#inspired by coran
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mxxnmxxn9875 · 8 months ago
Supplemental: ChatGPTim
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catsushinyakajima · 7 months ago
I’m sitting by a trash can at the bus stop waiting for the bus for the past TWENTY minutes and I am also late to class (my own fault for going to the gym instead of heading to class early :/) SO ANYWAYS-
Voltron headcanons (realistic and college AU, also inspired by my own college misery):
- they’re all stem nerds. All of them. I know a lot of people HC them as liberal arts major which is great! but they are canonically astronauts (one part of canon that I like)
- Lance would be the kind of guy to be like “WE GOTTA HIT THE GYM EVERYDAY THIS SEMESTER RAHHHH” and then dip the second midterms start. Every single semester. Without fail.
- Keith found lectures useless since he could just “read the textbook”. He never showed up to a single class except for exams and somehow passed. He only stopped the habit when multiple friends scolded him for it.
- Coran would be in twenty different clubs. Correction: he would be PRESIDENT of twenty different clubs. No one knows when he joined them. The clubs range from archery to competitive coding to mental health awareness. (“Hey Coran are u free tonight?” “No sorry, the Roleplaying Ancient Romans club is having a bake sale tonight” “the what-)
- hunk would do a LOT of volunteering. He’s probably cook for shelters but I can also see him tutoring underprivileged kids in engineering :)
- Pidge would have a surprising amount of school spirit. Not bc she likes the college or the sport. She just wants to hate on the other teams. Also if her tuition is going to the football coach’s salary, she might as well be passionate about it.
- Allura is a triple major. Maybe even a quadruple major?? She’s the girl you see constantly stressing about their schedule. “Okay so should I take this class…that makes me have eight classes total all back to back” “WHAT” “what if I did a minor in psychology?” “Allura how tf are you going to fit that in there”
- Shiro is a TA (teaching assistant) for calculus or physics or something. Because the world hates him it’s an eight am class where the professor teaches wrong content and then dumps twenty hours of grading on him. “So you find the derivative under the curve” “Professor that’s not-“ You will never see him without a coffee.
- Hunk has beef with the Dining halls. They don’t season their food and they don’t even have much to begin with. On the other hand, Lance practically lives there. He’s making the most of the meal plans he paid for.
- At least he sticks to tastier things. Keith, who also practically lives at the dining hall, will eat salt and pepper chicken four times a day (“it’s protein”)
- it’s how Keith and Lance have had most of their meals together. Notably, also alone.
- aside from living at the dining hall, Keith also lives at the gym. This explains why he’s never at class.
- pidge has a car on campus. It’s Matt’s car or whatever. Not only can she not park for her life, she also can’t stop getting parking tickets. She uses the tickets as wall decor for her dorm.
- Lance skateboards. He’s pretty good at it. He’s only fallen twice, and both times had been in extremely public settings. Once was in front of a bus stop with fifty people. He tried teaching Coran how to skate and Coran accidentally slipped and launched the board towards the main road.
- Pidge plays clash royale in class. Shiro roasts her for it but then secretly also plays word games in class
- on top of having four majors, Allura also has four internships??? Everytime she posts about something that seems relaxing, it’s misleading. She’ll post herself getting drinks and SIKE it’s a networking event. She’ll be going hiking SIKE it’s a colleague bonding trip. Girl cannot take a break.
- Keith hates frats. Even educational ones with job opportunities. Even if he knows all frat boys aren’t shitty, he refuses to budge on his stance
- Shiro is the kind of guy you’d be talking to and ten people come up to him to say hi. Everyone knows him. Even if he doesn’t know them.
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funforahermit · 1 year ago
so anyway i'm v excited about all my new rhys darby related shirts and hoodies and i hope they'll arrive soon 😌
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jiveyuncle · 5 months ago
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Hunk snickers, Pidge attacks Lance, Shiro lets it happen, and Keith, Allura, and Coran are all confused. Sorry, I’m forever stuck in the 00’s, so they are too lmao
[Inspired by a “bish” prompt I received on insta]
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hannahhook7744 · 11 days ago
Tiger Peony hc please ??
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Tiger Peony, like her mother, was named after a flower.
Ironically, Peonies are her favorite flowers.
Orange is her favorite color.
Her parents are Tiger Lily and Romeo Lucignolo Rossí (aka Lampwick).
She and Tulip were the only ones of their siblings to be at their parents' wedding.
She has five siblings: Tulip (14, almost 15, in d3), Blue Veronica (8 years old in d3), Sunflower (2 in d3), and the twins—Rowan and Petunia (a few months old by d3).
She is 18 years old in d3.
Aside from Tulip, Tiger Peony is the only one of her siblings who can sew and do embroidery.
Despite popular belief, Tiger Peony actually likes her name—she is one of the few kids whose name is similar to their parents' name who does.
She thinks it sounds cool and the fact she likes the flower also helps.
Tiger Peony is a vegetarian for the most part and her favorite foods are Tofu, corn cakes, peanuts, rice cakes, trail mix, and jolly ranchers.
Cacao is her favorite drink (in Neverland) and Maize is her favorite food (in Neverland).
She is a student at Neverland Academy. Her mother is the headmistress and tourney coach there.
Her dad is a stay-at-home dad.
Her family has a home in Neverland and a vacation home in Auradon.
She is one of the leaders of the Neverland club (this one is inspired by one of @dragoneyes618 's fics).
Tiger Peony is good at sneaking from one place to another. I'm talking 'she can sneak from Neverland to Auradon without anyone realizing she was gone' kind of good.
She is an activist for various different causes.
She was very supportive of Ben's proclamation.
She's very competitive and a big fan of tourney despite the fact she doesn't play.
Tiger Peony is dating Sherwood's star archery player, Robert Coran Hood of Locksley. Also known as Bobby Hood.
She met Bobby when Sherwood and Neverland's teams were playing one another. He was commenting on the game— angry about how one of the lost boys got away with a cheap shot towards one of his friends.
Which led to the two of them arguing after the game.
It took awhile for the two of them to get together and for them to stop getting into arguments every time they met. 
She is a fun loving, tom boyish, hippy-ish flower child.
She's also an artist, though she isn't the greatest at it.
Tiger Peony is also great at swimming and canoeing as well as dancing, singing, climbing, and giving speeches. She can play the lute, the flute, the drum, and the pan flute.
She's close to her cousins, Hototo and Anakin.
Her cousins, Pin and Ally, on the other hand, kind of annoy her with her antics but she's used to that.
She's close to her cousins, Fabian and Karina Collodi-Rossi-Liddell as well. Her favorite cousin is Fabian.
Tiger Peony is very popular and has a lot of friends who just love her laid back yet firm personality.
She's friends with the grandchildren of Maimie Mannering, Armus and Sienna (much to Peter’s dismay), the remaining lost children—Rufio, Thud Butt, Ace, Don't Ask, No Nap, Pockets, Latchboy, Too Small, the other twins (Sooner and Later), Twins (singular boy), Chubs, Cynthia, Meera, Stringbean, Maya, Tootles, and Baby—, the Darling Cousins (Wendy, John, Michael, Curly, Nibs, Tootles, the Twins, and Slightly), The Darling Cousins' Children, Tinkerbell and Terrance's children (Little Tinzen and his sister), etc. just to name a few.
She's fond of Jane, Daniel, and William (Wendy and Edward's kids) as well as Jamie, Wilma, and Diana (John and Luna's kids), Jeremiah, Moria, Jonathan, Wallace,  Dalton (Michael's kids), & Conrad and Millie (Slightly's son and daughter).
But is not a fan of Slightly’s son, Warpaint, or the twins’ sons, Chains and Shelly, however. They're bullies and she doesn't like them or that she always has to straighten their behavior out when they get back from Auradon Prep.
She is an immediate fan of the Bad Apples when she hears their songs and though she will never admit it, Tiger Peony is a fan of Tulip's band, the Donkey-ettes (though she thinks their name is cringey).
After the barrier is brought down in d3, Lampwick and Tiger Lily tries to enforce a strict curfew because they're afraid of the kids in their family somehow running into the Coachmen (or Hook) and getting snatched up.
Tiger Peony does not follow the curfew. At all. She’s eighteen and her parents can’t make her—especially when she’s away at University.
Lampwick once dropped Tiger Peony's favorite stuffed animal when she was three in front of her (it was an accident) and she gave him the biggest betrayed look that still haunts him to this day. Tiger Lily has it on camera. 
There's a video of Lampwick purposing to Tiger Lily where a three year old Tiger Peony can be heard asking in an annoyed voice. "What's goin' on? Why's mama cryin'?" 
When Tiger Peony was three, she kept trying to take a newborn Tulip on adventures. Which gave her parents quite a few heart attacks. 
Tiger Peony used to be a mama's girl but has now grown out of it and is now close with both her parents but is more independent. 
Peter used to babysit Tiger Peony when she was little but seeing as he's permanently 12, it didn't really last for long. Especially since he'd take her on adventures. 
Lampwick and Tiger Lily raised their kids in a mixed culture household, meaning that the kids grew up on dishes and traditions from both their parents' cultures. They celebrated Christmas with Lampwick's family and Winter Treasure Day with Tiger Lily's family.
Her parents overprotective nature really annoys Tiger Peony sometimes though she tries not to show it because she understands why they're like that. 
Tiger Peony, at age 12, decided that she wanted to be mostly vegetarian. Something the never fairies encouraged: Lampwick and Tiger Lily did their best to be supportive, but were also  concerned about it having negative affects on her health and they've done a lot of research to try and find an appropriate middle ground. 
Tiger Peony was a fast learner, so while she was also technically average for the amount of time it took for her to learn how to talk and walk once she got the hang of it, she was hard to keep up with. 
The color orange smoothed Tiger Peony as a baby because it reminded her of her dad's hair and it is now her favorite color though she doesn't know why. 
Tiger Peony had a Peter Pan doll until she was seven. She also has a stuffed mouse ballerina. 
She's close to her uncle, Hard-to-Hit, and her mom's friend, Shining Pearl. 
Tiger Peony has godparents—they’re Pete and Shining Pearl.
She also doesn't like Alexander and Eilonwy’s oldest two kids, Scarlet and Carter, because they're rude. 
Never have a mud, food, paint, water, or snowball fight with Tiger Peony. This is a child who was babysat by Peter Pan and the lost boys—you will not win the fight.
Tiger Peony was taught how to swim by the mermaids, who are friends with Tiger Lily. 
English is Tiger Peony’s third language. Her first two were the language of her mom's tribe and Italian. 
Thanks to Lampwick, Tiger Lily, and Peter Tiger Peony has very strong opinions regarding Auradon and the isle and is not afraid to share them (it took her years to gain a filter thanks to Peter). 
Tiger Peony loves denim. 
One time Lampwick went to jail for punching an entitled paparazzi person for taking pictures of a young Tiger Peony without permission—It's one of Tiger Peony’s earliest memories.
Tiger Peony's first word was ‘Vaffanculo’. Said to Beast. Luckily, he still doesn't know what it means. 
She has an InstaRoyal Account and loves watching Auratube.
Her favorite movie is a horror movie by the name of ‘The Spectre of Sherwood Forest’. It's very scary and very gory, and Lampwick fainted when he watched it. 
Tiger Peony is scared of the paparazzi: it's the one noticeable fear she has, other than being kidnapped that is.
She inherited Lampwick's allergy to cottonwood trees. She's also the only one of her siblings who is unaffected by poison ivy, which has gotten all of them into situations.
After the Auradon Prep Donkey Incident of 2061 Tiger Peony was furious with Pin and Tulip, and rained hell down upon them.
Did she tattle to their parents? No. But after discovering how vengeful Tiger Peony could be they wished she did.
Her favorite holiday is either the fall Harvest Festival (if it counts) or Winter Treasure Day.
Tiger Peony has a pet donkey named 'Carrot'.
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heavilycaffeinatedsblog · 9 months ago
PLEASE, pls tell me Keith always chooses 'Taylor' as Lance's fake name in his stories because Lance called himself The Tailor in the first ep of vld s1😭 pls tell me that's what inspired you cus i'm actually losing my mind a bit over this rn
😈😈😈 welcome to a caf-verse inside joke. At this point, Taylor is referenced at least once in my AU fics along with Coran and Kolivan
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Inspired by @mdoodlerfandomart 's Coalition Lance AU.
The Voltron team was in a somber mood as they made their way back to Earth. Pidge a bit less so, because she was so looking forward to seeing her mom and dad, but even that only served to remind her that one of their own wouldn't be coming home to his family. The Voltron team had a Lance shapped hole in their ranks and everyone was feeling his absence.
Coran missed the incesant chatter from the coms which Lance had usually initiated, and Allura missed their gossip beauty sessions. Shiro had an immense amount of guilt over Lance's capture, despite technically not having been there when it happened. He contantly wondered if his clone had somehow set Lance up in an ambush, and hated that his memories of that time were disjointed and blurry at best.
Pidge busied herself by radioing every ship and planet within distance to ask if they had seen a man, tall, brown skin and blue eyed, but everyone she could get in contact with said no. (On the plus side of this process, though, they did discover that the Coalition seemed to be in good hands, so that was a relief, at least.)
Hunk kept a small notebook where he drafter hundreds, if not thousands, of ways in which he might have to break the news to Lance's family that their son, brother, cousin, uncle, etc., was MIA, likely presumed dead. None of them were completed because Hunk inevitably broke down in tears every time before he could finish any of them.
And Keith... well, Keith kept holding onto hope that Lance was alive, somewhere in the wide universe. He simply refused to believe that Lance was dead. The team kept telling him he was in denial, but it was the only thing that kept him going. Otherwise he didn't think he'd be able to function. He often played with one of Lance's necklaces that Keith now wore and wondered about his whereabouts.
If he was in a good mood, Lance had escaped to a planet of peaceful aliens and awaited rescue. It was his greatest, most indulgent daydream that they defeated the Galra once and for all and Keith led a rescue mission to find Lance, found him and brought him home. However, if he was in a bad mood, he tended to imagine progressively worse case scenarios that left him on the verge of a panic attack and spiralling. It was the uncertainity that got to him and wore him down.
As the Earth finally appeared in front of them, Red and Blue picked up speed and went ahead of the rest to spearhead the formation. It was a bit unusual, but the Paladins didn't have the energy to question it. There were a lot of mixed emotions in the group and they were absolutely exhausted in every way that mattered. The comms were quiet. Each Paladin was lost in their thoughts, and their missing Paladin weighed heavily in their minds.
Suddenly, as they entered the Earth's athmosphere, the comms began to crackle.
"Earth to Voltron, do you copy?"
Every single one of the Paladins startled in their seat and their eyes widened in disbelief. They turned on their comms and cameras. They all looked at each other as if they had seen a ghost. Hunk was the first to break the silence.
"Was that...?"
"Earth to Voltron, do you copy?" the voice repeated and this time Keith yanked the radio out of its base as his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.
"Lance?! Voltron to Earth, we copy. Lance, is that you?!" Keith yells into the receiver.
"Keith?! Oh my gosh, you're alive!" Lance exclaimed on the other side.
"What do you mean I'm alive? You're alive!" Keith retorted and he couldn't help the smile on his face or the tears in his eyes.
Just then they received a notification of an incoming live transmission that Pidge immediately accepted. A new screen popped up in front of them and there he was, alive and breathing, the one and only, Lance McClain.
On the screen, he laughed incredulously as he wiped at his eyes and said, "Hey guys, it's been a while."
What followed was chaos: everyone began talking at the same time, raising their voices to be heard above the others, and asked all sorts of questions wanting to know how Lance ended up on Earth, how he escaped the Galra, was he okay, he he seen their families, were they okay and the cockpit descended into pandemonium as Lance valiantly attempted to answer all of them.
Keith, however, was quietly taking in and just looking at his boyfriend after years of holoscreens and memories. Lance was no longer a lanky, awkward teen. He'd filled out: his shoulders broadened and, while still thin, he seemed to have gained a lot of muscle. His face had sharpened and Keith could see a bit of stubble on his chin and cheeks. He had a few new scars, too. He was also wearing a Garrison unifform, with a few medals in it.
"Keith?" Lance asked, and Keith realized he'd just missed most of the conversation. Keith smiled.
"Hey, sharpshooter," he replied. Lance sent him a flirty smirk in return.
"What? Did you miss me?"
"You have no idea," Keith answered and didn't care if he was being sappy in front of the Paladins and however many people were in the command center. Lance chucked wetly and his gaze softened.
"We're ready for you to land. Unfortunately, our hangars aren't anywhere near large enough for the lions, but there's an open field right outside. Crew members will be waiting for you in their vehicles to bring you to base. There are some people here who can't wait to see you guys!"
Keith raised an eyebrow. Lance looked, and sounded, so mature... so professional. It was hard to believe he was the same goofball he fell in love with.
"How come you're at the helm?" he asked. Lance smirked, but it was Pidge who answered.
"If you hadn't been so busy making oogly eyes at him, you would have heard that he's the head of the coalition. You know, the one we've hearing about," she snarked with a shit-eating grin on her face.
"Wait, for real?!" Keith exclaimed.
Lance gasped and grabbed his chest in a wounded gesture, "You heathen! Can you sound a little less surprised? Do you really have so little faith in me? You wound me!"
Someone out of shot of camera in the command center said something to Lance that the Paladins didn't manage to catch. Lance's reaction, though, was telling enough. He scoffed in mock offense and replied, "You take that back!"
Keith laughed. It was nice to see his Lance in this new, grown version of him. He asked, "How did that even happen?"
Lance scoffed again and rolled his eyes, "Again, it's a very long story and I don't want to clutter the frequency. You're welcome to come for dinner at mine's and I'll tell you all about it." Lance winked.
"Fine," Keith relented.
"Transmission over," Lance said and his screen disappeared. Only then did Keith pay attention to the looks of awe and joy in the rest of the Paladins. Hunk was even openly crying and babbling about how glad he was that Lance was okay. Keith felt the same.
It was as if a stone had been lifted off of his chest and now he could breathe! Liquid fire poured through his veins and, for the first time in a long while, he felt like he could battle a hundred cruiseships and win! Red purred in his mind, and Keith was transported back to the very first time he flew red, before the war and their losses had worn down his excitment and passion for flying a sentinent lion in space. He smirked.
"Race you," he said, and sped down towards the Earth at full speed. Red happily obliged.
"You cheat!" Pidge yelled and gave chess.
Hunk followed with an indignant, "Hey!"
Allura, Shiro and Coran laughed joyously and tried to catch up.
Keith didn't care all that much, to be honest. He had a very pressing reunion to get to, after all.
I hope you liked it! It's just a scene, and it doesn't encompass a lot of events but I wanted to focus on the characters. I'd like to explore other scenes, perhaps later, from Lance's POV on Earth or maybe Keith's POV when he first finds out Lance is missing until they exit the time dilation worm hole thingy.
Let me know what you think!✌🏼
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voltrohgodwhat · 3 months ago
Missing Episode: A planet made entirely of sapient, advanced Christmas trees, who react with immediate hostility, as soon as the team tries to bag one for Castle Christmas.
Subplot 1 is Pidge explaining winter holidays to the Alteans, and accidentally sparking inspiration in Coran, who decides he will take the role of Krampus to "motivate" the Paladins. Things get out of hand when a Gladiator bot manifests as Actually Dangerous Krampus on the training deck.
Subplot 2 is the Blade of Marmora trying to discover the joy of Christmas. Someone makes an improvised detonation device out of tree ornaments.
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mogruith · 1 month ago
OC Deep Dive Tag
Thanks for tagging me @majorasnightmare!! This was a really awesome thinking exercise. It took me way longer than it should've to finish (work has been a lot lately) but I finally did it.
No pressure tags for @susann-noir @nemo-of-house-hamartia @mystxmomo @autisticdrizzt @twilight-sanctuary @albweado @moonshine-over-troubled-water any OC of your choice.
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Phobias and Other Fears
Being alone. Or being far from his sister for extended periods. He's had his twin sister by his side his whole life and they've always looked out for each other. When she's not near him, it's as if he's lost a sense or a limb. He's managed this a few times but he absolutely hates it. Stagnation. Improve or perish. Climb that ladder, boy. For like actual phobias, I feel like I should mention his fear of Lolth but I think it's eclipsed by his anger. That said, spiders get the side-eye. But I'm not sure I'd call it a phobia.
Pet Peeves
Slow decision making and waffling. If you need to draw out a plan and take the time to do it, that's one thing. If you are indecisive, Coranzan is going get impatient and try to take over. Yes, he's kind of a dick. Additionally, talking down to him/being patronizing/dismissive.
3 items you could find in their bedroom
Coranzan keeps very little besides his armor, high-quality clothing, and a couple instruments - but those are boring things to list. There'd be items that allude to his vanity - an elaborate grooming kit, scented oils, and white dye that Z'ress uses to paint on Coran's forehead markings. Bonus: You'd also find a box of silver and moonstone knickknacks collected by his sister and donated to him. She tends to get sticky fingers and then gives some of the Eilistraee-adjacent items to him as something of an offering as a lay-worshipper. As they're seen as gifts from Eilistraee, he wears or keeps them until he can find a temple to offer them.
First thing they notice in a person
Probably a common answer but eyes are the window to the soul. Although he grew up avoiding eye contact, he has discovered the power in keeping his gaze locked on another's. Whether he's searching them to detect if they're enjoying a story he's telling or if they're lying, it's been beneficial skill.
On a scale of 1-10, how high is their pain tolerance?
I'd say something like a 7-8 or so. Pretty high pain tolerance but not absurdly so. I think it kind of came with the territory of some of his past work.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight for sure. Coranzan is fairly good at assessing the field and determining a path forward in a time-sensitive situation. It's not always the best or the safest path but it IS a well-reasoned path in a dire situation. The big picture/large scope planning belongs to his sister.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
A big family? No, at least he's not aware of most of whoever might exist outside his immediate family. But connected to his immediate family? Absolutely. Besides being tied at the hip with his twin sister, Z'ress, he's also very close to his parents. His parents' faith were inspiration to his path of becoming a Cleric of Eilistraee. He also has a grandmother who has managed to survive long enough to still be in his life and an uncle on his father's side that they're close with.
What animal represents them best?
The only animal I've ever thought about is night-singing birds like blackbirds and nightingales: I feel like Coranzan liked hearing them at night when he first came to the surface and became really fond of them. Also, I feel like we've all envied a bird's ability to fly away from whatever situation they're in.
What is a smell that they dislike?
The smell of exhaust and lubricants from machines and mechanical constructs like the Steel Watch. Coran hadn't encountered very many of these kind of creatures before, but encountering so many in Baldur's Gate resulted in a strong dislike of the smell.
Have they broken any bones?
Coran is a pretty nimble person but also has a tendency to go pretty hard on whatever new skill he's obsessed with. So I'll say he's probably broken a bone or two in his time but he's pretty good at avoiding it usually.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
A stranger would likely get the aloof version of Coranzan. Unless he needed something of that stranger, then he'd turn on the charm. The aloof version of Coran would be quiet with constant studying looks, and intense eye contact. This would probably come off as intimidating to some, especially given he's obviously drow. The charming version of Coranzan would be all smiles and definitely trying to get you to forget that he's drow. He's all compliments, winks, and friendly taps to the shoulder/arm. A stranger's opinion will certainly vary based on what side they get but either way, he is a rather pretty face and that lets him get away with a lot among strangers (depending on their view of drow, ofc).
Are they a night owl or morning bird?
Night owl. Fuck the sun. Despite having been on the surface long enough to adjust, he is uncomfortable under it. Sadly, surfacers operate around the gods damned sun, so between that and Coran just generally not able to sit still for long, Coran doesn't get a lot of rest.
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
First of all, Coran is terrible at cooking and probably hates anything he's made in the field, to start. But broadly flavor-wise, Coranzan hates spicy/picante flavors (which hurts me deeply in my soul), and prefers earthy flavors. On the surface, he's come to appreciate the herbs and spices that can be added to those earthy flavors though.
Do they have any hobbies?
Song collecting (by ear), dancing (not just the Eilistraee-type stuff), reading different cultures fables, journaling/letter-writing, and some kind of skill-based strength training activity in rotation: think bodyweight progressions, gymnastics, rock-climbing.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Surprises in general? Coranzan can roll with the punches and pivots easily, at least with regards to pleasant things. A BIRTHDAY party in particular would be really unexpected. By now, everyone's seen the lore bit about how drow men don't celebrate their birthdays. Coran's birthday was celebrated vicariously through his sister's birthday (given they're twins) and in private, they would celebrate together. But someone ELSE in on this? He'd probably have a very strong emotional reaction to it - primarily feeling really bashful about it to start but very quickly LOVING the attention lavished upon him suddenly.
Do they like to wear jewellery?
Yes - although most of my images of Coranzan do not show any jewelry (he removes everything when "on duty"), he likes to wear a lot of silver rings and piercings along his ears.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Neat handwriting - Coran writes a lot and eventually writes some of his stories and songs in an ornate style for his collections. He then hands these off to his sister for border decorations. A series of these are kept in a folio he keeps around.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Pride and inadequacy occupy his mind in the quiet moments. For the most part, he feels he's pretty accomplished given how he started as a dirt-poor drow male in Menzoberranzan with no prospects. But then again, comparatively speaking, he hardly amounts to anything and has spent so much time attempting to accomplish the bare minimum (in his mind) - it sometimes feels like he's behind.
Do they have a favourite fabric?
First off, Coran would rather NOT be wearing a lot of clothes (or any at all if he can get away with it). But when he does, it has to be something lightweight and comfortable for him to tolerate it (you can imagine how much he hates wearing heavy armor). Mix that with the fact that he's a bit of a peacock when it comes to clothes, so he'd prefer fancy silks if he can get his hands on them. When he does, he takes meticulous care of it so it lasts.
What kind of accent do they have?
Coranzan was born in a pretty dirt-poor part of Menzoberranzan, so his baseline accent was Deep Drow. He's now spent somewhere around 130-ish years out of Menzoberranzan - split between the Undermountain and Waterdeep. So his Common is decent enough but a slight accent remains - he spends much of his time conversing with his family and other drow, so he can go a long time without speaking Common on the surface, depending where he is in his life. As a side-tangent: He can imitate the noble sound of High Drow to a limited extent and sometimes borrows the phrasing of that dialect to imply a noble sound in theatrical story-telling. Although he has a very good ear for the sound, he hasn't been around it enough to speak it enough to pass for a noble - the result of is a rugged take on a noble sound that can be endearing to some or hated by others. Shout out to @mystxmomo for their awesome discussion on Drow dialects to get my head straight on some of that (although I'm inserting some of my own minor stuff here).
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snowflaketale12 · 11 months ago
"As she holds the holy properties, and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you... Queen Anna of Arendelle..." 👑
Tried to edit Anna's Coranation scene since Disney doesn't give us one... 🙃
It's so hard to edit especially to find perfect screencaps for each of the characters, after that need to colour graded each of them, and not to mentioned I was trying to draw their eyes to see Queen Anna's direction, except Olaf because it's impossible to let him see Anna, let's just pretending Olaf is distracted by the bishop 😂 And Mattias is looking so weird, I can't find a perfect screencaps for him as General Mattias, so let's assumed he's not promoted from Lieutenant to General yet when Anna is crowned 😂
Anyway it's not perfect but I've tried my best to edit the best result that I could, wish we have Anna's coronation scene in movies and/or in books, but I doubt it, I think it will be skipped... 😭
Notes, this edits was inspired by an unrevealed edits from my friend @bigfrozenfan 😄
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bluemanticism · 18 days ago
I came from being hypnotized please tell me about Coran as a young man becoming a diplomat and his job app journey and how he bevacme notable
I would love to omg ok so.
Coran, as a university student, had worked INTENSELY hard to achieve top marks. He wasn't ever popular growing up; he'd been physically weak his whole life, had odd fascinations with studying other cultures® histories, and was known to ask strange questions. In his solitude, he felt the urge to combat his perceived faults with his work ethic.
He spent days among archives, poured his heart into his studies, and finally, emerged with a shiny diploma and a stellar report card.
University marked an important shift for Coran: his first friend. He'd met Jayell in his History of Modern Medicine class and they'd hit it off ever since. Jayell didn't care for the other members of their year, so the two instantly bonded. The University was known to admit nobility, many of whom had difficult temperaments and narcissistic tendencies. Coran and Jayell were among the select few who had gotten in on grades alone.
Jayell spent hours with Coran between and after class. They pored over ancient texts, debated the ethics of court cases, and challenged one another constantly.
"The monarchy ignores their judicial system, it's quiznak-ing terrible," Coran would bemoan, shoving records at Jayell. The other man laughed in response, but accepted the papers, reading them over thoughtfully.
Oftentimes, Jayell would admit to being wrong in their arguments. It startled Coran at first. He'd rarely met an Altean so willing to confess their faults. It was... inspiring.
If Jayell, a respected student and well-regarded man, could admit his faults, then maybe Coran could wear them as well.
Now, armed with his knowledge and his newfound confidence, Coran would enter his interviews with all the eagerness and bluster of a young man desperate to make an impact on the world.
Only, things were not easy. As it turned out, the rather conservative and graceful Altean society didn't care for Coran's oddities being on full display. Rejections outnumbered acceptances ten-to-one, and eventually, Coran began to wonder if it was time to try something else.
Maybe he wasn't destined for a life in public service. Maybe he wasn't a change maker.
He professed his worries to Jayell later, orange stubble dusting his chin due to days of stress. Jayell's eyes widened.
"I can't believe you didn't apply," he remarked.
"Haven't you been listening?" Coran grumped, crossing his arms. "I've applied for everything."
"Not quite," Jayell said, pulling out a flyer and sliding it over to Coran, who leaned over to inspect it.
His eyes snapped up. "I couldn't."
Jayell's glinted knowingly. "You could."
So he did. Some unmeasurable force, some driving hope, compelled Coran to fill out the application and toss it in the mailbox a dobosh later. It was hastily done, but still, Coran was proud of how he looked on paper. It wasn't so much of a shock to receive his interview summons after some time. This was a stage he was familiar with. He put on his best finery and headed toward the provided address, gawking up at the massive building that towered over him.
He was quickly escorted through the sweeping halls to his interview location. As Coran reached the enormous, intricate white doors, he sucked in a deep breath.
At that moment, the doors swung open.
"The Prince will see you now," a voice boomed.
Coran barely heard its next proclamation, a sudden rush of wind stealing his breath and making him pale in shock.
The room itself was gorgeous, but the chandelier and the desk weren't what caught his eye. No, it wasn't Jayell, wearing a simple crown, sitting behind a desk.
"Jayell?" Coran demanded, rooted to the ground. Jayell- Prince Alfor- laughed. He laughed.
"Not quite."
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kismetconstellations · 9 months ago
I found this Reddit thread, the other day, and got a good chuckle out of this particular response:
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And, while Shiro having this sort of raw, incontestable, and unmatched power makes him a True Underappreciated Icon, it also stands as the loudest, most glaring testament to the Voltron: Legendary Defender showrunners not knowing what they were doing.
Basic Writing 101 would suggest that, if you intend to kill an important character off, you don't not only open your series on them, but continue to spotlight them as completely intrinsic to, and inextricable from your still ongoing narrative.
Obi-Wan Kenobi's death impacts Luke Skywalker, but doesn't cause the entire story of the original Star Wars trilogy to fall apart.
When Gandalf appears to die in The Fellowship of the Ring, his absence is felt, and impossible to ignore, but the journey of the other main characters continues, nevertheless, and his revival in The Two Towers only aids the narrative's progression, rather than derailing it.
This is due both to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Gandalf not being the central characters of these stories, and George Lucas and J.R.R. Tolkien knowing exactly what stories they intended to tell. And, not just competently tell them, but tell them in ways that have touched and continue to inspire generations of storytellers and story-enjoyers, alike.
The crew behind Voltron: Legendary Defender, however, seemed to have no idea what story they were trying to tell, to begin with, let alone how to tell it.
On its surface, this is a mecha cartoon series about four teenagers and one adult from Earth who find themselves jetted into space to, under the guidance of an alien princess and her quirky advisor, pilot giant robot lions that combine into an even bigger humanoid robot, and fight to free the universe from the tyranny of an evil alien empire. It's packaged as an ensemble show, in the vein of Teen Titans, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Justice League, most X-Men cartoon series, and so on. Thus, it can be presumed that no one character on the team is more important than any of the others.
While an attempt is, indeed, made to give each of the seven members of Team Voltron their own internal and external conflicts and days in the sun (with the exception of poor Coran, who exists primarily for comic relief, and viewers are scarcely given insight into anything beyond his quirky anecdotes, eccentric mannerisms, and fear of losing Allura), Shiro is overwhelmingly given the most emotional pathos and narrative significance.
The series opens on his abduction and imprisonment.
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His escape from Zarkon's ship and recapture by the Galaxy Garrison is the impetus that launches the plot, and brings the five pilots of Voltron together.
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He's specifically singled out as the de facto leader of Voltron, and given the most significant role of Paladin of its largest lion, and decisive head.
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He has personal ties to all three of the major villains of the first two seasons as a direct victim of their cruelty, and as the series continues, this remains a trait exclusive to Shiro, and Shiro alone.
Sendak is Shiro's personal tormentor, something implied as early as the pilot,
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and that continues to be emphasized in Sendak's subsequent appearances.
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Haggar was responsible for the experiments conducted on Shiro that lead to the amputation of his right arm and its replacement with a weapon, and feels a sense of entitlement to Shiro's body.
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It was Zarkon's ship that Shiro was held prisoner on after losing his crew, Zarkon was the previous Black Paladin, and Zarkon's persisting connection to the Black Lion is a conflict that Shiro ultimately elects to resolve on his own, even if it means a hand-to-hand fight to the death.
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There are several episodes (Across The Universe, Space Mall) where the younger Paladins, Allura, and Coran are engaged in comedic shenanigans while Shiro is fighting for his life in explicitly high stakes situations.
Shiro's leadership, compassion, selflessness, and heroism are illustrated over and over again for Shiro's sake, and to it drive home for the audience just how incontrovertibly vital he is in the fight to overthrow Zarkon, and restore peace and liberty to the universe.
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"Why are you helping me?"
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"As a fighter, and a leader, you give hope."
Instead of writing Shiro as one component of a larger story, making his removal from it possible in the right hands, he was written as the heart of that story. Which rendered excising him from it an exercise in futility, as he is integral to every poignant narrative beat. I.E., his bond with Pidge/Katie being one of the major reasons she chooses to stay with the team instead of venturing out on her own to look for her father and brother.
Shiro is, in essence, Voltron: Legendary Defender's equivalent of Leonardo from the 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series--The emotionally beleaguered, self-sacrificing and scarred (as of the end of the third season and entirety of the fourth, in Leonardo's case) leader, who is by far, the most skilled and experienced fighter, and spiritually advanced member of the team.
Leonardo, too, had personal connections to several of his series's most powerful and imposing recurring villains, with two of them (Karai and the Daimyo's son) hellbent on destroying him, specifically.
There are instances (The Shredder Strikes Back Part 1, and the episodes covering the Battle Nexus Tournament) where Leonardo faces higher stakes in juxtaposition to his brothers' lighter-hearted, more comedic exploits, and he underwent the most intensive character arc; battling feelings of anger, guilt, self-loathing, and PTSD before finally achieving inner piece and returning to his family as a more mature, composed, and even greater leader than he was, before.
What the staff behind Voltron: Legendary Defender effectively did is kill their show's Leonardo and replace him with Raphael (Keith). Then, aggressively backtrack on that decision by bringing in a clone of Leonardo who much, much (roughly four seasons) later turns out to have been an infiltrator created by a character with direct relation (Karai/Haggar) to the Turtles and Splinter's greatest enemy (Shredder/Zarkon) brainwashed to attempt to kill the real Leonardo's loved ones. Only for the clone to be taken out of commission during an emotionally-charged confrontation with Raphael, after which his consciousness is overwritten as the Real Leonardo's lifeforce is magically transferred into his body... Just so the newly resurrected and sorely missed Real Leonardo can mostly stand silently around, be disrespected, and do nothing of significance for the rest of the show.
Anyone with any knowledge of the Ninja Turtles franchise, this particular iteration of it, decent storytelling, or even a lick of common sense would tell you that this move is ill-advised, at best, and a terrible idea destined to crash and burn, at worst. But, these showrunners were, evidently, oblivious to their own poor decision-making and ineptitude, and chose to rip out the stitch that held their messily woven tapestry together, causing it to irreparably unravel right in front of their and their audience's eyes.
And, blaming Shiro for that blind incompetence is exactly like blaming that deliberately torn stitch.
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vldunchartedregions · 17 days ago
Have you found anything relating to Lotor’s generals plot lines in season 8? If Ezor was meant to be dead, and Zethrid redeemed, how would Acxa and her react to Lotor’s return? I wonder if it was ever something they wanted to explore or were they going to cap it off with Acxa and Zethrid’s talk.
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Firstly, thank you for the question! I hope you're having a wonderful day.
Do you know what's funny about this?! We were literally just talking about this today.
We are sure that any remnants of the generals having a subplot would've been lost in the mix unfortunately, considering Lotor was cut out of Season 8 (allegedly - Dreamworks & WEP, don't come for me please lol) so subsequently, if there was a subplot involving the generals and Lotor, that would've been scrapped too.
That being said, usually we've been able to find remnants of a missing plot line somewhere amongst the edited mess. That's how we found out Allura & Keith were allegedly beefing in the love triangle. More on that later; not the time.
With them unfortunately, we believe after many, many rewatches with the generals in particular, it does and did unfortunately cap off at the Zethrid & Acxa discussion. Ezor wasn't meant to be back; she was meant to be dead, and thus the whole motivation for the Grudge episode. She was added in very last minute (as also pointed out by Team Purple Lion) due to backlash with Adam's Robotech/Macross inspired death, and the backlash of how they introduced Adashi in general.
✨ Theory Time ✨
Maybe there would've been a scene between Acxa & Lotor in Uncharted Regions (fits the theme of the episode title; they haven't spoken since... y'know) to make amends and provide closure on their relationship.
Acxa's motivation was to follow Lotor as she's grateful to him in ways we can't even imagine as the viewer. There's one important theme that flows throughout Voltron: Legendary Defender... The importance of found family. They were Lotor's found family. Rejected by the world for being half-breeds, they came together to dismantle the empire.
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Her motivation to follow Keith was (at least in our humble opinion) to always find Lotor at the end of the day... Keith & Allura lead to Lotor. If you think about it, Acxa was his most trusted general, faked a betrayal + knew plans that Ezor & Zethrid did not.
Lotor took her in and treated her equally in a world where nobody else did as a half Galran, and that is SO important. It would make sense that she's joined the coalition not just for Keith per say, but to ultimately find Lotor again, whilst also finding a much greater purpose within this universe.
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(Coran talking about how Allura may have known Keith was the key to the Galra's future... cough, cough).
Realistically speaking - As soon as Lotor wakes up, they would've began the preparation for the climax of his redemption arc. The writers wouldn't have much time before the final battle to provide closure to a lot of plot lines before Hunk & Coran go to get the Balmera, Honerva brings her EVA and breaks down reality, and it all goes to absolute chaos.
Positively speaking, I'd like to think there was at least a scene storyboarded where Acxa & Lotor reunite one last time before the final battle on the Atlas. Maybe a hug scene with Lotor mentioning how grateful he is to her and the generals... Especially with the loss of Ezor, we believe they all needed some closure there before everything goes to chaos.
This is just a selfish want of mine, but I would've also loved to have seen how Lotor met all of his generals, their backstories as to how they found Lotor, and vice versa in greater detail... maybe in another reality.
Thank you for the question. Vrepit Sa.
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howthemoonweeps · 3 months ago
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
the mistletoe comic by @heynhay was so so cute that it inspired me to write this little oneshot about the only red-blue pair ever
most of the dialogue from the beginning to the mistletoe scene is lifted directly from the comic, but then the story just snowballed from there !! it's under the cut and also here on ao3 <3
happy holidays!!!
When it happened, Lance had just put the finishing touches on the Castle’s first Christmas.
“There!” He steps back to admire his handiwork, before whipping around to flourish to the surrounding team. “Now we have an authentic Earth Christmas celebration!” Pidge coughs pointedly. “Well, as authentic as it can be with random alien stuff…but we made do!”
Lance surveys the room, from the makeshift tree decorated by Shiro and Keith to the red and green lights rigged by Pidge, and nods with pride. “We got it all–cozy sweaters from the Space Mall, adorable cookies made by our good chef Hunk, and of course, mistletoe!” He gestures to the drooping plant, taped to the arch of the door by his own two hands.
Allura peers up in question, eyebrows furrowed. “Why have you attached it to the door on its own?”
Lance grins. As the resident aliens, Lance had forced Allura and Coran to spectate the holiday decorating so that they could learn more about Earth culture, refusing to let them lift even a finger to help. They had spent the day learning about Christmas trees and ugly sweaters, gingerbread houses and presents, and now here came another teaching moment.
“Well, princess, anyone who walks under it has to be kissed,” he explains, winking and puckering his lips in demonstration. When Allura simply raises an eyebrow in response, Lance shrugs. “I’m just saying, a little smooch is in the Christmas spirit. You wouldn’t reject an honored cultural tradition, would you?”
He bats his eyelashes and pouts, laying the charm on as thick as he can, but the princess stays unmoved. “I fear in this case,” she snarks back, sticking her tongue out in jest, “I must.”
The rest of the team starts to giggle. “Struck out again, Lance,” Pidge remarks, a sly glint in their glasses. “Can’t take a hint, can you?”
“Ooh, good one, Pidge,” Hunk snickers, the two of them high fiving while Keith rolls his eyes.
Flushing, Lance blurts out, “Well, some say it’s bad luck to leave a mistletoe victim unkissed, and—“
While he lets his mouth run wild to save the last dregs of his dignity, Lance watches Keith march over in the corner of his eye. Faint warning bells ring in the back of his mind, and they grow frantic when Keith stops in front of him, gaze hard and searching.
“Keith? Buddy?” Lance chuckles nervously, all too aware of their newfound proximity and position under the mistletoe. This close, he can see the slightest wrinkle in his teammate’s forehead, and he’s struck with the absentminded thought to smooth it out, just to see how Keith would react. Such an absurd idea makes Lance trail off, uncertainty coloring his last half-hearted laughs, when Keith seems to find what he’s been looking for and pulls him down into a kiss.
For a few short seconds, Lance’s mind is utterly blank, shorting out while he tries to process the fact that Keith is kissing him—him!—in front of the entire team. For once in his life he regrets running his idiotic mouth (but how could he regret it, when it has led him here?) but then all too soon it’s over and Lance is shoved away.
“There,” Keith grumbles, face red and fist still gripping Lance’s ugly Christmas sweater. “Wouldn’t want you to have bad luck.” He lets go and stalks out of the room, leaving a gaping Lance behind. 
“Dude,” Pidge says, the first to break the silence of the shellshocked team, “go talk to him.”
Lance jolts out of his reverie, making a mad dash for the door and flinging it open. “Keith!” He calls out into the hallway, ready to start running again. “Keith, where are—“
“I’m right here.”
“—oh.” Turning to the side, Lance sees Keith hunched right next to the doorway, arms crossed defensively over his chest. “Keith, dude, you- you can’t just kiss me and then run away.”
“Why not?” He bites out, which would’ve been more threatening were it not for his bright red ears. “You would’ve kept complaining about your ‘cultural tradition’ until someone kissed you–I just took one for the team.”
“Well, good on you for being a team player,” Lance elbows him playfully, but when Keith raises his shoulders even further he switches gears. “But Keith, you gotta know that you kissing me isn’t the same as Pidge or Hunk.”
Keith snorts. “Yeah, to you it’s worse.”
And Lance knows he needs to be cautious, knows that he has to be wary of which buttons to press to make sure the stubborn bastard right next to him doesn’t run away again, but he has just been kissed by that same stubborn, stupidly-handsome bastard so excuse his lack of judgement in what was surely to be his biggest drama queen performance since the Voltron show.
He lets out a long, obnoxious groan and throws his hands up into the air. “That’s not what I’m trying to say at all.” Now it’s Keith’s turn to gape as Lance rounds on him, jabbing a finger into his chest. “News flash, mullet, you are very enjoyable to kiss, and even before that you were always annoyingly pretty with your purple eyes and your moodiness and your- ugh!” 
Rendered inarticulate by a fierce blush, Lance gestures at all of Keith in total frustration before sliding to the floor, covering his face. He feels more than hears Keith sit down next to him, tensing at their closeness for the second time that day.
“I thought you hated me,” Keith says softly. When Lance peeks through his fingers, he sees none of the acid from before–only an honest, unguarded confusion left on his features, along with a flush rivaling Lance’s own.
Lance sighs and lets his hands drop, head thunking against the Castle wall. “I was never serious about that. It was all just an act, my own bravado getting the best of me. I never meant to make you feel like I actually hated you.”
The conversation trails off, Keith falling silent to ruminate on whatever it is pretty paladins think about while Lance struggles not to scream and draw more attention to himself after his completely unplanned failure of a confession. God, what was he thinking?
“You were enjoyable to kiss, too,” Keith speaks out into the hallway, voice a pleasant rumble. When Lance whips his head around, he smirks, continuing, “and you’re not too bad to look at, either.”
Lance huffs, though his flaming cheeks diminish his act of indignation. “Excuse you, I am a goddamn delight.”
Keith’s mouth curls into a smile, sufficiently drawing all of Lance’s attention as he goads, “Prove it, then.” 
Lance is already reaching for Keith’s sweater to pay him back for his mistletoe stunt, but something in the other’s expression gives him pause. Under Keith’s determination, under that familiar flare of competition, there’s a hesitance in his eyes that has Lance wavering.
“I hope you know I’m not doing this for some contest or rivalry,” he mumbles, worrying at the bottom of his lip. “I really do want to kiss you.”
“Good,” Keith lets out a breath, snaking a hand around the nape of Lance’s neck, “because I really want to kiss you too.”
With that, he pulls Lance closer–or is it the other way around?–into a kiss. The angle is awkward at first, a mess of hands and noses, but then Lance winds his arms around Keith’s neck and Keith adjusts his grip on the back of Lance’s head and everything clicks. Keith’s lips are impossibly soft and they taste like the herb Hunk used for the sugar cookies, which is how Lance knows that he was sneaking bites when they were supposed to be setting up, but he can’t find it in himself to care when he’s too busy congratulating himself for running his mouth and landing himself in this situation in the first place.
Then the door creaks open, and the two spring apart.
“Glad to see you two resolved your differences,” Shiro remarks, raising a knowing eyebrow. Hunk slides a snickering Pidge a hundred GAC, while Allura just seems relieved to see that she would no longer be the victim of Lance’s flirting. “Now let’s head back inside–someone is a bit eager to open their gifts.”
At this, Pidge pumps their fist and ushers the team back to the Christmas tree, leaving Lance and Keith lingering in the doorway. In a moment of bravery, Lance laces his fingers with Keith’s, causing the other to jolt in surprise.
“Merry Christmas, Keith.” He squeezes their hands together with a light smile, tugging the other to where the team waited.
When Lance looks back, he’s graced with the sight of a crinkly-eyed Keith, warm with quiet affection. “Merry Christmas, Lance.”
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voltronisanobsession · 2 years ago
Platonic! Voltron x Tiktok Obsessed Reader
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Just another silly headcanon I thought of, i kinda get lost in the sauce when I’m scrolling through tiktok so i was inspired to do this😍🙏 enjoy my guys xoxo💋
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Let’s imagine that tiktok is still a relevant thing during this time since this show is set in the future😻
Even before leaving Earth, Reader was very obsessed with tiktok. Phone opened on the app already, you probably had like a couple hours stacked on it. It was the only thing that kept you from dying of boredom
So when leaving the planet, you were DEVASTATED to see that your phone was quite literally useless in space
No charger, no wifi, and no more silly videos to entertain you
The most you had was your camera but the battery was a major problem
The team notices your more dazed-off look during meetings and on missions, often seeing you fiddle with your phone and just swiping through all your apps
That's until you go to Pidge to see if she can work some magic which SHE IS ABLE TO DO (so slay of her tbh)
She explains that she was able to route the phones connection to the electric waves from nearby planets but you stopped listening at that point
You’re both amazed when you reboot the app to see it completely different, yet similar to what it was before, only now it was filled with many different kinds aliens and their own videos
You are able to see the different environments and types of aliens that are scattered across the universe which was super cool to you!!!!
Cue you literally recording EVERYTHING the team does, let it be missions, meetings, or even fights which starts pissing Keith off a bit (bro feels like you’re not taking the whole voltron thing seriously💀💀)
It doesn’t bother you though since now you’re able to drag Lance and Hunk to do different kinds of trends that are popular on the new app
You manage to build up a small fan base because of the videos on your account, many people loving seeing the life of a paladin of Voltron😻‼️‼️
At one point you manage to get all of the paladins and Coran to do mini “get to know the team” videos (which I imagine are like the short videos on YouTube if you know which ones I mean)
Keith thinks the readers whole tiktok account is dumb and ‘useless’ in his words but is completely in shock when you get recognized by many people when visiting new planets because of your popularity
Shiro I think might find the whole thing a bit strange but he definitely entertains your ideas and involves himself with your account. You make him feel young when you force him to do one of the trends that is popular during that time
Allura doesn’t fully understand what the app is used for and see no real use for it until she realizes that your spreading the word of Voltron around. Then she does start forcing herself into your videos, which you don’t really mind (she loves being in your videos but is really awkward💔)
Lance is the one who is with you in most of your videos, often doing dance trends or mini vlogs with you. He loves how people also know him and enjoys the popularity he has with your followers😜 Has stolen your phone just to have Lance one on ones with your followers
Hunk is another one who usually is dragged into any shenanigans you and Lance are up to, whether it’s pranking one of the paladins or teaching your followers how to cook meals (he loves the compliments people give him when they try his recipes out)
Pidge RARELY is in any of your videos, mostly because she doesn’t like having a camera shoved up her face randomly. But she sometimes does do one of your dumb videos when she’s bored and has nothing to do, which leads to you featuring her more often
Keith is a fan favorite honestly, the people love his sarcastic and brooding attitude, which he claims he doesn’t have. He doesn’t mind being in your videos but he’s most of the time standing like a wall not knowing what to do with himself💀💀 (he enjoys being included with you guys though💔)
Coran LOVES being in your videos since he feels like the main character in them! He’s actually stolen your phone multiple times just so he could post some videos of himself, he loves the attention he gets by being Voltrons secondhand man hehe
Overall, the team grew to enjoy your funny and inclusive videos, it helps them break out of the serious routine they’ve gotten used to while in space :D
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 1 month ago
Voltron the Legendary Defender one of the greatest shows ever thought up. It has action, great characters and best of all has a giant robot! That is controled by hot males. Speaking of males, VLD can be classified as a hot hunk heaven. VLD has massive ammount of beautiful and tough men that will make you love the tv show even more! And since Valentines day is today I've been inspired to make a top 10 list of hottest voltron males! Grab yourself a snack and a glass of orange juice and try not to reach through the screen beacuse HERE WE GOOO!!
Nr 10
Try this question for size? Who's moody all time and wields a powerful sword? Why it's Keith Kogane ofcourse!
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More of a cutie than a hottie you can't deny the fact he's still atractive! The things that make him atractive is that he wears a red jacket and when have you ever seen long black hair stick from the back of person's head? I haven't! So once again Keith Kogane is lovley. That isn't until he goes emo and leaves his team for few seasons
Who's at number 9?
This rando from Space Garrison- Curtis from season 8!
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He doesn't do much exept working in the background and talking once. The real reason why he lands on number 9 spot is that he becomes Takashi Shiro Shirogane's sweetheart!
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Something Shiro needed for a long while!
Numero ocho (spanish)
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Princess Allura's father- King Alfor. He's atractive and is a size of avrage human father. What really suprises me about him is that the Coran falls in love with him. Kinda silly don't you think? He's another character that doesn't do much but in season 3 last episode he blows up Zarkon's home planet.
What number's next? Seven ofcourse!
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Commander Sendak! People always root for the good guys but sometimes the bad guys steal the show. His skill in hand to hand combat is equal to Shiro, he also happends to be the strongest member of Galran Empire. I wonder why he isn't the leader! Like Zarkon and Haggar his speciality is destroying people's lifes. With two very big ears and a fluffy main Sendak will roxk your socks!
Numero Six (French)
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Matthew Holt from the Holt family. Named after the iconic youtuber Matthew Patrick, Matt is a brother of Pidge Holt. He's yet another character that barley does a thing exept be a motivation for Pidge. He also fucks a robot. Being the brother of one of the paladin of green lion, you need to look your best and Matt delivers perfetcly that's why he's number six.
NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 (thunder sound effect) HA HA HA
Rolo from the freedomfighters
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How could you go wrong with a guy that looks like THIS! He can pilot as good as Keith and he went from being a traitor to Paladin's ally! Who could top someone who has such big hands!
This male that stands at number at number 4
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I really love how his love interets is the fiery red paladin Keith! Combination of two excellent pilots made these two a reliable couple!
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But what really lands James at number 4 is that his attitude is aparently way diffrent from other males.
Next up is number three!
What's better than having a male with altean marks? How about a male with marks and moustache!
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Coran has that feature! He's smart, knows what he's doing as a mechanic and even trained the paladins once! He's also the man of Alfor's dreams heh lucky him 😏
his version from the show finale is DAMN HOT!
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Prince Lotor!
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There's a lot to say about this character! He's the air to the throne, Allura's first romance, the onlycharacter that used to NOT WEAR CLOTHES, the most humanoid Galra and future emperor! In the show the cowardly character Lance is constantly trying to woo Lotor but fails as- He's a coward! The prince is also a semi perfect example of a perfect love interest! Although there were really couple of moments when he really snapped out and acted like a lunatic!
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Iiiin the episodes we ignore that is. But overall Lotor really stands out amongst the males not beacuse he's Allura's first love interest or beacuse he used to not wear clothes but beacuse he has very long hair and married Allura in your fanfic.
So. You've seen Galrans, two gorgeus alteans AND a Prince! Who could possibly top those kinds of males? Well. Get ready folks! THIS is the number 1 hottest voltron the legendery defender male character
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TAKASHI SHIROGANE! If anybody denies it how dare you! This babe can fly! He's the strongest in the team and is a beef cake seducing other men to getting what he wants. Instead of having one love interest, Shiro has two! Curtis and Matthew the Holt! Being a Paladin he's interested in one thing only, protecting the universe. There actually have been situations where Shiro's ass crack was showing. But it eventually got censored. What a price to pay! I think the best part about this beauty is that he has three diffrent hair colors, unlike the other male characters. And who wouldn't want to fly a black lion, be the leader of Voltron and flirt with any man anytime anywhere! These three traits make Shiro triumoh over other voltron males
My head goes up to you voltron official!
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