#inspired by The Wrecked and the Worried
altegos · 1 month
Daniel Wickes | NAYKT
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Inhuman | Divine Being | Unknown
Near limitless abilities that stem from his intensely powerful creation magic that is pure white in colour. As long as Daniel can conceive of something, he could make it. Inter-dimensional portals that pierce through the veil between universes.
NAYKT Character Facts
In his original home universe, thousands of beings like Daniel (known as the Divine) lived in peace with humans, working towards a greater prosperity for all until war broke out.
The war began between Divine and humans, but soon they all turned on each other. Brother against brother, friend against friend until the Divine's arrogance and intent to survive began to tear the very fabric of their universe apart. Divine Verse was ultimately destroyed.
Daniel escaped due to a seemingly unique ability he possessed to pass between universes, though he had little control of where he ended up and passed through countless universes before he came to a stop.
He only stopped running when he encountered the Colonel and Jameson Jackson who seemed to understand the devastation he'd seen without him ever needing to verbalise it.
Daniel joined their crusade to find their friend Damien, happily providing safe passage and greater insight into the various universes they would encounter.
Writer's fave fact
Daniel is meant to be a reflection of Phantom. Where Phantom is a being of greed, sin, and temptation who despite being young had to mature very quickly, Daniel is a being of Divinity, pure intent, and community who despite being incredibly old is actually very youthful and inexperienced, especially when compared to those he currently travels with (Colonel and JJ).
While all the Battlers seem connected, there is something very unique between Phantom and Daniel.
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oddbookreport · 2 years
Ok this post started as a reply to another post about how numbers were fake and got away from me a bit, strap in.
EDIT: Public Service loan forgiveness is a federal program in the US where if you work in government for 10 years the government will pay off the remainder of your student loans. This is way more important than the rest of this godforsaken screed and I'd appreciate a reblog to get out information on that.
This is a facebook group run by my dad(!) among others with a ton of useful information in case student loans are something you are struggling with and have a public service job or are looking to change careers.
Ok, Autism time.
TLDR: Companies are incentivized to borrow money because they can reliably only pay back a fraction of it while using it to inflate their stock price. You are disincentivized from borrowing money because you will pay back 120-130% of what you borrowed unless (and sometimes even if) you file for bankruptcy. We actually do need a financial sector but it's badly under regulated, and also international finance has no rules and is an imperial power-fest. Also anti-finance is an antisemitic dogwhistle.
Debt is one of the fuckiest things on the planet and I wrote this for my own edification but in case it helps someone make sense of a new concept that'd be pretty cool.
Proof the numbers in the economy are fake:
No debt is repaid in exact numbers. You borrow 10k, and probably you pay back 11-13k over a number of years. The government borrows 1 trillion dollars and pays back 1.1 trillion dollars over a number of years. A company borrows 1 million dollars, they pay back 1.1 million dollars over a number of years. The numbers almost always go up, this is one reason we have inflation. You can pay less than you borrowed, but only under certain conditions. Inflation is one, such that you pay relatively less though absolutely more. Typically the numbers only go down if someone defaults, but that's usually the worst case scenario because it breaks the kind of promise that the whole economy is based on.
If you default, your debt is sold by the bank to someone else. Not for 10k, or whatever is left on the balance, but for probably 1-2k, a fraction of what it's "worth" and then the person who bought it tries to get you to pay the rest of the balance while the bank reports the loss as part of their tax deductible operating expenses.
Then, you're still on the hook for the 11-13k plus whatever fees the debt collector wants to charge. And if you don't pay those, they do it again, selling what they bought for 1-2k for 4-5 hundred, and so on, until you file for chapter 11 bankruptcy and are no longer legally obliged to pay all of the debt. In practice, this means the government negates the lender's right to collect the full balance in exchange for you going on a payment plan based on a new agreement the government brokers between you and the lender.
After this, because you failed to pay back the full balance, you will find it almost impossible to find banks to loan you money, even if in the end you paid way more than the 11-13k you would have paid back if you had made your payments on time.
In general, if you file for bankruptcy, you lose.
This sort of works in reverse with the stock market: You buy stock and the company pays you back with interest because you are loaning them your money. Companies sell stock at an initial price, auctioning it off in lots to find out what people think it's worth, and what it's worth is based on a) its capacity to increase in value and b) the monthly/yearly interest repayment which is based on the IPO price. Higher price means more money raised for the company but only at the IPO rate because once it's on the secondary market the company doesn't actually see any of the money except as good publicity.
The interest payouts are called dividends, although only a few companies actually care about paying them out anymore. Many companies ignore their dividends and instead just try to pump the price of their stock on the secondary market, aka the stock market. The ratio between stock price and dividends gives you an interesting picture of how the company sees its long term strategy: Car companies which don't really grow tend to have low ratios between stock price and dividend. Tech companies, which are looking to blow up and act like they don't know nobody, tend to have very high stock prices and very low dividends.
Crucially, companies tend to see the stock price as a reflection of the company's health, or "consumer confidence" or something, and a lot of executive pay is tied to it because most of them get paid in stock.
But the number doesn't mean anything concrete (to the company) after the IPO.
The upshot of all this is that while you are expected to borrow and pay your balance back with interest, companies are rewarded for borrowing and then artificially increasing the size of their own debt (stock price) because that's how the people making the decisions get paid.
Crucially, and this is also the assumption when an individual takes on debt, the debt is supposed to enable the debtor to make more money than they would have without it. However, unlike the kind of debt most individuals take out, the debt from issuing stock doesn't (usually) pay off the principle. This is why companies can (sometimes) get away with taking on debt without actually paying it off. You could in principle do this too if you registered as an LLC and issued stock for yourself, but this would be weird and paying strangers dividends might be a big financial burden. Or it might work out, go wild. I'd say the odds of this working are fairly comparable to minting yourself as an NFT and trying to sell it, albeit without needing to use the blockchain. Please ask a lawyer first though.
Also, companies can take on way more debt with way less risk because it is significantly less punishing for a company to file for bankruptcy than a person. The LLC in LLC is short for Limited Liability Corporation. If a company files for bankruptcy, it usually gets to keep most of its assets, because the government in general wants it to keep producing whatever it was producing and its debts are restructured accordingly. Sometimes, however, the assets are sold and the creditors just lose out on any debt over and above the selling price of the assets. Companies can try to shed debts by selling their assets for cheap to a new company, filing for bankruptcy, and then leaving creditors with the losses. This is fraud, but sometimes they get away with it and the "limited liability" part means that even if it is fraud it is legally difficult to go after the people responsible. LLCs are why if your company goes bust, you as an employee cannot be sued, which is generally a good thing. However, the structure of LLCs make it very easy for a company to take on more and riskier debt while you, as an individual are expected to pay off everything you borrow.
In general, if a company files for bankruptcy, the creditors lose.
The Government, apart from regulations, mostly cares about finance for two reasons: Economic stability and Retirement savings.
All this shit is made up. It's a game with very complicated rules, but there's no natural reason for it to work in the particular way that it does. In fact, there are countries like Turkey where it works completely differently, mostly because of religious laws about interest collection. Both Christianity and Islam have complicated histories with finance, but I digress. The point it that finance is almost entirely held up by agreements between extremely fickle parties. Like, there are contracts, agreements, balance sheets, and so on but none of this is pegged to any real asset. (This is a good thing, people who tell you that we should go back to the gold standard are morons) What that means is that the government can decide at any time to forgive people's debts. They can just void the contracts, who's going to stop them? (Be careful if you have a banking system powerful enough to go toe to toe with the government. JP Morgan and a bunch of other wall street people actually tried to overthrow the US Government in 1933.) They need to be careful about this because being able to borrow money when you need it is a net positive, and doing it too often disincentivizes people from lending money making borrowing more expensive. But overwhelmingly, rather than forgiving small dollar loans to people, the government forgives giant loans to companies.
This is partially because the stability of the system, ie creditors getting paid in order to keep a steady supply of creditors, matters more than the fate of any particular player within it, and partially because big fish can manipulate the system to insulate themselves from consequence.
For example, in 2008, tons of first time homeowners had gotten "subprime mortgages," meaning they had borrowed more money than they could afford to repay in order to buy a first home. Increased buying meant prices went up, borrowers were unable to afford the increased property taxes from their suddenly valuable homes, and then were forced to sell, producing even more subprime borrowers. These debts were defaulted on, sold, and then bundled into packages where debt buyers could not see the insolvency of the loans. Then, the bubble burst. People suddenly realized that they had taken out a million dollar mortgage, which they could not afford the monthly payments on, on a house that would only sell for 400k. And they were on the hook for the entire million plus interest.
At this point, the government had a choice: they had to do something about the fact that millions of people had borrowed more money than they could afford. They could have bought the debt, and helped the homeowners pay in a situation similar to a chapter 11 bankruptcy where some assets are protected in order to prevent massive foreclosures, or they could have done what they did which was buy out the debt buyers and help the creditors recoup their losses. Instead of virtually slashing housing prices by forgiving mortgage debt in order to help people stay housed, they assumed the debts of the people who had bought subprime mortgage bundles, mostly banks, while refusing to go after the architects of the scheme who had issued the bad mortgages and sold them under false pretenses.
The biggest reason why this stuff really matters is that at least how the US does things right now, almost all retirement securities are tied to stock price. That's your 401ks, your Roth IRAs, etc. With the exception of Social Security and Medicare, almost all the income seniors have is based on the performance of the stock market. This isn't the worst idea, as compared to previous systems like large savings banks or just having parents cared for by their kids this is A) somewhat resistant to inflation and B) does not shackle predominantly young women to permanent unpaid elder care as was the case under past more patriarchal systems. It's good that in general inflation can't wipe out the savings of someone who saved 100,000 1970 dollars only to have that barely cover a week of cancer treatment. Finance makes that happen.
Also, people want to do things that cost more money than they have, like buy houses, start businesses, and go to college. Businesses also want to do things that cost more money than they have, like build factories, conduct research and development, and offer benefits to employees. Finance makes that happen.
We would still need finance even if (like under communism) the government paid for these things, and whether finance should be entirely public (communism) entirely private (anarcho-capitalism) or semi-private (status quo) is a really complicated question. Finance is not this intrinsically evil thing.
Also because of the aforementioned history of Christians making collecting interest illegal most demonization of finance is directly connected to the Jews, who under medieval law were forced into being bankers in order to avoid forcing Christians from committing the sin of usury (interest collection). Much history of antisemitism in Europe is directly connected to these sorts of laws. The stereotype of the greedy jew, for example, comes from the fact that when medieval governments wanted to raise money, such as for a crusade, they would increase taxes but only on the jews. This forced the jews who were legally forbidden from doing any other job to increase interest rates in order to stay financially solvent, demanding higher rates on borrowing and lower interest on savings. This effectively raised taxes on everyone, but looked like the lord was being generous while the jew was being greedy. Anyone who talks about the intrinsic evils of global finance, whether they know it or not, is parroting Nazi talking points. Bear in mind that the Nazis did the same shit as the medieval lords: by raising taxes on Jews and only Jews, as well as seizing the assets of Jewish refugees, expropriating Jewish owned businesses, and using the Jews as slave labor they funded significant social welfare programs and their invasions of neighboring European countries without significantly increasing taxes on anyone but the Jews, at least until ~1940.
But there are still perverse incentives.
Whenever finance (making money by moving money around) overshadows production (making shit people actually need) bad things happen. Enron was a prime example of this: it was a "holding company" (they owned property that other people used for production without being directly involved in that production) that used an asset shell game to boost their stock price to hundreds of times their dividend, then sold out leaving investors with worthless stock they had bought for thousands of dollars.
Crashes can usually be predicted in advance: the problem is that the government is usually lax with enforcing financial crime. Journalists and economists saw 2008, Enron, the Dot Com bubble, the Asian Financial Crisis, and many other financial disasters coming. Karl Marx argued that Capitalism exists in a permanent cycle of boom and bust as a result of its systematic incentives. There is a history of financial crisis going back to the story of Joseph in Genesis. However, even when governments can see it coming, financial prophylaxis, such as regulation, is usually seen as too expensive even when it is cheaper to prevent a disaster than to clean up after one. Worse, the fact that the bankers almost never get prosecuted means that financial mismanagement and crime continue to exacerbate what might be a natural tendency of markets to rise and fall. This is direct consequence of the structure of LLCs. The higher the highs, the lower the lows, but if you're trying to jump out of the market at the top and then buy up everyone else's assets for pennies at the bottom, you want the cycles to be as extreme as possible. That's the position major companies find themselves in, and it's basically only good for them.
I'm not enough of an expert to have specific policy recommendations, except that in the 90s Bill Clinton overturned a law which separated savings banks from investment banks. Savings banks rely on high interest rates, both on loans they issue such as for mortgages, cars, and so on, and on the personal savings you receive from depositing money in them. Once upon a time (the 90s) you could put your money in a normal bank and get 5-6% interest in a savings account. This no longer happens. Investment banks make their money by taking your money, putting it on the stock market, and collecting the difference. Investment banks are more profitable (mostly for the bank) but more risky (mostly for you), like having someone start a casino with your money. House advantage is there, but they can still lose. Before the 90s, it was illegal for your bank to gamble with your savings on the stock market. Now it is not, and this law is something I think we should bring back.
When it comes to governments and the international system things are weirder.
It's really hard to make a government keep a promise, so they get to flaunt these rules. Also, as a rule, Governments only care about their citizens (sometimes defined very narrowly as non-immigrant, non-prisoner, white, etc) and not anybody else. Anything they do on behalf of any other group is only because it also benefits their citizens for some reason. The only real way to make a government keep a promise is by lawsuit, which they can ignore if they don't like, or war, which most people can't really do for fun. This is why The US Debt strategy for its entire history going back to Alexander Hamilton is to run up the credit card like it's Christmas. The plan as far as the USA is concerned is to borrow money and only pay off the interest rather than the principle. The only way someone is going to get the USA to pay off the principle is by beating them in a war. However, those interest payments are the most reliable debt interest payments in the world, unless the republicans in the house are real fucking numbskulls come June. I'm not exactly smart enough to understand the nuance of why all the other countries on earth let us do this but I think it has something to do with beating everyone on the planet in a war in the last century. However, the US always pays its debts in full, even if as a result of inflation what they're paying back is only part of what it was worth when they borrowed it. This is normal, though whether or not it's ethical depends on your views on american empire.
What's important about this is that things like the US debt clock are shameless right wing propaganda. Someone somewhere will tell you that the government has borrowed like three hundred thousand dollars on your behalf and that they expect you to pay it back. This is then used to argue against government spending. I won't get into fiscal policy but this is a lie, and it's better to keep borrowing and paying off debt than to try to achieve fiscal or financial independence internationally.
International finance is also directly used as an oppressive tool for reproducing capitalism in developing countries. The last thing I'll say on the subject is this: countries with less economic power than the G7 are subject to bullying by larger economies. Every country in the world borrows money, and this is generally a good thing. However, Unicef, the World Bank, and other international institutions set terms on the loans that they offer to countries that were robbed under colonialism and refuse to lend money to them unless they comply with various international standards. This sometimes includes things like requiring girls to be able to go to school, and sometimes requires forcing governments to pay license fees for US patents on things like insulin and oh boy if your prescription drug costs are high in the US just imagine how much money you have to pay for drugs with US patents on them after converting non-US money to dollars. Whether or not you agree with these sorts of policy requirements, they are neo-colonialism and do contribute to American domination over these countries. Just because we're loan sharking them for insulin money instead of invading their country for oil doesn't mean that isn't what it is. Intellectual property is one of the most contentious parts of these sorts of fights, where a country would be happy to void a US patent on behalf of its citizens but it can't without losing access to international loans.
There are lots of problems with finance and it's dialed into the entire modern political system so it's extra fucky to understand in greater detail than this, and while it is strictly speaking politically neutral, the more power you have the more you can manipulate it. There unfortunately aren't great tools the average person has to do about the state of the world financially, but I think it's helpful to know and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Maybe you smack a fascist with something from this if they start talking about how globalists run the banks.
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starkeyisthelastname · 2 months
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Trailerpark!Rafe inspired by this p!link thank you to my babe @rafesthroatbaby for sending this through! 💦
Your poor little self didn’t know what to do. One minute you were you were picking dandelions in your front yard and next Rafe was storming into your trailer yard. He had apparently had it out with your dad again, about this close from spilling to the old fucker how his precious daughter’s cunt was getting ruined by the mean trailer park man. He was so close that he had you both naked on the front porch, completely destroying you.
He didn’t care, not one bit. He enjoyed watching you squirm around trying desperately to find something to hold onto while he brutally pounded your fluttering hole. Hat still on his head, he looked down at you with darkened blue eyes, your body a wreck and babbles coming out of your mouth as you became more and more cock drunk. “Your old man is gonna be home soon, ain’t he?” He breathed out, toned hips slamming into your jittery body. “Think he’s gonna catch his daughter gettin’ her hole ruined by the man he hates.” He laughed breathlessly.
You could feel that funny feeling coming to your tummy, gasping as you tried to hold yourself up by your arms. The worry that your father could walk up anytime and see you doing something he’d never thought you’d take part in, was the last thing on your mind. Your pathetic head was seeing stars, your orgasm coming on strong as he grunted dirty words.
“That’s right slut, cum all over this big fuckin’ cock.” Rafe rasped out, your pretty cunt clenching as you shook violently against him. “I ain’t fuckin’ done with you yet either sweet little babydoll.”
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nadvs · 5 months
♡ㅤׄㅤִㅤ ୨୧  rafe cameron & his sweetheart girlfriend ✧
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ᝰ rafe didn’t realize just how badly he craved kind, gentle love until he met her. he assumed every relationship he’d be in would be dysfunctional but then this girl, who’s sunshine personified, comes into his life and he has never wanted someone more.
ᝰ he’s a nervous wreck the whole time he pursues her. she’s well aware of his bad reputation and the fact that she takes the time to get to know him with open arms instead of letting gossip influence her makes it all the more clear to him how sincere she is.
ᝰ just because she’s sweet doesn’t mean she takes his shit. rafe is a victim to his own temper at times and when he snaps at her, she calmly tells him to cool down and talk to her about what’s really bothering him. she doesn’t escalate arguments. she talks him down. and he loves her for it.
ᝰ rafe would die of embarrassment if anyone saw what he’s like with her. he loves when she plays with his hair and leaves kisses all over his face. his favorite place in the world is on top of her, his head on her chest, wondering how he got lucky enough to win the heart he hears beating.
ᝰ she’s his best friend and maybe his buddies would give him shit for that, but it’s true. because he has never known a bond like this. not only does he have fun with her, but he actually feels understood for once. eventually, she knows him better than he knows himself.
ᝰ rafe hates crying but he hates it the least when it’s with her. he’s used to being told to toughen up. but she doesn’t do anything of the sort. she holds him, consoles him, keeps her gaze off of him because she knows he hates being looked at when he’s in this state.
ᝰ she’s the first one to say the word love and rafe has never felt happier in his life. he has felt love for her for months, but knows he wouldn’t survive if she didn’t say it back. he kisses her hard, whispering that he loves her over and over, making up for every time he thought it but couldn’t say it.
ᝰ the feeling he gets from having somebody worry about him is unreal. he’s used to being neglected and ignored, but she shows her concern for him in countless ways. she’s always reminding him to drive his motorcycle carefully. he eventually tacks a photo of her on his dash as a reminder not to speed because he has a reason to live now.
ᝰ rafe isn’t surprised that his family adores her. his father mentions something in passing about her being a good apple. she even makes ward crack a smile with one of her jokes every so often. rafe doesn’t know how somebody could be so perfect. he’d love her even without the approval but he’s comforted by the fact that he doesn’t have to worry about it.
ᝰ she sees something in rafe that he doesn’t see in himself. he actually likes who he is around her. he’s still rough around the edges with others, but he’s his most authentic self with her. she’s on his mind all day and he misses her every minute they’re not together. he calls her his angel, because that’s truly what she is to him.
inspired by an ask from @putherup 💘
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l0vergirlwrites · 1 month
i’m your favourite ; eddie munson
synopsis: eddie’s insecurities always make him question whether or not he really deserves you, but he knows he can count on you to continuously prove him wrong.
warnings: mentions of insecurities in terms of looks & relationship dynamics, few swear words, fem!reader in mind, reader has a mom, dad & little sister, established relationship, lil heated moments
note: inspired by role model’s song “scumbag” (if you haven’t listened to his latest album “kansas anymore” go do it!!!)
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“i’m a train wreck, i’m a cigarette. i’m the side that no one’s rooting for. but you stand by me.”
“eds? did you hear me?”.
quickly blinking his eyes, eddie took in his surroundings & came back to reality. pressing a faint kiss to your hair, he nodded his head.
you both were having a movie night at his trailer with blankets & popcorn on his couch. you both weren’t super picky, so the random cable channel playing horror movies did the trick.
“sorry—zoned out. what were you saying, baby?” he tried to recover from his mere moment of weakness, his arm tightening around your shoulders to pull you closer to his chest.
“i was just wondering…” you teetered, “would you wanna come over tomorrow?” you nerves were taking over now that his attention was fully on you.
“it’s my little sister’s birthday & my parents are doing a barbecue to celebrate—it’s okay if you don’t wanna come, i get it,” you started to ramble, fiddling with the material of eddie’s shirt you wore.
“i just thought it’d be nice for you to meet my family, y’know? b-but you can totally say no—it’s not a big deal” you assured him, but you secretly hoped he’d say yes.
when eddie didn’t answer immediately, you lifted your head from his chest to get a better view of his face, seeing a look of uncertainty on his features. it made you worry if asking this was too much.
“you want me to your family? a-are you sure?”
nodding your head quick, your hand rose up to rest on his cheek, thumb smoothing over his skin. “i’m sure,” you smiled once you saw eddie’s face soften, his doe eyes twinkling under the living room lamps.
“you’re my favourite person, eddie. plus, my mom has been dying to meet you since our first date” your cheeks felt warm at that little omission, & you could see a pink hue bloom on eddie’s.
pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand, eddie pushed aside his insecurities for a moment. “okay,” he exhaled, “i’d love to come over”.
pushing yourself up on the couch cushions to thank him with a kiss, eddie’s hands tightened on your waist, sighing into your mouth the longer your lips were locked to his.
“by the way,” he pecked the corner of your mouth. “you’re my favourite too”.
tomorrow had come & eddie was freaking the hell out.
his room had become a larger mess than it usually was, turning into a something that looked like a hurricane with all the clothes thrown everywhere & on everything. all morning, he had tried finding the perfect outfit to wear that would be acceptable in the eyes of your parents, but nothing seemed to work.
so for the last ten minutes, he sat against the edge of his bed with his fingers tangled in his lion’s mane, eyes pinched & breath heavy in frustration.
at least, that was until his landline phone began to ring.
“hello?” he spoke into the mic, voice dropping with defeat.
“eds? what’s wrong?” your voice was concerned, only causing eddie’s breath to hitch.
“nothing baby, it’s all good”.
you scoffed. “sure don’t sound like it”.
rolling his eyes playfully, he fully laid out on his bed, back growing uncomfortable from all the clothes sprawled across it.
“are you gonna tell me what’s wrong or continue to mope about it?” you chided, only making him sigh.
“i have nothing good to wear”. the statement made him seem pathetic in his eyes.
tilting your head (you knew he could tell your movements), you couldn’t help but have a small smirk on your face while you twisted the phone cord between your fingers.
“now i don’t believe that, baby” now you heard him scoff.
“your parents are gonna think i’m a freak—everybody does. i-i can’t help it”. he spoke softer now, insecurities flowing out of him & overtaking his being because he didn’t want to be made a fool out of.
he wouldn’t be able to survive knowing your family doesn’t approve of him.
& your heart drops at the mere thought of it.
“eddie,” you spoke, trying to reel him back in from the negative parts of his mind. “no one is going to think you’re a freak—you’re so much more than that stupid label”.
he continued to stare up at the client as you spoke, his chest growing heavy with anxiety.
“they’re going to love you because you’re kind, have good humour, extremely helpful, caring, handsome,” you could hear him let out a huff at the last word.
“… & because i love you”.
you both haven’t said those three words yet since you started dating a few months ago. so, now was the first time.
“y-you what?”
fear overtook you now, your heartbeat loud in your ears. did i say it too early you thought to yourself.
“i-i love you, eddie. i hope that’s okay” oh shit.
eddie almost dropped the phone from his hand, still somehow in shock that someone like you loved someone like him. he’s been known as trailer trash, a freak, a thrown out cigarette, a scumbag, a stain on the so called beauty of hawkins—he’s been torn down for too long.
but by the grace of god (or some other being or universe or whatever), you saw past all the tarnished scuffs on him.
it’s something he still can’t fully understand.
“eddie, i-i’m sorry if i just fucked everything—“
“i love you too. sorry it took me so long to say it”
his words took you by surprise, & you couldn’t help but laugh happily into the receiver.
“you don’t have to be sorry, you just have to come over & kiss me to seal the deal” you bit your lip at your coyness, hoping it’d be enough for him to pull through.
“i’ll see you in thirty, sweetheart” eddie said before ending the call, leaving you with a fluttering feeling in your chest. your head bumped into your pillow in a lovestruck haze, cheeks hurting from how hard were smiling.
you were so in love with that man.
you waited at the front door while the party festivities took place in the backyard, hearing your mom yell that the food was almost ready from the back door. you tapped your sandal clad foot eagerly, anxious for when the doorbell would finally ring.
& it hit you like bricks when it chimed in your ears.
your hand (which was slightly clammy from nerves) held the doorknob, twisting it slowly until the door was open & your lovely boy was in view.
he dressed in casual attire consisting of a dark red t-shirt, dark blue jeans, & a new pair of sneakers he got with steve the other day. he still wore his rings & guitar pick necklace, dawning those pearly whites of his with a grin when he saw you.
his hands were full, holding onto things with a claw like grip. in one, he held three small bouquets of flowers from the supermarket & his van keys. the other held a purple gift bag stuffed with white glittery tissue paper, the specks of glitter shining brightly in the mid afternoon sunlight.
“hey, baby” he said with a pep in his step, eying you up & down. you could tell he was still nervous, but he was trying his best to keep cool.
without missing a beat, your hands flew up to his face & you kissed him hard, taking him by surprise on your front door step. but who could blame you for doing such a thing after you both confessed your love over the phone?
“you’re gonna,” *kiss* “make me” *kiss* “drop everything”, he huffed, laughing into your lips when you refused to pull away initially.
“sorry,” you heaved. “just love you so much is all” you grinned harder at eddie’s flushed face.
“lemme put everything down & give you a proper one, yeah?”
you agreed, helping him inside your home for the first time, giving him a quick tour of the main floor as you headed to the kitchen to put the flowers in some water.
“my mom is a gonna get all sappy knowing you got us all flowers—thank you by the way” you pecked his cheek with a pop as you placed the flowers into three different vases.
placing the gift bag on the counter, eddie just shrugged nonchalantly. “well, it’s just what a gentleman does” he said, smirking when you smiled at him.
“yeah,” you made your way over to him, hands playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, chest pressing into his as his cold ring clad hands held your waist, squeezing it every few seconds.
“you really are the best” you leaned closer to him, lips just about to brush his.
“hmm, is that right?” his breath fanned your face, smelling like spearmint gum.
you could only nod, unable to resist the space anymore until he made the final dip forward, capturing your lips in his for a proper kiss where he could hold you close. it was slow, saying all the things you both wanted to say, while being sweet & soft & rewarding all at the same time.
“i love you” he breathed into your mouth, his thumbs fiddling with the smocked material on the lower back of your dress, being careful not to let them drift too low in case someone in your family caught him—& god forbid it’d be your father.
“i love you too” you murmured, pulling apart to laugh & smile & take all of him in like this.
you took a mental screenshot of him, safely storing it away in your brain’s memory box for later.
“so,” you patted his chest. “ready to meet everyone?” you asked, wiping away some of your lipgloss from his bottom lip while he sweetly tucked some of your hair behind your ear, fingers brushing over your earrings with a smile (because you’re wearing the ones he bought you).
eddie thought you tasted just as sweet as you looked.
“yeah,” he interlocked your fingers with his own, squeezing three times “now i am”.
“i’m a scumbag, i’m a scumbag (but you stand by me)”.
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barbiesmuse · 6 months
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָsimon riley + fem!reader
summary: in which simon riley decides to message you after a year of no contact!
tags: angst, romance-ish, talk of abusive parents, simon's an asshole, slight age gap (27 - 30!), cursing, very slight body image issues, simon is a wreck, not proofread oopsie! talia talks: this is my first post!! this account is inspired by @audisive, much love to this blog! if this does well a part two will be out soon!
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One year. Today officially marks one year since Simon left without any warning. He didn't even leave a note. You were a wreck. No one was able to get in contact with you for a month. Simon was your first everything. You questioned yourself over and over. You often find yourself looking in the mirror. You studied your appearance in the mirror. Was it the way you looked? Was it your age?
It took almost two months for you to even begin working again. It wasn't as if Simon was your world, but he was a very important part of it. After you got yourself back on your feet life was beginning to get better. You moved to a new city, got a new job, found new friends, and left your old self behind. A change of pass, at least that's what you wanted. 
No matter how much you wanted to forget the day he left you couldn't. He was always there in the back of your mind. The sound of his voice replaying over and over again. You would catch yourself staring into space, thinking of what life would be like if he was here now. How would he touch you? Simon left a large wound, and you felt as if it wouldn't heal anytime soon. You wondered if would you be engaged or married. Simon left like you were nothing to him, but it was quite the opposite.
Leaving you was the hardest thing Simon had ever done. Simon wasn't one for crying, he despised it. Yet as he took one last look at your once-shared home he felt a singular tear slip down his cheek. The salty liquid traced the curve of his face and slipped into his mouth. The taste of his tears brought him back to himself. Crying? Pathetic.
Simon Riley grew up in a rough house. His father was either absent or drunk. His mother died when Simon was young. He grew up hardened by abuse and war, but when he saw you it all went away. You were the light of his life. He often got lost in the darkness, thoughts of trauma and PTSD clouding his thoughts. You, you were the one thing that stopped him from destroying himself. Now that he didn't have you, he told himself he had nothing to lose.
Simon had stopped going to work, he had stopped eating, and he had stopped speaking. It was as if he wasn't living anymore, like his heart stopped. Simon was staying with his godmother, she was the only constant thing in his life now. He stayed in his room, only coming out once a week to eat. His godmother, Delena worried about him. She had known Simon since he was a child. She watched him grow up, and this was not like him.
Today was the day that marked a year, and you and Simon were both a mess. You wanted nothing more than a warm embrace from Simon. You imagine the creaking in the floorboards was his large boots trudging up the stairs. You imagined he had just come back from deployment, you would smile as he walked into your once-shared room. The sound of your phone “ding!” brought you out of your daydream.
As Delena knocked softly on Simon's door she heard the sound of Simon's heavy breathing. Delena didn't wait for confirmation to walk in. She found Simon on his bathroom floor. A bottle of Disaronno lay by his side. His phone was cracked and his balaclava was nowhere to be found. His eyes were red, his lips were chapped, and his hands were shaking. He looked up at Delena with tired glossy eyes. He stayed away for a reason, he was going to ruin you. He wasn't healthy, no part of him was healthy. He was toxic, the only good part about him was you. But he didn't have you anymore.
Simon looked at Delena as she sat down next to him, her back sliding against the wall until she hit the ground. She chuckles softly and his lips curl into a tight grin. “I texted her,” Simon says, he picks up his cracked phone and shows it to his godmother. She gives him a sympathetic look and rubs his back. She knew that you were going to text back. She wished deep down you wouldn't. He had left you, who's to say he won't do it again? But she could never say that to her godson. 
“Well, that was very brave of you, Si.” The older woman says. Her hair was a gorgeous silver color. Her nails were painted a dark red. Simon liked the way she carried herself, with class and elegance. Simon, on the other hand, was a mess. She sighed as she realized there was a slight chance he might never get better. Delena wasn't sure if she was okay with that. She was getting too old.
Your breath hitched as you read the text. Simon had texted you? Why? You didn't want to respond, you hated him. He left you, he never called or texted. Not even a letter, so why should you respond to his text? Yet as you open the message, your heart drops.
Simon. I miss you, love.
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talia talks: this was fun to write!! part two will be on it's way soon! xoxo!
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sutorus · 1 year
Hello! Can you do jjk men reaction when y/n said their safe word during sex? Only if you're not busy! Thank you! 😘
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FEATURED: gojo, geto, toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI. fem reader, afab terms, use of safe word, descriptions of anxiety. please mind individual tws for each scene. proceed with caution and don’t read if it’ll make you feel bad! take care bbs
A/N: my first request i hate it but i hope you love it anon!!! 😊 also sorry i couldn’t do nanami or choso if i’m inspired another time i’ll add em to this LMAO
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warnings: reader is blindfolded and bound (wrists), use of safe word, unprotected sex, crying, descriptions of anxiety
you’ve done it a ton but it still makes you nervous. 
one sense is kind of a lot to lose when you only have five of them, as a non sorcerer. but the relinquishing of control, entrusting your safety and pleasure and entire body to someone else… it turns you on beyond belief. 
so here you are, tonight, blindfold tight over your eyes and hands bound behind your back as satoru fucks you, pace languid, fingers running all over your body. 
any other day, it would be just what you needed to relax. any other day you’d be squirming in pleasure, hips bucking wildly against him as your nails claw at your own palms. 
but today, for whatever reason, it’s uncomfortable. maybe you’ve had too much caffeine, maybe it’s the stress of his most recent mission, the first one to ever have you worrying your lip all night long thinking, maybe he’s not coming back this time. 
his wandering hands feel foreign, the pleasured moans coming from his mouth sounding distant and wrong. your arms tingle from the position you’re in, your sweaty skin itches and you can’t reach to scratch at it. 
you furrow your brows. 
“satoru…” you whine softly, still unsure of what to ask for. 
“mmm?,” he grips your waist, his strokes deep and precise. “my pretty baby looks so good like this. so mine.”
you whine, wriggling in search for comfort. satoru must mistake that for pleasure because he fucks you just a little bit harder, puffing out hot breaths into the crook of your neck. 
“kiss me,” you ask, hoping it’ll make it better, but it does nothing to calm you down. with no stimuli but touch, your brain starts to go into overdrive, and you feel tears begin to trickle down your face.
satoru notices, but not in the right way. 
“is it that good?” he teases, like he always does, but today it sends a chill down your spine. “i could do anything i wanted to you right now and you wouldn’t even know. wouldn’t be able to stop me.”
that does it for you, a wrecked sob leaving your lips along with your safe word. 
satoru stills immediately. you can feel him softening inside you and for some reason that only makes you cry harder. 
gently, he reaches behind your head to unhook the blindfold, his worried gaze searching your face for answers. 
he lifts your back and unties your wrists, rubbing them to soothe the friction from the ropes. 
“baby…” his tone is careful and guilty. “sweetheart, is everything okay? did i do something, what did i do?”
you sniff. the first words that come out of your mouth are, “i’m sorry.”
you’ve never had him so doting, so tense, all that confidence vanishing and it makes you chuckle, this big lanky man handling every limb of yours like they’re made out of snowflakes. 
“satoru, i’m okay. i just…” you inhale deeply. “i just got overwhelmed, is all.”
he lays down beside you, visibly unsure about touching you. you grip his hand firmly in yours, offering him a wavering smile. 
“i’m okay, i promise. you’re good,” you lean over to peck his lips.
satoru looks regretful, but he relaxes at the gesture, caressing the side of your face softly. 
“i love you so much. i’m sorry if i, like, went too far or something—“
“you did nothing wrong,” you assure him. “i think i’m just having a bad day. just wanted to see your face to feel better.”
at that, he smirks. he kisses you slowly, adoringly, unspoken apologies every time your lips touch. 
“i am sorry, by the way,” you say. satoru looks back at you with a confused expression on his face. you continue sheepishly, “for having to use the word.”
“huh?” he exclaims, his incredulity so earnest that it rips a hearty laugh from you. “nah, hell no. thank you for saying it, actually.”
“yeah? you’re not upset?”
“of course not. i completely understand,” he traces a line down your body. “not being able to see my handsome face would make anyone cry.”
you slap his hand away playfully and he pulls you into his chest, cuddling you.
you stay like that until you fall asleep, reassured that the most powerful sorcerer in the world is indeed fit to take care of you; heart, body and soul. 
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warnings: overstim, degradation/humiliation and dirty talk, use of safe word, reader’s discomfort is brief but descriptive
you don’t know how long it’s been. 
maybe ten minutes. maybe twenty. maybe ninety. 
you don’t know how many times you came. 
your entire body is covered in sweat, the top of your thighs and the bottom of your ass soaked in your own arousal. 
suguru holds the wand to your clit almost disinterestedly, eyes glazed over and locked on your cunt. 
he fucking loves it, making you cum over and over again, thrash against his body, make a mess on his sheets. and you love it just the same. 
the undivided attention, the devotion, the seconds right after when the stimulation doesn’t stop and it hurts so bad before it gets mind-numbingly good again. 
“hahh,” you breathe out, voice cracking. “i—i’m gonna—“
“oh, you’re gonna?” suguru mocks you. “shocking.”
you moan at his words, his tone. by now, your body barely has any energy left to react. all you can feel is the release of an unbelievable pressure in your core as wetness gushes out of you uncontrollably when you cum. 
your puffy clit is throbbing, thoroughly abused, your spread legs quivering in pleasure. you sigh in anticipatory relief at the incoming break suguru is bound to give you after your orgasm. 
except this time, the break doesn’t come. 
“ahh!” you scream — honest to god yell — as the buzzing continues, suguru pressing the wand down hard on your pussy. 
he chuckles, playing with the toy, lifting it up just slightly before bringing it back down on you, over and over again. 
“can’t—i can’t, suguru, i can’t cum right now—“
“of course you can, baby,” he says in a sickeningly sweet voice, getting off on your desperation. 
usually you’re just as much into it as he is, but this time it’s for real. it’s painful and not in the nice way, you’ve hit your limit but you can hardly talk, can’t do much more than try to wiggle away from your boyfriend’s ministrations. 
“how can you say that when you have such a slutty pussy?” he runs his fingers through your slick folds, and every clench of your cunt makes it hurt even more. “so greedy…”
you’re clawing at his hands, but he’s so much stronger than you, his forearms and thighs holding you down, leaving you entirely to his mercy — of which he has none. 
“please please fuck please no more—“
it’s something he’s heard you say a thousand times, in a thousand different scenarios, and never truly mean it, which is why you even have a safe word in the first place. 
oh right. the safe word. 
you pull it out from the depths of your fucked out, mushed up brain and blurt it, digging your heels into the mattress. 
it all happens so fast, after that.
suguru all but tosses the wand to the side, switching to lightly stroking your pussy. it makes you jolt; even a gush of air right now could probably make you cry in overstimulation. 
“oh fuck, shit,” he removes his hand and you whine. “what do you need baby, what can i do?”
“s-suguru…” you’re still trying to catch your breath, your legs spasming erratically. 
“i’m here, i’m here,” suguru starts to move towards you but stops halfway. “do you want me to be here?”
you let out a croaky laugh, opening your arms because you’re too far gone to use words. 
hesitantly, he lays his head on your chest. when he feels how fast your heart is beating, his own sinks to his stomach. 
“i’m so sorry honey. i thought you were into it.”
you swallow, taking a few beats to regain your composure. 
“i was, it was just… a lot, all of a sudden.” 
suguru turns his head to look up at you. 
“i get it,” he wipes away a stray tear you hadn’t even noticed you’d shed. “i’m sorry. i love you, i'm so sorry—”
“it’s okay,” you offer him a weak smile. “it’s what the word is for, right?”
“right…” he sounds unsure. that makes you frown. 
you two lay there for a while, until your breathing has evened out, until your thighs have stopped shaking. 
you can practically hear the hear the cogs in his brain turning, certain that his brain chastising himself.
“hey, suguru?” your voice rips him right out of his thoughts.
“can you promise me something?”
he sits up in attention, instinctively reaching for your hand. “of course.”
“promise me you’re never gonna stop fucking me like that," he gulps, audibly, visibly relaxing. "and i promise to always let you know if i need to stop.”
it takes a beat, but suguru finally loosens up, pressing his smile into your lips over and over again and mumbling all sorts of promises of his own against them.
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warnings: knifeplay, cnc (sort of), roleplaying, pretty graphic descriptions of anxiety and panic, oral (m! receiving)
“what’s a pretty lil’ thing like you doin’ here this late at night?”
you roll your eyes to yourself before putting on your best innocent look to turn around and face the man. 
he’s smirking down at you, the streetlight lamps casting dark shadows on his features. 
if you were being honest with yourself, you’d never really been interested in roleplaying in your previous relationships. it was always so awkward and you never truly felt any incentive to stick to the script no matter how much the scenario excited you. 
until you met toji, that is. 
he was always so into it, played his parts convincingly well, which should probably worry you considering he would always opt to play the sleazy delivery guy, the pervy doctor, the horny stranger in a bar. 
as for you, acting the part of the ditzy student or the clumsy maid or whatever the fuck toji wanted you to be that particular day… yeah, that was embarrassingly hot too. 
tonight, he’s playing creepy guy in a dark alleyway. he’d texted you in advance, a very romantic meet me in that alley between the tracks and the highway. dress slutty. 
“i was just looking for the station and got lost…” you mumble, looking up at him through your eyelashes. he pouts in a fake display of pity, twirling something inside his jacket pocket. 
“oh, what a coincidence! i was just on my way there. care to accompany me?”
you smile sweetly, linking arms with him. 
soon enough, you find yourself being shoved past toji’s apartment door, his pocketknife prodding at the small of your back. 
you have to contain your giggles to stay in character, letting him toss you onto his bed. you also have to fight your anger when he slashes through your top, a sleazy smile on his face as he breaks character to say he’ll get you a new one. 
he’s so goddamn hard that it should concern you, holding your jaw open while he feeds you his cock. 
“god—shit, that’s right, such a slutty little mouth,” you moan around his length, hands resting primly on top of your thighs. “you were just begging for it, weren’t you, slut?”
you bob your head up and down, putting on a fake grimace while squeezing your legs together at the same time. 
you hear something click in the distance, the sound barely registering in your brain as you get lost in the scent of him. he’s beginning to push into your throat now, laughing like a maniac when you choke on it. 
“c’mon now, open up that throat for me, girl,” you inhale in preparation. but your breath gets caught in your throat when you feel something cold and sharp poke you. “or maybe i’ll just to do it for ya with this.”
toji’s pressing his switchblade to your neck, grazing it delicately up and down. 
he’s not going to hurt you. you know that.
the blade is probably too dull to pierce skin even if he tried, but he would never, you know this, you know he won’t. 
and yet despite that, your heart is jackhammering in your ribcage, uncontrolled and wild as your eyes widen around tears. 
toji takes your inaction as a sign to just start fucking your mouth a little more, but your attention is zeroed in on that pocketknife. 
suddenly colors are sharper, like it’s bright as day inside his dimly lit bedroom. a headache begins to bloom and you start choking in earnest now, not because toji’s going too hard but because you can’t coordinate your breaths. 
he starts tracing your throat with the blade. “feel me right here sweetheart? fuck.”
you’re clearly struggling but it’s hard to distinguish your real reactions to the character you’re supposed to be playing. that only serves to make you panic even further, hands coming up to push on toji’s thighs. 
“hands to yourself, whore,” he grunts, pressing the knife a little too hard, a little too close for comfort, and you hit your breaking point.
you start garbling wildly around his dick, repeating your safe word over and over again until a very confused toji finally makes out what you’re saying. 
he rips himself out of your mouth, instantly dropping to his knees and grabbing your chin in his hand. 
“oh fuck, did i cut ya sweetheart?” he moves your face from side to side, examining you. 
you swallow around the lump in your throat, willing your heart to calm down. 
“uh, n-no. just got a bit too real there, for a moment.”
he sighs, partially relieved, reassessing the situation. you’re gulping in air, blowing it out of your mouth in calculated puffs. 
toji waits until you're visibly calmer before he gets up. 
“wait here,” he orders. 
you sit down on the floor, hands wrapped around your knees and mentally repeating to yourself that you’re okay, it wasn’t real, you’re not in danger. 
toji returns with a glass of water, sitting down in front of you and waiting until you’ve drank most of it. 
“you okay?” he asks. 
you take a beat before you can honestly say you are. you nod. 
“that knife on your throat was a bit too far, huh, babe?”
“yeah,” you garble out, tracing circles on his knees. “could’ve warned me of that particular detail. asshole.”
he laughs but his body language isn't nearly as carefree. 
there’s a long drag of silence before he speaks again. 
“i’m sorry, honey. really.”
and toji, as amazing as he can be, is usually way too prideful to admit guilt. so the fact that he apologizes is what finally gets you to fully relax, knowing he does realize the situation you were in and feels bad about it. 
“honestly we can stop with all the roleplaying bullshit, it’s getting kinda old anyways. you know i don't need you playing a slut to get you acting like one on my co—“
“toji,” you hiss, and he puts his hands up in mock surrender. “it’s fine. i think i have a better idea, anyway.”
that seems to spark his interest. he rises his eyebrows, prompting you to go on. 
“because there’s a few roleplays we haven’t tried yet. and if you genuinely feel so bad—“ he says your name sternly but just you ignore him, “then i know the perfect thing you can do to make it up to me.”
“babe…” he bemoans like a chastised child, with a hint of resignation at what awaits him. 
when he sees that you’re beaming he just takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair defeatedly. 
“when?” is all he asks. 
impossibly, your smile grows even wider. 
“i already ordered the costume! and the cat ears should be here next week,” you kiss his forehead, propping yourself on his shoulders to stand up. 
you hear him groan in the distance as you skip to the bathroom, turning on the faucet. 
he stalks after you almost immediately, wrapping his arms around your waist and honest to god pouting at you in the mirror. 
“are ya really going to do this to me now?”
you grin. 
“don’t you mean meow, kitty?”
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a/n: yayyy my first somewhat wholesome post i am so bad at this but i hope it was readable! bye now!
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jo-com · 4 months
i need either like a separate thing or a part two to clingy where they get reunited again and everyone’s all just very cuddly !!! i LOVE clingy so so so much
₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚. ➛ Home
Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader x Alexandra Saint Mieux
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Summary: Part 2 of Clingy
Genre: Poly and fluff
Note: again just grammatical error and i just want to thank you for sending these requests cause i get more inspired to write because of these!!
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Time sure does slow down where you’re waiting for something to come back or in Alex and Charles’ case it’s definitely someone.
After learning of your return, they were nothing but bubbling with excitement. It’s been a month since they last saw you and it was gruesome—the days and nights spent with only the two of them only worsened the feeling of emptiness; even after doing everything they can to avoid thinking about you was no avail, nothing can truly replace your warm presence.
So when you told them the date of your flight back, Alex hurriedly added it to her calendar that was marked ‘Reunited at last’ with a big circle surrounding it.
It was quite silly but, if it means so much to her— it does to you too.
It was finally the day where you get to be by their sides. You were sadden to leave your home town but was delighted to meet your two lovers again— and nothing can beat the feeling of coming back to them.
They sat at the private section of the airport, waiting anxiously for your arrival. Alex was a nervous wreck—pacing back in forth to ease a little bit of her worries.
While on the other hand, Charles seated collectively; his eyes carefully following, Alex’s anxious pattering.
Their reaction to the situation was the complete opposite, but one thing that remains the same was the ache they both felt— longing for your presence to be back once again.
Charles sighed, ”Calm down mon amour, she’ll be here any minute now.”
She shook her head, not wanting to listen to Charles’ comforting yet not helping words.
With a heavy sigh, she threw her hands on the air and like a kid on a tantrum she sat by Charles’ side with a grunt. “I just worry that she haven’t eaten yet, you know how she hates airplane food.”
“I do know that, i am her love too. chérie, calme-toi, d'accord? (Sweetheart, calm down okay?)”
“Je sais, je sais, je vais me calmer (i know, i know, I’ll calm down)”
Charles tutted, “Come here, mon cœur”, his tone laced with concern for his lover— gesturing for her to come lean on his body for support. He knows what Alex is going through and it pains him to see her like that; he always was the stronger one between the two of them.
Alex closed her eyes and succumbed to his embrace— coming in closer to feel at ease and finding comfort.
The noises that was once deafening were now fading in the background, as the two of them find solace with one another. Not even hearing the announcement that boomed over the speakers.
“Wow, i am hurt that i am not included” a familiar voice spoke making their head look up faster than the seconds itself.
Y/n stood above them, towering their frames. Her smile radiated just like the sun does; it was infectious.
“I’ve missed you, my babies” she spoke, breaking the silence that lingered between the three of them. Their eyes still wide from her return— mouths agape from shock; they tried to say something but nothing came out.
So they did what any lovers do, they stood up and tackled y/n with a big tight hug. The grip they have on her showed how they truly missed her.
Y/n sighed contentedly; boy did she miss this,“calmez-vous mes amours, je ne vais plus repartir (come down my loves, i am not going to leave again)” she assured, patting their back and kissing their faces for assurance.
“Promise?” Alex asked, her tone dripped with worry as she hung her head down.
A soft smile tugged on y/n’s lips at alex’s gesture but nonetheless reciprocated her words.
The three of them then went home and enjoyed their moment together— the night ended with laughter and smiles as they reunited with one another. I am happy to say that y/n never left that long again.
Sorry if this is super short and took me a long time to make, thanks for requesting!! Really means a lot to me💋💞
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seancekitsch · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel—Lucifer x Reader where he’s a love struck fool for reader? May or may not be inspired by that little imagine you posted not too long ago \(//∇//)\
uhhh this kinda got away from me. enjoy!!
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You’d have to be a fool not to notice how the King of Hell acts around you, even Angel and Husk told you that. But you’re not blinded to situation, you know exactly what’s going on. You rest your elbow on the bar next to Angel as Charlie gathers the hotel residents and staff, a job not unlike herding cats. Everyone trickles in slowly, waiting for the next odd trust bond activity Charlie has come up with now. Last week was heartfelt letter writing, and the three of you at the bar had not taken it seriously. You handed Husk a comedic inner monologue about how much you needed to pee, Husk handed Angel a surprisingly detailed made up story about a talking whisky bottle, and Angel handed you a list of what roles he’d cast the entire hotel in a porno.
“What do you think they’ll have us do this time?” Husk mumbles to you, topping off your drink.
“Honestly, not a fan of the way Princess is smiling right now,” you answer.
Charlie waves everyone over, and Vaggie smiles uncomfortably, ready for everyone to start.
“Okay Good Afternoon,” Charlie starts, practically bouncing, “Today we’re going to try to form new bonds!”
Immediately, she’s met with groaning and mumbling, but thats never stopped her and it won’t today either.
“So what better way to do that then having a buddy for the next twenty four hours!” She shouts, and Vaggie’s face immediately makes sense.
“I’ve separated everyone from their regular group so they can build these bonds and be open!”
“…got something you could open…” you hear Angel mumble under his breath.
Charlie gives her dad a thumbs up.
“The first pairing is… my dad and Y/n!”
The Morningstar family sucks at being subtle or lying.
“So what did you have planned for the day?” Lucifer asks while sitting beside you, his voice short and clipped, his entire demeanor like he’s on high alert. It’s cute, really.
“Ah don’t worry about it,” you shrug, “What does the areat King of Hell do with his day?”
Lucifer rubs his neck, fidgeting under your question.
“It’s not… Its not actually all that interesting,” he admits, “You’ve probably got something cooler going on.”
There’s something he’s avoiding besides your gaze, but you don’t press the issue.
You look across the lobby to Angel, who pauses his conversation with Vaggie to mouth something that looked like the word “fart” to you, and then wink.
Your art gallery. Right.
“Have you ever been to Pentagram City’s biggest art gallery?” you ask him.
Lucifer is a gentleman. You understand how he stole the first man’s first two wives from him. Sure, he’s stumbling and stuttering and a nervous wreck, but he’s holding doors open for you and asking about your thoughts and feelings about the pieces on display, he’s accidentally on purpose almost held your hand three times now. Next time he does it, you’re just going to grab his damn hand.
You stare at the sculpture in front of you, noting that you should have someone move this to a different room. In fact, there’s a few things you’ve noticed while showing Lucifer the art that you should have moved around. Maybe you��ve been neglecting the gallery a bit more than you thought now that you live at the hotel.
“Hey, Can I ask you about these?” Lucifer’s voice booms from the next room over. Sighing, you type a quick note into your V-Phone and turn.
Oh shit.
Lucifer found THAT room.
You cross the threshold into the room you never go into, the room with your own work. Honestly, it’s not even curated the way the other rooms and floors are. This is where you put anything that you think can leave your studio. He’s in front of one of your biggest paintings, and one of your newest. It’s an abstract piece about your feelings about redemption, about your past sins, about adjusting to the hotel. Which it sounds stupid when you put it like that, but it made sense in the moment and you’re proud of it.
He turns and smiles before looking back at the painting.
“Is the uh, is the artist willing to sell this piece?” he asks, his cheeks and the tips of his ears turning red.
Now it’s your turn to get nervous. You’ve never actually sold any of your own pieces before.
“I uh- I’m not gonna sell it to you,” you tell him, “You can have it.”
It would be weird to take money from Lucifer, even if he is offering. You like him a decent amount and a transaction between the two of you would make it weird. It would feel like you owe him, even though your art would technically satisfy that. If he was one of the Vees or someone you dislike, you would have immediately taken money.
“But the artist-“
“Me,” you clarify, and you finally remember you don’t tag your own art. Lucifer’s jaw drops at your admission.
“I’d really like to support your work, it’s magnificent,” Lucifer insists, and you feel your cheeks burning. He turns to gesture to another piece, and his knuckles brush your own.
Fuck it. You told yourself you’d do it. You grab Lucifer’s hand in your own, a bold move.
“Just think about it as a gift,” you tell him, “A thank you for the lovely day we’ve had.”
You inwardly cringe, knowing that when you recount today at the lobby bar your drinking buddies are going to tear you a new one for that corny line. But it fits for Lucifer; he’s bringing out a side of you that you really haven’t seen in a while.
“Thank you uh, gorgeous,” he tacks on the pet name like even he isn’t sure about it, and with his hand still in yours, attempts to lean against a sculpture, stumbling as he misses it and bringing you along with him. He tugs you by the arm, jerking you closer to him. He’s majorly out of practice.
“I have a studio upstairs if you want to see more?” you offer, not really sure if you thought that through.
“More art? Absolutely!” He recovers quickly, enthusiasm dripping from his voice.
You smile as you pull him towards the hallway, butterflies in your stomach as it dawns on you that he’s going to be the only person besides you to see the studio.
You and Lucifer end up staying there until Charlie calls him the next morning.
You notice paint on his chin after you get back to the hotel.
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bvidzsoo · 6 months
Stern, but sweet
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✎ Teacher!San ✎
TW: nothing, just San being soft and hansome
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: Helleur, lovelies! As you can see, those pictures are from San's latest YouTube live, which means I was inspired by it (dies). Also, it's the first time San bias wrecked me and I sincerely hope it stays that way, I've already got 3 official wreckers (dies again). Idk what this is, but he gave me cute aggression and at the same time the need to crawl up a wall...how is that possible? Anyways, enjoy, feedback is always welcomed!
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so, you had been working at this school for a year now and you absolutely loved your job
the kids are lovely and you happened to grow attached to them quite fast, wanting to ensure they got the adequate education
but when it comes to your colleagues, well, they are quite boring
most of them are well past the age of 40 and they prefer going straight home after work, most of times refusing your invitations for a dinner between co-workers
and it also doesn't help much that you're a lot younger than most, making you feel left out when you hear them conversing about topics that you're either not interested in or just simply don't understand, like: raising children and maintaining a family at home
but when one of the homeroom teacher moves away and the school is in a frenzy to find someone fit for the job, a man around your age seems to confidently accept the challenge
Choi San, is his name
and my lord, when I tell you he's absolutely ravishing with his sharp eyes and soft looking skin
he looks like someone who would discipline you at the slightest misbehavior, and you don't know how to feel about it at first
but then he smiles and those cute dimples in his cheeks make you absolutely swoon over him, his aura so warm and lovely
you've come to know that Choi San is a man with a colorful personality
in his own class, he's very authoritative and stern, he doesn't allow his students to slack, and he doesn't accept any excuses as to why they haven't done their math homework
but San is an amazing teacher, and despite his subject being math, which many students tend to hate, those who he teaches just simply can't wait for his class to come
despite being stern and quite serious, he always cracks harmless jokes while explaining the hardest equations and theories, lightening the mood, and also helping the students focus
they love San in and outside of the classroom
whenever they have a problem, they know they can go to him as he will listen, giving them smart advice instead of rolling his eyes at them and telling them to get lost (like their last homeroom teacher had done so many times)
when there's a conflict, he first listens to both sides and then comes up with a solution (or punishment) that is fair and doesn't favor a student (like their previous homeroom teacher had done quite often)
but San, with his positive and warm energy, seems to also light up your office, the grumpy older teachers laughing a bit more often, a lot more open-minded with San here now
and well, you're a simple woman and you can't really help yourself when you start swooning over him (of course, when he's not watching you or paying attention to you) about just how perfect, and dreamy, he actually is
San was the one to approach you, and you quite liked that as he talked to you freely as if you had known each other for ages
you feel your most authentic self around him, never having to worry that he'll judge you or make fun of you behind your back (like you have caught a few of your fellow co-workers doing so before)
and seriously, San is just so good with children, that you can't help yourself as you develop a crush on him rapidly
and you hope he doesn't notice the way you gaze at him longingly when he's explaining something thoroughly to his students, or pats them on the head as encouragement, or even brings them candy so he can give it as a reward when they excel on their tests
and you certainly hope he doesn't see the way you stare at him for minutes at a time when you're both in your office, your cubicles next to each other, him busy typing on his computer and you busy...well staring at San
and you definitely do not absolutely die when one Friday he asks if you're doing anything later that night, eager to go to the new Amusement Park, saying he was thinking of inviting a few other colleagues as well since he's on good terms with them
you hate Amusement Parks, but if San loves them, well...you might grow to dislike them a little less
and so you definitely do not dress up all cute and spend two hours on your makeup and hair just because San invited you (and your colleagues, but you tend to ignore that part) out
what the two of you absolutely do not expect is for your colleagues to bail on you last minute, all of them saying the same excuse, "something came up, but we should go next time"
and perhaps you die a little on the inside, because you suddenly realize just how of an awkward person the both of you are, blushing and quickly avoiding eye contact when you catch the other one already looking
you don't want to tell San that you're afraid of heights and anything that goes with high speed when he points excitedly at the large roller-coaster, telling you how he's been waiting all day to go on it
you say nothing, you suck it up, because you're an adult and this is your work crush, and perhaps because the way San has been paying attention to you all evening, keeping people away from your body in the crowd as you moved around, or how without touching you, would hold his arm out behind your back when someone walked too close, made you feel rather comfortable in his presence
so, you brace yourself for the ride and certainly don't tremble as San helps you inside the cabin, sitting down next to you
once you're tied up and secured inside of it, is when you start praying to all Gods to give you strength so that you don't lose your mind during the ride
what you don't expect is San noticing how nervous and pale you are, grabbing your hand and interlacing your fingers with his as the ride takes off, making you clutch onto his hand for dear life
and the ride is so much fun that you're surprised how much you're enjoying it, but perhaps it's also because San keeps making you laugh and keeps talking to you, holding onto you
what you don't expect, once again, is him not letting go of your hand once you get off the ride, and instead he pulls you towards a photobooth, saying he wants to commemorate tonight's 'date'
oh, and you certainly don't faint when San decides to press a kiss against your cheek as the camera goes off for the last photo
seems like your work crush was crushing back on you, huh?
(seems like all of your coworkers knew about it and cancelled last minute on purpose as they've been secretly shipping the two of you and making bets about when you'd finally start dating)
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↳ Perm. taglist: @jjoongstar @tinyelfperson @thestarskiller
❀ complete the forms if you're interested! ^^
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getodrools · 6 months
໒꒰ྀ ྀིᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ PERVY! CHEF DE CUISINE! SUKUNA…
ᯓ★ warnings. mdni | f! reader | pwp, cunnilingus, fingering, size difference, overstimulation, forced orgasm ( ‘cause he's annoyed ), slight knife play, squirting, have you've ever been swalloweeed up?? ᡣ 𐭩 ( wc. 1.0k + )
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TO BE REMINDED, HE’S uptight and doesn't have an ounce of empathy to care for others' plates besides his — and he will always, without fail, let you know how awful yours tastes because you forgot an ounce of ingredients… Reminding you constantly how pitiful you are at serving an actual dish and how much of an embarrassment you make him out to be as your culinary instructor...
Yet… Sukuna, the head chef of exquisite taste, seemed to have been feasting with this particular plate... It was the first time you've ever seen him actually try what you've served— No! Even take a damn double look! With this, his eyes held an eccentric sunken gaze and were threaded with scarlet so densely that they appeared pink as he ogled at the perfect view of a plate he'd happily comply with.
“Tastes… marvelous,” He’s never cared to take a whiff from anything you've served, let alone delve his whole face in! With this, his sticky tongue was lapping at every corner, searching for more to savor. “So… so appetizing.” This was his favorite.
His first and only favorite you've served.
Your pretty ass was perked up on a silver platter; legs spread wide with a small knobble as the eagle view of your cunt made you timid. But the liking he applied and scavenged for forced them wider… Well, the sinister thought whispering at the shell of your ear helped too, letting this chance of the chef to finally take pleasure in a meal you could serve swelled at a sort of sick pride…
Now it feels like you're a real damn chef!
To seek for the savors he drooled for, Sukuna spread you open with two strong arms as the third scissors between that sappy slit oozing for temptation; thick digits thump in and out with haste, drawing circles up and between folds to apply sweet pressure.
Dancing along the puffiness with dexterous ease, you swear the whole kitchen could hear the sloppy slosh your pussy gushes with at each curving juncture of another finger popping in… But, the focus on the fourth, lithe hand working along your body, he held a tight grip around a blade…
The very blade he'd draw clean lines to bring beauty in food — as if each plate were a love-inspired work of artistry, now using that tool as if you were one yourself, a very dish he was cutting open… Sliding the cold steel between the valley of your breast, it tickles with the chills bumping across ridden flesh. It nipped and pinched, either the chilly steel was too frigid or the blade was turning and swiping down too fast.
Settling at the pit of your tummy, you went to stroke that threatening hand covered in burns and callouses in search of a safe haven, but quick in motions, it stabs right beside you – swift with ease; the loud crunching of the cutting board splitting makes you flinch.
“Food doesn't move.” Oh. Right.
No matter how much he smothered his lips against sensitive ones, he was still that crude, egotistical chef with a snappy attitude… “Food stays put and looks pretty on a plate waiting,” Sukuna’s hold wrapped around the plush of your thighs tightend. Squeezing so hard, swelling of flesh bent inward and snapped through his grip like ropes around ham.
“… Waiting to be savaged.”
A loftier squeak dribbled out of you, not from the vice strangling your lower half still—simply too dazed on the slime running a thick trail down and between your knobbly legs to worry about those blossoming bruises... Only wrecked thoughts mush around the wry tongue and thick digits spearing through you into close stupors.
Your boss mushes down hard; kissing at the length of you in lewd pleasure, spitting and slurping you up ‘till soft, pert petals glisten. Slickening more – totally more from those quick laps, few rolls, and rapid flicks, all motions swirling from his wet muscles left your mouth hanging in pure ecstasy.
Sucking in wanton moans, your lips swell, but lose frivolity to the ones between limp limbs… The suction bullying an overstimulation out of your clit was throbbing a new pulse to pop up. Even the barreling of his middle fingers adds too; pushing through you and only hooking up once all knuckles bend into your pelvis. Clingy walls curve in as he pushes in every inch— as much more as you could take!
Purposely scraping the pads of his two and three at perk and sensitive bits ‘till you were reamed out. Until those pantings of shakey breaths turned into an onslaught of cries while he was forcing a geyser to shine down the point of his chin. Sukuna pulls back – even with the filthy help from tight walls squeezing him out as you convulsed. The twisting pressure of your high splatters out and down his kitchen's floors… He hums.
Fucked out body twitching, the chef swipes clear sap off the corner of his lip, “Two in one. A meal and a beverage. Sweet, but messy.” Strong arms finally release you, letting you fall breathless… Now handling his own hips as the others waved around once he looked down at his apron, “Annoyingly messy.” He pats at your bottom, catching how you even shined his hanging silverware.
You hiccup, “Thank you, chef. Sorry, chef.” That was at least something for once…
Hearing a brute scoff growl above you, he couldn't leave and just let you feel that good… Sheathing the blade out right beside you, “And clean this up! No good chef leaves a mess.” Sukuna’s deep rumble always left you to quaver anyways, “Yes… chef...”
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javierpena-inatacvest · 7 months
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Summary: You and Javi just brought your daughter Lucy home from the hospital. While the two of you couldn't be more in love and excited at the addition of your newest family member, it doesn't mean that you both aren't feeling some of the nerves of being first time parents.
Word Count: 2.4K (She's reasonable, your honor)
Pairing: Dad!Javier Peña x Wife!Reader (no use of y/n, reader's nickname is Osita)
Warnings: This is honestly just pure, sweet, sickening, fluff, mentions of body insecurity postpartum, worry/anxiety about being a first time parent, Javi snuggling a newborn baby skin on skin (it needs a warning fr), Javi being the cutest dad ever to exist, Javi is in full on dad mode, ladies and gents (gn) 🫡
A/N: This was inspired after reading @kteague adorable post about Frankie carrying his daughter in a baby sling, and I couldn't help but picture sweet Javi as a first time dad cuddling with his baby girl 😭🥺 and to @endlessthxxghts for being a bad influence 💀Y ou know for a fact that Lucy's got Javi wrapped around her finger from the moment she's born, and picturing the adorable bond these two have makes me want to melt into a puddle 🫠 also I have a raging case of baby fever, but let's pretend that wasn't entirely the motive to write this or that I'm not projecting at all WHOOPS
Part of the Forever and Always Series!!
From the moment you had found out you were pregnant, you had no doubt that Javi was going to be nothing short of the best dad you could have ever hoped for. Before your daughter was even born, Javi had completely flipped the switch into full Dad Mode, spending the past 9 months coming with you to every single doctor’s appointment, baby proofing every square inch of your home, and checking out (and re-checking out) every parenting book he could get his hands on at the library. 
So it was safe to say, that once you brought Lucy home from the hospital to start your life together as a family of 3, if Javi hadn’t already been full force into Dad Mode, he sure as hell was now, and was going to do anything and everything he could to make sure that the two most important girls in his life were showered with every ounce of love and affection he had. 
It was also safe to say that even though he wouldn’t admit it, Javi was also an absolute nervous wreck at the reality that he was now actually a dad to a tiny newborn daughter that had been brought into the world. 
“You think that her diaper is snug enough? Should I get a bottle ready just in case she gets hungry? Different pajamas to sleep in before we put her down?” Javi asked, carefully cradling Lucy against his chest as you passed her off to him, planting a soft kiss on her head, gently bouncing her up and down. 
“Javi,” You laughed leaning in to give your sleepy daughter a kiss on the messy tufts of hair ruffled on her head before looking back up at your husband, “I’m going to take a shower, not leaving for war. I’ll be quick, so that way if she needs me then I’ll-” 
“Hermosa,” he paused, raising an eyebrow at you as he smiled, “take as long as you need, okay? I’m just asking to make sure so I don’t have to bother you. Take an hour, hell, take 3 hours for all I care, you deserve it, Momma. I can’t imagine how exhausted you are. Me and Lucy Goosey will be just fine, won’t we, mi amor (my love)?” 
The two of you smiled as Lucy quietly cooed, your grin spreading even wider watching Javi’s face light up with joy as he looked down at his daughter, your heart practically bursting at the seams with how in love he was with her. But even through the pure bliss in Javi’s eyes, you couldn’t help but sense a nervous twinge in his voice, knowing that in the short day and a half that you’d been home from the hospital, even though you were only a room away, this was the first time that Javi was in charge of Lucy all by himself. And because you knew your husband better than you knew yourself, you knew that despite the fact Javi was probably better prepared for parenting than you were, he was secretly terrified he was going to do something that would hurt his precious baby girl, and the thought of that? That scared the shit out of him. 
“Javi?” You said again, gently rubbing your hand against his arm, forcing his gaze to shift on to you and your tired smile. “Honey, you know you’re an amazing dad right? But, I can guarantee that even though we would do anything and everything for this stinker, we’re gonna mess up at some point. You love her so much, and that’s all that matters, okay? I love you, Jav.” 
You could feel some of the tension begin to ease from Javi’s body, looking back down at Lucy before back to you, taking in a deep breath, and softly nodding his head to himself. 
“I know, it’s just- She’s so perfect. I wanna give her everything. I just, I just wanna be a good dad. I just want her to know that I love her so much.” 
As if you weren’t already an emotional mess, watching the tears well in Javi’s eyes as he gazed down at Lucy, looking at her like she was the only thing the world that existed, had your hormonal heart bursting into a million pieces, now trying to wipe your own wetness streaming down your cheeks. 
“Javi, I don’t think it’s possible for you to love that little girl anymore than you already do.” You sighed, stepping in to press a kiss onto Javi’s lips before another onto Lucy’s head. “Okay, I’m gonna go shower before I become even more of a hot mess than I already am. You sure you’re gonna be okay?” 
“Thanks, Osita. We’ll be just fine. I love you.” 
“I love you too, Jav.” 
“And hey, you’re not a hot mess, just hot.” Javi smirked, making you roll your eyes as you gestured to yourself and the undeniably disheveled state you were in. 
“Javi, I look like I just rolled out of a dumpster. I am literally wearing an adult sized diaper.” 
“And no one’s ever made an adult sized diaper look hotter, Hermosa.” 
You couldn’t help but let out a snort, shaking your head at your husband as you finally turned to head out of the nursery, giving Javi and Lucy one last wave before disappearing out of the door frame and into the bathroom for a much needed shower. 
“Alright, it’s just you and me, pollita (little chicken).” Javi smiled, rocking Lucy against your chest, taking a deep breath of reassuring confidence, feeling more self-assured about his time alone. “Let’s get you into some pajamas, huh?” With another kiss on Lucy’s head, Javi carefully laid her down on her changing table, reaching into one of the drawers to pull out a tiny onesie covered in pink flowers and strawberries. 
He couldn’t help but laugh to himself at how absolutely tiny the pair of pajamas felt in his hands, shaking his head in disbelief at the fact that all of this was real- for so long, Javi had been convinced a family of his own would never be in the cards for him, and for as much as it hurt, he’d come to accept it. But when you had come into his life and given him the second chance that he had so desperately longed for, he still couldn’t quite believe how he had deserved to find himself here with a beautiful family, a wife and daughter he loved more than life itself, and how he couldn’t have been happier to be dressing his newborn baby girl into a pair of tiny pink pajamas. 
Checking Lucy’s diaper and tossing her clothes into the hamper, Javi zipped her up into her pajamas, noticing that she was starting to get squirmy and fussy, he quickly picked her back up, pressed against his chest as he made his way over to the rocking chair in the corner of the nursery. 
Despite the steady movement back and forth and the gentle rocking, Lucy’s cries only started to become louder, Javi trying his best to keep calm despite the fact his heart was racing, thinking he had already done something wrong to upset his daughter in the few short minutes they had been together. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shhhhhhh, it’s okay bebita, it’s okay.” Javi cooed, gently patting Lucy’s back to try and soothe her. “What’s wrong, huh? It’s not your diaper, Momma fed you before she got in the shower, I wonder if it’s-” 
Before Javi could finish the rest of his mental checklist outloud, he was looking down at his shoulder to see the little dribbles of spit-up drooling from Lucy’s mouth onto his shirt, quietly laughing to himself at the mystery that had seemed to solve itself. 
“Alright, well that was easy. Let’s get you cleaned up, messy miss.” 
Standing up to bring Lucy back to the changing table, he laid her down to reach into another drawer to grab one of the many burp cloths that had been stored away to wipe up Lucy’s little face before he was back to the pajama drawer, pulling out another pair to change her into. But as he tossed Lucy’s second outfit in 10 minutes into the laundry, he couldn’t help but notice the giant spit stain drenching his own shoulder. Not wanting to have to lay Lucy back into his damp shirt, he stared down at his daughter in nothing but her diaper, thinking back to the advice from the plethora of parenting books he had consumed and a few days ago after Lucy’s birth, where the nurses had been adamant about making sure both you and Javi spent plenty of skin on skin time with the baby. 
Trying to fight off any self-doubt or need for reassurance, Javi took a deep breath as he stared down at Lucy, still restless and crying on her changing table before stripping his own shirt and tossing it in with the other tiny items of laundry that had quickly accumulated throughout the day. 
“Okay, c’mere mi amorcita (my little love), it’s okay, I’ve got you. Shhhhhh, I’ve got you, baby girl.” Javi cooed, carefully cradling his daughter to his bare chest, feeling the heat of her tiny body pressed against his as he sat back down in the rocking chair, resting her head on his shoulder. “Don’t cry, pollita, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” 
After a few seconds of whispered reassurances and gentle rocks back and forth, Javi let out a quiet sigh of relief as Lucy’s cries began to lessen, slowly fading from wails to muffled tears against Javi’s chest. 
“That’s it, see, it’s okay, baby girl.” Javi softly smiled, pressing a tender kiss into Lucy’s soft hair before reaching over to the small bookshelf next to the rocking chair, pulling a well loved copy of “Goodnight Moon” into his lap, trying his best to maneuver it open to the first page with his one free hand. “You never got to meet your Grandma Lucia, but that’s who you’re named after. A long time ago, this was Daddy’s favorite book to listen to her read. This is his book when he was a little boy, and now I’m so happy it gets to be yours.” Almost as if little Lucy knew, her crying began to calm even more to listen to her dad as he began to read. 
“In the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon and a picture of…” 
As Javi began to read each page, Lucy became quieter and quieter, and by the time they had said goodnight to kittens and mittens, and clocks and socks, Little Lucy was sound asleep on Javi’s chest, her soft snores rumbling on his skin. 
“Goodnight stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere. And goodnight my sweet Lucy Goosey. Daddy loves you so much.” Javi cooed, gently rubbing his thumb in circles along Lucy’s back as he tilted his head against the back of the rocking chair, the back and forth and weight of his sleeping daughter on his chest slowly just enough to the weight of his eyelids droop to a close right along side Lucy’s. 
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After a long, hot, and much needed shower, you had changed into some new pajamas, throwing your still damp hair into a towel as you headed down the hallway towards the nursery, surprised and slightly concerned by the lack of noise coming from the room. 
“Hey baby, I’m all done with the shower if you want me too- Oh my god.” Before you could even make it all the way through the door, you were stopped in your tracks, covering your mouth with your hand to try and cope with the cuteness overload that was in front of you. 
There, in the corner of the room sat Javi and Lucy in the rocking chair, the pair sound asleep and snoring as Lucy lay against his bare chest, “Goodnight Moon”  half open and slipping out of Javi’s lap from what you assumed had to have been the book he was reading to her before they clonked out. 
Your footsteps down the hallway must have been enough to wake Javi to the point that his eyes began to blink open, scrunching his face in a half awake yawn as he recognized your frame in the doorway, quickly shaking his head to bring himself back to full consciousness, immediately looking down at his chest to make sure Lucy was still there before looking back at you and the lovestruck grin spread between your cheeks. 
“You two having a good nap?” You giggled quietly, making your way over to stand next to the rocking chair, gently running your hand through the dark curls of Javi’s messy, sleep ridden hair, kissing his forehead, admiring your tiny daughter perched on your husband’s chest. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, hermosa. I didn’t even realize I fell asleep.” Javi whispered, steadying his grip around Lucy as he sat up straighter. 
“Javi, don’t apologize, baby. I’m glad that you were able to get her to sleep for you. Did you read her “Goodnight Moon”? Glad to know it still works like a charm. I think she must already have it memorized at this point.” You smiled, picking the book up off of Javi’s lap, turning through the well worn pages, knowing how excited Javi had been to finally read it to her as he held her, despite all of the times he had read it to your belly while you were pregnant when it was the only ways to bring you some relief from the constant kicking in your last trimester. 
“Yeah we did, didn’t we, sleepy girl? Although I didn’t realize that “Goodnight Dad” was the last page of the book I must have been missing all this time.” Javi laughed, readjusting Lucy as she let out a tiny yawn, stretching her little body against Javi’s. 
“Well, if every time you read “Goodnight Moon” to this little cutie, you end up shirtless with Lucy asleep on your chest, I don’t think that I’ll have anything to ever complain about again, except for the fact I’m gonna die of cuteness. God, you two are so adorable. You have a good time with your Daddy, baby girl? I hope you know that you’ve got him wrapped around your little tiny finger, Little Miss. He loves you so much.” 
“God, you’ve got that right. Have you ever seen anything so perfect? She’s perfect, Osita. I love her more than anything. I love our family so much. Thank you.” Javi whispered, trying to fight back the tears welling in his eyes. 
“Thank me for what, Javi?” 
“For giving me everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
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@chaotic-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @mandoisapunk @msmorningstaarr @amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem @picketniffler @burningnerdchild @copperhalfcent @pedr0swh0r3
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cameronspecial · 6 months
The Speed Of Light
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: All Y/N wants is to be in Rafe's arms and he is prepared to do that no matter what it takes.
A/N: Inspired by this post.
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Distance from Rafe isn’t something Y/N often struggles with. Sure, she likes to cuddle with him and be in physical contact with him, but she doesn’t need to do it every second of the day. She likes to have her alone time and Rafe respects that need. However, something in her today just craved to be in his hold and unlucky for her, this wasn’t his day off. In fact, he is supposed to stay late to help his dad with paperwork. She knows she shouldn’t ask him to come home, yet all she wants is to be in his arms right now. She takes her phone out and sends him a text: Are you coming home soon? His reply is just as quick. No, Bunny. I’ll probably be home past dinner time, so you can eat without me. 
Why oh? Is everything okay?
Everything is fine. I just miss you. That’s all. She quickly follows the text with I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll let you get back to work.
Rafe is already standing at his desk and heading to his dad’s office before she can send the second text. “I know I said I would work late tonight, but Y/N needs me. I’ll finish it tomorrow morning,” he informs his dad, not asking for permission because he doesn’t care if he has it. Ward looks up from the report he is looking at, “Okay, that’s fine. Say hello to Y/N for me.” Rafe nods, going to his car without thought. I’m on my way, Bunny. She can’t hide her massive grin once she sees the message. It’s been around thirty minutes and Rafe isn’t home yet, which is strange because it should only take ten minutes to get here from his workplace. She grows worried that something happened to him, so she calls him. “Hi, Bunny,” he greets through the speakerphone. She sighs in relief, “I thought something bad happened to you. Why aren’t you home yet?” “You are very clingy today aren’t you, Bunny?” he playfully teases. “I’m sorry I scared you and I’m not home yet, but they closed a bunch of roads and there was an accident. Apparently, the Outer Banks can get pretty bad traffic.” 
“Well, can’t you use your boyfriend or Cameron's powers to get you through?” she pleads, kneading at the pillow. He chuckles, “I don’t think they can do anything about the traffic, Bunny. I’m sorry. I will be there at the speed of light though, I promise. Why don’t you go get ready? I’ll take you out to dinner.” “Hmm, I don’t want to go out for dinner. Can you pick up something at the Wreck instead? I want to cuddle,” she explains. He shakes his head with a smile, “Okay, I can do that. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” “Thank you. I love you. See you soon,” she states. His heart swells, “I love you too. Bye.” He hands up the phone. 
Ten minutes later, which is way faster than Y/N thought he would be coming, she hears his truck in the driveway. She flings the door open to see him with his arms held open to her. She runs into his arms, giving him a tight squeeze. He presses his kiss to her temple. She takes in the scent of his colognes, “How did you get home so fast?” “I told you I would be home at the speed of light,” he recounts. “Plus, I guess my Cameron powers were better than I thought because I was able sweet talk Shoupe to open up another road and Mike owed me a favour so he got our food out real fast.” She looks up at him with big eyes, “You did all of that for me?” “Of course. I would do anything for you, Bunny. Now, come on. Let’s eat,” he says with his lips against her forehead. He takes her inside and flops on the couch, throwing his arm over the back of the couch so she can settle in beside him. That night is spent cuddled up on the sofa, eating and watching TV. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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🍨All you have to do is unite mentally and emotionally with the good you wish to embody . The creative powers of your subconscious will respond accordingly. Begin now, today. Let wonders happen in your life ! Keep on keeping on until the day breaks and the shadows flee away.
🍒The law of your mind is the law of belief . This means to believe in the way your mind works , to believe in belief itself. The belief of your mind is the thought of your mind , just that and nothing else. All your experiences , events , conditions and acts are produced by your subconscious mind in reaction to your thoughts. Remember, it is not the thing believed in , but the belief in your own mind that brings about the result.
🍨Every thought is a cause and every condition is the effect.
🍒You are like a captain navigating ship. He or she must give the right orders , or the ship is wrecked . In the same way , you must give the right orders ( thoughts and images ) to your subconscious mind , which controls and governs all your experiences.
🍨Change your thoughts and you change your destiny.
🍒Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions. It is the creative mind . If you think good , good will follow. If you think evil , evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.
🍨You must be very careful to give your subconscious only those suggestions that heal , bless , elevate and inspire you in all your ways . Remember your subconscious doesn't understand a joke. It takes you at your word.
🍒Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true , your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass . Believe in good fortune , divine guidance , right action , and all the blessings of life.
🍨All frustrations is due to unfulfilled desires. If you dwell on obstacles , delays and difficulties , your subconscious mind responds accordingly, and you are blocking your own good.
🍒Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best , and your subconscious will faithfully reproduce your habitual thinking.
🍨Know that faith is like a seed planted in the ground ; it grows after it's kind . Plant the idea ( seed ) in your mind , water and fertilize it with expectancy , and it will become manifest.
🍒There is only one process of healing and that is faith . There is only one healing power , namely , your subconscious mind.
🍨Whether the object of your faith is real or false , you will get results . Your subconscious mind responds to the thought in your mind . Look upon faith as a thought in your mind , and that will suffice.
🍒It is foolish to believe in sickness or in anything that will hurt or harm you. Believe in perfect health , prosperity, peace , wealth and divine guidance.
🍨Great and noble thoughts upon which you habitually dwell become great acts.
🍒Know that you can remake yourself by giving a new blueprint to your subconscious mind.
🍨Thoughts of jealousy , fear , worry , anxiety tear down and destroy your nerves and glands , bringing about mental and physical diseases of all kinds.
🍒What you affirm consciously and feel as true will be made manifest in your mind , body and affairs . Affirm the good and enter the joy of living.
🍨When your mind is relaxed and you accept an idea , your subconscious goes to work to execute the idea.
🍒Imagination is your most powerful faculty. Imagine what is lovely and of good report. You are what you imagine yourself to be.
🍨What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few moments later. This will neutralize the good you have affirmed.
🍒When fear knocks at the door of your mind , let faith in God and all things good open the door.
🍨The idea of success contains all the elements of success. Repeat the word " success " to yourself frequently with faith and conviction and you will be under a subconscious compulsion to succeed.
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papiliotao · 1 year
꒰ 𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ✩࿐
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pairing: lyney x gn!reader
content: fluff, modern au, high school au, friends to (almost) lovers, mutual pining, theatre kids, lyney and the reader rehearse a kissing scene
summary: playing the role of his lover in a drama production is easier said than done, especially when you’re just beginning to realize the nature of your feelings for him.
a/n: i had no inspiration for a while but then lyney came along. i’m so normal about him. anyway, i hope you enjoy reading!
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When you were told that you had to kiss your best friend for a school play, you were in shock and disbelief — not because you were repulsed by the thought of playing the part of a couple, but because you realized that you didn’t mind the idea of his lips pressed against yours.
You’re not quite sure when the feelings crept up on you, dawning in your heart like the hazes of peach and azure that dust the horizon at sunrise. It feels like it’s been an eternity since you started loving Lyney, but you’ve just never noticed that your adoration was beyond platonic. 
However, after experiencing your epiphany, you’ve been wondering if he shares your rose-tinted sentiments. Slowly but surely, you observe that the lines between friendship and romance have become blurred, fusing together in a myriad of watercolour hues.
Every once in a while, Lyney will hold your hand for no reason, the softness of his skin akin to the caress of gilded threads of sunlight. There are also instances where he’ll hug you for just a little too long, clinging onto you as if he never wants to let go. And of course, you’ll never be able to forget the sentimental nights spent gazing up at murals of sparkling constellations dotting pristine navy skies, where you cuddle with your best friend in an attempt to stay warm.
In these instances, a simple question lingers in the short silences, an untold inquiry that neither of you care to utter in fear of shattering the status quo.
What are we?
So now, as you sit across from Lyney atop the velvety cushions of his living room couch, ready to rehearse very kiss that sent you spiraling into a bout of infatuated hysteria in the first place, your heart can’t help but race. The melody it sings is one that speaks of perplexing feelings and a hope for fairytale endings, and it only amplifies as you look into pale violet eyes that sparkle as iridescent petals flutter about in their depths.
“I’m ready whenever you are,” Lyney whispers, smiling at you reassuringly. There’s something soothing about the expression on his face, embodying the serenity of a marine zephyr in the midst of a cruel summer.
“How can you be so calm when we’re about to practice a kiss?” you ask, voicing your thoughts out loud. “What if we’re not good enough?”
Truthfully, you’re a nervous wreck. Your fingers tremble, and your mind feels blank. You’ve always known that Lyney was born to be on stage, but you didn’t think he’d be so nonchalant in a situation like this. His disposition is completely composed, not a single spark of anxiety shining through his tranquil demeanour.
On the other hand, you’re constantly pondering the what ifs.
What if you mess the scene up? What if it turns out looking awkward? What if it’s so horrendous that it makes the audience uncomfortable.
However, in total contrast to you, Lyney simply chuckles, his voice ringing out in a clear and soothing fantasia.
“Don’t worry,” he reassures you, keeping his gaze fixated on you. “I’m sure our chemistry will be absolutely perfect. After all, even Lynette has mistaken us for a couple.”
“She has?” you blurt out, both shocked and embarrassed that Lyney’s twin has had her misconceptions about your relationship. The two are practically telepathically linked, so the tall order of fooling Lynette would more or less be akin to deceiving the heavens above.
“She has,” Lyney confirms, a mischievous spark of violet electricity blazing through his irises, “and that’s why I’m certain we’ll be able to pull this off flawlessly.”
He gently laces his fingers around your hand, bringing it up to his chest.
“Besides, it’s not like I’m not nervous at all.” From beneath the soft fabric of Lyney’s clothes, you can feel a gentle thrumming, a beat that resounds at a tempo matching that of your very own heart. “You know, even the greatest of performers get stage fright sometimes.”
In a mystifying twist, you feel more comfortable now that Lyney has told you that you’re not alone in your anxiousness. Your relief defies all logic, but perhaps it’s the knowledge that your feelings aren’t entirely unreasonable that soothes your nerves.
“I see,” you whisper. “Well I’m sure you’ll do great. We’ll get through this together.”
Lyney nods.
“I’m just glad it’s you,” he says, pausing for a moment as if deep in thought. “Actually, ‘glad’ would be an understatement. ‘Beyond overjoyed’ is more accurate.”
Your breath hitches, and for a second, the world seems to still, suspended in a momentary utopia. But despite your giddiness and the euphoric feelings that arise in your heart, you shrug Lyney’s words off, trying your best not to get your hopes up. After all, if you expect too much, you might find yourself disappointed in the end.
“The feeling is mutual. Although maybe we should get to rehearsing now. I think I’m ready,” you tell him, pulling your hand out of his grasp in a light motion, clinging on to the last of his warmth as his skin grazes yours. It’s reminiscent of fading sunlight comforting you with the dazzling radiance of a dying crepuscule, lulling you into a daze as it causes shades of twilight to waltz in a dance of fantastical wonders.
“Your wish is my command,” Lyney responds playfully.
However, after only a few seconds, his features shift into a more serious expression. Although the same smile is still adorning his lips, it’s softer now, more sincere.
Is this all part of an act, or is it real?
Additionally, an unidentifiable emotion now glints in a display of diamond lights, illuminating the seas of amethyst contained within Lyney’s eyes. Locks of platinum hair, composed of starlight essence, frame his face in a way that makes him look undeniably handsome. Once again, your heart, which had just barely stilled, begins to beat in a frenzy.
You want nothing more than to freeze time, stay in this ephemeral moment, relish in the sensation of his breath gently tickling your skin and engrave the ethereal sight before you into archives stored deep within your memories. But unfortunately, it’s impossible to pause the scene before you. Reality, unlike the countless movies and videos you’ve watched to study your part, stops for no one.
And before you know it, the divide between your lips and Lyney’s is diminishing, the blank space fading at a pace that feels both far too rapid yet far too prolonged at the same time.
And closer.
Until your lips meet in a clash of opalescent sparks, shedding light and embellishing the magical moment with an atmosphere worthy of any stage. The lilac butterflies that dance in the pit of your stomach prompt sensations of glee to arise within your heart.
His skin is soft and warm, and the feeling of his lips against yours is just so right. There’s no one else you’d rather kiss. There’s no one else you’ll ever long for. There’s no one in the world you’ll ever love more.
No matter how much you deny it, your relationship has crossed the line from platonic to romantic, gradually edging closer and closer to a thin border before finally falling over onto the other side. Your kiss with Lyney confirms everything. There’s far too much passion, far too much care and longing exchanged in a single act of affection.
Best friends don’t kiss each other like this.
At this point you’re certain the feeling is mutual. Now, all you have to do is wait until one of you inevitably confesses, and you’ll both be able to finally live happily ever after, basking in the splendor of true love.
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thank you for reading <3 if you enjoyed this fic, i would really appreciate it if you could comment or reblog!
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aperrywilliams · 4 months
I Need You Now (Spencer Reid x Ex!Girlfriend!Reader)
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Author Masterlist
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Ex!Girlfriend!Reader.
Summary:  After the break up with his girlfriend, Spencer isn’t taking it in the best possible way. Memories flood his mind and the guilt of what he could have done differently. When everything is lost, there is no more to do than to go on, even if the only certainty in his heart is that he needs her now.
Word Count: 2.1k (a little thing)
Warnings: Angst. Spencer overthinks over and over again. The reasons for the breakout are not explicit, but you can infer them. Alcohol consumption. Open ending (hahahahahaha). I’m sorry (I’m not).
A/N: Full inspired by I Need You Now by Lady A. Please don’t sue me.
Pictures perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
It’s late when I unlock my apartment door. As soon as I open it, it is the darkness that welcomes me and not you.
At other times, you would have jumped from the couch to greet me, throwing your arms around my neck and kissing me all over my face. And even if I always complained about you being up late for me, I silently loved it.
Sometimes, when I returned at dawn, I found you asleep on the couch with a book open on your chest. Those times, you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn't like the idea of waking you up.
That isn’t happening tonight, though.
You’re not on the couch. You’re not home.
And the worst part is that you said you are not coming back.
Reaching for the phone cause
I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time
Our love story started pretty close as a romantic movie would do. I bumped into you on my way out of a coffee shop. You were going to go inside but were distracted by your phone. You didn't see me coming out until you were stumbling, and before touching the ground, I secured you with my arms.
I was the one who apologized profusely, even if you were the one who didn't watch your way.
When I finally looked at you, words left me. And to hear your voice telling me not to worry didn't help my cause.
I would have asked for your number if I were bolder.
I didn't and let you go instead.
But luck must have been by my side when we crossed paths again.
The same coffee shop, two weeks later.
I got inside that morning and saw you at the counter waiting for your drink. I recognized you immediately.
Without a second thought, I walked up to you. Before I could say anything, you looked up and recognized me, too. A smile tugged your lips when you saw me.
“Hi,” I greeted you.
At that moment, I realized I had actually spoken to you. Why did I do that? What was I going to talk to you about?
“Hi. Glad you haven’t got a coffee yet,” you quipped. Making me stutter.
“Oh, no, no. I wasn’t thinking of spilling my coffee on you. I mean-” I stumbled over my words.
“Don’t freak out. I was joking,” you hastened to explain. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
“A joke. Yeah. Uh. I knew that,” I said, trying to sound casual.
Why was it so hard to sound casual?
“Yeah. I figured,” you chuckled. “Will you tell me your name this time?”
That day, my fate was sealed.
We exchanged phone numbers, and against the odds, I was the one who called first.
That was followed by text messages and some coffee dates.
We both were pleasantly surprised at how naturally the conversation flowed between us and how much fun we had together. Forgetting our first encounter where I couldn't stop stuttering, as the weeks went by, I relaxed enough to be myself.
I can recall the time I told you I loved you. I was a nervous wreck, and as the words left my mouth, I only wanted to take them back because I couldn't stand the idea of being rejected by you, of losing you.
You were the one who told me not to be afraid of telling the truth because you felt the same way. I can swear it was one of the best days of my life. A passionate kiss sealed our confession as we vowed to be each other forever.
Nothing of that remains now, though. And I know that the one to blame is no one but me.
It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone, and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
Why did things go down between us? We were perfect for each other. People told me that often, and I believed it, too.
After dating for over a year, I asked you to move in. I was excited to begin a new phase in our relationship, although you were a bit reluctant. Not for lack of love or wanting. You said you were head over heels for me, but you have been cautious about your love life. The last time you had a serious relationship, things ended pretty badly for you. That time, you swore not to go through something like that again, so you were careful about protecting yourself.
I knew that, too. You told me what happened to you a few months after we started dating. I swore I would never hurt you. I loved you, and I would never do anything to harm you.
I’m now sitting on the same couch where we spend so many movie nights. The same where truths were told, dreams were discussed, and we planned a future.
With a drink in my hand, I glance at my phone over the coffee table and feel the urge to hear your voice. I want to grab the device and dial your number even if you told me not to call you again, even if I agreed not to contact you again.
But I miss you, even if every day I tell the world I'm doing better and I will get over it.
The truth is I don't know how to do it without you.
I need you now.
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Never did the silence overwhelm me as much as it does right now. It’s past midnight, and I can only think about what I should have done differently.
Maybe I should have opened up about what was happening before. You always knew I had a hard time expressing my feelings, but with you, that never was an issue. That’s why I can’t figure out why I did differently this time.
You told me I didn’t love you anymore, and that’s farther from the truth. I couldn’t stop loving you even if I tried.
Why did you say that, though?
Because I stop nurturing our love.
Because I took it for granted.
I made you doubt your worth and how important you are to me. I stopped listening. I stopped seeing. You gave me the signals, and I overlooked them.
Yeah, the job seemed more important at the time.
Of course, lives were on the line.
It's funny because none of that matters to me right now.
Missing you is something I never thought it could be a reality. How could I think about that when you were by my side to stay? Even the times I hurt you, you said you were to keep up no matter what. It was an unconditional love until it wasn’t. And I can’t blame you for leaving. It's all my doing, and I deserve to be alone. I deserve it, but I can’t stand it.
Another shot of whisky
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me, it happens all the time
There are times when you think of me. I do think of you every day. When I wake up alone in my bed or when I drink my first coffee in the morning, you are not teasing me by pouring all the sugar from the container.
I think of you when I check my phone, and there are no texts from you. When at night I don’t want to go to bed because you are not with me to let me love you.
I can still hear your footsteps on the hardwood floor of this apartment.
I can recall, like yesterday, the times we danced in this very living room. The time you build a fort with cushions and blankets just because I told you once I loved that as a kid.
The nights when you let us watch foreign films so I could translate you whispering in your ear. The same nights when the movie ended were long forgotten because we were making out just like the first time.
I don’t think I can stop recounting every single memory we shared: the good ones and the bad ones.
Because, of course, I, too, remember the fights, the arguments, the silent treatments. But above all, the talks and our agreement of never going to sleep mad at each other.
It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk, and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
With the alcohol running in my blood now, I can’t stop thinking about if your affections belong to someone else now.
Of course, I can’t be mad or blame you for it.
But my heart aches when I think about it.
I know I lost you the moment I allowed you to walk out that door.
But the damn phone is still there, tempting me, pushing me to call you. Even if I don't know what I could tell you.
Or maybe I do: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I fucked up. I love you. I miss you. I need you.
Would you believe me this time?
It’s wishful thinking. A naive one?
I don’t think any word I could say right now can do some repair to the pain I caused you. But I could try.
I grab the phone with trembling hands and start typing the first three numbers: 8-6-7...
I can do this so that I will continue: 5-3-0... just one more digit.
But I know you’ll not answer. And if you do, it’s unfair to you for me to do this. I should respect your wishes. It’s the bare minimum I can do.
So I toss the phone again over the coffee table, and the tears run freely this time.
And I need you now
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now
Guess I rather hurt than feel nothing at all
If anything, I feel jealous of the person who will love you the way you deserve and will call you his.
In the same way I did a time ago.
Maybe I just need to get used to the idea. I lost you, and there is nothing I can do even if I still need you here.
I had the privilege of you letting me love you, and I’ll be grateful for having the chance.
Curling on the couch, I see the damn phone watching me again, defiance me. I’ll not give in this time. I owe you that much.
I was so immersed in my new determination that I could barely register the two knocks on my front door. It’s past one am, so I just assume it must be on a neighbor's door.
But then I hear another two knocks again. It is louder this time and impossible to ignore.
Grumbling, I stood from my spot.
I already know who it is. Derek Morgan has been adamant about pulling me out of my misery in the way he only knows: going out.
I could pretend to be deaf and pretend I didn't hear anything. But I know Derek; he won't settle, and he will use his spare key to get in anyway.
I open the door, ready to scold him for showing up at my door at this time. But words kept stuck in my throat when I confirmed Derek was not the one who was standing at my door.
“Hi. I’m sorry for showing up here without warning. I guess I didn’t think this thoroughly.”
My mouth opens and closes several times with nothing to say. At the lack of words, you continues talking.
“I thought I should call you first. But I wasn’t sure if you would pick it up. But if it’s a bad moment, it’s okay; I can go.”
Does telepathy really exist? I don't know, but I don't want to question it either.
“No, no. It’s okay. Would you like to come in?”
Your face shows something similar to relief. A bit of anxiety, maybe? I’m sure I’m not doing better.
What kind of test is this? I don’t know, but if it is the last chance I’ll get to do things right, God helps me to doesn’t fuck up.
A/N2: Bonus point if you know where her phone number comes from.
Spencer Reid's Taglist: @dreatine @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19 @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @anamiad00msday @milivanili99 @laylasbunbunny @leahblackk @miaxx03 @missabsey @taintedstranger @khxna @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden @dysphoricsanity @levi-of-starz @themoonchildwhofell @silver138 @lovelybaka @shinytinywhispers
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