped around, dancing to the newest hit song from Clara Nightingale. There was something so free about dancing in her bedroom; she wasn’t skilled in the slightest, so not having people glare at her attempting to flip herself upside down was a godsend.
She followed each move as particularly as possible; her arms and legs flew erratically up and down, as they tried to keep to the same rhythm as her idol. She wasn’t a natural dancer, in all honesty, she wasn’t a dancer at all, but that didn’t stop her from trying to look like a backing dancer for her favourite singer.
As the music video came to its dramatic, high pitched end, Marinette finished with her big finale… falling on her back. Maybe trying to do a handstand in such a small enclosed space wasn’t the best idea. Or maybe the issue came from attempting to do one at all (her gym grades would most certainly agree).
“Hey divas and divos, I’ll be giving a few of you, lucky fans, an opportunity to dance and groove in my newest music video, ‘Miraculous’. Not only will you get a chance to dance with me but also with the awesome heroes from ‘The Tales of Chat Noir’. Come and put your best foot forward, Tuesday 5th September, 9:30 am sharp at the Grand Palais Hotel, Paris. See you there my Nightingales!”
As Clara waved goodbye to the screen, Marinette moved quickly, grabbing her phone from where it had fallen from her pocket. She checked today's date three times to make sure she’d got it right. Today was the 4th of August, which meant the filming was tomorrow.
“No way!” Marinette squealed, scrambling to her knees and eventually, after a couple of stumbles, stood up. “No stinking way!”
Her summer holiday had been boring, so far. All of her friends either had boyfriends or hobbies which were keeping them entertained, everyone except for her that was. She scrambled around trying to find somewhere to sit hoping that this would be an amazing excuse to finally have a cool girly day out.
Finally seated securely in her chair, Marinette clutched her phone tightly to her chest and pulled up the WhatsApp group.
Continue reading on AO3 and find out how Marinette met Adrien
Huge thanks to @art-the-f-up for the inspiration.
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lunarmoves · 3 months
you weren't sure what had woken you up.
you only knew that one moment you had been dreaming—of what, you could not recall—and the next you were staring up at the textured ceiling of your bedroom. your eyes took a moment to adjust. moonlight, dewy and milky, yawned along the walls from the open-curtained window to your right. there was a stillness to the air befitting of the late hour. you blinked once, then twice, your mind hazy with lingering sleep.
that was when you heard it.
scritch scritch scritch.
slowly, you sat up, your blanket pooling around your waist. you rubbed at one of your eyes, groggily trying to piece together some vague understanding of what you were hearing. your room looked no different, honestly. boxes were still lined along the leftmost wall that you had yet to unpack. a desk tucked in the far right corner had your hunting weapons scattered across its surface—your bow and arrows. your silver dagger. the door directly across from you was slightly ajar, just like you'd left it earlier.
faintly, you could see small specks of dust as they floated in the moonlit air. you wrinkled your nose. you had yet to do a deep clean, preoccupied as you were with everything else. you wiggled your toes slightly from where they poked up from underneath your blanket.
it was quiet.
scritch scritch scritch.
you turned around, craning your neck back as you stared at the wall your bed's headboard was propped up against. it was a plain thing, painted a light lavender that looked midnight purple in the darkness of your room. you watched it for a moment, like you were expecting something to reveal itself or change. but nothing did.
you reached up and ran the tips of your fingers along the wall. then, carefully, you stood up. your feet sunk into the plushness of your mattress. it would be easy to lose your balance. you braced one hand on the top of the headboard.
you stared at the wall some more. and slowly, ever so slowly, you leaned forward to press your ear against it.
the plaster of the wall was cool against your skin. you could hear your own breaths, your own heartbeat. a steady rhythm that nearly wiped out all other sound.
you waited, terse and quiet.
scritch. scritch scritch.
it was like it was directly inside your ear. incessant. like someone was scratching a thin nail against concrete.
you huffed and leaned back to eye your wall once again. this house was old, handed down through generations until your grandfather had eventually gifted it to you. and thus you knew the prospect of rodents running inside the walls was not too absurd of an idea.
you rubbed at your eye again, too tired to deal with this at the moment. gently, you banged your fist against the wall—a muffled thump thump thump that echoed throughout your room. and after a few moments of silence, you plopped back down in your bed. hopefully that scared the rodents off.
you'd deal with them in the morning.
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the next time you heard the scratching, it was just past sunset.
you were in one of the halls on the first floor of the house, repainting it after having ripped off the old, yellowed wallpaper. the lights flickered for just a brief moment, drawing you from your work as you glanced up at the bulbs on the ceiling. but before you could squint at them for too long, you heard it.
scritch scritch scritch.
right in front of you.
you paused and looked back down at the section of the wall you were painting. your eyes were level with discolored plaster you had yet to cover up. you'd bought rat poison a few days ago at the small town nearby and crammed it into whatever cracks in the walls you could find. you had hoped it would be enough. it was not.
your lips twisted as you frowned at the wall. you really did not want to contact anyone to deal with the rodents. it would cost a pretty penny, and you were trying to save up so you could make additional repairs on the house. you grunted and set your brush down on the top of the paint bucket. then, you stepped back and wiped your hands on your overalls as you scrutinized the wall.
further down the hall, you heard it again. faintly.
scritch scritch. scritch.
your head turned to stare in its direction. and after a short moment of consideration, you trailed after the sound. maybe it would lead you to a hole you'd missed.
the scratching moved down the hall and to the right, trailing all the way up to a peeling, white door with a large lock on it. you grimaced. the basement. you never did find the key to open it—especially with how cluttered everything had gotten once you'd moved in.
you weighed your options in your mind for a bit, then turned around to make your way over to one of the storage closets. rummaging inside for a minute or two, you let out an aha! once you found the perfect tool. a hammer.
gripping it in your hand, you made your way back over to the basement door. and with a few well-placed hits, you broke the lock on it and kicked it off to the side. you tucked the hammer into your overalls and pulled open the door. dust wheezed into the air.
wooden stairs led down to a dark room. it was stifling. musty. you could see the cobwebs that lined the rail and the corners of the staircase. you shivered slightly. this door had not been opened in a very, very long time. you could only imagine the amount of work you'd need to do for restoration.
you tugged the collar of your shirt up so that it covered your nose and mouth. just past the door frame, there was a switch on the wall. you flicked it.
light spluttered to life from a bulb that hung over the middle of the staircase. you peered down and caught a glimpse of a concrete floor. off to the sides of the stairs, you could see more boxes, their shadows stretching languidly towards you. you strained your ears, listening past the deafening roar of the basement's silence.
scritch scritch scritch.
you started your descent.
the stairs creaked and groaned with every step, protesting against your weight. you winced slightly at the sounds and found yourself skipping a few steps so you could reach the bottom faster. your skin crawled as you made your way past all the cobwebs. your shirt slipped off your nose once you stepped further away from the stairs. your eyes trailed around as you took everything in.
the basement was just that: a basement. another room for storage. moonlight from a small, rectangular window on the wall directly across from you filtered through the air. it cast everything in an ethereal glow, illuminating things just enough that you could decipher what you were seeing.
there were more wooden boxes scattered about. old, antique furniture and other miscellaneous items were interspersed between them. a lamp in the shape of a flower with curled petals. a rocking chair with carvings of small animals along its arms and legs. a chest with another lock tucked in a corner.
you marveled at it all as you ventured around the room, stepping between stacks of books and ornate dishware. you wondered why your grandfather never sold any of this stuff. though, you supposed he was a bit of a hoarder.
you kept your eyes and ears peeled as you glanced at the surrounding walls. there was no more scratching. no pattering of tiny feet against the floor. no holes from what you could see either, though you were going off of the limited lighting from the window, so perhaps you missed something.
you frowned. you'd have to come back when it was brighter down here, maybe get a few lamps to chase away all the darkness. mind made up, you turned back to head towards the staircase.
as you did, however, your eyes caught onto an object just under the window. it was covered with a white sheet—stark like a ghost against the shadows that surrounded it. and it was such an odd thing, wasn't it? the only covered thing you could see. curiosity got the better of you.
approaching the object, you took note that it came up to about chest height. your nose wrinkled as you caught sight of the layers of dust upon the cover. you used your arm to shield your nose and mouth. then, with your free hand, you swiftly tore the white sheet off.
you weren't sure what you'd been expecting, but it certainly wasn't a small, metal cage stacked atop another box. you let the sheet flutter to the ground, waving your hand in front of you in a feeble attempt to disperse the cloud of dust that had burst in the air. on top of the cage was a slim, vertical piece of paper. you picked it up.
you... couldn't tell what you were looking at. there was some pattern of sorts on the paper, drawn in ink that nearly glistened in the dim lighting. squiggles and waves. dots and strange characters. you squinted at it—felt the thick material of the paper itself—then shrugged and let it fall to the floor to join the sheet. your grandfather had been a strange man, particularly in his later years. you'd learned long ago not to question the things you found in his old house.
bending slightly, you peered past the thin bars of the cage. you'd been expecting an animal of sorts, dead or taxidermied or something. what you didn't expect were two dolls.
you straightened up and reached up a hand to the small lock on the cage's door. what was with your grandfather and locks, honestly. you pulled out the hammer from your overalls and quickly disposed of the lock before shoving it back into your pocket. the cage door creaked open. you pushed past it to grab the dolls and tug them into the light.
they were similar yet different, with matching smiles and crescent markings on their faces. one was colored red and gold, with yellow protrusions from its head that you realized mirrored the sun. the other was silver and blue, a hat with gold stars nestled comfortably on top of its head. both the dolls had blank, grey eyes that stared up at you hauntingly. you ignored the goosebumps along your arms.
you squeezed them slightly, one in each hand. your fingers sank into the plush material of their torsos. your thumbs ran across the intricate stitching of their tiny clothes. and you wondered what they were doing down here, locked in a little cage seemingly made for their little bodies. it was strange.
shaking your head, you glanced up at the window to see the moon steadily rising into the sky. it was getting late and you still needed to clean up. you eyed the dolls in your hand and set them atop the cage, propping them up against each other so they were sitting upright. you'd come back for them later. maybe you could sell them to one of the kids in town.
as you turned around to make your way back out of the basement, you failed to notice the way the dolls' eyes suddenly glowed a gentle white. following your figure as you disappeared up the stairs.
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shynetyme06 · 1 year
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Human Pj glow up
Og character by the wonderful @7goodangel
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dragonrider9905 · 10 months
It's Officially Christmas
Merry Christmas @toomanybandstocare!!!! I'm your secret santa for @ghostofskywalker's Life Day Exchange for the @cloneficgiftexchange! Ironically, it also works out for the @clonexreaderbingo because Cody was on my card as well as one you requested :D I really hope you like it. It wasn't quite how I wanted it, because I love love love expanding stories so they go one forever but I ran out of time. This is just a bit of fluff and happiness for the Christmas season!!! Hope you're having a good one!
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Cody sighed with an exhale, rubbing circles on his forehead, just tracing the scar around his eye he had gotten during his active military duty. Highly decorated, Colonel “Commander” Cody of the Armed Forces was currently struggling to complete his college semester still holding onto his sanity intact. Christmas was close, which meant fun and freedom were just in sight.
And to be honest, he could use some. It had been quite some time since he’d felt either of those things. 
Just the previous year, he’d been discharged early from the military due to family hardships. His adoptive father, Ninety-Nine, had fallen seriously ill which resulted in much limited mobility and flagging health, though he was stubbornly holding on. Ninety-Nine was tough in his own way and not easily knocked down and never let his disabilities limit him. He honestly was one of Cody’s biggest heroes for just that fact alone. No one was more inspiring than Ninety-Nine. 
To top off the struggle, his half-brother, Fives, was killed in action, while his other half-brother, Echo, was seriously wounded. This had dampened (but not destroyed) Ninety-nine’s spirits which slowed his healing. Cody had come back to take care of the family broken by loss.
The family. 
And what a family it was: a mix-matched group of boys and a sickly older man but they belonged together. 
Ninety-nine had taken care of all the Fett boys in some way or another after they’d been abandoned by their father Jango. He’d been the one to find Plo Koon who fostered and eventually adopted Wolffe, Sinker and Boost—but he’d raised under his own roof a rowdy bunch which included himself, Rex, Fives, Echo, and the Quadruplets (Cody didn’t know if technically Se or Fett was more accurate for them) soon nicknamed ‘the bad batch’.
And it was these that Cody called family. Home. It wouldn’t be complete totally again, but they could heal — and he’d do whatever he could, nay, he wouldn’t rest, until they did.
More than anything Cody wanted to take care of Ninety-nine, especially in the beginning. And that he did, but because Cody was an overachiever—he’d signed up for college classes as well. Then he added a job on the side to match; a small part of him regretted it. It was getting to be a lot, but joining the military right out of high school wasn’t easy either, so if he could make it then, he could do this now, he reasoned. 
That was a year ago now, and Ninety-Nine was finally on the mend. 
This year would be special, since everyone—well almost everyone—was going to be home. The first year since they’d all left, that they’d be back. 
They’d be back. Home, and together again.
Like they should be.
Echo was finally released from the hospital, healing from his extensive injuries and adjusting to his prothstetics, and the quadruplets’ tour was finally over. Though none of them were injured, it wasn’t without repercussions either.   
“Hurry up, Cody, or we’ll be late!” a shout broke him from his musings. “And don’t forget the basket!”
The Fetts were on their way to a dance—a Christmas dance—hosted by their longtime family friends the Jetti’s, and there was going to be an auction for charity, sleigh rides, and everything, as they did every year. Ninety-Nine insisted on bringing something to join the auction every year and this was no exception. Even when they couldn’t make it to the dances, Ninety-Nine was giving something.  
Cody wasn’t much of a dancer. He never cared to go to them much. But for some reason he was really looking forward to it this year. Perhaps because it was Christmas, and magic had a way of creeping into people’s ordinary lives, transforming into something beautiful and new. 
And it was this Christmas hope that kindled something warm inside his heart, and excitement. 
— — — — — 
The room was alive with flashes of color and the sound of music, laughing and cheering. The pitter pattering of feet was just as loud as the happiness of those in the room excitedly making known to each other through various conversations and well wishes. Quick steps made their own rhythm and stories which echoed off the dance floor. 
It was at this moment you felt beautiful, standing under the Christmas lights and bathing in the general glee and spirit of the room. Your throat squeezed as if holding in a laugh and a smile pulled at your lips so much your mouth hurt, but in a good way. The Christmas magic worked its way through your veins. The tingling of invincible tinsel tickled your fingertips, an energy flowing through you which was contagious. Smiles you sent to others were easily returned and frowns turned upside down. 
It was at this particular moment, the Fett family walked in. 
The name wouldn’t have meant much to you in normal circumstances. Why would that name stick out among so many others who were there? 
But you had a reason for knowing it, and his name was Cody. 
You saw him leading his train of brothers in through the door, guiding the old man by the arm. He flashed his charming smile to the host and exchanged hands. 
The music started up again and your sister grabbed your hand, dragging you into the ring or people forming a group dance with interchanging partners. You had to focus, otherwise you’d lose your step. 
It was only two seconds, but in those two, the entire Fett family was dispersed throughout the room and you lost all track of where Cody had gone. 
— — — 
Moving lithley, you kept up with the music and the people twirling and leaping around you. The dance went in a circular motion and patterns were interchanged. You clapped and danced and laughed along with everyone else, pushing yourself to go faster and faster as the song was ending.
Twirling and twirling you finished with a bang.
You looked up and saw you were in Cody’s arms, who looked just as shocked as you did to see you there. 
Then he froze there, mouth slightly agape. His eyes danced across your face and his slight panting may have been more than just catching his breath from the dance. He swallowed nervously.
“Um, hello.” He stuttered nervously.
“Hello yourself,” you smiled  back reassuringly, “nice to run into you.”
Cody chuckled a little at that, then a silence fell between the two of you. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare! It’s just...you look so beautiful underneath the holiday lights.” 
You chuckled at his embarrassed realization. Cody turned pink and looked like he wanted to cave in on himself, which you had to say was really adorable and made you laugh harder. The thought of the brave warrior being startled into a stuttering school boy because of you.
The sound of your laughter filled the air with a contagious glint of mirth. Soon, Cody found himself laughing too. 
The music started up again and people took their places all around the two of you. 
“Would you, um, care to go again?” he asked, holding out his hand. 
Not just one song but two that soon turned into three. When you were tired, you headed off to the corner to drink hot cocoa and watch the others. You were so caught up in talking to each other that you hadn’t realized that the time ran late into the night. It was near midnight when you sighed and looked at your watch. 
“Well, I’ll see you around.” You finally said a little sadly. Just because Christmas was around the corner didn’t mean all the work was done. You had one more paper to write before you were free. 
“I hope so!” He responded genuinely which just made you laugh again.
“Oh you definitely will. I sit two rows behind you and three seats to your left in class.” 
Cody gawked. 
You couldn’t have?! He’d surely have noticed you?!
“I even asked you for notes once. And, you also asked me for notes once too.”
His mind was racing, trying to think back to those times to verify the claims with his memory. 
You chuckled lightly. 
“I don’t expect you to remember though. You were always very preoccupied, with good reason. Your cousin, Waxer, told me the whole story.”
Big mouth Waxer. Could have counted on him to blab the whole story to everyone (though in this case Cody was grateful he did, not that he would admit that.)
“I have to say, I would have done anything for you. You had to just give me a chance.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to be so drastic, darling,” he smirked, “I’m here now, and I’m all yours. After class tomorrow, would you want to go skating?”
"It's a date!"
Now, it was officially Christmas.
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mirrortouchedsea · 9 months
Day 10
The light dimmed behind Niki’s eyes and Rinne knew the worst had come. Niki was moving closer to him and Rinne closed his eyes. Despite everything, there was no cure. There was never going to be a cure, and as their food supplies ran dry Niki’s condition had started to deteriorate. Rinne whispered into Niki’s ear, praying to whatever god was out there that Niki was still there and listening to him. I love you I love you I love you. 
He felt Niki bite into his skin. It was cold, despite Niki’s embrace. His breathing slowed. I love you.
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cheesyakumas · 9 months
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— Ashan & Laaiqa | Based on @art-the-f-up Palestinian heroes AU
This is the first thing I’ve drawn for myself after being just mentally blocked; thank you Shay for the inspiration
Free Palestine 💚
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alianarepasa · 8 months
what made you want to do a collab with shay and liz?
Ok so... somewhere on Discord around January 5 of this year, one of my friends @englyuiiil imagine if SMG3 was turned into a plushie and the only to break that spell is to kiss the plushie, which SMG4 comes in. That idea was inspired by the comic, and then Jed, another of my friend said, "Literally Princess and the frog", to which both of them saw the vision.
But then when I saw the comment, I went "I imagine that, but replace frog with Meme then boom! New AU fanfic for someone to used" which of course @shygirl4991 saw this and was like "new AU maybe?" After that, both of us watched the movie and Shay is like "ok, imma write this fanfic" and bam! with me and @lizaluvsthis help, the team up happen!
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
what is good about cnb? i see lots of a art thought i ask creator
Oh my- looks like we pulled a new curious person off the peeps!
(CnB) Coffee N' Bombs - Brewing Romance AU is an inspiration from the first full episode in the SMG4 Channel called "SMG4: SMG3'S BOMB CAFE"
I really liked the whole model and details from the inside and outside of Three's new Cafe and at first I've been picturing about Smg4 working there- but nahh he just worked there once its not like theres gonna be an au abou-
I came in tumblr a few months back and some anon asked me what kind of design SMG4's attire would be since he works as a waitress from Three's coffee n bombs.
For a second my mind went blank of what the uniform would look like so- I gave myself on and on about some few details getting inspired by watching some other episodes of SMG4's
So then- I made the hat and I thought of something that reminded me about- a reversible color!
(A few years back I bought this octopus which was cute and then I figured it was reversible by looking underneath and putting the detail here- I was like- ah Liz you're gonna make it look so special!)
Straight in to detail that the fabric used from this hat is silk, with polkadots! And it was made by Three :>
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For the pride pins I also thought of- "hey- this is a crazy idea but what if I also created a pride pin next to his apron. But instead it's a bomb than just a regular circular pin." Then there represents Four having the bi bomb flag :)
The Apron is specifically made by me on which where its all gotta be purple themed since it is his cafe and everything is purple and purple to a color black!
For the shoes tho- I might've gave myself a try to say it's one of those glow in the dark classic shoes- glow in the dark has been my favorite types of stuff to look on or even paint, the nostalgic vibe of being a small kid having fun observing and using glow in the dark (bracelets) for example- is like a funny thing and a classic thing to have.
Then that calls for it. "Heck why not?"
Theres the bomb logo and also the spilled coffee logo, it was designed by our man Three to himself.
It feels sort of childish to put in when four complains about glow in the dark having it as a childish thing- good thing three back fires in about his shoes having wheels XD (it might seem to be for kids but its all for ages and above ^^)
The gloves were designed for funziez and making it feels like getting sent back on the themed black and white (sia or melanie martinez the hair color or if you fancy it enough going back to the earliest movies that has black and white colors)
Even putting on a aymbol of "S.U.L." on the back of the gloves and Four's "IV" roman numeral signature on the palm of his gloves.
And even for the tiniest detail from his hairtie having the color of red and his slit pants on the ends. (Also including the part of the three-beaned pin that only four made it special for him and three only)
Lets put up the post!
This inspired so much from the design that my followers or other people had want to try it out!
Then coming upon the reply from @shygirl4991 therefore the AU was born/created, they thought about wanting to write about this cafe au and I let them in for ideas and for writing the fic. :D
I pulled out a new attire for Three's outfit (ngl he looks like purp-
And now there is- the release of the first chapter-
Before the first chapter- Shay gave it a title of "Brewing Romance" since its a silly fic for these two gay boys working together on the cafe :>
Again I'm only an artist who does doodles or design stuff the real person who created this is @shygirl4991 by mentioning it as "Cafe AU" thats where it's been born :)
CnB Brewing Romance AU is a fun space for our two fruits getting together and such ^^ this AU is made for fun relating to also the cafe shop itself.
(We'd also like to thank you for all of the artists who made those lovely fanarts <3)
To the point where I accidentally created a meme out of the two.
Man behind the coffee/memes (slaughter) as smg3
And the Fish Flounder as Smg4
If people would like to put their ocs there for fun you can make art out of it.
(Shoot I'm making it longer- AHHGGR)
Whats cnb br au?
Its a silly au me and shay made and made it alive for the shippers
Whats good about it?
The two gay boys
The designed details from their attires
Bringing from the fic for angst/fluff
Whose Idea was the fic?
All on for Shay ^^
Who created it?
I did the design mostly people thought it was all on me but its shay's :)
When is the date of creation?
December 9, 2023
Can we make fanarts out of it?
Yes you can by mentioning/tagging me and @shygirl4991
Whats in it for this au?
Me and Shay collaborated this
These two boys
The whole ass journey and coming into developments
Yes. She works here :) design of hers will come out soon tho.
What about the other characters like Mario?
Oh they will come out- as side characters only :>
Where does this AU focus on?
Dealing with trauma
Four getting a job since he's broke af
The past memories
Development - Chemistry
How does putting our ocs in the au work?
You can put your oc for ex. Ordering, chilling on le table, sipping your coffee, idk pay for those bombs(?), commit arso-, selfie on yourself (if you have any other ocs you'd want to add- you can), pride bombs, make yourself as an employee i guess? All whatever your choices.
Oc x canon is allowed now yay
Spaghetti. Spaghetti is not available in a coffee shop.
Does this au contain with the canon events/arc?
It has the arc and event but it contains non-canon creation. Due to some remake of the scenes.
Did luke approved of this?/j
Not yet :)
I'm not even sure if he uses tumblr atp
Do you have any other works of yours and shay about this au?
I am planning on making a side fic that'll come out very soon
Theres a quick doodle/sketch about it
Some personal diary or info Three picks up (including sticky notes)
Shay is still working and doing their best for the future chapters 'u'
What happens in the future chapter?
You'll have to wait and see. (Again I keep getting this even relating about zero that is a spoiler I'm not trying to be like gooseworx here pls stop-)
Wait what memes are you talking about?
Fnaf for Man behind the slaughter but instead it's SMG3 being the one whose purple guy and is called Man Behind The Coffee
Flounder from Ariel whose a fish and Four looked like one because of his ponytail looking like the fish's tail
What orders do they have in there?
Normal Coffee
Special White Mocha
Matcha Gun Powder Latte
Soy Boy Flat White
Al Pacino
Wake me up before you cocoaf
Morning Brown
Cyanide Supreme Latte
Titanium Black (trust me you don't want to try this)
café minuit (midnight)
Tsar Bomba
Hydrogen bomb
Fat man
Little Boy
Refined uranium
Saturnist Capurn
Eggdog plush
Smg3 mugs
Pride Bombs
A button. (Do it at your own risk)
Non-Donut (its invisible but more of an air food)
Gun powdered donut (white or brown)
Shinkled donut
Pieced- cake
Chompstick (chocolate stick)
Breed Bread (it has raisins)
KWASON (croissant)
Waffu Daffus (waffles)
DEADLY DUNGLE (its a spiciest donut I warned you.)
Nomul Chaki (a "normal" chocolate...)
Whats something that was mentioned from the design?
Did you plan on making this au?
Nope but for some reason we're here thanks to my artwork and shay :DD
Does PuzzleVision or TV Adware exist in this?
Will the side characters make an appearance?
Is it true that Karen and Meggy both gossip about the boys?
Yep- kinda hilarious now that Karen's here, she observes.
Where'd you get that idea about Karen and Meggy?
Where can I see the fanarts section?
In my Introduction Page :)
Why don't you post this to twitter?
Twitter is for talking/rants
Tumblr is to share the post you want to share.
Plus twitter for me is a "not-safe-app" regardless on people sending death threats and doxxing. (Even elon musk.)
I'm not tryna reach out for Luke's attention when it comes to CnB I just did this for fun :3
Are you still hyped that they're still making the cafe shop's appearance?
Yes. You have NO idea.
How do you and shay feel about it?
Very- super- brain- storming ideas on the gays and the plots also the notes- we love this progress ^^
The gayness/fruitiness of these two
Will you and Shay be planning on something more than just CnB?
Funny to ask but how old are you while collaborating this work?
I'm a minor-
Don't you find it weird to be friends with adults? Or having them as your fans?
(I get these asks alot) my final answer is no.
There are some other adults who are predators out there but not in my sight. I keep a closer eye on that. And I don't allow pedos or groomers here.
I don't really see what the problem is about when an adult likes a minor's work. It's artwork and most of ems crave for the ship and the ship itself its basically a free fun type for people who likes it. (Age regressor say no more cuz its all free to have fun here)
I have no idea why I made this too long but please carry on your glasses people-
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rosapexa · 10 months
🖤 Welcome to my blog & thank you for being here 🖤
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My name is Rosa, i'm from Germany, in my late 30s and married. I'm a Virtual Photographer and an amateur Cyberpunk 2077 modder. I only share my CP 2077 photos and mainly things about my OCs here but reblog everything that i enjoy.
Sometimes i share mild nsft things. If you don't like to see these, please just ignore me. Also in general if you don't like what i do and/or how i do it, then don't be rude about it and just mute or block me.
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Lexa (main OC)
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Alexandra Miranda Shaw (don't use that name!); not V; Maelstrom member since 2072; ex Militech; known in Night City and it's surroundings as "Maelstrom's Ghost"; 33 years old in 2077; in a relationship with Johnny Silverhand since 2079 and married since 2083;
Tags: Rosa's OCs: Lexa, Character Inspiration: Lexa Ship: Lexa and Johnny, Ship Inspiration: Lexa and Johnny
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Lexa (alternative universe)
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Alexandra Valerie Shaw (Silverhand); aka V or Lexa for close friends only; affiliated with Maelstrom but not a full member; ex Militech and now Merc in Night City and Dogtown; Netrunner Gh0st; 33 years old in 2077; in a relationship with Johnny Silverhand since 2077 and after both survived Mikoshi; married since 2078
Tags: Rosa's OCs: Lexa (V) , Character Inspiration: Lexa (V) Rosa's OCs: Lexa (but she's V this time) ~old~ Ship: Lexa and Johnny 2.0, Ship Inspiration: Lexa and Johnny 2.0
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Vala (first OC)
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Vala Moreau; my original V; Nomad; ex Bakker now Aldecaldos; Netrunner and Merc in Night City and the Badlands; 30 years old in 2077; survived along with Johnny Silverhand Mikoshi; in a relationship with River Ward since 2077 and married since 2082; lives in the same AU as Lexa (main OC);
Tags: Rosa's OCs: Vala, Character Inspiration: Vala Ship: Vala and River
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More OCs (i like creating them, ok?!)
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Morgan: Rosa's OCs: Morgan
Ivy: Rosa's OCs: Ivy; Ship: Ivy and Placide
Scarlet: Rosa's OCs: Scarlet; Ship: Scarlet and Dum Dum
Agnes: Rosa's OCs: Agnes
Shay: Rosa's OCs: Shay; Ship: Shay and Royce
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Other Tags: OC Ask Game; Ship Questions; Rosa's Mods Side Blog: Rosa's Virtual Worlds - For when i share other stuff than CP 2077, which is very rarely, so i'm not very active there.
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Last but not least You can also find me on other Social Media sites. Mainly on Flickr where you can find photos from every game i photograph. But i'm also on Twitter, Picashot and sometimes on Instagram. Also i upload my mods to Nexus Mods. My name is everywhere "Rosapexa". If you would like to know more about my OCs you can send questions into my ask box. As everyone else i love to talk about them, mainly about Lexa (both of them), but i answer every nice (and appropriate) question about any OC (might just take a little while to reply).
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anartisticalniche · 9 months
How long have you known @lizaluvsthis ? I noticed you've been making arts about the br thing
Oh Ive only started to draw their au a month ago when I made a tumblr blog, but I didnt know them or even heard of them before😅
despite me being a huge fan of SMG4 for years, Ive decided to join the fandom only in november ahah😄 initially i was just going to do art based on the show, but then liz and shay made the Brewing Romance Au, and I just couldn't help myself!
I am just a fan that looks at adorbs art and gets inspired to do the same lol😂
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klanceficatalogue · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you had any band au stories?? those are something i really like reading
definitely :) enjoy - k
twin sized mattress by breadpoetsociety (1/1 | 3,811 | Teen and Up)
"I'm gonna have to learn that this love will never be convenient," Lance sang, smile now no longer gracing his face. His eyes instead bore an intensity, a question on the tip of his tongue but never asked. "I'm gonna have to learn that this love will never be convenient." Keith could almost feel the lyrics forming on his tongue even though he'd never heard this song before. He knew the feeling and Lance could put it into words for him. They did make a good team. (Lance makes music. Keith is trying.)
Little Notes by Sachiela (1/1 | 11,276 | Teen and Up)
Lance, Hunk, Pidge, and Shay form a band called Interstellar Lions, where Lance is lead guitarist and songwriter. But he can't find the inspiration for a ballad. The others suggest that he asks out their manager, who he'd been crushing on for months. Despite his reservations, he does just that. And the rest is just pure fluff.
A Song Worth Singing by orphan_account (1/1 | 2,773 | General)
“Oh? And it has nothing to do with- what’s the band’s name again?“ Shiro looked at Adam, pretending to think. “‘Keith Kogane, please notice me‘.“ Adam pursed his lips, finger tapping against his jaw. “No, I’m sure they were called, ‘I put on this event only to show off to Keith‘.“ Shiro shook his head. Keith rolled his eyes, “You old-timers have no idea what you’re talking about“ he huffed and looked away. It was a complete lie of course. Adam and Shiro knew exactly what they were talking about, both being professors at not only the university, but the same department as Keith and Lance.
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pacinglikeghosts · 1 year
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shay kat’s au moodboard — tangled au
if it wasn’t clear, this is inspired by the lovely shay ( @lesbianantlerqueen ) and their au format! ronance nation had a few too many convos about a tangled au and here we are. i apologize for the quality, i am balls deep in finals and my one last stop au but i am so enthralled by this au, so i hope you will be too.
Nancy stared down at the landscape below her window, butterflies deep in the pit of her stomach. The whole world at her disposal, if only she would take the leap of faith. Leaving with an apparent rogue didn’t seem like the best idea, but she didn’t appear to have any other options.
“Are you coming, Nance?” Robin Hoode called from below as she continued to scale the wall, her light brown hair whipping in the wind. 
Nancy looked back at Dart from his place beneath a layer of long chestnut curls, the butterflies suddenly turning to dread. For a moment, she supposed her Papa was right. Her home here was safe; she knew nothing would hurt her if she stayed inside. The outside had poisonous creatures and plants and people who could try to kill her and probably dozens of other things Papa never told her about, but the outside also had nature–beautiful flowers and stars and animals that made the entire world vibrant and diverse–that she would never experience if she didn’t leave.
Dart gave her a sympathetic squeak, as though to encourage her on her quest into the great beyond. “You’ve been wanting to leave for years,” Nancy pointed out, although she didn’t retreat back inside. “But…I have too.”
Nancy took a deep breath, before hooking her hair onto the pulley as she had for years and years and jumped down. At once, all of her senses were overtaken by the world around her, pulling in all the smells, sights, sounds, and feelings around her. Everything felt like too much, and yet like not enough all at once. She couldn’t get enough of it, but it also made her feel dizzy. In the midst of it all (and stopping herself from crashing down onto the grass), she barely had a chance to catch Robin’s face, though a gawking expression remained glued to the stranger’s expression long after they both hit the ground.
Grass smelled nothing like she imagined. In her head, she pictured it to smell the way the herbs Papa brought for her on occasion did–zesty and fresh with a bit of bitterness–but it was a different sort of smell altogether. And it was softer than she imagined, almost like tiny pieces of her favorite goose down blanket had been placed on the earth and dyed a bright green. Even the sky had a smell and a taste, like fresh flowers or fruit and something she couldn’t quite place.
She did it. She was outside.
bully me into finishing my wips!
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theacblade · 2 years
AC Medical AU
Okay so like I have a medical AU idea. I’m not going to write a fic because I have two already going. But yeah I was just thinking of these and figured i would share :) Also note I know nothing about medical stuff so yeah just a heads up. 
Okay first Altair. Altair is an Oncologist (Cancer Doctor). He is the best of the best. He was one of the youngest doctors ever but then botched a surgery due to his arrogance. He almost lost his medical license and he had to work a few years to regain what he lost. Along the way he met amazing people and quit being an arrogant asshole. His best friend is Malik who is an Orthopedic surgeon. He also gets in fights with the Anesthesiologist Maria Thorpe but something seems to be growing between them. 
Malik is an Orthopedic surgeon (working with limbs). After losing his arm it inspired him to help make prosthetics and help those with them. He is at the top of his field and knows what he is doing. Altair and him hated each other at first but as Malik watched Altair grow up and learn from his mistake he had great respect for Altair. Malik also loves talking smack with Maira about Altair.  This trio works well together since Malik has cancer patients every so often. 
Maria Thorpe is an Anesthesiologist (puts people to sleep). She used to work at Abstergo Hospital but they treated her horribly. Altair then convinced her to work for him at Creed hospital.  Maria performs exceptionally in her field and is not afraid to correct a doctor. She even yelled at Altair in the operating room and Malik was impressed while Altair was in shock. Maria also gets mad at Altair easily but does love the banter they have. One Maria’s best friend is Elise who is an ER nurse at both Abstergo and Creed. Maria is trying to have Elise over at Creed permanently. 
Ezio Auditore is a Dermatologist (skin doctor). It's been in his family forever. Ezio is one of the more attractive doctors and the ladies love seeing him. He is extremely talented with a blade and is said to have the hands of god. His best friend is Leo who works as a pathologist (examines dead bodies). Ezio also has an intense rivalry with Borgia's dermatologist. His siblings are also doctors. His brother Fredrico is a plastic surgeon and his sister Claduia is an OB GYN (Reproductive doctor). Ezio has also been known to sleep around or is this a rumor spread by the Borgia's who knows. 
Leo Da Vinci is one of the best Pathologists. He makes some of the best drawings and diagrams of the human body. He is extremely smart and some believe he could easily scrub in for surgeries. Leo is best friends with Ezio and has made special blades for him to operate on people. Leo also has to keep telling Abstergo no about working over there. 
Conner Kenway is a Cardiologist (Heart doctor). He is very hell bent on helping his people and making sure they get equal treatment. His dad Haytham Kenway is the medical director at Abstergo. Haytham wanted Conner to follow in his shoes but Conner wanted his own path. Conner loves what he does and wouldn’t change it for anything. His mentor Achilleas helped him alot in his field. He works closely with Pulmonologist (Cardio health) Aveline. They both seem to have a mutual attraction towards one another. 
Aveline De Grandpre is a Pulmonologist. She works with the Cardio section of the body. She is all about being fit and healthy. She started this career when her dad had a health scare when she was eight years old. Her step mom works at Abstergo and its very awkward at family dinners. Aveline has gotten closer to Conner since the departments are close together. 
Shay Cormac is a Cardiologist at Abstergo. He used to work at Creed but had a nasty fallout with Achilleas over a medical manuscript. As he was job searching Monroe saw Shay’s resume and knew Absertgo would do well. He got Shay hired and now Shay works at Abstergo. Shay also sees the Kenway drama from Haytham's perspective.
Arno Dorian is an ER doctor. This man is used to chaos and can handle it quite well. He is always busy and all sees the worst of the worst. His favorite ER nurse is Elise. She keeps working at Abstergo but Arno is sure he will convince her to work at Creed. Between all the people coming in abruptly Arno and Elise have managed a strong relationship. Arno also got another doctor fired named Bellec after he found out Bellec was harassing Elise about working Abstergo instead of his job. Overall Arno handles the ER with grace and Elise. The only issue he has is his boss Napoleon who thinks he knows everything. 
Elise De La Serre is an ER nurse. Her dad is a doctor at Abstergo and her mom is also an ER nurse at Abstergo. Elise works at both hospitals for the pay and benefits. She also wants to impress her parents and Arno. Her and Arno keep the ER together with their skills and cohesion together. Elise is best friends with Maira but gets annoyed when Maria tells her to stay at Creed.
Evie Frye is a Neurologist. Ever since she was a child the human brain fascinated her. She is the best in her fields and published several research papers and projects. Evie does strive for perfection and this has led to issues with her self esteem but luckily her brother is there to help pick up the pieces. He is her PA (Physician Assistant) and the two work well in sync.  Whenever she does surgeries Jacob is there to help her. Evie also has a small crush on Henry Green, the head neurologist. Jacob teases her for it. 
Jacob Frye is a Neuro PA. He is always there for Evie and knows what she needs next. He was never interested in neurology however being a PA lets him work anywhere including with his sister. He is trying to start a group called the Rooks that help out around the hospital. He also hates Abstergo and how much they charge patients and won’t take most people's insurance. One of his enemies there is Crawford Starrick who is in-charge of billing at Abstergo.  
Bayek is a pediatric surgeon. He works well with children and wants to offer the best care especially after losing his son. He works well with everyone and some say he is the real leader of the hospital. He is also known for his awesome pet Senu who he will bring sometimes to cheer kids up.
Aya is Bayek’s wife, though their relationship is rocky. She is the head OBGYN and makes sure all her patients get the best treatment and medicine. She has published many papers and wants to be a professor at a university. She had a major fallout with another OBGYN named Cleo. After that Aya has become more reserved in her work. 
Desmond Miles is a jack of all trades. He is a General Physician (just an average doctor) but if you need him for surgeries, dermatology, or even just to help out he is there. He gets along with Atair, Conner, and Ezio the best. He was mentored by all three of them during his residency. Evie was fascinated by his term Bleeding Effect after he could perfect what his mentors did after one try. Desmond is beloved in the hospital and everyone loves to work with him and they all make sure to stay clear of his William Miles. William Miles is Physician Executive( the guy who does all the paperwork) and doesn’t get along with everyone. 
Rebecca Crane is the head of IT. You need an update on your ipad done, the website down not anymore its back, some crazy Abestergo employee trying to hack in no worries Rebecca is there. She is the best at her job and everyone loves her. She gets to meet tons of different people and loves getting to know them. She is also hell bent on stealing or borrowing tech from Abstergo since they are the leading medical tech hub. However they are no match for Rebecca. 
Shawn Hasting is the head Lawyer for Creed. He makes sure no one can get a penny from especially Abstergo who keep trying to sue them for stealing their medical tech. Shawn usually hangs around Rebecca and Desmond. He’s not too familiar with all the medical stuff but he does love learning about it. Shawns has everyone back and is ready to jump theri defense. 
Kassandra is a Psychiatrist (Mental illness doctor). She loves understanding mental illness and wants to help those around her. She studied under one of the best doctors, Hippocrates. She works closely with assistant Kyra and hopes they can have something more. Her whole family works in the medical field so competition is high.  Her and Evie love talking about the brain and Kassandra has helped Co-Author several of Evie papers.
Alexios is a physical therapist. When he was a kid he hurt his leg and saw how important physical therapy is. He is also super athletic and does several marathons. Him and Malik work closely and try to help each other develop the best prosthetics and movements. Alexios also has fierce rivalry with his sister Kassandra.    
Eivor is an Infectious Disease Physician. They have seen it all and want to help make harder to detect diseases more detectable. They were interested in all this since they were a child and saw part of their village in Norway get ill. Eivor also works with their brother Sigurd which is awkward since Eivor may have or may not have slept with Sigurd's wife Randvi multiple times.
I hope you guys liked it! Nothing serious and just some fun ideas I had!
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imaginaryanon · 1 year
The first half of the kidnappers’ plan had been executed near-masterfully. Getting past enough restricted access areas and live camera feeds and guards on high alert to drug, subdue, and abduct a member of the Inner Sanctum of the Templar Order without so much as raising a single suspicion would have been a feat in and of itself, demonstrating a level of skill and coordination rarely seen anywhere outside of Abstergo. That they managed to capture Haytham Kenway of all people is nothing short of impressive, even to the man in question. Even if he also finds it deeply, viscerally infuriating.
if i lead by imaginarykat
assassin’s creed: rogue, shay cormac/haytham kenway, modern!au, ~3k words
summary: A swift, unfortunate end awaits the kidnappers and their budding career in abducting important Templars; what they don’t seem to realise is just how quickly they’re running out of time.
If they had any idea who they were up against, they would’ve ran.
(fun fact this fic was directly inspired by this art done by @pandaaaaaaaaxd, since i haven’t been able to stop thinking about that pic of Haytham ever since i first saw it 👀)
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teecupangel · 1 year
Hey, I sent an ask a while ago about inspired works, and I wanted to let you know that the first one has been posted and gifted to you! Also please ignore the silly name 😭
Thank you so much! I'm happy to know that the Ratatouille Style AU idea inspired you to write this fun drabble! Here's the link for anyone who might be interested:
I'd like you to know, let_it_all_burn(Ember), that the entire time I was reading this and Numbskull was going 'ara ara', I was just imagining Numbskull's face like (* ̄∇ ̄*) あらあら
I can definitely feel and enjoy Shay's tired but used-to-it attitude.
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mirrortouchedsea · 10 months
The arrow whizzed past them, a lock of Leo’s hair drifting slowly to the ground where it had passed through. The next shot wouldn’t miss, Madara knew as much as he pulled Leo off his horse and shoved him off the path. 
“Don’t come out until I tell you to!” Madara yelled at him, drawing his throwing knives and chasing into the woods where the arrow had come from. 
Not more than a few minutes later, Madara came back out to the road, arm bleeding and bandaged with his shirt sleeve and Leo… still standing in plain sight. Or more accurately, Leo covered in leaves and twigs but looking none the worse for wear, but still out of hiding before Madara had come to get him. 
He wasn’t sure what came over him as he tackled Leo to the ground. That was his King, his charge, his employer, something like this shouldn’t have even crossed his mind, and yet there he was. His bloody hand gripped at Leo’s shirt, pulling him close to Madara’s face. 
“Why didn’t you wait?”
“I heard you coming back! I thought that meant it was safe to come out?” Leo’s eyes were painfully innocent. 
“How did you know it was me and not another assassin attempting to kill you?” Blood continued to soak into Leo’s shirt from his hand. Leo’s own hand came up to wipe away the blood from a small scrape on Madara’s face. 
“It sounded like you.” 
The blood was starting to drip onto Leo’s skin and Madara’s brain felt like static. He couldn’t even protect the innocent king from trouble. How was he supposed to-- 
“Let’s find somewhere to rest for the night.” Leo’s voice was surprisingly calm. “You need to rest.” 
Madara didn’t even realize he was shaking until Leo sat up, pushing him to do the same. It was rich for Leo to say that when he was the one who was very nearly assassinated due to Madara’s carelessness. 
His arm throbbed in agreement, that he needed to find somewhere to sit and wash up and rest. 
“Alright.” He couldn’t exactly go against the King on something like this. He did need to sit down and properly clean the wound before it got infected. 
The two of them got up and Leo helped Madara back onto his horse. 
It didn’t take long for them to find a spot to rest up for the night. Leo pushed Madara to the river to wash up and told him he’d set up their tents. Madara obliged, thinking to himself that he’d probably still have to set up the tents and get the fire going anyway, but went down to the riverbank anyway. 
Madara struggled to pull his shirt off so he could wash the blood from it as well as the blood from his arm. The stream turned red as he dipped his arm into the water and gently scrubbed at the wound until the dried blood was gone, and while his shirt wouldn’t be white again any time soon, it was at least cleaner than it was. He pulled a roll of cloth from his pack and tied it up as best as he could. It felt a little too loose, but it would do. 
He made his way back to camp and sighed as Leo was struggling to pull the cloth over the tent frame and keep it tight. He took the fabric from Leo and tied them to the frame before sitting down next to the attempt at a fire. It wasn’t dark enough yet that he could wait to get it going and take a moment to rest. Leo had… tried which was all that counted. 
“I could’ve gotten that if you had just given me another minute,” Leo whined as he sat next to Madara on the log. 
“Your leg was tangled up in the rope you should have tied it with.” 
“W-well, I was just holding it down!” 
Madara chuckled at that and the two fell into silence just like they had on their first few nights together. 
“Uh, your bandage is falling off.” Leo spoke up again, tugging at the piece of cloth which by now had been stained with blood, though significantly less than his shirt had been. 
It took a moment before Madara realized he was still not wearing a shirt and his torso was completely exposed to Leo’s wandering eyes. He felt Leo’s hand hovering over Madara’s arm, picking at the knot he had made in the cloth as Leo’s eyes wandered over Madara’s scarred chest. He suddenly wished he could just wrap himself in his cloak and go to sleep for the night. 
Leo’s fingers danced over a smaller scar on his arm as he redid the bandage and tightened it up. All too quickly the feeling was gone and Leo had gone back to trying to start the fire and chatter away about something nonsensical. Madara tried to pay attention but he couldn’t help but wonder if he had let himself get too close to the King instead. 
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